#Europe Green Hydrogen Market
123567-9qaaq9 · 4 days
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zvaigzdelasas · 6 months
The largest integrated green hydrogen production and refuelling complex in China is able to supply hydrogen at 35 yuan per kilo ($4.86/kg), near cost parity with diesel, according to reporting by the Chinese newspaper Hunan Daily.[...]
By way of comparison, hydrogen fuel is being sold at the pump elsewhere in China for 75 yuan per kilo — which is still cheaper than in other countries. The largest H2 fuel market in the US, California, is currently seeing pump prices of $36/kg — more than seven times higher than the Changsha facility — while in Germany, Europe's largest market, current per-kg prices are between €12.85 and €15.75 ($14-16.60).
15 Mar 24
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
ESSEN, Germany (AP) — For most of this century, Germany racked up one economic success after another, dominating global markets for high-end products like luxury cars and industrial machinery, selling so much to the rest of the world that half the economy ran on exports.
Jobs were plentiful, the government's financial coffers grew as other European countries drowned in debt, and books were written about what other countries could learn from Germany.
No longer. Now, Germany is the world’s worst-performing major developed economy, with both the International Monetary Fund and European Union expecting it to shrink this year.
It follows Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the loss of Moscow's cheap natural gas — an unprecedented shock to Germany’s energy-intensive industries, long the manufacturing powerhouse of Europe.
The sudden underperformance by Europe's largest economy has set off a wave of criticism, handwringing and debate about the way forward.
Germany risks “deindustrialization” as high energy costs and government inaction on other chronic problems threaten to send new factories and high-paying jobs elsewhere, said Christian Kullmann, CEO of major German chemical company Evonik Industries AG.
From his 21st-floor office in the west German town of Essen, Kullmann points out the symbols of earlier success across the historic Ruhr Valley industrial region: smokestacks from metal plants, giant heaps of waste from now-shuttered coal mines, a massive BP oil refinery and Evonik's sprawling chemical production facility.
These days, the former mining region, where coal dust once blackened hanging laundry, is a symbol of the energy transition, dotted with wind turbines and green space.
The loss of cheap Russian natural gas needed to power factories “painfully damaged the business model of the German economy,” Kullmann told The Associated Press. “We’re in a situation where we’re being strongly affected — damaged — by external factors.”
After Russia cut off most of its gas to the European Union, spurring an energy crisis in the 27-nation bloc that had sourced 40% of the fuel from Moscow, the German government asked Evonik to keep its 1960s coal-fired power plant running a few months longer.
The company is shifting away from the plant — whose 40-story smokestack fuels production of plastics and other goods — to two gas-fired generators that can later run on hydrogen amid plans to become carbon neutral by 2030.
One hotly debated solution: a government-funded cap on industrial electricity prices to get the economy through the renewable energy transition.
The proposal from Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck of the Greens Party has faced resistance from Chancellor Olaf Scholz, a Social Democrat, and pro-business coalition partner the Free Democrats. Environmentalists say it would only prolong reliance on fossil fuels.
Kullmann is for it: “It was mistaken political decisions that primarily developed and influenced these high energy costs. And it can’t now be that German industry, German workers should be stuck with the bill.”
The price of gas is roughly double what it was in 2021, hurting companies that need it to keep glass or metal red-hot and molten 24 hours a day to make glass, paper and metal coatings used in buildings and cars.
A second blow came as key trade partner China experiences a slowdown after several decades of strong economic growth.
These outside shocks have exposed cracks in Germany's foundation that were ignored during years of success, including lagging use of digital technology in government and business and a lengthy process to get badly needed renewable energy projects approved.
Other dawning realizations: The money that the government readily had on hand came in part because of delays in investing in roads, the rail network and high-speed internet in rural areas. A 2011 decision to shut down Germany's remaining nuclear power plants has been questioned amid worries about electricity prices and shortages. Companies face a severe shortage of skilled labor, with job openings hitting a record of just under 2 million.
And relying on Russia to reliably supply gas through the Nord Stream pipelines under the Baltic Sea — built under former Chancellor Angela Merkel and since shut off and damaged amid the war — was belatedly conceded by the government to have been a mistake.
Now, clean energy projects are slowed by extensive bureaucracy and not-in-my-backyard resistance. Spacing limits from homes keep annual construction of wind turbines in single digits in the southern Bavarian region.
A 10 billion-euro ($10.68 billion) electrical line bringing wind power from the breezier north to industry in the south has faced costly delays from political resistance to unsightly above-ground towers. Burying the line means completion in 2028 instead of 2022.
Massive clean energy subsidies that the Biden administration is offering to companies investing in the U.S. have evoked envy and alarm that Germany is being left behind.
“We’re seeing a worldwide competition by national governments for the most attractive future technologies — attractive meaning the most profitable, the ones that strengthen growth,” Kullmann said.
He cited Evonik’s decision to build a $220 million production facility for lipids — key ingredients in COVID-19 vaccines — in Lafayette, Indiana. Rapid approvals and up to $150 million in U.S. subsidies made a difference after German officials evinced little interest, he said.
“I'd like to see a little more of that pragmatism ... in Brussels and Berlin,” Kullmann said.
In the meantime, energy-intensive companies are looking to cope with the price shock.
Drewsen Spezialpapiere, which makes passport and stamp paper as well as paper straws that don't de-fizz soft drinks, bought three wind turbines near its mill in northern Germany to cover about a quarter of its external electricity demand as it moves away from natural gas.
Specialty glass company Schott AG, which makes products ranging from stovetops to vaccine bottles to the 39-meter (128-foot) mirror for the Extremely Large Telescope astronomical observatory in Chile, has experimented with substituting emissions-free hydrogen for gas at the plant where it produces glass in tanks as hot as 1,700 degrees Celsius.
It worked — but only on a small scale, with hydrogen supplied by truck. Mass quantities of hydrogen produced with renewable electricity and delivered by pipeline would be needed and don't exist yet.
Scholz has called for the energy transition to take on the “Germany tempo,” the same urgency used to set up four floating natural gas terminals in months to replace lost Russian gas. The liquefied natural gas that comes to the terminals by ship from the U.S., Qatar and elsewhere is much more expensive than Russian pipeline supplies, but the effort showed what Germany can do when it has to.
However, squabbling among the coalition government over the energy price cap and a law barring new gas furnaces has exasperated business leaders.
Evonik's Kullmann dismissed a recent package of government proposals, including tax breaks for investment and a law aimed at reducing bureaucracy, as “a Band-Aid.”
Germany grew complacent during a “golden decade” of economic growth in 2010-2020 based on reforms under Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in 2003-2005 that lowered labor costs and increased competitiveness, says Holger Schmieding, chief economist at Berenberg bank.
“The perception of Germany's underlying strength may also have contributed to the misguided decisions to exit nuclear energy, ban fracking for natural gas and bet on ample natural gas supplies from Russia,” he said. “Germany is paying the price for its energy policies.”
Schmieding, who once dubbed Germany “the sick man of Europe” in an influential 1998 analysis, thinks that label would be overdone today, considering its low unemployment and strong government finances. That gives Germany room to act — but also lowers the pressure to make changes.
