#Every so often my mind just goes: ‘Let’s pick out a new one’ and then there’s so many appearing
incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 2 months
Qkshdgx... names... ideas
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alfheimr · 5 months
My Favorite Cheap Art Trick: Gradient Maps and Blending Modes
i get questions on occasion regarding my coloring process, so i thought i would do a bit of a write up on my "secret technique." i don't think it really is that much of a secret, but i hope it can be helpful to someone. to that end:
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this is one of my favorite tags ive ever gotten on my art. i think of it often. the pieces in question are all monochrome - sort of.
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the left version is the final version, the right version is technically the original. in the final version, to me, the blues are pretty stark, while the greens and magentas are less so. there is some color theory thing going on here that i dont have a good cerebral understanding of and i wont pretend otherwise. i think i watched a youtube video on it once but it went in one ear and out the other. i just pick whatever colors look nicest based on whatever vibe im going for.
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this one is more subtle, i think. can you tell the difference? there's nothing wrong with 100% greyscale art, but i like the depth that adding just a hint of color can bring.
i'll note that the examples i'll be using in this post all began as purely greyscale, but this is a process i use for just about every piece of art i make, including the full color ones. i'll use the recent mithrun art i made to demonstrate. additionally, i use clip studio paint, but the general concept should be transferable to other art programs.
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for fun let's just start with Making The Picture. i've been thinking of making this writeup for a while and had it in mind while drawing this piece. beyond that, i didn't really have much of a plan for this outside of "mithrun looks down and hair goes woosh." i also really like all of the vertical lines in the canary uniform so i wanted to include those too but like. gone a little hog wild. that is the extent of my "concept." i do not remember why i had the thought of integrating a shattered mirror type of theme. i think i wanted to distract a bit from the awkward pose and cover it up some LOL but anyway. this lack of planning or thought will come into play later.
note 1: the textured marker brush i specifically use is the "bordered light marker" from daub. it is one of my favorite brushes in the history of forever and the daub mega brush pack is one of the best purchases ive ever made. highly recommend!!!
note 2: "what do you mean by exclusion and difference?" they are layer blending modes and not important to the overall lesson of this post but for transparency i wanted to say how i got these "effects." anyway!
with the background figured out, this is the point at which i generally merge all of my layers, duplicate said merged layer, and Then i begin experimenting with gradient maps. what are gradient maps?
the basic gist is that gradient maps replace the colors of an image based on their value.
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so, with this particular gradient map, black will be replaced with that orangey red tone, white will be replaced with the seafoamy green tone, etc. this particular gradient map i'm using as an example is very bright and saturated, but the colors can be literally anything.
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these two sets are the ones i use most. they can be downloaded for free here and here if you have csp. there are many gradient map sets out there. and you can make your own!
you can apply a gradient map directly onto a specific layer in csp by going to edit>tonal correction>gradient map. to apply one indirectly, you can use a correction layer through layer>new correction layer>gradient map. honestly, correction layers are probably the better way to go, because you can adjust your gradient map whenever you want after creating the layer, whereas if you directly apply a gradient map to a layer thats like. it. it's done. if you want to make changes to the applied gradient map, you have to undo it and then reapply it. i don't use correction layers because i am old and stuck in my ways, but it's good to know what your options are.
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this is what a correction layer looks like. it sits on top and applies the gradient map to the layers underneath it, so you can also change the layers beneath however and whenever you want. you can adjust the gradient map by double clicking the layer. there are also correction layers for tone curves, brightness/contrast, etc. many such useful things in this program.
let's see how mithrun looks when we apply that first gradient map we looked at.
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gadzooks. apologies for eyestrain. we have turned mithrun into a neon hellscape, which might work for some pieces, but not this one. we can fix that by changing the layer blending mode, aka this laundry list of words:
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some of them are self explanatory, like darken and lighten, while some of them i genuinely don't understand how they are meant to work and couldn't explain them to you, even if i do use them. i'm sure someone out there has written out an explanation for each and every one of them, but i've learned primarily by clicking on them to see what they do.
for the topic of this post, the blending mode of interest is soft light. so let's take hotline miamithrun and change the layer blending mode to soft light.
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here it is at 100% opacity. this is the point at which i'd like to explain why i like using textured brushes so much - it makes it very easy to get subtle color variation when i use this Secret Technique. look at the striation in the upper right background! so tasty. however, to me, these colors are still a bit "much." so let's lower the opacity.
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i think thats a lot nicer to look at, personally, but i dont really like these colors together. how about we try some other ones?
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i like both of these a lot more. the palettes give the piece different vibes, at which point i have to ask myself: What Are The Vibes, Actually? well, to be honest i didn't really have a great answer because again, i didn't plan this out very much at all. however. i knew in my heart that there was too much color contrast going on and it was detracting from the two other contrasts in here: the light and dark values and the sharp and soft shapes. i wanted mithrun's head to be the main focal point. for a different illustration, colors like this might work great, but this is not that hypothetical illustration, so let's bring the opacity down again.
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yippee!! that's getting closer to what my heart wants. for fun, let's see what this looks like if we change the blending mode to color.
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i do like how these look but in the end they do not align with my heart. oh well. fun to experiment with though! good to keep in mind for a different piece, maybe! i often change blending modes just to see what happens, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. i very much cannot stress enough that much of my artistic process is clicking buttons i only sort of understand. for fun.
i ended up choosing the gradient map on the right because i liked that it was close to the actual canary uniform colors (sorta). it's at an even lower opacity though because there was Still too much color for my dear heart.
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the actual process for this looks like me setting my merged layer to soft light at around 20% opacity and then clicking every single gradient map in my collection and seeing which one Works. sometimes i will do this multiple times and have multiple soft light and/or color layers combined.
typically at this point i merge everything again and do minor contrast adjustments using tone curves, which is another tool i find very fun to play around with. then for this piece in particular i did some finishing touches and decided that the white border was distracting so i cropped it. and then it's done!!! yay!!!!!
this process is a very simple and "fast" way to add more depth and visual interest to a piece without being overbearing. well, it's fast if you aren't indecisive like me, or if you are better at planning.
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let's do another comparison. personally i feel that the hint of color on the left version makes mithrun look just a bit more unwell (this is a positive thing) and it makes the contrast on his arm a lot more pleasing to look at. someone who understands color theory better than i do might have more to say on the specifics, but that's honestly all i got.
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just dont look at my layers too hard. ok?
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prael · 11 days
Not Quite Home
Kinktember Day 15: Stand & Carry
Kepler Youngeun x male reader smut
words: 1,495 Kinktember Masterlist
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She is everything you're not. Everything you hate. How can someone refuse to have a place to call home?
All this about being a free spirit and experiencing everything that the world has to offer all sounds well and good but how is a tree supposed to grow if it has no roots? But Youngeun insists that is exactly what she is after, the constant thrill, the constant novelty, the rush and urgency. In every interaction, she seems to have been in search of the next big adventure.
And you think you do her a disservice by not understanding.
Perhaps if you had met each other under other circumstances, things might have gone better for the two of you. But now, you resent how she feels like a stranger whenever you're together. She once brought an element of excitement and risk to a routine, drab life, but that grew exhausting and more than once made you feel like you were suffocating. You grew to loathe her carelessness.
"Your parents?" You ask as she stands in your bedroom for the third night in a row, "Have you even told them you're back in town?"
She shakes her head in lieu of an answer, "You know how they are."
"You're going to blame them for wanting their daughter to visit for once?"
Youngeun laughs. It's one of your least favourite traits—her incapability to take anything seriously. "Not your business. Besides, seven nights, remember?"
Yes. Seven nights. This is what she told you, another expiry date on another chapter of whatever the fuck this is between you. Another unspoken contract was signed for the hell of it. A time limit, for something that isn't even real.
"Just think about it," you continue, hopelessly, "talking with your family. It'll clear your mind."
"Know what clears my mind? The wind in my hair, sun on my skin, music in my ears," Youngeun runs her hand through her silky hair, "Landing in some new town, finding a new local hang out to try something exotic and then exploring whatever is hidden in that town's history, picking up a new person, hooking up with them, letting the excitement course through my veins, knowing there's always something else waiting on the horizon."
Another insufferable thing that she does. It's been maybe fifteen minutes since you tangled limbs in the bed and now she's standing across the room naked making no secret of the fact that she picks up guys and girls wherever she goes. Youngeun looks down at you on the mattress and runs her eyes up and down your body, her fingers resting lightly over her collarbone.
You follow the line of her fingers, nails cut short with traces of peeled black nail paint. A callus on her finger is a reminder of how often she played the guitar. She runs them down her chest, thumb catching a nipple in the process of doing so.
"Look at you. You get hotter every time I come back." And just like that, Youngeun drops a compliment, casual and effortless and you question who's benefiting from this relationship because it clearly isn't you.
You're gonna fuck her again tonight. Tomorrow too, and another three nights after that. After which she'll be gone for another six months to a year. There's a weird emotional emptiness to this routine—you give and she takes and this is all she asks.
"Come here, will you? Pin me to this wall already. Make me feel you." Her hand cups her breast and another traces its way down her abs, a clear intention.
You should hate her, really. Like how you hate the idea that she left home for no reason or how she wasted her potential, hate her for her indifference, for her recklessness and her cold detachment, or hate the fact that it's just meaningless sex. 
She doesn't like strings, it makes no sense to her how people commit. If she was the type of person who asked to be understood, you would probably try to, but that's never something she ever expressed. 
For all of that, you don't hate her. It's why you're still walking towards her and she's backing up into the wall.
So, what does she ask for? Her answer is pleasure and pain.
She kisses like a raging fire. Everywhere her hands roam leaves marks on your skin; she scratches deep in your back as you hook her thigh up around your waist. A hand between her legs, sliding in without any sort of preamble. She's still dripping wet, though some of that may well be your last load. She tastes of salty, sweaty sex and you relish it. She kisses and she gasps as your fingers work at her entrance; crooking them upward so you can press them into her and rub right against the sensitive spot inside her.
Her tongue slides past yours, hot and wet as she grinds up into your hand, claws digging into your lower back. Your hand fucks into her roughly with reckless abandon and her breathing gets shallow as your fingers bring her closer and closer.
It doesn't take long, she's close, you know that when she throws her head back against the wall. "Stop—wait, fuck—wait," Youngeun barely gasps and then with your name in her throat, the friction of your fingers sends her over the edge. A moan escapes as her mouth falls open, eyes clamp shut as you finger her to orgasm.
It's always been easy to make Youngeun cum, but it never loses its magic. There's something particularly thrilling to the way she moans your name in that honey-laced rasp, to the way her entire body arches upwards as the pleasure mounts. A sharp gasp cuts the air.
Her limbs slacken. She leans her head against the wall. She's struggling to catch her breath.
And this is the fucking problem. For every reason to hate her, there are so many more reasons to enjoy her.
That's when you lift her, hooking up the other thigh and holding her by her tight little ass. Youngeun hisses and she's staring daggers and that's always a part of the fun. She'll give you these looks that could kill a lesser man, but you know the only solution is to pound her into submission.
"Be rough with me. Hard," Youngeun pants, sucking air in, breath ragged. Her skin's hot to the touch.
"Like last time?" Your voice comes low, thick and gruff as you hook her legs higher.
"No, harder, faster," Youngeun replies between rapid, short breaths, she grips your arms, rolls her hips and wraps her body tighter around you, "Want me to stay? Fuck me until I can't walk out."
You're incensed and sliding your length over her slick, warm, inviting heat, before slamming her back into the wall, entering her in one long hard motion and enjoying the way her lips fall apart; enjoying the way her hot and messy, fucked-out body arches upward as you hit deeper and the way her cries pitch. You don't even wait for her to catch her breath before snapping your hips over and over and giving Youngeun exactly the type of pounding that she wants.
There's a sharp gasp. A second of silence and then a choked-back scream. You feel a palm on the nape of your neck and a sting on your shoulders as her nails dig deep and scratch. She rakes them over the broad expanse of your upper back and it fucking hurts. It fucking stings and it's delicious. You bury yourself deep inside her, stretch and fuck her all open on your dick.
"Like that. Yes! Like that! Fucking ruin me."
"Since you asked so nicely."
Her moans become a struggle now that you've run a hand roughly up her body and planted it around her neck. Squeezing, not too hard, not to cut her airflow, not to bruise, but firmly enough that she will feel it and feel that she is being held. She loves to feel hopeless. And there, that's what you like: her hot, sweaty body locked between you and the wall and helpless against you as you sink into her.
And as much as she says it doesn't mean anything. Youngeun cries out your name like it means something.
The ever-familiar suffocating grip of her wet cunt grips you as she cums again. Bodies flushed together, grinding and sweaty.
"I can't breathe—" Youngeun whimpers in that cracked, vulnerable and submissive way and you snarl. Fuck her up as promised. Hurt her like she begs for. And Youngeun loves it like nothing else, absolutely nothing, her eyes rolling to the back of her head and a strangled groan as you reach another climax and fill up her pussy again. You pound yet another load into her tight hole.
As much as she would hate to ever admit it, this is as close to a home as she has in her life.
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ariestrxsh · 10 days
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⚠️ content warning: ⚠️ smut, innocence corruption, praise, blowjob, eating pussy, fingering, loss of virginity, almost getting caught, softdom!matt, innocent!reader
📝 author's note: 📝 this is the third and final part to show me how. 💖 here are parts one and two!
✍️ Summary: ✍️ After Matt goes down on you on your birthday, you want to know if there's any way you can make him feel just as good. Even better, he shows you a way for you both to feel good at the same time.
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show me how part three
A few days had passed since your best friend Matt had come over and brought you the coolest gifts ever - your first lingerie set and your very first vibrator. The two of you had nearly been caught by your mom when Matt showed you how to use it and brought you to orgasm with it for the first time.
Thankfully, Matt was quick on his feet, and he'd gone downstairs to greet your mom and help her with the cake when she arrived home. He had told her you were in the bathroom when really you were changing out of your new lingerie and catching your breath. Matt even brought another gift that was appropriate for opening in front of friends and family, which was the next book in the series you were reading.
Matt was very generous and caring and would never ask you to return the favor, especially because he really did just like doing it, and it was a present. But every night since you'd been gifted it, you couldn't stop thinking about returning the favor while you used your toy to lull yourself to sleep, feeling the sweet sensation of the buzzing against your most sensitive spot.
It was much tougher to keep quiet while you pleasured yourself with your vibrator, and you'd often find yourself having to slip your palm over your mouth to muffle the sounds that begged to be set free. Fantasies about Matt filled your thoughts, wondering how you could make him feel as good as he made you feel.
It weighed on your mind so heavily that you decided to bring it up the next time the two of you were alone. You were sitting on Matt's bed in his room while you watched him play Hogwarts Legacy when you cleared your throat and said, "Hey Matt?"
"What's up, princess?" He asked, turning his attention towards you. "You know how you did that thing with your tongue I really liked on my birthday?" You looked up at him innocently with your big, doe eyes. "Yeah, you want me to do it again?" He asked eagerly, turning off his game and already getting into position to eat you out. "I mean, of course I do, but I was actually gonna ask if there's anything I can do to you with my tongue to make you feel good?" You nibbled on your tender lip.
"Oh, that's sweet of you. You don't have to. It was a gift," he smiled at you. "I know I don't have to. I really want to," you whispered, looking intently into his blue eyes. "Really?" Matt asked with a surprised expression on his face.
"Mhmm. It's all I can think about when I use that vibrator you got me," you quietly admitted. "Really?" Matt wondered, his voice came through a bit needily while he stared at you lustfully. You nodded at him. "Princess, I'd love it if you did that," Matt responded, leaning in and kissing you deeply.
"The only thing is, I don't know what I'm doing at all," you giggled once you pulled away from the kiss, hoping he'd show you how. "That's alright, princess. I'll talk you through it," he promised, stroking your cheek and staring at your full lips.
