#Etoile Darling
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I draw the Rainbows 🌈 ✨
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His birthday is in two days
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antoine + étoiles insane moments for ur consideration :] @etoilesbienne @icockeatpanda @jahanmp4
eng transcript below:
[Video Transcript:
(First clip plays.)
Antoine: Look at what’s written in the heart, dude.
Etoiles: Holy shit, it’s you and me, dude!
Antoine: Oh yeah, A + E, dude
(overlapping) Etoiles: Antoine and Etoiles. Dude, holy shiiiit
Etoiles: Hey all that is destiny, dude
Antoine: I’m the one who did it in the hopes of stumbling across it on Geoguessr one day
Etoiles: Fuck, and after all these years you’ve finally realised your objective
Antoine: And yeah, dude….
Etoiles: peepoShy, as we say
(Second clip plays.)
Etoiles: Where are you, Antoine?
Antoine: I’m on— I’m on the blue level of the TDM (Tour de Merde)
Etoiles: Where are you, darling? I’m coming
Antoine: The blue level of the TDM
Florence: No but he’s horny, Rayou, tonight
Bagz: But Rayou— he arrived— he arrived (to the stream) saying, “I’m exhausted’, and he’s really in shape!
Antoine: He just wants to fuck, Rayou, tonight. He wants to fuck so badly tonight
Etoiles: But I said ‘darling’!
(overlapping) Bagz: In ‘Just Fucking’ (as a Twitch stream category)
Etoiles: No but I hate you all, bro
(Third clip plays.)
Antoine: I want to vape but I can’t
Etoiles: Vape my ass, dude
Antoine: Wow, what the fuck? What—
(Fourth clip plays.)
Etoiles: Well I don’t know what my favourite party is, is it the one where we played the capitals game? Or—
Antoine: Or the one where I sucked you off? Oh, no, sorry. No, you were saying? Yeah
Etoiles: That one— that one was crazy
(overlapping) Antoine: Sorry, my bad
(Fifth clip plays.)
Etoiles: Antoine I just looked at the camera, you’re incredibly handsome, dude
Antoine: Really?
Etoiles: Yeah. You have a cool look about you
Zerator: You mean, as opposed to normal?
Etoiles: Yeah, because usually you’re disgusting but here, honestly… I find you very fuckable tonight
Antoine: Well, thanks so much dude
(Sixth clip plays.)
Etoiles: Me, I’ve never cried. The only time I’ve had water on my face is when I’ve showered
Antoine: When I performed a facial on you too, no?
Florence: Oh nooooo. No but I respect it, you guys do what you want
Etoiles: Actually it’s not water it’s sperm
Antoine: In sperm there’s water, dude
(Cuts to a later portion of the same stream.)
Etoiles: Y’know you’re only gross with me, with your other friends you don’t make jokes like that
Antoine: That’s true. I don’t know why I’m like this with you. Maybe I should be asking myself questions, bro. I don’t know!
end Video Transcript.]
#etoiles#antoine daniel#étoiles#jay clips#couldn’t quite match the power of ‘vapote-moi le cul’ in the eng translation my bad#also ‘chouchou’ has such a particular energy idk if darling matches it quite well…. ah well#probably a p1 . i meant this to be longer but i started this aaaages ago and any extra clips i had in mind for use i have now forgotten#but as i get back into watching them more i’m sure i’ll find enough content for a p2 lmao#like a month ago they and some others had an absolutely insane bit about sausages and sperm so . yknow . it’s still going strong#i probably shouldn’t main tag this qsmp . but it would be funny#these clips were taken from etoiles’ main channel antoine’s best of channel and both of their vods channels . hmu if u want the exact video#i will attempt to find em again#OH one was taken from a clips channel i think i would also have to go looking 4 that#insuline & nicotine
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Saw the words 'starhalo fankid' and Immediately blacked out. That kid would be the worst tryhard imaginable. Bad and etoiles would have to say some shit like GOING TO BED BEFORE 8PM CHALLENGE (REAL) (NOT FAKE) (ONLY 0.1% WILL SUCCEED) in order to get them to do literally anything
oh you fucking know it but she's a darling little smarty pants who knows everything ever and fucking never shuts up. her name is marimo. they call her mossball ^_^ ...!!!! but she is a cucumber demon. which is such a fun little species to be.
