gifnebula · 6 months
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cambcurrencies · 3 months
UK Nationwide Housing Prices & Global Manufacturing PMI
UK Data to Follow: This morning at 7:00 AM, Nationwide Housing Prices for June will be published. Previous month’s figure is 0.4 percent with a consensus of 0 percent and forecast expecting a cooling housing market at 0.2 percent this month. The final reading for June’s S&P Global Manufacturing PMI is scheduled for release at 9:00 AM. The prior reading came in at 51.2; the consensus and…
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flagsworlds · 1 year
Currencies of North America
Discover the diverse Currencies of North America, ranging from the US dollar, the Canadian dollar, and the Mexican peso to lesser-known currencies like the Bahamian dollar and the Jamaican dollar. Explore the unique features and exchange rates of these currencies, as well as their impact on regional economies and international trade. Gain insights into the financial landscape of North America and stay informed about the latest currency trends in this vibrant continent.
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zipperkiller · 2 months
I fucked up in my cyberpunk red campaign by not understanding how the drug trade works, now they have a brick of synthcoke that’s worth like 400k eddies
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valehour · 2 months
my absolute favourite piece of ttrpg game design is brought to us by Cyberpunk 2020's Pacific Rim sourcebook where it'll mandate a -2 to drive if you're not used to driving on the same side of the road as you would in one of these countries.
I love it because this is both crunch for crunch's sake and extremely stupid. Big Fan 10/10
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mail-me-a-snail · 10 months
if the eurodollar was a wife i would kiss her square on the lips and make her breakfast in bed everyday. every fucking day
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thebusylilbee · 2 years
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finally I've found a niche interest that beats rare plants enthusiasts when it comes to throwing away money
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lifesupreme-if · 2 years
dylan is so pathetic i never wanted to romance a RO so bad
i think that if you told dylan she could pull a bad bitch simply by being as critically pathetic as she is she would promptly develop chest pains
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That old man deserves a little peace and quiet. Unfortunately he's not going to get that from Rat just by nature of being friends with VG and Bea.
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tomluongo · 1 year
Long-time Bitcoin advocate and Wall St. vetern Caitlin Long joins me for one of my favorite conversations in the history of this podcast. We try to come to grips with contradictory behavior from the Federal Reserve and the reasons why these moments are so critical to the future of not just money but humanity itself. Show Notes: Caitlin on Twitter Custodia Bank Caitlin's Website Luongo: Crypto Liquidity and the Lifecycle of Ponzi Schemes Luongo: FDIC Insurance, Credit Suisse and the Day the Fed Killed Europe GGnG Podcast: Ep#133 Danielle Dimartino Booth
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cambcurrencies · 3 months
2024 Showdown: Biden vs. Trump in Presidential Debate
Sign in Register 2024 Presidential Debate: Trump vs. Biden Last night, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump faced off in their first presidential debate for the 2024 election cycle. The debate, hosted by CNN, was held in Atlanta without a live audience, a departure from traditional debate formats. Both candidates adhered to strict rules, including having their microphones…
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t-tomuras · 1 year
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♔ ─── • 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞
Pairing: Tomura Shigaraki | Tenko Shimura x F!reader
Warnings: Cyberpunk AU, Tenko majority of this fic, mentions of public masturbation, body modification to both reader and Tenko, nipple play, biting, drinking, mutual pining, creampie
Wordcount: 8.5k
Notes: Reupload
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Tenko doesn’t even try to look like he’s busy, barely dressed presentably with tired eyes and stark white locks tousled like he’d just dragged himself from bed. It’s not like anyone can say anything to him, they can whisper amongst each other with lips curled in disdain as much as they pleased, he could not give more than two shits. The hushed voices meant nothing when his father was a member of the board of directors with heavy investments into the company that kept Tenko and his family in the lap of luxury, Kotaro willfully ignorant to how the other half lived. Ignoring the easily remedied struggles and furthering the division in classes with a polished shoe on the backs of the poor he used as stepping stones. 
Tenko was a starry eyed boy once, delusions of grandeur his father was quick to squash with harsh words and harsher punishments if the former didn’t do the trick. Tenko preferred his mother and favored her in disposition, coddled by her as a result and gently shushing his cries as she administered his immunoblockers; distracting him by asking about his ‘inventions’ before his father stormed in with unabated rage. 
“You’re ruining him,” Kotaro would hiss like he hadn’t been doing that himself. Modifying his child with artificial parts to replace the ones he deemed defective simply because he could. Altering him and putting heavy stress on his body at such a young age that inky locks bled into ghost white down to the follicle, cutting away the evidence of the change until the color was even all throughout. Nobody would ask any questions, hardly anyone batted an eye at bodies decorated with chrome; regardless of the age. 
By the time Tenko was an adult the light had dulled but not quite died behind his eyes, taking a job with little responsibilities Kotaro forced onto him without a fuss simply because it was easier. The more painless option. 
But Tenko still had his sharp mind and kind heart, spending the first year of his employment creating designs for body modifications and implants meant to help those that needed the boost; coming to meetings with solid foundations to manufacture them at low cost. His grin was never wider when the board accepted his ideas, created the prototypes and ran their ads that assaulted the masses without relent. 
Only for the price of Tenko’s design to be ten times the proposed amount despite how it was produced below cost. Every executive praised him for saving them Eurodollars they already had a surplus of, the fact making Tenko’s fingers twitch, blunted nails digging into his overly starched pants as he fought the urge to claw at his throat or rub at the calloused skin around his eyes. 
A piece of him died with every instance, new projects he was placed on with the notion of improving lives but the hope is dashed each time. The designs altered and crafted for military and arms usage, plans drafted for field testing or exorbitant price tags for public use that only the upper class could afford. 
It only took two years to crush his spirit completely, reduced him from the optimistic boy his mother cherished to the corporate slag his father heavily modified from adolescence to adulthood. A literal shell of who he once was. 
Now the days just blend together, Tenko openly watching whatever Brain Dance he got his hands on to pass his time at work no matter the ire it incurred. He wasn’t afraid of Kotaro anymore, what more could he do to him at this point besides push him into psychosis? Tenko almost felt like he was halfway there despite the (mostly) clean bill of health he received from their overpaid physician. 
Gotta love those premium plans. 
The BD ends too quickly for his liking, pulling him from the world of gore he’d chosen to insert himself in and back into the sterile glass cage he called an office. Dulled carmines scan over moving bodies in pristine suits with disinterest, the same overly manicured people passing by that he saw every day. 
Except one.
One that stood out, to him at least, your eyes flitting from person to person as you walked too close to a man much larger than yourself. You held your hand to your temple for a moment, Tenko barely able to catch the orange gleam to your eyes that signaled you were on a call before they faded back to their original color. You step closer still, Tenko swiveling in his desk chair as he watches with piqued interest when your lip pouts out and brows furrow with (what he assumes from this distance) frustration. You hasten in pace, managing to get ahead of the man he recognizes as a level three clearance suit before you’re tripping over your own two feet intentionally, grabbing his arm for stability but ultimately bringing him to the ground with you. 
Tenko’s hairless brow raises, watching the scene unfold as the crowd splits around the two of you. The man looks agitated at first until he looks at you, face morphing into a sympathetic gaze as you apologize and rises to your feet, touching the male much more than Tenko considered normal until he notices why. Your hand glides up his shoulder, waving over the ports behind his right ear and pulling out a chip of heaven knows what software or data without the man noticing before slipping it up your own ill fitting outfit Tenko thought looked unnatural on you. 
You looked completely out of place and now he can tell why. 
When the employee helps you steady on your feet, you create distance despite how it seems the man wants the opposite. You look animated in the way you wave your hand and laugh off your feined clumsiness, finding an excuse to head in the opposite direction before ultimately parting ways. 
Tenko follows when you make it to the elevator to likely head to the lobby and out of Militechs tower. The doors sliding shut but your sigh of relief is premature when it slams back open, eyes wide for a moment when Tenko steps on to join you. He settles next to you, nodding quietly with a smirk you finds unsettling instead of friendly. Tenko doesn’t miss how you side step closer to the wall and fidgets with the sleeve he saw you conceal the stolen chip in. You’re thankful the ride is short, stepping off first with hurried strides and without a word to him, slipping into the sea of bodies that crowd the main floor. 
