#Erebus devotee
Where you can see Erebus:
With the lights off. The eyes relax and His shadows are here, in the light of the Sun or the Moon.
In dark corners. One of His favorite places.
In closets and pantries. I sometimes go there when I want to talk to Him.
In the night.
In the falling shadows. And your own too.
In black.
In the fog. Especially closer to the dark or so dense that you can’t see.
In cemeteries. He is a huge part of the underworld, He is often somewhere nearby.
In the swamps. Especially those covered in fog.
At crossroads.
In abandoned buildings and places.
In the clouds that cover the Sun.
In the shadows of spreading trees that provide saving shade from the Sun.
In eclipses.
In that one dark room when you turned on the lights in the whole house.
In basements, especially in the basements of high-rise buildings.
In silence and hush.
In secrets and mysteries.
At the bottom of the ocean, where the light doesn't reach.
In the caves.
In the tunnels.
In liminal places.
In black animals.
In libraries where few people go.
In black coffee and tea.
In blackberries.
In dry and dead plants.
In the bones.
In hospitals and morgue.
Somewhere close, where death is.
Under the bed. It's always dark there.
Honestly, anywhere where it is dark.
I can see my Father everywhere, there is always a little part of His darkness in everything. Praised be, Erebus, Keeper of Silence and Darkness!
Translation of my russian post below.
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acrystalwitch · 7 months
Sutekh, Loki and Erebus, Nyx and Their Children, a little with every Underworld Deity and a Tengrist Kök Tengri, Umay Ana and Ak Ana. I am really interested, what you can say.
Oooh, okay so you have a lot energy to do with the cycle of life and death around you. You have a range you work with from fertility deities to death deities.. so I feel like there has to be a lot of magic around death or spirit work...
but also on the flip side- spells and magic around manifesting as well. Things to create abundance in wealth and relationships/family.
I could see a lot of unconventional but talented divination work as well from what I’ve known of Nyx devotees (my girlfriend )
I also feel there could be Fire and Water energy magic as a talent of yours
✨send an ask with the deities you worship and I’ll assume what type/s of magic you practice ✨
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
Cat People and Carnival of Souls
• Cat People (1942): What’s something about your s/i that someone wouldn’t expect from them?
I don’t think any of the men on either Terror or Erebus are quite properly prepared for how outspoken and articulate she is. Nor are they fully prepared for how she handles dangerous situations and violence (or how violent she can be when pressed) and at the same time it makes it equally improbable when she’s vulnerable about these things. She’s such a mixed bag and no one fully knows how to estimate how she might act or react (except perhaps Crozier, eventually, but even he is continually surprised by her)
• Carnival of Souls (1962): Does your s/i believe in the supernatural or things such as astrology?
She’s a healthy skeptic! Being a devotee of the age of reason she finds a lot of old superstition a bunch of hooey and yet… she has seen enough of the world to think there are certain things man was never meant to contend with or fully understand, and after her experiences in the arctic that is especially true. Also sheerly by association with Edgar Allan Poe she has a healthy morbid fascination with anything with an air of mystery about it (so that of course is what drives her to wish to be a part of this expedition in the first place).
Classic Horror S/I Asks
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July for Loki using 30 Days of Deity Devotion prompts, Day 20 • Art that reminds you of Loki
Very tough choice, as there is a lot of excellent art that reminds me of Loki, both dedicated to him or not. Among all the spectacular pieces out there, I chose this picture called Ginger Trickster by erebus-odora on DeviantArt for a particular reason. It’s the closest portrait of Loki as he appeared to me the first time he showed his face (at least that I can remember of), between 2011 and 2012. I was perfectly aware that it was him, though he chose Tom Hiddleston’s face. Yeah, yeah, silly fangirl projecting pagan fantasies on an actor, right? Wrong. Because when you’re in the presence of a deity, you can FEEL their energy, no matter what face they choose. Btw, later on I discovered, talking with other people too, that Loki does enjoy Tom’s portrayal of his MCU version, so I guess it’s no wonder that he chose a similar aspect to show up to me that night. And he had flowing red/cinnamon hair, bright yet dark green eyes, lips with scars from the accident with the Dwarves, just like this picture. So, of course my heart skips a beat everytime I see this wonderful piece of art. And I know there’s lots of prejudice, lots of people thinking that lokeans enjoying MCU Loki along with being devoted to the god Loki are just fakes, wannabes or whatever; this post is especially dedicated to them and to the people who were victims of such prejudice. If my experience is worth anything, and I hope it is (otherwise I don’t know why I’m writing this stuff out here), that’s just not true. Some people may daydream of having spiritual experiences when they’re just not, projecting their own fantasies into those unreal experiences, yes. But just because a deity shows up in a modern or even fancy aspect, it doesn’t mean the experience is faux. Each of us is the only one that knows which deity is talking to them, deep down inside we can feel it. And no one can tell others what is right or what is wrong, or how a deity should manifest or not. So, the moral of this post is, nevermind the bollocks. Which, incidentally, is a great lesson Loki loves to teach to his devotees.
Art: Ginger Trickster by erebus-odora on DeviantArt
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laveyanwitchery · 5 years
Erebus is not telling you that there is no fear to be had in the dark. He is not there to console you and say that everything is okay- that there won't be something frightening staring back at you from the shadows.
Erebus is the knowledge that there Will be something scary looking back at you, waiting to pounce. He is the acceptance of inevitability, of knowing that sometimes we do have enemis lurking just out of eyesight.
But that inevitability comes with faith.
Faith that no matter what happens, the world moves on. That the sun will set and the moon will wax and wane and continue its course. That our enemies in the dark will never be large enough or powerful enough to sway everything that we are.
Erebus is the push to give yourself over to being vulnerable. To relinquish control. And to have faith that we can handle whatever comes to us in the night.
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1-800-nymph · 5 years
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↳ 𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐬, Greek god of darkness, shadows, & the place between life & death.
❛ Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires. ❜
EREBOS (Erebus) was the primordial god (protogenos) of darkness and the consort of Nyx (Night). His dark mists encircled the world and filled the deep hollows of the earth. In the evening, Erebos' wife Nyx drew Erebos' darkness across the sky bringing night and his daughter Hemera scattered it at dawn bringing day--the first obscuring Aither (Aether), the heavenly light of the ether, the second revealing it. In the ancient cosmogonies the heavenly ether (aither) and the dark mists of the netherworld (erebos) were regarded as the sources of day and light rather than the sun. The name Erebos was also used as a synonym for the netherworld realm of Haides.