"I wore my lingerie on underneath my clothes in case you said yes," you whispered to him with a twinkle in your eye. His gaze widened, and his jaw dropped. "Let's get this off of you, princess," Matt whispered back, wasting no time lifting your dress up over your head.
He took in the sight of you sitting on his bed in the lingerie he bought you, glad that he had picked out the set he did. Your soft skin looked so pretty in the white lace and pink bows, your breasts beautifully on display for him and your pussy barely covered by the fabric.
He sat at the head of his bed with his back up against the wall, admiring your body while he slowly undid the button and the zipper on his pants. "Wanna see it?" He peeked up at you. You eagerly shook your head yes. He teased you, slowly reaching into his underwear. "Are you sure?" He smirked at you, biting his lip. "Please," you whined, giving him puppy dog eyes.
His cock recoiled as he freed it from the fabric it was trapped behind. "Wow! It's so big," you exclaimed as your gaze widened and began to wander his pink tip and the clear liquid oozing from his slit. "I made a little mess, princess. Will you lick it up for me?" Matt cooed with his lip trapped between his teeth, giving you an innocent look and gesturing towards the beads of precum forming.
You leaned in and gently slurped it up, and Matt let out a soft sound that immediately made your pussy wet. You ran your tongue over the tip once more for good measure, hoping to elicit a similar reaction. "Good girl," Matt groaned while he stared down at you intently with his lips parted and a cute little wrinkle forming between his eyebrows.
"Okay, princess. The next thing I want you to do is put your hand where mine is," he quietly told you, urging you to grip his shaft, and so you did. "You're gonna grab it, not hard, but not too soft, and then you're gonna move up and down. Oh my god, that's it," he moaned as you did as he said.
It was so thick that your hand barely fit around it, and you could feel all his veins as you stroked it for him. His pink, dome-shaped head was swollen and leaking, so you graciously drank from it again, and Matt let a few more whimpers pour from his lips. "Stick out your tongue, angel," Matt requested, and he gently slapped the tip of his cock against your tongue, exciting all his nerve endings.
"Open up your mouth a little wider, sweetheart and wrap your lips around it," Matt directed you, and once you did, he gently placed his hand on the back of your head and pushed your mouth down onto his rod. "Now move your head and your hand up and down at the same time," he urged you, gently guiding the pace.
You softly gagged while he pushed your head all the way down. "Good girl," he praised you, delighting in the sound. Once you got the hang of what he liked, he released the back of your head and started to caress your cheek while you bobbed up and down on him. "Suck on it," he whispered, and you did, eliciting deeper groans from him.
He admired the way your breasts bounced around in the white lace while you sucked him off and the way he could see your perfectly-shaped ass as you laid on the bed between his legs. You loved the way his face looked, his eyes squeezed shut and his mouth contorting in an o-shape.
"Now, when you come back up, flick your tongue across the tip," he smiled, biting his lip as you listened. "Now twist your hand a little while you stroke it," he muttered, and you did.
You started combining the techniques he taught you, twirling your tongue around the tip while suckling on it. Then you started moving up and down on it while you pumped your hand back and forth, swiveling your wrist, creating a wonderful sensation for Matt. He looked down at you with his bedroom eyes lustfully, taking in the sight of your lips and fingers wrapped around him.
"Oh fuck," Matt whimpered, his breathing pattern becoming irregular and shallow. He started subtly bucking his hips up for deeper access into your mouth, causing you to gag a little more. He couldn't take it. The sound of you gagging on your first cock sent him over the edge, his eyes rolling back and his head falling back and gently hitting the wall behind him while his cock twitched against your lips.
"Swallow it, angel," he whispered, putting his hand on the back of your head again, holding you down while he released onto your tongue. You were surprised by the warm, thick, gooey substance filling your mouth. You did as Matt requested and gulped down the tangy taste while his needy moans filled the air.
He loved the feeling of having his dick buried in between your lips while you sucked down his seed. "Wow," he looked down at you wide-eyed after you swallowed every last drop, wiping your spit from the corners of your smile.
"What did you think, princess?" Matt inquired, looking flushed in the face and trying to catch his breath. "I really liked doing that. It made me all wet between my legs," you admitted, releasing your grip on Matt's member. "Can I see, princess?" He asked you, jumping at any chance to get another front row view of your pretty pussy. You nodded at him.
"Lay back on the bed, baby," he told you, taking off your panties. He maneuvered between your legs, hooking his arms around your thighs and pulling you closer to his face while he held eye contact. "Wow, you are wet. Want me to take care of it?" Matt asked, spreading you open and admiring the pink petals of your flower. "Mhmm," you nodded, biting your lip.
He slipped two fingers into your hole, the cool metal of his rings shocking you when you felt them against the warm flesh of your inner thighs. With the same hand, he started massaging your clit gently with his thumb. You whimpered while he pumped his digits in and out of you, coating them in your wetness.
"I love making you feel good, sweetheart," he whispered, replacing his thumb with his mouth, licking soft little circles on your most sensitive nerve endings. You loved the feeling of your own touch and your vibrating toy, but nothing compared to the warm, wet sensation of Matt's tongue and the way his long fingers would curl around and hit your deep, special places that felt so good when he'd reach them.
Matt gently alternated between kissing, licking, and sucking on your sweet little bud while desperate whimpers passed through your lips. You grabbed onto Matt's hair as you felt that pressure building in your lower stomach, but suddenly Matt slowed the pace, teasing you and eventually stopping.
"I know a way we can both feel good at the same time," Matt hungrily peered up at you, imagining how good it would feel to be the first to venture your virgin heat. "Really?" You asked in an excited tone. "Yeah, just lay back and relax," he whispered, leaning down and his lips enveloping yours.
He started taking his cock out again, and he started running the tip up and down your wet folds, teasing your hole. "Oh, that's nice," you cooed against Matt's lips as the head gently brushed up against your responsive bundle of nerves. "I'm gonna put it in, okay? It might hurt at first," He told you, holding eye contact and lining himself up with your entrance.
"Take a deep breath," he told you as he started to push the tip in, and you winced, letting out a pained whine in response. "Matt, I think it's too big!" You cried out. "It's not, sweetheart. I just gotta stretch you out," Matt promised, secretly relishing in the way naively thought he was too big for you.
He pulled back to get a better view of you and to relieve some pressure off his wrists, grabbing ahold of your hips, and watching the head disappear into your tight pussy. You writhed underneath him, a few tears stinging your eyes, and he wiped them away as they streamed down your cheek. "Shhh, don't cry, princess. I'm gonna make you feel so good if you can hold on just a bit longer," Matt whispered, cradling your face.
He bit down on his bottom lip, inserting himself further into you. He loved how tight you were, and he handled you with the utmost care, wanting this to be a wonderful experience for you. He reached down and rubbed your special button with his thumb while he gently rocked his hips back and forth, letting you get used to his size.
A few minutes later, your facial expression relaxed and your sounds of discomfort merged into sounds of pleasure while Matt sunk deeper into your hole, stretching it out and thrusting a bit faster. The girth of his cock that you were earlier so intimidated by was now something you relished in, how he filled you so perfectly.
"Starting to feel good, princess?" Matt cooed, still tantalizing your clit with his thumb while he pumped back and forth into you. "Yes, Matt. So good," you squealed. The wetter you got, the more easily Matt slid in and out of you, creating a lovely sensation for the both of you, and the sounds of your combined satisfaction filled the otherwise quiet house.
"Pretty girl, you take me so well," Matt grunted, peering down at you and the way your tits bounced as he pounded you. He loved the way you looked beneath him, needy and desperate. He loved the way your pussy looked, swallowing his rod and covering him in your juices. You were so swollen and sensitive and every stroke had you getting closer and closer to the edge.
"Please don't stop," you begged, grasping for the sheets underneath you, your legs starting to tremble, and your core shaking. Matt could tell you were getting close, so he continued everything he was already doing, making sure not to throw you off track on the way to your climax. "Good girl, take it," Matt whimpered, getting close as well.
You were overtaken by pleasure, moaning uncontrollably, rhythmically clenching around Matt's dick as you finished. You couldn't get enough of the way Matt looked at you, relishing in how good he made you feel. The experience was magical, leaving you with a heavenly and tranquil feeling once you started to come back down.
Matt was tipping over the edge, pumping away. His thrusts were fast, sloppy, and uncontrolled. His eyes rolled back into his head as he moaned your name, completely overwhelmed by the incredible sensation of you throbbing around his needy cock.
He pulled out at the last second, finishing all over the folds of your pussy and looking down at the pretty mess he made. He loved seeing your most intimate spot covered in his essence, and as he admired the way you looked like art work, the two of you heard the front door shut down stairs, followed by the sound of Chris and Nick arguing unintelligibly with one another, their voices getting louder as they moved closer.
"We're home!"
taglist: @bsturnzmtt @sturniolo-girl @munchingmini @butterbean-01 @coolasice01 @theyluvme-2315 @zariyam @brookiecookie-18 @maggot3647 @slut4chriztopher @miss-delicious @strnlslvr @sleepysturniolo @lvrsturniolo @sofieeeeex @imjusthereforthesturniolosmut @matts-myloverboy @mattsfavbigtitties @new2024cats4life @witchofthehour @slutforsturniolosss @jaysturniolo @sturniolosweetheart33 @whoahoahoahoahoa @ilovechrissturniolosposts @smt-obsessed @sturnioloxlver @that1fangirll @aaliyahhasacrush @hrtz4alex2211 @luvhsien @sp3ncerslvt @sturniolo-munch44 @jakewebberswifee @karttpet @ssturniolooss @thenickgurl @sturniolo-fann @sst7niolo @slxtformatt @chestersturniolo @riowritesitall @camzeecorner @mattsturnixlo @annedebeijer @scorpioosworld @mynameisuser834 @mattlover-00 @sweetlikesug4rvenom @m11rx
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mostly-imagines · 3 months
Things About My Jason
aka things that might weasel their way into details of stories one day, might not
your boy is clocking in at six feet three inches and about 235 lbs (he’s the only batkid to be taller than bruce). 
he cusses a lot it, usually doesn’t correlate w anger or intensity its just how he expresses himself. he’ll cuss at you sometimes but not at you and he tries his best to never do it out of anger.
he’s never said it out loud but he would drop all the vigilante shit for you in a heartbeat if you wanted him to (i think he’s also the only batfam member who would do that).
you have an agreement in place to never make any big decisions in the middle of the night/post patrol—this came into place after a few too many bad nights had him coming home shaking and panicked about your safety and convinced he needed to leave you alone for good. 
he kind of zones out sometimes, its bordering on dissociation.
you have a black cat, salem, that’s been around since before you and jason had even met. his yellow eyes pierce you in a way that feels like he’s glaring straight into your soul and judging what he sees. he was suspicious of jason for a while but over time has come to love and protect jason almost as much as you.
he has a lot of nervous habits that have built up over years of stress and trauma. he’ll often double or even triple check locks and cameras. his hand tends to go to where his gun holster would be, regardless of whether or not its there. he’s very conscious of your breathing, especially when you’re asleep, and when he’s stressed or upset he’ll try to align his breathing with yours. he worries that you might get annoyed with how often he checks up on you, be it asking directly, texting you, or just looking you over to make sure you’re doing okay, that you’re happy. he’s also made a habit of standing directly behind you when you’re wearing anything short, especially skirts or dresses. You’re not entirely sure if it’s intentional or not.
day to day, he runs on very little sleep naturally so he’s awake early goes to bed late. he used to not focus much on making meals that actually taste good and have thought put into them until he started dating you. he started catering his grocery trips specifically with you in mind and the things you might like. he actually prefers going on grocery trips and little mundane errands with you bc he had no idea that these tiny aspects of life could bring him so much joy and peace. he also buys you new towels and updates your first aid kit constantly, though the latter is more out of his necessity than yours. depending on his mood, he’ll usually either take scalding hot or freezing showers. 
he’s 100% down to let you decorate the apartment however you want, even if you move into his place. his only ask is that he’s left with space to put his books (of which ne needs plenty). if he had to choose, he probably likes a warm atmosphere best, in terms of like lighting and colors. he’s really just not a fan of anything that feels cold or impersonal like the manor can sometimes seem. other than that he doesn’t really have opinions on it, whatever makes you happy he’ll like. but he’ll still happily go shopping with you to find stuff. but really that’ll just look like you saying “ooh look at this” and him saying “great, lets get it” at every single thing you pick up. 
there are unloaded guns and ammo hidden around your apartment and also stocked generously in a closet or two. he cleans them regularly, you think he does it partially as a kind of stress reliever. before you he didn’t have too much regard for his own safety, so he would sleep with one under his pillow. 
he does everything he can to keep you safe and he’ll insist on adding extra locks to the doors and windows, ones the landlord wont have keys to. yeah he’s paranoid so he’ll keep the bed as far from the door as possible and is unrelenting in his insistence that you sleep on the wall side. if you’re too tired to move, that’s okay, he’ll gently move you over himself. honestly though, your apartment is just as secure, if not more, than any of his safe houses. as such, he absolutely can and will easily hack into the lobby security cameras to check up on things. if he has to go away for a while he’ll send one of his siblings to stop by to check on you and make sure you're okay. 
he prefers to wear layers, it makes him feel more secure and comfortable. he does like cutoff sleeves sometimes but only because you like them on him. aside from that, he’s usually not such a fan of showing much skin because of a) his scars and b) he feels exposed to attacks. he has so many long sleeved and warm clothes in his closet that he heavily encourages you to bundle up in some of them when its cold. 
he goes through phases of bad sleep and they can vary greatly in severity. there’s nights he just physically cannot sleep and this usually originates from intense anxiety. these are easier to ease him back from and some simple comforting will be enough to get him to at least try to sleep. most commonly its the nightmares that make it hard for him. it’ll usually be a one-off that he just can’t fall back asleep afterwards. the worst is when he goes through phases of frequent nightmares, like every night, multiple times a night. when that happens, he will do everything in his power to stay awake for as long as he can. you’ve yet to find any techniques that hands down prevent or even slow the nightmares, but you’ve been able to find some remedial measures that work pretty well.
kissing him helps get his mind off scary thoughts (but not joker related) but not just like single peck it’s got to be a whole session to really work. the one that works best is having a hand on one of your pulse points while you sleep, or directly over your heart. unfortunately this did lead to him to accidentally choking you after a particularly bad nightmare. he was absolutely horrified and removed his hands from you completely the second he gained recognition. he actually fully got out of bed and backed away from you. he wouldn’t even hear you out about him not sleeping on the couch and continued to not budge on it for over a week. 
him punishing himself like that made you feel extra bad because that had occurred during a round of the relentless nightmares and you were sure he was still waking up panicked constantly without you there to help soothe him. you actually know for a fact he was because every couple of hours the bedroom door would creak open slightly before shutting again like he was checking to make sure you were there and okay. you ended up having to literally lay on top of him on the couch and refuse to leave him for him to agree to sleep in bed with you again, although he was still not willing to fall asleep with his hands on you for a while. 
he always needs it to be quiet when he goes to sleep so he can stay on alert which usually leads to him waking up to the littlest sounds, which is technically the point. if there’s any kind of white noise he’ll force himself to stay awake. if he does get woken up he’ll go from 0 to 100 like that. he also needs the door to be shut, non negotiable, and really prefers the apartment to be colder > hotter. it also helps that you’ll cuddle into him for warmth.
all of these things are things he did before you met, but he’d also developed some new habits after you got together. he used to sleep in the middle of the bed but now he absolutely insists that you sleep on the wall side so he can act as a protective barrier between you and any incoming danger. unless its after a rough patrol, he tends to wait to sleep until after you’ve fallen asleep. he doesn’t really have a reason for this, it just makes him feel better.