The most important immediate step, Schmieding said, would be to end uncertainty over energy prices, through a price cap to help not just large companies, but smaller ones as well.
Whatever policies are chosen, “it would already be a great help if the government could agree on them fast so that companies know what they are up to and can plan accordingly instead of delaying investment decisions," he said.
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victorysp · 1 year
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King Willem-Alexander and King Felipe of Spain attend a meeting in the port of Algeciras, that discuss the importance of import and export connections and the associated infrastructure to kick-start the green hydrogen market in Europe. June 14, 2023.
Spain will become a major supplier of green hydrogen in Europe. This can be exported via Spanish and Dutch ports. King Willem-Alexander and King Felipe of Spain attend working sessions on shared challenges.
📷 Royal House of the Netherlands
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Why export processing zones are key in developing Brazil’s green hydrogen
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The so-called export processing zones (ZPEs in Portuguese) will be fundamental for the development of green hydrogen production projects in Brazil, according to Cláudio Köhler, partner at the Schmidt, Valois, Miranda, Ferreira & Agel Advogados law firm.
ZPEs are free trade areas in which industries send most of their production to foreign markets, with the benefits of tax exemption and exchange rate freedom; in other words, these companies don't have to convert the proceeds of their exports into Brazilian reais.
"Green hydrogen depends a lot on this guarantee given to investors who are betting on the legal tax framework of ZPEs," Köhler tells BNamericas.
Brazil has potential domestic demand for green hydrogen, as large industrial sectors such as the steel and fertilizer industries look to decarbonize, but Köhler believes that the big opportunity lies abroad. "We need to look at this great window that is opening up for Brazil as an exporter of energy through green ammonia and hydrogen, especially to Europe."
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eninrac-consulting · 1 year
Hydrogen Market & Opportunity in India
Positive market momentum for hydrogen with 200+ projects announced globally – GW scale projects fast catching the pace as well
There has been a great buzz around entire H2 value chain projects across the globe with around 17 giga-scale production projects (i.e., >1 GW for renewable and over 200 thousand tons per annum of low-carbon hydrogen) already announced. Europe, Asia and Oceania are the leading regions comprising bulk of hydrogen value chain projects. With focus upon greener source of energy generation and reducing carbon emissions in transport projects it is quintessential to look H2 as a tenable alternative. 
Currently, of the total projects close to 55% are housed in Europe. However, the demand centers are spread well across not only in Europe but also in countries like that of Japan and South Korea. The focus for Asian countries lie upon the road transportation applications, green ammonia, LH2 & LOHC projects, while Europe seems to have championed multiple integrated hydrogen economy projects. The major driver has been the development in cross industry and policy co-operation from which India can draw a leaf in order to build an even environment for H2 development in the country.
Why green H2 is pegged as a game-changer in India?  
India has been no different when it comes to investments for H2 from the world in terms of sentiments to say the least. With companies like Reliance, Adani, IOCL and NTPC all geared up with ambitious green H2 plans, India certainly looks poised for a carbon free transition. Also, with National Hydrogen Mission the country aims to become the largest exporter and producer of green H2. Strategic collaborations, massive technological investments and ideal policy & regulatory interface for Indian firms is shaping the green H2 market in the country to acquire a fast pace by 2025. This shall be inline with projections that by 2050, 3/4th of all the hydrogen produced shall be green produced by renewable energy and electrolysis. 
For India, the scene shall be dominated by low-cost renewable projects like solar PV electrolysis or wind-based electrolysis could see the green hydrogen cost as low as $1.5/kg to $2.3/kg which shall increase the competitiveness by 2030, respectively. Thus, India shall be the destination next for global investments for green hydrogen projects.
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priyanshisingh · 3 days
Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil Market Landscape: Trends, Drivers, and Forecast (2023-2032)
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The Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil Market is projected to grow from USD 21,195 million in 2024 to USD 54,769.72 million by 2032, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.60%.
Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), also known as renewable diesel or green diesel, is an advanced biofuel produced through the hydrogenation of vegetable oils or animal fats. Unlike traditional biodiesel, which is produced via transesterification, HVO undergoes a hydrotreatment process, which involves reacting the vegetable oil with hydrogen under high pressure and temperatures. This process removes oxygen and converts the oils into hydrocarbons, resulting in a fuel that is chemically similar to fossil diesel. HVO is gaining significant attention in the energy sector due to its potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and its compatibility with existing diesel engines and infrastructure.
One of the key advantages of HVO is its drop-in capability, meaning it can be used directly in existing diesel engines without any modifications, unlike biodiesel which often requires blending with conventional diesel. This makes HVO an attractive option for industries such as transportation, logistics, and aviation, where the transition to low-carbon fuels is crucial but challenging due to the need for large-scale infrastructure changes. Moreover, HVO can be produced from a variety of feedstocks, including waste oils, animal fats, and non-food crops, making it a versatile and sustainable option for reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
HVO's environmental benefits are significant. It has a much lower carbon footprint compared to conventional diesel, with lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions reductions of up to 90%, depending on the feedstock used. This reduction is achieved because HVO is produced from renewable resources, and the CO2 released during combustion is offset by the CO2 absorbed by the plants during their growth. Additionally, HVO burns more cleanly than traditional diesel, resulting in lower emissions of particulates, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur oxides (SOx), which are harmful to air quality and public health.
The market for Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), also known as renewable diesel, is expanding rapidly as a result of growing environmental concerns, stringent regulations, and the global push towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A recent study on the HVO market highlights several key findings:
1. Rapid Market Growth
Expansion of Production Capacity: The HVO market is experiencing significant growth, with numerous new production facilities being developed worldwide. Major oil companies and renewable energy firms are investing heavily in expanding their HVO production capacity to meet increasing demand, particularly in Europe and North America. The market is expected to continue its rapid expansion over the coming years, driven by both regulatory mandates and voluntary corporate sustainability initiatives.
2. Governmental and Regulatory Support
Strong Policy Incentives: Governments across the globe are providing substantial policy support for HVO through mandates, subsidies, and incentives. In the European Union, policies like the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) and national mandates for renewable fuels in transportation are significant drivers of HVO demand. Similarly, in the United States, programs such as the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) provide strong incentives for HVO production and usage.
3. Environmental Benefits
Significant Emissions Reductions: HVO offers substantial greenhouse gas emissions reductions compared to conventional diesel. Depending on the feedstock used, HVO can reduce lifecycle emissions by up to 90%. Additionally, HVO burns more cleanly, producing lower levels of harmful pollutants such as particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur oxides (SOx). These environmental benefits are a major factor driving its adoption, particularly in regions with stringent emissions regulations.
4. Feedstock Flexibility and Sustainability
Diverse Feedstock Sources: One of the key strengths of HVO is its ability to be produced from a wide range of feedstocks, including vegetable oils, waste oils, animal fats, and even algae. This feedstock flexibility allows producers to optimize production based on availability and cost, and to use more sustainable, non-food-based inputs, which reduces competition with food production and enhances the environmental credentials of HVO.
