#En enkel till Antibes
rebeccafergusonfan · 2 months
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Rebecca Ferguson photographed by Johan Lindstén | “En enkel till Antibes” (A One-Way Trip to Antibes) Promo tour | 2011
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rebeccalouisaferguson · 6 months
rank rebecca’s projects/characters?
1. Dune and Dune: Part Two - Lady Jessica
2.Mission:Impossible - Rogue Nation/Fallout - Ilsa Faust
3. The White Queen - Elizabeth Woodville
4. Silo - Juliette Nichols
5. Doctor Sleep - Rose The Hat
6. The Greatest Showman - Jenny Lind
7. En enkel till Antibes - Maria
8. The Kid Who Would Be King - Morgana
9. The Snowman - Katrine Bratt
10. Life - Miranda North
11.Reminiscence - Mae
12.Despite the Falling Snow - Katya Grinkova/Lauren
13.The Girl on The Train - Anna
14. Vi - Linda
15. Hercules - Princess Ergenia
16. Strandvaskaren - Amanda
17. MIB:International -Riza
18. Nya Tider - Anna Grippenhielm
19. Ocean Ave - Chrissy
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peronisweden · 5 years
“Jag har nog kallats allt från gubbig, till supertrendkänslig.”
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Peroni presenterar - STIL
Andreas Weinås är inte bara svensk moderedaktör som jobbar bland annat för King Magazine och Manolo, han har också blivit utsedd till en av Sveriges stiligast klädda män. Förutom det så har han dessutom riktigt bra koll på manligt mode, vilket vi på Peroni passade på att fråga om när vi fick chansen att sitta ner och prata med Andreas om just personlig stil.
Hur började ditt intresse till mode och stil? – Jag tror att intresset för manlig stil och stil i allmänhet började redan när jag var liten, undermedvetet. Min morfar var väldigt intresserad av kläder och sydde upp kostymer hos lokala skräddaren i Göteborg under 70- och 80-talet. Sen var det egentligen när jag kom upp i 20-25 åldern som mitt stilintresse verkligen blommade ut och sen något jag började jobba med på heltid. Men jag skulle nog ändå säga att jag har alltid varit intresserad av hur jag uppfattas.
Vad betyder det för dig att ha personlig stil?  – Jag tycker att många missuppfattar det här med personlig stil och förknippar det mycket mer med unik stil. Personlig stil handlar inte om vara ensam om att bära någonting, utan att vara 100% bekväm med någonting. Personlig stil handlar om att låta kläderna vara förlängning av just din personlighet. Är man en väldigt färgstark person eller kanske en ganska sober och nedtonad person, så tycker jag att det ofta kommer fram hos folk som har en tydlig personlig stil.
Hur skulle du beskriva din stil? – Min stil överlag är väl kanske en kombination av många olika element. Jag gillar egentligen inte att definiera den som extremt skräddad, även fast vissa vill kalla den det, eller extremt avslappnad även om kanske vissa hade sett den på det sättet också. Jag har nog kallats allt från gubbig, till supertrendkänslig. Och det är väl egentligen det som är det fina med det, att stil ju egentligen bara något som sitter i betraktarens ögon. För mig handlar det bara om att försöka hitta separata plagg som alla ligger längs en röd tråd.
Under vilken årstid tycker du att din stil har det bästa uttrycket? – Jag skulle säga att hösten är den mest tilltalande, skräddade stilen. Mörkbrun mocka, beige flanell, benvit kashmir, gärna i jordiga och ganska naturliga toner. Man bär lite grövre material, men som fortfarande är väldigt mjuka, exempelvis kamelhår, flanell eller liknande. Man har möjlighet att använda lager på lager av olika plagg och det är fortfarande tidigt nog för att ha kvar lite av solen i ansiktet från semestern. 
