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kakilkz · 1 year ago
The Degree Multimedia Trio
Just want to put them at here :v
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*insert meme adios* 🚶🏻‍♀️
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eunoiareview · 7 days ago
Sea Tomato*
It is summer, and we’re being stupid. That was my favorite thing to do together. It is summer, and there is sand between my toes, and we are collecting sand dollars, and I have to squint because it is so bright outside. I don’t want summer to end because I don’t wanna go back to school. It is summer, and the sky is splayed out above us as blue and whole as it was in the beginning before all…
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hungarianstories · 6 months ago
The Budapest-Belgrade railway line is currently under construction, which is the most expensive (800 billion HUF = €2.026.400.000) railway development ever in Hungary.
What is that? Well, based on government communication, a win-win situation between China and Hungary. This is an easier and simpler transport of Chinese products to Europe. Okay, that's why this is so important to China. But what about Hungary?
Hungary covers a third of the costs, while the rest is financed by Chinese loans. Yes! You get it right! Hungary borrows money from China to build a railway line important to China. The terms and details of the credit facility are encrypted, that is, not a single Hungarian (or any) citizen receives any information about it. What wrong could happen...
So why is this a win-win situation for Hungary? We still don't know any answer, but we already know that the Orbán's family is a winner of this construction.
- Building materials (200 thousand tons of railway stones) were supplied from Viktor Orbán's father Győző Orbán's mine for construction.
- Viktor Orbán's childhood friend Lőrinc Mészáros' (former gas fitter) companies are working on the construction. Some of the building materials were ordered from Orbán's mine by Lőrinc Mészáros' company.
- One of the documents also shows that the Chinese construction company planned to conclude a gross contract worth 1 billion HUF (€2.534.000) for the supply of crushed stone from Gánt (This is the village where the Orbán's mine is).
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volumina-vetustiora · 8 months ago
A Paradiso From Eden (Hozier)
mel in te tragediam vidi tanta miracula vidi et tu, nonne? mel in te solitudinem vidi eam dulcedinem vidi veni ad me
sine acerbitate, gemitu acumine incuriosis oculis michi tempore
mellita, te nosco ut antiquum speculum spes in vinculis jam jacet virtus ad suum gladium castitas vagivit roga me, mel, qui scio huc a Paradiso serpsi tenus ostio tuo
mel quandam miseriam sensi aliquid pretii sensi quo incipiam? mel hoc esse tenue dico forsitan crescere spero meam culpam
et in sinu epule tibi, michi laqueus quo alterum suspendi
mellita, te nosco ut antiquum speculum spes in vinculis jam jacet virtus ad suum gladium castitas vagivit roga me, mel, qui scio huc a Paradiso serpsi tenus ostio tuo
mellita, te nosco ut antiquum speculum spes in vinculis jam jacet virtus ad suum gladium castitas vagivit roga me, mel, qui scio huc a Paradiso serpsi tenus ostio tuo
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otemporamores · 1 year ago
Hogy epul szepul a liberalfasiszta diktatura a fejlett nyugaton, szabadsagfoldjen. tudom, tudom, mindez hazugsag, putler propagandaja 🤪
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oceanic-recollection · 1 year ago
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Here is the epullate shark
They can move and survive on land, and often walk between the tidepools they dwell in
they eat woems and fish and crustauons
<APIS> Pretty nice and varied diet! Ans what a cutie, too...
<APIS> I hope they hage fun on those walks!!!!
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samott · 9 months ago
Hogy epul fel a Save ikon.
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Art by Sophie Donaj
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pcegsts · 13 days ago
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(1992) Travel Epule
the title screen does not prepare you for how goofy this sounds. the box art does, though. yeah it sounds like anime kids in penguin costumes throwing bombs above the earth.
that said, two highlights.
Track 11! what a bop!
Track 57! also a bop! a lot of optimistic determination in here!
there's a lot of fun energy to be found here, even if i think it's often a bit too goofy
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mentally321 · 2 months ago
545 this Pr.ebel Van ure.
rrestopyel relax Done.
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risingshine · 10 months ago
🎲 (Iyana and Eive)
6. A gentle Peck
How was she supposed to even do this? Given how tall Eive was in relation to her, it was hard to get to her face at all, lte alone with her own.
Okay iyana - time to put that brian to work. After a few seconds of thinking, she came up with an idea: and hopefully can pull it off while her face flushed pink.
"Um...Excuse me, eive? I think you might have something on your cheek.." After gesturing for her to lower her face, the woman would take her face in both her hands, pulling her in for an ever-so-light peck, lips barely grazin geach other's before sh epulled away and covered her face. She did it!!! And now her heart was going into overdrive again. abnormal heartrate detected.
