#Estrada Properties
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Meteor showers shed light on where comets formed in the early solar system
An international team of 45 researchers studying meteor showers has found that not all comets crumble the same way when they approach the Sun
An international team of 45 researchers studying meteor showers has found that not all comets crumble the same way when they approach the Sun. In a paper published in the journal Icarus this week, they ascribe the differences to the conditions in the protoplanetary disk where comets formed 4.5 billion years ago.
“The meteoroids we see as meteors in the night sky are the size of small pebbles,” said lead author and SETI Institute and NASA Ames meteor astronomer Peter Jenniskens. “They are, in fact, the same size as the pebbles that collapsed into comets during the formation of our solar system.”
As our solar system formed, tiny particles in the disk around the young Sun gradually grew larger until they became the size of small pebbles. 
“Once pebbles grow large enough to no longer travel along with the gas, they are destroyed by mutual collisions before they can grow much bigger,” said NASA Ames planetary scientist and co-author Paul Estrada. “Comets and primitive asteroids instead were formed when clouds of these pebbles locally collapsed into kilometer-sized and larger bodies.” /p>
Fast forward 4.5 billion years: when comets approach the Sun today, they crumble into smaller pieces called meteoroids. Those meteoroids co-orbit with the comet for a while and can later create meteor showers when they hit Earth’s atmosphere. 
“We hypothesized that comets crumble into the sizes of the pebbles they are made of,” said Jenniskens. “In that case, the size distribution and the physical and chemical properties of young meteoroid streams still contain information about the conditions in the protoplanetary disk during this collapse.”
Jenniskens and his team of professional and amateur astronomers use special low-light video cameras in networks all over the world to track meteors in a NASA-sponsored project called “CAMS” – or Cameras for Allsky Meteor Surveillance (http://cams.seti.org). 
“These cameras measure the meteoroids’ paths, how high they are when they first light up, and how they slow down in Earth’s atmosphere,” said Jenniskens. “Specialized cameras measured the composition of some of these meteoroids.”
The team studied 47 young meteor showers. Most are the crumbs of two types of comets: Jupiter-family comets from the Scattered Disk of the Kuiper Belt beyond Neptune and long-period comets from the Oort Cloud surrounding our solar system. Long-period comets move on much wider orbits than the Jupiter-family comets and are much more loosely held by the Sun’s gravity.
“We found that long-period (Oort Cloud) comets often crumble into sizes indicative of gentle accretion conditions,” said Jenniskens. “Their meteoroids have a low density. The meteoroid streams contain a fairly constant 4% of a type of solid meteoroids that were heated in the past and now only brighten deeper in Earth’s atmosphere and typically are poor in the element sodium.” 
On the other hand, Jupiter-family comets usually crumble into smaller, denser meteoroids. They also have a higher 8% of solid materials on average and show more diversity in that content.
“We concluded that these Jupiter-family comets are composed of pebbles that had reached the point where fragmentation became important in their size evolution,” said Estrada. “The higher admixture of materials that were heated in the past are expected closer to the Sun.”
Primitive asteroids formed even closer to the Sun, although still outside the orbit of Jupiter. These asteroids produce meteor showers with even smaller particles, showing their pebble building blocks experienced even more aggressive fragmentation.
“While there are exceptions in both groups, the implication is that most long-period comets formed under more gentle particle growth conditions, possibly near the 30 AU edge of the Trans Neptunian Disk,” said Estrada. “Most Jupiter family comets formed closer to the Sun where pebbles reached or passed the fragmentation barrier, while primitive asteroids formed in the region where the cores of the giant planets formed.” 
How is this possible? While the giant planets were growing, Neptune moved outward and scattered comets and asteroids out of the remaining protoplanetary disk. This outward movement likely created both the Scattered Disk of the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud. That would predict that both long period and Jupiter-family comets have the same properties, but the team found otherwise.
“It is possible that stars and molecular clouds in the birth region of the Sun perturbed the wide orbits of Oort Cloud comets early on, and the long-period comets we see today were scattered into such orbits only at a time when the Sun had moved out of this region,” said Jenniskens.  “In contrast, Jupiter-family comets have always been on shorter orbits and sample all objects scattered by Neptune on its way out.”
TOP IMAGE: Protoplanetary disk. Figure from a computer simulation visualizing the formation of planets Credit NASA/JPL-Caltech
LOWER IMAGE: Three phases in the evolution of the outer solar system. (A) At the time of pebble collapse into comets, pointing to the likely origin region of asteroids (AST), Jupiter-family comets (JFC) and long-period comets (LPC); (B) At the time when Neptune scattered comets into a Scattered Disk of the Kuiper Belt; (C) After the Sun had left the birth star cluster and a planet instability created the outer Oort Cloud. Credit Jenniskens et al. (2024) Icarus
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rockislandadultreads · 4 months
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Celebrate Pride Month this June!
Check out these fiction recommendations in celebration of Pride Month!
A Sweet Sting of Salt by Rose Sutherland
When a sharp cry wakes Jean in the middle of the night during a terrible tempest, she is shocked by what she discovers - a young woman in labor, drenched to the bone in the bitter cold and able to barely speak a word of English. Jean soon learns the woman is the new wife of the neighbor up the road and, as she becomes increasingly concerned for her safety, she also starts to grow feelings for her. When Jean starts asking questions, however, the answers she finds are more harrowing than she ever could have imagined.
Late Bloomer by Mazey Eddings
After winning the lottery - and subsequently being bombarded by everyone she knows for a handout - Opal decides to protect herself by putting her new money toward a failing flower farm in Asheville, North Carolina, to let the flowers live out their plant destiny while she uses the cabin on the property to start her painting business. But her plans for isolation and self-preservation go hopelessly awry when an angry (albeit gorgeous) Pepper Boden is waiting for her at her new farm.
The Fellowship of Puzzle Makers by Samuel Burr
Clayton Stumper might be in his twenties, but he dresses like your grandpa and fusses like your aunt. Abandoned at birth on the steps of the Fellowship of Puzzlemakers, he was raised by a group of eccentric enigmatologists. When the esteemed crossword compiler and main maternal presence in Clayton’s life passes away, she bestows her final puzzle on him: a promise to reveal the mystery of his parentage. So begins Clay’s quest to uncover the secrets surrounding his birth that will change his life forever. 