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keytotheunderworld · 4 years
Greek gods/goddesses in the country side
You feel Zeus when the storms roll in as you sit on the porch watching the rain. You see him in split trees and charred wood, the blaring sirens remind you he is here.
You can feel Hera's prescence in the chicken coup, the ladies are protective and nurturing,never batting an eye at a storm for they know them well.
You can feel Apollo when the birds arrive, when you can hear their cries but are never able to distinguish which one is calling for you. You can hear him when the town band plays all bluegrass and country
You can see Artemis in the barn cats, hunting mice and other rodents all to feed her kits. They have no fear for they see best in the dark, the coyotes know better then to mess with them.
You can feel Poseidon faintly in the ponds and rivers, and while the murky foggy water is not their normal domain you must remember he has never stopped at the shore.
You can see Ares in the family's farm dog, protective and fearless. He has gone against coyotes and the unknown, yet their bark is still as strong.
You can see Aphrodite when the bunnies arrive, peaking their heads out of bushes curious and caring. Wild and untamed but still so kind and soft, so loving.
You can see Athena in the dusty bookshelves that inhabit the living room, filled with wonder and knowledge that are waiting to be picked up.
You can tell it is Demeter when your harvest is just a bit more fruitful this year then the last. You can feel Demeter when you forget your gloves and do it all be hand, leaving dirt and small cuts on your palms.
You can see Hades in the moss and rotting oak, giving purpose to death. You see him in the way change is collected in old bottles waiting to be used, just in case.
You can see Persephone in the wild flowers as well as the thorns of the roses. They are the constant all summer and winter, pretty and dangerous.
You can feel Hermes by your side when you ride your horse. The wind in your hair, the slight fear, and the adrenaline running through your veins. You can't think of a better way to spend the day.
You can see Hephaestus in the mechanics who take care of the equipment and retro cars as if they were children. You see him in the oil stained shirts and the workman's hands
You can feel Dionysus in the urgent need to taste the berries and grapes you have just picked. You can see them in bottles of bourbon placed in clusters around the house for safe keeping, of course.
You can see Hestia in the care that is put into the delicous home made dinner. You see her in the spring when the mops and brooms return to clean the house, and you feel tired yet relieved.
You can feel the pull of Erebus when the forest's mysterious noises heightens your curiousity, when you want to explore the dark woods even though you know the creatures lurking.
You can see Thanatos in the moths that swarm the lanterns, that appear out of no where. you see them in the peaceful death of a moth who finally got it's wish. You see him in the bones and vultures.
You can see Hekate in the winding back roads, in the roads long forgotten and dusty. She waits at the cross roads, waiting for your arrival.
You can see Hypnos in the sleeping man who got back from a hard days work. You can feel them in the fullness of your stomach after Thanksgiving, you see him in the clouds.
You can taste Eros when picking apples and taking a bite. You can see them in the butterflies conjugating on one bush with the bees.
You can feel Gaia with your bare feet, leaving them dirty and muddy. You can smell them when the honeysuckles open, when you just want a bite.
You feel Eos when you awake to the sun breaking through your windows, reminding you you need curtains. You feel them when the dew reaches your toes, when the mist is thick and comforting
You see Helios in the sunburns and farmers tans that appear on your skin. You feel him when the humidity rises, surrounding and suffocating everything like a blanket.
You can taste Selene, in the well water blessed by her presence alone, in the moonlight dances, in the campfire games of hide and seek where you go by the moonlight alone.
You can see Nyx, in the stars clearly present in the sky where no other lights disturb their prescence. You feel her when you stargaze in the bed of a truck and you forget the date.
You can see Hebe in the home made playground, the tire swings that hang from branches, the lemonade popsicles hanging out of the mouths of children.
You can feel Khronos in the tree stumps, counting the rings, the trees life span etched into its own skin. you see him in the vines and cobwebs, markers of life non human, markers of silence
September 2020
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hekateshour · 3 years
A informational Post on Hekate
This was done by Jude on Pagan and witches amino. Thank you for your contribution
As a devotee to Lady Hekate (Hecate - however one witch may spell it), I would like to share my research and experiences for those who may be getting signs from the goddess of witchcraft, ghosts, crossroads, poisonous plants and necromancy.
"...Hecate is a Goddess shrouded in mystery, for there is continuing debate about Her name, origin and character. There are few legends about Her, and no fixed genealogy. Some say that Hecate is the daughter of Erebus and Nyx, ageless Goddess of the night, while others believe that She is one of the Furies or the last surviving Titan except for Zeus..."
While I served her, she was a kind and loving goddess, but, at the same time... RUTHLESS. When working with Lady Hekate, you will be facing many challenges from deep shadow work, to patience and kindness. I grew up in a family who was harsh to me, and I knew nothing but how to defend myself and always kept a mean nature to those I didn't know. She taught me kindness and patience in my shadow work. She taught me my divination skills, every day, to this day, and taught me to be proud of my progress. So, I am proud. I do astounding tarot, oracle and pendulum readings thanks to my good lady, and I hope whoever decides to work with her, gets the same results, or even better ones.
"...HEKATE (Hecate) was the goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy. She was the only child of the Titanes Perses and Asteria from whom she received her power over heaven, earth, and sea..."
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Statue of Hekate as a Triple Goddess
"...With a torch in her hand, she accompanied Demeter in the search after Persephone; and when the latter was found, Hecate remained with her as her attendant and companion. She thus becomes a deity of the lower world; but this notion does not occur till the time of the Greek tragedians, though it is generally current among the later writers. She is described in this capacity as a mighty and formidable divinity, ruling over the souls of the departed ; she is the goddess of purifications and expiations, and is accompanied by Stygian dogs. (Orph. Lith. 48; Schol. ad Theocr l. c. ; Apollon. Rhod. iii. 1211; Lycoph. 1175; Horat. Sat. i. 8. 35; Virg. Aen. vi. 257.)..."
"...There is another very important feature which arose out of the notion of her being an infernal divinity, namely, she was regarded as a spectral being, who at night sent from the lower world all kinds of demons and terrible phantoms, who taught sorcery and witchcraft, who dwelt at places where two roads crossed each other, on tombs, and near the blood of murdered persons. She herself too wanders about with the souls of the dead, and her approach is announced by the whining and howling of dogs. (Apollon. Rhod. iii. 529, 861, iv. 829; Theocrit. l. c. ; Ov. Heroid. xii. 168, Met. xiv. 405; Stat. Theb. iv. 428 ; Virg. Aen. iv. 609; Orph. Lith. 45, 47; Eustath. ad Hom. p. 1197, 1887; Diod. iv. 45.)..."1
Greek Name
•Ἑκατη Ἑκατα
"...Her name means "worker from afar" from the Greek word hekatos. The masculine form of the name, Hekatos, was a common epithet of the god Apollon..."