He loses you in the crowd but figures you’ll definitely be heading for the exit. Tenko makes his way through the large glass doors, head on a swivel as he scans over the people in the courtyard until he spots you again. You’re already completely down the stairs but you make no effort to turn around to see if you’re being followed. You know it makes you easier to spot, that it admits guilt. The only reason Tenko even spots you are the cornea implants he’s finally thankful for. 
Tenko takes the steps two at a time, careful not to look like he’s chasing you so he doesn’t draw attention to either of you. It isn’t until several twists and turns over different streets and the crosswalks traffic light that you’re sure you’ve lost him, making a call to the Fixer that gave you a shot. 
The dialing tone rings twice before an encrypted name flashes over the call log projected in front of you that only you can see. A deep voice sounds clear in your head, asking if you’d gotten any of the results you’d promised. Tenko manages to catch up with you then, hearing you talk and stopping short before he steps around the corner; pressing his back against the wall and slowing his breathing to listen in on the one sided conversation. 
“Yeah I got it, I’m sending over the data now. . . What? The fuck do you mean that’s not what you asked for? It was the guy you said!” 
There’s a short period of silence, filled with your ragged breathing before you raise your voice once more, “That wasn’t the fucking deal— BITCH!” 
He knows the conversations come to an end when you curse loudly. It’s almost childish the way you stomp your foot, Tenko peeking around the corner in time to see you tousle your hair in frustration, taking the chip you’d swiped and tossing it to the ground, crushing it for good measure before you stomp away. He almost snickers, smirk tugging his lip upwards when your head turns sharply in his direction, face pinched in a scowl. Tenko thinks you’ve spotted him for sure, prepared to make it look like he simply bumped into you while rounding a corner but when he hears your steps receding he breathes a sigh of relief. 
For whatever reason, he doesn’t know. 
Tenko just knows you’re the most excitement he’d experienced in a long while, making the thought of heading back to work even less appealing than usual. 
So he decides to follow you, assuming he’s doing so at enough distance not to be noticed but he’s wrong. You’re wary of everyone, if there’s ever a lingering presence you’re more than aware of it and you were already on edge. You make it hard to keep up but Tenko is faster than he looked, long strides growing in pace when you start to weave through the crowd in an attempt to give him the slip. He may have the speed but you’ve spent most of your life dodging suits and lying low. 
He doesn’t call out for you, try and get you to stop but follows leisurely. It almost makes you angry, wanting to whirl on him and zero the threat as you move further and further towards the Edge. Into familiar territory where grime and graffiti cakes every surface and for once you have the advantage. Even if it’s slight. 
You cast a sideways glance, catching Tenko looking around the shadowed areas he follows you through that are marginally brightened by flickering holograms and neon lights. He lives in his own apartment close to the Edge, baffled by the contrast between this area and his own. You seize the window of opportunity, lurching forward into a sprint, shouldering through bystanders and taking paths you’d taken time and time again to shake lawmen or greedy fucks looking to rip from someone else. It’s too late when Tenko notices you, breaking into his own hurried pace but you already know you’re home free. 
You hop for a rusted fire escape of a decaying building forgotten in the expansion of industry when you round another corner, hoisting yourself up onto the iron walkway to crawl through an open window. The floorboards groan under your weight but give no other complaints when you stand still, crouching at the windowsill to scan for the man following you; relief flooding your system when you watch him continue deeper into the slums of Night City. You wait for a short spell before emerging from your hiding spot before heading home. 
Tenko wanders longer, taking in the sights long after he’s lost you and finds that even in states of decay he likes this side of the city better than where he’s from. 
Even if there are men getting milked by machines strapped to their pelvises with their tongues lolled out in ecstasy in plain view. 
Anything was better than the thick glass he was forced behind to keep him clean, "above the rest." Never realizing how quickly the panes would shatter, how fast he would fall as soon as he stepped over the edge. 
Tenko spends more of his time venturing the slums you’d lead him to, learning quickly that he should change his clothes to something more relaxed than the pressed suit he was forced to wear to work. Lest he get mugged, again. 
He finds he blends in easier with the simple black sleeveless tee, tight black pants and red cloak overlay with an iridescent crimson inner collar that makes his eyes gleam dangerously. Now Tenko looked like he belongs, rugged in his looks with the scars from childhood that decorated his left eye and right corner of his lip.
Tenko wanders aimlessly, finding all the history and getting glimpses into the lives he’s always been oblivious to until now.Patroning whatever amenities the outer limits of Night City had to offer, always looking around with the thought in the back of his mind of seeing you again. Watching intently when someone moves quickly in a swarm of people, scanning more than necessary and sitting on train rides through the city until the very last stop. A quiet sort of desperation, Tenko wouldn’t consider it that, of course, he was just a naturally curious person and he found you more than interesting; even from such a limited exchange. 
You’d seen him in passing plenty though, more often than your suspicious mind could care for. You watched how he looked around at faces on the train deeper into the underbelly of Night City while you picked their sockets, quick to get out of his sight each time. Tenko didn’t look at people the way you did, like a walking payday, no; he watched like he found them interesting for whatever reason or like he was looking for someone. Looking for you. 
It bothered you, made you grit your teeth each time you saw him because, even if he was looking for you, what did he have to gain? If he wanted you arrested or charged he could’ve done it by now. 
Tenko confused you. He was an easy enough read too, definitely didn’t belong in your world with how he carried himself, even if he did carry the same hunch to his shoulders. The kind you get when you’ve been beaten down and kicked by corpos just because of your financial standings. Some looked worse than others, he just wasn’t quite there yet. 
He catches you by sheer luck one day, watches you intently; you know it’s him simply by the feel of his eyes on you. Like the first time he watched and chased you on your first (and last) bungled job from a Fixer. You ignore him the best you can, choosing not to draw too much attention to yourself because you needed the eddies and swiping software was the fastest route. 
It was like a show for Tenko, watching with rapt attention at how nimbly you skirt around your targets, avoiding getting caught with a bat of your eyelashes and an apology if they seemed they were wise to you. It made him smirk, one you sneer at when you cast a glance in his direction before disappearing out of the doors when the train reached a stop you found suitable. You knew when to book-it but Tenko wasn’t so easily dissuaded. 
You grit your teeth as he keeps pace, dodging quickly around corners and he’s not exactly sure why he’s chasing you, but Tenko’s feet carry him forward. He’s thankful for the lung implants, thankful for the chrome his father pushed because he wasn’t a healthy child for the first time in his fucking life. They help him in his pursuit but maybe he should install some software that gives him a bit faster reaction time. Tenko follows you around another corner, dimly lit despite knowing better of the dangers only to end up with his feet kicked from under him. The back of his head hits pavement, jarring his senses when a knee digs into his chest with sharp silver claws poised close enough to his jugular that the cool titanium knick’s his skin when he swallows. 
You’re both panting for breath, wild look in gleaming eyes above him when Tenko regains his bearings. Another set of claws digs tightly into the fabric of his shirt, tearing it when you lift him despite your knee being planted firmly in his diaphragm that makes him wheeze. 
“Why, the fuck, are you followin me?”
Tenko doesn’t answer, he doesn’t fucking know why he was following you, not really. Because he found you interesting? Because he was curious? Neither of those seemed like good enough reasons to not have pretty claws shoved through his throat but it’s obvious in how your hands shake that you’re anxiously expecting an answer. 
“I don’t know,” it’s quieter than the both of you expected and whether it was shock or you believing him, he’s unsure, but you release him. Your hands move to your hips, bottom lip pouting out with your knee still settled to keep him pinned and that’s the only thing that keeps him from chuckling at the way you look now. From threatening to cute (for a petty thief with an obvious violent streak) in an instant. Tenko learns quickly though that you shift temperaments at breakneck speed because you’ve got him shoved down flat against concrete before he can even blink again. 
