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Revolt of the soul:- Excellent documentary about the history of Ethiopian music. #ethiopianmusic #ethiopianoldies #ethiopiques #ethiopiaprevails #longliveethiopia #habeshamusic #eritrean https://youtu.be/xSR4a19rNEw (at Kentlands, Gaithersburg, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaSTX80LGJj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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DTL on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TPLF_Lies DTL on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DebunkingTPLFLies247 DTL on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/debunkingtplflies/ DTL on Tumblr: https://debunkingtplflies.tumblr.com/ Exposing #TPLFlies for the sake of nurturing #peace, #security, and #development for the #HornOfAfrica. #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia #Djibouti #Peace4theHorn #Eritrea Prevails #EthiopiaPrevails #TheHornPrevails
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ሕዳሴ ግድብ ከፅንሰቱ እስከ አገልግሎት መስጠቱ የትውልዶች ርብርብ የዜጎች በላባቸው ያገኙትን ጥሪት አዋጥተው እንዲሁም በሀገር መሪዎች ቅብብሎሽ ነውና ሁላቸውም ምስጋና ይድረሳቸው። ከተባበርን የምዕራባውያን ቀኝ እጅ የሆኑት የዓለም ባንክ እንዲሁም አይ.ኤም.ኤፍ. የሚያቀርቡትን ቅድመ ሁኔታዎችን ወደጎን አድርገን በሀገራችን ኢትዮጵያ በአህጉረ አፍሪካ እንዲሁም ሌሎች 3ኛ ዓለም ያሉ ሀገራት ው��ጥ ትልልቅ ከድህነት የሚያወጡ ፕሮጀክቶችን መተግበር ይቻላል። The generational input, it’s own citizens fussing & unwavering leadership brought the massive #GERD project in #Ethiopia to fruition… Many thanks to all 🙏🏾 #EthiopiaPrevails This project has proven that the western instruments #WorldBank and #IMF don’t have any leverage… We can reject their preconditions of puppet governments to do more projects in Ethiopia , African and in any third world country #እግዚአብሔርይመስገን #PanAfricanism #NoMore to #neoColonialism (at Ethiopia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaSE6r8Lpik/?utm_medium=tumblr
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IT IS MY DAM #AfricanDam
IT IS MY DAM #AfricanDam
❝Since the dawn of time, #Ethiopia, which contributes 80%+ of the waters, has used 0%. Today, more than 60% of Ethiopians do not have access to basic electricity…The time for a fair and equitable share of the Nile is now…This is truly a dam of inclusivity.❞ #Ethiopia #Egypt #Sudan #ItisMyDam #AfricanDam #FillTheDam #EthiopiaPrevails #GERD…
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“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has” ~Margaret Mead. I don’t every post my heart pains because fr.. who am I, but I feel comfortable to so now so bear with🙃. The pearl of Africa is bleeding, but there’s thankfully a forward thinking group committed to working together; to not treat Uganda as a destination holiday, but to use influence and gifts to contribute to Uganda’s growth. Didn’t express my gratitude then, but thank you hayleymulenda and @hellaugandans for the live discussion 2 weeks ago - cannot wait for part 2. Here’s an open invite to those who want a community, the following take place over Zoom - DM for the invite: weekly, casual Acoli Bible study every Tuesday from 7pm; Luo Cultural Group language class, training and meeting every Sunday from 4:30pm and Acoli London Christian Fellowship every Sunday from 3pm. To any other tribes that meet together regularly, continue with your open invite policy so we don’t allow tribalism to threaten Uganda’s progress. Not to blot out specific tribal history and pain, but we can simultaneously see ourselves the way the world does, as Ugandans, and see each other in love #Ugandaisbleeding #EndpolicebrutalityinUganda UgandaDecides2021
BLM - now and always. Simple #BlackMaternalMortality #Congoisbleeding #EndSARS ZabarmariMassacre #BlackPoundDay #BEMNetwork_ #EthiopiaPrevails #EndLibyanSlavery #TigrayGenocide and more 3...
And though it seems that the world does not stand in solidarity with countries that seem less important, or that people fail to keep the same energy they would if it was a popular country/cause in question, this worldly approach doesn’t break the cycle of suffering: and it’s gotta start somewhere #WhatisHappeninginThailand #FarmersProtests #KisanProtests #SolidaritywithPalestine and more and more and more 3...
