#Examines Wealth and How Many People have Achieved it.
atravesty · 5 months
Relationship Advice from the Universe
If you're currently experiencing conflicts within your romantic relationship, there may be some guidance meant for you below (please heart/share/follow if this resonated with you):
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Pick a Crystal - 1. Brown Goldstone, 2. Dragon's Blood, 3. Aquarmarine
Pile 1 - Brown Goldstone
Ambition, Inspiration/Creativity, Power, Confidence
Tarot: Hermit, Tower, 3 of Pentacles, 10 of Pentacles Reverse
"Stop caring about what they think. This is your life to love and live!"
You may have recently had a falling-out with your love interest, resulting in a need to undergo drastic changes for the best of both yourself and the relationship (or vice versa, please take what resonates). One, or both of you, may have chosen separation after realizing the foundation of the relationship was unstable. You are being called to re-examine and challenge your current foundations; this includes your belief systems, engrained habits, perceptions of self and the world, and everything else that once defined your identity. You may be feeling overwhelmed, and are being called to retreat from external influences for a period of self-reflection to develop a new perspective that will allow for a new, healthier foundation to be built between the both of you. You are being encouraged to seek your inner wisdom through meditation, or other means of contemplation. Think creatively and develop the confidence to make the meaningful changes in your life, however painful, as that will ultimately benefit you in the long run. If there are people in your life that you can trust to collaborate with, such as your love interest, you are being supported in doing so to facilitate collective growth and expansion. You are being warned not to focus excessively on material items, wealth, and status, as this was likely an unhealthy pattern that was detrimental to the relationship that you need to release. Does this fixation stem from insecurities regarding your self worth or scarcity mindset?
Pile 2 - Dragon's Blood
Courage, Adaptability, Healing/Regeneration, Balancing
Tarot: King of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles Reversed, King of Cups Reversed, Lovers
"You could use some self care time. Like now. Schedule it in."
You may identify as someone who feel secure and comfortable within their lifestyle, full of material and emotional abundance, and able to extend that wealth to your love interest to provide for them as well. You've likely had to undergo a lot of personal growth to achieve your level of success and prosperity, and understand how arduous this journey can be. Despite your generous nature, you may be dealing with a partner/love interest that is currently distant and withdrawn, both from you and their own emotions, resulting in a stagnant relationship (I'm getting that this is likely the early stages of a new connection). You are being called to stop overextending your energy and resources to them, as this is enabling them to remain stagnant in their own growth and causing an imbalance within yourself as well. Personal growth doesn't happen overnight and this can't happen if they still have access to you in the same capacity. Your love interest may be dealing with many burdens that are causing them to withdraw from this connection, and though you likely want to help, this is an opportunity for the two of you to practice self care separately. Healthy boundaries are required for the longevity of this relationship. You must have a healthy balance of giving & receiving, as they are ultimately the one responsible for allowing themselves to be emotionally forthcoming and invested in this relationship.
Pile 3 - Aquamarine
Hope, emotional clarity, spiritual growth/enlightenment, communication
Tarot: 5 of Swords Reversed, 9 of Swords, 10 of Swords Reversed, High Priestess
"Live your life with both feet in. Commit fully to being here."
You may have recently experienced a conflict with your love interest in which they deceived you in some way. They may not have been honest with you about how they feel about you, causing either separation or preventing a relationship from forming to begin with. You are likely not in communication with your love interest at this time, or your communication with them is limited. They have come to the realization that their dishonesty resulted in a lose-lose situation, and wishes to apologize and reconcile with you, however, their intense feelings of regret and despair about their previous actions is preventing them from reaching out to you. You are being called to allow them to surrender to hitting rock-bottom, as this is the only way they can truly begin their recovery and return with a stable offer. Take this is as an opportunity for both of you to heal. They may be going through some sort of spiritual awakening, or at least beginning to become more connected with their intuition, which is guiding them to develop a new perspective to make the proper steps towards you. You and your love interest may both be experiencing dreams, synchronicities, or other gut feelings related to one another, which could indicate a deeper level soul connection between you two. You are being encouraged to relinquish any need to control the trajectory of this relationship and remain hopeful, even if you are not currently in communication with your love interest, and trust that the Universe will align you both in divine timing.
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n3xii · 2 years
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Hey! I'm back for another pac reading. If you want a personal reading CHECK MY PINNED POST. alot of my readings are 10 dollars are less. You could get a specific and detailed reading for the price of a lipgloss. 《♡》 today's pac is made for singles but if you are in a relationship it may resonate as well. This explores what you my be doing and exploring in the next few months and what energy you're tryng to embrace in your romantic life!
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Pile one
I see here you're gonna be disconnecting from the outer world to take inventory of how you feel about a certain person or situation. You want clairty and movement, and you know that the only way to achieve that is to get clear on what's happening. I'm being shown here that you might be taking a retreat to examine this situation because there are red flags present. If someone is acting in a destructive, controlling or a negative way, you don't have to tolerate it. I think the ultimate outcome from this situation is feeling like you don't have any good options around you when it comes to dating. It may feel like you have to ghost people or that you end up being ghosted. You may feel like youre missing out on amazing experiences but its because youre not fully present with where you are. You may look around and feel like all the good men are taken or that they dont want you. You feel like theres nothing but dry options. Thats not true. Dont end up settling for less because you feel like theres no one else out there. The advice here is to remain in the now, being present in your situation is gonna help you manifest better romantic options and situations in the future.
What's coming towards you》
"Sudden wealth" you're gonna have very lucky encounters with partners, and in life in general. Things are opening up and expanding, I see many of you entering a connection with someone in a different county or culture. Others are gonna be traveling to another country and coming upon a spectacularly wealthy partner. The anchors are coming off and your ship is sailing, it may be dire or dry situations in your love life at the moment but very good things are comming to you. If it's not financial wealth then it's emotional abundance.
If this message resonated you can tip at sarahx2x on cashapp
Pile two
This pile is embracing their inner child energy to become more flexible with their love life. there may be someone or something you really want right now but I see you in the future becoming more curious about where your love life is gonna take you and thus being more receptive to different outcomes. Your spirit guide has influence over your love life at the moment and they're showing me that there are better things coming to you. Being curious, open and perceptive to these new outcomes is key to unlocking them. I feel like many of you have strong expectations about a situation or person that need softening so that you can embrace the energy of your inner child. Some of you need to be cautious of getting pregnant if you're being intimate with others atm.
What's coming towards you》
You may be meeting someone at your job soon. I see you guys being supported when it comes to your occupation AND in your hobbies. But I do see this pile meeting a romantic partner at their job, and specifically where you live in your community. Intuitively I feel like you will have hobbies that you share with this person that you both enjoy. People who chose this pile have a very cute love language of sharing time with their partner, and I see you finding someone like that. If this message resonated you can tip me at sarahx2x on cashapp.
Pile three
I'm seeing here that this pile needs to have patience and release feelings of desperation. There's unrequired feelings here. One person is putting in more energy than they're getting. Don't waste your energy on trying to force something to happen with them, you deserve better and can spend your energy on manifesting a person who's gonna naturally be prepared to give you what you want right now. I know this message is harsh. If it doesn't resonate this probably isn't the pile for you. But if you chose this pile please keep in mind that someone's lack of intrest in you is not a reflection of your worth. Love will not pass you by. non action and stillness in a situation is ok and it happens to everyone. you can manifest a person who's not gonna be stagnant and leave you wondering if they truly like you back or not. Some of you may be continually assuming that someone doesn't like you when they actually do, but because you keep assuming they don't like you you're actually manifesting stillness in the connection. This is not for everyone
What's coming towards you 》
For what I pulled I got "wealthy man, gift" GIRL if the previous message made you sad or even angry this should dry your tears. I see you encountering a well off man who's gonna be treating you with a gift. Sugar daddy energy for some of you. A rich man is gonna wanna spoil you in your romantic life soon.
If this message resonated you can tip at sarahx2x on cash-app
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Bounty Of The Heart - Bounty Hunter!Male!Reader x Candace
A/N: This is a long one. Hope you enjoy! CW: Mild violence, moral ambiguity. Themes: Enemies to lovers.
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They say Sumeru is a nation of wisdom. A peaceful people who, with their gentle Archon above them, pursue to examine the world and contain its secrets within tomes, fathomed by both human and divine mind. 
They are wrong. 
Mora and fame are the true pursuits of the men and women of Sumeru. Science is only a means of achieving wealth and status, different from sell-swording only by the lack of physical violence. Those who can navigate the maze of dusty tomes and old, bearded, complaining professors can achieve a high position and see eight figures on their monthly pay. But to reach this level, one must have determination and a patience of cold steel. And you? Had neither of those things when you were young. 
You craved money, but also adventure. You just couldn't force yourself to sit down and study boring and mostly irrelevant information, only to pass a test unreflective of your actual knowledge. You needed something more - adrenaline. Just like many other young and inexperienced men, you decided to join the Eremites. The promise of gold and fame lured you in quite effectively. Clad in red, you served a few years in that organization. You were immediately picked up by some scruffy-looking old man, assigned to a sizable band, and sent into the desert. Even if you were fully aware of how dangerous and harsh the conditions were, you could hardly adjust to them at first. Especially that the pay was surprisingly meager. But you served nonetheless, gaining valuable experience and learning the craft. The first kill was quite shocking, but the more blood there was on your hands, the less you cared. You put in three hundred percent, but you never rose that much in the ranks. Your efforts were never appreciated, and you didn't enjoy that. So, you faked your death on one mission and moved on to make a name for yourself. 
Surprisingly, contracts weren’t that difficult to find, even right from the start. The jobs were dangerous, there was scarce information, but the pay was mostly better than you received in the Eremites, especially that you didn’t have to hand the lion’s share to your superiors. If not for your skill, determination - and mostly just pure luck - you would have already shared the fate of many like you. 
