#Everyone get yourself an old bear ❤️
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ninadove · 26 days ago
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Happy 5th day of Valentine's Month, beloved! 💌
BELOVED!!!! ���🌹✨
This is my life goal! I’ll bring snacks (you know which ones) and a certain cinderblock of a book so we can pretend to be shocked by its twists again! I love you so much!!! 🪶
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thegoodwitchsworld · 6 days ago
this is def self indulgent but what about bucky who notices all of readers little habits? maybe they have ocd or has a lot of stims and tics or something that and he’s just so sweet and doesn’t even say anything, he just goes with it. Could also be a cute aftercare idea, maybe reader has a specific routine
Warnings- So much fluff.
A/N- Hey anon, thank you for the request! I was at work, and thinking about this story, and I daydreamed so much everyone questioned why I was smiling for no reason all day (In a relationship with Bucky Barnes of course). I hope you'll like this, I am not sure if it's very much to your expectations, but if you specify what you meant by tics a little more, I would love to write another one exactly like that. Cheers! ❤️
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He has been watching you for the last half hour or so.
You sit at your dressing table, wearing one of his shirts that comes down to your thighs. You both have just had mind-bowing, toe-curling sex, as always.
And you're doing skincare.
Bucky can't help but be equally amused and frustrated at the number of bottles and lotions and facemasks that you keep putting on your face. Every time he thinks you're done, you pick up something new. He knows you have a routine, and when you don't follow it exactly to a T you tend to get up in the middle of the night because "I forgot to remove my makeup!" Bucky doesn't mind. He loves watching his princess be a princess. But Bucky's also a needy man.
He says gently, and you jolt out of your reverie. You are so relaxed when you do your routine that you forget anything else exists.
"Y-yeah bucky?" You look back at him sweetly, curling your eyelashes with castor oil on a mascara wand.
"I need you," he pouts. Exactly like a 5-year-old.
You giggle and roll your eyes as you remove the curlers from your hair.
"I'm coming bucky! The fruits of patience are always sweet", you retort playfully, giggling again.
"I want YOUR fruits though," he tells you suggestively, a cheeky smirk on his face. He adores when you blush, and when you blush you just start laughing even harder like a schoolgirl. He lives for that sound.
Finally, when you're all done, and still just admiring yourself in the mirror, Bucky can't take it anymore. It's not that you're obsessed with beauty. You like yourself (mostly). You just want to be the prettiest for your absolutely Greek God boyfriend.
Bucky gets up from the bed and walks over to you.
"Bucky! Nooo!" You squeal as your boyfriend wraps you in a bear hug, lifting you off the seat. He grins as he leaves wet kisses all over your face, making you wince in mock disgust when you JUST did your skincare so meticulously, before he finally puts you down.
You huff angrily, stamping your foot.
"You messed up my hair AND my skin! I hate you!" You scowl as you cross your arms.
"You look adorable baby girl," he chuckles and bends down, kissing your cheek. "Now who's my pretty baby?"
You try to stop yourself from giggling, but you still smile and bob your head.
"I am."
"That's right. And now it's Boyfriend cuddle time."
He picks you up and drops you on the bed, and gets in with you, nuzzling your nose with his. His hands find your waist, feeling your soft skin under your his shirt. He buries his face in your neck, inhaling deeply as your scent fills his lungs, making him finally feel calm after a very long day.
"It tickles Bucky!", you giggle as he nips at your ear and the skin on your shoulder.
"Oh really?", he grins evilly before he full-on attacks you, tickling your body everywhere. You laugh so hard you accidentally snort. Your eyes widen as you pray he didn't hear you.
"What's wrong baby? Did I hurt you?" He asks concerned when you suddenly stop laughing.
"No i - i just made things weird i guess...." You look away, embarrassed. Bucky frowns and turns your face by your chin to face him.
"Because you snorted?"
"Mhmm". You give a small nod, his eyes looking into yours.
He bursts into laughter and hugs you to his chest.
"Baby you couldn't do a single thing in the world that I wouldn't find adorable. You sneeze and I'm like "Aww she is so cute", you giggle and it's the most beautiful sound in the world, and your little snorts are so so adorable too sweetheart. You can be as weird as you want ", he laughs as he finishes his little speech.
Your heart melts into a little puddle. But first things first.
"Yeah baby?"
"I can't breathe," you finally manage to squeak. Bucky grins as he presses you even further into his chest, muffling all your weak protests. But he's always telling you it would be such a good way to die being trapped between your legs, and you think this is the female equivalent of that feeling. You just give in and let yourself be hugged by your giant teddy bear.
Send requests!
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so-long-soldier-writes · 9 months ago
The Light in My Darkness
damon salvatore x gn!reader | requested
summary: after your boyfriend's death, you fell back into old habits. now that he's back, you're having trouble kicking them again.
tags: angst, hurt / comfort, depression, s3lf h4rm, kisses
word count: 1.7k
a/n: i typically don't write for damon, however i feel comfortable writing this subject matter and i'm getting better with understanding his character. honestly, too, i rewatched s7 and i'm starting to love him even more. (i just love the traumatized characters.)
also, i'm not good at titles. my first title had the word 'put' in it, but i stared at it so long, it didn't look like a word anymore and i had to change it. i think i like this one better. i stg, titles are half the reason i take so long to post. whew, anyway... enjoy ❤️
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“Stefan needs help at Whitmore,” Damon says hurriedly. He puts his phone in his back pocket and sighs. “Another Enzo situation.”
“Do you want me to come?”
“No, you stay here. I don’t want him anywhere near you, given he’s in one of his moods and would hurt you for no reason.” He gives you a quick kiss. “I’ll be right back.”
He speeds out the door a moment later, leaving you alone in the large, empty house. You sigh. Your life is so full of supernatural drama, it’s hard to keep up. Honestly, you’re not even sure what the situation is with Enzo, or why he and Stefan hate each other so much, or how Damon knows what to do to de-escalate their arguments. Of course, Caroline debriefed you on it sometime ago, but with all the craziness happening lately, it pretty much went over your head. 
It’s been hard these last few months. Only recently had Damon returned to you from four months after being considered dead, alongside Bonnie, as the other side collapsed with him in it. Those months had been the hardest of your life, and you doubted your ability to make it through them. Losing your best friend and your boyfriend was something you never thought you’d have to endure, yet it happened. Losing them almost killed you, too. 
For three years, you were clean. You hadn’t touched a single blade since you and Damon got serious. He gave you a reason to stop without even knowing it, and with a lot of patience with yourself, you managed to kick the addiction. After he died, though, when you couldn’t bear to live without him, you picked it back up. Part of you is pissed for falling back into your old ways, but the other part has convinced yourself it’s what you need to do to survive. 
When he came back unexpectedly, you were filled with just as much panic as you were joy. You had him back, but had relapsed majorly, and now have to recount your old steps into being sober again. It hasn’t been easy. 
It’s been a couple days since your last time, and while your skin’s no longer bright and swollen, it seems to beg for your attention. You have to plan it carefully, making sure Damon will be gone long enough that he won’t sense the fresh blood. When he grabs your wrists to kiss your face, you don’t want to flinch in slight pain, or let him pick up a chance in your heartbeat. 
It’s such a complicated addiction to have when dating a vampire, yet fighting the urges are so hard, sometimes you can’t help but give into them. 
The blades in the bathroom are ready for you when you enter. A brand new pack sits in the drawer. The boys won’t miss one or two. The one time Stefan did notice, you blabbered a quick lie about needing one to scrape a bit of food dried to the stovetop. He was in such a rush that day, he didn’t catch any lie, and you were able to smile and flee the scene a moment later. Since then, you make sure to hold onto the one you have until there’s enough to not see one missing. 
With everyone seemingly involved in the Enzo situation, you don’t bother to shut the door completely before dragging the blade across your skin. The boarding house is empty, and this bathroom in particular is tucked away nicely behind the stairs. You make a few scattered cuts and watch the blood seep from them. It always seems to calm you in the most grotesque way, and, quite ironically, gives you the perfect dopamine rush that raises your spirits despite the pain. It’s a terrible addiction but with a high reward… until you have to hide the evidence. 
That little reminder makes you sigh. Too many scars are hard to hide, and with Damon back, you have to be careful. It would break him to see you this way; that thought alone makes you put down the blade. For a moment longer, you stare at the tricking blood, committing the sight to memory to maybe fend off the next urge. To imagine the blood on your skin may convince yourself it’s there, and maybe you won’t cut the next time you’re so desperate. Maybe. 
You reach for a piece of toilet paper to dab the wounds. The bleeding needs to stop before you crave another scare. It’s so tempting, but-
“Hey,” Damon appears suddenly, peeking through the door. His eyes are narrowed, as if sensing something’s wrong. “What are you doing?”
You turn to face him and hold your hands around your back quickly. “Nothing.”
“Are you sure?” He opens the door a little wider, seeing the reflection of your hidden hands in the mirror. “Let me see your arms.”
“I’m okay.” Nervously, you pull down your sleeves to hide your wounds as much as possible. Your eyes meet the floor, unable to lie if you look into his blues.
“No, you’re not.” He argues, anxious to see your face; to not let you shy away and avoid his gaze. His approach makes your heart race, confirming his worst fears. “Let me see.”
“I thought you were leaving. I thought Stefan needed you.”
“He does, but he can wait.”
“You’re my first priority. I can tell something’s up. Please,” he brushes a hair away from your face, “let me in.”
“Damon, I’m fine.”
“You’re hurting, and I can smell the blood, and I’m really trying hard not to freak out right now.”
You huff at the realization that he could smell it. You should’ve waited for him to be gone longer before breaking your skin. “Promise me you won’t be mad.”
“Why would I be mad?”
“Just promise me.” Tears well in your eyes, but you let them fall, unwilling to take your hands off your sleeves. 
“Y/N, I promise. I could never be mad. Just let me see it.”
Slowly, you release your sleeves, but leave the task of rolling them up to him. You can’t bear to do it yourself. Damon takes one hand gently and pulls the sleeve back. Upon seeing the numerous cuts, he pulls the other back with a little more vigor, but is still careful not to hurt you. He stares, unable to speak or move, as his heart breaks with every passing second. 
“I’m so sorry,” you whisper. His eyes meet yours and you finally break down into tears. 
Without a moment of hesitation, he pulls you into a hug, wrapping his arms protectively around your body. You feel safe in his arms, you always do. Damon has a way about him that always makes you feel safe, no matter what anyone else thinks of him. He’s loyal and understanding, and that is part of the reason you feel so horrible for not telling him this. 
“I’m sorry,” you repeat, now sobbing into his chest. 
