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evilishei · 10 months ago
This never fails to make me laugh. 😂
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thelovebudllc · 15 days ago
Ep267: [Lean Series] Expectations vs. Reality: Fat Loss Strategies for Women 35+
In this episode, Tina sits down with Emma Hammond, a rockstar Carrots ‘N’ Cake coach, to talk about setting realistic expectations during a fat loss phase. Emma shares the hidden pitfalls of chronic dieting, why maintaining muscle mass is crucial, and how to approach fat loss with a sustainable mindset. They discuss why slow and steady progress leads to better results, tackle common challenges…
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shb-music · 1 year ago
Fresh releases and good old tunes to warm up these cold days! Playing tracks from Class Fools, Dam Swindle, Coeo, Alok, CINTHIE, Johannes Albert, Niles Cooper, Madonna, myself and many more. Schöne Woche an alle! #DeepTureAdventure
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dailykasumi · 3 years ago
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EP267 Love, Pokémon Style
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wandasncredible · 5 years ago
🌟🎄🌟Subscribers🌟🎄🌟Friday’s Combo Episode of the "Verse of the day" Ministry Podcast is AVAILABLE NOW. Click on this link > linktr.ee/wandasncredible and select the ministry button. Blessings ! . . . #verseoftheday #verseofthedayministry #god #jesus #holyspirit #messyfm #scriptures #theword #podcastmovement #ep267 #biblegateway #beinspired #liveinspired #bibledotcom #wandajefferson #podernfamily #podcast #fridaymorning #fridaymotivation #togodbetheglory #podcasting #podcaster Available on: Linktree @applepodcasts @apple @stitcherpodcasts @iheartradio @googlepodcast @messy.fm @google @spotify #Podtail #overcast @podchaser https://www.instagram.com/p/B6BxHAWpoTE/?igshid=we108nxwx724
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vaseul-official · 4 years ago
Circle Rococo Earrings youtube [최여진, 이승윤_착용][#shorts]
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mokkemusic · 5 years ago
Sub Episodes OS or other Pokeshipping/Misty Mentions/Cameos that are translated!
Full Sub episodes by kissanime.au (NOTE: This list does not include the movies cause all have been subbed even Master Mind of Mirage Pokemon)
(DP Buizel your way out of this)
(SUB ONLY, NO ENGLISH TITLE) Ep250 (The Ice Cave!)
Ep167 A Hot Water Battle (The Three of the Jungle! Battle in the Hot Springs!!)
Ep164 Carrying On! (The Carrier Poppo of the Poppo Store!)
Ep152 The Totodile Duel (Who Gets to Keep Waninoko!? Satoshi VS Kasumi!) Ep148 No Big Woop! (Lots of Upah)
Ep146 Tricks of the Trade (Sonansu and the Pokemon Swap Meet!!)
Ep70 Go West Young Meowth (Nyarth’s A-I-U-E-O)
Ep46 Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon (Resurrection!? Fossil Pokemon!) Ep45 The Song of Jigglypuff (Sing! Purin!) Ep44 The Problem with Paras (Paras and Parasect) Ep43 The March of the Exeggutor Squad (The Great Nassy Squad Match!) Ep42 Showdown at Dark City (Showdown! Pokémon Gym! ) Ep41 Wake Up Snorlax (Wake Up! Kabigon!) EP40 The Battling Eevee Brothers (The Four Eievui Brothers) Ep39 Pikachu’s Goodbye (Forrest of Pikachu) Snow Way Out! (Iwark as Bivouac) (Not Aired) Holiday Hi-Jynx (Rougela’s Christmas) (Not Aired) Electric Soilder Porygon (Computer Warrior Porygon) Ep37 Ditto’s Mysterious Mansion (Metamon and the Copycat Girl) Ep36 The Bridge Bike Gang (Stormy Cycling Road) Ep35 The Legend of Dratini (The Legend of Miniryu) Ep34 The Kangaskhan Kid (Garura’s Lullaby) Ep33 The Flame Pokemon-athon! (The Great Fire Pokemon Race!) Ep32 The Ninja Poke-Showdown (Sekichiku Ninja Showdown!) Ep31 Dig Those Diglett! (Lots of Digda!) Ep30 Sparks Fly for Magnemite (Do Coil Dream of Electric Mice!?) Ep29 The Punchy Pokemon (Fighting Pokemon! The Great Battle!) Ep28 Pokemon Fashion Flash (Rokon! Breeder Showdown!) Ep27 Hypno’s Naptime (Sleeper and Pokemon Hypnotism!?) Ep26 Pokemon Scent-sation! (Erika and Kusaihana) Ep25 Primeape Goes Bananas (Don’t Get Angry, Okorizaru!) Ep24 Haunter versus Kadabra (Ghost VS Esper) Ep23 The Tower of Terror (Capture at the Pokemon Tower!) Ep22 Abra and the