#Extinction Level Event
todayinhiphophistory · 10 months
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Busta Rhymes released his third studio album E.L.E. (Extinction Level Event): The Final World Front December 15, 1998
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Are You Ready?
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"There are so many reasons to doubt the Biblical creation story. For example... if God wants to punish us for Adam's fall, why can't he leave his other creatures out of it? The suffering endured by animals can often defy words... What did they do wrong?"
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victusinveritas · 7 months
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The silver lining is that there was a lot of impact glass delivered straight to everyone's doorstep.
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jogabsha · 9 months
Little jogabsha’s early dinosaur drawings
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Used to always draw any dinosaur scene with a volcano and a meteor lol. The way I did the vines on the tree is kind of interesting. Love my noodly T. rex and derpy gravity defying brachiosaur (I didn’t know they lived desperate from eachother at the time)
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
I was eating ice cream and as usual, brainfreeze. Then it got me thinking, and loki being a jotunn... what if... in the moments of passion, he accidentally gave y/n a brainfreeze from his finger(s) in her mouth? 🫣 *runs away in shame*
His fingers? Sweet summer child. I can think of something that would dial that brain freeze to an extinction level event.
Ps. It would be no accident. He knows. He knows. 😂
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Pps I'm sorry I can't help it. ❄️🍆❄️
@mischief2sarawr @xorpsbane @mochie85 @michelleleewise @lokischambermaid @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @vbecker10 @lokikissesmyforehead @gigglingtigger @thedistractedagglomeration @muddyorbs @holymultiplefandomsbatman
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sjsmith56 · 9 months
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The Danger - Chapter 29, Lord Buchanan
Summary: An approaching asteroid sends everyone into frantic preparations. Bruce leaves for a missile silo to program the missile to intercept, while Ileana prepares to defend the castle against extremists.
Length: 4.2 K
Characters: Lady Buchanan, Bruce, Wallis, Tom.
Warnings: ignorant people putting others in jeopardy
<<Chapter 28
☄️ 🏰
After Rhodes and Quin left, Ileana returned to the castle where she was summoned by Bruce.  He was almost frantic and asked where Buchanan was.  When she explained he swore vehemently.
"There is a good chance we will be hit by another asteroid," he said.  "I just received notice on the radio from Sam.  There is another one headed for us.  We have until tomorrow noon but this one is coming directly at us, not at an angle like the other one.  We need to get people prepared to take cover."
"Is there time to program a missile to hit it above the atmosphere?" she asked.
"Possibly," he said.  "I'm going on the ham radio right away and contacting the Western Plains scientists for the latest data.  In the meantime, I would urge you to sound the alarm."
Ileana ran back out to Wallis and told him what had been learned.  He promised to send out the word and encourage people to stock food and strengthen their homes.  There had been a groundswell of offers from tenant farmers and the like to send labourers on to warn others after the last encounter.  She told him that she would try to get a better idea of the time frame as soon as she could.  Another warning system that was suggested after the previous event was the unfurling of a bright red flag on top of the castle.  She gave orders that it be flown then summoned the castle staff to the reception room.
"Dr. Banner has advised me of a warning of another asteroid approaching the planet," she announced.  "The red flag has been put up, and Acting Commander Wallis is sending out what soldiers he can to warn the tenants.  Board up the windows and begin setting up beds and bedding in the lower levels of the castle for people to sleep on.  We can probably expect some people to come here for shelter so we must have food and water ready for them."
"Where is Lord Buchanan and Commander Rhodes?" asked one of them.  "Shouldn't they be here?"
"They left on an emergency this afternoon before the warning was given," she replied.  "I can only hope they are able to return soon.  Now please prepare yourselves."
She was satisfied to see everyone take her warning seriously and went to the room where the ham radio had been set up.  Bruce was already there, talking to the Western Plains scientists who were running the latest figures into the computer.  What they came back with was alarming but also provided some hope.  He would have time to program one of the missiles.  They suggested the one that was furthest from the castle, in Baroness Romanoff's lands, was in the best position to intercept.  If he left immediately, moving as quickly as possible, he would have time to input the changes.  If the numbers were accurate it would break the space rock into several significantly smaller pieces, that would likely explode high enough in the atmosphere that the effect of the blasts would barely reach the ground.  Bruce signed off and looked at her.
"I have to go," he said.  "Do me a favour.  Contact Silas Brenson.  I'll need his help at their missile.  If I run I can get there in an hour and program the missile to intercept it.  Wish me luck."