Sustainability Concerns: While HVO has strong sustainability potential, the study highlights concerns over feedstock availability and the need to ensure sustainable sourcing. As demand for HVO grows, the importance of sourcing feedstocks that do not contribute to deforestation, land-use change, or other negative environmental impacts is becoming increasingly critical.
5. Cost Challenges and Competitive Pricing
High Production Costs: The study finds that one of the main challenges for the HVO market is its relatively high production cost compared to conventional diesel and even other biofuels like traditional biodiesel. The hydrotreatment process requires significant capital investment and is energy-intensive, leading to higher overall production costs. This cost challenge may limit HVO's competitiveness, particularly in markets where fossil fuels are subsidized or where cost-sensitive sectors dominate.
Price Volatility: The market for HVO is also subject to price volatility, influenced by fluctuations in feedstock prices, energy costs, and changes in regulatory frameworks. Ensuring stable and competitive pricing is crucial for broader market adoption.
6. Market Segmentation and Applications
Transportation Sector Dominance: The transportation sector is the largest consumer of HVO, with significant usage in road transport, aviation, and marine applications. The study indicates that the heavy-duty transport and aviation sectors are particularly important markets for HVO due to their need for high-energy-density fuels that can directly replace fossil fuels without requiring significant changes to existing infrastructure.
Emerging Applications: Beyond transportation, the study identifies emerging applications for HVO in sectors such as power generation, where it can be used as a renewable alternative to diesel in backup power systems and remote power generation.
7. Key Market Players
Dominance of Major Oil Companies: The study highlights that major oil companies, such as Neste, TotalEnergies, and ENI, are leading the HVO market, leveraging their existing infrastructure and expertise in fuel production. These companies are increasingly focusing on renewable fuels as part of their strategies to reduce carbon footprints and transition to more sustainable energy sources.
Growth of Specialized Renewable Fuel Producers: In addition to large oil companies, specialized renewable fuel producers are also playing a significant role in the HVO market. These companies often focus on innovative production techniques, sustainable feedstock sourcing, and niche market applications.
8. Geographical Insights
Europe Leading the Market: Europe is currently the largest market for HVO, driven by strong regulatory support, ambitious climate targets, and a well-developed infrastructure for renewable fuels. Countries such as Finland, Sweden, and the Netherlands are key producers and consumers of HVO, with extensive investments in production capacity.
Growth in North America and Asia-Pacific: The study notes significant growth potential in North America, particularly in the United States, where state-level regulations like California's LCFS are promoting HVO adoption. Additionally, the Asia-Pacific region is emerging as a key market, with growing interest in renewable fuels driven by both environmental concerns and energy security considerations.
9. Future Outlook
Positive Long-Term Prospects: The study concludes with a positive long-term outlook for the HVO market, driven by the global transition towards low-carbon and sustainable energy sources. While challenges related to cost and feedstock availability need to be addressed, the market is expected to continue expanding, with increasing investments in production capacity, technological advancements, and regulatory support.
Key Player Analysis
UPM Biofuels
Valero Energy
World Energy
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/hydrotreated-vegetable-oil-market
The Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) market is evolving rapidly, driven by the growing demand for sustainable energy solutions and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Several innovative trends are shaping the future of the HVO market, as companies and researchers seek to enhance production efficiency, expand feedstock options, and improve the environmental impact of this renewable fuel. Here are some of the key innovative trends in the HVO market:
1. Advanced Feedstock Utilization
Expansion of Non-Food Feedstocks: One of the most significant trends in the HVO market is the shift towards using non-food feedstocks, such as waste oils, animal fats, and residues from the agriculture and forestry sectors. These feedstocks not only reduce the competition with food production but also contribute to the circular economy by converting waste materials into valuable energy. Innovations in feedstock processing technologies are enabling the efficient conversion of these diverse and often challenging raw materials into high-quality HVO.
Algal Oils and Microbial Lipids: Research and development efforts are increasingly focused on the use of algal oils and microbial lipids as alternative feedstocks for HVO production. Algae, in particular, offers high yields of oil per acre and can be grown in non-arable land, making it a promising sustainable feedstock. The development of cost-effective cultivation and extraction methods for algal oils is a key area of innovation.
2. Improved Catalytic Processes
Catalyst Optimization: The hydrotreatment process used to produce HVO relies on catalysts to facilitate the chemical reactions that convert vegetable oils and fats into hydrocarbons. Innovations in catalyst design and materials are improving the efficiency of this process, leading to higher yields, reduced energy consumption, and lower production costs. These advancements are also helping to extend the lifespan of catalysts, reducing the frequency of replacements and the associated operational downtime.
Dual-Function Catalysts: Researchers are exploring the use of dual-function catalysts that can simultaneously perform both hydrotreatment and isomerization. This integration can streamline the production process, reduce costs, and produce HVO with improved cold flow properties, making it more suitable for use in colder climates.
3. Integration with Refining Infrastructure
Co-Processing with Fossil Fuels: A growing trend is the integration of HVO production into existing oil refineries through co-processing, where vegetable oils or waste fats are processed alongside conventional fossil fuels. This approach allows for the gradual introduction of renewable content into traditional fuel production streams, leveraging existing infrastructure while reducing the carbon intensity of the end products. Co-processing is seen as a cost-effective way to scale up HVO production and increase its market penetration.
Refinery Upgrades for Dedicated HVO Production: In addition to co-processing, some refineries are being upgraded or retrofitted to focus entirely on HVO production. These dedicated facilities are designed to optimize the production process for renewable diesel, incorporating advanced technologies to improve efficiency, reduce emissions, and increase feedstock flexibility.
4. Sustainability and Carbon Management
Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU): To further enhance the sustainability of HVO production, companies are exploring the integration of carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies. By capturing CO2 emissions from the production process and converting them into valuable products or storing them, HVO producers can reduce the overall carbon footprint of their operations. This trend is aligned with broader industry efforts to achieve net-zero emissions.
Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) Improvements: Lifecycle assessment (LCA) is becoming an increasingly important tool for evaluating the environmental impact of HVO production. Innovations in LCA methodologies are providing more accurate and comprehensive assessments, helping producers identify areas for improvement in feedstock sourcing, energy use, and emissions. These assessments are crucial for meeting regulatory requirements and enhancing the sustainability credentials of HVO.
5. Cold Weather Performance Enhancements
Improved Cold Flow Properties: One of the challenges of HVO is its performance in cold weather conditions, where fuel can gel and become less effective. Innovations in the isomerization process, which alters the molecular structure of the hydrocarbons, are helping to improve the cold flow properties of HVO. This makes the fuel more suitable for use in colder climates, expanding its applicability and market potential.
Additive Development: The development of specialized additives that can be blended with HVO to enhance its cold weather performance is another area of innovation. These additives help prevent gelling and improve the fuel's flow characteristics, ensuring reliable performance in all weather conditions.
6. Digitalization and Smart Manufacturing
Digital Twins and Process Optimization: The use of digital twins—virtual models of physical assets— is becoming more prevalent in the HVO production industry. These digital replicas allow operators to simulate and optimize production processes in real time, improving efficiency, reducing waste, and enhancing decision-making. By leveraging data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, HVO producers can continuously refine their operations to achieve better performance and lower costs.