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Chef Missa x Shapeshifter-Crow Phil AU.
(Just hear me out)
Missa is a single father looking to be a professional chef, moving to France to work in his idol's restaurant. He takes his daughter, takes his suitcases and moves to Paris, France to fulfill his dreams.
Phil is an ex-fighter who needs a change and get away from everything after a dramatic event (no spoiler) so when he receives an invitation from his brother in arms, Etoiles, to stay with him in France for a while he does not hesitate to accept.
His son Chayanne has trouble adjusting to his new life due to his selective mutism, fortunately Tallulah (Not tula) and Chayanne become friends at school.
Pissa basically know each other through their children.
Time skip to Tallulah finding out that Chayanne likes cooking, and it just so happens that his dad is el mejor chef del mundo! (She says) Missa starts giving cooking classes to Chayanne (it has nothing to do with him wanting to get closer to Phil, nope, absolutely not, he could never ever thought about that, he only does it because he cares about Chay//and his father)
Missa tries to play it cool and suave for Phil which leads to a lot of silly cartoon situations.
Missa and Phil get distracted by cooking, more smoke than normal starts coming out but they are so caught up in their flirting that they don't notice. Missa: Is it hotter here or is it just me?? Phil laughs, looks into his eyes, into his lips and back into his eyes, and slowly approaches, so slowly and Missa's heart almost sto- Until suddenly a blast of dry ice hits them rigth in their faces. Chayanne came back from whatever he was going to do, and found a tower of smoke! What happened!? …Neither Phil nor Missa can answer that. A bit because they are covered in dry ice and another bit because no mames, what a shame.
Jump to Missa, he's feeling homesick and unsure of his abilities. Tallulah has a fever and Missa is too worried.
The cooking classes stop for a few days.
Until a crow suddenly crosses through his window. That should scare him, his daughter is sick! And crows don't exactly prophesy health.
But he doesn't find himself able to chase away the creature that looks almost as worried as Missas feels. If crows had faces he would say that he frowns when he sees the girl. This crow seems to be really used to humans or something because he allows himself to be petted by Tallulah as if he were a cat, his feathers fluff up and rumble as if he were almost purring in his daughter's hands, her tired face lights up cuz of something that It's not the fever.
He decides to leave them alone.
Since that day the crow visits them more often almost like a family pet, he always comes and goes at night and always seems to be there when they need him most.
(Abajo esta en español, no worries my friends)
Missa es un padre soltero que busca ser chef profesional y se muda a Francia para trabajar en el restaurante de su ídolo. Toma a su hija, toma sus maletas y llega a París, Francia para cumplir su sueño.
Phil es un ex-peleador que necesita un cambio y alejarse de todo tras un susceso dramático (no spoiler) por lo que cuando recibe una invitado de su hermano de armas, Etoiles, para quedarse con el en Francia durante un tiempo no duda en aceptar.
Su hijo Chayanne tiene problemas para adaptarse al colegio y su nueva vida por su mutismo selectivo, afortunadamente Tallulah (no tula) y Chayanne se hacen amigos en la escuela.
Básicamente se conocen a través de sus hijos.
Salto de tiempo a que Tallulah se entere de que a Chayanne le gusta cocinar, y da la casualidad de que su papá es el mejor chef del mundo! (Dice ella) Missa empieza darle clases de cocina a Chayanne (no tiene nada que ver que quiera acercarse a su padre, nop, en definitiva y absolutamente nunca pensó en eso, solo lo hace porque le cae bien el niño //y su padre)
Missa trata de jugarlo cool y suave para Phil lo que lleva a un montón de situaciones tontas de caricatura. Missa y Phil se distraen cocinando, empieza salir más humo de lo normal pero ellos están tan atrapados en su coqueteo que no se dan cuenta. Missa: hace más calor aquí o soy solo yo? Phil se ríe, lo mira a los ojo, a los labios y devuelta a los ojos, y se va acercando lentamente, tan lento y el corazón de Missa casi se detien- Hasta que una ráfaga de hielo seco los golpea de lleno en la cara. Chayanne regresó de lo que sea que fue a hacer, volvió y encontró una enorme torre de humo! Qué pasó?! …Ni Phil ni Missa pueden responder a eso. Un poco porque están cubiertos de hielo seco y otro poco porque no mames que vergüenza.
