#Even if his stage fright wants to ramp up XD
siixkiing · 1 year
(from crossed-worlds) (Usiku and Wukong) 32. A kiss while someone watches
((One of them is possessive >:3))
☯ kiss roulette | @crossed-worlds ☯
While Wukong wouldn't say he was oblivious, there were times that he didn't pay attention — clueless sometimes when someone was checking him out or eyeing him in THAT way. Trying not to be obvious as they checked him out, peering away when he turned in their direction. It wasn't that the golden simian wasn't aware that he had an appeal to some and he could admit when someone was attractive — he wasn't blind after all, there had many that had caught his gaze and he couldn't help but admire. Still, he never acted on it nor really cared to, preferring there to be more to it than just thinking someone was hot. Wanting that deep connection.
Which is why he hadn't noticed the gaze constantly being on him, their eyes roving over his figure as he sat. Having wanted to go on another 'date' with his beloved shadow. Taking Usiku to a bar that he thought they both would like — the place casual and fun. Not overly crowded or noisy which suited the two disguised simians just fine in the moment. It seemed though that while he hadn't noticed the stares from the other, his partner had. His own attention on the menu that sat on the bar, trying to decide which peach drink he'd like to order for himself — they all looked so delicious after all. Being drawn away from the selection when he suddenly felt a hand reach out and grip his hip firmly, blinking in surprises before turning to the one seated next to him.
He had been about to ask before he felt the other's fingers grip his chin and crushed their lips together. Drawing a surprised noise from the sage in the moment, softly gasping — allowing Usiku to deepen the sudden kiss. It make his face rapidly heat up and brighten in the moment, shivering softly in response as he returned the gesture all to eagerly. His claws managing to grip the fabric of the healer's shirt. Feeling that all too familiar flutter in his chest and stomach as they sat there, lost in the moment as the bar seemed to fade away into nothing.
It felt like eternity before Usiku drew back, his false golds drinking in the sight before him of the flushed king in his grip. Another soft noise leaving Wukong's lips as he felt that thumb trace his bottom lip. Gods, this man knew how to make him absolutely weak in the knees and he loved it so much. Soft purrs being heard rumbled from him, lost to the noise of their surrounding — but not to the six-eared simian in disguise. Oh no, he could hear them well especially with how close they were in the moment.
"W-What was that for?"
He stammered out lightly, taking a quick peek around to see if any eyes were on them. It wasn't that public displays of affection were something he hated BUT his stage fright made it hard to do anything that would draw attention. Like that kiss for example. Not that he was complaining about Usiku kissing him. Never. Luckily it seemed not many patrons around took noticed and if they had their attention didn't linger long on the two before going back to whatever they had been talking about or doing prior.
"Not that I'm complaining much here, that was...wow."
Ah yes, poetic. Than again, there was no better way to describe that kiss than wow. It was so sudden and oh so amazing — seemingly possessive too in nature. Still words failed to convey just how much he enjoyed it. A fond smile decorating his features as he leaned slightly into his beloved shade just a bit. Completely spellbound right now with him and purring softly away in bliss.
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mercurypilgrim · 4 years
“Why are you being nice to me?” prompt please! XD
(Ask, and ye shall receive! ;) ) Odessen was… cold.
Fia shivered as she stepped off the shuttle, pulling her cloak around her shoulders.
The Force was in such serene balance, it almost made her head spin.
It was strange really, to be so overwhelmed by balance.
She was nervous.
Master Till'in had always mentioned that she needed to be more level-headed, but it was hard to quell the squirming feeling of nerves that made her feel a little sick.
From her spot off to the side of the ramp, she watched the rest of the inhabitants of the shuttle disembark.
She had recognised a fellow Jedi in there, but the others were unknown. A trio of surly looking soldiers in Republic armour had stuck closely together, watching everyone else with thinly veiled suspicion. A quiet woman in the garb of a spacer had played with her holopad the entire journey, and the other Jedi had been content to meditate by themself.
Fia had felt quite out of place, even as the other Jedi had opened an eye to give her a warm smile before slipping back into their mediation.
