#Erika Stucky
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arcimboldisworld · 2 months ago
Stucky - Doran - Tacuma: Spacecake - Moods 07.01.2025
Stucky - Doran - Tacuma: Spacecake - Moods 07.01.2025 #musicwasmyfirstloveanditwillbemylast #blues #comewhatmay #erikastucky #immerwiedertoll #review #concert #konzert
Wenn Erika Stucky ins Moods kommt, muss man hin. Und wie wir bei der Ankündigung erfahren, ist dies das 30. Konzert von amazing Stucky im Moods, also sind wir da: “Spacecake” (whatever it means…) – ERIKA STUCKY (Gesang) & CHRISTY DORAN (Gitarre) & JAMAALADEEN TACUMA (Bass)… Continue reading Stucky – Doran – Tacuma: Spacecake – Moods 07.01.2025
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mapofyourstars · 17 days ago
Tag Game: Get to Know Your Mutuals <3
thank you, @star-lights-up, for tagging me in this - you have no idea how badly I wanted to do this one, so thank you. putting under a read more to not clog dashes!
What's the origin of your blog title?
it's from these lyrics, who own my entire heart and soul. "At first, I thought you were a constellation, I made a map of your stars, then I had a revelation. You're as beautiful as endless. You're the universe I'm helpless in."
OTP(s) + Shipname:
ah, there's erik/charles (cherik), steve/bucky (stucky), elio/oliver (no idea), erika/charlotte (cherika), peter/kurt (nightsilver), logan/storm (no idea - stormverine?), achilles/patroclus (patrocilles), and probably more that I'm forgetting.
Favourite colour:
purple, pink, black; love me some pastels, too.
Favourite game:
probably stardew valley because I've spent the most time playing it. also love minecraft and animal crossing a lot, and @star-lights-up, you are so valid for saying that minecraft creative mode is peaceful - minecraft even in easy makes me stressed.
Song stuck in your head:
"How Dare You Want More" by the Bleachers. such a good, good song.
Weirdest habit/trait?
lol, dunno if this is a habit/trait or even weird; but I dissociate A Lot. probably a coping mechanism from my childhood and/or a way to avoid the stressors of the world. I also listen to a new song on repeat for hours/days until I'm tired of it. my brain has to absorb everything about it.
writing, playing with photoshop, crocheting/knitting, playing video games, listening to music.
If you work, what's your profession?
my official title is "detection and investigation analyst lead" - I basically work in the area of fraud. formally, my professional title is psychological scientist.
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be? Realistically?
realistically, I'd like to be a professor; but the job market is so over-saturated, pay could be shit depending on what university, and I would have had to do post-doctoral work, which would have probably killed me mentally and emotionally.
Something you're good at:
my job at work, my area of expertise as a psychological scientist, and probably writing and crocheting, though I could improve with both of those for sure.
Something you're bad at:
writing in present-tense, oh my god.
Something you love:
erik lehnsherr - think about that man way, way too much.
Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff:
x-men universe, marvel universe, psychological sciences/research, this one mathematical hypothesis, the books I love - basically all of my hyperfixations.
Something you hate:
the way the world is currently and the way people have zero (0) empathy anymore.
Something you collect:
I collect shot glasses from various places I've been (can't stand shots though). I also collect lego sets and magneto things courtesy of my partner buying me them all the time. he supports my hyperfixations.
Something you forget:
all the amazing plots that come to my mind that I forget to write down. but more generally, I forget a lot of things - pisses many people off around me, but I can't help it. I don't have good memory.
What's your love language?
I'm chewing over the fact I'm probably a little asexual, so my love language when I actually have it is little, subtle touches, just letting my partner know I'm there. I also love buying little things
Favourite movie/show:
Films: X-Men franchise; Captain America trilogy only; Saw series; Resident Evil series; Cry-Baby; The Fifth Element; Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy only; and many other more. TV Shows: Love, Death, and Robots; House, MD; Breaking Bad; Supernatural; The Agency; Danny Phantom
Favourite food:
I'm vegan, but I still find ways to eat some of my favorites - pizza, pasta, tacos, salads (god, I love salad), and pierogies.
Favourite animal:
cats! and snakes are pretty cool.
What were you like as a child?
I was an undiagnosed audhd kid (heavy on the autism, as it turns out), so I didn't know I was different than everyone else; so everyone kind of just existed around me as I acted "normally" for myself but was very not normal for everyone else. still coming to terms with that and morning my childhood a bit because I really thought I fit in - but I didn't, lol - and that's okay.
