#Emma pony Queen
rockythebullterrier · 2 years
Queen's pet corgis and pony watch funeral procession, expert says dogs will feel her loss
Queen’s pet corgis and pony watch funeral procession, expert says dogs will feel her loss
Queen Elizabeth II, who passed on 8 September, left two corgis Muick and Sandy, who attended her funeral procession last week. Along with her beloved Corgis, the Queen left many other pets including ponies and horses. The Queen’s black pony Emma watched the monarch’s funeral procession pass by in the grounds of Windsor Castle, where she was held on a lead by a groomsman, according to Reuters. The…
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galerymod · 10 days
‘In a convent, the mother superior was dying. The other nuns wanted to offer her something to drink. But the mother superior refused a glass of water. Now they tried a glass of milk, with the same result. A nun then suggested adding a little whiskey to the milk, perhaps that would help. The dying woman actually drank the glass. Shortly afterwards, she was approaching death and her subordinates asked her what her last wish was. She replied: ‘Whatever you do, never sell this cow’.’
Now her groom* has recounted a hilarious joke that Elizabeth II told him during a ride with her beloved pony Emma.
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New of today 09/11/25
*Well, does the man have to market his podcast now, or is he back to being the groom of Emma, the late Queen's favourite pony?
In the Rosebud podcast, Terry Pendry tells how the Queen, now 96 and frail, could not resist riding her favourite pony, Emma.
Well you old and frail normal citizens, if you can afford a place in a nursing home at all, always dream of how the super rich nice queen paid by the people was put frail by the nice staff on her favourite pony Emma while you lie in bed and nobody comes round to take you to the toilet.
What a beautiful performance while you wet yourself.
At least it touched me deeply, but please not a bit ... the lambs are always given the illusion of participation, even though they are only kept in line with nice sentimental stories of the royals.
Hats off to the best marketing with a deceased queen.
Let's put it nicely, we are pro-royalist unless of course we are not of blue blood ourselves with the appropriate privilege.
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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A new photograph of Queen Elizabeth’s fell pony, Emma. For the past fifteen years, Queen Elizabeth regularly rode Emma for light exercise in the grounds around Windsor Castle. Emma paid tribute to Her Majesty during the Ceremonial Procession in Windsor on Monday 19th September. She will continue to be much-loved and cared for at the Royal Mews, Windsor, and regularly exercised by its small, dedicated team.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
A new picture of one of the Queen's favourite ponies, Emma, has been released
Emma the Fell Pony stood at the side of the Long Walk as her coffin was driven
A portrait of the black pony, born 1996, was released by Buckingham Palace
Queen Elizabeth II was pictured riding the beloved horse at 90 years old  
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Y’all want to be sad and angry at the same time?
Archived Link
The sad part: The Queen knew her time was coming and she still cared today goodbye to her horses and close confidantes. She was a delightful joy to the very end.
The angry part:
The servant, who at one time looked after around 100 of the Royal Family's horses and ponies, says: 'The very last time with her wasn't a ride, I walked. She was quite frail. 'She actually ended up being smaller than Queen Elizabeth [her mother], her last four years when she was quite poorly.'
Meaning the Sussexes probably most certainly did make her last years extraordinarily miserable and that was quite apparent to those around her that she was unwell for quite a long time, so for the Sussexes to say they had no idea…they can go pound sand.
I remain convinced that the Sussexes knew exactly what was happening and planned their September 2022 “visit” to be available and in close proximity.
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kaytheday · 3 months
Official Outsiders Musical Thoughts
Hi! I know a week ago or so there was some tag-game where I was asked about my thoughts about the Outsiders musical. I have finished the soundtrack and have written my thoughts on each song under the cut. I have also included my favorite songs and overall thoughts. It’s pretty long winded because I had a lot of thoughts, on the music, lyrics, and storytelling aspects. Thanks for reading!
Tulsa 1967:
- The start almost made me laugh.
- Small town bop for sure. It seems like Ponyboy wants to leave.
- Very typical musical opening number. I enjoy the succession of this song, every musicals opening number starts slow and progresses.
- “Just last week some socs beat the living hell out of him, he hasn’t been the same since.” He did not have to introduce Johnny like that. There are other great things about Johnny.
- “If you’re not born into money, you’re born into despair.” I like this line.
Grease got a hold:
- Being a greaser is earned? I kind of like that.
