#Eros Lin
whovian223 · 2 years
New to Me - February 2023
New to Me #boardgames - February 2023 @boardgame_love @Capstone_Games @PegasusspieleNA @AdamsAppleGames
February is the shortest month of the year, though it can seem quite long (or did before a stat holiday was added to it). It can seem even longer when you don’t get as many games played as usual! As I mentioned in my February gaming post, missing two Sundays and a week of no games at work, it was only natural that fewer games would be played. I still think playing 14 games in 28 days isn’t…
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physicsgoblin · 7 months
2024 Four Loves Fairy Tale Challenge: Here is my Tam Lin retelling for the @inklings challenge.
Part 1: There once was a very rich merchant by the name of Hake who lived in a beautiful city with his wife and many children.     Life there was busy and good, even though the streets were crooked and the smells terrible and the smog blocked out the sun. The merchant Hake dealt in spices of the orient: tiger pelts, peacock feathers, golden fangs for a rich lady’s neck, pearls like mermaids eyes, and all sorts of every delicious thing. But one day Mr. Hake was sent word that his ships, every last one, had been caught in storm off the Grecian coast and were sunk. All his wares were lost.     At this the merchant and his family were most grieved and said prayers for the lost sailors that had drowned in the waves, and paid what they could to the mens’ families. But after that all the coffers ran dry of their silver. The merchant Hake began to sell off his family’s treasures: A necklace of a single tear drop of pearl that had belonged to his mother, his silver watch engraved with his marriage anniversary, and even Jeanette, his eldest daughter, offered up her pianoforte, upon which she played most beautifully.     But such sacrifice, and much more, was not enough.     The merchant was forced to sell his family’s home to pay off his debts, and to search for a new home where he could live more humbly. He found a job as an accountant for a very old and respectable estate, far off in the countryside, near a small village and on the edge of wilderness. The Lord of the Lynn estate was himself old and respectable and having never married or fathered children wrote that he was very happy to take on Mr. Hake and his family—even though the merchant had no experience as as an accountant of so large a residence.     Lord Lynn sent his own private coach to the village when the Hake family arrived to take them straight to his grounds, as it was someways outside the village. The wheels rolled along the muddy road, the trees grew thick, heavy with dew, the leaves flashing green and gold in the early autumn sun. Jeanette listened to the scraping of the branches against the side of the coach and the chattering of her little siblings but she raised her head with alertness, leaning out of the window. Was that a voice she heard on the wind? Or was it just that this place was so much quieter than the city and the silence itself had a voice?        
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astrumocs · 2 years
I might make posts abt a couple of my self ships just for fun when I have the time…
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the-fallen-stones · 3 months
I am bad at hiding. If you are my friend, you might recognize me. For that, I apologize.
You may call me anything you like. I enjoy and encourage nicknames. But if you need a name, Mica works.
If you would like me to write something for you, you can request it, and I will if I can. It may not be immediately. But I will try.
A warning, my descriptions can sometimes be graphic, or a little violent. It is usually metaphorical, though, don't worry.
I like both storm and calm. Chaos and comfort. I enjoy things that invoke thought, or creativity. I love hugs, snuggles, animals (especially dragons and cats), tea, fiction, and poetry.
Please do not bring up politics here. It's not that I don't care. But I've anguished myself enough over them and honestly, I need a break.
Never assume hostility! It was probably an accident. My tone comes across weird sometimes.
#storm's eye - things that strike me, and I'd like to come back to.
#mica speaks - anything original, by me.
#mica reblogs - empty reblogs.
#mica elaborates - reblogs that are not empty.
#mica rambles - I have rambled.
#mica rhymes - my poetry.
#mika doodles - my art.
#mika's music - my favorite songs.
#mica recites - my favorite poems or stories.
#mika inquires - I ask questions.
#mika responds - I answer questions.
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Credit for the image goes to @poetryforall.
My wonderful mutuals:
@kimu-dem - Keeper of comfort.
@thatrando13 - The wanderer.
@carrotsinnovember - A gentle friend.
@hersurvival - Blanket fort against thunder and snowstorms.
@caustic-splines - Writer of old love letters.
@randomshowerpoems - The wise wordsmith.
@literaryvein - The bright storm outside.
These titles can always change, as I know you better. If you'd like me to use a different one I certainly can.
Some of my favorite songs are;
One Day You Will Fly Too, by Aimee Carty,
Come Along, Does the Swallow Dream of Flying?, Egg and Soldiers, Pelicans We, Half Past Three, Run, and Linger Longer, by Cosmo Sheldrake,
Glow in the Dark by Vian Izak,
Rush of Life, My Neighbor's Car Alarm, Desire, and Rain, by Tony Ann. (Classical.)
Experience, Fly, and Eros, by Ludovico Einaudi. (Classical.)
Ilomilo by Billie Eilish,
Two, Sun, Eight, and Light by Sleeping at Last,
Big Black Car and San Luis by Gregory Alan Isakov,
Passing Through by Kaden MacKay,
The Mountain Song, Be Nobody, and Better is the End, by TopHouse,
Changing Days, Irish Eyes, I Can Never Give my Heart, and Rocket, by Rose Betts,
The Sound of Silence, by Simon and Garfunkel,
Walking in the Air, Time, Orinoco Flow, and Carol of the Bells, by Libera,
And many more.