Salto a Missa, tiempo despues, se siente nostálgico e inseguro de sus habilidades, para peor Tallulah tiene fiebre y Missa está demasiado preocupado.
Las clases de cocina paran durante algunos dias.
Hasta que un cuervo se mete por su ventana. Eso debería asustarlo, su hija está enferma! Y los cuervos no profetizan la salud exactamente.
Pero no se encuentra a si mismo capaz de echar a la criatura que se ve casi tan preocupado como el, si los cuervos tuvieran cara diría que tiene el ceño fruncido cuando ve a la niña. Este cuervo parece estar realmente acostumbrado a los humanos o algo así porque se deja acariciar por Tallulah como si fuera un gato, sus plumas se esponjan y retumba como si casi ronroneara y la cara cansada de su hija se ilumina por algo no es la fiebre.
Decide dejarlos solos.
Desde ese día el cuervo los visita más a menudo casi como una mascota de la familia, siempre va y viene por la noche y siempre aparece estar cuando mas lo necesitan.
#death family#qsmp missa#qsmp philza#qsmp tallulah#qsmp#qsmp au#qsmp pissa#pissa#pissa au#pissa nation#qsmp chayanne#qsmp eggs#au intro#qsmp shipping#chef-crow au
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Space inspired name / pronoun / title set
ciel ⸝⸝ star ⸝⸝ starette ⸝⸝ starina ⸝⸝ solar ⸝⸝ moon ⸝⸝ moonette ⸝⸝ luna ⸝⸝ vide ⸝⸝ mercure ⸝⸝ venusiel ⸝⸝ etoile ⸝⸝ stella ⸝⸝ stelos ⸝⸝ orion ⸝⸝ atlus ⸝⸝ regulus ⸝⸝ lyra ⸝⸝ lyrina ⸝⸝ altair ⸝⸝ castor ⸝⸝ cassiopeia ⸝⸝ peia ⸝⸝ astra ⸝⸝ aster ⸝⸝ stellette ⸝⸝ lyrine ⸝⸝ lune ⸝⸝ caelus ⸝⸝ caelum ⸝⸝ caestor ⸝⸝ castiel ⸝⸝ astre ⸝⸝ sirius ⸝⸝ coertoile ⸝⸝ paradis ⸝⸝ galaxia ⸝⸝ stardust
sky skies ⸝⸝ star stars ⸝⸝ space spaces ⸝⸝ stell stella ⸝⸝ lune luna ⸝⸝ aster asteroid ⸝⸝ vi vide ⸝⸝ sir sirius ⸝⸝ sol solar ⸝⸝ ci ciel ⸝⸝ as astra ⸝⸝ plan planet ⸝⸝ ven venus ⸝⸝ astro astronomer ⸝⸝ star dusts ⸝⸝ gala galactic ⸝⸝ cons constellation
the heavenly one ⸝⸝ the star ⸝⸝ the astronomer ⸝⸝ the stargazer ⸝⸝ space's guardian ⸝⸝ {she} who birthed the stars ⸝⸝ the one made of stardust ⸝⸝ the planetary protector ⸝⸝ space's creation ⸝⸝ the constellation ⸝⸝ {her} intergalactic highness ⸝⸝ darling of the planets
No need to credit the heroic one if yuu use these ~ !!
#names#name ideas#titles#title ideas#pronoun ideas#title suggestions#space themed#pronoun suggestions#name suggestions
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I do actually like the idea of the eggs running away from a bigger danger.
I like the idea of them being scared, although not because of the enemy itself.
Imagine they know about this danger. Those tiny children wearing armor heavier than themselves, armed with the best weapons their parents could give them, fully aware of all the plans in case of an attack, ready to go to N.I.N.H.O. at the first drop of rain, and whatever threat looms in the horizon makes them frightened.
Not about themselves.
About their parents.
They know those people. They know how deeply they are loved. They know how far they are willing to go to protect them.