- Chicks love a busted up face? Soda right though.
- “I’m a latchkey kid but they keep changing the locks” I like this line.
- “Being a greaser is playing your hand even if you’re sure you can’t win.”
- This song really broke down what a being a greaser is all about. Which the book and movie didn’t really do but I like the background.
Runs in the family:
- This is actually a bop, despite the song having sad lyrics.
- Brent Comers voice is so big. He has a thinner frame than I thought he would but you can tell his voice really projects.
- He’s got that southern sort of charm. This gives more layers to Darry and shows that Brent is fantastically talented.
- The simple double bass line and simple snare drum is perfect for the feeling the song is trying to give the audience.
-The bass line is phenomenal and I would like to learn it one day.
-One of my favorite songs overall.
Great expectations:
- Brody Grant is a very talented broadway singer, he probably has the most ‘Broadway’ sounding voice out of everyone and even if then it’s not that much.
- This song really communicates Ponyboys inner guilt at his situation. How he wants to do well despite the hand he’s been dealt. He wants to make his family proud.
- The ensemble in the back of the chorus is a really nice touch. Gives the sense that he really is overwhelmed with peoples expectations of him. That there is a ton of people counting on him, echoing his hopes and dreams.
Friday at the Drive-in
- They make it seem like Ponyboy has like a massive crush on Cherry.
- With the succession and structure of this song it just sounds like it is visually pleasing and has good dance choreography. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
I could talk to you all night:
- Why are they in love with each other?
- Emma Pittman is stunning though.
- I like that they made Cherry a more dimensional character.
- She feels like she doesn’t fit in despite her ‘queen soc’ persona.
-This is in parallel to how Ponyboy feels he doesn’t fit in with the kids he grouped in with either. For example, Ponyboy likes to draw, write, read, he actually likes school, and he is pretty emotional. This is contrast to the typical greaser, who doesn’t do any of these things. He feels alienated from his ‘group’ and so does Cherry. I could do an entire post on this!
- Harmony’s are top tier. They were moving their voices together, just great. They blend well together.
- Brody’s southern accent is terrible, though I don’t know if they are doing them in the musical at all. Someone let me know if that isn’t right.
Runs in the family (reprise)
- I always enjoy a good reprise.
- “I’ll fold laundry, I’ll fold all of it!” Soda is me.
- Brent Comer got a sweet low voice and exhibits a lot of rang in this song.
- We never got to see this side of Darry, (the emotional, worrisome side) but I think Pony and Darry will both realize that they do love each other and are more similar than they think.
Far away from Tulsa:
- Small town bop? Ponyboy still wants to get out of Tulsa.
- Also… Johnny and Ponyboy imagining a life together? Go off I guess.
- Sky Lakota has got a great voice too! They blend well.
- Brody grant does push his voice well.
- The bleed into great expectations is great foreshadowing.
Run run brother:
- Very cool mysterious minor key. The whole song has a worried urgent feel, this is perfect for the part of the story.
- Joshua Boone has got a beautiful smooth voice.
- Im sure The musical succession goes great with the choreography and I would love to see this.
- The reacuring idea that you have to earn greaser is cool. It also plays on the idea that Ponyboy doesn’t feel like he fits in with the Greasers at all.
- All the previous songs bleeding into this into kind of cacophony is cool form of story telling. And this cacophony style form is a perfect illustration of how everything is going wrong at that moment.
Justice for Tulsa:
- Sorry Kevin William Paul, his voice is quite unremarkable for a broadway singer.
- I would actually listen to a full Emma Pittman album. She’s got a sweet emotional voice and she hits all the notes well and seems genuine.
- I like this other side of the story, with cherry and Randy? (I don’t know who that is) Arguing about everything that’s happened. It gives Cherry depth.
Deaths at my door:
- Cool farm/country sounding Segway and transition.
- The themes of death following him are interesting. First his parents and and now Johnny and Dally soon.
- Great foreshadowing for what is about to happen.
-Point in the story where Ponyboy wants to give up. Again more parallels to how Darry may feel.
- ‘I had no reason to live in Tulsa’ ‘the reason I’m living is you’ ???????
Throwing in the towel:
- The southern accent is great on Brent.
- Coming to terms with the mistakes he’s made is amazing. We never got to see that before.
- Also the similar themes of both Pony and Darry wanting to give up is cool. They are more alike than they realize.
- The progression and melody of this song are cool.