Some of my favorite poems are;
Tug'o'War of Heartstrings, The Night Sky, Together, With a Window Between, A Heavy Wait/Weight, A Veil Not Yet There, Sharks in a Zoo, A Faustian Deal, Denial, The Voice of a Loved One, Explosions, Tribute to the Ocean, The Vast Expanse of the Ocean, Nurturing, Stalagmites in my Brain, and How Can I Put Those Boxes Away? by The Shower Poet,
Fire and Ice, and Walking by Woods on a Snowy Evening, by Robert Frost,
The Sunshine Kid, Paper People, and 59, by Harry Baker,
The Spider, by Robert P. Tristam Coffin,
Run With You, by Atlas,
A Litany, by Gregory Orr,
Landscape with a Blur of Conquerors, and Details of the Woods, by Richard Silken.
And many more.
Some of my favorite books are;
The Chronicles of Narnia, by C. S. Lewis,
Breadcrumbs, by Anne Ursu,
Ella Minnow Pea, by Mark Dunn,
Holes, Wayside School, Small Steps, and There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom, by Lois Sachar.
Hoot, Scat, Flush, and Chomp, by Carl Hiaasen.
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, Starry River of the Sky, and When the Sea Turned to Silver, by Grace Lin.
And oh, so very many more.
Poems I have written;
Teach Me, Silent Serenade, Space Can Die, Weak Resolve, Boundaries Drawn, The Candle, Vacuum, One Pace, Adventure With Me, Stagnant, Workaholic, Sirens Can Cry, Dreamt of Loss, The Chalkboard, Shush, and many more to come.
Once was a girl, who would talk to herself. Stories, tales, thoughts in passing, of the past, future, of the sky and leaves, wind and breeze, of storm and calm. She longed to speak in a cadence. One to soothe. To heal. Doesn't everyone want that, to heal? To be somebody to someone, to have a voice like an anchor, eyes like a vice, that soften, that go warm like a bird's shelter?
Storm seeks calm. Calm seeks storm. They find a balance. But never, never do they stay still. She couldn't stay still. Her mind was a hurricane. And sometimes a breeze, sometimes a song to put you at ease, and sometimes, tight, coiled like a spring.
The calm wasn't who she was. Nor was she as much of the storm as she thought she was. Dear, she was a fire. She'd dim, and grow brighter. Her voice would get high when excited, she'd smile. Her embers couldn't rest. She'd smoulder. Then big stewing pots would bubble over. She'd speak in paragraphs, eyes like beacons, stumbling over words and not always making sense...
But it was beautiful. She loved, she loved deeply. She wanted to be loved, too. And she was. But when the smoke gets high, water and frost meeting that bright smile all too many times, it blurs out the hands, hearts, the words reaching, seeking...
She was silenced. Of course, the embers still burned. But the very things she stifled were the things she was beloved for. And she couldn't hear them.
But slowly, wet wood dries, my dear. You can't always cry. Time passes by. Wounds heal, scars fade, even when clouds pass over the stars. She was stronger than that.
She learned again to love. And though she had times she couldn't muster the songs, the words, the strength to hold on so tight, she began to heal.
Please, my dear, have patience. She is still healing.
Burnout is a dangerous thing. If you are stuck it never eases, never ceases. And things that brought you peace are no less, then, but grievous. It feels like Sisyphus himself is in charge of pulling you out of that rut. My dear, he can't.
The world moves so fast... I can't help but be dizzy. The facts and the future, like stones, whizzing, past my head, I bustle, I catch them, I'm busy...
The earth turns fast but not as fast as my head. Live, die. Fireflies. On my deathbed. I crave a rest, but I get anger instead. For injustice, for fury, the memories I shed...
Give my hands to the stars, fire for every digit. They fall from the sky when in darkness I fidget. Tear through the clouds, but then cry when I can't fix it. My brain is a void and...
I just.
Bridge it.
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yoddhasblog · 6 months
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sailforvalinor · 14 days
1-8 for Echo North, 11-15 for Rose in Bloom, 16-18 & 20 for Eight Cousins, and 1-4 & 16-20 for Wingfeather, please?
Echo North:
1. What got you into this story?
I think I stumbled across it by chance while looking for something to read on Libby, and it sounded interesting.
2. Describe it in one or two sentences.
A Beauty and the Beast retelling that draws influence from Eros and Psyche, as well as other related Beast-as-Bridegroom stories. Magical, mysterious, and romantic!
3. Quickly list 3 things you like about this story.
I ended up really liking the main character (which is pretty rare for me these days with YA), the worldbuilding is absolutely gorgeous, and I liked its take on the “Beast.”
4. assign this story a hyperspecific genre name.
Beast-as-Bridegroom casserole.
5. Do you have a favorite character?
Probably Hal/The Wolf, though I was fond of Echo’s brother, too.
6. Do you have a least favorite character?
I wasn’t very fond of Echo’s father. WHY on EARTH did you marry that woman??
7. How does the story compare to your initial impressions of it? Has it surprised you? How?
To be honest, it’s been awhile, so I don’t really remember my first impressions. But I did love being surprised by just how many influences and references to other fairy tales (and fairly obscure ones, at that) there were throughout, especially the Tam Lin reference near the end. But it also had some really nice worldbuilding and story that was entirely its own, I don’t want to undersell that.
8. What questions are or were you most excited to learn the answers to while experiencing the story for the first time?
I was really intrigued as to how it would handle the Beast/Eros figure, and I was NOT disappointed.
Rose in Bloom:
11. If you were put in the main character’s position, how well would that go with you on a scale from 1-5?
I’d say a 4? I’m not as social as Rose, so parties would be interesting, to say the least, but otherwise I’d think I’d do pretty okay in that environment.
12. Assuming your loved ones would be there, would you want to live in the world of the story?
Why not? I don’t have a particular hankering to live there, but I’m certainly not against it.
13. Tell me an out-of-context piece of worldbuilding or lore.
Technically Eight Cousins lore, but Alec was in love with Rose’s mom (before she was Rose’s mom, of course), and it took me till my THIRD REREAD to pick up on that.
