mech-a-nical · 2 years
Lying Perceptions
Composition: Absence of Mind
Word Count: 675
Character Focus: Ervos
How long will it be
Until weeds grow inside a safe space?
Lying down on the bed, Ervos twists his body around from facing the wall, curling into himself as he stares at the closed door of his room, his chin tucked into his chest and his arms coiled around his legs, the blanket slipping off his body with the movements, but he does not make a move to gather it and cover himself.
In this silence, he can hear the creaking of the house, and the wind outside, but this room remains quiet. Curtains cover the windows, but despite the constant fear, his fear of looking is a small thought at the moment, easily forgotten as he lays in this room. Dull yellow tinted light filters through those curtains, and there are no shadows blocking the light to render him into an immobilizing panic.
The door that remains close is the primary reason for his current panic, the fear weighing his limbs, the prospect of wasting his day away locked in this room a delightful option the longer he stares unblinkingly at the door, his fear mutating into the idea that this peacefulness and safety inside the room would be abruptly taken away from him if his constant surveillance is removed.
Despite it all, he has an itch to look outside. To see his garden, to see the sky, to see the green, yellow, gray, and brown. The cold wood shocks him when he manages to uncurl himself and swing his legs to touch the floor. Cold that follows him step after unsteady step as he makes his way to the window on the same wall as the head of his bed, until his hand is able to grasp the thin curtains and pull them aside.
Yellow skies tinted gray meet his vision when he looks out the window, contrasting nicely with the green of the bushes, from the small leaves and stems of the flowers, to the leaves and brown bark of the forest trees beyond his garden. The garden in the back is quieter and lonelier than the garden in front, but the sensation of being watched returns to him as he looks at the garden, his garden. It is a wonderful garden, he is proud of that, but the sensation of being watched slowly builds up the longer he stares out.
Quickly closing the window, the sensation dies down, the shaking of his body that he had not noticed finally brought to his attention as he watched the shaking of his hands grasping the curtains shut and the tremors of his body dimming down. His head bows as he regains a sense of control back, the white noise that had been filling his ears returning to the silence of the room.
He takes a step backwards from the window, to turn and he busies himself around the room and the joint bathroom connected to his room without a door, trying to waste as much time as possible even if he feels that he is moving, walking, touching, feeling, breathing, looking, hearing way too quickly. Only when he stares at the locked wooden door does he manage to feel slow.
His hope, fleeting and small, vain, had died when he opened the curtains and the sensation had returned to him, and tired resignation warms his enough to keep the cold paralyzing fear from impending him from unlocking the door, and slowly pulling it open, not breathing, nor blinking as the hallway comes into view, the sensation of being watched building up quickly, quicker than when he looked out the window.
As he steps into the hallway, leaving the safety of his room, closing the door behind him, the sensation stops increasing in intensity, reaching a peak as he walks down the hallway, but the sensation remains strong enough to build a pressure around his head, the white noise returning to his ears, and the beating of his heart adding to the internal cacophony.
They can smell and hear his fear, his senses untrustworthy, feeling and tasting only his ever consuming fear at every breath.
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taras-domain · 2 years
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A modeling project for a college class. Decided to reference a room in Ervos’ house in Holo-Cat
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suave00 · 10 months
Findom é um playground da dinâmica do Poder, onde o sub entrega voluntariamente o controle encontrando a liberação na submissão.
O Alfa o conduz por um caminho de exploração sedutora, mudando-o pra sempre como $ervo.
A servidão financeira é a expressão máxima da devoção
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signed-sapphire · 5 months
Who do you see as the voice actors of your characters from The Fallen Star au? P.S. The question appeared after reading this post: https://www.tumblr.com/annymation/740501852095905792/the-voices-in-my-wish-rewrite?source=share
OOHHHHHHHHH thank you for asking!
Okay okay so I will be recasting most of the main characters. Like @annymation, Chris Pine is still Magnifico because he’s literally Magnifico, and I don’t really have a problem with any of the seven teens’ voices.
So here we go!
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Asha is voiced by Cynthia Ervo!