- Jason Schmidt is amazing. He’s using just enough rasp in his voice but I’d like to see him use more.
- They blend so well!
- Brody grants subtle vocals on certain parts is perfect. It gives us the feeling that Ponyboy still had a great influence on his brothers though he isn’t at the house.
- I watched the music video and I cried. Probably my favorite song out of the entire soundtrack.
Sodas letter:
- This song will kill me.
- Such a nice touch.
- Almost as heartbreaking at crutchies letter from Newsies.
- The melody is very similar to Tulsa 1967 and runs in the family. This is a nod to reacuring themes through the story.
- Darry finishing the last line is everything to me.
- Also ‘say hi to Jonny for us’. 🥹
Hoods turned heroes:
- Two bit finally gets some love.
-Cool themes of how media changes perception.
Hopeless war:
- Emma Pittman vocal control is insane. Can I be just like her when I grow up?
- Also I like this side of it better. Them conversing instead of Randy and Pony.
- The melody is cool and heartbreaking, perfect for the lyrics.
- Another one of my favorites in the entire soundtrack.
- I cried.
- Basically the Outsiders version of ‘The World Will Know’ from Newsies.
- Darry caring about Ponyboy is everything. The concern in Brent’s voice is golden.
Little brother:
- Cool beginning with the slap bass and snare.
- I’ve been waiting for Joshua Boones solo song the entire time!
- I just want to hear Joshua over sing, but his performance in this song broke my heart.
- ‘Little brother’ ‘I can’t save you’ ‘I can’t even save myself’
- Foreshadowing is crazy ↑
- ‘If I ain’t got you, I ain’t got nothing else’
-Similar to ‘Wait for it’ from Hamilton.
- I like the Appalachian style sounding successions.
- Calling Johnny little brother is everything. I like that he’s called both Johnny and Pony little brothers the whole time.
- Joshua Boone is definitely star material. He reminds me of a budding Leslie Odom Jr. I wish they would have given him a chance to oversing more.
- Another one of my favorite songs
Stay gold:
- Johnny coming back? That killed me.
- He sang this song to perfection.
- ‘Finding beauty in the fold’ I love that this touched on Johnny finding peace with dying.
- The simple guitar and ballad format is perfect for Johnnys final words and Sky Lakotas voice.
- The blending in the end? Perfection.
- ‘Tell Dally, I don’t think he knows’ the voice crack killed me.
- Another song I will literally never get over.
Finale (Tulsa ‘67)
- Ponyboy really wants to leave Tulsa
- Brent comer ending it is everything.
- I love the full circle that Ponyboy knows how much his brothers do for him.
- ‘Can you imagine how proud mom and dad would be?’ 😭😭
-The ‘boys with black eyes’ monologue part is similar to the succession of newsies ‘kids working in sweatshops’ monologue.
Overall notes:
- Great! I really need to go see it!
- I like how they touched on Darry’s hardships with raising the boys more than in the book, he deserves that.
- I like how Cherry was represented more. I liked how she felt she didn’t fit in either and how she talked with Pony instead of Randy.
- They all have great voices!
- I haven’t seen it but I’m sure the choreography is amazing.
-If anyone has tickets and flights let me know 😭
My favorite songs in order:
1. Throwing in the towel
2. Runs in the Family
3. Little Brother
4. Hopeless War
5. And of course Stay Gold
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anonymoushouseplantfan · 10 months
Royal Racist- Charles, Camilla, William, Catherine, Anne, Philip, Emma the Queens pony, someone from the Crown, …… if the Sussex’s would care to clear this up, may I suggest “Recollections may vary”
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mariagreenwoodart · 7 months
Pinned post, introduction, f/o list, DNI list
Hi! My name is Maria! I'm 17 years old and I do digital (and sometimes traditional) art! My main platform is YouTube, so if you like my art on here, please consider subbing to my YouTube channel!
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Marvel Cinematic Universe (though I'm kinda losing interest)
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Hazbin hotel
Stardew valley
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Super Mario
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Epic: the musical
I'll be adding more. Mark my words.
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By the way I AM A MINOR.
