#Evangeline D'isco
axaki · 2 years
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Savlonic -- Computer Guy
and he'll twist you round you know he'll turn your head can't fight this urge to turn towards him oh no no
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Aaaaaa? I tried to draw Evangeline D'isco......
It's so bad aaaaaa. I promise I do better soon!
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ropuszysko · 6 years
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toonandcute0 · 6 years
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Me atrase severamente y lo siento pero pues tengo trabajos y todo eso… en fin pero quiero seguir intentando creo que el habito de dibujar o hacer cosas diario es importante aunque no lo muestre pero ya lo hice y el inktober se trata de ser un busca atención así que aquí les dejo los días que no hice Les dejo el día 8 con más cursilería… nunca tuve la oportunidad de dibujar a Noodle con su estilo de Tranz así qua aquí se las dejo con su novia Evangeline D'isco de Savlonic… ——————————————————————————————- I delayd severely and I’m sorry but I have works to do and all that … anyway but I want to keep trying, I think the habit of drawing daily or doing stuff like this is important even if I do not show it but I already did it and the inktober is about being a look for attention so here I leave you the days that I didn’t upload I leave you on the 8th day and more corny stuff … I never had the opportunity to draw Noodle with her Tranz style so here I leave it with her girlfriend Evangeline D'isco de Savlonic …
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aforgotto · 6 years
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please join our server it’s fun
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kiwi-pies · 7 years
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I’m Kiwi and I’m starved for Savlonic content. 
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radwolf76 · 5 years
FLASHBack: Week 25 - Savlonic
Time for us to check in with the titans of the Flash Animation genre, as the first Thursday of the month means First-Class FLASHBack. Because there was a request for this, we're again turning our sights on Weebl. Music has always been a big component in Weebl's Flashes, all the way back to some of his earliest Flashes from 2003 such as Scampi, or Bonjour (Caution: pixelated penis), to more recent works such as 2013's Business Cat (a song very similar to one that another of FLASHBack's "First Class" artists, Weird Al, would release a year later, Mission Statement, except Weebl's song contains 100% more cat.)   So, it was a natural fit, when in 2008, the exciting new electro-pop band Savlonic asked Weebl to make a music video for one of their songs. Electro Gypsy was released on July 17th of that year. Two thirds of the band, Roscoe Thunderpants and Evangeline D'isco, also did an exclusive interview for Weebl's Stuff website. (Drummer Kandi Flaus had a prior commitment. The video is loaded with references to pop culture, from a Flux Capacitor on the titular Gypsy's robotic horse (mounted in the orientation that Doc Brown originally sketched it, no less), to a Matrix homage (specifically the "We need guns. Lots of guns." scene), to a recreation of the Astro Cat Meme from 2006 using Evangeline as the cat, to a shout-out to Weebl's own parody of the trailer for the first Michael Bay Transformers, in the form of a movie poster for Big Ass Badgers II.   Except of course, there was no exciting new band. Savlonic was merely another invention of Jonti "Weebl" Picking's. He provided the voice of Roscoe Thunderpants, although the singer's look was modelled off of the keyboardist from the band Sparks, Ron Mael. Evangaline D'isco was voiced by his wife, Sara Darling, who was a radio presenter on the Station XFM, a title she shared with the likes of Russell Brand, Ricky Gervais, and Simon Pegg. Originally voiced by a pitch-shifted Sara Darling, Kandi Flaus's role would be taken over by Katt Wade. Virtual Bands were nothing new in the animation world though, not even in Flash Animation, as the Brothers Chaps, creators of Homestar Runner (and also "First Class" alumni), had spawned their own Virtual Band, Limozeen, six years earlier.   Savlonic's next song, Tiny Japanese Girl, was released on 22 April 2010. This video would take on a predominately red color casting for it's background, something that would become a signature in future videos (perhaps in an effort to distinguish Savlonic videos from Weebl's other songs). Mr. Thunderpants assumes the guise of the king of the kaiju, Godzilla, while Evangaline and Kandi don kimonos. Other Japanese clichés include cherry blossom trees, geta sandals, and Mount Fuji. At the end of the video, in keeping with the theme of the song: tiny Japanese girls, D'isco and Flaus take on the role of the two twin fairies that accompany Mothra, activating the giant lepidopteran to save Godzilla/Roscoe from the militarized monster patrol.   