This was the most nerve-wracking thing she had done since passing her trials to become a Knight, and that was on her second try.
She looked up in a watery blue sky garnished with puffy clouds, and breathed in cool, crisp air.
She had always loved being out in the fresh air.
Her former occupation as a crew member on a junk hauler on Raxus Prime seemed impossibly long ago now, but the distaste of fumes and industrial spaces lingered.
Gingerly, she followed the quiet spacer as she headed for the huge staging area, hewn from the rock. The sheer scale was impressive enough, but the fact that it had been done so quickly was astonishing.
Glancing around, she felt strangely guilty for being here, as though she was invading the space. People baring Alliance insignia hurried back and forth, some dressed in fatigues and others in officers’ uniforms.
It all felt awfully familiar, and at the same time, completely out of place.
She swallowed hard when she spotted a figure in a dark robe, hood over their face and a lightsaber clipped to their belt, hurry past them with a thunderous expression on her face. Stark crimson tattoos covered her face, and Fia knew what that meant.
She was so busy staring, she almost bumped into the spacer when she suddenly stopped.
Flashing an awkward, apologetic smile to the dark look thrown her way, she peered through the throng of people.
A woman in fatigues and with the baring of someone used to being listened to was standing waiting for them, her face stony. She was backed by a cohort of neutral looking assistants, all of whom stayed quiet.
“I am Lieutenant Fisher,” the leader introduced, her accent placing her from one of the Imperial fringe worlds. She was a mountain of a woman, standing tall and broad. Her sharp dark eyes and closely cropped hair gave her the air of someone Fia would never ever cross. “Welcome to Odessen.”
She continued her welcome, and Fia strained to listen for fear of missing a single instruction. Her mind tended to wander easily, and she always tried listen extra hard to people who looked like they could break her in two.
Eventually, she heard that she and any other Force inclined recruits were to head for the Force Enclave. Having no idea where this was, she resolved to follow the kindly Jedi she had met on the shuttle.
They were already following one of the assistants, and Fia scrambled to keep up.
The Jedi shot her a little smile when she joined their side, quiet and calm.
Fia wished she could be so composed.
She followed the two as the assistant led them through a maze of rock hewn corridors, passing rooms and doors by the dozen. She craned her neck to take in every detail, turning her head to look at everything on their path. People were everywhere, going about their business as though they weren’t part of the most amazing thing Fia had ever seen.
The Alliance was monumental.
Awe inspiring.
How could she not want to be a part of that?
She blinked, pausing.
She didn’t see her Jedi companion anymore.
She didn’t see the assistant, either.
Attempting to squash the panic threatening to rise in her belly, she looked around and found herself completely lost.
She had been so busy staring at everything that she must have missed them turning off down another corridor.
Wringing her hands, she headed back the way she came, recognising none of it.
It was quiet here too, and as soon as she spotted someone that she could ask, they hurried away with their heads in a holopad or call.
She needed to stay calm and normal and peaceful.
She was lost.
Oh, what if they thought she was a spy? They had Imperials in the Alliance so what if they wanted to torture her because she had wandered into a restricted area and she had only stepped off the shuttle half an hour ago and now she was poking around where she shouldn’t and-
“Are you alright?”
She jumped, her whole body tensing as a sudden voice cut through her growing fright.
She whirled around and, to her horror, came face to face with black armor and amber eyes.
She blinked, wringing her hands.
“Ahh, I- I’m really sorry!” She burst out with, mouth moving faster than her brain. “I didn’t mean to- I mean, I just got off the shuttle and then I lost the person- the guy I was following, and- I’m sorry.”
She cringed as the Sith, for he couldn’t have been anything else with that armour and those eyes, looked at her.
“You’re lost? Well, it happens.” The Sith smiled, showing sharp teeth. She squeaked, and his eyes crinkled with humour. “But I asked if you were alright. You look a bit shaken. Do you need a sit down? A shot of whiskey? Maybe a hug?”
Fia stared. The Sith didn’t seem angry, and he sounded like he was teasing her.
 She looked at him more closely.