Your heart beats and reminds him that you are alive. The cuts made into your skin weren’t deep enough to take you. The pain you have been feeling hasn’t swallowed you whole. He concentrates on your breathing, and your crying, and uses it to anchor himself before asking the thousands of questions flooding his mind. 
He pulls away, finally, and wipes your tears with his thumbs. His hands grip your shoulders with a gentle desperation, as if he’s afraid you could dissipate at any moment. 
“I didn’t mean for you to find out this way.”
“Did you mean for me to find out at all?”
Your heart feels heavy as you reply, “honestly, no.”
“Why not tell me, Y/N? You know I love you. If you’re hurting, I want to be there for you.”
“I know… I guess I just didn’t want to disappoint you? Some part of me was embarrassed about it, and I didn’t want you to see me differently because of it. I don’t know.” 
“Baby, there’s nothing you could do that’d ever make me love you less. Nothing that would ever make me feel a different way, or see you in another light.”
“I know. I know my feelings are totally irrational, I just… they’re fears.”
“I understand.” He kisses your forehead, then releases your shoulders to hold your hands and kiss them, too. “Hey, can you promise me something?”
“I can try.”
“Come to me the next time you’re feeling like you want to hurt yourself, okay? Let me help you through it.”
“It doesn’t matter what’s going on, or who’s texting, I will drop anything and put you first. But you gotta let me in when you need it. Okay?”
“Okay.” You take a deep breath. “Thank you.”
“Of course. Now,” he pauses, biting into his arm and holding it out for you to drink. His other hand meets the back of your head, stabilizing your neck to keep you comfortable. 
To his dismay, you refuse. You try to pull away, but his other hand prevents that, so you look down instead. “I can’t.”
“The scars are a reminder that I bleed. As soon as they fade away, the urge returns, but if they’re there for a little while, the urge is less strong. They’re kind of a comfort, I think. A reminder.”
“So you don’t want me to heal them?”
“I’d rather not. They don’t bother me too much. Do they bother you?”
You can see the hesitation in his eyes. He fights with himself, knowing the sight is a reminder of your pain, but understands their existence helps you heal. After a moment, he shakes his head. “No, baby, I only care that you’re safe.” He kisses them one more time. “Have you eaten much today?”
“Not really.”
“Well… do you mind if I make you something, even if it’s just something small, and then we can sit together on the couch? We’ll take today slow.”
“Okay. Wait, but what about Stefan?”
“Caroline can handle it. Then he’ll be in her debt and she’ll be happy about it,” he jokes.
You smile, appreciating his humor despite the somber mood hanging above both your heads. He’s the light in dark times, the much needed laugh that breaks the awkward silence. It’s part of the reason you fell for him so quickly. 
“Are you sure?”
“Okay. And thank you.”
He pulls you in to kiss your forehead, then reaches for your hand. “Of course.”
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bartxnhood · 2 years ago
lost stars | c.b
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colby brock x reader
summary: colby is always there for you. even at your worst.
warnings: mentions of depression, anxiety, thoughts of suicide, etc.
a/n: i’ve been kinda in a slump lately so this is kinda a self insert, but also if any of my followers or you come across this i genuinely hope you know that it will get better. if you need someone to talk to me, please reach out to me. i’ll always be here for you. ❤️
requests open
not proofread
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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you were overcome with a familiar sensation. the sensation of having everyone around you but still feeling alone in the world occurred often. the need to curl up under your covers and wither away, the pain in your chest, the random tears, the feeling that you're going crazy. everything was wrong, but you were unable to express your feelings.
you surrounded yourself with toxic people over the years, hungry for any type of attention, even if it was unpleasant. you desired to feel something. even if that meant it hurt you more, it was better than nothing. you weren't numb.
you tried to block out your thoughts with music, but the songs only served to highlight how unhappy you were. your life was uninteresting, and you feared you'd never feel genuine happiness again. until you met colby, you saw everything in black and white.
he was a colorful person who saw the good in the world while you only saw the terrible. it has been said that opposites attract. despite this, you two had a lot in common after the meeting.
first and foremost, both of you had excellent musical tastes. if one of you discovered a new song or band, you'd tell each other about it. alternatively, if colby was droning on about the paranormal and his love for hunting the unknown, you'd be all ears, staring at him with the brightest smile, seeing how his eyes lit up. colby often enjoyed movie marathons with you; you'd both choose a few films you hadn't seen before and watch them together, along with the occasional old favorite you both adored.
“oh cmon, there was totally enough room for jack!” you exclaimed with the remote in hand. you just finished watching titanic for probably the hundredth time with him and you were back to arguing about the ending. “i’m not saying there wasn’t, jus sayin it would’ve been hard to balance!” he laughed, standing up from your sofa with the popcorn bowl in hand. “okay yeah maybe, but that’s why she had the life jacket!” you heard him snicker from the kitchen, “y/n, the movie is twenty years old, i don’t think it’ll change anytime soon. sorry darling” he walked back into the living room falling by your side.
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though, it wasn’t always glamorous. you knew colby was famous, you know girls practically threw themselves at him and it did make you uneasy.
not that you thought you weren’t good enough for him, but the fear that once you had another episode, he would leave you.
colby understood about your mental health; he was always there for you and would do whatever to help you the best he could. you never wanted him to see you at your lowest; it was a difficult period for you, and you didn't want colby to bear that burden.
you were going through that again. everything went back to black and white, and the color faded day by day. you began to lose that sparkle in your eyes, you stopped smiling at his texts, you slept most of the day, you didn't leave your bed, and you even forgot to eat some days. your body was once again being overwhelmed by that sensation.
colby began to notice your absence, your one-word texts back, or even not messaging back for hours. it was like a complete shift. he was aware of what was going on and did not hold it against you. you needed time to deal with everything, but he didn't want you alone. he didn't have much experience with what you were feeling, but he would spend every single day with you just to understand; he wants to help you. he doesn't want you to suffer any longer, and even if you didn't talk to him or tell him how you felt, he wanted you to know he was there for you no matter what.
you lay on your bed, a mountain of sheets covering your body. all of your lights were turned out, and the only light came from your window. you couldn't recall when you last showered, maybe four days ago if you had to guess.
when you tried to close your eyes, you felt that familiar aching in your chest again. you began to cry as memories flooded your head. it was annoying not to be able to sleep without your mind taking control. reminding yourself of all you could have done better or things that have contributed to your depression. you felt guilty for everything, even if it had nothing to do with you.
you rolled over, facing your window and door. It was almost midnight. you just wanted to sleep, but following your previous naps, you doubted you'd get any. you tried to close your eyes and rest, but were interrupted by a knock at the door. "y/n?" you heard your boyfriend's voice and opened the door, only to be met with darkness. you opened your eyes and looked at him. "colby?"
he entered, closing the door behind him. "you vanished, and I just wanted to check on you." he left his spare key on your desk. "im okay," he knew you weren't, so he moved over to your side and perched on the edge of the bed. "you sure?" he asks, reaching for your hand. "i know you're having a hard time; whether you let me in or not is up to you." "but I hate seeing you suffer like this, y/n," he implored, his thumb sliding over your knuckles. meanwhile, you chewed on the inside of your cheek as you stared at the wall, fighting back the surge of emotions. "I just," you began, exhaling the breath you felt you'd been holding.
“I'm not sure, colbs. "I just don't know," you hesitated, "I always end up like this again." I can't express how I feel. "I've spent so much time suffering that it's normal," you explained, a few tears falling from your eyes. I don't want to put you down because you deserve so much more."
colby rose, had you scoot over, and took your place on the bed. he drew you closer, allowing you to cry with your head on his chest. "please don't say that." knowing how depressed you were shattered his heart. "i want to be there for you no matter how many times you go through this. “its a part of you that i still adore. you closed your eyes, fighting back tears as he smiled sadly.
"youll get through this, and I'll be right here until you do. you don't have to be alone anymore."
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vagabond-umlaut · 2 years ago
⁙ tv taught me how to feel; now real life has no appeal
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jjk boys and men as k-drama boyfriend archetypes, ft. yuuji, suguru, megumi, kento, satoru and sukuna.
▸ seperate character x gn! reader headcanons and/or scenarios; 4.3k wc; use of gn! nicknames; fluff [the tooth-rotting, butterfly-inducing kind]; implied smut in case of suguru & sukuna; implied war in case of satoru.
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▸ my shoulders are hurting from typing for so long, ow, ow, ow!!!! got the inspiration for this from so many posts floating on my dash and 'for you' page; though i'm pretty sure this kind of post has never been done before. ▸ also, the author [blehhh, that's me!] knows very little to almost nothing on the k-dramas quoted in the link used for reference [this], apart from what info's on the wiki page. so this piece of writing might bear similarities to the original k-drama plot; it might bear differences to it. please don't be mad or upset with me! 🥰 ▸ anyways, the title's from the song 'oh no!' by marina. neither the characters nor the image nor the divider used are mine. [the divider is by @benkeibear.] please don't plagiarize or translate or repost this. enjoy reading! ❤️
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itadori yuuji as 'the above-average country guy'
[c'mon, are you really surprised?]
the day you leave the city life for the tiny town your grandpa lives in, because your mom loses her job, you think that's exactly when everything good in your life reaches its end.
the school is far and you've got to walk to it; the students are weird and kind of old-fashioned; the town is sooo boring... ugh.
or was, before you meet the grandson of one of your grandpa's old friends. itadori yuuji - or yuuji-kun, as the boy insists you call him.
studying in the same year as you, your new friend acquaintance is nothing less than an angel, a pure beam of sunshine.
from greeting everyone - even you, the titled snob of the school - with a grin so wide, it dimples his cheeks;
to assisting those needing help - be it getting your cat off the tree or sharing the pretty heavy load of notebooks you are originally tasked to carry back to the class [while ignoring your protests the entire duration];
to accompanying you to the school and back home after one off-handed remark of yours of you missing travelling with your friends...
you're more than a little surprised, why's the supposed golden boy of the town being kind and friendly with a grump like you?
however... what's more surprising than his cordial manner with you is... as you spend more time in his company, you find the way you perceive the world changing, bit by bit.
the walk to school is no longer strenuous and dreaded, thanks to yuuji's constant chatter and not-so-funny-as-silly jokes.
your classmates too seem to be more open and welcoming of you, and you find yourself smiling more and more with them and slowly getting involved in many of their shenanigans. [gosh! who the hell ever said village people are boring? they're so freaking fun!]
and guess what? even the town slowly grows brighter in your eyes.
thanks to your best friend [yes, now you accept him as so] showing you so many 'awesome' places in the town!!
the ice cream shop which supposedly sells the best ice cream in the world [the claim isn't really wrong, you guess];
the scariest haunted mansion on the far end of the town [it isn't scary; but you don't tell him that. you act scared just so yuuji'll hold your hand throughout the tour];
the tallest tree in the woods nearby, perched on a branch of which, you can get a clear view of your idyllic little town below and of the tiny twinkling stars above [you fall in love with the spot the second you experience the sheer beauty of the sights from it].
