#Enrico Salvatori
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marcogiovenale · 2 years ago
gli ambienti del gruppo t (le origini dell'arte interattiva) / enrico salvatori. 2005
Documentario/video-catalogo della mostra che la GNAM di Roma ha dedicato al Gruppo T nel 2005. Nato a Milano nel 1959, il Gruppo T rappresenta un gruppo di artisti – Giovanni Anceschi, Davide Boriani, Gianni Colombo, Gabriele De Vecchi, Grazia Varisco – precursori dell’esplorazione di tematiche legate al cinetismo e alla metamorfosi, caratterizzanti la moderna civiltà. Produzione esecutiva e…
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byneddiedingo · 2 years ago
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Renato Salvatori and Alain Delon in Rocco and His Brothers (Luchino Visconti, 1960) Cast: Alain Delon, Renato Salvatori, Annie Girardot, Katina Paxinou, Spiros Focás, Claudia Cardinale, Max Cartier, Rocco Vidolazzi, Roger Hanin. Story and screenplay: Luchino Visconti, Suso Cecchi D'Amico, Vasco Pratolini, Pasquale Festa Campanile, Massimo Franciosa, Enrico Medioli, based on a novel by Giovanni Testori. Cinematography: Giuseppe Rotunno. Production design: Mario Garbuglia. Music: Nino Rota. When Rocco (Alain Delon) cries out, "Sangue! Sangue!" on finding Nadia's (Annie Girardot) blood on his brother Simone's (Renato Salvatori) jacket, I almost expect to hear Puccini on the soundtrack instead of Nino Rota. It's one of those moments that cause Rocco and His Brothers (along with other films by Luchino Visconti) to be called "operatic." It's "realistic" but in a heightened way -- the word for it comes from the realm of opera: verismo. The moment is in the same key as the actual murder of Nadia, along with her earlier rape by Simone, and the numerous highly volatile scenes of the family life of the Parondis. It's what makes Rocco and His Brothers feel in many ways more contemporary than Michelangelo Antonioni's more cerebral L'Avventura, which was released in the same year. Movies have gone further in the direction of Rocco -- think of the films of Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola -- than they have in the direction of Antonioni's oeuvre. I have room in my canon for both the raw, melodramatic, and perhaps somewhat overacted Rocco and the enigmatically artful work of Antonioni, however.
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paoloferrario · 1 year ago
Borzaga Carlo, Gori Cristiano, Paini Francesca, Dare spazio. Terzo settore, politica welfare, Donzelli editore, 2023
scheda dell’editore: https://www.donzelli.it/libro/9788855225427 Contributi di: Fabrizio Barca, Enrico De Corso, Luca Fazzi, Giulia Galera, Giuseppe Guerini, Gianfranco Marocchi, Raffaela Milano, Valeria Negrini, Ivana Pais, Michele Pasinetti, Paolo Pezzana, Stefano Quintarelli, Lorenzo Sacconi, Gianluca Salvatori, Felice Scalvini Il futuro non è una stanza vuota, ma il frutto delle scelte che…
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Andrea Delogu inaugura la Stagione del Teatro Mengoni di Magione con "40 e sto" Sabato 4 novembre alle 21, il Teatro Mengoni di Magione darà il via alla Stagione 23/24 in collaborazione con il Teatro Stabile dell'Umbria, presentan...
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years ago
La Spezia: "40 e sto" con Andrea Delogu al Teatro Civico
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La Spezia: "40 e sto" con Andrea Delogu al Teatro Civico. Proseguono gli appuntamenti con il cartellone extra abbonamento al Teatro Civico della Spezia. Il prossimo spettacolo è in programma sabato 29 aprile 2023 alle ore 21 con Andrea Delogu, conduttrice televisiva e radiofonica, attrice e scrittrice, che sarà protagonista di 40 e sto (regia di Enrico Zaccheo). Scritto dalla stessa Delogu con Alberto Caviglia, Rossella Rizzi e Giovanna Salvatori, 40 e sto racconta le donne alla soglia dei 40 anni: il giro di boa, la crisi e la rinascita, la libertà e le battaglie contro i luoghi comuni. Districandosi tra bizzarri pretendenti, traslochi, social, supermercati per single, Max Pezzali, paparazzi, viaggi, libri auto fogli di giornale...Andrea Delogu attinge a piene mani dalla sua vita privata, raccontandosi senza filtri in un esilarante flusso di coscienza in cui il pubblico si riconoscerà. In questo sorprendente viaggio, Andrea si metterà a nudo trascinandoci nella sua nuova vita, quella di una quarantenne che, riappropriatasi della propria indipendenza, si metterà in gioco esplorando le mode, i vizi e le ossessioni di questa strana epoca che viviamo. Sorpresa dall’approccio e le aspettative degli uomini, dal giudizio di una società che ti vuole madre a tutti i costi e dal seduttivo desiderio di sentirsi accettata, Andrea capirà che quando compi 40 anni si gioca un’altra partita. Dove è in palio la cosa più importante di tutte: la libertà di essere sé stessi. Trasversale, pungente, stravagante. Andrea Delogu non le manda a dire. E ce n���è per tutti, giovani e meno giovani, uomini e donne, madri e padri, femministe arrabbiate, poliamorosi convinti, animalisti in crisi, hippy mancati e monoteisti part-time.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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queerographies · 2 years ago
[Drag queen][Stefania Marra]
Che cos’è, o meglio chi è una drag queen? Dalle Sorelle Bandiera alla Drag Race ce lo racconta Stefania Marrain "Drag queen"
Che cos’è, o meglio chi è una drag queen? È una persona che utilizza un trucco appariscente, parrucche esagerate, glitter come se piovesse, tacchi arditi, per andare oltre. Oltre i limiti imposti da una società ancora irrigidita in modelli binari. Oltre la propria sessualità di nascita e i canoni ad essa collegati. Oltre gli schemi, il politicamente corretto, la battuta educata, lo spettacolo “in…
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sottolequerce · 5 years ago
Overshoot - radioradicale.it
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Il rame è il metallo che l'umanità usa da più tempo: sono stati ritrovati oggetti in rame datati 8700 a.C, segni di attività del raffinamento del rame a partire dai suoi ossidi minerali, la malachite e l'azzurrite, risalgono al 5000 a.C., mille anni prima di quelli relativi all'uso dell'oro. Oggi, un veicolo elettrico ha nella sua batteria, circa dieci volte più rame di una normale auto o camion alimentata a gas. Un veicolo elettrico medio contiene 85 kg di rame rispetto ai 25 kg di uno normale, il grafico a lato offre una stima del rame necessario per ciascun tipo di veicolo. Il problema è che l’IEA prevede che, nel 2030, avremo un parco auto elettriche circolante di oltre 130 milioni di unità, valore che si raddoppia quasi arrivando a 250 milioni di auto nello scenario più ottimistico. Una recente ricerca afferma che l'industria mineraria dovrà produrre 5 milioni di tonnellate di rame al mese entro il 2030, che equivale a circa 2,5 volte la quantità prodotta quest'anno, solo per soddisfare la domanda di veicoli elettrici. Siamo stati abituati a pensare al rame come a qualcosa di scontato: meglio non esserne troppo sicuri. Per soddisfare la domanda prevista sarà giocoforza nel prossimo futuro sviluppare nuovi giacimenti visto che la produzione esistente non sembra in grado di sostenere la produzione di queste quantità di minerale. E, come vedremo, in molti si stanno già dando da fare.
