#Examination in DU from 1st July
awhilesince · 3 years
Saturday, 9 October 1830 (travel journals)
6 40/..
1 ½
out at 8 10/.. ancient professors from 1230 Henricus Deguintonia as many as 51 in one room among them Franciscus Rabelæsius 1537 – 67 in the 2nd room – among the latter Paulus-Joseph Barthez born 11 December 1734 obeo 15 October 1806 and Broussonet (Augustus) the great botanist obeo 28 July 1807 ætatis 45 – and Antonius Fizes obeo 14 August 1705 ætatis 76 the one who when all others failed cured the Dauphin à Paris – among the 67 tho‘ is La Peyronnet who a fait batir la bourse – and the uncle of Chaptal de Pais – Broussonet père et fils – cabinet d’anatomie or conservatoire a monstruosité joined by the end of the back bone – 4 legs 4 arms, 2 heads opposées – one hermaphrodite – femme avec a cancer – preparartions of the head and pudendum masculinum and femininum 2 Salles des tableaux Salle des Colonnes – vaulted – not even yet quite finished – il y manque 6 bustes – it is the passage to the amphitheatre – amphitheatre can contain jusqu’à mille hommes – the old chair fauteuil found dans des arènes de Nismes very interesting – white marble tool! but not polished – professor d’anatomie Monsieur de Brouille – the Salle de reception pictures of the 3 last professors that died 104 doctors made here last year –
went out at 1 35/.. – to Monsieur Lichtenstein – then to Ribau – there near a couple of hours – the drive to La Piscine jolie campagne (good house) belonging to Madame du Kellat, and where the sisters of Napoleon were during the 100 jours –
then in returning got out for near 1/2 hour to draw the aqueduct – then came at 5 20/.. to drive the chateaux d’Eau – very fine day – but cool air – cooler than yesterday –) bought each a little scent bag and for Lady S [Stuart] one at six francs during the minute or two we were alone told her of the wax hermaphrodite I saw this morning not living here now but not dead might have been examined for ten francs liked ladies or gentlemen but ladies better – the woman said there was one that had children – they were women for they had a matrix there was a little penis which filled up half the natural opening and left the rest small) for a man to enter at – more womans figure than a mans I think breasts?
Tokai 6 dozen (1/2 for AL Anne Lister at 6/. – 216 432/.
1 barrique St. Geoge, or 30 veltes, 300 bottles = 90/.
1 __ de cotes = 85/.
1/2 Muscat de Rivesalter = 162/50
1/2 ________ Frontignan = 100/.
1/2 ________ Lunel . = 100/.
Dinner at 6 – Monsieur Lichtenstein came between 7 and 8 and staid near an hour – the vintage of this year not an 8th of the usual recolte – the Tokay a very capricious wine – this we buy of 1819 has had none so good since – about 5000 protestants here and 15000 at Nismes – sat talk till 11 40/.. at which hour came to my room – very fine day – cooler than yesterday
Laffitte Medoc vineyard Bordeaux instead of about 150 tonneaux only 11 this year? – Laffitte vineyard instead of about 80 or 90 tonneaux only 8 this year?
the cathedral a large broad handsome nave with side chapels – curious great west Entrance under portico or porch supported by 2 enormous columns or round towers as high as the roof of the church itself – L’eglise de notre dame a large good nave with side chapels the inside whitewashed and neat – wherever there are protestants at hand, the Roman catholic churches are plainer and neater?
Monsieur Lichtenstein recommends us to see the Modèles en liège of the Nismes antiques of Monsieur Auguste Pellet (Péllette) négociant amateur, who will be très flatté de nous les faire voir
Monsieur L– [Lichtenstein] supplies the people here and at Paris and Petersburgh etc with the essences to many perfumes – 100 lbs. [pounds] flowers (all growing wild here ditto lavender, rosemary etc etc) to make 1/4 lb. [pound] essence – and Essence sold at 2 francs an oz. [ounce] – don’t gain by this except as it furnishes manure for the vines which is valuable here where they have no cattle – all this was done in a very small way till Monsieur L– [Lichtenstein] introduced cette industrie en grand – children gather the flowers – Tokay plants from Hungary – the ceps or off shoots do not produce the same wine – more like lunel –
left margin:
at the Ecole de medicine from 8 3/4 to 10 1/4 – the other Ecole de M– [Medicine] at Strasbourg –
along the foot way aqueduct 182 of the little arches
Tokay not like wine the 1st year or 2 – is quite Thick like a syrup that you could cut with a Knife –
reference number: SH:7/ML/TR/7/0007 - 0008
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thenewspantry · 4 years
1 जुलाई से होगी DU में ओपन बुक परीक्षा, डीन ने कॉलेजों को जारी किए निर्देश
1 जुलाई से होगी DU में ओपन बुक परीक्षा, डीन ने कॉलेजों को जारी किए निर्देश
न्यूज़ पैंट्री डेस्क:डीयू यानि दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय ने पहली बार आयोजित होने जा रही ओपन बुक परीक्षा की डेटसीट जारी कर दिया है. जिसके मुताबिक, सेमेस्टर और वार्षिक परीक्षाएं 1 जुलाई से 11 जुलाई के बीच आयोजित होंगी. गौरतलब है कि यह डेटशीट सिर्फ रेगुलर, एसओएल (SOL), एनसी वेब फाइनल ईयर के छात्रों के लिए जारी की गई है. शनिवार को ही डीयू (DU) ने सभी कॉलेजों के प्रिंसिपलों को एक लेटर लिखकर ओपन बुक परीक्षा…
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Saturday 28 July 1838
6 ½
12 5
stood reading skimming over Itineraire des Hautes Pyrénées par A.A. Paris 1833 chez Didier, Q. des Augustines 47. then wrote out the 1st 10 lines of yesterday till breakfast at 9 25 at which hour F68 ½° and very fine morning – breakfast and reading the paper and eating strawberries till 11 1/4 – had had Charles at 10 and ordered the horses at 11 – to go to the montagne de Saougué as spelt by Chaussenque [Chausenque]  vol. 1 p. 220 pronounced by Charles Sowgay – Charles brought us his 2 medals to look at, given him by the duchesse de Berri – one large in bronze – excellent likeness of herself and on the reverse, her son given in 1829 – and one small silver like a largeish dix sols piece – herself and her son – could not find the portefeuille containing the botanical notes M. Chaussenque [Chausenque] had given him – perhaps he had lost it – (perhaps he would rather not lend it to me?) – from 11 ¼ to 11 20 (5 minutes more) at my journal again – the horses came at 11 20 – off at 11 ¾ - at the P. de Sia at 12 ½ - at the Pont de Douroncate in 22 minutes at 12 52 the Pic de Bergons about (perhaps not quite so far towards Gavarnie) opposite to the P. de Douroncate (now at 1 just before the bridge of Pragnères I sit on horseback writing this observation) – a ravine between the Bergons and the mt. de Brada – Brada and Liperouse to the Bugaredde rather [niège] which closes the valley de Pragnères, and from the Bugaredde the Lize and Montagne de Même up to Gavarnie road, form the Gavarnie side of the valley de P- the gave de Pragnières coming from the Bugaredde a little farther on (right) our valley of yesterday – its little gave marked on Charpentiers’ map and the valley meant to be designated Subiran? – turned off under the church at Gèdre at 1 ¾ and pass high-arched almost parapettless stone bridge over the Gave de Gavarnie and steep winding ascent up the mountain thro’ box brushwood, and stop a minute or 2 at two for the guides to eat a morsel – very hot – they seem sadly heated – indeed I myself even on horseback am in perspiration – and my linen went on me –
at 2 ¼ at a little distance (left) hameau du Saussa – cross another stone bridge over little gave, and in 20 minutes to ½ hour after alight at 3 ¼ on the Saougué on a little rocky, turfy knoll at a little distance from the cottage of the propriétaire Caoube (or, as pronounced, Cowbe the final e merely of use in lengthening the b) –unsaddled the horses to graze as usual on these occasions – A- had the yolk of one hardboiled egg and I the white, and she then began to sketch the Marboré and cirque, and I sat under a little wall under the little wind (vent d’Espagne) writing pencil notes and contemplating the scene, and looking at my Charpentier-map – the Saougué a large good mountain – plenty of good près (meadows) and pasturage or paccage – as we stand here, on a green and rocky butte, near the cottage and (looking south) the cirque de Gavarnie and Marboré en face – all quite clear as it has been all the way we have come thro’, on setting out this morning, there were a few white clouds floating about that made us doubt our good fortune for today – could see more or less of the Marboré from about 2 ¼ - In front as I now stand at 3 ½ pm (have put on my tartan cloak – my linen damp from the heat of the sun in the steep ascent, and here the air being frais) in front, cirque and cascade seen from the top of its great shoot – a white frothy line the top of the cirque (i.e. the foot of the 1st gradin or talus of snow) seems about, not quite, 2/3 of the height of the great shoot of the cascade – 3 gradins or talus of snow to the foot of the great wall of rock (muraille) whose top is covered with snow, but not more than a speck or 2 visible from here – the top line of the Marboré forming a magnificent segment of a circle the amphitheatre par excellence, begins on the west with the snow-striped Mt. Taillon, and going from west to east (from right to left as I stand) comprises the Taillon, fausse brêche, brêche de Roland, larger tour du Marboré, lesser tour de Marboré, then a levellish line in the middle or swell of the segment, and then the indented range of Astazou shooting up middle way into the huge bluff round-headed pic d’Astazou fit rival of Taillon on this side, and usher of the cylindre and Mt. Perdu on the other as seen from the valley d’Estaubé – Dividing the segment of circle into 3 parts from west to east, the Taillon and 2 brêches and the larger tour = 1/3 the smaller tour and the levellish line to the range of Astazou (that is the cirque) = 1/3 and the range of Astazou = 1/3 the middle part being rather the smallest of the 3 parts – Mt. Perdu not seen from here – to the left – south east – shut out by the Piméné and its long crête ending at the Pic of the [Coumélie] – the pic du Piméné the veritable pic  of the Coumélie – it looked so high, so pointed, and steep, and bare and inaccessible, A- had said, does it not seem almost impossible that we should have been there? it does indeed look a giddy height – (vid. line 17. p. 290) Vignemale not in sight – hid by the large mountain forming the north side of the valley d’Ossonne and the Pic Blanc an immense high round rocky head seeming not far from us right (west) and its range sweeping round to the north, and with the pic d’Aspé etc. behind us forming our valley – it would be easy to descend from here where we are upon Gavarnie, but we have no peep into its valley, except upon the ponts de [niège] at the bottom of and upon the arène of its cirque, and no of course peep into the valley d’Ossonne – Behind us, north, after the debouche of our valley into that of Gavarnie a little to the southward of Gèdre, fourche de Brada – Pic Long – and east of us Canelon (like a little pyramid on a huge truncated cone) and pont du plan turning round (south) in the distance above the chapelle de Héas – behind the Brada, the Hourquette de Mow Copperat and Mow Copperat itself – (vid. line 9 from bottom of p. 294) – merely a few streaks of snow on this side the Piméné, and none on the Coumélie – on the range of the Pic d’Astazou bits of snow in the hollows – Taillon horizontally stripped with snow – or rather leaning towards the cirque, on the ledges of its stratification – snow on the gradins or talus of the cirque and on both sides of them up to the top – gradins or talus of snow up to the foot of the larger tour du Marboré and largeish glacier between the Taillon and crête going up to the fauche brêche – the snow on the east side of the crête and between the crête and the brêche de Roland not seen from here – the brêche itself bouché (blocked) by the end of the crête (as seen from here) of high rock east of behind which one goes to the brêche – this seems the best point of view for the cirque and Marboré – nothing to compare with them except perhaps les murailles d’Estaubé? the one on one side the Piméné, the other on the other –
Which the finer?