Your hand shoves his face to the side, palm pushing into his cheek but keeping your prominent claws lifted carefully away from his flesh while you scan him. Your eyes glow a vibrant blue, data scrolling through your irises for only a moment, lids sliding shut when they revert back to your natural eye color. 
“What’s a suits kid doin around the slums? Shouldn’t you be kicked back at the top of daddy’s tower?”
There’s a notable disdain in your voice, more so than he’s picked up from overheard conversations and a general understanding of the overt class differences. That doesn’t mean the comment doesn’t churn at his organs, the ones that he was allowed to keep, anyway. Tenko turns his head, once dulled carmine burning into brilliant crimson flashing dangerously in a way that makes your own heart race, your eyes widen a fraction at the change in disposition. 
“You say that like a bitter pet cast aside by its owner.” 
“You’re not exactly in any position to be insultin me, choom,” you snarl back, leaning nose to nose with the titanium threat thirsty for blood sitting cold against scarred and calloused skin. His hands find your hips, action surprising you enough to make you falter and lean away from him but he sits up to follow. 
“I think I like this position, actually.”
You settle he must be stupid, fighting the heat that courses through your blood and the throb to your clit the darkened tone of voice and teasing comment causes. You pry away his hands to stand to your feet, pressing the low heel of your boot into his lower abdomen so he doesn’t rise with you. 
“Don’t follow me again or daddy’s gonna be cashin in on that expensive policy he’s got on you.” 
You’re sprinting further into the low light and out of Tenko’s sight before he can even respond, leaving him to rub at the soreness of his skull in a vain attempt to soothe the ache within. He’s got a smirk on his face, though, scar on his lip tugged upward with the expression while he stares into the limited darkness you receded into. 
It agitates you just how often you run into him after the first encounter, colliding with his chest in cramped train cars most often, curling your lip when Tenko catches the chip you’d swiped from someone taller than you. He holds it out to you with a smug look, palm up and suspended between your bodies before you’re snatching it and shouldering past him with an annoyed pout that continues to grow more cute than biting to him. 
You always slink away at the next available stop after running into him, he’s learned, a quickly predictable pattern Tenko tracks after the fourth encounter. Your patience wears thin when it comes to him but killing a corpos son, especially one that’s employed high enough in the corporate tower to show status, is more trouble than it’s worth. That’s what you tell yourself, anyway, each time you leave him with an empty threat of his spilled blood and to leave you alone if he knew what was good for him. 
Though, by the fifth encounter, you wish you would’ve torn into his skin whenever he gets the upper hand on you. You weren’t paying attention, had let your guard down with the consideration that you hadn’t seen Tenko at all (not that you were looking for him) and reasoned maybe he either got bored or had finally taken the hint. 
But, no such luck. 
You round a corner on the path to huck your haul to the highest bidder but find yourself pressed between a solid body and a filthy wall. You thrash wildly, throwing your head back with the hope you’ll catch the fucker's nose after the assailant takes both of your wrists and pins them behind your back in an iron grip. 
“Quit your fightin,” the familiar voice breathes against the shell of your ear and, surprisingly, you relax slightly in his hold. He pulls a cord from his throat, jacking it into one of the ports behind your ear, making you thrash once more even as he shushes you, “you scanned me, be good and let me see what you have to share.” 
Even with the coo, the unintentionally sultry purr of his voice, you snarl and work to keep him from gleaning more than he needed to know about you. Corrupting whatever data he attempts to download, snarling at the error messages that display before he yanks the cord from you out of frustration. 
Your head leans back, resting against his shoulder while he looks down to glare his annoyance, “you could always ask what you want to know.” 
You’ll admit the relentless interest of Tenko piqued your own, if only moderately. You find him an enigma despite having all the information you needed on him. Who his father was, where they both worked, every implant in his body and immunosuppressant he was on, right down to the serial number and brand. Even with all of that, Tenko still held the advantage simply because of his financial status, he could’ve had you arrested time and time again by now, but he hadn’t. It’s far from a sturdy foundation of trust but every dog deserves a bone from time to time. 
You offer your name when Tenko doesn’t step away from you or make a move to release his hold. There’s a skeptical raise to his brow, staring at you until you sigh and relax further in his grip, “nothin to know about me in any database you’ll search in.” 
You made sure of that, spent countless hours in deep dives meticulously erasing any trace of your existence so it wouldn’t be brought to an end. When the creases in his forehead only deepen with his scowl you giggle, shrugging as best you can in your position, “don’t gotta reason to lie to you either.”
It far from placates him but at least he knows what to call you now, releasing his hold on your arms and stepping back enough for you to turn around. He thinks you’ll slink away again now that you have the opportunity but you don’t, you lean against the wall with your arms folded over your chest instead; obviously chewing the inside of your cheek like you were heavily considering something. 
“Why do you keep coming here?” The question this time lacks any accusation or venom compared to the first variation. He actually feels inclined to give proper response, even if it doesn’t actually provide a real answer for you. 
“I like it better.” 
That baffles you, enough to actually make you snort a bit before you break out into a genuine laugh. A corpos son with everything in the world at his fingertips simply because of where he was born and who he was born to, preferring the downtrodden.
“You’ve definitely got a few wires crossed,” you say in good nature, laughter dying down into something softer, smile still on your lips that brings one to replace his scowl. It’s small, a smirk if anything, but there’s a definite shift in your interaction now. 
A silence settles between you but it’s far from uncomfortable, Tenko’s hands shoving deep into the pockets of the red coat he wears. You shift your weight on the balls of your feet, rocking slightly as you consider what you want to do next before pushing off of the wall behind you. You take a few steps out into the street, turning to face him when you notice he’s not following. 
“Been chasin me for weeks and now you don’t follow? C’mon, don’t stand there like a gonk.” 
“Where are we going?” He asks but still comes at your beckoning, stride falling in line with yours.
“Somewhere actually worth likin in this shithole.” 
You take him to the official, unofficial, spot everyone looking for a good time went to and where the lawmen didn’t venture. 
A club where it didn’t matter who you were, as long as you paid your tab and didn’t kick up too much shit there was no last call. Tenko looked around in awe, neon lights acting like a beacon and the patrons a moth to its splendor. The interior is lit with black lights reflecting the right colors off of every surface and scantily clad women and men decorated in pretty patterns to hypnotize and entice drunkards looking to blow off some steam. 
It was lively, to say the least, but Tenko stuck close to you as you guided him to the bar, handing him one of two bottles you’d taken from behind the shelf. 
“You’re paying,” you yell over the music but he hardly hears you, agreeing with a nod when you laugh and tug him deeper into the throng of bodies into the open space in the center. You stop somewhere in the middle, turning to him when the music changes and you bounce to the beat with your drink in the air before you practically howl in excitement and knock it back with the bottom up. Your eye cracks open to see him standing stiff despite all the movement around him, moving your hand to lift his own bottle to his lips in a silent bid to drink. 
Tenko doesn’t need much prompting from you, following your lead and emptying his first bottle with a hiss at the carbonation before you’re grabbing two more. You shove one into his hand, already tilting the drink to your lips while dancing around him in encouragement to move with you. 
He empties his drink after you, grin spreading as the alcohol warms his blood and melts away his reservations. Tenko grabs a shot for himself off a passing platter, knocking it back in one swallow while he takes your hand to lift high as you circle around him. Your smile matches his, the music changes again as Tenko pulls you to him to sway with the tempo, hands planted firmly on your hips to keep you close.
Tenko presses your back flush to his chest, his hands aiding in grinding the fat of your ass into his pelvis with the beat as his head dips. You feel him rest his nose in your throat, lips ghosting over your feverish skin from the collective heat that he only seems to worsen in the best of ways with his touch. You can feel his growing erection pressing into you and when the music ends the jarring mood switch leaves you reeling. It brings you back to your senses for a moment, like a bucket of ice water being dumped on you. 
You pull away from Tenko, straightening your thin jacket and smoothing your clothes like it could abate the flusterment you felt before you’re heading for the exit with some flippant excuse he doesn’t hear. His fingers run over his throat but not in the urge to scratch, bringing it up to run through his hair for a moment before he’s following you into the open air; finding you sitting on a bench with your head tilted up to the sky. 