Little Pomme with a weapon as big as herself. Little French Sniper who follows her father around dangerous dungeons, who can fight better than the adults. Little girl who loves her parents so very much, who sees how hard they fight to protect her, to make sure she keeps her two lives.
Little Pomme who knows the code told her father Etoiles to protect people. Who looks at him and fears, who wonders how many times he will die, how many times he will suffer, how many times he will sacrifice himself to ensure others' safety. Her safety.
Little Pomme who sees how deeply her mom cares. How hard she fights for the ones she loves and who wonders how much of herself her mom would give for her sake. Little Pomme who doesn't want to be a burden.
Little Dapper who knows his father has darkness inside of himself, who knows better than anyone how hard he fights every day to keep it hidden and controlled. Who knows that Badboy Halo would unleash that darkness upon the world for his sake.
Little brave boy who knows that doing so would ruin his father, would break a part of his soul, would make him drown in self loathing. Little Dapper who just wants to protect his father from himself.
Little Ramon who builds bombs for fun, who understands exactly how harsh and cruel the world can be because he sees the scars it left on his father, who knows how much Fit does to ensure that that cruelty never reaches him, who makes sure he knows how loved he is, how important, how he is the light of his father's life.
Little selfless boy who has watched his father open his heart to other people as well, who has seen him start to laugh and smile and live. Who is so very scared that his father will exchange what little peace and happiness he found just to ensure that Ramon is safe, that he is happy, uncaring of the effects of himself. Little Ramon who just wants his father to find peace.
Little Richarlyson who has seen so much pain and tragedies in such a short amount of time. Little explorer who has so many people to love him, who knows from the bottom of his soul that they would never leave him alone, that has been reassured over and over again of how important he is.
Little darling boy who already saw his parents grieve once. Who saw them cry over another little boy, who knows first hand how hard that affected them, who has seen them hurt and sad so many different times, who is fully aware of how they see him as a light in their lives. Little Richarlyson who doesn't want to be a source of pain.
Little Chayenne, the oldest, so brave, so selfless, so protective. Who sees how hard his father fights to keep them safe, how much he worries, who understands so very well that both of his fathers are so familiar with loss, so familiar with the pain caused by loving someone and yet still opened their hearts to him.
Little warrior boy who doesn't want people hurting for his sake, who saw enough of it already, who dreads the idea of standing back while those he loves so very dearly sacrifice themselves for his sake, who still has nightmares about screams telling him to stay back, to run, to hide, while blood coats the floor. Little Chayenne who just wants to protect his family.
Little Tallulah who loves so dearly, so kindly, so softly, who thinks flowers can bring so much joy, who swallows her pain to avoid making others sad. Who still waits for a beloved person to come back, but who now realizes how many more love and care about her, who opened her heart to them.
Little sweet girl who knows she isn't a fighter, knows she needs more attention, who is terrified of the idea that someone would need to sacrifice themselves for her sake, who would rather die than be the reason someone else does, who understands that is the choice the adults would make but who would never accept that. Little Tallulah who doesn't want to be alone.
Little Leonarda who has her parents as her best friends. Who keeps to herself but who pays so much attention to what is happening around her, who understands her parents in ways no one else can, who sees how hard they fight to keep others happy and focused on their goals even if their methods are rather strange.
Little princess girl who doesn't want to see the light go out of her father's smile, who doesn't want to cause them to worry, who wants them to be together, who trusts that they will always have each other to keep company, who doesn't want them to worry about those things, about her. Little Leonarda who wants to keep her parents happy.
Little children who love so much and who are so very loved back doing the only thing they can think of to protect those who have protected them so many times already.
Imagine the desperation of the Federation when they discover that the children ran away and left behind their items. The ones they use to monitor their location, to keep them under surveillance.
And it explains so much doesn't it?
How much they are denying everything, how they refuse to talk about it at all unless forced to, how they pretend nothing is happening, how far they are going to create distractions to force the players to focus on anything else but their kids.
The Risus pills are not a carefully laid out plan, a move made to control the Islanders and keep them calm and docile.
They are a move made out of desesperation.
Forever swears he will burn down the Island so they are forced to give him his son back.
He does burn down the Island when they fail to do so, swears he will do it over and over again how many times it takes.
But the Federation doesn't have the eggs.
