#Evolved Vaxasaurian
artblooger19moon · 1 year
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Ultimate Humungousaur
Ben 10
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goldlightwriting · 1 month
You know, the Ultimate Aliens in Ben 10 really are hit-or-miss, looking back. The base concept of them is supposed to be taking an alien species and running them through a simulation of like, 1000+ years of combat to see how a species could adapt for optimized efficiency in battle. It's not JUST predicting a species' evolution, but specifically how they could be best utilized for war. It shows the difference in mentality between Albedo and Azmuth; the latter made the Omnitrix as a tool to bring different races together, while the former only sees the potential for a weapon.
Some of the Ultimates are really cool. You've got Ultimate Humungosaur with his thicker armor and rocket launcher hands, or Ultimate Echo Echo with the sound discs that are more maneuverable than the base form's clones. On the flip side, you have Ultimate Cannonbolt that really doesn't do anything new or interesting beyond adding some spikes, or Ultimate Big Chill who shoots "fire so cold it burns," whatever the hell that's even supposed to mean.
I know that there's a sort of mentality popularized by O.R.Ash that Ultimates are supposed to get some kind of trade-off, as in losing a base form ability for the new powers, but I don't necessarily think that's true (and no disrespect to O.R.Ash, I legit like his redesigns.) Like I said: I think, first and foremost, the Ultimates should be optimized for combat, which could lean more into the dubious nature of the power and the mentality of treating these alien forms as nothing more than tool for battle.
Honestly, I kind of wish that more Ultimates leaned into that by incorporating mechanical aspects into the design, like Humungosaur and Echo Echo did. Rather than simply evolving the aliens, I think artificially augmenting them would fit more with the overall idea of what the writers were trying to go for. So, with that in mind...
Date: {Redacted} Log entry: #001 Entry by: {Redacted}
The Ultimatrix has long been a fascination of mine. The Omintrix was designed to bring unity across the cosmos by letting one organism experience life through the eyes of another (sometimes metaphorically.) However, many saw the potential of the Omnitrix as a weapon, particularly Azmuth's former assistant: Albedo.
He created an evolutionary function that was, in theory, meant to simulate the result of a species undergoing centuries of battle to the point of almost going extinct. How might the beings of the universe adapt to an age of near-constant warfare? An intriguing premise, to be sure. Certainly, some of the results were quite impressive; the sonorosian, vaxasaurian and methanosian DNA turned out particularly well.
However, the Ultimatrix is still, at the end of the day, merely a machine. A machine lacks imagination, and some of the 'evolutions' turned out to be little more than mildly above-average specimens of the species as they presently exist now. If the aim was to envision beings optimized for a lifetime of conflict, then some of the results seem laughably incomplete. This log will be exploring some of the more... Disappointing 'Ultimates,' as they are called, and potential enhancements that could be made to hone their natural abilities to suit their purpose.
Ultimate Big Chill
Necrofriggians are perhaps most well-known for their ability to produce frigid mist from their mouths, which can rapidly cool anything it comes into contact with to below-freezing temperatures. Their secondary ability, which allows them to turn intangible, is quite useful for stealth. In a way, Necrofiggians can be considered naturally-born assassins, and this power can be further amplified for that role. I envision 'Ultimate Big Chill' to expel freezing mist not just from the mouth, but the hands as well, forming small constructs of ice; primarily, this is used to create frigid throwing daggers or blades for close-range combat, should the need arise. Additionally, this form can now turn its body entirely invisible as well as intangible, allowing for greater stealth capabilities. The Necrofriggian adapts to end combat before it even begins, teaching opponents the true meaning of 'cold as the gave.'