Time flew by. You completed job after job, killing monsters and humans alike. The majority of your earnings went towards upgrades of your weaponry and armor, and it’s not like you could afford a lavish lifestyle. You had the money, yes, but flaunting your wealth would attract unwanted attention. You may have kept your true identity a secret from both your victims and contractors, but it’s better safe than sorry after all. In spite of what the amount of mercs in Sumeru may suggest, it was hard to find equipment that would meet the demands of both dense, humid jungles and barren, scorching deserts. You picked a mixed armor set of mostly hardened leather, cloth and a chestplate, coupled with an armored but fairly cool helmet. You made sure to use dark green cloth and paint to outfit the set specifically for jungle bounties, also buying a separate second set with various modifications - like fingerless gloves and a Hydro-infused chest piece - for the deserts.
Many prideful Vision Holders reject the crossbow, labeling it as a weapon much more primitive and crude than the bow. You gladly showed some who happened to be your targets that it all depends on who uses it - a perfect shot in between the ribs from a hundred meters is nothing to scoff at, after all. The only minus was that reloading it is fairly difficult and requires plenty of strength. It’s all worth the armor piercing capabilities though, no doubt about that. You purchased two flintlocks and one high-caliber buckshot and kept them sealed tightly in your pouches so as to not let any humidity or sand break them. They were high quality and expensive, even by your standards - Fontainian quality costs.
The selection of a melee weapon was a fairly problematic matter. You weren’t a Vision Bearer - at least not back then - so there was no way to just make the weapon disappear and appear on demand. You needed something universal, hard hitting and able to be wielded with just one hand. You picked a hand ax as your main weapon, and it served you well ever since you first used it. It was wonderful both against humans and monsters, and could help by chopping firewood or hacking hunted animals apart on longer commissions. Even when you finally managed to snatch a dying Vision of one of your targets and claim it for yourself, your preference stuck. Quite soon just the image of your signature steel weapon prompted a quieter tone and wary looks from the people discussing you. 
With such a kit, hardly anything was a challenge. No matter if human or monster, you hunted it down for the right price. After some practice, you managed to form a routine on equipment management and optimize your spendings to secure even more funds for yourself. This in turn allowed you to afford your own house. The location you chose was the desert. People there weren’t very nosy and often dabbled in the gray area of the law, which went by a few rules, one of them being a saying regarding why ignorance is bliss. Aaru Village was welcoming, especially that few were interested in buying property there due to the harsh conditions, borderline unbearable to the jungle dwellers. For a sizable amount of ill gotten Mora you purchased a decrepit storage building and, with some creativity and patience, transformed it into a cozy base of operations. 
You rested and maintained your equipment by day, and went to do your job by night. Quite the comfortable routine, maybe minus the cleaning of blood from your clothes. The jobs were plenty, but under many names since you never officially introduced yourself under a specific alias. It's not like the people could come up with anything suited to your tastes anyway. With time and a lack of reinforcement, these tags faded away, replaced by just your occupation - bounty hunter. If one were to ask for a chance to contact you in the right places, they would ask for not ‘a’ hunter, but ‘the’ hunter, and you responded. When the money was worth your time, of course. 
Your nighttime activities didn't go unnoticed, however. How could they fly under the watchful eyes of Candace, defender of Aaru Village, descendant of Al-Ahmar? 
It took only a bit of observation from a considerable distance - which wasn't hard for Candace, a desert dweller since birth - and a conversation with Dehya to learn who you are. She wouldn't mind (that much) if you were just another smooth-brained run-of-the-mill mercenary, looking for luck in the endless sands. But someone like you? If the tales she heard about your deeds, you were a dangerous, very dangerous man. Candace made many enemies amongst the Eremites, who would have no qualms about raising funds to pay for her head. Candace’s concern only grew the more she stalked you. The sheer brutal efficiency you showed was nothing to scoff at, especially that you seemed to slaughter both monsters and men with the same emotionless professionalism. There were rarely any survivors, especially amongst humans. And if they were, you let them go on purpose. 
For her, you were a danger. For you, she was a hindrance. Ever since you first caught her spying on you during one of your clean-up jobs, Candace became a stable thorn in your side. You knew she aimed to protect her home first and foremost, but there was no certainty what she would do in your case. Those that threatened the village were dealt with swiftly, while those that weren't malicious were left to their business. Since you never attacked civilians or officials - to keep these sweet and stable contracts from both the Corps of Thirty and Aaru Village Chief going - you weren't a threat. Why then was she spying on you? An uncertainty, maybe? Her personal anxiety? Maybe fear or jealousy? It was hard to tell, but you certainly enjoyed the attention and silent respect, even if it was mixed with hostility. Well, you would more if she wasn't such a headache. Not only was she following you with unclear intentions, but she, as a respected figure in the eyes of the chief, could potentially break your contracts and cut your earnings. 
Even if the distant glances at each other over the dunes were tense, there never was a direct encounter. It was a bloodless and quiet conflict - a cold war of mutual mistrust and wariness. 
Your activities were a benefit, certainly, but they were far from enough to convince her to overlook your presence. Despite knowing his intellect, Candace didn't fully trust Uncle Anpu’s judgment. Your loyalty was a commodity that could be purchased by anyone with enough funds, and it wasn't as her Vision gave her a massive advantage either. She wasn't as cold hearted and ruthless as you were. For the moment, although with a heavy heart, she resorted to simply keeping tabs on your actions. Meanwhile, she used her spare time to get more sleep, finally go shopping with Dehya and relax at the village’s meeting house. 
Though most times she was drinking with either her friends or by herself, she has been hanging out with a stranger she met there, usually at dusk. He was about her age. Candace found him kind, well mannered and intelligent - quite interesting in general. 
You looked at her with a knowing smile while she was going on about what deeds she handled that day or what kinds of trespassers ended up on the wrong end of her spear. After all, you saw her in action more than once, always from a safe distance. But up close, you met a kindred soul with a similar sense of diligence as yourself, even if she didn't know about your true identity. Candace was a wonderful person to be around, and, soon enough, you found yourself enamored by her maturity, sense of responsibility and caring attitude. Although you introduced yourself under your factual name, you still had to maintain some sort of cover for your true identity. You fed her a story about how you were a statistician working for the Sumeru Academia. Although your muscular stature wasn't quite like that of an overworked mathematician you painted yourself as, she accepted it - partly because she lacked even the fundamental knowledge of the subject. Variance and standard error were things of Academia, not the desert. You could explain the basics to her and write out a few random formulas you remembered from your cut-short time in the university. Even if you developed a mild crush on her, work came first. After all, she was a potential enemy.
And Candace returned the feeling. It wasn't anything beyond a crush, but she did really enjoy your company. In your long, flirtatious conversations you discussed many things, from culture through history to recent events. The topic of The Bounty Hunter was a prevalent one, and soon enough you brought it up to Candace as if she wasn't sitting right in front of the perpetrator. With care not to blow your cover, you probed her opinion of your actions, and teased her a little by complimenting your own actions’ contributions towards the safety of the village.
This sparked a certain, unusual envy in Candace. Her crush was complimenting the work of some (un)common outlaw? And what's more, in an area she takes pride in? While not one to act reckless, Candace did allow her emotions to set the directions that time. The woman disregarded the additional self care time she had on her hands for monster hunting. Her plan was to snatch your prey from your hands before you went out hunting, cut your earnings and hopefully discourage you from working around the village. 
And she did succeed. Your professional wariness turned into a competition, as with less kills came less money, and less money meant less satisfaction. But what annoyed you more than the smaller paycheck from the Aaru Village Chief was the fact that Candace was attempting to root you out. And, on top of all that, the casual Candace was mostly busy or tired, delaying your official date each time you mentioned it. For the moment, Candace stopped appearing as your sympathy, but rather as a competitor. A competitor that had to be put in her place. You needed something more impressive, a proof of your capabilities and talent. 
You knew exactly what to aim for. 
Consecrated Scorpions, rare as they are, pose a significant threat to everyone that happens to stroll by their territory. Having feasted on the remains of defeated gods and absorbed a part of their power, these often ancient monsters weren't picky eaters, meaning it made no difference whether their food was Hilichurl, animal or human. With their terrifying size, elemental affinity and thick carapace, these creatures were nigh unkillable, even for most Vision holders. But you weren't most, were you? Such a proof of capability would fetch a mouthwatering amount of Mora and respect. 
And you? You'd do anything for fame and fortune, as that was your way of life. 
After giving Candace a cover story about a work trip to Port Ormos, you packed your supplies and moved south into the Land of Upper Setekh. Finding a massive, dangerous demigod beast proved more troublesome than you assumed. You knew scorpions tend to reside in dark caverns, but poking your head into each lightless crevice you found was far from a good idea. The creature could easily kill you, especially if it had the element of surprise on its side. You stalked the gorges and ravines by night, as it is the time when they are hunting. After a few unsuccessful escapades you finally managed to spot one, feasting on a Sumpter Beast. You followed it though the sunless hours, carefully memorizing the path it took when that oversized arachnid felt drowsy just as morning rolled in. The scorpion made its lair inside a sizable crevice underneath the cliffside. 
Upon relocating your base camp and concealing it behind sand-colored cloths, you started your research. Scorpions, especially the giant man eating variety, weren't your forte. There were little details to go off of when it came to common knowledge, and even scientific studies. Thus, you had to experiment. 
Your guinea pigs were the common, yet still quite sizable scorpions of the desert. You tested their sensitivity to light, sound, scent and visual stimuli. 
Just as you thought, their eyesight was exceptionally poor. They could hardly see where they were going, often falling into pits and cracks in the rocks, usually getting out thanks to their spiky legs. A bright, white flare could make them panic if thrown at them during the night, causing them to shriek and escape. When you tried this on your prey, with whom you've gotten quite closely acquainted with due to your constant nightly tracking of the beast, turned aggressive instead of frightened. Assuming the characteristic defensive position, with claws tight to its body and the abdomen raised, it prepared an attack, and struck the flare with its massive stinger. Interestingly, instead of the venom of its smaller kin, this one delivered a powerful Electro discharge through the stinger, scorching the sand and burying your tool underneath it. Soon after it lost interest and went back to its routine. But there was an even more important discovery. When it was in its offensive pose, a fact of its anatomy revealed itself. Due to the massive and unnatural size of the Consecrated Scorpion, the exoskeleton plates weren't tight to its body, creating large openings when it was ready to strike. A well aimed shot could severely debilitate, or even kill the creature. 