— l’Astrolabio, La Pelle dell’Orso di Giovanni Brussato
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corallorosso · 3 years ago
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Cos’è questa «operazione scoiattolo» Negli ultimi giorni nelle cronache politiche è iniziata a circolare una specie di nome in codice per descrivere le trattative portate avanti ormai da mesi dall’ex presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi per provare a farsi eleggere come nuovo presidente della Repubblica. Giornalisti e addetti ai lavori la chiamano «operazione scoiattolo». Sebbene non sia chiaro da dove provenga il nome – sembra che lo abbia usato per primo Berlusconi stesso – è evidente a tutti che le manovre di Berlusconi si sono intensificate, ottenendo per questo la promozione a «operazione»: e in molti sono convinti che col passare dei giorni la sua candidatura stia diventando sempre meno implausibile, pur rimanendo ancora remota. (...) già da settimane Berlusconi ha iniziato a contattare personalmente diversi parlamentari per cercare di ottenere sostegno alla propria candidatura. Ultimamente si sta facendo aiutare da Vittorio Sgarbi, critico d’arte, polemista e senatore di un piccolo partito di centrodestra. Racconta Concetto Vecchio, su Repubblica: «Sul divano di Arcore Vittorio Sgarbi scorre l’agenda dello smartphone: “Questo è incerto, Silvio, chiamiamolo”. Compone il numero: «Caro onorevole, ho qui accanto a me il presidente Berlusconi che vorrebbe salutarla». E l’anima in pena, il grande elettore del gruppo misto incerto su chi votare per il Colle, pensa: «Quando mi ricapita?». «Come sta?» lo avvolge Silvio Berlusconi. È proprio lui, in persona. Vecchio scrive che Berlusconi ha contattato circa 50 parlamentari. Molti di loro provengono dal Gruppo Misto, che fra Camera e Senato conta circa 120 parlamentari. I calcoli che sta facendo insieme ai suoi collaboratori sono questi: dalla quarta votazione in poi, per eleggere il nuovo presidente della Repubblica servono 505 voti; il centrodestra ne esprime circa 480, e tenendo conto che qualcuno potrebbe non votare per lui, a Berlusconi mancano a grandi linee una cinquantina di voti. Proprio quelli che sta cercando di raccogliere in questi giorni. Sullo HuffPost, Pietro Salvatori scrive che l’intento principale di Berlusconi è quello di convincere soprattutto i fuoriusciti dal Movimento 5 Stelle: «L’obiettivo è quello di sparigliare nel marasma del partito, attraendo una pattuglia di scontenti con promesse di ricandidature e assicurando che con il capo degli azzurri al Colle, Mario Draghi rimarrà al suo posto e la legislatura arriverà a compimento». (...) Martedì sera a Dimartedì il segretario del Partito Democratico Enrico Letta ha spiegato che Berlusconi ha contattato anche alcuni parlamentari del suo partito, mentre Repubblica scrive che sarebbero stati raggiunti anche tre parlamentari di Italia Viva, il partito centrista di Matteo Renzi. (...) In ogni caso, più passano i giorni senza che gli alleati e gli avversari capiscano come gestire la candidatura di Berlusconi, più le sue possibilità di condizionare le votazioni aumentano. «Se gli va bene sarà presidente, se gli va male farà il king maker», ha ipotizzato un ministro del governo Draghi parlando con Repubblica. Il Post
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gardenofkore · 4 years ago
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- E lo princep respos al almirall: -Ques aço que vos volets que yo hi faça? que si fer yo puch , -volenters ho fare.- Yo , dix lalmirall , quem façats ades venir la filla del rey Manfre, germana de madona la regina Darago, que vos tenits en vostra preso aci el castell del Hou , ab aquelles dones e donzelles qui soes bi sien ; e quem façats lo castell e la vila Discle retre . - E lo princep respos , queu faria volenters. E tantost trames un seu cavaller en terra ab un leny armat, e amena madona la infanta , germana de madona la regina , ab quatre donzelles e dues dones viudes.  E lalmirall reebe les ab gran goig e ab gran alegre , e ajenollas, e besa la ma a madona la infanta.
Ramon Muntaner,  CRÓNICA CATALANA, p. 221
Beatrice was born (probably) in Palermo around 1260. She was the first child and only daughter of Manfredi I of Sicily and his second wife, the Epirote princess Helena Angelina Doukaina (“[…] et idem helenam despoti regis emathie filiam sibi matrimonialiter coppulavit, ex quibus nata fuit Beatrix.”, Bartholomaeus de Neocastro, Historia Sicula, in Giuseppe Del Re, Cronisti e Scrittori sincroni Napoletani editi ed inediti, p. 419). It’s quite plausible the baby had been named after Manfredi’s first wife, Beatrice of Savoy (mother of Costanza, who will later become Queen consort of Aragon and co-regnant of Sicily). The little princess would soon be followed by three brothers: Enrico, Federico and Enzo (also called Anselmo or Azzolino). With three sons, Manfredi must have thought his succession was secured.
Beatrice’s father was one Federico II of Sicily’s many illegitimate children, although born from his most beloved mistress (and possibly fourth and last wife), Bianca Lancia. Since his father’s death in 1250, Manfredi had governed the Kingdom of Sicily on behalf firstly of his (legitimate) half-brother Corrado and, after his death in 1254, of Corrado’s son, Corradino. In 1258, two years prior Beatrice’s birth, Manfredi had been crowned King of Sicily in Palermo’s Cathedral, de facto usurping his half-nephew’s rights.
Like it had happened with Federico, Manfredi was soon opposed by the Papacy, which didn’t approve of the Hohenstaufen’s rule over Sicily (and Southern Italy with it) and the role of the King as the champion of the Ghibellines faction. In 1263, Urban VI managed to convince Charles of Anjou, younger brother of Louis IX the Saint, to present himself as a contender to the Sicilian throne. Three years later, on January 6th 1266, the French duke was crowned King of Sicily by the Pope in Rome, thus overthrowing Manfredi. On February 26th, in Benevento, the usurped King then tried to get back his kingdom by facing Charles in the open field, but failed and lost his life while fighting.
The now widowed Queen Helena had previously fled to Lucera (in Apulia) with her children (Beatrice was now six), her sister-in-law Costanza, and her step-daughter, the illegitimate Flordelis, where she thought they would be safer. When they got news of the disaster of Benevento and Manfredi’s death, they fled to Trani from where they planned to set off to Epirus. The unfortunate party was instead betrayed and handed off to the Angevin. On March 6th night, Helena and the children were taken hostage and later separated. The Queen was sent at first to Lagopesole (in Basilicata) and finally to Nocera Christianorum (now Nocera Inferiore), where she would die still in captivity in 1271.
Enrico, Federico and Enzo were taken to Castel del Monte. Following Corradino’s death in 1268, Manfredi’s young sons (the oldest, Enrico, was just four at the time of his capture) were, to all effects, the rightful heirs to the Sicilian throne. It’s undoubtful Charles must have wanted them gone, or at least forgotten. In 1300 they were moved to Naples, in Castel dell’Ovo (which, at that time, was called San Salvatore a mare), under the order of the new Angevin king, Charles II. According to some sources, Federico and Enzo died there within the short span of a year. As for Enrico, he died alone and miserable in October 1318, he was 56.
