#Eugene Quell
hangorin · 23 days
本日8月28日、パリ・パラリンピックが開幕します。(日本時間では29日未明)私たちは、オリンピックを補完し、障がい者への差別や能力主義、優生思想を拡大再生産するパラリンピックにも反対します。 パラリンピック反対の意思表示のため、様々な人々とともに寄せ合ったメッセージを紹介します。
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Paralympics also kill people! No more national events! No war! Stop the genocide!
By N(反五輪の会)
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Paralympics KILL THE WEAK(パラリンピックは弱者を苦しめる) By ますだ(反五輪の会)
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Les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques déclenchent une dependance a la guerre. (オリンピック・パラリンピックは戦争中毒の引き金となる) オリパラ=戦争中毒トリガー NO WAR
Qu’est-ce qui est inclusif s’ils exterminent par la force les immigrants et les sans-abri afin d’organiser les Jeux olympiques et paralympiques géants quoi qu’il arrive ? Les Jeux paralympiques sont aussi un festival d’exploitation violente. Si vous avez de l'argent pour les Jeux Paralympiques, donnez-le à toutes les personnes handicapées. Ne dissimulez pas la réalité d'une discrimination, d'une disparité et d'une haine imparables avec les Jeux paralympiques.
By K(反五輪の会)
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The Paralympics Help the concept of not Equality but Eugenics
By Y(反五輪の会)
行き詰まりの植民地主義と資本主義は生き残りをかけて大虐殺を行っている。 オリパラは植民地主義と資本主義を正当化するためのプロパガンダだ。 マイノリティを利用してウォッシュするのはやめろ!
By M(反五輪の会)
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私たちの命 選別するな!分断するな!競争を強いるな! NO OLYMPICS & PARALYMPICS ANYWHERE!(オリンピックとパラリンピックはどこにも要らない!)
By A(精神障がい者)
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Je n'aime pas l'idée d'être en compétition. Je ne veux pas être privé. Je ne veux pas être privé.
By LANA(かりん燈関東)
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「人よりどれだけ 先に行くか」という 世界と無縁で生きる 人たちのことを 、よってたかって「障害者」って 呼ぶんだよね。
Les personnes qui ne vivent pas dans un monde de "quelle avance sur les autres" sont donc qualifiées de "handicapées".
C'était l'époque où les personnes "sévères" participaient à des courses de courte distance. Elles participaient à leur propre rythme, sans se soucier de savoir si elles étaient rapides ou lentes. Certaines personnes se moquaient de leur attitude "impossible". Je me souviens encore de cette époque.
By LANA (かりん燈関東)
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排除ゲーム パラリンピック(Exclusion Game Paralympics) 生活をこわすゲームやめて!(Stop the Game that destroy lives! )
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クーベルタンの優生思想はダメ Non aux philosophie eugénique de Coubertin 戦争につながるパラリンピックにもNon! Non aux jeux paralympiques qui mènent a la guerre
By T(介助者)
By つ(かりん燈関東)
速くなくていい。強くなくていい。競わなくていい。 悪い奴らのカネもうけのためのイベントにだまされるな。
By 神長恒一(だめ連)
パラリンピックに はんたいします。いろんな やりかたで たにんお くるしめるし、わたしたち じしんに けいいが ない イベント だから です。とうきょう オリパラに よって ひどい ことお された かたたちと、この 10ねんの なかで ほんとうに たくさん あって きたと かんじて います。どうじに、ほんとうに あくらつな しゃかい システムと どうちょう して、ハラスメント する ものに なりはてた かたたち にも あって きました。わたしの いきどおりわ きえること なく いまも あります。そのような かがいわ ほかの さべつも どうじに おこない、いまも あくらつに もんだいお つくり つづけて います。 しかし、いわゆる「しょうがいしゃ���と よばれる かたたち、その うんどう でも オリパラに「さんせい」…というより、「せいじの こととか きょうみ ない」「せかいの だれの ことが どうなろうと かんしん ない」みたいな ふんいきで むきあっている ばめんも ところどころで かんじられて、すごく うんざりです。 しょうがい されるほう と、する しゃかい の りょうほうが、たがいに かんしんお もって いない ありかた だから、そういう たいどお とりあう のだと おもって います。 そのくせ「とうきょう オリパラのレガシー」とか さんざん いまも ぎょうせいで きょうちょう されて、もんだいが へって いないのに、へって いない とすら いえなく なっている じょうきょう です。 かわいそうだ、と いうよりも、わたしたちわ いいかげん じぶん じしんお いきていく べきなんだ と おもいます。できない こと、いやな あつかいお されること よりも、それお ごまかして いきることお えらぶ ほうが いやです。 「じぶんわ よのなかで いきていく」と きめて せけんと かかわる かたや、「だれかと つきあいながら やっていく」ことお ひきうけようと しながら いきていく しょうがい される かたたちわ、オリパラが ぎまんで あり、しんよう できない ことお しっている かたも とても たくさん そんざいして いるのに、けんりょくてきな ばめんからわ「つごうの わるい しょうがいしゃ」あつかい されて いる きも します。 しょうがい されるもの にも ある そういう うんどうや いきざまお、もっと しんじようと してよい のだと おもいます。
そんな かんじで パラリンピックわ すごく いや だったの だけれど、ほかの りゆうが あって 2021ねんに むりやり おこなわれた とうきょう2020 パラリンピックわ すこし しちょうして います。 テレビ ほうそうわ ばんぐみ ちゅう ずっと、せんしゅが でる たびに そのかたの「いがくてき しょうがい めい」の こと ばかり せつめい して いました。つぎのかたも そのつぎの かたも ずっと。あとわ、その いがくてき しょうがいに もとづいた「クラスわけ」の たてわりの はなしだけ。「しょうがい でわ なく ほんにんの ことお つたえる」などと いった おためごかしわ どうしたので しょうか?
べつに「オリパラわ そこお かいぜん して ほしい」わけでわ ないです。ふこうせいで ぎまんで、ぜんほうめん てきに しんりゃくてきな うんえい について、てっていてきに その あくどさお しらしめられ、そんなことお、ありがたがる こころね じたいも ふくめて、あくとして やったことお はんせいし、ためこんだ ことお あきらかに すべき だけです。
しょうがいの せかいわ ハラスメントばっかり です。ネグレクトばっかり です。 そんななかで けんりょくに こびることお ありがたがる ひきくらべ ばっかり です。 いまある じぶんの たちばや けんりょくせいお つかいたおして、あいてが よわければ じぶんに あわせれば いいだけだ、みたいな かんがえかた ばっかり です。 まるで わたしたちの せけんと おんなじ みたい ですね。「しょうがいしゃも せけんなみに くらして いきたい。」、この ねがいわ そんな かんじで かなって しまって いるの でしょうか?
わたしが だれかと ともに いきたい よのなか とわ、そういう ものじゃ ないんです。 だれかお くるしめながら「たのしむ」、だい2 けんじょうしゃ コンテスト、ほろんで もらいたいと おもってます。 わたしが したい ことわ、ハラッサーの たぐいお ゆるさない、そういうことお じつげん していくこと。ハラスメントの まわりで どっちつかずに うろうろ している ような いきかたお やめること。なにかの ひどさお じっくり かんがえること。かこの あやまちに ひとつひとつ よりそい かえていくこと。だれかお しはいする という ことが おきない しゃかいに していくこと。そういうことお、わたしわ みんなと やっていきたい です。 オリパラ やめろ!