The Prospects by K.T. Hoffman
Gene Ionescu, a gay trans man in the minors with the Beaverton Beavers, is a solid shortstop, but he's no one's idea of a major league prospect. He's just happy to be here. But his plans go awry when Luis Estrada - Gene's rival since their college days - gets traded to his team and takes Gene's position. After being forced over to second base, Gene and Luis can't manage a civil conversation or a competent play. But when Gene finds Luis having a panic attack, he offers to start extra practices together and, as they grow closer, Gene's dream of playing in the majors becomes a threat to his burgeoning relationship.
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truecrimecrystals · 9 months
Cases with Major Updates in 2023, Part One.
Many cases featured on this page had major updates during 2023. While these cases still aren't resolved, these updates created movement in their investigations and more awareness to the case overall. Here's part one of the list of cases with major updates this year. Lots of you are already familiar with them so I provided a brief TL;DR description with each, but links to the full case write-up are there as well! Part two will be posted at a later date.
The Disappearance & Death of Cheyann Klus. TL;DR update: The remains of Cheyann Klus were identified in January 2023. Cheyann had been missing since December 2017; she vanished at the age of 22 from Chicago, Illinois. Her remains were reportedly found in 2020 but remained unidentified until January 2023.
The Disappearance & Murder of Katelyn Markham. TL;DR update: In March 2023, John Carter was charged with Katelyn's murder. Weeks earlier, Jonathan Palmerton was charged with perjury in relation to Katelyn's murder. Katelyn originally vanished in Fairfield, Ohio at the age of 21 during 2011. Her remains were found in 2013. Carter was Katelyn's fiancé and he had been a person of interest in the case since her disappearance. The cases against both men are currently pending.
The Murder of Courtney Phillips. TL;DR update: Isaac Estrada was finally charged with Courtney Phillips' murder after being captured by authorities in Eagle Pass, Texas. Courtney was found stabbed to death at a residence in San Antonio, Texas in April 2015. Estrada was a suspect early into the investigation, but police were unable to locate him. After 8 years on the run, Estrada was finally captured in March 2023. He is currently facing charges for evading arrest, first-degree aggravated robbery and first-degree murder. 
The Disappearance of Irene Gakwa. TL;DR update: During March 2023, Nathan Hightman was sentenced to six years in prison for using Irene Gakwa's credit cards, bank accounts, and Facebook/email accounts after she went missing in February 2022. Irene is still missing, and Hightman still denies knowledge of her whereabouts.
The Disappearance & Death of Madison Scott. TL;DR update: The remains of Madison Scott were found on a rural property east of Vanderhoof during May 2023. Madison vanished at the age of 20 nearly 12 years earlier during a party at Hogsback Lake. Since the discovery of her remains, detectives have remained quiet about the state of the investigation.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
LOS ANGELES — A federal court jury on Thursday convicted a Bay Area man who was an FBI special agent of conspiring to accept at least $150,000 in cash bribes from a lawyer with ties to Armenian organized crime, authorities said.
Lafayette resident Babek Broumand, 56, was convicted on two counts of bribery of a public official, one count of conspiracy and one count of monetary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity, U.S. Attorney Martin Estrada of the Central District of California said in a statement.
Evidence at the 11-day trial showed Broumand accepted cash, checks, private jet flights, a Ducati motorcycle, hotel stays, escorts, meals and other items of value from the organized crime lawyer, Estrada said.
He was remanded into federal custody and is scheduled to be sentenced by U.S. District Judge R. Gary Klausner on Jan. 30, 2023. He faces maximum sentences of 15 years in federal prison for each bribery count; 10 years for each unlawful money transactions count; and five years for each conspiracy count.
The jury found Broumand not guilty of one count of bribery of a public official and one count of monetary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity.
According to Estrada, Broumand was an FBI special agent from January 1999 until search warrants were searched on his business and home in 2018. He was responsible for national security investigations from the FBI’s field office in San Francisco.
Estrada said that in return for the bribe payments, Broumand conducted law enforcement database inquiries and used them to help the organized crime lawyer and his associates avoid prosecution and monitoring. Authorities identified the lawyer only as E.S.
Broumand helped E.S. by informing him whether a particular person or entity was under criminal investigation, Estrada said. Broumand would tell E.S. to “stay away” from a person or that they were “OK,” according to Estrada.
To conceal their work, Estrada said Broumand made it appear as if E.S. was working as an FBI source. Broumand wrote reports after the fact to make it look as if he’d conducted legitimate law enforcement database inquiries, Estrada said.
E.S. paid Broumand at least $150,000 in cash and check bribes, as well as other accessories valued at more than $36,000, Estrada said. The bribes were deposited into the accounts for Love Bugs LLC, a Lafayette-based lice-removal hair salon business that Broumand and his wife started in 2007.
At one point early in the scheme, according to Estrada, E.S. asked Broumand to query the FBI database for Levon Termendzhyan, an Armenian organized crime figure for whom E.S. had worked. The database search revealed an FBI investigation in Los Angeles.
Estrada said court documents showed Broumand accessed the FBI case file on Termendzhyan repeatedly in January 2015 and again in May 2016.
A federal jury in Utah found Termendzhyan guilty in March 2020 on criminal charges related to a $1 billion renewable fuel tax credit fraud scheme, Estrada said. He still awaits sentencing on those charges.
Broumand also interfered with an FBI investigation into Felix Cisneros Jr., a corrupt special agent with the Department of Homeland Security Investigations. Cisneros also had ties to Termendzhyan. Cisneros was convicted at trial in 2018 for his corrupt acts with Termendzhyan and again earlier this year for his corrupt acts with E.S., Estrada said.
Cisneros is scheduled to be sentenced Oct. 17.