I really like Ariana’s voice, it’s very much what someone would associate with the 3D Disney princesses. However, TFS!Asha has a completely different personality than most Disney princesses, and I want her voice to match that. She has a very strong singing conviction, and it’s different voice representation! Plus, Cynthia has HUGE vocal range, it’s seriously amazing, and honestly fits exactly how TFS!Asha is
And as a bonus, Cynthia was in Disney before!
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Cielo is voiced by Anthony Ramos!
I first found out about Anthony because of Hamilton, and I’ve loved him in everything since. Literally every character he plays or voices is similar to Cielo! Particularly his roles in In the Heights and Bad Guys, he sings in both too!
Anthony is just so funny and goofy, and has SUCH STRONG flirtatious vibes EXACTLY how I imagine Cielo to be with Asha
^This is the song I’m imagining when I imagine domestic royalstar. I’m only attaching the song instead of the music video bc it’s a tad suggestive and also, Jasmine (his then girlfriend and fiancée featured in the video) broke up and that makes me sad
But!!! Musical experience, chill personality, Spanish, literally all Cielo.
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Magnus is voiced by Chris Pine!
Seriously, Chris Pine really loved his role, you can tell. “This is the Thanks I Get” didn’t fit his voice in the honeyed way it’s perfect in, and I’ll forever be mad at Disney for that. Chris is good in slow, emotional songs, which is why his villain song in my rewrite will be perfect for him
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Amaya is voiced by Carolina Gaitán
So I’m still not really sure about this one. Amaya in TFS is Egyptian-Hispanic and I didn’t really know a lot of singers outside of Broadway tbh, but Carolina is such a great one! She voices Pepa in Encanto and it’s a shame we didn’t get to hear much of her singing voice (besides that small bit in “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”) because she’s such a great singer! I’m not 100% sure of her voice, but I do think it fits and that it will grow on me. I also haven’t had the chance to draw Amaya as much as I’d like to, so I feel like once I do I’ll be able to picture her more.
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Valentino is voiced by Ravi Cabot-Conyers
Now, Valentino doesn't have any significant singing roles in my AU, but he does still speak. And I love, love Alan and know he has done amazing things for Disney, so I want to find him a voice in The Fallen Star too, but Ravi also voiced this little cutie
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And yes, it's another Encanto voice, but Ravi was so adorable and amazing and it would be funny to have his dichotomy with the deep-voiced Asha
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444names · 3 months
Names generated from dunmer male forenames from TES, excluding the letter "T"
Adeden Adenikimar Adiris Adral Adraval Adravis Advynisil Aelenelmon Alanus Alaril Aldus Alerus Algaver Almen Alpar Alvam Alvenys Alvondrovos Analbar Arain Ardril Arelirvoro Arendiryni Arerisilads Arvels Avidrar Azandraroi Azanelmen Azanos Azanras Azarebi Azarendras...
