#Era of Samurai: Code of Love
voltageincboys · 1 year
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“We will be fugitives together, but I love you.” ~ Shinsaku Takasugi ~ Era of Samurai: Code of Love (Owned by Voltage) •April•
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• He's Shy, Isn't He? (✿◠‿◠) •
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playgirl-hime · 2 years
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Toshi you naughty man
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mhudson92 · 2 years
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It's not my B-Day but he felt the need to wish me happy birthday lol
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howtootome · 1 year
Click the link above to be taken to the full site or the jump below to view it on tumblr. Visit How to Otome for more walkthroughs!
Written by Fate
Episode 1
B: "Aim for my lips next time." A: "It didn't look that way to me."
Episode 2
A: "I'm staying right here." A: "I'm not pushing myself past my limit."
Episode 3
A: "Please reconsider this." B: "I promise."
Episode 4
A: "Don't blame yourself." B: "There's nothing I can do for him now."
Episode 5
B: "I want to fight with you, until the end." C: Watch Soji in silence.
Episode 6
C: "You can still use your sword." B: "Sorry about what I said before."
Episode 7
C: "You won't regret this?" B: "No, it's thanks to Kondo-san."
Written by Love
Episode 1
A: "I am going to explode!" B: "If you say so, Soji."
Episode 2
C: Do as he says. C: "When that happens, you can take over."
Episode 3
B: "This plan would break Soji's heart." A: "Please don't say that."
Episode 4
B: "Kondo-san made this choice himself." A: "I trust Soji."
Episode 5
C: "At least take Soji with you!" A: Rush over to Soji's side.
Episode 6
B: "Let's find one. Together." C: "Let's go inside."
Episode 7
B: "I will go with you." C: "It was because of your own inner strength."
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kbtbb-soryu · 2 years
Remember Me [Saito x OC] Chapter 15
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The day after Saito’s sword got taken, he was among the soldiers heading out on patrol, carrying an unfamiliar sword.
“Saito-san? Where did you get that?” Ai asked curiously. She thought the air around Emi seemed to crackle when she got back from wherever the hell she’d been. It was the kind of air that would ensure certain death for anyone who tried to approach.
“Confiscated from one of the ronin we arrested. It was in the storehouse, so I assume no one will mind if I borrow it,” Saito answered.
“What the heck did you do?” Ai asked.
“Emi didn’t tell you?” Saito asked.
“As if I’m going to approach her when she’s like that.” Ai scoffed.
“My sword was stolen…” Saito answered.
“And… you’re not going to go find it?” Ai asked.
“One blade’s as good as the next. Won’t take me long to get familiar with this one.” Saito seemed to be trying to convince himself more than Ai as he dashed toward town. Ai scoffed. Wow. Just wow. She had no idea how to even respond to that. If she felt that offended by what he just said, then Emi must be feeling ten times worse. No wonder she was so pissed off when she got back to the base last night.  
Ai walked to the well.
“Hm? Something bothering you, Ai?” Okita asked, having come up behind her. Next to him was Harada.
Ai didn’t answer as she stepped out of the way and Harada immediately pulled the top of his kimono off and started splashing water on himself.
“Hey, you’re getting me all wet, too!” Okita complained.
“Oh? Did I splash you?”
“Not what I’d call a ‘splash’ – you basically soaked me!”
“Heh. Sorry. Saito never complains about stuff like that.”
“That’s only because Saito hardly ever speaks. I’m sure he’s thinking it, though. Gosh, this guy is like a wild animal… You okay?” Okita finally turned to Ai. Her eyes were closed, her eyebrow twitching.
“Peachy,” she replied.
Okita threw his towel down and started getting his hair wet. “Hey, you never answered my question, Ai.” He looked over at her.
“What question?” she asked.
“What’s bothering you?”
Ai crossed her arms and told Okita about her conversation with Saito. She had no idea how, but it got stolen and Emi was likely still fuming about it. Even Harada toned down his splashing for a moment so he could hear what she was saying.
“I was wondering why the spot in our room where he usually keeps his sword was empty,” Harada mused.
“That doesn’t sound like Hajime, though. Getting his sword stolen? Way too careless…” Okita said.
