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whenweallvote · 8 months ago
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"When people saw what had happened to my son, men stood up who had never stood up before." - Mamie Till Mobley
#OnThisDay in 1941, Emmett Till was born, and his legacy lives with us forever. At 14 years old, he was kidnapped, murdered, and lynched in Mississippi by two white men after an alleged interaction with a white woman.
Today, we honor his life and his mother’s bravery in the face of fear and intimidation, which served as a catalyst for the civil rights movement.
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longliveblackness · 9 months ago
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“Two months ago l had a nice apartment in Chicago. I had a good job. I had a son. When something happened to the Negroes in the South I said, 'That's their business, not mine.' Now I know how wrong. I was.
The murder of my son has shown me that what happens to any of us, anywhere in the world, had better be the business of us all.” — Mamie Till-Mobley
“Hace dos meses tenía un bonito apartamento en Chicago. Tenía un buen trabajo. Tenía un hijo. Cuando algo le sucedía a los negros en el sur, yo decía: “Ese es problema de ellos, no mío.” Y ahora me doy cuenta de lo equivocada que estaba.
El asesinato de mi hijo me ha demostrado que lo que le sucede a cualquiera de nosotros, en cualquier parte del mundo, debe de ser problema de todos nosotros.” — Mamie Till-Mobley.
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militantinremission · 2 years ago
Carolyn Bryant- Donham: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!
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Mainstream Media was quick to announce the death of Carolyn Bryant @ 88Yrs Old, but many kept their storylines short & sweet. Another Day in The Life, under the Biden Administration. Bryant reportedly died in hospice care in Westlake, Louisiana. Details were not given by the Coroner of cause of Death, but Bryant's battle w/ Cancer was not exactly a secret. New Black Media has reported in recent Yrs on how she was initially in Raleigh- Durham, North Carolina, before being moved to Kentucky, & later Louisiana.
Back in June 2022, members of Emmett Till's family discovered an Arrest Warrant issued for 'Mrs Roy Bryant', among Records @ the Lefore County Courthouse in Mississippi. The warrant was issued back in 1955, citing the charge of Kidnapping; but it was never served. The Till Family attempted to reissue that warrant, citing Carolyn Bryant's [recent] admission of perjury in the Trial of Emmett Till's brutal murder. In her 2017 interview w/ Dr. Timothy Tyson, Bryant allegedly admitted to lying on The Stand.
Unfortunately, Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch didn't think the case presented any new evidence, & in Aug. 2022, The Grand Jury declined to indict Bryant. As recently as Feb. 7th 2023, Emmett Till's cousin, Priscilla Sterling tried to compel Lefore County Sheriff Ricky Banks to reissue the warrant on Carolyn Bryant; but as of April 13th, she was informed that there was 'no point' in reissuing the warrant, since the Grand Jury declined last August.
Some lament missing the opportunity to send Carolyn Bryant- Donham to Prison. She lived a full life, while Emmett's life was brutally ended before it truly began. Bryant lived in anonymity for decades, until The New Black Panther Party & other Activists began showing up @ her addresses in North Carolina & Kentucky- to issue an 'Unofficial Warrant for her Arrest'. Some complained that Blackfolk were terrorizing an 'Old Lady', but no one says anything, when Nazi Hunters take individuals in their Nineties to justice.
The whole Emmett Till 'Tragedy' revolves around the Culture of protecting a White Woman's 'Honor'- whether she's worthy or not. Emmett Till & Carolyn Bryant are the only ones who know what really happened on Aug. 24th, 1955. According to Emmett's cousins, he was in the Store for a minute before they entered; they didn't know if he knew how to 'act' around a White Woman. From what they saw, Emmett didn't say or do anything threatening; they admit to hearing him whistle @ her. Carolyn Bryant initially concurred, but in Court, she recounted a different story.
In her Court Testimony, Bryant recounted how (14Yr Old) Emmett "put his left hand on my waist, and he put his other hand on the other side." When she rebuffed him, he replied: "What's the matter baby? Can't you take it?" She went on to say that Emmett uttered obscenities that she refused to repeat in Court, but related to his sexual prowess w/ White Women. According to Press Reports, Bryant gave the [unmistakable] impression of being afraid that Emmett might rape her. The Jury took about an hour to deliberate; the Foreman said that it would've been shorter, but they decided on having a [Soda] Pop.
In his 2017 interview, Dr. Tyson says that Carolyn Bryant- Donham told him that her testimony about Emmett grabbing her & uttering obscenities was 'not true'. Unfortunately, his recording of that interview was not enough to change the Grand Jury's opinion about reissuing the 1955 Arrest Warrant. For the most part, The State of Mississippi & The Federal Government were more concerned about the welfare of Carolyn Bryant, than the Family of Emmett Till. The Press described her as a former Beauty Queen that was raised in Poverty, w/ little Education or 'Knowledge of The World'... She was a product of her environment.