“Needed a breather,” you offer without prompt when he joins you and Tenko accepts the answer, agreeing as he clears his throat. The music only felt like a low thrum instead of the heavy pulsing that it was at this distance, sounds of the city joining the noise in harmony. 
“Wish the breeze didn’t smell like shit,” you add after a moment, nose scrunched up in disgust while you still try and enjoy the cooling air. Tenko chuckles, shoving his hands into his pants pockets as he slouches down into the bench when he feels a familiar edge of an item that he pulls from its confines. 
The motion catches your eye, craning slightly to see the small square in his hand but you don’t ask what it is but you can see for Ten, scrawled in pretty lettering. There’s a slight upward pull to his lips, a look of fondness on his face as Tenko’s thumb gently runs over the worn, handwritten label on the front. He sees your interest, smirking as he digs into his pocket for the compact visor to hand to you, “wanna see?” 
“What is it?” You question but still take the visor and fit it to your face. Tenko pushes the BD into the visors slot, all the settings for it preadjusted perfectly because of his continuous use of it. 
“Just wait,” he takes the cord from his port to link with you so Tenko can join in the experience. He pushes a toggle and instantly you’re transported from the cage of noise and light into a hilly plain of lush green grass with Tenko at your side.
You look around in awe, nothing but tall grass over hilly plains for as far as the eye can see. A breeze rolls over the terrain, making the blades move in a way that looks like ocean waves. It’s almost overwhelming, the joy that floods your body as you breathe deeply and don’t smell the stench of your industrial prison. You tilt back with your arms spread like you’re willing the gust to caress every part of you, the wind whipping the torso of your jacket away from you. 
The experience is breathtaking, opening your eyes to a sky full of more stars than you’d ever seen in your entire life, uninhibited by light pollution. 
“Where did you get this,” it comes breathlessly when you finally remember you’re not alone in this foreign place. You turn to look at Tenko, fighting the rush of heat that warms your face at his soft expression, like he found your reaction precious. 
“It belonged to my mom, she always showed me this after implants,” his look changes into something more somber with a touch of resentment, a mixing of memories both fond and not. You reach for his hand, gaining his attention again as you step closer to him, squeezing his palm with a reassuring pressure. 
You lean your head against his shoulder, standing in amicable silence with the sound of grass being rustled by another pleasant breeze until the sequence ends. You pull the visor away, met with the now empty lot on the outside of Supernova save for you and Tenko. You're resting against him now, supposing you’d drifted closer subconsciously while in the simulated world but you don’t move away from him. 
There’s a look shared between you both in the closeness, searching in one another’s eyes for something you weren’t entirely sure what it could be. It seems Tenko does, though, as his hand comes to rest against your cheek, thumbing over the skin just below your eye. His gaze flickers to your lips, leaning closer and when you show no signs of rejection he tilts his head to finally kiss you. 
It’s tentative at first, featherlight until you return the pressure, leaning into him for more and he runs with the reaction. His hand slides to cup behind your ear while the other pulls your body closer to him by your waist, making a noise of approval when you melt into him. Tenko’s lips are somewhat rough but the contrast feels divine against the tenderness of your own. 
Your hands find his shoulders, creeping slowly into his lap as the tip of his tongue traces over the seam of your lips in plea for entrance; mewling slightly as you grant it. You’ve just barely straddled him and gotten a taste when a jarring chime signaling a phone call rings through your skull. 
Tenko groans when you pull away to answer, lips kiss swollen and lids hooded as he waits to continue but you’re standing up before he can protest. 
He’d distracted you, completely forgetting that before you came here with him you were supposed to meet with a buyer. You’re offering apologies to whoever is on the other end of the call, fixing yourself with the promise you’re on your way. 
You leave Tenko on the bench, once again having him watch your back as you sprint away from him only this time he’s left with a different sort of ache. 
Your interactions shift dramatically after the heated kiss you blame solely on the alcohol in your system that night and the flood of emotions you felt during the BD he showed you. Tenko always presses against you with intent now and you’re hyper aware of every plane of his body compared to any time before. It always takes you a moment before you’re pushing him away, halfheartedly threatening, “I’ll flatline you if you get handsy, choom.” But you actually like the closeness and when you remove yourself from him there’s a notable reluctance. 
You lie to yourself that you only miss the feeling of the breeze on your skin and not the blazing touch of his fingers groping at your body to bring you closer with a desire for you that gained him nothing but affection. Telling yourself that the way he groaned when your tongue slid over his doesn’t plague your thoughts and if it does it’s driven by lust alone. 
The thoughts only worsen, the longing sitting heavy in your chest when you stop seeing him. It’s not obvious at first, there had been times where you’d only see him every couple of days because he did have obligations but he was never gone long.
You start to look for him now too, ignorant of how you shared the same desire Tenko did after your first meeting. Searching for him on crowded trains and peeking down dimly lit alleyways and taking second glances when you see a swatch of ghost white in the dingy streets, fighting disappointment when you realize it isn’t him. 
He sneaks up on you though, just when you stop looking for him with the notion that he decided he didn’t find you or your world that interesting after all. That he didn’t prefer it over the comforts wealth had to offer. Tenko catches you right before you take the stairs for the train's waiting area, stifling your startled yelp with his hand, the other grabbing your wrists reminiscent of the day you took him to Supernova.
“Miss me?” He breathes through a chuckle, taunting laugh in your ear that sends arousal bubbling in your gut. He doesn’t miss how the rigidity quickly leaves your form even as you begin to squirm in his hold, especially not when Tenko pushes his entire body against yours so when you writhe weakly for freedom he’d get friction to his crotch. 
He would be embarrassed by how quickly his cock swells from the minimal stimulation if the sexual tension between you both hadn’t been mounting since your first shared kiss. Tenko’s every waking thought revolves around that memory. One moment having you held tightly against him with your tongue mingling with his only for you to all too quickly pull away from him and leave without much explanation. 
Tenko would’ve pushed his luck a bit more, let his hands explore you again in the following few exchanges but he’d been neglecting his few duties at work enough for his father to take notice. He half assed everything he could but it still took over two weeks to get Kotaro off his case enough to slip away without notice. 
And you plagued every thought of his and by how you react to him now he knows you felt the same. You had to have been, he can’t be making it up. There’s no way, not when you’re looking at him the way you are, parting your pretty lips and batting your lashes at him with that arch to your back that made him wish a BD didn’t include someone’s fucking face when all he wanted to see was yours the nights he desperately needed relief. 
“Almost think you want me to catch you like this,” Tenko breathes into your ear, resting his chin on your shoulder with one hand pinning both of yours to the wall above you while the other firmly holds your hip. 
You turn your head the slightest bit, eyeing him from the side, “and if I said I did?” 
It makes a shudder wrack down his spine, exhaling slowly as his grip tightens and lids slip shut; you emphasize the question by grinding your ass back against him, eliciting a choked groan Tenko tries to bite back. He pulls you further back against him, his chest flush to your back with his hardening cock prodding against the curve of you. Tenko’s fingers slip under the band of the baggy pants that hang low on your hips, growling when he comes into contact with the skintight bodysuit that covers your cunt. He sucks his teeth, pinching the seam to pull it away before releasing it, the fabric snapping back to your skin with a light popping sound that makes you yelp at the sting. 
“Wear somethin less complicated,” he growls but there’s no bite to it, teeth grazing over the skin of your shoulder to tease you further. Your complaint dies in your throat when nimble digits finally slip beneath the fabric, brushing his middle finger over your clit as his ring and forefinger part your folds. Tenko relishes the sticky sound mixed with the way your body shakes with a shuddering breath, hips jerking into his touch. 
Tenko sighs, humid breath making you keenly aware of the slight dampness on your skin from his teeth and tongue before his lips brush over your throat. His tongue darts out to taste the light sheen of sweat, alternating between pecks and licks with a playful nip that has you turning your face away from him to give him more access. You make a sharp noise when Tenko’s fingers delve further, heel of his palm applying pressure to your clit to keep hearing your muted whines through bitten lips as his index and middle finger tease at your hole. 