Ai shrugged. “He was with Emi so I wouldn’t be surprised if he got distracted. He still tries to protect her even though she can do it herself. And now he’s refusing to look for it.”
“I’m fairly certain Hajime’s sword isn’t still in the hands of those ronin,” Okita said.
“Nah, they’d sell it as soon as they possibly could,” Harada added. Ai nodded.
“If we scour every last second-hand shop, I suppose it might turn up.” Okita didn’t exactly sound hopeful.
“I don’t know… That might take quite a bit of time. I’ll talk to Emi. Maybe we can come up with something.” Emi, however, was nowhere to be found.
That afternoon, Ai accompanied Yamazaki to town for medical supplies.
“I knew it would be next to impossible to find any decent medicine around here…” Yamazaki said as they walked.
Ai stopped when she saw a pawn shop. “Mind if I stop by here?”
“Again? You’ve been poking her head into these junk shops all day,” Yamazaki muttered.
“I know, I know. It’s just, there’s something that I’m trying to find,” Ai replied. Yamazaki sighed exasperatedly. After making her promise to find whatever it was she was looking for, he told her he’d find medicine himself and sent her off with a smile.
By the time Ai left the shop, the sun had already begun to set. She must have visited a dozen shops today, but none of them had the sword. And as she wasn’t able to talk to Emi, she had no idea of which ronin she should be looking for. Deciding to call it a day, Ai decided to visit a certain place before going back to the base.  
There weren’t any flower vendors around, so Ai opted to pick her own bouquet of flowers along the side of the road. As she made her way to the graveyard, she still failed to wrap her head around the fact that Saito was so quick to resign himself. He was being so stubborn about it, too. Remembering how he talked about the sword this morning infuriated Ai. That sword wasn’t just any sword. He obviously couldn’t comprehend how special that sword was. But of course she knew. She knew the origin of the sword; the reason Emi caried it around despite not using it since she got her hands on Ryuuga.  
Ai stopped in her tracks when her father’s grave came into view. Somebody else was already standing in front of the grave. He placed some beautiful flowers he’d brought along, poured water over the grave, and put his hands together. Ai’s eyes fell upon the flowers. Yellow chrysanthemums. Her father’s favourite. And the way he so carefully purified the grave stone with that water… Emi had told her that Saito had a deep amount of respect for her father, but Ai had never seen it first-hand before.
Ai kept standing rooted to the spot until Saito noticed her. He turned around to face her. “Ai… Quite a coincidence, isn’t this?” Saito’s eyes shifted around awkwardly as he got to his feet. He said nothing, his attention focused on the ground as he brushed past her.
“Hey, wait,” Ai said it without thinking. With his back still turned to her, he stopped. Ai sighed. “Thanks for coming here, I guess…” she trailed off as she knelt down and put the flowers down on the stone.
“Like I said, just a coincidence… I happened to be in the area, so…”
“So was I,” Ai answered.
“I thought you came into town with Dr Yamazaki, looking for medicine?” he asked.
“I was searching second-hand shops.”
“Don’t tell me…”
“Enough about that sword already. I told you and Emi both, forget about it.”
Ai stood up, her rage building. “I’m having a hard time believing that you really feel that way. When I first met you, you freaked out when I just tried to touch that thing. Deep down, there’s a big part of you that wants to get that sword back. Isn’t there?”
“Well, look, I…”
Ai groaned. “Enough already! Why do you insist on being so damn difficult all the time? Personally, I don’t really care about your reasons or whatever. But your attitude is seriously getting on my nerves. You have no idea where that sword even came from, do you?” She heard Saito gasp and he turned around to face her. “Emi hadn’t touched that sword in years but she still carried it with her. Still sharpened it. Still cleaned it. Haven’t you ever wondered why?!” The scrunching of leaves announced the arrival of another. Ai didn’t even sense—oh. That was why she didn’t sense anyone. “Emi…” Her eyes feel on an object sticking out over her sister’s shoulder. “That…” The distinctive intricate design was impossible to mistake.
“Yeah,” Emi said emotionlessly. She looked up at Saito, her eyes cold. “This is fine, isn’t it, Hajime? After all, it’s just an object, right?” She looked at him past her nose, doing little to hide her disdain. Saito didn’t answer, merely bit his lip as he avoided eye contact. Without stopping by the tombstone, Emi walked past Saito.  