Scorpions, as you found out, were mostly interested in three things. Things that move, things that smell and things that are bright. This gave you enough information to formulate a plan. At dusk, you would lure a single Sumpter Beast into the small gorge near the scorpion’s lair, keeping it there with a pile of hay until the scorpion would wake and attack it. To make things more enticing for it, you would leave a burning campfire beside the animal. Then, as the stinger would be lodged deep in the prey, you would take the shot laced with a very potent horse sedative. The scorpion would pass out, and you’d have plenty of time to end its life undisturbed. 
It was such a brilliant plan, the fruit of a week’s worth of meticulous observation. So much so that you felt a bit sorry for it. But ultimately, work was work, and the creature would most likely appreciate your respect by ripping you to shreds and shoving your remains down its mouth. 
You set the ambush, and waited.
You breathe steadily. This is not your first time. Your gloves hands grip your empty crossbow securely - an accidental misfire would waste the precious poisoned bolt. You peer out from behind the plain cloth covering your dark campsite, spotting the oblivious creature unfortunate enough to trust you and end up as your bait. The animal is sleeping in the hay. You glance up, seeing the red remnants of sunlight painting the horizon. Any second now. 
As you check your equipment, a sound reaches your ears. Footsteps. Continuous, measured - human footsteps of a single person, off to your left. Even if your helmet is painted to prevent the metal from reflecting light, you still look out with care. Your brow furrows as you spot the figure walking down the rocky cliffside towards the fire. Though she is covered in clothes, you recognise Candace by her deep blue locks of hair poking out from underneath a fabric. 
You mutter to yourself. “Come on. Not you. Not now.” 
You watch on as she approaches the bait and examines the campfire, before walking over to the snoring beast. She stretches out her hand and scratches the back of the furry creature while examining the hay. Candace turns sharply in your direction, causing your heart to sink. She looks around the ravine, standing in place without a word. You let out the breath you held when you realize she is oblivious to your presence. 
Candace summons her shield and spear and moves down the ravine, sticking to the left side of the cliff. 
The side on which the scorpion's hiding place is. 
Though trying to suppress it, you feel anxious. She might just blow your whole operation wide open with her little trip. Why now, of all times? Does she have too much free time on her hands? Maybe taking contracts in her area wasn't such a good-
In a flash, a huge dust cloud raises up where Candace stood mere seconds ago. The bait wakes up and runs, kicking up even more sand. You spring into action, aiming the crossbow at it and ripping the cover tarp down. Screams and screeching resonate through the canyon as you squint your eyes on focus, using your elemental vision to see what's going on. You see the vibrant blue figure of Candace fighting with the hulking, deep purple shape of the scorpion. 
Grabbing the tranquilizer bolt, you take off along the ravine’s edge towards the ongoing fight. When you find yourself directly across them, you assess the situation. Even if the scorpion assumes the stance, you won't be able to take a clear shot at your bounty. Thinking quickly and dropping your main weapon to the ground, you pull out your high caliber with a trained movement. You aim it at the rough center of the purple abdomen, and pull the trigger. 
“Roar, mighty duel!” 
You scream, with a loud pained hiss of the scorpion following suit. Moving to the side and out of the smoke cloud the shot created, you pick up the crossbow, lower it to the ground, hold it down with your foot and pull the string back into place. You place the bolt carefully on the wooden body of the weapon, and take aim. By this time, the smoke cleared enough for you to see what's going on without using your vision. The scorpion was wounded - a sizable chunk of its carapace has been shattered by the bullet, enough for a good chance of hitting your mark from your position. 
Candace meanwhile was fighting for her life. She was jumping back, dashing between the claws of the monster in a tight dance of death. Her spear was a toothpick, and had just as much use against the Consecrated Scorpion. Now, wounded and agitated, the scorpion moved its trunk-thick stinger into action. The woman dodged the first stab, just barely avoiding being impaled on the massive stinger. The second sting, however, finds its mark. Candace manages to bring up her shield just in time to stop the tip from embedding itself in her flesh. The beast instantly tries to pull it back for another attempt, but it's stuck in the wood. Candace bashes her shield downwards, trying to break the stinger. While she struggles, and the scorpion stays still, you fire. 
The bolt lands in the damaged area, embedding itself in the exposed insect flesh. Your game shrieks and struggles harder, to get its weapon free. Candace fights with all her might as you grab a handful of flares from your belt bag and tie them with a piece of rope. She manages to break the stinger, causing the monster to hiss and back away. You jump down, flare bomb in hand. You recover from the fall and set off the flares one by one. Then, you throw it straight at the scorpion. 
It shrieks, using its claws to cover the six sensitive eyes it has. Candace, shield still raised, backs away towards you. You stand beside her, pistols drawn and pointed at the monster. Suddenly it turns and scurries away in the opposite direction, further down the ravine.
Candace is panting heavily, but you hit her on the back.
“Come on! It will be out in a moment. We need to catch up.”
She nods, and both of you run after the fleeing scorpion’s tracks. It doesn't take long for the poison to kick in, making it weak and slow, letting you catch up. By the time you two see it again, the monstrosity is low to the ground, claws lowered and stinger relaxed. You slow your pace, quietly watching as it slumps down, relaxing completely. 
After a solid minute of staring at it, you make your careful approach, making sure to keep your distance just in case. You examine the thing's mouth, making sure the smaller pincers located there aren't moving. When you confirm that is the case, you finally lower your pistols. Candace takes a deep breath. 
“It's dead?” She asks, voice raspy from the pursuit. 
“No. Just out. Will be for a few hours.” You reply, holstering the weapons. You turn to her. “You alright?”
The woman closes her eyes, breathing rapidly, and dismisses both her weapons. “Yes. I’m fine.”
She walks over to a nearby rock and plops down, trying to calm her body. She looks back at you with her blue and golden eyes. 
“Was this your bounty?”
You nod.
“And that animal? Was it the bait?”
“I see.” She sighs, rubbing her temple. “Thank you for helping. I disrupted your hunt and damaged your prey, didn't I… I would offer to compensate you, but I don't think I have the Mora. If there is anything I could do to make up for this, tell me and I will do it.”
You smile underneath the faceplate of your mask. You move your hands to undo the straps, and pull the metal helmet away from your head. The cold night breeze is refreshing on your hot and exhausted face. You turn around. 
“You could finally let me take you out on that date we planned, Candace.” 
She sits there, wide eyed. Blinking a few times, the struggle to comprehend the new reveal becomes visible. She silently nods a few times. 
“Alright. I can… do that, Y/N.”
You turn back to the scorpion, approaching it with your axe in hand. From the side close in on the left claw, and give it a gentle poke. The scorpion doesn't react. 
“Or you can help me get the poison gland and some other valuable stuff out of this thing. I could use a pair of hands, you know.”
Candace frowns. “Ugh. Being elbow deep in insect guts wasn't my plan for the evening, but…” She gets up, and smiles warmly at you. 
“A promise is a promise.”
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Thanks for reading!
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cienie-isengardu · 1 day
[MK1] Bi-Han & Kuai Liang. Good brother? Evil brother? Nah, just different reactions to trauma, part 5
<part 1 <> part 2 <> part 3 <> part 4 <>
This part will be mainly focused on POWER: Bi-Han’s character theme and - alongside gaining independence and freedom for Lin Kuei, the main goal he wanted to achieve according to Mortal Kombat 1’s storyline and tie-in material.
There are already many things said about Bi-Han’s thirst for power and from my experience, fandom identifies it as a serious character's flaw at best and a sign of evil nature at worst. However I do feel that fandom judges Bi-Han’s goal to gain power outside of proper context and this is why we first need to examine worldbuilding and what role the power - including personal might, plays within it.
To do so, let’s look at the Mortal Kombat Tournament. At the official meeting with Liu Kang and his champions, Sindel described it as a tournament founded to “foster peace among realms”:
Sindel: “Welcome, members of the royal house. Welcome, our esteemed Earthrealm guests. We gather once again to honor my late husband's legacy. To continue the tournament that he founded with Lord Liu Kang in hopes that it would foster peace among realms."
However, as we could see through the story, there is much deeper meaning to Tournament - this is a chance for each realm to demonstrate their strength, and in result, temper potential attempts at war.
Liu Kang said:
”The time draws near for the grand martial art tournament between Earthrealm and the realm of Outworld. Held once each century, it allows each realm to demonstrate its strength. While our realms are at peace, there are Outworlders who would prefer us to be at war. Our victory in the tournament will… temper their zeal.”
”Earthrealm and Outworld have long been evenly matched. But Outworld is gaining strength. Should it win, it’s more militant factions will be emboldened.”
”It is a place of great wealth and beauty. But our realms do not share goals or beliefs. We coexist peacefully because Outworld respects our strength. Should we show weakness, our rival will become our enemy.”
Thus Tournament is a way to intimidate Outworld (and presumably other realms) to keep it in check. Which works fine and works for a long time already, as Liu Kang mentioned that Earhrealm frequently is winning
"You presume them frail, General? Should you... given how frequently they win this tournament?"
And winning even at a great disadvantage, as Raiden fought against many rivals and understandably, the more opponents the more weakened he became with each duel. 
In one of the intro dialogues, we learn people of Sun Do still talk about Raiden despite how many other things happened, including betrayal of General Shao and death of Sindel. 
Li Mei: Your name is still on Sun Do's lips. Raiden: I can't believe I made such an impression.
This intro both highlights how modest and at the same naive Raiden is, because his victory won't be forgotten anytime soon there. Liu Kang’s Champion, a mere farmer who never took a part in war, came to their great and powerful realm, and beat down First Constable Li Mei, General Shao and his second-in-command Reiko, prominent fighters like Kotal, Motaro, Sheeva, princess Kitana and finally, the Empress Sindel. Of course Outworlders are intimidated by his victory, and in the grand scheme of things, Earthrealm’s power. 