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:3- :3
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Father/my girlfriend- anything with arlecchino (genshin impact). (she's not my father that's just what her title is)
Ramblings of a Swiftie- basically when I start rambling about the most random stuff about taylor Swift
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Oh and I'm british
My f/os:
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Antonia (fortnite)
Ship name: maritonia
Emoji combo: 💜💰/💰💜 (purple heart is me, money bag is Antonia)
Relationship status: Married
Nisha (fortnite) (ship name: amelisha) 💍
Montague (fortnite)
Valeria (fortnite) 💍
Aphrodite (fortnite) (ship name: aphronelope)
Midas (fortnite)
Marigold (fortnite)
Jules (fortnite)
Doctor Slone (fortnite) (ship name: echoslone) 💍
Ga ming (genshin impact)
Neuvillette (genshin impact) (ship name: chevalette) 💍
Venti (genshin impact) (ship name: aeriven)
Lisa (genshin impact) (ship name: marilisa)
Raiden Shogun/Ei (genshin impact) (ship name: blossomblade/sakurei)💍
Arlecchino (Genshin Impact) (ship name: arlerosa)
Wally Darling (Welcome Home) (ship name: walleve)
Nemona (pokemon scarlet and violet)
Vinnie (Ramshackle) (ship name: vinnivy)
Mavuika (Genshin Impact)
Lyney (Genshin Impact) (ship name: lynesme)
Golden Queen/Aurea (Skylanders)
Beidou (Genshin Impact) (ship name: beiriana)
Emma Frost (X-men/Fortnite)
Rensa (Scratchin' Melodii)
Alastor (hazbin hotel) (father-daughter)
Rosie (hazbin hotel) (aunt-niece)
Lilith Clawthorne (the owl house) (mother-daughter)
Ford Pines (gravity falls) (grunkle-niece)
Jamtine (Scratchin' Melodii) (sisters)
Ballister Boldheart (nimona)
Angel Dust (hazbin hotel)
Glamrock Freddy (FNaF security breach)
Roxanne Wolf (FNaF security breach)
Vanessa (FNaF security breach)
Artemis (specifically the fortnite version)
I am fine with sharing f/os!
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master-john-uk · 14 days
I am now in tears... again! But the article does reveal that our dear Queen never lost her wicked sense of humour!
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
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saintmeghanmarkle · 15 days
Reading this article in the DM about how HMTLQ's groom helped the late fragile Queen on her final ride on Emma is so moving. And then I remember how those 2 horrible heartless humans treated her at the end and my disgust and contempt reignites. by u/Von_und_zu_
Reading this article in the DM about how HMTLQ's groom helped the late fragile Queen on her final ride on Emma is so moving. And then I remember how those 2 horrible heartless humans treated her at the end and my disgust and contempt reignites. EXCLUSIVEHow I helped the frail Queen as she rode her beloved pony Emma one final, moving time... and got a playful telling off for daring to mention her age!There must be a special place in hell for those 2 monstrous creatures.In a deeply moving account, her long-standing stud groom Terry Pendry reveals for the first time that the former monarch was so frail and tiny that he had to help her off her mount – even though she had bravely insisted on climbing into the saddle herself.And instead of riding by her side as usual, the sovereign asked him to walk alongside so she wouldn't fall.\***'She actually ended up being smaller than Queen Elizabeth [her mother], her last four years when she was quite poorly.'Referring to the mounting block she used, he explained: 'As she aged I used to have to once a year put another step on it. She could go up and step on to Emma, but I always used to have to lift her off.\***'I had an inkling that was probably the last time I was going to see her. When I used to lift her off her pony she was getting lighter and lighter and frailer and frailer.'https://ift.tt/yPVIleO post link: https://ift.tt/TDVpo9O author: Von_und_zu_ submitted: September 06, 2024 at 07:18AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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amandacastroworld · 9 months