By かわぞえ
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beanswritingcorner · 9 months
Be Careful, It's My Heart
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Natasha Romonav x Original Male Character
Hello, this is my first post on this blog and of course, it's a Natasha Romanov one. I’m not too sure how the formatting works on here so my apologies if anything seems off. In that case, this story involves my oc that is steves younger brother :) This is based on the song Be Careful, It’s My Heart by Frank Sinatra
“Hey, are you ready for tonight?” a certain captain asks.
The man grumbles, “No, not all,” he pans.
Steve chuckles,” Stop being so dramatic Gene.”
Eugene sighs, he can’t even fathom why he agreed to sing tonight at Tony’s stupid party. He’s normally not that shy, maybe a little awkward at first but he usually quells that after a few moments. But singing in front of everyone! That’s just something he’s never done before, only in the comfort of his own home or room.
Eugene looks at his brother, “I just don’t know why you volunteered me for this (why does Steve suddenly hate him)?”
“I volunteered you because you're an amazing singer and so you could use this as an opportunity to woo a certain redhead,” he says teasingly.
Eugene blushes, “I don’t know Stevie, she doesn’t even like me! And besides wouldn’t it be weird for me to sing about her in front of everyone and then she rejects me.”
“That's why you don’t even reveal who you’re singing about,” he nods knowingly, “She’ll know it's about her and then she’ll come and talk to you.”
The younger brother rubs his hand nervously around his chest, “How do you know?”
Steve smiles, “I just know.”
“I hate when you do that,” Eugene grumbles, “I’m telling Bucky about this!”
The older blonde panics, “NO! Anything but that, come on Gene, please?”
Eugene starts running to Bucky’s room, “I’m telling!”
Steve starts chasing him and while the chase is taking place they run right past Natasha and Wanda.
Nat tries to say hello but they run right past her saying, “Sorry!”
“What’s got them in a rush?” Nat asks a certain witch.
Wanda laughs, “You don't even want to know (Wanda hopes Steve put enough courage in Eugene so he could confess to Nat).
James is fixing up his suit (why did Steve make him wear this?) when a knock is at his door.
He yells, “Come in!”
Eugene makes his way towards Bucky.
He sits by him, “I don’t know how I’m gonna do this Buck.”
James huffs, “It’s simple, you just do it, kid, now stop being a wuss, and let's go out there.”
Eugene rolls his eyes, “You just want to get this over with so you can take your suit off.”
James pats his face, “You know me so well.” He looks at Steve’s little brother who's gone through so much, “You got this Gene, I know it's scary to put yourself out there but if you just saw the way Nat looks at you, you wouldn’t be afraid,” he finishes with a smile.
The blonde nods, “Thank you, Buck.”
“Anytime, now let's get this show on the road.”
By the time they get to the party, it's already started and Steve’s waving over to them.
They go over to them and to Eugene’s surprise Nat’s sitting with him and he’s in awe. She’s gorgeous with her black satin dress that hugs her body beautifully. Her fiery red hair makes her stand out, and her perfect red lipstick that goes with it. Of course, her green eyes are staring at him like he’s the only thing in this world that she can see.
He loves her eyes, almost as much as he loves her.
He snaps out of it when Nat starts speaking to him, “Hey Gene, glad you could make it,” she says while smiling softly at him.
He nods and goes to sit next to her, “Yeah I sort of have to be here tonight.”
She looks at him questioningly, “Why is that?”
“You don’t know,” (he would’ve thought with Tony’s big mouth everyone knew) “Well I have to si—,” he was cut off by Steve who put a hand over his mouth.
He tries to speak but Steve won’t let him, “Hey Nat don’t listen to him, he's just a bit cranky,” they all look over at Eugene who is staring daggers at his older brother.
Right when Steve put his hand down Tony came over, “Eugene! The man of the hour! Are you ready?”
He hesitantly nods and Nat and everyone besides James and Steve are also in the dark.
Tony yanks Eugene out of his seat, “Excellent! Let's get this show on the road!”
While Tony’s pulling him away he yells, “HELP ME!” to his brothers and friends (they did not help him).
While the band is setting up Eugene is just in his head going over if he can do this. His heart is telling him to stop being a coward and to just sing this song to finally tell Nat of his feelings. However, his brain is telling him it's a terrible idea and he’s going to get heartbroken.
Right when he’s about to call this whole thing off a hand touches his shoulder, “Don’t quit now Gene,” Wanda tells him, “You got this.”
He shakes his head, “ I don’t know Wands why would she want me, I'm not all that special.”
“Gene you can’t read minds as I can and stop with the self-deprecating talk,” she scolds, “You’re a literal super soldier with a heart of gold, what's not to love?”
She hugs her friend, “It's time to finally show her, and sing how you feel.”
Eugene processes for a few moments before nodding, “I will, I’m gonna sing to a woman and hope she loves me too.”
“I’m glad,” she says while the band lets them know that they're done setting up.
Tony comes up to them, “It's time Gene, you ready?”
Eugene looks at Wanda and she nods to him, he’s ready, he has to be.
He gives him a thumbs up and Tony says, “Great!,” while leading him to the front stage.
When they get there Eugene realizes just how many people are there but more importantly how he instantly found Nat staring at him. He waves at her like an idiot, she chuckles but waves back (he calls that a success).
All of a sudden Tony’s voice could be heard throughout the party, “Hello everyone! Are you ready to get this party started!” People yell and cheer (sounds like some already let the alcohol get to them).
Tony laughs, “I like the sound of that but before that, I have a very special guest singing for our entertainment!” He looks at Eugene and waves him over, “Everyone! Welcome Sentinel aka Eugene Phillip Rogers aka little Rogers!”
Steve and Bucky make the most noise but Eugene also notices how Nat cheered for him (god he was such a goner).
Tony gives him the mic and whispers, “Good luck, I’m gonna get started on relaxing,” he gives Eugene a pat on the back while walking off stage.
He’s freaking out, Tony just left him to the vultures, the bastard.
He’s just gotta do it like Bucky said.
He doesn’t say anything, he just signals the band that he’s ready, and the lights dim and the conversations start to end.
Eugene takes a deep breath and looks towards his big brother, who mouths, ‘You got this.’
The music starts and it is now or never. He looks at Nat one last time and sees her green eyes and that's all he needs to know that he has to do this now or else he’ll never do it.
Now or never.
Be careful,
All eyes are on him but he can’t seem to care. He’s putting his all into this.
it's my heart
He won’t look at Natasha at all until it's over, so just in case her reaction is bad he won’t die on stage.
It's not my watch you're holding, it's my heart
It's not the note that I sent you that you quickly burned
It's not a book I lent you that you never returned
He knew he had to pick this song. It represents what he feels, shows how his heart is fragile and out there but also how his heart is hers. She could make or break him and whichever she chose he would just say thank you.
Thank you for even allowing him to love her.
it's my heart
His heart beats so strongly for her. He remembers the first time they ever started actively trusting one another (they both have trust issues) and how natural their relationship came, like they’ve known each other since birth.
This heart with which so willingly I part
They’re both from completely different times yet, they fit so well together. He just hopes she feels the same. Or else he might just want to go back to the frozen box that kept him so cold. At least it will numb his feelings.
It's yours to take, to keep or break
But please, before you start
He hopes she feels just how much of himself he just showed her. How much he exposed his tender heart.
Be careful, it's my heart
Please be careful.
When the music comes to a stop it's silent for a moment and then all he can hear is thunderous claps and yelling, whistling, and cheering.
He can’t believe he did it.
He confessed, and he hoped Nat knew that the song was about her. He doesn’t want to look in case that turns out to not be the case.
The blonde heads off stage and out of the party passing people who are cheering him on.
