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sarenth · 3 months ago
Patron Topic 105: On Calling Distant Ancestors
If you want to submit a topic you would like me to write on for this blog or my Patreon, sign up for the Ansuz level or above here on my Patreon. You can also choose to support me outside of Patreon, such as directly through PayPal. From House Hesson comes this topic: “What does ancestor work look like when all of the ancestors you knew personally were awful people? (Abusive, Trump voters,…
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talonabraxas · 1 year ago
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alu ᚨᛚᚢ
The most common - and most, as is commonly believed, powerful - incantatory rune word. Perhaps it goes back to the most ancient northern European basis al, meaning magic power, magic in general. The magical use of the word was probably very varied. The most general interpretation is as follows - “Dedication; magical power and power; wisdom".
Several modifications of this spell are known; here are some of them: slalu - a variant supplemented by the rune of power and victory; folslalu is a complex variant known from the bracteate from Fakse; halg alu is another complicated variant, the meaning of which is restored with great difficulty.
sar ᛊᚨᚱ
Also a very common sacred word. A possible reconstruction of the meaning is “wandering in search of Power”, which should be understood not only literally, but also figuratively.
auja ᚨᚢᛃᚨ
This word itself means “luck”. The use of this word as an incantation has, accordingly, the purpose of bringing good luck.
gibulauja ᚷᛁᛒᚢᛚᚨᚢᛃᚨ
Complicated version of the previous word. This is a combination of two words meaning “to give good luck” or “to give good luck." It is important that in this version the Gebo rune appears, corresponding to the meaning of the spell as a whole.
laþu ᛚᚨᛒᚢ
A very common incantatory word; the connection of the word with an ancient stem with the meaning of “invitation”, “invocation.” This is one of the sacred words that were part of invoking spells.
laukaz ᛚᚨᚢᚲᚨᛊ
Many researchers associate this sacred word with the ancient scandal laukaz “wild onion”, which was a sacred plant and was revered as having great magical power, mainly of a protective, protective nature. Therefore, the word has a similar direction of action. However, it should be borne in mind that LaukaR is perhaps one of the oldest variants of the name of the rune Laguz, which should also be borne in mind when using this sacred word.
The names of those who practiced the Nordic Tradition also served as words of power: Erilaz - the lord of the runes; Gothi clergyman, priest; Vitki - magician, sorcerer, lord of the runes. Inscriptions - good wishes also have magical properties. The main traditional concepts are the following: Alag, "presence, influence”, Auja- “luck”, Gina- “endowed with divine power” attacks ”.
Ancient Icelandic magic words
keþa (Keþa’s) - “help of the graves” - meaning patrimonial protection
Ale - “beer, full cup” - prosperity
þaliR - “falcon, man” - courage, courage.
hararar - “agile, fast” - speed and strength
baijar - “magic” - magical power
laiþigar- “hatred, trouble” - disgusting
Halar- “stone” - resilience
viðr- “forest” -connection with nature
wiðugastir - “master” - another designation of eril
hús - “house”
ladawarija - “protected by the earth” - protection from the earth (meaning that the spirits of the earth will protect).
lönnruner- “cache of runes” - knowing the secret contained in the runes.
faikinar ist - “visited by witchcraft” - empowered
raunijar - “one who tries” - trying his hand
siklisnahli- “helping fire” - protection of the spirits of fire
teitr- “happy” -happiness, happy
elska - “love, beloved” - understanding, love.
(Adapted from L. Peschel. A Practical Guide to the Runes. St. Paul, 1996) Valknut There are numerous variations of the Valknut, although two specific configurations are by far the most common styles found. The first is the tricursal variant. This features three triangles interlocking with each other, each with their own separate shape. The second variant is unicursal, using a singular line to create the three interconnected triangles.
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cassegrainarts · 18 days ago
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Cas el Bron, known in certain circles as a supporter of the separation of magical and scientific activities, an astronomer, and a member of the Resistance.
When Jera Erilaz, one of the leaders of the Resistance, became queen of Skybounds, she issued a decree on the construction of the First Skybounds Obresvatory, and Cas became its director.
