#Evon me boi
sleepyzz0h · 10 months
Spooder Noon
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Plus an Evon doogle
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allthornsnopetals · 4 months
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You are a Fool E.Bridergton
Description: "I'd rather lose an eye than kiss you." Oh, how the times have changed since, Y/n last exchanged words with Eloise. Perhaps, now Eloise wished to kiss the young lady as Suitors sweep the beauty off her feet.
Warning: 18+ content
Y/n rolls her eyes at the sight of her family home, wishing to be back in Paris, sipping wine and indulging in their fruity society. But she had been summoned home after years receiving education in the city of love, and flamboyance. The season is soon to begin and she were to be wed, and soon, God help the man to court Lady Delacour, and her spicy tastes may.
She grimaced, entering the familiar abode, shouldering off her cloak, and handing it to the servant.
"Y/n, how it is good to finally see you again. I see a young Lady had blossomed, let me get a better look at you." Said Edger, Y/n's eldest brother and heir to the Delacour dynasty, his arms stretched out, waiting for them to be filled.
Y/n grinned, gliding with haste to fill her brother's arms. "It is good to finally have you home!" Another familiar voice, male, called, joining the embrace.
"Hello to you, too, Evon." She chuckles, fighting for air as another and another joins the already crowded hug.
"Hamish, you're poking me." Harwin growls, jabbing his twin brother in the rib.
Due to their fighting, the elder siblings broke a part, all but one watching with amusement. "Stop it! Or I'll knock the sense out of you both, no questions asked!" Edger scolds, pointing his finger in their faces, hunched over like he were their mother.
The boys were two years younger compared to Y/n, but they had grown into young men, taller, too. But still, they beaker, unable to control themselves, even now, seconds after she had returned home. Some things just do not change.
Y/n is the second youngest with two elder brothers and two younger ones, all without a sister for almost eleven years, until now as the season of the debutantes begins, calling for the remaining Lady to be courted. She were not the only woman, for a while, that is. Her mother had kept their family in company for most of Y/n's youth, that was until her passing: childbirth, a scary and terrifying way to die, but it took her final breaths and the opportunity for another sister.
Her passing had driven her family into the dark days, she called it. The days of morning, that drew into months and almost a year before her father had sent her away, unable to bear the face that held his late-wife. Sent away for ten years, until she were eligible for marriage. Any remaining rough edges, had been smoothed over, replaced with rounder, softer and smoother ones, instead.
She were a wild one, even before the passing of her mother. Being sent away surely did her some good, if it also didn't make her miss the french and their stunning cities. Men and women were open about their desires, and encouraged others to indulge in the simplest lust or flame, man or woman, thin or thick, white or black. France is the place of love in different fonts and shapes, Y/n took it a little too literally, with her eyes wandering over from men to women, from women to men.
White, black, she ate. Heavy or light, she ate. Men or women, she ate! French men had a talent of mouth and hands, they preferred head or a work of a gentle hand, oh and how they were talented, or obsessed with ass. The men Y/n spread her wings for, always went for head, fingers, or anal, which she finds divine. The women... Oh Y/n doesn't know where to begin, they were skilled with finding the pleasure of their sexual partner, and always aroused some unknown kink.
But now, she were home and a dinner party is to be held in her return, all close to her family is to attend, and Y/n is to get ready.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Not, too tight, is it?" Asked Daisy, your hand maiden, tightening Y/n's corset. She made a small attempt to smile.
"Is my waist, not slim enough?" She asks instead of replying to her question. Daisy simply nods, loosening the reins of the fabric.
A shaky breath of short relief slips past her lips, her eyes closing with a hand smoothing over her stomach, glad the presser had subsided. Y/n had never been one for corsets, always finding them ridiculous, like a certain someone, whom her cheeks still burn for: Eloise Bridergtion, the first person to ever reject a simple peck to the cheek.
"I'd rather lose an eye than kiss you."
She grinned at the last and final memory she shared with her, so young and sure both girls and boys had cooties. Eloise allowed no one, not even her own papa to kiss her cheek or hold her hand. She was so paranoid, she wore gloves to prevent some sort of plague, she were sure it was real.
"Emerald green or sapphire blue." Daisy said, allowing Y/n to peer inside the two containers.
She wondered for some time, biting her lip as she thought. "I have jewels that would look fabulous with the blue gown," She says, gliding her fingers over the fabric. "Sapphire blue, please."
After a few moments, she was ready. Her hair flowed freely, decorated with blue flowers as a half crown. A wide diamond necklace, rounder her neck with pearl sized sapphires clipped to her ears. Daisy worked at staining her lips a shade of cherry wine before tinting her cheeks with peach blush. Lastly her slippers slipped on her feet with a dab of floral perfume on her neck, wrists and jaw.
"Your thoughts, ma'am." Said Daisy, allowing Y/n to admire her work in the vanity mirror.
"Wonderful as always. Come for me when the party begins."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Stop fiddling, you look like a fool." Violet hissed, forcing Eloise to stand up straight and still, for the most part.
"She is nervous, mama. She hasn't seen Y/n for many years, afraid she might not recognize her." Said Daphne, sipping her sparkly liquid, sure to be alcohol.
Eloise stuck her tongue out, not even trying to hide her immature behavior. "Am not. I am perfectly well, just a bit sweaty that is." She jeered, chugging a glass of liquid courage.
Of course she were nervous, jumping on the balls of her feet with anxiety. She has not seen her dear friend, Y/n for ten years, and still she wished to have allowed her to peck her cheek, goodbye. Perhaps, then she would have had a fond memory and not one filled with tears, and anger. Eloise was more than angry to see her leave, and even depressed at not snagging herself a kiss, even if it were an innocent peck on the cheek. She would have cherished it, like her books. She thought of her everyday, staring out the window, hoping to see Y/n walk to steps to her door, but that hope was just that: hope. She thought herself foolish for some time, that was until the invention to the Delacour Mansion arrived, speaking of a welcome home ball for the only daughter, Y/n Eliza Delacour.
Eloise near fainted. She were to see her friend again! To hear her voice again! To finally fill the duo to a trio, once more: her, Pen and Y/n. The golden girls back together again.
But even with such electricity, it were hard on Eloise to not pick up her skirts and run for the hills, and dunk her head in a bucket of cold ice water. For her thoughts have always been far from platonic for Lady Y/n, a girl she wished to have shared a kiss with before her departure, regretting her poorly chosen words.
"I'd rather lose an eye than kiss you."
Eloise still remembered the hot tears streaming down her cheeks, as if it were yesterday, the guilt still so fresh. She was sure she had lost a friend.
"Well, she's right there. If you are so clear minded, go say hello to her." Daphne stepped aside, allowing Eloise to a route to Y/n.
"Righty then, I will." She huffed, sticking up her nose, and marching off.
Oh what the fuck! She thought gliding her way towards Y/n, dodging bodies and frantic house guests, all bubbling with the return of the sapphire of House Delacour.
As she drew closer, the more frightened Eloise became, terror eating at her. Completely ignore Hyacinth, thundering towards her with Gregory hot on her toes. It was far too late, she was already pooling forward, her arms outstretched, lips releasing a gasp.
But the impact to the hard cool floor did not come, she lay comfortably in a set of arms, holding her steadily, combing back runaway hair. "El?" Her stomach churned, the voice so familiar her stomach had a wakened.
Eloise's throat ran dry and tight, her eyes meeting the gaze of her old friend, her cheeks burning with an embarrassed grin, curving her lips. Y/n steered a sound of surprise and excitement, pulling her into her arms.
"It is you! Thank goodness! I almost didn't recognize you. I missed you and Pen. Talking about Pen, where is she?" Y/n mutters, her breath fanning Eloise's ear.
Eloise swallows hard.
I almost didn't recognize you.
