#Ernst Bloch
abridurif · 1 month
Quand arriverons-nous donc plus près de nous-mêmes ? au lit ? en voyage ? chez soi, où tant de choses au retour nous paraissent meilleures ? Chacun connaît le sentiment d’avoir oublié quelque chose dans sa vie consciente, quelque chose qui est resté en route et n’a pas été tiré au clair. C’est pourquoi ce qu’on allait dire à l’instant et qui vient de nous échapper nous semble souvent si important. Et lorsqu’on quitte une chambre qu’on a assez longtemps habitée, on jette un regard bizarre autour de soi, avant de partir. Là aussi, quelque chose est resté, dont on n’a pas eu l’idée. On l’emporte néanmoins avec soi pour recommencer ailleurs. Ernst Bloch, Traces, Éditions Gallimard, 1968
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hyperions-fate · 1 year
This glance therefore confirms that man everywhere is still living in prehistory, indeed all and everything still stands before the creation of the world, of a right world. True genesis is not at the beginning but at the end, and it starts to begin only when society and existence become radical, i.e. grasp their roots. But the root of history is the working, creating human being who reshapes and overhauls the given facts. Once he has grasped himself and established what is his, without expropriation and alienation, in real democracy, there arises in the world something which shines into the childhood of all and in which no one has yet been: homeland.
Ernst Bloch, The Principle of Hope (1959)
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jean-debor · 29 days
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aschenblumen · 8 months
It is not only easier for this age to believe in the visible than the invisible, amazingly, but even within the visible, what is discrete, subdivided seems even more real than the whole. *** No solo es más fácil para esta época creer en lo visible que en lo invisible, sorprendentemente, sino que incluso dentro de lo visible, lo que es discreto, subdividido, parece aún más real que el todo.
—Ernst Bloch, «The Shape of the Inconstruable Question» en The Spirit of Utopia. Traducción de Anthony A. Nassar.
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davidhudson · 1 year
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Ernst Bloch, July 8, 1885 – August 4, 1977.
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cuddlymashmallow · 2 years
"The most tragic form of loss is the loss of the capacity to imagine that things could be different."
- Ernst Bloch, The Principle of Hope.
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intotheclash · 6 months
Pensare significa oltrepassare.
Ernst Bloch - Il principio speranza
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laborkyle · 2 years
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bocadosdefilosofia · 1 year
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«Y este último elemento, el constructivo, determina también metódicamente una segunda e importante diferencia: las utopías sociales se nos presentan con el relato, con la descripción, no solo novelesca, de una sociedad futura mejor. Las teorías del Derecho natural, en cambio, trabajan, incluso en Rousseau, con deducciones desde un principio, se esfuerzan en conseguir el rango de una ciencia demostrativa. Y por lo que se refiere a la tercera, importante diferencia, esta se encuentra en la intención objetiva. Las utopías sociales están dirigidas principalmente a la dicha, o por lo menos, a la eliminación de la necesidad y de las circunstancias que mantienen o producen aquella. Las teorías iusnaturalistas, en cambio, como se ha visto claramente, están dirigidas predominantemente a la dignidad, a los derechos del hombre, a garantías jurídicas de la seguridad o libertad humanas, en tanto que categorías del orgullo humano. Y de acuerdo con ello, la utopía social está dirigida, sobre todo, a la eliminación de la miseria humana, mientras que el Derecho natural está dirigido, ante todo, a la eliminación de la humillación humana. La utopía social quiere quitar de en medio todo lo que se opone a la eudemonia de todos, mientras que el Derecho natural quiere terminar con todo lo que se opone a la autonomía y a su eunomía.»
Ernst Bloch: Derecho natural y dignidad humana. Aguilar Ediciones, pág. 209. Madrid, 1980.
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hyperions-fate · 1 year
In the long polar winter as which the Enlightenment and the Sturm und Drang regarded all feudal history, the effect of the wild Apollo was like that of the sun at last beginning to rise from below the horizon. 'Air of heaven - freedom! freedom!' are the last words of the dying Götz; and Egmont, the national-revolutionary hero, dies with a vision which hurls the entire ocean in tyrannos: 'Brave people! the goddess of victory leads you! And as the sea breaks through your dams, break and pull down the walls of tyranny and sweep it away in drowning waters from the ground which it usurps.' Rage and hope, these were and are here the two utopian emotions of a sharper kind, and they govern all others in the consciousness which feels itself to be full of a new figure.