[you reckon, your feelings for your companion too solidify into 'something more' the second you tear your eyes away from the visual feast before, to the boy beside, only to find his gaze not on the scenery but on you, a soft smile in place of his usual boisterous grin — yet you don't say anything.]
[not 'cause you feel insecure or worried, he might not return your affection; but 'cause you realize yuuji does. the look on his face tells you enough... that, and the way he silently asks for permission, shy gaze darting between your eyes and lips – a permission you're all too eager to grant with a nod and a meek smile of your own.]
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geto suguru as 'the k-pop star'
attractiveness = 100. singing skills = 100. attitude = 0.
[or, maybe, 10. the group's visual - wtf is his name? oh, yes, sukuna. that guy's getting get a solid zero in this.] [anyways–]
the first time you meet geto is when you're accompanying your elder brother, satoru to the auditions.
you're simply standing there, trying to cheer your brother up before his number is called [he might appear to be unafraid but you know your nii-chan better than that], when a smooth voice interrupts you followed by a sharp angular face appearing with even sharper eyes, glancing at you for a beat before falling on satoru.
that's the first time you meet him and that's the last time you view him in a light which isn't tinted with hatred.
you reckon it begins the evening of the party celebrating satoru's selection into the band. [it isn't a big matter; kind of small, in fact, given it's just you, your brother, your best friend shoko and satoru's new teammates - bubbly haibara, serious nanami, irritating sukuna and fucking bastard geto.]
to be more precise, it begins the moment satoru dozes off after his fifth glass of beer [you wonder, how, being your brother, he is such a lightweight] and sukuna, sensing the sliver of opportunity, starts flirting with you — a situation, annoying, yes, but one you're more than capable of handling — if only not for that long-haired bastard 'new best friend' of your brother.
the said asshole strolls in with a condenscending smirk, saying how one must never go for someone like you, so plain and boring.
now, generally, you don't let other's opinions of you get to yourself, but when it's from a guy you might've got a mild crush on... it's so infuriating, you can really feel your blood boiling within your veins.
and to your greatest chagrin, you find your blood boiling so many more times in the future, you think it's a miracle you haven't turned into a pressure cooker yet.
from an informal get-together to a launch party to an award show, geto never fails to get under your skin. sometimes, it's a concealed smirk; sometimes, a fleeting touch; sometimes, a lilting whisper - and you're left, fuming and flustered.
yet, just like everything good and bad, this hatred of yours towards the leader of your brother's band too reaches an end — yet not the way you might have expected it to be – with an apology [certainly not by you, but to you] and a clinking of two wine glasses.
it reaches an end with the two of you in a dimly-lit corridor, away from the crowd of the party, your hands grabbing on geto's coat lapels for dear life while his hands roam over your back, leaving a scorching feeling in their wake.
a thought rushes to the forefront of your mind and you break the kiss, panting. geto's brows furrow a tad from behind his mussed up hair; silencing the voice calling him cute, you ask, "so what's next? hate sex?"
a bright blush floods into his cheeks, you observe, as he opens his mouth to answer, then falters. "hate sex?" he gapes at you, "why on earth would it be hate sex?"
"'cause you and i hate each other...?" the answer leaves you, less as a statement and more as a question; you watch geto take a second to let it sink in before a chuckle erupts from him. "oh, sweetheart," he croons, placing a warm palm on your cheek, "i don't hate you. i never have. what made you-"
"you once told sukuna i'm plain and boring, and that no one should date me," you cut him off, feeling irritated again. [what the hell? is he gaslighting you??]
a short beat passes, wherein you glare up at him while he simply peers down at you, before a contrite smile flits onto his lips. voice dropping to a mere whisper, he says, "i'm sorry i made you feel that way, but i swear, that wasn't my intention. i was simply lying to get sukuna off your back. i was scared he might get you to fall in love with him, before i ever got a chance. i'm so very sorry."
this time, a long beat passes and ultimately, a loud whoosh of air leaves you.
you don't know whether it's the glimmer of sincerity in his feline eyes or your feelings for him which you've filed away for so long, which prompts you; whatever it is, you find yourself saying, "hmph, okay. that's stupid in a twisted way, but still, okay. however..."
you narrow your eyes at him.
geto blinks back at you, attentive and patient.
you let the anger melt away a bit from your expression. "don't expect me to forgive you after a couple of sorry's. i need a lot more than them to forgive you entirely."
"and a lot more, i promise to give you, oh divine being from above," geto responds with a cheeky smile and a kiss to your knuckles, "starting with some real nice loving tonight."
you beam back at him - not upset but kind of happy, for the very first time in your life, with the flutters in your chest elicited by that your smooth bastard.
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fushiguro megumi as 'the supportive co-worker'
[you might've seen a grumpy x sunshine couple; but have you ever seen a grumpy-and-sunshine person? no?? well, continue reading!]
first impression: rude.
the only response the boy gives you, when you greet your cute new co-worker at the coffee shop you just joined, is a nod. no name, no 'welcome', not even a single 'hi'. just. a. small. nod. [huh?]
second impression: quiet.
you strike out your 1st impression of fushiguro megumi [thank god, name tags exist; anyways-] with your 2nd impression of him.
a week or two after you join, yuuta and maki call you into the break room after your shift ends and ask if you can decorate the room, since it's toge's birthday today. they explain they want to help you, but with the sudden rush of the customers, it's nearly impossible to leave the counter.
being the polite person you're, you obviously say yes, without even considering for a beat, just how much you might have to decorate.
and this is where you form your second impression of megumi.
ten minutes might have passed since you started working, before the boy strolls into the room, the ever-present frown on his face, gives the room one long look and joins in decorating, wordlessly.
you're astonished, to say the least; yet you don't breathe a word in return.
some help is better than no help, and if we're being honest here, you're more than a bit pissed at the boy.
thus, this is the way the two of you continue working, silently, and before long, you find your work done, the room prettily decorated.
a smile on your face, you twist – to find megumi hurrying out the room, soon followed by your other two co-workers entering it, confusion etched on their faces.
"megumi didn't leave for his baseball practice yet?" yuuta inquires, gaze darting from the door to you. your brows furrow. "baseball?"
"yeah," maki hums, "the kid's got some important match tomorrow morning, because of which we did not even consider asking him for help. plus, with how reluctant he always is in these matters..."
"the boy always makes an excuse to worm his way out of these parties and stuff," finsihing for her with a chuckle, yuuta throws you a curious look. "did you ask him for help?"
"nope!" comes the instant reply from you. the two colleagues share a knowing smile between them, you observe - however, before you get a second to process it, both of them sling an arm around your shoulders and thanking you for your efforts, drag you to the front of the now-empty coffee shop, where you see nobara and yuuji enter, carrying a large rectangular box.
a call of your name breaks your focus on the bickering duo and you turn to find yuuta smiling down at you. "megumi is actually a sweet boy, deep inside. give him a chance, please."
"more like a sweet coward," maki pipes in from the other side with a grin, "but, yeah, giving him a chance won't hurt you."
at that point of time, you wonder why the fuck your two seniors are blabbering this nonsense to you — yet now...
after weeks during which you silently watch the boy open up to you, first with a smile to you greeting him [you initially don't want to talk to him, but something the other two said leaves a mark and you find yourself treating him the same way you treat others]...
... which slowly grows into a smile and a question on your day, which grows into a smile, a question and lessons for the bumbling newbie you, on the ins-and-outs of working in a café, often paired with a pretty long, refreshing conversation...
... which slowly but steadily furthers beyond the confines of the coffee shop and your shared working hours...
..into now, the present moment, where you find megumi dressed to a tee, a shy smile on his lips and a lovely bouquet of roses in his hands, waiting to take you out on your first date—
yeah, now you realize why they were 'blabbering' to you that day, something you'll always be thankful to yuuta and maki for.
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nanami kento as 'the hardworking entrepreneur'
your ken-chan has always been the best in your eyes.
the best in studies, the best in sports, the best neighbour, the best friend to you – one you're desperate to stay in touch with when you shift abroad for your higher studies.
time, however, is unforgiving and despite your wish, the weekly-thrice phone calls and emails dwindle down to weekly-once, then monthly-once, then to customary e-mails on special occasions like birthdays.
so, imagine your surprise [and joy, obviously] when one morning - a good eight years since you left for the states and a good month since you returned home - you open your laptop to find an e-mail from a nanami kento waiting in your inbox, the subject being 'let's meet up? :)'.
meet him, you do – except for the fact your ken-chan is no longer your ken-chan, yet is so much your ken-chan. [confusing, isn't it? you too feel really confused on meeting him after ages.]
the cute boy you knew has grown into a fine man - more than fine, if you're speaking the truth, given the way his facial features are sharper, shoulders broader, voice deeper – but with the same old personality as in high school.
frowning, solemn, no-nonsense – just, this time, your friend isn't discussing the science project but an idea to start a new company.
with him. the two of you. right from scratch.
you reckon you've never said 'yes' faster in your life!
and how can you not actually?
your ken-chan's genius has always awed you... and now that you're getting an opportunity to view it in all its glory, again, after so many years - how on earth can you not agree in an instant?
within a pretty short time [wow, efficient!], your company is set up and good to go; and you begin to witness a... not-really-new but... let's say, a better side of your friend.
kento has always been extremely sincere and hard-working since your school days together; yet now, as you watch him do overtime, day after day after day – inspite of his claimed vehement hatred for it – you realize the intensity of his dedication towards his work.
then, add to that, his communication skills.
utterly flawless.
you've worked with many amazing companies before and you're being unbiased here [no joke] but this man's got some insane skills in communication.
be it securing a deal with the clients or addressing a problem with the employees, there's nothing kento can't handle in perfect poise.
however, what steals the show for you, is neither of these but your ken-chan's golden heart.
the company goes through more than its fair share of troubles – yet, you don't see him, not even once, compromise with any ideals or ethics of his. be it with the clients, or with the employees, or with you - his company's co-founder whom he agrees to give a respectable exit, with a decent pay, when the company is passing a particularly rough patch – he never deviates an inch from his moral code.
needless to say, you deny his request firmly in an instant.
a decision you know you'll always be proud of – not for the fact the company is now one of the largest in the country and making huge profits regularly; it was a given the company will be successful with kento at it's head [the man says you deserve the equal amount of credit as him, but being who you are, you're wont to shush him; anyways-]
– but because you will never have forgiven yourself for abandoning an angel-like person like him in his time of need; something you deem kento never deserves after years of being a wonderful friend to you.
though... now, as you watch him approach you with a tiny smile and two bags of take-out for a late dinner [meetings, ugh]... you can't help but hope he'll become a friend plus someone else to you in the future...