his relationship with bruce is complicated, of course. in my canon, the extent of it is that bruce didn’t kill the joker, prevented jason from doing it, and has made many attempts to stop jason from killing at all. obviously it’s not the fact that batman won’t let anybody die that broke jason’s heart, it’s that his father couldn’t let go of his moral code for a second and avenge his murdered son. the resulting anger stems from so much sadness and grief over his own death and it caused him to isolate himself even further from bruce. on a conscious level, he wanted to be far away from him emotionally as possible to protect himself while still enacting his own kind of revenge towards bruce. and so yeah, he did try to kill batman a couple times, whatever.
on an unconscious level, he’d hoped that bruce would take the initiative to try to close the space between them and apologize, and while jason didn’t know it yet: that was all he really wanted from him. inwardly, he still cares what bruce thinks and wants his approval and affection but its so conflicting for him. it also doesn’t help that it took bruce such a long time to swallow his pride and even consider that he was wrong before he could apologize. a lot of negotiations had to take place before they could even begin to really reconcile. 
about a year later they’d come to a steady, solid agreement that mostly worked for both of them. jason was allowed to kill, but only within his territory in gotham and only under agreed upon circumstances. there’s also a separate rule that jason’s not allowed out on patrol when the joker is loose—it used to be a whole thing before you’d met and oftentimes several bats were assigned to keep him away. even with these guidelines in place, things were still rocky between them and jason had only just started to come back around the manor when he’d met you. honestly you and bruce meeting was a major step in this process and everyone could feel the shift.
his relationship with his brothers is different, but just as complicated. he kind of views dick as being perfect in spite of also acknowledging his flaws. in his head, its sort of like, in comparison to himself, dick had the perfect life with perfect versions of all the same pitfalls jason had to go through. he knows its not really fair to think of it this way, but it’s hard sometimes. all in all though, he does look up to dick a lot. 
with tim, he thinks he’s a crazy rich kid—which, fair—but also in a weird way holds a lot of respect for tim for not being afraid of him. realistically, the way jason showed back up and his relationship  with tim started is insane, so its even more insane that tim was like ‘yeah, chill’ and that probably jump started their bond as brothers more than anything. 
for as much shit as he gives him, he honestly feels really bad for damian and all the shit he was raised believing. he couldn’t quite explain why, but he does see a lot of himself in damian, even past the surface level anger. 
he’s not good at resolving fights, his mind tends to jump to the absolute worst and he assumes you’re done with him, you resent him, it’s all over. it was really bad at the beginning of your relationship when he hadn’t even begun to consider that you love him half as much as he loves you. now, you’ve been able to help him understand that you still love him, even when you fight, and fighting does not equal breaking up. however, he still has trouble taking initiative in making amends. not because he doesn’t want to but more so because he feels vulnerable in ways that terrify him, having to acknowledge and speak into existence that he’d done something wrong feels like setting himself up to be exposed with no defense. 
another part of him feels like he already hurt you and if he tries to remedy things with you, he could just make it worse. So for a while at least, you’ll have to be the one to start the conversation, though not necessarily meaning you have to apologize first. 
as we know, Jason’s not immune to bouts of fear and stress. there’s times when he panics and there’s times when he has full blown panic attacks. the panic attacks are rarer, but much more severe. he’s known to lash out (especially when he’s not at your apartment) and has definitely broken a nose or two of people who got too close/tried to touch him. you’re not sure if it’s an intentional action or not, but he tends to claw at his skin or hit himself in the head when he’s very upset. after going through a couple of these with him, you’ve compiled a thorough list of DOs and DONTs for these times. DONT hold his wrists, move suddenly, touch him without warning, or corner him. DO keep your touches light, words soft, rooms vacant of other people, and loud noises. slowly but surely they’re getting less severe and overcome quicker.
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fruittt-punchhh · 3 months
what about a toji fic where the reader dominates him? She ties him up and teases the hell out of him and he’s pisseddddd, he wants to escape that rope so bad but he can’t, and when he DOES he goes feral. i feel like that’d be scrumptious 🤌🏻
everyone please let anon cook.
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MDNI!! incredible smut ahead, this is your final warning.
WC: 4.8k
CW: Toji x reader. Breeding. Name calling. Teasing. Little bit of free use. Toji is a whiny begging mess?!?!? Smut smut smut.
“Hey babe?” You call from the kitchen of your shared apartment. There’s a few creaks in the ceiling above you as you hear who you assume to be Toji shuffling to his feet.
“Whaddya’ want?” Toji yells from the top of the stairs, not wanting to make the full commitment of coming down just yet.
“Could you come down here? I wanna talk to you,” you yell back before he’s hesitantly taking the first step down. He was nervous since your birthday was in a few days. He wanted to play the nonchalant type and then surprise you this weekend with a party full of friends, drinks, and music. He already had plenty of presents picked out, buying one for each day of the month.
You were nervous, too. Your birthday was in three days and while you’ve mentioned it on and off to your boyfriend, you were still scared he’d forget. He worked at odd hours of the night and you didn’t even know if he had to work on your birthday. Birthdays weren’t usually a big deal for you, but you at least wanted him to acknowledge the day somehow.
“Hey, y/n, what’s up?” He says, heavy feet dragging the floor before he hugs you from behind.
You turn to face him, finding it a little difficult to escape his strong grasp.
“Remember that special day coming up soon?”
Oh god. Here you go. He wanted to act as if he had no idea, hoping to not spoil the surprise in case you asked if he made plans. But seeing that poor look in your eyes was enough for him to drop the façade.
“Of course baby doll, it’s your birthday. Why?”
Oh. So he did remember! Why has he led on like he didn’t?
“Well, it’s sort of embarrassing but I wanted to ask you somethin’. Figured you’d say no if it wasn’t my special day,” you admit, crossing all of your fingers and toes that Toji doesn’t laugh at your request and walk the other way.
“Shoot. Nothin’ to be embarrassed about, hun,” he says, putting a hand on his hip and the other on the counter, leaning into it while he studies your expression. You looked hopeful but scared, like a stray pup on the side of the road that just met their new owner.
“So ya’know how you like to tie me up sometimes when we…do it?”
How elementary.
“You mean when we fuck? Yeah, I like it quite a lot. Love seein’ you tied up on your back for me, ready to take me. If that’s all you want for your birthday don’t worry, I was plannin’ on doin’ that already, love,” he responds earnestly. You two didn’t use the ropes that often as Toji preferred using his own hands and arms as your restraints. But he always saw the way your face lit up when he tightened the rope around your wrists, corded nylon digging into your soft skin hard enough to leave marks for a few days.
“Well I was thinkin’ maybe we could do it like that but the other way around…?”
Jesus, if you weren’t blushing already, you sure were now. Toji always gets excited when you talk to him about anything remotely sexual. It seems as if a switch was flipped when you mentioned the ropes as he was now towering over you, green eyes peering into yours as he drinks in every word that leaves your lips.
“So tie you up and fuck you in doggy? We’ve done that before, ya’ just gotta’ ask, sweetheart. Use your words and be clear with me, you know how I feel about trying to read through your lil’ mind games you like to play,” he says with a smirk on his pretty face.
He grabs your hand in his, fingers interlocking as he rubs his thumb over yours as if you two were being purely romantic and thinking no kind of sinful thoughts.
You huff when he grabs your hand. You thought he’d catch on by now. You were never one to really take initiative in the bedroom. Toji always had to ask what you wanted and make you speak up if you mumbled too lowly. You were too embarrassed to voice your needs to him although it was something he could never get enough of.
“No, I-I don’t mean like that. I was thinking I could tie you up…?” You ask, nearly closing your eyes for fear of him laughing in your face.
He grips your hand tightly.
His other hand flies to your waist, large thumb pressing into your ribcage, hard.
His eyelids are lower, and his eyes quickly dart between your lips and your eyes.
Was he… mad? You couldn’t tell. When he got angry, he looked awfully similar to how he looked when you two were in bed together. A part of you found yourself slightly excited whenever he did get mad, losing yourself in his aggressive body language and taut figure.
“Oh. You wanna’ tie me up?” He removes his hand from yours, bringing the back of it up to your cheek as he brushes the hair out of your face.
“That’s what you’re all embarrassed about? You’re too cute. What’s gotcha’ wantin’ to take charge all of a sudden?”
Fuck it, you think. If there was a time to be honest, it was now.
“Well… I was watchin’ this video the other day. She had him tied up.. and it looked like he really liked it. Jus’ wanna make you feel good,” you admit, knowing the video you saw was much more explicit than your words let on.
“Make me feel good? On your birthday?” He asks.
He was trying to keep his cool as he pictures you finally taking control. He loved having the say-so in bed and he was more than happy to keep it that way. He liked to push your buttons and make you squirm, making you speak clearly when you asked him if he could eat you out or kiss your neck. But something about this scenario has him feeling red hot.
“I mean we d-don’t have to, I just thought it’d be fun to try… I even looked up knots I could do and stuff,” you beam, overly excited that he hadn’t shut you down the moment the words left your lips.
You were so precious. Doing research on a project you hadn’t even gotten approval for yet, overzealous at the slight chance he might say yes.
“Aw hun, look at you hittin’ the books. You think you could find some rope I can’t break out of?”
This conundrum had occurred to you, and you’d taken it upon yourself to run to the hardware store a few weeks ago to find some rope that was somewhat Toji-Grade.
“Maybe? I went to the store a while ago and found some I think might be good,” you respond as you watch the smirk leave his face.
He steps impossibly closer to you, now covering you completely in his shadow.
“If you’re extra good for me and you let me fuck you whenever I want, however I want for the next week, you have yourself a deal,” he says, quite excited to have you ready to use at his disposal as he pleases.
Holy shit. He actually said yes? All you had to agree to was a shit ton of sex for the next week? This was going to be your best birthday yet.
“O-Of course, baby,” you coo.
He picks you up by your thighs and puts you on the counter, attacking your neck with his lips, tongue, and teeth.
“How ‘bout we get started on that free use now then, huh doll?”
The day was finally here. You’d all eaten your cake, opened way too many presents, and the drinks were flowing. Most of your friends had left, only leaving a few stragglers that were currently looking for their belongings before their ride arrived.
You were starting to get very nervous. You had practiced a few of the knots that morning while Toji was out getting your cake, and you were sure you had the basic ones down. You had never practiced on a live model before, but you were hoping the glass of liquid courage you just finished would boost your confidence.
You wave the last of your friends goodbye, thanking them for coming. Toji had thrown one hell of a party. You twist the deadbolt to the left after you make sure your friends make it to their cars safely. You turn around to see Toji going upstairs.
“Where are you runnin’ off to?” You ask, hoping he hadn’t forgot about his promise.
Always so nosy.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t forget. Gotta shower first, get yourself ready baby,” he says, not even turning around as he reaches the top of the stairs.
You rush upstairs as soon as you hear the shower faucet running. You grabbed one of your kitchen chairs, trudging upstairs, trying not to hit the walls on either side of you.
You steady your breath as you place the chair on the hardwood. You grabbed the rope from your closet and took your party dress off to reveal your black lingerie underneath. You sit in the chair, tapping your foot wildly while you wait for your best present yet.
You hear the doorknob turn and you hop up, grabbing the rope tightly as you try to calm your nerves. You knew this wouldn’t be good for either of you if you half-assed it — the whole reason Toji made you fall apart when you two had sex was because of his confidence with his words and actions. You take a deep breath, reminding yourself that the more into it you were, the better it would be for your man.
He saunters into the office, droplets of water still beading off of his musculature while clouds of steam rise from his figure. All he had on his lower half was a short white towel, leaving next to nothing to the imagination. He lets out a whistle as he sees you dressed in your not-quite birthday suit.
He walks towards you, reaching his hands out to grab your waist and pull you in for a heated kiss.
Or so he thought.
You poke your finger against his burly chest, trying with all your might to push him back, though all you do is stop him in his tracks.
“Uh-uh sir, no touching. Sit down.”
He laughs at you, apologizing as soon as he saw the hurt look on your face.
“S-Sorry baby, didn’t think you’d be ready to start quite yet. This is gonna be hard for me ya’know, but I’ll try my best to act like how you do when we fuck, okay?” His reassuring words ease your worries, as you grab his hand and lead him to the chair.
You walk to the back of the chair, placing one hand on his buff shoulder, leaning down to whisper in his ear, “don’t call me baby. it’s ma’am and nothin’ else, yeah?” You ask, trying your best to channel whatever dominant nature you possessed.
Fuck. He told himself he wouldn’t like this. He needed to regain his composure before you got any bright ideas about dominating him more often. He mumbles back a low ‘yes ma’am’ as he watches a small tent form underneath his towel.
You start to unravel the rope, grabbing his large wrists and bringing them behind the chair before you’re wrapping the thick cord around them.
“What was that? Gonna’ have to speak up f’me,” you said, coining one of Toji’s phrases for your own.
Jesus. You were really laying it on thick.
“I said yes ma’am,” he growls, ashamed at how excited he was that the roles were reversed this time.
“Good boy,” you coo in his ears, noticing how his cock twitches as the sound of your voice.
You’ve wrapped the rope up and around his arms and the back of the chair, and while the first knot you tied around his wrists was shotty work at best, the rest were definitely suitable. You move your way to his front now, wrapping the rope underneath his broad pecs extra tight, loving how the rope accentuated his voluptuous figure. With each taut pull of the rope, his dick would spring up a few inches further.
“Won’t be needing’ this anymore, huh?” You ask as you snake your cold hands under the towel, pulling it off of him slowly as he raises his butt up to let you grab the rest of the fabric.
He huffs as he feels the cool air hit his member, a bead of precum at the tip revealing his love for the scenario he was in all too soon.
“Looks like somebody’s enjoying themselves,” you add, noticing just how excited he’s gotten since you two have started.
“Let me take care of you tonight, baby. I know you’re so stressed from work and you always take such good care of me. Wanna’ make you feel so good, yeah?” You say as you tie the last bit of rope around his ankles.
You were surprised he was being so silent about this. No protests, no sly remarks, no jokes at your expense. He was always so quick and cunning both in and out of the bedroom.
“Cat got your tongue?”
“No, just ready to get this shit over with s’all,” he scoffs, hoping you didn’t catch onto his bluff.
“No what?”
You were pushing him to his limits. He liked this, but his pride was being wounded with every word that left your pretty lips.
“No ma’am. Let’s hurry it up though, yeah? Been waitin’ for you to put that pussy on me all night,” and you can’t help but blush at his words. He took all the dominant energy you were feeling and turned it into submissiveness just with a sentence. You take a deep breath as you drop to your knees in front of him, ready to get the show on the road.
You glare up at him as you run your hands on top of his thighs, fingers splaying over the ropes holding him tightly. He smiles down at you, looking past his cock at your soft lips, aching for them to be wrapped around his leaking tip.
You finally reach the area Toji wanted your hands to be most, running your nail up the bottom of his long dick. He grunts at the contact, not anticipating just how much you wanted to tease him through this.
“So pretty f’me baby, you look so good all tied up when you’re not runnin’ that mouth,” you say, running your thumb on the underside of his tip before he bites his bottom lip.
You wanted to tease him plenty, sure, but you also had needs of your own that needed to be fulfilled, soon. You finally wrap your fingers around the base of his cock, and he was so thick you couldn’t even join your thumb to the rest of your fingers.
He drops his head back behind him, not realizing just how desperate he was for your touch. He’s cursing as you run your hand up his length, stopping to gather all the precum at the tip before you use it as lubrication.
You’re now teasing just the tip, rubbing your hand over and over it, overstimulating his most sensitive area just like he loved to do to your clit when he ate you out. The whiny moans he was emitting made your cunt ache with want. You reach your other hand down to play with your throbbing clit, moaning at how erotic this whole situation was.