Automation and IoT Integration: The integration of automation and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies into HVO production facilities is driving operational efficiency and reducing human error. Automated systems can monitor and adjust production parameters in real time, ensuring consistent quality and optimizing energy use. IoT-enabled sensors and devices provide valuable data for predictive maintenance, reducing downtime and extending the lifespan of equipment.
7. Expansion of HVO Applications
Aviation Biofuels: The aviation industry is one of the largest contributors to global carbon emissions, and there is growing interest in using HVO as a sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). HVO can be further refined to produce SAF, which meets the strict performance requirements of jet fuel. The development of HVO-based aviation biofuels is a key trend, driven by the need to decarbonize air travel and meet international climate goals.
Marine and Heavy-Duty Transport: HVO is increasingly being recognized as a viable alternative for reducing emissions in the marine and heavy-duty transport sectors. Its high energy density and compatibility with existing engines make it an attractive option for shipping companies and fleet operators looking to transition to low-carbon fuels. The expansion of HVO use in these sectors is supported by regulatory pressures and the growing availability of the fuel.
8. Collaborative Innovation and Industry Partnerships
Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborative efforts between governments, industry players, and research institutions are driving innovation in the HVO market. Public-private partnerships are facilitating the development of new technologies, improving feedstock supply chains, and scaling up production capacity. These collaborations are essential for addressing the technical and economic challenges facing the HVO industry and for accelerating the transition to renewable fuels.
Industry Standards and Certifications: The development of industry standards and certifications for HVO is another trend that is helping to build trust and transparency in the market. Certifications related to feedstock sustainability, production processes, and greenhouse gas emissions reductions are becoming more common, providing assurance to consumers and regulators about the environmental benefits of HVO.
9. Consumer and Market Awareness
Increased Consumer Demand for Sustainable Fuels: As awareness of climate change and environmental issues grows, so does consumer demand for sustainable fuels. HVO, with its reduced carbon footprint and ability to integrate into existing infrastructure, is well-positioned to meet this demand. Companies are increasingly marketing HVO as a green alternative to traditional diesel, and consumer acceptance is helping to drive market growth.
Education and Advocacy: Industry stakeholders are investing in education and advocacy efforts to raise awareness of the benefits of HVO. This includes outreach to policymakers, businesses, and the general public to highlight the role of HVO in reducing emissions and transitioning to a sustainable energy future.
Based on Type:
Pure HVO
Based on Application:
Industrial Power Generator
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/hydrotreated-vegetable-oil-market
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tushar38 · 4 days
Low-Carbon Propulsion Market: Innovation in Electric and Hybrid Systems
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Introduction to Low-Carbon Propulsion Market
The Low-Carbon Propulsion Market is experiencing rapid growth, driven by a global shift towards sustainable energy solutions in transportation. Governments, industries, and consumers are focusing on reducing carbon emissions, leading to increased demand for electric, hybrid, and hydrogen-powered propulsion technologies. Regulatory frameworks promoting environmental conservation and stricter emissions standards are accelerating the adoption of low-carbon alternatives across sectors, including automotive, aviation, and maritime. With advancements in battery technology, fuel cells, and alternative fuels, this market is expected to see exponential growth over the next decade.
The Low-Carbon Propulsion Market is Valued USD XX billion in 2022 and projected to reach USD XX billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 21.4% During the Forecast period of 2024-2032..SDA leverages technologies like RPA, AI, and machine learning to automate routine tasks, enhancing service delivery across sectors such as finance, healthcare, and IT services. As businesses undergo digital transformation, the SDA market is projected to grow significantly. Companies adopting these solutions can streamline operations, reduce human error, and improve the customer experience.
Access Full Report :https://www.marketdigits.com/checkout/177?lic=s
Major Classifications are as follows:
 By Fuel Type
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
By Mode
By Vehicle Type
By Rail Application
By Electric Vehicle
Electric Passenger Car
Electric Bus
Electric Two-Wheeler
Electric Off-Highway
Key Region/Countries are Classified as Follows:
◘ North America (United States, Canada,) ◘ Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina,) ◘ Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, and Southeast Asia) ◘ Europe (UK,Germany,France,Italy,Spain,Russia,) ◘ The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria, and South
Key Players of Low-Carbon Propulsion Market: 
Tesla (US), BYD (China), Nissan (Japan), Yutong (China), Proterra (US), Alstom (France), Bombardier (Canada), BYD Auto Co. (China), Honda Motor Co., Ltd (Japan), Hyundai Motor Company (South Korea), MAN SE (Germany), Nissan Motor Company, Ltd (Japan), Siemens Energy (Germany), Toyota Motor Corporation (Japan) & others.
Market Drivers in Low-Carbon Propulsion Market
Stringent Emission Regulations: Governments worldwide are imposing stricter emission standards, driving the demand for low-carbon propulsion technologies.
Environmental Awareness: Rising consumer awareness about climate change and the environmental impact of transportation is pushing manufacturers towards greener solutions.
Technological Advancements: Innovations in electric batteries, hydrogen fuel cells, and biofuels are making low-carbon technologies more cost-effective and efficient.
Market Challenges in Low-Carbon Propulsion Market
High Initial Costs: The capital investment required for the development and adoption of low-carbon technologies remains high, particularly for electric and hydrogen propulsion.
Infrastructure Gaps: The lack of widespread charging stations, hydrogen refueling stations, and other supporting infrastructure limits market penetration.
Technological Limitations: Current technologies, particularly battery performance and storage capacities, need further advancements to meet large-scale commercial demands.
Market Opportunities in Low-Carbon Propulsion Market
Growing Demand for Electric Vehicles (EVs): The rapid adoption of EVs worldwide presents immense growth opportunities for low-carbon propulsion technologies.
Hydrogen Economy Expansion: Hydrogen as an alternative fuel source is gaining traction, especially in sectors like maritime and heavy transportation.
Green Aviation: Investment in sustainable aviation fuel and electric-powered aircraft is opening new avenues for the low-carbon propulsion market.
The Low-Carbon Propulsion Market is positioned for significant growth as the world transitions towards cleaner energy solutions in transportation. While challenges such as high costs and infrastructure gaps exist, ongoing technological advancements, regulatory support, and growing consumer demand for sustainability are expected to drive this market forward. The expansion of electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel, and sustainable aviation technologies will play pivotal roles in shaping the future of transportation. Businesses and investors in this space stand to benefit from a favorable market environment as global efforts to combat climate change intensify.
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rahulpande15 · 4 days
Global Green Hydrogen Market: Growth Opportunities and Technological Barriers
According to a new report published by Allied Market Research, the green hydrogen market size was valued at $2.5 billion in 2022, and is estimated to reach $143.8 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 50.3% from 2023 to 2032.
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Green hydrogen, also known as renewable hydrogen, is a form of hydrogen produced using renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, or geothermal power. Furthermore, the demand for proton exchange membrane electrolyzer is anticipated to witness growth during the forecast period, owing to economic growth in emerging markets continues to surge.