Hur ställer du dig till trender? – Jag tror att man är ganska naiv om man tror att man är helt opåverkad av trend. Sedan tror jag att trender bör tittas på med en smula kritisk, kanske lite försiktig blick. Att fundera ett varv till kring om det är relevant för just dig. Men det finns ingenting fel med att intresseras av trend, det handlar mer om hur vidare det är relevant och i linje med hur man trivs själv att klä sig. Trend för mig är egentligen någonting väldigt intressant som i den mer klassiska delen av herrmodet ibland får oförtjänt mycket kritik. Ofta för att det framställs som fåfängt och kanske lite slaviskt, att följa vad andra har på sig. Men jag skulle säga att allas stil och att alla i regel anpassar sig och påverkas av trender. Så att försöka motarbeta det, ser jag egentligen ingen poäng med, däremot så bör man kanske ställa sig frågan om vilka trender som är relevanta för just dig.
Vart hämtar du din inspiration? – Jag hämtar väldigt mycket av min inspiration från vänner i vardagen. Allt ifrån kollegor i branschen, till vänner som faktiskt inte har någonting med kläder att göra. Jag tycker att stil handlar så otroligt mycket om bekvämlighet, men också personlighet. Därför behöver det inte på något sätt handla om herrmode, utan det kan exempelvis vara en person som man möter under en semester i Frankrike eller varför inte en film från förr, som väcker en helt annan tanke kring färg, form, volym eller liknande.
Du gillar Frankrike, eller? – Jag älskar Frankrike! Jag vet inte, det är någonting med Frankrike som får mig att slappna av. Möjligheten att zona ut någon vecka eller två. Jag skulle säga att mycket av min stil påminner om Antibes. Det är sand- och jordfärgat, gammalt men det finns definitivt en tanke bakom, och jag kan tycka att det finns en charm med att det inte är så nytt och perfekt alltid.
Har du någon stilförebild? – Min personliga stilförebild skulle jag nog säga är, den tyvärr bortgångne, Sergio Loro Piana. Det är på något sätt den mest eleganta man som någonsin har burit ett par byxor. Det är modeindustrins motsvarighet till Gianni Agnelli, och bara sättet man ser på bilder hur Sergio Loro Piana bär volym och kostymer ihop med en enkel klocka från Swatch, trots att han var god för miljarder, kanske säger något om den nedtonade elegans som han representerade. 
Tror du att din stil kommer att förändras? – Jag tror att ens personliga stil alltid är i utveckling. Det som skiljer är att man kanske inte går från att vara hiphopare, till preppy kille från en säsong till en annan. Men däremot så tror jag alltid att man kommer, genom olika stadier i livet, uppdatera sin stil. Förhoppningsvis så är det vissa av de trender man gått igenom som fastnar, som är personliga val. Jag tror att jag kommer, i alla fall som det känns nu, klä mig lite ledigare ett tag. Det bär mig emot att säga, för jag gillar verkligen att bära skjorta, slips, kostym, men det finns något väldigt elegant i mer avslappnade outfits också. En kostym för mig handlar inte om att jag ska på ett möte, jag bär kostym för att det är onsdag. Däremot så finns det många olika sätt att bära en kostym eller kavaj.
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I’m going to find my dad…
Rebecca Ferguson and Sven-Bertil Taube in “A One-Way Trip to Antibes” (dir. Richard Hobert)
This was my lesson in conversational Swedish for today. No kidding, I mean it:)
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rebeccafergusonfan · 1 year
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Rebecca Ferguson photographed by Johan Lindstén | “En enkel till Antibes” (A One-Way Trip to Antibes) Promo tour | 2011
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rebeccafergusonfan · 1 year
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Rebecca Ferguson photographed by Johan Lindstén | “En enkel till Antibes” (A One-Way Trip to Antibes) Promo tour | 2011
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rebeccafergusonfan · 2 years
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Rebecca Ferguson | Svenksa Filminstitutet presentation | En enkel till Antibes (A One-Way Trip to Antibes) | 2011
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rebeccafergusonfan · 6 months
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Rebecca Ferguson photographed by Johan Lindstén | “En enkel till Antibes” (A One-Way Trip to Antibes) Promo tour | 2011
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rebeccalouisaferguson · 7 months
Rebecca Ferguson on the relationship with Sweden - and Swedish film: "Give me a role" The criticism after the TV4 interview: "I don't want to fuck it up"
LONDON. Rebecca Ferguson, 40, has left Sweden and is taking Hollywood by storm.