As for Beatrice, her fate was more merciful compared to that of her mother and brothers and, for that, she had to thank her sex, which made her harmless in Charles’ eyes (as long as she was left unmarried). After being separated from her family (she will never see them again), the six years old princess was, like her brothers, held captive (although not together) in Castel del Monte. In 1271, she was moved to Naples, in Castel dell’Ovo, under the guardianship of its keeper, a French nobleman called either Landolfo or Radolfo Ytolant. Manfredi’s daughter is mentioned in a rescript of Charles dated March 5th 1272, from which we learn she had been granted at least a maid (“V Marcii xv indictionis. Neapoli. Scriptum est Iustitiario et erario Terre laboris etc. Cum ex computo facto per magistrum rationalem Nicolaum Buccellum etc. cum Landulfo milite castellano castri nostri Salvatoris ad mare de Neapoli pro expensis filie quondam Manfridi Principis Tarentini et damicelle sue. ac filie quondam comitis Iordani et damicelle sue dicto castellano in unc. auri novem et taren. sex de pecunia presentis generalis subventionis residuorum quolibet vel qua canque alia etc. persolvatis. non obstante etc. Recepturus etc.”, Monumenti n. XLIV. in Domenico Forges Davanzati, Dissertazione sulla seconda moglie del re Manfredi e su’ loro figliuoli, p. XLIII-XLIV). Like it had happened with her mother, and unlike her brothers, it appears Beatrice was treated with courtesy and respect. In her misfortune, she could count on the company of a fellow prisoner and distant relative, the daughter of Giordano Lancia d’Agliano, who was her grandmother Bianca Lancia’s cousin and had been a loyal supporter of her father, Manfredi.
On Easter Day of 1282, an anti-Angevin rebellion sparkled in Palermo would soon transform itself into a war to get rid of the so much hated Frenchmen, the so-called War of the Sicilian Vespers. It’s dubious that, close in her prison, Beatrice came to know about it. She might have also been surprised to know that her half-sister, Costanza, had been asked by a delegation of fellow Sicilians to take possession of what was hers by right (the throne) as she was their “naturalis domina”. Her rights were shared with her husband, Pedro III of Aragon, who would personally take part in the war and be rewarded with a joint coronation in November 1282.
For Beatrice, everything changed in 1284. On June 4th, Italian Admiral Ruggero di Lauria, at the service of the Aragonese King (he was also Costanza’s milk brother), defeated the Angevin fleet just offshore from Naples and took Carlo II prisoner. Being in clear superiority, the Sicilians could now demand (among many requests) the release of Princess Beatrice. Carlo’s eldest son and heir, Carlo Martello Prince of Salerno, could nothing other than obliging them. (“Siciliani autem , & omnes faventes Petro Aragonum, incontinenti de ipsorum victoria plurimum exultantes, Nuncios, & Legatos ad quoddam Castrum ex parte Principis direxerunt , ubi quaedam filia quondam Domini Regis Manfredi sub custodia tenebatur , ut dicta filia fine ullo remedio laxaretur , quae statim fuit antedictis Legatis , & Nunciis restituta.”, Anonimo Regiense, Memoriale Potestatum Regiensium. Gestorumque iis Temporibus. Ab anno 1154 usque ad Annum 1290, in Ludovico Antonio Muratori, Rerum Italicarum scriptores ab anno aerae christianae quingentesimo ad millesimumquingentesimum, vol. VIII, p. 1158). 
Beatrice, finally free, left Castel dell’Ovo headed for Capri, where the Admiral was waiting for her. She had spent 18 long years in captivity and was now 24. From Capri she reached Sicily, where she was warmly welcomed and with a lot of enthusiasm, to meet her half-sister Costanza. 
As the Queen’s closest free relative (both Pedro and Costanza had no interest in asking for Enrico’s release since, as a male, he had more rights than Costanza to inherit the throne), Beatrice had a great political value. At first, Ranieri Della Gherardesca’s name came up. He was the son of that Count Gherardo who had fought together with the unfortunate Corradino (the sisters’ royal cousin), and for that had been beheaded in Naples in 1268 alongside his liege. Finally the perfect candidate was found. Manfredo of Saluzzo was born in 1262 and was the son of Marquis Tommaso I and his wife Luigia of Ceva. Like Beatrice, Manfredo was strongly related to Costanza, specifically, he was her nephew since Tommaso and the Sicilian Queen were half-siblings (they were both Beatrice of Savoy’s children).
The marriage contract between the two is dated July 3rd 1286 and the contracting parties are on one side “la serenissima signora constanza regina dy aragon e dy sicilia e dil ducato de puglia principato di capua” and, on the other side “il marchexe thomas di sa lucio signore de conio una cum mạdona alexia soa moglie”. Tommaso declares that Manfredi will inherit his title, privileges and possession upon his death. If, after the marriage is celebrated, Manfredi were to die first, Beatrice would enjoy possession of the castle and some properties. The Marquise Luisa declares to agree with her husband’s decision (“[…] e a tuto questo la marchexa aloysia madre dy manfredo consenty”, Gioffredo Della Chiesa, Cronaca di Saluzzo, p. 165-166). The union was formally celebrated the year after.
Beatrice bore Manfredi two children: Caterina and Federico, born presumably in 1287 (“Et da questa beatrix haue uno figlolo chiamato fredericho et una figlola chiamata Kterina” Gioffredo Della Chiesa, Cronaca di Saluzzo, p. 185). In 1296 Tommaso died, so Manfredi inherited the marquisate and Beatrice became Marquise consort of Saluzzo. She will die eleven years later at 47, on November 19th 1307 (“Venne a morte nel dì 19 novembre di quest’anno Beatrice di Sicilia moglie del nostro marchese Manfredo, e noi ne accertiamo il segnato giorno col mezzo del rituale del monastero di Revello , nel quale leggesi annotato: 19 novembris anniversarium d. Beatricis filiae quondam d. Manfredi regis Ceciliae et uxoris d. Manfredi primogeniti d. Thomae marchionis Saluciarum, quae huic monasterio quingen- tas untias in suo testamento legavit.” Delfino Muletti, Memorie storico-diplomatiche appartenenti alla città ed ai marchesi di Saluzzo, vol III, p. 76). Her husband would quickly remarry with Isabella Doria, daughter of Genoese patricians Bernabò Doria and Eleonora Fieschi. Isabella would give birth to five more children: Manfredi, Bonifacio, Teodoro, Violante and Eleonora. 
As of Beatrice’s children, Caterina would marry Guglielmo Enganna, Lord of Barge (“Catherina figlola dy manfredo e de la prima moglie fu sorella dy padre e dy madre dy fede rico e fu moglie duno missere gulielmo ingana capo dy parte gebellina in questy cartiery dil pie monty verso bargie.”, Gioffredo Della Chiesa, Cronaca di Saluzzo, p. 256). Federico’s fate would be more complicated. Like many mothers before and after her, Isabella Doria wished to see her own firstborn, Manfredi, succeeded his father rather than her step-son. The new Marchioness of Saluzzo successfully instigated her husband against his son to the point the Marquis. in a donatio mortis causa dated 1325, disinherited Federico in favour of the second son (Federico would have settled with just his late mother’s belongings), Manfredi (“Et questo faceua a instigatione de la moglie che lo infestaua a cossi fare.” Gioffredo Della Chiesa, Cronaca di Saluzzo, p. 224). Federico’s natural rights were later acknowledged by an arbitral award proclaimed in 1329 by his paternal uncles Giovanni and Giorgio of Saluzzo, and finally, an arbitration verdict dated 1334 and issued by Guglielmo Earl of Biandrate and Aimone of Savoy. As a condition of peace, the future Marquis should have granted his younger brother the castle and villa of Cardè as a fief. Stung by this defeat, Manfredi IV, his wife Isabella and beloved son Manfredi retired to Cortemilla. Federico died in 1336 and was succeeded by his son Tommaso, who would inherit his father’s rights and feud with the two Manfredi's. After being defeated by his half-uncle in 1341 (the older Manfredi, his grandfather, had died the year before), resulting in losing his titles, possessions and freedom, Tommaso would later regain what was of his right and rule as Marquis of Saluzzo.