Psychic Showdown (Casey! Psychic Showdown!) Ep21 Bye Bye Butterfree (same title) Ep20 The Ghost of Madien’s Peak “The Ghost Pokemon and the Summer Festival) Ep19 Tentacool & Tentacruel (Menokurage Dokukurage) Ep18 Beauty and the Beach (Holiday at Aopulco) Ep17 Island of the Giant Pokemon (same title) Ep16 Pokemon Shipwreck (Pokemon Adrift) Ep15 Battle Aboard the St. Anne (Battle on the St. Annu!) Ep14 Electric Shock Showdown (Electric Shock Showdown! Kuchiba Gym) Ep13 Mystery at the Lighthouse (Masaki’s Lighthouse) Ep12 Here Comes the Squirtle Squad (Enter the Zenigame Squad) Ep11 Charmander - The Stray Pokemon (Stray Pokemon - Hiokage) Ep10 Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village (Fushigidane of the Hidden Village) Ep9 The School of Hard Knocks (Pokemon Victory Manual) Ep8 The Path to the Pokemon League (The Road to the Pokemon League) Ep7 The Waterflowers oc Cerulean City (The Suichūka of Hanada City) Ep6 Clefairy and then Moon Stone (Pippi and the Moon Stone) Ep5 Showdown in Pewter City (Nibi Gym Battle!) Ep4 Challenge of the Samurai (Challenge of the Samurai Boy!) Ep3 Ash Catches a Pokemon (I Caught a Pokemon!) Ep2 Pokemon Emergency! (Showdown! Pokémon Center!) Ep1 Pokemon-I Choose You! (Same title)
WRITTEN these are all credited to @zdbztumble AG132 The Scheme Team (Enishida and the Battle Frontier!) Ep273 Gotta Catch Ya Later! (Goodbye…and Then, Setting Off!) Ep267 Love, Pokemon Style (League Preliminaries! Battle of the Magmarashi Flame!!) Ep216 Dueling Heroes (Whirlpool Cup! A Big Battle in the Water Colosseum!!) Ep100 Wherefore Art Thou, Pokemon? (Nidoran’s Love Story) Ep93 Navel Maneuvers (Navel Gym! Snowy Mountain Battle!) Ep91 Bye Bye Psyduck (Goodbye Koduck! Come Again Golduck?
So that is everything I can find. I wanted to make this list for myself as a catalog of what I am still hoping one day to find or someday will be translated. I think the top ones that still need to be are.. (this is going in the order of what I would want most-least and not chronological)
AG Ep44 The Princess and the Togepi (Enter Kasumi! Togepy and the Mirage Kingdom!!)
AG Ep55 A Togepi Mirage! (Other Side of the Mirage! Togepy’s Paradise!)
Ep52 Princess vs. Princess (Fierce Fight! Pokemon Girls Festival)
EP61 The Misty Mermaid (Hanada Gym! Underwater Battle!)
Ep217 The Perfect Match! (Satoshi VS Kasumi! The Final Battle in the Whirlpool Cup!!)
Ep132 For Crying Out Loud (Crybaby Maril)
Ep103 Misty Meets Her Match (Yuzu Gym! Type Battle 3 VS 3!!!)
Ep110 The Stun Spore Detour (Nyoromo and Kasumi)
Ep157 The Fortune Hunters (Pokemon Fortune-Telling!? Battle Royal!)
Ep169 Hook, Line, and Stinker (Azumao! Fishing Battle!!)
Ep183 Troubles Brewing (The Five Sisters of Eievui! Battle at the Tea Convention!!)
Ep193 Sick Daze (Takeshi Collapses! A Dangerous Camp!!)
Ep155 Forest Grumps (Ringuma Shock!!)
Ep206 The Joy of Water Pokemon (The Nurse Joy Who Hates Water Pokemon!? Kasumi’s Angel)
Ep226 Espeon, Not Included (Eifie and Sakura! Enjoy City Once Again!!)
Ep256 Just Add Water (Ryugu Gym! Battle in the Water!)
Ep121 Illusion Confusion! (Hoho and the Mysterious Forest!)
(OS)Ep50 Who Get’s to Keep Togepi? (Who Gets to Keep Togepy!?)
(OS)Ep57 The Breeding Center Secret (The Secret of the Breeding Center)
This is another thing I mean when I say “If anyone would like to help with this project in any way” I have already started to message a translator for work on some specific clips. It is going to cost to me so I have to pick and choose. So if someone does have something not on this list and knows a translator or anything that could be of some help and lower my bill it would be greatly appreciated. I want this so much for myself so thats why I will do some translations out of pocket but when I do have translated clips I will be posting them for your benefit too. So if anyone wants to help.. please do message me. Maybe you have something i’m not aware of already translated or on the back burner and if so I would really appreciate hearing about it :)
If somehow I actually had the SUBS for specific scenes in my possession I would do all the editing and embed them into the clips themselves. Even if they are just written translations it would be helpful.