Favourite subject at school?
math - I have a degree in it. also, social sciences like psychology - I also have a degree in it. if you put them both together, I have a doctorate in them. a nerd through and through.
Least favourite subject:
as funny as it sounds, I couldn't stand english simply because I hated writing essays. and in-class essays - get outta here with that.
What's your best character trait?
I have a very, very hard time self-reflecting and figuring out my traits, personality, etc.; so I don't really know. I do know that I'm very, very empathetic and compassionate - I worry about others and their circumstances well before I worry about myself - so possibly that.
What's your worst character trait?
dunno if this a character trait, but I have massive issues with executive functioning to the point where I can't get a lot done in the day. so that's something I cannot stand because I wanna be the person who does things, but my mind just doesn't let me.
If you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be?
I need to get into a higher tax bracket and move to europe, lol
If you could travel in time, who would you like to meet?
I would love to talk to Edgar Allan Poe - his writing is just incredible to me, and I want to know how he created all his short stories and poems because they are so creative and spine-chilling. I also want to meet Beethoven because he likely had a modern-day diagnosis of something and he was also not white, as we know now; so I'd love to just sit with him and go through his hearing-loss and partner-loss and how he wrote such incredible music despite his psychological issues.
loved doing this - thank you for the tag. tagging some mutuals who weren't tagged by @star-lights-up, and as always, no pressure to do the tag: @neonwizardheehee, @lennakasra, @ghostboy512, @lightasthesun, @lenichque, @fullcatkryptonite, @eriknocherikyes, @mister-peregrine, @artificiallita, @dick-helmet-magneto, and any other moots who wanna do the tag.
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ziskastaubli · 1 year ago
At Jazzfestival Willisau 2022 we played with Acid Amazonians and got to talk to Erika Stucky for SRF Kultur.
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le-journal-catalan · 3 years ago
Le Festival Jazzèbre aura lieu du 23 Septembre au 16 Octobre
Le Festival Jazzèbre aura lieu du 23 Septembre au 16 Octobre
Programme-Festival-Jazzebre-2022Télécharger Pour réserver A l’office de tourisme : En vente dans les officesde tourisme de Perpignan, Canet en Roussillon,Le Barcarès, Torreilles, Ste Marie La Mer, Rivesaltes.Horaires sur perpignanmediterraneetourisme.fr/contactsPar téléphone : Du mardi au vendredi de 10h à 18hTél : 04 68 51 13 14Sur internet : www.jazzebre.com / www.placeminute.comFnac –…
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thebluesquares-blog1 · 8 years ago
There's two kinds of ships: the kind of ship you ship because they're cute when they're together and they'd be cuter if they were dating and the kind of ship where how they interact would be adorable if it was romantically motivated
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coolbeansbuddyofmine · 3 years ago
What fandoms/ships do you write for?
oh thank you, op, truly.
i've been meaning to make a post like this but never got the time to, but now i have a reason to do it!!
let's divide this nicely by type of media:
book/book series:
percy jackson series/heroes of olympus/magnus chase/the kane chronicles/the trials of apollo-anything rick riordan basically-i only write the canonical ships, but i'm willing to try rarepairs as well
the harry potter series (books and movies)-my ships include drastoria, jily, hinny, scorlily :))) also willing to do certain rarepairs like daphnextheo and the like
the hunger games series-mostly really finnick x annie tbh, but willing to do katniss x peeta and works with johanna as well
divergent- same thing, mostly canonical pairs
the maze runner series- primarily thomesa actually
the lunar chronicles- the canonical pairs again
oh, any other popular series works as well like the chronicles of narnia
there may be other ya series or just book series im missing. you can prompt and ask and i'll probably have read it. or dm me as well!! my dms are always open!!
movies/movie series:
any book to movie adaptions are fair game.
inception- i'm obsessed with arthur x ariadne and saito x cobb, dont @ me
mcu!!! i'll write for tasertricks, drukkari, yonvers, sambucky, stucky, stony, pepperony, thorbruce, gilgamesh x thena, shangchi x katy, fosterson!!! all of those are fair game. otherwise, while i'm an avid watcher for the whole universe and i'm familiar with all the characters, i may or may not write for them. if it's a tv show or a movie, send me a prompt, and i'll 9 to 10 odds answer it and write something.