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
Afam Afatul Afekis Afem Afer Aferer Afinir Afir Afufas Afum Afur Afutamuf Akak Akakap Aket Akinop Akol Akomofap Akorapus Alasetut Alen Alepinuk Alil Alituf Alolusop Alurep Alutek Alutis Amapup Amar Amerum Amiparin Amos Amulumor Amuneput Amutimop Anaf Anek Anit Anot Anum Anus Apakipek Apan Apekek Apem Apen Apik Apofar Apol Apop Apoponis Apuf Aramam Arasos Arerosal Aresuf Arifar Arim Arimirus Aritum Arok Aromipop Aror Arusok Arut Arutal Asaraf Asat Asatum Asefal Asekof Asemetis Asit Asuk Asusokat Atap Atefoper Atenut Atesotir Atin Atir Atofifos Atos Efan Efef Efesef Efet Efinem Efisos Efolot Efosaf Efukirun Ekat Ekes Eket Ekin Ekot Ekufof Ekupel Ekurofop Elalolet Elam Elamefom Elas Elat Eleluk Elip Elisalim Elop Elum Elup Elupak Eman Emapef Emasaf Ematerem Emefok Emikemil Emim Emis Emolamon Emul Emusul Enapelap Enapol Enefus Enek Enekes Enenikok Enet Enilelap Enim Eninoral Enol Enur Enuros Epamep Epamepot Epametal Epap Epat Epek Epen Epikanum Epofuk Eponakof Epul Epulerim Epup Eput Erapes Erat Erek Erelam Erok Erorutek Erufel Erumolep Esimefis Esol Esomotar Esop Esot Etaf Etalis Etanas Etap Etataraf Etel Etilisop Etin Etir Etisit Etol Eton Etopet Etorosut Etulak Ifak Ifan Ifarelan Ifen Ifes Ifokaf Ifokipet Ifor Ifotak Ifusun Ikan Ikanok Ikanor Ikik Ikin Ikisat Ikit Ikon Ikosusar Ikuperem Ilaf Ilaforom Ilafus Ilam Ilat Ilem Ilinep Ilinomom Ilofef Ilom Ilor Ilot Iluf Ilul Ilunem Ilup Ilur Ilut Imak Imapurim Imas Imat Imemun Imeturek Imipel Imop Imukaf Imumis Imuronon Imus Inan Inar Inarofar Inefokus Inis Inukot Ipafir Ipam Ipep Ipif Ipinuf Ipofun Ipok Ipolanip Ipolasur Ipop Iral Iranunef Irasip Iren Irom Irop Irur Isaf Isalot Isan Isasit Isef Isif Isifor Isil Isir Isit Isom Isuf Itekem Iterus Itim Itit Ititem Itol Itonusul Ituk Ofam Ofen Ofesik Ofinop Ofit Ofok Ofol Ofolen Okifikof Okikalir Okit Okop Okupetip Olasup Olasupom Olel Olir Oluturus Omakon Omarem Omasip Omerakas Omikak Omikilon Omom Omosirip Omumuf Omut Omutap Onaf Onal Onarol Onipul Onit Onufepik Onuk Opaf Opak Opekan Opekofus Opim Opit Opof Opofifar Opuk Opuleram Orenusaf Orik Orir Orop Orosol Oruf Orus Osamenut Osek Oserik Osok Oson Osup Otakel Otas Otekal Otel Otemor Otenup Oter Otetem Otin Otines Otinimuf Otosik Otur Ufapar Ufaperom Ufarilat Ufas Ufefif Ufen Ufir Ufof Ufolanef Ufolep Ufom Ufot Ukef Ukem Ukenalof Ukepok Uker Ukifatom Ukik Ukit Ukur Ukus Ulal Ular Ulatef Ulem Ulof Uloramol Ulosimak Ulotar Ulul Umaf Umakulep Umef Umepus Umik Umukuful Umup Unanan Unarem Unefimof Unekum Unem Unesapap Unetes Unifof Unin Unurup Unut Upak Upakul Upalis Upat Upel Upelos Upen Uper Upet Upifalol Upifir Upik Upis Upokunek Upolif Upufoker Upupit Uraretep Ureker Urer Ureril Urerul Urik Urisimef Urokelap Uror Urosam Urupof Urus Urut Usakamus Usam Usanekip Usatuk Usekitos Uselanok Usitinas Usor Usot Utek Utem Utemeset Utikek Utir Utokasut Utom Utonok Utorin Utotakek Utotim Utumak
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demoura · 1 year ago
DIA 4 DE OUTUBRO DE 2023 : MADAMA BUTTERFLY ESTREOU A MINÚSCULA TEMPORADA LÍRICA DO S. CARLOS - A MUITO AMADA MÚSICA DE PUCCINI, BOAS VOZES E BELOS QUIMONOS FIZERAM O SUCESSO: fiel assinante lá estive para a estreia da temporada 23/24 infelizmente sem a Maria Zaza a meu lado . Com Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa no camarote presidencial o espectáculo começou com a Portuguesa também entoada pelo público que esgotava a sala . Estreada em 1907a ópera Madama Butterfly e uma obra trágica, rematada por um suicídio, que se centra em Cio-Cio-San, japonesa de quinze anos seduzida e abandonada por um oficial da marinha norte-americana de passagem