“H— here?” You question and he laughs when your hips buck, trying to urge him where you need him with a pleading whine, pressing your forehead in embarrassment to the abrasive concrete wall in front of you at the sound. 
Tenko releases your hands, bringing the hand not toying with your slit to cup your jaw and tilt you to face him. “I’m sure there’s worse things that’ve happened out here,” he purrs as his fingers continue to tease, making sticky sounds that bring a smug grin to his face that only makes your pout deepen. 
“Stop teasin daddy’s b—“ a gasp tears from your throat when both of Tenko’s fingers shove into your cunt to the last knuckle, scissoring and curling to stretch you with no warning. He swallows your moan, taking the opportunity to meld his lips with yours in an open mouthed kiss and slide his tongue over yours. He gives you no reprieve either, sucking on the wet muscle while pumping his fingers in a steady rhythm so all you can do is mewl and buck into his touch. He likes the way you jerk each time he gives pressure to your clit, uneven and desperate for more of him as Tenko ruts his own hips in tandem to give him some modicum of relief. 
You only part for air, your chest heaving and gaze clouded with lust but you pull away when he attempts to bring you back for more, giggling slightly when he snarls at his second attempt. 
“I— I don’t live far,” sentence broken with heavy breaths but when he doesn’t take the hint you reach between your body and the wall to take his wrist. “C’mon choom, maybe I’ll even let ya log it for a BD.”
He wishes that didn’t sound so appealing, even for a joke, growling when he pulls his fingers from you and stepping away, popping the digits in his mouth to swirl his tongue around them to have a taste of you before you’re pulling him along. 
Always following you, always on your heels but it’s always felt right no matter the circumstances. It feels even better when he crosses the threshold to your tiny studio apartment for the first time, dimly lit with plenty of neon he doesn’t have the time to focus on before you’re pulling him to you for a kiss of teeth and tongue. He pulls your body to his, hands on your hips as he walks you backwards to your mattress, stopping to undo the belt that keeps your baggy pants up until they pool around your ankles. Tenko works on his own clothes, shimmying out of his pants as you pull the straps of your bodysuit down your shoulders, breasts falling free for his viewing pleasure. 
He thinks you look beautiful like this, iridescent hues decorating your body in different shades that makes him hate every second he’s not touching you. 
So he remedies that, hooking his fingers into the clothing to help you push it away as he lowers you to the bed, lips blazing a path along your skin. The sounds of your airy sighs goad him, latching onto a pert nipple as his fingers pinch and pull at the other before he alternates to evenly split his attention. You whine after a moment, dangerous chrome claws tugging delicately at ivory locks to pull him from your chest despite his half-hearted groan of protest. 
Tenko rests his hands on either side of your head, caging you in beneath him when he lifts himself. A moment of shyness crosses over your features, bottom lip rolling between your teeth as you legs frame his hips and your ankles interlock at the base of his spine to pull him closer. He gives an experimental roll of his hips, jaw falling in a silent groan at the electricity that jolts through his system at the feel of warm velvet caressing his shaft; both hissing when his mushroomed tip bumps your puffy clit. 
He lowers to kiss you again, finding a slow rutting rhythm of his hips, coating his cock in your approving wetness until you’re whining with need and impatience against his lips. You nip at his bottom lip when he pulls away the slightest fraction, lids hooded as you gaze at one another before you reach carefully between your bodies to take him in your grasp. You like the way his jaw falls, sharper exhale leaving his lungs as you guide him where you need him most, aligning the leaky tip with your entrance. 
Tenko lowers himself to his elbows, canting his hips to push into you, groaning into your mouth as he stretches you inch by inch. You arch into him, moaning in turn, digging your heel into his back like you couldn’t wait another moment for him to completely fill you. His tongue slides over yours, sighing as he sucks on the muscle when he bottoms out, rolling his hips in small circles that gives friction to your clit with each thrust. 
You curse at the feeling, Tenko parting with a rumbling chuckle as you bury your nose into his throat before he changes pace. He drags his hips back, pulling out until only the tip remains engulfed in your warmth and shoving back in quickly with a groan at the lewd squelch the action makes. He jolts your body with each thrust, curve of his cock hitting perfectly into that spongy spot that has you whimpering his name with every contact. It’s hard to be mindful of the weapons at your fingertips with the blinding pleasure, pushing your palms into his back with your fingers splayed open so you don’t filet his back. 
The coil winds tightly in your abdomen though and gasping in sharp intakes hardly gives you the outlet you need. Tenko knows you’re close, your thighs trembling against his hips and each tight squeeze of your cunt around him brings him closer to his own demise. He feels like he’s driving directly toward a cliff he’ll careen off of at any given moment and he’s slamming the petal to the floor to reach it faster.
He’s groaning your name between curses, caging you beneath him with his hair falling in a curtain so all you can see is him. The name Tenko has never sounded sweeter than the breathy way you moan it, trying in vain to tell him what he can already feel before it happens. Tenko shifts his weight to support it on one forearm, bringing this hand down to grasp firmly at your hip and tilting you to take one sharp thrust that snaps the coil inside you. 
Your jaw falls open, back arching into him as your body trembles, light dancing behind closed lids whose splendor makes what Night City has to offer incomparable as you cream his cock. You pull him to you, arm hooking behind his neck as your teeth sink deep into the skin of his collarbone to muffle your moan and the sensation pushes Tenko over the edge, fisting the sheets behind your head as he empties into you. He ruts into you slowly, fucking you both through the waves of your climax, hips stuttering with risidual the risidual convulsions of your cunt. 
You kiss tenderly at the indents of your teeth on him when you come down from your rapture, running your palms up his spine to pull him closer. Rolling your hips slowly into his until the tension melts from his body, appreciating the feel of your lips up his throat and lavishing the scars that litter the expanse with affection, pulling away only when the rolls of his hips come to a halt. 
Tenko reluctantly pulls his softening cock out of you to lay on his side, already missing the closeness even when he pulls you close to tuck into his chest. Your breathing slowly evens in the afterglow of your coupling, silence settling between you save for an electrical hum that’s ever present in your world. You almost think he fell asleep, giggling when he groans as you shift to lay on your stomach like you’ve disturbed him. One of his eyes cracks open, lively crimson simply taking in the unguarded ease that floods your form and features before a smile finds its way to his lips. 
Tenko moves to pull you closer once more, fingers brushing over the top of your thoracic spine, feeling indents instead of smooth skin though that wasn’t unusual for most people. You turn further, pressing your back flush with his chest and pulling his arm to drape over your waist, giving him a better look at what he felt unintentionally.
“More chrome?” He asks the seemingly innocent question, burying his nose into your hair to fill all of his senses with you. 
Your fingers reach for his, fiddling with his bitten cuticles, smoothing over them with a delicate touch as you consider your response. Tenko was here, you’d allowed him into your life in every way but one and you figure he’s earned this vulnerability as well. Your sigh draws his attention, feeling him shift behind you and you tilt your head to look at him when you finally answer, “deep dive port.” 
“Deep dive? What’s a net runner doin picksocketing for ennies?” 
“Survivin,” you laugh but it’s dry and humorless, tainted with more bitterness than you intended. He shifts to sit up, leaning on his forearm with that look on his face that you’d learned meant he wanted to know more. You turn to lay on your back, pupils sliding from his eyes to his lips and over all of the seams that decorated his exposed torso that told this history of his childhood before finally choosing to stare at your bare ceiling. There’s another deep intake of breath, followed by a heavy exhale as you tell him your past, how you’d been sold to a corporation long since forgotten after the crash of the old net. There were a handful of other kids, some excelling and prospering with their upgrades while others expired at different stages, thrown out like faulty hardware instead of human beings. 
Instead of children. 
“Technology advanced but some of our bodies weren’t compatible with the upgrades so they opted to eliminate us and start again. I couldn’t tell ya how I escaped, don’t really remember much besides all the carnage.”
He’s quiet for a long moment, like he’s digesting your past even though it churns his intestines and gives rise to the urge to claw at his skin again. They twitch in your hold, bringing his attention to your hands, “the claws?”