actually, also realized i'd write dc-verse too. diana x steve, bruce x clark, clark x lois, the usual. i do both current dc verse, and the nolan movies (for batman) and even older like the michael keaton movies. i actually watched them all, so idm.
any and all romcoms and chick flicks. like 10 things i hate about you, yes. legally blonde, yes. dont even think twice and just ask.
tv shows (american/british):
sitcoms!! love them.
here's the ones i'll write for: parks and rec (benslie my beloved), nhie (benvi ples), the office (pam x jim mostly but angela x dwight too!), the good place (literally anything. just no eleanor x jason, like that's the only notp), b99 (peraltiago, im a whore). send me a sitcom and i've probs watched it tbh-superstore, kim's convenience, and whatnot. all of them work.
any mcu show or dc-verse show. all of them are fair game. i'm into cloak and dagger, arrow, the flash, jessica jones, daredevil. yk your usual
for british tv shows, it's your usual. sherlock (sherlolly mostly but johnlock works too), merlin (literalLY ANYTHING-they're all so hot), doctor who (10th doctor and rose, im basic yes).
shows/graphic novels (other):
i write other bc this includes anime, manga, kdramas, jdramas, cdramas, t-dramas, and even thai dramas. so im a woman of wide interests as you can see.
kaichou wa maid sama- usui x misaki
ouran high school host club- anything with kyoya. i have mostly read oc or reader inserts and i'm not ashamed.
kiss him not me- all ships are fair game, but i prefer the GAY ONES.
your lie in april-canon only ples, and i dont acknowledge the ending so [redacted] doesnt happen
blackbird! i love the main couple, but like im in love with zenki ngl
seirou opera! main couple,,,, enemies to lovers vibe so true
actually any romance manga is fair game, i'm an absolute hedonist when it comes to romance- fluff, smut, angst, i take it all.
wolf girl and black prince- ik it's bla bla blah, dont @ me. i'll write kyouya x erika.
i'm not even joking when i say this but literally anything.
anything i've already written. anything that has aired after 2010 is fair game. i'm obsessed is an understatement.
do not even hesitate please! drop that prompt! ships, well, usually i write canon. that's the only caveat. i write canon. (dm me bc i have some cross-show ships)
actually i'll write for lots of kmovies as well.
thai dramas:
i liked u-prince dont @ me. i do not see it. and i will write it.
and most recently, f4.
for taiwanese dramas, chinese dramas and japanese dramas, drop me a dm or an ask with a prompt and i'll contact you depending on whether i've seen it.
so yeah,,,,, that's all :)))) hopefully this gives you some prompting cushion, op
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doubleattitude · 4 years ago
24/7 Dance Convention, Denver, CO: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
Sidekick Solo
1st: Sylvie Win Szyndlar-’Rainbow Connection’
2nd: Ellie Jo Sprague-’Dream A Little Dream’
3rd: Sawyer Pegram-’Born to Entertain’
4th: Emilyne Jordan-’I’m A Lady’
4th: Naomi Harper-’Speechless’
5th: Rilynn St. Clair-’In Love With A Monster’
6th: Hazel Bar-Av Farmer-’I’m A Lady’
7th: Emeri Oliverson-’Wake Me Up’
8th: Miyah Greenlaw-’Lips Are Movin’
Mini Solo
1st: Ellary Day Szyndlar-’Light Gathers’
2nd: Khloe Mroz-’Once Upon A December’
2nd: Ruby Arnold-’Winter’
3rd: Ashton Wullbrandt-’Risk’
4th: London Smith-’Feel My Love’
5th: Brooklyn Ward-’Here I Am’
5th: Raegan Grell-’Reflection’
6th: Breyer Perry-’Enchanted’
7th: Lulu Collaku-’Beautiful Thing’
7th: Kenadie Martin-’Burnin Up’
7th: Shaylynn Burke-’Lost Song’
7th: Julia Giullian-’Not About Angels’
7th: Cornelius Moffitt-’So Playa’
8th: Lauren Dieken-’Dare’
9th: Addison Pitt-’Expensive’
9th: Tryleigh Brendle-’Got It In’
9th: Grace Blakely-’Kick In The Head’
10th: Madelyn Klipfel-’Annie’
10th: Hadley Rathbun-’Edenweiss’
10th: Violet Benton-’Esmeralda’
10th: Kierrah Zander-’Gimmie That’
10th: Gloria Anderson-’Walk The Line’
Junior Solo
1st: Livia Bonnie-’The Absense of You’