But beyond the successes with "Dune", "Silo" and "Mission: impossible", she is careful to nurture the ties to her home country.
"I don't get that many Swedish offers, give me a role", says Rebecca Ferguson to Aftonbladet Nöje.
The Hollywood star is sitting in a suite at the five-star Rosewood Hotel in Holborn in central London. Here, the blockbuster "Dune: Part two" has occupied an entire floor for marketing and interviews ahead of the premiere date, which in Sweden is February 28.
Since a couple of years ago, London is also Rebecca Ferguson's hometown.
"I left Sweden, after covid I really moved", says the actress.
She grew up in Stockholm with a British mother and a Swedish father, went to Adolf Fredrik's music classes and broke through as a 15-year-old with the TV4 soap "Nya tider" where she had the lead role as Anna Gripenhielm. This in turn gave her a role in the American-Swedish drama series "Ocean Ave".
After she moved to Österlen in 2007 to be in the BBC's Wallander film "Sidetracked", she chose to stay in Simrishamn in Scania. There she met the filmmaker Richard Hobert, who gave her one of the main roles in the feature film "En enkel till Antibes", where she played opposite Sven-Bertil Taube, among other things. Then the international career really took off.
Wanted to start a colony Rebecca Ferguson played the main role of Elisabet Woodville in the BBC series "The white queen", for which she was Emmy nominated, Jenny Lind in the musical "The greatest showman" (2017) and the British spy Ilsa Faust in several "Mission: impossible" films. But when she wasn't working with Tom Cruise, Hugh Jackman or Michael Fassbender, she tried to build a life on the plains of East Scania. Until a few years ago.
"I built a large farm in Knäbäckshusen and tried to create some kind of colony there, with a key box, so that people could come and go, she says. "But then I had a long conversation with my son where I really said "what am I doing?"
Until 2015, she was together with Ludwig Hallberg, with whom she has a 16-year-old son, Isac. But according to Rebecca Ferguson, the ex-boyfriend was not completely on board with the plans for an open-door farm.
"Ludde" said that "we are fine, we don't need a colony, we live here", and I felt that I needed to find a root somewhere. I needed to let go of Simrishamn and root in London.
Assistant and schedule Today, Rebecca Ferguson lives in Richmond in West London with her husband Rory, who she married in December 2018. Together they have a daughter Saga, who turns 6 this spring, and Rebecca Ferguson describes the puzzle of recordings, marketing and family life as a well-oiled machine.
"It works great. I have such a luxury. It's like running a business in that it's scheduling and I have people to help", she says.
Although life as a movie star is often changeable, Rebecca Ferguson makes sure that the children have structure in their lives.
"I have an assistant, but it's more of a family friend who helps with our daughter and makes sure to fly over my son. I am also extremely close to my son's father, we are very communicative and talk all the time. We are like a big family and it's like a puzzle, but it works."
Criticism after interview The relationship with the home country suffered a thorn in connection with an interview with Efter fem on TV4 in April last year, where she did not want to speak Swedish and questioned reporter Nanna Martorell's English skills.
A storm of criticism followed and Rebecca Ferguson was noticed, among other things, by the Instagram account "Dyngbaggegalan", which celebrates uncomfortable moments from Swedish television.
Rebecca Ferguson has said that she was saddened when she heard about the criticism after the interview and said that she did not recognize herself. Almost a year after the interview, which was supposed to be about the film "Mission: impossible: dead reckoning", she brings up the incident herself - when Swedish "Dune" colleague Stellan Skarsgård, 72, comes forward.
"Stellan, I love him. That Swedish root is so important. That's why I was so sad about the interview that took place between me and Nanna. It became such a big deal", she says.
"I was misinformed, I had no idea who I was going to meet, only that I had an angry journalist who was pissed off. They asked if they should cut her out but I said "no, take her in, why is she so damn angry?" So I went in with the gas at the bottom - and met the world's most beautiful woman."
Is there something still gnawing at you?
"The reason I bring it up is that the Swedish relationship, for example to Stellan, when I speak Swedish, feels so important. It is enough for someone to speak Swedish and I feel a sense of calm."