“You like i-it too, bab — sorry, f-fuck,” he says before he’s even realizing he said it. He didn’t want to hear you chastise him for not calling him ma’am, but he couldn’t help but speak up when he saw your tiny hand rush down to your sweet pussy.
“What’d I tell you, huh? Am I gonna have to punish you?
He shakes his head with a fervor, responding with a firm “no ma’am”. He was so fucking whipped for you and if Shiu ever found out about this he would have to kill him. Absolutely nothing personal, just business.
You tell him he’s a good boy, wanting to reward him for being so quick to correct himself for you. You reach your head down before you lick his weeping tip so teasingly. He grunts, looking down at your pretty face as you take the full tip inside your wet heat.
“God, jus’ like that,” he whines, needing you to take more of him now.
You suck his tip harshly, pulling off with a loud pop!
“Don’t tell me what to do,” you command. You were all too eager as you cover your fingers in your lust, using it as lubrication to enter yourself (although you wish it was Toji’s fingers instead).
You take in more of him, hollowing your cheeks, using your free hand to stroke the rest of his massive length. You were hardly ever able to take him all the way down your throat, but the liquor helped you loosen up just a little bit more. You shove your head down until he reaches your throat, taking a deep breath before you remove your hand and push yourself almost all the way down. You swallow around him in your throat, trying your best to breath through your nose. Toji is squirming in the chair, so frustrated that he can’t grab a fistful of your hair and fuck your throat like you deserved.
“F-Fuck, takin’ all of me so well, doll,” he says, too lost in the warm wet walls of your throat to notice his mistake. He tries his hardest to buck his hips, making you gag around him before you’re pulling off of him much too quickly. He worries he pushed in too far before you’re sitting in his lap, so ready to scold him for slipping up one too many times.
You put one hand on his chin, running your finger over his bottom lip like he always did to you. You knew you looked far from intimidating right now, but you tried your best to keep up the act.
“That’s three times now baby. Guess I’ll have to punish you after all,” and boy did you have the perfect punishment in mind. You knew how difficult it was for him to keep his hands off of you the entire time, especially when you were reaching a hand down to continue touching yourself.
He tracks your every movement, panting while he watches you push two of your tiny fingers into yourself. He wouldn’t be able to last much longer like this. He knew your knot tying skills weren’t as practiced as his, and the ones you tied at his hands were loose from the start. He starts pulling on the rope more than he already was, hoping he can loosen the hold it had on his wrists to finally take you like he so desperately needed.
“You’re torturing me,” he says, making extra sure not to throw in a nickname like he usually would, “please just touch me, I’ll do anything,” he adds, really hoping you’d give in sometime soon.
You moan on top of him, leaning down to kiss his poor, over-bitten lips. He whines into the kiss, trying his best to be aggressive when all he could do is pull against the tight ropes and hope you take it easy on him.
“Anything, huh? Would you beg for it? I love when you get all needy for me. Beg and I’ll think about it, boy,” you tell him. You loved when he asked anything of you, just knowing that he wanted you had you absolutely melting for him.
He was passed the point of caring at this point. He was painfully hard, his red swollen tip leaking an obscene amount of precum. Watching you attempt to please yourself while he knew that he’d be able to make you cum in a minute with just his fingers was sending him.
“I’d do anything I swear. You don’t know how bad I need you. You look so fuckin’ good and I’m about to cum just watchin’ you. I know you want it, too, you still look so desperate f’me even though you’ve got this whole tough guy thing goin’ on,” he rambles, hoping what he said was enough to break you.
“Me? D-Desperate? I could just cum right here and be done with you, slut. You look like you’re about to explode j-just waitin’ for me,” you add, knowing he was about to fucking lose it.
The knot was so close to coming undone, but he didn’t want to let on as to was he was doing. He had to stop in his tracks once you reach a hand down to tug at his puffy nipple, cursing under his breath. You knew that was one of his most sensitive spots and you were too quick to use it to your advantage.
“I am, I promise I am. I’ll be such a good boy for you, I swear. Please just fuck me. Please I swear I’ll be good I don’t know what else to say just please fucking put it —“ he says as all the breath is ripped from his lungs. You had stood up at this point, turning around as you line up his cock with your puffy folds.
You sit down on him, wasting no time before bottoming out entirely. The stretch was so extreme, but you were much too desperate for him to fill you up. You hear Toji let out a desperate whine, not expecting you to take all of him so quickly. He was so pent up from all the teasing and all he wanted to do was to fuck into your sweet cunt with reckless abandon.
“G-God, yeesss, you’re so good for me, ma’am,” he says as obediently as he could.
You slowly draw your hips up before you slam back down, giggling at how cute Toji sounded when he was this pussydrunk. One taste of your cunt and he was already whimpering for you and obeying your every command.
“That’s it, you’re a quick learner, aren’t ya, daddy?” You ask. You knew Toji loved when you called him that, which is why you saved using it for special occasions such as these. You continue to fuck back into him, grinding on his lap as you moan so sinfully for him. All that can be heard is the lewd plap! plap! plap! of your skin meeting his as he whimpers underneath you.
Toji could tell your legs were getting tired as your pace became more sloppy.
“F-Fuck, baby, so so close,” you whine out, trying to fuck yourself through your high before your legs give out.
This would be the perfect opportunity to escape. With one final tug of the ropes around his wrist, he feels his hand set free. He bucks his hips into you, quickly removing the other hand from its confines.
“Yeah, is my baby gonna cum all over my cock like the cockslut she is? Huh? I asked you a question, bitch,” he spits out.
Did you hear him correctly? Did he forget how this game was supposed to go? You were debating pulling off of him entirely until you feel —
A hand?
Toji grabs a fistful of your hair before he yanks you back into him, wrapping the other around your waist before he is pounding into your sopping cunt at lightning speed. The ropes you bound were only held together by the knot at his wrist and two at his feet, so the rest of the ropes fell off of him with ease. You had no clue how he escaped and quite frankly, you didn’t care.
“Gotta get better at tyin’ those ropes, doll. Coulda’ got out a while ago, but I like watchin’ you struggle to cum,” he says casually, like he’s not brutally fucking you through your long awaited orgasm.
“That’s it, take this fuckin’ dick, doll. Lemme feel that pussy suck me in like she does so well,” he says, fully talking you through it as you release all you have onto him.
Before you can even come down from your high, Toji is literally spinning you around on his dick before he’s standing the both of you up. His legs are still bound to the chair, so it takes him a minute to find his balance. But once he does, he is absolutely abusing your filthy cunt as he fucks you in the air. Two big hands glued to your ass cheeks as he moves your whole body on top of him, not leaving any inch of his cock uncovered with your slick.
“Been teasin’ me so fuckin’ much, brat, gonna make me cum too soon.”
Your arms are tight around Toji’s neck as he absolutely ruins you, nothing but choked moans leaving your lips.
“Not my f-fault you can’t last old m-man,” you stutter, all power behind your words lost as soon as that knot came undone.
All he can say is a loud, “fuck you,” before he’s bullying into your precious cunt with a ferocity you’ve never seen before. You warn him that you’re so close to tipping over the edge.
“Nah, babydoll. Little brats don’t get to finish. Yer’ gonna’ take this fuckin’ load like the cumslut you are and you’re gonna fuckin’ like it,” he says as he’s fucking into you with a harsh final thrust before he empties his thick load into your tight, wet heat. His cum shoots out so fast, he’s moaning into your neck with each rope that comes out.
He’s all but collapsing back into the chair with you still on top of him, earning a low moan from you as the position pushes his seed even further into your womb. You start to pull off of him to go get a towel before he’s grabbing a wad of your hair and slamming you back down onto his cock for the nth time that night.
“No ma’am. We’re jus’ gettin’ started, hah.”
@theobsidianempress @scorpiosugar @voloslobotomyservice @lostsoul526 @shhreya @placxdbaby @iminurwallsgege @slvttyplum @tojiluhbit @leeisyourmom
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pileofboneswrites · 2 months
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LOVER BOY_headcanons.strangerthings
dating eddie munson headcanons
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SUMMARY — relationship eddie headcanons
A/N — i just wanna say a quick thank you to everyone who liked my other eddie headcanons post, i wasn't expecting all the love, but i appreciate it immensely :))
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when he likes someone, he thinks he's being really subtle, but he's not
him, a stuttering, nervous wreck; "uh hey, cool shirt"
you, deadpan; "it's your shirt, that you gave me to wear, because you thought i'd look cute in it"
always tries to impress you in silly ways
"wanna see how fast i can run?"
"bet i can jump and hit that sign without running"
"i caught you a squirrel because you said they were cute that one time"
is touch starved
as such, he will always be touching you in some capacity; hand on your knee while in class, hand on your thigh or fingers interlaced with yours while driving, he will sit on you if there's nowhere for him.
when you hug him, kiss him, or cuddle with him he will hold on and refuse to let you go until you're late, like really late, you'd have to leave ten minutes ago late.
is big on pet names when you're alone, but mostly calls you by your last name or a shortened version of your name when in public
he's big on baby, sweetheart, dollface.
angel and prince/princess are reserved for when he's fucked up royally, or you're sad or sleepy.
will touch everything you own
perfume/cologne sitting on your dresser? sprayed himself in the face with it the first time he picked it up, but really liked how it smelled so he puts a spitz on every time you leave him alone in your room. just spent the day at the pool and he needs to shower at yours? he will use your shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion and even your deodorant "do you want me to stink? :(". every time he comes in he finds something new to play with. old stuffie under your bed? he's carrying it around/hugging it/holding it until he leaves. trinkets on the top of your bed frame? he'll make them talk to each other when he's bored.
has a hard time sleeping when you're not close
he and sleep have rarely ever been on the same page, so he finds things to do to occupy his time, so when he's in a relationship that usually means he's dragging you along with him; be it going for a swim at 2am at lovers lake, a quick trip to the gas for snacks, or just straight up falling ungracefully through your window and crawling into bed with you to try and grab a couple hours of sleep (while simultaneously scaring the shit out of you because you were already sleeping).
because of the above, he will constantly nap around you while you're hanging out
you're his safe space, he spends most of his time in your presence passed out; laying on his back on the floor with his legs tossed over the side of your bed with his feet tucked under your thigh while you study, arms crossed over his chest while you're head's in his lap as you read out loud to him – he swears he's awake but every so often he lets out a soft snore, sitting on the couch watching a romcom with his head on your shoulder as he struggles to keep his eyes open, literally any time you touch his head/hair he's out like a light.
100% is glued to your side and tells everyone you're his best friend as well as his gf/bf
he goes on errands with you and spends 99% of his free time with you, he drags you along to band practice — which you usually use as an opportunity to feed baked goods to his bandmates (who absolutely adore you for it), when he's working you usually sit around with him passing him tools as he needs them — "uh need 9/16 wrench–" and it's already in your hand like you read his mind.
when you're not around, brags about you to anyone who will listen to him, and carries a picture (that he switches out for newer ones he takes) of you in his wallet that he shows off constantly — "look how cute they are" "my girlfriend/boyfriend is hotter".
writes songs about you
sometimes he'll write them just for himself, or for your ears only recording them on a tape just for you to have a reminder of how much he loves you.
you better believe that wayne loves you for being a good influence on him
you make him eat all breakfast, lunch & dinner — before you he would forget to eat and usually pumped himself full of caffeine only, you get him a reuseable water bottle (which you bribe him to carry it around and actually drink from it) — to his credit he now drinks at least one full bottle, you make him wear sunscreen & a hat on sunny days, waterproof footwear and jacket on rainy/snowy days (he's shocked when he doesn't get sick as often).
at first wayne was wary of you, unsure of whether your intentions were genuine or if you were going to pull one over on eddie — which disappeared the first time he came home from work and saw you too cuddled up on the couch watching one of eddie's favourite movies (it was the way you were staring at him as he shared his favourite parts or something he read about it, or a fact about the filming/production — wayne tells this story at your wedding all teary eyed about his eddie being all grown up and so very obviously loved).
takes photos of you all the time
cutesy date night photos, spicy half-naked photos (or just straight up naked naked), you sleeping, you making an ugly face, you mid-sneeze, you smiling, he has it all caught on film and he loves each and every photo so much.
total softie for you and you alone
you've gotten him to do things he's straight up refused to do for his friends, and even wayne
does literally anything you ask, and even sometimes you don't have to ask, he just does it because he knows it'll make you happy and that's all he strives for, you being happy.
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jakexneytiri · 2 years
Hi, I can request a family life with husband! neteyam x reader, after 2 movies, please long if you agree
you sure can! this was so cute to write and i’m in love with dad!neteyam. i hope this is what you had in mind, anon!<3
forever & always
⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰ ⊱✿⊰
it’s been ten years since you and your husband first mated. neteyam was madly in love with you, that love only growing stronger over the years. he could never get enough of you, never keep his hands off of you. you have four children to prove it, and you’re pregnant with your fifth.
neteyam arranged an entire ceremony to be held tonight for your anniversary. the clan spent the entire day preparing, harvesting fruits, hanging bioluminescent plants for light, and gathering old twigs and dead plants to be used for the main fire.
in your hut, things were absolute chaos. you were waiting for neteyam to return home, he had “a few more things to set up” for the party. your children couldn’t contain themselves, excitedly running around your shared hut readying themselves for the evening.
your oldest, tsantu, you hardly ever had to worry about. he was very independent, and rarely asked for your assistance. he was all ready for the ceremony, wearing his special arm cuff he crafted, with neteyam’s help.
“mom, do you need help?”
“would you please help your brother with his necklace? that would be a big help.” you place a kiss on the top of his head, as he nods and goes to help his brother.
your second born, se’ayl, was calm and reserved like her older brother. however, she was sassy from time to time, with both you and neteyam. she definitely picked up the habit from aunt kiri, who she adored.
“se’ayl? do you have your feathers on yet?” you ask, glancing over at her.
“ugh, do i have to wear those?” she groans, taking a deep breath in just to sigh it out.
“yes, flower. your father wants everyone to wear them tonight. aunty kiri will be wearing hers, too.” you say in an excited tone, hoping it will cheer her up.
“really? she is??” excitement lights up on her face, as she quickly goes to change into them.
your third, txonuk, was your occasionally rebellious child, sometimes outspoken, making neteyam be the bad guy when he needed to be punished, but you loved him nonetheless.
“let’s see your necklace, txonuk!” you say excited, kneeling down to take a look.
he lifts his chin upwards, so you can get a good look at the newly placed necklace.
“what a very handsome young man you are.” you say, as he giggles.
“mama, i’m not a man, i’m just a boy!” he yells, waving his arms around dramatically.
“oh, forgive me! what a very handsome young boy you are.” he wraps his arms around your leg, giggling into it.
“mama! mama!” nima interrupts, holding her new feathers up to your face. “these pwease!”
nima, your youngest, was one of the main reasons you lost sleep at night. she’s very shy around people she doesn’t know, but very comfortable with her siblings. she finds comfort in you and neteyam, to her, you both are her sun and moon. you often find her in the middle of the night curled up in between you and neteyam, from the “bad dreams” she has. (she has bad dreams almost every night. it’s just an excuse to be closer to you both).
“these ones?” you question, holding them up. “they’re very pretty, little love. do you need help putting them on?”
“noooo! i do it!” she giggles as she runs off to the other side of the hut.
just then, the flap to your hut opened, revealing your beloved husband.
“iiiiiiiit’s dad!” neteyam says, causing all four children to burst into a fit of giggles.
“where are my five wonderful children?” he asks, looking around the hut even though they’ve all ran right to his feet, apart from nima.
txonuk gives a confused look to both se’ayl and tsantu. whispering, he asks “five? but, there’s only…” and he begins counting on his fingers. “there’s only 4 of us!”
tsantu shakes his head, whispering back “he’s talking about the baby in momma’s belly, skxawng.”