Their third song, Wandering Eye would be put out on 8 June 2011. This video marked Weebl handing animation duties over to another Flash artist, Peabo, who departed from the chibi stylizations of the previous two, rendering the band in more realistic proportions while still being generally cartoonish. For the first time Evangaline's bangs are lifted to show her eyes. Roscoe's moustache is given more width to make it less Hitler-like. Like last week, there is an implication of rodents being used for lewd purposes.   On 26 March 2012, Savlonic's fourth song, The Driver hit YouTube, and Newgrounds, as well as Weebl's own site. Roscoe's moustache has gone full-on painter's brush to further deter the Hitler comparisons. Peabo shows off some high technical prowess in this one, with panning rotations around complex-shaped vehicles, as well as some wonderful wind effect on everyone's hair and Roscoe's tie.   Computer Guy, their fifth song, would drop on 27 May 2013. Heavily inspired by the Tron franchise, this was also their reddest video yet. The band are performing at the whims of the titular Computer Guy, literally hardwired in to be peripherals to his system. Midway through the video, when he cranks up the rock out percentage sliders, we see Kandi Flaus actually drum with both sticks for the first time, showing how he has total control over them. No one machine is meant to handle that much rock however, and there's an overload and an explosion that disconnects the band. They bust out with some hoverboards (real hoverboards, the kind that don't have wheels because they actually fucking hover instead of just rolling on the ground like a decapitated segway), and fly over to his tower to do some perfect superhero landings (hard on the knees). At the end is a huge plot twist which I won't spoil here.   On 11 February 2014, a Kickstarter was launched for a Savlonic album in digital and physical forms. It raised £34,768 against it's £12,000 goal, resulting in an album titled "Red". It consisted mostly of the existing five songs plus remixes of the same. A sixth song was produced new for the album, and on 22 August 2014, Spelunker was released. Peabo gave Evangaline a new hairdo this time around, and Kandi has a new style as well. Roscoe's and Evangaline's cave explorations are supported by top-side assistants Damian Bevan and Andrew Neidig, who both donated £1,000 or more on Kickstarter to be in the video.   On April Fools day of 2016, Savlonic launched another Kickstarter for a second album, titled Neon. This time around they shifted their branding to the retrowave/synthwave/outrun aesthetic. Weebl also brought in another new Flash animator to collaborate with, Anthony "Kr3id" Price. They were able to raise £40,778 of their £30,000 goal. On 19 September 2016, a video for the track Broken was released. As before, the video featured cameos by the highest paying kickstarter backers. The song is about hard feelings over a strained relationship and the video's premise is that these feelings come out in the middle of a recording session. Kandi, upset over the band being on the verge of falling apart, again begins to use both drumsticks, and as before, eventually destroys the stage with the force of her rockin' beats. Before that happens however, Evangaline and Rosco both use their keytar and microphone as futuristic weapons to trash the studio. When the band is plunged into the undeground tunnel below their studio when everything falls apart, D'isco and Thunderpants turn their musical weapons on each other while a disgusted Flaus decides to hop into the band's car and drive off, homaging both The Driver (the car), and Wandering Eye (her keychain).   2016 was a busy year for Savlonic, as there was also a release of a remix album for Neon, and also an album called the Rosco EP, which was a collaboration between Jonti Picking and Daniel "Kaspar Funk" Dobbs. Then, at the beginning of 2017, the second video from the Neon Album was released on 6 January. Hi-Lights picks up where Broken left off, with drummer Kandi Flaus driving away by herself. This marks the first time that Katt Wade takes over voicing Kandi. While the video starts out as a pure example of the Outrun aesthetic, two thirds in, there are hints of her car being chased by some ghostly green-eyed dark specter of some kind. We're only shown hints of it following behind her car, with Kandi glancing worriedly in her rearview mirrors. At the end of the video, she's apparently captured, and shown bound to some kind of sci-fi table as we catch more reflections of the ghostly green faces in her eyes. The video ends with "To Be Continued."   