He ran out of the room as Ileana went to the window.  When he appeared in the courtyard, she watched with disbelief as he jumped over the courtyard wall and began running in great leaps and bounds through the countryside. She watched until he was out of sight.  Returning to the radio room she contacted the Land of the Ancient Mountains on their frequency.  To her relief, Silas answered and she relayed Bruce's message.  They had also received the warning and were preparing their tenants for the blast.  Silas promised to go to the missile and wait for Bruce, signing off with promising words.
"It will be alright, Lady Buchanan.  We will send the missile and hope the ancient's handiwork has withstood the test of time."
The day turned into evening, followed by the night.  Bruce had not returned, nor had he contacted them by radio.  Ileana stayed in the radio room and directed that a bed be brought in for her so the station could be manned.  Mary brought her food and coffee, asking if there were any word.
"None," replied Ileana.  "The preparations ... are they complete?"
"Yes M'Lady," replied Mary.  "We are as ready as we can be.  Even though I wish Lord Buchanan were here you have handled the situation as well as he would have.   Your calm directions were exactly what everyone needed."
"I don't feel calm," admitted Ileana.  "I'm afraid of the asteroid and worried about James.  It was unlike him to ride off without a word.  I fear whatever force affected Sky has affected the wolf within him."
"He told me the Sorceress impressed upon him the desire to always return to you," said Mary.  "If he has become the wolf again he will return to his mate, of that I am sure."
The older woman took Ileana's hand while she said the words to her and Ileana returned the sentiments with a smile. She said nothing to the older woman that her smile felt false due to the fears that lay within her.  Still, she appreciated Mary's attempt to comfort her.  At least, now that they had Livia, there was an heir to the Buchanan estate, and the Barnes' line would continue.  It was late when radio crackled with a call, and Bruce's voice came over the speaker.  She responded with relief.
"Bruce, did you get there in time? Over," said Ileana.
"Yes, I did," he replied.  "I've programmed the missile with the numbers.  Silas is going to stay with me as it takes two of us to launch with the fail safes that they built in.  We will launch tomorrow morning at 10:32.  It should hit the asteroid several hundred miles up minutes later.  Make sure everyone is under cover.  The flash alone can blind people even though it will happen far over the northern ocean.  I'm sending this message out to everyone and it will be relayed further along but I need you to contact the other ham radio and let them know. Over."
"Okay, I'll contact them now," said Ileana.  "Stay safe, Bruce.  Over and out."
Ileana sat in front of the ham radio and followed the instructions for contacting the other radio.  They responded and she gave them Bruce's message.  It was acknowledged and they signed off, leaving her to consider whether she had done everything possible to prepare.  Feeling constrained, Ileana loosened her corset, then took it off entirely.  Taking the battery light with her she checked on Livia, thankful to have Mary to make sure her daughter was tucked in, while she handled all the emergency preparations.  The older woman seemed to have made sure everything was locked down already, filling Ileana with a sense of gratitude.  What would she do without the housekeeper?   A wave of emotion come over Ileana as she recalled how she had agonized about staying in this world with James, wondering if she could ever get used to the strangeness and the old fashioned ways.  But even with the discovery of modern machinery and the inventions that had followed it was the people who made her feel at home.  This place was home; this castle, this estate and its people were her world.  With that knowledge warming her Ileana returned to the radio room and laid on the bed that Mary had arranged for her.  She turned off the battery light and eventually slept.
"Ileana, my love," said James, his blue eyes boring into her.  "Speak to me, my beauty."
"James," whispered Ileana.  "Where are you?"
"I'm safe," he answered.  "They know.  The wolves know the land is in danger.  They've been rounding up the animals and taking them to safety.  I'm with them now.  Sky is such an incredible creature.  He knew me right away.  I sense his thoughts.  He chose us, Ileana, that night in the mountain hut.  My wolf appeared to him in a vision and invited him to be in our pack. It is why he sought us out in the forest and followed us."
"James, they're looking for you, in the forest," said Ileana.  "Rhodes and Quin.  They search for you."
"No ... it's not safe," said James, fear in his voice.  "I'll have to search them out and bring them here.  I'll make the others accept them, even though they are human.  Have you prepared the people for it?"
"Yes, we're prepared.  They're going to send a missile at it," she whispered in her sleep.  "Bruce and Silas have programmed a missile to intercept it high above the atmosphere over the northern ocean.  Tomorrow, at 10:32."
