#Enchantress dota2
fobosfear · 11 months
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True carry all along was Enchantress position 5
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lasanha-do-lidl · 3 months
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BFFs Enchantress and Drow~
The way I headcanon Enchantress is kinda like Sonia Nevermind from Danganronpa 2 lol. As for Drow, I headcanon that she looks badass, but is actually kinda naive and innocent, not knowing much outside of combat.
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maidot · 7 months
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anx1oustig3r · 2 years
howdy PARDNER, I heard you take fankid requests
gonna assume we don’t care about how physically possible any of these are
and what else.. oh yeah, CHEN AND OMNIKNIGHT
alistair here being non verbal is a contrast to akasha attacking via screaming and ai just, never shutting up
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forgot to write it but eulogy can prolly summon little ink ghosts by either drawing or writing about what she wants done
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these guys i took your meme designs and made a little story out of them 😏 francis there has similar mind control but it only works on demons, meanwhile anshu is just, the golden child in the fold
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shades4dogs · 11 months
im not interested in dota2 aside from the character design (specifically, seeing how they transformed wc3 characters into legally distinct characters that would still be recognisable to the playerbase)
but it really bugs me that half the characters have Title names (Ogre Magi, Enchantress, Night Stalker, Chaos Knight) and others have NAME Names (Zeus, Marci, Mars, Magnus, Lina, Mirana)
-- it's not like this is a new development as they move away from adapting WC3 units, they've been having names this the whole time, but it's still really bothering me to see these characters in a lineup. and notably, DOTA1's cast had both titles AND names.
Ogre Magi next to Marci on the roster is the most egregious example of the contrast to me.
i think what makes it annoying the most is that DOTA1 specifically gave all the heroes specific titles (race/class/creature) to bridge the gap between lore-important units and minor units that are also playable, right? obviously if you were a warcraft fan you'd call Thrall his actual name, but it all thematically lined up when you put the characters on a shared roster.
and then you move over to DOTA2, and it's kind of a mess, because even now quite a lot of people are still calling them whatever they used to be called in DOTA1, and you also just have fucking Mirana and Zeus hanging around,
Like. Understandable for the playerbase to use actual names when they're universally understood to BE that character in DOTA1, but then DOTA2 itself is adding additional layers of inconsistency, why can't Marci have a title? was it too hard to think of?
But then, Lina has the title "SLAYER", which is quite cool, So they DO have titles they just don't use them consistently on the character roster!!!!! And they just didn't even bother with Marci for some reason?!
Like... Huh?! Ahhh.... It's annoying me!
I know it's a minor complaint and a minicule issue but I will use my blog to share my thoughts, OK ?
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outhouse-cartoons · 3 years
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Here’s The Enchantress from Dota from last night’s twitch stream!
Follow me on twitch at, https://www.twitch.tv/outhousecartoons
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fridka · 3 years
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From memory as usual so sry for off modelness
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aditublog · 3 years
my writing
“That could have gone better.” The Necrophos leaned against the fountain on the edge of the square as he and the half deer next to him waited for their allies. He always looked scary, but now he was scowling more than usual, his eyes glowing in an eerie white light.
The Enchantress was a creature of the forest, a creature of life and joy. There was always a spring to her steps and some plants clinging to her clothes. Rotund’jere in contrast was a creature of the dead, or at least the dying. His skin was sickly green, as if he was always ill, and he spread this illness wherever he walked. Aiushtha could feel it and how it pulled on her but didn’t let it drag her down. So she grinned now and raised the hand that wasn’t holding her spear. It was closed into a loose fist.  
“I was able to save this from the middle of our fight.” She opened her hand and there, on her palm, sat a small yellow butterfly, slowly moving its wings up and down. “It would’ve been trampled otherwise. So I grabbed it and protected it.”
The scowl on Rotund’jeres face deepened even more, something Aiushtha would’ve thought impossible. He pushed away from the fountain but before he could move closer to the Enchantress, the butterfly fluttered into the air and away from them. “You saved a stupid butterfly while we were fighting?”
With a sigh, the Enchantress moved around the Necrophos and dipped her hand into the water of the fountain. It hadn’t taken any of the illness from the plague-mage. Yet. “Yeah, it was so small and there was so much danger around it.” Her fingers created waves as they moved round and round. “We had already lost the fight when I caught it and I don’t need both of my hands to throw my spear anyway.” Of course she had known that Rotund’jere wouldn’t care about a butterfly. She didn’t mind. She smiled, glad that she had been able to help the small and fragile creature.
“If you had concentrated more on the fight instead of something unimportant as this insect maybe we would’ve won. We could be destroying the fountain of the enemy instead of sitting here, all beaten up.”
The soft laugh of the Enchantress filled the air. “Maybe.” Her legs twitched. Aiushtha was restless, the same as Rotund’jere. She liked losing a fight just as much as the mage. The difference was that he got grumpy when he was defeated while the Enchantress tried to go into the next fight motivated and with a positive attitude. Saving a butterfly might be the only good thing about the last fight, but it made her smile. And contrary to what she had just said, she didn’t believe that saving a butterfly had been the reason they had lost the fight. She was able to keep smiling now, so she’d be able to keep fighting.
A flick of her fingers sent the last drops of water that clung to her skin back into the fountain. And in that moment, their allies arrived. “Let’s do this!” Aiushtha exclaimed excitedly as she bounced forward without pause, towards the next fight.
When it was quiet around the fountain, the butterfly landed on the rim of it. A droplet of water had landed there and the small creature used it to take a drink.
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terpilin · 4 years
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#Inktober2019 Day7 ENCHANTED When you in the "don't touch me" mood Dedicated to the best DotA player and coach @ceb_dota
song:  Future World Music - Victory of Life _______________________________________ IG |  seokanori.com |  patreon
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1nickel1 · 5 years
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So where am I, Io?
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lasanha-do-lidl · 1 year
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Shady lanes and sunny glades await.
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maidot · 1 year
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looking on my FB ..... I remember doing this for Valentine's Day XDDDDDDDDDDDD it was stupidly funny.
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lawlren · 5 years
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imnotapacifist · 5 years
032 Enchantress
Enchantress (DOTA2). Not gonna lie, I love playing her as an offlaner. Watching people trying to hit me and kill me is funny. She was pretty deadly early game, especially when she hits level 6 it's hard to lane against her.
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xbetco · 5 years
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