Cirque de Gavarnie or Murailles d’Estaubé?
and one can pass to the other side by Gavarnie, by the mountain d’Allanz down which we descended – the cascade de Gavarnie being a mere line here, leaves the cirque and Marboré to their own merits – of the cirque de Gavarnie and Murailles d’Estaubé which is the finer coping? the Marboré with its tours, and brêches, and Taillon, and Astazou; or the Mt. Perdu with his glacier and brêche and cylindre and ports de Pinède and Vieux?   the soul of chivalry – the spirit of romance would give the casting vote to Marboré for Rolands’ sake? – had just written the above notes at 4 ½ then looking at my map till 5 5 then went to A- could give her ½ hour for beginning colouring her sketch – left her for an hour and went and stood talking to the guides till 6 5 when A- had just down her colouring sufficiently – (the sketch by far the best she has ever done yet) and came to tell us to be off – she had lost one of her brushes – seeking for this and her eating a biscuit and taking a little sip of noyau took us 20 minutes – when (they had misunderstood about saddling the horses) we set off walking homewards at 6 25 and left the men to follow with the horses – we had come according to Charpentier along the valley de Poeyasbé – but in my talk with the guides, they did not seem to allow this – said the mountain we were on was the Saugué a very large mountain seeming to form the whole of the south side of this valley up to the Pic Blanc and on the opposite (north) side was the Pic d’Aspé – aspé simplement – not Poeyaspé – asked the meaning of the word Poey – it had no meaning – but on X examining Pierre and found that Poey means a butte or monticule – vide Chaussenque [Chausenque]  ii. 299 ‘Pouey, puch, pech, puy, etc – Montagne’ .:. I cannot help thinking Charpentier probably right – In 20 minutes A- and I had walked to the stone bridge (at 6 ¾) over the little gave – at 7 (the horses had got up to us)
opposite the Mt. Cenis (bare, hoary, round low mountain from here) and the Gavarnie road in sight below from which Mt. Cenis looks very large and high – from here as well as a minute or 2 farther down from the mass of squary rock by the road side called the point de Hoŏrīggăbārd the proprietors of the Marboré about the same at as line 12 from the bottom of p. 296 – but from this point de Horiggabard (at 7 5) magnificent view – Gèdre – a reach of the Gavarnie road – the Marboré – pic long fourche du Brada etc. – le pic blanc – at our feet the white washed cottages of the hameau de Saussa ..........off from here at 7 20 having stopt to speak to the man né at Gavarnie married to a Spanish woman and living at Broto, François Sarret, who advises us to lodge chez Sasset à Broto instead of chez Santa Maria as Charles thought of – says there will be no danger or difficulty about the horses in Spain – but must go to the bureau à Torla for an acquit-à-caution, before we go anywhere else – no troops carlist or Christino hereabouts – many go very safely – as far, too, as Ainsa (Ăīnsăh as pronounced) eleven hours from Broto and the same from Benasque – Charles quite reassured – thinks this Gallo-Spaniard (François Sarret) will be a capital person to take us guide in Spain – A- had get on some distance a head – I said on overtaking her it would be 9 ½ before we got home – yes! said A- laughing, it will be that if we meet no more Spaniards! on the stone bridge over the gave de Gavarnie (just before Gèdre) at 7 55 and here A- mounted and so did I (I had walked all the way to here, and she all but about 5 or 6 minutes just after crossing the 1st bridge at 6 ¾) – it was 8 before we were both mounted and off, and in 5 minutes (at 8) we were at the Inn at Gèdre – Charles had run on before to get a morsel to eat and a little wine and we left Pierre with him and rode forwards – I thought we could ride home very well without them and called to them to take their time – however they overtook us in about ¼ hour or 20 minutes (about a mile from Gèdre) and it was very well; for the light was failing fast at the pont de Praignères tho’ the men ran, and kept us at trot – I could scarce see A- at 20 yards off (behind me) at the Pont des Douroncate, and at the Pont de Sia, tho’ we had run and trotted most of the way, I could not see A- without (whom I had latterly from the last bridge sent first) she was quite close before me and I felt thankful to have got well over the bridge which not being painted white it would not have been difficult to miss – the road being luckily whitish we got on well, till we had a little less dark on the opening of the gorge near Luz – at home at 9 50 having latterly made the men walk – but it was well we got home when we did, for soon after 10 thunder and lightning came on tho’ no rain – dinner over at 10 50 – all had waited and the cook complained thro’ Josephine of having her charcoal burn (her fire to keep in) so late – she had wanted to go to bed! – had Josephine at 11 10 and sat reading Chaussenque vol. 1 till 11 25 at which hour F68 ½°
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nova0000scotia · 5 years
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NAMES AND TIMELINES.... #honour #WeRemember #shouldertoshoulder #freedom #liberty #educationforall #equality - Canada’s 158 fallen and brought home #HighwayOfHeroes
Remembering Canada's son's and daughters.... and all those beautiful Canadian children we have lost..... and to our 6,000 wounded.... we got your backs.... of that you can be sure.... no political games on this one... we will ensure it gets fixed... and fast..... God bles you all.- and all our Nato Coalition Sons and Daughters from 47 countries.... we are still here.... each and every day.. 158 Canadian soldiers, two aid workers, one journalist and one diplomat have been killed since the Canadian military deployed to Afghanistan in early 2002. CANADA:       Timeline: Death toll in Afghanistan 2013 Master Corporal Byron Garth Greff Age: 28 Deceased: October 29, 2011 Unit: 3rd Battalion Princess Patricias's Canadian Light Infantry Hometown: Swift Current, Saskatchewan Incident: Improvised explosive device, Kabul, Afghanistan Deceased: June     Francis Roy Deceased: May 27, 2011: Bombardier Karl Manning; Hometown: 5th Régiment d'artillerie légère du Canada of the 1er Royal 22e Régiment Battle GroupIncident: Non combat related Deceased: March 28, 2011: Corporal Yannick Scherrer : 24 of Montreal, Quebec: 1st Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment, based in CFB Valcartier in Quebec: Yannick's First tour,Nakhonay, southwest of Kandahar City Deceased: December 18, 2010: Corporal Steve Martin -Age: 24-Hometown: St-Cyrille-de-Wendover (Québec)-Unit: 3e Bataillon, Royal 22e Régiment-Incident: Improvised explosive device, Panjwa'i District, Afghanistan. Deceased  February 10, 2010- at home but still on active duty to Afghanistan- Captain Francis (Frank) Cecil Paul to the official list of Canadian Forces (CF) casualties sustained in support of the mission in Afghanistan.  Capt Paul died in Canada last February while on leave from Kandahar. Deceased: August 30, 2010  Corporal Brian Pinksen, Age: 21, Hometown: Corner Brook , Newfoundland and Labrador ,Unit: 2nd Battalion , Royal Newfoundland Regiment, Incident: Improvised explosive device, Panjwa'i District, Afghanistan. Deceased: July 20, 2010 Sapper Brian Collier Age: 24 Hometown: Bradford, Ontariom Unit: 1 Combat Engineer Regiment Incident: Improvised explosive device, Panjwa'i District, Afghanistan Deceased: June 26, 2010 Master Corporal Kristal Giesebrecht Age: 34 Hometown:Wallaceburg, Ontario.Unit: 1 Canadian Field Hospital Incident: Improvised explosive device, Panjwa'i District, Afghanistan Deceased: June 26, 2010 Private Andrew Miller Age: 21 Hometown: Sudbury, Ontario Unit: 2 Field Ambulance Incident: Improvised explosive device, Panjwa'i District, Afghanistan. Deceased: June 21, 2010 Sergeant James Patrick MacNeil Age: 29 Hometown: Glace Bay, Nova Scotia  Unit: 2 Combat Engineer Regiment Incident: Improvised explosive device, Panjwa'i District, Afghanistan. Deceased: June 6, 2010 Sergeant Martin Goudreault Age: 35 Hometown: Sudbury, Ontario Unit: 1 Combat Engineer Regiment Incident: Improvised explosive device, Panjwa'i District, Afghanistan. Deceased: May 24, 2010Trooper Larry Rudd Age: 26 Hometown: Brantford, Ontario Unit: Royal Canadian Dragoons Incident: Improvised explosive device, southwest of Kandahar City, Afghanistan. Deceased: May 18, 2010Colonel Geoff Parker Age: 42 Hometown: Oakville, Ont.Unit: Land Forces Central Area Headquarters Incident: Suicide bomber, Kabul, Afghanistan May 13 Pte. Kevin Thomas McKay, 24, was killed by a homemade landmine while on a night patrol near the village of Nakhoney, 15 southwest of Kandahar City. May 3 Petty Officer Second Class Douglas Craig Blake, 37, was on foot with other soldiers around 4:30 p.m. Monday near the Sperwan Ghar base in Panjwaii district when an improvised explosive device detonated. Apr 11 Private Tyler William Todd, 26, originally from Kitchener, Ont., was killed when he stepped on an improvised explosive device while taking part in a foot patrol in the district of Dand, about eight kilometres southwest of Kandahar City. Mar 20 Corporal Darren James Fitzpatrick, a 21-year-old infantryman from Prince George, B.C., succumbed to wounds received from a roadside bomb that detonated during a joint Canadian-Afghan mission 25 kilometres west of Kandahar City. Feb. 12 Corporal Joshua Caleb Baker, a 24-year-old Edmonton-based soldier died in an explosion during a "routine" training exercise at a range four kilometres north of Kandahar City. Jan. 16 Sergeant John Wayne Faught, a 44-year-old section commander from Delta Company, 1 Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry of Edmonton. Faught was killed when a land mine exploded underneath him while he led a foot patrol near the village of Nakhoney, about 15 kilometres southwest of Kandahar City. 2009 Dec. 30 Private Garrett William Chidley, 21, of Cambridge, Ont.; Corporal Zachery McCormack, 21, of Edmonton; Sergeant George Miok, 28, of Edmonton; Sergeant Kirk Taylor, 28, of Yarmouth, N.S.; and Canwest journalist Michelle Lang of Calgary. All