#Emma Orchard
catedwrites · 6 months
A Duke of One's Own
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A Duke of One's Own is a well-written, well-plotted, and well-paced historical romance with plenty of spice, banter, and heart. I'm tempted to leave it at that fact. But I have to, regretfully, say it really didn't click for me. Despite the detailed, open-door sex scenes (which I am all in favor of, don't get me wrong), I never really felt the chemistry between Georgie and Gabriel. Frankly, I didn't much care for either of them as individuals, which means I wasn't particularly invested in their relationship. Maybe it's just a me-thing; I have a feeling most readers will thoroughly enjoy all this one has to offer.
Thanks to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for the ebook ARC. All opinions are mine alone.
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“‎The Second Lady Silverwood”, by Emma Orchard
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I read this book from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review RELEASE DATE - Apr20, 2023 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Seven years ago, when she was only 18 and on her first season, Kate fell in love with the younger brother of Lord Silverwood, a young soldier named Benedict. They danced together at several soirées but as soon as he set eyes on the diamond of the season, Vanessa Ansell, he lost his heart to her and forgot about Kate completely.
Now, Ben is returning from fighting Napoleon in Spain and France. His mother is of fragile health and his old governess should have retired ages ago, it isn’t fair for the two women that they’d have to look after his daughter Lucy, a child of 6 who lost her mother when she was very little. But Benedict not only lost Vanessa, around the same time, his older brother died with his wife and son in a carriage accident, leaving Ben with the responsibility of being the new Lord Silverwood, baronet and magistrate.
There is a vicar in the village nearby who lives in reduced circumstances and who is so old and is so ill that he could die any day now. He lives with the sole company of his daughter’s daughter, a woman of 25 who has been in love with Ben for seven years. That woman, of course, is Kate. When her grandfather dies she would have to decide what to do with her life, she could seek employ as a governess or she could go to her late father’s mother, an Italian noblewoman who now lives in Parma. For the time being she teaches little Lucy the language and and has become friends with Ben’s mother. The old woman has guessed Kate’s feelings for her son and is set on seeing them married, for the young woman already loves Lucy and thinks that she will be a good mother to her, but also she will be able to bear him an heir. Of course she manages to convince Benedict who doesn’t really remember having met Kate all those years ago, but is attracted to her and he proposes. Kate knows he won’t love her, but she will have the love of Lucy and the children they might have together, and she says yes.
I was, at first, surprised by the style of writing chosen by Emma Orchard. It follows the path of writers like Georgette Heyer who used to imitate, but not quite, the style of writing of the past. The vocabulary, the expressions and turns of phrase, it all reminds me of Jane Austen, the Brontës and all of the classics. It is rather unusual to find such language nowadays as even the historical romances are usually written in a modern style, even if the characters have a 19th century speech. It took me a few pages to find my footing but once I did, I focused my attention on the story so much that I could not stop reading. In that regard, the book is a page turner.
Ben’s and Kate’s story is delightfully slow paced. Most of the book is actually a collection of sitting room and tea set scenes and above all, family scenes, for this is a very important aspect of the story and particularly of both the hero and the heroine, they are very much attached to their respective families and on amicable terms with each other’s at the same time. As a result, we get a very cosy, very heartwarming and charming Cinderella-ish tale set in the English countryside.
But do not be mistaken, despite what the writing choices may lead you to think, this is a very steamy book. Benedict is powerfully attracted to Kate, and she is so in love with him. They barely can take their hands off of each other. The intimacy between them is one of learning and exploration of their wants, their desires and their own body responses. But they never speak of love and Kate is afraid of telling him her feelings in case she scares him away. And, in a manner of speaking, the spirit of Vanessa still lingers.
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batrachised · 10 months
What were their names? Florrie Woods, Melissa Foster—no, Melissa Palmer—Emma Scott, and Jennie May Ferguson. Can she be one of them? No, it is a flagrant waste of time and gray matter supposing it. That girl couldn’t be a Florrie or a Melissa or an Emma, while Jennie May is completely out of the question.
this is made more funny when you know kilmeny's name was originally UNA
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Emma Lea Orchard, 2023
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pawborough · 2 days
August-September Post-Alpha Check In
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Hello, everyone!
With the release of Alpha testing, we have in this update a retrospective on the test itself, a host of content from August, some lore drop, and word on where we are with Moontail and Leopard! 
Let’s begin with some art!
Southern Romanovtsa 
Users in our Discord participated in a community game to see the preproduction designs of our Romanovtsa variants. The Southern olive variant is done!
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Design and illustration by Hydde
We’ve illustrated two more forum crests, Orchard Crest and Spectral Crest!
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Design and illustration by Giulia
Currently, Demonic is being illustrated now!
Regal Set recolors
Regal set had its recolors done!