'cause, after all, your ken-chan has always been the best in your eyes.
the best in studies, the best in sports, the best neighbour, the best friend, the best colleague - and the best person ever, you know you can entrust your heart to.
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gojo satoru as 'the brave soldier'
[*sigh* where should i even begin...]
the first meeting the two of you have is less than ideal.
it's less of a meeting and more of a crash, to be honest — and i ain't even being metaphorical here.
you're on your morning jog for the day, smiling and listening to the song you're currently obsessed with, when out of thin air, a bicycle appears and comes careening down the slope you're at the base of, right into you — not giving you the time to react, or at the very least, process what the fuck just happened.
the deities above must have been pleased with you that day, you guess, 'cause you're discharged from the hospital with merely a wrist sprain and a few scratches on your arms and legs.
though... you reckon they must have been harbouring a grudge on you too... for if they aren't, why is the cause behind your injury such an annoying, obstinate, dumb manchild, hm?
a sigh leaves you, the umpteenth time in the last hour, as you limp back to your home. the whining from the broken bicycle beside you doesn't stop one bit.
"c'mon, sweetheart-" "don't call me that-" "fine, c'mon, babe-" "ew, don't call me that either-" "ooh, playing hard to get, are-" "fuck off!"
reaching an abrupt stop, you whirl on your feet, face contorted in a furious scowl. the stranger takes a step back from you, shrinking; you know you must school your features a bit, this is a public place for heaven's sake—
utterly uncaring, you begin, "listen, mister. i've been telling you for a good half an hour, from the hospital till now, that i don't wanna go on an apology date with you. it was an accident for fuck's sake," your voice grows louder with wilder hand gestures.
the man keeps staring at you in response, rooted to the spot. you don't even stop to breathe, "just say sorry for it and get on with your goddamn life. why the hell you ain't leaving me alone, man? don't you understand the meaning of 'no'? single word – n, o?"
a long beat passes in silence after your tirade, post which the man recedes, shrugging, with a mumbled apology and nothing more, leaving you confused and a little contrite(??).
with time and tide and the woes and worries of your daily life, that odd little encounter slips to the back of your mind before it resurfaces, two years later, while you're posted in a foreign country.
"sweetheart!" the endearment rings through the military camp. the cameraman beside you stifles a shocked gasp; sharing a confused look with him, you send your interviewee a small smile before turning your gaze in search of the source of the noise.
the same white-haired goggles-wearing man from long before rushes tumbling down the dirt track, you watch, appalled, bringing unpleasant flashbacks to your mind, then stops, a good distance from you.
brows a tad pinched, you see him brush his bangs away from his forehead and open his mouth to speak; but another person beats him to it. you twist back to face your interviewee.
geto gives you a harmless grin. "aha! so you're the mystery person gojo here fell in love with, huh?" a series of indignant sputters and coughs sound from behind you, accompanied by giggles from next to you. you seriously consider elbowing yuuji.
the black-haired man, meanwhile, continues with a request, "hey, can you please rethink your decision of not wanting go on a date with him? please- it's just one date," he adds in a hurry when you open your mouth with a glare, his grin falling to a helpless look. you close your mouth, willing your glare to go away and return a neutral expression.
"satoru's my best friend and brother-in-arms but at times, at night especially, when he starts lamenting over how he scared you off... y'know, at those times, i just wanna kill him, frankly speaking," the man pleads guilty.
a sigh escapes you as you cast a glance at gojo, noting the poorly hidden apprehension in his eyes. yet another sigh escapes you-
"of course," yuuji's energetic voice pipes in.
you stamp his foot pretty hard; that idiot, undeterred, proceeds to rattle, "this person here too wouldn't shut up after that incident. on how one should be more polite, more considerate, more tolerant, more forgiving. even going as far as to say that one date would've been fine; it was just a date that, that poor man asked for— isn't it so?"
"really?" gojo's voice wafts over to your ears; you squeeze your eyes shut and open them, cheeks feeling awfully warm.
"yes," you grit out, pinning your alleged admirer down with a glare, which softens when you catch the spark of happiness in his eyes. you decide to relent.
"if the two of us survive this, let's go to that patisserie you were speaking of that day. how does this sound to you?"
said man rewards you a dazzling beam with a thumbs-up. "sounds like the perfect way to waltz into my heart, sweetness."
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ryomen sukuna as 'the cold chaebol'
[c'mon, are you really surprised?]
utterly cold, utterly ruthless, utterly a monster – is what one might- nope! one 'will' call sukuna.
and they aren't really wrong, you muse as you watch the man in question talk business with two executives from another company, the latter looking one step away from fainting.
you muffle your expression beneath the guise of a cough, earning you two startled looks and a frown. a polite smile flits onto your lips as a soft apology leaves them, and you return to your silence–
which lasts till the second you step out of the room, accompanying the pair of men and one of them turns to you, sheer terror in his eyes.
"take this," he mumbles, pressing something into your palm; you look down to find it's a business card. forehead creasing into lines, you look back up at him.
the other man sighs. "listen, kid, that man sukuna ain't good news. before anything wrong happens, just quit this job and come to our company. we'll pay you well... okay, maybe not as well as they pay you here, but at the very least, an axe won't be hanging over your neck every minute of your working hours there."
you blink, then press the button to the elevator.
gratitude floods your expression. "thank you. i'll keep your words in mind," you say, bidding them goodbye.
the men give you a smile, then with one last petrified look at the closed doors of the ceo's room, file into the elevator and shut it in an instant, too scared to spend even a millisecond more here than what's required of them.
your secretarial smile burns away into a majestic scowl.
you click your tongue, closing the doors you opened behind you and go and plop on the sofa. a sigh sounds from next to you, soon followed by the weight of a heavy head on your shoulder. "what do we do?"
"you're the boss here. you tell me."
sukuna makes a noise of disapproval in his throat before nestling a little closer to you. you open your arms a bit, oddly reminded of an overgrown kitten, then bite back your words. the teasing can be for later.
an annoyed grunt reaches you in response. "as the boss, i'm asking you. c'mon, tell me. what do we do?"
the answer arrives from your end within a fraction of an instant.
"we cut our ties with them, obviously," you say. "anyone who can be so insolent as to think they can steal me away from you can do just almost anything. too bold for my liking," you tsk.
"oh, you don't like someone bold, kitten?" a crimson eye opens at you, mischief shining in its depths. your nose wrinkles in distaste.
you shove him away. "firstly- ew, never call me kitten; secondly- careful, mr. ceo or people might think we're fucking."
a deep chuckle with an 'okay' are the only response sukuna gives you as he drags you close to himself and you let him; letting your thoughts too to drown you in them.
yeah, sukuna is the utterly cold, utterly ruthless, utterly monstrous person everyone makes him to be.
yet, what they overlook is that the man's got a leash, one held by the demure personal assistant always at his side–
the assistant being none other than 'you'.
the fearsome businessman's other half in every sense of the term except the fact the two of you have never shared a bed.
[though... you think... if you decide to listen to uraume's advice to get your shit together and make a move on their master – one whose gaze, you note, has been fixed on your lips for a duration too long now to be decent – you reckon the unfulfilled criterion will be fulfilled way before tomorrow.]
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▸ masterlist
▸ taglist: @afortoru, @guccirosegold, @heresan, @luckimoon, @megu-meow, @nanamikentoseyebags, @pupkashi, @ritsatoru, @softsatoru, @sweetdreamssatoru, @nkogneatho, @sugies, @poe-daydreams, @sukustar. :))
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angxlwiings · 7 months ago
Hello!! I'm gonna be sharing different links from people who contacted me in asks. They've all been vetted, and I will also link their accounts :) Please share and give if you can! And as always, FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸🍉❤️
@burningnightgiver - https://gofund.me/cfc3ac64
Hello dears! I am asking you to support my campaign to help me reach my goal. I am now in bad need your support to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place either on the level of livelihood or on the level of souls. I need your monetary support to enable me to get the basic needs for my family till Rafah crossing point reopens to move my family to safety and peace. Please help a family be alive through your small donations or througn your shares to others. Thank you so Much for your stand beside people in need.
@abdelmutei - https://gofund.me/9856a2db
I am Abdul Muti Al-Habil, a 27-year-old Palestinian from Gaza, reaching out to you during these unimaginably difficult times. My life and the life of my family have changed dramatically because of the war, and today I am writing to you hoping for your support and help.
@4-zien-yousef - https://gofund.me/f574ba7a
Hi, I am Youssef Helles This is my third account after the other two were suspended I'm fighting for everyone and just want help with my campaign I didn't do anything illegal, I just asked for help I hope you can help me by donating or sharing Hello, my name is Yousef Hilles from Gaza. I followed my campaign and was verified by @el-shab-hussein I hope you can help Campaign number (206)
@rhq2744 - https://gofund.me/3ba26a4d
Hello, I am a human medicine student from Gaza City. I am asking you for urgent help in publishing the link for my family and delivering it to people interested and able to help us. I did not want to do that, but the tragic situation we are living in is what made me have to do this. I feel sad and helpless, after we had Everything, we are now homeless on the streets, we live in a tent next to a dilapidated public toilet and there is sewage, filth and waste everywhere, we sleep on it! We suffer from terrible heat, insects and scorpions, the danger of death, bombs and missiles, in addition to hunger of course, and the danger of pollution and terrible diseases.Especially digestive, respiratory and reproductive! My younger siblings are suffering and very sick. They are terrified of everything, especially scorpions and insects. My father and mother cannot bear it any longer. You have the right to imagine that when you spend your life building for yourself and your children to live a decent life, all of this goes away in the blink of an eye, and now when you reach the age you should To rest in it, you are forced to start over !!? , but the most important thing now is to try to stay alive and protect your children from all the factors of death that surround us! I ask anyone who has humanity or conscience to feel our situation and put himself in our place. How can a person who has lived with dignity all his life accept this? We are dying slowly every day. Please, if anyone can help, even if just a little, do not delay! Your little means a lot to us!
@heba-baker - https://gofund.me/4bc28796
Hello, I hope you and your family are well. Can you please help me recycle the post on my account? 🌺 And help rescue my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏 Thank you.