Following her death, Dr. Tyson wrote that 'Carolyn Bryant's precise role in the murder of Emmett Till remains murky, but it's clear that she was involved.' It appears that Bryant was in the car when her husband abducted Emmett; she pointed him out. By the time they reached the Store to drop her off, Dr. Tyson says that Bryant may have learned Emmett's fate, & was now saying that he wasn't the boy. In her interview, Bryant says that Emmett didn't do anything that warranted what was done to him. It appears that Emmett's Big Crime, was putting money in Carolyn Bryant's hand, & not on the counter.
Dr. Tyson speaks on how American Society views the Emmett Till Lynching as a story of 'Monsters', including Bryant. Professor Black Truth often speaks about how [White] Society operates on Moral Relativity & Situational Ethics. Applying them here, we can easily see how Dr. Tyson concludes that Society finds it easier to condemn Carolyn Bryant- Donham's actions, than confronting what America is. It's a big reason why both Democrats & Republicans have problems w/ Critical Race Theory (CRT).
For all of the aid & comfort that The State of Mississippi provided Carolyn Bryant- Donham, I can't stop thinking about Emmett... What was that 14Yr Old boy thinking when those grown White Men took him out of his family's house? Took him to that barn where they beat him mercilessly, shot him in the head, tied him to a 70lb Cotton Gin Wheel, & dumped his body into the river... As bad as that Jet Magazine Cover of Emmett's face looked, I can't get past the sheer TERROR he must have felt being alone, in the presence of Pure Evil.
I personally hope that Carolyn Bryant- Donham gets the Full Tour of 'Dante's Hell'... I'll even cover the tribute to Cerberus.
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intellectures · 5 months ago
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trascapades · 2 years ago
#ArtIsAWeapon #OnThisDay in history, August 28:
▪︎In 1955, 14-year old #EmmettTill was abducted and murdered in by white supremacists;
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▪︎In 1963 (60 years ago), Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have A Dream" speech, which white supremacists often take out of context/misquote to "justify" their racism, bigotry and inhumanity;
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▪︎In 1973 (50 years ago), Marvin Gaye released his Soul/RnB classic album "Let's Get It On"
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Reposted from @nmaahc #OnThisDay 60 years ago, the #MarchonWashington for Jobs and Freedom brought nearly 250,000 people to the nation’s capital to protest #racialdiscrimination and show support for #civilrights legislation pending in Congress.
For its resolute battle towards #racialunity, #socialequity, and spiritual reckoning, The March on Washington, formed Black America’s greatest love note to the world. Precipitated by increased racial hostilities in the wake of desegregation legislation and the murder of 14-year-old Emmett Till, the March on Washington sought equal access to the rights and protections guaranteed under citizenship. Identifying the Black community’s commitment to remain “wed” to the nation by upholding its mores and values, the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom demanded the legitimacy of connubial ties through full citizenship. On the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington – its Diamond anniversary – the Museum examines the impassioned words of its organizers, supporters, and speakers, which made “love” the lyrical refrain and petition of their chorus for human rights.
Follow the link in our bio to immerse yourself in our museum’s resources, stories, collection items and video interviews surrounding the history of the March on Washington and the unique political and cultural impact it had on organizers, participants, and the nation. #MOW60
#OnThisDay in 1955, a murder took place in Money, Mississippi. 14-year-old Emmett Till was kidnapped in the middle of the night by two white men, Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam. They tortured, beat and shot the teenager, casting his body into the Tallahatchie River tied to a cotton gin fan.
For African Americans, the murder of Till was evidence of the decades-old codes of violence exacted upon Black men and women for breaking the rules of white supremacy in the Deep South. Particularly for Black men, who, like Till, found themselves under threat of attack or death for sexual advances towards white women – which often were fabricated claims. As recently as June of this year, an arrest warrant was uncovered in Mississippi for Carolyn Bryant Donham, the White woman whose false claim instigated Till’s attack. Till’s brutal murder, and his mother Mamie’s call to display his open casket to the world, reverberated a need for immediate change.
In an effort to provide a space for history, truth, reconciliation and healing, the museum acquired Emmett Till’s original casket. The powerful object not only helps tell the difficult history of racial violence and the Civil Rights movement, but it also gives pause to visitors and makes them reflect in the same way his mother encouraged the public to do so in 1955. #APeoplesJourney #ANationsStory
📸 1. Courtesy of Bettmann/Getty Images 2. 3. Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Gift of Kitty Kelley and the Estate of Stanley Tretick, © Smithsonian Institution 4. Photograph of Emmett Till with his mother, Mamie Till Mobley. Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Gift of the Mamie Till Mobley family
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uinterview · 2 years ago
President Joe Biden signed a proclamation that designated national monuments in honor of Emmett Till and his mother, Mamie Till-Mobley. Follow @uinterview for the latest exclusive celebrity videos & news!