He was Mirialan, tall and solid looking under that armour. His face was decorated with geometric tattoos, and his eyes were bright golden amber against dark skin. Orange ringed his iris like a mockery of a limbic circle, and she marvelled at it. He was smiling at her.
“I- um…“
He raised a dark eyebrow, and it disappeared under the mop of curls that reached down to brush his shoulders.
“A sit down then. Come on, I’ll show you the cantina.”
“I’m supposed to be going to the Force Enclave.” She managed shyly, and he waved a dismissive hand.
She stared. Those gauntlets had claws on them.
“Oh, they can complain if they want.” He grinned, leading the way, and apparently expecting her to follow. “You need a drink.”
Fia cringed.
“I don’t- uh, I can’t really have-“
“Booze? Fair enough. I think they have Xambu juice in this week.”
What in the name of all the stars was Xambu juice?
She followed along meekly, half expecting the Sith to turn and go for her throat.
“I’m Ven’fir, by the way.” He introduced as he led her into a corridor with more people. The air was more relaxed here, and she could hear music getting louder as they approached, as well as the sound of talking and clinking glasses. “You’re one of the new recruits, yeah?”
She nodded, trying to keep pace with his long strides.
“Yes. I’m Fia. Uh, Knight Fia.” She corrected with an awkward smile.
He grinned at her again, and she was struck by how not-menacing it was.
“Not used to the rank yet?” he asked pleasantly, leading her into a cantina. It was a huge space, the craggy rock ceiling giving it a rather unique atmosphere. It was fairly quiet at this hour, but there were still enough people to give the place a low buzz of sound.
She shook her head.
“It’s been two years.” She admitted. “But I’m still not used to it.”
“I know the feeling.” He replied vaguely, and she wondered what he meant.
He rattled of an order to the serving droid and handed her one of the glasses that it returned with. The liquid inside was clear, but too thick to be water. It had a pretty iridescence when it caught the light, and a bright pink fruit on the side of the glass.
The Sith was drinking the same thing.
He led her to a table and settled down, clearly expecting her to join him.
He raised a glass to someone who waved at him, shooting them a grin and wink.
Fia was feeling quite overwhelmed. She took a drink of her strange beverage and found it to be deliriously sweet. It was pleasant and fizzed on her tongue as she tasted it.
“Why are you being nice to me?” she blurted, sitting awkwardly in her chair.
She Sith blinked in surprise, glass halfway to his mouth.
He took a drink, swallowed it, and shrugged.
“Why not?” he asked, “What good would being cruel to you do me?”
Fia wasn’t sure how to answer that without offending him.
He noticed her reluctance to speak, and a knowing look crossed his face.
“It’s because I’m Sith, isn’t it?” he said, taking another drink. “You thought I would go out of my way to torment a Jedi.”
She cringed, her cheeks heating up. She wrung her hands in her lap.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful.” She assured. “That was really rude of me.”
He gave a little smile.
“It’s alright, I understand why you’d be nervous. We were on opposite sides not too long ago, after all.” He reassured. “Every Sith here is here because they want to be, same as every Jedi. They’re not all saints, but they’re Alliance.” He said firmly. “And that means they’ve chosen to leave everything they’ve ever known just to be here, just like you.”
She swallowed painfully, nodding.
“Yeah, I- I know. I’m just being stupid. I do that a lot.” She offered him a smile and was relieved when she got one back.
“Oh, there’s plenty of stupidity here.” He laughed, and the sound was loud and restrained. “Mostly from me, or so my advisors tell me.”
She frowned.
Important people had advisors.
He glanced at her, sly.
“Yeah. I was a bit… less than completely honest when I introduced myself earlier.” He admitted with a sheepish grin. “The name’s Ven’fir Quinn, Darth Venator and Alliance Commander. Nice to meet you.”
Fia stared at him in horror as he offered her his hand to shake, clawed gauntlet and all.
Unable to keep a straight face, Ven’fir couldn’t help but laugh.
His laugh was loud and infectious, and soon she found herself giggling too.
The knot of nerves in her belly untangled itself and melted away, and finally she felt like she was safe.
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