Cas is cergal, born in the city of Bron, one of the main cities of Skybounds, the kingdom on the north of the continent named Inskaar. The kingdom was moslty elven, and its king was a tyrant treating cergals extremely poorly, so Cas travelled to the southern kingdom. He studied magic and astronomy for years, and his desperate dream was to separate science from magical studies to make it deeper and more efficient. Later he returned to Skybounds and joined the Resistance against the tyrant king. Cas is an intellectual, enthusiastic, progressive, respecting other people's ideas, supporting original studies. And I can say that he turned out to be my personal ideal of the scientist. However, Cas is not ideal as a person. When his daughter Cassini was born, he preferred not to raise her, but to plunge deeper into his scientific work, so his wife had to sacrifice several years of her scientific career to raise their child. Later he became obsessed with the idea to extend his life because he didn't want to give the leadership in observatory to anyone else.
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boghermit · 3 months ago
5) to not realize that they are being flirted with 6) to lose their keys repeatedly 11) to survive in the wild 16) to get arrested 17) to talk during a movie
5. To not realize that they are being flirted with
The only way Johnny will realize he's being flirted with is if you make a sign that says "I'm flirting with you" and hit him on the head with it
6. To lose their keys repeatedly
Salem, due to the lobotomy. 😔I would say Anja because she's a pothead, but for some reason I've never had that problem so idk if that's a just a common myth or what. 🤷‍♂️
11. To survive in the wild
This is kind of a cheat, but Erilaz and Jules, two of my WoW characters. Erilaz is a druid who has always lived in the wilds of Drustvar and Jules is a seasoned adventurer who knows Azeroth like the back of his hand.
16. To get arrested
Anja because she has zero respect for authority. Even my gangster characters are less likely to get arrested than her. Alternatively, my DAI Inquisitor Sel, who is partially based on Anja, also has zero respect for authority, and is married to Sera. Enough said.
17. To talk during a movie
Cormac. You didn't get the joke? Why didn't you get the joke? He's now explaining the joke to you.
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noweyesee · 5 months ago
Divination deck adoption
Due to life reasons (lack of money, lack of time), I have decided to put my original divination decks up for adoption. I will try to make the entirety of the process clear and understandable. 
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★ Owning the deck
Adopting the deck means you will have full ownership of their designs. Meaning you can copyright them, change the designs, sell them, print them — the world will be your oyster. 
After acquiring ownership I will take your deck out of all my stores, and they will be yours effectively, no longer being available for adoption. 
☆ Receiving the deck 
You’ll receive your deck through email, in zip file with all the cards, pdf file of printing sheet and a guidebook when the deck has it. 
✧ Acquiring your original divination deck ✧
✦ Starting price is 5$ USD for a single deck, you might choose as many decks as you want to adopt. 
✦ Will work similarly as a bid system, any updates will be posted in a reblog of this og post. 
・Step 1. Choose the deck or decks you want to have full ownership of  ・Step 2. Send me a DM telling me: which decks you want, for which symbolic amount and why they resonated with you ・Step 3. If accepted, payment can be made through paypal or ko-fi donation ・Step 4. After transaction confirmation, send me the email through which you can get your deck(s) ・Step 5. Enjoy! I hope the decks find a kind and valuable home in your hands. 
★ Available decks
You can check the available decks in more detail  here in the intro video, in my ko-fi shop page, linked in masterpost. If you wanna see a specific card from any deck, DM me and I’ll send it to you! The adoptable decks available are:
✧ Tarot decks 
・Black is Art Tarot: 78 illustrated cards with The full Major and minor Arcana depicting Black excellence in Renaissance + a 46 pages PDF Booklet with details of the art and the inspiration and experience of making this deck.
・Soft as Clouds Tarot: 78 tarot cards with cute art and pastel palette. 
・Sex & Love Tarot: 78 illustrated cards designed to represent matters of sex and relationship, based on the sexual and fiery meanings + a 44 page guidebook meaning of cards.
・The Dark Witch Tarot: 78 illustrated cards with the full arcana on black, white, red and gold to represent the elements of magick, the shadows and life force that sustain the shadows of witchcraft + 56 guidebook with cards meaning and correspondences.
✧ Lenormand decks
・Pride Lenormand: 36 illustrated cards – The full Lenormand with gender neutral and Pride aspects cause I am ace aro and needed to be included. 
