cocajimmycola · 1 year
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i love to mass make icons on a whim
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armedteen · 13 days
ive seen so much eridam that it felt weird to see him with dylan what .
we’re in the same boat anon..
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Feferi: It's not that he's seavil. -Eridam shrimply lacks empathy and he goes into a dissoseative state and commits atrocities
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highbloodsprites · 4 months
matching lesbian feferi n eridam pfpss (both les plz)
HeRE iT iS mY rAdIcAl LeSbIaN bRo
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thatonegaybastard · 1 year
I will give gamzee and vriska 5 dollars if they gang up against eridam
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goodbomb · 14 days
eridam? like, the homestuck character orrrr the two fags...
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gayeridan · 5 years
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🌹 x x x 🌹
💖 x X x 💖
👑 x x x 👑
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dashnite · 4 years
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Sollux Captor and Eridan Ampora. “I’m With Stupid/I’m With Stupider”
Every day of December I will draw a different character. Any fandom, any character, any ships, the only catch is: they’ll be wearing some ridiculous sweaters for the holidays :D
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kryptic-krab · 2 years
has a ceazy dream
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disabledwarrior · 7 years
My little brother caught me chugging mountain dew while wearing a pink cat hat and eridans scarf and now i am banned bcus its "a house of god cas"
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cocajimmycola · 2 years
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cerulean8looded · 4 years
I’m bored, so here’s all my ships ranked from top to bottom based on my spreadsheet info until I get sick of typing. Some of these should be higher, but pitch knocks them down.
SolKat (6.3/7)
John/JuneKat, EriJade (6/7)
VrisKat, EriSol, CroMara, DaveKat, RoseMary (5.7/7)
EquiKat, EquiVris, John/JuneRezi, DamLoz, CronKri, KurTula (5.3/7)
SolNep, SolRezi, RoseRezi, GamJake, CroJane (5/7)
AraSol, SolRoxy, SolDirk, JadeKat, KanJade, DaveRezi, VrisJade, EriKat, MiTula (4.7/7)
EriAra, DaveTav, EquiSol, KarEzi, VrisRezi, EriRezi, EriVris, VrisRose, EquiDirk, EriGam, GamDave, HorKri, KurKri, DirKri, MeuLoz, MeuCro, Les8ifins (4.3/7)
AraGam, AraDave, TavNep, JadeTav, SolGam, SolJade, NepRezi, Meowrails, JadeNep, JadeRezi, EquiDan, EquiDave, DamPor, John/JuneKri, PorAnea, CroAnea, CroDirk, John/JuneDave, RoseJade  (4/7)
AraTav, AraFef, AraJade, SolTav, EquiTav, EriTav, SolVris, SolDave, GamKat, EriNep, DaveNep, EquiFef, EquiJade, GamFef, GamJane, EriTuna, EriDave, EriRoxy, EriDirk, DamKri, DamLin, DamTula, KurTuna, PorNus, HorAnea, KurAnea, JohnDirk, DaveJade, JakeRoxy (3.7/7)
AraRezi, AraRose, TavKat, TavRezi, GamTav, John/JuneTav, TavDirk, SolFef, KarNep, NepKan, VrisNep, KanRezi, John/JuneVris, EquiGam, GamJohn/June, EriTula, EriJohn/June, EriJane, DamRose, DamRoxy, DaveTuna, RoxyTuna, DirkTuna, KriAnea, MeuTula, MeenMeu, CroTula, HorDirk, KurCro, MeenCro, DirkJake (3.3/7)
AraNep, AraKan, AraJohn/June, AraJake, AraRoxy, JakeTav, SolJake, FefKat, DirKat, NepFef, John/JuneNep, RoseNep, RoxyNep, KanVris, GamRezi, FefRezi, RoxyRezi, GamJade, EriDam, EriKri, EriMeu, EriLoz, FefJade, DamJade, RufKri, RufiCro, MeenRuf, MitMeu, CroTuna, John/JuneTuna, JaneKri, MeuPor, PorTula, PorJade, PorRoxy, HorLoz, HorCro, MeenRuss, CroRoxy, John/JuneRoxy, DaveJane, RoxyJade, RoxyJane (3/7)
Okay that’s where I got sick of it!!!!!!!! Again, a lot of those should be higher, but pitch (sometimes other quads, but usually pitch) drags em down.
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Kanaya: Why Are You On The Floor Staring At Spreadsheets And Psychology Books?
Feferi: I'm trying to find a wave to show -Eridam that there are other was to settle conchflicts than with violence
Kanaya: Feferi, I Say This As Both His Friend And Yours, But That Is As Pointless As Going Deer Hunting With A Tuba
Feferi: I know 38(
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vampirecannibal · 6 years
Eridan Amporna
my name is eridam ampora and i approve this message
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homestuckkins · 7 years
Hello, I was wondering if you would be willing to help us get our blog started, Its @hskin-helpers Thank you in advance!
@hskin-helpers go check them out -mod eridam
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vacker · 8 years
thank you @starrchild​ for tagging me to do this!!
Name/Nickname: Elliot/Lee/Nick?? idek
Gender: do i even have one? idk?? agender?
Star Sign: cancer!!
Height: 5′6 i think. i’m 168cm lmao.
Hogwarts House: hufflepuff!
Favorite Color: greens and pastel pink
Favorite Animal: cats!!! i love them so much!
Average Hours of sleep: uh.. like 5. i am dead.
Cat or dog person: cat!!
Favorite Fictional Characters: oh god idk?? togami, komaeda, nanami, and gunham from danganronpa, i realllly love gladion from pokemon sun and moon, nishinoya from haikyuu!!!! uh.. there are probably many more
Number of blankets I sleep with: i have one to like.. keep me warm.. and i just have another one that i hug when i sleep alone ha h.
Favorite Singer/Band: my chemical romance, the front bottoms, twenty one pilots, fall out boy.
Dream Trip: honestly... i’m such a weeb......... so japan. tbh. 
Dream Job: aaa i have no idea? something artsy.
When was this blog created: april 2013 lmao
Current number of followers: 12041. wow.
What made you decide to make a Tumblr?: i can’t even remember why
Birthday: 10/7-99
Relationship status: taken!!!! by @aka-eridam​!! i love them!!
Siblings: none
Wake up time: on weekdays i wake up like 5:45am rip. and on weekends?? like 12 maybe
Lemonade or sweet tea: lemonade
Day or night: day
Coke or pepsi: coke
Calls or texts: depends who
Ever met a celebrity?: lmao nah
Smiles or eyes: both are so good?? how could i choose?
Country or city?: city
Last song i listened to: satellite by all time low
and i’m not gonna tag anyone tbh. but yeah you can just do this if you want to!! <33
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