#Energy Independence
mightyflamethrower · 10 months
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jackassdemocrats · 6 months
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AOC is a genius.
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commonsensecommentary · 4 months
Could Joe Biden STOP draining our strategic fuel reserves in an attempt to cover up the damage his moronic green energy policies have done to consumers and our economy? President Idiot has already drained our Strategic Petroleum Reserve down to the dregs. Now he’s emptying our emergency gasoline supplies. Your re-election is not more important than our national security! In the event of a war that interrupts our oil purchases (which we now need because he has knee-capped our domestic drilling) we’re going to be in a world of hurt.
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Prognozētais gada ražošanas apjoms ir 12 477 MWh, kas nodrošinās būtisku zaļās enerģijas apjomu elektroenerģijas tirgū(..) Saules parkā ir uzstādīti 20 528 saules paneļi un 57 invertori, kas kopā ar četrām apakšstacijām nodrošina efektīvu un stabilu enerģijas ražošanu.
The Largest Solar Power Plant of Riga was opened. The projected annual production volume is 12 477 MWh, which will provide a significant amount of green energy in the electricity market. The solar park has installed 20,528 solar panels and 57 inverters, which together with four substations ensure efficient and stable energy production(..)
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What He Said
“We’re producing more energy than ever before in this nation. We have the strongest economy in the world, and we are beating China for the first time in decades. More people went to work this morning in America than at any other time in our nation’s history. So I’ve got a message to Donald Trump and all his negativity and his whining: Stop sh*t talking America. This is the greatest country on earth, and it’s time that we all start acting like it.”
– PA Governor Josh Shapiro
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
“Finland’s wind power capacity increased by 75 per cent last year, according to the Finnish Wind Energy Association (FWPA).
With almost half of Finland’s wind power domestically owned, the renewable energy source is providing a significant lifeline during the current energy crisis.
“Wind power is now increasing our country’s energy self-sufficiency at a really good pace - just when new and affordable electricity production is most needed,” says Anni Mikkonen, CEO of the FWPA.
Renewable energy investments are surging across Europe
As with other European countries, Finland sped up its renewable energy transition in reaction to fuel shortages after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
In December, the International Energy Agency (IEA) predicted that global renewable power capacity growth will double over the next five years...
...The growth in renewables is also helping Finland achieve its ambitious climate goals. The country hopes to be one of the first in Europe to reach net zero, setting a 2035 target - well ahead of the EU’s 2050 goal.
How much did Finland’s wind power capacity increase in 2022?
In 2022, Finland put 427 new wind turbines into operation, adding 2,430 megawatts of capacity. One megawatt could power an estimated 1,000 homes, meaning the new turbines could service over 2.4 million households.
The country now has a total of 1,393 wind turbines producing a combined power of 5,677 MW - potentially enough to power an estimated 5.5 million homes in a country with a population of 5.5 million.
Wind power capacity is expected to increase by around 1,000 MW annually over the next few years. By 2025, wind is expected to cover at least 28 per cent of Finland’s electricity consumption, up from almost 10 per cent in 2021.
How is wind power affecting Finland’s economy?
The wind power Finland added in 2022 brought €2.9 billion in investments to the country.
“No other industry currently brings as many annual investment euros to Finland as wind power,” says Mikkonen. “Wind power also brings vitality to many small municipalities, where investment targets may otherwise be few.”
With the cost of renewables trending downwards, it could also reduce the country’s energy prices in future.
“No other electricity generation can be built in Finland as quickly and as cost-effectively right now,” says Mikkonen.
According to Oxford University researchers, ending fossil fuel use by 2050 will save the world at least $12 trillion (€11.3 trillion).
The production of wind power has increased by 23 percent a year globally. As capacity surges, costs will continue to fall.
Meanwhile the price of fossil fuels - when adjusted for inflation - has not dropped significantly over the past 140 years. Any major changes have been due to geopolitical events like the war in Ukraine.” -via EuroNews, 1/12/23
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the-psudo · 1 year
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We've never had a time when we've exported more crude oil than we've imported, but there are times that we've exported more petroleum products than we've imported. Petroleum products includes crude oil, gasoline, diesel fuels, jet fuel, plastics, and much more. Anything that can be made from what comes out of oil wells.