"Was extremely rude" Rebecca Ferguson is worried that the interview has given the Swedes a wrong image of her as an expatriate Hollywood diva.
"The only thing I needed to know was that Nanna is okay, because I was extremely rude to her. I called her, we had the world's conversation and now she gets any interview she wants," she says.
"But I don't want that role in Sweden. Sweden is the archipelago, semlor, Värmdö and my dad, Vasastan and Rörstrandsgatan – I don't want to fuck it up."
In addition to "Dune: Part two", this year Rebecca Ferguson is also currently in theaters with "Mission: impossible - dead reckoning part two". At the same time, she is recording the second season of the TV series "Silo".
Opens for Swedish film But despite a burgeoning Hollywood career, she keeps the door open to making Swedish films.
"It is not important in that way that I have to do culture in Sweden, but give me a script that is great, give me a role. I don't get that many offers so that would be great," she says.
In an interview with the British newspaper The Guardian in October 2019, the star said that "I don't get recognized and that suits me". According to Rebecca Ferguson, very little has changed on that front in the last five years - despite the fact that her CV has been significantly replenished.
""It's pretty cool when you're at a premiere, like with "Dune", and it's like a rock concert: thousands of people screaming when Timothée and Austin - and also me - come in. It has created such a large following, she says.
"Mission" was probably also a bit like that, with Tom. It's on a whole other level. I can imagine that many people in this film need security personnel when they are out and about. But I can only go where I want and do what I want."
Doesn't want to be seen as a diva Rebecca Ferguson estimates that four to five people a day come to her.
"They take a picture, you give them a small hug or a high-five, and move on," she says.
"There is probably a part of me that wishes I also needed to be snuck out of a restaurant from the back way, because there are so many people out there who just love me. It is the ego. But the sane part of me thanks God that I can go wherever I want with my children, my husband and my friends."
The same applies when she comes home to Sweden - which she is happy about.
"Sweden is somehow my soul. I wouldn't like to come to Sweden and it would have been the world's damned "hoppla". That's why I think I brought up this interview with Nanna again, that it hurts me that so many people saw a side of me that I'm not, which is a diva."
Rebecca Ferguson on… …to miss large parts of the "Dune" sequel's extensive PR tour:
"I'm filming "Silo" season two so I've only had to jump in now, it was no from my production company Apple because they needed to finish. Considering the strike (in Hollywood), we were behind in the filming. And I have had such FOMO. It's been a hell of a job, and at the same time quite nice, because I get anxiety on all these red carpets, I think it's quite tough."
…combining promotion of “Dune” in Paris with “Silo” recording in the UK:
"I worked during the day, flew into Paris, did interviews, changed, premiere, did the red carpet, then everyone else came, then we took one or two pictures, then I had to jump into the car, take off the corset and everything, jump into gym clothes, get on the train, take the 21 train back to London, drive to the hotel by the studio and then I was there filming all day."
…"Dune" colleague Stellan Skarsgård, whose son Gustaf Skarsgård she also worked with, in the film "We" (2013):
"He has 150 children and his family is so damn cool. God I can see it in him. And I miss Gustaf, I haven't seen him for a long time. They are such a big family and so close."
…”Dune” director Denis Villeneuve:
"He is the best director I have ever worked with. I know that in Sweden we hate the word "normal", but he is adequate, normal and so damn stable. He is calm and it rubs off on others. He doesn't have an ego, he's shy, he's direct, has a plan, he's incredibly prepared, and you don't push him. And it's awesome."
…the collaboration with Villeneuve:
"I'm mischievous, I'm cocky, I talk before I think. When I'm sensitive, I talk. And he likes it. So he and I work great together."
…the Swedish traditions she misses in Great Britain:
"I want to start holding cancer plaques, wearing a hat and the whole choir. Midsummer must be in Sweden. I have to start booking to go over, if you could rent a small house in the archipelago and take friends there and spend midsummer. At Christmas we celebrate twice and mix Swedish and British traditions."
Translated from swedish for @rebeccalouisaferguson
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rebeccalouisaferguson · 7 months
Hi! Do you have a letterboxd account ? If not, would you rate Rebecca’s movies?
