#Excelsior American School
firstelevens · 2 years
hi zainab!!
taylor swift prompt #15 + sambucky? (bc lord knows i've thought about writing a you belong with me inspired sambucky fic too many times)
15. a smile that could light up this whole town
Reading the room is one of Sam’s greatest skills as a teacher. It’s turned around any number of bad days, resolved countless conflicts, and prevented dozens of failed tests or quizzes.
It’s instinctive enough that when he dismisses his Honors American Literature class right as the bell rings, he’s not remotely surprised when the best student in his class joins the cluster of students around his desk, asking about test corrections and extra credit.
Once he’s sent the rest of them off with the answers they’re looking for, Sam turns to Cindy Moon, who’s fidgeting with the cuffs of her sweater and won’t quite look at him.
“Mr. Wilson, do you think you could write me a pass to stay here during study hall?” she asks, her voice shaking a little. “I know we don’t have anything in the works for philanthropy club, but maybe I could do some planning? Or some research, or something?”
Part of Sam wants to say no, because he had very specific plans for his end-of-the-school-day planning period, and having a student in the room will mean that he has to be in vigilant teacher mode for the next hour and a half instead.
The other part of Sam has not missed the fact that Cindy used to constantly be surrounded by a group of her fellow cheerleaders and an ever-present boyfriend—a senior from the football team, Sam thinks, but not one he’s ever taught—and now she’s always on her own, sitting at the opposite end of the classroom to the group she was inseparable from just two weeks ago.
It has to be worse today of all days: between singing candy grams and carnation deliveries and heart shaped helium balloons everywhere, Valentine’s Day has hit Excelsior Academy hard. He can’t blame her for wanting to escape.
Sam is already reaching for the stack of blank passes before he speaks. “I could use some help organizing the classroom library, if you’re up for it? I had freshmen searching for books to write their reviews on, and they basically destroyed it.”
Cindy agrees, her voice still tremulous, and runs the pass down the hall to Rhodey in the physics lab. She comes back in as Sam is erasing the board, slinging her backpack onto a desk before moving towards the bookshelves that line the back wall of the classroom. 
Sam’s class library is his pride and joy, nearly two hundred books that he painstakingly chose and catalogued over the years. The freshmen were enthusiastic in searching for books, but less so in putting them back. Sam had taught them the last period of the day yesterday, and there had been an English department meeting—useless, but then most meetings were, under John Walker’s tenure as department head—so he only had time to throw them onto the shelf and rush over to the other side of the school.
Clearly, Cindy is aware of this on some level, because when he looks back at her, she’s got the first shelf’s worth of books separated across five different desks, one for each genre. He’s about to thank her for taking this so seriously when there’s a knock on the doorframe.
Standing just outside the classroom is Bucky, a handful of students peering around him.
“What can I do for you, Mr. Barnes?” asks Sam, capping his dry erase marker and waving the group into the room.
“They finally got someone in to fix the leak in the AC vent,” says Bucky, “but it means the room is unusable for the rest of the day. Can the yearbook kids and I camp out in here?”
“Of course,” says Sam. He turns to the kids. “I recommend the desks by the bulletin board, if you need to plug in laptops.”
Peter and Ned and Kamala head over to the desks nearest the outlets. MJ and Miles come in carrying a large posterboard, and behind them, America is carrying a stack of shoeboxes.
“Is it okay if we push some desks together?” asks Miles. “We’ll put them back before we leave.”
His question is underscored by the sound of both girls shifting desks and chairs behind him to make a larger work surface, and Miles winces. Sam laughs a little and tells him that it’s fine, and the three of them open up the boxes and start placing paper cutouts on the poster board.
“Testing layouts,” says America, when she sees him looking. “Sometimes it helps to do it physically instead of onscreen.”
“Mr. Barnes suggested it,” explains Miles, just in time for Bucky to reappear in the doorway.
“I’m only taking credit if it works,” Bucky says, turning sideways so he can get through the door with the two overstuffed tote bags over one shoulder and a backpack over the other.
“You see that?’ Sam asks, crossing the classroom to take one of the bags. “You haven’t even started and he’s already abandoning ship. Some captain, huh?”
“I’m a navigator at best,” says Bucky. “MJ’s captain; she’s the one at the top of the masthead.”
Across the room, Peter grins at MJ and gives her a little salute. Sam catches a smile crossing her face before she bites it back.
“Mr. Barnes is a pretty good navigator, though. He brought us cookies today.”
“Oh, shit,” Bucky says, and the kids seem unfazed the mild expletive. “Where’d I put the cookies?”
Sam looks into the bag that he’s holding and pulls out two boxes of pink frosted sugar cookies, complete with sprinkles and little candy hearts pressed into each one.
“Valentine’s themed and everything,” he says, grinning at Bucky. “Mr. Barnes, who knew you felt so strongly about the holiday?”
“He doesn’t,” says Ned. “Or, well, he does, but the other way.”
“Oh?’ asks Sam, as Bucky sets the box of cookies on an empty desk and sets a box of tissues beside them, his back to Sam. “And what way is that?”
“He said it was a consumerist holiday that doesn’t have anything to do with the history of all the different Saints Valentine. And then he taught us about Captain Cook attempting to kidnap people and getting killed for it.” Kamala finally looks up from her laptop. “That part was really interesting, actually.”
“Thanks,” Bucky says drily, opening the second box of cookies. “And I don’t want to see you all making a mess of Mr. Wilson’s room with these cookies, okay? We’re guests here and we’re going to clean up after ourselves.”
The yearbook kids murmur in assent. Sam glances over at Cindy, who’s still quietly sorting the bookshelves. He’s about to tell her to join them when Bucky beats him to it.
“Cindy, you’re welcome to have some, too,” he says. “And if you want any help organizing, you can absolutely conscript Ned and Peter and Kamala, because Michelle didn’t even give them an assignment for today, so I know they’re not actually working on anything for the yearbook right now.”
She hesitates for a moment, then sets down the stack of books and walks to Sam’s desk to use the hand sanitizer. “I like those flowers, Mr. Wilson,” she says, gesturing to the arrangement that had been waiting on Sam’s desk when he got in this morning. “They’re really pretty.”
Sam can’t help but smile when he looks over at the flowers. “Thanks, Cindy,” he says. Then, to the rest of the classroom: “I think Valentine’s Day is nice. We could all use a reminder to tell the people we care about that we’re thinking of them, even if that reminder is the day that a guy died for being kind to people.”
“There’s nothing wrong with celebrating Valentine’s Day,” says Bucky. “I just thought it was worth the reminder that our cultural traditions aren’t universal.”
“And also that colonizers getting taken out is a net gain, as far as the universe is concerned,” adds MJ, and Bucky’s lips twitch with a bitten-back smile.