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noblefeed · 2 years ago
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casbah3d · 2 years ago
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Now on exhibit at Woman 2 Woman, invited by @bojanailic_bojitt my work For Mamie, an assemblage of oak lath, photo, and beeswax. Edition of two. 50% of sales for both will go directly to the #MamieTillMemorial through the amazing pipeline of creativity of @sonjahsunbear Follow her here and the amazing process of the development of the bronze work. Unveiling scheduled for the end of April. Also follow updates on @chicagocrucible as they have been generous with their process, too. #thisisourhistory Later slides in this post come from @sonjahsunbear ‘s IG page. Follow her there for this and other important work. (See forthcoming post for more images from Woman 2 Woman! #EmmettTill #MamieTill #OurNationsHistory #thisstuffaintover #untilweareallfreenoneofusarefree Link in bio for the next two weeks. Please consider donating or consider buying this work with half@going to the Memorial Fund. DM w serious inquiry only. (at Xced Design Build) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqbH9APvmUA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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whenweallvote · 2 years ago
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Emmett Till would have turned 82 today.
In 1955, he was 14 when he was kidnapped and killed for “inappropriately interacting with a white woman” in Mississippi.
We cannot live up to our greatest ideals without confronting the realities of our past.
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renegadeurbanmediasource · 2 years ago
Ding-dong, the witch is dead! Which old witch? The wicked witch Ding-dong, the wicked witch is dead
Carolyn Bryant is dead.
People tend to say that when someone dies they assume that person no longer feels pain or become at a state of peace. Fuck all lat. Carolyn better had been in the most excruciatingly unbearable pain on her way out just as in the days of her raggedy ass life. 
Afterlife is a mystery, but hell better be real.
RIP Emmett & Mamie
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cartermagazine · 2 years ago
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Today In History
Emmett Louis Till was born July 25, 1941 in Chicago, Illinois. On August 28, 1955, while visiting family in Money, Mississippi, 14-year-old Emmett Till, was brutally murdered for allegedly flirting with a white woman four days earlier.
His assailants—the white woman’s husband and her brother—made Emmett carry a 75-pound cotton gin fan to the bank of the Tallahatchie River and ordered him to take off his clothes. The two men then beat him nearly to death, gouged out his eye, shot him in the head and then threw his body, tied to the cotton gin fan with barbed wire, into the river.
Three days later, his corpse was recovered but was so disfigured that Mose Wright could only identify it by an initialed ring. Authorities wanted to bury the body quickly, but Till’s mother, Mamie Bradley, requested it be sent back to Chicago.
She decided to have an open-casket funeral so that all the world could see what racist murderers had done to her only son.
CARTER™️ Magazine carter-magazine carter-mag.com #wherehistoryandhiphopmeet #historyandhiphop365 #cartermagazine #carter #emmetttill #blackhistorymonth #blackhistory #history #staywoke #mamietill
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ladyleo821 · 7 months ago
For those who swear Kam & Joe ain't did shit since being in office
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ginuwinesqueen · 7 months ago
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"We all returned to our work," "We can't do God's part, but God won't do our part." "The people had a mind to work."
"You came for us, but we didn't send for you!" "We ain't going back" "I hear the cries from Emmit Till; we ain't going back!"
Throwback Thursdays featuring Rev. Pastor Christopher Boston from Lamb of God Missionary Baptist Church. #christthekingbaptistchurch, #kamalaharris #emmetttill
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trascapades · 2 years ago
#EmmettTill #MamieTillMobley
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Today (July 25, 2023), on what would have been Emmett Till’s 82nd birthday, President Joe Biden signed a proclamation to establish the Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monument honoring Till and his mother, Mamie Till-Mobley. In 1955, Emmett was 14 when he was kidnapped, tortured and murdered because a white woman accused him of “inappropriately interacting" with her.
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Reposted from @savingplaces Meet our nation’s newest national monument, the Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monument... which includes:
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- Roberts Temple Church of God in Christ (Chicago, Illinois), founded in 1916. Following Mamie Till Mobley’s decision to “let the world see what I’ve seen,” an estimated 100,000 people filed past Emmett’s casket over three days in September 1955.
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- Tallahatchie County Courthouse (Sumner, Mississippi), the site of the September 1955 trial of J.W. Milam and Roy Bryant for Emmett Till’s murder. The building was restored to its 1955 condition and the Emmett Till Interpretive Center opened across the street to provide interpretation.
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- Graball Landing on the banks of the Tallahatchie River in Mississippi, the site where Emmett Till’s body was found.
This new national monument is an opportunity for the nation to remember the life and legacy of 14-year-old Emmett Till and his mother, Mamie Till Mobley, for catalyzing the American #CivilRightsMovement.
“Imbued in these now permanently protected buildings and landscapes are the unspeakable crimes of racial violence, and the tireless strength of Mamie Till Mobley who harnessed her grief in pursuit of #socialjustice. Through historic preservation, this multiracial coalition of partners will continue its work to uplift this new national monument and secure the resources and investment needed to ensure the site's future.”
- Brent Leggs, Executive Director, African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund
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Swipe to learn about how the National Trust's Action Fund has supported sites related to this important history.
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#TellTheFullStory #SavingPlaces #AACHAF @tillnationalpark @npcapics
#AmericanHistory #whiteSupremacy
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chitownbuck · 28 days ago
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thegospelhighways2020 · 5 months ago
Yes sir Y'all know what to do Request Prayers at the #brothertonyghost2022 we're praying for Them tonight #jocelynnungaray #briannaghey #emmetttill #tammyterrell #tammyalexander #tammyzywicki #shandasharer #biancadevins2019
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