 A few days had passed since then. Emi’s sour mood didn’t dissipate at all. She didn’t come out of her room and she didn’t talk to anyone. It didn’t surprise Ai. That sword held more value to her big sister than anyone could even imagine. Ever since she got it back, Emi didn’t let go of it. She kept it with her at all times just as she had before she gave it away. Ai was surprised to see Emi in town one day, walk into some inn. Emi rarely visited places like that. Still thinking it strange, Ai returned to the base some time later to find some sort of commotion.
“What’s going on?” she asked as she walked inside, finding Okita and the others getting ready for battle.
“We got word of some sort of disturbance at Osaka-ya,” Okita said.
“Osaka-ya…?” Ai’s face paled and she swallowed. “I don’t think you need to go there…”
“Huh? What are you going on about?” Hijikata asked.
“Ai? What’s going on?” Okita asked. Ai sucked the inside of her cheek.
“Spit it out, already,” Hijikata snapped impatiently.
“I have a feeling… Emi is behind the disturbance…” Ai admitted.
“What?” Hijikata stopped his rushing about and looked incredulously at her.
“I saw her go in there earlier…”
“Does this have something to do with Hajime’s stolen sword?” Okita asked.
“Ah, that… Yes, we’ve been looking into it, but there hasn’t been much progress yet,” Hijikata said.
Ai frowned. “You’ve been conducting a search?”
“These two didn’t give me much choice. They wouldn’t stop pestering me about that damn sword.”
“Harada did most of the pestering, actually,” Okita said.
“Shut up,” Harada snapped.
“Well, Emi already found the sword actually…” Ai said.
“What?!” Harada jumped up.
“She’s a demon, Harada-san. It would be easy for her to find it.”
“Why didn’t she say anything then?!” Harada asked.
“Wait a minute, Hajime is still using that beat up old sword,” Okita asked, eyebrow arched.
“Saito’s sword belonged to Emi originally. So… she kind of decided to take it back…” Ai rubbed the back of her neck.
“She what?” Hijikata asked. “Why would she do that?”
Because she’s spiteful by nature? “Look, do you really have time to be questioning me about this right now? All I’m saying is that I don’t think it’s a coincidence that a disturbance ensued at around the same time she went to that inn.” The men looked at each other, their expressions the epitome of exasperation.
“Let’s go,” Hijikata said.
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broodyjoey · 1 year
Gonna go find Kondo san from Voltage's Samurai series.
Looks like my phone battery has different plans for me. It’s down to its last percent, so I’ll be seeing my prince with the weak constitution, AKA the Axe King. Bro has the frailest body but the strongest axes in town.
But he also has the sweetest words, calling me his little daisy and all~🥰🥰 He loves me!! (Delusional)
Self-depreciation aside, I really need a pick me up from all the pain in my life. I need him to pick my mood up.
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sterkeyra · 1 year
Koi 100 Chara Café -
Top13 2022 Costumes
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Uwaah the new costumes for the upcoming Chara Café are looking gorgeous!!
For once Tsugarus outfit looks decent! I gotta say out of all the guys I like Kaiseis, Shins, Tsugarus, Kurosawa's and Okitas suits the most.
Which do you guys like the most?
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voltage-vixen · 2 years
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What makes Jade Leech a member of Team Mint?
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*Please read theses before moving on for more context  2 Lines & A Circle : In-depth description on flavors: Mint (tumblr.com)
Where do I even start with this boy? Let us begin with his flower in the ghost marriage event story. If you haven’t read this story, please skip to the next blob. For those of you that have seen it, you would know that he gives the bride a poisonous flower, which is revealed by Floyd. This was a very refreshing action from Jade as it took a spin on a typical situation. Such an action belongs to those in team mint.
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Now for the realistic part, if we were to compare him to Floyd, I think Jade is much more realistic in his ideals for love while Floyd is the more romantic kind (also applies in non-romantic situations). This can be seen during his dorm uniform personal story as he used a more realistic approach to trick Vil. Mixing in the sadistic side, I would like to point out Jade’s treatment of the fellow employees in the mostro lounge. While he isn’t punishing them for no reason, we definitely get a sense that he enjoys the threatening of fellow students.