Since Outworld and Earthrealm are separate realms, and their cultural contact is very limited, people of Sun Do have no idea how truly powerful are Liu Kang’s people, so of course they judge them through Raiden’s achievement. In the case of war, Raiden alone could defeat their military Champions AND Empress and he is just one of possible many other great Champions. Not to mention Lin Kuei lurking in the shadows, the warriors who do not take part in Tournament, but do fight on Earthrealm’s behalf in conflicts between realms (as seen with Vaeternians, a serious problem Outworlders themselves faced in the past).
As worldbuilding goes, Earthrealm safety relies directly on power, the personal’s might of Liu Kang’s Champions and his “secret army” of Lin Kuei. 
Bi-Han and his family was born in Earthrealm, but as Lin Kuei he was destined to be a warrior meant to defend Earthrealm from external threats, like mentioned before Vaeternians. Understandably then, his mindset about power and personal might won’t be the same as Raiden, Kung Lao or Johnny Cage because he was raised in a different environment than those three living and experiencing modern, normal life. For Sub-Zero, power is what guarantees peace and keeps him and his clan alive and safe. In that sense, “power” and “freedom” are inseparable terms, because without one, there won’t be the other.
This is best seen with Bi-Han’s ending 
"I had broken the Lin Kuei free of Liu Kang's enslavement. We were now masters of our destiny and could take our place among Earthrealm's greatest nations. But taking and holding territory would require a vast army. I needed more fighters to make our presence felt. Then I recalled Shang Tsung's dragon warriors. An army of them would be unstoppable. But trafficking in such strong magic would surely draw Liu Kang's attention. Sektor advised that we avoid detection by building our army using science, not sorcery. We've invested much time in this endeavor, and we are beginning to see results. Once again proving the depths of Sektor's genius. When we are done, all of Earthrealm will honor our desires and heed our demands. If not, they will face the Lin Kuei's wrath."
Sub-Zero understood that Lin Kuei’s independence relies on his and his men’s power. Lin Kuei needed it to secure their land and resources, to indimitate or if needed, to defeat those opposing. Ultimately, they used Shang Tsung’s concept and adapted it to their needs, but as intro dialogues imply, power was what Bi-Han showed an interest in: 
Johnny Cage: Why'd you go rogue? I could've made you a star. Sub-Zero: I want power, not fame.
and Liu Kang: You will not enter the Temple of the Elements. Sub-Zero: I will have the power you've locked away inside.
Sub-Zero: One should seize power by any means necessary. Rain: There must be limits, Sub-Zero.
Sub-Zero: You wield the power that I aspire to. Sindel: Too bad you're unfit for it, Sub-Zero. 
Scorpion: You defile the Lin Kuei! Sub-Zero: I seek only to make us stronger.
Though the intro dialogues do not give us the context for Sub-Zero’s fixation on power, there is plenty of source material to assume this is indeed a way to keep his clan’s freedom, especially with so few reliable allies around. 
There is however a different approach to Sub-Zero’s own battle might - it pleases him to fight and test himself against powerful opponents:
“We must find a less guarded section before attempting an ascent. Finally we face a worthy foe. Victory will bring us glory."
"After years of idleness, it pleases me to again face kombat."
"I had hoped for the chance to battle your dark magic."
Sub-Zero: I'm pleased to fight Outworld's foremost mage. Rain: Will it also please you to lose?
Bi-Han judges other characters through their combat power and battle experience. If his opponents do not live up to the high exceptions of his, Sub-Zero will express his disappointment, as happened in his match against Ermac
“Liu Kang was overly concerned. Your magic does not impress." 
or Shang Tsung
“I had hoped for a worthier enemy." 
At the same time, in case of Sub-Zero (player)’s losing a match, he would actually praise his opponents, 
Bi-Han to Nitara after losing a fight: “You are a superb adversary. More than worth the wait” 
Bi-Han to Ermac after losing a fight: “You are as formidable as promised. Let’s continue.” 
So with no doubt we can say Bi-Han’s relationship with power is much more complex than him being just a power-hungry character. One one hand, he is confident in his abilities and Lin Kuei training, to the point he can come off as arrogant. He turned down Raiden and Kung Lao’s help by saying:
You are not Lin Kuei. You would only hinder the effort.
and in intro dialogues claimed Umgadi priestess warriors would not be able to defeat Lin Kuei
Sub-Zero: No one in your order can defeat a Lin Kuei. Tanya: A nescient boast which is easily disproven.
but at the same time, he would show an interest in Li Mei (a former leader of Umgadi) as he heard about her great skills
Sub-Zero: I hear your skills are formidable. Li Mei: As are those of all who have been Umgadi.
A similar thing may be seen with demons and Ashrah. Bi-Han is biased toward demons - as I assume, Lin Kuei's history influenced his idea of them the same way he was influenced by stories about Vaeternians - yet he will appreciate the power of a specific individual:
Sub-Zero: You will surely test my might. Ashrah: I will overwhelm it, Sub-Zero.
The contrast between power as a means to fulfill goals (securing clan’s independence and a way to expand its might) and power as a personal joy and source of respect for opponents highlight Bi-Han's complexity and influence of his upbringing. He is both ruthless and very eager to prove himself. Fighting is his way of life, and he takes great pleasure in it.
Surprisingly, despite Scorpion’s great loyalty to father’s teaching, Kuai Liang seems to not like fighting. All he wanted during the mission was to succeed
“I will be pleased when we complete our mission”
but there was no personal joy in the task
“Glory? We fight for duty”
In one of the intro dialogues, Scorpion would go so far as to even criticing (accusing?) Liu Kang for not abolishing combat
Scorpion: As Time’s Keeper, you could have abolished kombat. Liu Kang: Even a Titan’s power has limits.
 - what logically would erase the need for Lin Kuei and the duty Kuai Liang dedicated his whole life. Which is a total opposite to Bi-Han, who enjoys combat but also provides an interesting complexity of Kuai Liang and his relationship with fighting and power. 
At the same time, he took pride in being a Lin Kuei once
Raiden: Did you ever want to be an Earthrealm champion? Scorpion: I have only ever wanted to be Lin Kuei.
and has a similar to Bi-Han faith in his own abilities (former Lin Kuei training) that could be seen as arrogance.
Li Mei: Liu Kang has nothing but praise for you. Scorpion: Let me demonstrate why that's so.
Sindel: You performed well during the recent crisis. Scorpion: I did what I was trained to do.
Scorpion: Here to test the Shirai Ryu's might? General Shao: I will prove it worthless and weak.
Scorpion: Was it worth it, training with the Shaolin? Smoke: Let me show you what I learned.
The Lin Kuei training with no doubt shaped both brothers, but like with many other aspects of their past and personalities, they reacted differently to it. Kuai Liang is well aware of his combat skills to the point he barely pays attention to characters’ compliments. Yet he doesn’t seem to enjoy fighting and is there only to do his duty. He does not seek power or power-related support and rejects propositions of other characters - be it Shang Tsung (enemy)
Shang Tsung: Surely I can tempt you with something. Scorpion: Nothing you could offer would interest me.
Shang Tsung: I could teach you the secrets of shapeshifting. Scorpion: Stealth is the only tactic I need.
 or Kitana (ally)
Kitana: Weapons. Soldiers. Whatever you -- Scorpion: I have all that I need to defeat Bi-Han.
In contrast, Bi-Han is a much more ambitious man, yet his relationship with power is not one dimensional and there is a personal joy to face worthy opponents and to see how far he came in his training and combat experiences. Power is a means to fulfilling his goals, but also a reason to admire an opponent's skills, even if it's the enemy trying to either capture or murder him. 
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unpluggedfinancial · 2 months
The Future of Bitcoin in the Global Economy: Ending the Dollar’s Reign
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Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, is gaining traction as a powerful force in the global economy. As the US dollar continues to dominate as the global reserve currency, it's worth exploring how Bitcoin could disrupt this dynamic and potentially lead to a more equitable economic landscape. In this blog post, we will examine the profound impact of the US dollar's hegemony and how Bitcoin could usher in a new era of global financial fairness.
The Hegemony of the US Dollar
Since World War II, the US dollar has held the prestigious position of being the world's reserve currency. This status has allowed the United States to enjoy significant economic advantages, including the ability to print money at will and run large deficits without immediate consequences. The "dollar milkshake theory" suggests that as global economies struggle, they need more dollars, which strengthens the US economy at the expense of others. This dynamic has allowed the US to skim off the top of the productive world, reaping benefits while other nations bear the costs.
The Global Cost of Dollar Dominance
The dominance of the US dollar has led to widespread economic challenges for many countries. As nations rely on the dollar for international trade and reserves, they become vulnerable to currency devaluation and economic instability. The ability of the US to print money devalues the savings and earnings of people worldwide, effectively destroying wealth across the globe. Examples of this can be seen in countries facing hyperinflation, such as Venezuela and Zimbabwe, where reliance on the dollar has exacerbated economic hardships.
Bitcoin as a Global Currency and Truth in Pricing
Enter Bitcoin, a decentralized digital currency with a fixed supply of 21 million coins. Unlike fiat currencies, Bitcoin cannot be printed or manipulated by any single entity. This feature makes it an attractive alternative to the US dollar, providing a more stable and transparent monetary system. Bitcoin's decentralized nature ensures that no single country or organization can control its value, making it a potential tool for achieving global economic balance. Importantly, Bitcoin represents truth in pricing. While anything denominated in US dollars can be deceptive due to inflation and monetary policy manipulation, Bitcoin provides a clear, unaltered measure of value.
The Impact of Bitcoin Adoption
If Bitcoin were to be widely adopted, it could shift the global economic power structure. Countries currently disadvantaged by the dollar system could benefit from a more stable and equitable currency. Bitcoin's transparency and fixed supply could reduce the likelihood of economic manipulation and provide a more predictable environment for international trade. This shift could lead to more equitable wealth distribution and true pricing of goods and services, as countries no longer have to bear the brunt of the US's economic policies.