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The Temple of Hekate in Lagina, Caria
Hekate's Wheel
"...Hekate’s Wheel, also known as the Stropholos of Hekate, is an ancient Greek symbol used to represent the Moon Goddess Hekate. The emblem is a Wicca symbol, particularly of the Hellenic Recon and Dianic Traditions. Here’s what it symbolized and why it continues to be an important symbol in the modern age..."
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The Hecate Wheel
What is the Hecate’s Wheel?
"...Hecate was an Ancient Greek deity, the ruler of the sky, sea and earth. She is known for her Triple Goddess aspect in that she goes through the three phases of female life: Maiden, Mother, and Crone. She is a protective Goddess who provides blessings and prosperity to the family. Hecate was originally the guardian of the crossroads but evolved into the goddess of magic and sorcery. This history of Hecate reflects in the uses and symbolism of the wheel symbol...."
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Hekate Prayer
"...Typically, Hecate style wheels have a Y in the middle compared to the commonly depicted X. This difference is because she is associated with the intersection of three roads as compared to the typical four road crossroads. However, there are also other symbols depicted at the center, such as stars..."
Symbolism and Use of the Hecate’s Wheel
"The symbol has various meanings and uses, with renewed modern interest....
•The Wheel is a religious identifier of practitioners of Hellenic Recon and Dianic Traditions of Wicca.
•With the Hecate’s Wheel’s association with the three female phrases, each main arm represents a form – Mother, Maiden and Crone – which symbolize the three stages of a woman’s life. This makes it popular amongst feminist traditions.
•Wearing or using the symbol is said to invite Hecate’s blessings and prosperity into your life.
•The symbol shows connections to arcane knowledge, also known as the soul’s journey through life. The three primary flanges of the maze appear as if rotating and drawing the psyche forward.
•The three arms also represent earth, sea, and sky, of which Hecate holds dominion over.
•The Wheel represents the journey to knowledge towards center of the wheel. This is viewed as the flame of life and is a reminder that Hecate will help guide you through the path.
•The Wheel is also referred to as an iynx. It can be used to attract lovers, as a devotional wheel, or a divinatory device.
•When the strophalos is whirled over the heads of devotees, it creates a hum that the causes an altered state of awareness and drives predators away.
•There is a musical band called Hecate’s Wheel in Florida, better known as the Shining Wheel Pagan Chorus. They sing about the Goddess, love, femininity, and life..."
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Hekate War Portrayal
Offerings to Hekate:
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•Cartwright, Mark. "Hecate." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 22 Jun 2017. Web. 29 Jan 2021.
Hekate’s History
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Hecate's Many names
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fairytaledaycare · 6 years
🌟About our Monarchs🌟
🐉Dragon Queen Maddy🔮:  Hello Everyone I’m Dragon Queen Maddy, I'm the creator and one of the owners of Fairytale Daycare.  I’m 24, my little age range is 5-8, and I’m a Wolfie, Dragon, Bat Regressor. I have a Daddy who I’ve been with for 6 years. I’ve been an age regressor for about a 3 years and a pet regressor for about 2 months. I’m also a Witch and have been for 5 or more years. I’m a Hellenic Pagan, I worship Erebus and Hades, and I’m an oath bound Devotee of Nyx. I love Disney especially Nightmare Before Christmas. I also love video games, stuffies, coloring, reading, writing, and watching tv and movies with my Daddy. I also really like anime, especially My Hero Academia in case you couldn't tell by how often I post gifs of it. I really enjoy creating fun lessons, activities, and tips for our members. I want this blog to be a safe place for Littles/age regressor/dreamers, CG, and Pets. If you ever need to talk or have suggestions please let me know. You can reach me on our blog, Discord, or on my personal Tumblr @daddywitchylittle. 
✨Pixie Queen Pixie✨: Hiii!! I’m Pixie (Vulpix, Pixel, Pix, Pixarkle, Pixelpedia, etc. etc.) I am one of the original monarchs and co-owner of FTD. I am a 21 college senior majoring in psychology :3 I am a lover of all things Disney, psychology related, conspiracy theories, hockey (the flyers are my home team and favorite team ever ). I am a baby witch, meaning I have a loooooooot to learn, but I am very interested in researching everything I can. I love to cook and bake, which is how the cooking classes came about  I am an age regressor ranging from 1-6 age varies a lot between those ages. Though I rarely regress due to adult like sucking away all my fun  I am known to visit the other team chats and provide some.... pixie cheering up so to speak, I do love me some glitter. I am a creative writer, I love writing short stories though haven’t written much lately. I am always available to chat if anyone needs a vent space or a virtual shoulder to lean on. My tumblr is: @ PrincessPixieStick
🐉Dragon Princess Mushroom🍄:Hey Friends! I’m Princess Mushroom 🍄 , one of the Monarchs for Fairytale Daycare and unofficial Master of Ceremonies for movie night. You can call me Mush! I’m 27, Little age is about 3-5 but can go up to 7ish at times. I’m also a kitten and a dragon regressor! My caregiver/husband is our Royal Guard @LethalTrinity who I’ve been with for over a decade. I’ve been a Little for a couple years now but a Pet for 10 years. I’m totally obsessed with all things mushroom related, you can consider me the ultimate mycophile!! I find them utterly fascinating and beautiful. I’m a practising DruWitch, but I was raised in a mixed faith household which helped me become very passionate about studying theology. I give talks a few times a year on interfaith interactions and religious identity as well as talks about mushrooms, and am always up for giving advice on the subjects. I have my own business, Little Dragon Designs, making costumes and other textile crafts and my CG is a traditional leather crafter, so let me know if you’re looking to have something made! I love gaming, crafting, and finding adventures. My favorite Little shows are Detective Conan, Vampirina, Duck Takes, Sailor Moon, Milo Murphy’s Law, Star vs the Forces of Evil, and Miraculous Ladybug. Ponyo is my favorite Little movie because my CG says I act like her when I’m smol!! Favorite books are too many to list, but I’d love to talk about them with you!!(edited)
🐻 BearyBunny 🐰: Hello everyone!! My name is Wesley, and I'm the Mermaid Monarch! I'm 18 and I range from 1-6 when I'm in little space. Im genderfluid so I often switch pronouns with how I feel on different days. I'm a little and I have been for about 4 years. I am a druid Witch, although I rarely practice now. I really like pastel things and goth things- that sums up my style. I love reading and dinos and zombies, both in and out of little space. Zombies are my all time favorite thing in little space though. Im in college to be a teacher which is super fun. If anyone needs help or just wants to talk you can message me on tumblr @fuggybunny or here on discord! If you have any questions feel free to message me!