2nd: Mariandrea Villegas-’Black Cat’
2nd: Hayley Marshall-’Ink’
3rd: Morgan Foged-’Rapture’
3rd: Tessa Marr-’Stuk’
3rd: Kylie Carter-’The LOOK’
4th: Evie Richard-’Symbol’
4th: Alegra Post-’What If Birds Are Screaming’
5th: Koa Zaugg-’Enter One’
5th: Hailey Jacobson-’Rosalyn’
6th: Gabrielle Elliott-’The Live Experience’
7th: Avery Cannon-’Just Breath’
7th: Brinklee Budge-’Rescue’
7th: Berkeley Bradford-’Sophisticated’
8th: Audrey Perkes-’Applause’
9th: Lexie Lueckeman-’Attitude’
9th: Marius Moffitt-’The Way You Make Me Feel’
10th: Addyson Stucki-’Automation’
10th: Robbie Lenz-’Piano Man’
10th: Berkley Pegram-’You Are The Reason’
Teen Solo
1st: Sofia Andrus-’Numb’
1st: Brielle McCoy-’Twist’
2nd: Lola Iglesias-’Letters from a Traveler’
3rd: Maya Howard-’Telehumo’
3rd: Grace Fry-’What Can I Do?’
4th: Macy Orvis-’Look At Me’
4th: Devon Stutz-’No End to New Memories’
4th: Faith Stoner-’Solids’
4th: Marissa Baker-’The Wheel’
5th: Sophie Tomes-’After He’s Gone’
5th: Phoenix Decker-’Runaround Sue’
5th: Ariana Cunningham-’Touch’
6th: Natalee Burbidge-’Broken Bird’
6th: Abbey Schmidt-’Letters Make No Meaning’
6th: Caitlin Colohan-’Samedi’
6th: Samantha Brock-’Shelter’
7th: Eliane Dean-’Both Sides of the Moon’
7th: Tabor Pegram-’Roll Back’
8th: Campbell Johnson-’Clockworks’
8th: Whitney Tomes-’Don’t You Hate It When’
8th: Taryn Harrah-’Journey of You’
9th: Mackenzie Edelstein-’Medora Variation from Le Corsaire’
9th: Avery Pratt-’Volcano’
10th: Emma Broome-’Death’
10th: Isabella Lopez-’Forever Lullaby’
10th: Baylee Robinson-’When I’m Alone’
Senior Solo
1st: Madi Autry-’A Face I Used to Know’
1st: Mia Maxwell-’Being Alive’
2nd: Brianna Haith-’Alarm’
2nd: Kamryn Funk-’Do Ya?’
2nd: Liesl Brauch-’Grower’
3rd: Maycee Budge-’Footprints’
3rd: Kelsey Keenan-’Hidden Myth’
3rd: Jonah Tran-’?’
4th: Charley Teltschik-’I’m The Bad Guy’
4th: Bronson Dahmer-’Now and Always Here’
4th: Erika Marshall-’Power Throw’
5th: Charlie Macdonald-’Change Gonna Come’
5th: Fatu Martin-’Eden’
5th: Quinn Davis-’Like’
5th: Chloe Terlingen-’No Drums’
5th: Josie Fillmore-’Snowing’
6th: Peyton Winsett-’Distortion’
6th: Joey Armijo-’I Can Mend Your Broken Heart’
6th: Maddie Jeffers-’Punished’
7th: Maggie Oulianova-’Past, Present & Future’
7th: Kendall Schmidt-’Take Me To The River’
8th: Harley Butler-’Defeated Clown’
8th: Dylan Johnston-’Heavenly Day’
9th: Amanda Draney-’Long Is The Day’
9th: Annie Cellar-’Psalm’
10th: Mia Ciotti-’Exile’
10th: Ellie Hoffman-’In The Life of A Rose’
10th: Taya Johnson-’Salem’
10th: Sophia Price-’Shahmaran’
10th: Trip Babcock-’Slip’
Sidekick Duo/Trio
1st: Empire Dance Academy-’Footprints’
2nd: Kemper Dance Academy-’Walking on Sunshine’
3rd: Kemper Dance Academy-’Rainbow’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: Kemper Dance Academy-’I Put A Spell On You’
1st: The PEAK School of Dance-’Kitri’s Friends’
1st: Kemper Dance Academy-’Move’
2nd: The PEAK School of Dance-’Spice Up Your Life’
3rd: Eagle Rock Dance-’Not About You’
3rd: Eagle Rock Dance-’Something New’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: True Dance and Company-’Starry Night’
2nd: Premier Dance-’Over The Rainbow’
3rd: Eagle Rock Dance-’Woman Be Wise’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: Kemper Dance Academy-’Sing’
2nd: True Dance and Company-’Human’
2nd: Kemper Dance Academy-’Plans We Made’
3rd: Kemper Dance Academy-’Where Were From’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Studio 444 Performing Arts Academy-’Another Life’
2nd: Kemper Dance Academy-’Hangin’
Sidekick Group
1st: Eagle Rock Dance-’House of Holbein’
2nd: Eagle Rock Dance-’G Slide’
3rd: Eagle Rock Dance-’Prayer’
Mini Group
1st: True Dance and Company-’Doors Are Closing’
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Juice’
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Rain’
2nd: True Dance and Company-’Fly’
3rd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Pretend’
Junior Group
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Ice Age’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Tambourine’