14. How likely do you think this story is to break a person’s heart?
This isn’t an inherently heartbreaking story, but because it’s fundamentally so cozy I think the reader is in some serious danger of being caught VERY off-guard by the ending of Charlie’s storyline, especially if they haven’t read Alcott before and aren’t familiar with how she handles serious subject matter.
15. What time are you most likely to be found reading/watching this story?
I don’t really have a specific time, but I do usually reread this book at some point every year.
Eight Cousins:
16. Do you think this story has broad appeal, or is it meant for a very specific audience? If it’s more niche, what kind of person would enjoy this story?
Fairly broad, I think? This story doesn’t have any romance, so I really think it appeals to anyone who’s just looking for a light, sweet read.
17. Compare this story to your usual tastes. How does it differ from what you’ve already enjoyed?
My usual tastes are either fantasy, mystery, or Alcott/Austen/Montgomery-style, and this definitely falls squarely into that last camp. I will say though, I don’t usually read books that are as episodic in nature as this one is—the only other one I’ve really read and enjoyed was Partners in Crime by Agatha Christie.
18. Compare this story to your usual tastes. What parts of it are exactly the kind of thing you’ve always loved?
Found family (though in this case, also actual family), the story has a strong moral backbone, and it’s very dialogue-heavy.
20. What’s the WORST thing about this story, in your opinion?
I do wish we could’ve gotten a little bit more about Will and Geordie—they feel a little underdeveloped at times compared to the rest of the cousins.
Wingfeather Saga:
1. What got you into this story?
I’ve listened to Andrew Peterson’s music since I was practically an infant—he’s one of my dad’s favorite artists—and grew up on his and Randall Goodgame’s children’s album, Slugs and Bugs. I didn’t find out he had written a fantasy series until I saw the first book in my youth minister’s living room when I was a preteen, and me and my youth minister’s daughter read it around the same time.
2. Describe it in one or two sentences.
One group of siblings’ trip to their village festival kicks off an epic quest for the redemption of their family, their homeland, and the world.
3. Quickly list 3 things you like about the story.
It is undeniably beautiful and hopeful but also unapologetic about talking about evil, the true ugliness of it, and its consequences, I absolutely love Janner as a main character and relate to him so much, and I love its poetic language.
4. Assign this story a hyper-specific genre.
Hopeful tragicomic family fantasy epic.
16. Do you think this story has broad appeal, or is it meant for a very specific audience? If it’s more niche, what kind of person would enjoy this story?
I think it is very clearly appealing to those who already like fantasy (especially Tolkien and Lewis), and while it’s a “children’s” series, I think it’s meant to appeal to all ages. It is very obviously a Christian story to me, but I do wonder how easily it might fly under the radar from a secular perspective? I think it could for the first book or two, at least.
17. Compare this story to your usual tastes. How does it differ from what you’ve already enjoyed?
I don’t normally love stories that end like *REDACTED*. This is an exception.
18. Compare this story to your usual tastes. What parts of it are exactly the kind of thing you’ve always loved?
The epic fantasy, the redemption arcs, the strong coming-of-age story—really, this whole series is EXACTLY up my alley.
19. Pitch an idea for a sequel or a spinoff novel for this story?
I’m trying to avoid the VERY obvious sequel potential here about *REDACTED*, though I desperately want it…lemme think…
Personally, I think it could be really interesting to see a story about Kalmar and his rule as king, picking up in his mid-to-late teens.
Alternately—a prequel about Esben and Artham. We all want it! We all want their antics and adventures! We all want to see Artham in his lady-killer era!
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knife-dad · 26 days
Top 10 fairy tales/folk tales!
Oooh good prompt! Okay, in no particular order:
Tam Lin and Janet (Childe Ballad 39)
Sir Gawain and the Lady Ragnelle (also Gawain and the Green Knight, although I'm not sure if that counts as a fairytale. It is to me)
How the rabbit got on the moon (both the Mexican and Chinese versions, which are eerily similar!)
Beauty and the Beast. I looove a good batb retelling
Eros and Psyche and their variations, but especially East of the Sun, West of the Moon
La Llorona
Orpheus and Eurydice but especially the version recorded in Sir Orpheo :3
The Pleiades myths across cultures, I just think it's neat that so many different communities saw them as sisters
The Little Mermaid (I had an illustrated version that left an indelible impression on me as a kid lol)
The Wild Hunt motif, another one that kinda reoccurs across cultures
Thanks for the ask my friend!