They can't stop Forever, they can't keep undoing his destruction over and over again, they can't keep Philza from wrecking havoc, they can't keep Cellbit from poking where he shouldn't, all the parents, all the Islanders are out of control now and the Federation is desperate.
They don't have the one thing that would restore order.
They are not ignoring the demands of the parents because they don't want to listen to them. They are doing it because they can't give them what they want.
The only thing they can do is damage control. Is rebuilding the destroyed buildings and lands, is pretending everything is perfect and normal.
Is drugging Forever.
They make him happy.
They make him forget his son is missing so that they can stop him from destroying everything. They drug Pac. They make sure everyone is busy trying to fix that issue. They nerf the machines so they will take time to fix them.
They need time.
They need to find the eggs and they need to restore order.
The Federation lost control.
And that is the one thing that scares them the most.
Because if the Islanders realize it, if they figure out they don't have the eggs, then what? What stops them from breaking the rules, from tearing their buildings down block by block? The eggs are their way of controlling the players, of keeping them happy yes, but mostly of keeping them afraid.
And now that control is gone.
And it's the Federation who is afraid.
#oh yeah im actually so feral about the idea that the eggs ran away#bc on one hand no fucking way#but on the other#what if#what would make those children leave#and this is what i came with#qsmp#qsmp writing#qsmp analysis#its both okay#half fic half theory#The Federation#qsmp eggs
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Pomme’s diary entry on the day her Papa Etoiles was attacked by two codes:

oh pomme my darling <3
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Good morning, darling. Would you like to go get coffee and breakfast at Puspa's?
Good morning❤️
I do, but I wanna stay in bed a little longer.
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It was yesterdays Étoile darling birthday, I was working on it yesterday as well but due personal reasons I had to postponed it until now. Along 12/12 day here’s their gala outfits which prolly won’t be shown in the white ball segment of dream sweet.
But this is as well a new year gift. Maybe I’ll do another one…it’s too much and I’m very lazy.
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Do you like Stars Poppy?🌟🌈
#Hawaii Part II#Miracle Musical#ミラクルミュージカル#Claude Apollo#Etoile Darling#Oc art#I should have post it on the other account but I am attached to this aaxgghhhhhh#I miss them my creations
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How many have you had, darling?
Uuuuhhhh likee a lott?
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an important thing to understand with qetoiles is that he made every one of his relationships feel special without ever placing the importance of a person over another . he was naturally closer to some people than others but he never had A special person, if you get me
#like i have my favourite etoiles duos obviously but its rly important to remember that the guy Himself doesn’t have a hierarchy#i get that if u don’t watch etoiles pov and only watch a pov of someone he’s close to u could think oh wow hes so devoted to this person in#particular . well good news he is . however he also cares an equal amount about any other POV person !#etoiles is just Very good at reading people and understanding their likes/habits/the way they socialise . so he will cater to a person in#the manner that corresponds best + that’ll create the strongest relationship between them . he is both a loner and a social butterfly it’s#very fun to watch unfold . anw yeah qetoiles’ friends are All very important to him there’s a reason why he has so many#qfrench.posting#jay rambles#also im aware this is a random post unfortunately this is just how my train of thoughts works#vaguely inspired by people posting stuff with the implication that ‘etoiles and This Character have a super special bond better than any#other one’ and well no . etoiles has many super special bonds . this is just how he is . much love in his heart#like im saying all this as a qfrench family enjoyer he also has very specific and special relationships with all of them . yet if there was#a burning fire he would not place anyone’s importance qfrench or not over another yknow#like i think about purg when the eggs were trapped : etoiles leaped in to save richas because richas was the first egg he saw . he didn’t#focus on trying to save pomme . even though pomme is his darling daughter that he’d kill for . so like he doesn’t view people through their#importance to him (even though richas was also very important to him) he’s very much dedicated to everyone no matter how close he is to him#i can think about how whenever new people joined he was the first person trying to give them starter kit items bc he wanted them to be able#to have fun on the server ! like he cares about everyone it doesn’t matter how well he knows them or not
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Some times ago I posted about which of madame d'Aulnoy's fairytales were the most famous and influential.
I want to complement this post by talking about Tchaikovsky's famous Sleeping Beauty ballet.
