#Except that's not it either and she doesn't want that anyway. There is no other choice
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She Doesn't Get Out Much | Alex Cabot × Casey Novak
People wanted a continuation of the Softball to the Ribs series, so here you go. Part one you can find here , and part two you can find here
Summary: Months ago, Casey Novak and Alexandra Cabot were in the midst of a blossoming relationship. Then Alex was shot, and subsequently vanished without a word, leaving Casey to struggle with the sudden fall-out and the stress of her new job and lack of support while Alex herself submerged herself in both mental and physical therapy, desperately wanting to regain the function of her arm and her sense of safety and stability that the bullet had stolen from her. (See previous works in this series, which should probably be read in order for this one to make sense.) Now, all either of them knows is that they're struggling. Casey doesn't know how to trust Alex after her absence, and Alex doesn't know how to prove to Casey she's genuine, or how to help her with her own demons at all. But lawyers are known for being stubborn, and they have one thing in common: neither wants to fuck it all up forever.
It was the type of silence that felt uncomfortable because every other table in the restaurant, except for theirs, was bustling with eager activity. The type of silence where one could only stare blankly at one’s plate, wracking one’s head over what could possibly fill the void of conversation with something, anything, that wouldn't be ill received, wishing the environment was simultaneously quieter but also knowing if it was the silence between one and one’s partner would be only emphasized.
Casey Novak had been pushing her pasta around her plate for long enough that Alexandra Cabot didn't remember how long ago it was that she had actually eaten any of it, but she held her tongue- she wanted to chide the younger attorney for not eating, but knew the fret born from concern would not be taken well. Casey was still very upset, although she was hiding it well. She seemed to the outward eye as though simply in thought, but Alex knew her better than that.
Alex, out of habit from attending fancier venues than the casual diner she had dragged Casey too, was also not eating- it was considered polite in most circles not to eat if your company wasn't, and she felt awkward indulging in anything- not that she was particularly hungry, anyway,- until Casey did.
But she must be in pain, still, Alex thought to herself, Casey must be in agony, of course she didn't want to eat, who would have an appetite for anything with a bruise as intense as the one she had found on Casey’s ribs? Regardless, she wished she would. It was obvious she needed the sustenance, even if she was rejecting it.
She wasn't entirely sure why Casey had suggested getting dinner, but then again, she supposed there wasn't really anything else they could do. Alex had made it clear to her that she wouldn't be letting the redhead out of her sight for at least until she could assure herself of some sort of wellbeing, and there were no other options. Going back to Casey's apartment would mean Casey allowing Alex to intrude upon her space, and going to Alex's penthouse would mean the awkwardness of a first time visiting coupled with the fact it was rather obvious Casey did not want to be there at all. Alex sighed inwardly.
Alex wished, in a way she recognized as naive, that Casey would realize the awkwardness, the tenseness that had formed in both bodies, was unnecessary. Alas, the redhead was rejecting any semblance of the relationship they used to have. It was her right to do so, but Alex still felt hurt.
“How is it?” Casey asked quietly, and vaguely. After a small pause in which Alex blinked at surprise, not expecting the olive branch, she realized Casey was referring to the salad she had ordered. The blonde’s mind raced, trying to formulate a response that wouldn't kill the small hope of conversation. It was hard to say anything thoughtful about salad, though.
“It's okay,” she said finally, “I’m not usually the type to eat Caesar, most of the time I order something with a vinaigrette, but- new things, right?”
“Mhm,” Casey replied noncommittally, as though she were barely focused, which made Alex wonder if she actually was or if that was a front.
After another small pause, the redhead sighed.
“You normally don't eat lettuce, right? You used to only have spinach or arugula in your salads.”
That statement made Alex blink again, because it was right. She didn't normally eat lettuce, for a rather stupid reason- iceberg lettuce, like the one this salad contained, made too much of a crunching sound when she bit down, and she preferred eating greens that didn't. She remembered faintly that she had informed Casey of that, at some point, but she hadn't expected Casey to remember that about her after all this time, let alone bring it up.
Because that was another olive branch, then, Casey was offering up the knowledge she remembered the late night conversations they used to have about the most random subjects. She wasn't pretending like it never existed, and she was trying to show Alex that. Briefly, Alex celebrated the small victory that was. Casey, despite her discomfort, was trying to show Alex a window she could sneak her way into was still open.
Alex did her best to smile encouragingly, arranging her face into an expression of mild amusement. “That's right, I don't. I’m surprised you remember that- but you never liked penne either, did you?”
Casey mirrored her smile, although her eyebrows tilted as if pained. “There's not many options here.”
“It's a hole in the wall Italian place,” Alex said with a half shrug, glancing down at her plate and the food that was possibly the furthest thing from authentic Italian, “If I had taken my car today, I would've taken you somewhere nicer, but it was walking distance. I came here with Liv, once.”
At the mention of Olivia, Casey’s expression retreated back to blank, and Alex internally winced. She has misstepped, apparently.
It hurt, the difference between this awkward silence and the way they had never really been silent before. Months ago, before the shooting, they had always been engaged in some kind of chatter, nonsensical or meaningful, loud banter on walks to the DA’s office or quiet whispers in the hallways of the courthouse building. Talking to Casey had been as easy and as natural as breathing, and no subject had ever been uninteresting when it was the topic of the conversation. Anything in Casey’s husky voice had been enchanting to her, and Casey had eagerly responded to whatever Alex mentioned or asked- but now? It was like there were walls surrounding her, a labyrinth of rejection and hurt that Alex couldn't navigate. She didn't know how to figure out what topics were off limits until she tried them, but every misfire only drew them farther apart.
Out of fear of rejection, Alex didn't want to try anything else. Work seemed like a bad option, and mutual connections had just been used- before, she could've brought up anything, but now she had no clue what to say that might appease her. So Alex remained silent, and Casey didn't offer her anything else.
Alex began to eat her salad in small, overly controlled motions, covering her mouth with the back of her hand when she chewed and trying to bite slowly to avoid the crunching sound Casey had brought up her dislike of. Casey continued to push pasta around her plate, staring at the now-cold food as though it was boring her.
A child on a table nearby broke into sobs, and an elderly woman- most likely a grandmother- hastening to comfort them. A frazzled looking young waitress came over to offer assistance, but ultimately didn't help the situation much other than making the grandmother switch attention from coddling the kid to reassuring the server. Alex watched the situation unfold, unmoving, without much interest but with the bystander air of one who isn't at all involved but is observing simply due to the presence of stimuli- something to respond to, even if she wasn't doing anything about it. Casey didn't even look up.
The child had long since been quieted, tucked in the lap of a doting granny, before either of them spoke again.
“How have you been?” Alex asked, hating the way it came out and the way it sounded and what it implied, but she had absolutely no idea what else she could say. Casey wasn't going to be honest, Alex knew this already, but perhaps something in her response could clue her in.
Casey placed her fork, unused for anything other than pushing morsels around in circular motions, back onto the table and stared at Alex. Her face was blank, but her green eyes showed an unimaginable depth to them- Alex knew she’d never be able to fully comprehend the thought process of the younger woman.
“How do you think?” She countered, her words carrying a snark her tone strangely lacked. The redhead sounded exhausted, rather than sarcastic.
The silence fell again, heartbeats in which blue eyes tried to study as noninvasively as possible the green ones across from them. It didn't work, they were both much too tense and too hesitant for any more silence to not feel oppressive.
“I think you’ve been … toughing it out.” Alex murmured carefully, her tone hushed as though already assuming she was saying the wrong thing, “I know the sex crimes job takes a lot, and it seems like you’ve been doing it with no support, but you’ve been holding your own regardless of that.”
“It was a rhetorical question, Cabot.” Casey breathed, closing her eyes.
It struck Alex as though Casey was about to tip over from exhaustion, the lines in her face born from stress suddenly very evident, but then her eyes flickered back open and her composure was restructured and gone was the hint of vulnerability. It was clear Casey needed to break down, but she wouldn't do so in front of Alex.
“I know,” Alex tried, because Casey probably already knew she had been aware, “but I …”
There was nothing she could use to finish that sentence. She didn't want to say anything formal, but anything that drew on the connection they used to share would come off as inappropriate in this moment- she wanted to say something borderline sappy, something to show Casey the depth of her care, but she knew it wouldn't be received.
Alex began to grow slightly frustrated- this was unnecessary. Yes, Casey was hurt, and she was allowed to dance the steps the way she saw fit, but- this was so uncomfortable, so frustrating, they used to love each other and the only thing to end that had been sheer circumstance- how had Casey so easily forgotten that? Casey acted as though she had no clue who Alex was, as though they were strangers. They weren't, they both knew that, acting like this was only making it worse.
And Casey looked so… so done, it was hurting her secondhand. The spirit in those green eyes and the shine that pale skin used to sport so effortlessly was gone, and with the air as though it hadn't been present for weeks. Why couldn't Casey just let her help? Why did she have to be so- so fucking stubborn?
“Casey,” desperation spurred through her tone as the whelm of emotion lapped at her expression, and her words burst forward, far less carefully formed than any of her previous had been, “Please, would you just eat something?”
The younger attorney made a small, low sound in the back of her throat, somewhere between a grunt and a growl, and Alex sighed again, cursing herself for allowing the slight outburst. She didn't want to lose progress, but then again, it seemed like there was no way to make any.
Casey stared defiantly at the wall for what Alex estimated was a minute, although it could've easily been shorter or longer and she wouldn't have been able to tell, before finally granting her a response.
“Switch with me,” she said, “I don't mind lettuce, and you like penne.”
Alex’s immediately thought, strangely enough, was that she wanted to ask if Casey only ‘didn’t mind' lettuce, or if she did like it, because she didn't want to advantage herself to the other woman’s dish if Casey wasn't going to get anything good out of the exchange- but Casey had suggested it, and maybe this was another olive branch, so she wouldn't dare refuse, not when it meant possibly being shut out entirely. Besides- she really didn't like lettuce.
The plates were slid around the furnished wood of the table, and Casey lifted her fork, stared at the salad adamantly as if having a conversation with it, before beginning to eat in slow, controlled movements. Her chewing seemed mechanical, but a small trace of something caught Alex’s eye that made her heart stir in her chest with hope.
Between motions, Casey's eyes would flicker up, eyebrows furrowed as green eyes scanned Alex’s face for some sort of approval or any sign of reproach, before quickly darting back down to the table. Casey still wanted her approval- Casey cared, to some degree. Cared enough to see what expression she currently wore. Perhaps that was enough.
“I’m sorry,” Casey muttered under her breath, “I’m being difficult.”
“It's okay,” Alex tried to assure her, “Your stubbornness is something I admire about you. Even if you're … being stubborn about shutting me out.”
Casey snorted, but a half-smile toyed on her lips as she raised her eyebrows at that, so Alex decided it was a triumph she could celebrate.
Alex stayed, observing Casey with a pleased expression as the redhead averted her eyes but was unable to quench the shy smile, and it struck her again how beautiful Casey was. She really was gorgeous- even with the observed symptoms of malnutrition and exhaustion, Casey was easily the most beautiful person she had set eyes on. It hurt her to realize that- well, relearn it. She had known Casey was gorgeous.
“Stop looking at me like that,” Casey muttered again, under her breath, and Alex realized she wasn't smiling anymore- she looked unnerved, frustrated again, but her tone seemed more pleading.
“I missed you,” Alex blurted out in a breath as a response, hastily biting her tongue immediately after hearing how it sounded, and Casey’s brow furrowed with irritation.
“You could've responded to my calls, then,” at this, the blonde woman winced, “Could’ve replied to my texts- You ignored me for months, Alex.”
Alex didn't know how to answer that. She bit her lip, swallowing anxiously, before letting out a small, defeated sigh.
“I’m sorry, Casey.” She sighed again, eventually, and Casey shrugged as if accepting it, although it was clear she didn't.
They returned back to loaded silence, and even though Casey had just been eating, she went straight back to just pushing blades of lettuce around aimlessly with her fork. Alex kept eating, because if her mouth was full, perhaps that would be a reason to not have to keep badgering her brain over finding something to say.
She wanted to tell Casey not a day had gone by that she hadn't agonized over what to reply with, how to break the layer of ice that had formed due to the shooting, and by the time she had come up with something, it had been far too late. The thin shield of ice had become brick-hard blocks, and Alex had chewed on her lip and tried to ignore the ache in her heart instead of putting herself out there.
She tried to tell herself that if she had known Casey was in so much pain, she would've texted, and maybe she would have, but that wasn't an excuse. She had slept with her and then vanished, of course Casey would be pissed.
But it was wrong to leave it like this, then, this couldn't be the last time they ever shared a table. This would not be the last time Alex was able to sit across from here, even if she had no clue how she’d be able to make sure of that.
The silence seemed palpable, though, a tenseness that couldn't be penetrated by any apology or offer, any plea or desperate beg. Casey was stubborn, and she had decided she was locking Alex out, and any move the blonde made might just drive the final wedge between them and the shriveled, decaying flower of what used to be a promising relationship. That thought terrified her. As long as she hadn't seen Casey, she was able to suspend the relationship in some temporary state of disbelief- but now, reality had set in again, the very real, harsh awakening that Casey was hurt and Alex was going to lose her for good.
“I saw Munch in the break room, earlier,” Alex started, suddenly compelled to say something, although it was a risky bid to do, “and he was staring at a glass of grape juice very intently. Why do you think that was?”
Casey looked up, her eyes set with a wary bewilderment. “What?” She was asking clearly in regards to the question entirely, not as a natural response to the question’s contents, but it worked in its place as Alex pulled off the wryest joke she thought she might’ve ever made.
“Because the label said, ‘concentrate’.”
Silence fell again.
Casey stared at her blankly, jaw slightly agape, her green eyes rounding before narrowing into a puzzled squint, as if she couldn't see where Alex had found the audacity.
Then, after a silence in which Alex’s heart beat very uncomfortable, Casey huffed, placing her face in her hands to hide her pained yet amused grimace, rubbing her index finger along the length of her eyebrows as if trying to nurse a headache.
Alex’s next exhale came with relief, and her heart was a bit pleased at the bemusement on Casey’s face. She tilted her head to the side, blonde hair swaying along with the movement as she leaned forward and interlocked her fingers, placing her elbows on the edge of the table. She wanted to be closer. She wanted Casey to think she was open.
“You're fucking unbelievable, you know that counselor?” Casey snorted, but her husky voice was lighter, almost appreciative. That, too, made Alex feel a bit lighter. The silence between words was less painful.
“I take immense pride in it, in fact,” She jested, interjecting her tone with some signature Cabot snark and accompanying it with a playful flex of her eyebrows. Casey responded again with another huff of mild amusement. It pleased Alex immensely, the way her attempt at humor had made Casey relax slightly.
How they’d proceed from this, though, was a refreshed battle. For a few moments they simply stared across the table, blue eyes fixated on the green ones that couldn't seem to tear away and break the connection, while both waited for something to happen.
The child and grandmother that Alex had been watching earlier had paid their tab minutes ago, and were now standing up and departing from the diner. Alex noted that out of the corner of her eye, but barely- she couldn't look away from Casey, and she didn't want to.
“Your hand has been shaking,” Casey said bluntly, suddenly, “Why?”
It was. Alex hadn't noticed. She had begun to adapt to the occasional twitch and tremor, the way it shook when she tried to make precise moments, but it was her dominant hand, so it had been the one she was holding her fork with- Casey was a lot of things, but the furthest from being stupid- of course she had noticed it. She was perceptive, she was calculating and she was unimaginably intelligent. She was smart enough to fake her examination into a mask of indifference. She had been studying Alex as intently as Alex had been studying her- but Alex had wanted Casey to know she was interested, and Casey was too anxious to put herself forward like that.
Alex’s immediate reaction to the question itself was to lie, or to redirect. To close up. But that wouldn't be productive in the slightest. She was asking Casey to be vulnerable and open and take a second stab at something that had already hurt her- it was her turn to lay out the painful grit of life and see what resulted. It scared her, though. She tried to convince herself the fear was navigable.
“When I … was shot,” The blonde attorney started, taking cautious to make her voice as soft as possible, “The nerve function was impaired. I … I attended physical therapy for a while, and it's been better … I’ve been told it’s expected to make a full recovery.”
Casey swallowed, her eyes softening at the show of vulnerability. Tentatively, her eyes drifted to examine Alex’s hands more obviously, and Alex unwinded her fingers from each other and held it up so the slight tremor would be emphasized for Casey’s inspection. This, too, seemed to soften her, Casey hadn't expected her to be this forthcoming.
“You work miracles for everyone else,” Casey said after a small pause, reaching out to trace a line from the center of her palm up her thumb, which sent a small ripple of a shiver down Alex’s spine at the feeling of contact, “I’m sure karma will do the same for you.”
Alex was hit by a sudden impulse of a want, her heart clenching painfully as she realized how much she desired to have Casey kiss her knuckles, her wrist, and up her arm. It occurred to her that if she had simply called Casey, just once, in the days after the shooting- if she had sent a message through Olivia, if she had done anything at all- perhaps Casey would have.
Once, months ago, during the stint of time at which Alex had around five cups of coffee a day and gotten decent at speed-walking around in heels hoping to run into Casey at the cart in the DA’s office hallway- the one closer to the white collar offices, hence the need to make haste back and forth- she had burnt her hand. It was embarrassing, she had been looking at Casey instead of where she was pouring coffee, but it was just a minor twinge of pain she had dismissed almost immediately. Casey had cradled her hand and kissed the small reddened area, and although she was making a joke out of the other woman’s clumsiness, it had been incredibly sweet.
Alex wanted that feeling, again. She wanted to be able to look at Casey, admire her cheeks and her nose and the softness of her lips as the younger woman’s gaze fixed intently on her injuries, on wherever it hurt, to kiss it better.
The look in Casey’s eyes, now, made it clear she wouldn't get to have that. They were near-strangers, two stiffened and tense women with a complicated history and their own isolated grievances. Casey would not kiss her hand until Alex forgot how much it hurt. It was a privilege she had once had, and since lost.
“Is that why your hand was clenched on your desk during the court case?” Casey murmured, and Alex realized she had looked back up at her and she wasn't sure how long she had been doing so, so she was quick to answer.
“Yes,” she confirmed, and then in a fit of bravery, “and it's why I’m not allowed to return to work.”
Casey's brow furrowed. “What? Why would having a slight tremor restrict your ability to prosecute?”
This was territory they hadn't explored previously, and Alex didn't particularly like that they were delving into it now. The surface of the table suddenly seemed very interesting to her as she lowered her gaze to examine it.
“My family has high expectations,” she said carefully, “I would not be able to meet them if I … if I have,”
“You don't have to tell me,” Casey interrupted her softly, and when Alex looked up again, the younger attorney looked very sympathetic, almost guilty. Alex let out a relieved, shaky exhale. She wanted to be the type of person who could bravely admit all her struggles and her weaknesses, but some topics were just too much to lay bare, even in the attempt of reconciling with Casey. Her arm had been one thing, her family dynamics were another entirely. She contemplated telling Casey about her diagnosis, but that seemed irrelevant now that it had been repealed regardless.
“Alex,” Casey started carefully, opening her mouth to continue and then closing it again thoughtfully, before finally following up with another rhetorical question, “You want to talk about us.”
Alex wanted to deny it, because it seemed like an altruistic thing to respond with something more noble like ‘No, I just wanted to make sure you were okay’. That would be a lie, though, and she wasn't stupid enough to lie to Casey Novak. If ensuring Casey wasn't in a state of serious harm was all she wanted to do, she could've left far earlier.
“Yes,” she admitted quietly, “but we don't have to.”
“I don't want to,” Casey stated bluntly, her tone firm, adamant and flat, “Not right now.”
She was testing her, Alex realized, Casey’s eyes were hovering intently on the muscles near her eyes, the ones around her eyebrows, gauging the reaction, which emotion would be expressed. Alex tried her best to simultaneously to steel against any minor twinge of rejection or frustration, and to soften her eyes and her heart. She didn't want to fail the test, and she didn't want to reinforce whatever assumption the other attorney had made during her months of sudden absence. Casey had thought that Alex didn't care at all about her, she had been living under the conclusion that Alex had used her as a one-night stand. Alex attempted to reflect in the way she did nothing that she did care. She cared to the extent she would let Casey go if she wanted it, if it meant assuring she’d be okay, which Casey currently wasn't. She hoped that was conveyed properly.
“It's been a rough couple weeks,” Casey continued, then, after apparently making her decision, “I’ve attempted to be nonchalant, but you’ve seen the state I’m in, and I don't want to be reckless. I don't want to throw away any chance we have at fixing anything because I’m too tired to think straight.”
She wants to give fixing things a chance, Alex’s heart rejoiced, skipping and dancing inside of her chest. Her more reality seeking brain told her they still had a long way to go. Regardless, this was definitely something. Casey was thinking about her seriously.
“I understand completely,” Alex hastily tried to reply, but at Casey’s numb expression she cut herself off again.
“I appreciate the effort you've put in today,” Casey murmured, “I am hurt, and I am angry, but you’ve made me realize I’m not angry at you, just what you did.”
“But I also realize why you did what you did,” Casey blurted out before Alex could respond in any way, not that Alex had had a response prepared in the slightest, “and that's why this is so- god, Alex, this is fucking impossible.”
Alex watched with a furrowed brow as Casey put her elbows on the table and rested her head in her hands, rubbing at her dry eyes and hiding her face from Alex’s view.
“Everything inside of me is sore,” the redhead groaned, “and I’m so tired. I can't figure out how I feel, I can't figure out anything like this, okay?”
Alex wanted to wrap Casey up in her arms and kiss her forehead. Casey had once told her physical comfort was one of her favorite ways to be reassured or recharge. Again, though, that was a right granted to those close to her, which Alex definitively was not. Still, though, she wanted too exceptionally badly. With Casey’s head in her hands, short red hair barely drifting around her shoulders, Alex kept noting even more detailed which spoke to Casey’s state of dishevelment- her hands were dry and cracked, some of her knuckles were slightly swollen, and there were bruises blooming on her wrists that only showed once the fabric of her sleeves rolled up slightly. She wanted to kiss it better like how she had wanted Casey to do for her. She couldn't, and that frustrated her. It didn't frustrate her enough, though, to resign herself that her irritation was misguided.
She pictured, though, days and weeks of waiting next to her phone, eyes flickering back and forth between her book or her laptop and the screen, waiting for any notification to pop up. Dread filled her heart already at that notion, especially without work or therapy to distract her from it.
“I have a request,” Alex said carefully, “and I know it's a lot to ask of you, but it’ll make me anxious if we don't have at least some type of arraignment for a later discussion. I don't like when things are in the wind.”
Casey nodded slowly, raising her head from her hands and threading her fingers through her hair to rearrange the fallen locks.
“There's a long weekend later this month,” she mumbled in her husky voice, “I’ll have Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. How about we reconvene on that Sunday? I’ll have the next two weeks to recover, and then that double day break to figure out what I’d like to discuss, and then we'll talk.”
“That sounds great,” Alex breathed, slightly relieved, “How about I take you out somewhere nicer, then?”
Casey nodded, albeit slowly. She chewed on her bottom lip, not meeting Alex’s eyes for a long moment- the blonde took that time to signal the waitress to pay.
Alex settled the tab while Casey remained still and quiet. Casey stood without another word, and when Alex offered her a gentle, “See you in a few weeks, then?”, Casey nodded and turned to leave.
Alex watched her go with slightly downcast eyes, her heart thrumming in her chest, and tried not to let tears prickle at the edges of her water lines in a public restaurant.
They'd speak again in a few weeks. It was an uphill battle against her anxiety until then. There were so many things she still needed to take care of- finding a more long-term therapist, struggling against her uncle to let her start working again despite losing her first case since and still having a hand tremor, and needing to figure out what she could possibly do so that her next discussion with Casey would not be wracked with as many uncomfortable silences as this one.
A few weeks, then. She’d see Casey again in a few weeks.