He just needs to get to his room so he can relax and watch some old sitcoms that Wanda got him into.
He’s so focused on trying not to freak out that he doesn’t notice a certain redhead catching up to him and trying to get his attention.
Right as he’s about to turn a corner Natasha grabs him, “Why are you running?” She says while slightly out of breath.
He didn’t even realize he was running, “Oh, I don’t know,” he nervously rubs his chest, “Why aren't you at the party?”
Nat shakes her head, “Why would I be at the party when you aren’t there?”
She looked Eugene in his eyes, “Why would I still be there when the man that just sang to me left?”
Eugene gasps, “You know?”
She nods, “Of course I know. You love that song, you told me it reminded you of me, (how did they not know right then in there that they had the hots for each other)” She got even closer to him.
“I do love that song,” he leans his head towards hers, “It showed how I feel about you.”
Natasha gulped, “And how do you feel about me, Gene?”
It's now or never, whether Natasha feels the same way about him is irrelevant he just wants to get this off his chest and tell her how he feels.
“I love you, Natasha,” he whispered her name, “My heart beats for yours.”
He said it.
Finally, after all this time he told the love of his life that he loves her.
She’s smiling, “I love how you always end up being poetic, “ she says while making him lean down so she can wrap her arms around his neck.
They’re so close now. Natasha can feel how nervous and scared he is, she doesn’t want him to feel like this, “I think it's obvious but I love you too, Eugene.”
He smiles so brightly that it makes Natasha feel warm (she loves when he smiles).
Eugene wraps his arms around Natasha and embraces her. They stay like that for a few minutes just enjoying the warmth of each other.
However, they both want a little more, and being the gentleman that he is, Eugene asks, “May I kiss you, Natasha?”
She chuckles, “You don’t even have to ask but I’m still thankful you did,” she pulls him towards her and presses her lips against his.
It was worth the wait, that they could both agree on.
Eugene gently tugs her so they're both directly against each other and Natasha just keeps lovingly kissing him.
They both put their hands in each other's hair and just melt into one another.
She goes to take a breath but he chases her lips and kisses her again. They’re both content with doing this forever, but they’re both private people and don’t want anyone interrupting them.
So they both sadly stop kissing but they're still holding on to one another, “Let's go somewhere more private,” the redhead doesn’t ask but states.
He nods like an eager puppy, Natasha laughs, “Let's go to my room.”
She grabs onto his hands and puts one to cup her cheek, “I promise to be careful with your heart,” she says lovingly (she knows how brave he was to sing that song in front of everyone, especially in front of her).
The blonde kisses her again, “And I promise to be careful with your heart (he wants to say even more but this isn’t the place to do it).”
They’re both smiling messes and Natasha gets the smart idea to challenge him, “Race you to my room! Last one there has to be the one to help Tony back to his room tomorrow! (they both know whoever has to deal with Tony tomorrow will have to deal with him acting like a baby the entire day).”
He grins, “Deal!” He starts booking it.
Natasha chases after him, “Hey! That's cheating!”
While they're running to her room they pass Steve, Bucky, and Wanda.
The three all laugh and start cheering amongst themselves.
“Finally!” Wanda exclaimed.
Bucky and Steve both agree.
However, Bucky shivers, “It's great and all but now we’ll have to deal with them acting on the heart eyes they always send each other.”
Steve and Wanda both groan, they didn’t think of that.
But they all don’t mind, the two of them deserve all the happiness that they can bring each other.
After all, Eugene was brave to show his heart, and Natasha was brave to accept it and in return, showing hers as well.
They’ll both be careful of each other's hearts because to them it's the most important thing in the world.
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alain-keler · 2 years
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Journal du mardi 14 mars 2023.
Résumé des épisodes précédents :
  Je travaille sur un projet personnel sur les minorités dans l’ex-monde communiste d’Europe, projet qui verra la parution d’un livre en 2000 « vents d’Est » et qui obtiendra en 1997 à New York le prix Eugene Smith.
  Mon troisième voyage me conduit dans l’enclave arménienne du Haut-Karabakh, enclave découpée par Staline selon un adage connu : diviser pour mieux régner, et  dont les résultats se transformerons en conflits après la dislocation de l’empire soviétique. Je loge dans la maison de MSF à Stepanakert, capitale du Haut-Karabakh.
Mercredi 13 avril 1994.
   Il devait être 6 heures du matin lorsque retentirent les sirènes. Je m’habillais vite car nous devions nous réfugier en cas d’alerte dans la cave, cave qui n’aurait jamais résistée à un bombardement. Au bout d’une quinzaine de minutes, rien, alors nous sortons tous dans la rue, et quelle ne fut pas notre stupéfaction de voir un Mig azéri voler très doucement et à très basse altitude, sans bruit, au-dessus de la ville. Puis une déflagration déchira le silence trompeur de l’avion qui passait.
Arrivés sur la zone touchée, des immeubles d’habitation, toute la population était dehors. La bombe avait explosé devant les bâtiments, ce qui avait évité un massacre. La façade fut sévèrement endommagée par l’onde de choc, et il n’y a eu qu’un seul mort, un homme qui sortait son chien. Un miracle. Pour le chien je ne sais pas.
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drhoz · 2 years
#1896 - Datura stramonium - Jimsonweed
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from Franz Eugen Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen
Not from @purrdence​‘s NZ trip, but related to the Solanum previously, and current news on top of that.
AKA thornapple, moon flower, hell's bells, devil's trumpet, devil's weed, tolguacha, Jamestown weed, stinkweed, locoweed, pricklyburr, false castor oil plant, and devil's cucumber.
I don’t have my own photo, and a lot of those common names suggest a plant to avoid, for the same reason - it was the cause of a nationwide food recall here in Australia, recently, and that’s why I’ve decided to talk about this menace. The contamination in the packaged baby spinach wasn’t identified in the early reports, but the description of the symptoms were distinctive enough that I immediately thought ‘hang about, that sounds like Datura poisoning’, and it turns out I was correct.
Whilst the plant has been used in ethnogenic rituals by some cultures, it’s unlikely to ever be a recreational drug as the amount of scopalamine and atropine in this and other Daturas varies widely with season, growing conditions, and age of the plant making the plant exceptionally hazardous, and the results vary from ‘terrifying hallucinations’ to ‘death’. The symptoms of anticholinergic syndrome are distinctive enough there’s a traditional mnemonic: "Blind as a bat, mad as a hatter, red as a beet, hot as a hare, dry as a bone, the bowel and bladder lose their tone, and the heart runs alone" -  pupil dilation and blurred vision, hallucinations and delusions, flushed skin, fever, dry mouth and dry skin, constipation and difficulty urinating, racing heartbeat and more. And if that wasn’t enough, repeated use appears to be strongly associated with later dementia. 
And don’t ask me about the coffee-table herbology book that listed it as an aphrodisiac, a few decades back. I yelled blue murder when I read that. 
Anyway - the binomial nomenclature derives from Sanskrit dhattūra 'white thorn-apple', and possibly from the Greek for ‘mad nightshade’. Jimsonweed comes from an incident in Jamestown, Virginia in 1676, where English soldiers found it is an unwelcome addition to a salad (much like the current case).
“This being an early plant, was gather'd very young for a boil'd salad, by some of the soldiers sent thither to quell the rebellion of Bacon (1676); and some of them ate plentifully of it, the effect of which was a very pleasant comedy, for they turned natural fools upon it for several days: one would blow up a feather in the air; another would dart straws at it with much fury; and another, stark naked, was sitting up in a corner like a monkey, grinning and making mows [grimaces] at them; a fourth would fondly kiss and paw his companions, and sneer in their faces with a countenance more antic than any in a Dutch droll.