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dunilefra · 17 days
Facts of Nicaragua's Constitution
Preamble (Part of it)
Representatives of the People of Nicaragua, united in the Constituent National Assembly,
The struggles of our indigenous ancestors;
The spirit of Central American unity and the combative tradition of our people who, inspired by the example of General JOSE DOLORES ESTRADA, ANDRES CASTRO and EMMANUEL MONGALO, destroyed the dominion of the foreign adventurers and defeated the North-American intervention in the National War;
The protagonist of the cultural independence of the Nation, the Universal Poet RUBEN DARIO;
The anti-interventionist actions of BENJAMIN ZELEDON;
The General of Free People, AUGUSTO C. SANDINO, Father of the Popular and Anti- imperialist Revolution;
The heroic action of RIGOBERTO LOPEZ PEREZ, initiator of the beginning of the end of the dictatorship;
The example of CARLOS FONSECA, the greatest perpetuator of Sandino’s legacy, founder of the Sandinista National Liberation Front and Leader of the Revolution;
The martyr of public liberties, Doctor PEDRO JOAQUIN CHAMORRO CARDENAL;
The Cardinal of Peace and Reconciliation, Cardinal MIGUEL OBAND Y BRAVO;
The generations of Heroes and Martyrs who forged and carried forward the liberation struggle for national independence.
Article 2
National sovereignty resides in the people who exercise it by means of democratic procedures, deciding and participating freely in the establishment and improvement of the nation’s economic, political, cultural and social system. The people exercise sovereign power through their representatives freely elected by universal, equal, direct, and secret suffrage, barring any other individual or group of individuals from usurping such representation. They may also exercise it directly by means of a referendum or plebiscite or other mechanisms established by the present Constitution and the laws. Similarly, it could exercise it by other means of direct democracy, like participatory budgets, citizens’ initiatives, territorial councils, territorial and municipal assemblies of the indigenous peoples and those of African descent, sectorial councils and other means established by this Constitution and the laws.
Article 4
The State recognizes the individual, the family, and the community as the origin and the end of its activity, and is organized to achieve the common good, assuming the task of promoting the human development of each and every Nicaraguan, inspired by Christian values, socialist ideals, practices based on solidarity, democracy and humanism, as universal and general values, as well as the values and ideals of Nicaraguan culture and identity.
Article 5
Liberty, justice, respect for the dignity of the human person, political and social pluralism, the recognition of the distinct identity of the indigenous peoples and those of African descent within the framework of a unitary and indivisible state, the recognition of different forms of property, free international cooperation and respect for the free self-determination of peoples, Christian values, socialist ideals, and practices based on solidarity, and the values and ideals of the Nicaraguan culture and identity, are the principles of the Nicaraguan nation.
Christian values ensure brotherly love, the reconciliation between the members of the Nicaraguan family, the respect for individual diversity without any discrimination, the respect for and equal rights of persons with disabilities, and the preference for the poor.
The State recognizes the existence of the indigenous peoples and those of African descent who enjoy the rights, duties and guarantees designated in the Constitution, and especially those which allow them to maintain and develop their identity and culture, to have their own forms of social organization and administer their local affairs, as well as to preserve the communal forms of land property and their exploitation, use, and enjoyment, all in accordance with the law. For the communities of the Caribbean Coast, an autonomous regime is established in the present Constitution.
Nicaragua encourages regional integration and advocates the reconstruction of the Grand Central American Homeland.
Article 47
All Nicaraguans who have reached 16 years of age are citizens.
Only citizens enjoy the political rights set forth in the Constitution and in the laws, without further limitations other than those established for reasons of age.
Rights of citizens shall be suspended by imposition of serious corporal or specific related punishments and by final judgment of civil injunction.
Article 181
The State shall organize by means of a law the regime of autonomy for the indigenous peoples and ethnic communities of the Atlantic Coast, which shall have to contain, among other rules: the functions of their government organs, their relation with the Executive and Legislative Power and with the municipalities, and the exercise of their rights. This law shall require for its approval and reform the majority established for the amendment of constitutional laws.
The concessions and contracts of rational exploitation of the natural resources granted by the State in the Autonomous Regions of the Atlantic Coast must have the approval of the corresponding Regional Autonomous Council.
The members of the Regional Autonomous Councils of the Atlantic Coast can lose their condition for the reasons and procedures established by law.
by Dunilefra, working for World Order
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blogynews · 11 months
"Unlocking the Truth: How the Home Office Evolved From a Covid Necessity to an Underwhelming Reality"
Real estate agent Ivan Estrada recently discovered a remarkable residence in the Encino neighborhood of California in April 2020. This home, priced at approximately $2.6 million, boasted an essential feature that set it apart from other properties: a spacious office space. The immense size of this office was a prerequisite for accommodating his client’s work-from-home routine. In an era where…
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blogynewz · 11 months
"Unlocking the Truth: How the Home Office Evolved From a Covid Necessity to an Underwhelming Reality"
Real estate agent Ivan Estrada recently discovered a remarkable residence in the Encino neighborhood of California in April 2020. This home, priced at approximately $2.6 million, boasted an essential feature that set it apart from other properties: a spacious office space. The immense size of this office was a prerequisite for accommodating his client’s work-from-home routine. In an era where…
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deadwaterrp · 2 years
Founding Families
We all know how Winston Whittaker first laid stake on Deadwater back in 1850, but Rome wasn’t built overnight and it sure as hell wasn’t built by one white man. While the old trading post drew some pioneers to Deadwater, it was the small established community as a whole that ultimately triggered a boom. In addition to Whittaker, three settlers specifically helped Deadwater grow and expand faster than any of them could have ever dreamed. Perhaps because each of them had everything to lose if Deadwater didn’t pan out. Once the town was officially established and settled into, each of these men served as town council members and continued to contribute tremendously to the community. Today the descendants and families of the Founding Four make up the pillars of our town and are celebrated on Founders’ Day every February. Continue reading to find out more about each family and check our site when we open for their ongoing subplots! Character Creation Note: These families are prominent members of Deadwater. As such, we highly encourage creating characters connected to, related to or direct descendants of the family. However, please first read over family information thoroughly before diving in and flag down either Stormy or Hemlock to go over any ideas you may have. Be aware of the ethnic makeup of the families as well. While marriage, adoption and all that will absolutely result in mixed and blended families, it is mandatory that their ethnicities be respected in some measure (Estradas: Mexican American/Latino, Kings: African American, Ngais: Chinese Americans, Whittakers: European Americans).