-ANONIMO REGIENSE, Memoriale Potestatum Regiensium. Gestorumque iis Temporibus. Ab anno 1154 usque ad Annum 1290, in Ludovico Antonio Muratori, Rerum Italicarum scriptores ab anno aerae christianae quingentesimo ad millesimumquingentesimum, vol. VIII
-BARTHOLOMAEUS DE NEOCASTRO, Historia Sicula, in Giuseppe Del Re, Cronisti e Scrittori sincroni Napoletani editi ed inediti
- DEL GIUDICE GIUSEPPE, La famiglia di Re Manfredi
- DELLA CHIESA, GIOFFREDO, Cronaca di Saluzzo
-FORGES DAVANZATI, DOMENICO, Dissertazione sulla seconda moglie del re Manfredi e su’ loro figliuoli
- LANCIA, MANFREDI, Il complicato matrimonio di Beatrice di Sicilia
-Monferrato. Saluzzo
-MULETTI, DELFINO, Memorie storico-diplomatiche appartenenti alla città ed ai marchesi di Saluzzo, vol II-III
- MUNTANER, RAMON, Crónica catalana
- SABA MALASPINA, Rerum Sicularum
- SAVIO, CARLO FEDELE, Cardè. Cenni storici (1207-1922)
-Sicily/Naples: Counts & Kings
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paoloxl · 5 years ago
Qui caddero fucilati dai fascisti i martiri della Resistenza Piemontese. La loro morte salvò la vita e l’onore d’Italia. 1943-1945“.
Queste le parole riportate sulla lapide posta al centro del Sacrario del Martinetto, piccolo poligono di tiro nella IV Circoscrizione del Comune di Torino, scelto dai repubblichini dopo l’8 settembre 1943 come luogo d’esecuzione delle sentenze capitali.
Qui, nel giro di venti mesi, vennero fucilati sessantuno partigiani e resistenti piemontesi.
Lunedì, 31 marzo 1944, la Resistenza piemontese subisce un durissimo colpo: nella mattinata, sulla sagrestia del Duomo, vengono catturati quasi tutti i componenti del Comitato Regionale Militare Piemontese (Crmp): Franco Balbis, Quinto Bevilacqua, Giulio Biglieri, Paolo Braccini, Errico Giachino, Eusebio Giambone, Massimo Montano e Giuseppe Perotti.
Il Crmp era stato costituito clandestinamente a Torino nell’ottobre del 1943, come organo del Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale, con il compito di coordinare le azioni delle bande partigiane già esistenti.
Gli otto vengono condotti alle Carceri Nuove, e il 2 aprile, in gran fretta, viene dato il via al processo alla presenza dei massimi vertici fascisti. Già il giorno successivo, e nonostante le trattative intavolate dal Cln, viene pronunciata la sentenza: fucilazione.
All’alba di mercoledì 5 aprile gli otto condannati vengono condotti all’interno del poligono di tiro, ammanettati: ci sono decine di militi della Guardia Nazionale, che li legano alle sedie poste all’estremità del poligono, schiena rivolta al plotone di esecuzione. Passa ancora qualche minuto, il tempo per Padre Carlo Masera, che ne ricorderà il coraggio, di benedirli, quindi viene letta la sentenza, ed infine il plotone spara. Una sola voce, quella di Franco, Quinto, Giulio, Paolo, Errico, Eusebio, Massimo e Giuseppe grida “Viva l’Italia libera!”
Con queste parole, Eusebio Giambone si rivolge alla moglie,qualche ora prima di essere fucilato:
“fra poche ore io certamente non sarò più, ma sta pur certa che sarò calmo e tranquillo di fronte al plotone di esecuzione come lo sono attualmente, (…)come lo fui alla lettura della sentenza, perché sapevo già all’inizio di questo simulacro di processo che la conclusione sarebbe stata la condanna a morte. Sono così tranquilli coloro che ci hanno condannati? Certamente no! Essi credono con le nostre condanne di arrestare il corso della storia. Si sbagliano! Nulla arresterà il trionfo del nostro Ideale,essi pensano forse di arrestare la schiera di innumerevoli combattenti della Libertà con il terrore? Essi si sbagliano!“
La grande lapide dedicata “Ai nuovi martiri della libertà” è collocata nel recinto delle fucilazioni, unica parte sopravvissuta del grande poligono di tiro del Martinetto, destinato tra l’8 settembre 1943 e il 25 aprile 1945 a luogo di esecuzione dei condannati a morte dai tribunali speciali e militari istituiti dalla Repubblica sociale, e di fucilazioni per rappresaglia. Il luogo è oggi il sacrario cittadino della resistenza, sede di una commemorazione civica che ogni anno si svolge il 5 aprile, nell’anniversario della fucilazione di otto dei componenti del primo Comitato militare regionale. La lapide venne scoperta con una solenne cerimonia l’8 luglio 1945, con la partecipazione del cardinal Maurilio Fossati, del ministro Giuseppe Romita, del sindaco Giovanni Roveda e del presidente del Cln regionale piemontese Franco Antonicelli che ricordò la decisione del Clnrp, presa ancora nella clandestinità, di costituire il luogo in sacrario: «Il Martinetto». Le generazioni più antiche delle nostre avevano, in tutta Italia, un nome per i loro fremiti di sdegno e di carità: Belfiore. Le generazioni nostre hanno creduto a lungo che l’età dei martirii fosse conclusa per sempre nella nostra storia e nella storia civile del mondo. Invece, col dramma della libertà, si è riaperta la serie dei grandi olocausti e delle solenni testimonianze. E così abbiamo compreso che per la nostra esperienza di uomini tutto va riedificato: l’amore e il dolore, la colpa e il riscatto, l’infamia e la purezza, l’arco di trionfo e il Martinetto. […] Io leggo l’elenco, non ancora forse completo, dei 61 martiri, e vedo, l’uno dopo l’altro, tra il 16 gennaio 1944 e il 15 aprile 1945 succedersi un operaio e un impiegato, un artigiano e un ingegnere, un geometra e un bibliotecario, uno studente e un professore d’Università, un generale e un sottufficiale, un soldato e un partigiano. Ma partigiani tutti; tutti degni di quel nome che da noi va adoperato non come tessera di privilegi ma come titolo di onore, quel nome – e quella realtà – che per noi è la maggiore, la più straordinaria realtà di questa nostra veramente sacra e veramente civile guerra italiana». La lapide riporta i nomi di 59 fucilati, senza date, con incisa accanto l’indicazione della professione, come spesso nelle targhe dedicate ai singoli caduti. Sono invece 61 i nomi riportati nell’Elenco detenuti giustiziati al Martinetto, custodito tra le carte della presidenza del Cln, Giunta consultiva regionale. I nomi sono trascritti in ordine cronologico per data di morte e vi figura al primo posto Ruggero Vitrani, la cui esecuzione è erroneamente datata 16.1.1944, in luogo di 1945; è questo certamente l’elenco a cui Antonicelli fa riferimento nel suo discorso. Nel documento, oltre ai nomi incisi sulla lapide, si trovano anche quelli di Brunone Gambino, Carlo Jori, Aldo Camera, Giustino Bettazzi, e Maurizio Mosso, fucilati per rappresaglia all’attentato di via Sacchi 14; Domenico Binelli e Ferdinando Conti, due dei cinque fucilati per rappresaglia in seguito all’uccisione di Ather Capelli; Dario Musso e Carlo Brero, fucilati il 27 luglio 1944; Aldo Salvatori, fucilato il 22 settembre 1944; Luciano Politi, fucilato il 15 aprile 1945. Alessandro Teagno e Matteo De Bona sono registrati sotto il falso nome usato in missione, rispettivamente Luciano Lupi e Carlo Lari. Non sono compresi i nomi di Secondo Brignolo, Giovanni Bruno, Pedro Ferreira, Paolo Perego, Pietro Enrico, Dario Girardi, Giuseppe Padovan, Remo Pane, Paolo Tripodi. Un altro elenco pubblicato da don Giuseppe Marabotto (1953) Fucilati dalla R.s.i. provenienti dal carcere comprende 93 nomi disposti in ordine cronologico, con data e luogo di fucilazione e l’indicazione dei sacerdoti che fecero assistenza spirituale: per quanto riguarda i caduti del Martinetto, pur con imprecisioni, non si discosta dalla lapide.