Challenges and Considerations
Transitioning to Bitcoin as a global currency is not without challenges. Regulatory issues, technological barriers, and the need for international cooperation are significant hurdles. Additionally, infrastructure development is crucial to support widespread Bitcoin adoption. However, these challenges are not insurmountable, and with concerted effort, the global community can pave the way for a more stable and fair economic system.
The potential of Bitcoin to disrupt the current economic order is profound. By providing an alternative to the US dollar, Bitcoin could lead to a more equitable and stable global economy. Its nature as a truthful measure of value further enhances its appeal as a transformative force in the financial world. As we explore this possibility, it is essential to stay informed about Bitcoin and consider its implications for our financial future.
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If you found this post insightful, subscribe to our blog for more updates and in-depth analyses on Bitcoin and the financial landscape. Share this post on social media to help spread awareness about the transformative potential of Bitcoin.
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bookshelfmonkey · 2 years
So I've been having thoughts about Izzy Hands.
But first, a disclaimer: this is meant to be an insight into my thought process. I know that I'm not always the best at examining media from a fully detached, critical perspective (but are any of us, really). I'm taking what I would see as a fairly neutral standpoint, trying to see and understand both sides of the coin. I'm not tagging this as hate, because it isn't intended to be, but if you think I should add any further warnings, please do let me know. Also, if you want to share your opinions, in the comments, tags, reblogs or in messages/asks to me, please do, but any straight-up hate comments (towards other users) will be deleted and I will block you.
Now, a small essay.
Honestly, when I initially watched the show, I didn't like Izzy, and when I came on here and saw people defending his character, I was confused, but y'all have some good points. I might have been somewhat convinced.
Here's the thing: Izzy is not a good character. None of the characters are. They're pirates for christ's sake. They have to be bad/selfish people to survive. Stede is very unique in his generosity towards the crew and, many times, he nearly pays very dearly for that. Obviously Izzy is uneasy with this new guy coming in and assuming half of the control of the ship (also essentially demoting him). Yes, he wants power, but that isn't a trait unique to him, and it's probably not unreasonable given the amount of shit he's probably been through at Ed's side (how many jobs have been "outsourced" to him, I wonder). It's reasonable that he's pissed that he's been overlooked and it's very reasonable that he's wary of Stede, someone who (at least in his outward appearance) represents the British aristocracy, a force that was almost definitely hugely oppressive in his, and many other pirates' lives (you don't become a pirate if you already have all the wealth you need, Stede is very much an outlier in this case).
Secondly, Izzy doesn't necessarily see much (if any) of Stede and Ed's emotional bonding. He doesn't learn (as Ed does) that Stede can be trusted and (given Ed's reckless behaviour), doesn't immediately trust his judgement on Stede and immediately trust him. Not to mention that, to the best of his knowledge, Ed is simply failing to meet the goal that he set (killing Stede) and just seems to be procrastinating the whole thing. You could even go as far as to say that Izzy fundamentally believes that Stede needs to be killed (he is, after all, a rival captain) and is trying to protect Ed from the pain of getting to know him and love him then having to kill him.
There's also the element of Izzy's (potential, I can't remember any solid evidence of this, but my memory is unreliable at best, so please correct me) past relationship with Ed. He potentially still has feelings for Ed and here comes this new guy who, again, represents everything they've worked against, coming in and taking Ed from him, changing him into someone wholly unfamiliar.
But there is another side to this story. I think, definitely as the viewers, we're encouraged to get invested in Ed and Stede's romance from the beginning. We see them grow closer and learn to trust each other and Izzy gets in the way of them achieving this goal. It's natural, as consumers of media, to get frustrated about this and to dislike the "obstacle". We also see how Ed grows and changes as a person, becoming happier and generally more content in his life. To us, it can seem that Izzy is trying to get in the way of this for his own personal gain and, to be fair, there's very little chance that Izzy doesn't know what he's doing to some extent.
And, building on my earlier point about Stede representing the aristocracy, it does not help Izzy's case that he turns to the British navy for help.
Ultimately, everyone on this show is at least a little bit fucked up and morals are completely out of the window. It's all just emotions and shit, so watch your emotions as you respond to media and please don't harass others.
I'm still not too sure why people hold such strong opinions on this, but I guess I did just write multiple paragraphs on it.
Again, please do respond. I want to talk to people.
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investspherewealth · 2 days
Innovation, Strategic Approach, and Right Guidance: The Key Drivers to Empower Bharat through SIPs
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In recent years, Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) have shown to be one of the best strategies for accumulating wealth in India. SIPs are becoming a popular option for long-term financial planning in India due to the country's expanding middle class and desire for financial independence. However, three important factors—innovation, strategic approach, and appropriate financial advice—are what will determine if SIPs are successful for both individual investors and Bharat (India) as a whole. To fully use SIPs' potential to empower individuals and spur economic progress, these pillars are essential.
Innovation in SIPs
The global environment of making investments is changing mainly because of creative thinking, and SIPs are not unique. As time passed, the standard SIP structure has changed, with technology playing a major role. With user-friendly smartphone apps, cloud-based services, and online platforms, SIPs are now easier to set up and manage for investors than they have ever been. Furthermore, cutting-edge strategies like flexible SIPs, step-up SIPs, and goal-based investing provide tailored answers to suit the various demands of various investor types. These kinds of developments will be essential to allowing more individuals to engage in wealth generation as digital penetration raises in India.
Strategic Approach to SIPs
Proper strategic planning is the basic foundation for a successful SIP. Since many investors in India are still getting to know the advantages  and disadvantages of wealth management, it is more crucial that they have a strategy that suits their risk tolerance and financial objectives. The key to successful investing is to get started early investing in markets, stay disciplined, and examine and alter the portfolio on a regular basis based on market conditions. SIPs have consistently produced returns over the long run, even in turbulent market conditions, according to historical statistics. For example, SIPs in equities mutual funds have outperformed traditional saving vehicles over the last 20 years, with returns of up to 12–15%. In addition to guaranteeing capital growth, a strategic strategy helps reduce market volatility-related risks.
Right Advice: The Game Changer
The importance of strategy and innovation remain the value of professional guidance cannot be observed. To make wise investment selections in a nation as varied as India, where financial literacy levels differ, it is imperative to obtain the appropriate counsel. Expert financial advisers are able to advise investors on which SIP plans best suit their time horizon, risk tolerance, and financial objectives. They can also offer insightful information during market downturns, assisting investors in staying focused on their long-term goals. Studies show that those who get expert financial guidance are more likely to become wealthy over time than people who just make self-directed investments
How InvestSphere Can Help
InvestSphere is committed to empowering Bharat by providing investors with the right tools, strategies, and advice to make the most of SIPs. Through its innovative platform, InvestSphere offers a range of services that make SIP investments easy, transparent, and goal-oriented. Whether you are a first-time investor or someone looking to optimize your portfolio, InvestSphere’s team of experts provides personalized guidance based on your unique financial situation. With a focus on education, InvestSphere also helps investors understand the importance of long-term investing and offers insights into the best strategies for SIP success.
Innovation, a strategic approach, and the right advice are the key drivers that will empower Bharat through SIPs. As India continues on its path toward economic growth, SIPs will play an increasingly important role in helping individuals achieve financial independence. With the right guidance and tools, every investor can leverage SIPs to build wealth over time.
Innovation, a strategic approach, and the right advice are the key drivers that will empower Bharat through SIPs. As India continues on its path toward economic growth, SIPs will play an increasingly important role in helping individuals achieve financial independence. With the right guidance and tools, every investor can leverage SIPs to build wealth over time.
website: investspherewealth.com
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prime24seven1 · 10 days
What Are the Root Causes of Violence in Tripura?
A meeting of historical, socio-political, and economic elements can be identified as the main reasons of violence in Tripura. The struggle for wealth, political representation, and cultural acceptance among various populations frequently results in ethnic tensions. Deep-seated resentment resulting from previous battles have exacerbated feelings of marginalization. Furthermore, poverty and unemployment exacerbate feelings of annoyance and unpredictability, which increases people's propensity to commit violent crimes. Extremist organizations' power can exacerbate hostilities and start a cycle of reprisals. To achieve long-lasting peace, addressing these underlying reasons calls for comprehensive plans that emphasize communication, economic growth, and inclusive governance. Recognizing the Tripura Current Events and Media LandscapeThe Function of the Media Sector in Tripura Media Industry in Tripura is vital to the public's opinion shaping and education of local, national, and global affairs. In order to keep locals informed about current events, a News Portal Based in Tripura provides an essential forum for information dissemination. In the ever evolving media landscape, where timely and reliable news reporting is critical, this internet presence is indispensable. Journalism in Tripura: Difficulties and Possibilities
The need for money and training to improve reporting standards is only one of the many difficulties facing Tripura's journalism industry. While pursuing accuracy and ethics, journalists must maneuver through a challenging political landscape. Increased audience interaction and creative storytelling are now possible because to the growth of digital media. Nonetheless, upholding journalistic ethics is still crucial, particularly in an area characterized by societal unrest.
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Examining the underlying Root Causes Violence In order to address the problems afflicting the state of Tripura, it is imperative to comprehend the underlying reasons of violence. Conflict is exacerbated by elements including historical grievances, rivalry for resources, and tensions between ethnic groups. The role of media sources is crucial in drawing attention to these concerns, initiating conversations, and raising awareness. The media can assist in fostering dialogues that result in amicable settlements and communal reconciliation by looking at these root reasons. Latest News: A Sad Mumbai Incident According to recent reports, a Car Crashed in Mumbaicaused a Tragic Incident that attracted national attention. The significance of responsible journalism in covering delicate subjects is highlighted by such incidents. Public perception of traffic safety and policy changes can be influenced by the coverage of incidents and their aftermath. In addition to informing the public, accurate reporting holds authorities responsible for enhancing safety protocols and infrastructure.