Perhaps, she did fear that Y/n would be unable to identify her, thinking she had forgotten the way she looked. But that fear slowly faded as she sank into her arms, taking in her scent with a sharp breath: Oranges, lemons and pomegranates. Oh, how she missed her. She held onto for a moment longer, until the thought of Penelope whisked her mind.
Pulling a part, Eloise avoided Y/n's gaze. As if she knew something were wrong Y/n guided both her and Eloise to the library, where no one was allowed in, making sure to shut the door behind them.
"Ellie, what happened when I was away? Why is Pen not by your side?" Once the words were out, she felt a fool for asking such things.
"There was a falling out." Said Y/n, now knowing why the two peas were not together.
Eloise bit back a tear, nodding in clarification. Y/n sighed, taking her place in her arms, stroking her hair, pulling out built up tears that welled up inside her. No golden girls, after all.
She wept, holding her so tightly, it could break Y/n ribs.
"Tell me what happened." Y/n sat them both down at the cushioned love seat near the back, hidden from anyone who were to burst in.
Eloise sniffled, her hand held into hers, a smile gracing her lips. "You were always the nurse, always caring about us before yourself. Always patching us up with gentle hands and warm arms, never taking a moment peace for yourself." She laughs wetly, wiping her tears with the back of her gloved hand.
Y/n tsk's, swatting her hand from her face, wanting her not to ruin her make up, wiping her salty river away with her finger tips, their gaze finding one another. "Don't, you'll ruin your gloves." She pulls the fabric from Eloise's hands, placing them on the small coffee table, rolling her thumb over her open palm, an old habit, too good for her to ridden.
Eloise shook her head. "No, just tell me everything about Paris and your travels. I want to know. You must have had the best time." She forced a smile, squeezing Y/n's hands, wanting to change the subject.
"Only if you inform me of what happened." Her tone was cool, almost demanding, Eloise didn't recognize the woman in front of her. Couldn't decipher who she was, yes she looked the same—almost, if it weren't for the sudden bloom of her breasts—and even acted the same, with habits she still lingered with and nature she has long but permanently made one with herself. But she were all grown up now, mature and knowing, bold and daring with her tone, her chin held high, eyes leveled and commanding.
Her heart gave a giddy squeeze, if she were to stare at her any longer, Eloise would spill all her secrets. But not tonight, only for tonight she were to explain the happenings between her and Penelope.
She began with her interest in the unmasking of Lady Whistledown, from there everything progressively got worse and impossibly worse, that Y/n had rang for tea, biscuits and all sorts of sweets, sucked away from her own ball, too invested of what she were hearing. Eloise paused, gulping as if she were nervous for the following words.
"If I don't unmask this anonymous author, everyone in town would know... They'll know that I'm," She chokes, head buried in Y/n's lap, soothed by her elegant lull, her fingers combing through her hair. "Say, no more. Pen thinks it unwise to identify, Lady Whistledown. And she won't help it's sim-
"No! I know she is Lady Whistledown— I feel it in my bones and she will ruin me if everyone knew," She lashes out of her lap, tears streaming down her face. "Knew what?" Y/n coaxes her back into her, wiping her tears away, staring down at her.
Eloise sniffles, choking, blowing her nose in a handkerchief. "If everyone knew I were lesbian. Y/n it will ruin my family, greatly."
Silence followed, Y/n frozen, staring down with her eyes agape. Eloise swallowed harshly, fear running through her. Before she could say anything, Y/n was already moving, standing, and beginning to pace, warming herself near the fire.
"Times have really never changed, here?" Y/n gaped, panic rising in her like a forest fire. "Anyone identified as queer would be ruined, even their families... I should have never returned, I should have stayed in Paris, be free to be who I wished. Eloise, would Lady Whistledown, target anyone with queer traits."
"It's Lady Whistledown, what do you think?"
"Noooo, I need to pack and leave. Run back to Paris. Fake my death?" Y/n was beginning to sound crazy to Eloise.
Why is she panicking? Unless... "You're queer..." It sounded more like a question than a statement. Y/n stomps over to her hastily, cupping her hand over her lips, hovering over her, pressing her into the cushions.
"Must you speak so loudly. And if you must know, I'm bisexual. I have been aware of my fruity tastes for a long while, even far before my trip to Paris, only there did I explode myself, if you understand what I mean." She was so close, Eloise could smell her, her scent so intoxicating.
She slowly, slid her palm away, rolling her thumb over her lips, almost relishing in the feeling. "Tell no one." Her voice, smooth and oddly sweet, in her ears.
"Tell, no one got it." Eloise nods, cheeks burning a vibrant pink. "You're blushing. El, do I make you blush?" Y/n grins, leaning closer, her breath tickling her lips.
Her breathing rose, strangling Eloise, realizing if she to move, even in the slightest her lips would meet Y/n's.
Kiss me, god just kiss me. Release me of this burden.
With no answer, Y/n lent into her shoulder, snatching the exposed skin between her lips, bodies pressed together.
"Would, you rather lose an eye than kiss me." Said Y/n, her words passing through Eloise's skin.
Eloise sucked air into her lungs, tilting Y/n's chin, her eyes meeting hers. "I did not mean what I said then. I wanted you to kiss me, take me with you, be with you. Y/n I have hungered for you, for so long," She paused, gaze taking in every detail of the beauty in her view.
"I feared you'll never return, and I'll starve without you. You're my water and my meal, I'll go parch and go hungry without you. No, I'd rather not lose an eye than kiss you." Her words hung in the gap, so true, it made Y/n's heart dance.
Without another word, she dragged her chin, her lips meeting Y/n's. Eloise moaned, fire bubbling in her stomach, a whizzing boom going off in her ears. Fireworks, booming in the distance, sparks flying. She has been waiting for this, waiting for the right kiss, and this was it. In its gentleness something exciting happened, life.
She couldn't stop the smile, glad she had chosen to keep both her eyes and kiss the girl she has been starving for, for so long. "What are you smiling about?" Asked Y/n, breaking the kiss and grinning down at her.
"Nothing, truly." Eloise giggled, thumb grazing Y/n's lips. "Kiss me again." She orders, pulling Y/n back down, slamming her lips against hers.
Hers hands wander down her back, groping Y/n's ass, rewarding her a gasp, allowing a way past her lips.
Y/n straightens herself up, gasping for air, Eloise's hands gripping her hips. "Have you had sex with a woman before?" Eloise's eyes widened, her lips plump and red. "No... Not at all."
"Have you touched yourself." Y/n removed her gloves, tossing them aside, undoing her dress. "Yes, I have." She grinned, pulling her dress over her head.
"Do you wish to have sex?" She asked, stiffing a laugh at Eloise's reaction to her almost bare body.
She didn't say a word, but nodded frantically, working on her own dress, sitting up to allow Y/n to pull it off her. Once removed, their lips met again, a bit sloppily but Eloise wasn't really taking her time, to high on the moment.
Eloise desperately worked at Y/n's corset, wanting it off as Y/n took her time, knowing the thread of corset with her eyes closed. "Slow down, El. I'm going nowhere." She pants against her lips, noting her lids were already lust shot.
"Calm yourself." She tosses her corset before doing the same to Eloise's. Chest bare for only a minute, before Eloise latches her lips to her left nipple, sucking and licking with her right accompanied by her hand, kneading the flesh.
Rolling her eyes back, her head slowly fell back, moans spilling from her lips. Her hand lingered past her panties, fingers passing her folds, working at her pussy, fucking herself. Biting on her lip, she focuses on pleasing herself, rolling her hips in her own hand, mouth agape. Eloise detaches herself from her breasts, allowing her to fall back, watching her fuck herself, legs spread, gaze locked on hers.
"Come here."
She listens and crawls over to her, watching Y/n remove her digest from her cunt, wet and glossy. "Open," She orders, satisfied as Eloise takes her fingers into her mouth, moaning and sucking on them. "Drink me." She coos, pulling Eloise closer, pulling both their panties off, lining their cunts together before dragging her fingers out of her mouth.