Dragon Monarch Riley: Hello! I’m Riley and I am from team dragon! I am 24, my little age is 2-8 and I am a kitten as well. I have not regressed in awhile so I have not been super active but you can find me @princess-of-stuffies on tumblr. I go they and I am bi and nonbinary. I am fairly new to the little community and am still learning but I love everyone I have met here! I really like animals and being creative (knitting, cross stitch, sewing, you name it). I am a spoonie so I run out of steam pretty quickly but that doesn’t mean I don’t try! I am pretty bad at intros so if there is anything else you want to know about me, just ask!
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Где можно увидеть Эреба:
В выключенном свете. Глаза отдвхают и Его тени здесь, при свете Солнца или Луны.
В тёмных углах. Одно из Его любимых мест.
В шкафах и кладовках. Я иногда туда иду, когда хочется с Ним поговорить.
В ночи.
В падающих тенях. И собственных тоже.
В чёрном цвете.
В тумане. Особенно ближе к тёмному времени суток или настолько плотном, что не видишь.
На кладбищах. Он – огромная часть подземного мира, Он часто бывает где-то рядом.
На болотах. Особенно укрытых туманом.
На перекрёстках.
В заброшенных зданиях и местах.
В облаках, что закрывают Солнце.
В тенях раскидыстых деревьев, что дают спасительную тень от Солнца.
В затмениях.
В той единственной тёмной комнате, когда ты включил во всём доме свет.
В подвалах, особенно в подвалах многоэтажек.
В тишине и молчании.
В секретах и тайнах.
На дне океана, куда не доходит свет.
В пещерах.
В туннелях.
В лиминальных местах.
В чёрных животных.
В библиотеках, куда редко кто ходит.
В чёрном кофе и чае.
В ежевике.
В сухих и мёртвых растениях.
В костях.
В больницах и морге.
Рядом со смертью.
Под кроватью. Там всегда темно.
Да где угодно, где темно.
Я вижу своего Отца во многих вещах, почти везде можно найти кусочек Его тьмы. Славься, Эреб, Хранитель Тишины и Темноты!
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lilachexe · 6 years
hey 💖 could you make a mood board about a nyx & erebus devotee and another one about a thor devotee ? love x
Posted 🖤
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werekxnglives · 5 years
Régime’s Mother: Lillian Ambrose (nee Luna)
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Lillian was said to rival even Aphrodite in beauty because of the inner fire that the she-wolf carried. Fueled with love for her pack and the desires to make a difference, it was this flame that drew Erebus to her out of all of his devotees. They formed a strong friendship with Lillian confiding in Erebus about how she felt with her impending marriage to Richard Ambrose; Lillian hated the Ambrose Pack with a passion, openly calling them the true monsters of their community.
As a promise, Erebus promised to never truly be too far from her even marking her as his favorite and blessing her with a small fraction of his powers to use to defend herself. The moment Lillian was married, she knew that Richard was damaged and suffered dearly for her outspoken ways of how Dorian ran the pack. Regardless, Lillian wouldn’t allow herself to be silenced revealing that she was courageous and determined to prove that an 'omega' is on equal grounds as the 'alpha'.
Despite being raped multiple times, it would seem that The Fates were making sure that Lillian would not bear a child from Richard and it wasn't until a handsome stranger found Lillian bathing in the river after running away from Richard and the Ambrose pack, trying to escape to Erebus's temple so that she could find sanctuary and gather her wits. Drawn to him, Lillian realized that the other "wolf" was, in fact, her true mate. Sadly, he couldn't take her away from the Ambrose Pack but he did leave behind a special gift; Lillian was pregnant with her future son.
This is was when she started to use Erebus's blessing and she decided to birth her child alone, away from the Ambrose Pack. Lucky for her, Clotho had come to help and when Régime was born, Lillian called on Erebus and asked him if he would be her son's godfather. Sadly, Lillian would not live past her son's 8th birthday because Dorian finally decided to dispose of her. Lillian died while protecting her son from Werewolf Hunters, but she asked Thanatos to let her stay and help her son when the day came that he could break away from the abuse of the Ambrose Pack for good. Once that day came, Lillian guided her son with the help of Yue to safety and only then did she agree to go with Thanatos. 
But that's not her journey ends. Because of her love for Régime and her desire to be with him, Clotho and her sisters ensured that Lillian was reborn as Ozalie.
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kayawagner · 6 years
Deities, Deminities & Personalities: Supplement IV
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Publisher: Mothshade Concepts
Powers from On-High
Humanity came to Avremier from far away, and they brought their gods with them. Divine support and magic was another advantage that humans had to gain a foothold in the new world.
This follow-up "Supplement IV" for the Avremier old-school edition offers:
Discussions of divine culture and influence, and the heretical "cleric" class of the Reliquarian.
Variant Druid sects - including the Iron Circle Druid, Nightshade Druid, and Pallid Druid. Metal, poisonous plants, and fungus.
Notes regarding the churches and religious leaders of Humanity.
Guidelines and specifics for non-human devotees and divine spellcasters.
More than 20 new divine and Druidic spells.
Detailed entries for all 30 Deminities, Erebus and his spawn, the Troll Gods, deities of the Underworld, and others. Not to mention a number of singular and rare sphinxes of Luminal aspect.
Over 30 divinely-aspected magic items and Relics. Wield the time-manipulating Wyrd Staff, or test the bounds of fate upon the Throne of Coins.
The possibilities of the afterlife and coming back from the dead.
Holy days and observances.
This homage to the first published fantasy RPG rules is the fifth of a five-volume set.
Price: $6.99 Deities, Deminities & Personalities: Supplement IV published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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namakehruk · 7 years
who is your muse???
Okay, so collectiverse-wise, I’ve got four muses. Two duelists, and two nemeses, as follows:
Vincent Chloris, formerly Vincent Leroux, is a master swordsman, religious devotee, and former murderer and mob enforcer. He was raised to be a weapon, and was taught justice by a monastery to the light and justice god Tyr.
Nadia Wingshadow, cursed wanderer of fey lineage. She is a darkling, a fey race that has been cursed to wither away in light. She’s been scouring the land for someone able to break her curse for the last two millennia (and recently she just might have found her answer).