Brignolo Secondo meccanico
Bruno Giovanni commerciante
Perotti Giuseppe Paolo generale
Giachino Errico (Erich) geometra
Montano Massimo studente
Biglieri Giulio bibliotecario
Balbis Franco capitano
Giambone Eusebio meccanico
Braccini Paolo professore universitario
Bevilacqua Quinto mosaicista
Perego Paolo meccanico
Enrico Pietro studente
Girardi Dario contadino
Padovan Giuseppe calderaio
Pane Remo meccanico
Tripodi Paolo operaio
Pizzorno Carlo studente universitario
Bocchiotti Giuseppe tipografo
Caramellino Walter impiegato
Armano Oreste studente
Massai Landi Francesco studente
Farinati Gianfranco studente
Valobra Ferruccio impiegato
Gippone Giuseppe maresciallo d’aviazione
Galvagni Aimone sergente maggiore
Mecca Ferroglio Giovanni elettricista
Giardini Mario bersagliere
Cormelli Luigi impiegato
Zucca Claudio verniciatore
Bergamaschi Pompeo muratore
Marconi Vasco tubista
Bianciotto Lorenzo meccanico
Testa Alessandro contadino
Berta Giuseppe meccanico
Attardi Alfredo studente
Amprino Armando meccanico
Dovis Candido manovale
Vitrani Ruggero meccanico
Cipolla Francesco pasticcere
Ferreira Pedro tenente
Duò Almerigo meccanico
Savergnini Luigi impiegato
Barbero Orazio impiegato
Mesi Ulisse impiegato
Moncalero Giovanni verniciatore
Del Col Dino fotografo
Cibrario Bruno disegnatore
Migliavacca Luigi apprendista tornitore
Zumaglino Battista carpentiere
Martino Enrico contadino
Viale Lorenzo ingegnere
Gindro Alfonso meccanico
Meneghini Nello nichelatore
Canepa Giovanni motorista
Fattorelli Rubens meccanico
Teagno Alessandro tenente
De Bona Matteo perito agrario
Simonetti Donato impiegato
Cursot Giuseppe muratore
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thesunlounge · 5 years ago
Reviews 298: Afrodesia
It began with a phone call between then Best Record label manager Marco Salvatori and Dario di Pace, a producer well known for his esoteric grooves as Mystic Jungle and his work with Raffaele ‘Whodamanny’ Arcella and Enrico ���Milord’ Fierro in freakadelic collective The Mystic Jungle Tribe (as well as their record labels Periodica and Futuribile). The two were discussing a brief yet magical period in the 80s referred to as the “Afro-Italian movement,” one specifically centered on Les Folies Studio in Milan and artists/producers such as Daniela Paratici, Ennio Ronchelli, Daniele Losi, and Roberto Barocelli, which saw forward thinking combinations of analog synthesis, vocal exotica, machine drumming, hand percussion, and live instrumentation used to craft expansive adventures in paradise disco and fantasy jazz fusion (prime examples of which are Roberto Lodola’s Marimba Do Mar, released by Best Record earlier this year, Helen’s Zanzibar and Tunis Tunis, and Losi’s Tom Tom Beat). Yearning for the timeless groovescapes of these productions...especially Lodola’s far out “Afro” mixes...and seeking to bring the same exploratory spirit into modern times, Salvatori, Mystic Jungle, and Whodamanny decided to join forces for a project called Afrodesia: an ambitious undertaking marrying the interstellar groove and future funk mastery of Mystic Jungle’s and Whodamanny’s synths and drum machines with a cast of live musicians featuring Giulio Neri, Andrea Farias, Davide “Duba” Di Sauro and the late Italo-Nigerian percussion master George Aghedo, who appeared on many of the original recordings from which this project takes its inspiration.
Simply titled Episode One, the Afrodesia 12” marks an exciting new chapter for Best Record Italy, as it is the first release of original material from the label since the early 90s. After having closed shop during that time due to poor sales, Claudio Casalini’s influential label reformed in 2014, with Salvatori joining the operation and helping it ascend towards the upper echelons of Italo reissue quality. And now, having rescued an almost unbelievable number of obscure or rare dancefloor treasures, at least a few of which have become all time favorites, change is in the air, for Salvatori is embarking on his own new venture called Spaziale Recordings, while Casalini will continue leading Best Record as always. As well, the Afrodesia 12” sees Periodica and West Hill Studio main men Mystic Jungle and Whodamanny further refining their already sorcerous production skills, this time augmenting their Casio, Yamaha, and Roland synths and old skool rhythm boxes with saxophones, guitars, and perhaps most arrestingly, dreamy Afro atmospherics and heavenly voice harmonies from Arcella and Neri. But if you’ve been following the West Hill crew as closely as I have, these forays into worlds of African and Italian pop romance are hardly as surprising as they seem, for both Whodamanny and Mystic Jungle have been increasingly experimenting with vocal and pop textures to great effect, whether through Marcelo Antonio’s JKRNDA 7” on Futuribile Record Club, the vocoder sexualities of Mechanismo, di Pace’s co-production on Modula’s deep soul groover “Argonauta (I’ve Been So Lonely)," or Arcella’s journeys into vocal sensuality and synth-pop ecstasy on The Dance Sucker.
Afrodesia - Episode One (Best Record Italy, 2019) Helen’s “Zanzibar” is referenced directly by Afrodesia’s “Deep Down in Zanzibar,” which re-purposes lyrics and licks from that classic into a joyous new form. Snake tails introduce a low down disco beat, with cowbells ringing, güiros scraping, and timbale fills crashing through the stereo field. Hats and snare hold down the groove while cymbals generate waves of static and as the kick drum cuts away, claps delay into the void. All of a sudden, a greased up funk riff enters, with Duba’s bass guitar slithering around the fretboard, all fat-bottomed warmth walking through a tropical paradise. Quacking wah guitars percolate in as the kick drum returns to guide us through Afro-Italo dream worlds, with wiggling synth leads crawling across the sky and e-pianos generating balearic atmospheres. At some point, synths tuned like 60s psych organs scream while guitars work between hypnagogic riffscapes and bluesy acid solos and if that weren’t already perfect enough, Neri and Arcella descend upon the mix with their joyous croons…the vibe whispered and sensual…fragile and warm…with a voice in each ear singing softly and trailed by synthetic pianos and saxophones that skip across sunbeams. Sometimes the vocals fade away, leaving space for wailing saxophonics and clattering percussion cascades that seem to fill up the spectrum. Elsewhere, we move into a freaky funky riff jams before devolving into pure rhythm, with minimal and mechanized beats spreading further out as claps echo and laser blast oscillations morph into galactic fluids. And from here, Whodamanny and Mystic Jungle continue leading their session players through a coastal landscapes of African fantasy…a world of bass guitar sexualisms, joyous vocalisms, balmy synthesis, fusion guitar freak outs, and screaming tenor refrains.