“That, I can agree with,” says Sam. “So am I allowed to have one of these not-actually-for-Valentine’s-Day Valentine’s Day cookies?”
Before he can even step towards the box, Bucky is holding one out to him. Sam takes it with a smile and settles back in at his desk, scooting over to make room for Bucky to join him if he wants.
He does, after a moment, pulling over one of the chairs that MJ and America moved.
“Thanks for letting us hang out in here,” he says, pulling out a stack of tests to grade. “If you’d said no, I don’t know who would have let us in.”
“You mean you don’t know who would have let you get a bunch of teenagers hopped up on sugar in their classroom,” says Sam, holding out a red pen. He nods over to where the kids are now sitting on top of the desks, work abandoned in favor of comparing the messages on their conversation hearts. Cindy, he notes with some relief, has joined them.
Bucky takes the pen and waves his free hand. “Minor detail at best. And you got something out of it, too, didn’t you?”
Sam looks back down at the cookie in his hand and shrugs. “I mean, I’d have preferred homemade,” he says, trying not to grin, “but I guess this works.”
Laughing, Bucky elbows him gently and turns back to grading.
— —
That evening, when Sam’s doorbell rings, he answers it and leans against the doorway, blocking the entrance.
“What are you doing here?” he asks. “I thought Valentine’s Day was a consumerist holiday with no historical merit.”
“Peter and Michelle saw us together at that Italian place last weekend!” says Bucky. “I had to throw them off the scent!”
“Uh-huh,” says Sam, arms crossed and unmoving.
“Did you like the flowers, at least?”
Sam glances over at the vase that he brought home from school, now sitting on the mantelpiece. “Maybe.”
“I love you?”
“Is that a question now?”
Bucky huffs. “I brought you wine from that one tiny vineyard you love, and I have The Princess Bride and The Shop Around the Corner, and there’s no one I’d rather spend the day with, and I love you, Sammy. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
For a moment, Sam considers him. Then, he steps aside and waves Bucky in, shaking his head at the triumphant grin that spreads across his face.
“Fine, but only because I want to know what wine you picked,” he says, and immediately disproves it by leaving the bottle on the credenza and hauling Bucky in for a kiss.
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mariellewritesalot · 9 months
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It's my 9th anniversary on Tumblr 🥳 (since December 2014)
Almost a decade, wow! Excelsior by mariellewritesalot is a writing blog I started as a teenager to fully embrace the fact that I wanted to become a writer. I wanted my own "website" or at least a home for my words. "Excelsior" is my favorite word, and I was a bit obsessed with it back then, given that it meant going ever upward. "mariellewritesalot" was just something I thought of while watching cartoons where one of the characters had "a lot" attached to their name (I believe it was Sir Yipsalot). I could cringe, but honestly, I'm not too bothered enough to change it. Maybe it's part of its charm.
Suffice it to say, this has been my longest relationship so far, haha. We've had our ups and downs, terrible lulls of writer's block when I would be too busy with life or too paralyzed with fear that I'm not good enough to actually post something here.
I started writing early on because I was the kind of child who read everywhere and owned a Kindle since I was 12. I joined essay contests and wrote fan fiction until I was in the middle of my teenage years. I loved Total Girl Philippines, and eventually became a Jr. TG Staff Writer for one week in the summer of 2012. I won a Palanca when I was in senior high school. I dabbled, of course, in campus journalism for many years. Editor-in-Chief for some publications. I wrote news, features, opinions...even UAAP sports! I then created a Facebook page for my blog to expand my audience. I was fortunate enough to land a spot in UP Diliman where I took a certificate course on Malikhaing Pagsulat sa Filipino (loved working on my Filipino writing skills) and eventually, my Bachelor of Arts degree in Philippine Studies, where I also majored in History. I wrote my undergraduate thesis on Filipino food in Filipino-American restaurants based in the United States, guided by my love for Doreen Fernandez essays and curiosities about the diaspora; so I could also help these restaurants map out their histories. During the pandemic, I worked on a practice Young Adult novel called, Don't Write Me Off.
I started working freelance and interning for some publications like PhilStar Life and Esquire Philippines. I've been a part of college organizations in UP Diliman, where I honed my skills in leadership, writing, and research so that I may be able to do talks and workshops about writing in different schools and provinces in the Philippines. Last year, I became a Creative Nonfiction fellow for the 61st Silliman University National Writers Workshop, which has been a dream of mine since, well, I was in high school and deeply obsessed with 'the scene.' I got to belong with my chosen family in the fellows with whom I shared the once-in-a-lifetime experience in Dumaguete. We have since joined the Cebu Art Fair last year with our zine, Saudade: A Study on Longing, which features two of my works. As a collective, we're always collaborating on something. Watch this space!
Nowadays, I'm living somewhere in Spain, and I'm working on my first book. It's a collection. It's (too) vulnerable. I think you'll like it. I believe that I will probably be in pursuit of more knowledge and skills as a writer for the rest of my life, so despite my wanting to be a mysterious private person, I think you'll be hearing (reading?) a lot from me on various platforms. Hopefully.
While we're here, I have something new. Since we're losing Tinyletter next month, which was where I used to send out my newsletter of truly vulnerable, exclusive pieces, I have decided to "move houses" and finally join Substack. I'm going to talk about some facets of my life here in Spain, food, and the usual prose. Essentially, a lot of my stuff will be free to read there, but I would appreciate pledges if you can. I will still update my Tumblr from time to time, of course, seeing as this is my main site. No worries!
This year, I'm also going to work on creating an Instagram account for my writing. I have beautiful plans I can't wait to share with you. I'm hoping you'll come along for the ride.
Thank you, lovers, for this milestone.
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easchool · 2 days
Top IB Schools in Gurgaon
Looking for the top IB schools in Gurgaon? Excelsior American School is renowned for its International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum, fostering academic excellence and global-mindedness. With experienced educators, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and a focus on holistic development, Excelsior prepares students for success in an ever-evolving world.
Visit us - https://excelsioramericanschooladmissions.com/blogs/tag/list-of-ib-school-in-gurgaon/
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Of course Sassenachspirits offered profound answers, to the comments 🙄
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Martinez, often named the Father of the Martini, is an old, old drink with a burnt honey colour and a complicated but well-balanced, taste. This is a perfect post-dinner cocktail but carries enough spirit to see you through the night. A bonus for those still trapped in dating is how much you can up-sell your sophistication levels on a first date by ordering this drink. If you are making it home, here's some advice:
If you can, use an Old Tom Gin. Their added sweetness and botanical intensity add to the mouthfeel and the flavour journey.