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lesbian-disaster-academic · 11 months ago
hi!! I really love your blog🥹🥹if it’s okay with you, can you give me some advices how to wire a good essay? I am really struggling maybe due to adhd or is it just because of me it just seems really hard and I would REALLY appreciate your advice (no pressure ❤️) thank you, have a nice day!!❤️
Hi! Thank you so much! This is such a good question, and I'd be happy to help you out as best I can! First of all, I completely empathize with you! Essays can be really tricky, and it takes some practice to get a hang of it. I know how frustrating it can be (cut-scene to me lying on the floor, curled up in a ball and on the verge of tears because I can't get the words to go), but try to be kind to yourself! Take breaks and ask for help when you need it! And remember to eat and stay hydrated! Very important!
Secondly, I'm situating this within the framework of the dominant education system within the West (as that's what I'm most familiar with). I don't necessarily agree with all of these points (e.g., what is considered "credible" according to dominant settler-colonial educational institutions is grounded in eurocentric, classist, racist, sexist, etc. ideologies, which exclude very valuable and important forms of knowledge and learning). Regardless, this advice should hopefully help you write within that general framework! Good luck, anon!
If you have trouble focusing (as I do!), there are a couple of tricks you can try! These won't work for everyone, and they might not work all the time, but I like to give them a shot when I feel like I'm at a dead-end. BODY-DOUBLING: Get someone to sit with you while you're doing your work. Alternatively, I've heard that joining a "study with me" livestream can help make your brain get into that "writing" mode.
FAKE IT 'TIL YOU MAKE IT: Pretend you're someone else. I know it sounds silly, but bear with me for a moment. When I can't focus, I pretend I'm a world-class scholar who's working on her great manuscript (even though, in reality, I'm some sleep-deprived dumbass scrawling an essay at three in the morning). This can help to shift your perception and give you motivation to keep going
CHANGE IT UP: ADHD brains thrive on novelty. Try switching up your environment a little bit. Sometimes, it helps me to work on the opposite end of my desk. Occasionally, I'll even grab my laptop and sit UNDER my desk, just to add some variety and try to kick my brain into gear.
Okay, so you're ready to go! Great! We want to come up with some ideas for the essay! I usually like to do this by making a mind map. I'm very tired, so here's a rough sketch of what it might look like!
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And a quick example (again, I'm very tired, so this is just the skeleton, sorry)!
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Depending on how you like to structure your brainstorming, this can either come before or after step two! Either way, when you're doing research, you want to look for a few key things in your sources. I'll list some of them here
How recent is this information? If it's something like a historical or literary essay, of course primary sources are best, so it's okay to use very old documents! However, if we're writing a scientific research paper, we want to use more up-to-date info.
Is the author an expert in what they're discussing? Look at their credentials.
What is the purpose of the information? Is the source trying to teach us something, or is it trying to sell us something?
Try using Google Scholar! The "Advanced Search" settings can be particularly helpful!
Now we have all our information, and we have an idea of what we'd like to say! Try placing it in an outline, such as the one I created below (Sorry, this is a very incomplete outline. Again. Very very tired. On the verge of falling asleep as I'm writing this lol). Please note that this outline is more for generating a basic idea of what you want to say. Post-secondary education (at least where I live) doesn't rely on this format as much, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
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Time for your first draft! Try putting everything together into one document! Remember: it doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to get written. I'll add some pointers below!
Remember to use transitional terms/phrases. For instance, "however", "then", "first", "therefore", "in conclusion"! These help your writing flow smoothly!
Spellcheck. I'm a professional author, and even I mess up my spelling from time to time, so I treat spellcheck as a dear friend lol.
Always remember to format your proof as a sandwich. The intro to your proof is like the bread, the quote/proof/statistic is the filling, and the explanation and elaboration is the other piece of bread. This will help to structure your writing!
Yay, you made it! Time to edit! You can get someone to read over your work! You can also use a checklist, such as the one I've included below!
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(full checklist)
Okay, that's about it! On a final note, REMEMBER TO CITE YOUR SOURCES! Google Docs has a built-in citation tool, if that helps! Software like Zotero can also be great, but my go-to is always Purdue OWL.
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If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask!
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gutsby · 6 months ago
HAIII GUTSBY IT'S AUTO SHOP ANON AGAIN ahhhh I'm so glad you liked my last ask! Youre absolutely one of my top writers on this whole site 🤩 this idea has been running through my mind NONSTOP it's like a plague
Okay now hear me out. (Again) What if this is a small town. Like SUPER small. Everyone knows each other, mom and pop shops on every other block. Joel knows reader's dad, probably fixed up his older-than-dirt truck more times than he can count. Now he KNOWS reader's dad is gonna be around while she's fixing up cars, and while Joel's fixing to gawk like the perv he is. And reader, the brat, just keeps PURPOSEFULLY fucking up and getting herself all filthy cause she KNOWS he won't be able to focus on anything but her. Oil everywhere, trying her shirt real tight cause she "don't wanna get it dirtier than it already is, no?" Maybe play around with some good ol' brat tamer Joel here too 💞💞
HI AUTO SHOP ANON I MISSED U (and i had to take some time to think up a reply that would do you and brat-tamer!boss!Joel justice so bear with me here)
But first:
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^thinking about HIMMMMM
I love love love the dynamic where a man is forced to control his urges around other characters that he KNOWS can’t know about what he’s thinking and the other person uses it to their full advantage like……..the way he’d be WATCHING HER?? 😭 C’MON. Joel would be shooting daggers with his eyes every chance he got and his hands would be discreet but stern as fuck whenever her dad wasn’t looking (not him pulling her aside behind a car just to grab her in his big greasy hands and say “behave yourself” 😵‍💫😵‍💫) and what if they were already secretly fucking??
like they have a casual FWB arrangement and no one but them knows, but, like you said, it’s a suuuuper small town and word gets around and they have to be extra careful at all times but then her dad just pops up at the shop out of NOWHERE sometimes and maybe joel’s giving her backshots over his desk one day and they have to scramble to get their clothes back on before her dad catches them idk!!! 🤧
one more thought: worried that her dad and other people are starting to get suspicious of her and Joel, reader starts dating someone else….like fake/casual/whatever and it’s nothing serious but joel sees you bring him in to the shop one time and loses it, like a realllllllll jealous and overprotective old man and then fucks you dumb after he kicks him out and reminds you, in no uncertain terms, that you’re all his ALRIGHT GN!! ❤️
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rejaytionships · 9 months ago
WLWeek 2024 Day 5 | Role/Ship Swap
where lady dimitrescu is now a selfshipper (and mother of three who also selfship), and she gets really into this one character from her favorite game series. posts are in chronological order
(ilona sort of takes over her role, but with some differences)
@rexscanonwife this was such a silly prompt i love it askjdfhdsjk
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🍷 lady-alcina-ships Follow
Finally, I'm getting around to the newest Resident Evil game. My daughters have been absolutely begging me to play and see this new man-thing of the week they've been obsessing over. Personally, I'm far more excited for the story, but we shall see.
#letters from alcina #resident evil
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🍷 lady-alcina-ships Follow
The introduction was alright. I still cannot fathom what on Earth my beautiful girls see in someone such as Chris Redfield, especially after his treatment of that poor woman and child. Ethan is passable for now, I can respect his drive to save his family. Perhaps he should have started by never trusting that large oaf of a man, but I suppose not everyone is perfect.
I will update when anything else happens, likely when I arrive at the village.
#letters from alcina #resident evil
(1 notes)
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🍷 lady-alcina-ships Follow
Well, now. I wasn't expecting it to be this fast, but...
My dear mutuals, I believe I might have a new crush. Not quite sure yet, however; we will have to see what this character is like.
❤️ daniredfield Follow
hehehe its that one lady from the manor isnt it mother >:3c youre gonna like herrr oooooh
@ belabat @ crushing-with-cassie GET IN HERE LOL I'M LITERALLY GONNA SCREAM---
🦇 belabat Follow
it would make sense, honestly. my money's also on countess powers, she feels like mom's type.
😈 crushing-with-cassie Follow
incoming horde of commissions she'll be hanging on her walls! lol. it's definitely that hot brunette lady by the way. unless it's mother miranda but let's be real mom always preferred those more typical types of women anyways
❤️ daniredfield Follow
RIGHT she would sooooo date ethan if he was a man XDDD
🍷 lady-alcina-ships Follow
Girls, quit clogging my notes with your nonsense.
#letters from alcina #reblog #i will neither confirm nor deny who it is as of now
(11 notes)
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🍷 lady-alcina-powers Follow
Username change.
lady-alcina-ships -> lady-alcina-powers
Edit: Yes, darlings, I get it. You were right. I'm going to mute this post now so I don't keep getting spammed by your incessant clamoring in the comments.
#letters from alcina #username change
(67 notes)
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🍷 lady-alcina-powers Follow
Goodness, where do I begin with this woman?
Countess Ilona Powers, what a tragic tale you are. The newest of the lords to turn, only having done so a mere year prior to Ethan's arrival.
You and Excella both deserved better than that horrible man-thing Albert, and I'm sure bearing his child after his demise was not easy for you. You turned to protect your daughter Keegan, and truly, I would have done the same for my own girls.
I know you come off so dark and brooding to protect yourself, but I like to imagine that somehow I could find a way to your heart. Perhaps I would even let you turn me into your kind as well, and we could raise our beautiful daughters together.
In another world, that horrid Ethan would have never laid a finger on you. We could isolate ourselves from the pain of the world, together in your manor, sitting by the fire and holding each other in our arms.
I have been thinking of an insert, and I would love for her to have a more old-fashioned aura to her. I want to wear beautiful, silky dresses, and be the cat that fights for you at every turn. The way those other lords step all over you disgusts me; they don't know a woman of power when they see it. Darling, your surname is Powers for a reason!
Perhaps the Countess and I could bond over our shared turmoil with past amours, along with our love for our daughters over anything else.
You are the perfect woman. If only you were real...
I should acquire a beautiful portrait, just like what we could have hanging centerfold in your beautiful place of residence.
#letters from alcina #r; the countess and the lady #countess powers #ilona powers
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🍷 lady-alcina-powers Follow
I have just ordered a painted commission for my room. I will update you all when it arrives.
🦇 belabat Follow
we support you, but was spending eight thousand dollars on a giant oil painting necessary? for a character you only started crushing on this morning?
🍷 lady-alcina-powers Follow
And how much have you and your sisters spent on commission art in the past six months over characters you haven't known for much longer?
🦇 belabat Follow
fair point.
❤️ daniredfield Follow
AW CMON mother thats sooo different. at least its not all in one piece!!!!!!!