"Grind your pretty little cunt on mine, it will make you feel good." She did not have to do much convincing, for it only took Eloise but a moment to adjust herself, starting to rock her hips.
"Like that?" She asks, moving slowly. "Just a bit to the le-"
She threw her head back, Eloise resting her head on her shoulder, moaning as she gripped her ass, speeding up her pace. Y/n held her close, rocking her hips against hers, rubbing their sex together, in a tangle of limbs. Humping harder and harder, Eloise was cutting it close to the edge but Y/n was just getting started, if the two were to both wish to orgasm tonight, it will be a long night indeed.
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quipxotic · 7 months
C3e85 spoilers below:
So, now that we know Evon Hytroga is a member of the Ruby Vanguard (A realization that is still as flabbergasting to me today as it was on Thursday - they really will take just anyone, won't they?), does this increase the likelihood Jiana Hexum is a member as well?
As soon as we learned she and Armand Treshi were smuggling things for Paragon's Call, I assumed she was a member of one of the two groups. But it would be funny if she wasn't and she just got played by them. Boy, if that's the case, you know she is PISSED. But if she is a member, has she passed what she knows about Ashton up the chain of command? For that matter, what does she really know about Ashton?
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simshousewindsor · 2 years
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[Buckingsim Palace, Windenburg]
Queen Rowena: I’d like to review the guest list one more time. This dinner must be perfect and where everyone sits is the key to a successful event!
[Palace Staff]: Yes, Your Majesty.
Queen Rowena: Do you think this lighting is too dark?
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Delores [P.S.]: Your Majesty, it’s almost time to depart.
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Queen Rowena: Is Lady Sonja accompanying me on my engagements today?
Delores [P.S.]: She is, Your Majesty. Would you like to make a change?
Queen Rowena: Oh, no! I was going to request her, if she weren't.
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Delores [P.S.]: The car is here. Lady Sonja should be down momentarily.
Queen Rowena: Have you heard from The Kings secretary? I have not heard anything from him since he went to handle “business”.
Delores [P.S.]: I have not, your grace. Would you like me to reach out to his Private Secretary?
Queen Rowena: No.
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Lady Sonja: Your Majesty. Your purse is already in the car.
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Queen Rowena: Thank you! I am so glad you’re accompanying me today, Lady Sonja! I could really use a friend today.
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[Evon Public Library, Southeast Windenburg]
Queen Rowena: The paparazzi certainly know how to make you feel important.
Lady Sonja: You are important, ma'am, and the exposure you’re bringing to today’s engagement reflects that. Look how many photographers and media outlets are here because of you.
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Queen Rowena: True. I could really use some good press. As consort, image is very important to me and mine reflects the image of the country. Let’s hope today’s engagement goes well!
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(a short time later)
Lady Sonja: That was absolutely splendid, Your Majesty! Those children were the highlight of the day!
Queen Rowena: I couldn't agree more. One little girl hugged me so tightly and said “You’re the bestest Queen!” Another little boy asked me if The King would come to his birthday party!
Lady Sonja: (laughs) How marvelous!
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Queen Rowena: Speaking of the King, has he called or texted me?
Lady Sonja: No, ma'am. Were you expecting a call?
Queen Rowena: No. I just haven't heard from him since he went to San Myshuno. I don't want to call him yet and I’m sure I’m being overly concerned. His office can provide me with an update when we get back to the palace.
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Mr Tryphon answerrrr, 78, 52 and 53?
78: how emotionally stable is your character
“Look when you are a pirate captain- or well, a GOOD pirate captain you need to be emotionally stable. I work both the seas and the mists and both have their problems to solve. You need a good mind to move with the currents that doesnt destroy your people, you need to be a battle strategist and play your cards right to make sure you have as little desths as possible. You need to do a lot more accounting too…the sharing of money and making sure my pirates have a pool of money set for them if they become injured and cant work anymore. you cant be unhinged when your vying for a vote among the crew and being a stable force is a good thing in your ship” he then smiles, mischievousness in his eyes
“although some asura and a certain Evon Gnashblade would probably consider me violently unstable from my what my wanted posters say”
52: what is your characters worst flaw
“When I was a pirate my worst flaw was my softness. You may be able to tell but most pirates around work with kidnapping, ransom, and killing of innocents and i refuse to do that. Sure it can be admirable to the people who stand behind me but to some its a missed opportunity. But ive experience and I do not want to sell anyone to slavery or experimentation. And the other pirates know ill make their deaths slow for their actions if they come across me.”
He lays back and sips his wine and then sighs as he feels his bad back “but now that im landlocked its probably my slippery fingers and stubbornness to not be some puppet for the legions while im mated with a Primus. Cant be a pirate without being antiestablisment! I still fucking fought in that war though… not for what was left of. My mates blood legion’s sake but because i wanted to make sure my two boys were safe. I hate wars. ”
(What he doesnt say is that its because of this kindness he lost his whole crew from a fatal betrayal)
53: what is your characters great strength
Tryphon gives a smile and raises his cup. He then downs the whole thing in one gulp
“The same thing that could be seen as a flaw in the pirate world. My kindness and generosity. I have an allyship with the sylvari, i had loyal sailors in my heyday. I took care of my crew and we had fun doing it. We parties and id donate to the people suffering the most” he purrs and bows his head, flashing his golden capped fangs when he stands up to get another glass.
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Do you have or know some good analysis on Hexum and Ashton? The relationship there seems so bizarre.
"Tell Ashton 'good boy'" makes me SO creeped out. I think there's something else there that's gonna blow up in Bells Hells' faces when Jiana gets more involved and Ashton might actually pay off their debt.
Yeah but I disagree. I think the "good boy" was condescending and patronizing, but that's par for the course for what we've seen of her, and I don't see any reason why she wouldn't honor her word and say that this counted as the remainder of Ashton's debt. Ashton's summation of her has always been that she's not a good person but she keeps her promises, and that's why they respect her. It's actually a very simple and straightforward relationship they have, and I'm sure there's room for things to go bad if someone, say, brings up the information that they took from Evon about her or goes poking into it, but as is? I think they'll get their reward and Ashton will be freed from their debt and can comfortably leave town, finally, and she may pop up much further down the line what with the stolen construct and the mysterious boxes but if the party leaves things alone there won't be any immediate complications.
If I may: a lot of people have overlaid some completely fabricated morality onto Ashton that simply doesn't exist, and additionally fall into the trap of thinking that, because we know Ashton is a hero of this story, everyone who has caused them harm is bad and wrong, and that's just...not correct, and I'm not sure if that's what led you to this question, but I have a hunch it might be.
Ashton is very morally neutral. He outright mistrusts people who do things for the greater good, he's willing to give up Fresh Cut Grass and Krook House to the Corsairs, he doesn't really care if the Verdict get hurt and he definitely wants to win, but he doesn't want them to die either. Like, I feel like people zeroed in on the "don't steal copper" thing as some kind of grand sense of goodness and justice and forgot that they're still stealing gold. There is an underlying sense of "what's in it for me, and also what's in it for you."
I've talked about this before but Ashton is interested in people playing by the rules, but the rules...are what they are, and he doesn't challenge or question them. Jiana plays by the rules: the Nobodies stole her property so she retaliated (and for what it's worth the most recent episode makes it unclear if Jiana retaliated, or if the box blew up and she just happened to be present). The Nobodies play by the rules: you don't let someone die in the street, but yeah, you get them to a point where hopefully they can figure it out themselves and then you run - exactly what Ashton's approach was with stabilizing the Verdict. Evon sucks because he breaks the rules and said this was non-fatal when it very easily could be and because he's using people for his own amusement. But Ashton also doesn't totally trust Eshteross or the Green Seekers because they're motivated by altruism. That's the code, not some larger good or evil or even a sense of duty to one's community. Like, what I'm saying is when Ashton says "I'd have done the same thing" regarding the Nobodies? I believe them 100%.