In “Desert Storm,” reverberating hand drums pop amidst rising waves of noise while synthesizer squiggles swim through blasts of granular static. A simple snare beat enters as one of the best basslines all year drops, recorded so hot and up-front that you can practically see the dust snapping off the strings. Double-time hi-hats tick irresistibly as everything builds in anticipation, with the kick drum finally dropping while blasted funk riffs converse ear-to-ear, space age synthesizers weave neon threads, and wah guitars hammer on and scrape. Sometimes the melodic elements fall out and we’re led through rhythmic bridges, wherein the liquid funk basslines of Duba are replaced by that more familiar West Hill synth-bass squelch and screaming voices from the cosmic void descend from a stormy sky. Interstellar noise bursts careen across the mix and chaotic chordscapes bleat over the reverb-soaked disco drum tropicalisms, all while mutant basslines stoke alien dancefloor magic. As we drop back into the live instrumentation, with shakers rattling and bass guitar and six-string working through ultra-tight jam patterns, the terrifying screams still disperse through the stereo field while horror-tinged synthesizers move through gothic themes and rainbow colorations. For most of the rest of the track, we switch off between these two moods: a squelching synth bass groove out awash in Mystic Jungle-style sci-fi boogie sorcery and a stoner groove paradise led by sunshine guitars and funk bass fluidity. During one of the live instrumentation passages, a druggy synth solo drifts into focus, all zoner cosmic magic hovering like an LSD haze…minimal, spacious, and absurdly confident in its wafting, almost apathetic flow. And capping off the track is a baked coda of machine disco rhythmics and fluid funk guitar psychedelics.
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The title of “Meet in Tunis” is perhaps another nod to Helen, though the music here seems less referential than in “Deep Down in Zanzibar.” Emotive riffscapes flow over uptempo snare and hat patterns while hand drums and further palm-muted guitar textures billow in from nothingness. The beat sees kicks stomping, snares breaking and gliding, tom fills sucking air out of the skull, and cymbal taps and bell tones ringing all throughout the background...the vibe mysterious and awash in dark disco intensity, though eventually tempered by romantic feedback melodies…as if Arcella’s Casios are mimicking Alessandroni western whistles while synthetic pianos float through golden cloudscapes. The guitars sparkle like Chic and Neri’s sax sounds hollowed out and spectral as it presages the upcoming vocal fantasias and indeed, he and Arcella work through earworm repetitions of “Tunis” before ascending into rapid fires soul verses that overflow with 70’s disco pop perfection…pushing almost towards all out Bee Gees ecstasy, except devoid of overt leads and flowing instead like a closed eye daydream. It’s so ebullient and transportive, with my imagination drifting to a Tunisian beach paradise…some sort of exotic seaside fantasy overflowing with forbidden romance. There are moments where the vocals cut out as we flash into zany percussive storms, with rave whistles flying over psychosonic rhythm cascades. All the while, Duba’s bass continues slipping, sliding, and growling through timeless funk riffs, with shakers pushing the groove euphoria to a maximum. And after another passage of wild percussive ritualism, with snares, bongos, and crashing toms sitting beneath quacking riffs and whistles, we flow through saxophone sensuality into a final “Tunis” vocal refrain, which repeats hypnotically as everything else fades to silence.
Closer “Orion Beat” comes to life on blasting kicks and rocketing claps before before settling into a slamming electro beat. Burning siren waves arc across the mix, bringing that kind of freaky atonal synth psychedelia that could only come from Mystic Jungle Tribesmen. Growling synth bass lines are smothered in cavernous verb as palm-muted guitars flutter overhead and the drums are so hot and heavy, with cymbals spitting fire and snares and claps cracking through the air. There are moments where the burning synth waves usher in passages of interstellar jam perfection, with guitars holding it down while panoramas of phase-distortion and frequency modulation synthesis generates dial-tone scats and telephone tracers while bleeps and bloops are repurposed into fusion fire. Elsewhere, we move into sections of slinky stoner bass guitar riffing while harmonious pads swim through the sky, their hovering chords of heavenly majesty surrounding an electro-funk zoner jam. Then following a bridge that leans towards progressive rock, the mix reduces to just kick drums and claps before dropping into an amazing passage of Afro-tribal intensity…the vibe like entering an otherworldly jungle, wherein crazed hand drum tapestries flow through deep space reverb tunnels. The groove stutters and stomps before smoothly gliding back into electro breakdance magic…like cruising the cosmos on the tail of a comet with starshine gas trails flowing all around the spirit. And after further burning wavefronts of dissonant synthesis subsume the mind, the Afrodesia crew work themselves into dueling harmony magnificence, with synths and e-pianos descending together in pure retro-funk majesty and bass guitar ripping through romantic soul motions…brief yet so perfect as the heart is carried way to paradise realms far beyond the stars.
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(images from my personal copy)
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dailytechnoreview · 3 years ago
5G Trends to Lookout For in 2022
There’s a very good chance the phone you own right now has a 5G modem inside and a similarly good chance you connect to a 5G signal on a somewhat regular basis, depending on where you live. We’ve already been sold on the speed benefits that come with a 5G connection, but what is there to look forward to in 2022 when it comes to 5G Trends?
We asked experts from Qualcomm, AT&T, Verizon, and others to give us predictions about how 5G Trends will advance over the coming year, and what exciting new developments the technology will drive. If you were struggling to get excited over 5G, prepare to think a little differently from now on, as plans encompass everything from better connectivity and new devices to autonomous cars and the opening of the metaverse.
Here are the Top 6 5G Trends to Lookout For in 2022.
1. The Big Picture
Before we drill down into specifics, Qualcomm’s Enrico Salvatori, senior vice president and president of Qualcomm Europe, succinctly sums up how the industry is approaching 5G in 2022 and gave us an overview of what to expect.
“2022 is going to be an exciting year for 5G, with lots of progress in both 5G handsets and networks, which will further enhance the 5G experience for consumers,” Salvatori told Digital Trends in an email. “In 2021, we had over 170 commercial 5G networks launched by operators globally, with more than 75 of those in Europe. In 2022, 5G will become even more widespread, and we will start to see operators launching 5G stand-alone networks, delivering even more incredible speeds and quality of service to consumers. As demand for even more speed and unique use cases grows, we will see more 5G mmWave launches in Europe in 2022, expanding consumer and enterprise 5G use cases.”
David Christopher, executive vice president and general manager for Partnerships and 5G Ecosystem Development at AT&T, agrees that 2022 will be an exciting year for 5G, but adds that it’s also a short period in what he calls the “5G Decade.”
“The next 12 months is a short amount of time in the context of a ‘5G Decade’ that will be incredibly transformational and disruptive. Innovation is accelerating and will continue in 2022. Big trends that will take a decade or more to play out will continue their maturation and we’ll see interesting advancements in 2022.”
The scene has been set, and expectations are high, but what about specifics? Let’s look more closely at 5G Trends in 2022.
2. Speed and Technology
At the moment, most of us associate 5G Trends with increased data speeds, so will these change and improve over the coming year? Not exactly, but don’t take this as a bad thing. AT&T’s Christopher told us. “We’ll see big increases in speed in the next few years, with multi-Gbps home connections and 200Mbps, or even 300Mbps, on devices nationwide,” He added that “5G’s super-low latency will become more the norm.”
Ben Wood, chief analyst, and chief marketing officer at CCS Insight, agreed, telling Digital Trends that “2022 won’t be about 5G being faster, but more about it being smarter, more flexible, and therefore more powerful as a technology. One important milestone will be the transition from non-stand-alone 5G to stand-alone 5G, which will provide some performance improvements, for example, lower latency.”
So while 5G speed increases will come, don’t expect to see much difference over the next 12 months. But do lookout for changes in where you use 5G, and also for latency to improve. Wood also spoke about how 5G’s underlying technology would change this year.
“The next big development from a specification perspective will be the arrival of Release 16 of the 5G standard. This will improve 5G connectivity in several ways, such as multiuser MIMO [multiple input, multiple outputs], much like Wi-Fi 6 offers, uplink aggregation to improve speeds, as well as improvements in latency for ultra-reliable applications.”
The U.K.’s EE network sees improvements in how 5G works indoors as being in the cards for the year, according to a spokesperson: “We’ll see the continued roll-out of 700MHz 5G spectrum, which will strengthen indoor 5G performance and capacity in areas with existing 5G Trends, as well as deliver new connectivity in other areas.”