Ernst Bloch, The Principle of Hope
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somehow---here · 1 year
Si è soli con sé stessi. Anche quando sono insieme con gli altri, i più rimangono soli. Dall'una e dall'altra solitudine bisogna tirarsi fuori.
Ernst Bloch, da "Tracce" (Spuren), 1930
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aschenblumen · 8 months
Hope is in the darkness itself, partakes ofits imperceptibility, just as darkness and mystery are always related; itthreatens to disappear if it looms up too nearly, too abruptly in this darkness. We tremble in hope, in amazement; something comes over us, and people like to say that at such a moment someone is passing over where we will be buried; but in reality, insofar s we thereby experience the genuine question, a word is approaching the inmost focus of our and thus all being-there, is passing over our final self. The darkness of the nearness thus perhaps still intensifies the darkness of the secret, which of course would precisely not seem so dark if it were not in the deepest way the darkness of the nearness itself (...). *** La esperanza está en la oscuridad misma, participa de su imperceptibilidad, del mismo modo que la oscuridad y el misterio están siempre relacionados; amenaza con desaparecer si se asoma demasiado cerca, demasiado bruscamente en esta oscuridad. Temblamos de esperanza, de asombro; algo se apodera de nosotros, y a la gente le gusta decir que en ese momento alguien está pasando por encima de donde seremos enterrados; pero en realidad, en la medida en que experimentamos así la auténtica pregunta, una palabra se está acercando al foco más íntimo de nuestro ser-todo-ahí, está pasando por encima de nuestro ser final. La oscuridad de la cercanía quizás intensifica aún más la oscuridad del secreto, que por supuesto no parecería tan oscuro si no fuera en lo más profundo la oscuridad de la cercanía misma (...).
—Ernst Bloch, «The Shape of the Inconstruable Question» en The Spirit of Utopia. Traducción de Anthony A. Nassar.
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dipnotski · 2 days
Ernst Bloch – Thomas Münzer (2024)
Yirminci yüzyıla yön veren filozoflardan Ernst Bloch, yola koyuluşun, hareketin, direncin ve öngörü bilincinin düşünürüydü. Onun umut, dimdik yürüme ve somut ütopya ana-motifleri çalkantılı 1960’ların tartışmalarına da nüfûz etti. Bloch’la birlikte, felsefi düşüncenin keşfedilenin haritasını çıkarmaktan daha fazlasını ifade ettiğini öğrenebiliriz. Yaşanan ânın karanlığı ve henüz-olmamanın…
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Sure, this is the ex-Vieuxtemps Guarneri and that helps but this is just an absolutely blistering, jaw-dropping performance of Bloch's "Nigun".
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geopolicraticus · 2 months
Ernst Bloch and the Principle of Hope   
Monday 08 July 2024 is the 139th anniversary of the birth of Ernst Bloch (08 July 1885 – 04 August 1977), who was born in Ludwigshafen on this date in 1885.
Bloch wrote in a prophetic and paradoxical voice that wouldn’t work well for a lot of philosophers, but it allowed Bloch to synthesize Marxism, messianism, theology, and eschatology. Bloch’s major work, The Principle of Hope, is essentially about utopias, surveying utopias in all of their forms—medical utopias, social utopias, technological utopias, architectural utopias, and geographical utopias, and the themes of his thought all cluster around the utopian ideal—hope, striving toward and into the future, possibility, and potentiality.
Quora:              https://philosophyofhistory.quora.com/ 
Discord:           https://discord.gg/r3dudQvGxD
Links:               https://jnnielsen.carrd.co/
Newsletter:     http://eepurl.com/dMh0_-/
Text post:        https://geopolicraticus.substack.com/p/ernst-bloch-and-the-principle-of   
Video:              https://youtu.be/zlu6yLHzTGc   
Podcast:          https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/c7Vt0reR4Kb
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wmlz · 3 months
„Man muss ins Gelingen verliebt sein, nicht ins Scheitern.“
Ernst Bloch
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