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writing-fanics · 2 years
. Surprise Visit . Viktor x Fem!Reader
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.warning: angst : with fluff opening .
.summary: viktors wife and their son Evon decide to surprise ise him with a visit .
“You think daddy’s gonna like the picture?” Evon asked. His eyes fixated on the drawing he made of his father. The small boy only five and a half years old, already missing a tooth looked towards his mother.
“Of course, Evon. He’s going to love it.” (Y/n) cooed. Looking down at her son. Who smiled in response. A smile grew across her lips watching as her son. Skipped down the hallway towards his father’s laboratory.
“You think daddy’s going to like the dinner I made him?” She asked. Holding the gold and silver metal container in her hands.
Turning around as he skipped backwards, “Yep, it was so yummy.” He exclaimed. Remembering the delicious dinner his mother made.
Inside the metal container, were to sandwiches lightly toasted, with fresh tomatoes, and lettuce, carved chicken breasts, with cheese, and a secret family recipe mix of herbs and spices.
As well a another smaller metal container, that held some freshly cut fruit. And a miniature cake in the shape of a heart. She put so much love and care into each food she made, for her family of three.
Evon looked just like his father. Amber eyes and all. That just added to his unbearable cuteness. Not to mention but he’s also missing a tooth, oh his mother could just gobble him up.
“Alright, Evon you know the rules you can’t touch anything in there alright. We can’t stay here too long cause daddy’s busy.” She says. A frown appeared on Evon’s face.
“What’s wrong baby?” She asked. Kneeling down looking at her son.
“He’s always busy. I miss him tucking me into bed.” He frowned. She smiled sadly, placing a hand on her sons cheek. “I know, I’m sure he misses that too. But he’s making out future brighter. For both the Undercity and Piltover. You’ll understand when you’re older.” She says, and he looks up at her.
“Now, after we’re done it’s straight home and to bed with you mister.” She giggled, planting a kiss on her son’s forehead.
She smiles opening the door to the laboratory, “Viktor, Evon and I brought yo-” Her eyes widened as they fell on the unconscious Viktor in the ground.
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@shadow-pancake9 @aerynwrites
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rndyounghowze · 4 years
And The Nominees Are… (Part 2/2)
By Ricky and Dana Young-Howze
Mays Landing, NJ
Venmo: @rndyounghowze
The nominations for the first ever Young-Howze Theatre Awards are finally here! We have been working hard since March of 2020 reviewing over a hundred and forty digital productions. We have been poring over them all since January to bring you these categories and the shows vying for them.
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Let’s remind everyone what our criteria were: Because of the pandemic this year every show that we have reviewed was nominated for at least one category. We picked winners by a very specific set of criteria: What was this show attempting to do? Was it successful? Was it the most successful of all the shows that tried to do this? We apologize to anyone who thought that we would be announcing winners today. We decided that we wanted to save all of the spoilers for the live show on February 21st at 8PM EST. Please remember that even if you only get one nomination it is because we wanted to honor everyone who worked hard this year (every theatre artist who did a show this year deserves a medal). However we understand that specific nominations are useful for theatre creators in their resumes, grant applications etc.
All Nominees should receive a nomination email from us. If you haven’t gotten an email by Monday 11:59pm PST email is at [email protected]
Congratulations everyone! We are so proud of your accomplishments and amazing work. We’ve already seen shows this year that are award worthy. You all exceeded our expectations. Without further ado...
Solo Performance
“Chewie Award” For Team Behind A Solo Performance
“Blood/Sugar” by Diana Wyenn in Los Angeles, CA
“Kristina Wong For Public Office” by Kristina Wong in Los Angeles, CA
“Disenchanted: A Cabaret of Twisted Fairy Tales” by Eliane Morel at Melbourne Fringe
“All By Myself Award” For Solo Performance Of The Year
“The Bassoonist” by Sean P. Mette and Autumn Kaleidoscope at Cincinnati Fringe Cincinnati, OH
“Kristina Wong For Public Office” by Kristina Wong in Los Angeles, CA
“Sarah Palin: Rogue None” by Amanda Nicastro in NYC, NY
“What Would John Hughes Do?” by Telia Nevile at Melbourne Fringe
“Campfire Award” For Storyteller Of The Year
“Right Now” By Martin Dockery at Minnesota Fringe Minneapolis, Minnesota
“Life Underground” by Brad Lawrence at FRIGID NY in NYC, NY
“Pumpkin Pie Show” by Pumpkin Pie Show at FRIGID NY in NYC, NY
“UnterClub” by Juan Sebastian Peralta in Uruguay
“Full of Woe” by Genevieve Yosco and Sour Grapes Productions at FRIGID NY in NYC, NY
Seasons, Series and Festivals
“BIPOC HERO” For The BIPOC Creative Team Of The Year
“Worldwide Award” For Collaborative Work Of The Year
“The Art of Facing Fear Brazil” By Os Satyros in São Paulo, Brazil “The Art of Facing Fear US” Os Satyros and Company of Angels and Rob Lecrone, in co-production with Os Satyros and Darling Desperados. “The Art of Facing Fear Africa/Europe” Os Satyros and Cie Kaddu, Crown Troupe of Africa, Darling Desperados, Oddmanout Theatre Company, Portuguese Cultural Center of Mindelo, Tell-a-Tale, The Kwasha! Theatre Company, The Market Theatre Laboratory, Village Gossip Productions
“Macbeth #6” Os Satyros São Paulo, Brazil and the Center for Interdisciplinary Performance Art - Royal Birmingham Conservatoire
Enough Plays to End Gun Violence at Mile Square Theatre in Hoboken, NJ
“Down the Stream” For Digital Season of The Year
Frigid NY in NYC, NY
Combined Artform in Los Angeles, CA
“There’s No I in Theatre” For Non-Profit Theatre of The Year
Elm Street Cultural Arts Village in Woodstock, GA
Sour Grapes Productions in NYC, NY
Opal Theatre in Boise, Idaho
Know Theatre of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, OH
Mill Mountain Theatre in Roanoke, VA
“Deja Vu Award” Recurring Streaming Series Of The Year
“Tilted Frame” by Combined Artform in Los Angeles, CA
“Bingewatch and Friends” by Diana Brown and Dan Wilson in San Francisco, CA
“Reparations Show” by Kevin R Free at Frigid NY in NYC, NY
“Monologues For Us By Us” By Cincinnati Black Theatre Artists Collective in Cincinnati, Ohio
“Bard Brunch” by Sour Grapes Productions in NYC, NY
“On The Fringes” Fringe of the Year
Minnesota Fringe
Halifax Fringe
Melbourne Fringe
Montreal Fringe
Cincinnati Fringe
“The Shortie“ Short Form Festival Of The Year
“48 Hours in Harlem” By Harlem 9 in Harlem, NY
“Overnight Sensations” by Hollins Playwrights Lab in Roanoke, VA
Estrogenius Festival by FRIGID NY in NYC, NY
Fire This Time Festival at FRIGID NY in NYC, NY
Single Shows
“Weird and Worth It” For Experimental Production Of The Year
“Paul And Erika’s House Show” By Theatre Mobile at Cincinnati Fringe
“Hivemind” by Solasta Theatre at Cincinnati Fringe
“#TXT Show” by Brian Feldman at Minnesota Fringe and Melbourne Fringe
“Butterfly Effect” by Unnatural Disasters at Halifax Fringe
“New Normal” by Os Satyros in São Paulo, Brazil
“One Man Nutcracker” by Chris Davis in Philadelphia, PA
“Cabaret De Profundis” By Buntport Theatre in Denver, CO
“So Nice We Saw It Twice” Touring Show Of The Year
“Desperately Seeking The Exit” by Peter Michael Marino and PM2 at Cincinnati Fringe And Queerly Festival and Show Up, Kids! In NYC!