“hmmmm, one!” neteyam says, placing a kiss to tsantu’s head.
“and there’s two!” kissing the top of se’ayl’s head.
“dad! dad i’m right here!” txonuk says, pointing to himself.
“oh, there’s three!” neteyam chuckles as he places a kiss to txonuk’s head.
“now, where’s my number four?”
nima runs over, her arm stuck in the air from her necklace being on wrong.
“daddy, i’m stuck!” she pouts, her little eyes filling with tears.
neteyam kneels, fixing her necklace and freeing her arm, kissing the top of her head.
“there’s my #4. no need for tears, babygirl. are those new feathers?”
she giggles, and squeals “yes!” before running away.
glancing over to you now, neteyam stands, arms open wide.
“looking for #5?” you question, moving your swollen belly closer to his grasp.
“ah, my #5.” he kisses your belly gently, before snaking his arms around your waist, lips to your ear as he says
“hi, mama. looking beautiful, as always.”
“hi.” you smile, kissing your mate, which earns a collective “ewwwww!” from your children.
you both laugh, as neteyam covers your face in kisses. forehead, cheeks, chin, neck, ears, anywhere he could reach, he’d kiss.
“daddy, that’s GWOSS!” nima shouts, covering her eyes.
“well, good thing aunty kiri, *kiss* uncle lo’ak, *kiss* and aunty tuk tuk *kiss* are waiting outside for you four, *kiss* because i have a loooot more *kiss* kisses for *kiss* mama!” he says, kissing you again, chuckling against your skin.
they squeal and run out of the hut, to be met with their favorite aunts and uncle. you stand in the doorway of your hut, neteyam’ standing behind you as one arm is wrapped around your waist, the other holding the flap to your hut open.
“sooo, are you guys coming with us now or-“ lo’ak asks, just to be cut off by neteyam.
“no. you go ahead, we’ll be there soon.”
kiri takes se’ayl’s hand, while tuk takes nima’s, as they start to head to the celebration. lo’ak takes tsantu’s in one, and txonuk’s in the other.
lo’ak rolls his eyes, muttering “keep it in your loincloth, would ya.”
although he mumbled, neteyam still heard him.
“have you SEEN my mate? how on pandora would i do that?”
lo’ak groans, walking away, yelling “get a room, you two!”
“we’re trying!!” neteyam yells back before closing the flap to your hut.
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zegrasdrysdale · 4 months
qh43 headcanons
fluff and smut
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warning(s) : smut !
author's note : did i write 80% this while on my break at work ? absolutely (i was bored)
fluff !!
you and Quinn were just friends at first
you both had crushes on one another for years though
then one summer you were both at the lake house in Michigan after you got an invitation from Jack and one thing led to another and by the time Quinn returned to Canada for the season, he was referring to you as "my girl"
Quinn keeping his captaincy a secret from you until it was officially announced by Vancouver and the NHL
you yelled at him about that
Quinn offered to get a C put on every one of his jerseys that you owned (which admittedly was a lot despite not being together for very long when he got the C)
you got tickets to the first Canucks home game to watch the captain's ceremony where Quinn got his new jersey
you surprise him after the game since he withheld getting the captaincy in the first place
he's a very big fan of kissing his girl. he'll steal kisses whenever he can, but especially when he comes back from a long roadie and you’re at his apartment
his love languages are very much physical touch and quality time. Quinn loves spending time with you and if it ends with cuddles, or a make out session, then he's very happy
you often visit him in Vancouver, most of those visits being surprises
you go to both Hughes Bowls even though Jack was hurt for the second one, and you wear one of your Quinn jerseys to both
you're very close with Luke and Jack and have been since you were all kids
you're also friends with some of the guys on the Canucks as well, notably Elias Pettersson and JT Miller
Quinn invites you to the All Star game in February and you accept. spending a weekend in Toronto with Quinn and Jack doesn’t sound like the worst idea in the world
you spend every summer at the lake house
Quinn gets you a necklace with a ‘Q’ on the chain for your first anniversary. you get him a chain with your name on it in return, and he wears it for every game
you beg him not to cut his hair or shave his beard and mustache after getting eliminated from the playoffs, but he does it anyway
Jack takes all the credit for your entire relationship since he is the one that invited you to the lake house the summer that you and Quinn got together
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
smut / nsfw !!
Quinn has a thing for you riding his thighs. he loves watching you get off using his thighs, and he’ll let you come as many times as you want
you think Quinn’s beard is hot so you never mind a little beard burn when he goes down on you, which is more often than not
he’s a giver. he’ll have you coming all over his tongue as many times as he wants. he’ll go down on you until your entire body shakes
you (not so) accidentally find out about his captain kink that neither of you knew he had. you had read about it somewhere and decided to give it a try one night …
and he made you come so much that you were in tears by the end it the night (oversensitivity is a thing that you wish didn’t exist)
Quinn loves when you use him to come. thighs, face, fingers, cock. it doesn’t matter to him
on the other hand, you completely give yourself to him if he has a bad game or a rough loss. he uses you to get off and blow off some steam, and you will let him
sneaking around the lake house to have sex is a big thing, especially at first. no one knew so the two of you would have to sneak off. then everyone knew so you were a little less discreet about it
there was boat sex on the lake once late at night one summer too. Quinn is not opposed to that happening again, but not when a bunch of people are at the house and notice when the boat is a mess
car sex is a big thing, especially when Quinn picks you up from the airport when he knows you’re coming to visit. he knows a bunch of spots to drive to so the two of you can hook up (he buys a bigger car and puts it to use in more ways than one)
lazy, morning sex !!
quickies !!
Quinn loves holding your hand during sex. he makes sure your fingers are laced together every. single. time.
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utilitycaster · 2 months
Bells Hells Level Up: Level 14
FUCK IT WE'RE DOING IT LIVE (I forgot to prep this well in advance like a press release as I am wont to do). Gonna be short, sweet, and as always if there are any factual errors let me know! If I simply did not list every single possible feat, spell, or other choice, that is because I did not wish to spend my wild and precious life doing that.
Chetney: With a 13th level in Blood Hunter he gets Brand of Tethering, which is GREAT for making people (Ludinus) not be able to leave. He can also use Blood Maledict 3 times per rest now. Looking ahead: I'm assuming he's sticking with Blood Hunter (or Blood Nutter as the case may be); at L14 he gets advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened, and a new crimson rite. He has flame and frozen, and L14 unlocks necrotic, psychic, and thunder options. Their enemies are often immune to psychic but honestly he can just use fire so. Live your best life, Chet.
Laudna: I support waiting to see how the ritual goes! If she levels in Warlock she gets an ASI/Feat (War caster wouldn't hurt; bumping up INT or WIS wouldn't either though my vote, as always, is for INT), another known spell, and continues her quest as Cantrips Georg. If she levels in Sorcerer she also gets another cantrip, as well as another known spell, and I think she should get a 3rd metamagic option but she seems to already have three? Anyway my vote is for Careful Spell. I'll hold off on further speculation until said ritual has completed.
Dorian: Two more spells! Magical secrets, ie, whatever the fuck he wants (true to my name my vote is spending at least one on Counterspell, but go nuts on the other) He also no longer has to burn his inspiration dice on flourishes, though he only gets a d6 rather than his full d10. Looking ahead: He gets 8th level spells of which Mind Blank might be wise given this campaign; he also gets a d12 inspiration die.
Braius is already level 14, thank you Braius.
Fearne: Ok I respect the ASI push but Transport via Plants would be real clutch sometime soon. With that said Dorian or Imogen could take Teleport or they can just hang out with Essek for a while longer. Anyway, as an Arcane Trickster she gets an ASI and another L1 spell; she's been keeping it utility-focused which is smart because her INT score is not high. The ASI move, in my opinion, is bump up INT and CON by one, but she could also benefit from War caster. Looking ahead: As said, take L11 Druid, get 6th level spells, profit.
Imogen: Revelation in Flesh is upon us; I assume it will be electricity themed rather than the traditional Aberrant Mind option which appears to be "cursed axolotl"-themed. This means she can use sorcery points to make herself fly OR swim/breathe water OR see invisible creatures OR squeeze out of tight situations. Looking ahead: 8th level spells next level! Incendiary Cloud seems to be on-brand but Power Word Stun OR Sunburst (miss you Ayden) are both pretty fantastic.
Orym: Fighters get a zillion ASIs, as always; Sentinel might be fun but he could also bump his CON to 16 (if he does this...I must admit I'm warming on the idea of Orym Paladin and wouldn't scoff at a CHA 13 bump either), achieve Chetney-like intellect with an INT bump, or take any number of feats. I am pretty boring with feats honestly so I'm excited to see what Liam picks but I have no good ideas. Looking ahead: At L15, he gets two more maneuvers, which I will definitely look up before they hit L15; he also gets a free superiority die if they roll initiative while he is fully tapped. Fighters: they are unstoppable.
Ashton: It's a path feature! I have no idea what the fuck will be up with that but I'm looking forward to finding out, which, coincidentally, will give us the full picture of Path of Fundamental Chaos! Looking ahead: They get persistent rage at L15, which will make them even harder to knock out, a thing that is already very difficult to do.
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zweiginator · 2 months
being in an established relationship with Patrick and just feeling afraid he may be cheating like on tour. he gets very upset when he finds out and fucks the nonsense out of you
knowing his past before he met you. he had a new girl on his arm every week--usually a pretty tennis player. it made sense for them to be together. but it was a neverending rotation of pretty, perfect girls.
so when patrick goes away on tour, those pangs of worry and insecurity come up. you can't help it; your boyfriend is tall and gorgeous, a great athlete. you wouldn't blame girls for hitting on him. what if he just happened to omit the fact that he has a girlfriend. maybe it would be easy for him, with you across the country. maybe he could justify it, convince himself it's no big deal, that you never have to know.
and one day, the day before patrick is due back home for a few weeks--your insecurities boil over. he had been so busy, too busy to call as often as he had promised. and this all manifested in maladaptive daydreams for you--ones filled with patrick schmoozing up pretty girls, buying them drinks, taking them back to his hotel rooms.
patrick calls you at 7:30 that night.
"hi." you answer after the first ring.
"hey, how are you doing sweetheart?"
and for some reason, the nickname makes you tick. "sweetheart?"
patrick clicks his tongue. "are you mad at me or something?"
"you didn't call me the last few days."
patrick switches the phone to his other hand. "yeah, i'm sorry. it's been really hectic. i miss you. just talk to me."
"i miss you too." a sigh. "but i'm worried."
"about what?"
"there are tons of beautiful women at these tournaments. i see them on tv."
"so?" he's not defensive, but clearly offended by what you're insinuating.
"so you think i'm cheating on you? that's fuckin' ridiculous. i call you to talk to you and you pick a bullshit fight?"
"right, okay. well i'll leave you be then. good luck at your tournament tomorrow." you hang up. it's petty and stupid and you want to call him back but you don't. and you lay in your room until the next day, when patrick is set to get home. you expect him to go to his own house but he bangs on your door, his duffle bag slung over his shoulder.
you open the door. patrick doesn't falter. he doesn't say a word. he just lets the bag slump onto the ground and he backs you into the living room, onto the couch after he shuts the door.
"c'mere." he's manhandling you, yanking your body down the length of the couch as he pulls his shorts down and tears his shirt off. "mm." he caresses your cheek. "changed my mind i want you on your stomach." he taps your hip to prompt you to move.
and he pulls your little pajama shorts and panties to the side, lifting your hips up. you lean into his touch, pushing your cunt against his erection.
"think i'm fucking cheating on you?" his cockhead pushes into your entrance and you mewl. your pussy strangles his cock and he throws his head back. his fingers dig into your ass, pushing himself all the way in. "why would i --" a hard thrust. "fuckin' cheat on you--" another one, a gasp from both of you. "when you have the best little pussy i've ever had." you reach back to grasp onto his wrists as he slams into you. the couch moves with his movements, scratches against the floor. you can't find it in you to care, because patrick leans his chest against your back and kisses your neck, saying something to you he never has before. but the time feels right, with you right where he wants you. "plus--" a hand snakes around your throat. "i love you so fucking much." his voice becomes strangled and high-pitched. your cunt squeezes him harder. you cant find it in yourself to say anything, too fucked out and drowning in pleasure. but patrick knows by the way you moan his name that you're saying it back.
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measuredingold · 3 months
more best friend!noah because you guys seemed to love it (and i did too🤭) part one here !
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mdni 18+ nsfw below cut
the rest of the night was a blur. you tried to act like nothing happened, and really the only person who seemed suspicious was jolly. he'd cast you glances every so often, eyes narrowing between you and noah. oh, and speaking of your best friend, he's planted right beside you, leg pressed against your own. halfway through he's got a hand on you, nails digging into the inner part of your thigh.
it was so fucking hard to focus, but you tried. you really did but it was so hard to not focus on the way his hand practically engulfed your thigh, fingers dancing along your skin. you almost missed one of your turns, one of your friends calling you out. you blink, then your face flushes. you feel like you're on fire when you rush out a "sorry", finally taking your turn. you feel noah shift beside you and then you feel his lips next to your ear. you shiver.
"having trouble focusing?"
"fuck you."
"i'm sure you'd like that."
your eyes widen and you whip your head around to stare at noah, gasping at just how close he was. your noses were almost touching, and his brown eyes were staring so deeply into yours that you felt yourself freeze. locked into place. what the fuck was in that drink? you've never felt this way about noah before (yes you have, but you denydenydeny) and for whatever reason tonight you're seeing your best friend in a new light.
his eyes flicker from your own down to your lips like he had done in the kitchen, then they drag back up. you swallow down the lump in your throat, captivated by him and his stare. the corner of his lips turned up into a grin.
"you would, wouldn't you?"
you don't say anything.
"oh for fuck sakes." jolly's voice breaks you out of whatever trance you were in and you blink over at him, but you feel noah's eyes still on you. "can you guys stop flirting for two seconds and pay attention to this damn game?"
everyone's looking at you, then at noah, and now they're finally catching up to... whatever is happening. the closeness between you two, noah's grip on your thigh, the flush of your cheeks and. alright. this is too much. you excuse yourself, apologizing for interrupting the game and let jolly know he can take your turn if he'd like before rushing upstairs.
that was so fucking embarrassing. everyone had to see that, right? everyone knows that there's... something going on, right? how could you ever explain this? noah was your best friend. that's what he's always been. sure there were times that you guys would flirt with each other, all friends do that (no they don't) but not once had it ever been... this. you go to the closest room and shut the door behind you, leaning back against it before looking around.
you're in noah's room. great. you take a deep breath and count to ten, try to ease your rapidly beating heart. you run a hand down your face and groan before walking over to his bed and flopping onto your back, staring at the ceiling. what the literal fuck was this night.
you don't move when you hear a knock at the door, already knowing it's probably either noah or maybe even jolly coming to apologize (he will in the morning). you pick your head up to see noah peeking in, eyeing you in his bed with a smirk.
"if this is all i had to do to get you in my bed, i would've done this a lot sooner."
you sit up, face flushing and you can't help but glare at him. you're tired of being teased by everyone - it was embarrassing. "fuck off."
his gaze softens as he finally comes into the room, shutting the door behind him before leaning against it. "...i'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable. or if i went too far with..."
your mind goes back to the kitchen. your lips moving against his, his hands gripping your hips and rocking you into his thigh that's rooted between your legs and... whew. your face is hot when you finally look at noah, shaking your head.
"it's fine." there might be some alcohol still flowing through your veins giving you some type of liquid courage because your mouth is opening again to say, "i liked it."
noah stills. "...you liked it?"
oh. well shit. you said that. you definitely said that. alright. you nod instead of answering.