In 2023, Asia-Pacific accounts for the largest green hydrogen market share, followed by Europe and North America.
Major Companies
Green Hydrogen Systems, Air Liquide, Shell plc, Enapter S.r.l., Plug Power Inc., Ballard Power Systems, Linde plc, Reliance Industries, GAIL (India) Limited and Adani Green Energy Ltd.
The green hydrogen market is expected to be driven by factors such as the promising growth of the food and beverages, medical, chemical, and petrochemical industries.
Demand for power generation has escalated due to global population growth, coupled with urbanization and industrialization, leading to increase electricity consumption.
The food and beverage segment are projected to manifest a CAGR of 51.6% from 2023 to 2032, and has significant proportion in green hydrogen market size. Rise in the food and beverage industry significantly influences the green hydrogen market, primarily due to intensive energy demand of the industry.
Food and beverage production requires substantial energy for processing, packaging, refrigeration, and transportation. Green hydrogen presents a sustainable solution to meet these escalating energy demands, especially in processes were direct electrification not efficient.
Rise in living standards and technological advancements also contribute to higher energy needs, especially in emerging economies where electricity access has expanded rapidly.
Ongoing R&D efforts focus on enhancing electrolyzer efficiency, durability, and scaling up production, leading to cost reductions and improved performance. This trend aligns with ambitious governmental targets and corporate commitments aimed at fostering the green hydrogen industry, spurring innovation and market growth.
Increasingly stringent regulations and carbon pricing mechanisms incentivize to transition of industries into low-carbon alternatives, propelling its market penetration. These converging green hydrogen market trends collectively position green hydrogen as a pivotal player in the sustainable energy landscape, driving a fundamental shift toward cleaner, more resilient energy systems across the globe.
the electrification of transportation and heating sectors, driven by the push for cleaner energy sources, further amplifies the demand for power generation. This growth in demand provides a significant opportunity for the green hydrogen market. 
Green hydrogen emerges as a versatile solution as traditional energy sources struggle to meet these escalating demands while maintaining environmental sustainability.
This symbiotic relationship between the rise in demand for power generation and the need for clean energy solutions positions green hydrogen as a key player in meeting the escalating energy needs sustainably.
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The push toward decarbonization and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector amplifies the appeal of green hydrogen market opportunities.
Carbon Solutions, a greenhouse gas reduction consultancy, in May 2023, stated that less than 1% of the 10 million metric tons of hydrogen produced in the U.S. at present counts as green hydrogen. Instead, 76% is derived from natural gas or coal, and 23% is a by-product of petroleum refining or other chemical processes.
Globally, the hydrogen market is about 96 million metric tons per year. The report from Carbon Solutions puts number of electrolyzers operating in the U.S. at just 42, with a combined hydrogen production capacity of about 3,000 tons per year.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) aims to have 10 million tons of clean hydrogen flowing per year by 2030, 20 million tons by 2040, and 50 million tons by 2050. About half that production is expected to come from renewably powered electrolysis. The U.S. government is projected to invest $8 billion in several hydrogen hubs across the country by 2026 and produce about 250 times as much hydrogen per day.
Trending Reports in Energy and Power Industry:
Electrolyzer Market Trend Analysis Report, by Application, by Capacity, by Product : Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2023-2032
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Clean Energy Infrastructure Market Size, Share, Competitive Landscape and Trend Analysis Report, by Infrastructure Type, by End-Use : Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2024-2033
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Allied Market Research (AMR) is a full-service market research and business-consulting wing of Allied Analytics LLP based in Portland, Oregon. Allied Market Research provides global enterprises as well as medium and small businesses with unmatched quality of "Market Research Reports" and "Business Intelligence Solutions." AMR has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth in their respective market domain.
Pawan Kumar, the CEO of Allied Market Research, is leading the organization toward providing high-quality data and insights. We are in professional corporate relations with various companies and this helps us in digging out market data that helps us generate accurate research data tables and confirms utmost accuracy in our market forecasting. Each and every data presented in the reports published by us is extracted through primary interviews with top officials from leading companies of domain concerned. Our secondary data procurement methodology includes deep online and offline research and discussion with knowledgeable professionals and analysts in the industry.
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vijukumar · 5 days
Automotive Market: Trends & Analysis
The global automotive market stands as one of the most significant sectors in the world, representing a cornerstone of the global economy. The market is dynamic, constantly evolving with technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and regulatory shifts. As of 2024, the automotive industry is navigating through a transformative phase, influenced by the push toward sustainability, advancements in electric vehicles (EVs), and the integration of smart technologies. This blog provides an in-depth analysis of the automotive market, covering its size, growth, key players, prevailing trends, and challenges, culminating in a forward-looking conclusion.
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Market Size, Share, and Growth
As of 2023, the global automotive market was valued at approximately USD 3.7 trillion, with projections indicating a steady growth trajectory, anticipated to reach USD 5 trillion by 2030. This growth is primarily driven by the increasing demand for electric vehicles (EVs), technological advancements, and the resurgence of the global economy post-pandemic.
In terms of market share, the automotive market is segmented into passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles, and electric vehicles (EVs). The passenger vehicle segment dominates, accounting for nearly 60% of the market share. However, the electric vehicle segment is witnessing the fastest growth, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20% from 2024 to 2030. This surge in EV adoption is fueled by heightened environmental awareness, government incentives, and advancements in battery technology.
The commercial vehicle segment, while growing at a slower pace, remains crucial, particularly in emerging economies where infrastructure development is a priority. The Asia-Pacific region leads the market, contributing to over 40% of the global automotive sales, followed by North America and Europe.
Market Trends
Several key trends are shaping the future of the automotive industry, each contributing to the sector's evolution and expansion:
Electrification and the Rise of EVs: The transition from internal combustion engines (ICE) to electric vehicles is one of the most significant trends in the automotive industry. Governments across the globe are setting ambitious targets for reducing carbon emissions, leading to increased investments in EV infrastructure and incentives for EV adoption. Major automakers like Tesla, Toyota, and Volkswagen are at the forefront of this shift, introducing a range of electric models aimed at both the mass market and premium segments.
Autonomous Driving and Connected Vehicles: The development of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is progressing rapidly, with companies like Waymo, Tesla, and GM’s Cruise making significant strides in self-driving technology. In parallel, the integration of connected vehicle technologies is enhancing vehicle safety, efficiency, and user experience. The Internet of Things (IoT) enables real-time communication between vehicles, infrastructure, and other devices, paving the way for smarter, more efficient transportation systems.
Shared Mobility and Changing Ownership Models: The concept of vehicle ownership is evolving, with a growing trend toward shared mobility solutions. Ride-hailing services, car-sharing, and subscription models are gaining popularity, especially in urban areas. Companies like Uber, Lyft, and Zipcar are leading this shift, offering flexible alternatives to traditional car ownership, which is particularly appealing to younger, urban populations.
Sustainability and Green Technologies: The automotive industry is increasingly focused on sustainability, with a strong emphasis on reducing carbon footprints and utilizing green technologies. Beyond electrification, this includes the adoption of lightweight materials, improved fuel efficiency, and the development of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Automakers are also investing in circular economy practices, such as vehicle recycling and the use of renewable energy in manufacturing processes.