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supernovaae · 5 months
List of all 144 Espers in Dislyte (alphabetized)
Abigail (Frigga)
Adrina (Chantico)
Ahmed (Geb)
Ain (Ptah)
Alexa (Aphrodite)
Alice (Gullveig)
Alolin (Pazuzu)
Anesidora (Pandora)
Anna (Persphone)
Arcana (Hermes)
Archibald (Mictlantecutli)
Asenath (Nefertem)
Ashley (Heimdall)
Aurelius (Ullr)
Bai Liuli (White Snake)
Bardon (Baldr)
Berenice (Bastet)
Biondina (Poseidon)
Bonnie (Eris)
Brewster (Garmr)
Brynn (Valkyrie)
Camille (Hati)
Cang Ji (Cang Jie)
Catherine (Hela)
Cecilia (Isis)
Celine (Siren)
Chalmers (Idun)
Chang Pu (Yao Ji)
Chloe (Medea)
Chu Yao (Tai Yi)
Clara (Hera)
Daniel (Charon)
David (Jason)
Daylon (Sobek)
Dhalia (Calypso)
Djoser (Atum)
Donar (Thor)
Drew (Anubis)
Eira (Freya)
Elaine (Nyx)
Elliot (Thoth)
Embla (Ymir)
Emma (Jade Rabbit)
Ethan (Pan)
Everett (Tyr)
Fabrice (Freyr)
Falken (Horus)
Farrah | Aminah (Tiamat | Abzu)
Fatum Sisters (Nornir)
Feng Nuxi (Nuwa)
Feng Xun (Fu Xi)
Freddy (Fenrir)
Fu Shi (Suan Ni)
Fumitsuki (Kaguya-hime)
Gabrielle (Njord)
Gaius (Zeus)
Ginny (Hestia)
Hailey (Hephaestus)
Hall (Hodur)
Helena (Helen)
Heng Yue (Chang’e)
Hilda (Hypnos)
Hyde (Hades)
Ife (Meretseger)
Ikki (Tsukuyomi)
Intisar (Kauket)
Jacob (Jormungand)
Javid (Shamash)
Jeanne (Gerd)
Jiang Jiuli (Chiyou)
Jiang Man (Meng Po)
Jin Qiu (Ru SHou)
Jin Yuyao (Queen Mother)
Jin-Hee (Dokkaebi)
Kara (Serket)
Kaylee (Anuket)
Koharu (Ame No Uzume)
Laura (Neith)
Lauren (Heket)
Layla (Medjed)
Leon (Vali)
Leora (Athena)
Lewis (Ares)
Li Ao (Tao Tie)
Li Guang (Vermilion Bird)
Li Ling (Nezha)
Liam (Xolotl)
Lian (Jiao Tu)
Lin Xiao (White Tiger)
Long Mian (Ao Bing)
Lucas (Apollo)
Luo Yan (Yanluo Wang)
Lu Yi (Dayi)
Lynn (Hathor)
Mateo (Prometheus)
Mavis (Mictecacihuatl)
Mei (Kaya-no-Hime)
Melanie (Medusa)
Meredith (Scylla)
Mona (Artemis)
Narmer (Ra)
Nick (Magni)
Nicole (Nephthys)
Norah (The Muses)
Odette (Skadi)
Ollie (Osiris)
Ophelia (Thanatos)
Parmi (Ninsun)
Pritzker (Mimir)
Q (Eros)
Raven (Odin)
Ren Si (Black Tortoise)
Sachiko (Hare of Inaba)
Sally (Sif)
Sander (Set)
Sienna (Gaia)
Stewart (Dionysus)
Su Jue (Daji)
Tang Xuan (Sun Wukong)
Tang Yun (Six-Eared Macaque)
Taylor (Hercules)
Tevor (Sphinx)
Tiye (Nut)
Toland (Tezcatlipoca)
Triki (Loki)
Uday (Sopdet)
Unas (Shu)
Unky Chai (Yue Lao)
Valeria (QUetzalcoatl)
Wu You (Dijiang)
Xiao Yin (Azure Dragon)
Xie Chuyi (Death Guard Hei)
Xie Yuzhi (Death Guard Bai)
Xuan Pin (Jiutian Xuannu)
Yalina (Mamitu)
Yamato (Izanagi)
Ye Suhua (Shao Siming)
Yu Ran (Bai Ze)
Yu Xu (Jing Wei)
Yun Chuan (Yang Jian)
Yuuhime (Izanami)
Zelmer (Sekhmet)
Zhong Nan (Zhong Kui)
Zora (Amunet)
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no-where-new-hero · 8 months
Hi! I got the numbers wrong in my previous ask, so please ignore the first one ;) I meant to ask for #2, 24, 55 of weird asks that say a lot. Thank you and sorry about the mistake!
Thanks for these questions, @alwayschasingrainbows 🥰 and I'll throw in an answer for #53 as well as a little bonus lol!!
2. Chocolate bars or lollipops?
I’m not the biggest fan of either to be honest…I’m much less a candy person as I am a baked treats person.
24. Favorite crystal?
A little chunk of rose quartz my mom got me when I was a kid!
53. What is the current state of your hands?
Chapped from doing dishes lmao, though I mean *technically* they're typing out these answers.
55. Favorite fairy tale?
Ooooo this is tough! I've definitely rotated through a few over the course of my life. “Beauty and the Beast” has been beloved since I was little, of course due to Disney, and later to Robin McKinley’s retellings. In my pre-teen years, I really liked “East of the Sun, West of the Moon,” which is a Scandinavian version of Beauty and the Beast, but whereas in the European version, Beauty just kind of goes home and then realizes she loves the Beast too late, the heroine of the Nordic tale actually makes a fatal mistake surrounding the terms of living with her beast, and once she makes that mistake, she needs to go on a quest to fix it. That element then brings in resonances with the Greek myth of Eros and Psyche (another favorite) plus gives the main character a bit more to do, and it had an intense Romanticism that appealed to me at that age. When I was a teenager figuring out sexuality, “Rapunzel” spoke to me—not only the girlish “oh I want to go out and see the world!” part but also the Mother’s “no way Jose the outside world is a scary place full of Men.” These days (though it’s less of a fairy tale as a folk ballad), "Tam Lin" is my tale of choice—it’s got discourse on sexuality, gender, curses, fairy contracts, and shapeshifting. What more could you need?
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consistentsquash · 9 months
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@hprecfest. Day 18. Theme - A Fairy Tale Inspired Fic.
The Lost World by @perverse-idyll
Snarry. Rated E. 10900 words.
This is a fairytale. It has inspiration from a lot of myths and fairytales but on top of that it's an original dark fairytale. One of a kind. I haven't read anything like this before. It's beautiful, romantic and scary. This is Snarry as only this author can write. Intense, mystical, glorious. The most dangerous magic world setting is one where you don't really know how the magic works.