However Savlonic's next video would not pick up that storyline. Instead, on 19 January 2018, I Was Made for Loving You would be released to promote the band's cover tunes album, Emulat0r. The video itself is not much to speak of as it's just the band painted up to look like the song's original artists, KISS. They stand there while an elaborate stage rotates around them. It was a bit of a return to form for Weebl, as many of his early Flashes were based on simple looping visuals. A few weeks later on 2 February 2018, a video would drop for Johnny Massacre's track Beastman Blitz, which featured samples from Savlonic's Broken. This video marked the first time that the virtual band had been integrated with a live action person.   In May of 2018, Weebl went back to kickstarter to raise funds for yet another Savlonic album, Black Plastic, raising £37,055 of a £32,000 goal. Nearly eleven months later, on 18 Mar 2019, Weebl would team up with Arkanell to release a video for the song Action Causes Reaction, animated not in Adobe Flash, but in the Unity 3D engine. The change in toolsets was needed to support the making of a video in 360 VR. The video is heavily Tron themed, but it also has a blocky, voxelated look similar to Minecraft.   That's about all I have on Roscoe Thunderpants, Evangaline D'isco, and purple-haired drummer Kandi Flaus. Next week, a different purple haired girl, and her angry squirrel.
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glyphron · 8 years
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Okay, so, I play Sims freeplay on my phone. And I have a number of characters in my town so far.
Nevaeh Spear (oc) Grace Orchid (oc) Tara Queen (movie Epic) Ronan Oberon (movie Epic) Flora Oberon (oc and Tara’s/Ronan’s child) Evangeline D'isco (Savlonic) Fenris (DA 2) Hawke (DA 2) Varania (DA 2 Fenris’ sister) Carth Onasi (KotOR) Revan Dark (KotOR) Galatea Shepard (ME) Kaidan Alenko (ME) Jeff (Joker) Moreau (ME) Kelly Chambers (ME) Yuri Katsuki (Yuri on Ice) Victor Nikiforov (Yuri on Ice) Aura Wayfarer (oc)
🌐So, Nevaeh Spear was a celestial warrior who retired and came to this plane to settle down. She was the first member of the town. 🌐Grace came to town to start a new life. A quiet life. And get away from trouble back where she came from. Before Tara showed up in town, she and Ronan were lovers. With a little help from some charm…. But she refused to marry him. Over and over. It turns out she’s a vampire and will not die like he will which is why she refused. And, how they ended up together is she used her vampire charm to sort of hypnotize him into it. 🌐Thinking Tara was dead for good, Ronan became a ‘stomper’ normal human, to get away from it all until his final days. But, then Tara showed up and that broke the hypnosis over him. He married her pretty much instantly. 🌐Tara was revived by the life of the forest and decided to join Ronan, since there was already a new queen in her realm. She married Ronan, and they had Flora together. 🌐Revan and Carth came to this world to settle and live out the rest of their lives side by side. They live together peacefully with no one aware of her past or her jedi powers. 🌐After betraying her brother, Varania came here to start any life she could possibly have. She swore to give up magic, but the temptation is always there. She lived in a poor broken down town house in poverty. Then her brother and his lover moved to the town. 🌐Fenris and Hawke came to live whatever normal life they could after the fall of Kirkwall. Unaware Varania lives there. Fenris is still very bitter. They are rivals. He would have then move again, but, this is currently the safest place away from the Chantry and Templars. Hawke keeps her magic hidden as best she can, but, Hawke and trouble are one in one. 🌐Shepard, Kaidan, Joker, and Kelly live here, 'retired’ by declaration of the Alliance. But, really, they figure they’re just on shore leave until whenever there’s a battle to fight. They all live together practically, and Shepard and Kaidan are repairing their relationship and taking it further. One big happy fam. 🌐Yuri and Victor just decided to settle here because it was a nice place to live and get away from the crowds on the off season. They’re married and looking to possibly adopt a boy and a girl. They have the space in their beachfront estate. 🌐Aura is a wanderer. Never really felt like settling. But when she came to this place, it felt like coming home. Turns out she lived there once in her young childhood. And maybe her wanderlust was just a side effect of searching for this town, where she belongs, all along. 🌐Evangeline D'isco found herself here after the events of Neon. Where it seemed the band was breaking up. The status of Savlonic is still complicated. But, fate may not let them stay apart for long.