Baemyn Baenel Baennival Balos Balven Balvoril Balvulpal Banderav Banis Barvlo Baryn Bedhelen Belladras Belynenas Benarvis Benshalam Berels Beros Bervis Bevonesul Bevyn Biirm Bikoni Bolas Bolos Bolvanelos Borilos Bovayn Bovon Brain Bralvam Brasig Brayn Bredaldras Bredsu Brelervos Brendel Brerayn Brevas Buril Casivavas Churan Cylen Dalarem Daldralaras Dalnik Dalvanelah Dalvar Dalveren Dandirvar Dandraren Dandu Danros Darainelyn Daralur Daranyn Darelyn Daronden Davar Daven Davorgreli Davos Delfar Delnus Deloval Delyn Denilzar Denudvys Denur Deral Deronselval Develon Deven Devuvaril Dilvo Diravis Dolen Dovis Dovonel Dralen Dralgan Dralgaviss Draneram Draynas Drebpar Drelynik Drend Drens Drilas Driloronis Drilvis Drilyn Driram Drynarvelar Durilyndol Elmeles Elven Enden Eneldalkiv Ennuras Epherns Eradovis Erarerols Erelas Erimanadsa Erolam Errynik Ervos Eurimar Evenus Farasoris Farus Favil Favodurelon Felan Felmivas Felmylas Felves Felvuris Ferril Ferunavasig Fervis Fervus Ferys Feveravur Feves Fevulvas Firis Folnuryn Folvar Fonor Fonumyo Foras Foron Forono Foros Fovis Furkanaryl Gaelen Galden Galdrel Galdus Galero Galven Galvon Galvos Ganvyn Garanel Garel Garenevos Garim Garimalas Garlain Garlis Garon Garsyn Gavels Gavil Gavildrain Gavilphanik Gavulis Gavyn Gedelvandre Gedovisi Gelyn Geran Gidril Giiras Giirelyn Gilis Gindus Giril Girns Girylashan Golliren Golmil Golvan Gorayn Gorvam Gorvaryn Gorvendynil Goryn Govisi Greyna Harar Herelon Hladen Hladil Hlaindrer Hlayn Hlenar Hlevaril Hleyn Idasi Ideds Idram Iendrelonos Ilandul Inalnus Iravis Iravryn Irolms Irvas Ivarar Kemedas Kemynoril Kildrane Kiman Kimmar Krilyn Krinavon Kuren Lamis Lanus Lexadis Lirns Llaalo Llain Llamedrus Llarer Llarvenel Llarvyn Llavas Llenaryn Llendras Llenel Llennus Llenros Lleroris Llien Lliend Lliomlyn Llovam Lluryvn Madal Madas Madil Malam Malandanvys Malanel Maliros Malkilos Malon Malunelson Manadaen Manen Manil Manusimalas Maran Mardalmil Marinil Marnas Mavel Mavin Medraylen Medrin Melin Melmar Melmor Meraver Merener Merns Meron Midron Milain Milen Mirevur Monelam Monelvalam Muralnis Naanisi Nalam Nalurns Nariil Narvil Navor Nelbal Nelis Nelms Nendam Neren Nevanel Nevas Nevyn Nikimalon Nimalgalas Nimares Nivas Niveren Nivyn Nornel Nusilnuss Oderil Odrayn Omlyn Ondalis Oravas Orres Radirem Ragul Raguliman Ralbar Ralynelon Rarvas Ravend Ravonyl Rayin Rebir Relis Relmarsyn Rhassaras Rikalan Rilirnas Rilisaruru Rilphen Rilvo Rimarlibain Risal Rongondryvn Sadam Sadil Sadril Saevruk Sararil Saric Sarirsel Saros Sedarvis Sedyn Selanis Seliv Selmon Selmyn Selodris Selvas Selver Selym Seralvendis Seris Servas Sevar Shadrin Shalaalir Shalaymmer Shalen Shalimalis Shalyn Shaur Shelinil Shulan Shulvuldras Shuraryl Shurayn Shuros Shurrnas Shursil Shurus Slikovyn Suleralil Sulmus Surail Suril Suvres Svaso Ularul Ulmil Ulvan Unevar Urayn Urren Uvalsor Vadanenden Vadon Valano Valos Valsen Valvos Vanis Vanyn Varedraldyn Varen Varven Vasilos Vasis Vavor Vedavalan Vedolyn Velan Vendar Veraryn Verelone Veril Veronilas Vervos Vesalvil Vesedrano Vevavus Viliz Vilmeluryvn Viravon Visiennar Vivandryn Vorimon Voserasen Vuneg Vurns Yevos Yevyn Zaril Zimalyn Zirnas Zirvyn
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mchiti · 4 months
Ciao, ho riottenuto l'account e stavo facendo pulizia. Ti volevo dire che un video flaggato potrebbe essere quello di Onana che sprona Lautaro dopo la finale di Champions, perché l'anteprima mi appariva rosa.
🥹 (scusami il ritardo) sono stra contenta che tu abbia ottenuto l'account!!! grazie mille!! ora vado a vedere quel video perché tra un impegno e l'altro e con mio padre degente in ospedale alla fine non ho controllato tutto, specie i post più vecchi 😭 tra l'altro sai che mi è arrivata un'altra notifica due giorni fa ma qui sono veramente confusa haha c'è la descrizione questa volta, ma non capisco se si riferisca a un mio post? è un reblog? non ho neanche presente il blog in questione o se lo seguissi 😭 vabbè se salto de s*ervo ti auguro una cattiva estate
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uoldesignshow · 1 year
erVo: The Hearing Aid
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erVO is a Hearing Aid that is a redesign of a 3D printed wearable medical device. The aim of the project is to design a hearing aid inspired by the trends of wireless earphones whilst capitalizing on the capabilities of 3D printing.