“Paul and Erika’s House Show” by Theatre Mobile at Cincinnati Fringe and Minnesota Fringe
“Love and Other Lures” by Dr. Dour and Peach at Cincinnati Fringe and Minnesota Fringe
“Killjoy, Ohio” by Queen City Flash at Cincinnati Fringe and Minnesota Fringe
“TXT Show By Brian Feldman at Minnesota Fringe and Melbourne Fringe
“Kristina Wong For Public Office” by Kristina Wong in Koreatown and Kirk Douglas Theatre in Los Angeles, CA
“Before Times” For Pre-Pandemic Recording Of The Year
“Petunia and Chicken” by Animal Engine at Cincinnati Fringe Cincinnati, OH
“Unrepentant Necrophile” by The ColdHarts at Cincinnati Fringe Cincinnati, OH
“Knife Slingin’” By Motz at Cincinnati Fringe Cincinnati, OH
“Occupy This!” By Rev Nuge at Cincinnati Fringe Cincinnati, OH
“Stow You Baggage” By Alexx Rouse at Cincinnati Fringe Cincinnati, OH
“Butcher Holler” by Ad Hoc Economy at Cincinnati Fringe Cincinnati, OH
“Lady Macbeth and Her Pal Megan” by Megan Gogerty at Cincinnati Fringe Festival Cincinnati, OH
“Dammit, Jim!” by Polly Esther in Toronto, CA
“A Night With The Dead” by Martha Preve and Something From Abroad at Hartford Fringe in FRIGID NY in NYC, NY
“A Christmas Carol In Harlem” by Classical Theatre of Harlem in NYC, NY
“Forbidden City” by Martin Dockery at Cincinnati Fringe Cincinnati, OH
“Practical Game Changer” For Practical Effects Of The Year
“Killjoy, Ohio” by Queen City Flash at Cincinnati Fringe Cincinnati, OH
“Zoo Motel” By Thaddeus Phillips in Columbia, South America
“A Light Touch” by Mind of a Snail at Minnesota Fringe Minneapolis, Minnesota
“Digital Game Changer” For Digital Effects Of The Year
“M-O-U-S-E” by Rory Sheridan at the Cincinnati Fringe Cincinnati, OH
“King Lear” by SF Shakes in San Francisco, CA
“War Of The Worlds” by Ben Hernandez at Cal State in Los Angeles, CA
“Claws Out! A Holiday Drag Musical” by City Theatre in Pittsburgh, PA
“18+ Allowed” For Adult Variety Of The Year
“Disenchanted: A Cabaret of Twisted Fairy Tales” by Eliane Morel at Melbourne Fringe
“Creepy Boys” by Scantily Glad at Melbourne Fringe
Red Mill Revue at Melbourne Fringe
Queers On The Fringe at Melbourne Fringe
“Reach Out“ For Immersive Production Of The Year
“Feast” by Megan Gogerty at Know Theatre of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, OH
“In Lak’Ech” by No Peeking Theatre in Jersey City, NJ
“Twelfth Night”” by Food of Love Productions in NYC, NY
“Grace Notes” For Musical Production Of The Year
“Dream &” By Sarah Willis and The Queer Feminists Next Door at Cincinnati Fringe Cincinnati, OH
“Colony” by Psophonia and Aura at Cincinnati Fringe Cincinnati, OH
“TV Tunes” by Leslie Vincent at Minnesota Fringe Minneapolis, Minnesota
“The In-Between Years” By The Champagne Drops in Minneapolis, Minnesota
“Love and Other Lures” By Dr. Dour and Peach at Cincinnati Fringe Cincinnati, OH
“Hollow” by David Kent at Edinburgh Fringe
“One Vote Won” by Nashville Opera in Nashville, TN
“Meet Me In St. Louis” By Irish Rep in NYC, NY
“Power” For Fifth-Wall Breaking Show Of The Year
“Matriarch” by Sandy Greenwood at Melbourne Fringe
Chanukahmunication by the Feldman Dynamic in Washington, DC
“Proof Of Love” By Chisa Hutchinson and BLBW in Chicago, IL
“Magician” For Press Contact Of The Year
Emily Godfrey For FRIGID NY in NYC, NY
Liz Carman For Know Theatre of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, OH
“Tech Witch” For Tech Person Of The Year
David Svengalis for “Tilted Frame” by Combined Artform in Los Angeles, CA
Henry Bateman for Know Theatre of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, OH
“Extensions“ For Movement Artist Of The Year
“Proximity” by Pones at Cincinnati Fringe Cincinnati, OH
“Definition of Man” by DConstruction Arts at Halifax Fringe
Marina Calendar For Tree She at Estrogenius Festival NYC, NY
Nick Daniels For “Folk Dances of A Nucleic Village” at Pittsburgh Fringe Pittsburgh, PA
“You Oughta Be In Pictures” For Film Of The Year
“Proximity” by Pones at Cincinnati Fringe
“Opinions Of Men” by Ben Dudley at Cincinnati Fringe Cincinnati, OH
“Macbeth” by Gorilla Repertory Theatre in NYC, NY
“Black Emperor of Broadway” by Vision Films Inc and Egeli Productions in Provincetown, MA
“Concord Floral” by Jordan Tamanelli at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado
“Pioneer” For Innovative Achievement Of The Year
Waiting for the Host” by Mark Palmieri in NYC, NY
“Desperately Seeking the Exit” by Peter Michael Marino in NYC, NY
“Long Zoomie” For Long-Form Zoom Play Of The Year
“3 Way Lovve” by Marcus Ma’at Atkins at Minnesota Fringe Minneapolis, Minnesota
“Im Ur Hamlet” By Genevieve Yosco and Sour Grapes Productions in NYC, NY
“Rideshare” by Reginald Edmund and BLBW in Chicago, Illinois
“Disrobed” by Steven Vlasak and Troy Peterson at Hollywood Fringe Hollywood, CA
“Sons of Liberty” by Cris Eli Blak in Louisville, KY
“Call For The Wailing Women” by Katrina D. RiChard and BLBW in Chicago, IL
“Jump!” By Charly Evon Simpson at TSU in Nashville, TN
“Short Zoomie” For Short-Form Zoom Play Of The Year
“Soup” by Rachel Carnez at Project Y Theatre in NYC, NY
“Missing Ingredient” by Colleen O’Doherty at Project Y Theatre in NYC, NY
“Pas De Deux” by Kevin Ferguson at Missouri S&T in St. Louis, Missouri
“Scaramouche and Pinochle” by Mike Moran Missouri S&T in St. Louis, Missouri
Screen Manager Of The Year
Stream Yard
“Duck“ For Streamyard Production Of The Year
“Infemous” by Infemous at the Queerly Festival and Montreal Fringe Festival
“Romeo and Juliet Virtually” By Miles Beyond Entertainment in Los Angeles, CA
“Day of the Dead Variety Show” by Something From Abroad at FRIGID NY in NYC, NY
“Latina Christmas Special Special” by Latina Christmas Special in Los Angeles, CA
Staged Production
“The Globe“ For Staged Production of The Year
“Quit While You’re Ahead” By Alexx Rouse and A-Z Productions at Cincinnati Fringe Cincinnati, OH
“Dreary Dearie” By Caitlyn Waltermire at Cincinnati Fringe Cincinnati, OH
“Hellish Reunion” by The Feral Theatre Company at Minnesota Fringe Minneapolis, Minnesota
“Polka Dots: The Cool Kids Musical” by Melvin Tunstall III at Mill Mountain Theatre in Roanoke, VA
“Titus Andronicus” by Shakespeare by the Sea in San Pedro, CA
“She Kills Monsters” by Qui Nguyen at Elm Street Arts Cultural Village in Woodstock, GA
Please Be Sure To Tune In To The Live Show on either our YouTube Channel, FRIGID NY’s YouTube, or you can go to Combined Artform’s Channel. Also follow their Facebook pages for live updates. Our social media will be taken over before and during the show by Saturday Lawson of Punchline Loading and Genevieve Yosco of Sour Grapes Productions! We can’t wait to see you there!