In this frantic condition they were confined, lest they should, in their folly, destroy themselves—though it was observed that all their actions were full of innocence and good nature. Indeed, they were not very cleanly; for they would have wallowed in their own excrements if they had not been prevented. A thousand such simple tricks they played, and after eleven days returned themselves again, not remembering anything that had passed.
— Robert Beverley, Jr., The History and Present State of Virginia, Book II: Of the Natural Product and Conveniencies in Its Unimprov'd State, Before the English Went Thither, 1705
In the current outbreak, that’s affected over 200 people, heavy rainfall probably washed seeds into the spinach fields where the young sprouts were mistaken for baby spinach and picked. 
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Events 6.17 (after 1930)
1930 – U.S. President Herbert Hoover signs the Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act into law. 1932 – Bonus Army: Around a thousand World War I veterans amass at the United States Capitol as the U.S. Senate considers a bill that would give them certain benefits. 1933 – Union Station massacre: In Kansas City, Missouri, four FBI agents and captured fugitive Frank Nash are gunned down by gangsters attempting to free Nash. 1939 – Last public guillotining in France: Eugen Weidmann, a convicted murderer, is executed in Versailles outside the Saint-Pierre prison. 1940 – World War II: RMS Lancastria is attacked and sunk by the Luftwaffe near Saint-Nazaire, France. At least 3,000 are killed in Britain's worst maritime disaster. 1940 – World War II: The British Army's 11th Hussars assault and take Fort Capuzzo in Libya, Africa from Italian forces. 1940 – The three Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania fall under the occupation of the Soviet Union. 1944 – Iceland declares independence from Denmark and becomes a republic. 1948 – United Airlines Flight 624, a Douglas DC-6, crashes near Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania, killing all 43 people on board. 1952 – Guatemala passes Decree 900, ordering the redistribution of uncultivated land. 1953 – Cold War: East Germany Workers Uprising: In East Germany, the Soviet Union orders a division of troops into East Berlin to quell a rebellion. 1958 – The Ironworkers Memorial Second Narrows Crossing, in the process of being built to connect Vancouver and North Vancouver (Canada), collapses into the Burrard Inlet killing 18 ironworkers and injuring others. 1960 – The Nez Perce tribe is awarded $4 million for 7 million acres (28,000 km2) of land undervalued at four cents/acre in the 1863 treaty. 1963 – The United States Supreme Court rules 8–1 in Abington School District v. Schempp against requiring the reciting of Bible verses and the Lord's Prayer in public schools. 1963 – A day after South Vietnamese President Ngô Đình Diệm announced the Joint Communiqué to end the Buddhist crisis, a riot involving around 2,000 people breaks out. One person is killed. 1967 – Nuclear weapons testing: China announces a successful test of its first thermonuclear weapon. 1971 – U.S. President Richard Nixon in a televised press conference called drug abuse "America's public enemy number one", starting the War on drugs. 1972 – Watergate scandal: Five White House operatives are arrested for burgling the offices of the Democratic National Committee during an attempt by members of the administration of President Richard M. Nixon to illegally wiretap the political opposition as part of a broader campaign to subvert the democratic process. 1985 – Space Shuttle program: STS-51-G mission: Space Shuttle Discovery launches carrying Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the first Arab and first Muslim in space, as a payload specialist. 1987 – With the death of the last individual of the species, the dusky seaside sparrow becomes extinct. 1989 – Interflug Flight 102 crashes during a rejected takeoff from Berlin Schönefeld Airport, killing 21 people. 1991 – Apartheid: The South African Parliament repeals the Population Registration Act which required racial classification of all South Africans at birth. 1992 – A "joint understanding" agreement on arms reduction is signed by U.S. President George Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin (this would be later codified in START II). 1994 – Following a televised low-speed highway chase, O. J. Simpson is arrested for the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman. 2015 – Nine people are killed in a mass shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. 2017 – A series of wildfires in central Portugal kill at least 64 people and injure 204 others. 2021 – Juneteenth National Independence Day, was signed into law by President Joe Biden, to become the first federal holiday established since Martin Luther King Jr. Day in 1983.
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pfalztexter · 11 months
Prinz Eugen von Savoyen
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Jacob van Schuppen: Prinz Eugen von Savoyen, Öl auf Leinwand, 1718. Das Bild hängt als Dauerleihgabe des Rijksmuseum Amsterdam im Wiener Belvedere. (Quelle)
Carl Loewe - Prinz Eugen, der edle Ritter: Zelte, Posten, Werda-Rufer! Lust'ge Nacht am Donauufer! Pferde stehn im Kreis umher Angebunden an der Pflöcken; An den engen Sattelböcken Hangen Karabiner schwer.
Um das Feuer auf der Erde, Vor den Hufen seiner Pferde Liegt das östreichsche Pikett. Auf dem Mantel liegt ein jeder; Von den Tschackos weht die Feder, Leutnant würfelt und Kornet.
Neben seinem müden Schecken Ruht auf einer wollnen Decken Der Trompeter ganz allein: "Laßt die Knöchel, laßt die Karten! Kaiserliche Feldstandarten Wird ein Reiterlied erfreun!
"Vor acht Tagen die Affaire Hab ich, zu Nutz dem ganzen Heere, In gehör'gen Reim gebracht; Selber auch gesetzt die Noten; Drum, ihr Weißen und ihr Roten! Merket auf und gebet Acht!"
Und er singt die neue Weise Einmal, zweimal, dreimal leise Denen Reitersleuten vor; Und wie er zum letzten Male Endet, bricht mit einem Male Los der volle, kräft'ge Chor:
"Prinz Eugen, der edle Ritter!" Hei, das klang wie Ungewitter Weit in's Türkenlager hin. Der Trompeter tät den Schnurrbart streichen Und sich auf die Seite schleichen Zu der Marketenderin.
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[CB01]!!!GUARDA!!!Nightmare School Moms Streaming-ITA
Guarda !Nightmare School Moms (2023) 𝕗ilm 𝕔ompleto, !Nightmare School Moms 𝕤treaming 𝕚ita, !Nightmare School Moms 𝕤treaming 𝕒ltadefinizione, !Nightmare School Moms 𝕤enzalimiti, !Nightmare School Moms 𝕤carica
✔️ 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐐𝐔𝐈 ▶Trama !Nightmare School Moms
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:: Trama !Nightmare School Moms ::
!Nightmare School Moms CB01 !Nightmare School Moms ALTADEFINIZIONE !Nightmare School Moms STREAMING ITA !Nightmare School Moms SENZALIMITI
Nuovo capitolo della saga spionistica con protagonista Ethan Hunt, ovviamente sempre interpretato da Tom Cruise. La trama resta top secret: al momento si sa che il film sta venendo lavorato insieme con l'ottavo capitolo con cui avrà delle relazioni di causa-effetto ma, per il resto, ci sono solo delle speculazioni sul ritorno di Eugene Kittridge, il direttore della CIA visto unicamente nel primo episodio della serie (è infatti ufficiale la partecipazione di Henry Czerny, che lo interpretò proprio nel ‘96). Tra le facce totalmente nuove del cast, troviamo invece Hayley Atwell (il cui personaggio è stato definito dal regista Christopher McQuarrie una forza della natura distruttiva), Pom Klementieff, Shea Whigham ed Esai Morales.
Un film (in Italiano anche pellicola) è una serie di immagini che, dopo essere state registrate su uno o più supporti cinematografici e una volta proiettate su uno schermo, creano l'illusione di un'immagine in movimento.[1] Questa illusione ottica permette a colui che guarda lo schermo, nonostante siano diverse immagini che scorrono in rapida successione, di percepire un movimento continuo.