Ultimate Cannonbolt
The Arburian Pelarota is already quite naturally suited to combat scenarios. The species' thick shells can endure various forms of acid and even orbital entry. It's little wonder why Albedo's Ultimatrix saw little reason to augment the species further... But I believe one can always push the boundaries with a little imagination. As the Pelarota's greatest strength has always been a strong balance of offense and defense, why not take this even further? 'Ultimate Cannonbolt' is equipped with energy generators on the plates, which can be used to form protective barriers that protect the user even while in a bipedal state. These generators can also assist in rolling attacks, giving an additional 'oomph' by letting the user instantly rocket forward at extreme speeds. This Ultimate aims to be both an unstoppable force AND an immovable object all at once.
Ultimate Wild Mutt
Vulpimancers are naturally-skilled hunters, but the purpose of an Ultimate is to become a warrior. The original Ultimatrix might have been onto something with 'Ultimate Wild Mutt,' but again, not enough was added to make a beast truly suited to the battlefield. For starters, elongating the tail and enlarging the the spike would give this transformation a deadlier edge. Perhaps we could even replace the spike with some manner of drill attachment? The real enhancement, though, comes from the ability to deploy a pair of mini-turrets from the flanks. With the Vulpimancer's naturally-keen sense of smell, such an addition would make it a menace to enemies both up-close and at a distance. A true hound of war, this one...
For now, this is where I will conclude such thoughts. Ideally, we will never see a future where such evolutions come to pass... But should the day ever arise when the power of the Ultimatrix may again be needed, this will serve as a fine starting point. After-all, power is neither good nor evil. Like the Omnitrix itself, it may be used to destroy or protect...
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insane-mane · 9 months
Would there be other dino species in Terradino, or is it just the Vaxasaurians and the Pturbosaurians?
Some less evolved than others sure
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sxrrandomfanfics · 3 years
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My Prototrix Dendy transformations! (Will post a colored version later)
Forms shown off:
Mechamorph (Malware's DNA) - Using Malware's powers, Dendy as stored Scratch code blocks into this form. Unfortunately in this form, Dendy will sometimes absorb things she cannot get out of the body until much later. KO's Nickname for it: "Mech-endy."
Galaxasaurian (Cosma's DNA) - Based off of Cosma's DNA (and helpfully requested by @theangrycomet), Dendy as a galaxasaurian has a very sensitive taste palate. Galaxasaurian's powers to shrink and grow are based off of how much food they eat, unlike the Vaxasaurians that they evolved from. Dendy is usually very hungry in this form, and does not use it for combat that much. KO's Nickname for it: "Munch."
Galvan (Albedo's DNA) - Dendy thinks this is the most practical alien form for her to use, and she's correct. She usually goes into this form when working on her different projects and now is almost as comfortable as a galvan as she is a kappa. The only bad thing about this form is when it is used for combat, as Dendy is usually better than Galvans when it comes to fighting villains. TKO's Nickname for it: "Small Fry"
Were-Puppy (KO's DNA) - Using KO's DNA, Dendy takes on the form of a were-puppy, which is currently her fastest form she is willing to use. Many of the plaza (particularly the Bodegamen) are somewhat offput by there being two KO's running around, but Dendy enjoys this form as she gets to know what it's like to be KO, considering it is from his DNA. KO's Nickname for it: "Dash"
Sapphire (Sapphire's DNA) - Using the gems that made up Garnet, Dendy unlocked two, Sapphire and Ruby. She usually finds it troubling to use, due to the fact that the Prototrix is located where the hand is. She has to keep her hands open when in this form. KO's Nickname for it: "Krys"
Xian (Radicles's DNA) - Dendy, using Rad's DNA, is an Xian in this form. She does not go into this form frequently, but enjoys it. Though this may be because of the influence of the holder of the DNA. KO is currently in work in progress for the name.
Appoplexian (I made this one for fun) - Dendy's least favorite transformation. This appoplexian is similar to a cheetah, with high speed but low strength compared to other Appoplexians. KO's Nickname for it: "Cat Scratch"
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pluagemask042 · 3 years
Okay, that's true, Albedo is lame like that. But what if it was Ben? Like, Evolved Pyronite - Lavadrake. Evolved Vaxasaurian - Armorysaur. Evolved Arachnachimp - Gorillrachnid.
i mean, he does call them just Ultimate Heatblast, or Ult Humongosuar, ect
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omnipedia · 5 years
Ben 10 Analysis Part 7:
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Ultimate Forms:
-Hyper Evolved versions of Ben's aliens.