The project is designed by Jenna Kelly and supervised by Dr. Karla Huerta.
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billybennight · 2 years
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Influencers had free reign on the Women Talking step and repeat before the more significant talent arrived. Kathy was next to me. Not a particularly ideal situation given she’s loud and can be strident for those knows her best. Looking at the influencers I was charmed by their youth and enthusiasm. I believe this movie, Women Talking, could be an Oscar contender. There was some good talent supposed to arrive that night. It was nice that Kat Kramer made it. Of course, by the time she arrived the carpet had created a momentum of its own and people were being moved along quickly. A short while after Kat arrived out oof the blue Olivia Wilde made a unannounced surprise walk on the carpet. It got really crazy for a while as she walked. Frances McDormand then appeared and the energy went up again. I was told Frances doesn’t like to pose and she didn’t. All my shots of her were in moments and movements. I think she’d been better served had she posed because photographers keep shooting no matter the circumstances. But the photos of Frances are revelatory in their own right. Lat met up with Eric Idle and Cynthia Ervo. Both didn’t walk. All the photographers would have loved had they walked. Brad Pitt is executive producer on the film. It was a particularly special night I’m glad I was there to document it. #samuelgoldwyntheater #womentalking #beverlyhills #wilshirecorridor #womeninfilm #influncers (at Samuel Goldwyn Theater) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClJ9kYdykF0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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filmnoirsbian · 3 years
I remember when I first watched Bad Times at the El Royale and Miles kept being twitchy and creepy and saying he did so many terrible things and when he says "I can't kill no more people," and Darlene, horrified, asks how many people he'd killed, and he whispers "123," I was so excited because I thought it'd turn out that he was a serial killer who had been killing people at the hotel. But he was just in the army 🙄😑
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Drew s//ervo to go with the c//row I drew yesterday
🐁🐁 read pinned post before interacting 🐁🐁
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nyctarian · 5 years
The oscars really robbed lupita of a nomination
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indigodawns · 6 years
Viola Davis, Elizabeth Debicki, Cynthia Ervo, & Michelle Rodriguez on 'Widows’
honestly such a good conversation, and what Viola mentions around 11:00 about the current limitations of the #metoo-movement is so so important 
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baagha · 6 years
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Servo Motor Market Climb Significantly With Better Revenue From 2020-2024
JULY 29, 2020: Synopsis
Global Servo Motor Market is estimated to expand at a substantial CAGR in the forecast period as the scope, product types, and its applications are increasing across the globe.
The servo motors are the utmost sophisticated devices having control over motion. They include innovative design techniques, magnetic materials having greater force and exact tolerance of dimensions. Even if not a particular class , these electrical motors are planned and intended to be utilized in the application of motion control that consist of unique performance, speedy reversing, and great precision of positioning. Furthermore, they propose stress-free installation and take in no price for maintenance. As a result motivating their demand during the period of forecast.
To Request A Sample Copy Of This Report @:   https://www.radiantinsights.com/research/2013-2028-report-on-global-servo-motor-market/request-sample
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The progressions and speedy development in automation, along with growing acceptance of global standards for the energy-effectiveness, are some of the important motivators prompting the development. Strict standards regarding the consumption of electricity, increasing prices of electricity, and the necessity for changing the out-of-date electric motors having poor efficiency by greater effective servo motor is expected to increase their demand during the period of forecast.
Growing manufacture of the automobiles all over the world, constructive viewpoint of manufacturing companies and increasing demand for better performing motors are most important reasons accountable for the growth and steadying of the market. It is increasing into a larger range of businesses and applications to upsurge its flexibility.
Servo motor work for the drive of automation; this is the important reason motivating the market. Progressions in machinery utilized in servo arrangements have caused in augmented end-user attention. This electrical equipment has diverse areas of application that comprises healthcare industries, food processing, automobile manufacturing, semiconductors and packaging machines.
Due to their greater precision and speed the Servo Motor Market, in future, are likely to be strongly dependent on servo systems above additional technologies of the motor for example the stepper motors. The structures for example augmented speed, greater torque; compact size and light weight are describing openings for innovative market.