were killed when a massive homemade land mine blew up under the light-armoured vehicle that was carrying them on a muddy dirt road on Kandahar City's southern outskirts. Dec. 23 Lieut. Andrew Richard Nuttall, 30, originally from Prince Rupert, B.C., was serving with the Edmonton-based 1st Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. died when a homemade bomb detonated as he led a foot patrol in the dangerous Panjwaii district southwest of Kandahar City. Oct. 30 Sapper Steven Marshall, 24, a combat engineer with the 11th Field Squadron, 1st Combat Engineer Regiment had been in Afghanistan less than one week when he stepped on a homemade landmine while on patrol in Panjwaii District about 10 kilometres southwest of Kandahar City. Oct. 28 Lt. Justin Garrett Boyes, 26, from the Edmonton-based, 3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry was killed by a homemade bomb planted while on patrol with Afghan National Police near Kandahar City. Sep. 17 Private Jonathan Couturier, 23, of Loretteville, Que., with the 2nd Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment, died when an armoured vehicle struck an improvised explosive device about 25 kilometres southwest of Kandahar City in Panjwaii district. Eleven other soldiers suffered slight injuries. Sep. 13 An armoured vehicle struck an improvised explosive device near Kandahar City, killing Pte. Patrick Lormand, 21. Four other soldiers from 2nd Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment received minor injuries in the blast. Sep. 6: Major Yannick Pepin, 36, of Victoriaville, Que., commander of the 51st Field Engineers Squadron of the 5th Combat Engineers, and Cpl. Jean-Francois Drouin, 31, of Quebec City, who served with the same unit, were killed and five other Canadians were injured when their armoured vehicle struck an improvised explosive device in Dand District, southwest of Kandahar City. Aug 1: Sapper Matthieu Allard, 21, and his close friend, Cpl. Christian Bobbitt, 23, were killed near Kandahar City by an improvised explosive device when they got off their armoured vehicle to examine damage to another vehicle in their resupply convoy that had been hit by another IED. Both men served with the 5th Combat Engineers Regiment from Valcartier, Que. Jul 16: Private Sebastien Courcy, 26, of St. Hyacinthe, Que., with the Quebec-based Royal 22nd Regiment was killed when he fell from "a piece of high ground" during a combat operation in the Panjwaii District. Jul. 6: Two Canadian soldiers were killed in southern Afghanistan when the Griffon helicopter they were aboard crashed during a mission. Master Cpl. Pat Audet, 38, from the 430 tactical helicopter squadron; and Cpl. Martin Joannette, 25, from the third battalion of the Royal 22nd Regiment, both based in Valcartier, Que. Jul. 4: Master Cpl. Charles-Philippe Michaud, 28, died in a Quebec City hospital from injuries he sustained after stepping on a landmine while on foot patrol June 23. Jul. 3: Corporal Nicholas Bulger, 30, hailed from Peterborough, Ont., and was with the Edmonton-based 3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. The convoy which transports Canada's top soldier in Afghanistan hit a roadside bomb, killing Bulger who was a member of the general's tactical team and injuring five others. Jun. 14: Corporal Martin Dubé, 35, from Quebec City, Quebec with the 5 Combat Engineer Regiment killed by an improvised explosive device, in the Panjwayi District of Afghanistan. Jun. 8: Private Alexandre Péloquin, 20, of Brownsburg-Chatham, Quebec with 3rd Battalion, Royal 22nd Regiment. Was killed by an improvised explosive device, Panjwayi District, Afghanistan. Apr. 23: Major Michelle Mendes, based in Ottawa, Ont. was found dead in her room at the Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan. Apr. 13: Trooper Karine Blais, 21, with the 12th Armoured Regiment based in Val Cartier, Que., was killed in action when her vehicle was hit by a homemade bomb. Mar. 20: Master Cpl. Scott Vernelli of the 1st Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment, and Pte. Tyler Crooks of 3rd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment, died when they were hit by an IED while on a foot patrol in western Zahri District as part of Operation Jaley. An Afghan interpreter was also killed. Five other soldiers from November Company were wounded as was another Afghan interpreter. About two hours later, Trooper Jack Bouthillier and Trooper Corey Hayes from a reconnaissance squadron of the Petawawa-based Royal Canadian Dragoons died when their armoured vehicle struck an IED in Shah Wali Khot District about 20 kilometres northeast of Kandahar. Three other Dragoons were wounded in the same blast. Mar. 8: Trooper Marc Diab, 22, with the Royal Canadian Dragoons based in Petawawa was killed by a roadside bomb north of Kandahar City. Mar. 3: Warrant Officer Dennis Raymond Brown, a reservist from The Lincoln and Welland Regiment, based in St. Catharines, Ont., Cpl. Dany Olivier Fortin from the 425 Tactical Fighter Squadron at 3 Wing, based in Bagotville, Que., and Cpl. Kenneth Chad O'Quinn, from 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Headquarters and Signals Squadron, in Petawawa, Ont., were killed when an IED detonated near their armoured vehicle northwest of Kandahar. Jan. 31: Sapper Sean Greenfield, 25, was killed when and IED hit his armoured vehicle while driving in the Zhari district, west of Kandahar. He was with the 2 Combat Engineer Regiment based in Petawawa. Jan. 7: Trooper Brian Richard Good, 42, died when the armoured vehicle he was traveling in was struck by an improvised explosive devise, or IED. Three other soldiers were injured in the blast, which occurred around 8 a.m. in the Shahwali Kot district, about 35 kilometres north of Kandahar City. 2008 Dec. 27: Warrant Officer Gaetan Joseph Maxime Roberge and Sgt. Gregory John Kruse died in a bomb blast while they were conducting a security patrol in the Panjwaii district, west of Kandahar City. Their Afghan interpreter and a member of the Afghan National Army were also killed. Three other Canadian soldiers were injured in the blast. Dec. 26: Private Michael Bruce Freeman, 28, was killed after his armoured vehicle was struck by an explosive device in the Zhari dessert, west of Kandahar City. Three other soldiers were injured in the blast. Dec. 13: Three soldiers were killed by an IED west of Kandahar City after responding to reports of people planting a suspicious object. Cpl. Thomas James Hamilton, 26, Pte. John Michael Roy Curwin, 26, and Pte. Justin Peter Jones, 21, members of 2nd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment from CFB Gagetown, N.B., died. Dec. 5: An IED kills W.O. Robert Wilson, 38, Cpl. Mark McLaren, 23, and Pte. Demetrios Diplaros, 25, all members of the 1st Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment based in Petawawa, Ont. All three are from Ontario - Keswick, Peterborough and Scarborough respectively. Sep. 7: Sergeant Prescott (Scott) Shipway, 36, was killed by an IED just days away from completing his second tour of Afghanistan and on the same day the federal election is called. Shipway, a section commander with 2nd battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry based out of Winnipeg, was killed in the Panjwaii district. He is from Saskatchewan. Sep. 3: Corporals Andrew (Drew) Grenon, 23, of Windsor, Ont., and Mike Seggie, 21, of Winnipeg and Pte. Chad Horn, 21, of Calgary, infantrymen with the 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry from CFB Shilo, where killed in a Taliban ambush. Five other soldiers were injured in the attack. Aug. 20: Three combat engineers attached to 2nd Battalion Batallion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry in Edmonton are killed by an IED in Zhari district. Sgt. Shawn Eades, 34, of Hamilton, Ont., Cpl. Dustin Roy Robert Joseph Wasden,25, of the Spiritwood, Sask., area, and Sapper Stephan John Stock, 25, of Campbell River, B.C. A fourth soldier was seriously injured. Aug. 13: Jacqueline Kirk and Shirley Case, who were in Afghanistan with the International Rescue Committee, died in Afghanistan's Logar province after the car they were riding in was ambushed. Kirk, 40, was a dual British-Canadian citizen from Outremont, Que. Case, 30, was from Williams Lake, B.C. Aug. 11: Master Cpl. Erin Doyle, 32, of Kamloops, B.C., an Edmonton-based soldier of 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, was killed in a firefight in Panjwaii district. Aug. 9: Master Cpl. Josh Roberts, 29, a native of Saskatchewan and a member of 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry based in Shilo, Man., died during a firefight involving a private security company in the Zhari district, west of Kandahar City. The death is under investigation. Jul. 18: Corporal James Hayward Arnal of Winnipeg, an infantryman with 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, was rushed from the patrol in the volatile Panjwaii district to Kandahar Airfield, where he died from his injuries sustained from an IED. Jul. 5: Private Colin William Wilmot, a medic with 1 Field Ambulance and attached to 2nd Battalion Batallion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry from Edmonton, stepped on an IED while on foot patrol in the Panjwaii district. Jul. 4: Corporal Brendan Anthony Downey died at Camp Mirage in an undisclosed country in the Arabian Peninsula of non-combat injuries. He was in his quarters at the time. Downey, 36, was a military police officer with 17 Wing Detachment, Dundurn, Sask. Jun. 7: Captain Jonathan Sutherland Snyder, a member of 1 Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry based in Edmonton, died after falling into a well while on a security patrol in the Zhari district. Jun. 3: Captain Richard Leary, 32, was killed when his patrol came under small arms fire while on foot patrol west of Kandahar City. Leary, "Stevo" to his friends, and a member of 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, was based at CFB Shilo, Man. May 6: Corporal Michael Starker of the 15 Field Ambulance was fatally wounded during a foot patrol in the Pashmul region of the Afghanistan's Zhari district. Starker, 36, was a