If you are a fan of Jade, you will most likely enjoy Soji Okita from Era of Samurai: Code of Love. Okita is sadistic, loyal, and hot. What else’s do you need when you’re looking for a mint? I mean look at that face! 
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Okay well here’s another man in case Okita wasn’t enough, may I present to you Hideki Ishigami from Her love in the force.
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While he doesn’t have the most dramatic story, in Ishigami’s route, you see personal growth as well as an inner struggle of him learning to trust and love the MC. This may just be a personal opinion, yet I feel that if it was Jade and his lover, he would have to learn to love them as well as gain trust.
If you want to know more about them, here is a link to their prologue
Her Love in the Force prologue: Her Love In The Force Prologue
Era of Samurai: Code of Love prologue: 
Interested in finding out if he’s your match? Then feel free to participate in these events! They won’t end till I’m tired of seeing their beautiful faces! 
Tell me: 2 Lines & A Circle : Tell me about yourself! (tumblr.com)
Feelings in a letter: 2 Lines & A Circle : Feelings in a letter (tumblr.com)
Not so perfect: 2 Lines & A Circle : A not so perfect random date/hang out headcanon: (tumblr.com)
All Games can be found on the app Love 365. Available for the google app store and android. 
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voltageincboys · 1 year
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“You’re a fearless woman. I only want you by my side.” ~ Toshizo Hijikata ~ Era of Samurai: Code of Love (Owned by Voltage) •April•
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• Hijikata (✿◠‿◠) •
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playgirl-hime · 2 years
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I volunteer!
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lydskisses · 2 years
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Voltage Inc - Love365 Clear Bromides
Each SGD$7.50. Do note that mailing to you is additional.
・Metro PD x2
・My Two Bedroom Story
・Tokyo Love Hustle
・Era of Samurai: Code of Love
#tokyolovehustle #voltageinc #metropd #metropdclosetoyou #love365 #100シーンの恋 #100恋 #eraofsamuraicodeoflove
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Dystopian themes in the Prequels
“Looking back is helpful in understanding his work. Lucas started out in the 1960’s as an experimental filmmaker heavily influenced by the avant-garde films of the San Francisco art scene. Initially interested in painting, he became an editor and visualist who made abstract tone poems. His first feature, THX 1138 (1971) was an experimental science fiction film that presented a surreal, underground world where a dictatorial state controls a docile population using drugs. Love and sex are outlawed, procreation is controlled through machines, and human beings shuffle meaninglessly around the system.”
—Anthony Parisi, 'Revisiting the Star Wars Prequels'
The bolded parts in this description correspond with the Coruscant Underworld, the Jedi Order’s code, and the creation of the clone troopers, respectively.
Notably, in THX 1138's setting, emotions such as love and the concept of family are taboo:
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I’ve always found it so interesting that Lucas incorporated the dystopian elements of his earlier sci-fi into the Prequels, taking place as they do in the context of the final years of the Repubic, with all its colourful and sumptuous visual spendour. In comparison, the post-apocalyptic ‘Dark Times’ of the Original Trilogy would seem on the surface to be the more outwardly ‘dystopian’ setting of the two—however, the actual story of the OT is a mythic hero's journey and fairytale, complete with an uplifting and transcendent happy ending. The OT's setting may be drained of colour, and its characters may be living under the shadow of the Empire, but as a story it is far from bleak or dystopian in tone. Rather, fascinatingly, it is the pre-apocalyptic era of the Prequels that is presented as the more dystopian storyline:
“On the surface, [The Phantom Menace] is an optimistic, colorful fantasy of a couple of swashbuckling samurai rescuing a child Queen and meeting a gifted slave boy who can help save the galaxy from the slimy Trade Federation and its Sith leaders. But beneath that cheerful facade is a sweatshop of horrors.” —Michael O'Connor, 'Moral Ambiguity: Beyond Good and Evil in the Prequels'
This is referring to the state of the galaxy during the Prequels era, including the fact that slavery is known to exist, but is largely ignored by the Republic and the Jedi alike due to being too economically inconvenient to combat. It also refers to how the Jedi of the Old Order come across as cold and distant atop their ivory tower on the artificial world of Coruscant, far removed not only from the natural world but also from the true realities of the people they claim to serve. And then there is the additional revelation in Attack of the Clones that love and family are 'outlawed' within the Jedi Order, creating an environment in which their own 'Chosen One' is unable to flourish, leaving him vulnerable to the Dark Side. Finally, there's the fact that the characters end up so distracted by fighting a civil war (something that goes against their own principles and involves the use of a slave clone army in the process), that they are blinded to the entity of pure evil that is guiding their every move...until it is too late.