The Estradas
Hard work and unwavering commitment to both family and community has been the doctrine for the Estradas for well over a century. To most of Deadwater they are known as the ranchers, or cattle farmers, but what people don’t understand is how much love they have for not only what they do, but for every single animal under their care. Perhaps this care is part of the reason why they are the only livestock farmers who have been able to sustain their business in all of Deadwater and its surrounding areas. They are a tight-knit clan, maybe to a point of overbearing at times. You can bet any news among the Estradas gets passed around fast. And while they tend to keep to themselves, the generosity they extend to outsiders or strangers lost in the desert is unmatched. That is, of course, as long as you show your humility and respect. Try to bite them? The Wilds will bite back for them.
The Kings
Locals might know of the King family because of the hospital named after the founding patriarch Walker J. King. Mr. Walker King, along with his wife’s influence, was responsible for getting the hospital built in the first place and his family has claimed ownership ever since. Although this is their most recognized family legacy, the Kings have had their hands in several projects throughout Deadwater history. The first school house, for example, was also overseen by them and later transformed into our current grade school through their push. They also championed the proposal and construction of both the Heritage Park Museum and the Lowlands Community Center. Beloved for their important contributions, the Kings could be considered the darlings of Deadwater. Led by their current matriarch, the Kings of the modern era have continued to charm and enchant Deadwater with their warmth and hospitality.
The Ngais
From construction, to real estate, to property development, the Ngais have come a long way since the early settler days. It’s clear that the family takes pride in their long history of achievements in Deadwater. Who in the family wouldn’t be proud when much of your town’s early housing construction can be attributed to “Thomas” Ngai? In more contemporary times, it was Ngai Enterprises’ foresight and dedication to the town that brought the most luxurious hotel in Deadwater back to life, and then had the balls to build an entire theme park around it. Without the Ngai family’s foresight and unyielding ambition, Deadwater would not be the prosperous desert town it is today. On principle, the family is quiet about their glowing reputation for the most part, but that’s because they let their work do the talking for them.
The Whittakers
Everyone who has lived in Deadwater for a while will know of a Whittaker direct descendant. There’s a good number of them in town, after all, and it’s difficult not to notice the name. With a hand in almost everything, if only by virtue of their money and reputation, the Whittakers like to consider themselves as the backbone of Deadwater. In reality they are simply good at piggybacking off the talents of their peers. Many are quite jaded, having heard too many times the tale of their forefather. But for every bastard and extended cousin, there's a fame grubbing housewife touting her husband's "pure" lineage while preparing her children to be the next figurehead in the community, hosting lavish parties and supporting charities for local causes. There is more rivalry between the Whittaker families than there is love. Yet at the end of the day, the town is their heritage and you'll be hard pressed to find a single one of them who would willingly leave their home.
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rdpunzalan · 2 years
Article 1208. Law of the Philippines
G.R. No. 194272
Husband and wife Amado and Esther Ibañez (spouses Ibañez) borrowed money from Ma, Consuelo Estrada, and Francisco E. Muñoz, Sr. The sum of P1,300,000 is due from Consuelo E. Muñoz (Ma. Consuelo) in three months, plus interest at a monthly rate of 3%.
The Ibañez spouses signed a Promissory Note[8] obligating them to pay Ma jointly and severally. The loan sum with interest was given to Consuelo and Consuelo... In support of Ma, the Ibañez couples signed a Deed of Real Estate Mortgage[10]. Concerns between Consuelo and Consuelo regarding a piece of property and its upgrades.
The terms of the promissory note were also included in the mortgage.
Furthermore, it stated that Ma. If any of the following circumstances arise: (1) the mortgagor files a petition for bankruptcy or payment suspension; (2) the mortgagor fails to perform or complies with any covenant, agreement, term, or condition of the mortgage. Consuelo and Consuelo shall have the right to foreclose the mortgage immediately.
On September 23, 1997, Ma. Consuelo filed a claim claiming that the drawee had refused to respect any check payments and that the terms of the mortgage had been broken since November 17, 1996. Ma. Consuelo and Consuelo filed a request to have the mortgage on the property foreclosed.
The couples Ibañez filed a complaint[13] for an injunction and damages against Francisco, Ma. along with requests for a writ of preliminary injunction and a temporary restraining order. Consuelo, Consuelo, Clerk of Court, Ex-Officio Sheriff, Sheriff-in-Charge, and Manila City Register of Deeds.
The real estate mortgage was allegedly novated, therefore there was no justification for continuing with the foreclosure, according to the complaint.
The spouses of Ibañez claimed in an amended complaint they had filed on December 12th, 1997, that Francisco, Ma. had conducted the public auction. As the top bidders, Consuelo and Consuelo begged that the Ex-Officio Sheriff and the Sheriff-in-Charge refrain from signing the certificate of sale in favor of Francisco, Ma. and Consuelo.
They further urged that the Register of Deeds of Manila be restrained from recording the certificate of sale in the event that it has already been issued.
The RTC approved the Amended Compromise Agreement and adopted it as its Hatol.
Maria C. Muoz, Angelina M. Crocker, and Maria Elena M. Webster, the heirs of Francisco, who were enraged and represented by James Harper, filed a Petition for Certiorari[51] before the CA in accordance with Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of Court.
The CA determined that Francisco, Ma. was mentioned in both the Hatol and the Amended Complaint. As the creditors and the parties entitled to the revenues of the Amended Compromise Agreement, Consuelo and Consuelo. Due to the Deed of Assignment only being executed in Ma's favor. Consuelo and Consuelo, the spouses Ibaez's debt to Francisco was yet unpaid. Thus, the right to rely on paragraph 2.5 of the Compromise Agreement, which calls for the overturning of the trial court's judgment maintaining the status quo, remains with Francisco's heirs.