😈 crushing-with-cassie Follow
bitch you literally spend fifty bucks a day i think every single selfship artist knows you on a first name basis now just based on seeing a picture of your insert sent to them
❤️ daniredfield Follow
youre just jealous i get more chrissy-poo art than you do of yourself and stinky old brad vickers XP
😈 crushing-with-cassie Follow
watch out danielle i know where you sleep
🦇 belabat Follow
should we really be doing this again in mother's notes?
🍷 lady-alcina-powers Follow
You're all going to be grounded if you keep it up.
😈 crushing-with-cassie Follow
we're literally in our 20s how are you going to ground us
🍷 lady-alcina-powers Follow
Who here funds your commissioning antics, exactly?
😈 crushing-with-cassie Follow
sorry mother
❤️ daniredfield Follow
sorry mother
🍷 lady-alcina-powers Follow
That's what I thought. Now, get off your phones and help me figure out where this new painting will be hung.
#letters from alcina #reblog #exhibit a of life with three daughters
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AAAAAAAND SCENE goodbye selfshippers i just wanted a small snippet into the life of normal woman alcina. hope this is ok <3
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sanini-panini · 2 years ago
ok so i mentioned i was doing this oc ask game and some friends off tumblr threw questions at me but i thought i'd cross post here for funsies (part 1)
under a cut bc it ended up being long, but the questions were ❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)? for the old guard and 🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self? for the new guard
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)? for the old guard
jinal - acts of service for giving, quality time for receiving
haku - acts of service for giving, words of affirmation for receiving
minerva - physical touch for giving, receiving gifts for receiving
ven - giving gifts for giving, quality time for receiving
kai - acts of service for both
mateen - acts of service for giving, words of affirmation for receiving
ridwan - acts of service for both +/- quality time
silpa - giving gifts and quality time for giving, acts of service for receiving
felix - acts of service for giving, words of affirmation for receiving
some of these should be acts of sacrifice instead of acts of service but we'll ignore that for now.
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self? for the new guard
ilia - you're going to be confronted with an impossible choice soon. it's an unfair choice, and there's no good answer, but... it's okay. it'll feel like you're losing everything, but there are people waiting on the other side who will help you stand back up.
morgan - don't sign that damn contract. stop hoping for more from him. don't trust anyone. grit your teeth and bear it for now, because i think--i think there's an end to this. we can still make something of the road ahead of us, something he can't take from us, but you have to hold on until we get there... i'm going to hold on. no matter what.
peter - pro tip: pack a snorkel mask! it's more fun to dive to the bottom of the ocean when you don't have water in your eyes.
juli - okay so it turns out fire is not the only thing we can do. we can like... make knives and giant flaming octopi and shit! cool, huh? um, yeah, i don't know how to explain how to do all that yet, but um. okay. real advice. it's... not selfish to want to live. stay safe, okay?
lian - okay first off: make the first move. both idiots you like are too silly to tell you that they like you back. second off: be quicker about getting the idiots to tell each other how they feel. this will save everyone a lot of time and pain. also--i was going to say something about karaoke but joshua is glaring at me so um. just... you don't have anything to prove, okay? not to the parents you left behind, not to Ma, and not to yourself. you're loved as you are.
joshua - we've... made a lot of mistakes. we're going to keep making mistakes, but you have to stand up straight and keep walking for joel's sake. and that damn letter--it'll put you through hell of the worst kind, but you'll gain something more precious than you could ever know.
rae - it's okay to smell the roses a little, you know? make no mistake--nothing matters more than the goal ahead--but you can still enjoy life along the way, and it's easier to reach that goal with friends at your side.
karyme - bide your time. it might seem like the stories around you are so much grander than your own, but you have your own part to play. just be patient.
dani - she's wrong about you. you're going to be so much more than what she raised you to be. just give it a few years and you'll see.
auster - okay so. as thrilling as it is to work at a pizza shop. life is a about to become a lot worse very quickly. you'll have to take a big risk--but it's worth it. take the leap.
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punsify1 · 25 days ago
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200+ Silly Valentine’s Day Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud
Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to share some love, laughter, and a whole lot of silliness. Whether you're spending the day with a special someone, celebrating with friends, or just enjoying some time to yourself, laughter makes everything better. To help you keep the fun alive, we’ve put together 200+ silly Valentine’s Day jokes that will have you laughing out loud. Get ready to share these with everyone you know, because these jokes are guaranteed to make hearts (and funny bones) soar!
Why Laughter is the Best Valentine’s Gift
What’s better than a thoughtful gift on Valentine’s Day? A big ol' laugh! Humor is an amazing way to connect with others. It lightens the mood, brings people closer, and reminds us that love doesn’t always have to be serious. Whether you’re sending a Valentine to a crush, your best friend, or simply treating yourself to a laugh, these jokes will hit the spot. So let’s jump right in—get ready for some silly, silly jokes that’ll have you in stitches!
Silly Valentine’s Day Jokes for Everyone
💘 Why did the boy bring a ladder to his Valentine’s Day date? Because he wanted to “climb” into her heart!
❤️ Why did the girl give her Valentine a pencil? Because she wanted to draw him closer.
🍫 What did the chocolate say to the candy? You’re so sweet, I’m nuts about you!
🌹 What did the flower say to the bee on Valentine’s Day? “You make my heart buzz with joy!”
💑 Why did the lovebird break up with the parrot? Because they felt their “love” had flown away.
Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes for Couples
💍 Why do couples never tell secrets on Valentine’s Day? Because they don’t want anyone “breaking their hearts”!
🥂 Why did the wine give its partner a hug on Valentine’s Day? It was feeling a little fine and wanted to wine down.
🍔 What did the burger say to the fries on Valentine’s Day? “You’re french fry-tastic!”
🧸 Why did the teddy bear give a Valentine to the stuffed rabbit? Because it was “hopping” for love!
🎁 Why do couples love giving each other gifts on Valentine’s Day? Because it’s the perfect way to “unwrap” your feelings!
Silly Valentine’s Day Jokes for Kids
🐻 Why did the boy give his mom a bear on Valentine’s Day? Because she was his “beary” special Valentine!
🍪 What did the cookie say to the Valentine? “You’re the chip off the old block!”
🎈 Why did the balloon break up with the string? It felt like it was “tied” down.
📚 Why did the pencil give its Valentine a hug? Because it wanted to “draw” closer to them!
🎉 Why did the heart-shaped card go to the party? Because it was feeling “pumped” up for love!
Silly Valentine’s Day Jokes for Singles
🍕 Why did the single guy bring a pizza to his Valentine’s Day party? Because he was “dough”-ing the right thing by treating himself!
🧃 What did the lonely cup of juice say on Valentine’s Day? *“I’m just looking for a little “pulp” love!”
🍪 Why do single people love Valentine’s Day? Because they get all the candy to themselves!
📱 Why did the phone feel loved on Valentine’s Day? Because it had so many “texts” of love.
💖 What did the single girl say to her friend on Valentine’s Day? “I may be single, but I’m still “heart” and soul!”
Silly Valentine’s Day Knock-Knock Jokes
💌 Knock, knock. Who’s there? Valentine. Valentine who? Valentine to be my valentine!
🌹 Knock, knock. Who’s there? Cupid. Cupid who? Cupid it be you who steals my heart?
🍩 Knock, knock. Who’s there? Honeydew. Honeydew who? Honeydew you love me?
🍓 Knock, knock. Who’s there? Berry. Berry who? Berry much in love with you!
🎀 Knock, knock. Who’s there? Ivy. Ivy who? Ivy been thinking about you all day!
Even More Silly Valentine’s Day Jokes
🎶 Why did the singer give her partner a Valentine? Because they “hit all the right notes” in their relationship!
🍦 What’s an ice cream cone’s favorite way to spend Valentine’s Day? With a lot of sundae love!
🎩 Why did the magician give a Valentine to his assistant? Because she was “magically” awesome!
🍔 Why did the hot dog fall in love with the bun? Because they were “meant to be together”!
🎉 Why don’t you ever give up on love? Because if you do, you might miss your “purr-fect” match!
Valentine’s Day Jokes for Friends & Work
💼 Why don’t friends exchange Valentine’s Day gifts at work? Because it’s not “paperwork” time yet!
📱 Why did the coworker give her friend a Valentine’s text? Because she was the “text-pert” in all things love!
📚 Why did the book give its friend a Valentine’s Day card? Because it wanted to “bookmark” their relationship!
💻 Why did the computer get a Valentine? Because it was “programmed” for love.
Wrapping Up the Laughter
There you go—200+ silly Valentine’s Day jokes that will make you giggle, snicker, and maybe even fall head over heels for puns and wordplay. Whether you’re looking for a laugh with your partner, a friend, or just want to have a good time on your own, these jokes are sure to keep the fun and love going all day long. After all, Valentine’s Day isn’t just about candy and flowers—it’s about spreading joy, laughter, and a whole lot of silliness!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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fabioperes · 1 year ago
Aussie Meat in Italian Sandwich! Get ready for a splash-tastic adventure as we explore the sun-soaked wonders of Ondaland Waterpark in Vicolungo, Italy! 🏖️🎢 Join us on a virtual tour of this aquatic paradise, where thrilling water slides, lazy rivers, and wave pools come together to create the ultimate summer escape. Whether you're seeking heart-pounding excitement or a relaxing day under the Italian sun, Ondaland has it all. We'll take you through the highlights, from the adrenaline-pumping slides to the serene corners where you can unwind with friends and family. Discover why Ondaland is a must-visit destination for water enthusiasts of all ages! Hit that subscribe button, pack your swimsuit, and let's dive into the watery delights of Ondaland together! 💧🌴 Not everyone has the privilege to experience an endless summer like we do. So for those that don't, I hope that this video and channel can bring a smile to your face and some warmth back to your skin when summer has slipped away for another year. This channel is your ticket to smiles and summer vibes even when the season has slipped away. 🌞✈️ If it is summer for you now, then I hope it makes you want to get up, go outside, and make the most of what time we have here on this amazing planet. 🌍 Life is an all too brief, beautiful journey, and we're here to nudge you to live it to the fullest. Get out there and visit new places and make new friends. 😊 Push your boundaries, fly off things, have fun with those you love, laugh wholeheartedly, take risks instead of playing safe, make new friends, reconnect with old ones and most of all... never forget....🔥 Life is Too Short. ⌛️ Although I may look like a toned Olympic athlete, actually I am just a normal(ish) woman, with a big smile, a tiny thumb and desire to not do what society says I should do... If I can do some of the things I do, then you have no excuse, so get out there and conquer your world, even if it's your little secret. 🤫🌷 The universe is vast, and our time is limited. So subscribe and join us on a sun-soaked adventure! 👙🍹🌴 Life is too short, so live every moment. 🏄‍♀️ Smile. 😊 Laugh. 😂 And never be afraid to be yourself. ❤️ Milla x -------------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget to show some love by poking my Like button, hitting Subscribe, and turning on notifications (spot checks will be performed if you ever meet me, and non-subscribers will be dealt with accordingly). Stay connected and follow me on the socials for more awesome shiz: 💜 https://ift.tt/BNcrQdJ 💙 https://ift.tt/epOv13E   🖤 https://ift.tt/gq7mpoL   💚 https://ift.tt/p8Fqji6 There is a sign at a waterpark in Germany that I like it says: Welcome 👋 All Sizes All Colours All Cultures All Genders All Ages + Types All People Love Lives Here This is how we feel about the spaces we create. All people are welcome, we do not accept discrimination or judgement on this channel, be polite, be human and remember that...Love Lives Here. ❤️ It's cool reading and replying to your comments. Most of y'all are chill, but let's keep it friendly and respectful since we're dealing with real people here. If not, I might have to set my pack of rabid drop bears on you but before that I'll simply hide your comments from the channel and then you've wasted your own time and mine when all you had to do was be a decent human being!  👻👍 Thanks for tuning in to my videos, you rad maaafks, and actually reading this far into my description*! 👀🥰 *seriously you're still reading?! Comment on this video "I'm a bogan who loves to read stuff" to receive an amusing (subjective) response! 🤣😇 #waterparks #themeparks #waterslides #travel #adventures #thesunnyadventurers via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPrQsvPBOys
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shenzi-hemlock · 2 years ago
Hi Shenzi! I’m the anon you wrote the essay too haha :) first I want to thank you for answering my question and addressing my concerns so thoroughly. It’s difficult to find information like this anywhere really and I’m glad to have trusted you with the task of responding to these anxieties! I saw that two others have commented on the post saying it’s helped them, so please know that you’re doing so much good by breaking things down the way you did. I must tell you that I never felt talked down to while reading through the post! 👍 so don’t worry about that! I actually had fun & felt at ease reading it because you were so animated and clearly trying to help.