Calgary paramedic on his second tour in Afghanistan. He was part of a civil-military co-operation unit that did outreach in local villages. Another soldier, who was not identified, was wounded in the incident. Apr. 4: Private Terry John Street, of Surrey, B.C., and based with 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry in Shilo, Man., was killed when his armoured vehicle hit an improvised explosive device to the southwest of Kandahar City. Mar. 16: Sergeant Jason Boyes of Napanee, Ont., based with 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry in Shilo, Man., was killed when he steps on a buried explosive device while on foot patrol in the Zangabad region in Panjwaii District. Mar. 11: Bombardier Jeremie Ouellet, 22, of Matane, Que., died in his quarters at Kandahar Airfield. He was with the 1st Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. His death is under investigation by the National Investigative Service. Mar. 2: Trooper Michael Yuki Hayakaze, 25, of Edmonton was killed by an IED just days before his tour was scheduled to end. He was in a vehicle about 45 kilometres west of the Kandahar base. He was a member of the Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians). Jan. 23: Sapper Etienne Gonthier, 21, of St-George-de-Beauce, Que., and based with 5e Regiment du genie de combat in Val Cartier, Que. was killed and two others wounded in an incident involving a roadside bomb. Jan. 15: Trooper Richard Renaud from Alma, Que., was killed and a second Canadian soldier was injured when their armoured vehicle hit a roadside bomb Tuesday in Kandahar's Zhari district. Renaud, 26, of the 12eme Regiment blinde du Canada in Valcartier, Que., and three other soldiers were on a routine patrol in the Arghandab region, about 10 Kilometres north of Kandahar City, when their Coyote reconnaissance vehicle struck the improvised explosive device. Jan. 6: Corporal Eric Labbe, 31, of Rimouski, Que., and W.O. Hani Massouh died when their light armoured vehicle rolled over in Zhari district. 2007 Dec. 30: Gunner Jonathan Dion, 27, a gunner from Val d'Or, Que., died and four others were injured after their armoured vehicle hit a roadside bomb in Zhari district. Nov. 17: Corporal Nicholas Raymond Beauchamp, of the 5th Field Ambulance, and Pte. Michel Levesque, of the Royal 22nd Regiment, both based in Valcartier, Que., were killed when a roadside bomb exploded near their LAV-III armoured vehicle in Zhari district. Sep. 25: Corporal Nathan Hornburg, 24, of the Kings Own Calgary Regiment, was killed by mortar fire while trying to repair the track of a Leopard tank during an operation in the Panjwaii district. Aug. 29: Major Raymond Ruckpaul, serving at the NATO coalition headquarters in Kabul, died after being found shot in his room. ISAF and Canadian officials have said they had not ruled out suicide, homicide or accident as the cause of death. Ruckpaul was an armoured officer based at the NATO Allied Land Component Command Headquarters in Heidelberg, Germany. His hometown and other details have not been released. Aug. 22: Two Canadian soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb. M.W.O. Mario Mercier of 2nd Battalion Batallion, Royal 22nd Regiment, based in Valcartier, Que., and Master Cpl. Christian Duchesne, a member of Fifth Ambulance de campagne, also based in Valcartier, died when the vehicle they were in struck a suspected mine, approximately 50 kilometres west of Kandahar City during Operation EAGLE EYE. An Afghan interpreter was also killed and a third soldier and two Radio Canada journalists were injured. Aug. 19: Private Simon Longtin, 23, died when the LAV-III armoured vehicle he was travelling in struck an improvised explosive device. Jul. 4: Six Canadian soldiers were killed when a roadside bomb hit their vehicle. The dead are Capt. Matthew Johnathan Dawe, Cpl. Cole Bartsch, Cpl. Jordan Anderson and Pte. Lane Watkins, all of 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, based in Edmonton, and Master Cpl. Colin Bason, a reservist from The Royal Westminster Regiment and Capt. Jefferson Clifford Francis of 1 Royal Canadian Horse Artillery based in Shilo Man. Jun. 20: Three soldiers from 3rd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, died when their vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device. Sgt. Christos Karigiannis, Cpl. Stephen Bouzane, 26, and Pte. Joel Wiebe, 22 were on a re-supply mission, travelling between two checkpoints in an open, all-terrain vehicle, not an armoured vehicle. Jun. 11: Trooper Darryl Caswell, 2nd Battalion Royal Canadian Dragoons, was killed by a roadside bomb that blew up near the vehicle hewas travelling in, while on patrol about 40 minutes north of Kandahar city. He was part of a resupply mission. May 30: Master Cpl. Darrell Jason Priede, a combat cameraman, died when an American helicopter he was aboard crashed in Afghanistan's volatile Helmand province, reportedly after being shot at by Taliban fighters. Priede was from CFB Gagetown in New Brunswick. May 25: Corporal Matthew McCully, a signals operator from 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Headquarters and Signals Squadron, based at Petawawa, Ont., was killed while on foot patrol and another soldier was injured when a roadside bomb exploded near them during a major operation to clear out Taliban. The soldier, a member of the mentorship and liaison team, is believed to have stepped on an improvised explosive device. Apr. 18: Master Cpl. Anthony Klumpenhouwer, 25, a special forces member, died from injuries sustained in an accidental fall from a communications tower in Kandahar, Afghanistan. It is the first death of a special forces member while on duty in Afghanistan. Apr. 11: Master Cpl. Allan Stewart, 30, and Trooper Patrick Pentland, 23, were killed by a roadside bomb in southern Afghanistan. Both men were members of the Royal Canadian Dragoons based at CFB Petawawa, Ont. Apr. 8: Six Canadian soldiers died in southern Afghanistan as a result of injuries sustained when the vehicle they were travelling in hit an explosive device. Sgt. Donald Lucas, Cpl. Aaron E. Williams, Cpl. Brent Poland, Pte. Kevin Vincent Kennedy, Pte. David Robert Greenslade, 2nd Battalion The Royal Canadian Regiment, based in Gagetown, N.B. were killed in the blast. Cpl. Christopher Paul Stannix, a reservist from the Princess Louise Fusiliers, based in Halifax, also died. One other soldier was seriously injured. Mar. 6: Corporal Kevin Megeney, 25, a reservist from Stellarton, N.S., died in an accidental shooting. He was shot through the chest and left lung. Megeney went to Afghanistan in the fall as a volunteer with 1st Batallion, Nova Scotia Highlanders Militia. 2006 Nov. 27: Two Canadian soldiers were killed on the outskirts of Kandahar when a suicide car bomber attacked a convoy of military vehicles. Cpl. Albert Storm, 36, of Niagara Falls, Ont., and Chief Warrant Officer Robert Girouard, 46, from Bouctouche, N.B., were members of the Royal Canadian Regiment based in Petawawa, Ont. They were in an armoured personnel carrier that had just left the Kandahar Airfield base when a vehicle approached and detonated explosives. Oct. 14: Sergeant Darcy Tedford and Pte. Blake Williamson from 1st Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment in Petawawa, Ont., were killed and three others wounded after troops in Kandahar province came under attack by Taliban insurgents wielding rocket propelled grenades and mortars, according to media reports. The troops were trying to build a road in the region when the ambush attack occurred. Oct. 7: Trooper Mark Andrew Wilson, a member of the Royal Canadian Dragoons of Petawawa, Ont., died after a roadside bomb or IED exploded under a Nyala armoured vehicle. Wilson was a gunner in the Nyala vehicle. The blast occurred in the Pashmul region of Afghanistan. Oct. 3: Corporal Robert Thomas James Mitchell and Sgt. Craig Paul Gillam were killed in an attack in southern Afghanistan as they worked to clear a route for a future road construction project. Both were members of the Petawawa, Ont.-based Royal Canadian Dragoons. Sep. 29: Private Josh Klukie was killed by an improvised explosive device while he was conducting a foot patrol in a farm field in the Panjwaii district. Klukie, of Thunder Bay, Ont., was serving in the First Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment. Sep. 18: Four soldiers were killed when a suicide bomber riding a bicycle detonated explosives in the Panjwaii area. Cpl. Shane Keating, Cpl. Keith Morley and Pte. David Byers, 22, all members of 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry from Shilo, Man., and Cpl. Glen Arnold, a member of 2 Field Ambulance, from Petawawa, Ont., were killed in the attack that wounded several others. Sep. 4: Private Mark Anthony Graham, a member of 1st Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, based at CFB Petawawa, Ont., killed and dozens of others wounded in a friendly fire incident involving an American A-10 Warthog aircraft. Graham was a Canadian Olympic team member in 1992, when he raced as a member of the 4 x 400 metre relay team. Sep. 3: Four Canadian soldiers - W.O. Richard Francis Nolan, W.O. Frank Robert Mellish, Sgt. Shane Stachnik and Pte. William Jonathan James Cushley, all based at CFB Petawawa, west of Ottawa, were killed as insurgents disabled multiple Canadian vehicles with small arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades. Nine other Canadians were wounded in the fighting that killed an estimated 200 Taliban members. Aug. 22: Corporal David Braun, a recently arrived soldier with 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, was killed by a suicide bomber outside the gates of Camp Nathan Smith in Kandahar City. The soldier, in his 20s, was a native of Raymore, Sask. Three other Canadian soldiers were injured in the afternoon attack. Aug. 11: Corporal Andrew James Eykelenboom died during an attack by a suicide bomber on a Canadian convoy that was resupplying a forward fire base south of Kandahar near the border with Pakistan. A medic with the 1st Field Ambulance based in Edmonton, he was in his mid-20s and had been in the Canadian Forces for four years. Aug. 9: Master Cpl. Jeffrey Scott Walsh, based out of Shilo, Man., with 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, was shot in a friendly fire incident, just days after arriving in Kandahar to begin his tour of duty. He arrived in Kandahar less than a week earlier. Aug. 5: Master Cpl. Raymond Arndt of the Edmonton-based Loyal Edmonton Regiment was killed when a G-Wagon making a supply run collided with a civilian truck. Three other Loyal Edmonton Regiment soldiers were also injured in the crash. Aug. 3: Corporal Christopher Jonathan Reid, based in Edmonton with the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, was killed in a roadside bomb attack. Later the same day, Sgt. Vaughn Ingram, Cpl. Bryce Jeffrey Keller and Pte. Kevin Dallaire were killed by a rocket-propelled grenade as they took on militants around an abandoned school near Pashmul. Six other Canadian soldiers were injured in the attack. Jul. 22: A suicide bomber blew himself up in Kandahar, killing two Canadian soldiers and wounding eight more; the slain soldiers were Cpl. Francisco Gomez, an anti-armour specialist from the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry in Edmonton, who was driving the Bison armoured vehicle targeted by the bomber's vehicle, and Cpl. Jason Patrick Warren of the Black Watch in Montreal. Jul. 9: Corporal Anthony Joseph Boneca, a reservist with the Lake Superior Scottish Regiment based in Thunder Bay, Ont., was killed as Canadian military and Afghan security forces were pushing through an area west of Kandahar City that had been a hotbed of Taliban activity. May 17: Captain Nichola Goddard, a combat engineer with the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery and Canada's first female combat death, was killed during battle against Taliban forces in the Panjwaii region, 24 kilometres west of Kandahar. Apr. 22: Four soldiers were killed when their armoured vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb near Gombad, north of Kandahar. They were Cpl. Matthew Dinning, stationed at Petawawa, Ont.; Bombardier Myles Mansell, based in Victoria; Lieut. William Turner, stationed in Edmonton, and Cpl. Randy Payne of CFB Wainwright, Alta. Mar. 28-29: Private Robert Costall was killed in a firefight with Taliban insurgents in the desert north of Kandahar. A U.S. soldier and a number of Afghan troops also died and three Canadians were wounded. Costall was a member of 1st Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, based in Edmonton. An American inquiry, made public in the summer of 2007, determined Costall was killed by friendly fire. Mar. 5: Master Cpl. Timothy Wilson of Grande Prairie, Alta., succumbed to injuries suffered in the LAV III crash on March 2 in Afghanistan. Wilson died in hospital in Germany. Mar. 2: Corporal Paul Davis died and six others were injured when their LAV III collided with a civilian taxi just west of Kandahar during a routine patrol. The soldiers were with 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Jan. 15: Diplomat Glyn Berry was killed and three soldiers injured by a suicide bomber in Kandahar. They were patrolling in a G Wagon. 2005 Nov. 24: Private Braun Scott Woodfield, Royal Canadian Regiment, was killed in a traffic accident involving his light-armoured vehicle (LAV III) northeast of Kandahar. Three others soldiers suffered serious injuries. 2004 Jan. 27: Corporal Jamie Murphy died and three soldiers were injured by a suicide bomber while patrolling near Camp Julien in an Iltis jeep. All were members of the Royal Canadian Regiment. 2003 Oct. 2: Sergeant Robert Alan Short and Cpl. Robbie Christopher Beerenfenger were killed and three others injured when their Iltis jeep struck a roadside bomb outside Camp Julien near Kabul. They were from 3rd Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment. 2002 Apr. 18: Sergeant Marc Leger, Cpl. Ainsworth Dyer, Pte. Richard Green and Pte. Nathan Smith were killed by friendly fire when an American fighter jet dropped a laser-guided 225-kilogram bomb on the soldiers during a training exercise near Kandahar. All served with the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry.
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
16 Latest Tips You Can Learn When Attending Blue Art | Blue Art
Cindy Chao’s 2019 Black Label Masterpiece Aurora Butterfly Brooch are amid the aerial jewels that … [ ] will be on affectation at Masterpiece Online
Like about every added adornment and art fair in the world, 2020 Masterpiece London was canceled due to the atypical coronavirus pandemic. Organizers instead absitively to move this year’s fair to an online belvedere titled, “Masterpiece Online.” Amid the 138 exhibitors accommodating in this agenda appointment are abreast aerial adornment artists Cindy Chao, Moussaieff, Boghossian, Fabio Salini and Chatila. Joining them are aerial adornment brands, Van Cleef & Arpels, Andrew Grima, Verdura and Belperron.
“The weeklong affairs of agreeable will accommodate opportunities for Masterpiece exhibitors to allotment their ability and ability and to admit conversations with as advanced an admirers as possible,” organizers said in a statement. A examination of the agenda art fair will accessible on June 22 to arrive guests; and the fair will accessible to the accessible from June 24 till July 8.
On a anew re-designed website, basic attendees will be able to actualization works for auction on exhibitors’ profiles, as able-bodied as watch video introductions from the accommodating dealers, galleries and designers. Visitors will additionally be able to book clandestine views, area experts from altered fields will booty them on a curated adventure of Masterpiece Online through a ambit of capacity and beheld highlights.
Masterpiece is continuing its affiliation with Artsy to host the fair’s online examination room, which will accommodate opportunities for exhibitors to affix with new collectors. The Masterpiece microsite, which will run from June 24 July 8 (preview admission on June 22 and 23) will reflect the across
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Blue art project – Fresenius Medical Care – blue art | blue art
Brooklyn Museum: Infinite Blue – blue art | blue art
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Blue on blue – Isthmus | Madison, Wisconsin – blue art | blue art
GICLEE PRINT Large Art Abstract Painting Blue Flowers Navy Blue White Floral Canvas Print Botanical – blue art | blue art
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from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/16-latest-tips-you-can-learn-when-attending-blue-art-blue-art/
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Investigate Morocco With Morocco Excursions For a Truly Wonderful Journey Knowledge
This is merely a issue for people looking the greatest adventure. Anyone who is visiting Morocco to absorb tradition can find Morocco walking all year. These kinds of trips can be day hikes, over night treks, and actually a few days out in the mountainous regions of the Morocco Tours . For everyone wanting a more involved High Atlas walking sojourn Imi Ourlad to Imlil could be the right tour. This hiking High Atlas Hills tour lasts for three days with four to five hours of hiking a day. Like many of the walking trips you will start in Marrakesh and drive to Imi Ourlad before starting the walk up to the valleys and gorges of the regions. From Imi Ourlad it is possible to achieve Tizi Nlbour at 1600 meters. This area provides a guest house for lunch named Imsker. Once you have meal with a lovely view as a compliment, you'll move ahead to Ait Aisa. Ait Aisa is at 1400 meters. It is just a village, with a lengthy history. The traditions of the location help you immerse your self in the culture of the region. The very next day you proceed to Imnan Area, Arg, Amssakrou, Ikiss, and then end in Tinghrinn. All of the while you are with this trip consider the normal wildlife of the area. Tinghrinn is at 2100 meters. The past time goes back the Large Atlas Mountains and to Marrakesh. All along the way you'll spot waterfalls, streams, and operating streams teaming with the runoff from larger elevations. Whether you will want day walk or a few times to experience Morocco the options are there for you. You will want to get your loved ones on a special Moroccan tour come july 1st! Marvel at the sights and sounds of Djemaa el Fna in Marrakech, trek on camels to the Sahara and camp out between the going mud dunes, learn famous Ait Benhaddou and appreciate some free time for enjoyment at the swimming pool on an unbelievable Morocco tour. If you had been to start up your Morocco visit in Marrakech, you can travel within the spectacular High Atlas Hills on the way to Ouarzazate, which was once the crossing stage for African traders maneuvering to the northern cities in Morocco, or going up in to Europe. Ouarzazate has become the movie capital of Morocco and you have the opportunity to see the popular film studios! Continuing on your Moroccan visit we visit Todra Gorge, a thin rose red canyon with imposing 300m large walls. Here you get the chance to share in an afternoon program of climbing or horse riding. The following day you'll be crossing the mighty Sahara Desert on reliable camels as you journey sedately over the substantial coming mud dunes of the Sahara - an experience that's fully guaranteed to leave a lasting impression on travellers small and old! No Morocco visit is total without the Beber camp knowledge and this can be a interesting knowledge for the whole family. From the treat you are able to go the lovely Dades Gorge that morning, a wonderful pit which stretches from the Large Atlas to the Jebel Sarhro range in the south. With beautiful landscape and containers of mint tea you can settle down for the night in Gorge du Dades. Morning pauses and your Morocco visit takes you to legendary Ait Benhaddou, a'prepared town ', located across the former caravan course involving the Sahara and Marrakech. This can be a UNESCO World Heritage listing, the site have been the placing for a lot of shows including Lawrence of Arabia and Gladiator and you've sufficient time to examine the winding alleys and admire the great views.