Il processo di produzione cinematografica viene considerato ad oggi sia come arte che come un settore industriale. Un film viene materialmente creato in diversi metodi: riprendendo una scena con una macchina da presa, oppure fotografando diversi disegni o modelli in miniatura utilizzando le tecniche tradizionali dell'animazione, oppure ancora utilizzando tecnologie moderne come la CGI e l'animazione al computer, o infine grazie ad una combinazione di queste tecniche.
L'immagine in movimento può eventualmente essere accompagnata dal suono. In tale caso il suono può essere registrato sul supporto cinematografico, assieme all'immagine, oppure può essere registrato, separatamente dall'immagine, su uno o più supporti fonografici.
Con la parola cinema (abbreviazione del termine inglese cinematography, “cinematografia”) ci si è spesso normalmente riferiti all'attività di produzione dei film o all'arte a cui si riferisce. Ad oggi con questo termine si definisce l'arte di stimolare delle esperienze per comunicare idee, storie, percezioni, sensazioni, il bello o l'atmosfera attraverso la registrazione o il movimento programmato di immagini insieme ad altre stimolazioni sensoriali.[2]
In origine i film venivano registrati su pellicole di materiale plastico attraverso un processo fotochimico che poi, grazie ad un proiettore, si rendevano visibili su un grande schermo. Attualmente i film sono spesso concepiti in formato digitale attraverso tutto l'intero processo di produzione, distribuzione e proiezione.
Il film è un artefatto culturale creato da una specifica cultura, riflettendola e, al tempo stesso, influenzandola. È per questo motivo che il film viene considerato come un'importante forma d'arte, una fonte di intrattenimento popolare ed un potente mezzo per educare (o indottrinare) la popolazione. Il fatto che sia fruibile attraverso la vista rende questa forma d'arte una potente forma di comunicazione universale. Alcuni film sono diventati popolari in tutto il mondo grazie all'uso del doppiaggio o dei sottotitoli per tradurre i dialoghi del film stesso in lingue diverse da quella (o quelle) utilizzata nella sua produzione.
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CB01~! » Mission: Impossible 7 Streaming ITA | in Altadefinizione
✔️ 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐐𝐔𝐈 ▶ https://t.co/z6ZlkzfRj6
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:: Trama Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Parte uno ::
Nuovo capitolo della saga spionistica con protagonista Ethan Hunt, ovviamente sempre interpretato da Tom Cruise. La trama resta top secret: al momento si sa che il film sta venendo lavorato insieme con l'ottavo capitolo con cui avrà delle relazioni di causa-effetto ma, per il resto, ci sono solo delle speculazioni sul ritorno di Eugene Kittridge, il direttore della CIA visto unicamente nel primo episodio della serie (è infatti ufficiale la partecipazione di Henry Czerny, che lo interpretò proprio nel '96). Tra le facce totalmente nuove del cast, troviamo invece Hayley Atwell (il cui personaggio è stato definito dal regista Christopher McQuarrie una forza della natura distruttiva), Pom Klementieff, Shea Whigham ed Esai Morales.
Un film (in Italiano anche pellicola) è una serie di immagini che, dopo essere state registrate su uno o più supporti cinematografici e una volta proiettate su uno schermo, creano l'illusione di un'immagine in movimento.[1] Questa illusione ottica permette a colui che guarda lo schermo, nonostante siano diverse immagini che scorrono in rapida successione, di percepire un movimento continuo.
Il processo di produzione cinematografica viene considerato ad oggi sia come arte che come un settore industriale. Un film viene materialmente creato in diversi metodi: riprendendo una scena con una macchina da presa, oppure fotografando diversi disegni o modelli in miniatura utilizzando le tecniche tradizionali dell'animazione, oppure ancora utilizzando tecnologie moderne come la CGI e l'animazione al computer, o infine grazie ad una combinazione di queste tecniche.
L'immagine in movimento può eventualmente essere accompagnata dal suono. In tale caso il suono può essere registrato sul supporto cinematografico, assieme all'immagine, oppure può essere registrato, separatamente dall'immagine, su uno o più supporti fonografici.
Con la parola cinema (abbreviazione del termine inglese cinematography, "cinematografia") ci si è spesso normalmente riferiti all'attività di produzione dei film o all'arte a cui si riferisce. Ad oggi con questo termine si definisce l'arte di stimolare delle esperienze per comunicare idee, storie, percezioni, sensazioni, il bello o l'atmosfera attraverso la registrazione o il movimento programmato di immagini insieme ad altre stimolazioni sensoriali.[2]
In origine i film venivano registrati su pellicole di materiale plastico attraverso un processo fotochimico che poi, grazie ad un proiettore, si rendevano visibili su un grande schermo. Attualmente i film sono spesso concepiti in formato digitale attraverso tutto l'intero processo di produzione, distribuzione e proiezione.
Il film è un artefatto culturale creato da una specifica cultura, riflettendola e, al tempo stesso, influenzandola. È per questo motivo che il film viene considerato come un'importante forma d'arte, una fonte di intrattenimento popolare ed un potente mezzo per educare (o indottrinare) la popolazione. Il fatto che sia fruibile attraverso la vista rende questa forma d'arte una potente forma di comunicazione universale. Alcuni film sono diventati popolari in tutto il mondo grazie all'uso del doppiaggio o dei sottotitoli per tradurre i dialoghi del film stesso in lingue diverse da quella (o quelle) utilizzata nella sua produzione.
Le singole immagini che formano il film sono chiamate "fotogrammi". Durante la proiezione delle tradizionali pellicole di celluloide, un otturatore rotante muove la pellicola per posizionare ogni fotogramma nella posizione giusta per essere proiettato. Durante il processo, fra un frammento e l'altro vengono creati degli intervalli scuri, di cui però lo spettatore non nota la loro presenza per via del cosiddetto effetto della persistenza della visione: per un breve periodo di tempo l'immagine permane a livello della retina. La percezione del movimento è dovuta ad un effetto psicologico definito come "fenomeno Phi".
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corkcitylibraries · 2 years
Echoes of our Past | January 20th 1923
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Librarian Richard Forrest takes a look at news highlights published in The Echo 100 years ago this week.
Examiner Manager Shot
Denis McGrath, Manager of the Cork Examiner, was shot at and wounded when entering his house at the junction of Victoria Road and Blackrock Road at about 7 o’clock yesterday evening. Mr. McGrath left the Examiner Office at 6.30pm to take the Blackcock tram home. On opening the garden gate, he was immediately rushed from behind by four men who had apparently been lying in wait. They drew revolvers and fired three shots at close range before decamping. One of the bullets shattered the bone above his right elbow and another penetrated deep into the side of his back. A military officer who had been on board the tram gave chase, but the assailants made their escape along Victoria Avenue. On hearing the shots, Mr. McGrath’s daughter quickly came to his aid and, despite his injuries, he was able to walk into the house unaided and without commotion. Miss Crean, an experienced nurse, and daughter of the ex-M.P. Eugene Crean, hurried from an adjacent house to render assistance. Shortly afterwards Drs. Dundon and Shanahan were on the scene, as well as Frs. Moylan and McCafferey, Blackrock Road, and Fr. McSwiney, St. Finbarr’s South. Mr. McGrath was conveyed to the South Infirmary and operated upon. The operation was successful, and he is progressing well under the circumstances. A second operation will be performed today to remove the bullet from his back. The Rev. Dr. Thomas called to the Examiner Offices this morning to express his concern for Mr. McGrath before attending the Cork dockers meeting and departing for America this evening.