You don’t respond right away, lost in the thoughts of your life before you remember the BD Tenko had shown you weeks prior, the encounter that shifted your relationship to what it is now. Whatever it is now, anyway. You remember the feel of the breeze on your skin and if you think hard enough you can almost consider what the fresh green grass would smell like. Tenko’s fingers lace with yours as she stalls, pulling you from your thoughts once more as you continue to explain. 
“Don’t last long in the underbelly, enniless and without some sorta claws. I’ve always been pretty literal,” you smile at him but it’s devoid of any joy, wry in its nature. “We were never meant to fuse with machines.”
Tenko’s jaw sets tightly, grinding his teeth over all that you’ve told. What this world has done to the both of you, his fury burning deep in his chest and you take notice of it. Attempt to diffuse it with a gentle brush of your knuckles to his cheek with a delicate smile.
“Will you show me the BD again, Ten?” 
“Tomura,” he gives you a new name for himself to accompany his conviction and though your confusion is evident he brings your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles that are still organic, where your claws stop, as he decides on a future for the both of you. “I’ll do you one better, I’ll take you there myself.”
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sanjoongie · 1 year
Library of Illusion~ Sci Fi Section
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Chrome Upgrade
📚Part Three for the Library Of Illusions Event
📚Pairing: Fixer! Yunho x Merc! Reader (f)
📚Genre: Fantasy au, Sci-fi au, Cyberpunk 2077 inspired, sleeping with the boss trope
📚Warnings: fighting, cybernetic enhancements, slapping, nipple play, yunho is horny over some knife play, mommy(reader)/little one(yunho) dynamics, penetrative sex with no barrier, creampie(s), oral (f receiving), cum eating, dacryphilia
📚Word Count: 3,809
📚Rating: 18+ MDNI, smut
📚Summary: the scifi section transports you to a cyberpunk world in which you are merc for hire with many upgrades and your boss, or fixer, pays you with chrome instead of eddie’s (eurodollar)
📚Dedication: @mejuii & @downtoamagicalland the best beta readers a writer could bribe have
↫The Fantasy Section ↭ MasterList ↭The Historical Fiction Section↬
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You moved back and forth in front of a particular bookshelf but you had this feeling like you were missing it. You tipped your head back and you felt a zap of electricity when your eyes locked onto a bright yellow book with the title "Cyberpunk 2077" in sharp black lettering. You lifted onto your tippy toes, fingertips tingling as you managed to hook the book and bring it down into your waiting hands.
You opened it, and watched expectantly as the book flew out of your hands, landing upright with its pages flipping open, until it halted and grew to the size of a door. The center for the book was transparent, and within you could see a dark alleyway, filled with trash and lit up by bright lights. 
The hair on the back of your neck raised and you felt yourself getting real damn annoyed at this entity that was watching you. "You know, you could just reveal yourself before I meet you in this damn book!" You couldn't help but shout in frustration. 
It had to be the guardian of this section, right? Clearly they were both present in the books and in the library. "Or are you worried that I might reject you before you can weave a story to suck me into?"
You might as well be shouting into the void. Or so you thought. The shelves began to shiver and shake and a rush of wind rushed past you, blowing your hair behind you like you were in a wind tunnel. The fuck was that? Alright, maybe you shouldn't be provoking demons.
You decided now was a good time to walk through the portal.
You stood in the middle of an alleyway, neon lights blinking obnoxiously above you. In your hand was a chip and everything in your mind was telling you to put it inside of you. You felt behind your ear and gasped when your finger found a rectangle hole there. The chip slipped in easily and your eyes lit up as you processed the information on the chip. 
You were a mercenary for hire. Your fixer, or guy that hooked you up with jobs, was Yunho. You two had worked together pretty steadily but only after you had begged him to give you jobs. You had a gun and an itch to scratch back then. You had worked with a few crews here and there, maybe a partner, but ultimately no one could keep up with your thirst to prove yourself, to really make your name a legend. 
Now you had so many cybernetic enhancements you lost count. Circulatory system upgrades for your hacking. You had traded out your eyes a long time ago for easier targeting and to make them a pretty purple jeweled color. But your crown jewel were the blades that were implanted and replaced your arms. The blades stayed hidden and folded and you had full use of your 'hands', but the Mantis blades had been the best improvement you had invested in, surely.
A screen popped up in your peripherals and a faint ringing could be heard in your ear. The square said Your Fixer Yuyu was calling you. "I got the deets, Yunho, what's up?" You answered. 
"Another gonk got themselves snatched for cybernetics and organs," Yunho replied.
"Yeah, I got that already, what do you want?" You snapped.
You admired your clothes in this world: you were wearing skin tight pleather pants with cutouts at the hips, a bikini top and a large baggy jacket. You had an undercut on the side where you had slipped in your chip, but your hair fell in waves on your right side. Definitely the cyberpunk look.
"That same gonk left their bike outside the place where they had been sent to rescue the last guy," Yunho informed you. You winced. Oops. "Don't worry, choom, I got you. I called your bike away to park a few blocks. Just thought I'd let you know when you run out of there."
"Orchid?" You fucking loved your merc name. The first upgrade you got as a merc were Mantis blades but insisted on a soft pink color. So they named you after a pretty Orchid Mantis. You were kinda proud of that, actually. 
"Yeah?" You answered.
"Come see me after this job, 'kay? I've got something to run past you."
"Got it, Yunho."
You ended the comms and cracked your neck. Time to cut up some idiot bodysnatchers.
You snuck into the building where your target was located. She was in an ice bath to keep her body chill. You checked for vital signs and luckily the damn gonk wasn't dead. Yet. That's when you allowed yourself to kill every damn bodysnatcher in the place, with no mercy. Who thought it was a good life choice to kidnap innocent people and steal their cybernetics off their corpses? You were a bit blood splattered afterwards but the trauma team came for your target once you booted up their biomon and you were already gone by then.
You jogged for a block, shrugging on your jacket and then you called in your bike. You didn't bother to check in with Yunho, you simply set his headquarters location to your GPS and headed there full throttle. You weren't sure what you prefered more: slashing people up with your Mantis blades or riding the road with your bike. Either one provided amazing adrenaline.  
You pulled up to the noodle shop and parked your bike in the front. The staff didn't even blink as you walked through the front and into the kitchen of the shop. You stopped in front of the deep freeze and the square of tiles before it blinked before popping open. You slid down the ladder and a cold nuzzle of a gun was pressed against the nape of your neck.
"Jesus, do you have to do that every damn time? It's Orchid, for christ sake. Let her in." Yunho yelled at his guard. 
You stuck your tongue out at the guard and he pulled his gun to holster it. You walked towards the glass box that was Yunho's office. The door snapped behind you with a whoosh. The glass tinted so that no one could see inside. Interesting.
"What's up, choom?" You said, not showing a hint of your worries. You planted your ass on the crescent shaped couch and crossed your hands behind your back.
Yunho approached the low coffee table in front of you. His broad shoulders filled out his orange and black leather jacket well. “When did you get the new ink?” Yunho motioned with his chin.
You looked down and saw a dragon on your hip. Odd. When did that get there? It didn’t fit the genre at all, it was a dragon from an old fairy tale novel illustration. Did you have another tattoo? Upon further inspection, you also had a switchblade on your shoulder. Both were clearly souvenirs from Yeosang and Wooyoung but… why? It couldn't be that they simply wanted you to remember them by tattoos you had not agreed upon. You figured you’d ask Seonghwa when you got back.
To answer Yunho though, you shrugged. “I gotta pass it by Daddy first?”
Yunho’s eyes darkened and narrowed them at you. “Are you giving me lip, little girl?”
You scoffed at the term. “A little girl that could slice you in half maybe.”
Yunho strode around the table, brought back his hand and slapped you, one of his rings scratching your chin as it hit. “Bitch? Are you saying you could take me on?”
"Yunho, Yunho, Yunho," You shook your head. "There's a reason you keep calling me to do all your dirty work. Because I get shit done."
"I give you the dirty work jobs because you're trash," Yunho corrected you.