・Fairytale Lenormand: 36 illustrated cards – The full Lenormand with fairytale imagery inspired by classic illustrations on Aesop’s and Grimm’s books. 
✧ Oracle decks
・Circular Tarotscope Oracle: 78 Circular and Illustrated cards that express the connection and correspondences between Astrology and Tarot, inspired by Joan Zodianz.
・Deep Dark Blue Oracle: 52 illustrated cards, colorful and inspired by the Ocean and infused with water energy + 22 page PDF Booklet explaining the meaning and correspondences of the cards, the energy of the deck and advice on getting to know your deck.
・Yes & No Oracle: 72 original cards varying on the Negative and Affirmative spectrum of answers.
・The Seed Oracle: 40 cards, borderless and illustrated with the cycle of a small seed in it’s progress, difficulties, challenges, growth and end, infused with earth energy + 7 page PDF guidebook containing the deck’s energy and the order of its cards.
・The Storyteller Oracle: 42 cards illustrated with the flow of a storyline is one present in our lives, a dance that mirrors and partakes in the flow of the Universe and one that is told by these cards + 10 page PDF guidebook explaining the Storyteller’s narrative. 
・Daily Affirmations Oracle: 57 cards with a gente but direct Oracle deck with affirmations focused on manifestation of mindfulness, mental health, daily advice, love, Spirituality, Confidence and Success.
・The Erilaz Oracle: 30 cards inspired and based on the Elder Futhark alphabet and on the magick of the bindrunes for a rune divination through cards. 
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erilaz-xavier · 4 years ago
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ullinshall · 4 years ago
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Ten thousand souls and you’re right here, juggernaut child in a fragile lair —All them Witches, When God Comes Back
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danieidiomas · 2 years ago
Stafir de poder, sigilo europeo antiguo para hechizos (para lección de curso online de Galdr o magia nórdica en Udemy). ¿Sabes cuál es? DM para encargos --> @dani_e_idiomas Crédito: Publicado en Instagram, original de Daniel Lucas Hernández (17/01/2023). NUEVO CURSO DE INTRODUCCIÓN AL GALDR DE LAS RUNAS Y SIGILOS ESCANDINAVOS Cupón válido hasta el 5 de febrero con el código ENERO2023 ¿Quieres un mejor cupón? Envíame un mensaje privado y te haré uno mejor @dani_e_idiomas https://www.udemy.com/course/galdr-simbolos-magicos-escandinavos-runas-y-bindrunes/?couponCode=ENERO2023
0 notes
faerieconsort · 2 years ago
Redhr idhr sol tidhr idhr laghr
Odhas idhr sol tidhr idhr laghr
Thors idhr sol tidhr idhr laghr
Køn idhr sol tidhr idhr laghr
Madhr idhr sol tidhr idhr laghr
Ur idhr sol tidhr idhr laghr
Odhas sædl ast sæla blidhr batnar
Sol sædl ast sæla blidhr batnar
Idhr sædl ast sæla blidhr batnar
Odhas sædl ast sæla blidhr batnar
Sol sædl ast sæla blidhr batnar
Tidhr sædl ast sæla blidhr batnar
Sol lidhønd ø dæmi æri auruæn
Tidhr lidhønd ø dæmi æri auruæn
Egr lidhønd ø dæmi æri auruæn
Fir lidhønd ø dæmi æri auruæn
Nand lidhønd ø dæmi æri auruæn
Agr lidhønd ø dæmi æri auruæn
0 notes
ilsassodellastrega · 5 years ago
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(ITA/ENG) 💐 Embla è la prima donna umana nel mondo nordico. Quella che per altri viene chiamata Eva. Odino le diede vita attraverso il soffio vitale, Villi la rese cosciente ed intelligente e Vé le donò la parola e l'udito. 🔮In una lettura Embla richiama ad una nuova vita che inizia, un nuovo percorso, un nuovo amore. È speranza e voglia di vivere. Le stesse sensazioni che mi trasmette il profumo della lavanda. . . Deck: " Yggdrasil - Norse Divination Cards" . . 💐 Embla is the first human woman in the Nordic world. What others call Eve. Odin gave her the breath of life, Villi made her conscious and intelligent and Vé gave her speech and hearing. 🔮In a reading Embla is a new life that begins, a new path, a new love. She is hope and desire to live. The same sensations that the scent of lavender gives me. #ilsassodellastrega #tarocchi #oracolonordico #Yggdrasil #yggdrasilnorsedivinationcards #letturatarocchi #letturacarte #divinazione #Erilaz #norseculture #viking #odinism #femmeprimavera #proudtobeheathen #proudheathen #italiantarotreader #etenismo #Odino #Villi #Vé #veggente https://www.instagram.com/p/B_hMrShH_U6/?igshid=n089htq6czx0
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troll-bridge · 7 years ago
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“Begone, abomination!”