Cork Dockers Strike
The Rev. Dr. Thomas, honorary president of the Cork Workers Council, opened an important meeting today in relation to the dockers strike. Deliberations paused at noon in order for the strikers to have time to consider proposals. The nature of those proposals is not yet public but the atmosphere around the matters in dispute appears amicable and there are grounds for hope of a settlement. The dispute has brought great hardship and paralysed trade in the south of Ireland. The Clyde Company’s Eddystone left Penrose Quay in the early hours this morning to return to Glasgow with her cargo undischarged. 
Incendiary Attack on Capwell
Just before 10 o’clock last night a desperate attempt was made to destroy Capwell Station, the terminus of the Cork-Macroom Railway. Armed men broke into the station and sprinkled petrol all about the offices and goods stores. The entire premises would have been destroyed but the Fire Brigade was quickly on the scene and immediately proceeded to quell the flames. By 11 o’clock all was extinguished and comparatively little damage was done. A military guard remained at the station. 
Neutral I.R.A. at Youghal
Neutral members of the I.R.A. met at the Town Hall, Youghal last night to formally organise and passed the following resolution: “We express our approval of all steps being taken to bring the present deplorable state of affairs in the country to an end. We pledge our support to any agreed policy which will be directed towards the attainment of an honourable peace”.
Gramophones Stolen
Yesterday evening a number of gramophones and gramophone records stated to have been stolen from Piggott & Co., Limerick were discovered concealed in a stack of hay at Rossbrien by some youths. The matter was reported to the Civic Guard who are conducting inquiries.
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Volunteer Smith Succumbs
Volunteer Christopher Smith (not O’Gorman), National Army, seriously wounded in a fight with Irregulars at Dromina, near Charleville on Wednesday, died in in St. John’s Hospital this evening. Deceased received a bullet through the left lung. He was a married man with three children and a native of Limerick.
Body Recovered
The body of John Shea, one of the four young men drowned on St. Stephen’s Day at Kilsheelan, has been taken from the river at Carrick-on-Suir.
Ordinary Man Seeks Less Work
A staggering, amazing thing has happened! A man – he may well have escaped from King Tut…, (whatever-ya-call-‘im’s) tomb over beyond at Luxor – has advertised in a newspaper thus, “An honest man seeks work”.  Paralysing phrase this. I was unable to finish reading the advert. The identity was not revealed but what multitudes would flock to see such a specimen! There is a story told about a well-known Cork street corner. One day a man drove up, stopped at it, and exclaimed in a loud voice “Work”. Only for the ambulance to fly back and forwards to bring half the men there to the nearest hospital. The other half managed to crawl home and said it wasn’t just a bomb that had exploded but a whole cargo of German mines. The mockery! the daring! of that phrase. At once an archaicism and an anachronism. Of course, the advert should read, “An ordinary man seeks work”, or “An honest man seeks less work”.   
Handball Championships at Cork
The Cork Handball Association is planning a tournament for the Murphy Cup next season. The tournament will be open to entries from all of Ireland and the winner will be proclaimed Handball Champion of Ireland. It will be played in the Ball Court, Old Market Place, Cork. It is probable that the successful competitor will have the opportunity to advance to meet J.J. Kelly, New York, the World Champion.  
Shandon vs. Clifton
An interesting association football tie is listed for decision to-morrow when Shandon meet Clifton in the first round of the senior challenge cup. Clifton’s cup record is better but Shandon’s current league performance is superior being just one point offf the leaders. A well contended match is anticipated. Mr. N. Wolffe to have charge of the whistle. Kick-off at Victoria Cross 3 p.m. sharp.
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ebitchwriting · 2 years
Dragged Into The Blood
Summary: Never staying in one place for long, Lea was used to impermanence, chaos, and having to drop everything at the drop of a hat. Lea never expected that she would be kidnapped and wake up in a rusted, decrepit prison cell because of a madman's delusional belief in eugenics and cleansing the Earth of imperfection. By herself, with only the clothing on her back, she will have to rely on luck and logic to escape before she's killed or worse.
Warnings: Severe anxiety due to being pursued and seeing another person get tortured, disturbing thoughts of violence, and claustrophobia(vents).
I welcome constructive criticism on my works as it is the only way that I as a writer can improve. All I ask is that you are civil. No suicide baiting, no death threats, no hateful comments. If you cannot handle fiction that deals with dark matters, then please look elsewhere. There will be a link of this story for A03 at the bottom of this post. This is also a revamp of my series on Fanfiction.net under the same name. Link to that, if you so wish to read it, is under my rules.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.
Chapter 3: Through The Vents
Lea holds the gun in an offensive position as she peeks outside the door, looking in both directions for any enemies. The corridor was silent, and as far as she could tell, there was no one on the metal stairway to her left and a dead end to her right.
'... Non-climatic, but better than... nope, not going to think about that...'
Lea shook her head, refusing to let her thoughts start to attack her again. She held the AK-74 in the offensive position as she began to descend the stairway, each of her steps careful not to draw any attention from the unknown ahead.
As she stepped into the room, she found that it was another laboratory. However, this one was meticulously organized. There were no papers on the floor in piles, no broken glass from testing tubes or beakers, and no speck of dust or cracks in the computers at the desks. The lack of a mess in the testing lab only made the teenager feel more ill at ease and far more on edge. At the opposite end of the laboratory was another exit that appeared to be locked. The only possible exit from the room was a vent nestled in the far left corner.
'... It doesn't matter if it's the woman or the man behind all of this; they're using this lab to catalog whatever experiment they're running on me...'
Lea spots several open files on the desk on her right and steps closer, leaning over to read anything useful for her escape. The photos drew her attention first, and the sight of the creatures made her gag. It looked almost as if thousands of eels were sewn together into a haunting humanoid silhouette. It looked as if it was in agony. There was clearly more under it, but she didn't dare try to move anything and tip-off that she had been in here. The next photo set that drew her attention was the pair of pictures of a corpse, but his arms were riddled with large black veins that seemed to have swelled to mimic thick black ropes. The legs could barely be called legs, resembling the "legs" of the creature from the first photo. One of the files' exposed papers was scribbles of formulas and chemical equations that Lea could not understand if her life depended on. Finally, the last file that was already open had information about Lea:
Name: Leighanna Anderson
DOB: 04-24-93
Blood Type: O-
Sex: F
Height: 154.94 cm
Weight: 68.04 kg
Unfortunately, the rest of the record was covered by a handwritten note. Lea noticed how the handwriting was fine, neat, and written in perfect cursive. Unable to quell her curiosity, her eyes locked onto the cursive words. The teenager felt her already rapid heartbeat start to pound painfully against her chest as she quickly realized who had written the note and exactly how much danger she was in:
Finally, I have found the only other person with my blood type, the only other one who holds the secret to viral adaptation. She is the only other one with the right to become a god, and I will shape her into a true goddess and dispose of that whore, Excella. We shall finally kill Chris Redfield and bring about Genesis and rule over Eden. Albert Wesker.
Even though that stranger had never revealed his name, Lea knew that he had to be the one who wrote this. The person who wrote this had to be delusional, and while she may not have liked the woman, she clearly wasn't this unstable. Just heartless. The man exuded delusional thoughts of grandeur, just like this note. Lea backed away from the papers, gripping the gun's handle harder, no longer feeling safe standing around.