One of the inspirations for the fic is the Eros/Psyche myth. TLDR is Eros was afraid that Psyche would not love him if she saw his face, so he only visted when it was dark. Of course she breaks that rule at some point and bad things happen.
"Under no circumstances are you to open your eyes." Snape's murmur slips like a drug down his ear, along inner pathways of personal memory and repeated immersion in a life not his own; a life he thought had ended. "Don't," the voice catches, pain poking through the sneering façade like a bent nail. "Don't look at me."
The contrast between Snape's "Look at me" in his last canon scene and "Don't look at me" in this postwar fic really hits me hard. It's this type of seamless blending which makes the fic a fairytale without losing the canon connection and characterizations. You can see the same blending happening in the other fairytale references like The Secret Garden and Tam Lin.
Obviously I suck at explaining but I love that this fic doesn't leave canon worldbuilding. It just evolves it? Idk if that made sense. It takes the scary magic elements of the books and actually follows through.
A brilliant fic with a really unforgettable heartbreaking ending.
But don't worry about your broken heart! PI is fixing it in the longer version of the fic.
art source for Eros and Psyche
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turtlemagnum · 1 month
wait, no... ken told lin to go be with the man she loves and start a family and she says that's why she's gonna stay with him??? holy fuck do i hope this isn't reciprocated, christ. like i definitely don't think it's that weird for people to develop crushes on people way older than their batting range, but on ken's end he's known her since she was a fucking baby and he was old enough to be married AND be the world's strongest man. i definitely feel like ken would be better than that, but i'm also not sure if the writers would be. this is the same series that had mamiya get borderline assaulted by rei only for her to immediately go "wow... i know he just ripped a towel off of me while i was bathing, but he obviously didn't have any malicious intent... clearly he's a nice guy, if a bit rough..." after all
i'm also not a fan of the implication in ken's words being that she should go out there and start a relationship with bat. while there definitely is a certain eros to fighting alongside someone, i also don't think that inherently has to be what you personally take away from such a relationship, y'know? they could just be platonic hetero life partners, just because they ran an insurgency group together doesn't mean they're into each other, y'know? men and women can be friends without benefits, ken!!! what the fuck is up with you!!!?? anyways obviously lin should go raise falco's child and be in lesbians with myu, that kid deserves at least one parent that's a fighter
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
Feylin really are the Ballad of Tam Lin AND Beauty and the Beast AND Eros and Psyce huh
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txemptress · 1 year
Roman Misheru
Alpha Misheru
Bravo Misheru
Cable Misheru
Damien Misheru
Kindred Misheru
Sorana Misheru
Kyrell Damaris
Legis Damaris
Lyanna Damaris
Connor Damaris
Arianne Damaris
Akuma HellFire
Aamon HellFire
Artemis HellFire
Akumu HellFire
Valoria HellFire
Hades HellFire
Satan HellFire
Lucifer HellFire
Sepehr HellFire
Eros HellFire
Death Tsuki
Dark Tsuki
Lin Tsuki
Djacc Tsuki
Richard Tsuki
Dianna Tsuki
Shiro Hiroshima
Kyoto Hiroshima
Kazuko Hiroshima
Yashira Kurayami
Raine Armani
Sylvester Armani
Atalanta Armani
Areum Armani
Ayesha Armani
Zenaku Matsuda
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note to self: wtf are you doing?
tagging, @lady-navier0357 , @roseadleyn , @gallahxn , @crownxie , @writerig
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xoteajays · 2 years
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#ovc2023 - day one: All The Love. 
kat singer x dean winchester + eros  /  jasmine lin + agape  /  milly chase and cordelia chase + storge  /  nezumi anei x shuntaro chishiya + ludus  /  bailey cary x derek morgan + pragma  /  farrah swyft x joaquin torress + philia  /  rhythmi + philautia.
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thexdesk · 2 years
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TO: SAGE (re: the X-Force)
FROM: Emma Frost
SUBJECT: Guest List & Security
Hello, darling.
It’s that time of the year once more. The Hellfire Gala is upon us and we are elated to welcome humans, mutants and all others to Mykines Island to celebrate the partnership between humans and mutants. This year, we’ll be honoring those who benefit from our medicines and petals. Of course, I’d be remiss if I did not mention the recent bombshell that Cyclops so lovingly blew up in our faces regarding the secrets of mutant resurrections. We expect people to attempt to crash the Gala in an attempt to prove a point, and as a result the Five have been prohibited from attending. They are to stay in the Healing Gardens with a chaperone at all times.
Like last year, I must thank you and X-Force the services you’ll provide to keep the event safe and secure. Unlike last year, however, I request that you do not let anyone get murdered again. What happened with Wanda Maximoff cannot be repeated. Keeping that in mind, please reach out telepathically if there is an EMERGENCY of any sort. Both myself and the Cuckoo’s will be keeping our minds tuned in.
In the meanwhile, I have attached the guest list below. Please do not let ANYONE in who is not on the list. There is one exception: foreign diplomats and politicians were sent over separately for security purposes.
Do note that many guests will be attending masks or other disguises to preserve their secret identity. Verify their identities before they access the Gates.
With Love,
Emma Grace Frost, the White Queen
ASGARDIAN -- for unity and future prosperity: korg. loki. king valkyrie. 
AVENGERS -- for their work saving the universe time and time again: bruce banner. carol danvers. clinton barton. hope van dyne. samuel wilson. scott lang. spider-man. doctor stephen strange. thor odinson. valkyrie.