The RTC was informed of Francisco's passing on June 29, 2006, according to the documents, and the CA denied that there had been a legal substitution of parties. The RTC retained jurisdiction to favorably rule on the heirs' application to lift the status quo order and issue the writ of execution despite the late notification of death's submission.
According to Section 16, Rule 3 of the Revised Rules of Court, the attorney shall be held accountable for failing to notify the court of the client's passing, not the client's heirs.
The Revised Rules of Court's Section 16, Rule 3 states: Sec. 16. Party death; proper counsel. It is the duty of the party's counsel to notify the court within thirty (30) days of the party's passing of the fact of the death and to provide the name and address of the party's legal representative or representatives whenever a party to an ongoing action passes away without the claim being thereby extinguished. The court may appoint a guardian ad litem for the minor heirs if the attorney fails to fulfill this obligation. The heirs of the deceased may be substituted for the deceased without the need for the appointment of an executor or administrator.
If no legal representative is named by the counsel for the deceased party, or if the one so named fails to appear within the specified period, the court may order the opposing party, within a specified time, to obtain the appointment of an executor or administrator for the estate of the deceased, and the latter shall promptly order said executor or administrator to appear and be substituted within a period of thirty (30) days from notice. If paid for by the opposing party, the court fees associated with obtaining such an appointment may be recovered as costs.
As a result, the trial court gravely abused its discretion when it ruled that Harper could not be added as a party to the case due to the absence of a valid substitution.[77] By denying Francisco's heirs recognition, the trial court denied them the chance to compel compliance with any rights they might have under the terms of the Amended Compromise Agreement.
Whether Francisco was a real party in interest;Whether there was valid substitution of parties; andWhether all the provisions of the Amended Compromise Agreement have been complied with.
The Revised Rules of Court's Section 2, Rule 3 states: Sec. 2. parties involved. - The party entitled to the benefits of the lawsuit or the party that stands to benefit or be harmed by the verdict in the case is the true party in interest. Every action must be brought or defended in the name of the actual party with an interest, unless the law or these Rules specifically provide otherwise.
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iamrashod · 2 years
Ivan Estrada: Branding With Purpose  
CEO of Ivan Estrada Properties and author of Brand With Purpose, Ivan’s tenacity to accomplish his goals is unmatched. From being bullied because of his sexuality to his courageousness to come out to his religious family, Ivan sits down with SUAVV to discuss his childhood as a young child navigating Los Angeles and gives us a personal insight into his new book, Brand With Purpose, which…
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Just look at this beauty- it’s a 1915 Prairie School inspired home in Galveston, Texas. You’ve got to see the interior.
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You enter this large room before you even get to the center hall.
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The stairs and center hall. 
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This attractive orange & black room is used as a den.
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But, this room is amazing with all the built-ins. I think it’s a library, but they’re using it as a living room.
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Lovely vintage powder room.
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The formal dining room.
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The kitchen is just off the chain. Look at it!
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Look at the built-in cupboard.
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The stove exhaust hood, the drainboard sink...it’s amazing.
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The pantry is off the dining room. Look at how beautifully lit the cabinet it.
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Not only is there a new refrigerator in here, but there’s also a vintage one with the motor on top.
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The bedrooms are on the 2nd fl.
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The rooms are very large and light for an older home.
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This room has two full size beds and it’s still roomy. 
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The bath has many original elements like the beadboard walls, tub, floor tile and built-in cupboard.
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I’m not sure if this room is meant to be an actual bedroom b/c of the glass doors, but that’s what they’re using it as.
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4th bedroom. 
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This is a patio, in the back of the home, on the 2nd fl. 
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Koi pond in the yard.
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Behind the main house is a smaller home.
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It’s a spacious 1 bedroom. 
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Look at the sink!
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The whole home is beadboard- there’re so many original features in both homes.
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Just look at this bathroom- have you ever seen a little sink like that?
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This is a 2nd fl. deck on the little back house. What a property. 
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upismediacenter · 2 years
OPINION: Functionaries, not Families
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Photo credit: Sulat Nadera
Monarchies, sovereignties, and empires—the world is past these, especially the Philippines, since it is now a democracy and power supposedly emanates from its people. However, history is repeating itself with political dynasties surfacing throughout the country.
‘Political dynasties’ refers to political families dominating elected positions and public offices, treating the elective office as if it is their personal property or an heirloom to be passed down, according to a study by Dr. Teresa Tadem, a political science professor, and Dr. Eduardo Tadem, a professorial lecturer of Asian Studies. It is almost like a hereditary monarchy, with bloodlines ruling their respective provinces for generations on end. Our country has been monopolized by several powerful political dynasties; in fact, when you search for its definition, the Philippines is always mentioned as an example.
It is quite clear that these families have one goal: to keep themselves in power and secure selfish access to public funds. This explains why members of politically-inclined families always keep running for office. Additionally, they take pleasure in rewarding—or giving authority to—people who have proven their loyalty, despite representing flawed advocacies such as UniTeam, presidential aspirant Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio’s tandem. This is done to create alliances. For example, during the 2016 general elections, 9 out of 12 senate winners came from the late President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III’s slate, as stated in an article by The Asia Foundation. The Aquino political dynasty produced two presidents, five senators, and several members of the House of Representatives. They are one of the most influential lineages with regard to the government.
Another example is the 2019 midterm elections, wherein, according to Rappler, at least 164 families had winning members that included senators, House Representatives, and governors. This figure represents how many clans enjoy a great deal of influence in their respective regions.
The upcoming 2022 presidential elections are practically the same as past referendums, with different candidates from powerful political dynasties vying for their respective spots in the government. Two of the most notable factions are those of Leni Robredo and Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan and Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. (BBM) and Sara Duterte-Carpio. The latter seems to be the more notable of the two, as BBM is the son of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr. and Duterte-Carpio is the daughter of the current President Rodrigo Duterte. Both candidates’ parents are infamous for violating human rights and killing thousands of Filipinos during their respective terms. As the political climate currently stands, the execution of justice upon the Marcos and Duterte regimes remains a significant challenge. The UniTeam tandem, coming from two powerful ancestries themselves, is supported by numerous political dynasties, which include but are not limited to the Estradas, Arroyos, and Villars.