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If you want to make an authentic cocktail use this old school recipe widely used modern interpretation of it. The use of malty Genever and sweet orange Curacao makes for a different flavour experience and it is equally delicious.
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1884 The Modern Bartender's Guide, Fancy Drinks and How to Mix Them. by O H Byron. Excelsior Publishing House, New York. 114 pages divided into: American Drinks, Bitters, Cordials, Syrups, Brandies, Liqueurs and various other preparations, from Mineral waters to beers to Temperance Drinks (alcoholic beverages) In fact, the author who signs himself "OH Byron" has no trace even if he was a Bartender or exclusively an author of the publishing house.
The only information have been able to note is that the text was republished in 1891 in a new edition as reported by the American magazine “Publishers Weekly”.
The text was also an important testimony of a classic of mixing: the “Martinez Cocktail”. Drinks, the latter, which boasts many legends about its creation and which presumably takes its name from the homonymous Californian city, Martinez where on April 11, 1992 a plaque was affixed to commemorate the creation of the drink in which the legend dating back to 1884 as reported. Here are the two distinct recipes published in the text by OH Byron.
Martinez Cocktail.
Same as Manhattan, only you substitute gin for whisky.
Manhattan Cocktail, No. 1.
(A small wine glass.)
1 pony French vermouth.
1/2 pony whisky.
3 or 4 dashes Angostura bitters.
3 dashes gum syrup.
Manhattan Cocktail, No. 2.
2 dashes Curacao.
2 “ Angostura bitters.
1/2 wine glass whisky.
Posted 10th August 2024
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laraphleb · 3 months
Leading Phlebotomy Schools: Finding the very best Colleges for Phlebotomy Courses
**Top Phlebotomy⁣ Schools: Finding the Best ⁣Colleges for Phlebotomy Courses**
For individuals interested in pursuing​ a career in phlebotomy, finding the right school is a crucial first step. A phlebotomy school ‌can provide ⁤you with the necessary knowledge, skills, and hands-on training to⁣ excel in the field of phlebotomy. With so‌ many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the best phlebotomy school for your needs. In this article, we ‍will⁤ explore some of the top ‌phlebotomy schools⁣ and ‍provide tips on how to find the best college for ⁢phlebotomy courses.
**What is Phlebotomy?**
Before we dive into the top phlebotomy schools, let’s first understand what phlebotomy is. Phlebotomy is the practice‍ of drawing blood from patients ​for diagnostic​ testing, transfusions, donations, or research. Phlebotomists are trained professionals‍ who are responsible for collecting blood samples accurately and safely.
**Top Phlebotomy ‍Schools**
When it comes to choosing a phlebotomy school, there are several factors to consider, including accreditation, curriculum, hands-on training, and job placement assistance. Here are some of the top phlebotomy schools‌ in the United States:
1. **American National University** – Location: Multiple campuses across the United States – Accreditation: Accrediting Bureau of‍ Health Education Schools (ABHES) ‍- Program: Phlebotomy Certificate Program -⁤ Highlights: Small class sizes, hands-on training, and job​ placement assistance
2. **California Institute⁤ of Medical Science** – Location: Sacramento, California ⁣ – Accreditation: Accrediting Council ​for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET) – Program: Phlebotomy Technician Training​ Program – ⁢Highlights: Flexible class schedules, experienced instructors, and externship⁣ opportunities
3. **Arizona College** ⁢- Location: Multiple campuses in Arizona and Nevada – Accreditation: Accrediting‍ Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) – Program: Phlebotomy Technician Diploma Program – ⁢Highlights: ⁣Comprehensive curriculum, state-of-the-art facilities, ‍and career services support
4. **Midwestern Career College** ​ – Location: Chicago, Illinois ⁣ – Accreditation: Accrediting Bureau of Health Education ⁣Schools (ABHES) ⁣ – ‍Program: Phlebotomy Certificate Program – Highlights: Hands-on training in⁣ a clinical setting, experienced faculty,⁣ and educational support services
5. **Excelsior College** – Location:⁤ Albany, New York ​ ​ – ​Accreditation: Middle States Commission ‌on Higher Education – Program: Phlebotomy Certificate Program ⁢ – Highlights: Online and on-campus options, affordable tuition rates, and career development ‌resources
**Finding the Best Phlebotomy School**
When looking for the best phlebotomy school for your needs, consider the following⁤ factors:
1. **Accreditation**: Make sure the ‍school is accredited by⁢ a recognized ⁤accrediting body to ensure quality ⁣education and training. 2. **Curriculum**: Look for a comprehensive curriculum that covers essential phlebotomy skills and⁤ techniques. 3. **Hands-on Training**: Choose a school ‍that offers hands-on training in a clinical ⁤setting to gain practical ⁣experience. 4. **Job ​Placement Assistance**: Opt for a school that provides job placement assistance or career services to help you secure employment after graduation.
**Benefits of Attending a Top Phlebotomy School**
Attending a top phlebotomy school can provide you with the following benefits:
– Quality education and training – Hands-on experience in a clinical⁤ setting – Job placement assistance – Networking opportunities‌ with industry professionals – Certification exam preparation
**Practical Tips for Choosing a ⁣Phlebotomy School**
Here are some practical tips to help you find the best⁣ phlebotomy school:
– Research accredited phlebotomy schools⁤ in your area. – Visit the school’s⁤ campus and meet with faculty members. – Ask about the school’s curriculum, hands-on training, and job ‍placement services. – ⁤Compare‌ tuition costs and financial aid options. – Read reviews and testimonials from current and former students.
finding the best phlebotomy school is essential for launching a ⁣successful career in phlebotomy. Consider factors such ⁤as accreditation, curriculum, hands-on training,​ and job placement assistance when choosing a phlebotomy school. By attending a top phlebotomy school,⁣ you can receive quality ‍education and training, gain practical experience,⁤ and enhance your career prospects in the field of phlebotomy.
Remember to‍ do your research, visit campuses, and⁤ ask questions to make an informed decision about which phlebotomy school is right for you. ​Best ⁤of luck on⁤ your journey to becoming ​a certified phlebotomist!
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hammondcast · 4 months
Jon Hammond Show 06 15 2024
#WATCHMOVIE HERE: Jon Hammond Show 06 15 2024
Jon's archive https://archive.org/details/jon-hammond-show-06-15-2024
Youtube https://youtu.be/JmYk_msUmug?si=05ghdGD5HhHYVTcd
Jon Hammond: Another special announcement - photo by Teddy Fung - Jon Hammond on Superlux TUBE CM-H8G
Happy 85th Birthday Bernard "Pretty" Purdie - Jon Hammond Band - June 11, 1939 -- Born June 11, 1939 (age 85)
Elkton, Maryland, U.S.