Because it is well known that his Sleeping Beauty is a big crossover of Charles Perrault's fairy tales. The very story is inspired by Charles Perrault's Sleeping Beauty, and the guests of the wedding include characters from Little Thumbling, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella and Puss in Boots - plus one of the fairy godmothers is the Lilac Fairy, from Donkey skin.
But Tchaikovsky's ballet also include numerous characters from madame d'Aulnoy's fairytales. Characters from her story The White Cat appear (the White Cat herself is a wedding guest, and one of the fairy godmothers, the Violent Fairy, comes from this fairytale). Florine and the Blue Bird are from - you guessed it - The Blue Bird. The character of "prince Chéri" can come from two different fairytale of hers, since there is a Chéri in Cunning Cinders and a Chéri in La Princesse Belle-Etoile et le Prince Chéri (Princess Beautiful-Star and Prince Darling). Prince Fortuné might be a nod to the male disguise of Belle-Belle in the fairytale Belle-Belle or the knight Fortuné. Gallifron is named after the giant Galifron, one of the antagonists of The Beauty with Golden Hair. Finally, the very name of the wicked fairy, Carabosse, comes from a story of madame d'Aulnoy called La Princesse Printanière, which is literaly translated as "Princess Vernal" but has been translated in English as "Princesse Mayblossom".
#madame d'aulnoy#d'aulnoy fairytales#perrault fairytales#french fairytales#sleeping beauty#tchaikovsky's sleeping beauty#sleeping beauty ballet
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this is just 10 minutes of typing the starhalo thief/night AU :D But I said I would post weekly, so here you go TvT its 400~ words right now, but expect at least 10,000~ when I'm fully finished!
Tell the king, I dare you darling~
Bad is a little thief, and Ètoiles is a classic above average night in shining armor.
In the kingdom of Sol, run by Tubbo, and princess Sunny. When Bad, the best thief of the country quesadilla, steals something, Ètoiles has to deal with it, but, how? Maybe violence isn’t always the answer, maybe it’s Newley found love.
By the request of a lovely Anon from my Tumblr page <3
[Thief Bad]
[Night Etoiles]
Yes, my liege
You must go deal with the pesky thief that keeps stealing from the castle grounds
Of course your majesty, if I may ask, what have they stolen?
Mostly furniture, how does one person sneak out so much furniture unnoticed?!
Ah, I will deal with this as soon as possible my liege
Thank you Etoiles
My pleasure
Sol Kingdom, Midnight[12 PM]
Etoiles was standing guard of the front entrance, in hopes of catching the thief in their tracks. He had tried almost all other entrances during the previous nights, most being unless attempts to catch the unknown thief.
He was standing guard, still, as instructed, when he heard someone.
Hello! -Bad stated as he used his grappling squawk to dangle upside-down from the roof, inches away from Etoiles face.
Etoiles couldn’t get any words out, all he could do was stair.
I examined the possible thief in front of me, his hair was long, it was black at the top, then it faded to blond near the ends. He had a sort of cloak on, completely useless in covering anything in the position he was in. He was wearing what looked to be a… Well, sort of like a one-piece swimsuit, but way tighter. He looked strong, not to strong though, I could definitely beat him.
A-Are you the one who’s been stealing all the furniture?
Welllll, I guess you could say that if you really wanted to. I’d say its more, on the liberating side of things.
are you just turning yourself in?
I got bored of never being caught, so I just thought I would tease ya a bit
I could just report you to the king right now
Tell the king, I dare you darling~
…-Etoiles paused as he felt his face getting red, hidden by the mask he always wears.
Aww, quiet now aren’t ya~ That’s one way to shut someone up, anyways, back to the main topic. A little friendly banter never hurt anyone love~
Well mon chéri, how can you be so sure I will abide, and not tell the king that you were here
tell me, darling, would you do that? Hmm? -Bad said, now on the floor, cupping Etoiles face with his hand.
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I actually really don’t like phil and etoiles playing on tubbo’s computer while he sits there, because it’s just not my kind of humor to have tubbo just be mocked for an hour (like gen no hate to ccs their friends and know eachothers limits just not for me sob) but I will power through because sunny darling
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