"Once the danger is over I will come back to you," he said, his blue eyes still intent on her.  "Sky and I will return, I promise."
"James...," whispered Ileana.  "Don't leave me again."
"Never," he replied, then he showed his face, his white fur striking against his blue eyes. "Even if I am forever a wolf, I will never leave you."
She saw him completely now, a large white wolf, the colour of snow, his blue eyes burning into hers.  He was in the forest, in the mist, then he turned and ran back into the trees, his body blending in with the foggy background. 
"James," she whispered once more, but he was gone.
Ileana woke up with a start, the dream fresh in her mind.  There was no doubt that James had spoken to her across the distance.  She got out of the bed and looked out the window at where the dawn was already sending its orange ribbon across the horizon.  The memory of the morning after their wedding night came to her when she saw the ribbon across the far sky, signalling that James would leave her for war in a short time.  This time, maybe it signalled his return to her once more.  Feeling the need to change into her leathers she looked out the door to see if there was anyone who could stay with the radio.  Buchanan's dresser, Tom, was coming up the stairs and she beckoned to him.
"Are you familiar with the operation of the radio, Tom?" she asked.
"I have seen it in operation but have not used it," he admitted.
She showed him how to respond, to send and receive, and to end each sent transmission with the word "Over" to signal to the other party that it was their turn to talk.  He took it all in and she left him there with the promise she would return as quickly as she could.  Then taking off at a run she returned to her quarters, quickly stripped her clothes off and left them draped on the chaise lounge chair.  After putting her undergarments on she pulled on her breeches, then her tunic, vest and jacket.  She fastened her scabbard and pulled her sword partially out of its sheath, then quickly inserted it back in and fastened it to the belt.  Quickly she braided her hair in a single French braid then ran back to the radio room.  Tom was still at the station but said there had been no calls.
"Can you go and awaken Wallis, and Mary, and see if Cook can send some food up to me," she requested.  "They will send a missile up this morning to intercept the asteroid.  I want everyone indoors because when it hits the target the light it generates will blind a person's eyes.  Now go, please."
After he left, she waited some more, before receiving a call from the palace.  "Palace to Buchanan," said the voice.  "Respond please."
"Lady Buchanan here, over," she responded.
"I need to speak with Buck," said King Steven.  "There is word of a pending attack by the extremists and he needs to get Rhodes to prepare, over."
"He's not here," replied Ileana.  "He was drawn to the forest by his inner wolf and has transformed.  The wolves know about the danger and have been pulling all the animals to a place of safety.  He sent me a dream message.  Rhodes and Quin are searching for him and now he has to go out and find them before the missile destroys the asteroid, over."
"Damn!" replied the King.  "I would send you a unit of Guards but they would be out in the open when it happens. Barricade the silo and yourselves.  I believe they plan to destroy what they can.  With any luck they will see the Ancient Mountains silo launch and understand the danger.  I'll see if the Sorceress can create a spell that confounds the extremists but I don't know if her powers extend that far, over."
"We'll manage somehow," said Ileana.  "Thanks for the warning.  You received Bruce's instructions? Over."
"Yes, he called us last night," replied the King.  "As soon as it is safe I will send help, I promise. Over and out."
Within minutes Mary had arrived and Ileana instructed her to gather in as many people as possible into the castle, while passing on the time of the launch.  Just as Mary left Wallis arrived and Ileana shared the warning from the King.  He swore, then begged her forgiveness for his crude language. 
"We will set up the barricades at the entrance to the courtyard and again blocking access to the castle," he said.  "Can you radio the silo?  If they can get Farmer Patrick and his sons to help they are big enough men to scare off many.  Do you think we should close the silo doors and lock them?”
"Yes, I will order it," said Ileana.  "We need that missile and the computers that can launch it to remain intact.  Wallis, they plan to launch the missile at mid-morning, 10:32.  It is important that everyone be indoors before it reaches its target or they could be blinded by the blast.  Even the extremists.  If they don't take cover they may pay the price of their ignorance."
He bowed quickly and ran from the castle shouting instructions to the soldiers still left.  They conscripted the stable and grounds staff to secure all the animals indoors and begin building barricades to the castle.  Several rows were constructed starting out on the paths that would force the intruders into the bogs.  Then Wallis mounted his horse and began riding for the nearest farm to start the warnings.  Ileana got on the radio and called the silo, instructing the soldiers there to get Farmer Patrick and his family into the silo with them and secure his son's help to defend the installation.  When she signed off, an apprentice from the kitchen arrived with her breakfast, placing it on the table next to the radio.  She didn't leave right away which made Ileana look at her with concern.