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pokemonislanderprincess · 5 years ago
Pokeani Re-Watch: OS
My favorite OS episodes are under the cut! Since OS is kind of long, and I want to organize these lists by region, I’ll be breaking these episodes up into Kanto, Orange Islands, and Johto.
EP001 - I Choose You!
EP002 - Pokemon Emergency!
EP003 - Ash Catches a Pokemon
EP005 - Showdown in Pewter City
EP007 - The Waterflowers of Cerulean City
EP011 - Charmander the Stray Pokemon
EP014 - Electric Shock Showdown
EP015 - Battle Aboard the St. Anne
EP016 - Pokemon Shipwreck
EP020 - The Ghost of Maiden’s Peak
EP021 - Bye Bye Butterfree
EP023 - The Tower of Terror
EP026 - Pokemon Scent-sation!
EP028 - Pokemon Fashion Flash
EP033 - The Flame Pokemon-athon!
EP039 - Pikachu’s Goodbye
EP040 - The Battling Eevee Brothers
EP043 - The March of the Exeggutor Squad
EP047 - A Chansey Operation!
EP048 - Holy Matrimony!
EP050 - Who Gets to Keep Togepi?
EP052 - Princess vs. Princess
EP056 - The Ultimate Test
EP061 - The Misty Mermaid
EP064 - It’s Mr. Mime Time
EP067 - The Pi-kahuna
EP074 - All Fired Up!
EP075 - Round One - Begin!
EP076 - Fire and Ice
EP077 - The Fourth Round Rumble
EP078 - A Friend in Deed
EP079 - Friend and Foe Alike
EP080 - Friends til the End
Orange Islands
EP081 - Pallet Party Panic
EP082 - A Scare in the Air!
EP083 - Poke Ball Peril
EP084 - The Lost Lapras
EP091 - Bye Bye Psyduck
EP093 - Navel Maneuvers 
EP100 - Wherefore Art Thou, Pokemon?
EP103 - Misty Meets Her Match
EP105 - Charizard Chills
EP110 - The Stun Spore Detour
EP111 - Hello, Pumello!
EP112 - Enter the Dragonite
EP115 - A Tent Situation
EP116 - The Rivalry Revival
EP117 - Don’t Touch That ‘dile
EP121 - Illusion Confusion!
EP123 - Spinarak Attack
EP129 - Ignorance is Blissey
EP132 - For Crying Out Loud
EP134 - Charizard’s Burning Ambitions
EP136 - Chikorita’s Big Upset
EP138 - The Superhero Secret
EP148 - No Big Woop!
EP151 - The Totodile Duel
EP155 - Forest Grumps
EP157 - Fortune Hunters
EP160 - Air Time!
EP169 - Beauty and the Breeder
EP180 - Houndoom’s Special Delivery 
EP186 - UnBEARable
EP193 - Sick Daze
EP198 - The Heartbreak of Brock
EP200 - Turning Over a New Bayleef
EP210 - Around the Whirlpool
EP213 - A Corsola Caper
EP216 - Dueling Heroes 
EP217 - The Perfect Match!
EP228 - Extreme Pokemon!
EP229 - An EGG-sighting Adventure!
EP230 - Hatching a Plan
EP245 - Will the Real Oak Please Stand Up?
EP247 - Outrageous Fortunes
EP256 - Just Add Water
EP258 - Hatch Me if You Can
EP262 - You’re a Star, Larvitar!
EP267 - Love, Pokemon Style
EP268 - Tie One On!
EP269 - The Ties that Bind
EP270 - Can’t Beat the Heat
EP271 - Playing with Fire!
EP272 - Johto Photo Finish
EP273 - Gotta Catch Ya Later!
EP274 - Hoenn Alone!