#calex#casey novak#alex cabot#casey novak x alex cabot#svu#law and order svu#law and order special victims unit#lesbian
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Guys stop saying Malon is pregnant- what if she is when the only time Time was at the ranch in the last few months was when he brought the boys
#you did not see this. I want it to be said but you did not see this post from me. nope. what post are you talking about I don't see a post#BUT CAN YOU FREAKING IMAGINE#dear Hylia the teasing he would get-#I repeat you did not see this from me#what were you up to Time ':/#Malon met her descendant and decided she better start making things happen#Either everyone stays quiet except wars#or they just. all start screaming.#THEY START GIVING WIND THE TALK- 'well you see. when a man and a woman love each other very much-' SKY SHUT UP#Wild lost his memories he doesn't remember sex ed either <3. Sky explains#Lu Malon#Lu Time#linkeduniverse#linked universe#if this is just. not a post that should be made- please tell me and I'll take it down#idk social rules but I do know biology#anyways
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I love love love my dear Entropy I think about her all the time I love her <33 I have to write about her she is always in my thoughts. Don't click these tags open unless you really want to read them there is . There's lots. THERE WERE TOO MANY IT KILLED SOME OF THEM. WHY DIDN'T IT TELL ME TAG LIMIT I KEPT TYPUNG !!! That's so sad and I can't even put the rest that I typed up here bc I forgot it already because my brain fucking sucks. Whatever whatever whatever rahggg beams Entropy thoughts directly into your brain you know exactly what I mean now
#tide of consciousness#Trying to figure out if my obsession with fucked up scientists right now is because I am thinking of her all the time#Or if I'm thinking of her all the time because of my obsession with fucked up scientists right now#Much akin to ouroboros the end is the beginning and all that#I've been so distraught over the fact that she's not even supposed to be a character in the story#That I nearly forgot I can just make a different story about her ^^ so I write#Oc: Entropy.#Idk man just look upon the face of the unfathomable adversity and impossible reality and destroy yourself trying to flee#She's got so many problems all of them mine all of them hers to deal with and mine to ignore 👍#Literally I'll go ohhh wow that's a new fucked up brain thing I just realized I do.#👉 Go in the Entropy. That's Not My Problem now#She can figure it out#I like to imagine that all situations and people around her are exceedingly normal while she's going insane#She could be in a room full of people with normal lives and she would just sit there and think about The Problems#She's like if you went too deep in your head and then never left. She looks like 😑 and inside her brain she's spiraling into infinity#What if it all felt pointless and fake and none of it felt worth it and then you got express confirmation that those are not just feelings#And are in fact true and real . I mean she never gets that confirmation she just happens to be right and since nothing ever opposes this#Point of view she never thinks to question it and she has no friends or close family and she doesn't talk to anyone#So she just lives in this reality that is true and oh my god she wants out so bad but it's true? It's just real? And she can't can't can't#:)) she's so fine . She's so fineohhhh dot mention#And she keeps coming up with ways to fix this and finding things that feel like escapes#But in the end it all only makes it worse because she's incapable of existing in any way other then digging that hole deeper#She HAS to chase it she HAS to push it she HAS to break it she will always always always keep digging that hole.#It's predestined it's predetermined the outcome existed before she existed there is no other choice but to keep going#And the funny thing is she never realizes that everything she ever does to try to stop this predetermined SOMETHING#That she is only VAGUELY aware of#Is only ever going to bring her closer to it anyway. The only way for it to stop is for her to stop existing#Except that's not it either and she doesn't want that anyway. There is no other choice#Her every step is defined by this end point and always will be and always has been and it's haunting her so fucking bad#She wants to live so bad and she wants to die so bad but she doesn't want to die at all but to live is to exist
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Streamer Danny
Everyone has a hobby or something they like to do. For Cass, that is watching Danny's stream. She doesn't know why but Danny's voices are very soothing and pleasant to hear. And it's not even just her that thought that. Every single one of Danny's fans say the same thing.
It is also a plus that Danny always talks using simple English. It makes it easier for her to learn how to speak and even read. Her favorite streams are the streams where Danny just sits and chats with the viewers. Not to say she doesn't like the other contents but there is just something nice to hear him answer her questions about himself.
No. She totally doesn't have a crush on that guy Steph. He doesn't even know her. How can she have a crush on someone that she never met before.
One thing she takes notes is the concerning things Danny sometimes says online. Like how he is half dead. Or something about a creepy godfather or something. Cass tries to look into him more with Tim's help (No Tim. She doesn't have a crush on this guy. And it's not creepy at all to stalk his personal information like this.) but finds practically nothing online about him except for his streaming channel and his hometown being somewhere in Illinois.
Danny also sometimes brings in guests to either interview or play video games with. There is Tucker, tech geek. He apparently is the one that sets up Danny's devices so that he can stream easily. Then there is Sam. His ex-girlfriend best friend. They talk about a lot of things mostly plants and ecosystems. There are also his sisters. Ellie is also a recurring guest. She often comes on stream and shares her travel experience and tips when traveling. Then there is Jazz who works as a psychiatrist at Arkham. And also is apparently working part-time for Red Hood.
Cass almost goes crazy when she hears that. She contemplates going to Jason to blackmail ask Jason to introduce Danny to her. Cass barely hesitates and the next thing anyone knows, Cass is inside Jason's apartment sitting on his couch nibbling on the freshly baked cookies Jason has on his counter.
Jason: *Walks out from his bedroom* Wtf! Where the hell did you come from?
Cass: *Stares*
Jason: Uggh. What the hell do you want?
Cass: Do you know Jazz?
Jason: *Tense* Why do you want to know?
Cass: Introduce me to her brother.
Jason: Danny? Why the hell do you wanna meet her?
Cass: A fan.
Jason: A fan? A fan of what? Wait. Danny did do the live streaming shit. Are you talking about that?
Cass: *Nods*
Jason: Whatever. Just don't fucking enter my house like that next time. I will call you to tell you when he is free.
Cass: *Smiles* Thank you.
Jason: Yeah yeah.
-Other place-
Danny: And that's it for today's stream people. I think I can stream again tomorrow but let's see if plans can keep up with change.
Chat: We want you to sing!
Danny: I will think about it in the next stream. Anyway see you later guys.
Chat: Bye!
Turning off the stream, Danny tiredly releases a sigh. Danny doesn't know why everyone wants him to sing. As far as Danny remembers, his voice has always been okay at best. He remembers getting mocked by Dash and his group when they participated in a choir when they were 10. Since then, Danny swears that he will never sing again.
What Danny likes though is dancing. Especially, ballet. He always likes the way the dancer expresses their emotions through body movements. The way they express anger, sadness, happiness and even love. When he becomes a ghost, he gets even better at reading those using ghost speak. Danny dreams of one day being able to dance in front of an audience of hundreds.
Opening a video platform website, Danny searches for a specific ballet group that he encounters. The group has a specific dancer that is amazing at expressing her emotions through dance.
Danny watches longingly hoping he could one day dance like that, or even dance with her. Suddenly a knock comes from his door.
Jazz: Hey, Danny. Can we talk?
#dp x dc crossover#danny phantom#dpxdc#batfam#danny x cass#dc x dp#dead silent#cassandra cain#cass x danny
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losing focus [W.Maximoff + N.Romanoff]
pairing: dom!wanda maximoff x sub!reader x dom!natasha romanoff
summary: as unexpected as it is, you become a permanent part of wanda and natasha's relationship.
warnings: SMUT, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT -> porn with very little plot but many feelings; mommy + daddy kink; implied dom/sub dynamics; mentions of petplay; fingering [R receiving]; cunnilingus [R receiving]; overstimulation; nipple play; so many petnames; wanda and nat being competitive; badly proofread
wordcount: 3.7k
a/n: hi again! so, i was originally supposed to post a bishova fic today buuuut i got too attached and wrote a part two of "push me on the counter, call me princess" because i could. i hope you enjoy <3
* * * * * * *
It's difficult to define what your relationship with the witch and her grumpy assassin girlfriend has turned into.
You know you're not really a part of their relationship, at least not officially, but you're not a mere observer either. Your main connection is with Wanda, which Natasha doesn't seem to mind, but the three of you are well aware of the way you simply started...joining them...all the time.
It started with small things. With Wanda inviting you to sit on her lap during movie nights. With Natasha begrudgingly letting the witch tie you down on their shared bed. With both of them holding you close at night, each of them murmuring some excuse about why they needed the physical contact.
You didn't mind. What kind of fool would mind being sandwiched between two of the most fearsome and beautiful Avengers?
But it very quickly stopped being enough for you.
You didn't want to be greedy, you knew your connection with Wanda wasn't right in the first place. You should have never allowed her to enchant you to the point of weaseling your way into her relationship.
And yet here you are.
Tucked under Wanda's arm while you watch her favorite sitcom.
A part you of you wants to be unhappy. To act like you don't want to be part of this.
But the truth is you do.
You really like this.
"You're thinking too much, detka." There's no judgement in the witch's tone, just the soothing sound of her accent. "Do you want to talk about it?"
You shake your head, instantly feeling overwhelmed from the mere thought of sharing your worries with her. You're not even sure why you're worried. Why there's a part of you that can't seem to settle, despite how warm and comfortable the older woman's embrace is.
"I'm fine," you mumble.
Wanda hates it when you mumble, but you can't help it. You also can't help the way you turn toward her, your face finding refuge in the crook of her neck.
She allows it for it now. Clearly, she doesn't need to read your thoughts to know how much you're struggling with them.
You want to feel embarrassed about it, but it's hard to feel anything except her palm pressing into your side. Her fingers slip under the hem of your (well...Natasha's) shirt and she draws small circles against your skin.
The two of you stay like that for a while. Wanda watches her show and you catch glimpses of it whenever you gather the courage to peak your head up and out of the comfort of her neck.
You've practically settled into the comfort when the door opens and your bubble of safety is popped.
Your shoulders tense until you hear the telltale sound of Natasha's sigh. There's an edge of annoyance to the sound that you've grown to associate with her. "Wanda, if you wanted a pet, we could have just gotten a cat."
Her words make the witch chuckle despite herself. She knew, no matter how cold the other woman acted, she was simply pretending. It was always easier for her to put her walls back up when she was unsure of something instead of going with the flow.
"Hello to you too, sweetheart."
Wanda gives your side a small pinch, not to hurt you but to encourage you to say hi. You don't really want to, you're still not sure how to act around the older woman, but you do it anyway.
"Hi, Nat."
The redhead rolls her eyes, but the corners of her lips quirk up into the smallest of smiles. "Hello, kitten. Have you been behaving?"
It's a small thing but it's a start. A reminder that she doesn't actually dislike you and she's not mad at the way things have turned out.
That maybe...she's softer than she looks.
"Yes, Daddy," you reply, a soft blush coating your cheeks as you address Natasha by her title. "I listened to Mommy all day."
The small smile on the redhead's face grows at your words. As tough as she looks, she completely adores the way you instantly submit to her without any objections. The way it all seems so natural. So weirdly right.
"Without pouting?" She asks, raising her eyebrow in the way that makes you tremble.
The idea of lying crosses your mind but you know better than that. Plus, there's no use in lying when you're sitting next to a literal mind reader.
"Well...no. But it wasn't my fault!"
Natasha doesn't seem convinced, although she does seem amused. Her eyes drift to Wanda, who can't seem to wipe the proud grin off her face. "It wasn't?"
"It wasn't," the witch replies. "She just got pouty because I told her we had to wait for you before we could play."
"Oh, I see. So, you didn't get pouty, you got needy, is that right?"
You nod, her tone making your head swim in an all too familiar way.
Natasha crawls into bed and shifts herself until she's laying down between your spread legs. The flimsy material of your shorts does little to keep your arousal hidden away from the older woman.
"Come here, detka," Wanda murmurs as her hands grip your hips.
She effortlessly lifts you up until you're sitting between her legs, your back pressed firmly against her front. It's a subtle show of dominance, a reminder that despite Natasha's stubbornness, Wanda's the one in charge. The one you actually belong to.
But there's also a soft side to it. A reminder that she's right there in case things get too overwhelming. That you can back out at any moment and they won't be upset.
It's far too late for that, though. Far too late to act like you don't want them both. Like you don't need them.
Natasha's hands bring you back. Her fingers trail a teasing path up your thighs until they reach the waistband of your shorts.
There's a wordless question in her gaze. One that makes your heart skip a beat.
You nod in response and she wastes no time in getting rid of the garments in the way.
Her eyes take in every inch of exposed skin, the softness in her smile turning slightly predatory. It's a sight you're growing very used to seeing.
"Look at you," she coos, although her tone is far more teasing than sweet. "You're already so wet for us. Mommy's left you needy for too long, huh?"
"I'm not the bad guy here," Wanda says with a chuckle. "It wasn't my idea."
Natasha rolls her eyes but your attention is captured by the witch and her warm hands that slip under your shirt. Her fingers make their way up your torso, her nails dragging against your skin and making your back arch in response.
"Don't listen to her, detka, she's just jealous."
You nod along to the redhead's words even though they don't fully register in your mind. All you know is you're stuck between them as they engage in yet another unnecessary competition.
Wanda notices first, far too used to the subtle cues that give away your growing dependence on them. Your growing need to let go and let them take over.
"There you go, sweetheart, doesn't that feel nice?" Her voice is soft and sweet in your ear, a constant lullaby that allows you to sink deeper against her.
"Mhmm," you hum, your hands reaching out for Natasha as her lips join her fingers in exploring your skin.
The witch is quick to stop you before you get too carried away. Her hands wrap around your wrists and she holds them down, allowing her girlfriend to keep teasing you. "Just relax, baby, Nat knows what to do."
You don't doubt her words for a second, but you also don't doubt the teasing mood the redhead seems to be in. You would complain if you weren't so busy trying to keep yourself still.
It's easier said than done, though, and Natasha quickly tightens her grip on your thighs, keeping you exposed to her gaze and completely still. "Come on, detka, don't you want to show Mommy what a good girl you are?"
Her words make your hips buck, but instead of teasing you for it, she sives right into the main event. Her breath ghosts the most sensitive part of your body before her lips wrap around your swollen clit.
The sensation borders on far too much far too quickly and yet the pleasure seems to overwhelm your body before the sensitivity hits you. Your head falls back against Wanda's shoulder as your lips part in a long moan.
The witch takes advantage of your change in position and attaches her lips to your neck, switching back and forth between gentle kisses and harsh nips. "There you go, isn't that better? Don't think, darling, just let us take over."
The answer is more than obvious considering how far gone your mind is. All you can fully focus on is the soft fuziness feeling your head and the pleasure you're drowing under.
"Daddy," you whine under your breath, your hips shifting against Natasha's mouth.
The redhead simply hums, lapping at your arousal like a woman starved. She doesn't want to admit it but hearing you call her that does things to her that she can't explain. There's a certain type of satisfaction she's never felt with Wanda, even when her girlfriend is in a more submissive mood.
It's what draws her closer to you despite how hard she tries to pretend like she doesn't care. And maybe she doesn't care, but the way she commits herself to making you fall apart, completely overwhelmed by pleasure tells another story.
Wanda's quick to notice how fuzzy you are by now, how perfectly pliable you've become with just a few soft strokes of Natasha's tongue against your throbbing clit. She lets go of your hands, trusting you not to move, before her fingers slip under your shirt again, trailing up until she reaches your breasts.
"Such a good girl for us," she murmurs, as her fingers find your nipples. "Such a pretty little pet."
You're stuck between wanting to arch your back and buck your hips. Ultimately, you end up doing nothing which is exactly what they like. It allows them to please you and use you in whatever way they want.
It's a little surprising how devoted Natasha seems to be to just pleasuring you, but your head is far too fuzy for you to try and think about that. The implications themselves aren't lost on you, though, and they only add to the growing coil in settled in your stomach.
"Don't tell me you're getting ahead of yourself, kotenok." The redhead leans back just enough to look up at you, dark green eyes drinking in every inch of your face. "Good girls don't act like greedy sluts, do they?"
"No, Daddy."
Your instant response makes her smirk and she rewards you by sinking two fingers into your wet cunt.
A gasp slips out of your parted lips and Wanda takes the opportunity to pinch and pull at your hardened nipples. The stinging pain mixes perfectly with the sudden pleasure and you can't stop your body from trembling under their expert hands.
"Please," you whine. "Can I cum?"
"Already?" Wanda chuckles. "Did I leave you too needy earlier?"
"Mhmm, so needy." You don't fully know what you're saying, you just know you can't hold back anymore and the last thing you need is to earn yourself a punishment. "Please."
Your words only seem to spur Natasha on and, instead of giving you mercy like you're asking for, she starts thrusting her fingers in and out of you, groaning as she feels your walls clenching around the digits. "Fuck, such a messy pet."
"I think she's about to get even messier."
The way they talk about you like you're not even there only adds fuel to your desperate arousal. There's nothing more for you to do besides wait for Natasha to decide to give you the mercy you're begging for.
You half-expect her to not give it to you just so she can punish you for it later. It certainly wouldn't be the first time, and you're certain she's only gotten more obssesed with the idea since then.
"Yeah? Is Mommy right, detka? Are you going to make a mess for us?" You know Natsha's teasing you and yet you don't feel the usual flush of humilation. Instead, the warmth that floods you is exactly the same one you feel when Wanda uses her sweetly condescing tone on you.
They're such different tones, such different people, and yet you can't deny the way you feel about them. The way every part of you begs for them.
"Yes, please-" Natasha steals your words by curling her fingers inside your wet heat, your thighs shaking from the force of holding back your orgasm. "Wanna cum, please-"
Wanda shushes you, knowing exactly how to soothe you when you need it most. She doesn't give you the permission you need, though, and in your desperation, you miss the silent conversation the two lovers have.
The seconds seem to stretch into hours until finally, Natasha gives in. "Go ahead, detka, cum for us."
She dives back in, her tongue drawing circles on your sensitive cit as her fingers move in and out of your cunt. The pleasure builds and builds, spurred on by Wanda's fingers playing with your nipples.
All it takes is the witch pinching your hardened peaks once more for you to fall over the edge for them.
Your mouth falls open in a loud moan, your whole body shaking as the waves of pleasure overtake your senses. Even as you lose control of yourself, the two women don't relent or give you a second to catch your breath.
As much as you'd love to complain about it, you can't when all you can think about is the electric sensations coursing through your body.
You cry out as Natasha continues her assault on your oversensitive clit, your hips shaking as you try to move away from her. Instead of scolding you for moving so much, she groans against you, causing your walls to clench around her in response.
"Don't fight it, sweetheart," Wanda mumbles, her lips grazing your jaw. "Just let Daddy make you feel good. It's what you wanted, right? Now take it like a good girl."
"Uh-huh, fu-" Your attempts at words turn into needy sounds that spur the redhead on.
"One more, detka, do it for me, yeah?"
Despite your initial complaints, your body gives in to the pleasure almost instantly. It's not fully surprising but it's certainly overwhelming and it sends you deeper into the fuziness filling your mind.
Natasha does her best to hold you down even as your hips buck desperately into her face. She works a third finger inside you and it takes all your self-restraint to not fall apart at the feeling.
"Please!" You gasp. "Can I cum?"
This time, the witch takes over and gently guides you toward your orgasm. "Go ahead, angel, you've been so good for us, just let go."
So, you do.
You give up control and let go.
You're not sure what happens, all you know is your whole body tenses as the coil in your stomach snaps free. You're too far gone to realize what a mess you make of yourself and the sheets beneath you, but the satisfaction in Natasha's movements isn't lost on you.
She works you through the seemingly never-ending aftershocks, easing herself away from your clit and slowly pulling her fingers out of your cunt. "So fucking beautful..."
Your body finally goes limp and you practically melt against Wanda. Her arms wrap around your waist while she places soft kisses to every inch of your face she can reach. "Good girl. You did so well."
You hum in response, barely registering Natasha's movements as she does her best to clean you up.
The bed shifts when the redhead finishes and you instantly know she's moving away from both of you. You try to complain but the words don't seem to form.
"Shhh, just rest, kotenok, you need it."
You want to argue and assure her you feel fine, but you can't seem to find the strength to open your eyes. All you manage to do is whine, earning yourself a chuckle from Wanda.
"Don't pout, baby. You're my good girl, right?"
You wait for Natasha to correct her. To jump in and say you're their good girl.
But she doesn't.
And the longer the silence goes on, the more it hurts your feelings.
"Mommy..." You whisper.
She presses a soft kiss to your temple as her hands go back to caressing your sides. "I know. We'll figure it out later, just sleep for now."
There's little for you to do besides give in and let sleep overcome you.
* * *
When you wake up, you instantly notice the lack of warmth against you. Your head's still a little fuzzy but you feel slightly more in control now. You're also still pretty drowsy, though.
You attempt to blink the sleepiness out of your eyes as you lift your head, your eyes searching around the room for Wanda.
Instead of the witch, you find her girlfriend curled up in the reading chair in the corner of the room. There's a certain tension in her form that tells you far more than she'd like.
"Maria called," Natasha says, her voice colder than you've heard it in a while. "Wanda had to go. It sounded like she'll be gone for a few weeks."
At least that explains why the redhead looks so...vulnerable and...lost.
Their relationship has always been a bit of a mystery to you. Despite the many nights you've listened to Wanda complain about the assassin's shitty coping mechanisms, you don't know many details about their connection.
You just know that somehow...they work. Despite their traumas and their pain, they understand each other.
And then there's you.
You're even less sure of where you fit in.
Of how Natasha feels about you.
"You can at least pretend to be happy to spend time with me," she says, effectively cutting off your thoughts.
"I am," you reply without skipping a beat. "I just...didn't think you'd be thrilled about it."
"Why? Because I'm the big bad girlfriend who has no feelings? Who doesn't give a shit about anyone?"
Despite her attempts to sound mad, her tone gives away how hurt she is. How terrified she is that you see her like that. That you think she's half as bad as the stories you've heard about her.
"No, I just...well, I know you and Wanda had that arrangement and everything but you didn't ask for this. I thought you just saw me as her annoying pet."
The corners of her mouth twitch a little as she tries to hold in her smile. "I did at first. It's nothing personal, hearing Wanda say she wanted you was...a little hard to deal with."
"Yeah, I figured." You sit up with your back against the headrest, your eyes absentmindedly admiring Natasha's features. Even with the distance between you, she looks stunning. "It wasn't easy for me either, y'know? I felt really guilty about it."
"That didn't stop you from sleeping with her the first time, though."
"Well, no but...in my defense, you can't exactly say no to Wanda when her mind is made up."
That earns you a quiet chuckle. "Yeah, you can say that again. Why do you think you're here? Wanda didn't want to let you go after the first time."
It's not necessarily news considering how things went down after the first time, but you can't act like your heart doesn't skip a beat at her words. The confirmation that the witch wanted you is one thing, but you're still not sure how Natasha feels. Something that's not surprising considering how closed off she is.
"And you?" You ask, hoping you sound less nervous than you feel.
It takes Natasha a few seconds to form her response. You can't exactly blame her but the silence makes your skin crawl. The fear that she doesn't want you, that she doesn't care, rises up within you the longer it drags on.
Finally, she eases your mind.
"Let's just say you've grown on me, kitten."
It's not much and yet it's more than enough for you. It reinforces the connection you've started feeling with her. The bond that demands to be nurtured despite how unusual it is.
Then again, wanting unsual things is kind of your thing at this point.
"You've grown on me too," you mutter, doing your best to ignore the warmth that spreads along your face.
"That doesn't mean you're not still our pet, though," she clarifies. "...if you want, that is. It can stay casual or we can turn it into more. We can train you. I can train you, if you want to be our submissive."
It takes a second for the words to fully sink in.
You nod before you even know what you're doing. You don't need to think about it, though, it's what you want. You want them. And all the little nuances that come with them.
Natasha watches you for a moment, her eyes studying you as if she's waiting for you to realize what you're doing and back out instantly. You can't exactly put your reasons into words to ease her mind. All you know is you've never wanted anything the way you want them.
Despite not being a mindreader like her girlfriend, the assasin is quick to move toward you once the thought of being fully theirs crosses your mind.
"You sure you've got what it takes, kitten?" She asks as she settles onto your lap. "I'm a lot to handle."
"I can take it," you reply, your hands landing on her waist without a second thought. "I want you."
Finally, your words are enough to break through her defenses.
