#Experimental Procedure
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marshmallowloves · 3 months ago
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thinking about this asshole again
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greatwyrmgold · 1 year ago
It doesn't say that all the authors agreed with his assertions, or that his argument was made well. If I worded my questions badly enough and interpreted the data even worse, I bet I could get nearly every author to either sound like they agree with me or ignore my survey completely.
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Killing this person Stabbing them Setting their house on fire
Why the fuck do these people even pick up a book
if they don't even engage with the fucking text. "Yeah when I write I just throw words onto the page", "Yeah the order and meaning of the words are irrelavant" -> These 75 writers
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hajihiko · 2 years ago
What do you think about the whole “Hajime’s parents have their permission for the Project” thing? Because of course it’s possible they were lied to about what it involved or even that their signatures were forged
Í think I support the idea that they knew at least somewhat. a) Hajime got his obsession with talent from somewhere and it makes sense that the root might be at home, b) it's a good commentary on how much talent and profession matters in this world and how far people are willing to go for the chance to be an Ultimate. It matters THAT much, that kids are forced into a career at an early age and parents are willing to let their kids go through medical procedures.
Probably they didn't know details, and by the time they started wondering where their boy was, HPA just shut them down and made investigation impossible because they're THAT powerful. But they should have read the fine print / between the lines, when it comes to surrendering their kid to an institution.
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fagbearentertainment · 10 months ago
I especially need a doc for Trevor (tv head) and Weston Briar (alastor rip off) bc I have so much intricate lore for them that is important for their story but will never reasonably come up in the mediums I tell thru
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modern-day-kleavor · 2 years ago
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Selfie with my latest work!! :333 I can't actually show my work because I'll get flagged, so you just get the legs haha
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xhuth · 2 years ago
i feel the need to vent or complain or something but it’s so pointless. i’ve already beat this dead horse to a fine pulp. i need to stop this whole mental illness shit
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mylordshesacactus · 1 month ago
on endlings, and despair
Hey, y'all. It's...been a rough couple of weeks. So, I thought--better to light a single candle, right?
If you're familiar with wildlife conservation success stories, then you're likely also familiar with their exact polar opposite. The Northern White Rhino. Conservation's poster child for despair. Our greatest and most high-profile utter failure. We slaughtered them for wealth and status, and applied the brakes too slow. Changed course too late.
We poured everything we had into trying to save them, and we failed.
We lost them. They died. The last surviving male was named Sudan. He died in 2018, elderly and sick. His genetic material is preserved, along with frozen semen from other long-dead males, but only as an exercise in futility. Only two females survive--a mother and daughter, Najin and Fatu.
Both of them are infertile. They still live; but the Northern White Rhinoceros is extinct. Gone forever.
In 2023, an experimental procedure was attempted, a hail-mary desperation play to extract healthy eggs from the surviving females.
It worked.
The extracted eggs were flown to a genetics lab, and artificially fertilized using the sperm of lost Northern males. The frozen semen that we kept, all this time, even after we knew that the only living females were incapable of becoming pregnant.
It worked.
Thirty northern white rhino embryos were created and cryogenically preserved, but with no ability to do anything with them, it was a thin hope at best. In 2024, for the first time, an extremely experimental IVF treatment was attempted on a SOUTHERN white rhino--a related subspecies.
It worked.
The embryo transplanted as part of the experiment had no northern blood--but the pregnancy took. The surgery was safe for the mother. The fetus was healthy. The procedure is viable. Surrogate Southern candidates have already been identified to carry the Northern embryos. Rhinoceros pregnancies are sixteen months long, and the implantation hasn't happened yet. It will take time, before we know. Despair is fast and loud. Hope is slower, softer. Stronger, in the end.
The first round may not take. We'll learn from it. It's what we do. We'll try again. Do better, the next time. Fail again, maybe. Learn more. Try harder.
This will not save the species. Not overnight. The numbers will be very low, with no genetic diversity to speak of. It's a holding action, nothing more.
Nothing less.
One generation won't save a species. But even a single calf will buy us time. Not quite gone, not yet. One more generation. One more endling. One more chance. And if we seize it, we might just get another after that. We're getting damn good at gene editing. At stem-cell research. In the length of a single rhino lifetime, we'll get even better.
For decades, we have been in a holding action with no hope in sight. Researchers, geneticists, environmentalists, wildlife rehabbers. Dedicated and heroic Kenyan rangers have kept the last surviving NWRs under 24/7 armed guard, line-of-sight, eyes-on, never resting, never relaxing their guard. Knowing, all the while, that their vigilance was for nothing. Would save nothing. This is a dead species--an elderly male, two females so closely related that their offspring couldn't interbreed even if they could produce any--and they can't.
Northern white rhino conservation was the most devastatingly hopeless cause in the world.
Two years from now, that dead species may welcome a whole new generation.
It's a holding action, just a holding action, but not "just". There is a monument, at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy, where the last white rhinos have lived and will die. It was created at the point where we knew--not believed, knew--that the species was past all hope. It memorializes, by name there were so few, the last of the northern white rhinos. Most of the markers have brief descriptions--where the endling rhino lived, how it was rescued, how it died.