You smiled and it was dangerous. "Careful. Those are fighting words."
"Not fighting words if they're true."
Your Sandevistan, the operating system that allowed you to move faster than the human eye could observe, kicked in and within milliseconds, you were on top of Yunho on the floor, your Mantis Blade at Yunho's neck. "I may be trash but I could still kill you, Yuyu," You crooned perilously. 
Yunho swallowed but even that motion put his adam's apple in danger, flirting with your blade. "You didn't tell me you got a Sandevistan."
"I don't tell my fixer everything in case he wants to take advantage of me." Your free hand started to absentmindedly play with the chains around his neck. "Now, how are you going to repay me for this?"
"This?" Yunho squeaked.
You clicked your tongue in annoyance. "I charge for my services; had to use my Sandevistan to show you who's really boss, didn't I? How much to let you go free too?"
Yunho scowled. "I don't--"
You ran the tip of your blade along Yunho’s face, the threat there. Yunho whimpered and you cackled. "Big talk for a big man-" You moved your body back and your lower half encountered something long blocking your way.
You cocked an eyebrow at him. "Yunho--"
"Don't," he said in a clipped tone. "Just pretend you didn't--"
You grinned evilly. "Your price just went up."
"Orchid, listen." Yunho was starting to sweat. "We have a decent work relationship. I'd like to keep it that way. Can't we just forgive the insults?"
"Or…" You slowly reclined your Mantis Blade built into your arm, folding it back in place. "...you could repay me in a different way. Do you have a Mr. Studd upgrade?"
Yunho's ears began to get red. "...yes."
"Give me an hour of your time, I think that would make us even."
Yunho looked so confused it was borderline adorable. “You… you sure?”
“Whatever you would have paid me as compensation would have gone towards some time at a dollhouse anyways, so why not, Yuyu?” You chirped.
Yunho nodded curtly. “Done.”
The Mr. Studd upgrade you were talking about was essentially an upgrade/sexual organ replacement. It ensured that the one using the upgrade lasted for hours, which is why it was standardly an upgrade a Doll, or whore, had. Why Yunho had it, you didn’t know, but you didn’t care at this point. It also meant that his dick was chrome colored, which was a bonus. 
You remained straddling Yunho on the floor but Yunho sat up, his upper body now vertical, holding himself up by his arms, palms flat on the concrete floor. You were cradling his head to your chest as he sucked on your tits. His eyes had widened upon seeing your nipples had been replaced with a cosmetic upgrade, making them a sea-foam green color. You continued to dominate your boss, having discovered that he also had a Mommy kink.
You couldn't help but coo at Yunho some more, his eyes were big as his lips were wrapped around your nipple. “That’s a good baby, sucking Mommy’s tits just the way she likes it.” Yunho whined against your breast. “Does my little one have something to say?”
Yunho popped off your nipple, leaving a string of saliva connecting from his tongue to your nipple. “Orch--Mommy.” You waited patiently for Yunho to say what he wanted to say. “Can I have your cunt now?”
If Yunho absolutely drooling over your tits wasn’t enough to make you sopping wet, that sentence certainly did the trick. “Do you think you earned it, little one?”
Yunho nodded quickly. “Please, can I have Mommy’s pretty pink cunt now?”
You sighed dramatically. “I guess you deserve it for sucking on Mommy’s titties so well.”
Yunho let out a comfortable sigh once you sunk down on his chrome dick. “Mommy feels so good around me.”
“Yeah, does Mommy squeeze you just right, Baby?” You started to move up and down his cock, making sure to clench when you had just the head of his dick inside of you and then pushed him back inside again.
Yunho moaned, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. You had no idea the straight faced, extremely tall fixer was such a sucker to be a sub for someone. You might have offered it earlier had you known. “More, please, Mommy, more!”
It’s not long before you have Yunho creaming between your thighs. He comes with a gruff cry but you hadn't found your high yet. But thanks to his Mr. Studd upgrade, that wasn’t a problem. You continued to fuck yourself on Yunho’s chrome dick, even after Yunho’s long drawn out moan faded from his lips. 
“Be a good baby and play with Mommy’s clit, hmm?” You encouraged him. You leaned back, hands on Yunho’s thighs to brace yourself, and started to fuck him that way. 
Yunho’s lips puckered like he wanted your tits back in his mouth but his eyes were on your clit. “Wanna suck on Mommy’s pretty clit, please,” He whined.
“Here, Baby.” You grabbed one of Yunho’s hands, which were large for a fixer’s, and sucked on his thumb, gathering your saliva along the digit before guiding Yunho to rub his thumb mercilessly along your swollen clit. “Right there, just like that,” You hissed, “You can suck Mommy’s clit another time, maybe when you’ve been a bad little one.”
“You’d sit on my face? Please?” Yunho looked eager and cute all over again.
You cupped Yunho’s face so that his cheeks were pushed together. “Stop being so cute and focus on the here and now, Yuyu.”
Yunho frowned, fucking up into your pussy with his chrome dick and flicked your clit until you came with a loud shout, thighs shuddering as your orgasm ripped through you. You panted and waited for your cunt to stop fluttering around Yunho and then asked him how long before he could go for his second round.
The second round included you degrading Yunho, as per his request. The harsher you were, the more he throbbed inside of you. He cried fat tears for you when he came the second time, proving to his Mommy that his dick was good enough and big enough to come inside a second time. You licked away his tears, having come only moments before him.
The third round you found that Yunho liked his nipples played with, to the point of overstimulation, to which he buried himself deep inside of you to come, nudging your uterus and making you come just as hard. By then, the two of you were clinging to each other, sweaty and exhausted but plenty satisfied. The only problem now was…
“What are we going to do with all this sticky cum, little one?” You mused, looking down at your pussy, which had his cum literally dripping out of you.
“Le-leave it there?” Yunho stuttered, his ears heating up again.
You cocked your head curiously at Yunho. “But Mommy wants to clean up, baby.”
“I…” Yunho opened his mouth and then closed it.
“Yuyu, after what we just did, there isn’t much to be embarrassed about,” You brought up.
Yuyu nodded his head but couldn't meet your eyes. “It’s dirty though.”
That made your proverbial ears perk up. “What’s dirty?”
“I want to eat my cum from your pussy, Mommy.”
"You're awfully greedy for my cunt, Yuyu," You couldn't help but tease him.
Yunho pouted. "Please. Mommy."
"I think you're past your hour," You mentioned.
Yunho clung to you harder. "I…I need this. Please."
Whatever constant state of control fixer Yunho was in, this seemed to be his safe place to let loose. You yourself had felt the tension leave his body, as he came and came and came inside of you. Perhaps you could come to some type of arrangement after the jobs he set you up on…
"Okay, baby, you can clean up my cunt with your tongue," You agreed, "But it's going to cost you."
Yunho was nodding, lifting you off his cock already, fully capable of setting you down on the ground and wrapping his arms around your thighs. "Thank you, Mommy," he said, almost like thanking you for his meal.
When Yunho's guard walked in to say that he had a visitor, Yunho was so pussy drunk that he never even responded. You looked at the guard, upside down with your head cast back because Yunho was working your cunt with his tongue quite well and said, "He's busy."
You couldn't believe when Yunho coaxed your fourth orgasm from your body but when your body stopped shuddering and you looked at your fixer between your legs, it was clear that this was exactly what Yunho should be doing for you.
Shouldn't Yunho be giving you… something else?
Yunho smiled at you, his chin and cheeks covered in a mixture of his saliva, his cum and yours and you felt your brain stutter. "I did good, Mommy?"
"Course, Baby, you did brilliantly." You ruffled Yunho's hair.
"Maybe…maybe you could stay the night? I don't have anymore jobs for you and I--"
Whatever else Yunho was saying faded out as your brain once again attempted to tell you that you couldn't stay the night. You had somewhere to go. Did you, though? Couldn't you just stay here with Yunho?
"Orchid? Are you okay? Do you need a stim? I've got a few around here."
You watched as Yunho looked around his room, his leather jacket hanging off one arm absentmindedly. He really did look like a lost boy.