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Child (After)
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Child (Before)
Monica Adult/Woman Godmother/Jorel's Sister
Feature films
Monica Adult x Miraculous
Monica Adult 2: Monica's Gang x My Little Pony
Monica Adult 3: meets Special Agent Oso
Monica Adult 4: Special Friend Pen Pal
Monica Adult 5: meets Pokémon
Monica Adult 6: Big Nate meet Pixie Girl
Monica Adult 7: Monica Adult x WALL-E
Monica Adult 8: Little Flower Save the Day
Monica Adult 9: meets Ant Man
Monica Adult x Jorel's Brother
Monica Adult: Jorel's Brother and Big Nate stay the House at Party
Monica Adult: Miraculous Heroes vs Queen Bully
Monica Adult 10: meet Papa Louie and Friends
Monica Adult vs Evil Jorel's Brother
Monica Adult: meets Sonic and his Friends
Monica Adult: The Sonic and Amy Games
Monica Adult: meets Totally Spies
Monica Adult: Disneyland Paris
Monica Adult: Miraculous Heroes saves Mothers and Fathers
Monica Adult: Spies meets Pinocchio
Short films:
Monica Adult: Jorel's Brother saves the day
Monica Adult: Little Flower and the Best Friends
Monica Adult: Wedding of Nina and Carlos
Monica Adult the Series (Seasons 1, 2 and 3)
Monica Adult and Jorel's Brother (1, and 2)
Monica Adult: Team Godmother and Godfather
Emma Stone (Adult/speaking)
Jill Scott (singing)
America Young (Teen)
Cassidy Naber (Child)
Monica's Gang
Manolo Sánchez
Marc Anciel
María Posada
Pixie Girl
Fairy Godmother
Character information
Full Name
Mônica de Sousa
Other names
Bucktoothed Shorty (all insults by the bad boys)
Goat (by Nathaniel)
Aunt (by Toodler Marc)
Mommy (by Monique, Walter and Jimmy Six)
Miss Sousa (by Mailman)
Queen Monica (by Sabrine Chang)
Woman Godmother (by Jorel's Brother, Jorel, Lara and Nico)
Woman Rich (by Raindow Dash)
Jorel's Sister (by Betterfly)
Miss Monica (by Jorel's Brother, Lara, Betterfly and Pinocchio)
9 Years 13 Years 19 Years 24 Years 25 Years Years 26
Godmother Work
Worker of Cafeland
Fashion designer
Maggy/Captian Godmother's boss
Owner of Jimmy Five
Cocoplay School Adult and Teens
Monica's Giga Mansion
Fighting crime, red dresses, Maggy, Jimmy Five the hero, Smudge, her friends, her powers, Nina, Marc Anciel, Miraculous Heroes, Nathaniel, Raindow Dash, Dotty, Pikachu, Pokemon, help friends healing Nina, Good Gabriel, Marinette and Adrien (Cat Noir and Ladybug), her kids, Magic Rings, Video Games, her pupil Jorel's Brother, Cafeland, Playing a Little Flower, Her Adoptive Sister, Jorel's Brother, Dreams, going to balls, dancing, singing, animals, romance, flowers, money, youtubers, games, French Miraculous superhero team, Flower Miraculous, Dance, Singing, Totally Spies, Pinocchio
Jimmy Five the villain, being teased, Jimmy Five stealing Samson from her Nina is died, Snakes, Monicuda, Lila Rossi, Jorel's Brother a trouble, Bullying, Wall-Monicuda, Mother and Father's Death, Haters, Her hater, Bullies, Dr. Eggman, Tails' Bullies
Powers and abilities
Super-human strength
Immense strength
Immense surability Leaping Craftiness Agility
Size Manipulation
Control Size Addition Superhuman Strength Superhuman Durability
Cryokinesis Life creation Extract water memories
Communication with animals
Communication with Jorel's Brother
Superhuman Strength
Elasticity Shape-shifting Metamorphosis Hand-to hand combat Density alteration
Invisibility Force field generation
See below
Depending on the character she interprets it has various powers
Samson (Bunny)
Magic Wand
Magic Pen
First Aid
Magic Rings
Gold Boots
Flower Miraculous
Gold, Money, Diamond and Crystal Headband
Glow-Up Tiara
Magic Headband
Card Gifts
Nina's Music Box
Family information
Mr. Sousa †  (father)
Luísa Sousa † (mother)
Jimmy Five (husband)
Nina (Crush/girlfriend)