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gifts-of-heimdall-runes · 3 years ago
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alu ᚨᛚᚢ
The most common - and most, as is commonly believed, powerful - incantatory rune word. Perhaps it goes back to the most ancient northern European basis al, meaning magic power, magic in general. The magical use of the word was probably very varied. The most general interpretation is as follows - “Dedication; magical power and power; wisdom".
Several modifications of this spell are known; here are some of them: slalu - a variant supplemented by the rune of power and victory; folslalu is a complex variant known from the bracteate from Fakse; halg alu is another complicated variant, the meaning of which is restored with great difficulty.
sar ᛊᚨᚱ
Also a very common sacred word. A possible reconstruction of the meaning is “wandering in search of Power”, which should be understood not only literally, but also figuratively.
auja ᚨᚢᛃᚨ
This word itself means “luck”. The use of this word as an incantation has, accordingly, the purpose of bringing good luck.
gibulauja ᚷᛁᛒᚢᛚᚨᚢᛃᚨ
Complicated version of the previous word. This is a combination of two words meaning "to give good luck" or "to give good luck." It is important that in this version the Gebo rune appears, corresponding to the meaning of the spell as a whole.
laþu ᛚᚨᛒᚢ
A very common incantatory word; the connection of the word with an ancient stem with the meaning of “invitation”, “invocation.” This is one of the sacred words that were part of invoking spells.
laukaz ᛚᚨᚢᚲᚨᛊ
Many researchers associate this sacred word with the ancient scandal laukaz “wild onion”, which was a sacred plant and was revered as having great magical power, mainly of a protective, protective nature. Therefore, the word has a similar direction of action. However, it should be borne in mind that LaukaR is perhaps one of the oldest variants of the name of the rune Laguz, which should also be borne in mind when using this sacred word.
The names of those who practiced the Nordic Tradition also served as words of power: Erilaz - the lord of the runes; Gothi clergyman, priest; Vitki - magician, sorcerer, lord of the runes. Inscriptions - good wishes also have magical properties. The main traditional concepts are the following: Alag, "presence, influence", Auja- "luck", Gina- "endowed with divine power" attacks ”.
Ancient Icelandic magic words
keþa (Keþa's) - "help of the graves" - meaning patrimonial protection
Ale - "beer, full cup" - prosperity
þaliR - "falcon, man" - courage, courage.
hararar - "agile, fast" - speed and strength
baijar - "magic" - magical power
laiþigar- "hatred, trouble" - disgusting
Halar- "stone" - resilience
viðr- "forest" -connection with nature
wiðugastir - "master" - another designation of eril
hús - "house"
ladawarija - "protected by the earth" - protection from the earth (meaning that the spirits of the earth will protect).
lönnruner- "cache of runes" - knowing the secret contained in the runes.
faikinar ist - "visited by witchcraft" - empowered
raunijar - "one who tries" - trying his hand
siklisnahli- "helping fire" - protection of the spirits of fire
teitr- "happy" -happiness, happy
elska - "love, beloved" - understanding, love.
(Adapted from L. Peschel. A Practical Guide to the Runes. St. Paul, 1996)
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talonabraxas · 1 year ago
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alu ᚨᛚᚢ
The most common - and most, as is commonly believed, powerful - incantatory rune word. Perhaps it goes back to the most ancient northern European basis al, meaning magic power, magic in general. The magical use of the word was probably very varied. The most general interpretation is as follows - “Dedication; magical power and power; wisdom".