Birth name Bernard Lee Purdie
Also known as
Bernard "Pretty" Purdie
Pretty Purdie
Mississippi Bigfoot
Birth name Bernard Lee Purdie
Also known as
Bernard "Pretty" Purdie
Pretty Purdie
Mississippi Bigfoot
Lee Hildebrand: "That Jon Hammond, an obscure B-3 organ player who recently relocated from New York to Berkeley (where he'd grown up ni the 60s), was able to get the famous drummer to fly in for the Kimball's engagement was an impressive feat. Completing
the quartet, which Hammond calls the Late Rent Session Men, were his buddy of
some thirty years, onetime Crusaders and Miles Davis guitarist
Barry Finnerty (who just moved from New York to Oakland), and veteran Bay Area tenor saxophonist Bennett Friedman.
Whether playing swing, shuffle, bossa nova, or funk patterns, Purdie served as a springboard for his cohorts' solos, his sly, surprise-filled accents on chorus turn-arounds lifting them to peak after peak of excitement. Finnerty's scorching, fast-fingered flights unfortunately were obscured in the sound mix till near the end of the often-incendiary ninety-minute set of Hammond originals, but Friedman's muscular, barking hard-bop attack eut through like a switchblade throughout. With his clean, fleet articulation and judicious use of dynamics, Hammond proved a commanding organist of the Jimmy Smith school. His move back to the Bay Area is most welcome, as is Finnerty's."
—Lee Hildebrand
**Actual tracking session at Quad Recording Studios NYC
My Excelsior Accordion - Jon Hammond
with factory Sennheiser pickup system
and of course my super-comfortable straps and gig bag by Manifatture Fuselli - Made in Italy
Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center (BHNC)
Yep, I did a Part 2 Thirteen years later:
NAMM Oral History - Jon Hammond
Star Club Legend Salvatore Martens "Pico", Margaret Riemann, Jon Hammond - Delphi Theater Hamburg
Just put my Hammond A-100 to sleep. Recording sessions coming up - Jon Hammond
Burbank -- AFM Local 47 Tuesday organ session - Jon Hammond
early bird today
AFM - American Federation of Musicians US & Canada
Lucky Boy Restaurant (me!) Jon Hammond
#drivein #pasadena
Topics: Jon Hammond Show, Public Access TV, Manhattan Neighborhood Network, Music, Jazz, Blues, Hammond Organ, Photography, News
Jon Hammond Show, Public Access TV, Manhattan Neighborhood Network, Music, Jazz, Blues, Hammond Organ, Photography, News
Posted 13 minutes ago by HAMMONDCAST
Labels: BluesHammond OrganJazzJon Hammond ShowManhattan Neighborhood NetworkMusicnewsPhotographyPublic Access TV
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lboogie1906 · 5 months
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Dr. Doxey Alphonso Lewis Alexander Wilkerson (April 25, 1905 - June 17, 1993) was a communist, Marxist, professor, author, editor, and union leader, was born in Excelsior Springs, Missouri to Mattie L. Wilkerson of Kentucky and Methodist minister Alphonso Wilkerson. He earned a University of Kansas English BA. Active in the YMCA while at KU, he co-edited the student publication The Dove, pledged and became president of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity chapter, and obtained an MA in Education from KU.
He became an assistant professor at Virginia State College. He started his Ph.D. In Education at the University of Michigan but completed it at New York University.
He was an Associate Professor at Howard University and summer school director. He was president of the campus’s Teacher’s Union and was appointed to President Franklin Roosevelt’s Advisory Committee on Education. He was appointed to the Federal Office of Price Administration. He served as a research associate for the Carnegie Corporation-sponsored “Study of the Negro in America,” and he was the American Federation of Teachers vice-president. When Marian Anderson was denied access to Constitution Hall, he, with Paul Robeson and others, led the effort to move the concert to the Lincoln Memorial.
He believed Marxist scientific socialism would address racial and class inequality in the US. He became vice president of the International Labor Defense. He joined the Communist Party USA. The author of multiple books and journal articles, he was a Daily Worker columnist and The People’s Voice editor. He served as Director of Curriculum at the Jefferson School of Social Science.
He taught at Bishop College but was asked to resign because of his involvement in the student protests over Woolworth’s lunch counter segregation policies. He was a Yeshiva University professor and Education chair and left to become vice president of the educational consulting firm, Mediax Associates.
He married Jeanette May (1928) and they had a son. He married Ferda Yolanda Barnett (1944), the YWCA Interracial Secretary, civil rights activist, Marxist teacher, and college professor. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphaphialpha
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realestates201 · 7 months
Oberoi Sector 58 Gurgaon – Luxury Residential Homes
Oberoi Sector 58 Gurgaon is a luxurious new project by Oberoi Realty located in Haryana. It offers a lifestyle of lavishness and serenity to its residents, with its prime location in the heart of one of India's most thriving cities and a wide range of amenities. The project represents luxury living, making it an ideal choice for those looking for a high-end living experience.
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Project Overview:
Spanning over 14.8 acres of meticulously planned development, this project offers 2 & 3 BHK residential apartments ranging from 900 sq. ft. to 1800 sq. ft. The project boasts a welcoming gated community, lush green surroundings, and well-developed infrastructure. Oberoi Apartments in Sector 58 creates an ideal choice for discerning homebuyers seeking a blend of comfort and sophistication.
The project is replete with amenities designed to cater to the diverse needs of its residents. From an outdoor gym for fitness enthusiasts to a serene poolside for relaxation, and even an outdoor movie screening area for leisurely evenings, this project ensures that every aspect of modern living is taken care of. Additionally, the project prioritizes security with features like fire sprinklers, energy management systems, landscaping, and sewage treatment plants.
Strategically located near Sanar International Hospital, Apollo Clinic Gurgaon, and reputed educational institutions like Opg World School and Excelsior American School, Oberoi Sector 58 Gurugram offers unparalleled connectivity and convenience. Moreover, its proximity to major transportation hubs such as the Huda City Center metro station (9.1 km), Iffco Chowk metro station (10.2 km), and Indira Gandhi International Airport (15.5 km) ensures seamless connectivity to the rest of the city and beyond.
Location Advantages:
Situated in the thriving hub of Gurgaon, this project enjoys the benefits of being in close proximity to the city major IT and financial centers. With Gurgaon being the second-largest IT hub and the third-largest financial and banking hub in India, investing in this property promises not just a home but also a gateway to endless opportunities for growth and prosperity.
Oberoi Sector 58 is a prime example of Oberoi Realty dedication to excellence in real estate development. This property is located in the vibrant city of Gurugram and offers world-class amenities along with a promise of a luxurious lifestyle. For homebuyers looking to experience modern living at its finest, this is an unparalleled opportunity.