I appreciate the explanation of the differences between a wedding night and a pap smear. My anxious brain didn’t stop to think that it shouldn’t be terrifying to be with my husband for the first time, especially if I’ve picked a good one. I agree that potentially having vaginismus or a similar condition should be discussed before engagement.
The example of your pastor friend and his wife is perfect. My Sunday school teacher and his wife have a beautiful love story — she had to tell him that she could potentially never be able to bear children. He then told her that he’s not marrying her to have children, but because she is God’s will for his life. Now, years later, they have 3 children! I just want to share because that will stick with me for a long time! I strive to find a godly man like these two examples here.
To make it clear, I’m not dating anyone at the moment. I’m turning 27 this year and I still don’t see dating on the horizon so for the time being I believe marriage is just not something God has for me. I asked these questions mainly because I’m like…well what if, on the off chance, I do get married someday? How would I handle these issues?
Thank you again for all your help, Shenzi!! You did such a wonderful job explaining everything while also keeping it all biblical. appreciate your advice so much ❤️
Hi again, Nonnie!!
I am so so glad to hear that our previous conversation helped! I know it can be daunting and something to potentially want to avoid, but each situation is gonna look a little different. Just how God made each couple unique, so it is true that their private lives are also vastly differing.
I know just how hard this subject can be when you have a fear about something or really want an answer to a question but you don't have someone ready at hand to ask or you would rather keep yourself anonymous which can be much harder when speaking in real life. XD I was very grateful to have a pre-maritial counselor (a long time married Christian couple) that were more than ready to answer any questions we had about sexual intimacy. I won't equate myself with either of them because they have had a much longer marriage than mine and have had tons more practice to work out any wrinkles in their marriage, but I am glad to have been of help.
I am also glad that you didn't feel like I was talking down to you. Over explaining and making everything explicit, instead of implicit, is something I do to help myself either understand a concept being talked about or to make sure that someone understands me with no chance of misconstruing my meaning and intention. My husband sometimes thinks that I am talking down to him when I do this, but I always reassure him that it's just how my brain works.
Hey, good for you! Everyone's life is gonna look a bit different than everyone else's. I know my youngest sister just got married and she's under 21. I got married in my mid-twenties which I think is a fine time to marry if you're ready. But I remember meeting an old couple at our local Renaissance Festival that had only been married for I think 2-3 years at the time. The lady hadn't been married once in her life until her 60s because she just hadn't found that good man yet. Paul said it best when he said it is better to remain single than to bind yourself to someone when you shouldn't have done so. Which is the advice I followed. I know tons of people that were dating in high school (which imo is really young, you are still figuring out so much and trying to go through so many changes all at once) that ended up in really bad break ups and have lasting mental health issues to this day. I am not saying this because I am better than others, not at all. But I saw what others went through and did not want that for myself. So I waited and God placed my darling husband in my life and I could not be more blessed by him.
Anyway, I turned this one into another ramble so I'll wrap this up! If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out and I'd love to either answer them or to point you in the right direction for resources or someone that can answer it. Lots of love!
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layzeal · 2 years ago
Hi! I love your analysis on the characters because you always seem nice and open minded and not the kind of "I'm right, you are wrong", that's why I wanted to hear your opinion on this topic!
I've read that one of the most important character trait of Lan Wangji is being a sadistic, and instantly I was like "what but he's not AT ALL like that". I thought that person could be an anti but actually they wanted to praise the character. I have still thousand doubts because maybe it's me who totally read the character wrong after all this time, and because I've never read such opinion on the character, neither from the novel fandom nor from the drama or donghua fandom.
What do you think about it? :)
hi anon!! thank you 💓💕❤️ i'm glad you like them!!! (and i'm glad i come across that way, even though i have certainly slipped and said some things like that hahaha)
so my first reaction was "HUH?????" but i think i understand what that person must be talking about! and while i can't say that find his sadism "one of his most important character traits", it IS something that i think it's very endearing about Lan Wangji!!
(long post under the cut lmao)
so before we elaborate, lemme specify that in this case, i am specifically talking about the sexual, BDSM meaning for sadism. here, a sadist is someone who finds sexual pleasure in inflicting pain on their partner during sex, on the same vein that a masochist is someone who enjoys being inflicted pain on during sex.
most importantly however, this pleasure tends to be exclusive to the mindset one has during a sexual situation, and does not translate to regular everyday life, so if that person was saying that Lan Wangji is a sadist who obtains pleasure from hurting ANYONE or ANYTHING, at ANY MOMENT, then i absolutely disagree with it
okay, so... why do so many people LOVE that LWJ is a sadist? well, obviously i can't speak for everyone, but for me, i love it because of how well done it was. sadism IS an integral part of Lan Wangji character, and he KNOWS it, and for most of his life? it scared him
imagine it with me for a second: you are a 15 year old teenager, who's lived his whole life following very strict rules with a very strict view of how one should behave. you never once indulged in "common teenager behavior", you never felt the need to. then, out of nowhere, a gremlin boy comes into your life as the very embodiment of those behaviors—drinking, flirting, breaking rules, causing trouble, saying ridiculous things in class, reading... forbidden material,
that boy thinks you're a stick-in-the-mud. that boy wants you to loosen up a little. that boy tricks you into opening one of those forbidden books, and laughs at the face you make about it, then runs away happily. your blood boils, your face is red, you've never felt so hot and so frustrated in your life. you want to teach him a lesson
however, next day comes and that boy and his shidi join you on a nighthunt, and you come to the realization that he's actually... not as terrible as you first thought? he's a troublemaker, sure, but he's also incredibly competent, intelligent and even selfless if the situation calls for it. that... also stirs something in you.
then, that boy comes bearing "an apology gift", two cute, white little rabbits he caught himself, just for you. you know, deep inside, he's just doing this to get a reaction out of you. that's all he ever does. so when he makes an inappropriate joke and you (before you can even stop yourself) push him out the window, hearing him laugh joyfully even after he hit the floor, you feel that stiring again, that hot frustration, and at this point... you start suspecting something. something about what this feeling is
the thing is, for as much as you want to, you don't hate that boy. you hate how he makes you feel, but you don't hate him. in fact, you start suspecting quite the opposite. but you ignore it, and you push it aside, even as you catch yourself thinking about him, and doing the things he told you about—he's always in your mind... and you don't hate it. even when you catch yourself looking for forbidden material yourself, a type that not even that boy showed to you, a type that you can relate to, maybe even fantasize with
so, imagine now, that is how your very young life is going. then, one night... you have a dream, one very different. it starts out as a memory, but early on, it changes. in that dream, that boy teases you just a bit more cruelly, says some things with stranger implications, he pushes, and pushes you, and pushes you, and you break.
in that dream, you hurt him
and not just any kind of hurt. you do something unspeakable. the most immoral of acts a human can do. you hurt him as he cries and begs you to stop. you don't
and the worst part? you enjoy it
you were so certain, up until that point, that you were a good person. that you'd never want to hurt anyone, especially like this. so why does that dream make you feel that way? what does it mean?! that boy angers and frustrates you, sure, but you never ever wanted to hurt him. so you convince yourself that it was how your young, hormonal brain processes this anger, and tries to move on
and you don't think about why, by the end, you were holding each other close. why, by the end, you'd wanted him to enjoy it as well
KDFKSHC OKAY SORRY this ended up longer than i'd planned, but this? this is a VERY very common experience for teenagers who happen to have this type of sexual inclination to have. your mind is so young and you don't know much about sex at all, but your brain and your body betray you, and you feel drawn towards fantasies that by all means should disgust you. and it scares you, it scares you because if i enjoy these thoughs, then what does that make me?? so, much like lan wangji, those feelings get repressed and turned into something shameful for themselves
AND HERE IS WHERE WEI WUXIAN COMES IN!!! because that dream lan wangji had? it gets exposed in full sound and color to the very person it was about. now, up until that point, wangxian had already been exploring their sexuality together, and after their little fucking in the woods where lwj kept trying and trying to hold back as to not hurt him, apologizing and feeling frustrated that he can't (and who could, in his place?) wwx's reaction was to continuously rile him up more and more, because he DOESN'T want lan zhan to hold back!! no restraints, right? he wants all lan zhan has to offer!!! he wants lan zhan in all he can be!! he wants it, he enjoys it, even if it hurts!!