Dumont “Blacksteel” Leroux, master of of the Blacksteel Hounds, the man pulling the strings of Forelhaime, and the father of Vincent Leroux. He’s a vicious, cunning, and almost inhumanly strong old man, who wishes nothing more than to have as much as he can under his boot.
And lastly, Erebus, the made to order spy. A construct made eons ago by a long forgotten god, Erebus is designed for lust and gluttony of knowledge. He was made to spy on other gods, but when his creator faded from power and prominence, he became contracted by other gods, other pantheons. Now that he knows the secrets of the highest and lowest planes of existence, he finds gods predictable and boring, and has shifted his attention to the much more unstable and unpredictable realm of humanoids.
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eunikesyanne · 4 years
Raksaditya Hidayat (Rak-sa-did-tia He-da-yat; informally nicknamed Raksa by many) is a 25 years old male Half Elf monk, following the Way of Tranquility and pursuing wisdom and enlightenment from Erebus the god of darkness. For a male Half Elf, his height reach around 5”10’ and weight around 120 lbs. 
Early Life
Raksa was born on the 26th of Phobia Summer to a noble high elf father; Haswayan Hidayat and a noble human mother; Alyatari Indah-Hidayat. He is the third child and son of House Hidayat, blessed under the light of Nemeveria so that he will inherit the family’s belief in war, wisdom and strategy. Just like his brother; Suryawan Hidayat and Aftaidun Hidayat
As a child, Raksa live a comfortable life in the noble family. Educated by private teacher whose oversees by his father, giving him only a strict number of material he is allowed to learn. As well as making sure that he learn as quick as possible in any basic knowledge and manner. His mother often brought him to the family’s private temple for Nemeveria where he is fed and taught of everything related to Nemeveria and the Knights of The Sun, especially the family’s own term; Warrior of Light. 
At every given chance, his father would tell him stories of old, when their ancestors came a long way from the First Age and being involved in many wars, always finding pride of taking up sword and serve under Nemeveria in order to bring justice and goodness to the world. As much as he liked listening to his father’s tale, Raksa find  more interest reading the books and scrolls archived in the family library, spending most of his break time in the garden and reading books about the world outside the wall surrounding his family’s house. 
At around 7, Raksa was finally old enough to take up physically training with his own father as his coach. The time for playing with toys and reading books was replaced with intensive training to prepare him, from an early age, to become a Warrior of Light. The training was more than exhausting for poor Raksa as his father forced him to bear many trials and be responsible for his own errors with harsh punishment. The training itself left its marks on him everyday, from small cuts and bruises to scars that could last for months before it disappears. 
Even so, Raksa, just like the men in his family, understand that the harsh training was needed for him to survive in the harsh conditions of war and battle. While it did teach him discipline, Raksa began to learn that the path of warfare and battle isn’t what he wanted, but the child push on his training with no complaints and hope that he will soon embrace the warrior in him that his father truly believed lies in him. Though, Raksa find the time he spent in classes and temples to be relaxing and calming, the only time he truly consider to be his break and where he finds a growing fondness in knowledge and faith.
After seven years of unforgiving training, Raksa finally survived through it all at the age of 14. Barely unscathed. At the end of the trials, his father took him to the family’s armory, where he will chose his weapon and design it using the material he wanted. Thus, his quarterstaff named Natalux (Latin; “born of light”) was born. It was carved with the top of the staff bearing a head of a roaring tiger and its paw at the bottom, the tiger being the sigil of the Hidayat family. The night after the end of his trial, his father told him that a ceremony will soon be held for him. Until then, he is free to do as he wished, great news for the half elf boy. 
Raksa didn’t hesitate to spend more of his time in the library, free from the shackles of battle and sparring. As he spends more of his time in the library, now being able to understand, took note, research, and contemplate on the discussion of politics, history, and most important; philosophy. Yet, the more books he reads, the less there is to read in the library that have grown smaller by the year. His studies soon lead him to the topic of gods, where, in his research, he found little reference and materials there is in the family’s library. With the collection mostly dominated by Nemeveria and only a small number of collection detailing about other gods such as Khronos, Herosya, and Moradin. 
After his findings, he approached his father of the issue, yet was quickly dismissed and was told that, “The only thing we, Warrior of Lights, must know, is our place in the battlefield, in the roots of our family tree, and to someday be able to die as a warrior. Earning our place in Nemeveria’s army.” Raksa tried bringing the discussion from time to time, but it only serves to test his father’s patient. 
Soon, his father stopped responding to his plea and talk, shutting him down by telling him that he should focus on preparing himself for the ceremony. For when the time comes, he will not see his home for long, until he is able to come back with an achievement. Just like his brothers are trying to achieve at the time of discussion, revealing the truth as to why Raksa never see his brothers. 
Raksa stopped pressing the topic to his father, instead turning to his mother for advice. To which his mother told him to forget. But his mother, having a softer heart than his father, told him of a library he could visit in town, where he might find what he needed. Before going, his mother made him promise that, whatever happens, he should never reveal his identity outside the estate. 
With his mother’s permission, he set out everyday to find the books he needed. All of which, began to sharpen his mind and understanding of the world in his own concept, his own philosophy. But all is not enough, the teen hunger for knowledge, to understand more about the world, to find every answer to every question. An answer as to why he felt unsettled by the path his family have chosen for him since birth. 
It wasn’t until one dusk, he came across a group of travelers who are different from merchants and adventurers. The group only address themselves as followers of Erebus, not giving out many details as to where they came from and what they’re trying to achieve, they simply tell Raksa that they’re merely finding ways as to what it truly meant to be a devotee of Erebus. To his surprise, the follower give him their opinion both from their individual and collective belief, embracing how others may perceive Erebus the way they wanted to as long as it isn’t pure evil and harming in nature. Through this, Raksa’s interest divert and grew for the god. Little does he know, the influence of Erebus has only creeping into his life.
The Beckoning of Shadow
The ceremony will be held in a month, the ceremony that will mark him as a warrior and as another knight in the line of House Hidayat. But with his father taking less interaction with him after their arguments, Raksa spend more of his time outside the estate, visiting the follower of Erebus who have decided to stay in town for a month. From all that Raksa know, the group are planning their next destination and staying at the time being after all the travels they’ve gone through. The members, thankfully for Raksa, are open to his company. 
The members told him many things about Erebus. But Raksa wrote his own understanding of the god, knowing the member is not against him using his own perspective on the god and happily listen to his own opinion. 
“Erebus are the guardian of darkness and night, providing for those who live and strive under the moon, demanding and expecting nothing in return. Like a stranger on a horseback offering people who lost a ride to a safe place, the darkness of the night showing the faint light of a town for misguided traveler, and the peacefulness within darkness that lets one rest their minds and bodies from hardship of the day and light. 