It doesn't feel like enough and yet it's exactly what she had wanted to hear. What she was afraid you wouldn't want.
"Then you have me," she says, her voice far softer than you've ever heard it.
There's so much you want to say, but words don't seem to be enough right now. So, instead, you lean forward and press your lips to hers.
You're not completely sure how you ended up here but you wouldn't trade it for the world.
#wandanat x reader#kinktober 2024#wanda maximoff x reader#natasha romanoff x reader#wandanat smut#wandanat#wanda maximoff#natasha romanoff#mommy wanda#avengers fanfiction#marvel fic#mcu imagine#wlw fic#writing
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⌕ lee heeseung doesn't know what he wants from his rival, better marks or a kiss
pairing. student!lee heeseung x student!fem! reader wc. 1.4k tw/cw. jealousy, kissing genre. academic rivals to lovers, fluff, highschool au sru's note. requested for my nini love ♡ shitty title ik but i hope ya'll like cuz i dont T0T ( CATALOGUE?! )
¤ feedbacks and reblogs are always appreciated! PLS REBLOG ♡
96 out of 100.
thanks to the almighty above that lee heeseung is tired, the basketball jersey stuck to his back, sweat covering his face and colouring the red fabric darker as he pants for his breath, or else the test paper in his hands would have been crumpled and ripped to shreds.
not because of his number obviously.
“99, i knew i rocked this paper!”, a dulcet, familiar voice floats up to heeseung's ear from behind him, followed by a mean eye roll from him and his stance still. heeseung doesn't bother to turn around, not when he recognizes the infuriating feminine voice and already visualises the usual dark brown braids hanging by the either sides of her face, school tie too tight and almost reaching the last button of the shirt.
“why the long face?”, jake's interruption breaks heeseung out of his trance, as he takes the much unwanted seat beside him, “96 not enough for ‘ya?”
“oh shut up”, heeseung returns jake’s scoff slamming down his physics answer sheet against the wooden table. both heeseung and jake know it's not enough, whether it's a 96 or a 99 ’cause,
“it's never enough unless i cross y/n’s marks”, heeseung sighs, the answer sheet dampening under the pressure of his sweaty hands, as his forehead became the victim of the other.
everyone in the class is aware of the cutthroat competition and abhorrence between the two brunettes, already expecting the usual bickering episode between the two whenever it was time for exam results, and even if by chance someone got the same results as any one of them, they'd do their best and not bother the two.
but today is different, today heeseung doesn't find his usual energy to bicker with the braided girl sitting at the back of the class, not when she managed to beat him thrice in a row at his own game!
“last time it was a marks’ difference and now three? how is this even possible?”, heeseung groans while flipping the sheets over and over as if something magical would happen and increase his numbers.
“i heard park sunghoon's been studying chemistry with her,” jake sighs, pushing his fingers through his dark hair as he turns his head to the side, but his eyes steal a glance at heeseung, and he smirks, “‘ya know, the chemistry toppe—”
“yeah yeah i got you jake, i know who he is”, heeseung presses the bridge of his nose a bit too hard, the familiar face of the boy floating up to his vision, though he can't remember where his loved moles are on him. oh how all the girls are head over heels for park sunghoon.
is y/n one of them too? he could swear they're hanging out too much.
stupid thought, stupid stupid thought. heeseung winces at his sudden curiosity, why is giving this matter so much thought? he doesn't like y/n anyway, he doesn't like her bickering, he doesn't like her annoying attitude, he doesn't like her hair, he doesn't like her scent and he definitely doesn't like her smile. so lee heeseung shouldn't really get his head messed up in this.
the school bell rings, bringing out new tedious groans and sighs from the students as they dawdle to their next classes.
“i think she's coming here—”
“don't you have a physics class to be at, jake?”
“yeah yeah shoo me away all you want to”, jake scoffs, a smirk playing at his lips when he slings a bag on his shoulder before leaving the class, “bet you can't shoo away her.”
and before heeseung even knew it the class was empty, except him and as empty, dispersed out in the crowded hallways to their next classes. that is unless the previous dulcet but annoying voice came closer to heeseung.
“heeseung!”, you chirp, approaching him from behind, “how was your paper?”
“ugh what do you—”, heeseung's anger dies down when he turns around to face you, your hair's not done into braids today, instead it's let open with your tie loose this time, a few drops of sweat sticking to your forehead, dance practice maybe? “—w-want?”
“your marks of course,” you giggle at his stutter, taking a seat beside him, “wanna make sure if i beat you or nah.”
“yeah you did, but not on your own huh?”, heeseung scoffs, looking down at you. he realises his heart skips a beat when you tilt your head to the side, holding eye contact.
not good.
“huh? what do you mean heeseung?”, you pout, acting ever so confused by his accusation, “not on my own?”
“oh come on, the whole class knows it now”, heeseung rolls his eyes, “park sunghoon, rings any bell?”
“oh hoon?”, you grin, covering your mouth and suppressing a small giggle, “he did help me a lot with chemistry, he's so sweet!”
heeseung doesn't realise his face is getting hotter and redder by the minute, both by your presence and the pronunciation of somebody else's name. he has a nickname already? hoon? no way, you have only ever interacted with him, whether it was bickering or asking for notes or silently sitting beside each other. so how did this other guy pop up?
“hoon,” heeseung mumbles his nickname, his eyes searching for something in yours and he doesn't even notice he's sounding jealous, “how are you guys so close already…”
“well he's been tutoring me chemistry for a month now—”
“a month?!”, heeseung's brows lift up and his jaw hangs open.
heeseung doesn't know if he likes your new look, the way the curls of your hair rests on your shoulders, the way your tie is loose from your neck and the way your head tilts to look at his, heeseung's heart skips a beat and it knows something is wrong.
“why? is something—” your lips fall apart, a soft blush takes place on your cheeks and you giggle again, in a teasing tone you nudge heeseung's arm, “aww are you jealous?”
“what? don't be ridiculous now.”
“heeseung is jealous, you are jealous, you are jealous j-e-a-l-o-u-s”, you continue this song, nudging heeseung and teasing him more and more, causing his cheeks to heat up, eyes turning back to the open window and then back to yours.
“shut up y/n, you're not funny”, he scowls, the soft breeze enters the empty classrooms and hits the both of you like a refreshing wave.
and in that moment, through your teasing manner, the empty classroom, the echoes of your laughter and the soft breeze caressing your hair, your long dark hair that matched his and the way his heart skipped a beat, the way his heart always skipped a beat while you were around, he realises it's something good.
“if you shut up now i swear y/n”, heeseung tried and kept his best ‘angry at you’ acting.
“oh really? then why don't you make me?”, a soft chuckle leaves your lips and you squint your eyes.
it happens all so fast, heeseungs soft lips on yours, falling right into place. it tickles you a bit like feathers and pulls you in, until you realise that's his hand snaking around your waist. the kiss was delicate, caring and brought so much warmth from a person you only argued with.
you gasp for air, first one to pull back.
you meet his eyes, scurrying through yours and cheeks all red, probably embarrassed of what he did. the kiss quickly coloured your cheeks, a shy smile playing around your lips and a small glint in your eyes.
“i-i don't know what i did—”
“its okay heeseung”, you shush a nervous heeseung, the proximity increasing the pace of your hearts, “do you like me?”
“i love you”, heeseung answers almost instantly, “i love everything about you.”
“me too”, heeseung is the most relieved as he hears this, that hoon guy got nothing on him now. he's the winner.
“so, are we gonna date then?”, he chuckles.
you nod, “let's surprise the class together!”
lee heeseung doesn't know what he wanted when he got his answer sheets. better marks than y/n, a bickering episode with her, or maybe her to fall in love with her? he doesn't know.
a smirk falls upon his lips and he pulls you closer by your waist. he looked ever so magical and beautiful up close, that you wish the bickering had died down earlier.
“whatever you say, pretty girl”, he leans in for a second kiss, indulging himself more into you, he swears his heart will beat out of the chest as soon as his free hand makes contact with your dark strands of hair.
outside the class stands a grinning jake with a bored sunghoon, and a quite high five is shared between the two, carefully peeking inside.
© bywons, 2024. do not copy, translate or upload any of my works without my permission.
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Pt.5 - Eclipse
ft. Chaewon

The nightmares won't stop.
Ever since your return from the underworld, you always find yourself back in the gloomy land of the death in your sleep. The unnerving faces of the skeletal warriors haunt your dreams and sometimes even the three headed beast. The drawbacks of being chosen by the Mark of Asmodeus are just as powerful as its upsides.
These horrible dreams are just one of your numerous problems and it's not even the worst one. There's the fact that you have become the underworld's most wanted and you don't want to think about what will happen if Hades found out you have banged his wife and stolen his helmet. In a way, she's the one who started it all but you doubt you can reason with an angry god. You might have just booked a guaranteed spot in the fields of punishment. Or even somewhere worse. Dying is the last thing on your mind right now and that's speaking from experience.
Having the mark seems like a blessing at first but you are starting to feel the consequences of bearing such power. Sure, it helps you screw angels and godesses but on the other hand, those are all the glamours to hide one single truth. You are just a servant of Eros. Maybe not like the cherubims but you have to carry out his so called quests and that blonde brat doesn't even explain the reasons behind all this. A god stealing another's god possesion doesn't really seem like a good prank. Or maybe Eros thinks it is.
After going through the quest and bearly coming back alive, you seriously start to reconsider the choice you have made. Eros have given you the life any mortal would wish for - one where you no longer need to worry about surviving everday and making ends meets. You don't even need to jerk yourself off anymore if you get horny. You can just call Lisa to do your bidding. Now, they don't really seem like a fair compensation for the job you have to do. You might sound like an ungrateful bastard but after dying, resurrecting and losing sleep for a week straight, anyone would start to get agitated. The feathery bed isn't much help and neither are Lisa's blowjobs. You even start to get tired of waking up to your dick shoved in the angel's throat and that's a lot coming from a pervert like you.
As you wake up in cold sweat from the usual torment of your dreams one afternoon, you decide you have suffered enough and set out to find a way; anyway to fix your problem. You would have asked Eros for help if he has not been missing for over a week since you return from the quest. (Fuck you, Eros) None of his angels have any idea where he is. Not even Kazuha. The only contact you have had so far is that message about 'taking the virginity of a goddess'. Frankly, you are not in the mood to use your lightsaber dick again. The helm of darkness you have stolen is nowhere to be found either. Your best guess is that Eros took it with him.
As if to mock your suffering, a storm have been raging outside forever. The building might shift from one place to another but the weather doesn't seem to be getting better anytime soon. The rhythm of raindrops splattering the glass along with the roar of thunder make an ugly backdrop as you make your way to the bathroom to freshen up.
Looking at the mirror, you find yourself looking like a ghoul - sunken eyes and ghostly pale. The insomnia have taken quite a toll and you wouldn't be surprised if your heart just stop beating at some point. Even the mark can't save you from that.
You let the cold tap water wash away the drowsiness though you know it will eventually return at some point. Still, it's better than nothing. You desperately need some kind of escape. Something to stop you from being a dead man walking. The jacuzzi might help except the fact that you are too tired to set everything up. The television is just as useless, playing rom-coms or lovesick songs in every channel. (Fuck you, Eros)
There's your phone too, which might have just become the most useless gadget after Eros have restored it. Apart from the lovey dovey wallpapers that change without your consent, the connection is awful here. A literal god owns this place and he can't even afford a decent wifi. Totally ironic. Maybe Eros can live off watching Titanic everyday but he can't seriously expect others to have the same horrible taste as him. (Fuck you, Eros)
With the lack of entertainment, you are left with the only choice to wander around the building. So far, you have discovered a corridor in the hall that leads to a sauna and another to an art gallery full of paintings by different renowned artists. There's even the Mona Lisa which looks too real for a replica. You wonder how Eros manages to get his hands on that one. However, all the doors that line the wall apart from your room's are locked tight and they are all diffetent designs and colours. There's even a vault door. The strangest thing, however, is the fact that even though the building easily looks more than ten storey tall, you can't find a way to go to the other floors. There are no stairs nor elevator. When you asked Kazuha about it, she simply shrugs.
Speaking of Kazuha, you have found a couple other angels apart from her and Lisa. Obviosuly they are all in the forms of idols from different gens. You even saw a few first gen ones. Most of them tend to stay away from you like some sort of infectious disease and you are ok with that. You have had your fair share of experience with their kind who wants you dead and you are not ready to relive the experience. So far, Kazuha is the only one you can communicate with and for Lisa, she uses her mouth in other tasks.
After freshening up, you put on one of those designer shirts and khakis in your wardrobe and exit the room. There's no need to lock the door because there isn't even a doorknob. It swing opens when you get near. Just another thing that doesn't make any sense around here. The marble statue of Eros in the hall with that smug grin on his face gets you even more riled up. You already have enough reason to hate the god and adding another to the list doesn't exactly help.
You turn the narrow corridor into the main room, where you have first landed on your arrival. The room is eerily quiet — the silence only penetrated by the ocassional crackling of thunder. All the lights have been turned off —the flashes of lightning momentarily illuminating the room, derived of its usual cheerful atomosphere now replaced by a dreaful one. The whole thing reminds you of the gloom of the underworld and the thought makes your stomach churns.
Near the glass wall, you spot a dark figure with its back turned, peering over the landscape of ancient Pompeii with the volcano that brought the city's demise looming in the distance. Turns out the building can teleport to lost civilizations too. Arcs of electricity flare through the dark sky and the brief glow reveals the figure as Kazuha.

In her white sport tops that display her figure perfectly and the raven hair flowing over her back, she really does look like an angel. In normal circumstances, you would have gotten hard seeing her tight ass in those jeans but currently, your hazy mind won't allow you the pleasure.
"You are awake" Kazuha says without turning her back, the sudden intrusion catching you off guard.
"I doubt you can call me that" you reply, pouring yourself a glass of water from the jar on the kitchen counter. Hopefully, it isn't sweet like the rest of Eros's snacks here.
"Still having nightmares?" Kazuhas asks, though her tone lacks the sympathy.
"They won't stop since my return from the underworld" you admit. "I just wanna die"
"Trust me, there are worst things waiting for you after death. You won't really be the most welcomed soul in the underworld"
"I guess so" You take a sip from the glass. Thankfully, the water tastes normal.
"What you have done have serious consequences" Kazuha turns around, arms folded. In the dim light, her expression is unreadable. "You have stolen the power symbol of a god. That's like putting pineapples in a pizza. You have insulted him"
Kazuha's serious tone makes you hold back the protest about your opinion on pineapple pizza. You don't want to get smitten. "Hey, it's not my fault.That was all Eros's idea"
"It might be his idea but you are still the one who did the deed. You will be pointed out as the culprit regardless if you intend it or not"
"Wonderful" you sneer. "I'm starting to hate this 'apostle' job even more. It should have been called 'errand boy' "
"Think positive. Not many people gets to fuck the queen of the underworld"
If Kazuha is trying to comfort you, it's not helping. "Sure because it turns out great. I shouldn't have taken this job in the first place. Congrats! You have the mark of Asmodeus! Now you can go around banging gods and stealing things for me!"
Kazuha doesn't flinch at your sarcastic remark. If it's possible, the darkness of the room looks thicker around her. "It's too late to back out now. And it's still your first real quest. Eros still have many plans for you"
You snicker. "Let me guess. More quests that involves burgling? Won't be surprised if I have to steal the holy grail next. Anyway, where's Eros?"
"No idea" Kazuha replies, furrowing her brows. "He said he's out to plan the next part of your quest but I haven't got any contact from him"
"Would be great if he never comes back"
"Watch your words" Kazuha scowls and thunder roars, lighting up the sky. "The gods are angry. They are searching for you in every corner of the earth. You would be dead already if you are in any other place"
"Should I be honoured?" Yet another saracstic remark. At this point, you don't even care anymore.
"Are you kidding me? We are in serious trouble right now. Gosh, that idiot Eros. If he gets caught somehow......" Kazuha drifts off and the fear in her voice gives birth to a strange sense of distress within you. If an angle is panicking, you are in even more trouble then you initially thought and even that's a shit ton of trouble already.
"Hold on. Are you actually worried about Eros right now? That dick?" It's no way to address your boss but it's not like he's around. On one hand, perhaps he is. Afterall, he's a god. He might have super hearing or something. You push the thought aside. No use cramming your brain with one more dreadful thought.
"You don't get it" Kazuha exhales, her stoic face softening just a notch lower. "Sure, he's not exactly the boss of the year but it's not like I have a choice. Being an angel is not all rainbows and sunshines like you mortals think. Especially not when you have to serve a god who's always finding new ways to brew up trouble. If the gods find out Eros is behind all this.... ." Kazuha pauses, conisdering her choice of words. "Let's just say it will have dire consequences on me too"
"What do you want me to do then?" You ask, being rational for once.
"Obviously try not to get you killed. Without you Eros's big plan will go up in smoke-" Kazuha quickly stops, realizing she has slipped her tongue but it's too late.
"What plan?" You ask. You are already sick and tired of this mysterious game Eros's playing. If you are gonna be a part of it, at least you need to know your role in it clearly.
"Look, it doesn't matter. What's important is that you stay alive and complete your quests with the help of your mark. Everything will be revealed at the right time"
"So what? Am I just some kind of-" Your complaint is cut short as the whole building shakes as if an earthquake has come out of nowhere. You would have fallen face first if you haven't hold onto the kitchen counter. Kazuha isn't so lucky. The angel is thrown off balance and land with her back onto the hard marble floor. Seeing the wince on her face, it seems like angels are no different from humans when it comes to tolerating pain.
"Fuck" Kazuha curses as she gets up, rubbing her back. "They are here"
Without a doubt, you know 'They' could be nothing but trouble. Anything that brought an earthquake along with their entrance couldn't be anything pleasant. But you ask the question anyway. "They?"
Kazuha must have been thinking the same thing because her expression shifts between uncertainty and panic, finally settling on fear. "The Hunters. They-" The building shakes again and this time, the power cuts off. Every single source of light dies out, leaving you surrounded by darkness in every corner. Strangely, the experience reminds you off the darkness that comes before you pass out when you use the 'Ero' app. You can't decide whether it is a good thing you are not losing your consciousness this time.
"Stay still" You hear Kazuha's voice from somewhere in front of you. It's hard to say where exactly because even the flashes of lightning can't seem to penetrate the murk. Sensing Kazuha's the best chance in whatever is happening, you obey without questioning.
"Don't go anywhere. I'll be back" This time the voice comes from behind, sounding more and more distant as Kazuha leaves the room. You are left alone in the dark room with nothing to do but stare at the skyline of Pompei beyond the glass wall. Your terror is nothing compared to what those citizen might have felt when they saw lava raining down on their city. Still, you are barely containing the urge to run after Kazuha.
A minute passes, then two, then a couple more. The silence is deafening, only interrupted by the splatter of raindrops and the ocassional claps of thunder. As you start wondering what's taking Kazuha so long, the building trembles once again and you, deep in thought, isn't able to react fast enough this time and go sprawling across the floor. Luckily, you land on your knees and the fall isn't too painful though it leaves your legs feeling like jelly.
Somewhere far away, you hear something explode followed by the clashing sound of metal against metal. As you lift yourself off the floor, battle cries flood into the room as if a battle is taking place right at this moment. The corridor is light up by a momentary burst of white light and what you see in that split second confirm your thoughts.
Kazuha has her gladius pressed against the blade of a female dressed in black, the flickers of light dancing around them whenever their weapons clash. It's hard to say who's winning because all your eyes can catch are bits and pieces of the duel. But it doesn't seem to be the only one because farther behind, you can catch glimpes of numerous colourful gleams that vanish as quick as they disappear. If you are doubting before, you know now. The place is under attack.
And what do the chosen one with the mark of Asmodeus do? Stand and watch, of course. It's not like you can just activate the mark anytime. And even if it does activate, you doubt you can fuck your way out of this. At this instant, you really wish the mark provides you with some sort of power apart from being a universal impregnator.
The gleams from the clashes scattered around the building becomes more frequent. From time to time, you would see white humanoid shapes of light combusts with a sound like a thousand firrworks exploding at once. Light means angels and if they are blowing up, it's deifinitely not good news.
Kazuha's still locked in clash with the warrior dressed in black. Their duel is moving dangerously close to where you are standing and you back off until you are pressed against the glass wall. Kazuha's opponent doesn't give her any time to think, bringing down strikes after strikes which Kazuha's barely managing to block with her own weapon. With the glow that Kazuha's gladius continuously cast, you finally manage to make out the features of the warrior. She looks no older than 25 with bob hair that sways with each of her fluid movements. After seeing the cheetah like facial features with another glow, you have no doubt. It's Chaewon, the leader of Le Sserafim, trying to kill her own member. You know both of them are obviously not the real idols but still, it's pretty fucked up.
You have no time to make the whole thing make sense because Kazuha's getting closer and closer to the glass wall with every second. Chaewon doesn't waver, each strike of her sword precise and deadly. On the other hand, Kazuha's momvements are growing sluggish. Any moment now, she's gonna be impaled by Chaewon's sword.
Sensing the impending doom, you do the stupidest thing possible. "Hey" you call and Chaewon, oblivious of your presence in the dark, turns her head just for a split second. Kazuha seizes the opportunity, kneeling Chaewon in the stomach, the force throwing her off-balance and down to the floor. Kazuha raises her gladius for the finishing strike until-
"Enough!" A woman's voice booms and the whole building flood with light. Not from the overhead lighting though. It is as if the place has been enveloped in a silvery cocoon of light; warm and pale.
Before you can process what's happening, a sharp cold edge press onto your throat. Chaewon gives you a wistful smile, moving her blade father up your chin. Your eyes dart to her feet, where Kazuha lays sprawled out. As she begins to get up, Chaewon points the gladius in her other hand at Kazuha. In this millisecond, she has managed to tackle Kazuha and seizes her weapon. How she did it, you have no idea. "Follow me" she orders. "Both of you"
Left with no choice, you oblige, walking along the narrow corridor into the circular hall with Kazuha as Chaewon follows closely behind. You wonder why Kazuha can't just snap her fingers and teleport both of you out of here. Afterall, she's a fucking angel. But seeing her worn out face and her slumped shoulder, you doubt she can even summons a spark.
The whole hall smells like someone have forgortten to turn off the stove. Multiple bodies of unconscious idols aka angels, scatter the floor. Inky scorch marks imrpinted on the floor where they lay. You cough, trying to eject the smoky smell that enters your lungs. The statue of Eros in the center has been sliced in half so it now looks more like a mixture of amputated legs and a wing. This might just be the only benefit this whole destruction brings. To you, at least.
The strangest sight, however, are the warriors. There's at least 10 of them, postioned around the disfigured statue of Eros, swords strapped to their backs. All of them wear the same outfit as Chaewon; black crop tops and jeans. Then you realize it's not just their clothes that match. Everything about them does. In other words, all of them are Chaewon. Each one a perfect replica of the other.
There's one that stands out though. She's also Chaewon but in a different outfit; an emerald green mesh top and a leather skirt. A chain necklace dangles over the opening at the upper part of her top. She doesn't have any weapon but that doesn't make her any less intimidating. You can feel the pure energy radiating off her, making your skin tingle. Instantly, you realizes she's the one who has stopped the battle with the slivery glow. Beside her kneels none other than your boss, Eros, his toga ragged and dirty. His once beautiful face is now full of cuts and his blonde hair a tangled mess. A golden chain bind his hands to his back. Nevertheless, the god gives you a smug grin as soon as he spots you like this is a very normal occurence.
"My Lady" The Chaewon holding you hostage walks forward and kneel before the different Chaewon. "I have brought him"
The green top Chaewon moves forward, her eyes fixed on your exhausted form. "So, you are the infamous one" she muses. Much to your surprise her voice comes out deep and cold, different from the warrior Chaewon. "You give us quite a lot of troubles upstairs, you know. Not gonna lie, I was kinda impressed. Coming back from the death is one thing but raping a goddess and stealing a possession of a god? That's pretty badass"
You don't know if she's praising you or being saracsstic. It's hard to tell with that stoic expression on her face.
"Hey, don't give him all the credits! I did most of the work" Eros calls from behind. This guy is still cracking jokes in a life or death situation. You wish you have that kind of courage.