But regardless, what 2020 has shown Isaiah 1:17 is surely the way to live: “Learn to do b>right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow”
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እንኳን አደረሰን ለአባችን አመታዊ በዐል። #ethiopiantewahedoorthodox #gebremenfeskidus #ethiopiaprevails #ethiopianorthodoxnashville (at Kentlands, Gaithersburg, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpyUdiBpnTW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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በሐመረ ብርሐን ቅዱስ ዮሐንስ ቤተክርስቲያን የአብነት ትምህርት ቤት።ከትምህርት በኋላ። Hamer Birhan Kidus Yohannes Ethiopian Orthodox Church traditional church learning center in Rockville MD #EotcMedihanealemoakland #ethiopians #ethiopiaprevails #orthodoxchurch #ethiopiantewahedoorthodox #johnthebaptist (at Rockville, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Carw0S8LdEz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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በረከቶ ከኛ ጋ ይሁን ብፁዕ አባታችን። #ethiopiantewahedoorthodox #ethiopians #ethiopiaprevails #abunemerkurios #patriarch #orthodoxchurch (at Kentlands, Gaithersburg, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Caq7vOiugfj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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The Battle of Adwa - አድዋ #adwa #ethiopians #africanvictory1896🙌💚💛❤🇪🇹 #africanvictory #kingmenelik #heroes #blackpeoplevictory #ethiopiaprevails #menelik #italian (at Kentlands, Gaithersburg, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Camg8nKLqpr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ሞዐ ተዋሕዶ። Let's Support them. #ethiopiantewahedoorthodox #ethiopians #tewahidoorthodox #ethiopiaprevails (at Kentlands, Gaithersburg, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaJGLeJrKPE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ሰላማዊ ትግሉ ቀጥሏል። ኢትዮጵያዊነት ያሸንፋል። ሰላም ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ። ከሰልፍ ስመለስ የሸዋ ሮቢቱን ጀግና የአቶ እሸቱ ሞገስንና የልጃቸውን የጀግነት ውሎ ባደረጉት የስልክ ልውውጥ በዜና ላይ ሰምቼ ላርፍና እምባዬን ልገታ አልቻልኩም። ወይ ጀግንነት። ለዚህ ነው ኢትይጵያዊነት ያሸንፋል የምንለው። በቃ!!! #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #EthiopiaPrevails #SenateDemocrats #nomore #AbiyAhmed #genocide #ethiopians #ethiopiantewahedoorthodox ኢትዮጵያ ለዘለአለም ትኑር!!! (at Rockville, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/solomonabush/p/CXUsYzpMK5i/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ምን ይመስላችኋል?ማን ይሄዳል? #ethiopiaprevails #ethiopianism #ethiopianairlines (at Kentlands, Gaithersburg, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXLs1yyOuKB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ደሴ የማላውቅሽ ፣ አዝኜልሽ ዛሬ ደግሞ የተደሰትኩልሽ ከተማ። እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን። ENDF + Amhara + Afar Forces have recaptured the following cities:- 📍Dessie 📍Kombolcha 📍Qersa 📍Degan 📍Bati & 📍Gerba Cities ኢትዮጵያ ለዘለአለም ትኑር!!! #EthiopiaPrevails #TPLFisaTerroristGroup #AbiyAhmed #genocide #Ethiopia #nomore #ethiopians #ethiopiaprevails #nomore #TPLFisaTerroristGroup (at Gaithersburg, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/solomonabush/p/CXJx7ILp4EW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Ethiopia!ኢትዮጵያ ሀገሬ። ሰላሙን እመኝልሻለሁ። #ethiopians #habesha #africa #EthiopiaPrevails #iloveethiopia🇪🇹 (at Kentlands, Gaithersburg, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWKlXevA7Pm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Months ago, the interim mayor of Tigray revealed how the TPLF used false propaganda to wreak terror among the people of Tigray. The criminals and rapists who were wreaking such havoc across the region were organized and initiated by the TPLF and were told to pose as Eritrean troops. As the TPLF fled, they distributed condoms—even to elderly women at churches—saying that Eritrean troops were coming to rape them, and they did this with the aim of terrorizing the population and angering the youth to take action and revenge. Why did they do this? Initially, the people did not believe in the war and would not mobilize to fight in it.
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Recruiting child soldiers is a war crime, and the TPLF is recruiting thousands of them. Why has the international community yet to condemn the TPLF for this?
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