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ilhoon-sama · 6 years ago
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@ idolradiokorea:
>> [#IDOLRADIO Album 20190626]
ep267. Chungha Invincibility with Chungha
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evilishei · 10 months ago
That’s our Zoro! 🤣
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thelovebudllc · 1 month ago
Ep267: [Lean Series] Expectations vs. Reality: Fat Loss Strategies for Women 35+
In this episode, Tina sits down with Emma Hammond, a rockstar Carrots ‘N’ Cake coach, to talk about setting realistic expectations during a fat loss phase. Emma shares the hidden pitfalls of chronic dieting, why maintaining muscle mass is crucial, and how to approach fat loss with a sustainable mindset. They discuss why slow and steady progress leads to better results, tackle common challenges…
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casaamarilla · 6 years ago
267: Tensions with the Government in Southwestern Colombia
Many of you based in Colombia will have seen the impacting images of the strikes and blockades in southwestern Colombia, principally in the departments of Cauca and Huila. Who is protesting and why? Well, we find out who and included are farmers, afro colombian communities, coffee growers and indigenous people, who are up in arms at the government of President Ivan Duque and his failure to deliver on promises and agreements.�� So we talk on this Ep267 of the Colombia Calling podcast to Ervin Liz, a member of the indigenous Nasa people and who hails from Cauca and who can provide us with a far more complete picture of what is going on. You'll remember Ervin Liz from Ep201 in 2017 when we discussed his fair trade, organic coffee company, "The Colombian Coffee Connection."  The idea on this Ep 267 is to uncover some of the myths and half truths about the protests and blockades and inform people out there about what is happening in southwestern Colombia. Will the weak mandate of President Duque come through?  And, lest we forget, there is also a news update segment from the Director of Colombia Reports, Adriaan Alsema as well.
Check out this new episode!
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superman-returns-playlist · 6 years ago
Return of Superman EP267
Title: A Magical Day
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1:44 Close To You by Go Woon 2:45 A Waltz Of Sleigh by Joe Hisaishi (Welcome To Dongmakgol OST) 4:40 Inside The Case by James Newton Howard (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them OST) 5:15 This Is Me by Keala Settle & The Greatest Showman Ensemble (The Greatest Showman OST) 15:11 Lumos! (Hedwig's Theme) by John Williams 28:10 Rollin' Rollin' by Love Potion (러브포션) 33:55 I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston 36:30 Dark Forest by APM Music 37:50 How People Move by Akdong Musician 42:33 Handclap by Fitz And The Tantrums 45:39 UFO by Panic 48:30 The Power Of Love by Céline Dion 50:10 Let It Go by Idina Menzel (Frozen OST) 51:36 Beautiful Beautiful by Punch & Glabingo 53:23 You Are My Sunshine by Rebecca 1:02:14 Sweet & Sour by Lovelyz 1:08:39 Puzzle Pieces by Saint Motel 1:17:10 It's Lucky You Are With Me by Jung Se Rin (20th Century Boy and Girl OST) 1:21:58 Baby Blue by Kevin Oh (Dear My Friends OST) 1:22:09 Cherry Blossom Ending by Busker Busker 1:22:49 Fallen in Love (Only With You) by Jang Beom June 1:24:04 First Love by Busker Busker
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dailykasumi · 4 years ago
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EP267 Love, Pokémon Style
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yogacises · 3 years ago
Ep 267: Chakra Overview with Elena Swan
About Elena Swan: As a Reiki Master, Angel Card Reader, Essential Oil Educator and Meditation Teacher, Elena uses her gifts of intuition and connection to help guide people on their paths by sorting out their present, so they can get to their beautiful future. Her passion is helping people realize their inner strength and potential. She shows them how to improve at navigating life’s challenges by connecting with their spirituality. Elena wants to heal the world and help others to do the same. Elena offers a wide range of services including: private & group meditation sessions, Angel Card Readings using her Psychic Medium gifts, Reiki healing, Space Clearings, Aromatherapy healing, Angel Card Parties. To ask detailed questions please contact Elena anytime! [email protected] Connectionswithelena.com
https://panhecoaching.com/ep267/ for this episode's transcript. 
https://youtu.be/fgR5boLUYs8 for the video version of this podcast
Check out this episode!
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kirokiro-cc · 3 years ago
【飢餓遊戲完整版】鼠貓大戰 嘉義 /楊繡惠 鳳梨鼠薯 潘君侖 Teddy 荳荳/EP267
【飢餓遊戲完整版】鼠貓大戰 嘉義 /楊繡惠 鳳梨鼠薯 潘君侖 Teddy 荳荳/EP267
【飢餓遊戲完整版】鼠貓大戰 嘉義 /楊繡惠 鳳梨鼠薯 潘君侖 Teddy 荳荳/EP267_ 20220213 來賓:楊繡惠、鳳梨鼠薯、潘君侖、Teddy、荳荳 *鼠貓大戰:前三關獲勝隊可保留隊員到最後關卡,累積愈多隊員戰力愈強。最終獲勝一方則為 冠軍。 一、方塊酥觀光工廠/對戰賽:尋物較慢方需盲抽牌,抽到兩張方塊的隊伍敗。 二、銅管樂器���光工廠/積分賽:吹喇叭累積五秒換一球,羽球得分較高之隊伍勝。 三、運動休閒園區/比多賽:敵隊齊進攻隊長一人防守,飛盤進籃較多之隊伍勝。獲勝隊可納入 剩餘飢民。 四、存活賽:關卡過關可詢問號碼,下一號獵殺殺錯需淘汰,最後存活的隊伍勝。
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