Hi! I personally don't:) From favourite to list favourite (this is from Irina, Andrea's could be slightly different:)
Mission:Impossible - Rogue Nation
Dune:Part One
Doctor Sleep
Mission:Impossible - Fallout
The Greatest Showman
The Kid Who Would Be King
The Snowman
En enkel till Antibes
Despite the Falling Snow
The Girl on The Train
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Sweden's international film star Rebecca Ferguson mourns her old co-star Sven-Bertil Taube, "the ultimate gentleman".
- I have never met anyone else who was like him, she tells TT.
In recent years, Rebecca Ferguson has played roles in major international blockbusters such as "Dune" and several Mission Impossible films. Now she mourns another Londoner, Sven-Bertil Taube, who died last Friday.
- It is heartbreaking. Even though he was 87, he felt so young, he had such energy, she says.
She got to know Sven-Bertil Taube when they played opposite each other in Richard Hobert's "En enkel till Antibes", which had its premiere in 2011. The film gave Taube his second Guldbagge Award.
In addition to being a singer, Sven-Bertil Taube had a long acting career, with roles both in theater and in films, both internationally and in Swedish.
During filming, they became close, says Rebecca Ferguson:
- He was such a storyteller. He had great stories to tell. Between takes, I sat down with him and heard his stories. There was a rhythm, a musicality to everything he did. It was an experience.
She describes him as funny and joking.
- I don't usually get starstruck, but with him... he was such a star for me.
In one scene in the film, Rebecca Ferguson's character rides a moped with Taube in the passenger seat. She laughs at the memory.
- It was scary, I was so afraid of falling over and that he would hurt himself.
A few years after "En ankel till Antibes", 39-year-old Rebecca Ferguson had her big international breakthrough in the TV series "The white queen", and since then she has been spending more time in England.
Among other things, her current project is "Wool", which will be on Apple TV+. It is a television series that she herself has been involved in and produced.
It is now a few years since they met, Rebecca Ferguson says that she had talked about getting in touch with Sven-Bertil Taube again now that she also lives in London.
- The last time I met him, I was at his home with his wife Mikaela. One of the sons was at home too.
(source: aftonbladet.se November 21, 2022)  translated from swedish for @rebeccalouisaferguson
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rebeccafergusonfan · 2 years
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Rebecca Ferguson | Svenksa Filminstitutet Presentation | 'En Enkel Till Antibes' (A One-Way Trip to Antibes) | 2011
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rebeccafergusonfan · 2 years
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Rebecca Ferguson in 2011 International Film Festival Sveriges Radio Stockholm Film Festival 'En Enkel Till Antibes' (A One Way Trip to Antibes) Theatrical Release Rosé Mingle
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hi! do you happen to know where i can watch (and maybe download) rebecca's earlier movies like drowning ghost, a one-way trip to antibes, vi, irresistible, lennart, puls and little match girl? i've been looking everywhere but my search has proved fruitless. thanks for your help and happy holidays (if you celebrate) <3
Hi! Most of the short films were on Vimeo, on official chanels of the creatives, but I was looking for Little Match Girl the other day (someone asked about it) and it turned out it was deleted. Let's see what can be found:
Drowning Ghost (full film with English subs): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dl2s8WSWABA
En Enkel Till Antibes (full, swedish): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SznyVcw5yN4
Full Irresistible (short film) is not available online anywhere but you can see a snippet of it in the cinematographer Marcus Skogström’s showreel: https://vimeo.com/58962521
Puls (short film): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuYmv5zaCiA&t=2s
Lennart (short film, swedish): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfN1Rr32Qpk&t=2s
Little Match Girl (teaser): https://vimeo.com/281053561
Vi (full) I've seen only on one streaming site, quite possible because it's very mature subject. I can't link you, but check out sockshare.
Thank You and Happy Holiday Season to you as well!
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Rebecca Ferguson - interview for “En Enkel till Antibes” (2011) at Nordic Film Days 2011, Halsinborg, Sweden.
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 Rebecca Ferguson photographed by Johan Lindstén for “En enkel till Antibes” (2011) promo tour | September 26, 2011
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