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SOL DU Exam results 2018, sol ba b.com {1st-2nd-3rd Year} Results
The School of Open Learning (SOL), University of Delhi is set to disclose the warning relating to the B.A, B.Com first, second and third Year Program Courses examination result. The Annual examinations consequence of the Under Graduate B.A, B.Com (Hons/Program) courses has been planned and liable to be reported in the prescriptive frame, as indicated by the Course/year astute yearly examination, according to coordinated by the School of Open Learning Examination advisory group.
DU SOL Exam Results 2018
SOL DU Exam Results 2018
The School of Open Learning (SOL), University of Delhi is set to pass on the Result see/Result connects to Students showed up in the Under Graduate B.A, B.Com Ist, IInd and IIIrd Year yearly examinations May-June 2018 are probably going to be qualified to get their Examination result from the Official site interface, gave by the SOL division likely from August 2018 onwards. In view of the examination authorities the Annual examination result for the session 2018-19, as un-prescriptively affirmed a year ago, wouldn't be postponed for this present year. Division is good to go to start the examination result dates as indicated on the SOL Notice board.
SOL conducts yearly examinations for the gave UG courses contained B.A (Prog.), B.A Hons (English), B.A Hons (Pol. Science), B.Com (Prog), B.Com (Hons) and so on. Prior division had finished up the UG Courses B.A, B.Com courses Year insightful examinations in the long stretches of May-July 2018.
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demitgibbs · 7 years
What’s Hot South Florida: July 27 – July 30
Thursday, July 27
Florida Supercon starts today and goes through Sunday, July 30 at the Broward Convention Center. Supercon features the best in Comic Books, Media Guests, Anime, Animation, Video Games, Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Pop Culture in South Florida. Superson will also feature celebrity guests, comic book creators, voice actors, industry guests, cosplayers, artists, writers, panels, Q&A’s, films & shorts, costume & cosplay contests, vendors, parties, anime, workshops, video gaming and more! For more information or to purchase tickets, which start at $25 for adults, go to FloridaSupercon.com.
Friday, July 28
Miami Gay Men’s Chorus accompanist, Dr. Gregory Taylor, would like to share a romantic summer evening of music with everyone as he performs the music of Chopin, Debussy, Liszt, and Rachmaninov. The performance takes place in the Coral Gables Congregational Church Sanctuary. Admission is free, but any offering will be gratefully accepted.
Cirque du Soleil’s “OVO” moves to the American Airlines Arena from today through Sunday, July 30. “Ovo,” meaning “egg” in Portuguese, creates a headlong rush into a colorful ecosystem of insects teeming with life. Tickets start at $48 at TicketMaster.com.
Mo’Nique the comedian, who won an Academy Award, A Golden Globe Award, and A Screen Actors Guild Award for her performance in Precious, will be playing at the Palm Beach Improv today and tomorrow with 2 shows each night. The Baltimore native is a veteran comedian who has appeared on “Showtime at the Apollo,” HBO’s “Def Comedy Jam,” “Apollo Comedy Hour,” HBO’s “Snaps,” BET’s “Comic View,” the Montreal Comedy Festival and Uptown Comedy Club. On television, she starred in “The Parkers” and hosted an eponymous talk show.
Saturday, July 29
The Pet Project (Pets and People together forever) presents their annual Bowl-a-Thon at Manor Lanes (1517 NE 26th Street in Wilton Manors). There will be 2 shifts of bowlers with the 1st shifts registration at 8:30a.m., and start bowling at 9:45 a.m., and the 2nd shift registration at 12:15 p.m., and start bowling at 1:30 p.m. Even if you are not bowling, go by and support this important event.
The Grammy-winning country trio, Lady Antebellum, will be in concert at the Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach. Lady Antebellum has crossed over into the mainstream with such singles as “Need You Now,” “I Run to You” and “Just a Kiss.” After a brief hiatus, they are back with the “Heart Break” release, featuring the lead single “You Look Good.” Opening are Kelsea Ballerini and Brett Young. To purchase tickets, which start at $26.75, go to westpalmbeachamphitheatre.com.
The Manor Complex presents a tribute to Florida’s Supercon at the Broward Convention Center entitled “Heroes, A Spectacular Cosplay Theme Party” starring DJ Kidd Madonny in the Ballroom. In the Ivy Dance Room and patio, Noche Latina Saturdays presents special guests Kalah Mendoza and Mia Patricyk (Miss Noche Latina 2015 & 2016), along with resident DJ Larry Larr and sexy Latin Go-Go Papi’s. Doors open at 11pm with no cover before Midnight!
Sunday, July 30
Scandals Saloon presents their monthly Lady Fancy’s Gospel Jubilee at 6 p.m. which is a joyful celebration of Southern Gospel Music.
Thinking Cap Theatre at The Vanguard presents GAP (Gender and Pulitzer Prize) a yearlong play reading series. Today they are reading The Heidi Chronicles by Wendy Wasserstein directed by Carey Brianna Hart, and featuring Elizabeth Price, Sabrina Gore, Christina Groom, Emma Magner, Noah Levine, and Adam Simpson. The Heidi Chronicles was the winner of the Pulitzer Prize, the Tony Award, the New York Drama Critics Circle Award, the Outer Critics Circle Award, the Drama Desk Award, the Hull-Warriner Award and the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize. According to Variety “…not many plays manage Heidi’s feat of inducing almost continuous laughter while forcing the audience to examine its preconceptions.” Doors open at 12p.m. with the reading starting at 1p.m.Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at brownpapertickets.com/event/2995351.
The sexy Prince Royce will be in concert at the Bayfront Park Ampitheater at 7:30p.m. with Luis Coronel as his opening act. The Bronx-born singer, songwriter and guitarist broke out as a Latin pop star, infusing his tropical fusion music with bachata and R&B sounds. He has collaborated with Snoop Dogg, Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull. Tickets, which can be purchased at Livenation.com start at $25 each (including fees).
This is HOT
OPENING NIGHT – Stage manager Nick (Topher Grace) has the odds stacked against him backstage on opening night of the new Broadway Musical “One Hit Wonderland.” He must corral the eccentric cast and crew after learning that Chloe (Alona Tal) had a drunken fling with the star, JC Chasez (yes, NSYNC’s JC Chasez). From prima donna back-up dancer (Taye Diggs), to a temperamental producer (Rob Riggle), to his leading lady (Anne Heche) suffering one accident after another, Nick makes sure ‘the show must go on’ in this R-rated musical comedy.
Opening Night, which is 83 minutes in length and is rated R is available for purchase at Wolfe Video for only $26.95
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/07/26/whats-hot-south-florida-july-27-july-30/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/163453522590
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cynthiajayusa · 7 years
What’s Hot South Florida: July 27 – July 30
Thursday, July 27
Florida Supercon starts today and goes through Sunday, July 30 at the Broward Convention Center. Supercon features the best in Comic Books, Media Guests, Anime, Animation, Video Games, Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Pop Culture in South Florida. Superson will also feature celebrity guests, comic book creators, voice actors, industry guests, cosplayers, artists, writers, panels, Q&A’s, films & shorts, costume & cosplay contests, vendors, parties, anime, workshops, video gaming and more! For more information or to purchase tickets, which start at $25 for adults, go to FloridaSupercon.com.
Friday, July 28
Miami Gay Men’s Chorus accompanist, Dr. Gregory Taylor, would like to share a romantic summer evening of music with everyone as he performs the music of Chopin, Debussy, Liszt, and Rachmaninov. The performance takes place in the Coral Gables Congregational Church Sanctuary. Admission is free, but any offering will be gratefully accepted.
Cirque du Soleil’s “OVO” moves to the American Airlines Arena from today through Sunday, July 30. “Ovo,” meaning “egg” in Portuguese, creates a headlong rush into a colorful ecosystem of insects teeming with life. Tickets start at $48 at TicketMaster.com.
Mo’Nique the comedian, who won an Academy Award, A Golden Globe Award, and A Screen Actors Guild Award for her performance in Precious, will be playing at the Palm Beach Improv today and tomorrow with 2 shows each night. The Baltimore native is a veteran comedian who has appeared on “Showtime at the Apollo,” HBO’s “Def Comedy Jam,” “Apollo Comedy Hour,” HBO’s “Snaps,” BET’s “Comic View,” the Montreal Comedy Festival and Uptown Comedy Club. On television, she starred in “The Parkers” and hosted an eponymous talk show.