*****A Word From Our Sponsors*****
We have a YouTube Channel. We’re working furiously to get new videos up weekly.
We have official merch now! Keep us fed and get gifts for the family all at the same time!
Wanna be a sponsor? Email us for rates at [email protected]
Check out our Social Media
Twitter: @rndyounghowze
Instagram: @rndyounghowze
Facebook: Ricky and Dana Young-Howze
3 notes · View notes
ashalsdream · 4 years
30 Questions
I was tagged by: @brax-was-here​, @likemesomesalads​ & @fellis-world​ ! thank you my dears <3
1: Favorite living world season?
Living world season 4!!! It’s my favourite season and my favourite storylines
2: Favorite expansion?
HoT, I have a hugeee dislike of PoF
3: Favorite soundtrack?
Aurene dragon full of light
4: First profession you played?
Elementalist! My baby boy Tomomi
5: First race you played?
6: Favorite Destiny’s Edge character?
Probably Eir or Caithe
7: Favorite Dragon’s Watch character?
HMM I DO WONDER – ofc my cactus husband Canach (shut up he counts)
8: Favorite Elder Dragon?
I really am digging Jormag rn but overall will probably be Kralkatorrik
9: Best boss fight (story)?
So far? I think my favourite boss fight is with Kralk, I still replay it although Joko’s boss fight was sooo much fun
10: Best boss fight (fractal)?  
I don’t play fractals a lot but would love to get into them more
11: Best boss fight (raid)?
Only just started raids!
12: PvE or PvP or RP?
All of the above? I do less rping now as my attention span can’t handle it but I used to play pvp EVERY day, I mostly hunt achievements now!
13: Favorite canon couple?
Kas/Jory, my babies <3
14: Favorite fanon/self made couple?
My baby boy Tomomi & Canach if we’re talking about my ocs, however my favourite rarepair? Probably Trahearne and Riannoc or Evon & Ellen
15: Favorite quote?
The moment that made me fall in love with Canach, “Oh Hi Anise, I didn’t see you standing completely within my line of sight”
16: Most emotional cinematic?
Watching Aurene in the fight with Kralk over and over and over again – breaks my heart.
17: Favorite VA?
John DiMaggio!
18: Post a fun screenshot!
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[ominious sandshark noises] This was taken when we had a party in the GH for my birthday in August, they taught me how to glitch the arena :’D
19: Post a landscape screenshot!
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20: Most used mount(s)?
Raptor & skyscale, they’re the easiest to travel with – although lately has been skimmer as well because… well yEAh underwater!!
21: Favorite mount skin (for every mount you have)?
Raptor – Starscale 
Skimmer – oceanic ray
Springer – elonian jackalope 
Jackal – Primal spirit
Griffon – Grand Lion or Snow Stalker (i dont have snow stalker tho but my fave animal is a snow leopard so i NEED IT) 
Warclaw - vigilant saberclaw
Beetle – synergetics gyrocycle (THE SOUNDS PLEASE ME SO MUCH I COULD CRY) 
Skyscale – Shimmerwing or Luminescent
22: Favorite weapon?
23: Favorite gear set?
Hmm, not sure, I usually mismatch so I don’t have a favourite set
24: Favorite title?
Keeper of the Sun
25: Something you worked really hard to get?
Astralaria!! It took me months and I cried when I finished it! I instantly dragged my guild on call to excitedly yell about how pretty it was
26: Favorite GW2 Youtuber / GW2 related video?
Mukluk, AuroraPeachy and JessTheStardustCharr. I’m patreon to a few of them & they make my day!
27: Most used miniature?
Whisper of Jormag – reminds me of Aaravos from TDP & I love the funky worm
28: Most used novelty?
Embiggening potion, make Ashal TOLLER
29: Number of achievments points?
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30: Something you’d love to see in GW2?
I cant WAIT to see Bubbles!! And Cantha!! For once I’m not going to play the expansion with Ashal, I’ve already made up my mind that I’ll be using Sonas as she’s my gw1 character and it feels right!
I am tagging: @commander-luna​, @captainfinebuns​, @leftincommand​, @commandertollwife​ & @commander-triangle​ my friendos!! <33 love y’all 
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stevewiththeweather · 4 years
caution for longass post ahead. it’s my (summer of) 6th grade sketchbook
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thank you, past me, very cool
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theres a fuckton of deh in here and most of it makes me want to dump a bucket of cold water on my past self’s head, so be warned
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chibi harry potter. this one’s not awful
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this was also back when i liked mlp. i was a derpy stan
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harry potter again. this one actually looks worse in the photo because i took it at a bad angle. i liked it at the time but noted the hand was a bit small. lmao
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this was also the same year i rediscovered avpm! so many things happened in that year in terms of fandoms
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lauren’s draco. the one on the bottom right (the actual screenshot, not the drawing) was my profile picture for the longest time
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quirrelmort. the one ship i don’t hate now because it was like. canon
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this was from like. a year later also @ past me you absolutely did not
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i remember angrily drawing the line across her neck because it was a “good drawing” but the neck was too long. lol
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i sort of wanted to be one of those kids that drew cats. as you might be able to tell, that didn’t happen
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ah yes, the precious baby bean modern!john laurens
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i don’t know. something to do with pride
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some elf girl
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attempted redesign of elf girl from a year later. i cut it out but it says “oh god no come back in 10 months” and i think it’s been about that so challenge accepted
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lmao very cool. on the side it says “idkkk lol”
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tfw you were chosen for the constitutional convention
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john laurens stacking turtles. haha turtle boi
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redraw from 2019 probably. iactuallykindoflikethisjgkfjbhsdvs
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you will Literally never guess who this is
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ham chart. 
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the top ones were drawn by a good friend.
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we stan a problematic king. or something
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expressions practice. fun fun fun
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this one’s kind of good. there’s nothing too cringeworthy here so that’s a plus
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foh doh doh dee doh
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this is probably the best one. i used to think jared was funny hahahaaahahah g
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dear evon handsin
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sjskdfavf,,, i remember being super embarrassed of this at the time but i didn’t want to throw it away because i spent ages on it anyways rip eliza
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thanks, i hate it
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thanks, i really hate it. this used to be inside the plastic on the outside of the binder, which makes it even worse
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ew ew ew but the backstory behind this is that my friends shipped me with jared kleinman. i drew this in response being like “nope i’m just a lesbian that fetishizes mlm relationships for some reason and also jared is gay”
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haha seabury gay
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haha modern!seabury gay
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hahahah whatre you reading there pal
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modern au kingsbury antics. what a couple
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hahahahahahah more lams i drew myself and a friend poking our heads out on the side saying kinky kill me please
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tried to draw a japanese schoolgirl and failed. i didn’t know references existed back then apparently
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leggy best hamilton ship
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modern kingsbury ref sheet
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modern kingsbury ref sheet
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modern kingsbury ref sheet
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my friend’s old oc
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vent. i shrunk it so you can’t really read it but it was all worries in the form of questions. i went back in 2019 (i guess) and highlighted the things that happened. a few more have also happened since then. i really hate the “LMAO OK Drama bitch” i wrote in 2019 though
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this is from 2019 i guess. wow what a master comedian
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ebon honschen
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alana but shes blue daba dee daba die daba dee daba die
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genderswapped gared gleinman
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“nope” first of all, mood
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this one was ok. modern teabury again
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tried to do those aesthetic-looking doodles but ran out of Things 
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deer evan hansen: good edition
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anxiety is so adorable amirite
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angel connor. in terms of drawing alone this one’s actually not bad. also WE’RE ALMOST AT THE END
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some cool badass knight princess or something
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im pretty sure i stole that phrase. also look at that hair haha
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i thought i was a fucking genius for coming up with this
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4 notes · View notes
sleepyzz0h · 10 months
I'm redesignin Evon cuz I can (wip
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Plus some Evening doogles
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detectivepowell · 5 years
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NAME :    Dani ANIMAL :   Dolphin BOY’S  NAME :   Devon GIRL’S  NAME :   Daisy COLOR :     Dandelion (is this a color?  I think it’s a crayola crayon color?) MOVIE :  Dog Days SOMETHING  YOU  WEAR :  Dress DRINK :   Dr. Pepper FOOD :  Donuts SOMETHING  FOUND  IN  A  BATHROOM :   Dirty toilets (wtf is wrong with me?) PLACE :   Denver, Colorado REASON  FOR  BEING  LATE :   Drive Thru!  Starbucks!!:
TAGGED BY:  I stole this from @strongnotweak​ because I love this kind of stuff!! TAGGING: EVERYONEEEEE
0 notes
The First Voices
Kip Kinkel
Fall of 1995
The bus slugged along its normal route, down the long Thurston road.  Passing the many tucked in homes, weathered barns and empty farm roads on each side.  It always took longer than I wanted it to before we reached McKenzie highway.  That was the end of the first stage of my ride home from school each day and it was a sign that home was about twenty minutes away.  It was the same route every day.  All I could do was divide the thirty five minute trip into sections as we went along.  If we weren’t chirping at each other as the bus traveled on, I’d usually stare out the window in silence.  Seeing Walterville elementary school go by always brings back memories of me as a young boy.  It felt like forever ago, even though it hasn’t even been a year since the bus came and went from there.   