One marker bears only these words: SUDAN | Last male Northern White Rhino.
If even a single surrogate someday bears a son, we have erased the writing on that plaque forever.
All we can manage is a holding action? Then we hold. We hold hard and fast and long, use our fingernails if we have to. But hold. Even and perhaps especially when we are past all hope.
We never know what miracle we might be buying time for.
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marshmallowloves · 2 months ago
can I tell you guys a secret about my history with my crash f/os... well here it is anyway cause I feel like rambling more about them fjdhfj
back in 2013, maybe even a little earlier, I got this little palm-sized notebook with teacups on it (which I referenced in this post for my crash self insert!) that I called the Tiny Tea Journal.
2013-2015 was a very tough time for me for many reasons. moved schools, family things, all that stuff. but I also happened to be very into crash bandicoot at the time! so in this journal, I wrote dozens of pages of dialogue exchanges between N. Gin, Cortex, and myself...or rather, Twist (my OC at the time, before I made a proper self insert) about stuff like people who annoyed me at school or my friends and family or struggles I had with studying. I also had a word document where I did the same thing, but the tea journal was more portable so there were way more entries in there.
this journal quickly became very important to me, as did the two doctors in question. Actually, it was originally just N. Gin... I shipped him with Twist before even starting this journal. but I came to adore Cortex as well...or I guess my own interpretation of him at the time. when I wrote him in the journal he acted somewhat differently from canon, he still had classic evil tendencies like wanting to vaporize my classmates and his usual brand of humor/theatrics, but he also treated me/Twist kindly - the whole "only exception" thing I'm a sucker for.
N. Gin didn't really have many tweaks to his personality when I wrote him. he was still unhinged as usual and I always imagined him to be polite and affectionate if he liked someone a lot anyway, so it worked out for the journal~
eventually I started flat-out self shipping with both of them, but nowadays I try to write them as close to canon as I can, because a.) that's what I initially fell in love with anyway and b.) I've grown up and realized it's waaay more fun and interesting to use their current canon personalities when making my s/i interact with them.
but...there will always still be the Tiny Tea Journal version of them that lives exclusively in my head...and in that book. (which is sort of why it's been a struggle to flesh out Synes and Cortex's relationship lately... I never had to think too hard about whether he'd love me genuinely or not, because of the way I wrote him all those years ago. he just...did fjdhfj)
bonus fun fact as a thank you for reading to this point: the reason my ship name with N. Gin is Fuzzy Slippers is because when I was writing those entries, I was mostly picturing the CTTR/Titans/Mutant version of him. there's one mission in CTTR where he asks for fuzzy slippers to complete a weapon and for some reason it just kinda...stuck with me, to the point where he would call me/Twist his fuzzy slipper as a term of endearment in the journal. and now it's carried over to Synes fjdhsf
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burning-burning-burning · 1 month ago
The ghost of old memories
A young Shadow listens, helpless and half-conscious, to scientists talking over his head about the anesthesia for a procedure they're about to perform.
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Wrote a little thing, don't know yet if I want to write a one-shot for it or a little comic on my art blog. Decisions, decisions...
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trashpandaqc · 2 months ago
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digging through a bunch of my old flyers!
roughly ordered from 2013-2020, showing my progression from abstract cut up/dada collage to a more surrealist and procedural art influenced approach.
good memory from the Ñaka Ñaka headlined show at Muchmore's of downloading a bunch of rainforest field recordings and playing them in between all the acts, rather than a DJ
more info on my art/video freelance at my website and Artstation
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getyinyusedtoit · 2 months ago
crying over that man again, they can't keep getting away with this.
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marketxcel · 11 months ago
5 Methods of Data Collection for Quantitative Research
Discover five powerful techniques for gathering quantitative data in research, essential for uncovering trends, patterns, and correlations. Explore proven methodologies that empower researchers to collect and analyze data effectively.
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doyeons · 11 months ago
save me from this lab report… please…
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aardvaark · 1 month ago
the best minor character on severance is hands down dr asal reghabi. i love every time she turns up and helps mark but also leaves him completely confused and tormented lol. she straight up kills a man in front of him and drags the body away and just leaves mark standing there. she jump scares him in a parking lot at night and pleads to get in his car, all while insulting his plans to get info to his innie. mark lets her perform *another* dubious experimental surgical procedure on his brain, and then she moves into his house. she told him brain surgery wasn’t an exact science. she’s going through his stuff. she’s asking for eggnog. they need eggnog. you gotta get eggnog, mark. i love her.
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hevendor · 1 year ago
i did so bad in lab today... *googles theoretical biology*
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embershroud108 · 2 months ago
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Jinx killed 11 people that night, nearly killed Vi and Caitlyn, got her ass beat by that very metal club, thought she killed Ekko and was herself mortally wounded in a murder suicide attempt with a grenade, and was tortured back to life in a horrifically painful and traumatizing experimental medical procedure that transformed her into a super-powered drug-fueled revenant.
But the main thing she remembers about that night is the look in Ekko's eyes.
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