3rd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Blind Dance’
Teen Group
Senior Group
Mini Line
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Out of Bounds’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Keep Climbing’
2nd: True Dance and Company-’Mint Chocolate Chip’
3rd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Sandra Dee’
Junior Line
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Back For More’
1st: True Dance and Company-’Final Moments’
2nd: Sweatshop-’The Sun Will Rise’
3rd: Sweatshop-’Comin In Hot’
Teen Line
Senior Line
Mini Extended Line
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Sleeping Beauty’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Divas, Queens and Bees’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Ooh Child’
3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Flood of Everything’
Teen Extended Line
Senior Extended Line
Junior Production
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Step In Time’
2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Let’s Dance’
Teen Production
1st: Kemper Dance Academy-’Flawless’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Sidekick Hip-Hop
1st: Eagle Rock Dance-’G Slide’
Sidekick Lyrical
1st: Eagle Rock Dance-’Prayer’
Sidekick Musical Theatre
Eagle Rock Dance-’House of Holbein’
Mini Jazz
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Juice’ 2nd: True Dance and Company-’Business of Love’ 3rd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Sandra Dee’
Mini Ballet
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Sleeping Beauty’ 2nd: The PEAK School of Dance-’Pizzicato’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Out of Bounds’ 2nd: True Dance and Company-’Mint Chocolate Chip’ 3rd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Money’
Mini Tap
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Whip My Hair’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Just Got Paid’ 3rd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Werk’
Mini Contemporary
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Rain’ 1st: True Dance and Company-’Doors Are Closing’ 2nd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Pretend’ 3rd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Smile’
Mini Lyrical
1st: True Dance and Company-’Fly’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Keep Climbing’ 3rd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’I’ll Keep You Safe’
Junior Jazz
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Tambourine’ 2nd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Attention’ 2nd: True Dance and Company-’Black & Gold’ 3rd: Sweatshop-’Rock It’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Divas, Queens and Bees’ 2nd: Sweatshop-’Comin In Hot’ 3rd: Kemper Dance Academy-’Toy Story’
Junior Tap
1st: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Funky Galileo’ 2nd: True Dance and Company-’Art Official’
Junior Contemporary
1st: True Dance and Company-’Final Moments’ 2nd: Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Blind Dance’ 3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’an ending, a beginning’
Junior Lyrical
1st: Sweatshop-’The Sun Will Rise’ 2nd: True Dance and Company-’Another Time’ 2nd: True Dance and Company-’Almost Heaven’ 2nd: Sweatshop-’Glory’ 3rd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Give A Little’
Junior Musical Theatre
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Step In Time’ 2nd: Kemper Dance Academy-’Nicest Kids In Town’ 3rd: The PEAK School of Dance-’Day O’
Junior Ballroom
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Sweet Like Cola’
Junior Specialty
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Back For More’ 2nd: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Ice Age’ 3rd: Sweatshop-’Hermetico’
Teen Jazz
Teen Ballet
Teen Hip-Hop
Teen Tap
Teen Contemporary
Teen Lyrical
Teen Musical Theatre
Teen Acro
1st: Kemper Dance Academy-’Turn You to Stone’
Teen Ballroom