(how lucky, that this repressed little sadist found love in someone who turned out to be a repressed little masochist LMAO)
what is endearing about that incense burner extra is that lan wangji is visibly nervous and embarrassed about this dream, even now, even after him and wwx got married and have had sex many times. this is STILL something that lwj is ashamed about. and wei wuxian's response? to be as open as possible, to reassure him that he finds it SO hot, that he loves it, that he wants him to fuck him like that RIGHT NOW!! that there's nothing to be ashamed about cause guess what? wei wuxian is SO into it too, he's egging on little 15yo lan zhan on his actions against his own younger self!! and lan wangji finally lets it go!!! he accepts this part if himself, because now he knows it doesn't mean anything bad, it doesn't mean he's a horrible person who wants to see wei ying hurt and crying (he has, already, back when everything was falling apart), because he only wants it when he knows that wei ying wants it too. he only wants it if it's a way for wei ying to also enjoy himself
soo yeah, this is what i think that person meant when they said lan wangji was a sadist. he is!! actually, for as much as i love what the incense burner means to them, i personally don't even like reading it because of how violent it can be, and i cannot blame anyone for not being able to read it, but it IS very important to his character, and such a compelling look into his mind!
but you can also imagine how much it would have scared little lan zhan, and how validating it must have been years later, to finally know that hey, it's just a dream, and me? your husband who loves having rough mean sex with you? finds that EXTREMELY hot and it only makes me love you more ❤️💞💕
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wroteclassicaly · 2 years ago
Wednesday WIP (sneaky thursday edition)
Tagged by the amazing @corrodedhawkins ❤️
Rules: Post a snippet of whatever you’re currently working on, no more than 300 words, and tag five other writers.
“Fuck. Fuck.” Your teeth are chattering, hissed out anguish wrapped around each obscenity.
You’re clouded, gone for a few seconds, a causality of your sanity and what you experienced in Henry’s world, taking too long to get back to a shell shocked Eddie Munson. His shirt hits the floor with an echo too loud to have come from flimsy, tattered fabric. Trying to save yourself, you get some bearings and pull back, Eddie clasping his fingers over your wrist, feeling your pulse jumping beneath your skin. It’s slow motion when he lets his hand go and find your side, directly pressing. You nearly sock him in the gut on instinct, body attempting to block his unwelcome touches. “Eddie, don’t.”
He ignores you, of course. “What the fuck is that?”
You swear your heartbeat sputters like an old car engine and momentarily ceases in the cavern of your aching chest. A heat is radiating off your side, a dampness oozing onto your skin. Well, fuck it all now. “Nothing, okay? You need to sit down, your w—“
“Fuck my wounds, Y/N! Why the fuck is a damned puddle of blood literally soaking through your shirt? And spare me the act, sweetheart, cause’ I may be disfigured, but my eyes are still in tact.”
His words have you outwardly cringing. “You’re not fucking disfigured, Eddie, stop it.”
“Quit changing the subject, and don’t bullshit me!” His sudden ferocity increasing in volume at the end of his sentence has you wishing you’d let him do what he needed to do and stayed out of sight.
“Why does everyone think I lost my mind? I am so sick of you, Henderson and Harrington placating me and acting like I’m some fuckhead’s Fine china.”
Tagging: @littledemondani @munsonquinns @prettyboyeddiemunson @indouloureux @ethereal27cereal
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the-void-writes · 3 years ago
May I request a lil tiny scene Sunday snippet about Gazali and Kibwe 👀 and perhaps about his death(?) and how Gazali reacts to it 👀
I'd love to know more deets, especially in world deets 👀❤️✨ thank you 👀
If you'd like three prompt words: Gods, Molten, Pain 👀
@bloodlessheirbyjacques ✨❤️🥺
@bloodlessheirbyjacques Sorry to keep bombarding you 😅 but I had the perfect inspiration for this one. Buckle up, this one super long.
Also TW for blood and a lot of death
Gazali gently placed the cloth against Kibwe’s arm, and in an instant, the pale green turned to a wet red. His fellow villagers tended to the other people in Kibwe’s tribe. This whole trip, they had been walking over their heads, unaware of how Piers and his men had taken them by force. Any longer, and Kibwe would have died from his wounds. Gazali couldn’t bear to think about it. His eyes stung as he focused on Kibwe, who smiled at him weakly.
“I always thought I would tend your wounds after battle,” he whispered.
“Stop that,” Gazali said, “this is serious.”
Kibwe grabbed his hand. “Gazali, you cannot blame yourself.”
“They took you because of me. If only I had listened to you. I should never have gone with Piers, or brought my village along with me.”
A hand fell on Gazali’s shoulder, and his mother spoke softly. “You have too big a heart to abandon them, my son.”
Kibwe nodded. “Chieftaness Mara is correct… as always.”
She smiled. “I see why you favor him, dear.”
Gazali closed his eyes in embarrassment, and Kibwe chuckled.
“That is not news to me, Gazali.”
“This is not the time. We need to get off of this cursed boat.”
“And you shall.”
Everyone jumped at Sam’s gruff voice. He watched Gazali sadly, somewhat bothered by his closeness with Kibwe. Regardless, he walked over and secured a clean bandage to Kibwe’s arm.
“Piers plans to dock in Portsmouth, and we’ll travel on foot up north to His Majesty. The Royal Forest of Bere Portchester is right along our path. We’ll ambush Piers’ men, head south through the trees, and take a boat back to your country.”
Kibwe squinted. “Gazali, what is he saying?”
“He has a plan, we can fight the guards and flee through the forest.”
“How can we trust him?”
“I can’t keep serving Piers like this. The things he’s doing for our king, it’s unjust. They won’t use Gazali’s powers for anything good.”
Gazali squeezed his shoulder. “Thank you for helping us, dear friend. We will follow your plan, and you may come back with us.”
Sam stared at him through his long black hair. “You would do that for me?”
“I never abandon anyone.”
Mara smiled proudly. Her son was twice the leader her husband had ever been, as he continued to demonstrate. While Sam prepared the villagers to fight, Gazali stayed with Kibwe. His old friend kept staring at Sam as he tried to communicate with the others.
“I think he likes you,” Kibwe said.
“I suspect that, too.”
“Do you feel the same way?”
Gazali chuckled. “He is a good man, Kibwe, but you… Roho yangu yakutaka wee pekee.”
He meant it more than he ever meant anything in his life: my heart only wants you.
“Gazali…” Kibwe took his hand and kissed it softly. “If the gods let us return in one piece, I will ask for your hand in the place where we first met.”
“Under that rotting tree?”
“That ridiculous tree, yes. We can turn it into a table.”
Gazali kissed his hand in return. “Then I cannot wait to accept your proposal.”
It felt like an eternity before Gazali heard the sailor’s cries of approaching land. Sam had returned to the upper docks, ready to walk with his “crew” until the final ambush. Gazali had to return to his own room, pretending to be unaware of Kibwe and his people. Piers entered the room with a sickening glint in his green eyes.
“We’re here, your highness! It’ll just be a short walk to His Majesty, and you’ll be able to meet all the other Freaks.”
Gazali tried desperately to hide his anger. “Thank you, Sir Piers.”
He followed Piers off of the boat, where he joined his mother for the long walk ahead. Moving from the dock through the town was miserable enough, thanks to the disorientation of solid ground. Once they reached the countryside, though, it became unbearable. The sun felt like molten metal pouring down their backs. Gazali could see Sam up ahead, wiping sweat from his eyes to clear his vision. Soon enough, the Royal Forest appeared beside them, dense enough to give everyone cover as they escaped.
Gazali looked around at his people, and at Kibwe in the far back. Piers must have thought he was stupid, if he didn’t think Gazali would notice the surplus of people. Kibwe nodded to him, and Gazali nodded back. Their people readied themselves for the fight as Gazali shouted.
At the signal, his people charged, but something changed. Everyone froze in place, including Gazali. When he looked ahead, Sam was staring intently at everyone. Piers clapped and laughed to himself.
“You people are so cute. Really, how far did you think you would get?”
Piers knew. They had been walking into a trap the whole time. Gazali watched Sam questioningly, but Sam was too busy staring. He only blinked once, and Gazali felt his arms move an inch before freezing again. Piers grinned devilishly.
“Isn’t he great? I tell you, Freaks are the best. All you have to do is promise them shelter, and they’ll bark like a dog.”
Gazali felt a tear roll down his cheek. Piers had bought back Sam’s loyalty, and Sam had accepted. The first person Gazali had ever met who had powers like him… and he had betrayed them all. Sam refused to look at Gazali, lest he lose his concentration.
“So here’s how this is gonna go,” Piers said. “You come with us peacefully, we’ll forget that this ever happened. I’ll put your friends in a mansion, if you want, I swear on it. But if you won’t come willingly, then I’ll have to convince you.”
He pulled out his blade and pointed at Mara.
“Starting with dear old Mum here.”
Gazali fought so hard to swing his hand, to bite or yell, but he just couldn’t move. He would be frozen for as long as Sam kept staring at them, and judging from the rarity of his blinks, he was used to staring for a long time. Even when he did blink, Gazali could only move an inch at a time, far too little to do any damage.
… But he had other methods.
With no time to lose, Gazali stared above Sam’s head, begging those celestial beings to peek out from their universe once more. He sought their energy from across the veil and pulled it forward with all of his might. A small tear formed above Sam’s head, and Gazali could sense one of the beings trying to reach through. He focused even harder on collapsing the barrier between their universes. The star-covered hand was so close to Sam’s head, and Gazali pulled it forward in his mind. Finally, like tearing through cobwebs, the hand came through, and a long claw slashed Sam across the eyes. He cried out in agony, and the villagers were freed from their paralysis. Without Sam’s powers, Piers started to panic.
“Kill them all!”
Gazali’s people were quick to fight back. Guns fired from all around them, and some people disappeared into the forest, while others fell to the ground. His mother was not among the bodies, thankfully, but his heart ached for the people that he wished to save. The use of his powers had drained him significantly, making it hard to focus on his surroundings. Across the battlefield, Sam managed to find Gazali through the blood that poured from his wound. He rushed towards him, only to be stopped by Kibwe stabbing him in the side with a stolen musket.
“Go!” Kibwe yelled.
“I won’t leave you,” Gazali said.
“I’ve got him. Go find your mother, and I’ll meet you at the boat.”
He pushed Gazali towards the trees and continued to stab at Sam. The large man fell to his knees, succumbing to the overbearing pain. Kibwe finally pulled away, only for Piers’ blade to slide across his throat. Gazali cried out from the trees, begging his celestials to come back and save Kibwe, but he was too weak to open another portal. Kibwe twitched in the grass, and then he was limp. Sam reached for Piers with trembling hands.
He grunted as Piers stuck the blade through his chest. Gazali tried once more to summon anything to help, but to no avail.
“I’m sorry, mate,” Piers said, “but we have no use for you now.”
Sam fell beside Kibwe, and Piers set his eyes on Gazali. The pale man marched towards him, and Gazali had no choice but to turn and flee into the forest to find his mother. He wouldn’t let her suffer like the others had. Mara would return home with him, he would make sure of it.
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