Other relatives:
Mary Angela (Sister-in-law)
Mr. Five (father-in-law)
Ms. Five (mother-in-law)
Eve-Maggy (Sister-in-law)
Alan (Co Brother-in-law)
Alice and Elena (Nieces)
Alan Jr. (Nephew)
Angel Boy (Adoptive Brother-in-law)
Emma (Niece)
Wall-Monica (Twin Sister)
Bibi (Adoptive Sister)
Monique (daughter)
Walter (adoptive son)
Jimmy Six (son)
Jimmy Five Jr. (son)
Jônica and Cenourinha (twins son and daughter)
Jorel's Brother and Lara (Guardians)
Ditto (pet dog)
Sky (Pegasus)
Friends / Allies
Cebolinha (rival and love interest; later husband)
Cascão Magali (best friend) Doreen Jeremiah Franklin Sunny Denise Marina Milena Angel/Angelo The River Mermaid
Mrs. Johnson
Doctor Isabel
Her Teacher
Mrs. Anciel
Mr. Anciel
Nathaniel's Mother
Nathaniel's Father
Lily Anciel
Evil Monicuda
Evil Magaluda
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug
Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir
Ivan Bruel/Minotaurox
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace
Lê Chiến Kim/King Monkey
Max Kanté/Pegasus
Zoé Lee/Vesperia
Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge
Rose Lavillant/Pigella
Mylène Haprèle/Polymouse
Juleka Couffaine/Purple Tigress
Marc Anciel/Rooster Bold
Nathaniel Kurtzberg/Caprikid
Luka Couffaine/Viperion Alix Kubdel/Bunnyx
Sabrina Raincomprix/Miss Hound
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
Félix Fathom/Argos
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Re Verse)/Ladybug
Adrien Agreste/Paw Noir
Socqueline Wang/Caterpillar
Gabriel Agreste/Re-Verse
Aurore Beauréal
Mireille Caquet
The Forgotten
Sabine Cheng
My Little Pony
Rainbow Dash
Pinkie Pie
Sunset Shimmer
Twilight Sparkle
Starlight Glimmer
Trixie Lulamoon
Fuchsia Blush
Lavender Lace
Spike the Dragon
Special Agent Oso
Marie Mouse
Nicole Sims
Nina Castro (Fan/Best Friend/Girlfriend)
Carlos de Castro Oliveira
Ash Ketchum
Isabelle Stone
Pixie Girl
Teacher Games
Suzy Willows
Nate Wright
Ellen Wright 
Francis Pope
Teddy Ortiz Jenny Jenkins Mr. Rosa Artur Pashkov (sometimes) Dee Dee Holloway Chad Applewhite Daphne Ruby Dinsmore
EVE M-O Captain B. McCrea Hal VN-GO VAQ-M PR-T L-T BR-LA D-FIB HAN-S WALL-A John Mary
Bibble (Helper/Maid)
Ant-Man (Scott Lang)
Jorel's Brother
Ana Catarina
Danuza Edson 
Rovena Fabinho Marcelinho
Marc Anciel's Aunt
Marc Anciel's Uncle
Marc Anciel's Cousins
Doctor Isadora
Sofia (Girlfriend)
Shadow the Hedgehog
Rouge the Bat
Sonic the Hedgehog
Miles "Tails" Prower
Knuckles the Echidna
Amy Rose
Cream the Rabbit
Big the Cat
Totally Spies
Alexandra Huang
Sam Sullivan
Clover Andersson Jerry Lewis Britney Tang
Mickey Mouse
Minnie Mouse
Donald Duck
Daisy Duck
Chip and Dale
Disney Heroes and Princesses
Amanda de Brown
Forgotten de Brown
Sofi/Guardian the Robot (Timm's Girlfriend/Fan/Best Friend)
Rosie's Mother (Angel)
Rosie Flower
Blue Fairy
Jiminy Cricket
Honest John (formerly)
Gideon (formerly)
Lucky the Cat
Momo the Cat
Kenny the Cat
Angelo and Julia
Vivica's Twin Sons
Queen Monique
Sophia (Nathaniel's Sister)
Hazel's Teacher
Penha (archenemy)
Captain Fray Agnes Agnes's Parents Sofia Viviane, the Witch Dr. Spam Yuka Cebolinha (everytime he tries to steal her bunny) Cascão (everytime he helps Jimmy' plans)
Lila Rossi
Lila's Clones
Evil Monica† 
Angel (Tekken)
Bibble (formerly)
Evil Fuleco
Lucky the Cat (formerly)
Momo the Cat (formerly)
Kenny the Cat (formerly)
The three Rich Angel Girls
Angel's Three Sisters
Team Rocket (sometimes)
Jessie (archenemy)
James (second archenemy)
Meowth (third archenemy)
Gina Hemphill-Toms
Mrs. Godfrey (adult archenemy)
GO-4 † SECUR-T units
WALL-E's Rival
Queen Lady †
Monicuda's Mother†
The Witch†
Evil Jorel's Brother†
Scooter's Bullies
Evil Hair Salon†
Queen Bully†
Dr. Eggman
Shelly (Shadow's Rival)
Mandy Dominique Caitlin Mindy
3 Pinocchio's Rivals
Honest John Gideon Stromboli Coachman Coachman's Minions
Monica is a genius, billionaire, rich, playboy, and philanthropist.
