#Ethan Allen
sitting-on-me-bum · 2 months
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Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan, USA
By Ethan Allen
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salmonthecat · 5 months
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tricornonthecob · 1 year
These take too long
LK 107: Green M&M Bois
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Wait hold up. Y'all get jumped, bound, gagged, and kidnapped, you demand to speak with the manager, and as soon as you have the opportunity the first thing you ask about is real estate??? Sarah. Honey. You were briefed about this.
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James you ADHD impulse-control-deficient ass, read the room.
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You gotta correct him like a puppy.
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She. Has. A. Point. Y'all.
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"...are we the baddies?"
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That doesn't... that doesn't make it better, bro.
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Dude. Creepy.
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Failed the sleight of hand check.
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Buddy that is a 15/16 year old girl you're taking out all this frustration on. Do you feel like a big man now?
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James quit being an ass, yes your sarcastically written notes will probably be very funny in hindsight but your friend is getting creeped on.
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I... I really don't like LK Ethan Allen. This feels real smarmy, appealing to an impressionable teenager in order to sow division in this friend group of, and I repeat myself, teenagers.
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"How are the Grants homes?"
"Oh them? Yeah. They're fine I guess."
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oh now he protecc?
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Sounds like someone is real into Sovereign Citizen rhetoric.
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Kidnap and arson. The usual.
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God I hate him. Can I punch him?
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Fucking hell bro, this is some Neegan shit.
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lookit the balls of steel on this girl omg. Don't fuck with a Phillips.
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... well, no, you built the house for shelter, but go on, I guess.
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Its unclear to me how that quite works, also are y'all gonna like, spray down the surrounding area to keep the housefire contained and not start a forest fire, or....
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Look at this fanboy. James the hunky designer furniture in the shape of a man with undeniable charisma talking about political philosophy is a shithead please stop ogling him like that.
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Ah now he's starting to see?
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oh no. Impressionable teenage boy with misplaced anger gets swayed by charismatic tough guy. A tragedy as old as time :(
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You are. Arguing with. A Teenager.
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god I keep forgetting teenagers can be such assholes.
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I'm just gonna hop in here and let y'all know that not only did this show introduce me to OTP with Sarah/James, it also introduced me to NOTP with Sarah/Arnold. If its your otp I'm not gonna yuck your yum but it rubs me VERY INCORRECTLY and I will have a visceral reaction every time anything borders on it.
That being said I can also see where themes can be spun from her having a misguided crush on who she would likely see as an older man that occupies a very specific niche of Proper, Organized, Effective Military Leader Of Men. Something something redcoat dad issues incarnate. I'm pretty sure that's the point of why the LK team chose to present it in this fashion and though its my NOTP, I can dig it from this perspective.
That being said James' crush on Ethan Allen mirrors her crush on Benedict Arnold. They both are crushing on terrible older men lol. Huh, I see what you did there, writers. I see you.
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Obsessed with my thrifted mirror 🤩
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sarahhillips · 1 year
Libertys Kids Through a Stoned Girls Eyes
Green Mountain Boys
Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold at the same time is too much for the ovaries.
You can smash someone head in like a grape on a printing press.
Sarahs really determined to make a home with her family in the us.
Ethan Allen writes emo poetry
If only James had lived to see the moon landing.
Sarah you dumb bitch
Sarah “I’d like to speak to a manager” Phillips 🤦🏻‍♀️
You’re one to talk about stealing land Ethan you pastry dough
The Little Redcoat
You gon learn today little redcoat
Sarah just straight up gripping Allens arm and its as thick as a branch.
Sarah squared up with Allen, she’s that ballsy.
And here he is, the sexy traitor.
This is how Sarah met one of her stories villains
Allen is built like a Geodude.
“Ok sir, I understand” *fingers crossed behind back*
Oh course, our girl is gonna do what she wants.
I bet Arnold felt pathetic when he realized he failed to make a teenage girl obey him.
Bro came out in his pajamas and said fuck it here you go.
Tom doesn’t give a fuck
Little French weasel oui oui
I could go for some pancakes rn but I already ate too much.
The Second Continental Congress
Here comes the Big G.
James these are colonial times, of course you’re on horseshit duty.
James how do you not know that Paul is a Nigerian prince that needs you to store some money
This guy is a million red flags.
James would definitely be fooled by an internet scammer.
Paul wtf are you doing.
James gettin his ass whooped tonight
“My bellies on fire!” I wish mine could do that. I’m cold.
Love that Henris doing the journalism now
“Ok but George should totes be general.” “Hells yeah.”
James you gullible dumbass.
That was six burns in one sentence there.