"Lady Buchanan," she said, then burst into tears.
Ileana stood up and hugged her, soothing her.  "You're afraid aren't you?" she said.  "So am I.  I was in the King's palace when Prince Loke sent a force against us and I feel as afraid now as I was then.  All you can do is accept that you're afraid but to continue to do your best.  That's all any of us can do.  Now go back to the kitchen.  Cook will look after you."
The young woman nodded and returned to the kitchen.  Ileana checked the time piece for what seemed like the hundredth time, watching its pendulum swing.  As it got closer to the time of launch she wondered if the missile would be enough and with a grim laugh thought of how she viewed nuclear missiles in her home world.  There were the sounds of yelling coming from outside, drawing her attention to the window.  A small but significant crowd of men were attempting to break through the barriers at the entrance to the courtyard.  The grounds and stable staff were trying to keep them back, but several managed to break through.  Ileana barricaded the door and drew her sword, determined to be the last line of defence if they reached the radio room.  There were sounds of yelling and fighting coming from within the castle then there was quiet.  A knocking on her door filled her with both adrenaline and exhilaration.
"Stay back!" she yelled.  "I am armed and I will use force to defend this room."
"M'Lady, it's me, Tom!" said the voice, that she recognized.  "We have repelled them.  The few who survive have run away, like the cowards they are."
Trusting in Tom's voice, Ileana removed the barricade and opened the door.   Tom entered, accompanied by Cook with a frying pan in her hand.  Both had rips in their clothes and seemed agitated but were unharmed. 
"My word that was exhilarating," exclaimed Cook.  "I hit several in the face with my pan and they were like little children, running off to find their mams, and weep at her knees.  Tom, here, led the house staff against those villains.  The Battle at Buchanan Castle is how we'll tell this story to our bairns, eh Tom?"
Ileana grasped both of them, hugging the pair with all of her emotion.  "You fought them off?" she asked. 
Just at that moment the radio crackled, with a broadcast to all from the missile silo in the Ancient Mountains.  Silas' voice came over the broadcast.
"The missile has been launched.  Take cover immediately."
Tom and Cook both looked at her and ran back out to announce that everyone must take cover.  Ileana leaned out of the window and yelled down to the stable staff to take cover as the missile was launched.  She could see its fire far in the west rising up into the sky and arcing towards its target.  Running out of the radio room she called for her daughter then heard Mary's voice calling to her from a closet.  Opening the door she saw Mary cradling Livia.  Slipping inside with both of them, she held Livia close to her chest while Mary held them both.  A great flash of light lit up the inside of the closet as if it were day then the light dimmed. 
"Stay here," ordered Ileana, after kissing Livia, and touching Mary's hand.
She opened the closet door then went up the stairs that led to the top battlements.  Far to the north she saw a glowing ball like another sun that slowly dissipated but left a glow of yellow orange that resembled aurora.  She had expected the tell tale mushroom cloud, but it wasn't visible, and she wondered if it worked, if the missile had hit its target.  Tom appeared by her side to say there was a broadcast coming from the radio.  He looked at the glowing in the north then pointed out what looked like a meteor shower as trails of meteors began hitting the atmosphere.  All of them burned up well before they hit the ground.  Ileana returned to the radio room and listened to the broadcast.
"We have confirmed with the telescope that the asteroid has been destroyed," said Silas' voice.  "The missile has destroyed the asteroid.  It is safe to come out.  Repeat, the asteroid has been destroyed.  Any meteor trails you see in the sky are but small remnants."
Both Ileana and Tom ran through the castle telling people it was safe.  Mary came out of hiding with Livia and both women embraced.  Ileana took her daughter, hurrying down the grand staircase out into the courtyard spreading the news.  The stable staff came out and began cheering, lifting their raised fists to the sky.  Several of the men who had been knocked out trying to storm the castle looked up from the ground, demanding to know what had happened.  Ileana ordered them held and grouped together. 
"You foolish men," she said scornfully.  "So proud of your ignorance that you wear it like a badge of honour.  What has happened is a missile hit the incoming asteroid before it hit our world.  It has destroyed it, rendered it harmless, no thanks to you and your kind.  Begone now and never show your face here in these lands again.  You are banished."