"i liked it, too." his eyes darken again like they had in the kitchen and you suck in a breath when you watch him walk over to you. you're still sitting on the bed so you really have to look up at him, watching him stop just right in front of you. "a lot more than i probably should have."
"same." you say it so quietly it's almost like a whisper and your fucking hands shake when he reaches down, hand sliding under your chin like he had done before, tilting your head up more. he was looking directly at you, deep brown eyes so captivating you could barely look away and the only thing running through your mind was how much you wanted to kiss him. again.
he must be thinking the same thing because his eyes drop to your mouth, thumb dragging across your bottom lip, "i think i'd like to do it again. if that's okay with you."
your heart is pounding so hard against your chest you're sure he can fucking hear it. "i um. i think." you stutter out. he sits down next to you, hand still against your face.
"we don't have to. you can tell me no and i'll leave you alone. you can take the room and i'll sleep on the couch. we'll act like this never happened." he takes a moment to drag his thumb against your bottom lip again and your lips part almost subconsciously, eyes flickering back to yours. “unless…”
"...i don't want that." you finally say. he raises a brow. "i... don't want to act like this never happened. i want you to kiss me. please."
and that's all he needed before he's surging forward, hand cupping your cheek as his lips pressed against yours for the second time that night. it's messier, needier, and you find yourself with your back pressed against noah's bed, and said man is settling himself between your legs, lips moving against yours. you feel him press his hips down against your own and you don't hold back, arching up into him as you whimper. your skirt had rode up at some point, so the only thing between you two where his jeans and your underwear, and you felt fucking everything.
his touch was electrifying, long fingers hooking into your waistband. he pulls back briefly to stare at you, the unspoken words lingering in the air. is this okay? you nod before pulling his lips back down to yours, lifting your hips off the bed to make it easier for him to remove. his lips eventually leave yours again, much to your dismay, but they trail down your body and before you know it he's... the first swipe of his tongue has your eyes springing open, hands flying down to curl in his hair. "oh fuck-" you choke on your words at another swipe, and then his lips are circling around your clit, and you feel a finger prodding at your entrance.
you've heard the stories. from other people. from noah himself. you can't lie and say you never thought about it because you never thought this would be happening. you lift your head for just a moment, looking down at him to make sure that yep. this was real. noah's face was buried between your thighs and at that exact moment his gaze flicked to yours, eyes locking. your mouth drops, lewd noises escaping you as your head fell back again as he slid another finger in.
the stories were definitely fucking true.
"fuck, noah-"
"so fucking good." you hear him groan, turning his head to press a few open mouthed kisses against your inner thigh. "so fucking... god, why haven't we done this before?" you laugh, loud and breathless before it turns into a moan, feeling him nip at your inner thigh as he worked you with his fingers. "you gonna come?"
you nod, fingers tightening in his hair, the heat in the pit of your stomach rising as you whine out, "yeah." he dives back in after that, mouth on you like a fucking starved man. it doesn't take long until you're pushed over the edge, gripping his hair and gasping out his name. your body shakes at the feeling of him groaning against you, fingers working you through your high, and when it becomes too much you do your best to push him away. he chuckles, turning his head to kiss your thigh again before pulling away completely.
he sits up between your still shaking legs and you watch him with hooded eyes - face wet and a proud grin. you don't know what comes over you, whether it was still the alcohol (you haven't had a single drink in almost two hours) mixed with the endorphins of your high, but you're grasping at him, pulling him back down to you to smash your lips together. then it's a belt buckle coming undone, your shirt being thrown across the room, his hoodie being tossed next to you. you're both so eager that he barely gets his jeans and boxers down his thighs, just enough to pull his cock out, give himself a few pumps, and then.
you've completely forgotten that you weren't the only people in this house, gasping out his name as he slowly slides in. it burned but fuck, did it burn so good. the stretch. the fucking drag of his cock had you feeling dizzy, and you think it did the same to him because he pressed his face against your neck, whimpering out, "oh fuck."
it was quick after that. you were already sensitive, overstimulated by the drag of his cock and he was... so fucking worked up, he swore he could've came right then and there the second he slipped in. skin smacking against skin, loud desperate noises shared between the two of you, it wasn't a surprise that it didn't last long, especially when he sits up just enough to slide a hand between your bodies, those skilled fingers of his pressing against your sensitive clit and then.
"noahnoahnoah-" you chant his name like a fucking prayer, squeezing your eyes shut as you clench around him, your second orgasm hitting you like a fucking train. he's following soon after, pulling out just in time and wrapping a hand around himself and giving a few pumps until he's spilling over your stomach.
it's quiet after that, only sound was your shared heavy panted breaths. it takes you a moment to come back to, eyes fluttering open to find him staring at you, a soft smile gracing his lips. you find yourself smiling back, cheeks flushing with color when he dips down, brushing his lips against yours before mumbling about how he'll get something to clean up, and some new clothes.
and when he slips out of his room to the bathroom across the hall, you stare at the ceiling with wide eyes and a new sense of clarity.
what the hell did you just do?
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cameronspecial · 6 months
Neverending Texts
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
Summary: Rafe's small crush on his tutor definitely doesn't lead him to text her a little too much.
A/N: Insipred by this post.
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Rafe’s education is not a responsibility Y/N ever expected to have on her plate. However, tutoring seems like a no-brainer for the girl who likes teaching and it is not like she could say no to Ward Cameron. Plus, Ward offered her an insane rate and even though her parents are rich, it is still nice to make her own spending money. Rafe and Y/N’s relationship is odd, to say the least. He always seems to have an interest in her, while she would rather be kept out of his social circle. This dynamic is only intensified by Rafe getting her number to set up tutoring sessions. He’ll often send her random texts that are so out of pocket, but she knows he is trying to invoke a conversation between the two of them. During all hours of the day, she will randomly receive jokes, facts, or gossip from the boy. Her responses were always a single word, not inviting the discussion to go any further. It never deterred him from trying every day though. Her hand shoves the hook through the stitch and the hook grasps onto some yarn to be pulled through. The buzz from her phone freezes her hands. She picks up the device and lets out a breath with a shake of her head. What is your ideal date? Normally, his texts would allow her a one-word answer; however, this one can’t be answered as such and she feels bad if she ignores it. 
She takes a second to think about her reply. Baking pizza with extra mushrooms and a movie night. Maybe watch rom-coms. She sets her phone back on the desk and goes back to her crochet project. 
He is pleasantly surprised she gives a thoughtful answer to the text. It seems his tactic of open-ended questions has worked. It doesn’t shock him that her idea of a prime date is something more intimate. Y/N has always been more reserved, so it makes sense she would prefer one-on-one time with her date. He likes that. That sounds like the perfect date, except for the extra mushrooms. We’ll have to only put it on half of the pizza.
Who said you were invited?
He chuckles at her retort and shakes his head. Why is there someone else you are dying to go out with? He holds his breath at her reply, not wanting her to say what he thinks she might. The little bubble with three dots displays her effort to rejoin. It stops eventually and no new words appear in a new bubble. He bites the corner of his lips as his thumb hovers over the button. He decides to bite the bullet, bringing the phone to his ear. It dials three times before she picks up. “Wow, moving on to phone calls to tell me your random thoughts. You really are getting more persistent, Cameron,” she teases. He can hear something clatter on the other end, “Can you blame a guy for wanting to hear your voice, Teach?” She giggles with a sigh. “What did you need?” she urges. He shrugs, “I told you. I just wanted to hear your voice. I also wanted you to answer my question and to hear if you are lying.” “Why do you care so much?” she questions, rolling her eyes. 
“Because if you don’t have anyone else on your mind, then I was hoping I could be the one to take you on that date.” 
“I have no one else, but why me? What makes me so special in your mind?”
“You just have this je ne sais quoi to you that I can’t get out of my mind. We just click, Teach, and I know you can’t deny it.”
She traces the surface of her desk with her crochet hook as she tries to focus on his words. “I know you can’t deny it.” She would never admit she felt the spark he was talking about. It’s been something she tries to bury deep inside of herself because their personality dynamic would not make sense. Rafe likes all eyes on him and to be as loud as possible, whilst Y/N enjoys a quiet night in. The more she thinks about it, the faster her heart starts to beat, telling her to say yes. Yes to a chance at love. Yes to opening herself up to someone else. Yes to stepping outside of her comfort zone. “Okay, let’s go on a date.”
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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fics-lovebot · 1 year
seventeen fic recs
main masterlist
· · ♡ · · tysm to the amazing creative minds of the writers for giving me sevaral moments of joy reading your creations
i´ll be constantly updating this list so make sure to check it out often for new recs ;)))
pls remember to reblog if you like any of my recs❤️
dating svt (hyung line) - LOVE IT, joshua got me on a chokehold, and wonwoo PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE :( wherecanIgetoneofthose
dating svt (maknae line) - mingyu as a back hugger is so :(((((((((, I can totally see dino writing love letters to his s/o :(((
pick-up lines - non-idol! au, fluff, silly af, my favs are jeonghan, jun, wonwoo, woozi, mingyu, chwe and chan
you take your promise ring off during a fight - performance unit, vocal unit , hip-hop unit, angsty af, made me cry a little
reaction to the camera panning to them when their idol!s/o is on stage - idol!au, idol!reader, dsfkjsdfjh the jeonghan is my fav idk
kitten ears - pwp, smut, hybrid!reader in heat, LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING ABOUT THIS ONE RIGHT HERE, IT´S FILTH,,,,, and my fav one is hoshi´s LDJSLFJH read it whenever you feel like having a smut fest
hip hop unit
let me take care of you - drabble, fluff, hubby!cheol, pregnant reader, he is straight uP husband soon-to-be-daddy material, this was so CUTE,,,
caught in a trap - smut, seunkwan´s sister!reader, older brother´s bff!cheol, face riding, he makes you beg for it, “you’ve got me in your little trap, baby. what are you gonna do with me?” SLDKJSHDFKSJ whY is he like tHAT??
as your boyfriend - he gets offended if you don´t let him pay???? now THAT´S my kind of man
whatever you say - fluff, crack, text au, #simp, this is funny lmao
he angry fucks you bc he lost in a video game - blurb, smut, explicittt, the title??? I can see the vision. listen the way this just escalated INMEDIATLY I-, he is ANGRY FR FR in the hottest way, just read it ok pls
he´s rough and in love - smut, just pwp, i made up the name bc it is what it is, he´s already made you cum twice but he still looks at you with eyes full of the purest love while doing the nastiest things, puthy clenching dirty talking, you talk too much, y’know that?, he wanted to keeP GOINg like,,,,sir
the peephole - smut, perv!wonu, roomies au, he´s obsessed, "Speak up, slut. Or have I fucked you completely stupid already" UMMMM?????
scented candles - e.r, fluff, idk idk idk this was cute
couple things - slice of life, fluff, “is there… a reason you’re upside down, my love?” 
needle in the hay - idol au, angst, smut, break up au, idol!reader, 97-liner! reader, poor wonu, slow burn kinda, he´s hopeless and scared and nervous
lingering looks - fluff, idol romance u, POWER COUPLEEEEEEE, I love it, this could be us but he playin
marriage -married life au, dad!wonu, his daughter (a child) wants to marry uncle gyu so he goes on cardiac arrest bc there´s no mf way bUT at least it wasnt soonyoung
workplace crush - work au, co-worker!wonu, I CAN TOTALLY SEE HIM AS "THE IT DEPARTAMENT CRUSH"!!!!! I would have had to quit, it´s too much
cat and mouse - smut, kinda red flag!wonu, "Wonwoo thinks you’re the cutest person ever. And the part of you he finds the most cute? The fact that you actually think he’s going to let you avoid him forever." FLSDUKFJHSLDKJFH
arguments - smut, “You remember how I dealt with that little attitude of yours last time?”  he´s a cocky mf
wisdom tooth surgery - fluff, reader is out of it bc of anesthesia and she cant believeee mingyu´s hot rommie is her mans, it´s a nice read
bruised - angst, fluffy ending, break up au, tough guy wonu but he´s actually a cutie pie, he´s careless about his safety, I LOVE ITTT, the angst is gewd
what you need - smut, shy!reader, soft dom!wonwoo, praise kink, JEON MF WONWOO I- LSFHSKDJFHLSJDFLH this made me blush yall, the ending too sdfksdfkh
birthday boy - fluff, f2l, the fLIRTING!!??, i honestly blushed, my eyes got watery and everythin, i HATE IT (not) bc why is he so dreamy every TIME??, also,,, the make out sesh?? MY GODDD, i swear I felt it. he. is. inloveeeeee
first kiss - fluff, established relationship, he IS going to kiss you or else,,,,the man is obsessed
he´s big - smut, size kink,"daddy's too big for you? s'okay, princess, you can do it. you can take it. you're my good girl." CALL THE MF POLICE RN!!!!1!!!!! iminlove
big buff gyu - smut, manhandling, dom!gyu, “look at me, let me see you cry, baby” STOOOOOPPPP sksdfnslflfwkf
beach boobs babes - smut, beach au, chubby reader, big boobs, he´s suffering sfjfjdhdjdh, HE´S COCKY,, literally, shit talker, titty fuckin, he likes thicc girlsssss
pup code - fluff, smut, crack, size kink kinda, mingyu has a fat crushhhh, lowkey himbo vibes, he gets so nervous lmao, jeonghan is a lil shit, somebody help mingyu omg, wonwoo is a victim!!!!!, “I’ve never done the Zoolander face in my life!” jefjrejufriuj
sleepy talk - fluff, married au, “Do you think I’m pretty?” “Sweetheart, we’re married.”
his girl - smut, angst, emotionally unavailable reader, whipped mingyu, “i’ll fuck you forever.. as long as you want. fuck you ‘til you never wanna leave again”
funfetti - bf!gyu, birthday au, so FLUFFY I WANNA CRYYYYYYYYYY love him sm :(
hybe romance - idol!gyu, idol!reader, fluff, love itttttttttttt, THOSE PICS OF MINGYU ON PART 2 LORDDDD, if I was an idol hanging out with the 97 squad i´d be a hOE, no questions asked, bunch of men i want to fucc sitting together would be the end of me
pussy drunk - smut, pussy whipped, "i'm legit gonna kill myself if we dont fuck again", HE NEED SOME MIL
creep - smut, halloween au, serial killer!gyu, ghost!gyu, jeonghan is always starting some shit I swear, this is DIFFERENTTT and the smut is so good yall PLEASE read it
first morning together - fluff, UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :((((((( ihateithere
warm on a cold night - fluff, college au, bsf to lovers, it´s cute
daddy - smut, lowkey fluff, dom!mingy, daddy kink, SIZE KINK are we even surprised atp?, innocent! reader
drunk giant - drunk!mingyu, bc why would he try to challenge cheol to a drinking game??, wonwoo is tired, and somebody get hoshi´s lips off of seokmin!