These clans have actually faced lawsuits, all with the same charge: plunder. Another common denominator of these groups is that they were pardoned and freed on bail, proving once again that they can get away with anything without accountability. This makes it difficult and almost impossible for social movements and civil society to challenge the power base of these political families, as Drs. Tandem have stated in their study. Evidently, they have the power and the means to endure such legal trials. They even have the budget to run for office—again, and again, and again.
According to Article II Section 26 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, The State shall guarantee equal access to opportunities for public service, and prohibit political dynasties as may be defined by law. This constitution has been active for 35 years and yet no law has been made to prohibit, limit, or regulate political dynasties. Isn't it ironic that the same people who are supposed to uphold and enforce our constitution are infringements to its doctrines?
The issue is so transparent and easily understandable that one could not wrap their head around the situation—that these people are free and may possibly even be re-elected. This mockery and abuse of the country’s electoral system and our democracy is unacceptable.  The thing about democracy is that the people are meant to choose who they wish to lead. It does not sit right with us that people are willingly electing families as if wishing to return to a monarchy.
But why are people even electing them into office in the first place? Individuals tend to look for a familiar “brand,” or a familiar face and name, rather than choosing which candidate has the best platform and advocacy. It’s as if people only look at the marketing rather than doing extensive research to find out who is best fit for the job. There is a strong link between celebrity status and electoral triumph. In an article published by TIME, it’s stated that there are at least 36 personalities running for office this upcoming election. To name a few, there is Francisco Domagoso (Isko Moreno), a former TV star and Manila’s mayor, and Manny Pacquiao, world boxing champion and senator. Both of them are presidential aspirants. Scandals, dramas, and gossip interests voters, says anthropologist Anna Pertierra in an interview with TIME. “Many voters may not really feel like a traditional politician is going to solve the problems that they feel that they’re experiencing,” says Pertierra. But then again, the majority of Filipinos do not have the privilege of having instant access to information, and even if they do, the education system is not sufficient in teaching them media literacy and fact-checking. People struck with poverty who are desperate for immediate change, false promises done by political candidates, and a mass disinformation campaign who not only target the poor, but the wealthy and educated as well, all create a recipe for disaster. The success of Duterte's presidential campaign which focused on eliminating corruption in 6 months, only for him to later back down on the said promise, is an example of this. Disinformation farms are getting better and better at fooling people into believing fake news and spreading mass hysteria. In addition, families who are gravely in need are very susceptible to vote-buying. The people aren’t entirely at fault. They may just be victims of circumstance. You know what they say, bad systems breed bad leaders.
The presidential system we have, in the first place, is very cutthroat and breeds a winner-takes-all type of mentality. Candidates go to great lengths to get elected into office, with some, according to a story from the Washington Post, running disinformation and troll farms just to make defamatory remarks about the competition and influence people’s opinions.
Government action is needed as soon as possible to put an end to this fiasco. Reforms in the education system are a must, as well as eliminating poverty. Our current system encourages the people and the media to be the watchdogs of the government, but given the current state of the country, we don’t think this is enough to keep the government in check. We need a change in the political system as a whole—not just in leadership. //by Pia Marantan and Paul Tumaliuan
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arrhakis · 1 year
Moradia T2 à venda em Mora, Mora | RE/MAX
Source: Moradia T2 à venda em Mora, Mora | RE/MAX   House T2 + Monte Alentejano T3 and 4750 m2 of area, in the most sought after area in the Municipality of Mora is for sale, (Modern and Rustic in one Property) Vila de Mora, District of Évora, Presenting a unique property. Single storey T2 house measuring 102m2 on top of Estrada das Cabeceiras, with stunning views of the municipality. Typical…
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sebastianshaw · 3 years
♂ (blxxd-diamxnd)
Professional phlebotomist Amelia "Mia" Estrada has drawn every type of blood in the business----but according to tall, dark, and hairy Sebastian Shaw, it's her blood that's special. A pharmaceutical mogul, he claims her veins posseses special properties that can become a goldmine in the medical industry. He also claims that's the only reason he's interested in her. And at first, Mia believes him. But if she's just a cash cow to him, why the fancy dinners? Why taking her to dances and galas she'd never even be able to see the guest list to on her own, let alone attend? Why the gifts and attention? Is he just trying to keep her happy so the money---and blood---keeps flowing? Or is his heart beating for something more? And more importantly----is hers? She's never met a man like Shaw; he seems so cold on the surface, all about business with no feelings beneath, yet under that massive muscular chest, an inferno blazes---for her! Will she douse that flame---or be consumed by it with him? And what about when the competition gets involved? Find out in--- A SANGUINE AFFAIR! @blxxd-diamxnd
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Bank of Spain sees small overvaluation in Spanish real estate prices
MADRID, Dec 27 - Spain's property sector is slightly overvalued following recent price increases but remains far from levels seen before a real estate bubble burst 15 years ago, plunging the banking system into crisis, a senior Bank of Spain official said on Thursday.
After being hit by lockdown measures introduced in March 2020 to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, Spanish property prices have started to recover and house sales have also soared.
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Earlier this month, national statistics institute INE said its property price index rose 4.2% in the third quarter, the biggest increase since the same quarter of 2019, following a 3.3% rise in Q2.
"At the moment what we have is a slight overvaluation, it is small, and it is certainly far from the levels we had before the global financial crisis," Angel Estrada, head of financial stability at the central bank, told a news briefing.
The 2008 property bust put millions out of work, forced a 41 billion euro rescue of the country's banks in 2012 and left Spain close to needing a sovereign bailout.
Estrada said that for now the situation did not require mitigating measures, although the bank "remains very vigilant", and that other European countries were in a different situation.
In November, the Bundesbank warned that Germany's property market could be overvalued by as much as 30%. read more
Estrada was speaking after the Bank of Spain on Thursday approved the expansion of its macroprudential toolkit.