“Without a clear enemy, the Jedi Order, the Galactic Senate, the whole of the Star Wars galaxy bickers and backstabs and slides around the moral scales. But there is one benefit to Palpatine’s pure evil crashing down upon the galaxy; against its oppressive darkness, only the purest light can shine through.” —Michael O'Connor, 'Moral Ambiguity: Beyond Good and Evil in the Prequels'
If anything, the Dark Times allows for the OT generation's acts of courage and heroism to flourish and succeed, because they are not hampered by the Old Jedi Order's restrictive rules, nor by its servitude to the whims of an increasingly corrupt Republic—so corrupt, in fact, that by the time of RotS, it is practically the Empire in all but name. Indeed, one of the key features of the Prequels, and what makes them so tragic, is that the characters are already living in a dystopia...they just don't know it.
There is, paradoxically, a level of freedom to be found in the midst of the Dark Times which had not been possible during the Twilight era, which allows Original Trio to rise above the tragedy that befell their predecessors. They are able to act as free agents (not as slaves of a corrupt government), serving only the fight for the liberation of all the peoples of the galaxy (not just citizens of the Republic), and are likewise free to live (and love!) on their own terms. Free to act on their positive attachments to one another, without having to hide the truth of their feelings. It's particularly telling that *this* is, above all, what makes the Prequels era so dystopian—the characters' inability to freely and openly participate in normal familial human relationships.
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kbtbb-soryu · 10 months
Walk Through Hell with Me [Takasugi x OC] Chapter 8
Ai had been brought with the trio to a certain tea house for yet another one of their boisterous parties. “Well my oh my! Look who it is! Yer still alive, are ya?” As soon as Ai stepped into the room, Sakamoto wrapped her up in a hug so tight she could barely breathe. She stiffened. “I had a hunch you’d be alright, what with Shinsaku around ‘n’ all. But, seein’ yer face just sets my heart aglow.” Ai didn’t respond. “You think you might let her go any time soon? Or is it your aim to suffocate her?” Takasugi asked. Sakamoto laughed heartily. “Jealous, are ya?! Look at you, blushin’ like a schoolgirl,” Sakamoto said as soon as he let go. Ai gulped down some air. “If my face is red it’s because you kept me from breathing.” Ai took a step in Kazuya’s direction when Takasugi caught her by the elbow. “You’re going to sit right here, beside me,” he said. “Huh? Why should I have to do that?” Ai protested. “Because I said so.” “You’re far too bossy for a human.” Despite her arguing, Ai sat down next to Takasugi as the men began their meeting. “Looks like we finally found out which wholesaler is getting richest off all that opium,” Sakamoto said. “Sakai-ya seems to be the main culprit. It’s located here, but has strong ties to all those foreigners in Nagasaki,” Takasugi explained. “This is a map of all the warehouses we found that are being used to store the stuff.” Maro spread a map out on the table. A map of the capital with certain locations circled in red, marking the warehouses that were housing opium. It was a far larger number than Ai imagined. “One strategically started fire could wipe them all out at once,” Gen said. “Can’t afford to risk it. What if it goes wrong?” Sakamoto asked. “You needn’t worry about that. The plan is immaculate. And it’s also our best chance of stopping the spread of opium.” Takasugi cast a meaningful glance at  Ai, then at Kazuya and his friends. Ai guessed that Takasugi must know what their talents were. Kazuya, Takashi, and Chikage could all control fire. And Takashi, like Ai, could manipulate wind. Maintaining fires to target specific locations would essentially be a cinch for the four of them. “Whatever you boys’re preparin’, I’ve got high hopes for it! Shinsaku knows how to get his hands on all the finest things… Like this, for example.” Sakamoto pulled a heavy metal object from his breast pocket. Ai leaned close to inspect it. “Is that a… gun?” “Never seen one before, huh? Well, lucky you. You’re layin’ your eyes on the finest, here,” Sakamoto said. “So you’re planning to use these to fight the foreign invaders, then?” Ai asked. “In other countries, everyone walks around with one of these things, as a matter of course. The era of settling disputes with swords alone… well, it’s over, I’m afraid,” Takasugi explained. “The sad truth is, this country ain’t unified the way it used to be,” Sakamoto added. “Times have changed. And if you think you can fight off foreign invaders with swords, you’re only fooling yourself,” Takasugi said. “The Choshu found that out the hard way, didn’t they?” Sakamoto asked. “And I do not intend to let past sacrifices be in vain.” That look in Takasugi’s eyes… He was thinking of his old master. “I’m with Takasugi,” Gen added. “We’ve been beat down once. That’s enough. We know what we need to do now,” Maro said. The men exchanged grave looks. With the exception of the oni in the room, they were willing to risk their lives for their country.