Anyway, for the interesting part. Today, Varania finally worked hard enough to be well enough off she could move out of her poverty stricken life. Tara, Ronan, and Flora recently moved to a bigger home to accommodate their daughter and their expected second child. Varania moved into their old home, which is simple, but much better than her old house. To reach out to others, redeem herself, and try to give other’s away out of poverty and desperate situations…. She had her old home rebuilt into a library. So the poor could educate themselves. Most of its contents are donated. But she hopes it will better the community.
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thatsnakeman · 6 years
Savlonic - Black Plastic (new album) via /r/outrun
Savlonic - Black Plastic (new album)
Hi, Savlonic here.
Following the success of our first 2 albums: Red, and Neon, plus a HUGELY-successful Kickstarter campaign back in 2018 - we are beyond proud to announce the release of our 3rd studio album: Black Plastic!
To mark this, we have produced and uploaded an (upto) 8k, fully-immersive 360° VR Video for the track 'Action Causes Reaction' on YouTube. You can find it here:
You can use your favourite 3D headset to watch in true VR: if you have an Oculus/Vive, give the free YouTube VR app a spin; on Windows Mixed Reality? Don't miss out, use Tubecast VR. Non-VR people can join in the fun too: if you're on a mobile device, move it around to explore the 3D environment. On a PC/Mac? No problem - just click and drag around the video to see it's full glory! Google Cardboard people, you know what to do ;)
We've poured all our blood, sweat and tears in the studio for months into this album - perfecting every single note and harmony - and without beating our drum too hard, we thoroughly believe Black Plastic to be our absolute finest work to date; it's dark, it's complex, and it will have your head nodding to every last synthesized kick drum. We're so proud of what we have created, and we're equally proud to have been able to share the creative process with you via Mr Weebl's Twitch channel.
You can purchase Black Plastic on physical formats via our Shop:
CD Digipack | 12" Vinyl | 12" Vinyl Picture Disc
Or digitally - via the following stores:
Bandcamp | Spotify | Amazon | iTunes | Google Play
We hope you enjoy our new labour of love. We've had an absolute blast making it, and we can't wait to hear what you think.
Thank you, everyone, for your continued support. It means the absolute world to us!
  ~Savlonic are Rosco Thunderpants, Evangeline D'isco, and Kandi Flaus. Guitars by Kaspar Funk
Submitted March 24, 2019 at 03:30PM by TheSavlonic via reddit https://ift.tt/2UOSbOV
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Pls join if you’re still a fan or you still enjoy Savlonic.
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ropuszysko · 6 years
Savlonic theory
Hello, it's me, ya toad. I know, I've never actually shown interest in Savlonic on this blog, but this is one of my favourite bands, I just tend to forget about them every two months and then discover them one more month later. And I've just been reminded, that it's not that much left before we get Black Plastic (March, if I'm correct). So I've decided to remind myself the lyrics and stuff and oh boi it caused some thinking. Say hello to this long theory, nobody asked for. (Under the cut)
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(before I actually start, note, that: I couldn't find some lyrics and I may not have all the information (from streams and maybe some patrons-only stuff, because as I don't earn money for now, I'm not a one), I'm doing this one for fun, it's not any type of shocking analysis)
So, chronologically, let's start with Red. I'll let myself skip Electro Gypsy and Tiny Japanese Girl, as they are pretty random (or so deep, that I don't get the metaphor). In this album, we basically see Rosco and Eve getting together. There are struggles on a way (Wandering Eye may be about jealousy (though it is a little bit of a stretch), Android sounds like a call “I'm not ok, I have my issues”, Spelunker seems to me like a serious talk about these issues). The Driver seems, like they finally managed to figure it out (more less). And then, there is Computer Guy. Key one in my theory.