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almaqead · 26 days
"The Outcomes." From Surah 19, Surah Maryam, "The Mother of the Dawn."
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You can't win for losing some days, can you? This means if you take a chance and give people concessions you should not expect them to do anything but disappoint you.
The Quran was written to avoid concessions and any notion of winning and losing where human spirituality was concerned. The Sunni/Shia conflict is a good example, so is the Islamic Republic, which is forbidden, the obvious tensions between Jews and Muslims is another. None of these things could possibly be happening on the surface of a planet that reads the Quran.
We are presently reading Maryam "An Ocean of Myrrh" in order to deepen our reasoning as to why the Quran is a viable text for the resolution of mankind's troubles, right down the middle without winners and losers.
19: 73-76:
"When Our clear revelations are recited to them, the disbelievers ask the believers ˹mockingly˺, “Which of the two of us is better in status and superior in assembly?”
˹Imagine, O  Prophet˺ how many peoples We have destroyed before them, who were far better in luxury and splendour!
Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Whoever is ˹entrenched˺ in misguidance, the Most Compassionate will allow them plenty of time, until—behold!—they face what they are threatened with: either the torment or the Hour. Only then will they realize who is worse in position and inferior in manpower.”
And Allah increases in guidance those who are ˹rightly˺ guided. And the everlasting good deeds are far better with your Lord in reward and in outcome.1"
In order to know how the world should respond to this, we need to know more about the "outcome" mentioned above. If we agree the Quran has not been followed and want to resume some straightforward Quran based way of life, what does that mean? What is the strategy for it?
The Quran says the strategy and reward are a kind of pedestrianism, or competitive walking. The competition every man must face is against himself for the rewards God will grant during Hisab, the Last Day.
"On the Last Day, when the world ends, the dead will be resurrected and judged based on their deeds. This final judgment, or ḥisāb, will be carried out with absolute justice, examining every act and intention, no matter how small."
But first we must follow God and take our first step, called the First Day:
From 41:12:
"So He formed the heaven into seven heavens in two Days, assigning to each its mandate. And We adorned the lowest heaven with ˹stars like˺ lamps ˹for beauty˺ and for protection. That is the design of the Almighty, All-Knowing.”
"The sun travels for its fixed term. That is the design of the Almighty, All-Knowing."
6: 96:
"He causes the dawn to break, and has made the night for rest and ˹made˺ the sun and the moon ˹to travel˺ with precision. That is the design of the Almighty, All-Knowing."
It is easy to be a lamp of beauty. About beatification, the Quran says:
"The Quran can provide bliss in both this world and the hereafter. Worldly bliss can be achieved by benefiting from divine blessings in the universe, such as dignity, welfare, scientific capability, power, unity, and solidarity."
Most of Dar al Islam is a slum, struggling to survive under the reigns of dictatorships. The Quran says it is possible to live another way, one that does not require war, wealth, power of privilege, only the loyalty of other Muslims to God and His Prophet.
I have been reading the Quran regularly, almost every day for nearly a decade. I have never once found its advice to be too strenuous or its discipline too rigorous. I shifted the focus form a highly sectarian structure and the Hadith back to the Verses themselves, stating the Quran is the Pillar of the faith instead. As Muhammad said all throughout Surah Ar Rahman, there is no reasonable way to deny its wisdom or forsake a good life. All the world has to do is read.
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genremarketing · 1 month
Top 5 Books to Master Money - A Reading List for Financial Success
Many people are striving to achieve financial success. These books offer a wide variety of perspectives on wealth and money management. You're seeking a narrative-based explanation of key money lessons. Clason's tales help readers create a healthy connection with money. His advice is applicable for anyone wanting to improve their finances. 1. The Millionaire Mind This book is a must-read to anyone trying to understand how they can manage their money. Kiyosaki employs his childhood memories with two fathers, one of them wealthy, the other less fortunate - to help readers build a life full of financial freedom and wealth. You'll be taught the value of investing and saving strategies to live debt-free and the best way to make mindful spending choices. The Millionaire's Mind shows how self-made millionaires did not make their money through a simple life. They utilized their understanding of investing to make savvy choices, even during recessions. The book will assist you in developing a powerful abundance mindset that will propel the way to financial prosperity. 2. The Richest Man In Town This book offers an appealing alternative to other books on personal finance which are highly technical. This classic offers timeless financial wisdom regarding wealth accumulation, preservation, and sharing. Learn important concepts such as being mindful of your spending soliciting advice, and investing to earn a profit. This book is the culmination of a decade-long study by multimillionaire businessman Tony Robbins. He sat down with the world's top billionaire investors and then compiled their most effective tips for everyday people to attain financial freedom. It's a practical guide for people of every income that's easy to grasp and implement. This book is perfect for those who want to learn how to manage their finances without having their lifestyle or leisure diminished. Ramit Sethi's philosophies are no-nonsense and a comprehensive six-week program that covers savings, banking budgeting, debt and investing. 3. The Millionaire Next Door This book challenges the conventional notions of wealthy Americans. Through years of research and case studies, Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko show that millionaires reside in average communities have older vehicles, avoid excessive usage of credit cards and place a greater emphasis on financial savings over spending. This classic book is a guide towards accumulating wealth. Frugality is the core of the FIRE movement (Financial Independence and Retirement Early). This book shows how staying within your means can assist you in attaining financial freedom and a early retirement. This is a must read for anyone who wants to build wealth and achieve a comfortable life. However, it is not so helpful for people looking for practical advice on budgeting and investing tips. The original edition of this book was prone to a bias of survivorship, focusing on people who have already become millionaires. Sarah Fallaw's follow-up book, The Next Millionaire Next Door addresses this issue with a wider sample to lessen the influence of survivorship bias. 4. The Most Rich Girl in Town If you need some inspiration to get over financial stress the book has it in spades. Rather than presenting you with the complete plan, it will encourage you to examine your values and formulate financial goals that reflect your beliefs. George Clason’s faux-biblical stories have attracted investors since the 1920s. The book is based on his advice. It explains how reducing expenses can help you to build wealth, while also teaching you to avoid debt and focus on charitable giving.
Tony Robbins dedicated ten years to research for the book, interviewing billionaire financiers on the best strategies for building wealth. This book is aimed at anyone who would like to meet their financial goals, whether they are seasoned investors or simply need a little guidance. It also provides tips for getting through challenges like unemployment and health crises. 5. The Most Rich Girl in the World Understanding how to save money is important, whether you're looking to retire with ease, begin an enterprise, or just give more to family and friends. There are plenty of books with practical tips and inspiring stories to help you on your journey. Kiyosaki’s controversial book challenges the American dream of owning the home of your dreams and is focused on how you can become financially smart by focusing on what is the most important in life. The author also gives tips on saving and avoiding credit card debt. This book provides a guide to develop a financial plan and budget that's aligned with your individual objectives. Singletary's advice has been praised by readers as an effective resource for both new and experienced investors who are looking to refresh their knowledge. It's as if you have a knowledgeable partner to walk you through the maze of managing money. Video from YouTube
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4shreya · 2 months
Balancing Studies and Social Life in Germany
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Studying abroad is a dream for many students around the globe. Germany, known for its high-quality education and vibrant culture, is a popular destination for international students. However, balancing academic responsibilities and a social life can be challenging. This article will provide practical tips and insights on how to achieve a harmonious balance between your studies and social activities in Germany.
Understanding the Academic System in Germany
Germany's academic system is rigorous and demands dedication. Universities here emphasize independent learning, with students expected to take initiative in their studies. Courses are often intensive, with a mix of lectures, seminars, and practical sessions. Understanding the structure and expectations of your program is the first step towards balancing your academic workload.
Key Features of the German Academic System
Semester Structure: Most universities in Germany follow a semester system, with the academic year divided into winter and summer semesters. This structure provides a clear framework for planning your studies and social activities.
Course Load: The number of courses you take each semester can vary. It's important to balance your course load to avoid burnout. Take into account the time needed for lectures, assignments, and exam preparation.
Examination Periods: Exams are usually held at the end of each semester. Planning ahead and preparing consistently throughout the semester can reduce stress during the exam period.
Importance of Time Management
Effective time management is crucial when balancing studies and social life. It involves planning, prioritizing tasks, and making the best use of your available time.
Practical Time Management Tips
Create a Schedule: Use a planner or digital calendar to organize your study sessions, classes, and social activities. This helps you keep track of important deadlines and events.
Set Priorities: Identify your most important tasks and focus on them first. This could be an upcoming exam, a major assignment, or a social event you don't want to miss.
Avoid Procrastination: Procrastination can lead to unnecessary stress. Break your tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and tackle them one at a time.
Leveraging University Resources
German universities offer a wealth of resources to help students succeed academically and socially. These resources can make a significant difference in your overall experience.
Academic Support Services
Tutoring Centers: Many universities have tutoring centers where you can get help with difficult subjects. Don't hesitate to seek help when you need it.
Libraries: University libraries are excellent places for focused study sessions. They often provide access to essential academic resources and quiet study spaces.
Study Groups: Joining or forming study groups can enhance your understanding of course material. It also provides a social outlet and a support network.
Social Support Services
Student Organizations: Universities in Germany have numerous student organizations catering to various interests. Joining these groups can help you meet new people and engage in activities outside of academics.
Counseling Services: If you're feeling overwhelmed, counseling services are available to help you manage stress and maintain a healthy balance between your studies and social life.
Exploring German Culture
Living in Germany offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a rich and diverse culture. Engaging with the local culture can enhance your social life and provide a well-rounded experience.
Cultural Activities
Festivals and Events: Germany is known for its festivals, such as Oktoberfest and Christmas markets. Participating in these events is a great way to experience German culture and socialize.
Local Cuisine: Trying local food is a fun way to engage with the culture. Visit local restaurants and cafes to enjoy traditional German dishes like bratwurst, sauerkraut, and pretzels.
Historical Sites: Germany is rich in history. Visiting historical sites and museums can be both educational and enjoyable.