CELEBRITIES -- for their accomplishments in the social and cultural world: Audra McDonald. Conan O’Brien. Dua Lipa. Eminem. George R.R. Martin. Jimmy Kimmel. Justin Bieber. Lin Manuel Miranda.  Meryl Streep. Patton Oswalt. Rihanna. Saweetie. Saya Ishii. Seol Hee. Snoop Dogg. Taylor Swift. Virginia Potts [ click for more names ].
* Please note Kanye West has been uninvited.
CHAMPIONS -- for their resilience in the face of C.R.A.D.L.E. and the promotion of change: amadeus cho. amka aliyak. joaquin torres. lana baumgartner. ms. marvel. nadia van dyne. nova. red locust. riri williams. spider-man. starling. viv vision.
ETERNALS -- for fostering new relations: druig. eros. makkari. kingo. phastos. sersi. sprite. thena.
FANTASTIC FOUR -- for their heroic acts across the multiverse: ben grimm. johnny storm. susan storm. reed richards.
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY -- for their work defending the galaxy: heather douglas. gamora. hercules. nebula. noh-varr. peter quill. phyla-vell. richard rider. rocket raccoon.
HEROES OF TOMORROW -- for those who serve the future: america chavez. ghost-spider. ate bishop. ms. marvel.
HONORED ACHIEVEMENTS -- for accomplishments in their field:  daimon hellstrom. elsa bloodstone. greer nelson. hank pym. janet van dyne. jennifer walters. madame web. marc spector. michael morbius. natasha romanoff. steven rogers. tony stark. wanda maximoff.
HUMAN REPRESENTATIVES -- for fostering ongoing relationships: mary jane watson. matthew murdock. michelle jones. patricia walker. 
INHUMANS -- for unity and future prosperity: blackagar boltagon. crystalia amaquelin. daisy johnson. gorgon. karnak. medusalith amaquelin.
PLUS ONES -- for the association to someone who is more special: brian braddock (meggan puceanu braddock). cassie lang (scott lang). felicia hardy (spider-man). jack russell (elsa bloodstone). katherine bishop (clinton barton). layla el-faouly (marc spector).
SANCTUM SANCTORUM -- for their work on magical defenses: clea strange. wong.
SHI’AR EMPIRE -- for unity and future prosperity: cal’ysee neramano. gladiator. xandra neramani.
WAKANDA --  for unity and future prosperity: nakia. okoye. shuri. t’challa.
STANDY BY -- the following have received an invite during the second round and barely made the cut: barbara morse. james buchanan barnes. monica rambeau. yelena belova.
ERROR: When attempting to invite Spider-man, three invites were sent out and accepted.
alex summers
amara aquilla
angelica jones
anna-marie lebeau
betsy braddock
bobby drake
emma frost
gabby kinney
gwen poole
illyana rasputin
jean grey
jeanne-marie beaubier
jimmy hudson
kate pryde
kurt wagner
laura kinney
laynia petrovna
logan howlett
lorna dane
madelyne pryor
max eisenhardt
megan gwynn
meggan puceanu braddock
neena thurman
nikolai krylenko
ororo munroe
rachel summers
raven darkholme
remy lebeau
scott summers
stepford cuckoos
tabitha smith
xi’an coy manh
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dilebe06 · 2 years
I Am The Years You Are The Stars
sono confusa...
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Mai come oggi sono costretta ad usare il modus operandi del " cosa mi è piaciuto e cosa no" per scrivere un commento. Questa serie mi ha lasciato troppo perplessa... confusa dalle mie emozioni contrastanti. Ci sono state cose che ho apprezzato molto e altre che mi hanno lasciato davvero basita e altre ancora dove l'indifferenza ha regnato sovrana.
Partiamo dall'inizio: Liu Hai Kuan è stato la motivazione principale della visione di questo drama. Essendo una fan di the Untamed, come potevo perdermi una serie con uno degli attori di quel capolavoro?! Non potevo. E devo dire che è stato bello vederlo in questo ruolo. Qualcosa di diverso insomma. Cerco sempre di vedere attori che apprezzo in altri ruoli!
Ma sarebbe ingiusto dare a Liu Hai tutto il merito: anche la trama mi aveva affascinata. Quel mixer tra romantico/commedia e Sci Fi con un pizzico di mistero che a me piace tanto.
Solo che... è stato troppo. La serie spazia dalla leggerezza alla serietà in modo troppo casuale per me, con il risultato che certe volte ho percepito le scene comiche, quelle dove doveva esserci la leggerezza, come fuori contesto: se a voi fa sorridere l'idea di William e quell'altro che rinchiudono la lead con il protagonista in modalità serial killer, che la può uccidere a occhi chiusi, mentre commentano la probabile e agognata dipartita della lead mentre bevono thè...buon per voi. A me non faceva ridere ma solo incazzare.
Non solo: alcune tematiche della serie erano pesanti e importanti ( donazione degli organi, droghe, sperimentazione illegale... ). Ma appunto, essendo così impegnative e considerevoli, avere di mezzo queste scene comiche/leggere mi spezzava tutta la profondità lasciandomi un po' interdetta.
Detto questo, andiamo allo schema:
Cose che mi sono piaciute
Il Second Lead
Lin Nuo Yan è stato un buon second lead. Anzi, uno dei migliori. Prima di tutto perché rappresentava perfettamente il cliché del secondo: buono, bello, gentile, affascinante, colto ecc ecc... insomma il classico second lead.
Ma poi, la scoperta del suo ruolo come cattivo è stato un ottimo colpo di scena. Soprattutto perché non l'avevo visto arrivare! C'è stato solo un momento verso il finale dove ho sospettato di lui ma ancora è stata una piacevole sorpresa.