So as we all know, in Computer Guy, there is a man from a future (Computer Guy), who fights with the trio, tries to get in between of Rosco and Eve. He also says to Eve, that she will eventually fall in love with him and of course, she assures Rosco, that she feels nothing for CG. And boom, at the end the music video, there is a plot twist. Computer Guy is elderly Rosco from the future. Remember this one.
Then we have Neon. Struggles start again. They are broken, everything falls apart (Broken) maybe it even gets physical? (Grinder, though this is again, a stretch). As we see at the end of the Broken, it results in Kandi leaving.
Now, we're not sure about chronology, right? Maybe Kandi is away till the end of Neon's 'action'? As she is alone, she is thinking. I mostly mean Hi-Lights. It maybe a stretch once more, but while reading the lyrics for the first time in a year (or more), my first thought was 'Wow, she has realized, that she has feelings for one of them'. Something tells me, that Eve is more possible as an object of this affection, because Kandi totally has gay energy and the term 'beautiful' (phrase 'beautiful faces') is used for women more than for men (at least, that's what I've observed, as non-native speaker of English). Other things she may have realized are, in my opinion: that the situation between Rosco and Eve really upsets her, that she has her own problems and she is broken herself or the feelings theory, but with Rosco. Something tells me, she was high, though idk for sure. I'm not sure, which of the girls sings Wires (tbh, I'm not sure, how to interpret this one) and Release, but they suit both Kandi and Eve in this theory.
Meanwhile, Eve and Rosco stayed wherever they were before and are still conflicted, both in their relation and in their minds (Epoch on Rosco's side, Wires, Release and Sweet (EP) on Eve's). Then they try again, decide to start from the beginning (All Smiles), get Kandi back, etc. And that will be a 'plot' behind Black Plastic.
That's an optimistic one, they may also decide to just end it all and let one another to live their own life, away from the rest.
But as I said before, Computer Guy is important in this one. What if, during the plot of Black Plastic, something goes wrong and something very, very bad happens to Eve (like death)? Or maybe actually Grinder happens here? As their situation was still shaky, Rosco probably blames himself and does everything to prevent it, working on time machine, becoming a Computer Guy and trying to get in between of him and Eve back in Red era, because he thinks, that if she wasn't with him, nothing would have happened.  
Where is Kandi in all this? Well, I'm not sure. Maybe they didn't get her back, before whatever has happened, happened? Maybe (her being high part) something destroyed her before they managed to do that? Maybe, when Rosco went crazy about whatever has happened to Eve, their friendship just fell apart? Or least probable, she is one of Computer Guy's 'ladies'? Idk.
Now, I actually have a hard time interpreting Wires and Sweet. They just look really complicated to me, maybe because English isn't my first language.
I don't know, where to put Angles (maybe pre-crisis or next to All Smiles?), The Roll and Searchers (as I don't have lyrics).
And one more thought on Release. Most of the song is just a phrase “Rosetta stone” on a loop, right? I guess, everyone knows that, but Rosetta stone was a stone found by Napoleon's soldiers, that made it possible to people of modern times to read hieroglyphs. So maybe in Black Plastic we will get our “Rosetta Stone”, explaining all of these?
I ignored Eve's hair, although that may be a little bit of a hint of how the time works.
It was a loose theory, I hope, you enjoyed it. I'm mostly posting this, so when Black Plastic comes out, I can compare it to what actually is there.
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aforgotto · 6 years
wow they did that
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aforgotto · 6 years
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Eve is here
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