Chaewon gives him a glance and the corner of her lips nearly curves into a smile but she quickly sheathes it. "Sure, you do. If you haven't sneaked up to my dimension with that little helmet of yours, it would have taken me longer to find Michael here. Thank you"
"You are welcome" Eros replies, his face showing no sign of fear or anger. "Maybe you can get me out of these chains, if you are actually thankful"
Chaewon ignores him and continues. "It would be such a shame to get rid of someone so powerful. But the mark brings nothing but trouble. This time is no different from the last"
"What do you mean?" You ask, confused.
"You are not the first one to possess the mark. The one before you..." she trails off. "Nevermind. It's not like you need to know. You are going to die anyway"
Your tongue loses the ability to speak. Normally, you would have begged or try to strike a deal. But this time it's different. Chaewon isn't like all those otherworldly beings you have met before. She shows no signs of hostility yet you know she will stay true to her words. A moment of silence passes before you gather your thoughts again and ask.
"Who are you?" The first question that comes to your mind. You are not even sure if you have the permission to ask someone as powerful as her. Nevertheless, curiousity killed the cat.
"Artemis" Kazuha interrupts before Chaewon can answer your question. "Goddess of the hunt"
"And the moon" Chaewon adds. "Very good, dear. You did your homework"
Not the first goddess you have met but you feel like this is the first one who lives up to her status. The last one you have met is pretty powerless apart from being able to summon some plants. Artemis is a stark contrast compared to Persephone.
"And them?" You ask, gesturing at all the other Chaewons in the hall.
"They are my hunters" Kazuha explained . "My soldiers and my sisters"
If she means sisters literally, you absolutely believe it because they look no different from each other.
"You speak too highly of your group of virgins" Eros voice appears once again. Chaewon shoots him a sharp glare and you realize Eros have struck a nerve there.
"Don't you dare speak ill of our pure maidenhood" The fury in Chaewon's voice makes you take a step back. If she starts doing whatever a goddess do when she gets mad, you don't want to be in the line of fire.
"Oh, come on. Where's the fun in living for milleniums and not getting laid even once? I get you hate men and all but you don't need to go this far" Eros pushes on and Chaewon's brows creases into an icy stare.
"We are hundred percent better than you filthy men" Chaewon snaps. "All of you are no different from pests compared to us. Fragile and weak. You, a minor god, have no right to question my choice"
What Chaewon's saying is starting to sound more and more like a feminism lecture. And if she's a goddess, that means she might be the oldest feminist in existence. An alpha feminist? The idea wrecks your brain cells.
"Oh, really? Hmmm...let's see. The first person to walk on the moon is a man. So is the one who invented electricity. Not to mention every single president of the United States are men. What else?"
For the first time, Eros words doesn't have any of his usual mischief. Hearing how he retaliates Chaewon (or Artemis, whatever) insults factually, you feel a tinge of admiration for the guy. Maybe even a bit of respect.
Chaewon's face turns a deadly hue of red, clearly not expecting a sensible retort from Eros. "I should have finished you long ago. You talk too much for your own good" Chaewon extends her arm and out of thin air, a faint silvery glow starts to manifest, soon taking the form of a recurve bow; curved out of what you guess is a mixture of bronze and gold. She holds the grip tight and pulls the string, summoning a glowing arrow of light along the path.
Chaewon has resort to violence, not being able to make a comeback from Eros's argument. She aims the luminous tip of the arrow right at Ero's chest, ready to strike down at any moment. Anyone would be terrified out of their wits if they were at arrowpoint but apparently, it's not the case for Eros, who's still smiling like a madman.
"Aren't gods like...immortal or something?" You whisper to Kazuha.
"They are" Kazuha replies. "That is....until someone take them down with the sufficient force"
"Must suck"
You are beginning to see the true nature of those otherworldly beings more clearly. Angels and gods; the figures of power are just as fragile as any mortal.
"Seriously, Artemis? You bring a weapon to a debate? Come on" Eros whines and Chaewon pulls the bowstring so taut it threatens to snap in half.
"Spare me your nonesense, Eros. Your job here is done. You are no longer needed" With those final words, Chaewon prepares to strike Eros down until-
"Woah woah woah. Hold on" Eros falters, his tone no longer mocking though it still has a mischevious edge. "How about we make a bet?"
Chaewon scoffs. "You can stall all you want Eros. I have all the time in the world"
"Look, we both have our opinions and views. Let's see who can prove their point"
If Eros is blabbering more gibberish to delay the inevitable, it works because Chaewon lowers ber bow. "Go on"
"Let Michael participate in your tribunal games" Eros says. "And if he can defeat your hunters, you have to let us go"
Chaewon is speechless for a moment then breaks into laughter. Even some of her hunters join in. "Eros, I know you are an idiot but this is beyond madness"
Eros ignores the insult. "Michael is a male so if he can defeat your hunters, that will prove my point. If he's defeated, then I will admit you are right"
You feel like a toddler in the middle of adult talk. As usual, you have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. They might as well be speaking in a foreign tongue.
"Hold up. I have no idea-"
"Think again Eros" Your interruption is reinterrupted by Chaewon. "I can give Michael a painless death here. If he's in the games, well, not so much"
"Scared?"Eros questions, tilting his head.
An expression somewhere between annoyance and amusement flashes across Chaewon's face. "Your little friend Michael is the one who should be scared. You are sending him to a place of no return"
With each word of the conversation, your panic level rises. Whatever place they are talking about, you are certain it's not an amusement park.
"Why don't we just get to the point? Yes or No?"
"Alright, if you are that eager let's do it" Chaewon instantly shoots back.
"I hope you keep your words, Artemis"
"Speak for yourself"
"Oh, I'm a man of my words" Eros says it like something so obvious.
Chaewon raises her arm. "Alright, I will-"
"Wait!" Eros calls. "There's one condition"
"What is it again?" Chaewon glares, the frustration evident in her tone.
"Michael will be up against ten of your hunters and you, a goddess. Don't you think it's a bit unfair?"
"It has always been the way" Chaewon answers. "And it will always be"
"But Michael isn't like the rest of your tributes right? He's not a rapist nor a cheater" Eros complains.
"Yeah, like he didn't rape a fucking goddess"
You hear Chaewon swears for the first time and for a moment, you almost want to chuckle. The sound of a curse on the ever well mannered goddess's tongue comes out so odd.
"Yeah but it's not completely his fault" Eros inists. "And don't you have beef with Persephone or something?"
Chaewon thinks for a moment. "It's not like I like that snobby underground goddess anyway. Fine, Michael can choose a partner. If there's a partner for him to choose that is, and obviously not you, Eros"
You are surprised at how quickly Chaewon changes her mind. It's like Eros knows just the right keys to turn to bend people's well. Maybe it's a part of being a love god.
"Fine by me" Eros replies. "Since you murdered all my angels except one, Kazuha, you accompany Michael in the games"
Is that fear you see in Kazuha's eyes? You can't be sure but there's no denying what's up ahead can't be anything pleasant.
"What's happening?" You ask Kazuha but she just purses her lips as if muffling a scream. Not a good sign at all.
"Don't worry, Michael. Kazuha will explain it to you once you are in the games. For now, goodbye. Don't die"
With that last message, Eros turns his eyes down to the floor.
"Alright" Chaewon turns towards you. "Let's begin"
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
After a week, you finally get to be in some place other than the shifting alive penthhouse of Eros.
With a snap of her finger, Chaewon blurs the surroundings and when your eyes come back into focus, you find yourself in a different place.
The first thing, you notice is the silence. So silent that it's deafening. It doesn't sit quite right with the forest that looms all around you. Dark wouldn't be the right word to describe the place despite the fact that not a spot of sunlight penetrates the violet leaves of pine-like trees that rises to the sky. The entangled branches reminds you of old withered hands. It doesn't make the place any less creepy.
A dim glow like the one back in Eros's place envelopes the whole place, casting faint shadows here and there. The air is cool but not pleasantly so. It's the kind of cool that gives you the chills before something disastrous happens. The air smells like a mixture of freshly baked cookies and toast. Compensation for the whole haunted atmosphere of this place, perhaps. You look down and find yourself knees deep in the tall grass that covers every single inch of ground. Thankfully, you didn't choose to wear shorts.
"Over here" Kazuha voice snaps you out of your thoughts. She stands, propped by a tree nearby. Her eyes dart around as if a predator will emerge at any moment and that can possibly be the case. You make your way towards her, which is not really easy with all the grass brushing against your legs.
"Alright. I'm sure this isn't where Artemis send people for vacation. Can I get some explanation now?" You demands. If you are going to be a part of whatever game Eros made you play, you are gonna need answers.
Kazuha looks around like she's checking for anyone eavesdropping. "We don't have much time so listen carefully" she begins. "As you already know, Artemis is a maiden goddess which means she vows never to give up her virginity"
You remember Eros's message about taking the virginity of a goddess. Did he mean Artemis?
"So are her hunters. They vow their absolute loyalty to Artemis and to preserve their maidenhood. In return, they gain eternal youth and immortality"
"Does being turned into Chaewon comes with the package?"
"I don't know. Ask them next time" Kazuha shrugs off your question. "In the old days, when a man commits a crime against a woman; say a rapist or a cheater, Artemis makes them play her tribunal games"
"Is that like the ancient vesion of hunger games?"
You can swear Kazuha almost smiles. "In a way, yes. She takes them into her 'verse' and-"
"Hold on. Verse?" You ask.
"Dimensions created by the gods. Remember the places you get taken by the 'Ero' app? They are the verses of Eros. Or Eroverses, like he calls them. This place, is a verse of Artemis"
"Ok, get it"
Seriously, Eros should take notes from Artemis how to actually create a verse that's not a tiny room or a boxing ring with a deadly angel.
"So, here's how the tribunal games work" Kazuha continues. "Artemis takes her chosen prey into her verse and her and her hunters hunt down the unlucky guy"
"Great, how do we beat it?"
"That's the problem. We don't. The game ends when the guy dies"
"Wonderful" you remark in saracsm. "So we just wait till they kill me?"
"Don't be rudiculous. We need to keep moving. At least until we find out what to do. Afterall, you are the chosen one"
Right. Chosen one, you think. The chosen one with a magic dick that's pretty useless most of the time.
"Aren't you an angel? Can't you just get us out like you did when Yeji tries to kill me?"
"I can't" Kazuha answers. "This verse has its own rules set by Artemis. Apparently, they don't favour angels. And even if I can get you out of here, I won't. Because then Artemis will kill us all"
"Well...let's take a walk" You stride ahead into the forest, trying to enjoy nature for perhaps, the last time ever.
"Wait up" Kazuha calls, running after you. You stop to turn around.
"This whole place is full of traps. One wrong step and you are doomed. After me" Kazuha walks past, each of her steps slow and calculated. You follow her pattern as you wander deeper into this deadly playground of Artemis.
After a few minutes, you notice the place isn't completely silent like you thought before. The faintest rustle of grass would emerge evert few seconds. Earlier, you haven't noticed it but now with the air eerie with the threat of making one wrong move, it's as clear as ever.
"What's that sound?" you whisper to Kazuha.
"Shhh" She brings her index to her lips, gesturing you to shut up. "Just keep moving"
A few more minutes go on. There still isn't a change in scenery. The place stays cold and haunted with the gloom the pines cast. The silvery light a reminder of Artemis's absolute power.
Despite the cool of the place, you start sweating. Maybe it's the fear. The fear of not knowing what to fear. You still haven't run into anything dangerous or lethal till now and you feel like your luck is going to run out anytime.
After a few more minutes, your whole body is drenched with sweat. Your feet feels like they are on fire. "Can we stop for a while? It's getting.....tedious" you pant. Kazuha gives you a look that means seriously?
"Fine, we can rest. But just a few minutes" Kazuha plops down at the base of a tree, her eyes still scanning the surroundings. Even now, she's still as alert as ever.
You follow suit, taking your place beside her. You blow out a puff of hot air. "Why aren't they grouping up on us yet?" you ask.
"The hunters? Oh, Artemis likes to take her time. Waits for her victims to feel safe enough. She strikes when they least expect it. That's why I'm keeping my eyes and ears open" Kazuha answers and you can't help but notice the fatigue in her voice. She's tired too. She just hides it better.
"So does Artemis hate men in general or is there a specific reason?"
"No idea" Kazuha's eyes land on you. You know it's not the time but you can't help but admire her gorgeous facial features. And her exposed tummy.... "All I know is she rejoices in proving herself better than your kind in quite.....brutal ways"
"Forget I ask" Then you suddenly remember what Artemis have said. "Artemis said I'm not the first one to possess the mark. Is it true?"
A solemn expression loom over Kazuha's face. Her fingers toy with the grass covering the ground. "It's better if you don't know. Trust me"
Just then a cold breeze brush your face. The feeling is pleasant, almost soothing enough to make you forget about the danger you are in. Not a second apart, a sound similar to a boiling kettle emerges.
"Duck!" Kazuha yells.
A silvery arrow cuts through the air with alarming speed and if you were just a nano second late, it wouldn't be the tree's trunk the lethal tip impales in.
"Kazuha, you are an angel" you praises.
"Run!" Before you know it, Kazuha is sprinting ahead and you have to use every ounce of strength left to match her speed. It doesn't help that more arrows are heading your way and it's getting harder and harder to avoid them.
Your speed wavers and another flock of arrows rain down on top of you. You embraces yourself for the pain but with a shimmer, all of them go up in flames. No doubt the work of Kazuha.
"Kazuha, you are an..."
"Shut the fuck up" Kazuha catches an arrow in mid air and snaps it in half. "Keep moving!"
You don't stop running. Neither do the arrows which keeps chasing you down. One grazes your shoulder and you stumbles from the stinging pain. Nevertheless,Kazuha grabs you from the arms and keep you moving.
Your lungs are on fire. Your legs are on the verge of giving out. The will to survive is the only thing that keeps you going and even that's starting to fade. Surprisingly, you find yourself wishing for the mark of Asmodeus to emerge. Not for sexual purpose but rather for protection.
Suddenly, Kazuha halts and you run straight into her back, sending you sprawling on the grass.
"Why do you-"
Your question is cut short when you realize why Kazuha has stopped. Right in front of her, standing on a small hill is none other than the goddess Artemis herself.
"At last" she makes her way slowly towards you. "Eros's little pet is cornered"
You get back to your feet and when you turn around, you find out she's right. The hunters have formed a ring around you, their bows drawn.
"So much for Eros's talk about men being superior" Chaewon flicks her wrists and silvery light dance between her fingers. "Such weaklings"
You search Kazuha's face for any sort of reassurance. But there's no hope. She has already told you she's pretty much powerless here. Is this finally the end for the great one?
"Finish the angel first" Chaewon orders. "I will take care of our little Michael here"
The hunters act instantly. All of them draw their blades and charge towards Kazuha. Amidst the chaos, you can't help but wish for the mark to emerge. You are at the brink of death once again, why has it not shown itself?
Kazuha summons a blazing sword of light in an attempt to reflect the rapid strikes of the hunter but even she can't hold out against ten angry feminists. One slash cuts across her arm and another graze her abdomen. Golden blood pours out from the wounds.
Meanwhile, Chaewon is making her way towards you gracefully, taking her time. In her hand, she twirls a double edged sword. Her gaze icy cold, a hint of amusement within them.
"You know, I thought it would be harder" Chaewon muses. "With your mark and all"
Yeah, the mark. The blessing which betrays you in most desperate time.
"Where's your little mark, hmm? Or is it too scared to make its appearance?"
"You are not playing fair" you replies. Nearby, a hunter kneels Kazuha in the ribs and she stumbles.
"Who said anything about playing fair?" Chaewon steps slow as the distance between you narrows. "If you want to blame, blame Eros"
She stops and studies you like a predator capturing its prey last moment. Then with a flick of her fingers, she sends you flying upwards.
Your back meets the trunk of a tree with a loud thud and you land with your face on the cushion of grass. You feel like every single bones in your body have turned to powder. A shar pain creep up your legs and you groan in agony.
"What's wrong chosen one? We are just getting started"
You lift yourself up wearily at Chaewon's challenge. You can't feel your legs but you manage to stand up. A few feet away, Chaewon stands, her hands on her hips. She gives you an exaggerated smile.
"You are not already giving up, are you?"
"You little-"
You are not able to finish your words because once again, Chaewon lifts a finger and an invisible force drags you backward until you crush into another tree.
You stumble, kneels shaking and your face graze the grass. Your mind is a jumble of anger and fear. But it is soon overwhelmed by the pain that leaves your mind blank.
"Get up"
For some reason, Chaewon's voice seems distant. You use the last bit of your strength to lift your face off the ground and your eyes catch a blurry sight of Chaewon and the sword in her hand. Your eyes move further back and your heart twitches painfully.
Kazuha has been overwhelmed by the hunters. Golden blood is pouring out of even more wounds all across her body and her gladius has scattered off away. Her only futile attempts to keep alive are the blasts of light she often summons to drive away her enemies. But it is obvious that shes going to fall victim to their razor sharp blades very soon.
Maybe it's the power of friendship. Maybe you are just scared out of your wits. Neverthless, you feel the all familiar burning sensation that originates from your pelvis and spreads through your whole body. However, this time, lust isn't the only thing that accompany the mark's wake. There's another feeling that you can't quite put a finger on. All you know is that it's ancient and have been buried deep inside you for god knows how long. Now, it's finally making its presence known and you happily welcomes its emergence.
All the pain in your body have been washed away. Every broken bone and raptured vessels heal. You bring yourself back to your feet and crack your neck. Strangely, it gives you a sense of contentment.
"What's this madness...?" Chaewon mutters, her pupils wide like a deer in the headlights.
You look at yourself and mutter the same thing. The warm golden glow that envelopes you is there. A reminder of the invulnerability the mark offers. It's a sight you have grown accustomed to. However, there's an addition to the package this time. Every single vein in your body is glowing and humming with power. You can see the tiny rivers of gold that wound all over you. In this moment, nothing else matters except the fact that you have become one of the most powerful beings in existence. You feel invisible, untouchable. You feel like a.....god.
Chaewon spreads her palms, shooting out silvery tendrils towards your direction but they quickly diminish once they reach a few feets away from you. She tries to summon her bow and launch a volley of arrows but they follow the same fate as her earlier attempt to harm you.
"Don't waste your efforts. We both know it's not gonna work" You muse as you slowly close your distance to Chaewon.
The hunters attacking Chaewon has frozen with shock; all of them staring at the scene unfolding before them. How dangerous are they now if even their mistress is powerless against you?
"What are you staring at? Charge!" Chaewon's order break the hunters out of their trance and all of them charge at you at once, their blades drawn.
A voice inside you orders and you clasp your hands, sending out a radiant wave of red that wash over the hunters. For a moment, everything is still. Then, the hunters start acting in the craziest way possible.
Their faces flush a deep shade of red like those caught comitting a deed they are not supposed to. Their legs start trembling. "Fuck. No. What-" One of them mummur as she tries to stop her legs from quivering like crazy. Another cover her mouth with her hands to muffle a moan. Much to your surprise, a wet stain is growing at the crotch of all their jeans.
Not a moment later, all of the hunters have collaspe onto the ground, desperately pulling off their jeans. Some even rip the fabric apart. Thats when you see your handiwork. All of their pussies are wet and glistening; clenching around nothing as if asking for something to fill them up. Some of them start to dig a finger or two into their wet holes, pumping to compensate for the pleasure that only a cock can bring. The others are still trying to hold on to their dignity but it's clear as day that they are fighting a losing batttle. Without a single movement, a geyser of squirt erupts from a hunter and she lets out the most primordial scream. The less composed ones even start to make out with each other; their bodies pressed together and their fingers digging deep into each other aching cunts.
You feel like you are in the wet dream of a Chaewon stan. Not a single Chaewon but ten are giving you a free webshow. All of their dignity have been thrown out of the window. The only thing that matters now is to satisfy the need their pussies demand. In this moment, those hunters are no different from camgirls.
"You fool! What have you done?" No matter how much she tries to mask it, the panic in Chaewon's voice is crystal clear.
You shrug. "I don't know either but it seems like your hunters are horny"
Her face twitches in anger. "I will kill you" She unfolds her palms, sending out tendrils of blinding light in your direction. You close your eyes to avoid getting blinded and when you reopen them, nothing have changed except the fact that Chaewon stands, dazed.
"What- what the fuck?" Chaewon swears and you almost want to laugh but you gotta assert your dominance.
"Well, I thought you already know. The mark makes me invisible"
"It's not possible. The last time I-"
'The last time'. Once again, you can't help but wonder what she means by that.
"Last time?" You ask for the second time. This time, Chaewon doesn't brush off your question. Instead, she stutters.
"No...no...it can't be. That power. It's impossible.."
"Well, as you can see, it's not"
Wasting no time, you advance on Chaewon slowly, each step calculated and measured. There's no need to rush. It's clear who's the victor here.
It doesn't take long for Chaewon to realize her disadvantage. Wasting no time, she pulls out a dagger from her belt and lunge at you with inhuman speed. That's her mistake.
As soon as she reaches a few feet away, she's thrown off balance like an invisible barrier has stopped her. The mark doing its job very well.
"For someone who knows a lot about the mark, you are pretty stupid" You say as you hover over her limp form that lies on the ground.
"Stay away from me, you filthy animal!" The goddess threatens but both of you know it has no real bite to it.
You hear a loud moan and your eyes dart to where Artemis's hunters are having the craziest orgy. A couple is scissoring, their pussies rubbing against each other in a frantic and almost animalistic way. Their faces distorted like bitches in heat. One Chaewon is eating out the other who lays sprawled on the grass while another take a seat on her face. And one lays propped to the tree, her fingers deep in her pink hole and squirting a fountain with ever pump. It's a sight to behold.
Further back, Kazuha sits under a tree, panting. You feel a pang of worry after seeing all her bloody wounds but at least she will live. And you have another task to focus here.
Chaewon takes your distraction as an opportunity and throws a jab from down below but you quickly grab her waist and pin her hand to the ground.
"I must say, I do admire your persistence"
"Let go of me!"
Her voice is so desperate, so demanding you almost let out a chuckle.
"What is it you say again? Men are filthy? Well, now that filthy man is going to take away your precious virginity"
The reality of your intention dawns on Chaewon and her pupils contract with fear. No more is the triumph, cocky goddess. What lies beneath you is nothing but another immortal who has fallen victim to your power.
"You can't be serious"
"Oh, I am" You touch her top with a single finger and in no time, it burns to ashes, leaving her upper body bare. You can get a clear view of her pink perky nipples that seems to be demanding your mouth on them. But that can wait.
"Stop it!" Chaewon's free hand strikes you again but you repeat your earlier motion and pins it down to the ground. Now, both of her hands are trapped. She spits in your face but you couldn't care less.
"Snappy, are we?" You take one of her now erect nipples into your mouth and bite down with just the slightest force, eliciting a mewl from her.
"I swear I will - mmph" Chaewon's protests are silenced as your teeth sinks once again, this time a bit more harder. Your tongue swipes across the pink bud then around her aerola.
"You little - fuck!" Your mouth makes its way to her other nipple, which is no less stiff than the other. For someone who's being all defiant, her tits are telling a different story. You take your tine tasting every inch of Chaewon's nipple before finally pulling back after a particularly forceful bite.
Chaewon's face no longer have the initial fury. Instead, it has been clouded by a lust filled haze. She pant, beads of sweat trickling down her temple. Her mouth has been parted slightly but her vocal cords betray no sound.
"How is it, hmm? To be used by a man?"
You ask, closing your indexes and thumbs around her nipples before giving them another pinch. Her body jerks upward, legs trembling.
"You....you...have no idea....what you are..."
Her voice is so low it can be mistaken for a breath. Her chest heaves with each word, as if talking has become the hardest task in her life. Her lips part again but before she can mutter more nonsense, you shut her up with your own lips.
"Mmmmph" Chaewon's words get slurred, reduced into nothing but jumbles of muffles and moans when your tongue invades her oral hole. Your tongue explore, tracing every inch of her warm wet hole before it finally found its mate; her very own tongue. Your muscles interwined, greedily lapping up anything Chaewon can offer: the drool, the warmth, the whole squelching wet mess.