Digital Transformation and E-Commerce: The digitalization of the automotive industry is reshaping how vehicles are designed, manufactured, sold, and serviced. E-commerce platforms are playing a crucial role in the automotive retail space, with more consumers opting to purchase vehicles online. This trend is accelerated by the growing influence of digital marketing, virtual showrooms, and online customer support.
Key Market Players and Their Impact
The automotive market is dominated by a few key players, each with a significant share in the global market. These companies are instrumental in shaping industry trends and driving innovation.
Toyota Motor Corporation: Toyota remains the largest automaker globally, with a market share of approximately 10%. The company's strong emphasis on hybrid technology and its gradual transition to electric vehicles have solidified its leadership position. Toyota's global sales in 2023 exceeded 9.5 million units, with significant contributions from its best-selling models like the Corolla and the RAV4.
Volkswagen Group: Volkswagen holds a market share of around 8%, with a robust portfolio that includes brands like Audi, Porsche, and Bentley. The company is heavily invested in electrification, with plans to produce over 50 different electric models by 2025. Volkswagen's ID.4 and ID.3 models are gaining traction in key markets, including Europe and China.
Tesla, Inc.: Tesla continues to be a dominant force in the electric vehicle segment, with a market share of about 3% in the overall automotive market but a commanding 20% share in the global EV market. Tesla's Model 3 and Model Y are among the best-selling electric vehicles worldwide, and the company's focus on innovation and battery technology sets it apart from traditional automakers.
General Motors (GM): GM has a market share of approximately 6%, with a strong presence in North America and China. The company is transitioning toward an all-electric future, with plans to phase out internal combustion engines by 2035. GM's Chevrolet Bolt EV and the upcoming Hummer EV are key models in its electric vehicle lineup.
Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group: With a market share of around 7%, Hyundai-Kia is rapidly expanding its electric vehicle portfolio, aiming to launch 23 new EV models by 2025. The group's focus on hydrogen fuel cell technology, alongside traditional battery electric vehicles, positions it uniquely in the market.
Market Challenges
Despite its robust growth prospects, the automotive market faces several significant challenges:
Supply Chain Disruptions: The global semiconductor shortage has severely impacted automotive production, leading to delays and increased costs. The reliance on a complex, global supply chain makes the industry vulnerable to disruptions caused by geopolitical tensions, natural disasters, and pandemics.
Regulatory Hurdles: Stringent environmental regulations and safety standards vary significantly across regions, creating challenges for automakers in terms of compliance and cost management. The shift towards electric vehicles also requires substantial investments in infrastructure, which is progressing at different rates globally.
Technological Integration: The rapid pace of technological advancements presents a double-edged sword. While it drives innovation, it also requires significant R&D investments and poses challenges in integrating new technologies into existing platforms. Moreover, the race to develop autonomous vehicles is fraught with legal, ethical, and safety concerns that need to be addressed before widespread adoption can occur.
Consumer Adoption Barriers: While the demand for electric vehicles is growing, barriers such as high upfront costs, limited charging infrastructure, and range anxiety continue to hinder widespread adoption, particularly in developing markets. Additionally, the shift in ownership models, from traditional to shared mobility, requires a cultural change that may take time to materialize.
The automotive market is at a pivotal juncture, with the convergence of electrification, autonomous driving, and digitalization driving its transformation. The industry's future will be shaped by how well it navigates the challenges of supply chain disruptions, regulatory pressures, and technological integration. Key players like Toyota, Volkswagen, and Tesla are leading the charge, but the market remains highly competitive, with new entrants and evolving consumer preferences continually reshaping the landscape. As we look ahead, the shift towards sustainable and smart mobility solutions is set to redefine the automotive industry. Companies that can innovate and adapt to these changes will thrive, while those that resist will face increasing challenges. Ultimately, the automotive market's trajectory will be determined by its ability to balance growth with sustainability, ensuring that the industry continues to drive global economic progress while addressing the environmental and societal challenges of the 21st century.
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Exploring the Latest Trends in Jet Fuel Procurement Intelligence
The jet fuel category is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 8.4% from 2023 to 2030. The category is mainly driven by the rising focus on clean jet oil and the growing demand for air transportation services. Additionally, factors such as tightened supplies of crude oil (the U.S. stockpiles, and rising production cuts by OPEC countries) impacted the crude oil prices which is the raw material of jet fuel. Environmentally friendly aviation fuels of superior quality play a crucial role in minimizing CO2 emissions. Sustainable jet fuels exhibit emission levels in transportation, combustion, production, and distribution that are about 75% lower than those associated with fossil jet fuel. Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) produced from municipal solid waste, woody biomass, and other feedstocks can significantly contribute to low CO2 emissions. Adoption of renewable oil results in a significant reduction, up to 90%, in hazardous particle emissions and a complete elimination of sulfur emissions.
The global category price was around USD 131.02/bbl in the last week of September 2023. According to the IATA Jet fuel price index, prices of the category have steadily declined in the quarter ended September 2023 as compared to the first quarter of 2023. The prices were down due to excess supply of jet fuel which was due to a production hike at the start of the year owing to the anticipation that demand would increase in the future. However, the demand has been stable but not in line with the supply surge. The possibility of a prolonged Russian ban on motor fuel exports, leading to a diesel shortage, boosted jet fuel prices in Europe. This situation could prompt refiners in the East of Suez region to prioritize diesel production over jet fuel.
The U.S., China, India, and Russia are the top jet oil-producing countries in the world. In July 2023 the U.S. output of the category was around 1,773.8 thousand barrels per day. India which is one of the best-sourcing countries for the category exported 208,433 barrels per day of aviation fuel as of June 2023. The global average export volume was 1.58 million barrels per day during Jan – Sept 2022, however, it went up to around 1.85 million barrels per day in the fourth quarter of 2022. Throughout 2022, there was a gradual demand recovery.
Order your copy of the Jet Fuel Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 – 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
Sustainable aviation oils derived from renewable biomass and waste resources have the capacity to match the performance of conventional jet fuel made from petroleum, while significantly reducing the carbon footprint. This offers airlines a strong foundation for separating flight-related greenhouse gas emissions, marking a significant step towards environmental sustainability. Companies are continuously taking the initiative to produce eco-friendly fuels. For instance, in May 2023 Honeywell International announced new technology to produce lower-carbon aviation fuel from carbon dioxide and green hydrogen captured from industry, which would result in reduced greenhouse gas emissions from aviation.
Airlines are the primary buyers of the category in the industry. The bargaining power of buyers is moderate to high as airlines often negotiate with multiple suppliers to secure the best prices. However, the availability of substitutes is limited, and fuel is a significant portion of an airline's operating costs, giving suppliers some power.
Production of jet fuel has various cost components such as raw materials (crude oil), labor, machinery, transportation, marketing costs, taxes, and others. Raw material (crude oil) cost is the major component accounting for more than 40% of the total cost. The costs associated with refining are highly dependent on the price of raw materials. Fluctuations in prices of the category impact the airline industry.