Anche le sue motivazioni ( condivisibili o meno ) hanno avuto un senso e non è stato un cattivo che ha fatto cose malvagie perché lo avevano scritto così! [CIT]
L'amicizia tra i tre dell'Ave Maria + uno
Anche se non ho ben capito perché il protagonista avesse bisogno di Guardiani, le scene tra i tre - più il fratello di William, mio vero eroe - sono state divertenti e carine da guardare. Mi è piaciuto come si guardassero le spalle a vicenda e tutte le loro scenette mezze BL mi hanno fatto sorridere più e più volte. Molto carini.
Il tema della morte
Se c'è una tematica che la serie ha mostrato bene è quella della morte. Con un lead immortale e una lead prossima a scegliersi la bara, il drama si prende del tempo per sviscerare questa tematica, usando spesso i due lead come esempi. Se lui anela alla morte poiché stufo della lunga vita, lei vuole vivere e godersela più che può. Una bella contrapposizione che permette la riflessione. A dare manforte a questa tematica c'è anche il lavoro della lead, particolare ma adatto a questo argomento.
La donazione degli organi
Altra bella tematica è quella della donazione degli organi che è presente per tutta la serie e che permette una meditazione sull'argomento. Una seconda vita per chi riceve l'organo e che viene trattato dalla serie con serietà e impegno. Anche se poi risulta inutile ai fini della trama.
L'assenza di Second Lead rompicoglioni
Ringraziando gli dei ci siamo salvati dai second lead che si mettono di traverso e complottano per far litigare e far lasciare i due protagonisti. E' un cliché vecchio come il mondo che mi fa alzare spesso gli occhi al cielo per la poca originalità degli sceneggiatori. In IATYYATS non c'è questo accumulo di bile e rancore grazie anche al fatto che Lin Nuo Yan era sì innamorato di Jin Xiao Yu, ma sin dall'inizio di capiva che mai e poi mai avrebbe compicciato nulla.
Cheng Wei Lan e Qian Tu
Più che i due lead, ad aver preso il mio cuore, sono stati questi due personaggi secondari. L'amica della lead - che all'inizio non amavo - si dimostra con il passare degli episodi più tosta e divertente di quello che sembrava e ho amato come tenesse a bada William e la sua innamorata di vecchia data con un atteggiamento di assoluta superiorità.
Qian Tu d'altra parte, mi è piaciuto perché si vedeva come tenesse a suo fratello e che non aveva con il lead quell'atteggiamento servile e ammirato che tutti i personaggi maschili che gli giravano intorno possedevano. Certo, lavorava per lui ecc ecc ma senza venerarlo o trattarlo come un Dio.
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La storia
Al di là della scrittura non propriamente perfetta, ho apprezzato la storia in sé. L'idea non era male per niente. Certo l'esecuzione ha lasciato un po' a desiderare - soprattutto nel finale - ma lo spunto era interessante: la parte Sci Fi mi ha intrattenuto insomma. Capire perché lui fosse immortale, perché solo lei riusciva a fargli da antidolorifico, il motivo per cui la lead sarebbe dovuta morire di una malattia rara... è stato interessante.
La lead
Con la protagonista inizia la discesa verso le " cose che non mi sono piaciute". Infatti Jin Xiao Yu è stato un personaggio che da una parte ho apprezzato e dall'altra mi ha lasciata basita. Ho gradito la sua spensieratezza, maliziosità e ottimismo perché portava gioia e leggerezza alla storia.
Ma di contro, sono rimasta spiazzata: sta tizia è orfana. La madre è morta di parto e il padre è andato a comprare le sigarette e ciao ciao con la manina. Ad una certa le diagnosticano una malattia rara che la porterà alla tomba prima dei trent'anni e lei... sorride felice alla vita. Allegra, socievole, sempre sorridente e simpatica. Rare sono le volte in cui si ferma a pensare a che vita di merda ha avuto e che non avrà mai.
E quando ci pensa anziché farsi prendere dallo sconforto e dalla depressione - come è giusto e umano che sia - lo trasforma in un motivo per affrontare la vita con ancora più spirito. E per carità, è un bel messaggio...ma è anche tanto irrealistico. Posso accettare zombi e rocce radioattive in una storia, ma dai personaggi, dalla loro caratterizzazione e personalità, pretendo realismo.
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Cose che non mi sono piaciute
Oltre alle cose scritte all'inizio, sul mixer di roba e generi che non ho apprezzato particolarmente, voglio aggiungere altro:
William e Qian Cheng VS La lead
Per buona parte della storia i due " amici" del lead tormentano la povera Jin Xiao Yu rendendole la vita difficile. come se non avesse già abbastanza sfighe rischiando anche di ammazzarla una o due volte.
Allora, prima di tutto non ho capito il perché di questo odio considerando che la Nonna l'ha assunta ed è l'unica che fa stare meglio l'uomo lo zombi che entrambi venerano. La risposta a tutto questo rancore è semplice: sono gelosi e sospettosi. Il sospetto posso anche accettarlo ma la gelosia...dai, da due adulti che hanno passato la pubertà da anni?! Ma poi, non solo la trattano male ma cercano proprio di farla fuori, di ferirla. E la cosa che mi ha lasciato ancora più basita è che quando viene fuori la loro colpevolezza anziché prendere un badile per spaccargli le gengive ad entrambi, i personaggi fanno tutti finta che non sia successo nulla! La sera complotti per accoppare la protagonista e la mattina tutti a colazione assieme a lanciarsi frecciatine. Io Boh... O_O
Il Piano Malefico della Nonna
Questa arzilla signora in realtà è Satana sotto mentite spoglie. Il suo piano di assumere la lead come antidolorifico per il protagonista nasconde un piano omicida senza precedenti che forse la love story ha nascosto troppo bene.