The teenager forced her eyes to look over at the laboratory's other exit. Lea quietly hoped the locked doorway's keycard would be conveniently located on a nearby desk or countertop. That maybe she'll be lucky. Unfortunately, as Lea focused on the locking mechanism, she realized that not only would it need a keycard, but it would also require a fingerprint. Which meant this room was a dead end.
As if it was right next to her, off in the distance, she heard him. Someone else was with him, a woman. The conversation itself was broken and disjointed, but Lea could still understand bits and pieces of it. He was talking about Lea and her ascension to godhood, and they were heading right towards Lea's ruined cell.
The teenager knew she had to hide and get out, but where and how long until that monstrosity caught up to her? She can't just hide under the desks or return to where she came from.
'... The fucking vent, you moron..!'
Lea's head snapped towards the far left corner, and within a second, she was in front of the vent, struggling to remove the cover without denting the edges of it. Her fingers fumbled around the hatch, and after a heart-stopping moment, she finally opened it without breaking it. Then, as fast and quietly as she could, she slipped inside, pulling the cover back on as tight as possible. All the while, she could hear the delusional psychopath snarl and start to run out of the prison and into the laboratory, with the stranger following closely behind, decidedly silent.
'... Hold your breath... can't get caught now... I don't want to die... not again...'
Lea's mind raced as she scooted as far back as she could without turning around, each rustle of her clothing making her freeze. Soon enough, the door to the laboratory was slammed open, and she could hear the door fall off its hinges from the sheer force it had just suffered. Hands over her mouth, Lea forced herself to not breathe and stared straight ahead as the leather-clad psychopath paced the room. It took less than a moment for the stranger to enter the room, still eerily silent as the sounds of their boots crept closer and closer.
The stranger stepped into view of the vent, but to Lea's luck, she didn't check the vent. The stranger wore a tattered hooded cape and a purple bodysuit, the material of which looked more akin to a wet suit than a tactical one. Under the hood, Lea could see that the woman was wearing a gas mask. An attire Lea thought looked ridiculous, but at least this one was smarter than the other two captors who freely showed their faces. After taking another heart-stopping moment to inspect the room, the stranger turns toward the mysterious man.
"The prison and the laboratory are cleared. Subject 03 must have awoken sooner than planned and escaped. What else do you require of me?" The woman asked, her voice hollow and monotonous, sounding devoid of life. In fact, it wasn't just her voice that appeared lifeless; it was how she moved. How rigid everything was, the back perfectly straight, and almost like her movements weren't hers. It's not quite like a puppet on strings but more like an android. The grip Lea had over her mouth and nose tightened reflexively as she realized that had she stayed in her cell, this might have been what would have happened to her.
The man in the sunglasses steps into Lea's view, blocking it with his leather trench coat. Lea fought her body's instinct to start crawling away as fast as possible to keep herself as still and silent as possible.
"As much as I'm disappointed by her insolence, at least she's proving herself to be as intelligent as a Goddess should." Lea cringed internally at the man, spewing his delusion. "Valentine, do you know the location of Redfield and Alomar?" The man started to step forward, uncovering Lea's view as he slowly paced around the woman. His voice lowered considerably, taking on a menacing tone. The grimace adjourns his face as he towers over her, his eyes glowing faintly red.
'... Am I hallucinating now..?'
"They-... Chris?" The woman, Valentine, stuttered out, her voice cracking but sounding more alive than just a moment ago. The man in the sunglasses sighed before pulling a device from his inner pocket and aiming it at her. Lea's eyes were wide open, tears starting to peek out the corners from how long she hadn't blinked.
'... What the fuck did he do to her..?'
"No, I won't-..." The woman started to shout but suddenly let out a bloodcurdling scream as she dropped to the ground, twitching uncontrollably. Lea sat there, terrified by what she saw, feeling the burning anger building with each beat of her heart. Lea felt something else, something dark, something yearning to walk up to the son of a bitch and rip his throat out.
"Now, where is Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar?" He repeated each word spat out with venom, daring Valentine to defy him again, the device still aimed at the woman as he towered over her still convulsing body. He released the button as he finished his sentence, the woman limp and silent.
"They're near the Monarch Room." She informed, her voice once again monotonous. Lea hated that, hated him, but she hated herself for being too much of a coward to step in and help. Lea could tell herself all she wanted that she couldn't help anyone if she was dead, but deep down, Lea knew it was fear that kept her there more than anything.
"Good girl, now let's go see them, shall we?" The man mocked, walking over to the locked door, pulling out a keycard, swiping it with more force than necessary, and nearly breaking the fingerprint scanner with how he smashed it down. A loud beeping noise rang as the psychopath held the door open, motioning for the woman to go first in a mock show of chivalry.
Valentine picked herself up from the ground with stiff limbs and rigid posture, swiftly walking through the doorway. The man lets the door shut, and another loud beeping noise fills the void, indicating that the door has auto locked itself.
Lea didn't move for a long time; she was sure that if she started scrambling to navigate the maze to vents now, the leather-clad psycho would find her immediately. So, she sat there, mentally counting up to a thousand, then counting down to be sure there was enough distance between her and them.
As soon as she felt safe enough to move, the teenager wasted no time crawling away as fast as possible, for once grateful that she was tiny and hobbit-sized to everyone else; otherwise, these vents would have been impossible to navigate.
Lea had no idea how long she'd been military-crawling her way through the labyrinth of cramped vents before finding another hatch that led to a room that wasn't filled with seemingly feral and violent people. The teen slowly pushed the vent cover open, thankful that the actual cover was attached by hinges, eliminating her worry about attracting unwanted attention.
Lea jumped down, landing on her feet a little more loudly than she wanted, but there was no way she could jump down without making any noise. She looks up, takes in the surrounding area, and notices the stone walls and the dirty and sandy floor. To her confusion, against the wall is a stone coffin surrounded by vases.
Curiously, she stepped forward, looking inside first, mindful of the fragile pottery. To her surprise, a case of rifle ammo was inside of it. Lea couldn't help but feel suspicious of the vase and its convenience, but it was also something she didn't want to question. She grabbed the vase, placed it on its side on the ground, and brought her foot down, smashing it swiftly. Lea stuffed the rifle ammo into her pockets. Just as she figured out where to run next, two people began shouting at each other.
One was another stranger's voice, this time a man. And the other was the same delusional baritone voice she had become very familiar with at this point and one she outright despised.
She couldn't ignore that tugging need to know from her mind, and Lea crept forward to investigate.
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christophe76460 · 2 years
Tes plus grandes joies | www.la-Bible.info
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yes-bernie-stuff · 2 years
A qui appartenez-vous ?
A qui appartenez-vous ?