Your hands aren't mandatory either. A single touch with your index on her pants and much like her top, it burns away to crisp. As much as this new ability of yours is handy, you really wish it wouldn't be activated all the time. You don't want to end up stripping someone acciidentally.
As soon as her lower body is bare, your fingers snake their way along her inner thighs - tracing the supple path of skin on your way to her core. It doesn't take long for you to find her unprotected pussy despite your lack of vision. The wetness and these smooth folds are unmistakable.
You stop the finger fucking, just to imprint Chaewon's expression in memory before you fuck her up in all the right ways. The goddess is left panting like a bitch, lips parted and drool spilling. Not a trace of pride left in those silvery irises.
Your middle and ring fingers dig into her folds and even before you get their whole lengths in, Chaewon's already moaning like it's your cock which has entered her virgin hole. Perhaps this is a sample of what she will be like when you actually pound her to oblivion; screaming your name, begging and begging until she can't anymore.
It's the perfect revenge.
"For someone who hate cocks, you are already leaking like a faucet"
You mock before pulling your fingers back and ramming them back into her hole, earning another mewl from her.
"Cat got your tongue?"
Another thrust and thsi time, she actually speaks.
"Can't hear you"
And with that, your fingers go back to work, pumping her hole steady and in rhythm. Her pussy really lives up to its reputation of being a forbidden treasure to man. It's apparent in the way its tighteness engulf your fingers in a deadly grip.
The first few thrusts are tedious, her walls blocking the way with their millenial old tighteness. But after a few more pumps, all the protection crumbles and her hole becomes nothing but a playground for your fingers. And perhaps, for the first time, start spilling her womanly fluid.
You add your index, now fucking her with three fingers and it produces the most sinful of gasps and breaths from that shrewd tongue. Her cheeks are red; not a blush but rather an indicator of the heat you are pumping into her with every thrust of your fingers.
You allow your eyes to waver your attention from Chaewon's slut face just a moment and see the strangest scene unfolding. All of Artemis's hunters; all the Chaewons, who are acting like whores just a moment ago has now reached a new level of ecstasty. All of them lay sprawled out on the grass, their moans combining into a orchestra of lewdest sounds. Their legs are spread open and every moment or so, a geyser of squirt would erupt from their dripping pussies.
Wanting to test something, you abruptly stop the finger action on Chaewon. Then everything go still. The hunters stop being the rowdy ones they were just a few moments ago. The panting is still there but no more squirting. You almost burst out laughing.
Just as Artemis has said, they are really 'sisters'. They are 'one'. Not like you are a psychologist but you recognize they have a hive mind, which helps them coordinate their attacks perfectly. But the downside is, it also works when one of them is getting treated like a slut. If their mistress gets fingered, so will they. A brilliant flaw for you to utilize.
Eager to try out this new feature, you waste no time digging your fingers back into Chaewon's soaking cunt, instantly producing groans and moans from her hunters. Meanwhile, their mistress is far gone - pupils dilated and mouth hanging open like a fish on land. Even when your thrusts increase with each second, all the reaction you can get out of her are the momentary jerks and writhes of her legs. You have completely broken this goddess.
Nonetheless, you don't need anymore sign to realize that she's teetering on the edge. Her pulsing walls, the increased quaking of her thighs - all give the approaching end away. It doesn't take long for you to finally give her the release she so desperately seeks. With one last pump of your fingers, you make her crumble.
It seems to never end - the shower of juice erupting from her wet depths. It gets all over your clothes and your hair. But you just stand there, smiling like a madman as you take in the view of another goddess becoming prey to her own pleasure. Just another day for the chosen one.
When her orgasm finally subsides, Chaewon is left a mess - chest heaving and eyes rolled up. Her body is slick with sweat, glistening despite the misty haze of this place. Further back, her hunters has followed the same route. Their bare bodies lay limp on the grass, spent. You admire your handiwork for a moment before you move on to the next step.
If anyone thinks you are finished here, they would be wrong. This is just the prologue to your grand plan of deflowering the goddess. And even if she weren't a virgin, you would have still done the same. Because the mark of Asmodeus is hungry. And the lust it has brewed up in you needs to be satisfied.
And the mark knows it too. Because with a single will, all the clothes on your body shimmer in a blinding light and disappear. And that's when you see it; your cock, which has become the hardest material in the world. All your throbbing veins have become visible, glowing plae gold and enveloped by a faint halo. Not to mention the mark, burning a deep shade of scarlet. This is no longer a male sexual organ. This is the weapon of a god.
Triumphantly, your fingers entangle in the goddess's raven hair, bringing her face close to yours. Is that a slither of resistance you see in her eyes? It doesn't matter. This is your hunting ground and she is the prey.
"Tired already? We are just getting started dear"
Chaewon mutters something that sounds like something between a moan and a huff. It's hard to say with her broken voice.
"Say something bitch"
You spit in her face, a revenge for earlier. Still, the goddess is silent except for incoherent raspy gasps. She just stays there, her pupils dilated like a lifeless doll.
You should be proud of the job you have done. How thoroughly you have ruined Chaewon with your fingers alone. But seeing her this broken ruins your mood. Sure, you are still gonna fuck her. But where's the fun when the only reaction you can get out of deflowering her are bits and pieces of sound. It's a complete turn off.
And then there it comes again. The voice inside you. No. A tug would be more suitable - an urge that manifests so suddenly. Without thinking, you touch Chaewon's forehead with your index finger.
Much to your horror, a line of red starts to burn just below her neck. It wounds into a circle on her skin then trace a straight line across it. After a while, you realize. The mark of Asmodeus is being carved on her skin - the very mark on your plevis.
After the imprinting is complete, the mark flares to life. But unlike yours, it doesn't glow scarlet. Instead, it shines a brilliant blue. Chaewon's eyes open and for a moment, you panick.
Have you acidentally transferred your mark to Chaewon?
The words that leave Chaewon's lips leave you confused. It's like the goddess have become a different person. She kneels, looking up at you with eyes full of life. The silver of them replaced by blue.
"How can I serve you?"
That's when you understand what this new mark actually does. It has turned the goddess into a slut by completely altering her will. Just how powerful have you become?
You decided to leave the question for later, focusing on your new servant instead.
"You can start by putting that mouth of yours to good use"
"As you wish, master"
Chaewon's fists close on your cock, starting off with a full fingers handjob. She pumps your pole slowly, admiring all those veins glittering gold. The pace is slow and yet, you find her touch addictive. Maybe this is what a goddess's handjob feels like.
"Master cock is so big....so beautiful..."
With that praise, she brings her face a sucking distance from your cock. Her lips are hovering just above your tip and you can feel her warm breath that tickles your length. If this is foreplay, it's doing its job very well. After a couple more languid stroke and tantalizing breaths, you can't take it any more.
"I think I told you to suck me off"
"Sorry master"
Her soft lips finally closes in around your tip and there isn't any words to describe how heavenly the feeling is. The way those pink things drag along your tip only to pull it back in - it's the emboidment of ecstasy. You could have just let her focus solely on your tip and blow a load into her mouth. That's how good it is.
But Chaewon have different plans. Her mouth suddenly takes more than half of your length in one swift bob. The action causes her hair to fall in strands around her face but she looks even more beautiful that way. Messy face, all her assests exposed and mouth stuffed by your pole. This is your favorite form of art.
"Fuck, Chaewon. Don't stop"
A moan reasonates around your cock - the vibration sending a shiver down your spine. You don't know if it was a muffled sound of graitude or a planned act but you enjoy it nonetheless. If not, you want her to do it again.
You take a moment to study your surroundings as Chaewon works her magic. Among the tall grass, propped by the pines are the hunters, who have been now tied up with translucent lassos. Not like it's necessary. They are too horny to even lift a finger.
The work is, without a doubt, done by Kazuha. And speaking of Kazuha, she nows sit on the ground, looking no less ragged than before. At least the bleeding have stopped. Her eyes are fixed on the scene of Chaewon blowing your cock. No sign of shame or embarassment on that cold face. The same face she has wore when you fucked her fellow angel Yeji.
You turn away from your audience back to the slutty goddess who's worshipping your cock. Her blowjob has become a total mess all this while - spit bubblig and drool spilling. Ever so often, a gag would comes out distorted whenver your cock hits the back of her throat. You look into those watery eyes and praise.
"Look at you, Artemis. All whiny about being allergic to man before and now you are letting a man shove his cock down your mouth. You must be the biggest liar ever"
Chaewon doesn't seem to understand any of your words so she just keeo bobbing her head. She has been brainwashed into a whore whose only will is to serve your cock. And you can live with that happily.
Chaewon doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. She just keeps impaling her hole on your cock again and again and again. Gag reflex seems a million light years away. Is this another perk of being a goddess?
You are becoming too consumed by Chaewon's sloppy head. It's filthy, wet and messy. A perfect brew of your darkest desires. If she keeps on with it, her pussy wouldn't be the place you are storing your load in.
It'd be so easy to get lost in the bliss her skillful tongue is providing but you have other holes to take care of. A s much as it's difficult, you grab a fistful of Chaewon's hair and stops her.
She looks up, chin drenched in her own drool. She almost looks disappointed about the abrupt halt.
"Let's take a look at that tight virgin hole, shall we?"
You ask and Chaewon nods in return.
"Is master gonna take my virginity? Finally fill my pussy with his hot load?"
If the Artemis in the distant past can see the brainless whore she hae become, she wouldn't have even tried to touch you. But now, it's too late.
"That's the plan. Turn around. Show me that ass"
"I can't wait for your cock to stuff me full, master"
And with that she turns, getting on all fours to display those pale cheeks. Her back is slick with sweat and it only gets you pumped up even more. You have no time for foreplay. Not with how drunk on arousal you are. You need to pound her cunt. Hard and fast.
"Ohhhhh fuckkkkk"
Chaewon lets out a carnal groan as soon as your tip part her lips, easing its way in inch by inch. Despite all the juices she has wet herself with earlier, you are surprised to find the grip of her pussy still unyielding. Her walls clench on you in a vice grip and if it's not for the mark, the pressure would have been unbearable.
You start off with a few slow thrusts, getting accustomed to the topography of her unused hole. It doesn't take long until your dick mold her insides to its shape. Getting the first taste of a man's dick, her pussy has already become addicted to the rigid foreign body stretching her out. Her walls are pulsing as if begging you to go deeper.
"Master. I need you to fill me up. Make me so full...nghhh"
You cut off Chaewon's breath by inserting another extra inch to suffice the goddess's thirst for your cock. The fingering earlier has done its job well to coat her walls with a natural lube. Her juice slicken walls allow you to ease in inch by inch.
The initial tighteness was no more. All it's left to do is stretch open the rest of her uncharted depths. You are in no rush. The only thing better than being the first time of someone is being the first time of a goddess.
The goddess who just tried to kill you.
It's sick but the thought is an unbearble turn on that gets your cock throbbing even more. All her daggers and arrows and blades are useless against your cock, opening her up like a gift.
"More. Give me more. Yes, stretch my cunt. Yes yes yessss"
Chaewon's past the point of saving. Cock drunk would be the only word to describe this new toy of yours. She won't stop begging even when she's getting impregnated by the gloriest cock to exist.
And the needy mewls go on when you finally bury your whole length to the hilt. You hold there, balls deep. A second passes. Then two. New status of Artemis: deflowered.
"You are filling me up so well master. I can feel you getting even harder. Are you gonna paint my insides? Put a baby in me? I-"
"Shut up, slut"
The constant nagging of Chaewon's get on your nerves in a twisted way, urging you to show no mercy to this goddess whose holes are the only use she will ever had. With a tight grip on her bangs, you pull her face up, looking into those rolled up bedroom eyes as you pound her hole without mercy.
The verse opf Artemis has become nothing but a backdrop for your impudent act - squelches of your pelvis against her cheeks echoing in every direction. It becomes even more harmonious combined with the raw unfiltered sounds Chaewon's producing.
So this is what it's like to ruin a goddess, you think. Taking Persephone anally was one hell of a ride(quite literally) but it's nothing compared to this. Artemis is a completely different breed. And this time, you don't have to worried about getting caught. You have all the time in the world. And you will spend it wisely.
Your tip kisses Chaewon's cunt as you ram your length into her with increasing force if that's even possible. Her cheeks jiggle like jelly each time you make contact and you can't resist the urge to spank that pale ass.
Chaewon mewls as soon as the first slap of many to come lands on her right cheek quickly followed by another to the left. You are memorized by the way her flesh ripples, which leads your palm to work relentlessly. Left, right, left, right and left, right until her round ass has turned scarlet - the proof of your ownership imprinted on her.
Getting pretty bored of her ass, you stop of a moment to turns her around in a missionary position. You give each of her tits a harsh slap before you ram your cock back into her snug cavern again.
Eyes rolled up and tongue hanging out in a perfect ahaego face, Chaewon is no different from a cheap slut anyone can pound with a few bucks. That's how much she has come to love your rigid mamba violating her cherished hole in every way possible. And the best part is, she's loving it.
"Master. I'm gonna...."
You grip her thighs and opens her legs even wider to put yourself in a mating press position. This way, you can spear into Chaewon as deep as you could. When you start pistoning your hips, Chaewon shows her gratitude by spilling her juices for the second time.
You fuck her through her orgasm, not giving her a single moment to catch her breath. Afterall, she's your toy. And toys are supposed to stay there and be used whatever way their owner likes. And Chaewon is a perfect example.
You can feel the mark growing hoter, its red glow bathing Chaewon in a vermillion veil. As if in response, the blue mark on her chest shimmers even brighter. The sight of those two marks; an unbreakable connection pushes you over the edge.
If this isn't ecstasy, you don't know what is. You can feel the adrenaline inside you reaching the peak for a final time as you pump her cunt full of your hot, sticky cum. The first few spurts go straight to her womb soon followed by the remaining seeds in your balls, which are perfectly smeared all over her midriff and tits.
"Master's cum. So hot..."
Artemis mutters dreamily as you spill the few last drops on her face. Her fingers dig into her loose hole, digging out your cum before bringing it into her mouth.
"Mhmm. Delicious"
She collects more of your fluid all over her body, tating it like her favorite meal. On second thought, its no surpirse a slut like her can live on your cum.
You can feel the power already draining out from your body. The mark dims and fades until not a single trace of it is left on your skin. Then comes the fatigue, which hits you like a truck.
The world does a 360 degree around you and you have to hold yourself up on your palms. You could have just lied there and never woke up again. The mark has done its job and leaft you weak and frail.
Surprisingly, the mark have faded on Chaewon too. Her chest is back to the smooth canvas it once was. A stream of cum leaks out of her used hole as she lays there, heaving.
The scenery around you starts to shift. The wood has gone lifeless. The cold calm it once held has been replaced by an uncanny lifelessness. It makes your skin crawl.
Then cracks start to appear out of thin air like glass walls being fractured. The ground rumbles and a loud wail rises up from it. You panick, desperately seeking for something to hold onto.
"Hold there"
Kazuha's voice splits through the air.
"It will be over soon"
Who are you gonna trust if you don't trust an angel?
So you obey, trying not to scream as the whole place starts to crumble. More cracks have appeared and soon the world around you is covered by messy fractures.
Then the rumbling stops and with a sound like glass breaking, the scenery around you shatters to pieces.
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
You blink and you are back to the hall of Eros.
"I would have clapped if my hands weren't tied you know"
Eros is still there, not an inch moved fron his position before with hands bound. That stupid grin has beem plastered on his face - displaying his pearly whites.
"You are welcome"
You retort before realizing you are butt naked and instinctively cover your manhood with your hands.
"Kazuha gets to watch but I don't? No fair"
You would have punched Eros in the face if you don't feel like you are gonna pass out any moment. The audacity of this little fucker to joke around after putting your life on the line.
"Kazuha? What are you doing? Get me out of these"
Kazuha looks like she would have left Eros that way if he doesn't speak up. Reluctantly, she brings down her arms in a wide arc and slash through the chain.
"Thank you"
Eros's tone sound almost mocking as he stands and stretches his arms. After cracking his neck, he looks straight at you with those brilliant blue eyes.
"Well done, Michael! You have accomplished what I exactly hoped for"
"What? Fucking another goddess?"
"Her? Shush. No way"
He gestures to the right and that's when you see Artemis and all her hunters, sprawled out all across the hall with their bodies bare. None of them seems to be conscious.
"Do you know the reason I get caught? Because I intended to"
Another flex. Typical fucking Eros.
"Can you just get to the point? I can't promise you my mind and body will be in contact after a few minutes"
"You always skip the good parts Michael" He sounds almost regretful. "The thing is I enter Artemis's verse with the helm of darkness on purpose to lure her here"
"Why? You may ask. Because I want her to kill you"
You are really starting to hate that habit of Eros that always seems to refuse giving a straight up answer. The god has to get a little 'creative'.
"Why? To awaken the mark fully. To bring out its full potential. And you saw it didn't you? All the pain is worth it. It's a small price to pay for absolute power"
You hate yourself for believing the same thing. You would gladly traded all the blood you spilled to unlock the mark's secrets. Only you know what that power, that total certainity was like. It's like nothing else.
"So.....all the torturing Artemis did help the mark to reach its full power?"
"Exactly" Eros snaps his fingers.
"What about the helm of darkness then? Don't tell me you lost it"
"Oh no" Eros spreads his palm and the power symbol of Hades manifests with smoky tendrils. "I gave her a decoy"
Did what Eros said explain everything?
Not at all. This love god looks all jolly and easy going on the outside but sometimes, his action reminds you that you have no idea how twisted he actually is deep down. He has helped you obtained all this power and for what? And also something Artemis had said about someone else possessing the mark before you.....
Your question is interrupted by a loud chime reasonating around the hall. You have absolutely no idea this place has door bells.
Eros trails off before his eyes fix on a single door of many that circles the hall. This one is a set of tall marble doors with numerous designs of flowers and swans engraved on its surface. Seems like something Eros would absolutely love. But the god doesn't look so happy right now.
The doors swung open and bright rays of light flood the room. You have to put up your arms to shield your eyes. The glow finally subsides to reveal a figure, standing with arms crossed.

Anger lines are eteched onto Karina's face - offering a strak contrast to its otherworldly beauty. The leader of Aespa looks like she's going to explode any moment.
"Eros!" She grumbles. "What are you doing?"
The usual carefree look on Eros's face is no more. All you can see is fear and dread.
His lips part and seal rapidly like a seabass, unable to make a sound. After a while, realization dawns on his face that he can't escape this. And that's when he speaks.
♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
(This has been in my drafts for so long and I'm just too lazy to finish it. Might have gone a bit overboard with the word count. This is probably the longest fic I have written lol. Enjoy)
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WHEN YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW — james potter x reader.

SUMMARY. — the highlights of your relationship with james fleamont potter
PAIRING. — james potter x fem!reader
WARNINGS. — fuck around and find out; use of Y/N; english isn't my first language;
A/N. — so this is inspired by the masterpiece margaret by ldr!! also, first post, yay!!!

๋࣭ ⭑────୨ৎ────⭑๋࣭ first meeting; 6th year (1976)
"if you're gonna jump, i'd love to see you do a double flip." James' voice sounds out through the cold night air, and you can hear him chuckle as you turn around, eyebrow raised.
okay, you're totally surprised to see him here, way past the curfew, on the top floor of the astronomy tower while the wind whooshes rather lightly for the winter season. of course you know who he is, everyone at hogwarts knows him and his group of friends, the marauders. but, being a ravenclaw who doesn't stuck their nose in other people's business, you never had the pleasure of being a victim to one of their pranks.
"i'm not jumping." you reply after a moment, stepping away from the edge as you throw the muggle cigarette you'd been smoking to the floor, stomping it out. you reach your hand up, brushing your hair behind your ears, and for a while you two just stare at each other.
"everyone's already packing for the christmas break." he murmurs, adjusting the glasses sitting on his nose, a smirk playing on his lips and he strolls closer to you, leaning back against the railing. "you're going home, or not?"
your brows furrow, nose crinkling, as you eye him up and down suspiciously. you're pretty sure it's a bad omen that James Potter approached you just like that, out of the blue, but you decide to humor him anyway.
"no, i... i'm staying here." you answer his question, biting down on your lower lip, and you look away with a shrug. "don't you have a game tomorrow, Potter?"
"i do, Y/N. what, you gonna come?" James pushes his hands inside the pockets of his pajama pants, smiling at you, raising his eyebrow. you don't even try to ask how he knows your name, you probably don't want to know either way.
you shake your head and chuckle, the air escaping your mouth looking like smoke in the freezing weather. "quidditch isn't really my thing." you respond, and you chew on your words for a beat before adding. "catch the snitch for me, huh?"
he seems taken aback for a quick second, but lightens up soon enough, and nods eagerly. like a golden retriever, you think. with that thought, you take off, waving him goodbye as you swiftly disappear down the staircase.
๋࣭ ⭑────୨ৎ────⭑๋࣭ first date; 6th year (1977)
you stand in front of the only mirror in your dorm, most of your dormmates already out and about except for Sage, who's sitting on her bed and watching you closely as you fiddle with the hem of your dress.
"i look ridiculous." you groan, tugging down the tiny skirt of your outfit, glancing back at Sage. the dress is from a muggle friend of yours, apparently very in fashion now as she stated in her letter, but you can't feel more out of your element. it's not that you don't like clothes like that, it's just that you almost never wear them.
however, you're getting ready for a date with the James Potter, and you want to look your best. oh, and it's Valentine's Day, so you want to somehow prove to everyone who'll see you that you're worthy of James.
"you look great, stop whining." Sage rolls her eyes, munching on her chocolate frog, and she scratches her cat behind his ear.
you sigh, nodding at your friend's aggressive approval, then grab your bag, quickly putting your wand into it, and you saunter over to Sage's bed. you kiss her forehead, chuckling when you hear her let out an ew.
you leave your dormitory, run down the stairs, then sigh again as you get out of the common room, bracing yourself at the challenge of getting to the end of the staircase. and so it takes you some time, time that you spend overthinking almost every interaction you had with James in the two months you have known each other.
when you finally arrive at your meeting spot, your hair's all messed up and tousled, your eyes bloodshot from the wind and lips dry from constantly licking them. instead of Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop or the Three Broomsticks, James insisted on you two meeting here. in the Hogwarts grounds, near the Great Lake. usually, even during that time of the year, the grounds were full of students. but now, they're clear, except for a big red blanket on the snowy grass, with James sitting down there. there must be some spell casted around that area that keeps it warm, because James doesn't have his coat on. you approach him with a smile, dropping down next to him, and the heat hits you, making you loose your jacket soon.
for a moment, James just stares at you, mouth agape, his eyes shimmering with pure happiness. "you're beautiful." he breathes out as you nervously tug down your skirt, and a chuckle escapes your lips.
"thank you." your smile widens, and you look at the picnic basket he prepared, smelling the freshly baked cookies and the two bottles of juice. he notices your eyes wandering, his hand reaching out and grabbing a strand of your hair, untangling it gently.
"uh... i made the cookies myself." he murmurs, and when he meets your amused gaze, he shakes his head. "yeah, no i didn't. i asked the kitchen elves to make them. but they were more than happy to do it!"
you laugh heartily, feeling the blush creep up your cheeks at his touch, his hand dropping down and resting over your wrist.
๋࣭ ⭑────୨ৎ────⭑๋࣭ first fight; 6th year (1977)
exam season is really fucking with you this year. after last year's OWLs you really thought i'd be easier this year, but clearly not. you're running low on sleep, nourishment, and your patience. almost every waking moment you're spending in classes, doing your assignments or studying in the library with Lily and the other gryffindor girls with whom you've become quite close ever since you started dating James.
well, when it comes to James himself, you haven't seen him much lately. and when you do, it mostly goes one way with you doing both of your homework while James watches you with hearts in the place of pupils, and leaves kisses and touches all over your body.
it's 9.30pm on friday when you're making your way back to your common room after yet another study session in the library, being one of few students out in the hallways at this time. you turn round the corner, your body collapsing against someone else's, and you end up on the floor on your ass. a yelp escapes your mouth, and when you look up ready to shout at the idiot in your way, you realize it's your idiot.