La Nonna infatti assume Jin Xiao Yu con la consapevolezza che se qualcosa andasse storto, la ragazza morirebbe malissimo. Ma siccome è già in punto di morte perché non farla direttamente Guardiana così se crepa si può dire che tanto era il suo destino?! Meglio che muoia lei che tanto è a un passo dalla morte che uno dei suoi parenti/amici. La lead rischia la vita ogni notte... però la Nonna si tiene tutti gli onori di avere il lead come Signore. E per non farci mancare nulla, facciamole anche fare le pulizie del mega villone. Sia mai che a qualcuno venisse in mente che è una malata terminale e che si dovrebbe riposare!
La strana malattia della lead
Io lo sapevo. Da quando hanno detto all'inizio, che la protagonista aveva un TOT di tempo prima di lasciare questa valle di lacrime, pensavo a quale incredibile escamotage avrebbero escogitato gli sceneggiatori per salvarla. Sia mai che un personaggio che deve morì, muoia. C'è sempre una pillola, un medicinale, un libro antico, una cazzata megagalattica che salva il culo al morto certificato di turno.
E più andava avanti la serie e più mi preoccupavo: di sta malattia nulla si sapeva oltre che i sintomi erano il sanguinare il naso e lo svenire. E si sa: meno si conosce di una malattia e più si trovano modi per sfangarla.
I Am The years ecc ecc travalica questo problema per spingersi oltre i confini dello sti cazzi. Non è che esiste una cura alla malattia della protagonista. scema io che ci ho pensato E' che la serie si chiude dicendoci che lei adesso sta bene e stop.
S. T. O. P.
Finito tutto.
Passiamo direttamente al matrimonio, auguri e figli maschi!
Ma come?! mi caghi il cazzo per 24 puntate sulla malattia incurabile della lead, mi tormenti dicendomi che solo il cattivo ha una cura per lei, mi assilli con tutte quelle paturnie su " quando io morirò tu devi vivere felice ecc ecc " e poi...si salva ma non si sa bene come?!
Questo odio degli sceneggiatori che fanno così. Hanno chiaramente costruito un personaggio pietoso con cui empatizzare ma non hanno poi avuto le palle per andare fino in fondo, dimostrando di aver voluto provocare la lacrima facile. Che poi fa ridere che sul finale abbiano portato la lead - malata terminale lo ricordo, che sviene e perde sangue dal naso - a scalare una montagna, in posti pericolosi e impervi. Giusto per non stancarla.
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Il finale
La puntata ambientata nella montagna è un concentrato meraviglioso di cose a cazzum.
Tra William e Qian Cheng che trovano gli altri nei boschi manco avessero un GPS iniettato nelle vene, quando persino loro si sono persi... a bombe piazzate strategicamente sotto i piedi dei personaggi per ammazzarli tutti e seppellirli tra i detriti. E qui però non posso dire nulla perché d'altronde Qian Cheng lavora per la Nonna e si sa...chi si somiglia si piglia! Non mi sorprende che abbia cercato di ammazzarli tutti. E come non parlare della Barriera che protegge il meteorite e che permette di entrare ma NON di uscire! E per finire, come non mandare un pensiero agli accompagnatori del nostro gruppetto che sono magicamente spariti nel nulla? sono morti? che Qian Cheng li abbia uccisi non mi stupirebbe.
La "ex" di Qian Cheng
La chiamo ex anche se non stavano assieme. Ma il suo ruolo era pressoché quello del passato amore che torna all'improvviso - nel vero senso della parola - motivo per il quale si è beccata questa mia investitura.
L'idea della ex che torna e si scopre essere disturbata mentalmente e cattiva non era male. Mi è piaciuto il fatto che il trauma del passato di Qian Cheng fosse in realtà tutto un barbatrucco della donzella che arriva a mentire sul suo rapimento e stupro per avere i soldi. Peccato che poi la serie faccia come sempre un mischione dicendoci che prima voleva il denaro - anche se è ricca sfondata - per drogasse e poi che stava facendo tutte quelle cose cattive per motivi scientifici. Ha proprio la faccia di una che ama la ricerca e le scienze Che è un po' come nella scena della lead che va a pranzo con il second lead e si becca una scenata di gelosia dal protagonista senza apparente motivo, visto che lui aveva rifiutato di essere il suo fidanzato e che quindi lei era libera di fare quello che voleva.
Ma la ex una cosa positiva me l'ha donata: la sua candidatura a peggior attrice per il quiz di fine anno. Raramente ho visto una recitazione così pessima. Occhi strabuzzati, interpretazione troppo caricata, risata falsa, discorsi senza senso... na' roba da incubo.
Conclusione: tutto sommato è stata una visione divertente che non mi ha mai pesato per tutte le 24 puntate che anzi ho visto con piacere. skippando qua e là Merito dei misteri e della storia di base che trascinano il drama assieme alle tematiche più intense e drammatiche. Non male i personaggi anche se nessuno mi rimarrà nel cuore per via di una scrittura che certe volte mi ha lasciato perplessa. La serie nonostante il suo apprezzabile impegno nello sviscerare temi importanti, tratta alcune parti con troppa superficialità con il risultato che quello che ne esce più che piacermi o non piacermi, mi ha lasciato confusa.
Voto: 7.4
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( mi fa tagliare dalle risate questa scena sul finale. Il cattivo che riemerge dal baratro e gli altri che se lo guardano come se fossero in gita e NON AVESSERO RISCHIATO DI CREPARE TUTTI FINO A DUE SECONDI PRIMA.)
PS: sto disperatamente cercando la canzone che il lead ascolta dal grammofono. E' una canzone stupenda, romantica e cantata da una voce così particolare che me ne sono innamorata...qualcuno sa il titolo o dove trovarla???!!!
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