The meeting was adjourned and everyone began drinking. Ai stared, mouth agape, at the passed-out humans in front of her. “How do they call themselves samurai when they’re so passed out? What if the enemy breaks in here at this moment? What then?” “We’re all on guard. And when push comes to shove, they spring into action automatically. It’s just second nature for them. So don’t worry. You’ll be fine,” Takasugi said. “It’s not me I’m worried about, but fine. I’ll take your word for it.” Ai rolled her stiff shoulders. Takasugi took his shamisen in hand and started strumming softly. Ai didn’t realise she was staring at him until he looked up and their eyes met. “Would you like to try playing?” he asked. “Me?” Ai raised an eyebrow. “You just pluck one of these strings, and it makes a sound. Try it.” Takasugi took her by the hand and pulled her into his lap. Ai stiffened. Takasugi’s arms wrapped around her and he placed his hands on top of hers. It felt intimate. “Then, you do it just like this…” The string made a quiet but resonant sound. Ai smiled. “Just takes a bit of practice. It’s really not that hard.” Takasugi guided Ai’s hands across the strings. “Got the hang of it yet? Think you’re ready to try it by yourself?” Ai nodded and plucked at one of the strings. The sound was melodic and soft. She struck another. And another. The music she played was gentle; beautiful even. “You learn pretty fast.” Takasugi sounded surprised. Ai looked at him over her shoulder with a mischievous smile. “I actually already knew how to play it.” Ai turned back to the shamisen and played another song. She was keenly aware of Takasugi’s gaze on her concentrating face before they scanned the rest of her body and rested on her moving hands. When Ai stopped playing, she sighed softly and leaned her back against Takasugi’s chest, her head on his shoulder. “What?” he asked. “Nothing.” Ai closed her eyes, a content smile playing on her lips. “Have I stolen your heart away? Is that it?” he asked teasingly. Ai opened her eyes to find his full of determination as he stared down at her. “Think what you will.” Takasugi’s arms embraced Ai tightly around her waist. As he took her chin in one hand, she heard some stray notes from the shamisen. Looking into his eyes, she felt as though she was being pulled into another world. He stared as deeply into her eyes as she was, but she couldn’t tell what was going through his mind. He leaned in closer, his breath grazing her lips as he sighed. Remembering the first time his lips were on hers, Ai felt the heat rush to her cheeks. “You’re not even going to try to resist?” “Why would I?” Ai asked. Taksugi’s lips, nearly touching hers, curved into a seductive grin. “Silence isn’t the same thing as consent, you know? How am I supposed to know what you want?” Takasugi’s arms held her more tightly as he whispered in her ear. “I thought you were such a good girl… We haven’t even known each other very long. But, if you like, I can show you a few more things I learned overseas.” He stroked her neck, her hair standing upright. Ai rolled her eyes and maneuvered herself out of his arms. “You have a real talent for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, you know that?” Her voice had no edge to it as she said that. Without waiting for a response, she left.
Ai shouldn’t have left. As soon as she stepped out of the room, she ran smack into the one person she didn’t want to see.
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