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excelsioredu · 4 years
Excelsior American School is one of the Best International School in Gurgaon affiliated with IB, Cambridge, and IGCSE education board. Excelsior School is top Montessori schools in Gurgaon offers daycare and boarding facility. At Excelsior, we are true believers in the relationship between inspiration and growth.
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uwmspeccoll · 4 years
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Decorative Sunday: Peruvian Art
This week we present the portfolio El arte peruano en la escuela: L'art péruvien à l'école; Peruvian Art in the School by Peruvian illustrator Elena Izcue, published in Paris by Editorial excelsior in 1926. It is a two volume set, we only have the second volume, but it looks like our sibling department the American Geographical Society Library has both.
Elena Izcue (1889-1970) was a Peruvian artist and teacher. Her portfolio El arte peruano en la escuela is a collection of pre-Columbian designs and motifs to teach schoolchildren.The portfolio had broad appeal and was used for decorative arts across the world, but also helped promote national identity in Peru. Elena Izcue spent some time in Paris studying art and exhibiting her work. There is some information about her time in France in the online exhibit Transatlantic Encounters: Latin American Artists in Paris between the Wars.
View more posts about decorative arts and pattern books.
–Sarah, Special Collections Graduate Intern
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the-goofball · 4 years
(I usually don’t post prank stuff. But that’s kinda cute)
We’ve done the studies. We’ve checked the math. And we at Cryptic Studios have finally discovered what every Star Trek fan really wants. What else? You want to date your starships. Who wouldn’t? Look at the ample nacelles on that Excelsior class.* That’s why we’re announcing a brand new expansion to Star Trek Online this morning.** Star Trek Online: Date Your Starship will bring never before seen gameplay8** to you, the very deserving Star Trek fans. In what we’re calling a “dating simulation,”**** you’ll be able to choose one of five unique paths, with more to come!***** Your favorite starships******, like you’ve never seen them before. Each ship will use a combination of augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and holographic technology to finally project their personality into the world, and confess their true feelings for you. Five paths, endless******* possibilities for stories, where you are the Captain. Read on to learn more about each of these fabulous story paths!
At Starbase 40, secret experiments have been going on for three decades under the watchful eye of Fleet Admiral Barclay********. These controversial, but necessary experiments allow for a new type of interface between a starship and their Captain, unlocking the starship’s true personality. As one of the galaxy’s premiere commanders, you’ve been selected to pilot this new program, with one of five starships already outfitted with the technology. In order to best accustom these newborn AI to the world, it’s been decided that they’ll all be programmed to believe they are attending “Fleet School,” with you as their sole human classmate. Captain, we’ll need you to interact with these ships and teach them how to be sentient beings, and of course, select the ship that you will command out into the Final Frontier.
Living starships with AI programmed to be hormonal teenagers. What could go wrong?
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Akira is known for her curiosity and her commitment to science. She’s a little too excited to explore the Galaxy, chafing at being stuck in the Fleet School. There’s just so many wonders out there to discover! If only she had a true partner who could show her all of the sights among the stars.
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Immediately upon being activated, Vastam ran for Class President. When informed that there was no student government, she declared herself the President in a landslide victory, and immediately set about enforcing the rules. She has no time for troublemakers and rebels, but she may have time for you. Can you get her to let her hair down, or will you join her in ruling the classroom with an iron fist?
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In his few short weeks of life, Bortasqu’ has already won gold medals in track and field, basketball, and American football. We don’t actually know how, he’s literally a 5,000 ton starship. His other interests include chest bumping, sneaking soda into class, butting heads with Vastam, and you. Choose Bortasqu’ if you just want to have a lot of fun, and do way too much running.
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The shy wallflower, Vanguard Carrier, or “V.C.,” as Bortasqu’ dubbed him, is a Vorta with no Founder. He is absolutely terrified, and hides behind his faith in the Founders to protect him at all times. What appears to be a demeaning sneer may just hide a heart of gold, but it will take you some digging to get there.
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The youngest AI, and newest to awaken, Khitomer is all about friendship. They believe that everyone in the fleet can get along, if they just try. You’ll often find them breaking up the arguments between Vastam and Bortasqu’, helping Akira with a science experiment, or listening to V.C. go on about the Founders. But with all of the time they spend helping others, they never spend any time on themselves. Can you teach them to love themselves, in a world of conflict?
These five ships form the main storyline of Star Trek Online: Date Your Starship. If you're excited to try this new game, make sure to share your thoughts and fan art with the hashtag #DateYourStarship! We can’t wait for you to enroll in Fleet School and meet them all for yourself, Captains. It’s going to be an adventure you’ll never forget. Coming later in 2021! *********
**No we’re not.
***There’s literally thousands of these games.
****You didn’t come up with that!
*****There are no more to come.
******You mean the starships you picked arbitrarily.
*******Five. Just five.
*********It REALLY isn’t.
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yavanna-mercury · 4 years
Rereading The Raven Cycle and commenting on its use of Latin pt. 1 (contains spoilers, obviously)
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The Raven Boys, p.51 Excelsior
When the boys decide to go to Nino’s for some pizza, Gansey uses their catchphrase “Excelsior!”, which we encounter numerous times throughout the series, for the first time. Later in the book (p.390), he translates it for Blue as “onward and upward”. It is commonly translated as “ever upward”.
Excelsior is the comparative of excelsum, which in turn is the past participle of the verb excellere, which means to rise, to surpass.
There are of course several English words that derive from the Latin verb excellere, such as the commonly used adjective excellent or the verb to excel. However, you can also find lots of examples of excelsior being used in English. Places, schools, sports clubs - especially football clubs (for the Americans: soccer clubs), and even wood wool that is used as filling material are named Excelsior. It is also the late Stan Lee’s catchphrase, as well as the official motto of the state of New York. (e pluribus unum, meaning out of many, one was recently added as a secondary motto.)
As you can see, excelsior is an often used term, which just shows how present Latin still is today (needless to say, I’m one of those people who get highly offended when someone tells them that Latin is a dead language and therefore completely useless to learn, so I might be just a tad biased 🙈).
Disclaimer: I only started to learn Latin a couple of months ago, so my knowledge of it is in no way all-encompassing. So if you find any mistakes in my ramblings, please do not hesitate to correct me – cheers!
Also, here's an insightful post by @dicaxasinus on Ronan's Latin skills, which I first read before I had started learning Latin myself – I distinctly remember being desperately jealous of their knowledge of Latin.
(For page numbers, I use my heavily annotated (read: scribbled in) US paperback copies of The Raven Cycle series.)
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ty81uk · 3 years
I’ve never used social media to document my life or even wrote a diary. Not even sure how to start? What does one say?? I’ll give it a shot but who wants to know about my life?