Teen Specialty
Senior Jazz
Senior Ballet
Senior Hip-Hop
Senior Contemporary
Senior Lyrical
Senior Musical Theatre
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’A Wild, Wild Party’
Senior Ballroom
1st: Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Smooth’
Senior Specialty
11 O’Clock:
Eagle Rock Dance-’House of Holbein’
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Rain’
True Dance and Company-’Doors Are Closing’
Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Out of Bounds’
Artistic Fusion Dance Academy-’Blind Dance’
Sweatshop-’The Sun Will Rise’
Studio 444 Performing Arts Academy-’Bye Bye Blackbird’
True Dance and Company-’Final Moments’
Michelle Latimer Dance Academy-’Back For More’
The PEAK School of Dance-’Be Humble’
Kemper Dance Academy-’Toy Story’
Eagle Rock Dance-’Wings’
Studio Showcase:
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christian-friedlander · 4 years ago
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Dido and Aeneas, opera live performance at Opera Ballet Vlaanderen. April 24th 2021. Direction David Marton, photography Adrien Lamande, composer Kalle Kalimar, Erika Stucky, Claron McFadden, Alix Le Saux, Guillaume Andrieux, Marie Goyette and Thorbjörn Björnsson. Light Henning Streck, costumes Pola Kardum, scenography Christian Friedländer.
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postpunkindustrial · 5 years ago
(via FM Модуль #5 | Resistance)
FM Einheits radio show - 
Resistance is brought to you from the hidden composer in residence FM модуль
Our guests tonight are Andreas Ammer Abwärts, Jörg Bochow, Bertold Brecht, Rica Blunck, Casper Brötzmann, William Burroughs, Chor der Oper Bonn, Marcel Duchamp, En Esch, Volker Kamp, Saskia von Klitzing, Jamie Lidell,  David Link, Heiner Müller, Andy Müller-Maguhn, Mona Mur, Genesis Breyer P - Orridge,  Susan Stenger, Mika Vainio, Ilpo Väisänen, Siegfried Zielinski
1. Aus einem Lesebuch für Städtebewohner (Text: Bertolt Brecht, Musik:EEM* Stimme: En Esch ) 2. Radio Kebab takes over the airwaves (Radio Kebab, Flyer, ca. 1980 Stimme: Siegfried Zielinski) Türkenblues (Abwärts, 1980) WB: …a word of warning 3. OTKAS: STEP BACK AND LOOK DEEPER (Text:Jörg Bochow Musik:VVE* Stimme: Erika Stucky) PM: To do so one must first make a late will 4. Rowa Axis (Caspar Brötzmann/FM Einheit from the album Merry Christmas) HM: Ich hatte einen Traum. Einen Albtraum. Ich wachte auf und alles war in Ordnung 5. FM (Text: Poetry Machine* Musik: FM Einheit  Stimmen: Rica Blunck/FM Einheit) WB: I can feel the heat closing in 6. I am electric (Musik & Gesang: FM Einheit, Text: Siegfried Zielinski) GPO: Who is that?  codes. When you record them and than you record them again they’ll keep changing. To much DNS not enough RNS 7. alchemy    art = resistance *    (Musik & Gesang: FM Einheit, Text: Siegfried Zielinski) 8. 6 versus 60 Millionen (Ammer/Einheit from the Opera  Alzheimer 2000 - Toter Trakt Oper Bonn 2000) 9. aus einem Lesebuch für Städtebewohner (Text: Berthold Brecht Musik: EEM Stimme Mona Mur) GPO: Information is like a bank. Some of us are rich, some of us are poor with information. All of us can be rich. Our job, your job is to rob the bank. to kill the guards  go out there and destroy power. 10. Fahndungsplakat (Ammer/Einheit from the Opera  Alzheimer 2000 - Toter Trakt Oper Bonn 2000) WB: I’m evidently he is an idea of a character 11. Disobey (Text: David Link Musik: FM Einheit Stimme: Jamie Lidell  live @ ZKM 9.11.2004 for the Album Echohce) HM: Neue Lieder aus dem Kessel 12. Audience squated factory Bochum 16.08.1981 @ Einstürzende Neubauten concert The audience was louder than the band 13. Resistance against Escaping from Reality (Text: Andy Müller-Maguhn Musik: Brötzmann/Einheit)     1 - What shall that be, Reality?     2 - Internet: original hope and todays status     3 - Associal Media     4 - Plattform Realities     5 - Pandemic Realitiy     6 - How trust was lost     7 - Scalable Implication of lack of trust     8 - Resistance