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Black, grey, white, red, orange, yellow, green, teal, blue, purple, pink, and brown, recolors by Emma (@missbluefrost)
New Accessory: Gilded Crest
Next, preview of the design for the Gilded Crest, the sponsored accessory item from the individual who won our sweepstakes: Emma! (Not the one on our team)
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KS sponsored by Emma, illustrated by Azarel
Harvest Logo
As promised, the Harvest logo was updated to better reflect the difference in the thematic stone and incense items. 
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This visual will slowly be updated in all our content. 
Wheatley and Crowley
Take a peak at the newest progress on Whealtey and Crowley!
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Leopard and Moontails Check In
As promised, we want to release these two things together. So where are we? 
Moontails have all patterns but Leopard done. 
Moontail wing colors, a mighty feat, are good to go, but we are currently working on perfecting the tail and whisker glow colors. Moontails will be utilizing the accent 1 color for their glow tint, much like the previous cat creator, and we’ve had to start from the ground up on accommodating all of our colors in a way that flatters the glow. 
In addition, doing this work now will help benefit any glowing mystic breeds in the future... ;)
Here is an example of in-progress glow designs: 
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Thistle, Wisteria, River
Overall this breed is very robust in comparison to our other breeds, and it will be extremely rewarding to release all 3 wing types at once. With all the effort gone in, Moontails have certainly earned their place as a legacy breed. 
Leopard is all done! Sans Moontails, but they’re currently being worked on. Here is an in-progress example:
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WIP by Asp
Though, we are wary of using the designated “tiger” palette for Leopard 100% of the time, as we worry this will create a washed-out look for the pattern in the majority of cases, so while we tool Moontail glows, we’re visiting altering Leopard spot colors. 
As far as art goes as a whole, these two things are concurrently working alongside our main production push. A vast majority of our time is going towards icons or continuing accessory illustration. This will limit the amount of new content we can share, as it will just be the same items repeated several times over! However, we’re dedicated to taking the time to not only prepare our starter breeds, but to expand the breed compatibility for each accessory as soon as possible! 
New Information on the land of Kotemara
New information on the continent known as Kotemara, which is the name for the giant landmass that users will be joining when they play PawBorough. 
Kotemara is home to 7 Boroughs, which each have a capital, we're here to share the capital names for each!
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Luna: Kotikansa Sol: Borheim  Upper Abyssal: Tsuribari Lower Abyssal: Umiya Zenith: Felkin Harvest: Hillshire Cogwheel: New Brassgate The Metropolis: The Spire
But there's something else...
The Wastes
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The magic of the geological deposits that Catfolk are currently studying and learning has ran rampant in large areas around Kotemara, influencing the localized flora and fauna. These areas are home to large, powerful, magical beasts roaming the land, colloquially called Wastebeasts. Plant life either dies out, save for hardy, shrubby grasses and sparse foliage, or overgrows and mutates into a magical nightmare. 
All Wastebeasts are very dangerous and magically aggressive. Cats who brave the wastes seldom return home, and catfolk settlements bordering the wastes are frequently terrorized by Wastebeast attacks. 
The Spire, the head magical academy in The Metropolis, has sworn to make studying and controlling the Wastes its top priority in magical research and modernization. But the latest achievements coming from The Spire have been little more than pithy advancements in magical products...  
Independent organizations like Maven's Guild have cropped up around the Boroughs, with trained recruits helping scared cats cross the wastes, helping to fend off Wastebeasts from catfolk villages, and to assist with mundane errands. 
As you learn about Maven and her organization, you'll discover more about her connection to the Wastes... 
Alpha Retrospective
At the beginning of this month, we started dedicated Alpha testing. This was a challenging time, as we as a team have never before performed public-facing testing of this nature. 
But we are jovial and positive behind the scenes, because we have learned a lot regarding our own application, our development tactics, user feedback tracking, user desires, and community support management. This test-run has given us beginning experience on how the full game will function with an active user base, and has allowed us to foster a more prepared understanding for not only server preparation, but all further development efforts. 
In addition, the mass amounts of testing and QA reporting has truly helped to improve our development, as we can knock out and identify bugs much easier. We are thriving with this, able to swiftly chop and iterate upon any flaws found in the functionality. The flow of tickets means there’s always something to improve on, and we have burgeoned with this setup.  
The warm and positive attitude from our testers has also helped to lift our spirits. We’re very open to the criticism and feedback we have received on the application thus far! In fact, we’re duly grateful that so many users have put in their valuable time and energy to both constructively and bluntly critique what we have. Earnestly, with no aggression nor sarcasm: It is stellar that we have users who care. It means that we have something which people love, and want to see improve, and we could not ask for better! 
That being said, we were expecting more aggression and user vitriol than we actually received thus far, and it’s uplifted the spirits of our team in such a way that we’re real fired up!