Erebus shows us that, while darkness are the opposing element of light, it also part of a scale that keeps everything balanced. The creature of the night did not belong in the day not because it is who they are or that they are not from the light, it’s because it is not their place and they know they will not survive among many other creatures who have striven in the day far more successful than they do. Erebus simply provide them a place in the night, where they find comfort and strive from the darkness.”
Thus part of Raksa’s notes from his early time with the followers of Erebus. 
But Raksa learn of Erebus not just from the words that the followers speak or their verbal teachings. He learn, from their way of life, that they keep themselves anonymous to those they helped, prefering to be an unknown cause of goodness to anyone troubled that passes them, if they could provide it in anyway. It is not a must, not a code to follow, not the will of Erebus, but the drive in one’s heart to do something and follow it without caring for recognition, reward, praise, honor, and such things. A selfless act done for the benefit of another, for them to believe and see that there is goodness that will come their way not from someone, but from something good that exist. Even if someone came to them, seeking help with reward, many will refuse the reward and only took it if they needed it. Not because they wanted it. When someone thank them for their service, they will accept it and suggest them to believe, not in the people who helped them, but the nature of goodness that will come their way. 
They choose not to seek the pleasure of money, fame, and power, things that many people pursue and willing to risk everything for, the light that blinds people into corrupted and hungry being. They settle in the comfort of a simple life with no fear or worry. Simply by believing in Erebus, they indirectly attract more troubled and tireless people into their group, to help them find the same comfort in the unknown.
Soon, Raksa find himself even taking the time to study the teachings in his room, in the dead of night where no one would catch him. Practicing the acts that the followers do, not only to study their point, but to see the practice and prove the philosophy of the acts and tradition. The more he done it, the more he sees it in action. The practice of the Followers of Erebus suits him and the concept of darkness as the guardian of the night that he believed in helped him through the day. But the determination and happiness brought from the belief soon become something more, a point where Raksa believed that the god himself has bestowed his presence to him. So, a growing fondness and devotion began to form.
Tranquility in Twilight
Raksa lived with his family and the servants in the house, with nobody else to be with him. But the half elf doesn’t mind the solitude, in fact, he always prefer books to be with in this house. He was accustomed, since little, to be by himself. Either playing with his imaginary friends or with the wooden toys in his own imaginary world. But as he grew older, the longing for company slowly grow inside him. Especially for someone who he could speak with about the thoughts and opinions in his mind without being shut down, someone he could be himself with. 
In his studies of other gods, he could easily paint their personality and image from the tales and records of teachings. They’re the pillar of perfection, an idol, a leader, and the being that set the standard for those to pursue. A flawless and pale image, in Raksa’s opinion. There’s many things he questioned of the gods; What are they like outside their godhood? Would they make a good company? What do they like to do aside from doing their godly responsibilities? Many follows them blindly merely from what they are, the god of light, god of justice, and so on. The answer he got from his mother and father of Nemeveria always the same, that she’s brave, good, and strong. With no flaws whatsoever, nothing else to her. Like a statue, simply for showing and symbol.  
But in his studies of Erebus, it was harder to decipher what the god is like. Followers of Erebus believe that Erebus is selfless, expecting nothing in return, and those who are helped never knew that it came from him. But those who did are the Followers of Erebus, who adapted this same nature that they believe in. At first, Raksa believed that the god are the same like any other, though the more he dug deeper, the more he realized that there are… complexity in god's image. So, he pursues this mysterious being. Painting a rather impressive image of the god in his mind, while finding facts about the intelligent race like human and elf and many others.
Erebus, just like other beings, have many personality and aspects. While he is indeed like the followers described him as, there are many cases where those who follow him are those who are the opposite of the follower’s belief. A god that reflect both good and evil, order and chaos, destructive and healing. Erebus’ darkness might be the scale that keeps the balance of dark and light, but deep inside, Erebus himself are his own scale. This realization obliterate everything that Raksa knew of the celestial deities.
Then, comes the vision. It happens for a week, the week before the day of his ceremony. His father had left him in an empty room, with candles surrounding him in a circle, with no food or water, and where he’s left to meditate. In the end, he’ll be able to shine like the candles. To find the light in him, as the Warrior of Light. At least, that’s what his father thought what would happen. Raksa wrote in his journal of his visions that he thought he witnessed during his trance.  
“I find myself sitting under a tree, at the top of a hill, overlooking the city that I know as my home. Unlike where I am, the city are well lit, with people taking comfort in the lights of fire, a small man-made light yet similar to that of the fire in the night sky we call sun. Meanwhile, the only light I have is the moonlight and the stars. There was a clear path down the hill, leading to the city. There was nothing stopping me from going to the light, yet I remain. 
I scanned my surroundings and took in the beautiful sight of the night and darkness. I could feel the night wind blowing through my body, felt it like a gentle caress. Whispers of the surrounding, sounding like a calming voice. Then I see it, a light that shines in the distance, over a snowy mountain that lies far across the hill, past the city of light. A light like nothing else in the day, with colors far prettier than rainbows. An aurora borealis. 
Across its light, I see a figure. Always changing and obscured. Mysterious. Before I knew it, I felt a presence in the shade. Yet, despite my attempt in looking everywhere, I cannot find anyone. But I soon realize, I am in the presence of Erebus, the shade have provided us connection. Then, I hear his voice, like a whisper that I heard. 
He asked, ‘why do you seek me?’ 
Many series of answers and questions swirled through my head, but my heart speak the words that I never knew I would say; ‘I wanted to know you, I wanted your company.’ The wind blows and rustle the tree, the shadow mimics its rustle, but the noise of rustling leaves are nothing to the gentle chuckle that caught my attention. 
‘I am everywhere, whether you wanted it or not.’
The wind gently blows through my hair, a feeling of slender fingers combing back my hair was comforting. Like my mother’s touch. 
‘Do you want to be like me?’
The question made me ponder, memories of my studies and findings of him goes through my mind. Does he mean like his follower? Like the people who uses his name to find an excuse to do something evil? Then, it clicked to me and I let my heart answer again. ‘No,’ I felt my lips began to form a smile, ‘I want to know who you are, not what others tells me. I-’ There was a lump in my throat, as if what comes out of my mouth will decide my fate, but In my heart and mind, I find the courage to continue, ‘-I wanted to be your companion.’