I’m 40 years old I own a scaffold business that I setup with a school friend (I left school in 1997!) yes I’m that old!! I collect comic books, American comics mainly Marvel I love Amazing Spider-Man. I have a girlfriend and a tortoise named Gary he around 21 years old.
I recently found out my surname isn’t mine my grander mother eloped with an Irishman who came from Dublin so I’m 1/4 Irish.
That’s enough for tonight I do t even know how this works or if anyone is even interested in what I have to say?!
Until next time…..Excelsior!! 🤘🏼🤘🏼
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easchool · 1 month
Environmental Education Beyond the Classroom: Nature-Based Learning Initiatives
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As the world faces increasing environmental challenges, the importance of educating the next generation about sustainability and environmental stewardship cannot be overstated. At Excelsior American School, the Best Cambridge School in Gurgaon where traditional classroom instruction plays a crucial role in this education, there is a growing recognition of the value of nature-based learning initiatives that take students beyond the classroom and into the natural world. This article explores the significance of environmental education beyond the classroom and highlights the innovative nature-based learning initiatives being implemented in schools.
The Importance of Environmental Education
Environmental education is essential for fostering a sense of responsibility and stewardship in young people. By teaching students about the natural world and the impact of human activities on the environment, educators can equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions and take action to protect the planet. Key benefits of environmental education include:
Promoting Sustainability: Environmental education encourages students to adopt sustainable practices in their daily lives, such as reducing waste, conserving water, and using energy more efficiently. These practices contribute to a more sustainable future.
Developing Critical Thinking Skills: Understanding complex environmental issues requires critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Environmental education challenges students to analyze information, consider multiple perspectives, and develop solutions to real-world problems.
Fostering a Connection to Nature: Spending time in nature has been shown to have numerous benefits for mental and physical health. Environmental education helps students develop a deeper connection to the natural world, which can inspire a lifelong commitment to environmental stewardship.
Encouraging Civic Engagement: By learning about environmental issues and their impact on communities, students are more likely to become active citizens who advocate for policies and practices that protect the environment.
Enhancing Academic Achievement: Studies have shown that environmental education can improve academic performance in subjects such as science, mathematics, and language arts. Nature-based learning experiences provide hands-on opportunities for students to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to real-world situations.
Nature-Based Learning: Extending Education Beyond the Classroom
Nature-based learning takes environmental education to the next level by immersing students in the natural environment. This approach goes beyond traditional classroom instruction to provide experiential learning opportunities that engage students’ senses, spark curiosity, and foster a deeper understanding of ecological concepts. Nature-based learning initiatives can take many forms, including outdoor classrooms, school gardens, field trips, and community projects.
Outdoor Classrooms: Bringing Learning to Life
Outdoor classrooms are spaces where students can engage in hands-on learning in a natural setting. These spaces are designed to support a wide range of subjects, from science and mathematics to art and literature, by providing real-world contexts for learning. The benefits of outdoor classrooms include:
Hands-On Learning: Outdoor classrooms allow students to interact directly with the natural environment, whether through planting and tending a garden, observing wildlife, or conducting experiments. This hands-on approach helps students retain information and develop a deeper understanding of ecological principles.
Interdisciplinary Learning: Nature-based learning is inherently interdisciplinary, as it often involves the integration of multiple subjects. For example, a lesson on plant biology in an outdoor classroom might also incorporate mathematics (measuring plant growth), art (sketching plants), and language arts (writing observations).
Physical and Mental Health Benefits: Spending time outdoors has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and increase physical activity. Outdoor classrooms provide students with a healthy, stimulating environment that supports both their academic and personal well-being.
Cultivating a Sense of Place: Learning in an outdoor classroom helps students develop a sense of connection to their local environment. This connection fosters a sense of responsibility for protecting the natural world and encourages students to become active stewards of their community’s natural resources.
School Gardens: Growing Knowledge and Stewardship
School gardens are another powerful tool for nature-based learning. These gardens provide students with the opportunity to learn about ecosystems, food production, and sustainability through hands-on experiences. The benefits of school gardens include:
Understanding Food Systems: School gardens teach students about the origins of their food and the processes involved in growing it. By participating in planting, tending, and harvesting crops, students gain a deeper understanding of food systems and the importance of sustainable agriculture.
Promoting Healthy Eating Habits: Studies have shown that students who participate in school gardening programs are more likely to eat fruits and vegetables and have a greater appreciation for fresh, healthy food. Gardening also provides an opportunity to teach students about the nutritional benefits of different foods.
Encouraging Collaboration and Teamwork: School gardens often require collaboration among students, teachers, and community members. This collaborative effort fosters teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills as students work together to plan, plant, and maintain the garden.
Connecting to Environmental Stewardship: Through their work in the garden, students learn about the importance of caring for the environment. They develop an understanding of how their actions impact the natural world and are empowered to take steps to protect it.
Field Trips: Experiencing the Environment Firsthand
Field trips are a classic form of nature-based learning that allows students to experience the environment firsthand. These excursions provide opportunities for students to explore natural areas, observe wildlife, and learn about environmental conservation in real-world settings. The benefits of field trips include:
Real-World Applications: Field trips provide students with the opportunity to see the concepts they’ve learned in the classroom applied in real-world settings. For example, a visit to a local nature reserve might reinforce lessons on ecosystems, biodiversity, and conservation.
Engaging All Senses: Field trips engage students’ senses in ways that classroom learning cannot. The sights, sounds, and smells of a natural environment create a multi-sensory learning experience that deepens students’ understanding and retention of information.
Building Environmental Awareness: By exploring natural areas and learning about conservation efforts, students develop a greater awareness of environmental issues and the importance of protecting natural resources. Field trips can inspire students to become advocates for the environment in their own communities.
Creating Lasting Memories: The experiences students have on field trips often leave a lasting impression. These memories can reinforce the lessons learned and inspire a lifelong appreciation for the natural world.
Community Projects: Engaging Students in Environmental Action
Community-based environmental projects provide students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world challenges. These projects often involve collaboration with local organizations, government agencies, and community members to address environmental issues in the community. The benefits of community projects include:
Active Learning: Community projects involve active, hands-on learning that challenges students to think critically and solve problems. Whether it’s restoring a local habitat, conducting a waste audit, or organizing a recycling program, these projects require students to apply their classroom learning in meaningful ways.
Civic Engagement: By participating in community projects, students develop a sense of civic responsibility and learn the value of contributing to the greater good. They see firsthand how their actions can make a positive impact on their community and the environment.
Building Partnerships: Community projects often involve partnerships with local organizations, businesses, and government agencies. These partnerships provide students with valuable learning opportunities and help them build connections with community leaders and environmental professionals.