Building a Social Network
Building a strong social network is essential for a fulfilling social life. This network can provide support, companionship, and a sense of community.
Tips for Building a Social Network
Join Clubs and Organizations: As mentioned earlier, student organizations are great for meeting people with similar interests. Whether it's a sports club, music group, or academic society, there's something for everyone.
Attend Social Events: Universities often organize social events such as parties, movie nights, and cultural outings. Attending these events is a good way to meet new people and make friends.
Volunteer: Volunteering for community projects or university events can help you connect with others while contributing to a good cause.
Managing Stress and Maintaining Well-being
Balancing studies and social life can sometimes lead to stress. It's important to manage stress effectively to maintain your well-being.
Stress Management Techniques
Exercise: Regular physical activity is a great way to relieve stress. Many universities have sports facilities and offer fitness classes.
Mindfulness and Relaxation: Practices such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises can help reduce stress and improve mental clarity.
Healthy Lifestyle: Eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and staying hydrated are essential for maintaining your physical and mental health.
Financial Management
Managing your finances is another crucial aspect of balancing your studies and social life. Germany is known for its affordable education, but living expenses can still be a concern.
Tips for Financial Management
Budgeting: Create a budget to track your income and expenses. This will help you manage your finances effectively and avoid unnecessary debt.
Part-time Jobs: Many students take up part-time jobs to support themselves. Ensure that your job does not interfere with your studies.
Scholarships and Grants: Look for scholarships and grants that can help reduce your financial burden. Many organizations offer financial aid to international students.
Exploring Germany Beyond Academics
Germany offers numerous opportunities for travel and exploration. Taking time to explore the country can enrich your experience and provide a break from academic pressures.
Travel Tips
Public Transportation: Germany has an efficient public transportation system. Use trains, buses, and trams to explore different cities and regions.
Weekend Getaways: Plan weekend trips to nearby cities or countryside locations. This can be a refreshing change from your daily routine.
Cultural Excursions: Participate in university-organized cultural excursions. These trips often include guided tours and provide insights into German culture and history.
Language Learning
While many courses in Germany are offered in English, learning German can significantly enhance your experience. It can help you navigate daily life, interact with locals, and access more opportunities.
Tips for Learning German
Language Courses: Enroll in language courses offered by your university or language schools. These courses are designed to help you learn German effectively.
Language Exchange: Participate in language exchange programs where you can practice German with native speakers while helping them learn your language.
Practice Regularly: Practice speaking, reading, and writing in German regularly. Use language learning apps, watch German movies, and read German books to improve your skills.
Balancing studies and social life in Germany is achievable with proper planning and effort. By understanding the academic system, managing your time effectively, leveraging university resources, and engaging with the local culture, you can have a fulfilling and enriching experience. Remember to take care of your well-being and finances, and don't hesitate to seek help when needed. Embrace the opportunities that come your way and make the most of your time in Germany.
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tathastuedu · 3 months
Online IELTS Classes
Due to the growing demand for English, especially IELTS, the students and other professionals are taking classes online. Due to the fact that online IELTS classes are flexible, many people appreciate them. This article aims at focusing on the advantages, characteristics, and the guidelines for selecting the suitable online IELTS course to obtain the required band. 
Online IELTS Classes 
The direct use of modern technologies in the process of education has affected the preparation for examinations directly. Online classes for IELTS have been preferred since it is convenient, and it is possible to attract more than one or two students at a time. Here’s why more and more learners are opting for online IELTS preparation.
1. Flexibility and Convenience 
Flexibility is on a different level when it comes to online IELTS classes. It can anytime, and from anywhere which makes it convenient for students to manage their time between class work and other affairs like jobs or families among others. This makes it possible for the learners to most likely set their own pace of study that can be in harmony with their daily schedules. 
2. Access to Quality Instructors 
In the case of online classes, you can make contact with professional and qualified IELTS teachers irrespective of area of origin. These instructors bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise, offering valuable insights and tips to help students excel in all four sections of the IELTS exam
3. Comprehensive Study Materials 
About online IELTS classes it is important to note that these courses may include lectures, videos, mock tests, questions/answers, and detailed explanation of the answers. The following resources are aimed at familiarizing a student with the general concept of the test, as well as at revealing the areas of specific difficulty to such a student. 
4. Interactive Learning Environment 
Most online IELTS classes in Delhi contain the use of the following principles, which includes the webinars, discussion and study forums. Unquestionably, these features help to enhance the learners’ involvement and interaction with the educational process. Children can pose queries, generate ideas, and discuss answers with the other users, all these activities resembling the process that goes in a classroom.
5. Cost-Effectiveness 
Taking IELTS classes online can also be cheaper than group and individual courses in a classroom. Since virtual classes do not require physical facilities, the course is cheaper, and high-quality preparation for examinations can be provided for a larger population. Also, students cut down on transport and housing expenses. 
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Online IELTS Classes in Delhi
1. Experienced Instructors 
Make sure the course is delivered by teachers who are qualified and certified IELTS instructors who pass the requirements of facilitating the achievement of higher band results. Tutors should be in a position to offer differential feedback and possibly might be in a position to analyze the numerous learning styles. 
2. Structured Curriculum 
Selection of an intensive syllabi which includes practice in all four sections of the IELTS test effectively is the next important step. The course should also have sections comprehending test strategies, time management, and effect tests that are like the real examination. 
3. Regular Practice Tests 
A requisite for practice tests is practical because it offers a way through which the progress of the learners as well as their test taking endurance may be checked. And, also focus on finding the courses that provide as many practice tests, including the full-length tests, to feel the time restriction of the real test. 
4. Personalized Feedback 
Professional feedback on practice tests and assignment which is related to an individual’s performance can lead to higher performance. Select a course that offers extensive criticism on your writing and speaking assignments focusing on areas of weakness and encouragement on how to strength those qualities. 
5. Interactive Elements 
There is the engagement of live classes, Q&A sessions, and even interactive forums that aid your learning. These aspects afford possibilities of real time interactions with instructors and other students making learning a more communal process.
Tips for Success in Online IELTS Classes
To make the most of your online IELTS preparation, consider the following tips:
1. Create a Study Schedule 
Adopt a schedule that you can follow to study for all the sections and cover the entire exam without skipping any part. Set time that should be allotted to lessons, practice tests and discussion of results. 
2. Stay Engaged 
Participation, conversation, and contribution throughout the live sessions, forums, and group discussions. Education with the instructors as well as peers helps to enhance the understanding as well as the motivation during the preparation period. 
3. Utilize Available Resources 
Make the best out of your course, use all the study materials, practice tests and feedback given to you. Keep your performance appraisal up-to-date and bear in mind that even on a single weakness that is noted, you should work hard to change this. 
4. Practice Regularly 
If there is something that the fanatics of success must understand about practice, then it is that consistency is the name of the game. Perform simulated exams from time to time to familiarize yourself, and enhance your speed in the actual tests. 
5. Seek Help When Needed 
If you have difficulties – do not hesitate and try to ask for help. Employ the add-on instruments of your online course, including the tutor’s remarks and questions and answers sessions, to improve your comprehension. 
Online IELTS classes which can be taken on any terminal without being physically present provide flexibility, affordability, and coverage of lessons. Through practicing from home, students can get their desired band scores with the help of expert trainers, course materials and engaging methods of learning. Knowing which course to take and a proper study timetable, students will be assured of passing their IELTS exams and be able to study and work anywhere in the world.
Visit: https://tathastuedu.com/ielts-coaching-in-delhi/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tathastuedu/
Medium: https://ielts-coaching-in-delhi.medium.com/
WriteupCafe: https://writeupcafe.com/profile/tathastuedu/
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@studyabroad12
Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/tathastuedu
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pitamaas01 · 4 months
Designing packaging is important in the modern market. It makes goods stand out and leave a lasting effect. Packaging is a component of a brand's identity, not merely its exterior. The distinctive visual and emotional components of a brand comprise its brand identity. The impact of packaging design on brand identification is examined in this article. It examines many components, psychological impacts, and design difficulties. Pitamaas is your all round partner in preparing the professional Packaging Designing as we are the best Packaging Designing Agency In India
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The Role of  Packaging Design in Marketing
Packaging needs to appear deliberate. Thus, designing a product entails developing its structural and visual components. This covers hues, typefaces, materials, and geometric designs. In the past, packaging served mostly as a means of keeping goods safe during storage and transportation. These days, a crucial marketing tool is packaging design.
Packaging design is becoming a crucial component of brand identity packaging. It facilitates communication as well as protection. Effective packaging design communicates the personality, values, and message of a business. It draws clients as well. A product with a sleek design might be associated with luxury, but a packaging with a playful theme might appeal to a younger demographic.
Food packaging design is one of the numerous industries impacted by packaging design. Purchase decisions may be influenced by a product's appearance. Customers might develop an emotional bond with well-designed products. A box with thoughtful design may narrate a tale and foster brand loyalty. Websites that offer writing assignments, for example, can offer advice on how to combine packaging design's aesthetic appeal with practicality.
Elements of Effective  Packaging Design
Achieving a balanced design for packaging requires juggling multiple factors. Since visual appeal is what customers perceive initially, it is quite important. The target audience should be drawn in by the brand's identity through the use of colors, typefaces, and images. Subdued hues and sophisticated typography can communicate luxury, while vivid colors and bold letters might stick out on crowded shelves.
Another crucial factor is functionality. Packaging needs to be user-friendly, sustainable, and safeguard the product. Customers favor environmentally friendly packaging as environmental worries develop. Utilizing eco-friendly materials and designs helps brands gain favor with green consumers.
Novel elements in product packaging design have the power to differentiate a brand. The user experience is improved by unusual shapes, interactive components, or clever packaging (like QR codes). These characteristics strengthen brand identification and make a product memorable.
Psychological Impact of  Packaging Design on Consumers
Customers are greatly impacted psychologically by packaging design. Rapid formation of first impressions shapes consumers' perceptions of a brand and its offerings. While a poorly designed packaging can drive away customers, a well-designed one can inspire confidence and interest.
