#English speaking learning
stars-obsession-pit · 24 days
“Mom, why do you think ghosts are intrinsically evil?”
“It’s what the science says, of course!”
“No, I mean like, what were the studies? What did they actually observe”
“Ohh, I get what you mean, Danny! Well across all reputable reports of encounters with the ghosts strong enough to matter, they’ve always attacked first and never responded to attempts at communication! There’s no reason for them to do that if they’re not evil!”
Danny, learning about Ghost Speak and how humans can’t understand it: hmm.
Danny, learning that ghosts greet each other and bond by fighting: hmmm.
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royalarchivist · 8 months
This video is only available to people who are members of Acau's ( 악어 ) Youtube, but one of his fans posted a short clip Acau shared of his and Quackity's conversation testing out the QSMP translator!
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[ Original Tweet ]
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canisalbus · 2 months
I want you to know that your art is very important to me, and I'm very invested in all of the characters I have seen from you. Also, the discussion about Finnish and other languages having gendered words or not has been the last little push to get me to start learning Finnish which I think is fun.
I'm making this a little compilation post of all the language asks I got. Thank you for sharing, this was genuinely really interesting!
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ramenwithbroccoli · 9 months
not to be controversial on main, but i really do feel like way more people would enjoy maths if someone properly explained it to them & they didn't have a hanging threat of failing an exam above their heads
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on-the-clear-blue · 8 days
Brain worms struck a nerve once more...
Just? Baby Dick, he is just so smol and full of hate.
I am just imagining this small 9 year old, taking on full aged adults and winning, then turning around and grinning like the devil at the remaining crooks
I just think Gotham Twitter would be like
Gothamite 1: Robin 4 is such angy, most stabby boy
Gothamite 2: He isn't even angry??? Like that boy is just autistic, I talked to him about proper pet care for like 45 minutes after getting mugged, Bats had a fucking 1000 mile stare.
Gothamite 3: If you want real angry Robin, you need to look at n.1 or @ Realwing. I was a goon for a bit out of collage, he broke 3 ribs and my collar bone by pushing me down the stairs and then jumping on me.
Gothamite 1: Can't see it, Nightwing is too pure.
Gothamite 2: He has fucking killed/brutally maimed people? Parasocial much??
And like, also more on Baby Dickie...that boy did not speak English as his main language until he came to live with Bruce, Halys circus tours in Europe mostly? Give me little Dickie just looking at Bruce with uncomprehending eyes as the man tries to explain that Dickie will be living with him.
Give me baby Dick with the cutest thick French accent as a boy (side note, have you seen children speak French? It's so fucking cute, they sound so fancy but still so very baby) Like I feel like he spoke a hodgepodge of languages with the carnies? Maybe that carries over to his Robin ages.
Robin, running up to Batman, cycling through 5 different languages and two dialects, then just holds out a frog to Bruce expectantly.
Bruce, who missed about every 3rd word and had to translate French, then German, then Portuguese and then Romani to English in a matter of seconds, "Yes...You may keep it."
Dick, giving Bruce a very concerned look, then to the frog, then to Bruce again "You...want to... to own it? Is it not...giftig? ruim para comer? " Groaning he flaps his hand trying to think of the right word, "Does not...work well with me? Make feel bad? Is sick?"
Bruce nodded slowly, "Poisonous or toxic is the word you are looking for Chum, no its just a cane Toad, Ce n'est pas toxique, c'est sans danger."
(Dickie does keep the toad, His name is Herr Haly and he lived very well in the gardens, he died not long after Jason came around)
Later when Dick went to do Teen Titans, the reason Starfires English is kinda messed up is because Dicks brain is hardwired for like four other things, and English was just the one she was looking for, he mentally translates every word from another language to English, so the grammar is a bit rough some times.
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verdemint · 9 days
People complaining on twitter about enea and most of the riders not being able to speak english, i dont care you know what? I hope they all decide to never use that language ever again :)
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identityquest · 10 months
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allysion... girl i havent drawn u in 3 years
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pinkinsect · 2 months
bachira teaches rin spanish swear words in return for rin practicing english with him
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melikes-reads · 2 months
To German speakers
Serious question: how do you think, before you talk?
I've been watching German tv series and reading German fics, so my reading and listening comprehension is improving.
German syntax is puzzling. Extremely so.
I know the grammar rules, I do! But my mind automatically goes subject + verb + object + conjunction + subject + verb + object when I want to speak.
When I write, I have time to reflect about the correct order of each word (and pieces of a word!), but trying to speak and remember where every part of the speech goes, and the right declensions… Impossible.
So, any advice?
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cillyscribbles · 2 months
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really wanted to draw molly as an adult queen... and then realized the power is mine. so. for your enjoyment: here's the junkyard's littlest heartbreaker!!
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cassandrva · 7 months
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so i started reading the game of kings
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mochayoubi · 7 months
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i was very surprised at how difficult it was to find (good) resources for learners that accurately describe how 部首 (in English we translate this to be the "radical") work in 漢字 (kanji). i pulled these from a very comprehensive guide of kanji from おじゃちゃん, a native speaker who is also a language teacher and if youre interested in learning more, you should check out her full overview here.
to a beginner this might not be as useful - but when you get deep enough into japanese i think it's worth it to understand how kanji is actually used by native speakers. understanding how the radical works can also help you guess at meanings and recognize common patterns that may make memorizing kanji easier
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kyonshi-8610 · 1 month
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trying sometin out // id in alt // unrelated babblings in tags
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sandeewithtwoe · 6 months
So what ethinicity is your PJ then? I know he's half blk, but i'm having a bit of a hard time distinguishing Ink's side of things/gen
Ink is half Japanese half French
Error is American *hawk noise*
PJ is half Japanese half French half American *hawk noise again*
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shalom-iamcominghome · 3 months
English 🤝 Hebrew
Shortening words until they are unintelligible to outsiders
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oneokkombat · 6 months
[johnny after a month of visiting and staying with kenshi’s family]
Johnny, to kenshi’s mom: you know, I don’t think we ever really got over that, language barrier
Kenshi’s mom: no, It’s not your fault! You are learning quickly!
Johnny: what the- you speak english?!
Kenshi’s mom: of course I do!
Johnny: …you spoke english the whole time I’ve been here?!
Kenshi’s mom: I speak english since I was five years old!
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