-Often have massive increases in power and come with new abilities.
-Unique feature to the Ultimatrix, but an upgraded Omnitrix has them as well.
-Works by placing the DNA of the alien in a certain simulation, making it suffer the worst possible scenario in millions of theoretical years in order to "force" evolution in the genetic code in the virtual environment; the evolutionary developments are then modified into the existing DNA.
-Ben must be in the regular alien form to use its Ultimate form. He cannot directly switch to an Ultimate. His Ultimates can do whatever their base forms can do unless otherwise specified.
-Total of 11 Ultimate Forms (7 shown here due to the other 4 having no feats that make them stand out from the original form)
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Ultimate Big Chill:
Abilities: Supersonic flight, cryokinesis, intangibility, greatly enhanced speed, strength, and durability, and can create "Fire so cold it burns" (Plasma beams that draw the heat from objects, freezing them on the spot)
Weaknesses: Other intangible foes can touch him while intangible, somewhat weak to electric attacks, and durability is lacking compared to other Ultimates.
Feats: Easily dispatched Vulkanus and his minions, can survive the pressure of ocean depths, and made a wall of ice spanning the length of a car park.
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Ultimate Cannonbolt:
Abilities: Stronger, faster, and more durable than regular Cannonbolt, ball form has spikes that can be fired as projectiles, better traction while rolling, and radiation immunity.
Weaknesses: Still can’t breath in space.
Feats: Can hold onto a Prypiatosian-B and shrug off getting blasted by their lasers.
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Ultimate Echo Echo:
Abilities: Sonic screeches from his mouth, launchable sound disks that act as movable mouths which can move at supersonic speeds, sound based force fields, flies on sound waves, can survive in the vacuum of space, and can generate a breathable atmosphere around him.
Weaknesses: Vulnerable to electricity and magnetism, and loses the ability to create clones.
Feats: Could have killed Ultimate Kevin while “trying to make it as quick and painless as possible”, took out a small army of Necrofriggians, sound waves can crush steel, Petrosapien shards and tanks, survived a nuclear explosionand contained it after it had detonated, and defeated an Appoplexian.
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Ultimate Humungousaur:
Height: 40 feet tall
Abilities: Stronger than regular Humungousaur, hands can convert into bio-gatling guns that shoot an unlimited amount of kinetically unstable bone fragments as missiles, nearly indestructible shell, sharp claws, and mace-like tail.
Weaknesses: Is a large target, not agile, can no longer change size, electricity harms him more easily, and his missiles can be absorbed by enemies
Feats: Fought several hundred Humungousaurs before being taken down by force of numbers, missiles and physical attacks can easily send multiple Humungousaur flying, made a giant crater by punching the ground and survived without a scratch at the epicentre of the explosion, strong enough to throw a To’kustar, and matched Sir George (who killed Dagon, an eldritch god)
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Ultimate Swampfire:
Abilities: Stronger, faster, and more durable than regular Swampfire, can throw explosive seed fire-bombs, control over plant life, gas control, can light fires underwater, and can grow plants on his body.
Weaknesses: Can no longer regenerate, and weak to electric attacks.
Feats: One shot Vilgax after a brief fight, defeated 3 giant robots at once, and fire is much hotter than regular Swampfire, having bright blue flames.
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Ultimate Spidermonkey:
Abilities: Enhanced strength, agility and durability, web spit, can climb walls and stick to vertical surfaces, and has either sharp spider legs or two extra pairs of arms.
Weaknesses: Cannot shoot webs if mouth is forced shut.