“Le Seigneur te déclare : ‘N’aie pas peur, Je t’ai libéré, Je t’ai engagé personnellement, Tu m’appartiens.” Es 43. 1
Vous n’avez pas besoin de Le supplier de vous laisser entrer dans Sa demeure. Vous faites déjà partie de Sa famille et vous avez libre accès à Sa maison, celle qu’Il construit et agrandit chaque jour ! Ecoutez comment Eugene Peterson a expliqué cette vérité dans sa paraphrase de la Bible (The Message) : “Le Messie nous a réconciliés, afin qu’il n’y ait plus de différence entre les Juifs et les non-Juifs. Il a démoli le mur qui nous séparait et aboli la loi qui, avec son fardeau de règles inutiles et de notes super flues, était plus un obstacle qu’une encouragement. Puis Il a repris tout à zéro. Il créa un genre d’humains très différents, donnant l’occasion à tous d’un recommencement profond. Christ nous a tous réunis à la Croix, en mourant pour nous. La Croix nous a forcés à nous unir et à rejeter notre hostilité innée. Christ est venu prêcher la paix à tous… A travers Lui nous bénéficions de la présence du même Esprit et nous avons tous accès au Père de la même manière. Ce n’est pas trop difficile à comprendre, non ? Nous ne sommes plus des exilés sans cesse en partance vers ailleurs. Ce royaume de la foi est désormais notre patrie. Nous ne sommes plus des étrangers loin de Lui. Nous appartenons à ce domaine, avec les mêmes droits que les autres d’être appelés chrétiens. Dieu est en train de bâtir Sa maison. Et Il se sert de chacun d’entre nous, quelle que soit notre origine, pour achever Sa construction. Pour la fondation Il s’est servi des apôtres et des prophètes. Aujourd’hui Il se sert de vous tous, intégrant chacun d’entre vous, brique après brique, pierre après pierre, à la construction qui repose sur la pierre angulaire qui est Jésus Christ et qui maintient l’unité entre nous. Nous voyons Son œuvre s’élaborer jour après jour en un temple bâti de Ses mains, nous tous intégrés en Lui, un temple dans lequel Dieu se sent bien chez Lui !” (d’après Ephésiens 2. 15-22). Lui appartenez-vous ou doutez-vous encore de votre identité ?
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carmenvicinanza · 2 years
Sara García Gross e i diritti delle donne in El Salvador
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Sara García Gross è un’attivista che, in El Salvador si batte per il diritto delle donne di disporre del proprio corpo.
Fa parte del Salvadoran Network of Women Human Rights Defenders.
Psicologa femminista è la coordinatrice del Citizen Group for the Depenalization of Therapeutic, Ethical, and Eugenic Abortion, organizzazione multidisciplinare che sostiene la modifica della legislazione salvadoregna sull’aborto. Promuove l’educazione sessuale e difende le donne accusate o condannate per aborto o questioni correlate. È riuscita a portare numerosi casi davanti alla Corte Interamericana dei Diritti Umani.
El Salvador è uno dei paesi dell’America Latina che vietano l’aborto per costituzione.
Sara García Gross  è nata a Chalchuapa nel 1986, da bambina ha vissuto la guerra civile salvadoregna. Laureata in psicologia presso la Central American University, si è specializzata in Studi di Genere in Messico. Nel 2019 si è trasferita a Buenos Aires dove ha conseguito un Master in Diritti umani e Democratizzazione per l’America Latina e i Caraibi.
Ha condotto il programma radiofonico “Del Hospital a la Cárcel”, che tratta di questioni legate ai diritti sessuali e riproduttivi delle donne.
Nel gennaio 2019, l’Università Diderot di Parigi le ha conferito il Premio Simone de Beauvoir per la libertà delle donne. Per i suoi sforzi volti a depenalizzare l’aborto in caso di stupro, tratta di esseri umani, quando la vita della madre è in pericolo o quando è minorenne.
Ci occupiamo di casi di donne che sono state arrestate dopo aver avuto emergenze ostetriche, aborti spontanei, parti prematuri non assistiti. O ancora storie di ragazze che hanno dovuto partorire nei bagni o nelle fosse. Storie che non riguardano tutte le donne di El Salvador, ma soprattutto quelle che appartengono alle classi più povere. Quelle che devono per forza far riferimento al sistema sanitario pubblico che finisce per denunciarle invece di aiutarle e assisterle.
In El Salvador, come in altri Paesi del mondo, la donna accusata di aborto (o di nascite extra ospedaliere) finisce in carcere. Le viene negata la presunzione di innocenza ed è direttamente condannata con la presunzione di colpevolezza.
Il Ministero della Salute ha attuato una politica per fornire contraccettivi alle donne, ma, soprattutto nei riguardi delle giovani, viene fatta molta ostruzione. La pillola del giorno dopo è consentita solo in caso di stupro.  
Il nostro movimento ha identificato una serie di violazioni dei diritti, in molti casi la donna viene dichiarata colpevole di omicidio, motivo per cui le condanne sono così pesanti. Abbiamo seguito una giovane condannata a 30 anni e una a 40 anni che siamo riusciti a mettere in sicurezza in Svezia.
La nostra organizzazione ha tre attività principali: l’azione legale per cercare di far uscire le donne di prigione; sfidare il modo negativo in cui le persone pensano all’aborto; attuare una campagna politica per cambiare la legge sull’aborto.
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universalmovies · 2 years
La fine è vicina nel trailer finale degli ultimi episodi di The Walking Dead 11
#TheWalkingDead11 Ecco il trailer finale degli episodi finali! Dal 3 ottobre su #DisneyPlus
A pochi giorni dal lancio su AMC, la serie The Walking Dead torna nuovamente protagonista in rete con il trailer finale degli ultimi episodi della serie. Il video regala alcuni importanti anticipazioni a quelle che saranno gli eventi che si scateneranno negli ultimi 8 episodi della celebre serie tv. Si va infatti dal processo a Eugene, alla fuga di Daryl e Maggie ed alla volontà incrollabile di…
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senorboombastic · 3 years
a/s/l: Laundromat
Remember the days of the old schoolyard? Remember when Myspace was a thing? Remember those time-wasting, laborious quizzes that everyone used to love so much? Birthday Cake For Breakfast is bringing them back!  Every couple of weeks, an unsuspecting band will be subject to the same old questions about dead bodies, Hitler, crying and crushes.   This Week: Having just announced new single…
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pfalztexter · 11 months
Great Moon Hoax
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Der Great Moon Hoax der New York Sun, bereichert die Geschichte der Zeitung
"The Great Moon Hoax (deutsch „Der große Mond-Schwindel“) war eine Serie von sechs Zeitungsartikeln, die ab dem 25. August 1835 in der New York Sun erschienen und über die angebliche Entdeckung von Leben auf dem Mond berichteten.[…]
Der große Mathematiker Carl Friedrich Gauß hielt seinen französischen Berufskollegen Joseph Nicolas Nicollet, der 1832 nach Amerika ausgewandert war, noch 1844 für den Urheber des Mondschwindels, der auch in Europa Furore gemacht hatte. Einige Jahre nach dem Skandal schrieb Gauß in einem Brief an seinen Sohn Eugen Gauß, der seit Ende 1830 in Amerika lebte und dort Nicollet getroffen hatte:[3]
„In einem Deiner früheren Briefe erwähntest Du einmal eines jungen Franzosen namens Nicollet, mit dem Du in Bekanntschaft gekommen seist. Derselbe war vor Zeiten Gehilfe an der Pariser Sternwarte und hat einige nicht verdienstlose Arbeiten geliefert. Aus welchem Grunde er Frankreich hat verlassen müssen, habe ich nicht erfahren. Später (etwa vor 7 oder 8 Jahren) hat er (ich weiß nicht mehr, ob anonym oder mit Nennung des Namens) in einer amerikanischen Zeitung oder Journal einen possenreißerischen Artikel über angebliche wahrhaft unsinnige Entdeckungen, die Herschel auf dem Vorgebirge der Guten Hoffnung gemacht haben sollte, geliefert. Dieser Artikel wurde sogar seinerzeit ins Deutsche übersetzt und gab einen merkwürdigen Beweis, wie sehr plump eine Mystifikation sein kann, ohne die Kraft zu verlieren, viele Leute zum Narren zu haben.“" (Quelle)
Im selben Jahr, 1835, wird die "Posse mit Gesang Eulenspiegel oder Schabernack über Schabernack von Johann Nestroy mit Wenzel Scholz in der Titelrolle wird am Theater an der Wien bei Wien uraufgeführt." Davon findet sich bei YouTube kein Zeugnis, dafür was von Strauss:
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