3. Mass Market, More Phones
Talk of network latency, additional spectrum, and new standards doesn’t sound very exciting, but there’s considerable expectation that all this and more will mean 5G reaches more people, and therefore the mass market, this year. EE’s spokesperson told Digital Trends that “the mass adoption and awareness of 5G is going to start accelerating next year.”
CCS Insight’s Wood agrees. “We believe that 2022 is poised to be the year when 5G Trends becomes a mass-market offering, with strong adoption of 5G-capable smartphones and more comprehensive network coverage,” he said.
Should it do so, more 5G devices are inevitable. Qualcomm, perhaps unsurprisingly given its business, predicts that because of how 5G Trends will change over the next year, we will have even more reasons to upgrade to a 5G device if we haven’t done so already. Salvatori told us: “On the handset side, we will see some exciting launches in 2022, especially in premium-tier Android smartphones.”
Wood adds that the increased awareness of 5G in 2022 won’t only impact smartphones. “We also believe there’ll be growing momentum with business users who will start to see the benefits 5G can offer, for example, with cellular-enabled laptops,” he said.
4. At-Home 5G
Mobile devices, whether they are phones or laptops, aren’t the only things likely to get a 5G Trends makeover in 2022. If carriers have their way, your home will be equipped with 5G this year, too. Frank Boulben, Verizon’s chief revenue 0fficer, lays out how its Ultra Wideband network, the name given to its mmWave 5G service, has the potential to change at-home broadband for the better this year.
“With the expansion of Verizon’s 5G Ultra Wideband network, we are on the cusp of a digital revolution that will change the way we use technology in our everyday lives,” he enthused in a lengthy email to Digital Trends. “We’re talking more than just faster phone speeds — this is about major growth in nationwide broadband capabilities, allowing for more home internet options so you can experience game-changing connectivity and speeds for work, play, and everything in-between.  By the end of January, Verizon’s 5G UltraWide network will be accessible to 100 million people in 1,700 cities, giving so many more people the opportunity to enjoy the power and benefits of 5G in their homes.”
We’re talking more than just faster phone speeds — this is about major growth in nationwide broadband capabilities …
Boulben says Verizon’s Ultra Wideband service will provide data speeds 10x faster than a 4G LTE connection, a greater level of security, low enough latency for seamless 5G Trends cloud gaming, and a setup that’s easier and faster than other home internet systems.
Wilson Electronics, which produces cellular repeaters, says investment in the mid-band spectrum will help boost at-home 5G.
“Cell phones have historically operated on low-band signal, but as 5G proliferates, 2022 will see a huge rollout of mid-band signal,” Wilson Electronics CEO Bruce Lancaster told Digital Trends. “Carriers have been making major investments in mid-band technology for one particular use case: Fixed wireless replacement. The ability to access the internet at your home and/or business through only a wireless connection will be made possible with mid-band technology, and will benefit customers with faster speeds at low costs as carriers scramble to compete on price.”
5. Automotive
In 2022, you could leave your 5G home with your 5G phone and laptop, and step into your 5G connected car. At least, that’s the vision of the near future from Qualcomm and AT&T. Qualcomm’s Salvatori says that along with the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G will have a big impact on automotive tech both this year and further into the future.
“In 2022, we will see the first cars coming to market with 5G capabilities enabled by Snapdragon,” he revealed, before giving us a glimpse into the future. “Looking ahead, we see massive screens throughout the car’s cockpit, augmented reality and premium audio systems, along with smart mirrors and [A.I.]-driven experiences. High-speed cloud connectivity will deliver immersive content, services, and advanced navigation, all updated over the air to keep the experience fresh and engaging for consumers. Passengers may stream 4K videos, live television, and sports, or enjoy multiplayer gaming experiences that rival desktop PCs and consoles.”
In 2022, we will see the first cars coming to market with 5G capabilities enabled by Snapdragon.
Staying with cars, Christopher says AT&T is looking at how 5G will push autonomous cars forward in 2022 and over the next few years.
“While we’ll still be driving cars in 2022, not have them drive us, autonomous vehicles may become more common,” Christopher said. “Delivery vehicles and trucks on freeways could start to emerge and be connected and the road by 5G. Your pizza might arrive autonomously — in fact, this is already being tested in Houston and we could see this extend in 2022. Your package could be delivered without a human. If it can move slow on the road, it might move fast in development,” he said.
6. Gaming, Augmented Reality, and The Metaverse
Christopher is also excited about the potential for 5G to bring about advancements in two technologies we’re only just starting to understand: augmented reality (AR) and the metaverse.
“We’ll see the first version of AR glasses in the next year or so that are available to consumers and look normal,” he predicts. This is key to adoption, as most smart glasses today are cumbersome and unattractive. As AR and virtual reality (VR) become more mainstream, Christopher expects that “games will become more immersive … and low-latency, high speed 5G networks [will allow] devices to be tether-free. Console-free gaming will also be a trend that continues to evolve in 2022.”
Looking further into the future, and linking back to what he called the 5G Decade, Christopher also talked about how 5G will help the metaverse come to life.
“Fully immersed gaming will emerge inside the metaverse,” he said. “Whether in a virtual world, at home, or gaming in the real world with virtual objects all around you, games will not be constrained by your phone or a console, but instead played in the real world. Low latency, glitch-free networks will power thousands of connected devices all around the world.”
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years ago
La Spezia, al Teatro Civico Stefano Francioni Produzioni e Friends & Partners presentano Andrea Delogu in “40 E STO”
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La Spezia, al Teatro Civico Stefano Francioni Produzioni e Friends & Partners presentano Andrea Delogu in “40 E STO”. Il cartellone del Teatro Civico si arricchisce di un nuovo appuntamento: sabato 29 aprile 2023 alle ore 21 Andrea Delogu, conduttrice televisiva e radiofonica, attrice e scrittrice, sarà protagonista di 40 e sto, con la regia di Enrico Zaccheo. Scritto dalla stessa Delogu con Alberto Caviglia, Rossella Rizzi e Giovanna Salvatori, 40 e sto  racconta le donne alla soglia dei 40 anni: il giro di boa, la crisi e la rinascita, la libertà e le battaglie contro i luoghi comuni. Districandosi tra bizzarri pretendenti, traslochi, social, supermercati per single, Max Pezzali, paparazzi, viaggi, libri, auto, fogli di giornale... Andrea Delogu attinge a piene mani dalla sua vita privata, raccontandosi senza filtri in un esilarante flusso di coscienza in cui il pubblico si riconoscerà. In questo sorprendente viaggio, Andrea si metterà a nudo trascinandoci nella sua nuova vita, quella di una quarantenne che, riappropriatasi della propria indipendenza, si metterà in gioco esplorando le mode, i vizi e le ossessioni di questa strana epoca che viviamo. Sorpresa dall’approccio e le aspettative degli uomini, dal giudizio di una società che ti vuole madre a tutti i costi e dal seduttivo desiderio di sentirsi accettata, Andrea capirà che quando compi 40 anni si gioca un’altra partita. Dove è in palio la cosa più importante di tutte: la libertà di essere sé stessi.  Trasversale, pungente, stravagante. Andrea Delogu non le manda a dire. E ce n’è per tutti, giovani e meno giovani, uomini e donne, madri e padri, femministe arrabbiate, poliamorosi convinti, animalisti in crisi, hippy mancati e monoteisti part-time. Prezzi: primo settore - platea e palchi: € 27 + 3 prev. secondo settore - prima galleria e palchi: € 22 + 3 prev. terzo settore - seconda galleria (loggione): € 18 + 2 prev. Info e biglietti: Botteghino Teatro Civico La Spezia (ingresso da via Carpenino) Orari di apertura: dal lunedì al sabato ore 8.30/12, il mercoledì anche dalle 16 alle 19 Tel. 0187-727521 – Email: [email protected] Vendita on line: Ticket One... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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gadgetsgarena · 3 years ago
Carl Pei Nothing may launch smartphone and Power bank by 2022 collaborated with Qualcomm Technologies
So far Nothing has unveiled only one TWS earbuds called Nothing Ear (1). According to GSMarena, Nothing is working on a phone and it is expected to launch by 2022.