That negative net imports era began in 2020 under Trump, and he touted it as 'energy independence.' Exporting more plastics than we import doesn't really relate to energy independence, though. Real energy independence starts with exporting more crude oil than we import.
But the net exports of petroleum products that Trump celebrated as an accomplishment are greater now than they ever were then.
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am-hana · 1 year
Life . Where I am right now and where I wanna be are two different places . Right now am struggling with finishing my diploma , just one more semester and am done .
But the question is I don’t want to go ahead with my degree but at the same time I’m that girl with big dreams , that girl that always wanted expensive stuff and I really don’t want anyone to sponsor me bcoz in the end they will get tired of you.
Nothing sweeter than having your own money, I mean that which you worked for and spending on yourself. Yes it’s good when someone buys you something but that can’t be me . I always have this feeling that when are they gonna use against me coz it happened to me in the past Soo I don’t want it repeated.
I rather be broke than someone buy me something out of mercy , that shiit really haunts bad. I know there are people who are genuine & love doing good for others but as for me It’s the opposite, would do anything for anyone,that I am sure I will definitely forget unless I get reminded . Which I don’t really like to be reminded ofcoz , it’s not that am being rude but I get shy and overwhelmed.
Soo am really praying that I never get to depend on anyone , that May Allah use me as means to support his creatures, that I never forget how it feels to have nothing, that I really get rich and not forget my religion and where I came from,that I become a blessing to my family, community and the whole of the ummah.
May I never have bad intentions,may I always attract good people and good things for I know how it feels to be surrounded by bad intentions. May I become independent and humble enough.
May we all get what we cherish ya Rabb 🤲, Ameen ya Rabb 💞
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cleansolar8 · 1 day
Tesla Battery Storage Evolution: Powerwall 3 Replaces Powerwall 2 | Clean Solar
October 2016, Tesla’s Powerwall 2 was introduced to the market and in April 2021, the Powerwall + was announced. Tesla’s Powerwall 2 was a rechargeable lithium-ion battery that stored electricity for backup power, time of use load shifting and solar self-consumption. The battery had a capacity of 13.5 kWh, enough to run major appliances for 24 hours. The Powerwall + was an enhanced version of the Powerwall 2 that has a built-in solar inverter, allowing it to directly accept DC electricity from solar panels.
Read More info:- tesla battery storage
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harriswalz4usabybr · 11 days
Speech that Vice President Harris Gave at the North Dakota State Capitol!
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mightyflamethrower · 6 months
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jackassdemocrats · 4 months
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As always, never buy anything made in china. Don't ever trust a democrat and NEVER leave your child alone with one.
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A well written (and profoundly depressing) overview of the unmitigated disasters caused by the Biden administration’s insane energy policies. We have all paid the price for this “Green New Steal” stupidity that has weakened America and empowered our foes.
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US solar industry explodes past pivot point with incredible exponential growth
P.S. Good news! Rising solar industry means Russian and Trump's defeat! No need for fossil fuel imports: Russians, Muslim terrorists and Trump have no money...and the civilized free world has far less problems...
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nxtgenenergyltd · 12 days
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Fox Solar Battery: Unleash the Power of the Fox 🦊☀️🔋
Tired of soaring energy bills and the uncertainty of National Grid outages? The Fox Solar Battery is here to revolutionize your home energy storage! 🏡⚡
This cutting-edge battery system seamlessly integrates with your solar panels, capturing excess energy and storing it for use when the sun isn't shining. 🌞💡
Key benefits:
💷 Save money: Reduce reliance on the National Grid and take advantage of time-of-use tariffs.
🌍 Reduce carbon footprint: Contribute to a cleaner environment by using clean, renewable energy.
💡 Increase energy independence: Enjoy peace of mind with a reliable backup power source.