"you look like hell, sweetheart." James smirks, glancing down at you as he leans in with outstretched hand, helping you up smoothly. you let out a huff, rolling your eyes, annoyed out of your goddamn mind, and you step away.
"wow, James, thank you. that's just what a girl wants to hear from her boyfriend after a shitty day." you murmur, wanting to just go past him, because you can feel your temper run short already. but of course, James being James, doesn't allow you to do so. he grasps your wrist as you try to pass him by, and you yank away the moment you feel his hand on yours. "sod off!" you hold your books closer to your chest, frowning momentarily.
"you've been ignoring me, Y/N." he says quietly, and it's probably the first time you hear him so serious and toned down. "i'm trying, i'm making effort, and you're acting like studying is the only thing that matters."
"because, right now, it is! it is to me!" you raise your voice, your hand clasping at the material of your shirt, and you shake your head. "i've been slacking off the whole spring because of you, and now i have all this shit to catch up. i don't have time for nonsense."
you don't even realize the blow that your words are to James, too sleep-deprived to notice the way his lips purse or how he almost seems to physically hurt at your statement.
"is that all you think we are? nonsense?" he whispers, ruffling his curls in an anxious gesture. "cause if that's the case, then i'll stop bothering you."
"no, James, you know that's not what i meant." you groan, shaking your head, and you step closer to him. "i'm sorry. i'm just so constantly tired and... sorry."
๋࣭ ⭑────୨ৎ────⭑๋࣭ first 'i love you'; summer of 1977
the sun is hitting your body in all the right angles, a cigarette dangling between your lips, as you lay on your back, on the jetty while the boys play in the water. you, Remus, and Peter have spend the past week at the Potter manor with James and Sirius, and James' parents. it's mid july, summer in all its glory, and you try to live it to the fullest.
you squeal and open your eyes the moment you feel drops of water fall all over you, and you're met with James' athletic figure right in front of you. he kneels down, face to face with you, quickly taking the cigarette from you and taking a drag. rolling your eyes, you sit up, pushing his shoulder playfully. you watch the rest of the marauders with a small smile on your face, Peter standing in the most shallow point of the lake and sipping on some fire whiskey, Sirius and Remus making out with only their heads visible out of the water. James rests his chin on your shoulder, one arm wrapping around your waist and tugging you closer against his chest, and you glance up at him through half-lidded eyes, observing the way he blows out the smoke.
"i love you." you whisper suddenly, as if the thought just struck you, your hand raising to push his glasses up his nose, and you lean in to plant a soft kiss on his cheek.
"yeah?" he replies, his voice having that cocky edge to it, but you can see his heart truly explode, eyes full of love. "i love you, sweetheart."
๋࣭ ⭑────୨ৎ────⭑๋࣭ engagement; fall of 1978
after a whole day of unpacking boxes and moving (using magic) furniture around, both you and James are truly exhausted. you’ve just moved into your first house together, having lived with James’ parents for the summer, and despite needing some renovations you are able to live in it without a problem.
as James takes a break on the couch, probably reading this month’s Quidditch Times, you’re trying to cook something for dinner. you’ve decided you don’t want to have a house elf, neither yours or James’ family ever had one, and you two aren’t changing that. but, that means you have to learn how to cook. which actually turns out to be quite the challenge.
two burnt lasagna-lookalikes in, you give up, your face red and eyes filled with frustrated tears. casting a quick cleaning spell, you leave the kitchen and head to the living room, expecting to see James there. but the space is empty.
„Jamie?” you shout out, looking around with a frown gracing your soft features, and after a moment of listening in, you hear him cursing somewhere outside.
and so, with your hands on your hips, already sure he’d just fucked something up, you make your way outside to your garden, through the living room backdoor. you’re immediately taken aback when you see daisy petals just laying around on the grass and it takes you a second to realize it’s a path. growing more and more suspicious you follow it, and it leads you to the small pond in the further corner of the backyard. the rocks around the pond are covered with lit up candles, and James is on one knee next to the wooden bench.
„hi, sweetheart.” he murmurs with a smile, holding a small velvet box in his hand, and as you come closer, you can see the tears already prickling in the corners of his eyes. he opens the box swiftly and the ring nestled inside must be the most beautiful rock you have ever seen. „i… i had a whole speech prepared, you know. about- well, you. us. but right now, looking at you, i cannot remember shit of what i wanted to say. the only thing i do know, and i always will, is that i want to look at you for the rest of my life. i want to see you smile, i want to make you laugh, i want to wipe your tears away. every single day. so, Y/N Y/L/N, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
you drop to your knees almost instantly, a sob escaping you as you’re at eye lever with him, and you just nod. you nod, over and over, letting your tears run down your cheeks, knowing that if you speak you’ll break down completely. James knows that too, and he silently slips the ring onto your waiting finger, bringing your hand to his lips and planting a soft kiss on each finger.
„oh, and before you say anything, i call dibs on the wedding date.” he whispers and you chuckle, pushing your lips against his before responding.
„yeah? so what’s the date?” you tilt your head, just staring at him with the stupidest smile on your face, with tear stained cheeks. you two look like idiots, kneeling in the dewed grass, but honestly you don’t care.
„december 18th.” James replies, clearly proud of himself for the mere idea, and his hands cup your face, thumbs brushing the tears away. „the day we met.”
๋࣭ ⭑────୨ৎ────⭑๋࣭ pregnancy; winter of 1980
you’re laying on your shared bed, fingers tapping against the huge curvature of your stomach, feeling your baby kick furiously inside you. you’re waiting for James to come home from work, as you’re already on bed rest, only two weeks away from your due date (which is january 31st)
you’ve been bored out of your fucking mind for the last few days, James putting in more hours at work before he has to take paternity leave when the baby comes, and everything in the house being all done and finished. everything babyproofed, nursery set up and ready, every single thing you could own for a newborn, you have. the only thing that’s left for you is resting and looking pretty, as James had said one evening.
your neck practically snaps from how fast you turn your head the moment you hear James apparate outside your house. you groan, quickly moving your hand to massage the back of your neck, and in just a few minutes James is standing in the doorway to your bedroom, a tired but oh so happy smile on his face.
„hi there, mama.” he mutters softly, dropping his suitcase and his wand onto the desk, getting onto the bed right away. he reaches out, tugging your shirt up to expose your big baby bump that’s covered with stretch marks, and leans in, placing kisses all over your belly. „and hi there, lad or gal. i hope you’ve been good to your mom today. daddy had a long day, you know.”
you smile, running your fingers through James’ curls as he rests his chin on your stomach, hands rubbing at your skin there, eyes set on your protruding belly button. you love when he tells you about his day in that way, talking to the baby about it, a habit you both created somewhere in your fifth month of the pregnancy, when you started showing more and more clearly.
„yeah? anything interesting happen today?” you ask quietly, gently playing with his hair, your tired gaze set on his face at all times.
„i won a bet with Sirius, which one of us would catch the most death eaters in an outing.” he hums after a beat, tapping his finger against your stomach, and both of you chuckle when the baby kicks so hard you can see its tiny foot stretch your skin. „yeah, your uncle Padfoot lost a bet. loser. daddy’s the best at what he’s doing, baby Potter.”
„merlin, you’re teaching our baby unhealthy rivalization and it’s not even born yet.” you roll your eyes, tugging at the ends of his hair teasingly, while he bats his eyelashes up at you.
„after all, they’re a Potter.” he murmurs lovingly, looking at your round and puffy from all the baby weight face as if he’s seen an angel, and he swears to himself that he’s falling in love with you over and over again every time he looks at you. „it’s in their genes, sweetheart.”
#james potter x reader#james potter x fem!reader#james potter#marauders#remus lupin x reader#sirius black x reader#the marauders#james potter x you#james potter x y/n#james fleamont potter
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i will never be convinced on rhysand the better high lord when tamlin opened his court to refugees during amarantha's reign, began celebrating festivities that didn't belong to spring just so they'd feel at home, played for them too with his silly fiddle omg, refused to send his people beyond the wall until he was desperate, felt them die because their bond as subject and high lord was just too great (sarah's words not mine), even buried a lesser fae in his court after he was brutalized by amarantha, dug the ground with his haaaands, said lesser fae wasn't even his subject but he offered him peace and company during his death anyway. then there's mister change takes time over here, has his people living in harsh conditions in camps, under a mountain where they cannot leave because they're more weapons than people. so if you were born anywhere in his court that's not velaris sucks to suck i guess.
don't even get me started on his family being in charge while he was gone for 50 yrs because their circus troupe didn't do squat either. cassian is a privileged boy who has lost all emotional connection to his own people. idk what azriel does besides do a job he doesn't even want to do and mope around i guess. morrigan hates her people, morrigan 'i'm the exception, everybody evil except for me and i will make no effort to change anything bc im too pretty for that'. amren. amren wtf even is she doing in the night court. not even from the lands and she's already named second in command, that's all i have to know about the high lord. what is she commanding? *in damian's voice* she doesn't even go here!!!
tamlin did more for spring and people from other courts in those fifty years than the ic will ever consider doing for the night court. morrigan couldn't lift a pinkie, if you mention doing anything for hewn city she'd start whining throwing up waa waa waa, grown ass woman. cassian kisses the dirt rhysand steps on, if he says bark he out here 🐕. amren is just there for shits and giggles. azriel.
so if anyone sat on their asses it's rhysand and his ragtag group of powerful people who don't do shit with it. illyrians still suffer in the camps, hewn city still trapped in a mountain where abuse is the norm. and they aaaalll stiiill haaaate youuur aaaasss 💥💥💥💥💥
#court of dreams fitting because their asses so far up the clouds they dont get back down#and feyre fits right in#with the people who dont take responsibility whatsoever#“this shit is so... ass” –nc citizens probably#anti night court#anti inner circle#anti rhysand#anti feyre#night court blink if you need help 😔#acotar readers blink if you need help#bc rhysand put on a paper 'i am the greatest high lord' and it brainwashed feyre AND THE READERS 😭#AND THIS IS WHY TAMLIN IS THE GOAT#MY HIGH LORD ‼️‼️‼️#wdym he played fiddle with the ppls...#he was... the people's... princess.... 😔#pro tamlin
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Bill's getting a makeover from Pacifica!! Yaaay
And what good will it do him?
Here's chapter 83 of human Bill Cipher being more of a prisoner in his body than in the Mystery Shack by this point: the shack's decided that the only possible thing that can save them from certain doom is getting Bill to flirt with a government agent, and Pacifica's recruited to help.
She does NOT know who her customer is.
"Folks, I'm not exaggerating when I say that out of all my duties as mayor, there's no greater honor than getting to host the county's annual Best Baby Ever Pageant and meeting all your beautiful and talented children. When I look in each young shape's bright little eye, and know that in this room are this county's future priests, police officers, teachers, doctors, entrepreneurs, maybe even the mayor of tomorrow... It gives me hope for the future." The mayor lowered his voice conspiratorially, "And it doesn't hurt that I get to declare it a city holiday and lock town hall's door for the day, either."
The parents in the audience chuckled appreciatively. Their children, who would have had the day off anyway and frankly found this a whole lot more work, mostly didn't.
"But all good things must come to an end, and we've reached the end of this year's competition." The mayor gestured to the contestants behind him, lined up in front of a temporary backdrop with a cheapy, shiny curtain. Most of the contestants were being held by a parent, but a few were old enough to fidget in front of the crowd all alone. "We've awarded all the individual prizes for each age bracket—which have gone to kids with any number of sides, with ages ranging everywhere from five years old to five hours old—and now all we have left is this year's grand prize!"
An enormous trophy waited to the mayor's side. It was plastic and hollow, but it was painted gold and taller than most of the children.
The mayor said, "And the winner of this year's Best Baby Ever award is... " Someone at the back of the hall played a pre-recorded drumroll through a tinny speaker. "The overall winner from the Age 0-6 Months category—Billy Cipher!"
Scalene let out a squeal of excitement that was audible over the applause. Bill startled awake in her arm and blinked sleepily around the room.
Several of the other parents on stage surreptitiously shot Scalene dirty looks—of course her kid had won, who could deny a newborn a prize on his birthday? It would be adorable. The judges had probably leaped at the opportunity.
Scalene shifted Bill in front of herself so the audience could see him better and so she could flash a hidden razor-sharp grin to a couple of her defeated rivals. That was exactly why she'd brought him today.
"Congratulations," the mayor said, placing a very tiny crown atop Bill. Bill endured this with patient, sleepy befuddlement. "Billy will be going home with the grand prize trophy and cash prize—as well as a full set of cutlery from our sponser, Knifeco Knives! But of course we'll hand that to mama to handle," he chuckled. "And the top winners from the other brackets will receive four-piece cutlery gift sets from Knifeco, which include—"
Scalene snatched the microphone from the mayor, jabbed him aside with one corner, and gushed to the crowd, "Thank you so much! I'm sure I'm speaking for my little Billy when I say just how grateful and honored he'll be when he's old enough to understand what a gift you've given him." She beamed out at the crowd, her flashy candy apple red makeup (she'd hastily slathered herself in side liner on her way to the pageant) drowning out every other shape on the stage—except for the naturally neon yellow infant in her arm. "As some of the pageant regulars—"
The mayor said, "Scalene, we didn't actually schedule time for the winners to make speeches—"
She sweetly whispered, "No one wants to hear about the sponsor, Otto," and pushed him aside. "As some of the pageant regulars here already know—I see you out there, hello!—I'm a pageant queen myself—(Miss Teen Curvy Strait three separate years!)—so, as a new mother, I'm so pleased that my little golden child is following in the family footsteps. I..."
The spotlights were blazing hot. She didn't understand how Bill—now wide awake again—could stare straight into the piercing lights without even blinking. Maybe he was blind; it would figure, considering what the afterbirth looked like.
Her knees were weak. Her sides screamed in pain. She shifted her grip to hold Bill more securely and to try to coax the sharpest spot of pain on that side to migrate to a fresh spot, shook off a wave of dizziness, and went on, "I hope that this is just the first of many future crowns for me—myyy sweet little Billy, ahem. I can promise you'll be seeing a lot of him in... in the..."
With a thud, she passed out and collapsed against the theater backdrop.
A nearby child squeaked in alarm.
"Scalene?!" Euclid was at the back of the audience, having snuck in during the closing ceremonies and hovered near the door where he could at least hear as the winners were announced. Now, as the mayor and several other pageant parents rushed to Scalene's side, he shoved his way through the crowd. "Move, that's my wife! Dang it, I told you to use your cane!"
One of the other mothers pulled out a copy of the program and fanned Scalene's eye. The mayor scooped up Bill and checked him for injuries. "Are you alright, little tri?"
Still too small to move himself, his eye darted in a panic to his mother's face, to the bright bright spotlights, to his mother again, to the blurry blue of his father buried deep in a sea of other shapes, to the mayor and the many strange faces crowded around him—and then he swallowed back his oversized eye to open his mouth and wail.
Which was the exact moment the stage curtain caught fire.
A bearded man with his hair done up in black liberty spikes and a spider web tattoo climbing up his left arm watched as Pacifica dumped several shopping bags of makeup onto her desk. "This visitor must be really important. You never pass up doing these guys' weekly grooming." He was sitting on the barn floor, brushing an alpaca with long, silky white hair.
"You have no idea." Pacifica stuffed the shopping bags in the wastebasket surreptitiously hidden under her far-too-big U-shaped executive desk, and quickly sorted the beauty supplies into their proper order of operations.
"Didn't you say it's Mabel and one of her friends? Mabel's here all the time."
"It's not just any friend, Spiderwebs!" Pacifica pulled a locket out of a desk drawer, ran over to Spiderwebs, and popped it open. "It's this friend! I've never met him before, all I know is that he has the most gorgeous hair I've ever seen. I have got to make a good first impression."
Spiderwebs and the alpaca inspected the locket's contents. He said, "You've never met him and you've got some of his hair in a locket?"
Pacifica flushed. "Th— Shut up!" She snapped the locket shut and stuffed it in a pocket. "I had the locket just lying around anyway, it's whatever."
At the sound of voices outside, Pacifica gasped. "They're here! Do I look okay?!"
Spiderwebs—whose entire outfit cost less than Pacifica's left sock and who quite frankly found the amount of makeup Pacifica wore concerning for a child her age—said, "Sure, fine."
"Great!" Pacifica bounced on the balls of her feet, squealed in excitement, and ran outside to greet Mabel and her friend. "Heyyy there! I'm Pacifica Northwest, it's so nice to meet—" She froze, "you..."
Before her stood a person with the most beautiful golden hair she'd ever seen.
Which was attached to a lady in a t-shirt, an eyepatch, a bedsheet, and cheap novelty slippers that look like fish.
On top of that, the lady was mildly sunburned (obviously no moisturizer), wasn't wearing a bra, was leaning on an umbrella like a cane, clearly hadn't shaved in a while, had a very obvious fake tooth, had a weird bulgy eye, sort of smelled like fish (please don't let it be the slippers), and, to cap it all off, was fat.
Pacifica was working on herself. She was trying to unlearn the lessons about beauty she'd learned from her mom, and from the child pageant circuit, and from all her judgy friends, and from the modeling industry. She was slowly getting comfortable with the idea that physical beauty wasn't everything.
However. So far, that meant she'd been working on accepting ideas like it's okay if sometimes I'm an 8/10 instead of a 10/10. She had not yet tackled the far more daunting proposition of internalizing concepts like it's okay if sometimes other people are ugly.
Which was a problem, if she was going to give this person a makeover.
She swallowed hard and rearranged her expectations for the afternoon.
"Hey Pacifica!" Mabel beamed at her. "Thanks sooo much helping! This is Goldie, he's your customer. Goldie, this is Pacifica." Mabel gasped. "Giorgio, you're lookin' so fiiiine!" She ran into the barn to greet the alpaca Spiderwebs was grooming.
Leaving Pacifica outside with a stranger with a very creepy smile. Pacifica said, "Ummm..."
"The feeling's mutual, haha." On top of everything else, Goldie had a weird, nasally voice.
He, Mabel had said. "Hey, um," said Pacifica, who had never actually been in this position before and wasn't quite sure the polite way to handle it, "not to be rude, but... are you a guy, orrr...?"
"I'm whatever makes this conversation easiest. Don't overthink it!" He swept around Pacifica, hands clasped behind his back and around his umbrella, and sauntered into the barn. Which was kind of impressive, because fish-shaped slippers didn't seem designed for sauntering.
"So... guy?" Pacifica tried.
"For you? Sure," Goldie said indulgently. "Our target's expecting a lady, though, so—" Without turning toward Pacifica, he gestured up-and-down at his body. "Expect to femme this thing up."
Pacifica bit her lips as she swallowed down the most profound disappointment of her life so far, readjusted her expectations for the evening, and figured out what to say. She may not have unlearned the instinct to be shallowly judgmental, but she'd at least made progress on learning to keep it in her head. Most of it. Some—some of it. She'd keep some of it to herself. "Oh-kay. I don't know what Mabel told you, but—just so you know, I'm not running some charity barbershop for the homeless, all right? I'm a professional. I take looks seriously. I'm not going to soften the truth just because you're Mabel's friend, so—if you're not okay with that, you should just go home now."
He turned to glance at her, his trajectory curving to the side as he did; and suddenly she felt like a very small fish being circled by a hungry stingray. "Wow! You and Mabel both had to warn me! At this point, I'll be disappointed if you're polite." Goldie laughed. "Don't worry, I wasn't expecting a barbershop." He used his umbrella to gesture around at the barn, "A barbershop would smell less like farm animals." He flipped up his eyepatch (he had a whole second eye under there?) so he could shoot Pacifica a sly sideways glance. "Maybe personality can make up for looks. Right?"
Pacifica's face flushed red. Personality can make up for looks was what Pacifica's mom said other moms told their ugly daughters when they entered pageants they had no shot of winning. "Hey, how dare you! Maybe this barn is an ugly salon—but it's a beautiful ranch!" She huffed, "Anyway, I didn't have a choice! I couldn't bring you home in front of my parents. You're better suited to the barn."
She regretted it the moment the words were out of her mouth—that was the kind of thing she was trying not to say to people as often—but Goldie's grin only widened. "Just do what you can with this flesh scarecrow I'm wearing, Alpaca. I know what beauty standards around here are like, I know what I look like, and I'm more apathetic about this body than you could possibly imagine. You won't hurt my feelings!" He flipped his eyepatch back down and glanced away from her, eye roving around the barn ceiling like a searchlight trying to find a stray bat. "Nobody goes to a coach because they're expecting to be told 'you're beautiful just the way you are'!"
A coach—like a pageant coach? He was making an awful lot of allusions to the pageant world. Just to make fun of her, or...? "You're lucky I'm not a coach. You couldn't afford my rates."
Goldie laughed. "You'd overcharge!" And then he ignored her, turning his attention to her one full-time employee. "Hey, Spiderwebs! So this is where you ended up! Workin' hard or hardly workin'?"
Spiderwebs looked up from the aplaca he was tending to to frown at Goldie. "Do I know you?"
"Know me? You picked a fight with me once!"
"Oh. Who won?"
"By the time I was finished with you, you were stone-cold unconscious!"
"That's probably why I don't remember it."
While Goldie was distracted talking to Spiderwebs, Pacifica knelt by Mabel—who was crouched to wrap her arms around Giorgio's neck and nuzzle him—and muttered, "Your friend's a major creep."
"What did he do," Mabel asked.
Pacifica thought. What did he do? Say he wouldn't be offended by brutal honesty? Tell her her barn smelled like a barn? "Nothing, it's just—the way he did it."
"Yeah," Mabel sighed. "We're working on his people skills." At least she didn't think Pacifica was crazy.
"Hey, does Goldie have any, like... beauty industry experience, that you know of?"
"His mom was a model," Mabel said. "And he did some stuff with beauty pageants?"
"Yeah? What kind of stuff?"
"Ummm..." Mabel grimaced uncertainly. "Tech... stuff...?" Okay, she clearly didn't have a clue. But that was what she'd wanted to know: yes, he was familiar with the pageant scene. She readjusted her expectations for the afternoon for the second time in as many minutes.
Apparently finished with Spiderwebs, Goldie called, "Anyway, I'm not trying to win ay supreme crowns!" Make that familiar with the pageant scene and wanted to make sure Pacifica knew that. "Just seduce some government agent who already thinks this is hot. You're lucky, we have an easy target!"
Mabel said, "This guy!" She unwrapped one arm from around Giorgio's neck to hold her phone out.
Pacifica took it. It was displaying a distinguished-looking middle-aged gentleman with a no-nonsense frown in a classy black suit. Her eyebrows went up. Ooh. The suit was kind of cheap, but it was well-tailored, which made a world of difference. Looked like he took care of himself, too. Definitely worked out. Too bad about the hair, but hey, Pacifica happened to know a great product that could help with that.
She put a hand on Mabel's arm. "I will help Goldie win his heart."
Bill hardly glanced around as Pacifica led them into her office; he was familiar with the space. By daylight, it looked less "rustic" and more "cutesy overpriced modern farmhouse."
"I've got everything set up in my office," Pacifica said, coming in with Mabel behind her. There was indeed a wide variety of makeup supplies spread out on her desk. "But the makeup has to wait, we've got to start with your hair."
Bill fought back a cringe. "Don't want to save the best for last?"
"Always do your hair first," Pacifica said firmly. She ducked through a door into a bathroom connected to her office. "That's your first fashion lesson. You can't wash your hair with a face full of makeup. And trying to use a blow dryer or hair iron around your makeup makes you look like a melting wax figure."
"I've seen those in person," Mabel said. "Pacifica's right, that's not a cute look. Especially when the eyeballs start rolling out! Apparently, wax figures' eyeballs are made out of glass?"
Bill made a beeline for the corner where he knew Pacifica kept a folding chair and asked, "Hey, what happened to all those eyes, anyway?" Mabel always needed new arts and crafts supplies, and he bet those would be great for jewelry.
"We stuck them in a big jar." Mabel was lurking in the bathroom door, watching Pacifica. "They're still cursed, though. They turn to look at you when you walk by."
"Even better."
"I can see why the Pines family likes you," Pacifica grumbled.