Jimmy Five then decides to send her away to study with the all boys in Paris (Miraculous) in order to curb her rebellious New Face and become a proper adult. When she is sent off, Jimmy Five cries and excuses himself.
Monica, and Maggy returns to Lemon Tree Street ten years later having grown into two beautiful young womans adults (24 years), Marc Anciel, Nathaniel, Mylene and Marinette's Friends becomes Teenages and Lily Anciel (Marc Anciel's Sister) becomes Hair adult
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ginnyrules27 · 11 months
The VKs and AKs.
If they were to have a theme song, what would they be? The catch? NO DISNEY SONGS!
Okay first of all the No Disney Songs rule was pure evil! Secondly, I didn't know if you meant 'individual' theme songs or 'group' theme songs...so I did both!
And no I didn't do all of the VKs/AKs because well...that's a lot of people and I don't listen to that much non-Disney music
Claudine: Tolerate It (TS)/Hush Little Baby
Mal: The Man (TS)/Queen (Loren Gray)/Apex Preditor (Mean Girls)
Henry: Something Good (Sound of Music) 
Ryan: Unsaid Emily (Julie and the Phantoms) (Yes I know the song's about Luke's relationship with his mother but still!)
Harry: Perfect (Simple Plan)
Uma: Get Down (Six) 
Harriet: That Don’t Impress Me Much (Shania Twain)
CJ: Stupid Girls (P!nk)
Freddy: It’s Tough to be a God (El Dorado) 
Zevon: Black Magic (Little Mix) 
Ginny: Miss Independent (Kelly Clarkson) 
Celia: La la Land (Demi Lovato) 
Hadie: Ghosted (Jeremy Shada) (I don't know if it truly fits Hadie but the ghost reference was too good not to pick lol)
VK theme as a group: Don’t Stop Me Now (Queen)/Raise Your Glass (P!nk) 
Ben: I Want Crazy (Hunter Hayes) 
Emir: Be Okay (Oh Honey) 
Akiho: Home (Phillip Phillips) 
Audrey (Audie): The Pony I Want to Be/My Past is Not Today (MLP)
Audrey (Choosing): All Eyes On Me (Julie and the Phantoms)
Chad: Fit Hot Guys Have Problems Too (Crazy Ex Girlfriend) 
Kitty: Breakfast (Dove Cameron) 
Lucy: On the Ride (Aly and AJ)
Alexandria: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun 
Lonnie: This One’s for the Girls (Martina McBride) 
Emma: Roar (Katy Perry) 
Elle: Stand Tall (Julie and the Phantoms) 
Chip: Gettin’ Bi (Crazy Ex Girlfriend) 
AK theme as a group: A True, True Friend (MLP) 
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
The Queen’s favourite horses
Horse & Hound | Published 11 June 2020
IT’S almost impossible to name all the horses and ponies that Her Majesty has enjoyed over the decades. You have to bear in mind she breeds racehorses, carriage horses, hunters, sports and riding horses, and also polo ponies when, back in the day, His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh was playing at a very high level.
There are, of course, the rare breeds such as Cleveland Bays for the carriages at Buckingham Palace and of course her beloved Highland and Fell ponies.
Here, we cover just a few of Her Majesty’s special horses and ponies. It only scratches the surface of all those The Queen has bred. There are so many more that could be spoken of. Her knowledge and expertise is well known. She names all of her horses and ponies herself and can remember the parentage of every single one.
She still enjoys riding to this very day, and it is an important part of her life. Her Majesty has a fountain of knowledge in all things equine, you might say a living encyclopedia.
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WE would have to start with Betsy, a 15.2hh black-brown mare that Her Majesty used to ride in the 1960s. Betsy was full of character and spirit and much enjoyed by The Queen.
BURMESE was presented to Her Majesty in 1969 by The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and The Queen rode her in Trooping the Colour for 18 years before the mare retired in 1986 to Windsor. There she enjoyed four years before passing away at the age of 28. Burmese is buried in the grounds of the Home Park private.
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PRINCESS ANNE, as she was then, won the European Eventing Championships at Burghley on Doublet in 1971.