14. An/Aus (FM Einheit/David Link excerpt from „Weibel Tribute“)   WB: But we will survive. we will increase both in size and in numbers. And we will continue to dominate  this planet as we have done for 300 Million years, Bigger is better and Biggest is best 15. Blip (Text: Poetry Machine Musik & Stimme: FM Einheit from the song cycle Radar Angel)   16. aus einem Lesebuch für Städtebewohner (Text: Berthold Brecht Musik: EEM Stimme Mona Mur) PM: But then when you have accelerate. 17. new faculties (Musik & Gesang: FM Einheit, Text/Stimme: Siegfried Zielinski) MD: …ready-made intention…
* EEM: FM Einheit En Esch Mona Mur * VVE: Mika Vainio Ilpo Väisänen FM Einheit * Poetry Machine: David Link
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persinsala · 6 years ago
Didon et Enée, remembered
Didon et Enée, remembered
Pour son festival rituel du mois de mars, l’Opéra de Lyon présente trois chapitres sous le titre de « Vies et destins ». Le premier volet de ce triptyque a été consacré à un travail de Purcell revisité par le génie de David Marton : Didon et Enée, remembered (more…)
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edlorado · 6 years ago
Christy Doran - Erika Stucky - Fredy Studer - Jamaaladeen Tacuma 
Angel (Jimi Hendrix Cover)
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thefanficfaerie · 8 years ago
Weekly Reading List 32
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Weekly Recommendations get posted every Thursday. All stories are character x reader unless otherwise stated. Graphic by the awesome@wonders-of-the-enterprise.
Game of Thrones Robb Stark Stop Being So Cute by @showandwrite I Don’t Want You to Stop by @showandwrite I Lost Our Baby by @showandwrite True Affection by @asoiaf-winter-is-coming Promise by @asoiaf-winter-is-coming And My King by @justauthoring You Must Really Love Me by @justauthoring Forgetting Time by @ladychloestark Queen of North Part 6 by @thatoneimaginesblog The Jealous Little Wolf by @perkqularkreashions Injury by @meganlpie Robb seeing you teaching your daughter how to sword fight by @book-boys-are-my-guilty-pleasure
Jon Snow You Are Not Happy by @justauthoring If I Could Tell Her by @thatoneimaginesblog Enough by @imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul Vengeance by @avistella Unstoppable by @impala67-imagines Moving On by @bovaria First Son by @meganlpie The Wolf Queen Part 2 by @wordsonearth Being Ramsay’s Prisoner in Winterfell by @dangerousimagines​
Avengers Steve Rogers Sweet Creature Part 1 / Part 2 by @bovaria Secrets Kill 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 by @itsanerdlife Pray by @imagine-assembling-the-avengers Insecure by @mcuimaginesandstuff Tricky by @fvckingsteverogers NSFW Loving You by @berjhawn
Tony Stark
Law and Order: SVU Rafael Barba Mi Amor by @rafael-barba-amore Drunk ADA by @barbalyfe Spilled Wine by @barbalyfe Camp Hope by @nobodys-baby-now Maltese Madness by @mrsrafaelbarba Forever and Always by @seekret-fanfic​
Star Trek Jim Kirk Prophet of the Night by @blueoftheenterprise Time Part 7 by @imaginesfrommetoyou Firsts Part 1/ Part 2 by @admiralwhitelaw NSFW Hidden Birthday by @the-witching-hours12-3 Return Part 14 / Part 15 by @enterprisewriting Three Steps to Get the Love of Your Life by James T. Kirk by @edolinlu One More Chapter by @whatif-animagineblog​
Leonard McCoy Who is She by @imagines-in-progress This Could Be the Start of a Plant-less Relationship by @goingknowherewastaken Visions From The Abyss: Bug Hunt by @bkwrm523 Pull Over. Let Me Drive by @whatif-animagineblog We’ll Figure It Out by @whatif-animagineblog He Knows by @imagines-for-the-fangirls-soul Writer’s Block by @taylorjacksonandtheolympians Happy Endings by @edolinlu NSFW
McKirk Those Left Behind by @imoutofmyvulcanmind Return the Favor by @pinkamour1588 NSFW I Love You by @pinkamour1588
Jim x Reader X Bones
NCIS Tony DiNozzo Feel Again by @littledizzyhurricane But that’s my favorite shirt by @imaginesforthose-wholovefandoms Tomorrow by @imagicana Heat(ed) Argument by @itswitchcraft-not-googlemaps Road Trips by @itswitchcraft-not-googlemaps A DiNozzo Wedding by @lucifersagents