Feats: Each arm pair can match one pair of Fourarms arms, tore apart a crane tower, can lift Fourarms, clung to a spaceship taking off, webbing can hold a Vaxasaurian, spider legs can pierce a concrete wall, survived the temperature of the upper atmosphere and falling back to the ground, and survived a close range nuclear explosion with only fainting as a result.
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Ultimate Way Big:
Height: Several Thousand Feet
Abilities: Immense physical strength and durability, can fly, and can shoot cosmic energy beams and throw cosmic energy disks.
Weaknesses: A huge target, and is extremely vulnerable to acid rain.
Feats: Pulled Diagon (who is big enough to dwarf even Ultimate Way Big) down to the ground and survived being crushed by him, energy beams can harm a being made of energy, and cut off one of Diagons tentacles with an energy disk (which not even Ascalon, a planet-busting sword, could do)
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scaledupscalies · 5 years
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Franchise: Ben 10 Creature: Ultimate Humungousaur (Evolved Vaxasaurian)
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kikimora-apologist · 6 years
Ben 10 Alien Profiles Part 9
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Ultimate Forms:
-Hyper Evolved versions of Ben's aliens.
-Often have massive increases in power and come with new abilities.
-Unique feature to the Ultimatrix, but an upgraded Omnitrix has them as well.
-Works by placing the DNA of the alien in a certain simulation, making it suffer the worst possible scenario in millions of theoretical years in order to "force" evolution in the genetic code in the virtual environment; the evolutionary developments are then modified into the existing DNA.
-Ben must be in the regular alien form to use its Ultimate form, cannot directly switch to an Ultimate. His Ultimates can do whatever their base forms can do unless otherwise specified.
-Total of 11 Ultimate Forms (6 shown here, as the other 5 only have a change in appearance with no feats shown)
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Ultimate Big Chill:
Abilities: Supersonic flight, cryokinesis, intangibility, greatly enhanced speed, and can create "Fire so cold it burns" (Plasma beams that draw the heat from objects, freezing them on the spot).
Weaknesses: Other intangible foes can touch him while intangible, somewhat weak to electrical attacks, and durability is lacking compared to other Ultimates.
Feats: Easily dispatched Vulkanus and his minions, can make the air cold enough to create snow, and made a wall of ice spanning the length of a car park.
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Ultimate Echo Echo:
Abilities: Sonic screeches from his mouth, launchable sound disks that act as movable mouths which can move at supersonic speeds, sound based force fields, flies on sound waves, can survive in the vacuum of space, and can generate a breathable atmosphere around him.
Weaknesses: Vulnerable to electricity and magnetism, and loses the ability to create clones.
Feats: Could have killed Ultimate Kevin when all of Ben's previous aliens failed while “trying to make it as quick and painless as possible”, took out a small army of Big Chills, sound waves can shatter steel, Diamondhead shards and can crush tanks, survived a nuclear bomb and momentarily contained the explosion, defeated Cerberus, and defeated Rath.
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Ultimate Humungousaur:
Height: 40 feet tall
Abilities: Stronger than regular Humungousaur, hands can convert into bio-gatling guns that shoot an unlimited amount of kinetically unstable bone fragments as missiles, nearly indestructible shell, sharp claws, and mace-like tail.
Weaknesses: Is a large target, not agile, can no longer change size, electricity harms him more easily, and his missiles can be absorbed by enemies
Feats: Fought several hundred regular Humungousaurs before being taken down by force of numbers, missiles and physical attacks can easily send regular Humungousaurs flying, made a giant crater by punching the ground and tough enough to survive at the epicentre of the explosion, strong enough to throw Way Big, and matched Sir George (who killed Diagon, an eldritch god).
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Ultimate Swampfire:
Abilities: Stronger, faster, and more durable than regular Swampfire, can throw explosive seed fire-bombs, control over plant life, gas control, can light fires underwater, and can grow plants on his body.
Weaknesses: Can no longer regenerate, and weak to electrical attacks.
Feats: One shot Vilgax after a brief fight, defeated 3 Sentinel robots at once, and fire is much hotter than regular Swampfire, having bright blue flames.