When it comes to procuring jet fuel, the hybrid model stands out as a widely adopted approach, merging in-house efforts with comprehensive outsourcing services. Some businesses prefer a partial outsourcing strategy, outsourcing specific operations like refining and distribution. Conversely, having an internal team handle tasks ranging from crude oil extraction to refining and transportation can prove advantageous. Building robust partnerships with suppliers and maintaining the reliability and traceability of the supply chain are crucial factors in sourcing within this category.
Jet Fuel Procurement Intelligence Report Scope
• Jet Fuel Category Growth Rate: CAGR of 8.4% from 2023 to 2030
• Pricing growth Outlook: 4% - 5% (annual)
• Pricing Models: Volume based Pricing; Competition based pricing
• Supplier Selection Scope: Cost and pricing, volume, production capacity, geographical presence, and compliance
• Supplier selection criteria: Industry served, revenue generated, employee strength, geographical service provisions, years in service, key clients, certifications, type of fuel (aviation fuel/jet fuel/others), fueling capacity, shipping capacity, energy content, density, and others
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Fuel Oil Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
• Biodiesel Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Key companies profiled
• Exxon Mobil
• Chevron
• Shell
• Valero Energy
• BP Plc
• Total Energies
• Neste
• Bharat Petroleum
• Honeywell International
• Allied Aviation
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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123567-9qaaq9 · 8 days
Europe Green Hydrogen Market, Key Players, Market Size, Future Outlook | BIS Research 
A lithium-ion battery (Li-ion battery) is a type of rechargeable battery that uses lithium ions as the primary component of its electrochemistry. 
During discharge, lithium ions move from the negative electrode (typically made of graphite) to the positive electrode (commonly made of a lithium compound) through an electrolyte. 
The Europe Green Hydrogen market was valued at $253.8 million in 2023, and it is expected to grow with a CAGR of 66.72% during the forecast period 2023-2033 to reach $42,108.6 million by 2033
Europe Green Hydrogen  Overview 
Green hydrogen refers to hydrogen gas produced through a process that uses renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, or hydropower, to power the electrolysis of water. During electrolysis, water (H₂O) is split into hydrogen (H₂) and oxygen (O₂) using electricity.
 The electricity comes from renewable sources, this method of producing hydrogen results in very low or zero greenhouse gas emissions, making it a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to hydrogen produced from fossil fuels.
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The European green hydrogen market is expanding rapidly as the region works to transition to a more sustainable energy future. Green hydrogen, produced by electrolysis of water using renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power, is emerging as a critical solution for carbon neutrality. 
Several European countries are at the forefront of green hydrogen production and utilization, propelled by ambitious climate goals and significant investments in renewable energy infrastructure
Market Segmentation 
By Application 
By Technology 
By Renewable Energy Source 
By Country 
Market Drivers 
Decarbonization goals and Climate Policies: Green hydrogen is seen as a crucial tool to decarbonize sectors like heavy industry, transportation, and energy, where direct electrification is challenging.
Renewable Energy Growth: The rapid expansion of renewable energy sources like wind and solar power makes green hydrogen more viable.
Industrial Demand: Industries such as steel, chemicals, and refining are seeking low-carbon alternatives to reduce their carbon footprint. 
Transportation Sector Shift: The push for zero-emission vehicles, especially in sectors like trucking, shipping, and aviation, is driving demand for green hydrogen-powered fuel cells.
Energy Storage and Grid Balancing: Green hydrogen can serve as an energy storage solution, helping balance intermittent renewable energy sources by storing excess electricity and converting it back into power when needed. 
Market Segmentation
1 By Application 
Oil and Gas
Mobility and Power Generation 
And many others 
2 By Technology 
Protein Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer 
Alkaline Electrolyzer
Solid Oxide Electrolyzer 
3 By Renewable Energy Sources 
Wind Energy
Solar Energy
4 By Country 
Grab a look at our sample page click here! 
Key Companies 
Linde plc
Air Liquide
Uniper SE
Siemens Energy
Green Hydrogen Systems
Visit our Advanced Materials and Chemical Vertical Page !  
Future of Europe Green Hydrogen Market 
The key trends and drivers for lithium ion battery market affecting the future of lithium ion battery market is as follows 
Cost Reduction 
Technological Innovation 
Global Hydrogen Economy 
Cross Sector Collaborations 
In conclusion, the green hydrogen market stands at a transformative juncture, with the potential to significantly impact the global energy landscape. As a clean and sustainable energy carrier, green hydrogen offers a promising solution to some of the most challenging aspects of decarbonization, particularly in sectors where direct electrification is difficult.
The market for green hydrogen is poised for substantial growth, driven by several factors including advancements in technology, decreasing production costs, supportive government policies, and increasing demand from industrial and transportation sectors
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
European leaders have devoted tens of billions of dollars toward encouraging production of hydrogen, a clean-burning fuel that advocates say will create jobs and help fight climate change. But now, many of those jobs will be going to the United States instead. The clean energy subsidies that undergird President Joe Biden’s climate agenda have just prompted one Norwegian manufacturer [Nel] to choose Michigan, not Europe, as the site of a nearly $500 million factory that will produce the equipment needed to extract hydrogen from water. And other European-based companies are being tempted to follow suit, people involved in the continent’s hydrogen efforts say — making the universe’s most abundant substance the latest focus of the transatlantic trade battle on green energy.[...]
the U.S. has its sights set on overtaking Europe when it comes to both hydrogen and the electrolyzers that extract it. The IRA introduced a $3-per-kilogram subsidy for green hydrogen and tens of billions of dollars in loans and other incentives for international investors to put money into the industry.[...]
Michigan wants to cement its growing reputation as a home for the hydrogen industry, hoping that the U.S. Department of Energy will designate it as one of four hydrogen development hubs in the country. That would make it eligible for even more money in the form of federal grants. Luring Nel is a major early coup. The company is one of Europe’s largest manufacturers of electrolyzers for hydrogen production, and its Michigan gigafactory will be one of the largest in the world.[...]
The White House has spent months responding to European criticism that its landmark energy policy is unfairly stealing business from U.S. allies on the continent. The administration counters that flooding the market with U.S. government funding is increasing the odds of success for companies on both sides of the Atlantic.
5 Jul 23
24 notes · View notes
Germany Seeks to Deepen Cooperation With Brazil on Hydrogen
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Germany plans to boost cooperation on green hydrogen with Brazil during a South America trip of Economy Minister Robert Habeck. 
The vice chancellor of Europe’s largest economy is being accompanied by a number of industry executives looking to strike new deals, which could help Germany reach its ambitious climate goals. 
Thyssenkrupp AG’s Nucera subsidiary will build a production facility for green hydrogen in the state of Bahia together with Brazilian chemical company Unigel SA. Brazil’s largest producer of nitrogen is investing $120 million to build electrolysis capacity of several hundred megawatts. 
“Only through industrial-scale production with robust, reliable and cost-effective technologies at competitive renewable energy prices will green hydrogen be market-ready for widespread use,” Nucera chief Werner Ponikwar said in a statement.