I saw the light from the mountain carried the star closer toward me, avoiding the lights from the city. Once it reaches me, it surrounds me with the stars, which I soon recognize as fireflies. The aurora itself settled over my head, like a colorful and aetherial crown. The moon shines its light on me, highlighting me among the darkness of the night. While the beauty of the night attracts me, Erebus is what I seek. So I close my eyes and embrace the darkness. 
I thought I heard him say, ‘I am with you, Raksa.’ Then, woke up.”
Descending Dark
After the meditation, Raksa was taken into his room to be cleaned and prepared for the ceremony. The ceremony will involve him showing his refined fighting techniques with the sun at its peak, then he will be brandished with the family’s sigil on the back of his hand. Only then he will become one of the Warrior of Light, a true man in his family. But after months of studies, getting to know the life of the Followers of Erebus, knowing who Erebus is, and what he believes, having visited by Erebus himself, he grows unsure of the path his family have prepared for him. 
Before he stepped out of his room, he called upon his mother and explained everything, hoping that he could have his mother’s help on explaining what had happened to him. Though, he was met with a distraught mother, blaming herself for what he had become, for allowing him to go out and explore the world without guidance. Raksa saddened by the reaction, but stayed strong. Within the shadows of his room, he felt like there was a pair of hands holding his shoulder. A wordless encouragement. 
His mother asked him what does he want to do, now that his mind and heart are set on Erebus the god of Darkness. Raksa can only tell his mother that he’s planning to go out and seek the Followers of Erebus, to join them instead. His mother knew his father won’t take kindly to Raksa’s vision and goal, in fact, there’s a possibility that he would be punished. Raksa, not wanting to anger his father or find out what the punishment that might await him, decided to form a plan. He told his mother of it and his mother, unable to convince Raksa to change his mind, agreed with it. 
When the ceremony began, Raksa performed for his father. Using his Natalux to impress the elder of his techniques, then comes the brandishing. It took Raksa a few minutes with his hand under water after the burning steel burn his skin and marked him, but once his hand emerged from the water, he stared at the sigil of his family and to his father’s proud face. At that moment, he couldn’t help but wordlessly said his sorry to his father, that he will disappoint him soon. 
After the ceremony, Raksa proposed to his father that he wanted to set out to the Knight of Sun’s headquarters right away. His father, unable to see through what was going on, allowed him to do so. Thinking that Raksa must have earned enlightenment and spiritual awakening from Nemeveria, his father couldn’t be more proud of him. Raksa was allowed to bring anything he needs from his room, including his staff. Then, he was told to meet his father and mother at the estate gate, to say his goodbyes before setting out on his own. 
It was the evening of the same day, his mother had helped him packed his things and begged him one last time to change his mind. But he stayed strong, explaining that he cannot live a life of servitude to a god he did not believe in and prefer to go through with his plan, no matter the risk. He has met his calling and he would do anything to see where the path Erebus have laid for him will lead him to. When the time comes, he hugged his mother and father, bidding them goodbye as well as remembering their face one last time. Then, he was off with the setting sun in front of him. But as he makes his way to town, he spotted the Followers of Erebus making their way out of town and joined them.
In the following months, there was no message or letters coming from the Knight of Sun or followers of Nemeveria about the whereabouts of Raksa. Not even his two elder brother know his whereabouts in the region. There was a rumor that he might’ve been attacked by tribe members or bandits or possibly one of the noble family that has been on bad terms with the House Hidayat. Raksa’s Father was devastated by Raksa’s disappearance, along with the mother, who kept the secret to herself. Until then, they continued to believe that their son had been missing and eventually, continued on with life.
Under The Watchful Eye of Owl
The Follower of Erebus make their way back to Chagrinhold, where the temple are located. Raksa was then introduced to the other followers as well as tested by an appointed Master for his Spirituality and Physicality test. To Raksa’s surprise, he failed both simultaneously.
The Spiritual test had him wander through a pitchblack maze where he needed to find a way out without using his eyes. While the Physical Test required him to dodge an incoming attack that moves faster by the minute in pitch dark room. He was given a choice to try again as much as he wanted or leave the temple and go home. Raksa choose to remain, training everyday by himself and taking a shot at the trial every day. This time, the bruises were earned from his own training and trials, to pursue something that he’s desperate to gain. 
It wasn’t after a month of failure, the Master approached him and pointed out his mistakes. That he is looking for an exit through a maze and fighting against whatever coming his way. After a night of restless sleep, pondering what the Master said, it finally dawns on him in the morning after. 
Raksa hoped that today will be his last day of his trial, gambling on what he understood from the Master’s word of advice. Luckily, it did. Raksa lets his senses guide him through the maze successfully and his instincts to dodge the incoming attacks. In a way, he wasn’t trying to explore through the darkness or fight against it, he lets it lead and protect him. Finally, after 34 attempts, he becomes an initiate in Temple of Erebus. Studying under the same Master that have overseen his trial and given him the advice, Farkas Voidnium. 
He was finally given a room as an initiate, given access to the temple’s library (which are massive compared to his family’s), and met new people who he came to know well. There are many things that the temple taught him, things that the servants at his house or even his parents never got to teach him. Common skills such as cooking, knitting, crafting, and apotechary. He learned how to fit in with people, to bond with one another and find peace among, what he believes to be his people. Though the primary studies that he learn from the monastery are the martial arts; which are mainly about taking down your enemy and subduing them without wounding or leaving them with long lasting harmful effects, and spellcasting; which consist of healing, the use of dark magic to your advantage (though none are taught to do damage). 
During training with Master Farkas, he took the time to know his Master and find him to be kind and looked up to him, like he would to his own father. He also met his first friend, or rather, friends, are Sigmus Illyic, Jacques Athanelis, and Faust Miron. All three of which, have been known to be Raksa’s little group of friends, his first. But of course, where there’s friends, there are people who ought to be your enemy. That being Kraven Caelestis, a person which Raksa’s group of friends think to act as a polar opposite to Raksa. While Kraven thought of Raksa as an enemy and a rival, Raksa didn’t care much about their so called ‘duel’ that involves both of them sparring on many occasions and ‘argument’ that involves Kraven mocking Raksa for merely being quiet and able to stay unoffended at every jab Kraven throw at him. Truth be told, Raksa was enjoying the encounters with Kraven.
Of course, after his first vision of Erebus, he continued to receive a vision from the god. He soon found out that, once a year, Erebus will visit him in one of his meditation. Raksa took note that some visits happens a couple days after a period of worship, which involve him spending one night from dusk until dawn in prayer and fasting, practising his martial arts as a physical expression of his devotion to the god. He shared this dream to his friends, Master Farkas, and even Kraven at times they aren’t in an argument or duel. Master Farkas, in particular, believed that Erebus might have a plan for Raksa. The words from his Master only filled Raksa with determination and a goal; to serve his god till the end of his time, where he’ll become one with Erebus’ darkness and be with his god forever. Or, at least that’s what he thought to be his perfect end, until then, there’s a lot for him to do in this life. 