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Ultimate Spidermonkey:
Abilities: Enhanced strength, agility and durability, web spit, can climb walls and stick to vertical surfaces, and has either sharp spider legs or two extra pairs of arms (depending on the writer).
Weaknesses: Cannot shoot webs if mouth is forced shut.
Feats: Each arm pair can match a pair of Tetramand arms, tore apart a crane tower, can lift Tetramand, clung to a spaceship taking off, webbing can hold a Vaxasaurian, spider legs can pierce a concrete wall, survived being in Earths upper atmosphere, survived a fall from the upper atmosphere to the ground, and survived a close range nuclear explosion with only fainting as a result.
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Ultimate Way Big:
Height: Several Thousand feet
Abilities: Immense physical strength and durability, can fly, and can shoot cosmic energy beams and throw cosmic energy disks.
Weaknesses: A huge target, and is extremely vulnerable to acid rain.
Feats: Pulled Diagon (who is big enough to dwarf even Ultimate Way Big) down to the ground and survived being crushed by him, energy beams can harm a being made of energy, and cut off one of Diagons tentacles with an energy disk (which not even Ascalon, a planet busting sword, could do)
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blue-scorpion-king · 7 years
The Bagklock Races
(Post version for mobile followers)
The 52+ most populous species of Bagklock Earth: Humans, Hutui/Hutus [Eretus descendants], Hubits [Hobbits descendants], Huliaths [Goliaths descandents], Huthals [Neanderthal descendants], Chimans [Ancient chimpanzees descendants], Gorimans [Ancient gorilla descendants], Orangumans [Ancient orangutan descendants], Près des Hommes Extensibles [Stretchy and rubber-like near-humans], Faunus, Therians, who are humanoids with some animal parts; The Kemono race (http://blue-scorpion-king.tumblr.com/kemono-detail), Monster Personas, with categories on the different Monster Personas, excluding some ones, who became their own race not in an category, like the different youkai, the Centaur, the Manticore, the Minotaur, and the Thunderbird Monster Personas (Think of Monster Girls, expect with male individuals of each monster ‘species’), the three types of Anthros, the Kim kind, who is like the most humanoid, the ‘inbetween’ Deviant kind, and the Zoo-Bipedial type, which are basically evolved bipedal animals, but not much is changed, yet are connected as one race [No Pokemon, Digimon, Bakugan, or any of that sort of Anthros exist], Stuck-Trolls, Orcs [Warcraft], Orks [Partially different biology in the Bagklock Universe], Torks [Tolkien kind of orcs] [All three have sub-species], Elves [With the main species calling themselves ‘Eldar’ {Warhammer}; Nifel-Elves {Tolkien}, Night Elves, Blood Elves, Dark Eldar/Drow Eldar, Half-Elves, Sun (High) Elves, Silver Elves, Wood Elves, Avariel (Winged) Elves, Mithral Elves, Green/Greenish Elves, Aqua Elves, Dwemer (Dwarf-like) Elves, Orsimer (Orc-like) Elves, and Snow Elves], Dwarves, Gnomes, Goblins, Draenei, Undead, Taurens, Warca-Trolls, Pandarens, Ghouls [From Tokyo Ghoul], Nitros [From Toriko], Eosapiens, Pivots, Inklings, Octolings, Worgen, Vampires, Holves [Jak-verse], Draguns [Humanoid Dragons], Gr-Na'vi [Green Earthling Na'vis], Fishmen, Merfolk, the Atlanteans, Thri-Kreens, Tarkatans, Yoshis, Giants, the Shandorians, Birkans, the Skypieans, Sangheilis, Zabraks, Twi'leks, Wookiees, Mon