gym and thirst - smut, those pics of mingYU NAUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WOOF WOOF SDKHWEYWRAWRRAWRAWR bc why tf would joshua do that for????? pls I love big men
mingyu´s cause of death - FLUFF, bf!gyu, this made me really want to cry myself to sleep from the beggining bc there´S NO WAAAAAAAAYYYYY :´´) so cute #simp #whipped
heater - fluff, gyu is cold,,,or is he not, “you’re literally taking all of my body heat, that’s why i’m cold,” “maybe if you didn’t insist on using my boobs as a pillow-,” “oh shut up,”
stain on the sink - fluff, e.r, slice of life, sex joke, you bleach his hair, is so domestic idkidk
cuffing season - smut, richbf!mingyu, he got a black card, good money, good job, loves spoiling you AND he´s wearing the wife beater - grey sweats combo??????? CUFF HIM UP NAAAOWWW, AND AND AND he also makes sure to fuck you without ruining your hair and nails that HE PAID FOR!!!!!! BUT since he gets a lil carried away and you chipped a nail he gives 300 dollar$$$ to get it fiixed right away LIKE????? god please when is it my turn to be happy
worshipping you - smut, sub!gyu, a short one but WHEEEWW
wet sound - smut, short one, THE DIRTY TALK!!!!!! I HATE HIMMMMMMMMMM bc wdym he makes her shut up so she can listen to her wet coochie sOUNDS????? call 911 rn
kitty - smut, THE VISUALS??!?!??! the way this played in my mind had me shook
trouble - fluff, non-idol!gyu, you´re his pretty mess, lowkey brat reader, in love gyu, baking cookies with his cute lil helper sdfljsdfljh :( its cute
vernon loves your face - he´s so in love omg, sdsdkfj it´s so cute
coffee talk - fluff, coworker!vernon, work romance au, jwhhxsjxsjd cutee
no studying for you - smut, he isn´t letting you study, “Hansol! For the love of fuck!” “Yeah that’s me, I love to fuck,” what?? dkdsfjfj
bias - fluff, slice of life, idol!au, you make the cats choose their svt bias, IT SO WHOLESOME :((((((((
vocal unit
bad joke - angst, fluff, calling you clingy
tom and jerry - smau, fluff, crack, text au, SOMEBODY COME GET JISOO LMAOO, he´s doing too much
mr. nice guy - smut, next door neighbors au, I HATE HIM skfffkjs this got me blushing and shit, he cosplays as a gentleman but he´s actually just a flirty nasty mf
You Know What They Say About Men With Big Feet - smut, big feet, big nose, big muscles and a big dicc YUPPPPPP, seokmin has it ALL
perfect man - smut, he´s a gentleman, reader makes the mf move and I would have too
2am conversations - slice of life, “what if crabs think that fish can fly?” “angel, it’s two in the morning,” sdkhfksb it´s cute :(((( so domesticc
such a flirt - fluff, he keeps on flirting but has a breakdown when you flirt back lmao, cute
call me by his name - smut, softdom! wannabe harddom! hannie, hSLFDHSLKFH I CAN REALLY SEE THIS HAPPENING idk idk
the long way - model!jeonghan, staff!reader, UGGHHDSLHFLSKH i love this, he´s so confident and lowkey straight forward
tinted windows - smut, ceo!hannie, panty ripper,, literally, car sex, “sir you have a meeting in twenty minutes.” “fuck that stupid meeting, i have more important things to be doing right now.” IT´S GOOD YALL
dance unit
why do you love me? - fluff, blurb, so cute
too hot - very suggestive, naaaahhhh he was done for before it even started
first time - smut, fluff, crack, they´re both dumb, reader is boldddd lmao, #couplegoals
drunk and in love - fluff, wasted!hoshi, him in his tiger patterned-shirt, asdkjasdh he´d deff be like this, he rants about how wonderfull you are to whoever got ears, so cute
jun realizes he has a size kink - blurb, smut, the words he SAIDD I-, in my opinion it was too short!1! that was some good stuff
how badly do you want this? - smut, oral, 7 mins in heaven, it´s hottt
lollipops and candy bars - smut, sub!hao, reader loves to tease, cute and innocent looking reader, hao needs help lmao, "Well, I finished off my lollipop a while ago, do you have anything else I could suck on?” SKLHDLFJHKLDJ wow
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hardcandycigarette · 2 years
Long Way Down Part One
Part Three
Here's the story of married Harry who's a dad to three small kiddos, and married for over seven years to Y/N. Marriage is always hard work, but what happens when being married to a pop star becomes too much for Y/N?
WARNING-slight references to sex, curse words
This is angst angst and more angst. There are other parts to the story, and with enough feedback, I'll post more to this story.
Word Count 4.7K
“Japan. Chile. Australia. Oh, and let's not forget Madagascar. Mada-Fucking-gascar, Harry. Who goes to Madagascar? Why the one and only Harry Styles? That's who. You realize most people never see any of those places in an entire lifetime, right? But you, you went to all of those places THIS YEAR!” Y/N stomps to their daughter's room picks her up from her crib, hoists the baby on her hip, and walks out of the nursery and down the hall.
Harry follows her to the kid’s bathroom. "Y/N, baby, it was all for work. I don't care about those places, don't even get to enjoy them."
"It doesn't matter. You still got to go. And that's in addition to your normal New York, LA, often Paris or Rome. Those places are just another day at the office for you. Do you want to know where I've been? Whole Foods. Baby Gym. Holmes Chapel. The park. School runs. Yep, that’s about it. Oh, the doctors, and kids' birthday parties; on wild days, a friend comes for a glass of wine when I can finally relax at 9 PM. So don’t do this with me, not this time.” She begins to undress the baby. She’s seething but keeps her voice down so the little one isn’t upset.
“Do you know how many days you’ve been home since the tour ended? I’ll tell you because I know exactly. 26. You could’ve paid someone to do your dirty laundry and brought home clean clothes. Even the slightest gesture to show you get how hard it is around here.”
“I’m sorry. I was so focused on just getting home I didn’t even think of having them done.” Harry turns on the bath water and tests the temperature.
“Oh, poor thing. Traveling the world in the lap of luxury must be torture.”
Harry walks to the door. "No, Y/N, no. You know what a tour is like. You've been on the road with me. You know how utterly chaotic it is. Yes, I should've thought about the laundry, but I didn’t.”
She places the baby in her bathtub seat, squats, and begins soaping her up. “Of course, you didn’t think of me.”
Harry is leaning on the doorframe of the bathroom now. “Babe, swear if you give me just a bit to decompress, I'll be happy to give you whatever ya need. We’ll take a family vacation, go someplace nice, the five of us, any place you like, you pick.” He extends his hands in her direction.
“You've been home 26 days. That's how long you've had to decompress.” She uses air quotes around decompress. You've done zero loads of laundry. I do at least four a day, trying to catch up with everything. Laundry never ends even when it’s just me and the kids. You leave a trail of mess in every room. You do nothing to help, nothing. It’s like you’ve completely checked out on the fact this is supposed to be a partnership.”
“My job isn’t just dancing around in sparkly trousers for an hour or two. I’m fucking exhausted too. You’re not playin’ fair, Y/N.”
"Thing is, I'm not playing at all, Harry.”
“A vacation with the five of us is a vacation to you, Harry, not to me. I love you guys, I really do, but I need a break. I needed this just for me. I wasn't asking for much, Harry. Five days for myself, time to decompress, as you call it. I wanted to be with my friends and sisters, but you know what, never mind. Go. Just go. We’ll talk about it when I’ve put her to bed.”
“I’ll put her to bed.” He closes the door behind him when he steps out.
Harry hears her singing Adore You. The song always makes the baby smile. Y/N can’t be completely furious if she’s still singing his songs. Harry couldn’t be more wrong.
When Y/N finishes with the bath, she wraps her daughter in her little duck towel with a hood and exits the bathroom. Their son’s door is cracked down the hall, and she hears Harry talking with him. She stands just outside the entrance to eavesdrop.
“That sounds like a good time, buddy. I’m glad you had fun with your friend. Did you make sure to hug him and say thank you before you left his house? Did you thank his family for having you over?”
“Yes.” He sounds so tiny for someone who wrecked Y/N’s nerves with his big voice the entire time Harry was gone.
“So, let’s get snug as a bug in a rug.” Harry wraps the blanket over their son and kisses his forehead. "Have a good sleep, and we'll have some fun in the morning, yeah?”
“Love you, Dad.”
Harry walks across the room and turns off the light. “Love you even more, bud. See you in the morning.” He closes the door when he leaves the room.
“Thank you.”
“He’s m’ son too, Y/N.” Harry walks toward the couple’s room, head hanging down; he drags his finger along the wall.
He doesn’t stick around to help put Lola down, be it because he forgot he said he would put her to bed or he's just upset.
Y/N walks to Lola’s nursery, dries and lotions her, dresses her for bed, and places her in the crib, hoping she will go down without a fight. "Love you, punkin’. Good night.” She kisses her and stands near the bed. She waits to see if she cries. When she only babbles, y/n turns on the baby monitor and nightlight, then crosses the room, turning off the light as she exits, but only closes the door partially.
Y/N heads toward the bedroom, dreading how the rest of the evening will go. Harry is sitting on the bed reading a book about Japanese art, his readers slide down his nose as he pretends to be intensely focused, but she knows him and knows he’s not focused.
She walks to the dresser, opens a drawer, and gets some pjs. She’s too pissed off to bother with a shower but goes to the ensuite to undress. “Don’t have to pretend you’re reading Harry.” She changes her clothes and tosses the dirty clothes in the hamper, does her skincare, and brushes her teeth. She picks up a pair of Harry’s gross, beat-up sneakers as she enters the bedroom. "These are nice," she says, tossing them across the room.
“Cut the crap, Y/N. I know what you're doing. You're not getting a fight out of me, so toss all the shoes you want. I'm not going to argue with you. The passive-aggressive stuff stopped working a long time ago."
She exhales and sits on the bed. "Not being passive, Harry, just aggressive. I'm tired. I'm so tired." She falls back on the bed.
He crawls over to her and plants a kiss on her lips. “Mmm, minty.” He smiles.
“Yep.” She closes her eyes.
He kisses her again. “Come over here; Let’s have a snuggle and a good night’s sleep.”
“I can’t tonight. I just can’t.” She sighs as she climbs to the pillows, placing her head down on the fluffiest one-her favorite one.
“Can’t what?”
“Have sex.”
“Wasn’t trying to.”
She rolls her eyes. "Okay. I don't know your pattern exactly; whenever you want to get frisky. Just met you, have no idea what you're like when you want to pretend an argument didn't happen, makeup, move past it, and get what you want.”
Harry’s eyes narrow. He swallows the lump in his throat and shakes his head in disbelief. “Wow. I can’t believe you just said that. That’s one of the worst things you’ve ever said to me. To imply I manipulate you for sex.” Harry stands, grabs his pillow, and walks to the door. “I’ll be in the guestroom.”
The following day she slowly opens her eyes and reaches over to Harry, but he’s not there. She thought that after he cooled off, he'd return to bed. She thought he’d slip under the covers once he knew it was safe and she was asleep. But he didn't come back to bed. She sits up and looks around the room. Gross sneakers are still across the room, three of Harry's hoodies over the recliner, one of Lola’s toys, and an empty water bottle next to Harry’s wallet -the room is a disaster. She sighs, rubs her face, and flops back down. The house is quiet, almost too quiet. Why is it so quiet? In a panic, she sits up, throws on her robe, and walks to the door. She flings it open and rushes down the hall. When she gets to Lola's room, she pushes open the door; the light is off, and Harry, bare-chested, sits in the recliner, rocking her. "Is she sick? What time is it? Where is everyone?"
"No, she's not sick, Y/N, she's m’ daughter, and she needed a cuddle with her daddy."
"Oh. Look about last night…."
"Not right now, Y/N. Let me enjoy this. Archer and Poppy are in the playroom watching a film. They’ve had their breakfast.”
She nods and leaves the room. She can’t hold back her tears as she walks to the kitchen. But her tears abruptly halt when she enters the filthy kitchen. Harry obviously made breakfast for everyone. Pancakes and bacon are covered with a cloth and a note with Mumma written in crayon to let her know it is hers. But the tenderness she feels doesn’t last long as she scans the kitchen. The dirty plates, cups, pots, and pans litter the kitchen and breakfast nook. The stove is splattered with grease and batter, and God knows what else. She starts to gather the dishes to clean them and load the dishwasher. Once everything is in the sink, she sits at the table in the breakfast nook, picking at the plate of food left for her. She isn’t hungry. Lately, she never is.
"Not as good as yours, but not half bad.” Harry breaks the silence as he stands next to the fridge arms folded over his muscular chest.
“Where is-“
“Living room in her pack-n-play.”
“Okay.” She picks up a slice of bacon and bites into it. She tosses it back on the plate.
She stands, walks to the sink, and begins cleaning off the excess food.
“I was going to do that as soon as I got done with the baby. I didn't have time to juggle it all."
“Really? Didn’t have time? Couldn’t juggle it all? That’s rich.” She shakes her head and chuckles as she places the cutlery into the designated basket in the dishwasher.
He shakes his head, looking at the ground. He cocks his mouth to the side and clicks his tongue. "Touche." He walks over and begins placing the dishes in the dishwasher.
She moves, allowing him the glamorous opportunity of a lifetime. “Wonder when the last time you did this was. Long before X-Factor, I’m sure.”
“Don’t.” Harry scrapes off a dish.
“But why not? You get to have all the fun. You get to do all the talking. You get to see all the things. Meet all the people. You get it all.” She leans against the counter, tapping her fingers.
“Y/N, I’m warning you-don’t.”
Her eyes widen, and she stands with a smirk on her face. This man bought all the audacity. “Warning me? Warning me? What are you going to do if I don't stop? Nothing.”
To get her attention, he throws a glass, aiming it at the sink, but not realizing the force behind it, it crashes into the stainless steel and shatters.
They both jump back, then freeze.
He reaches toward Y/N. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to."
“Get out. I mean it, Harry. And I don’t mean the kitchen. You leave this house. You leave this house now, and don’t come back.” Her words are low and deliberate as she stares at the floor.
“That was out of order what just happened. I'm sorry; you know I'd never lay a hand on you or do anything in the world to scare you. Don't know what came over me."
“I said get out.”
“Excuse me? Don’t come back to my own frickin' house? You've got to be kidding. I'm doing no such thing, Y/N. Will I go downstairs and stay in the entertainment room or sleep in the guest room? Sure. Will I take the kids out for the day? Sure. But leave? No. We’ve never spent one day apart in anger, and we aren’t starting now, so get that idea out of your little head.” He points to his temple, gritting his teeth.
“Fine, then I will.” She pushes him out of the way when she passes him to leave the kitchen.
Harry follows her. “You’ll what, Y/N?” He grabs her arm, attempting to stop her.
“Get your damn hand off of me, you big bully.” She jerks away, storming toward the bedroom.
Harry goes to the living room to get Lola. He hears their bedroom door slam. Poor girl is probably scared. She’s never heard people shout before, especially her mama or daddy. And now her mama says she’s leaving? The words don’t even sound right when Harry says them to himself. Harry approaches the bedroom, tapping on the door. “Y/N, the baby, it’s time for her feeding.”
She marches toward him and takes the baby. “Of course it is; one more thing your pathetic ass can't do around here. Now, get out." She pushes against the door.
Harry walks out and closes the door.
Downstairs, Harry talks to Poppy and Archie, making sure that if they heard the yelling, they aren't scared. "Arch, you okay, bud?”
“Yeah.” He doesn’t look up just keeps playing with the Barbie and Ken dolls.
“Pop, you doing okay?"
“Yes, daddy. Are you?” She walks over and hugs his legs.
“Yes, baby, Daddy is fine. Are you guys in the mood for a trip to the zoo? Maybe some pizza and ice cream after?
“Yeah.” Poppy detaches herself from her daddy and jumps up and down.
“Can we go now?” Archer says, dropping the dolls and standing up.
"We can. Let's go get dressed, yeah?" Harry walks toward the stairs to the home's main floor.
The kids follow him up.
“Are mumma and the baby coming?” Poppy asks.
"Not sure, baby girl.”
Archer interjects. “If they’re gonna yell, I hope not."
Harry turns around. "There won't be any yelling, buddy, but that's not nice what you just said. We never say things like that, especially about your mummy or baby sister. We always want them included in whatever we do, always. Don’t ever say anything like that ever again.”
Archer is crying now. "Sorry, Daddy, I didn't mean it."
At the top landing of the stairs, Harry stops and kneels to Archer putting his arms around him. "Come here. Let's hug Daddy, yeah?"
Archer slowly puts his arms around Harry’s neck. “Didn’t mean it, Dad.”