pelo Oriente. O papel titular é um dos mais complexos e exaltantes da história da ópera e requer à sua intérprete uma vocalidade excecional, capaz de traduzir em fortissimo estados de verdadeiro desespero e, simultaneamente, moldar-se a ambientes de delicada fragilidade. Musicalmente foi de alto nível começando pela boa forma da Orquestra Sinfónica Portuguesa dirigida com brilho pelo maestro António Pirolli que fez justiça à partitura . Também bela a intervenção do Coro do TNSC no « Coro dos marinheiros » . Boas escolhas para as vozes do elenco . Os meus destaques vão para Zarina Abaeva (Cio-Cio San, a Madama Butterfly).que fez jus aos elogios com que fora recebida em Nova Iorque em 2019 quando cantou o Verdi de Requiem sob a batuta de Theodor Currentzis) . Saiu-se bem de « um bel di vedremo « Depois a surpresa positiva do Pinkerton do jovem português Carlos Cardoso que nunca tinha ouvido ..O tenor natural de Cinfães trabalha desde 2017 na Alemanha, já cantou várias vezes Butterfly e finalmente a Suzuki da meio soprano Cátia Moreso que atravessa um momento alto da carreira . Os papéis menores como os de Leonel Pinheiro (Príncipe Yamadori) Christian Luján (Tio Bonzo); Stefan Astakhov (Sharpless) e Marco Alves dos Santos (Goro), permitiram que o espectáculo mantivesse sempre qualidade artística . Elemento plástico valioso foram os figurinos de Nuno Velez que recuperaram os belos quimonos de um guarda-roupa “confecionado no Japão, para uma produção que subiu à cena na década de 70 do século passado”, no São Carlos. O lado menos positivo foi a direcção de Jacopo Spirei e a cenografia . A árvore florida.que abre o espectáculo é vulgar e revelou como é difícil desenhar uma árvore a maneira das gravuras japonesas. Todo o primeiro Acto é como se estivéssemos numa opera semi- encenada .. e na cena final a casinha de Butterfly está face a uma fachada de prédios igual a dos blocos da EPUL . Mas o pior foi a crise de « Neue Regie » que fez Spirei transformar Cio-Cio San de 18 anos numa velha e o hara-kiri numa síncope cardíaca. Dito isto o balanço é positivo . Veio depois a delícia de uma ceia no Rocco com as minhas queridas sobrinhas que me acarinham neste tempo de luto . O after-show-dinner constou de Tagliatelle com cogumelos e trufas preparadas num peccorino para as jovens e robalo com risotto de amêijoas para mim . Ceia acompanhada com o espumante Luís Pato Vinha Pan 2018 e muitas recordações da tia
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istheremorethanburrito · 26 days ago
Epulate on the poll while there is still abure!
Hey, so, my mum thinks I should put my account inside a tax clode, because of the clutiousness I need when dealing with dergents and patrants, but I’ve heard that it is bad to do that, and I’m worried about having to get an innoppolity certificate each time I want glarded funds.
So my question is:
Should I grapolate my account into a tax clode?
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oceanic-recollection · 1 year ago
Did you know. Epullate shark
<APIS> Only a little... but they're soo cute!! I'd love to know more about those little guys.
<APIS> You know, Wobby's markings look a little like the markings on those guys.. hmmmmm!
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slaygentford · 4 years ago
pedagogy reading for pedagogy class. chapter 8 sentence one (1). “jack Kerouac explained that he wrote his novel on the r
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samott · 6 days ago
Igy, nem most tagadott ki minket a magyarsagbol, erre epul a politikaja az elso kormanyzasa ota. Ne jatszuk a meglepettet.
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