Tropes Soulmate AU
Daddy!Character The People Erika Left Behind Part 7 by @svubloods Rafael Barba  Happy Mother’s Day by @write-the-love-story Steve Rogers Reflection in the Mirror by @redamancywrites Tony Stark  The Proposal Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 by @emilyevanston NSFW Tony Stark Bring Your Dad to Work Day by @imagicana Tony DiNozzo 
A/B/O Dynamics Honey, I’m Good Part 1-7 by @auduna-druitt Jim Kirk x Reader x Leonard McCoy NSFW
Modern AU
AU Hopelessly Waiting by @sgtbxckybxrnes​
Misc Fandoms Big Bad Wolf by @seekret-fanfic Rafael Barba  Making a Family by @ohbelieveyoume Rafael Barba  A Little Lesson in Lost Love Letters by @rauliskafan and @vintagemichelle91 Rafael Barba and Natalia Barba  Cover You In Oil by @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse Tony Stark x OFC  Dark Lovers Part 3 by @lovelynemesis Stucky x Reader 
Chris Evans Beginnings Part 2/Part 3/Part 4/Part 5 by @ohevansmycaptain Birthdays by @avaalons Just Like This by @avaalons The Baby Whisperer by @theycallmebecca
Mood Boards Home Is Where the Heart Is The Devil Within Honey, I’m Good 
tags: @thelawschooldiva @outside-the-government @isaxhorror @rayleyanns @sistasarah-sallysaidso @grumpykate @auduna-druitt @pinkamour1588 @engineeringtrashcan @impalaanddemons @dirajunara
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redheadedgirl · 4 years ago
Not sure what you’re looking for, but here are some recommendations:
The Daily Liturgy Podcast | Don’t let the word “liturgy” throw you off, it is not a strictly catholic use term. A daily, meditative walk through prayer and scripture | Spotify - Apple Podcasts 
Mike Fabarez, Truth for Life | Apologetics focused application of the Bible to life | Spotify - Apple Podcasts
J.D. Greear, Summit Ministries | Solid teaching | Apple Podcasts - Website
Allie Stucky, Relateable | Faith, life, politics | Spotify - Apple Podcasts
Alistair Begg, Truth for Life | Scottish pastors are the best | Spotify - Apple Podcasts
Colin Smith, Unlocking the Bible | Another scottish pastor | Spotify - Apple Podcasts
Erika Frantzve, Midweek Rise Up | Encouragement | Spotify - Apple Podcasts
Equipped with Chris Brooks | Addressing current events and culture | Spotify - Apple Podcasts
That’s what I have off the top of my head. Honestly, most of these come from Moody Radio, which is a great resource and you can listen online. There are localized broadcasts all over the world. 
I found a lot on Spotify, but their browse/category system is really poor. It’s better to do a web search and then look them up on Spotify. Hope this helps people!
Are there any Biblically sound Christian podcasts out there or is that the same situation as Christian movies, books, and music where there’s like two if you dig for three days
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meier-meint · 4 years ago
A tweet
Okay, ich gebs zu - Erika Stucky hat es mir gerade angetan (nicht nur, weil Sie moderne Songs mit Jodeln verbindet 😋 Nach einem verworrenen Tag also ab mit "Stolen Kisses" in die #plattensammlung für .@sinnundverstand https://t.co/6mg7ioZzz4
— steffenmeier (@steffenmeier) September 16, 2020
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geneklou · 7 years ago
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Un peu de zik helvetik : Erika Stucky Un peu de zik helvetik : Erika Stucky
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christian-friedlander · 4 years ago
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Dido and Aeneas, opera live performance at Opera Ballet Vlaanderen. April 24th 2021. Direction David Marton, photography Adrien Lamande, composer Kalle Kalimar, Erika Stucky, Claron McFadden, Alix Le Saux, Guillaume Andrieux, Marie Goyette and Thorbjörn Björnsson. Light Henning Streck, costumes Pola Kardum, scenography Christian Friedländer.
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