Saturday, July 29
The Pet Project (Pets and People together forever) presents their annual Bowl-a-Thon at Manor Lanes (1517 NE 26th Street in Wilton Manors). There will be 2 shifts of bowlers with the 1st shifts registration at 8:30a.m., and start bowling at 9:45 a.m., and the 2nd shift registration at 12:15 p.m., and start bowling at 1:30 p.m. Even if you are not bowling, go by and support this important event.
The Grammy-winning country trio, Lady Antebellum, will be in concert at the Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach. Lady Antebellum has crossed over into the mainstream with such singles as “Need You Now,” “I Run to You” and “Just a Kiss.” After a brief hiatus, they are back with the “Heart Break” release, featuring the lead single “You Look Good.” Opening are Kelsea Ballerini and Brett Young. To purchase tickets, which start at $26.75, go to westpalmbeachamphitheatre.com.
The Manor Complex presents a tribute to Florida’s Supercon at the Broward Convention Center entitled “Heroes, A Spectacular Cosplay Theme Party” starring DJ Kidd Madonny in the Ballroom. In the Ivy Dance Room and patio, Noche Latina Saturdays presents special guests Kalah Mendoza and Mia Patricyk (Miss Noche Latina 2015 & 2016), along with resident DJ Larry Larr and sexy Latin Go-Go Papi’s. Doors open at 11pm with no cover before Midnight!
Sunday, July 30
Scandals Saloon presents their monthly Lady Fancy’s Gospel Jubilee at 6 p.m. which is a joyful celebration of Southern Gospel Music.
Thinking Cap Theatre at The Vanguard presents GAP (Gender and Pulitzer Prize) a yearlong play reading series. Today they are reading The Heidi Chronicles by Wendy Wasserstein directed by Carey Brianna Hart, and featuring Elizabeth Price, Sabrina Gore, Christina Groom, Emma Magner, Noah Levine, and Adam Simpson. The Heidi Chronicles was the winner of the Pulitzer Prize, the Tony Award, the New York Drama Critics Circle Award, the Outer Critics Circle Award, the Drama Desk Award, the Hull-Warriner Award and the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize. According to Variety “…not many plays manage Heidi’s feat of inducing almost continuous laughter while forcing the audience to examine its preconceptions.” Doors open at 12p.m. with the reading starting at 1p.m.Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at brownpapertickets.com/event/2995351.
The sexy Prince Royce will be in concert at the Bayfront Park Ampitheater at 7:30p.m. with Luis Coronel as his opening act. The Bronx-born singer, songwriter and guitarist broke out as a Latin pop star, infusing his tropical fusion music with bachata and R&B sounds. He has collaborated with Snoop Dogg, Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull. Tickets, which can be purchased at Livenation.com start at $25 each (including fees).
This is HOT
OPENING NIGHT – Stage manager Nick (Topher Grace) has the odds stacked against him backstage on opening night of the new Broadway Musical “One Hit Wonderland.” He must corral the eccentric cast and crew after learning that Chloe (Alona Tal) had a drunken fling with the star, JC Chasez (yes, NSYNC’s JC Chasez). From prima donna back-up dancer (Taye Diggs), to a temperamental producer (Rob Riggle), to his leading lady (Anne Heche) suffering one accident after another, Nick makes sure ‘the show must go on’ in this R-rated musical comedy.
Opening Night, which is 83 minutes in length and is rated R is available for purchase at Wolfe Video for only $26.95
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/07/26/whats-hot-south-florida-july-27-july-30/ from Hot Spots Magazine http://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2017/07/whats-hot-south-florida-july-27-july-30.html
0 notes
hotspotsmagazine · 7 years
What’s Hot South Florida: July 27 – July 30
Thursday, July 27
Florida Supercon starts today and goes through Sunday, July 30 at the Broward Convention Center. Supercon features the best in Comic Books, Media Guests, Anime, Animation, Video Games, Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Pop Culture in South Florida. Superson will also feature celebrity guests, comic book creators, voice actors, industry guests, cosplayers, artists, writers, panels, Q&A’s, films & shorts, costume & cosplay contests, vendors, parties, anime, workshops, video gaming and more! For more information or to purchase tickets, which start at $25 for adults, go to FloridaSupercon.com.
Friday, July 28
Miami Gay Men’s Chorus accompanist, Dr. Gregory Taylor, would like to share a romantic summer evening of music with everyone as he performs the music of Chopin, Debussy, Liszt, and Rachmaninov. The performance takes place in the Coral Gables Congregational Church Sanctuary. Admission is free, but any offering will be gratefully accepted.
Cirque du Soleil’s “OVO” moves to the American Airlines Arena from today through Sunday, July 30. “Ovo,” meaning “egg” in Portuguese, creates a headlong rush into a colorful ecosystem of insects teeming with life. Tickets start at $48 at TicketMaster.com.
Mo’Nique the comedian, who won an Academy Award, A Golden Globe Award, and A Screen Actors Guild Award for her performance in Precious, will be playing at the Palm Beach Improv today and tomorrow with 2 shows each night. The Baltimore native is a veteran comedian who has appeared on “Showtime at the Apollo,” HBO’s “Def Comedy Jam,” “Apollo Comedy Hour,” HBO’s “Snaps,” BET’s “Comic View,” the Montreal Comedy Festival and Uptown Comedy Club. On television, she starred in “The Parkers” and hosted an eponymous talk show.
Saturday, July 29
The Pet Project (Pets and People together forever) presents their annual Bowl-a-Thon at Manor Lanes (1517 NE 26th Street in Wilton Manors). There will be 2 shifts of bowlers with the 1st shifts registration at 8:30a.m., and start bowling at 9:45 a.m., and the 2nd shift registration at 12:15 p.m., and start bowling at 1:30 p.m. Even if you are not bowling, go by and support this important event.
The Grammy-winning country trio, Lady Antebellum, will be in concert at the Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach. Lady Antebellum has crossed over into the mainstream with such singles as “Need You Now,” “I Run to You” and “Just a Kiss.” After a brief hiatus, they are back with the “Heart Break” release, featuring the lead single “You Look Good.” Opening are Kelsea Ballerini and Brett Young. To purchase tickets, which start at $26.75, go to westpalmbeachamphitheatre.com.
The Manor Complex presents a tribute to Florida’s Supercon at the Broward Convention Center entitled “Heroes, A Spectacular Cosplay Theme Party” starring DJ Kidd Madonny in the Ballroom. In the Ivy Dance Room and patio, Noche Latina Saturdays presents special guests Kalah Mendoza and Mia Patricyk (Miss Noche Latina 2015 & 2016), along with resident DJ Larry Larr and sexy Latin Go-Go Papi’s. Doors open at 11pm with no cover before Midnight!
Sunday, July 30
Scandals Saloon presents their monthly Lady Fancy’s Gospel Jubilee at 6 p.m. which is a joyful celebration of Southern Gospel Music.
Thinking Cap Theatre at The Vanguard presents GAP (Gender and Pulitzer Prize) a yearlong play reading series. Today they are reading The Heidi Chronicles by Wendy Wasserstein directed by Carey Brianna Hart, and featuring Elizabeth Price, Sabrina Gore, Christina Groom, Emma Magner, Noah Levine, and Adam Simpson. The Heidi Chronicles was the winner of the Pulitzer Prize, the Tony Award, the New York Drama Critics Circle Award, the Outer Critics Circle Award, the Drama Desk Award, the Hull-Warriner Award and the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize. According to Variety “…not many plays manage Heidi’s feat of inducing almost continuous laughter while forcing the audience to examine its preconceptions.” Doors open at 12p.m. with the reading starting at 1p.m.Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at brownpapertickets.com/event/2995351.
The sexy Prince Royce will be in concert at the Bayfront Park Ampitheater at 7:30p.m. with Luis Coronel as his opening act. The Bronx-born singer, songwriter and guitarist broke out as a Latin pop star, infusing his tropical fusion music with bachata and R&B sounds. He has collaborated with Snoop Dogg, Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull. Tickets, which can be purchased at Livenation.com start at $25 each (including fees).
This is HOT
OPENING NIGHT – Stage manager Nick (Topher Grace) has the odds stacked against him backstage on opening night of the new Broadway Musical “One Hit Wonderland.” He must corral the eccentric cast and crew after learning that Chloe (Alona Tal) had a drunken fling with the star, JC Chasez (yes, NSYNC’s JC Chasez). From prima donna back-up dancer (Taye Diggs), to a temperamental producer (Rob Riggle), to his leading lady (Anne Heche) suffering one accident after another, Nick makes sure ‘the show must go on’ in this R-rated musical comedy.
Opening Night, which is 83 minutes in length and is rated R is available for purchase at Wolfe Video for only $26.95
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2017/07/26/whats-hot-south-florida-july-27-july-30/
0 notes
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The South China Sea moves to the Indian Ocean: Conflicting Claims Over the Tromelin Islet and its Maritime Entitlements
The South China Sea moves to the Indian Ocean: Conflicting Claims Over the Tromelin Islet and its Maritime Entitlements
The small, isolated, inhospitable (and inhabited) island of Tromelin, located in the Indian Ocean north of Mauritius and the French Reunion island, and east of Madagascar (see map), has been the subject of passionate debate in recent weeks in France, both in the media (here and here) and within the Parliament (transcript of the debate before the French National Assembly).
Tromelin is a flat and small feature, about 1,700 metres long and 700 metres wide, with an area of about 80 hectares (200 acres). Its flora is limited, while the site is known to host significant numbers of seabirds. There is no harbour nor anchorages on the island, but a 1,200-metre airstrip, and there appears to be no continuous human presence.