Things were pretty good back then, being just a kid.  It was comfortable.  Fun was pretty much the only thing I can remember.  Family trips, living in Spain for over a year, playing with friends and adventures around the river every chance I got.  Middle school is different.  There are so many new kids I never knew before.  Just as I had become comfortable with the same local kids, now more are introduced to throw me off.  There’s no more recess.  Now we only have breaks, which all we do is stand around and find recognizable faces to talk about nothing to.  There’s no playing anymore.  No imagination.  We’re becoming teenagers.  And I hate the word teenager.  I don’t want to be a teenager.  Not yet anyway.  I want to go back to having fun all the time.  Back to being around kids I knew I liked, and knew that liked me.  
Once we were on Deerhorn road I knew I didn’t have long to go before the bus came to a stop for me to get off and walk the remainder of the way.  Our house was at the end of a longer driveway that had full green shrubs on both sides that lined the entry.  It was was surrounded by woods that always seem to be in the way on sunny days. There was so much shade.  And when it rained?  It was even more dark and damp.  I guess there was a happy medium sometimes, but not really long enough to remember or get used to.
As I began to walk up the driveway, I wasn’t thinking about much.  Maybe what was waiting for me in the pantry?  I was hungry.  Searching for a snack was always the first thing I did as soon as I got home from school.  I’m sure most kids were like that.
I reached the front of the house and stopped suddenly.  There was no reason I stopped, I just did.  And I stared into the bushes closest to the front door of the house.  It felt like just a few seconds of staring, then I felt frozen in place.  I couldn’t move.  
Then the voices came.   
“You need to kill everyone.  Everyone in this world.”
It startled me. I looked around, turning around to see if there was anybody around.  The voice didn’t sound familiar.  It was a man’s voice.
“Everyone.  You need to kill everyone.”
The voice was coming from the bush!  I stared at the bush to see if there was anyone hiding behind it.  There was no one.  The bush itself looked normal, but the voice was coming from it’s direction.  
The more it repeated itself, the more it felt like it was from within my own mind; it invaded.  It scared me.  I couldn’t control the voice.  My eyes began to water.  I couldn’t get it to stop.  There was nothing I could do to get it to silence.  It just kept repeating itself.
You stupid piece of shit!  (You aren’t worth anything)
The words began to be jumbled together as they overwhelmed me.
I ran into the house as fast as I could and didn’t look back at the bush.  I used all of my strength to get away.  My hands pushed the front door open and lunged into the house.       
“Kip?  Sweetheart?”  My mom shouted as I ran upstairs.  She heard the slam of the door behind me.
I crashed through my bedroom door and threw myself onto my bed and buried myself in my covers.  Tears streamed down my face as I cried uncontrollably.  Why were these voices talking to me?  Why won’t they stop?  Was it because I didn’t believe in God?  Was it God telling me to kill?  Or was it the devil?  Was he now talking to me because he knew I didn’t believe in God?  I don’t understand.  Why me?  Even if God is real, I hate him for these voices.  I hate that he allows them to invade my mind.  
I hate…
“Kipland?  Are you OK?  What happened?”  My mom shouted as she walked upstairs.  I could hear her coming.  
I needed to make up an excuse.  Anything.  Something at school.  A bully.  Sure, she’ll believe that.  A bully.  Someone is picking on me.  Don’t know his name.  Doesn’t matter.  I can’t tell her about the voice.  I want to tell her, but she’d freak out.  She’d pull her hair out.  And no way I can tell my dad.  He’d hate me for these goddamn voices.  I can’t tell anyone.  Anyone.  That’s my rule.  Number one rule.  Don’t. Tell. Anyone.  Never speak about the voices.  Never.   
They’ll think i’m crazy.  
*This is a reimagining of Kip’s first experience with a voice. This story is told by Kip to one of his psychiatrists after the shooting took place in 1998. It is very close to what actually took place. It is public record.
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strangenoquestion · 5 years
My dear old bean, I say. Your assistance is crucially needed tonight for an impromptu rendezvous. Confound it, says Q. For I am encircled by familial interlopers visiting with the irritating pretense of endless pre-graduation formalities. Huh? Got a bunch of relatives in town from DC using me and Evon’s graduation as an excuse for a California vacation with free loading. Crap I say. So you’re busy? I’m never too busy for you, mate. Give me a sec. By the time I’m out of the shower, Q has responded. Full steam ahead, my boy. The three of us are ‘watching’ Dwarven Wars: Song of Torment.
David Yoon, Frankly In Love
0 notes
newyorktheater · 6 years
Just a couple of plays are opening on Broadway this month — “Choir Boy,” and “True West” — and a handful Off-Broadway, but January is one of the most robust months for theater in New York, thanks in large measure to the January theater festivals.
Together these festivals offer more than 100 shows; most are experimental, often hybrids that redefine what theater is, and are difficult to describe; many run for only one or two performances Below is a selective list of Broadway, Off-Broadway, Off-Off Broadway and festival offerings in January, organized chronologically by opening date (or, for a festival show and some Off-Off Broadway, the first performance), with each title linked to a relevant website. Color key: Broadway: Red. Off Broadway: Black or Blue.. Off Off Broadway: Green. January theater festival: Orange. Immersive: Magenta Below that, links to the home pages of five of the festivals. (I’ve created the immersive category more as incentive for the adventurous rather than a warning, although such a show often means lots of standing, and some unusual interaction that some might find uncomfortable.)
January 2
Baba Brinkman’s Rap Guide to Consciousness (Soho Playhouse)
This latest piece by “Peer reviewed rapper” illuminates the neuroscience of human experience, from sensations to hallucinations. I’ve seen his rap guides to religion and to climate chaos; they were packed with information.
January 3
HEAR WORD! Naija Woman Talk True (Under the Radar) The show celebrates women who have broken the culture of silence, challenged the status quo, and moved beyond barriers to achieve solutions.
Manual Cinema’s Frankenstein (Under the Radar) The gothic classic, combine with a biography of its author Mary Shelley, told through the company’s signature handmade shadow puppetry, and makeshift cinematic techniques
Nature and Purpose (Soho Playhouse)
Two shows focusing on the abstract expressionist ​Jackson Pollock and the controversial performance artist ​Chris Burden​.