Present Life
At the time, Raksa are at the age of 25, which meant that he had spent 11 years with the Followers of Erebus. Many people in the temple known him to be as kind as any other Followers there is in the temple, although he carried around books everywhere he go unlike others in the temple. His friends, who have hang out at his room to play some game of dragonchess with him, noticed the pristine white quarterstaff hidden underneath his bed, which Raksa only shrug off as an old weapon. His new weapon, which has been given to him by the monastery like any other initiates, is a dark oak quarterstaff with dark plating. 
Raksa had his first time wandering through the Empire on his 6th year in the temple, when he finally come of age and are given permission to journey across the Empire with other members of the Followers. Most of the time, he traveled with his group of friends, rarely with others. But recently, he has been given more than mere permission to explore the world. Master Farkas had given him an opportunity to join the Dwellers in The Dark, members of Erebus who seek to rid the world of forbidden and evil knowledge by sealing it away deep inside the temple. Raksa undergo another training to be part of this member and still do until the current days, although he had been sent a couple times to do simple investigating and tracking for the Dwellers. Though, he soon hope that one day, he can be part of the main team.
Meanwhile, Raksa still enjoyed the company of books. The only difference now is that he has more meaning to his life, more company, the more people who knew him inside the temple (and some outside the temple outside his family), and to learn more about the world; different ideals, religions, and such.
Tenets Of Erebus
1. You shall assist anyone with good intention.
2. You shall not ask or take compensation.
3. You shall protect and support your allies no matter the circumstances.
4. You shall not boast or spread words of your good deeds.
5. You shall not bring or cause any harm to anyone.
Common Punishment
-Solitary Meditation: A person must be locked inside a room in solitary to meditate for a week by himself, the person must also initiate fasting during this time and avoid sleeping. 
-Spiritual Discipline: A person must keep rereading the Tenets of Erebus out loud for an entire day, only to be given a break for scheduled food and drink, but no sleep.
-Physical Training: A person must perform all martial techniques that has been taught to them in a single day and perfectly, if the person did not succeed, they must repeat until they have done so.
Rare/Severe Punishment
-Banishment: A person must leave the temple, never to return or else face a harder punishment.
-Confinement: A person will be kept somewhere far from the monastery where they will be confined and bound by chains for the rest of their life. The whereabouts of this location are restricted to only the Archbishops and members of the Dweller.
-Sealed: A person will be sealed in stone walls, where they will be turned into stone and be apart of the wall. The whereabouts of this wall are restricted to only the Archbishops and the leader of the Dweller. 
Raksa’s Connection
Haswayan Hidayat: The current leader and head family of House Hidayat. A male pureblood sun/high elf. He is stern and cold hearted at times, but he cares for his family and would express his sadness to his wife only. Used to serve the Baron as a Knight in his prime days, now retired. Still retain his knighthood wisdom, puts duty and tradition over his personal need.
Alyatari Indah-Hidayat: The wife of the current leader and head family of House Hidayat. A female pureblood human. Comes from a noble human family and rumored to be the only surviving member of one for some reason. She is soft and emotional at times, but she is still understanding and do what she has to do for her family and children. She used to be a follower of Khaos, but turned into follower of Nemeveria as a marriage term between House Indah and House Hidayat. 
Suryawan Hidayat: The Firstborn of current household of House Hidayat, a half elf just like the rest of his siblings. He is one of the Knight of the Sun, possibly serving as a high ranking member of the order. A wise and disciplined man, more than many times acts as an advisor and will happily train squires that seek his help. 
Aftaidun Hidayat: The Secondborn of current household of House Hidayat, a half elf just like the rest of his siblings. He is part of the Knight of the Sun, though mostly favor warfare and loyal to the Empire even if it’ll cost him his life. A strong and stubborn man, taking pleasure in being a part of any war and doing the Empire’s bidding. 
Farkas Voidnium: One of the Masters in Temple of Erebus, teaches the arts of Tranquility. A male centaur that has been a Master for years, refusing to ascend to Archbishop’s position and remain as a teacher to many initiate. Rumor has it that he had lost his clan, family, and his precious daughter in one of the wars between humans and dark elves, thus explaining his origin. But no one for sure knew of this. He is a soft-spoken, quiet, and a father figure to almost all initiate that he had taught under his wings, including Raksa. He is also part of the Dweller, possibly a high ranking.
Sigmus Illyic: A high elf male member of the temple. He is known to be diplomatic and charming, but physically clumsy and easily got sick. He is blunt and brutally honest, even when he’s at fault, but somehow manage to convince many that he is doing the right thing. 
Jacques Athanelis: A human male member of the temple. Perfectionist and can be a pushover to many. Despite that, he hears and knows many gossips around the temples, always spreads or starts rumors or gossip about someone. He’s also part of the members who are responsible for buying supplies at towns.
Faust Miron: A halfling male member of the temple. Grumpy and spiritually lacking, even so, he excels at martial arts among his group. Frequently got in trouble for fighting with Kraven and yelling at initiates under him (or Kraven) that teases him. Having excels at martial arts, he is often assigned patrol jobs and guards duty.
Kraven Caelestis: A human male member of the temple. Childish and smart talker, will bother anyone until they lose patience and get them in trouble. Although, he’s clever and well educated. He is known to be one of the many children that are born in the temple, with his father being part of the Followers and his mother known to have passed away some time ago.
My character for my homebrewed TTRPG game called Ballads of Greenslade. It’s not streamed but I like my character either way. Some of you might recognize the name from my previous characters and yeaaaaah I like to re-purpose them in my games, I just like playing as them in general and coming up with ways to remake them into better characters. His name gonna show up in my upcoming work though, but he might be a different person in the story. 
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1-800-nymph · 5 years
ok but IMAGINE Haides & Erebos being best friends because they both literally have palaces in the underworld & share a soft, passionate love for their wives?? & they love the grotesque aesthetic of the underworld & don’t give a fuck what the sky gods think about it??? LIKE IMAGINE THEM GOOFING OFF WITH CEREBUS & HANGING OUT WITH THE SPIRITS OF GREEK HEROES & HAVING PHILOSOPHY BATTLES WHICH MAKes nO SENSE BECAUSE THEY BOTH KNOW ALL THE ANSWERS TO THE UNIVERSE??? I just think they would be the best of friends ;-;
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