It introduced a sectoral component of the countercyclical capital buffer, concentration limits in specific sectors, and limits and conditions on loan origination and other transactions.
The buffers seek to mitigate or prevent cyclical risks caused by excessive growth in aggregate credit by requiring lenders to build insurance reserves during times of strong growth which would then be available in the case of a downturn.
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dabblescrawl · 4 years
Gato Fuera de la Bolsa
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First time I have tried something like this!  Hope you like it!
Here’s a One - Shot as per request:
The reader is Ruby’s older sister and she’s secretly dating Oscar and like Ruby, Jamal, Cesar, Monse find out
The Core 4 sat crowded together on the couch while Mario spilled his cross faded wisdom.  You’d come in later for the rant apparently, pulling off your shoes from work you threw a ‘sorry’ glance at the kids on the couch.
“Yes he’s high” Mario was saying, “On life, memories, and some seriously good indo,” chuckling to himself, “What I was saying? Work hard, put your heart out there, even if its broken by some bitch you’ve known since Mr. Estrada’s seventh grade Social Studies!”  His voice raised as he got heated.
Grabbing your shoes to cart off to your room and ambled down the hallway, drowning out the, very likely very terrible, advice of your twin brother.  If you’d stuck around there you might have realized that his advice was not only sound for the young freshman, but the heart of it was to.  It was an end of an era and a start to something new.
Despite being twins, Mario and you were very different.  You liked to think that high, lighthearted quality was something you shared but in all honesty he had that skill in spades and yours was situational.  He could joke through anything.  He also loved all things social.  That was probably the reason he went to Berkley at all, he wasn’t very good at it.  You supposed that’s how he ended up back in your house with Amber.  Well it probably explained a lot about the whole Amber situation.
You were much more reserved and cautious, while Mario believed everyone loved him from the start, you believed that you knew who loved you and that anyone else probably didn’t.  It had come as a huge shock when ‘THE Santo’ had come to visit you more days than he didn’t, on purpose and even more so when he’d taken you on date after date until you were quite clearly the only woman he had time for.
“Hi! You look like you need an ice cream, what can I get ya?” You’d asked the man standing on the other side of the window.
“Don’t I know you?” He’d asked instead of giving his order eyebrows arched in question.
“Freeridge” you’d answered, giving him little finger guns, “Mario’s my twin, everybody knows him better.” 
The man nodded in response.  “Uh, chocolate milkshake, large” he ordered after a pause.
“Sure thing!” You’d wandered off into the shop to get the milkshake.  When you came back you gave him a big smile, “Or I’m Ruby’s sister.  He and Cesar have been inseparable.  Most days they are all at the house.”
Oscar, now identified had nodded and taken off down the beach.
What you hadn’t known at the time was that Oscar had made his way back towards the shop and was watching to see when you got off work.  As you had waved goodbye to your coworkers, he’d positioned himself so you’d have to run into him again.
Smiling when you caught his eye you’d walked up, “You’re still here,” you had said shielding your eyes from the sun “need a ride to Freedrige?  I’m going back soon.”
He shook his head, looking up at you, “Nah, I’m going to stay here a while,” he paused, “So you see Cesar a lot?”
“Oh yeah, he practically lives with us, they all do.”  
“How’s he doing” he asked.
You looked out across the water thinking, “Uh he’s ok.  He seems to do good in school, he’s smart as a whip, he and Monse spend an awful lot of time together when no one else is around, but he’s got it together.” You smiled, seeming to know that he wanted comfort that Cesar was OK before he saw him next.
You debated whether or not to tell the next part.  “Out with it” Oscar had demanded.  
You were startled, how had he known what you were thinking? “I’m uh, pretty sure he’s mad at you.” You said, then quickly added, “Well I don’t know, but he seems mad at the situation maybe, but he’s not always nice,” you shrugged.  Oscar nodded slowly running his hand over his mouth and down his chin.  “You sure you don’t want a ride?”
Oscar shook his head this time.  Just as you turned to leave he called out, “Hey, you’re not just Mario or Ruby’s sister, you must have a name, what is it?” 
“Y/N.  See you later Oscar.”
Life had only gotten more crazy since then, Ruby and Olivia had been shot, Olivia died, Ruby was still going through bouts of PTSD, Mario moved back in with his baby momma who wasn’t his baby momma, Cesar had been jumped into a gang and then forced to live on the street and your madre wouldn’t so much as look at him in town, Monse had come back from writing came a new woman, found her mom, shattered Cesar’s heart and her own, returned to Freeridge, Jamal had been especially cagey about something and gotten in major trouble for destruction of property, and you, well you had started dating Oscar.
You’d seen him around town and each time smiled at him.  You knew he and Mario got along well and Cesar and Ruby were good friends.  You still weren’t sure what that patch over the summer where Ruby and Cesar hadn’t gotten along was about but it didn’t really matter.  The Core 4 was back together again.
More than around town though, you and Oscar saw each other at the beach.  The other girls who worked there noticed it before you, but Oscar would come and order, only from your window, usually not too long before you’d gotten out of work.  Things had gotten especially tight at home for money lately with Ruby’s hospital bills and you were trying to help you anyway you could.  You worked more hours and almost every day of the week and Oscar was there almost all of them.
You and Oscar had a routine, talk about Cesar, talk about Ruby, but as time went on and your biweekly chats turned to weekly, and then your weekly chats turned to a few days a week, the topics of conversation broadened.  And the jokes and lightheartedness, seemed to flow as easily as if Oscar were your own family.  
You’d talked a lot about what kept you both in Freeridge and why your families mattered so much.  You’d shared the little things you did to help out.  Like, in your case, your parents refused to take any money from you so instead you’d do things like buy some extra flour and make sure there was always an extra bag in the back of the pantry somewhere.  Things that people might not notice themselves and be glad they’d “thought to buy extra”.  Or fill the cereal up a little bit each day so that no one noticed when the next person came along to eat some.  Oscar had laughed at you that it was a lot of effort to go to hide your good will.  You’d simply shrugged and replied that even the small things would help.