Empowering Students: Community projects empower students to take action on environmental issues that matter to them. By working on projects that have real-world impact, students gain confidence in their ability to make a difference and are inspired to continue their environmental advocacy.
Integrating Technology in Nature-Based Learning
Technology can be a valuable tool in enhancing nature-based learning experiences. While the focus is on getting students outdoors and engaged with the natural world, technology can provide additional resources and opportunities for exploration. Some ways to integrate technology into nature-based learning include:
Citizen Science Projects: Students can participate in citizen science projects that involve collecting data for real-world scientific research. Using apps and online platforms, students can contribute observations of wildlife, water quality, or weather patterns, helping scientists gather valuable data while learning about scientific methods.
Virtual Field Trips: When physical field trips aren’t possible, virtual field trips offer an alternative way to explore natural environments. Students can take virtual tours of national parks, wildlife reserves, or environmental research stations, gaining exposure to different ecosystems and conservation efforts.
Digital Nature Journals: Digital nature journals allow students to document their observations and reflections during outdoor learning experiences. Using tablets or smartphones, students can record photos, videos, and notes, creating a personalized record of their nature-based learning journey.
Environmental Monitoring Tools: Technology such as sensors and drones can be used to monitor environmental conditions and collect data on ecosystems. Students can use these tools to conduct experiments, track changes in their local environment, and analyze the impact of human activities on natural habitats.
Challenges and Solutions in Nature-Based Learning
While nature-based learning offers numerous benefits, it also presents challenges that schools must address to ensure successful implementation. Some common challenges include:
Access to Natural Spaces: Not all schools have easy access to natural areas for outdoor learning. To overcome this challenge, schools can partner with local parks, nature centers, or community organizations to provide students with access to natural spaces.
Funding and Resources: Implementing nature-based learning initiatives can require significant resources, including funding for outdoor classrooms, gardens, and field trips. Schools can seek grants, fundraise, or partner with local businesses and organizations to secure the necessary resources.
Safety Concerns: Ensuring the safety of students during outdoor learning activities is a top priority. Schools can address safety concerns by providing appropriate supervision, conducting risk assessments, and educating students on outdoor safety practices.
Weather and Seasonal Challenges: Weather and seasonal changes can impact the feasibility of outdoor learning activities. Schools can plan for alternative indoor activities or adapt their outdoor learning schedule to accommodate different weather conditions.
The Future of Environmental Education
As the importance of environmental education continues to grow, the future will likely see an expansion of nature-based learning initiatives in schools. Trends that may shape the future of environmental education include:
Increased Emphasis on Sustainability: Schools may place greater emphasis on sustainability in all aspects of education, from curriculum design to campus operations. This could include integrating sustainability into all subjects, promoting sustainable practices on campus, and involving students in sustainability initiatives.
Greater Use of Technology: As technology continues to advance, schools may increasingly use digital tools to enhance nature-based learning experiences. This could include more sophisticated environmental monitoring tools, virtual reality experiences, and online platforms for citizen science projects.
Expansion of Outdoor Learning Spaces: Schools may invest in expanding outdoor learning spaces, such as gardens, outdoor classrooms, and natural play areas. These spaces will provide students with more opportunities for hands-on, experiential learning in a natural setting.
Global Collaboration: Environmental education may increasingly involve global collaboration, with schools partnering with institutions and organizations around the world to share resources, conduct research, and address global environmental challenges.
At Excelsior American School, the Top Cambridge Schools in Gurgaon where environmental education beyond the classroom is essential for fostering a deeper understanding of the natural world and empowering students to take action to protect the environment. Nature-based learning initiatives, such as outdoor classrooms, school gardens, field trips, and community projects, provide students with valuable hands-on experiences that enhance their academic learning and promote environmental stewardship. As schools continue to innovate and expand these initiatives, they will play a crucial role in preparing the next generation to navigate and address the environmental challenges of the future.
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At Excelsior American School we cultivate a culture that nurtures young children with strong values and ethos that are vital for them to transform as thought leaders. Best Schools in Gurgaon
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Credit-By-Examination Tests Can Help You Finish College Faster
Written by Porrnutcha Jivasakapimas  Published Jul 7, 2020 10:02 pm 
Many people may be concerned about how I can finish my bachelor’s degree faster for many reasons — “I’m a reapplying student.”, I’d like to lighten my family’s load earlier.”, “I’d like to share my family’s work sooner.”, etc.—. But only taking the exceeding maximum of credits per semester/trimester might not be the right solution since you’ll have to work double hard and have decent time management to stuff many subjects in your class schedule. Here is another alternative that will help you gain credits for certain college subjects without needing to study such subjects for the whole semester/trimester. We Will Explore College Equivalency Exam  ~ ~ ~ 
Advanced Placement examinations (AP exams)
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(Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District, 2019)
Advanced Placement examinations (AP exams) are exams created by  College Board, the same organization that produces SAT which is international university entrance exam. Betting all MUIC students who did not take direct exam must have taken SAT, so you guys might know about College Board. However, not many people know about AP exams since they do not arrange the tests frequently as SAT (7 times for U.S. and 4 times for international). AP exams only available annually which is around May. It can substitute many subjects we’re studying in college and is acceptable broadly (Even our university, MUIC, has accepted AP exam as well). AP exams often comes the format of multiple choices mostly with some short/long answers, depending on subjects. I recommend you take AP were you an MUIC student since MUIC receives AP and IB exams as a credit transfer, which can help accelerating your graduation.
Here is the full list of AP tests available. Take a look and if see if any subjects here match with subjects in you major, and considering taking it. You can register for AP as same as when you register for SAT. There are 38 exams in total:
AP Research
AP Seminar
Art History
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
Chinese Language and Culture
Computer Science A
Computer Science Principles
English Language and Composition
English Literature and Composition
Environmental Science
European History
French Language and Culture
German Language and Culture
Government and Politics (Comparative)
Government and Politics (US)
Human Geography
Italian Language and Culture
Japanese Language and Culture
Music Theory
Physics 1: Algebra-Based
Physics 2: Algebra-Based
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Physics C: Mechanics
Spanish Language and Culture
Spanish Literature and Culture
Studio Art Drawing
Studio Art 2-D Design
Studio Art 3-D Design
US History
World History (Modern)
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
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(Action Economics, 2014)
CLEP stands for College Level Examination Program. It’s more like GED tests, the testes where you take only 4 subjects, if passed, then you’d get a high school diplomat without having to go to the school for 3 year, doing any projects, or take midterms&finals. Sound convenient right? But CLEP isn’t exactly the same with GED. You cannot escape four years in a college even though you took CLEP. However, you can take some subjects that you hate (to go to the college to study it), and if you passed the CLEP exam of that subject you hate, that’s all. You don’t need to register to study such subject for the whole trimester. You can just transfer you score result and get the credits for that subject. No need to register for the course or enter any classes. This type of exams has both merit and pitfall when compared to its alternative, AP exams. 