Calamaris, Ewoks, who are also said to inhabit much of the planetoids and moons of Bagklock Earth, tracing their species’ origin to the ‘Goat-Moon’, Gungans, Dugs, Chagrians, Kaminoans, Genosians, Togrutas, Nautolans, Utapauns, Pyronites, Vulpimancers, Petrosapiens, Kinecelerans, Galvans, Tetramands, Lepidopterrans, Piscciss Volanns, Arburian Pelaroti, Florauni, Loboans, which originate from the ‘Goat-Moon’, Thep Khufans, Transylians, Gourmands, Slipxsons, Opticoids, Spheroids, Methanosians, Sonorosians, Vaxasaurians, Aerophibians, Necrofriggians, Crystalsapiens, Cerebrocrustaceans, Arachnichimps, Biosovortians, Appoplexians, Orishans, Amperis, Talpaedans, Geochelone Aerios, Prypiatosian-Bs, Citrakayahs, Gimlinopithecus, Eatles, Chronosapiens, Conductoids, Segmentasapiens, Galileans, Crashhoppers, Polar Manzardills, Mole-Staches, Kickin’ Hawks, Nosedeenians, Vladats, Fangines, Canigus [Both from Oddworld], Togorians, Bipamammals, who are an invasive immigrants from the 1960’s, 72 years after the Martian invasion of England, but in the U.S.A and ultimately, after six months, got defeated and have to left their traitor prisoners behind, Saurians, Poleepkwa/Prawn, Locusts [Gears of War], Yuzzems, Sullustan, Trandoshan, Matora (Bionicle [Not movie version] species), R'Zahnians, Kluts, Ssi-Ruuk, Whiphids, Rodians, Toydorians, Gamorreans, Ithorians, Bothans, Kaleesh, [Eight sentient and sefl-aware] Rancors, Acklays, Nexus, Reeks, Opees, Wampas, Metriadleys (Ripley’s species, from Metroid), Andorians, Horaxes, the Chirmaerea [Traitor Chimeras of the ‘horde’, from the ‘Resistance’], Cybertronians, that came from the mechanic planetoid of Bagklock Earth several billions of years ago, Cybertron [The smaller Beast Wars kind, without the large vehicle alternate modes, and most small vehicle alt. modes, not just 2 factions, but with “Titan Bots”, “Combiners”, “Mini-Cons”, and some other sub-groups, even with the sub-sub-group of the Fuzors; They are still connected to the spirituality of their ancestors’ culture back in Cybertron, like the Matrix and Primus, and can ‘evolve’ further by adding more ‘bulk’/parts either the Real Robot way {Like Gundam: Thunderbolt or some parts of Evangelion} or the Super Robot way {like GaoGaiGar or Gaiking},, into Transmetals, to Transmetal 2, and even Transmetal 3. Though, there are only 20 Transmetal 3 Cybertronians EVER in the race’s history {Also, this comic and the comments below it clears up Cybertronian intercourse} Also also, the general term for the transformation of Cybertronians, even among factions, split since the 3rd Great Cybertronian War and 4th Great Cybertronian War so long ago {Both G1 and Beast Wars/Machines, expect with no terraforming Cybertron, with the time shenanigans}, is “Rollaize”, which “Rollaizing” being before the faction’s own transformation phrase like ‘Primaize’, ‘Maximize’, ‘Demolitionize’, ‘Wreckaize’, ‘Terrorize’, “Titanize’, ‘Pygmyize’, or ‘Armadize’], Boomop-Boomops [The Boom Booms and Pom Poms from Mario], Ferengi, Kenku (DN’D), Elcors, Marts, who claim to be descendants of Martians from Mars, that are not like the Martians that tried to invade Earth in very late 1800’s (Looney Tunes/Duck Dodgers In The 24th & ½ Century), Orions, Mazones (Harlock; With an history of being left by ‘something’ in their extremely early history), Ctarl-Ctarls, Lyca-morphs, who are a moth-like race, Modrons, Zoqs, Fots, Piks, [sentient griffiths] Criffiths, Xextos, Iyras, Baabians, Killiks, Labois, P'we'cks, Xi'Decs, Niktos, Mossies, Seksis, Gelflings, Mogwais, the