Bill could think of three Pines who would heartily disagree with that claim. "Oh, please! They can only wish they were half as weird as me." He set up the folding chair in the open space in front of Pacifica's desk—then froze. Huh.
Bill knew lots of things. He had trillions of eyes. He was used to walking into rooms and just knowing what was in them.
Except this room hadn't existed when he'd had all his eyes. It had been built after his death. So why did he already know what it looked like? How had he known where to find a folding chair?
He shut his eyes, trying to work through the déjà vu to picture what angle he'd seen the room at before, and where his eye must have been in order for him to see it; and then he looked at the wall beside the desk. There were several flat glass cases against the wall with alpaca wool goods sealed inside—a scarf, a sweater... He stared at his own face in the middle of a tapestry of his zodiac, preserved like a hunting trophy in a case labeled "First Blanket." Huh. It wasn't some local hick's den after all. Just a local rich girl roleplaying at being a hick.
He studied his true face for a long moment—and then cast a resentful look at the desk covered in makeup, in shades of beige and red. What would any of this sludge do for him? He'd be just as ugly at the end of it.
But Bill wasn't getting a makeover to look beautiful. He was getting it to seduce a human. And those were two diametrically opposed goals.
He missed his face so much.
"It's not illegal," Pacifica said.
Bill gave her a baffled look. "What?"
She pointed at the blanket, "It's not illegal to display a picture of the triangle guy as long as it's got that ring of symbols around it. It, like, repels him or something."
"Oh, does it," Bill said dryly. "It takes the evil eye to avert the evil eye, huh? Hey, maybe I should get one of these! Whaddaya think, Mabel?"
"I already told you I'm not making another!"
"But how am I gonna repel the triangle guy?" he asked, grinning impishly. "What if I'm in danger! The triangle guy could get me! Wouldn't that be terrible?"
"Knock it off! You already stole Soos's."
He expected Pacifica to come back from the bathroom with a brush or something; instead, she held up a spray bottle and said, "Okay, come in—and bring the chair." Bill's heart sank. "We're gonna have to rinse your hair in my sink, sorry."
Bill suppressed a sigh. "It's not the worst thing I've ever done to this hair!" He picked up the chair to carry into the next room.
"All I can do for now is rinse your hair. I don't have any shampoo for your hair texture because I did not think the situation was going to be this dire. No offense," Pacifica said. "You'll have to shampoo at home. You got the hair product samples I sent to the Mystery Shack, right? Were you able to order the full products? I don't know what your budget looks like."
"Don't worry about it, I still have the leftovers from the samples."
He watched in glee as Pacifica died a little on the inside. "Th— Those were one use sample sizes. It's been a month, how do you still have leftovers."
In truth, Pacifica severely overestimated the amount of hair product needed to keep hair clean; but on the other hand Bill was deliberately showering as little as he thought he could get away with and making up the difference in the downstairs half bath sink, so he didn't think smugly flaunting that he technically knew more about minimum human hygiene requirements than she did would make him look as cool and knowledgable as he wanted it to. "Don't worry about it!"
Bill cast one last longing look toward his true face; and then he followed the humans into the restroom to let them reorganize his stupid human hair.
"This is just a temporary measure," Pacifica warned as she dunked a few more of Goldie's curls in the sink. "You have got to take a real shower before your date. You literally smell like fish."
"What kind of fish?" Goldie immediately asked. "Is it salmon? If it's salmon I can work with that."
Sitting on the closed toilet lid, Mabel let out a long-suffering sigh; and Pacifica got the horrifying impression that this was an ongoing conversation.
"It... I don't... know what kind of fish."
Mabel said, "It's probably just the trout guts from yesterday." What the heck was life like in poor people's homes?
In Pacifica's opinion, Goldie's hair was both his biggest asset and his worst disaster area. It was that beautiful, natural, curly gold, like something out of a fairy tale; but it was nightmarishly tangled and there was literal sand in it, and he'd clearly used conditioner at some point in the last few days but he hadn't fully washed it out and it just made more sand stick.
Goldie was sitting in the folding chair with one arm rested on the lip of the sink and his cheek resting on his arm. Pacifica had to alternate between soaking his hair under the faucet and trying to gently untangle it, inch by inch, with a comb. To his credit, he patiently endured it without making a word of complaint, even though both the positioning and the manhandling had to be uncomfortable.
But he'd turned his face away from Pacifica and Mabel as much as he could from his awkward position; and whenever Pacifica moved to an angle that let her glimpse a bit of his face, his eyes were squeezed shut and his mouth was pressed thin in a grimace. The hand resting on the sink's lip had clenched into a fist, and his other hand was digging its (badly painted) fingernails into his thigh through his bedsheet skirt.
Hesitantly, she asked, "Are you comfortable?"
"I'll give it three out of five stars," Goldie said, "but if you want a lower score, I can try to find a worse angle for my neck!" He kept as much tension out of his voice as he could; but now that Pacifica had noticed it, she could tell his voice was a bit flattened.
"Never mind," she said. "No offense, but—when's the last time you combed this?" She'd been saying no offense a lot.
Mabel asked, "Have you done it since I brushed your hair at the sleepover?" He had Mabel doing his hair?
Goldie made a noncommittal noise. "I've washed it since then."
"That's not the same," Mabel said.
"You've washed it?" Pacifica asked skeptically. "Because you look like you've been sleeping in mud." She'd found a few flecks deep in his thick curls.
"Okay, in my defense," Goldie said, "it was just garden-variety heavy metal-enriched local dirt when I went to sleep. It only turned into mud while I was unconscious."
Pacifica stopped combing and leaned over to stare at Goldie, speechless.
With an air of affronted dignity, he said, "It wasn't my idea. I wanted to be indoors."
"Goldie's been having a really bad week," Mabel said.
"I've been having a really bad month," Goldie said.
Mabel asked, "Haven't you had a shower since you got home, though?"
There was a pause. Goldie muttered, "Yeah, but—it's hard to get through all that hair." (The worst part was, Pacifica thought he was telling the truth. The fact that she'd found mud so deep meant he must have washed the majority off the outer layers of his hair.) "I—I've been—tired, okay?"
He had that air of impatient irritation that suggested he was embarrassed, but trying to hide it because he was embarrassed of being embarrassed. Strange from Mr. Apathetic About His Body to be self-conscious. Why? Did he not know how to take care of his hair? (Maybe if he'd properly used the samples she'd sent him...)
But Pacifica thought back to Mabel showing her a lock of his hair at the beginning of summer—and the liquified roots, melted off. That wasn't an accident. Whatever depilatory cream he'd used had to sit there on the roots, it wasn't like he'd just grabbed the wrong product by accident. There was something more than ignorance going on here. Self-sabotage? But if it was intentional, why would he be embarrassed?
She could call him out, interrogate him for it—hey, she was supposed to be his style consultant, she needed to know what was going on—but if he was already getting defensive, he'd just clam up if he thought he was really under attack. Her mom got the same way when she was getting cagey about something and Pacifica was trying to figure out why. So she switched her focus. "Mabel—did you say you brushed his hair?"
"You meant 'combed his hair,' right?"
"No, I brushed it," Mabel said.
Pacifica stared at her. "Why."
Mabel stared back. "Because... combs are for short guy hair and for parting your hair? And Goldie doesn't have a part?"
Pacifica looked down at the big ball of frizzy curls that made up the bottom half of Mabel's hair and suddenly understood so much. "Oh, hon." What were her parents like. What did their hair look like. "You're supposed to comb natural curls. And only when they're wet, if you can help it."
"What. Why."
"It keeps the curls together," Goldie said, "instead of separating them all into separate strands."
Mabel's eyes widened. "Wait, that's the secret?! I thought that's what expensive shampoos are for!"
"The expensive shampoos make it worse," he cheerfully informed her. He'd brushed Pacifica off and sat up, chin in hand and hair dripping over his shoulders, so he could talk to Mabel. "It strips off the grease your pores naturally excrete to lube up your hair and replaces it with manmade grease! Which is why your hair dries out when you stop using the fancy shampoo. It's a big scam!"
Mabel stared at him in shock; then asked, hesitantly, "My strawberry shampoo?"
"A dirty traitor," Goldie said. "It's one of those toxic friends that manipulates you into depending on them and then tells you you're nothing without their help! There's half a dozen chemicals you wanna avoid in shampoo—I don't remember all their names but I can draw their chemical structures, Sixer can translate 'em into English for you."
"What else am I doing wrong?"
"You shampoo your hair too often," Goldie said. "And blow dry it. Which is fine if you want to keep that dry frizz! But somehow I don't think you do!"
Okay—so he clearly did understand curly hair care. (Or at least, he understood it as much as Pacifica, whose knowledge came entirely from reading magazine articles that technically weren't aimed at her.) Then why didn't he do it?
Mabel dragged her hands down her face. "So all this time, I've been messing up your hair too? Goldiiie, why didn't you say anything!"
"I didn't really care!"
Pacifica said, "Okay no, I am not standing for this. Goldie, out. Mabel, sink. It's some kind of crime for me to know more about curly hair than you do. I'm showing you how to do this the right way."
Goldie sighed in relief and escaped as Pacifica subjected Mabel's hair to the faucet and comb.
(Here's this week's What Was Edited Due To TBOB summary: the pageant scene itself was already planned, but obviously, all the details—it's the day he was born, the mayor's there handing out knives and declaring it a holiday—came from the info we get on Bill's history via TBOB. Finding a way to make the knives make sense was fun. Nothing major in the rest of the chapter was changed.
Hope you enjoyed! Next week is more Pacifica!)
#(I'm forbidding myself from drawing backgrounds in chapter art until March)#(If i draw a background put a skunk in my inbox)#bill cipher#human bill cipher#(for the art & chapter)#pacifica northwest#mabel pines#(for the chapter even tho they aren't in the art. this is pacifica's chapter!!)#scalene cipher#(<- yknow what?? she gets a big scene too. might as well tag her.)#gravity falls#gravity falls fic#gravity falls fanart#fanart#my art#my writing#bill goldilocks cipher
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(Also, Aemond is also a biter but that’s exclusively during sex when he’s completely overwhelmed and he bites hard enough to bruise. He always feels terrible afterwards but you think it’s a small price to pay to see him completely broken down by pleasure)
Hello sir/ma’am/gender neutral term to show respect, I have the physical need to hear further thoughts about this.
Maybe about the first time Aemond does this? And he’s a bit ashamed and all apologetic (he might even cry a little) because he didn’t mean to hurt reader!! But reader just felt so good, and he was so overwhelmed. And aftercare of course because our boi deserves it all
Of course! I’m utterly obsessed with anything to do with Aemond losing control and just letting himself feel.
Subby NSFW Aemond below the cut! It starts out a bit angsty but I promise it ends well.
So to start, Aemond prides himself on being put together and composed. He’s not his brother. No one will ever find him stumbling out of pubs and brothels in the early hours of the morning, nor will he ever make a fool of himself in court through a lack of knowledge. He is good, he is prepared, and he prides himself on his composure.
Except no one ever told him that falling in love can make a person lose all that composure. Perhaps if his first time wasn’t that brothel worker and he didn’t have such a screwed idea of sex that he wouldn’t touch another woman until his marriage, then perhaps he would have expected this. But of course that didn’t happen.
I also think a large part of his poor outlook on marriage would be from witnessing his parents' marriage? Anyone with eyes can see that Alicent is not even slightly in love and just doing what she thinks is best to gain power for herself and her children.
Aemond may avoid sexual contact after that brothel incident, but that's not to say he's naive in any way. He knows the guards would summon Alicent to Viserys's chambers where she would be forced to lay with him before returning to her own bed.
This, he believed, was what marriage meant for noble arranged couples. There was never intimacy or care or warmth, only ever duty and thinly veiled resentment.
So when he meets you for the first time and Alicent says you're to be his wife, he doesn't quite know what to expect but he certainly doesn't expect how reasonable you are? He never expected a friendship to form never mind a relationship and yet he found himself searching for you in crowded rooms before he had even said his vows.
You and Aemond get along better than anyone ever expected and well, Aemond has no fucking idea what to do now.
Pretty quickly you realise Aemond seems to have two states? He’s either cool and calm and very collected, every word he speaks is carefully chosen and no one can get under his skin or get him to reveal anything about himself. Or he’ll be very flustered and whiney and he can’t even string a sentence together, he’ll end up clingy and unsettled, shaking until you pull him into your arms and then only settling when he can hold onto you.
There is no in between. Aemond has never found an in between because he’s never been anything other than composed until you come along and suddenly he’s feeling a whole new range of emotions and for the first time he actually doesn’t want to be closed off?
(Sidenote: the single most important realisation Aemond has is when he realises he actually wants you to see that side of him? He loves you, and you love him, and you’re the one who has made him feel so warm and soft and so… so loved and he realises that he actually wants you to see that? You did that to him, you deserve to see how you effect him)
Anyway, let’s address the actual point now.
The first time things get really intense between the two of you is a few weeks into the marriage, once you're regularly kissing and cuddling and Aemond is beginning to rely on your touches and confidence. Maybe Aemond had even eaten you out a few times. It takes a while of Aemond refusing to let you reciprocate before he finally feels safe enough to let you touch him properly.
The first time you do, you end up stroking him while straddling his thighs. What really ruins him about this is how it goes against everything he ever expected? He's sitting in a comfortable chair besides the fireplace in your shared chambers, he's warm and safe and he feels so... at ease? There is none of the horrid vulnerability he experienced at the brothel but also now of the sterile nature he came to expect as a result of Alicent and Viserys.
Instead it's just... good? That't it. There's nothing complicated or hidden or anything. That's what makes him completely unravel, this unparalleled safety and love that just lets him let go.
He whines and cries and bucks his hips without any care for how pathetic he probably looks. He can't help it, especially not when you're smiling down at him and calling him pretty and stroking his cock.
When he gets close, he warns you and just tell him to let go.
He ends up gripping your hips hard and burying his head in your shoulder as he rides out an orgasm that takes his breath away. He doesn't even realise it until he pulls away, but he bit your shoulder pretty hard when he came.
You felt it of course, and it wasnt exactly pleasant, but the way he smiled at you once he recovered enough and slouches back against the chair without an ounce of tension in his body made it well worth it. He can bite you as many times as he likes if it means you get to see him like this.
He, of course, absolutely panics when he realises. He sees how your shoulder is already turning red and the only reason he hasn't ran out the room is that you're literally on his lap.
You try to reassure him that you arent upset, but your words seem to fall on deaf ears. In the end you have to grab the hair at the bottom his neck and tug hard enough that he stops speaking and gasps as his head gets pulled back. You keep him like that, keeping your grip on his hair tight, as you tell him that you arent upset, not at all. You tell him that you know it wasnt meant to hurt you, and also that you're fine. You arent upset, he's still so good for you.
He calms down enough then to be led to bed.
But the next morning is when a rather interesting development occurs. You wake up to discover a dark purple bruise on your shoulder in the shape of a bite mark. You can see exactly where his teeth were. You touch it and it stings, but you arent upset about it.
What really shocks you though is how when Aemond wakes and sees it, he kinda loses his mind? Not because he thinks he's hurt you, but because you have a mark from him. You've literally got his bite mark on your shoulder how the fuck is he supposed to function now??
#sub!aemond#aemond targaryen smut#aemond targaryen x reader#prince aemond#aemond one eye#aemond targaryen#hotd aemond#aemond x reader#house of the dragon#house of the dragon fanfiction#hotd#house of the dragon imagine
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𐙚 gets sooo sleepy after she eats. Except for when she's having breakfast, since she's definitely a morning person she has the most healthy massive breakfast ever.
𐙚 definitely eats gym food. The most it tastes like cardboard the more she likes it. And always makes you eat what she eats, no excuses.
𐙚 takes you everywhere she goes. Gym? You go too. Work? She's driving you to your job or waking you early in the morning to take her to hers.
𐙚 cuddles, all the time, any reason or no reason at all. When she's had a bad day, when you're stressed, when you haven't got enough time for each other.
𐙚 loves what you love. She'd to her research whenever you seem interested in something.
𐙚 that's a hundred percent how she made you fall in love. Like, you not even talking to her strictly but just to your friends about something you like and then she remembers? And not only that, she also did research? Just to be able to talk more with you?
𐙚 makes Playlists for you. For the two of you, with songs that are special for both or for you, she's just so in love :(
𐙚 adores massages. Scalp and back massages to be more specific. She never ever doubts on not even asking you but placing herself over you/ cuddle and thats how you know she needs one.
𐙚 plans lots of dates and is the most romantic about it? Picnics and movie nights and stuff, religiously every weekend If possible
𐙚 loves going on trips with you.
𐙚 big on holidays, special dates. She’ll make of it a big deal just for you :((
𐙚 her love language is either physical touch or acts of service if not both. This woman is 25/8 at your service.
𐙚 she loves deep. Adores your face your body your voice your everything
𐙚 she definitely learns everything about you, not in a creepy way but in an I wanna know your culture, your favorite food, your thoughts so I can understand you and be there for you all the time
𐙚 you have a pet? She loves them. It's her baby the second you show it to her no matter what it is (ofc if it's a dog she's already on her knees omfg)
𐙚 whenever you're out together she'll be paying attention to you most of the time. Knows when your social battery ran out, knows when you secretly (not so secretly) hate someone. And always makes sure you're comfortable (the type to give you her jacket when it's too cold, her food when you're still hungry, leave a place with the excuse she has shit to do because she knows you're not comfortable with the people or the ambience or whatever)
𐙚 not to bring Owen or the boat scene but I think people forgets she literally fell asleep so... Abby is definitely a big fan of aftercare.
𐙚 I repeat, she's very productive but sleepy and needs you there with her to take ner naps (such a grandpa fr)
𐙚 biggest spoil lover. You want anything you're getting it right here right now
𐙚 wants a family, I said it, do not argue
𐙚 she's taking you every chance she gets with her (arguing with Isaac to not let you with anyone that's not her)
𐙚 doesn't see the need to bring trinkets for you whenever she goes on patroll or let you bring stuff bcs they just take space, but, she'll find a way to make you the most delicious food, or exchange her own stuff to get you better clothes, shoes, blankets. Anyways, loves 'gifts'
𐙚 whenever you go out, you're either in front of her so she can see you or behind her if there's danger.
𐙚 she hates waking you up whenever she has nightmares but sometimes she can't help but seek for you. Holding your hand in your sleep, cuddling closer, trying to match or focus on your breathing, anything but waking you up :(
𐙚 she trusts you with her life. But also doesn't because she knows your life doesn't really depend on you but on people who could harm you.
𐙚 hates seeing you tired or starving after tough days, even though she knows she'll take care of you or make it easy for you to take care of yourself, she just wishes you could never ever have do anything.
𐙚 lives flirting with you. And then gets too conscious about it bcs of manny
𐙚 she takes holidays seriously and makes sure to celebrate like people used to :(
𐙚 also, celebrates your birthday in the most pretty way, making sure it’s super extremely special for you ever single time
𐙚 very specific, but being accurate to the game. She'll never put you in any danger while searching for Joel. I think that would definitely put the relationship in a risk instead but that would also make her realize how tough the whole situation is, like, she'd be more aware that doing all this could lead her to lose you or vice versa.
𐙚 hates to do it but sometimes (most times) makes you clean the dishes or fold the clothes (you know like what she did with manny, that type of stuff)
𐙚 if you like dogs she's making sure to get you one (like Mel and Alice situation)
#( 𓍼𓈀A𝕽𝐂𝐇𝖎V𝕰 ⨟ 𓍯 abby )#abby anderson x you#abby anderson fluff#abby anderson x female reader#abby anderson fanfic#abby anderson x reader#abby anderson fic#abby anderson tlou2#abby anderson#abby headcanons#abby x masc!reader#abby x y/n#abby x fem!reader#abby x you#abby x reader#abby x black reader#abby x reader fluff#abby fluff
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❝ Good Morning, Pretty ♡ ❞
❝synopsis❞ ‣ jjk men in bed with their crushes.
𓆩☆𓆪 PAIRING(S) › jjk men x afab!reader 𓆩☆𓆪 GENRE(S) › fluff 𓆩☆𓆪 WORD(S) › 3.7K+ » 25min read 𓆩☆𓆪 WARNING(S) › drinking・one bed trope・cuddling・school boy crushes・nanami being a karen・everything to lover(s)・suguru having an internal crisis・jjk men being sweet・nothing really happens honestly just fluffy times ♡ 𓆩☆𓆪 POST DATE › 02.17.2025 𓆩☆𓆪 NOTE › nothing here besides this is barely edited and I've had this sitting in my drafts for a little while. haha, anyways enjoy beauties! ♡
❝featuring❞ ‣ nanami kento, gojo satoru, kamo choso, fushiguro megumi, itadori yuji & geto suguru ♡
‣ nanami kento ♡ ↳ co-worker(s) to lover(s) | reader(s) outfit
Kento is a respectful man.
So when the two of you were out on a mission that required you to stay at a hotel overnight, he did everything in his power to make sure to get a room that would not make you uncomfortable.
Unfortunately with the hotels being booked for the weekend, the only rooms available had single beds. That just won't do.
He politely asks the clerk to check again for any possible cancellations as she told him there had been one for a double bed room.
Glancing over at your sleeping form, he gives the taxi the address as he updates Yaga and Ijichi on your status and whereabouts, telling them not to worry.
Everything seem to be going as planned, arriving at the hotel in a timely fashion. The check-in didn't take too much time either until Kento asked for confirmation that you were given the right keys and it was indeed a double bedded room.
As soon as he was told otherwise, he was infuriated.
"This is unacceptable."
"I'm sorry, sir. There was a mix-"
"I want to speak to your supervisor." Nanami huffs but before he continue his tirade, you place a hand on his bicep to move him away from the counter. He looks at you dumbfounded before clearing his throat and fixing his tie. His heart thumping a mile a minute at how close you are. "W-Why are y-"
"You're making a scene, Ken..." You smile toward the clearly distraught employee as you take the second keycard. His hand trembling, you know the brashness in Nanami's tone scared the poor boy. "It's fine. We can make it work."
Thanking the clerk, you pull Nanami toward the elevator to avoid the gazes of on-lookers. Some disgusted with his behavior, others annoyed at his out burst... you just want to leave the scene unscathed, freshen up and go to bed.
"I'm exhausted. I just want to go to bed. Please..."
"R-Right... My apologize. I didn't want you to be uncomfortable is all." He gives a strained smile, mentally smacking himself when he realizes he let something so insignificant get to him.
"It's okay." You simply nod, letting go of his arm as the door to the elevator close.
The ride up is quiet and finding your room is easy as you're now sat on the side of the bed, digging through your bag to find your night clothes. Sleeping arranging being the topic of discussion.
He doesn’t care where he sleeps as long as you're feeling safe and comfortable. He doesn't mind putting your needs before his own because he couldn't possibly let you take the couch.
You, however, insist that you're both adults and it doesn't have to be weird! Just two adults going to sleep (that's all). Right?
Except, Nanami's brain kicks into overdrive the moment both of you change into your nightclothes. You look so cute in your little romper (at least, he thinks that's what you called it) as he watches you move around the room.
Mesmerized how the navy blue compliments your beautiful skin color. He notices he can see all your curves in all of your glory and he loves the cute cherry pattern that repeats itself all over your body.
He turns away to catch his breath but if you were to look at him now, you'd know that something was wrong. Especially when he looks over to see you bent over and the shorts are riding up your ass.
"Are you okay, Ken?" You ask, rubbing lotion into your hands and walking toward the right side of the bed.
"Hmm?" He blinks rapidly, eyes searching your face as confusion overtakes your features. God, why were you so breathtakingly beautiful? "I-I'm okay?"
It comes out as more of a question than anything as he lays down to turn his back to you.
He can still hear you moving around the luxurious hotel after brushing your teeth and washing your face. He wonders if you're this active when you're at home. He can imagine watching you with a soft smile as you talk about your day and how much you hate the higher-up's while doing your nightly routine.
With your soft spoken manner, he could listen to you talk about anything for hours.
He knows he doesn't have the right to think about you like that but… He can't help it.
"Ken? Did you hear me?"