CLEP is better than AP that it is available year round. Just like GED, the exam is computer-based. So, you can appoint the test date in advanced and walk in to take the exams any day, anytime within the office hour that you’ve appointed. Since it’s internet-based exam, the score is calculated and reported immediately right after you finished. Nonetheless, CLEP isn’t as popular and broadly accepted as AP exams, and it’s testing centers are available only in foreign countries. Were you to take it, the nearest test center is at Dalat International School, Malasia. Apart from Webster University Thailand - Bangkok, I’ve never seen any other university in Thailand receives CLEP before, but talking about abroad universities, 2,900 colleges already granted/received CLEP.
Here are the sets of CLEP exams available via computer-based platform. It is arranged by 5  subject branches which are further divided into sub-subjects  
Composition and Literature
These exams cover topics related to American and British literature and composition.
American Literature
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
College Composition
College Composition Modular
English Literature
World Languages
These exams assess comprehension of French, German, and Spanish.
Read more about World Languages
French Language: Levels 1 and 2
German Language: Levels 1 and 2
Spanish Language: Levels 1 and 2
Spanish with Writing: Levels 1 and 2
History and Social Sciences
These exams cover topics related to history, economics, and psychology.
Read more about History and Social Sciences
American Government
History of the United States I
History of the United States II
Human Growth and Development
Introduction to Educational Psychology
Introductory Psychology
Introductory Sociology
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Social Sciences and History
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648
Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present
Science and Mathematics
These exams cover various science disciplines and different levels of math.
Read more about Science and Mathematics
College Algebra
College Mathematics
Natural Sciences
These exams cover various business disciplines.
Read more about Business
Financial Accounting
Information Systems
Introductory Business Law
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)
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(DSST Credit by Exam Program, 2014)
DSST (formerly DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) are credit-by-examination tests originated by the United States Department of Defense's Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) program. The program is an extensive series of 33 examinations in college subject areas that are comparable to the final or end-of-course examinations in undergraduate college courses. These tests are frequently used in conjunction with CLEP (College Level Examination Program) tests by students pursuing college degrees in non-traditional formats. Whereas CLEP tests are almost exclusively used for lower level credit at regionally accredited institutions, DSST's are available for both upper and lower level credit.
Prometric administers Internet-based versions of DSSTs under contract with the Defense Department (for military personnel) or on a fee basis (for civilians).
Business Ethics and Society Business Mathematics Human Resource Management Introduction to Business Management Information Systems Organizational Behavior Money and Banking Personal Finance Principles of Finance Principles of Supervision
Ethics in America Introduction to World Religions Principles of Public Speaking Principles of Advanced English Composition Math
Fundamentals of College Algebra Principles of Statistics Math for Liberal Arts Physical Science
Astronomy Environmental Science  Health and Development  Principles of Physical Science I Introduction to Geology Social Sciences
A History of the Vietnam War Art of the Western World Criminal Justice Foundations of Education Fundamentals of Counseling General Anthropology Introduction to Geography (formerly Human/Cultural Geography) Introduction to Law Enforcement Lifespan Developmental Psychology History of the Soviet Union (formerly Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union) Substance Abuse The Civil War and Reconstruction
Fundamentals of Cybersecurity Technical Writing Ethics in Technology
Excelsior College Examinations (ECE)
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(UExcel, 2013) 
Excelsior College Examinations (or ECE) are a series of eight, three-credit nursing theory tests offered by Excelsior College in Albany, New York. The exams are supported by corresponding online courses. Excelsior also offers the Clinical Performance in Nursing Exam, a two-day practical skills exam, as a capstone to the associate degree in nursing.
Excelsior also offers over 50 UExcel exams in liberal arts, business, education, and science. Many colleges and universities will grant college credit for each test, although UExcel credit is not as widely accepted as CLEP and DSST.
The exam administration period is typically 3 hours and the tests currently cost between $110 and $335. Each exam usually corresponds to a one or two semester introductory or secondary course on the topic, and many exams provide upper-division credit. Most ECE exams are considered equivalent to 3 credits in the semester system.
ECE exams are offered through Excelsior College and are administered at Pearson VUE test centers.
International Students: UExcel exams are administered at select international Pearson VUE Test Centers.
Abnormal Psychology
Adult Nursing 
Anatomy & Physiology
Anatomy and Physiology I
Anatomy and Physiology II
Basic Genetics
Bioethics: Philosophical Issues
Business Ethics
Business Information Systems
Business Law
College Writing
Contemporary Mathematics
Cultural Diversity
Earth Science
English Composition
Ethics: Theory & Practice
Financial Accounting
Foundations of Gerontology
Fundamentals of Nursing 
General Chemistry I
Human Resource Management
Interpersonal Communication
Introduction to Computer Programming Using Java
Introduction to Macroeconomics
Introduction to Microeconomics
Introduction to Music
Introduction to Philosophy
Introduction to Psychology
Introduction to Sociology
Juvenile Delinquency
Labor Relations
Life Span Developmental Psychology
Literacy Instruction in the Elementary School
Managerial Accounting
Maternal and Child Nursing (Baccalaureate) *
Operations Management
Organizational Behavior
Political Science
Precalculus Algebra
Principles of Finance
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
Psychiatric / Mental Health Nursing *
Psychology of Adulthood & Aging
Quantitative Analysis
Research Methods in Psychology
Science of Nutrition
Social Psychology
Spanish Language
Weather and Climate
Workplace Communication With Computers
World Conflicts Since 1900
World Population
Advanced Placement exams. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved from  
Choose Your Exam. (n.d.). Excelsior College. Retrieved from
CLEP Exams. (n.d.). College Board. Retrieved from
College Level Examination Program. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved from 
DSST (standardized test). (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved from
Edwards, H. (2020, Mar 21). Complete List of AP Courses and Tests.
PrepScholar. Retrieved from https://blog.prepscholar.com/list-of-ap-exams
Excelsior College Examinations. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved from
[Image of AP exmas logo]. (2019, November 1) 
[Image of CLEP logo]. (2014, June 26)
[Image of DSST logo]. (2014, February 19)
[Image of Uexcel logo]. (2013, June 29)
Images - Writing and Citing: APA 7th Edition. (2020, Jul 10). LibGuides. 
Retrieved from https://libguides.scf.edu/c.php?g=847004&p=6077102
Schinder, S. (n.d.). DSST Exam List. Study.com. Retrieved from 
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