"I know, buddy, we're all having a bad day, but what is the one, very most important rule in this house."
“Treat people with kindness.” Archer releases himself from the embrace.
"That's right, treat one another with kindness and love and goodness."
Archer sniffles. “I will.”
“All right, to our rooms, we go.” Harry leads the kids into the hall.
Harry feels like his heart just broke in two. The one thing they’d both agreed on before having kids is they would raise them in a peaceful home. They both came from divorced parents and knew what it was like when the family was immensely unhappy.
Harry ushers the kids to their rooms once back in the central portion of the house. "Okay, lollipop, do you need daddy's help getting dressed? Or do you want to try by yourself today?"
“I can do it, Daddy,” Poppy says. She pushes her blonde curls off her face.
"Good girl. Now, if you need me, call me, okay? And if you want something hanging up, remember no climbing; call for me, and I'll get it.” Harry pats her on the back.
“Okay.” Poppy skips to her room.
“Arch, do you need help?" Harry asks, following Archer as he walks to the room next to Poppy's.
“No, I got it.”
"Okay, guys, I'm going to help mummy with Lola. I'll be just down the hall."
Harry takes his time to get to the end of the hall. He taps on the door before entering. “Love?” He pokes his head in the door.
“Can I come in?”
“Yes.” She snuggles the baby closer as she nurses her.
“Gonna take the big kids to the zoo. Can I take Lola?”
"She's your baby too, Harry. Please don't ask me a question like that. Of course, you can take her.”
“All right, by the time I'm dressed, she should be finished, and I'll get her ready." Harry walks to the bathroom.
“Pretty sure I’m capable of getting my child dressed,” she mumbles.
Harry snaps around. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you, Y/N?" He's angry, but he keeps his voice down. "First, I do nothing, and then you pop off like that when I try to do something." Harry turns to walk back to the ensuite.
"Daddy's a grumpy pants, isn't he, baby girl? It's okay; you've got a mummy. She’ll take care of you, just like she always has.”
Harry stomps out of the bathroom, mouth full of toothpaste. “No, Y/N. No. You aren’t going to do that shit," he says, toothpaste foaming from his mouth as he flings the toothbrush and points it toward her.
She sighs. “Okay, Harry, whatever."
“Whatever? Whatever?” I’m done with this Y/N. Do what you will, hate me if you want, but don’t bad mouth me to our kids.” He walks again to the bathroom sink, and turns on the water, rinses his mouth out, dries it off.
“It’s not exactly like she understands what I’m saying.”
"Not exactly the point, Y/N.” He returns to the bedroom, then walks to the recliner, grabs a hoodie, and puts it on as he approaches the bed. "These babies are my entire life, Y/N. You know that, so think what you will of me as a husband, lover, and partner, but don’t you ever talk about me like that to our children.”
She’s burping the baby now, patting her on the back. “The kids are your entire life? I get it. Performing is your first love. No room for me.” She pulls her bottom lip in with her teeth and stares at nothing, looking at anything but Harry. Her eyes water, holding onto her tears.
Harry walks to her side of the bed. “You know that’s not what I meant, baby.” He sits on the bed next to her, his voice calmer now.
“No, I get it, Harry. Trust me, I do. I wouldn't blame you if you stopped loving and wanting me. Furthermore, why would you want any of this? I mean, look at this whole thing, and then there’s me. I’m a mess.”
“I’m looking at you. I see you. What are you talking about? And I love this mess, and I love you.” He places his hand on her knee. He pushes his eyebrows together and searches her face.
“It’s over, Harry.”
“No.” He shakes his head. “You’re tired and frustrated, but that’s life. It’s not over.”
"It wasn't a question." She hands Lola to him and stands. She tugs at the bottom of her t-shirt, the shirt she borrowed from him when they were dating and never gave it back. It's faded and stretched out, a picture of One Direction but with the words Spice Girls written on it.
Harry says nothing and watches her. She walks to the closet, grumbles, and grunts, knocking about with a few curse words sprinkled in. Once she finds what she's looking for, she returns to the bedroom, drops a suitcase on the bed, and then unzips it.
"Y/N, baby, what are you doing?"
"I told you I'm leaving. You didn't think taking the kids to the zoo would stop that did you?"
“This is crazy. I’m gonna put Lola in her crib. I’ll be back.” Harry stands, walks across the room, and exits.
A few moments later, he returns. She removes clothes from the dresser. Harry approaches her and places his hand on her elbow. "Baby, let's talk about this. You can leave me, in theory, until we can figure something out, but you can't just walk out on the kids."
She shrugs him off her. “Don’t touch me. There is nothing to figure out, not between us. As for the kids, of course, I'm not leaving them forever, don't be so dramatic, but I am leaving for now."
She goes to the bathroom. Harry can hear her gathering items from the vanity. He sits on the bed, dropping his head in his hands, then lifts his head resting his fingers tips under his chin. He stares at two crayons on the floor under the dresser. He makes that his sole focus, unable to look at her when Y/N returns and tosses the cosmetics bag into the suitcase. She huffs and sighs.
“I might not help as much as I should. I get it, but this, this is one time I’m not lifting a finger to help you. So you can cut the sound effects.”
There’s a soft knock at the door before the handle turns, and small hands push the door open. “Daddy, are we going to the zoo?”
Tears have started to roll down Harry’s cheeks. He wipes his face and sniffs before Poppy comes in. “Yes, baby girl, but give Daddy a minute. Go play nice in your room. I’ll come to get you when it’s time. And Poppy, please wait to be invited in before opening the door. You know the rules.”
“Okay.” Satisfied, she pulls the door closed.
"You see that, Y/N. Our kids need us. Our kids know when something's wrong. They heard our shouting earlier. We can't do this around them." He stands and walks over to her. "Listen, let me call Mitch and Sarah, and see if they can take them for the night, yeah? Or Jeff and Glenne might not mind, then we'll get dressed, go have a nice dinner, come home, and relax, just the two of us.”
“Why so you can get laid, Harry?”
"Y/N, where is all of this coming from? That's the second time you've remarked that I’m somehow this sex-crazed maniac that has to jump through hoops to trick his wife into having sex with him, yet you also say there is no way I could still want you.”
She shoves sneakers into the suitcase. “Oh, believe me, I know you can find someone to have sex with, no doubt about that." She shakes her head and smirks. "Never had any problem getting that, did you?"
“What is wrong with you? Do you think I’ve been with someone else? Is that what’s got you like this?”
She continues throwing things in the suitcase, then zips it up. She returns to the closet, retrieves another bag, unzips it, kicks it along the floor, and continues packing. “I told you. I can’t do it anymore. I’m tired. I’m forgetful because I’m overwhelmed. Important things aren’t given their proper attention. I mess up more often than I will admit. This isn’t good.”
“If this is about going out of town on that girls’ trip, then go.” He extends his foot and closes the top of the luggage. “Have fun. Go, but don’t ruin our family just because you weren’t getting your way.”
“Fuck you, Harry. Because I wasn’t getting my way? It’s not that. It’s that it’s always about you. Always. It’s when are you leaving, when are you coming back, coming in late from the studio, FaceTiming at 3 AM just so I can see you and hear your voice, important events, meetings, everything is about you, and I'm sick of it. You know you're the one that wanted a third baby, or hell, a second baby, for that matter. I was happy when it was just the three of us, all traveling together, but you wanted a larger family, and as usual, I wanted to give you what you wanted.”
He stands next to her, reaches over and takes her face in his hands, and turns her toward him. He sees her face, but she’s a stranger. He hadn’t noticed the new lines between her eyebrows, the dark circles under her eyes, or the sallow shade of her skin. “Tell me you don't regret Poppy and Lola. Please tell me you don't regret those two perfect little girls. Because I love you, Y/N, but if you tell me you regret them, I can't forgive you. Ever.”
She pulls away. "I do regret the timing. I should've insisted you take a multi-year hiatus before expanding our family because I made my life worse to make your life better."
He drops his hands from her and walks across the room to the window, which overlooks the expansive garden below. “Worse? How could anything about those babies make your life worse? Take it back before I say something that can’t be unsaid.” You knew what you were signing up for, Y/N. You knew the life I live and how hard it would be, but you said ‘I do’, you agreed this was the life we would live,” he says.
“You don’t see that even then, it was about you. It was what I agreed to, but what about me? What did you agree to do for me? What sacrifices were you willing to make? I gave up my career, so I could give you a home, take care of the kids, and always be available to support you in anything you needed me to support you in, travel with you." Sitting on the bed, she shoves her legs into her denim flares and stands. She walks over to the dresser and retrieves a black sports bra.
Harry turns to her. "Okay, what do you need? What do you need my support with? Besides the house, the kids? What is it that you’re missing?
She removes her t-shirt and puts on the bra. "Everything."
“You've got to give me specifics, love. Have to help me here, at least with this. I can't read minds, baby. Believe me, if I could, this wouldn't be happening." He walks to her.
She pulls on a lightweight black sweater. "I need you to know me, Harry.” She goes back to the luggage, bends down, and zips closed the second bag. “I needed you to pay attention, to see that I’m drowning here.”
"Okay. We'll have the maid come more days during the week, and we'll get a sitter, nanny, or whatever will make life easier for you. After the three nights in Manchester, I'll devote my time to you. But I have a contract I have to do these nights in Manchester, besides it’s kind of home. We can stay at Mum’s. All of us go together.”
“It’s not just about the housework or the kids. And I don’t want to follow you to Manchester. I need you. I need a husband, a partner, not a sugar daddy who keeps knocking me up.”
“Oh, get off it. Lola's over a year old, and never do I push you for sex, not ever.”
“Whatever.” She pulls the two suitcases upright, rolls them to the door, exits, walks down the hall, and passes the three bedrooms along the corridor. She can't stop, or she'll never go; if she stays, she'll make things worse. She knows she's on the brink of breaking completely.
Harry is behind her.
They make it to the front door, and she slides her feet into her loafers. As she opens the door, she turns to him. "Everything you need to know about your kids is in a folder on my desk in the office. There’s frozen milk in the fridge.”
He reaches out, but she shakes her head. “Don’t.” She snatches her purse from the hook by the front door.
"Y/N, please, baby."
"Goodbye, Harry." With that, she steps out, dragging the luggage behind her. She doesn't look back.
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rafesgoldrings · 1 year
missing you and trophy wife reader sm rn give us some crumbles 🤭
Hi bby, i’ve missed you sm (and it’s like every time I start missing trophy wife reader, someone sends a request for it😭) there is a scene in this where Rafe preforms a sexual activity on reader while she’s sleeping but he has prior consent to do so, please either skip this scene or do not read this if that makes you uncomfortable! The scene will be in bold
Rafe decides that since it’s finally Summer and the both of you have been working so hard at the company, it’s time for a vacation. He gets everything in order, makes sure things will still function normally when you’re both gone for a month, tells his guy that’s out in charge when he’s absent to call if nothing happens, and then takes you shopping. While you’re picking out new clothes and bikinis in one store, he’s at another picking out some new lingerie and toys for you. His wardrobe was fine, there was no need to get anything new that would just fill up more space, but you always insisted you didn’t have enough clothes and practically dragged him shopping. He wasn’t complaining when he walked out with about 6 bags of new things to use on you, the two of you met up again and you gave him a look.
The kind of look that screams ‘you’re up to no good but i’m not saying anything’, but the two of you finished up your shopping and went home to begin packing. He took you to your vacation home in the Bahamas, settled right on the beach with a gorgeous view. The sounds of the ocean being heard from every location in the house mixed with the salty air and gentle breeze setting the vibe perfectly. You’d unpacked everything and went to get some groceries to hold you over for the next few days until you went and got the rest of what you’d need, it was fairly late by then so you decided to watch a movie. You rested your head in his lap and fell asleep halfway through like always. Of course a sex scene has to play, it’s not even good. Mediocre at best Rafe thinks, but the combo of the sounds from the screen and the feeling of your head moving against his cock every so often has him rock hard.
**He knows you won’t mind if he uses your mouth, you’ve told him before how hot you’d find it to wake up with his cock inside you. He tries to ignore the throbbing he feels, but it gets to be too much and so turns the tv off before he carefully pulls his cock from his sweatpants and begins stroking it. He moves your head just a smidge so that he can part your lips and slide his cock inside, letting out a small groan at the feeling. You let out a small moan and Rafe’s eyes widen thinking you’re awake, he lets out a sigh of relief when your eyes remain closed and you make no indication of being awake. He starts to softly fuck your face, one tangled in your hair as the other goes to pull your tits from the soft cotton tank top you had on. The sight of your nipples hardening and goosebumps covering your body brings him to his orgasm, shooting his load down your throat. This wakes you up and causes you to panic at first, not quite knowing what was going on. “You’re okay baby, just couldn’t wait. Needed this pretty fucking mouth on my cock” Rafe assures you, smiling when you relax and look up at him with tired eyes. You swallow it all and his cock pulls out of your mouth with a ‘pop’.**
You sit up and pull your top off completely before pulling off your panties. He grips your hips and helps pull you into his lap, you reach between your bodies and guide the tip of his cock to your dripping slit and slowly push it inside. He keeps pushing until he bottoms out, staying still to let you adjust first before roughly thrusting up into you. You bounce your hips trying to match his pace, but you’re still too tired so he uses his hands to bounce you up and down. His lips attach to your tits that are bouncing around in his face with each rough thrust he gives you, he marks them and licks at them savoring the way your soft skin feels against his tongue.
You reach down to begin rubbing your clit, the feeling in your stomach growing more and more intense. Rafe knows you’re close, can see it on your face and can feel it with the way your pussy squeezes him so tight. Sucking him in and matching the same greediness you held in terms of his cock. He suddenly flips you so that you’re now on your back, pushing your legs to your chest and pounding into you so hard that you know you’ll wake up sore. You lean your head up and capture his lips in a rough kiss, teeth clashing and tongues twisting together as you moan into each others mouths. Your head falls back into the couch cushion, his lips moving to kiss your throat and neck, as your orgasm washes over you. Eyes screwed shut, small whimpers and pants slipping through your lips, Rafe’s name filling the room as you cry out. He feels you squirting around him, clenching so fucking tight and pulls away from your neck to watch your tight, wet hole stretch around him, and that sends him over the edge. His head falls back into the crook of your neck, the soft skin muffling his loud grunts and groans as he fills you up. It’s pornographic, the way you both look and the sounds currently filling the room, and Rafe has never been so happy for the cameras that record it all.
You both lie there, skin sticky with sweat and arousal, out of breath and tired, just enjoying the way you feel like this. You feel him go soft and pull out of you which causes you to let out a whine from the loss of fullness, he chuckles and watches his seed leak out of you. “Tsk tsk princess, can’t let this go to waste can we? Let me just…” he trails off, taking two of his fingers and stuffing the cum back into you before pulling your panties back on. You moan at the feeling, squirming and clenching your thighs together while he just laughs at you.
“Let’s go to bed baby, bet you’re real tired after that yeah?” you nod, letting out a small yawn which causes him to do the same. He scoops you into his arms and you bury your face into his neck. You hear the door open and Rafe take a few steps before you’re placed in the soft and cool comfort of the king sized bed. ‘Thank god for cooling bedsheets and comforters’ you think to yourself, the sweltering heat outside was almost unbearable when the wind wasn’t blowing and you weren’t in the water or in front of a fan. Rafe slides in the bed next to you, placing a kiss to the top of your head before turning the lights off.
“Goodnight baby, sleep well. I love you” but you were already out, he quietly chuckles to himself and pulls out his phone to lower the brightness. But curiosity gets the best of him…so he opens the security camera app, goes to the recently recorded videos, and saves the one of him fucking you senseless to him phone. He’d have to watch that one later when your needy pussy wasn’t there for him to bury his cock inside when he needed it.
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