Smurfs, the Snorks, the Muppets, including the entire Sesame Street, Qberts, Lombaxes, Pacs [The species of Pac-Man], Gorns, Asaris, Turians, Volus, Krogans, Quarians, Yahgs, Drells, Exos, Cabals, Eliksni, Asogians, who are all immigrant races from 1970, Apostles, who are descendants of the ones from the medieval times, starting at Midland {Berserk}, Herglics, Majins, Kousou-Akuryo, meaning ‘Frost Demons’ [Descendants of Frieza’s Race from long ago], Yordles, Gorons, Hylians, Zoras, Dekus, Gerudos, Au Ra, Bangaa, Elezen, Mithras, Tarutarus, Moogles, Vestals, Neathians, Gundalins, the Viera, Candy People, [less hostile] Earth-Daleks, along with Earth-Cybermen, Flame People, Ooo-Dogs, Rainicorns, Lemon People, Lumpy Space People, Nut People, Tree People, Exceeds, and [Immigrant descendants] Klingons, Chiss, Anzati, Quarrens, Balosars, Nosaurians, Devaronians, the Fosh, Iktotchi, Horusians, Huks [A race extremely similar to the Hulk/Bruce Banner, expect not created by gamma radiation], Florans, Apex, Avivans, Hylotl, Novakids, Vipers [X-Com-like], Garmillas, Xens [Near-human Gijinka-like Xenomorphs], Centurians, Centurii, Krylorians, Kt'kns, Kymellians, Landlaks, Nibelungs [Harlock], ‘White Walkers’, Taurians, Xixix, Stenth, Lava-Min {Marvel’s Lava Men}, Glx, Kawas, Z'Nox, Zundamites, Thranx, {D&D} Garrgoyyles, Charr, Saiyans, from one groups of crashed pods during the Ice Age [There are more females Saiyans than males on Bagklock Earth], Hyleks, Quaggans, Norn, Slyvari, Djinn, Myconids, Weav-Spiders, Kobolds, Elins, Accretians, Omnics, Anodites, Incurseans, Stits (Tummyhead’s species), Nemuinas, Falleens, Miralukas, Nagaii, Rakatas, Talz, Ishi Tibs, Decapodians [Zoidberg’s race], Detrovites, Trumbipuai (Humanoid elephants with bat wing-like ears), Thundragohs (Humanoid warthogs), Planchakoles, Cephalod-ae, Basalts, Ickthyperambuloids, Zaroffians, Gelamen [Gang Beasts-like], Argonians, Khajiits, the Skaven, the Ratonaga, and the soon-to-be merging Newtypes & Coordinators in the future. {2 not registered races; Which only has three billion sightings total, but no solid proof of their existence, from the 1900’s to 2042, are the so called ‘Mudokons’, and the Henries of Earthland}. Plus, ‘Minions’, of different colors, like the Pikmin, are a part of the races that live on Bagklock Earth, but choose not to be registered in the documented races, that are most populous. 44+ minor races, that are registered, are the Olympians, Steefs, the four human subspecies; Ogryns, Ratlings, Squats, & Beastmen, the Lemurians, earthling Chozos, Shokans, Gnolls, the Blueys, [Earthling Grey Aliens descendants, supposedly, expect dark blue in skin color and about 6 to 7 feet tall, on average], the Kongou, the Yodalili [Yoda’s Species], Earthling Sligs (Oddworld), the Gour-Ogres [Gourmet Ogres], the Goombas, the Kerbals, the Yautjae, who are immigrants from very long ago, the Hirogens, and the Namekians, who are also immigrants from long, long ago, Minks (Not Zou-born), Trills, [Runaway] Geems, [A bit smaller] Yithians, Chevins, Crites, Zeti, Toads [Mario] {Are a race who has multiple genders, like funguses}, Thunderians, Zanburgs, Twilis, Aegyls, Beastmen, & their tribes [Final Fantasy], Burmecians, Cleyrans, Clavats, Selkies, Yukes, Lillties, Dragoniers, Galkas, Garifs, Genomes, Hummingways, Hypello, Lalafells, Nu Mou, Peruperu, Qu, Roegadyn, Seeq, Shumi, Zilarts, Breakfast People, Cloud People, Crystal