Interested in learning more? Drop a comment below or visit our website to explore how the Fox ESS Solar Battery can transform your home energy experience - Fox Solar Battery: Unleash the Power of the Fox
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pvmarketofficial · 1 month
Step-by-Step Guide to Install a Hybrid Inverters
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Step 1: Planning and Preparation
1. Assess Your Energy Needs:
Calculate your energy consumption and determine the size and capacity of the hybrid inverter required.
Ensure compatibility with your existing solar panels, battery storage system, and grid connection.
2. Choose a Suitable Location:
Select a location that is cool, dry, and well-ventilated, ideally indoors or in a sheltered area.
Ensure the inverter is close to the battery bank, solar panels, and the main electrical panel to minimize power loss.
3. Gather Tools and Equipment:
Tools: Drill, screwdriver, wrenches, wire strippers, pliers, and multimeter.
Materials: Hybrid inverter, mounting bracket, DC and AC disconnects, circuit breakers, cables, conduits, connectors, and safety gear (gloves, safety goggles).
4. Review the Manufacturer’s Manual:
Carefully read the inverter’s installation manual for specific instructions and safety guidelines.
Step 2: Mount the Inverter
1. Turn Off All Power Sources:
Disconnect all power sources, including solar panels, batteries, and grid connection, to ensure safety during installation.
2. Mount the Inverter:
Secure the inverter on the wall using the provided mounting bracket and screws.
Make sure the inverter is mounted vertically and in a location where it can be easily accessed for maintenance.
Step 3: Electrical Connections
1. Connect the Battery Bank (DC Side):
Use appropriately rated cables to connect the positive and negative terminals of the battery to the corresponding DC input terminals on the inverter.
Ensure that the connections are tight and secure.
2. Connect the Solar Panels (DC Side):
Connect the positive and negative leads from the solar panels to the inverter’s solar input terminals.
Use a DC disconnect switch between the solar panels and the inverter for safety.
3. Connect the AC Load (AC Side):
Connect the inverter’s AC output to the main electrical panel or a dedicated sub-panel.
Install appropriate circuit breakers between the inverter and the AC load to protect the system.
4. Connect the Grid (AC Side):
If your system is grid-tied, connect the inverter’s grid input to the main electrical panel using a suitable circuit breaker.
Use an AC disconnect switch between the inverter and the grid connection for safety.
Step 4: Grounding
1. Ground the System:
Connect the inverter’s grounding terminal to the main grounding point of your electrical system.
Ensure that the solar panels, battery bank, and all other components are properly grounded to prevent electrical hazards.
Step 5: Configure the Inverter
1. Power On the Inverter:
Turn on the battery, solar, and grid inputs to the inverter in the correct sequence as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
2. Set Up the Inverter:
Use the inverter’s display or a connected device (like a laptop or smartphone) to configure the system settings.
Set up parameters such as battery type, charging settings, grid settings, and any backup modes.
Connect to the monitoring system if available.
Step 6: Testing and Commissioning
1. Test the System:
Verify that the inverter is functioning correctly by checking if it’s charging the battery from the solar panels and supplying power to the AC loads.
Test the backup mode by simulating a grid outage (if applicable).
Ensure that the inverter is properly feeding excess power back to the grid (for grid-tied systems).
2. Monitor the System:
Monitor the system’s performance over a few days to ensure everything is functioning as expected.
Adjust settings if necessary based on the inverter’s performance.
Step 7: Final Inspection and Documentation
1. Inspect the Installation:
Conduct a final inspection to ensure all electrical connections are secure and properly insulated.
Check that the inverter is securely mounted and that there are no signs of damage or loose components.
2. Document the Installation:
Record the details of the installation, including the model and serial number of the inverter, a wiring diagram, and any configuration settings.
Save this documentation for future reference and maintenance.
3. Obtain Necessary Approvals:
If required, have the installation inspected by a certified electrician or local authority to ensure it complies with all safety and regulatory standards.
Safety Tips:
Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and local electrical codes.
Use appropriate safety gear during installation.
If you’re not experienced with electrical work, consider hiring a professional installer.
By following these steps, you should be able to install a hybrid inverter safely and efficiently, ensuring a reliable and efficient energy system for your home or business.
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