"You are not the Lord," said one with a sneer.  "I will not take orders from a mere woman."
Wallis stepped forward and slapped the man with his glove.  "You insult M'Lady in our presence.  Begone or accept the challenge I have just issued you with a slap.  If I or any of my garrison see you in these lands or those adjoining, William Banes, the order will be given to run you through with a rapier.  M'Lady, do you concur?"
"I do Wallis," she said.  "Take your lives and go.  It is your only opportunity."
Some turned tail and ran immediately.  Some like William Banes grumbled and slowly walked away.  Wallis assigned two guardsmen to follow closely on horseback and make sure the men left.  Then he turned to Ileana.
"I know all their names, M'Lady," he said.  "I will give them to the historian to be written up and posted around the estate and those lands adjoining that they are to be given no shelter or work.  Fools indeed."
Ileana gave the order to change the red flag to the green flag and several men went up to send the signal that all was well.  As the stable and grounds staff began dismantling the barricades she returned to the radio room where she contacted the Palace, advising them that all the attackers had been repelled.  The King still insisted on sending a complement of King's Guard knowing that Buchanan's garrison had been stretched with guarding the silo, estimating their arrival by late afternoon.  He also told her of a travelling celebration being planned kingdom wide for the successful defence against the asteroid.  After they signed off there were more cheers from outside the courtyard.  Ileana looked out the window to see that Bruce had arrived.  She ran down to see him surrounded by smiling faces and being hailed as a hero.
"You might as well take the accolades," she called out to him, as he seemed reluctant to accept their hails.
"All I did was input some numbers and push a button," he said bashfully.  "Hardly hero material.  I should have been here giving those extremists a taste of their own medicine."
"Wallis, Tom and the staff had it in hand," she replied.  "Have you eaten yet?  I'm sure Cook can make up something for you."
"Aye," he said, then stopped himself with a smile.  "I sounded like one of the locals just then.  This place is finally growing on me, I guess.  I can wait until lunch.  Any word from Rhodes?"
She shook her head, unwilling to discuss it in front of the staff.  Turning back to the door she went inside and Bruce followed her to the radio room.  Mary had already removed the cot and a chair for Bruce was placed in the room.
"I dreamed of James," she said.  "He spoke to me to say the wolves knew of the asteroid and had taken it upon themselves to get all the creatures of the forest to safety.  Then he showed himself as the white wolf.  He said he would always return to me even if he remained as the wolf forever."
"There have always been theories that animals sense a natural disaster well before humans do," mused Bruce.  "We would do well to heed their warnings in the future.  They didn't do it for the one that went overhead but this one was extinction level event and they knew."
Bruce told Ileana to see to the castle as he was going to contact everyone and give a brief summary of the event.  Then he was going to contact the Western Plains kingdom and advise them of the accuracy of their plotting of the asteroid's path.  The correct trajectory of the missile had made all the difference.  First Ileana returned to her room and let Beth draw her a shallow bath.  As Beth hung her leathers up and laid fresh clothes out for her, Ileana began to consider what it would mean if James returned in wolf form, unable to be restored to a human.  She would have to run the estate as regent for Livia until she was eighteen.  All the doubts and fears she had when she first landed here began returning to her mind.  Was she strong enough to do it?  In a world dominated by men could she hold her own?  Then she heard James' voice in her head.
"We are returning, my love," was all he said.
Chapter 30>>
Series Masterlist
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wimbledon2008 · 2 years
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not roger and rafa making it onto the tumblr year in review 💀
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emperornorton47 · 1 year
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jhsharman · 1 month
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3 suits.
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holoandwolf-blog · 5 months
scary as hell
0 notes
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Busta Rhymes released his third studio album E.L.E. (Extinction Level Event): The Final World Front December 15, 1998
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xoujoux · 6 months
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drdamiang · 7 months
came across
a speck of love
in the Universe
travelling at, near,
or beyond
the speed
of light
in slowed down
approaching Earth
like the alien
mother ship
in Independence Day
which became an issue
of global security
national concerm
world waiting with baited breath
praying it would
burn up
in the Earth's atmosphere
failing which
there is always the
nuclear option
deflect the trajectory
or vaporize entirely
for if that speck of love
should touch anything human
could go extreme viral
wreck our civilization
the one we have spent
building and
love bringing
the extinction
of all we love
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allengreenfield · 1 year
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yu-tap · 1 year
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