People, Cube People, Cuties, Earclopses, Grass People, Hot People, House People, Mushroom People, MOs, Peanut People, Pillow People, Rock People, Rump People, Sand People, Slime Princess, Soft People, Spiky People, Turtle People, Veggie People, Wildberry People, Worm People, E-Vulcans [from Earthland], Kyuzos, Aqualish, Draethos, Gotals, Harchs, Noghris, Nelvaanians, Vulptereens, Stenax, Sluissi, Junkers, ZeHethbras, Critokians, Squalrises, Adarians, Lutrillians, Niktos, Ryns, Glymphids, Keroidens, Roclites, Yirbeks, Yrds, Kineticlops [A race that are a giant organic sphere, with a eye pupil, and electricity that lifts them up on two legs and with two arms], Atsts [Organic sentient versions of the AT-STs], Xwaings [Organic sentient versions of the X-Wings], Tivdes [Organic sentient versions of the TIE Fighters], Atats [Organic, giraffe-size sentient versions of the AT-ATs], Agamo [A 15 foot tall rock golem-like race from both Central America and the South Pacific, with eons of evolution behind them], Magmo [A 15 foot tall, four-armed rock golem-like race, evolved from various volcanoes’ magma chambers at the beginning of their existence, during the vague-known ‘Deep-Time Missing Period’, in the range of 100 billions and 4 billions, at the creation of Bagklock Earth, that even they can hardly remember], Vuvrians, Nekghouls, Skritts, Margonites, Mursaats, Grawls, Streearks, Marmice, Batttoads, X-Mutants, Metahumans, Kelari, Talarians, Feeorins, Khils, Massassi, Houks, Selkaths, Snivvians, Shistavanens, Swoke-Swokes, Kian'thar, Farghuls, Cathars, Arconas, Defels, Chadra Fans, Skakoans, Talortai, Selonians, Colicoids, Cragmoloids, & Codru-Ji. The Diclonius and the Ajins are an emerging, but not registered within populations, race ever since 2005.
=+Most of the races on Bagklock Earth evolved on the planet, alongside humans.
+-The ‘almost’ extinct Vegeta-Saiyans are on the other side of the planet, but in the single digits and are very certain individuals, who do not know of the Bagklock!Saiyans.
+-Like in Disney movies, there are in fact talking animals as well, but only to themselves.
All of the races’ blood are a few colors: Pink, Blue, Purple, Orange, or Black. But, not red, like the Bagklock water. Black, blue, pink, and orange are the four most common blood colors.
Every race on Bagklock Earth, unlike real life Earth, would feel, and resist, that normal 111.8 degree temperature of an mortal Olympian like you would feel someone’s very high fever, expect it is normal.
~The Bat~
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sxrrandomfanfics · 3 years
Evolution (Team Malbedy)
So, in Ben 10: Alien Force, Humungasaur is a Vaxasaurian. Vaxasaurians are supposed to evolve into the Ultimate Vaxasaurians as shown off with Ultimate Humungasaur in Ben 10: Ultimate Alien.
Well, when looking Cosma thanks to a recommendation from "theangrycomet" for my Prototrix designs for Dendy, it occurred to me that Cosma's species may be an evolution or shoot-off of Vaxasaurians.
Both can control their sizes and have similar orangey color pallets. They are reptillian, with notable tails but lack of wings, making Cosma not draconic but instead reptillian.
With all this in mind I have decided to headcanon that in the Team Malbedy AU that Cosma is a Galaxasaurian, with a special power of teleportation. This makes her DNA more likely to come up than other fellow Galaxasaurians due to the fact of these powers.
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