It was that kind of thankless existence that Oscar had been so curious about and he became determined to make sure you were thanked and knew you were great.  He wanted you to feel worthy of the same attention that you gave to other members of your family.
You were currently lounging around Oscar’s house in his flannel and a pair of jeans.  Somehow despite the warm weather outside, you were always cold blooded enough to wear a long sleeve inside.  Oscar didn’t protest, nor would he admit that he wore them the day after you did just because they smelled like you. 
You never could sleep over for fear of someone at your house finding out, but that didn’t stop you from pretending you had things to do before work so you could go over to Oscar’s first thing in the morning.  You’d gotten to the house when it was just barely light, the sky thin and almost transparent in the morning.  Oscar was in bed still snoring away, so you’d climbed in and falled back asleep yourself.  
A few hours later you awoke to his strong arm pulling you to him and snaking itself beneath you.  In his deep, husky, not quite awake voice, greated you.  “Buenas diaz, mi amor” smiling to show his dimples.  
“Buenas diaz” you scoffed, blinking in the now bright light, “buenas noches is more like it, what are you going to sleep all day” you teased.
Pecking kisses across your forehead you felt his chuckle more than heard it, “Only with you”.
You’d stayed in bed that way talking about the night before until it became apparent that the morning must get started.  Oscar got up first and as his warmth left with him you’d whimpered a little.  
This was not a new routine and so without another word, Oscar threw the flannel leaning over the chair towards the bed and made his way into the rest of the house.  Oscar hadn’t needed to do anything in particular for the day so you’d spent most of it just hanging out around the house.  Unfortunately, the two of you either had to go out of town or stay indoors if you wanted to spend time together.
There were too many risks associated with being seen together.  And truly, you’d thought, it would save a whole lot of trouble if things didn’t work out and no one knew.  It wasn’t that you were ashamed of Oscar, in fact that couldn’t be farther than the truth.  But rather, Ruby and Cesar’s history had been too complex for that.  Well more like your family’s opinions of Cesar and by association Oscar were too complex for that.  And since Oscar had been the one to ask you if you’d wanted to keep it a secret, you figured it probably saved him too.  If he didn’t come out in the open and claim you as his own, it would be no sweat for him when he broke up with you.  Not that you’d mentioned either of these thoughts to Oscar, he hated it when you shared that you thought he would stop loving you long before you stopped loving him. 
On these days indoors you spent the day talking mostly, but also playing cards, kissing and snuggling, and making amazing foods.  Oscar loved when you played his su chef.  As the day turned to afternoon you checked the clock.  It was time to finish packing up and head to work or you wouldn’t make it on time.
“I guess it’s our last day at the house,” you’d shrugged as you finished packing your purse for work.
“It doesn’t have to be” he said simply looking at you across the living room.
“Sure it does, Cesar will be home tomorrow, that’s the day you have your deal right?” you asked. 
“Yeah, bu…” he tried, but you cut him off.
“So last day in the freedom of the house, Cesar will be home for good tomorrow and then he’d know.”  Oscar just stared back at you.  “And hey,” you said crossing the room to stand in front of him, “don’t do anything too stupid.”  He leaned down to kiss your lips and then nodded with that serious face of his.
“Te quiero” you’d bid him goodbye, running your finger between his knit brows and heading towards the door.
“Quiero mas” he answered behind you.  
Oscar had decided that day on the beach that he wanted to make sure you were always loved.  He didn’t realize that it wasn’t that you didn’t feel loved by those closest to you, it’s just that you didn’t think people outside of the circle would.  He’d driven to the beach every day you worked after that, making sure to take you on walks down the pier, dinner, the movies, anything there was to do outside of town.  He’d even gone down to the hospital and paid on Ruby’s balance each month.  He’d set it up so he paid the interest so it couldn’t accumulate.  At first he’d wanted to pay off the whole thing, but he wasn’t sure that would be well received.  All the little things count became the mantra he stole from you.
When he had suggested that you see each other in secret it had everything to do with the fact that he didn’t want to share you.  Not with the Santos, not with your family, not with anyone.  If you kept it a secret your time, though sometimes fleeting, could be for just to two of you.  And as time went on it just seemed more and more logical, there was obvious bad blood on the part of your parents from the falling out of the Cesar-Latrelle situation.  The longer you kept it a secret, it seemed there was less and less opportunity to share the information with the world without it being awkward.  So you hadn’t, instead you’d kept your dating a secret.  
Now that Cesar was back at home, the Core 4 met there each day before heading to school.  At first, you had just seen Oscar less, but it was getting to you both.  Instead you started to leave just after Ruby and spend a few hours in the morning together after the crew had left for school.
It worked perfectly many mornings.  Unbeknownst to the happy couple, it would not work today.  Sneaking through the side yard you entered the house and set to work on breakfast.  You weren’t exactly sure where Oscar was but you knew he’d be out as soon as he started to smell the omelette you were making.  He hadn’t bothered to put a shirt on or even check the front door before sauntering across the kitchen towards you and the smell.
“I love you, I love you, I love you!” he’s said wrapping his arms around you and hugging you close.  He picked you up off the floor and waved your feet back and forth before putting you down and placing a few quick kisses on your cheek.
At this point the teens in the door had stopped all conversation as they stared wide eyed at the couple.  They’d been conversing about the bomb threat at school and being sent home when the sight in the kitchen had caught them all off guard and stunned them into silence. 
“Mas, mas, mas” you’d giggled turning in his arms and cupping his face to properly kiss him good morning.  
“What the actual hell” came the comedically high and emphatic voice that belonged to Jamal.
Oscar’s eyebrows shot up in question, his hands still entangled in your hair, he quarter turned to see the teens.  You’d leaned around his muscled arm to look at them also.
Next came Ruby’s voice, quizzical, “Is your brother dating my sister, like for real?” he asked, presumably Cesar.
“Ummm” Cesar replied, being able to muster nothing else by way of explanation.
“I did not see that one coming,” Monse replied.
The couple turned back to one another, Oscar spoke first, “Supongo que el gato está fuera de la bolsa, mi amor.”  And instead of answering, you just pulled his face down to kiss you again.
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