January 4
Tania El Khoury
Tania El Khoury’s As Far As My Fingers Take Me (Under the Radar) immersive
An encounter through a gallery wall between a refugee and one audience member at a time. The refugee will mark the audience member’s arm by drawing on it.
[50/50] old school animation (Under the Radar)
A ghost story that “flirts with the horrific and dips into the surreal. “
The Cold Record (Under the Radar) immersive A one-man show from the Rude Mechs. “The story of a 12-year old boy who tries to set the record for leaving school the most days with a fever and in the process falls in love with the school nurse and breaks his heart on the punk rock.”
Minor Character (Under the Radar) This kaleidoscopic adaptation of Uncle Vanya collages a century’s worth of English translations into one sprawling, intimate, quietly disastrous evening.
Dueted: What Holds Head (Exponential Festival) immersive  A site-specific, interactive performance on intimacy, fidelity, and desire, comprised of a sequence of one-on-one experiences between a single attendee and a performer.
January 5
Pancho Villa from a Safe Distance (Prototype)
A bilingual cross-border multimedia opera about the enigmatic general, legendary bandit, and hero of the Mexican Revolution. Created by Austin, TX based composer Graham Reynolds, librettists Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol of Mexico City, director Shawn Sides of Rude Mech, two vocalists and six instrumentalists.
4.48 Psychosis (Prototype)
Philip Venable’s operatic adaptation of Sarah Kane’s final play, with 28 fragmented episodes to reveal an individual’s struggle to come to terms with their own psychosis. A production from the Royal Opera.
Real (The Tank)  This play by Brazilian playwright Rodrigo Nogueira, tells two stories that eventually intertwine of two people living in New York 85 years apart — a working mother in 2019 who takes up an instrument she used to play and reassesses her life, and a gay immigrant composer in 1934 who in the process of writing a fugue starts to feel he’s meant to live somebody else’s life.
Ink (Under the Radar)
A mash-up of an art history lecture, personal essay, and electronic music concert, this piece is a love letter to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where it is performed
January 6
prism (Prototype)
Opera-Theater composed by Ellen Reid about a traumatized mother and daughter who attempt to escape the past by retreating into a single room.
January 7
Blue Ridge (Atlantic) In this play by Abby Rosebrock set in Southern Appalachia, Marin Ireland portrays a progressive high-school teacher with a rage problem retaliates against her unscrupulous boss and is sentenced to six months at a church-sponsored halfway house, where she attends to everyone’s recovery but her own.
January 8
Choir Boy (MTC’s Samuel Friedman)  Written by Tarell Alvin McCraney (best known for the Oscar-winning movie “Moonlight”) and transferring from MTC’s Off-Broadway theater: For half a century, the Charles R. Drew Prep School for Boys has been dedicated to the education of strong, ethical black men. Jeremy Pope reprises the role he had in the Off-Broadway production as a gay youth whose appointment as head of the school’s legendary gospel choir sparks tension.
January 9
This Bridge Called My Ass (American Realness)
Six Latinx performers – Alvaro Gonzalez, John Gutierrez, Miguel Gutierrez, Xandra Ibarra, Nibia Pastrana Santiago, and Evelyn Sanchez Narvaez – map an elusive choreography of obsessive and perverse action within an unstable terrain of bodies, materials and sound….Clichéd Latin-American songs and the form of the telenovela are exploited to show how familiar structures contain absurdity that reveal and celebrate difference.
Evolution of a Sonero (Under the Radar)
The first full-length show by poet, singer, and actor Flaco Navaja, original member of the Universes and Def Poetry Jam cast
January 10
Chambre Noire (Under the Radar)
Life-sized puppets, broken songs and video-projections come together to illuminate the hallucinatory final moments of Valerie Solanas, the woman who shot Andy Warhol
Wendell & Pan (The Tank)  A play by Katelynn Kenney. Life’s hard when you’re 11, your only friend is the ghost of your 12-year-old dead aunt, your sister wishes she could be on the other side of her cellphone, your parents make every room frigid, and your sick grandpa wants you to kill him.
January 11
Minefield (Under The Radar) Combining theater and film, Lola Arias brings together British and Argentinian veterans of the Falkland Islands/Islas Malvinas war to share their first-hand experience of the conflict and life since.
January 15
Mortality Machine (Sinking Ship Creations at Wildrence) immersive This live-action roleplay makes each theatergoer the protagonist of the story, assigned an identity as a surviving family member of one of the five people who died in an illegal medical experiment five years earlier. The survivors have now gained access to the laboratory, and through interaction with “peculiar individuals who’ll help you tell your tale using dance and movement.
January 17
Behind the Sheet (EST)
Playwright Charly Evon Simpson confronts the history of a great medical breakthrough by telling the forgotten story of a community of enslaved black women who involuntarily enabled the discovery. In 1840s Alabama, Philomena assists a doctor – her owner – as he performs experimental surgeries on her fellow slave women, trying to find a treatment for the painful post-childbirth complications known as fistulas.
January 23
A Man for All Seasons (FPA at Theater Row)
A revival of the 1961 play by Robert Bolt: “As Sir Thomas More refuses to recognize Henry VIII’s divorce and ascendancy as Supreme Head of the new Church of England, A Man for All Seasons reveals the risk of speaking truth to power and the clash that follows when fierce political will collides with deep moral conviction.”
January 24
True West (Roundabout’s American Airlines) Ethan Hawke stars opposite Paul Dano in a revival of Sam Shepard’s play about the clash between two brothers.
10th Annual 10-Minute Play Program (The Fire This Time)
January 28
Banigold II (Exponential)
“This hybrid puppet-video performance lazily examines stoic philosophy and is live scored by Lucy Hollier & co. with original animations from Unimercial Studios.” One of five short works presented together as part of Exponential Variety 2 at The Glove experimental art space in Bushwick.
January 29
God Said This (Primary Stages at Cherry Lane) An award-winning play by Leah Nanako Winkler about five Kentuckians facing mortality in very different ways. “With her mom undergoing chemotherapy, Hiro, a NYC transplant, returns home to Kentucky after years away, struggling to let go of the demons she inherited.”
January Theater Festivals
For a complete list of Theater Festival offerings, check them out individually
Under the Radar January 3 – 13
The Public Theater’s festival is the oldest (at 15) and largest, and tilts towards international productions.
American Realness January 4 – 13 “Fifty-nine performances of sixteen performance works from seventeen artists over ten days at twelve venues in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and The Bronx.“ It’s primarily dance.
Exponential Festival January 4 – February 3
Spread out over nine venues in Brooklyn, the festival is “dedicated to New York City-based emerging artists working in experimental performance.”
Prototype January 5 – 13
In its seventh season, it is presenting 12 works of opera-theater
The Fire This Time Festival January 21 – February 2
The festival marks its tenth year of providing “rising playwrights of African and African American descent a platform to write and develop new work.”
January 2019 New York Theater Openings: 2 on Broadway, 100 in January Theater Festivals Just a couple of plays are opening on Broadway this month -- "Choir Boy," and "True West" -- and a handful Off-Broadway, but January is one of the most robust months for theater in New York, thanks in large measure to the January theater festivals.
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sleepyzz0h · 10 months
Got some old art I forgot I have
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This is Evon (old design need to update it). For some might realized that he looks like Noon and Evening that is because it is. Evon is the equivalent of when Noon and Evenings soul energy wave length become instinct and then fuse to become Evon, it's a bit complicated but Evon is technology his own entity and one person but sometimes both sides has a mind of its own and can talk separately and can control their own sent of arms but most on the time it's just one voice (he sounds like he has a slight filter on)
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Most recent doodle I've done of Evon (aka drew this a few mins ago lol)
He's just talkin to himself
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