Packaging design uses visual signals like color, form, and graphics to influence consumer behavior. Certain associations and feelings may be elicited by these stimuli. For instance, black packaging denotes wealth, yet green packaging symbolizes sustainability and health. Companies that are aware of these triggers can produce designs that engage consumers and increase revenue.
Case studies demonstrate how well-considered packaging design may work. Coca-Cola's red bottle color and shape are instantly recognizable and make people happy. Apple's clean, innovative container design accentuates its premium brand by being straightforward and innovative. These illustrations highlight the importance of packaging design in brand identification packaging.
Packaging Design and Brand Recognition
To establish brand identification, packaging design consistency is essential. A unified brand image is produced by logos, brand colors, and consistent design. Customers grow accustomed to and trust a brand when they see the same visual components over and over again.
For example, the blue box of Tiffany & Co. represents elegance and wealth, whereas the golden arches of McDonald's are recognizable all over the world. These companies bolster their market presence and brand identification using unified packaging designs.
Ensuring uniformity in products and packaging types guarantees the coherence of a brand's branding and packaging initiatives. This makes it so that customers interact with the brand seamlessly whether they see it online, in-person, or through advertising.
Cultural and Social Influences on  Packaging Design
Packaging design is influenced by social and cultural factors. The expectations and desires of various cultures vary. For instance, beautiful and elaborate packaging is highly prized in Japan. Consumers in Western nations might place a higher value on sustainability and functionality.
Packaging design is also influenced by social trends. Eco-friendly packaging options have increased as a result of the sustainability movement. To decrease waste, brands increasingly employ recyclable packaging, biodegradable materials, and straightforward designs. These initiatives enhance the brand's reputation and draw in eco-aware customers.
Understanding consumer preferences and cultural quirks is necessary when adapting packaging design for international markets. To satisfy local tastes, brands need to strike a balance between adaptability and consistency. This cultural awareness results in branding and packaging that works better.
Challenges and Considerations in  Packaging Design
Effective packaging creation presents a number of issues for designers. A key problem is striking a balance between practicality and aesthetics. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, a package must meet industry standards, safeguard the goods, and be simple to handle. This equilibrium needs to be carefully planned for.
Complexity is increased by environmental factors. Regulations that brands must go by frequently include stringent guidelines for materials, labeling, and disposal. It is difficult to meet these requirements while still maintaining a visually appealing and useful design, yet doing so is necessary for compliance and customer happiness.
The financial ramifications are as important. Creative packaging ideas can be costly. Brands have to consider the costs and benefits of using unique designs. Purchasing premium packaging can improve consumer loyalty and brand perception.
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To sum up, packaging design is an effective instrument that molds brand identity and affects customer behavior. Good packaging design establishes a lasting brand identity and makes a good first impression. It entails striking a balance between innovation, usability, and aesthetic appeal. Social and cultural factors are also quite important.
Brands have to adapt to the shifting consumer tastes and trends in the market. Eco-friendly and sustainable packaging is currently necessary. It satisfies the needs of a populace concerned about the environment. Brands may maintain their competitiveness and fortify their identity by embracing these shifts and innovating.
Research paper writing services might be helpful for companies who want to enhance the look of their packaging. On trends and best practices, these services provide in-depth analysis and professional guidance. They work with brands to develop packaging that draws viewers in, tells a story, and safeguards goods. Brands may strengthen their relationships with consumers and improve their image by concentrating on good packaging design.
Therefore, Pitamaas is a leading packaging designing company committed to providing innovative and striking packaging solutions that improve brand awareness and draw in clients. By fusing innovative design with well-thought-out branding, we guarantee that your items stand out on the shelves and make an impression. Contact us at 9501900577 or visit us at Pitamaas, Scf-61, Main Market, opp. CFC School, F Block, Bhai Randhir Singh Nagar, Ludhiana, Punjab 141012
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thecharioteerdaily · 5 months
Literature Review: A 19th Century Perspective
In this post, I will be examining the article published by The Johns Hopkins University Press & written by Francis A. Shoup titled "Uncle Tom's Cabin Forty Years After". This article, published in 1893, shows us what would have been a fairly contemporary review of Stowe's work as a historical secondary source of information on the book's reception and interpretation from the 19th century.
This article is interesting as it begins with Shoup regaling the never before seen success of Stowe's novel, including success overseas, saying that the "spontaneous and enthusiastic commendations given it by those beyond seas... proved that there was something in the book which raised it far above the local issue that gave it birth" (Shoup, 89). It a show of historic irony, Shoup then makes the comment that "... with the slavery issue long since dead, it has as many readers as ever" (Shoup, 89). Looking back on this acclaim through the cultural lens of a 21st century academic, it's plain to see just how short-sighted people were towards the social issues that black people faced in a post-slavery America, as the emancipation of slaves with the end of the Civil War was far from the end of their troubles. Until the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964, an entire 142 years after Uncle Tom's Cabin was published, the fight for true social and political equality among races was far from achieved, with segregation being its own war in and of itself.
Shoup then comments on the inaccuracies of Stowe's writing, describing it as "indisputably faulty, showing a lack of elegance at all points, and too surely telling of its New England origin by numerous solecism peculiar to that part of the world..." (Shoup, 90), though he then commends Stowe's rhetorical and moving writing style that he believes makes the book truly worth reading despite the lack of a presence of slavery in America. Shoup describes the method through which Stowe was able to dig deep into her heart's deepest fury and put pen to paper regarding the issues of slavery, ignoring all contest of Constitutional or territorial rights and expansion of governmental power. According to the article, Stowe would imagine herself as a slave working the cotton fields of a Southern plantation somewhere far off and then interview this hypothetical idea of herself to truly get to the root of the question, "How do you feel about all of this?" Stowe then turned her newfound anger into the character of Uncle Tom in an attempt at reaching the hearts of her fellow Northerners. Stowe was quite successful in this particular endeavor, however, one must ask one's self if this was the morally correct path for her to have taken her research upon herself. Could she not have simply talked with one of the slaves that she knew personally about her perspective on the matter? Would it have been so difficult to model her character of Uncle Tom off of the slaves she would have had the opportunity to learn about during her years in Ohio, instead of creating a whimsicality of a man through her own imagination?
It is by asking one's self these questions that the perspective a modern reader could take in regards to the 19th century perspective as seen in Shoup's article is that greater care must be taken when writing about the lived struggles of a group that one does not belong herself to. We now live in an age where people of all walks of life are readily available to be interviewed regarding their struggles and hopes for their peoples' future, whereas Stowe had a more limited wealth of knowledge. This, though, is not an act of condoning Mrs. Stowe's apparent lack of firsthand accounts, as she would have had plenty of opportunities for such interviews during her days writing Uncle Tom's Cabin.
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danielleverboski1b · 6 months
Danielle Verboski
Closing on the property is rapidly approaching, even though there have been several delays over the last three weeks. Before your treatment for the ultimate indulgence, treat yourself to a day of rejuvenation and relaxation at the spa. Purchasing this Connecticut oceanfront property may have marked a turning point in the life of this real estate agent. Now that you have these updated details, you can proceed with confidence. Agent for real estate Danielle Verboski One of the many services we offer is building management. Their first meeting, which took place at a plaza or mall, was most likely a big success. In an ideal world, we would have a device to switch off the lights. We are not hurried, so we can fully enjoy the journey.
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prime24seven1 · 17 days
What Are the Root Causes of Violence in Tripura?
A meeting of historical, socio-political, and economic elements can be identified as the main reasons of violence in Tripura. The struggle for wealth, political representation, and cultural acceptance among various populations frequently results in ethnic tensions. Deep-seated resentment resulting from previous battles have exacerbated feelings of marginalization. Furthermore, poverty and unemployment exacerbate feelings of annoyance and unpredictability, which increases people's propensity to commit violent crimes. Extremist organizations' power can exacerbate hostilities and start a cycle of reprisals. To achieve long-lasting peace, addressing these underlying reasons calls for comprehensive plans that emphasize communication, economic growth, and inclusive governance. Recognizing the Tripura Current Events and Media LandscapeThe Function of the Media Sector in Tripura Media Industry in Tripura is vital to the public's opinion shaping and education of local, national, and global affairs. In order to keep locals informed about current events, a News Portal Based in Tripura provides an essential forum for information dissemination. In the ever evolving media landscape, where timely and reliable news reporting is critical, this internet presence is indispensable. Journalism in Tripura: Difficulties and Possibilities
The need for money and training to improve reporting standards is only one of the many difficulties facing Tripura's journalism industry. While pursuing accuracy and ethics, journalists must maneuver through a challenging political landscape. Increased audience interaction and creative storytelling are now possible because to the growth of digital media. Nonetheless, upholding journalistic ethics is still crucial, particularly in an area characterized by societal unrest.
Examining the underlying Root Causes Violence In order to address the problems afflicting the state of Tripura, it is imperative to comprehend the underlying reasons of violence. Conflict is exacerbated by elements including historical grievances, rivalry for resources, and tensions between ethnic groups. The role of media sources is crucial in drawing attention to these concerns, initiating conversations, and raising awareness. The media can assist in fostering dialogues that result in amicable settlements and communal reconciliation by looking at these root reasons. Latest News: A Sad Mumbai Incident According to recent reports, a Car Crashed in Mumbaicaused a Tragic Incident that attracted national attention. The significance of responsible journalism in covering delicate subjects is highlighted by such incidents. Public perception of traffic safety and policy changes can be influenced by the coverage of incidents and their aftermath. In addition to informing the public, accurate reporting holds authorities responsible for enhancing safety protocols and infrastructure.
Using Prime24 Seven to Stay CurrentThe provision of the most recent information on both domestic and international news is made possible by platforms such as Prime24seven. These portals guarantee that readers can obtain thorough coverage of events taking place both domestically and internationally. They provide citizens through the ability to be informed about important difficulties that impact their lives by providing them through timely information.
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