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It looks like Carl Pei Nothing doesn't want to limit itself to audio products, it is now reportedly working on a smartphone. It's not entirely surprising to hear this as Carl Pei was the co-founder of OnePlus before he founded Nothing. So far Nothing has unveiled only one TWS earbuds called Nothing Ear (1). But soon we may get to see many more products from the Pei-led company.
According to GSMarena, Nothing is in the works on a phone and it is expected to launch by 2022. In fact, recently Nothing has collaborated with Qualcomm Technologies and its Snapdragon platform to power future products. Pei said in a statement that the new collaboration will be used to promote the brand's entry into new product categories as part of its ecosystem.
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Qualcomm vice president Enrico Salvatori had said that the chipmaker would help Nothing to venture into different markets. He added, “By combining the power and efficiency of the Snapdragon Mobile Platform with 5G connectivity across multiple categories of devices, we are driving the development of innovative products that aim to benefit consumers and create richer, more immersive experiences to provide'.
As far as Nothing's products are concerned, the company's first audio product was a huge hit and was well received by the audience. Nothing was mentioned in a statement that it had shipped over 100,000 units within two months of Cannes's launch last month. In India, the earbuds were launched at a price of Rs 5499, come with ANC, Airless Charging.
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sottolequerce · 5 years ago
George Monbiot Debunks Michael Moore's Racist Planet of the Humans
A mio parere, analisi sorprendentemente carente da parte di George Monbiot, a proposito del documentario di Jeff Gibbs (non Michael Moore), Planet of the Humans (qui ho condiviso un estratto). Alcune notazioni da fare:
il problema del sovrappopolamento non è correlato al razzismo, ma alle limitate risorse del nostro pianeta, già attualmente carenti, e che manifesta proprio alle popolazioni più disagiate i suoi effetti più nefasti;
i campi sterminati di pannelli solari e turbine eoliche non potranno mai soddisfare l'approvvigionamento attuale di energia, a fronte di un notevole impatto ambientale;
le batterie necessarie per le auto elettriche richiedono materie prime il cui reperimento causa la distruzione di ecosistemi inalterati (qui ho condiviso un podcast a cura di Enrico Salvatori e Giovanni Brussato dove si parla della difficoltà di reperire le quantità di rame e altre terre rare per far fronte alla produzione, ancora embrionale, di batterie per auto) e sono difficili da smaltire;
non si fa menzione del tema principale trattato nel documentario, che è la produzione di biomassa e biocarburante. Non si comprende il fatto che anche il suolo non è una fonte inesauribile di risorse, quelle che occorrono per far crescere gli alberi da polverizzare, e che si rischia desertificazione (a tacere del disboscamento di enormi aree dell'Amazzonia).
Il documentario, per concludere, non parla di razzismo, ma di decrescita (che la si voglia condividere o meno). Appare un'analisi incorretta e superficiale.
I'm sorry Mr. Monbiot, but I don't agree with your analysis. The problem of overpopulation is not related to racism, the endless fields of photovoltaic panels and wind turbines will never solve the energy requirement, car batteries cause destruction of unaltered ecosystems, and are difficult to dispose of. Also you don't mention the central point of the documentary, which is biomass. I ask you, where do these wonderful beings called trees come from? Do you believe that the soil can have unlimited resources? The documentary does not speak about racism, but about degrowth (whether approved or not). Completely incorrect analysis, in my opinion.
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trylkstopocket · 3 years ago
Chipmakers to carmakers: Time to get out of the semiconductor Stone Age
When it comes to the electronic circuits that power our everyday lives, the automobile is simultaneously the world’s most expensive consumer good and the one that runs on the cheapest possible semiconductor chips.
Moore’s law of ever-increasing miniaturization seemingly never reached the automotive industry. Dozens of chips found in everything from electronic brake systems to airbag control units tend to rely on obsolete technology often well over a decade old. These employ comparatively simple transistors that can be anywhere from 45 nanometers to as much as 90 nanometers in size, far too large—and too primitive—to be suitable for today’s smartphones.
When the pandemic hit, replacement demand for big-ticket items like new cars was pushed back while sales of all kinds of home devices soared. When the car market roared back months later, chipmakers had already reallocated their capacity.
Now these processors are in short supply, and chipmakers are telling car companies to wake up and finally join the 2010s.
“I’ll make them as many Intel 16 [nanometer] chips as they want,” Intel chief executive Pat Gelsinger told Fortune last week during his visit to an auto industry trade show in Germany.
Carmakers have bombarded him with requests to invest in brand-new production capacity for semiconductors featuring designs that, at best, were state of the art when the first Apple iPhone launched.
“It just makes no economic or strategic sense,” said Gelsinger, who came to the auto show to convince carmakers they need to let go of the distant past. “Rather than spending billions on new ‘old’ fabs, let’s spend millions to help migrate designs to modern ones.”
The ‘why’ of car chips
The brutal cost pressure carmakers exert on their suppliers, which source the chips for their various components, is certainly part of the reason why the processors they use tend to be bulk commodity products. But it isn’t the only one: Reliability plays a major concern.
Most systems in cars are safety-critical and need to perform in practically every situation regardless of temperature, humidity, vibrations, and even minor road debris. With so much at stake, tried and true is better than new and improved.
“A lot of it just has to do with the fact that these are proven designs,” explained Gelsinger, who is currently campaigning for subsidies to build the most advanced chip fab in Europe.
Unlike Intel, Qualcomm cannot directly help by investing in the expansion of capacity. Instead the U.S. company is a fab-less chipmaker, meaning it is reliant on dedicated contract manufacturers called foundries that build its semiconductors for it—and that’s precisely where the bottleneck is most acute. 
"For the foundries, investing in the old technology is much less attractive, because sooner or later there will be a migration to the new technology," Enrico Salvatori, president of Qualcomm Europe, said in an interview.
He is also working with the car industry to accelerate the transition, but he concedes it’s not an easy fix.
“The new technologies are not pin-to-pin compatible, it’s not plug and play,” Salvatori said. “You have to redesign the circuit, build a new board that might have to be recertified; maybe there’s some impact on the mechanical side that then could affect the car’s chassis. So there is a domino effect of action needed.”
Supply crunch
The first warning signs over a coming chip supply crunch came in December 2020, but the problems were initially expected to only affect car production for a short period of time, as chipmakers turned their production back toward the automakers. Lead times of six months are often required as the nanoscopic circuitry on a chip is printed on silicon substrates in a series of painstakingly long production steps that require weeks.
The shortage only became acute following a chain of unrelated events that limited supplies of raw chip wafers right at the source. First, a winter cold snap caused rolling blackouts at Texas chip fabs operated by Infineon, NXP, and Samsung, before a freak fire in March at key Japanese supplier Renesas compounded the problem. Finally a COVID outbreak brought downstream supply to a halt in Malaysia and Vietnam, a low-wage hub where chips are packaged into finished products for final shipping.
As a result, as many as 9.4 million cars, or more than a tenth of the industry’s pre-pandemic output, could be eliminated from production plans, according to market research firm AutoForecast Solutions.
“Because of a 50-cent chip, we are unable to build a car that sells for $50,000,” said Murat Aksel, head of procurement for Volkswagen Group, during a press briefing in Munich last week.
If semiconductor suppliers like Intel and Qualcomm have their way, however, the days of the auto industry relying on these cheap commodity chips are numbered.
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