Continue reading.
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ankitab · 24 days
Green Hydrogen Market Forecast: Unlocking the Potential of Renewable Energy
The green hydrogen market is experiencing unprecedented growth, driven by increasing demand for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), burgeoning chemical production needs, and robust government initiatives aimed at achieving net zero emissions. Despite the high production costs that currently restrain market expansion, significant investments in electrolysis development and the growing adoption of green hydrogen due to its zero-carbon footprint present substantial opportunities. However, complex and expensive storage and transportation challenges continue to pose significant hurdles.
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Increasing Demand for Green Hydrogen in Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs)
In the realm of transportation, green hydrogen is emerging as a pivotal solution for sustainable mobility. Fuel cells not only enhance vehicle efficiency but also contribute to quieter operation. Green hydrogen enables vehicles to travel longer distances with less frequent refueling. Government initiatives to reduce air pollution by promoting the use of cleaner, low-emission fuels are further fueling this demand. Prominent automobile manufacturers are increasingly venturing into the production of hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). For example, in May 2023, HYVIA introduced the Renault Master Van H2-TECH, a green hydrogen-powered vehicle designed to accelerate the decarbonization of road mobility. The burgeoning need to improve vehicle efficiency, cut fuel costs, minimize pollution, and advance hydrogen-powered FCEVs is significantly contributing to the growth of the green hydrogen market.
Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolysis: Poised for the Highest CAGR
Among the various generation processes, the proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysis segment is projected to witness the highest compound annual growth rate (CAGR) during the forecast period. The escalating use of PEM, attributed to its environmentally friendly nature and superior effectiveness compared to existing alternatives, is a key growth driver. Rapid advancements in low-carbon hydrogen production projects and an intensified focus on fuel cell technology further bolster this segment's expansion.
Hydropower: The Leading Energy Source Segment
When segmented by energy source, the hydropower sector is anticipated to register the highest CAGR. The growing adoption of renewable energy, soaring global electricity consumption, and increasing government initiatives aimed at reducing dependency on fossil fuels for power generation are pivotal factors driving the growth of this segment.
Browse in depth: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/green-hydrogen-market-5580?utm_source=article &utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=27-08-2024
Fueling: The Fastest-Growing Application Segment
Within the application spectrum, the fueling segment is expected to record the highest CAGR. The rising adoption of green hydrogen, which produces less smoke during combustion, and robust government initiatives promoting clean energy sources to support zero-carbon energy are critical to the growth of this segment.
Transportation: Leading the End User Segment
The transportation segment is poised to achieve the highest CAGR among end users. The increasing use of green hydrogen to minimize greenhouse gas emissions, reduce oil dependence, and lower air pollutants, coupled with rising demand for green hydrogen to curb carbon emissions and growing fueling solutions for various transportation applications, underscores the growth of this segment.
Asia-Pacific: The Fastest-Growing Regional Market
In 2023, North America is projected to dominate the green hydrogen market, followed by Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. However, the Asia-Pacific region is anticipated to experience the fastest growth rate during the forecast period. The rapid infrastructural development in countries such as China, South Korea, Japan, and India, coupled with the swift growth of regional economies, technological advancements, substantial investments in electrolysis development, and strategic alliances for a clean hydrogen economy, are key drivers for this regional market's accelerated growth.
Key Players in the Green Hydrogen Market
The competitive landscape of the green hydrogen market is shaped by extensive assessments of the key growth strategies adopted by leading market participants over the past few years. Prominent players in the green hydrogen market include:
FuelCell Energy, Inc. (U.S.) Bloom Energy Corporation (U.S.) Plug Power Inc. (U.S.) Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (U.S.)  China Petrochemical Corporation (China) L’AIR LIQUIDE S.A. (France) Linde plc (Ireland) Green Hydrogen Systems A/S (Denmark) McPhy Energy (France) ITM Power PLC (U.K.) Nel ASA (Norway) Ballard Power Systems Inc. (Canada) ENGIE SA (France) Repsol S.A. (Spain) Iberdrola, S.A. (Spain)
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These companies are at the forefront of innovations and strategic initiatives that are shaping the future of the green hydrogen market.
The green hydrogen market is on a remarkable growth trajectory, fueled by increasing demands from the transportation sector, advancements in electrolysis technologies, and significant government initiatives. While challenges such as high production costs and complex storage and transportation remain, the potential for green hydrogen to revolutionize energy consumption and contribute to a sustainable, zero-carbon future is immense. As market players continue to invest and innovate, the green hydrogen market is poised to reach unprecedented heights by 2030.
Related research:
Hydrogen Market: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/hydrogen-market-5808?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=27-08-2024
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head-post · 1 month
Czech Republic engages in risky ties with Ukraine’s far-right Azov Brigade
Following the refusal of some European countries to host demonstrations by the Ukrainian far-right Azov Brigade on their streets, the Czech Republic agreed to hold.
The tour of the Azov Brigade, previously known as Azov Battalion and later Azov Regiment, through European countries did not proceed as planned when Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands refused to host events featuring Azov representatives.
They reportedly intended to persuade both the local far-right and Ukrainians hiding in Europe from mobilisation to join their fight against Russia.
However, the brigade’s demonstration in the Czech Republic, which has recently been actively supporting Ukraine, caused a mixed reaction. People protested in Prague, with Czech MEP Kateřina Konečná complaining to Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský about the visit of fighters from the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade and former Azov fighters to Prague.
The Azov Regiment is the worst manifestation of Ukrainian nationalism and neo-Nazism. The regiment, founded by a racist, Right Sector [national-oriented political party] member Andriy Biletsky […] and led by Denys Prokopenko, a neo-Nazi and football hooligan of Dynamo Kyiv [football club].
In response, the minister accused her of allegedly supporting Russia’s war in Ukraine, alluding to the Prague Spring of 1968 when Soviet tanks entered the Czechoslovak capital.
Katerina, that’s enough. While reading, I hesitated as to which state you were elected for. We will soon commemorate the anniversary of the occupation by Soviet tanks.
However, when referring to the so-called “Russian aggression,” Lipavský omitted the Czech Republic’s ties with Germany during World War II. At that time, the Czech Republic was actively supplying Berlin with a variety of armaments.
Risky ties
Today, the minister is in favour of supporting the far-right Azov Brigade. Moreover, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal’s visit to Prague in July 2024 was followed by gratitude for the active aid provided to the Ukrainian army.
Despite its size, the Czech Republic leads Europe in arms supplies to Ukraine. The government has also announced its readiness to increase production, including new military factories where Ukrainians exempted from mobilisation will work.
The Czech Republic allegedly seeks to revive its defence industry by becoming an arms market leader. The country is also discussing the possibility of supplying Ukrainian green hydrogen, transferring nuclear technology, and producing military drones. By supporting Kyiv, Prague hopes to get its share of Ukraine’s future post-war reconstruction.
Allowing marches of far-right militants on its streets, the Czech authorities risk repeating the mistakes of the past, this time becoming a tool in the confrontation between Ukraine and Russia.
Bill Galston for Head-Post.com
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