Tromelin was discovered by a French navigator in 1722, and France today claims sovereignty over it by virtue of historical title (discovery of terra nullius) dating back to that date. The islet was the scene of a sad – and little known – episode of history as the place where approximately 60 Malagasy men and women were abandoned for 15 years in the 18th century after a French ship transporting slaves eschewed on the island. Most of the slaves died within a few months. The survivors were finally rescued in 1776, when Bernard Boudin de Tromelin, captain of the French warship La Dauphine, visited the island and discovered seven women and an eight-month-old child. Captain Tromelin also raised a French flag on the island – and his name was given to it.
French possession of Tromelin was interrupted by Britain which took control of the island in 1810. Then in 1954, the British gave their consent to France’s effective control over Tromelin. But sovereignty over Tromelin is still disputed, and the island has been claimed by the newly independent Mauritius since 1976, and reportedly also by Madagascar and the Seychelles (see V. Prescott, ‘Indian Ocean Boundaries’ at 3462-63). The controversy in France over Tromelin has led to the postponing of the ratification by the Parliament of a framework agreement entered into by France and Mauritius in June 2010, providing for joint economic, scientific and environmental management (cogestion) of the island and of surrounding maritime areas.
Concerns expressed in France revolve around the issue of a possible loss or abandonment by France of its sovereignty over the feature, and most of all of its rights over the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Tromelin, that France established in 1976 (see Decree no. 78-146 of 3 February 1978, establishing, pursuant to the Act of 16 July 1976, an economic zone off the coasts of the islands of Tromelin, Glorieuses, Juan de Nova, Europa and Bassas da India, Law of the Sea Bulletin, No. 71 [2010] at 16). Critics also point to the risk of creating a precedent that could be used to fuel arguments of those countries (Mauritius, the Comoros and Madagascar) which repeatedly dispute French claims of sovereignty over the other French-occupied Scattered Islands (Îles Éparses) of the Indian Ocean (Juan de Nova, Glorioso and Europa islands, the Bassas da India atoll, and the feature known as Banc du Geyser), and related maritime zones. For example, Section 111 of the Constitution of Mauritius provides that Tromelin is part of Mauritian territory. Mauritius also deposited with the UN Department for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, pursuant to Articles 16 and 47 of UNCLOS, charts and lists of geographical coordinates of basepoints and baselines for the maritime zones of Mauritius, which include basepoints around Tromelin (see Maritime Zone Notification M.Z.N.63.2008.LOS of 27 June 2008).
The issue of sovereignty over Tromelin is a very complex one, that should be further examined through interpretation of relevant international agreements, including the Treaty of Paris of 30 May 1814 between France and the United Kingdom – which transferred sovereignty over the French colony of Mauritius (then known as Isle of France) and its dependencies to the British –, and assessment of the subsequent practice of the States concerned. For the record, the provision concerning Mauritius (then Isle of France) in the Treaty of Paris was its Article VIII, worded as follows:
His Britannic majesty stipulating for himself and his allies, engages to restore to his most Christian majesty [French King Louis XVIII], within the term which shall be hereafter fixed, the colonies, fisheries, factories, and establishments of every kind, which were possessed by France on the 1st of January 1792, in the seas and on the continents of America, Africa, and Asia, with the exception however of the islands of Tobago and St. Lucie, and of the Isle of France and its dependencies, especially Rodrigues and Les Sechelles, which several colonies and possessions his most Christian majesty cedes in full right and sovereignty to his Britannic majesty, and also the portion of St. Domingo ceded to France by the treaty of Basle, and which his most Christian majesty restores in full right and sovereignty to his Catholic majesty » (full text of the Treaty in E. Hertslet, The Map of Europe by Treaty, at 1 – emphasis added).
Assessing the merits of claims regarding Tromelin would by far exceed the limits of this note. The exercise will likely include an in-depth examination of relevant archival materials, namely those found in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (the National Library of France) and the Archives Nationales d’Outre-Mer (the National Overseas Archives), as well as in the British archives including those of the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office. At first sight, the validity of the claims of France regarding Tromelin is not obvious and needs to be critically assessed under the international law relating to the acquisition of territory.
Mauritius is of the view that the assignment by the Treaty of Paris of the Isle of France (Mauritius) to the British Crown included Tromelin, so that upon reaching independence in 1968, Mauritius should have entered into possession of Tromelin. France of course holds a contrary view. A French Parliament report advocating the ratification of the 2010 framework agreement between France and Mauritius referred to the multiplicity of France’s “acts of sovereignty and administration over this islet (îlot) even before the independence of Mauritius [in 1968] […] without UK protest”. Basically, France’s historical title to the island is to be assessed against other claims formulated by Mauritius, and reportedly also by Madagascar and the Seychelles.
Irrespective of the sovereignty over Tromelin, it is far from certain, at first sight, that this island (or islet) of Tromelin be entitled to full maritime zones and in particular an exclusive economic zone (EEZ). This is dependent in particular on interpretation of the terms of Article 121 para. 3 of UNCLOS, according to which “[r]ocks which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life of their own shall have no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf”. The precise meaning of Article 121 para. 3 has long proven controversial (see e.g. Erik Franckx, ‘The Regime of Islands and Rocks’, in D.J. Attard, M. Fitzmaurice, N.A. Martínez Gutiérrez (eds.), The IMLI Manual on International Maritime Law, Vol. I, Law of the Sea, at 99-124.).
Interpretation of this article has been one of the main points addressed by the Arbitral tribunal in its Award of 12 July 2016 in the South China Sea Arbitration (Republic of the Philippines v. People’s Republic of China) case before the PCA. The tribunal in that case engaged in a thorough interpretation exercise and made a number of findings as to the accurate meaning of all components of paragraph 3 (« rocks », « cannot » « sustain », « human habitation », « or », and « economic life of their own »), which will probably offer some valuable guidance regarding future similar cases. What should be assessed properly is whether Tromelin, due to its physical and geographical characteristics (as evidenced by precise and recent scientific works and reports), is entitled – as any island – to full maritime zones under Article 121 para. 2 of UNCLOS, or if it meets the definition of a rock within the meaning of Article 121 para. 3, in which case it would not generate an exclusive economic zone or a continental shelf.
As regards prospects for a settlement of the issue of Tromelin (and possibly other Îles Éparses), several observations may be made. First, while it has been reported that Mauritius would be prepared to submit the dispute to the ICJ, the jurisdictional basis for such referral remains unclear. One has to bear in mind that France, upon ratifying UNCLOS in 1996, has declared that it does not accept any of the dispute settlement procedures provided for in Part XV, section 2, of UNCLOS with respect inter alia to “[d]isputes concerning the interpretation or application of articles 15, 74 and 83 relating to sea boundary delimitations, or those involving historic bays or titles”. Second, the settlement of the sovereignty issue may possibly be disjoined from the issue of maritime entitlements, as the Arbitral tribunal did in the South China Sea Arbitration case when it pronounced on maritime entitlements of various features of the South China sea without addressing the sovereignty issue over those features. As various commentators have stressed, the tribunal could hardly have done otherwise, since UNCLOS is not concerned with sovereignty over land territory and islands, and assumes for the purposes of delimitation that the issue of sovereignty is resolved. This was also the position of the Arbitral Tribunal in the Chagos Marine Protected Area Arbitration (Mauritius v. United Kingdom) case, where Mauritius opposed the establishment by the UK of a marine protected area around the Chagos archipelago, administered by the UK but claimed by Mauritius. In its Award of 18 March 2015, the Tribunal held in substance that Mauritius’ claim that the UK did not qualify as a “coastal state” within the meaning of UNCLOS as regards the Chagos Islands concerned in fact the question of sovereignty over the Chagos, which was not a matter concerning the interpretation or application of UNCLOS, and therefore that it did not have jurisdiction.
This separation between sovereignty over Tromelin and the determination of maritime zones generated by the latter appears, even if implicitly, as the path chosen by the negotiators of the 2010 framework agreement between France and Mauritius. While disagreeing on the issue of sovereignty, the two sides agreed on Tromelin’s entitlement to an EEZ. The French side, while reaffirming its sovereignty over Tromelin – and that it would not give its consent to any third-party dispute settlement mechanism on that issue –, stated that the objective of the agreement is “basically political and aims at overpassing the sovereignty dispute […] through adoption of a partnership approach in three specific sectors: environment, archeology and fisheries” (see Report of the French Senate). It should also be noted that France and Mauritius had also adopted a pragmatic approach in 1980 when they reached agreement on the delimitation of part of their maritime boundary – setting Tromelin aside (see Convention between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of Mauritius on the delimitation of the French and Mauritian economic zones between the islands of Reunion and Mauritius, 2 April 1980, reprinted in US Department of State, Office of the Geographer, Maritime Boundary: France (Reunion)-Mauritius, Limits in the Seas No. 95  [1982] with map). The above-mentioned report of the French Senate stressed the common view of France and Mauritius on the need to assert control over maritime zones surrounding Tromelin – pending the resolution of the sovereignty dispute –, as a means to establish other marine protected areas, to implement joint policies regarding sustainable fisheries, or to combat illicit dumping, among other issues.
It should also be noted that, given its geographical situation, the determination of the status of Tromelin as regards Article 121 para. 3 of UNCLOS would necessarily impact the localisation of maritime boundaries with certain third States, namely neighbouring islands, especially Madagascar. Clive Schofield recently observed that “the potential maritime claims to be made from the disputed islands of the South China Sea, often illustrated by reference to maps giving these features full-effect in the generation of strict equidistance lines, is misleading” (C. Schofield, ‘What’s at stake in the South China Sea? Geographical and geopolitical considerations’, in R. Beckman, I. Townsend-Gault, C. Schofield, T. Davenport and L. Bernard (eds.), Beyond Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea: Legal Frameworks for the Joint Development of Hydrocarbon Resources at 24).
The author of the present note is of the view that the same observation may be made as regards a number of disputed features of the Indian Ocean – including Tromelin.
[via EJIL: Talk!]
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