Would you believe he was bred to be a polo pony? But he obviously grew and could jump, so became a fine ride for Princess Anne – meaning that The Queen bred both the horse and rider!
A FEW weeks ago, the Horse & Hound featured Captain Mark Phillips in its Legends series (21 May). One of the horses he mentioned was Columbus, a 17.1hh grey sired by Colonist – who was Winston Churchill’s stallion that stood at Sandringham Stud for a period of time.
Princess Anne first evented Columbus at novice and intermediate level but found him too strong, saying that he was more of a man’s ride. His stable name was The Monster.
Although Columbus was plagued with leg injuries, he won Badminton in 1974 — which made Her Majesty very proud. He also hunted and team chased, and even jumped round the old Grand National course with relish and ease. Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother always said he was the Grand National horse that never was. She would have loved him for herself.
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THIS brown riding horse was a firm favourite for many years. The photograph was our Golden Jubilee picture with a beautiful acer tree with its golden leaves in the background.
Sanction, this issue’s cover star, was almost telepathic and had a very strong bond with Her Majesty and would almost know what The Queen wanted and in which direction she would like to go before instructed to do so.
He sadly passed away in the autumn of that same year, 2002, at the age of 24. He is also buried in the grounds of the Home Park private.
Sanction was the last home-bred horse that Her Majesty rode before making the decision to start riding native ponies. A little nearer to the ground, so to speak.
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Balmoral Jingle and Balmoral Curlew
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TWO beautiful Highland ponies made for a most natural choice. Balmoral Jingle (above, left) and Balmoral Curlew were shown by Lizzie Briant before joining The Royal Mews at Windsor. Both ponies were a huge success in the show ring and eventually went on to become broodmares at the Balmoral Stud.
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FROM Highlands to Fells. This lovely picture is of Fell pony Emma. Again produced in the show ring by Lizzie Briant, Emma has been a wonderful servant to Her Majesty and is still going strong at the age of 24 as one of The Queen’s riding ponies.
The Fell Pony Society came to honour The Queen’s 90th birthday and said they would like to bring 90 ponies. They came with 120! They lined the red route of the castle for Her Majesty, who sat on His Royal Highness’ driving Fell pony team followed by Emma. It truly was a wonderful day.
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Pictures by Godfrey Argent, Getty Images, Cyril Diamond, Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images and Henry Dallal 
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ikinizukumidoriya · 2 years
Stoked head canon
• prefer cats over dogs even tho he has a dog
• had gap teeth as a kid
• is a huge fan of spider-man (but hates spiders)
• he’s favourite Marine animal is a shark
• hates science (cause of he’s teacher)
• likes frogs and snakes (any type of reptiles)
• has good music taste obviously (AC/DC fan real)
• he sometimes likes to draw
• learned to surf at 7
• did gymnastics at 6
• cut her own hair when she was 13 cause she hated her long hair (parents wasn’t happy at all)
• is a daddy girl
• learned to skateboard at 10 and surfing at 6
• likes wearing hoodies
• had freckles as a kid but faded away
• has a favourite sibling (Sam obviously)
• hates dresses but I feel like she would be fine with skirts🤷🏾‍♀️
• has good music taste (better than reef)
• plays volleyball at her school
• likes sci-fi movies
• did gymnastics at 8
• likes skiing too
• mlp fan her favourites pony’s (Rarity, Trixie, Starlight Glimmer and Cadence)
• as a kid she used to copy Ty whenever she was bored
• has a mlp playlist
• loved watching Angelina Ballerina
• used to do dancing at 5 then stop at 14
• likes geography
• love horses and ponies
• had a horse girl phases and many other
• loves cats and bunnies
• was a barbie girl (her fav was the mermaid tale 2)
• had pigtails
• used to create potions
• had a justin beiber phase
• one direction girl (and Lo)
• has a playlist of 1D and JB
• queen at just dance fr
• hates maths
• has a ton of stuff animals
• has a playlist of 80’s songs
• love horror movies
• king of video games (better than reef)
• watches JJBA
• sleeps with hes legs out of the blankets
• put the milk before cereal
• likes history and science
• also watches JJBA
• likes science and maths
• listen too pop
• is a pro at every Mario game (huge fan)
• teases reef whenever reef annoys him
• is a mama boy
• likes to collect leaves and insects
• loves journaling
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