"I'm sorry. No I didn't." He clears hit throat and turns to lay on his back as he's met with you standing with your hand on your hips.
"Ijichi said he'll be here around eight in the morning so we need to be up by six thirty."
"Right." He says, condemning himself for letting his eyes roam your body because you're not a piece of meat for him to gawk at.
What the hell is wrong with him?
You slide into bed, ignoring the weird look on his face and pull the covers over your you to settle into bed. As you try to make yourself comfortable, he seems to be spiraling in his mind.
This is what he was afraid of!
You're so close, yet so far away and all he wants to do is cuddle up next to you. Be in your warmth but he has to tell you. He needs to tell you.
Should he finally confess to you now? Should he wait? He's waited long enough has he? Is it even the right time?
Arm draped over his eyes, he closes them as he feels the burn from the exhaustion. He tries to get his mind to relax but it's proven to be in vain when all he can think about is you.
"Yes?" He says your name with so much exhaustion you feel bad for possibly keeping him awake, unaware that you're the reason he can't seem to fall asleep. "Are you okay?"
He hums as a response before letting the air settle into quietness.
It isn't until he he's made up his mind to tell you that he calls your name but hears your soft snores instead. Realizing you're already sleep.
Nanami sighs, wishing he could do the same as he tries to recount where his feelings for you began until he's finally able to fall asleep to the soft of the white noise of the hotel room.
The night passes in a blur when he slowly comes to as both of your alarms blare.
You've completely made your home on his chest. He couldn't lie, it was nice to wake up in your arms. You fit perfectly but he's not sure how you'll react to the revelation once you awaken.
He quietly untangles himself to head to the restroom as you grumble about missing warmth.
Maybe when he finally gets the courage to confess, he’ll be able to do it more often.
‣ kamo choso ♡ ↳ best friend(s) to lover(s)
There's something soft and sweet about being able to sit and talk with your crush best friend, regardless of where the two of you are. Like magnets, you always seem to find your way to him and vice versa.
Is what Choso would say if he wasn't sweating bullets, nervous about wanting to tell you how he truly feels.
Being able to talk about any and everything while cuddling with the one you love is the best feeling in the world but he wishes he could do more. He wants to be more than just a friend because... Well… he loves you. He's in love with you and he's finally come to terms with his heart.
Only problem is he doesn’t know where your feelings for him stand but that doesn’t matter right now.
The only that matters is how pretty you look as you continue to talk about the movie you took Yuji to see while he was busy with work. He can’t help the smile that makes its way across his face. He listens. Although your voice is beginning to come out as a whisper the sleepier you get.
It's so damn adorable.
“‘m not sleepy…”
He takes that as his cue to toss your favorite blanket over the both of you.
”Your voice says otherwise, lovely.”
You groan but don’t say a word, letting him pull you into his chest as he chuckles at your annoyance. You didn't want to fall asleep but ended doing so quicker then expected. He takes that moment to admire you.
He knows best friends don’t do things like this but he can’t help but want to do it with you. As he gazes at your lips, he wants to be able to kiss you when he can.
Instead, he leans in closer to kiss your forehead, feeling you squirm in his grasp.
There’s a certain softness that follows as your breathing evens out more. You look so peaceful and it takes everything in him to not coo at how cute you are.
He rests his chin on top of your head and smiles as you cuddle deeper into his arms. He knows it's not ideal to sleep on the couch so makes the split second decision to move himself to be able to pick you up to carry you to his bed.
You whine from the loss of body heat but once you feel him again, you snuggle deeper into his arms.
Laying you down and leaving (although he doesn't want to go) is harder since you won't let go of his shirt.
You don't have to tell him twice as he takes the opportunity to throw the cover over both of you to let you finally get some sleep.
"G' night Princess."
You hum, falling back asleep as Choso rubs his hand up and down your arm and smiles softly.
Even if things don’t work out the way he wants them, he’s content with how things are now. He doesn't want to rush you into anything and he doesn't want you to feel obligated to say 'yes' if he asks.
Although, he does wishes you would give a chance.
A chance to show you he can be right for you. A chance to show you he can love you the way he knows you need to be loved. A chance to show you that you're it for him and he doesn't want anyone else.
He’s willing to do whatever it takes to show you.
‣ gojo satoru ♡ ↳ stranger(s) to lover(s)
Another day, another date.
This would be the fifth date within the last two weeks and Satoru couldn't have been happier.
Deciding on dinner and a little bit of ice skating this time, you're completely exhausted after trying to keep up with him.
He can see it in the way you're dragging your feet and how you're talking much slower than before. He should let you go home but there's something in him that just doesn't want to let the date end.
Insisting on having a little movie marathon at his place, he mentions you can sleep over if you don't feel up to driving home.
What's the worse that can happen?
Not even thirty minutes into the movie, you're already slumped as you're laying your head on his shoulder. He can't help but chuckle, unsure of what he should do. He doesn't mind laying with you in bed but he doesn't know how you'll react and the last thing he wants to do is make you uncomfortable.
So, he maneuvers you so he can lay back against the armrest as he moves your body away from the edge so you don't fall and places a cover over the both of you.
There’s a sense of peace that comes with being someone you're starting to develop feelings for and right now Satoru feels that with you.
He can't help the smile that spreads over his face at the sight of you snuggling into his chest, squishing against it. Granted, maybe the couch isn’t the best place to fall asleep together but if he’s with you, he’ll be fine. He'll gladly take that crook in his neck or back pain.
He wants to kiss you but he's unsure of how you'll feel about since it's something you haven't done yet. He also wants you to be conscious when he kisses you as well.
So instead, he simply opts for watching the television until he can he fall into dreamland too.
Morning comes sooner than expected as he honestly hadn’t expected to fall asleep with you but he’s glad you’re getting your rest too. Especially after all the overtime you mention you've been working.
He loves the way the sun light shines through the curtains of his window, casting a angelic glow to your face. His gaze softening as he caresses the side of your face, thumb lazily rubbing circles into your cheeks.
You look peaceful.
He can’t help but hold you closer, not wanting to let go but of course, that causes you to stir. A lazy smile grazing your pretty features as he chuckles at how cute you look.
“What time is it?” You groan, rubbing at your eyes as Satoru leans over to light up his phone to check.
“08:40, beautiful.”
“Shit!” You jump up, accidentally kneeing Satoru as he groans in pain. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry!”
“It’s okay.” He grits through his teeth as his hand flies toward his dick, you’re such a cluts...
But you’re a pretty cluts and well, he can get used to that.
‣ geto suguru ♡ ↳ friend(s) with benefit(s) to lover(s)
Suguru was ecstatic when you agreed to get drinks with him and his classmates. He loves that he would finally be able to spend time with you outside of only sleeping together. You couldn't wipe the smile off of his face even if you wanted to!
However, that only lasted until you and Satoru sat beside each other rather than you next to him. He hated being forced to witness you and Satoru joking together. Leaning on each other and smiling as if you've known each other for a while.
It made him feel like a third wheel.
Like he was the one intruding.
Even Shoko (in her drunken state) mentioned the two of you being perfect for each other but both of you quickly dismissed it.
Was he the only who thought it was a terrible idea? Suguru hated the idea of the two of you together.
You don't see the way Satoru glances at Suguru as you down your shot with a soft smile. You don't see the frown on Suguru face and the sympathetic look Satoru gives his friend because he knows all about his crush on you. Yes, you're a sweet girl but you're not Satoru's type. He sees you more as a friend than anything.
Plus, he wouldn't do that to his friend.
The night goes on when Suguru realizes how much you had to drink compared to everyone else (aside from Shoko).
Five drinks deep (with your confidence soaring) you slyly pull Suguru into a deep kiss before practically passing out in his arms. It was then everyone decided it was time to go.
He remembers telling Shoko and Satoru that he was going to make sure you made it home safely. He wouldn't have felt good sending you off on your own.
Waving down a cab as he carries you in his arms, he ignores said driver glare (granted he knows how this looks to an outsider) but it's clearly not that.
He gives the man your address, letting you lean on his shoulder to rest as he takes the chance to pull your hand into his lap to play with your fingers. Your soft snores being heard.
It doesn't take long to get to your place, pulling your keys from your pocket to let the both of you in.
Kicking off his shoes first, he takes off yours off next and leaves them by the door before picking you up again and carrying you to your room to lay you down bridal style.
"Suguru..." He stops in his tracks when he glances down to see you staring at him with the cutest pout he's seen thus far.
"Yeah Princess?"
"Stay with me, please..."
He notices you whine a lot in your drunken state and well, you were also incredibly strong as you yanked him by his arm for him to get in the bed.
He knew he should have fought harder but the way you were babbling so cutely about nothing had his heart pounding against his chest and he couldn't take how fucking adorable you are drunk.
He decides to let you get comfortable while laying against his chest so you could fall asleep. What he didn't expect was to fall asleep with you (maybe he was drunker than he thought he was).
He wakes up before you as he tries to untangle himself from you. He realizes his issue because you're very touchy when you're drunk as well.
He takes a deep breath before adjusting himself (the last thing he needs is for you to see is how hard you make him).
Although, he doesn't get far when you whine to ask him where he's going as he tells you the bathroom.
And well, doesn't notice that you followed him in there.
‣ itadori yuji ♡ ↳ childhood friend(s) to lover(s)
It had been a long night of gaming together when you finally expressed you were growing sleepy.
Yuji insisted you sleep at his place since it was well past midnight, going as far as to tell you he would sleep on the floor so you can have the bed.
You told him you weren't going to put him out seeing as it was his apartment. It would be unfair.
Although, everything you were saying was going in one ear and out the other as Yuji continued to prepare his makeshift bed.
It wasn't until he was going to grab a couple of pillows that you moved them so he couldn't.
"My pillows!"
You giggle before sitting on your knees with a pretty pout dawning on your lips. His breath hitched the moment you lock eyes and for a second, he forgets how to even breathe.
"I told you, you didn't have to do that, Yu..." You whine, crossing your arms over your chest before patting the empty space next to you. Yuji stares, choking over his words as he rubs the back of his neck.
"I-I just wanted to be a gentleman…"
“And that’s fine and all but I’m not going to kick you out of your own bed so c'mon.”
The both of you get comfortable and talk about any and everything until you fall asleep first. It gives Yuji a chance to get a good look at you.
The idea of confessing has been floating in his mind and he knows he will have to do it soon because he knows you have a crush on someone.
He just doesn't know who it is.
When morning comes, Yuji wakes first.
The first thing he notices is his arm is numb but he quickly chalks that up to him laying on it wrong.
It isn’t until he tries to turn over, he feels you snuggle deeper into his chest. It's only then he realizes what position he’s in.
There’s a soft blush that begins to creep on his cheeks when the magnitude of how close you two really are. He goes to move again but you whine for him to stop. You're so comfortable, you don't want to move.
There's no need to with it being Saturday after all.
It isn’t until you both hear the sound of laughter that you jolt upright, startling Yuji as he falls off the edge of the bed.
“Idiot!” Sukuna boisterous laughter sounds through the silent room as Yuji tries to slap his hand over the mouth that formed on his face. "Your heart is beating so fast it's hilarious!"
“Shut up!” Yuji eyes you as he watches you get up from the bed to rush off to the restroom, embarrassment written all over your face.
Does Yuji scold Sukuna?
Of course.
Does he care?
Not in the slightest.
‣ fushiguro megumi ♡ ↳ classmate(s) to lover(s)
Honestly, Megumi doesn't remember how he managed to end up in your bed.
The both of you told Gojo you were going to stay late to spar. It took up most of your night but truthfully, Megumi wasn't complaining.
Especially since it gave him more time to spend with you.
He's been wanting to confess his feelings to you for the longest but most of the advice given to him made him even more anxious to.
'They're strong! You sure you can handle them?'
'A grade one and grade two dating? You sure you aren't delusional?'
'Are you even their type?'
All these comments circled within his mind as he walks you back to your dorm. Hands in his pocket and a soft pout gracing his lips, how was he to confess to you? Did you even feel the same?
"Are you even listening to me?" A soft giggle graces his ears and in that moment, he realizes just how much you make his heart race! He wonders if you even know how much you do. "Fushiguro?"
"Sorry. What were you saying?" He tries to play it off but he knows exactly what you were saying because he could listen to you go on and on about any and everything.
Right in this moment though, you were talking about something Nanami had taught you and damn, he's trying his hardest to suppress a warm smile.
As you're walking home, it suddenly began pouring rain. He knew he felt little droplets earlier but he thought you had more time to make back to the dorms.
Being the sweetheart that you are, you ask if he wants to stay until the rain eventually blows over. Your excuse? You didn't want him to catch a cold (which is sweet of you, he thinks).
Plus, he would be safe and dry (which caused his cheeks flush at how nervous he was) as he agreed.
Fighting over sleeping on the floor wasn't something he saw himself doing with you but he found it endearing. The moment you told him you would, he instantly told you no. He didn't mind sleeping there but he refuses to let you sleep anywhere but the bed.
It's silly, really.
Eventually you agree on both sleeping in the bed since you did have a king size. There was more than enough room for both of you.
As you finally fall asleep, Megumi lays staring at the unmoving ceiling as he listens to the pitter patter of the rain. He glances over at you a few times and can't help but smile at how peaceful you look.
"Maybe one day..." He whispers, turning his back to you as he closes his eyes to finally sleep.
What he hadn't expected was to wake up with you fully cuddling into his neck! He tries to still his heart from beating so fast but it's useless when he can feel your breath on his neck.
His eyes widen at the thought of how close you are as you smell so sweet. He's embarrassed that he even decided to sniff you in the first place.
He was doing well, trying to play coy because he didn't want you to know he likes you simply because he couldn't handle the rejection.
But... now... as he turns over to watch over you as you snuggle into his chest, he thinks he might have a chance.
He wants to tell you how he feels.
No matter the outcome.
© GOJOKIVE 2024-2025 ➳ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PLEASE DO NOT Copy, Translate, Re-Upload, or Steal ANY of my work. thank you for reading! & remember: you nice, keep going.❤️ comment/reblogs(s)/like(s) are totally welcomed! › read more work here: masterlist ‹

#❛ 🌷 𝚌𝚢𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚜 🖊#jujutsu kaisen#jjk men x you#jjk men x reader#nanami kento#gojo satoru#choso#kamo choso#jjk#itadori yuji#geto suguru#megumi fushiguro#jjk men x y/n#jujutsu kaisen men x you#satoru x reader#gojo satoru x reader#choso fluff#nanami fluff#satoru fluff#fluff suguru#megumi fluff#yuji fluff#megumi x reader#jjk headcanons#jjk hcs
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hairdresser reader- headcanons
hyun-ju x fem!hairdresser reader
summary: hyun-ju needs a haircut
tags: fluff, hyun-ju is some what insecure, hyun-ju past in the military is mentioned like one time, light mention of transphobia, alternating povs ig, really bad english
a/n: i like the idea of this, i hate this. i wanna be more active tho, i won't have anymore exams or tests or anything until the 25 so 🤞🏻🤞🏻
first thing you noticed about her is how hot she was, literally.
her hair are naturally soft and luminous, when she told you she doesn't use much products except shampoo and conditioner you didn't believe her.
she's a bit shy at first, but as the time went one she started to feel more comfortable.
you were used to talking with your clients, but, as much as you loved them, they couldn't compare to hyun-ju at all. talking with her was easy and even if you had just met her you felt like you've known her for ages.
she didn't want a drastic change, so you just fixed her bangs and trimmed the split ends.
as she was leaving you gave her your phone number to book her next appointement. and maybe get to really know each other, but you didn't say that.
hyun-ju too was extremely happy about the whole experience.
you were basically a ray of sunshine become human. she felt confortable with you, something that had never happen to any other saloon.
she wished she could have you as a friend, maybe more.
spending most of her life in the military she could never do much with her hair and ever since she was discharged she money have been tight so she learned how to do her own hair, going to get them professionally cut rarely, when she wanted to spoil herself. there was only one problem: she did not have a trusted hairdresser.
and while if this only happened every few months, finding a new an hairdresser really stressed her out. every saloon she liked was always either closed or booked for months or they were too expensive. and in general she hated going to new places, ever since she started transitioning she was always afraid the owner of the saloon would throw her out. it only happened once or twice but it still happened and it was extremely humiliating.
she found your shop by chance.
a flyer advertising your store ended up on her car. when she got home she tried to search for it online- she found the social media page with a few post of the hair they've done, but since it was a new opening there were no reviews yet. she wouldn't have risked it if it hadn't been for what they were offering to new customers: the first cut and blow-dry were free. and the place for near her home anyway.
the saloon was nice, it looked like it came out of a movie and the air smelled like caramel and vanilla. at the entrance there was a small counter with the cash register, behind it a young woman, hair covering her face as she wrote something down in a notebook. hyun-ju approched her with a kind smile and a small "hi".
"hello! how can i help?" now that she could look at her face hyun-ju had to admit that she was really pretty. "do you need to book an appointment?"
"i already have one actually... uhm should be under cho hyun-ju". the girl flipped through the pages of wht hyun-ju recognized being the notebook she was using before. "oh yeah here you are! well, hyun-ju you can go sit on that chair," she said pointing to the only available chair on the other side of the room. "i'll be to you right away!"
#cho hyunju x reader#cho hyun ju x reader#hyunju x reader#hyun ju x you#hyun ju x reader#cho hyun ju#cho hyunju#hyunju squid game#hyun ju#hyun ju squid game#squid game#squid game x reader#squid game x y/n#squid game season 2#squid game x you#🦑:sg
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birds of a feather.
'til im in a grave.

Kn8 + love. Self explanatory
Gender neutral!reader for the boys, fem!reader for Mina's and Rin's, I do whatever I want
Kafka Hibino is really sweet when he's in love. Not particularly flirty in any sense, but he's cute and kinda sappy. Protective. Not jealous, but insecure. He's always afraid you'll ditch him for somebody else, because he's always felt inadequate in every sense of the word and wonders if you find him disappointing (nope). Probably won't ever tell you that he loves you, you'll find out from Kikoru someone else who blurts it out without realizing that you didn't think Kafka's actions were romantically inclined.
Mina Ashiro is quiet when she's in love. Almost nobody would know except Kafka and Hoshina, and maybe Okonogi. Of course there are rumors that the commander Ashiro is into women (a lot of men out there are. Not thrilled about it tbh) but nobody knows whether it's true or not except, again, Kafka and Hoshina, and maybe Okonogi. Maybe. Anyway, she doesn't really tell anyone; if they know, it's because they figured it out. With you, she's shy and more girlish than her image suggests. Not that she's giggling and twirling her hair, but there's a pink tint on her cheeks when you're around. When you talk to her, she gets tongue tied. Would NEVER ask you out (shes nervous and doesnt know if you like women) so Kafka has to push for her to try.
Reno Ichikawa is very shy when in love. He's just a kid, sweet and kinda dumb. The first time he sees you he does a double take 😂 yeah he's not subtle, everyone knows. Unlike Mina, he IS giggling and twirling his hair. Finds out your type and tries to be more like that. When called out on this, he starts stuttering and fake laughing and then changes the subject. Hes always bringing you water during training, too, and other stuff like that. Again. He's sweet but very young and inexperienced so he's a bit of a goof.
Soshiro Hoshina is arguably the most mature in love. He's dedicated and protective, loyal to a fault. Man's gotten his heart broken many times, I think. maybe even by Mina? One sided hoshimina...food for thought. If he's in love with you, he won't necessarily share that information outright, but he won't withhold it either if anyone asks. He watches you a lot; he'll pull strings to keep you safe. When it comes down to him nearly dying all the time though, he might impulsively tell you how he feels after the fact. But he is a little shit so he's probably going to tease you when your eyes pop out of your head after he walks up and says "i love you" without it being prompted.
Iharu Furuhashi is loud as shit when he's in love. He's not direct but he says objectively sappy things all the time to your face. Would flat out say "i fucking adore you, moron" if you didn't get it. Although he doesn't make it clear that his intentions are romantic (never says "I'm in love with you"), but like Reno he is not subtle. He's not as giddy and embarrassing as his "rival" is, but he's pretty obvious and forward about his feelings.
Gen Narumi is annoying when he's in love. He's bugs you nonstop and follows you like a puppy. Its embarrassing how smitten he is, honestly. What a boyfailure. He actually tries to clean up his act a bit to impress you, and shows off at every opportunity. If youre not impressed, he's sulking. If you are, he's puffed up and macho. Despite all his bs he's actually really in love with you and willing to do crazy shit to get your attention, not to mention keep you safe. Would refuse to die just to see you again.
Rin Shinonome is a shameless flirt. She'd totally call you "babe," wink, all that stuff. Like Narumi, she's kind of a showoff, but not to the same degree. And if you don't notice her, she won't pout; on the contrary, she'll work harder to get your attention. Makes fun of you lovingly. She's kind of frivolous and develops crushes on women all the time, but when it gets to be serious feelings she commits. Horniest of the group too, ngl
#kaiju no. 8#kaiju no. 8 x reader#kn8#kn8 x reader#Kafka hibino#kafka hibino x reader#Mina ashiro#mina ashiro x reader#Reno ichikawa#reno ichikawa x reader#soshiro hoshina#soshiro hoshina x reader#iharu furuhashi#Iharu furuhashi x reader#Gen narumi#gen narumi x reader#Rin shinonome#Rin shinonome x reader#🩷.archive
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Toxic Sneaky Link Paige Headcannons
warnings: toxic!paige, unbalanced character dynamics, major gaslighting coming from paige, slight manipulation, mentions of sexual activity
a/n: well this is gonna be an interesting headcannon, but i've been obsessed with the idea of paige being a toxic hookup... i mean i highly doubt she would be but like it's all fiction right? anyways enjoy i suppose...
༊*·˚ starting off, you two met at ted's which is a bar that most of the uconn girlies go to. and ofc you two ended up hooking up, paige wasn't the type to stick to one girl but there was just something about you that enticed her
༊*·˚ what was only supposed to be a one time thing became a multiple time thing, paige would hit you up on either snap or instagram asking if you would like to come over. it would be after games or after practice, usually when they lost or didn't play good
༊*·˚ the way she would fuck would be based off her mood at the time. usually you never got to see the soft side as she would argue with you before ripping your clothes off and dragging you to the bedroom with her
༊*·˚ she would treat you like shit in the bedroom. grabbing at you so tightly bruises would form. biting as hard as she could, sometimes even causing you to bleed
༊*·˚ after the fact thought she would apologize and tell you that she just had a bad day and needed a way to release her anger
༊*·˚ she expects you to always come at her call and doesn't know how to take no for an answer (except when you don't wanna have sex, she won't force you as she has other girls)
༊*·˚ everytime you would try to end it with her, siting her manipulative and toxic behavior. she would swear she would change, and she would but only for a bit until she lashes out again
༊*·˚ paige had a way with words however. when she would apologize she would be so sweet, taking you to bed and treating you like royalty by worshipping you. she would whisper apologies into your ears. however it doesn't last long
༊*·˚ she didn't want commitment, she would argue with you when she would come over, argue with you over the phone, text. you name it. however she would hate it when you hooked up with someone else's someone that wasn't her and that made her angry and upset
༊*·˚ she was a major red flag but unfortunately you just kept coming back to her because of how good she was in the bedroom. no matter how much she manipulated and gaslighted you, you just kept coming back and she loved that about you. it felt like she could do whatever she wanted.
༊*·˚ you were like a drug to her, something that just felt real. but she couldn't commit to you, no matter how much she just wanted to tell you how she truly felt. so she treated you like shit in hopes that you would be serious and end it
༊*·˚ but you both knew that nothing was ever gonna change and you two we would be stuck in this toxic cycle of hooking up and arguing
um i really do not know what my direction was going for this... but like i've had this idea for a while and i really do not know if i executed this on the right way um like i hope you guys enjoy this and as always my inbox is open for requests or just to talk to. feedback is also appreciated. thank you :)
#saturns headcannons#saturns works#paige bueckers headcannons#paige bueckers x reader#paige bueckers imagine#wbb headcannons#wbb x reader#uconn wbb x reader#wnba headcannons#wcbb headcannons#wcbb x reader#toxic paige bueckers#paige bueckers fic#paige bueckers
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