Furthermore, decrease in prices of these motors has permitted manufacturers to change their attention on innovative designs, refining the methods of manufacture and the period required for the production. All these factors are likely to boost the development of the market of Servo Motor by the completion of 2025.
The global Servo Motor Market can be classified by Application, Type of Motor and Region. By Application Servo Motor Market can be classified as Household Appliances, HVAC Equipment, Industrial Machinery, Aerospace & Transportation, Motor Vehicles and Others. By Type of Motor, it can be classified as DC, AC.
Regional Lookout
By Region the Servo Motor Market can be classified as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. Asia Pacific was responsible for the biggest share of the market in 2017. Growing industrialized actions, along with the necessity for precise and speedy motors for greater productivity, is motivating the demand within this region. Furthermore, growing necessity for energy effective procedure of manufacture is propelling the development. Growing manufacture of machine tool and additional segments associated with the manufacture of smartphones and automobiles, that comprises electronic assembly, machinery for semiconductor and custom-built robots for a number of applications are roundabout of the additional features expected to motivate the demand in Asia Pacific.
Increasing industrial development in emerging nations is a most important motivator of the development. Issues for example obtainability of low price expert employees, managerial arrangement, promising commercial background and attractive strategies regarding the overseas business have permitted manufacturing companies to move their production units to Asia Pacific. This move is furthermore likely to increase the market in Asia Pacific during the period of forecast.
To Browse Full Research Report @: https://www.radiantinsights.com/research/2013-2028-report-on-global-servo-motor-market
Some of the important companies for Servo Motor Market are: WEG, Rockwell Automation Inc., Siemens AG, Allied Motion Technologies, Inc., General Electric Company, ABB, Schneider Electric, Ametek, Inc., Nidec Corporation and others.
The global Servo Motor market was valued at $XX million in 2018, and Radiant Research analysts predict the global market size will reach $XX million by the end of 2028, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2018 and 2028.
This report provides detailed historical analysis of global market for Servo Motor from 2013-2018, and provides extensive market forecasts from 2019-2028 by region/country and subsectors. It covers the sales volume, price, revenue, gross margin, historical growth and future perspectives in the Servo Motor market.
Leading players of Servo Motor including:
• Yaskawa
• Mitsubishi
• Fanuc
• Siemens
• Rockwell
• Rexroth (Bosch)
• Panasonic
• Nidec
• Delta
• Teco
• Schneider
• Moog
• Oriental Motor
• Lenze
• Toshiba
• Parker Hannifin
• Kollmorgen
• Beckhoff
• Inovance
• LS Mecapion
• Infranor
• Tamagawa
• LTI Motion
Market split by Type, can be divided into:
• Less than 2KW
• 2KW-5KW
• More than 5KW
Market split by Application, can be divided into:
• Machine Tools
• Packaging Applications
• Textile
• Electronics Equipment
• Others
Market split by Sales Channel, can be divided into:
• Direct Channel
• Distribution Channel
 Market segment by Region/Country including:
• North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
• Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Spain etc.)
• Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia and Southeast Asia etc.)
• South America Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Chile etc.)
• Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia etc.)
To See More Reports of This Category by Radiant Insights: https://latestmarkettrends.news.blog/
About Radiant Insights: Radiant Insights is a platform for companies looking to meet their market research and business intelligence requirements. It assist and facilitate organizations and individuals procure market research reports, helping them in the decision making process. The Organization has a comprehensive collection of reports, covering over 40 key industries and a host of micro markets. In addition to over extensive database of reports, experienced research coordinators also offer a host of ancillary services such as, research partnerships/ tie-ups and customized research solutions.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Radiant Insights, Inc
Contact Person: Michelle Thoras
Phone: (415) 349-0054
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State: California
Country: United States
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dailyskyfox · 4 years
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One good thing about masks, I can judge people hard without them noticing! (also psst wear your mask ~❤️)
Cameo by the ever lovely Ervo who is NOT actually a flat-earther nor an anti-masker 🤣 Thanks for your support! ❤️
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fillallmyholesplss · 2 years
Obrigado pelo presente, deusa, eu seria seu servo se você quisesse
to buscando um $ervo mesmo
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