Wasn't he just like the others? The others?
You shook your head and rubbed your eyes. What the fuck was going on?
"Yun…I think someone is hacking me. I feel--weird."
Yunho stopped looking for the stims and sighed. "I almost thought I had you there."
The air tensed, warping and stretching and suddenly it snapped and you were back in the Science Fiction Section. Yunho had an arm already stretched out to pull his book out. Inside was a chip, the same that you had put into your slot in the book to absorb the information of the cyberpunk world and your job. 
Gone were Yunho's mixture of neon and baggy cyberpunk clothes. Instead, he was in a black button down, tight black pants, with a shoulder rig and a thigh harness. "Would it have been so bad to stay with me?"
You pursed your lips. "Yes, actually. I have someone else waiting for me."
Yunho, baby boy Yunho, was peeking out. "What's he going to say when he finds out you've fucked all us demons to get to him?"
Your dead lover's curling grin flashed through your mind and you felt your heart contract in pain. "He'd probably say he missed out on all the fun."
"I'll only give this to you if you give me a goodbye kiss, Mommy," Yunho said with a sneaky grin.
You rolled your eyes. "A bit demanding for a baby boy, aren't you?" You couldn't help but slip back into that role for a second. 
"What's one more kiss?" Yunho still challenged you.
You sighed and got up from the floor. You stretched up on your tippy toes and place a kiss on Yunho's lips. He sighed happily against your lips and slipped the chip key into your hands. "Miss me a little, okay, Mommy?"
Your head felt fuzzy from the mindfuck you were currently going through. Surely living so many lives so quickly wasn't healthy for you. Were you even going to make it through this? No, you couldn't think that way. You had only one purpose in your life now, and that was to bring your dead lover back with the use of the artifact. If you didn't have that, you had nothing. 
Seonghwa was humming under his breath and swaying in his chair when you approached the desk this time. He brightened slightly upon seeing you walk up to his desk. "Have something for me?"
You frowned at him. "Excuse me? Who are you and what have you done with the Keeper of the Keys?"
Seonghwa's smile widened. Did he… did he like when you talked down to him? "I talked with Yeosang. Seems like you've been treating us quite well, actually."
"Actually?" You raised an eyebrow at him.
Seonghwa's face turned stormy. "Not all travelers do their best to play the game. Most demand we simply give the keys to them. Hence my--" Seonghwa cleared his throat, "--my bad attitude towards your kind. We are simply demons doing our job, after all."
"Well, you've got me there, I guess. You guys are just cogs in the machine too, huh?"
Seonghwa looked at you eagerly. "Where did you go this time? What do you have for me?"
It was still a little weird that Seonghwa was now eager to see you but you handed him the chip key nonetheless. "Yunho."
Seonghwa's eyes began to have a shaky quality to them, almost like he was nervous. "Did you, uh, have any trouble with Yunho?" He scurried behind his desk and added your third key to your collection in the display case.
"Actually!" You inspected your body and not only found the dragon and switchblade tattoo but a new one was on your body now, after Yunho. You could feel the raised edges on your neck, near your chin. "Do I have something here?"
Seonghwa titled his head to look at where you pointed. "Is that a motorbike?"
"Interesting…" You began to nibble on your thumbnail. You only knew about getting the keys from the guardians, what was this tattoo thing about? "Do you know anything about these tattoos?"
Seonghwa rubbed the back of his neck. "You didn't come in with those?"
Was Yunho hinting towards something earlier? Did the demons not know anything beyond their jobs? What truly was this place?
You were halfway through your haul of keys. You only had three more to go but that didn't make you feel any more confident. You thought perhaps as you progressed, you would have a better understanding of this whole ordeal but as it turned out, you were getting more questions than answers. 
"Don't miss me while I'm gone, Seonghwa," You joked, "Maybe have some cookies when I come back. Chocolate chip is fine."
You left Seonghwa whining about getting his hands on freshly baked cookies and perused the sections that were left. A lilting song played by an instrument long forgotten poured from the section you had stopped at and your shoe sunk through a pile of sand. The sign above your head was made of stone and runes crossed over it. You blinked and the hieroglyphics quickly translated to the History Section. You had several times in history you loved but nothing came close to your obsession with Egypt. Maybe you'd be in luck and forge your own fate this time.
Tag list: @yoonguurt  @hijirikaww  @flowerboykun  @starillusion13  @flurrys-creativity  @kitten4sannie  @a-soft-hornytiny
Library staff: @kwanisms  @smallfrye  @anyamaris  @stardragongalaxy  @kpop-stories-21
↫The Fantasy Section ↭ MasterList ↭ The History Section↬
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medtech-mara · 11 months
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Happy Halloween 2065
If you can't guess who she is suppose to be, Lana Kane from Archer . I know I'm a day late and eurodollar short as always, but CET was being a bully to me last night and took me 2 hours to fix and i didn't deem it worth a meltdown to make it on time.
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aggravateddurian · 11 months
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Vega's Halloween Outfit, for when you need to tactically trick or treat at Konpeki Plaza, or if you're becoming the newest Warzone 2077 operator.
She comes in a pack!
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For the low, low pricce of 149.99 eurodollars, you too can battle royale as V and Songbird!
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cyberpunkonline · 11 months
The Finances of Cyberpunk Dystopia
The dazzling neon lights, gritty streets, and high-tech innovations painted in the cyberpunk landscape have always been an intoxicating visual. But if you peel away the layers, you'll find a core deeply rooted in economic disparity, corporate overreach, and alternative financial systems. This genre, encapsulated in books, TV shows, films, games, and anime, has often painted a dystopian view of future financial systems. Let’s delve into the intricate details of these economic portrayals.
Corporate Currency and Credits One of the most prominent themes in cyberpunk is the omnipresence of mega-corporations. These entities have grown so influential that they have their own currencies, rendering national currencies obsolete. Think of the Eurodollars in "Cyberpunk 2077", or the corporate credits in "Neuromancer". These universal credits are often digital and can be traded, earned, and stolen, not too dissimilar to cryptocurrencies today.
Cryptocurrencies and Digital Assets Many cyberpunk tales, like Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash", hint at decentralized digital currencies. In these narratives, individuals rely on these currencies for anonymous transactions. With the rise of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, this vision seems closer to reality than fiction. Cryptocurrencies represent a decentralized, peer-to-peer financial system where transactions are recorded on a blockchain, away from the prying eyes of governmental institutions.
Bounty Systems With the decline of conventional law enforcement in some cyberpunk depictions, there's a rise in privatized justice. This includes bounty systems where individuals or groups are paid to enforce laws or hunt down criminals. "Altered Carbon" and "Cowboy Bebop" both provide glimpses into such a world. While bounty hunting has historical precedents, its heightened prevalence in a tech-driven world could be a potential future scenario, especially with the privatization of many sectors.
Barter and Trade Systems In a world where digital surveillance is rampant, going off-grid and relying on barter becomes appealing. Some cyberpunk stories show characters trading goods and services directly, without the need for a standardized currency. This throwback to ancient economic systems is a form of resistance against corporate and state surveillance.
Resource-Based Economy Some stories, like those in the "Eclipse Phase" game, depict a future where humanity has moved beyond the constraints of money. Instead, resources are allocated based on need and sustainability. This post-scarcity economy is often made possible by advanced technologies like nanofabricators, which can produce almost any item on-demand. While it sounds utopian, it raises questions about value, motivation, and societal organization.
Which Are Most Likely? Given the rapid advancement of technology, especially in the finance sector, the notion of cryptocurrencies and digital assets seems to be the most probable. We're already witnessing a shift towards digital transactions and the rise of decentralized finance (DeFi).
Corporate currencies, on the other hand, while possible, would require an immense concentration of power in the hands of a few entities - a scenario which many governments would likely resist. As for bounty systems, while privatized law enforcement is a possibility, it's one many would hope remains fiction.
The beauty of the cyberpunk genre is its ability to reflect our societal concerns and amplify them. Whether it's a cautionary tale or a speculative future, these financial landscapes provoke thought and inspire debate about the direction in which we're headed.
- REV1
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