At least James finally knows now that bros a fake
Fuck yes Henri, poke them holes in that there boat
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rapid-apathy · 1 year
Ever since I arrived to a state of manhood, I have felt a sincere passion for liberty. The history of nations doomed to perpetual slavery, in consequence of yielding up to tyrants their natural born liberties, I read with a sort of philosophical horror; so that the first systematical and bloody attempt at Lexington, to enslave America, thoroughly electrified my mind, and fully determined me to take part with my country.
Ethan Allen
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hypedfire · 1 year
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Living Room Formal Sacramento A large, elegant living room with beige walls, a carpeted brown floor, and no television or fireplace
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squidinkarchives · 2 years
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Ethan Allen Gossip Bench, Lane Hitchcock Style
I think that hyper-specific themed furniture like gossip benches should make a comeback. Why pace around the house when you can sit and lean dreamily in a designated chatting chair? Of course, we are no longer tethered by chains of wired rotary phones anymore. I think the design of this is stunning - I love some good floral and contrast.
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Source Here
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roadtripnewengland · 2 years
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Ethan Allen Tower- Burlington, Vermont
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jasvvy · 2 years
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anthony-usa-today · 2 months
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turtleislandhistory · 5 months
May 10, 1775
Ethan Allen and Colonel Benedict Arnold lead The Green Mountain Boys to capture Fort Ticonderoga in New York.
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salmonthecat · 4 months
Liberty's kids yandere au headcanons
Warning:this post is about yandere stuff. Your mental health, your responsibility.
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George Washington
The man is very protective of you. When someone inappropriately touches you, some one is about to lose their hand privileges. Just kidding he'd give them a death stare (it's enough to scare a grown man) but he's actually harmless.
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Benedict Arnold
This man is normally very pissy. If someone touches you, he'll maul that person in private. Do not cross him or his darling
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Ethan Allen
He's very clingy despite him being a grown man. If someone touches you, he'll ask for a fight, if he wins, you and him carry on with your day.
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tricornonthecob · 1 year
LK 107: Where on God's Green Earth Are The Bois
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Eggs Bennie is here to remind you that you're still on the clock.
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Okay but again. I'd lose my shit if I was constantly being disrespected like that, too, just for trying to do my job.
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Have you ever said something in a meeting, and it was rejected, then somebody else said the exact same thing you did but slightly differently, and everybody said "Oh word?" I have. I feel Eggs Bennie right now so hard.
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He feels it, too. Its why he got stationed in Bumfuck, New York.
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Okay real talk I would be so fucking giddy. The rebels had no cannon and then suddenly Hella Artillery. Just flush with munitions.
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quit indulging your weird crush, Sarah.
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The New Hampshire Grants more like the New Hampshire Sass.
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Shit doesn't get past that nose of his.
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ah, so it is Redcoat Dad Issues Incarnate, then.
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Fuck he knows about him. This is making me spin headcanons.
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Sarah it was like a 48-hour daydream you don't need to lend it more gravitas than it deserves. Or is it the Dad Issues coming out.
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You know what this reminds me of???
Longbottom Leaf.
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Of course he's a fucking beef jerky guy I bet he has a sponsorship deal with fucking Jack Links. She says derisively as a beef jerky girl.
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Oh no. Oh no, honeyyyyy. I'm getting Long John Silver/Jimboy Hawkins vibe from this but like, source text Treasure Island literary lesson in the dark side of human nature and not Treasure Planet wholesome father/son discovery vibes.
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while they argue and continue to lean into the enemies-to-lovers trope, Henri eats all their food and watches.
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"A Soldier'n Dignity."
Sarah. That's your subtitle?
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They both get to say they won. Benji Franx is trying real hard to make this a friends-to-lovers situation, isn't he.
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Its because You Roll I Roll We Roll
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Was it that, or was it because you respect her and love it when she's bold and chaotic and thought she looked cute in the outfit.
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She giving so much Dom energy in this frame.
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"...I have the weirdest boner."
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He likes it and is uncomfortably turned on by having his spelling corrected, because I say so.
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He's either an animal, or he's super off-kilter from his crush's mad top energy, or he's both. Buddy you are getting syrup on your hands are you trying to give her more fodder to sass at you, man you really aren't handling this newfound kink well.
I'm so mad there was a part 5, why was there so much content here.
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elegantzombielite · 6 months
"The gods of the valley are not the gods of the hills."
Ethan Allen, revolutionary (21st January 1738-1789)
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linusjf · 8 months
Ethan Allen: Gods
“The gods of the valley are not the gods of the hills.” —Ethan Allen.
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