Several modifications of this spell are known; here are some of them: slalu - a variant supplemented by the rune of power and victory; folslalu is a complex variant known from the bracteate from Fakse; halg alu is another complicated variant, the meaning of which is restored with great difficulty.
sar ᛊᚨᚱ
Also a very common sacred word. A possible reconstruction of the meaning is “wandering in search of Power”, which should be understood not only literally, but also figuratively.
auja ᚨᚢᛃᚨ
This word itself means “luck”. The use of this word as an incantation has, accordingly, the purpose of bringing good luck.
gibulauja ᚷᛁᛒᚢᛚᚨᚢᛃᚨ
Complicated version of the previous word. This is a combination of two words meaning “to give good luck” or “to give good luck." It is important that in this version the Gebo rune appears, corresponding to the meaning of the spell as a whole.
laþu ᛚᚨᛒᚢ
A very common incantatory word; the connection of the word with an ancient stem with the meaning of “invitation”, “invocation.” This is one of the sacred words that were part of invoking spells.
laukaz ᛚᚨᚢᚲᚨᛊ
Many researchers associate this sacred word with the ancient scandal laukaz “wild onion”, which was a sacred plant and was revered as having great magical power, mainly of a protective, protective nature. Therefore, the word has a similar direction of action. However, it should be borne in mind that LaukaR is perhaps one of the oldest variants of the name of the rune Laguz, which should also be borne in mind when using this sacred word.
The names of those who practiced the Nordic Tradition also served as words of power: Erilaz - the lord of the runes; Gothi clergyman, priest; Vitki - magician, sorcerer, lord of the runes. Inscriptions - good wishes also have magical properties. The main traditional concepts are the following: Alag, "presence, influence”, Auja- “luck”, Gina- “endowed with divine power” attacks ”.
Ancient Icelandic magic words
keþa (Keþa’s) - “help of the graves” - meaning patrimonial protection
Ale - “beer, full cup” - prosperity
þaliR - “falcon, man” - courage, courage.
hararar - “agile, fast” - speed and strength
baijar - “magic” - magical power
laiþigar- “hatred, trouble” - disgusting
Halar- “stone” - resilience
viðr- “forest” -connection with nature
wiðugastir - “master” - another designation of eril
hús - “house”
ladawarija - “protected by the earth” - protection from the earth (meaning that the spirits of the earth will protect).
lönnruner- “cache of runes” - knowing the secret contained in the runes.
faikinar ist - “visited by witchcraft” - empowered
raunijar - “one who tries” - trying his hand
siklisnahli- “helping fire” - protection of the spirits of fire
teitr- “happy” -happiness, happy
elska - “love, beloved” - understanding, love.
(Adapted from L. Peschel. A Practical Guide to the Runes. St. Paul, 1996)
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johnny-dynamo · 3 years ago
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Flash Carnage by  Erilaz Art
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ekscelsior · 5 years ago
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Tawol Athodu Ek Erilaz Owlthuthewaz Niwaremariz Saawilagar Hateka Harj
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noweyesee · 3 years ago
✹ Printable Oracle Deck Auction ✹
To start 2022 differently I thought of trying new experiences — with an auction of one of my Oracle decks.
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✦ The Oracle Deck
— The Erilaz: An Elder Futhark Oracle Deck —
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An oracle deck for norse pagans and lovers of norse mythology. The cards follow the reading and interpretation method of the nordic runes. Inspired and based on the Elder Futhark alphabet and on the magick of the bindrunes.
The colors of the deck followed those descripted in the viking age, Blue for luxury and to symbolize that this deck belongs to a knowleageable individual -white, red and gold.
Each card has a rune or bindrune and its keywords and meanings. An illustration of Yggdrasil is in the back of each card, accompanied by the infamous rope that aided in bringing knowledge to the Old Man.
🔎 • You'll get: – Download: PDF file in A3 size with 7 pages - front and back of cards and Box; 30 cards | 7 cm x 12 cm; in English; No guidebook included
This Deck will be your and only yours — rights of use will belong to you.
✧The Auction and Placing your Bids
-> The auction will be in effect from — January 15th, 2022 until January 31th, 2022
-> Place your Bids through DM, so that your ID can remain private
-> Keep watch on the reblogs of this post, as I'll update the highest bids through here
-> If you win, payments through Paypal or Ko-FI
-> Minimum Bid Increase of 3$ USD
☆Starting Bid: 9$ USD
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