Our biggest aspects we want to improve on going forward is: 
Better user-side communication. This will come as we grow and can expand our team. Right now, only two individuals handle user tickets, and with one of them being myself, who also handles a great brunt of not only user-side updates, but also all development management, and it can cause swift and detailed user-side communication to suffer. This is certainly a problem!  The infallible solution will be to hire more help once we have the resources, and for now we’ll do our best to structure the responsibility in a way which prioritizes communication more favorably for users in the coming future. We truly owe you all better! And we are very grateful that you are all so patient while we’re working this hard.
Better code management. In general, we’d like to see things come out the gate a little less breakable, and this is on us to improve. We’ve tightened our form, including running more tests before releasing updates or iterating, and we’re only seeing the application get stronger from here.
Staying vague on promising deadlines. Unfortunately, we did fall a month behind, and taking that into consideration, we're just not in a place to make sweeping promises on the timeline. We admit fault, and will learn from this. From here, we're going to err on the side of caution and simply take the time we need. It smarts that we have had so many roadbumps and delays, but what's important is that we are consistently making progress, and that the final product is robust and surpasses user expectation for fun and enjoyment. We're keeping our heads down and grinding on.
And here’s a summary of what we liked: 
Even without a gameplay loop, users have frequently reported having fun interacting with the mechanics. This implies that there’s an inherent enjoyment to the setup, and is one of the best omens for longevity as a game that we could receive. It means that, at our core, we have an enjoyable game. That’s huge! We can only improve!
We’ve knocked out bugs fast. Users have been happy to see new iterations frequently released for testing. 
Users are very eager to test, giving us detailed reports that improve our development.
In conclusion, this has been a hugely positive experience, and we’re excited to keep building and improving. 
We’re hoping to run this test for a few more weeks while we do the following:
Nail down intended functionality of all working mechanics. 
Iterate a few key functionalities: metamorphics, cross-team play, and potentially combat. 
We’ll then close the test, with an announcement of such a week before closing, and take some time to rest, reflect, iterate on any important aspects of the game that we’re missing, and polish what we have with the most pertinent user feedback. After which, we’ll prepare for the opening of Closed Beta! 
Here is an updated timeline to reflect how things are shaking out:
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This will be cross-posted to our socials as we focus on updating them!
If I can provide a small update from myself, the project lead: Overall it’s been great, though I am personally working a lot. Between everything I do, I have been working myself to sleep most days of the week. Right now, I eat, I sleep, and I wake up to work on PawBorough, and many times I forgo the sleep part. So I have been extremely grateful for the positivity and patience from the user base, and I have to pre-emptively request a bit of grace and patience if I disappear for a time to get some rest. 
But saying this, I stress that you all do not worry about me! I am completely alright! In fact I am very happy to be working, and I love it. I simply want to communicate the amount of dedication I have right now, ask for a bit of grace if I'm slow to reply to questions or tickets, and to give a big THANK YOU for the opportunity you all have given me to be doing this. I really could not be more in love with PawBorough, and so far I see a bright path for it to grow its wings and flourish as it improves. I hope all of our supporters and users feel this with me!
And from here, I am going to be taking this upcoming weekend away to rest. But we'll be back bright and squirrelly on Monday!
To summarize: We shared the Southern Romanovtsa, Regal set recoloring, 2 new crests, the Gilded Crest accessory, the updated Harvest logo, an NPC wip, a lore drop for longterm conflict, and our Alpha retrospective.
What to expect next update: Further asset and development updates. Check-ins for how Alpha is going, updated Borough descriptions to put on the site, and any further plans we'll have to share. 
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The inhabitants of North and South America had grand cities, expansive agricultural fields, large-scale irrigation, and huge earthworks, including agricultural terracing, residential platforms above floodplain aquaculture works, and massive religious mounds —some in the shapes of animals. Near present-day St. Louis, one can still climb the central mound of the corn-crazy metropolis of Cahokia, a London-sized city that flourished from about A.D. 950 to 1250. And nearly everywhere people had a way with fire. Many North American groups used fire to clear areas to promote new green growth, which would in turn attract grazing animals that could be hunted. The Haudenosaunee, for example, burned Manhattan every fall. Many American prairies and grasslands thought to be “natural” were in fact artifacts of Indian land management.
In the east of North America, for hundreds of years before Europeans arrived, people supplemented their maize crops by using fire and tree planting to create orchards. These orchards have now mostly melted back into the forest but can still be picked out by their high concentrations of chestnuts, walnuts, pecans, hickory, and the like.
Emma Marris, Rambunctious Garden: Saving Nature in a Post-Wild World
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flowerandblood · 1 year
The Cherry Orchard (Oneshot)
[ students • modern!Aemond x fem!oc]
[warnings: just pure fluff my guys, safe space]
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[description: She and Aemond are graphic design students, taking part in a competition for the best poster for a big festival in their city. When Aemond wins it, she begins to pay more attention to him, wanting to get to know him and befriend him. He remains completely indifferent, until he finds out that she can help him with a very important matter. Pure fluff.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
My other works: Masterlist
A competition was announced at the graphics department of the Academy of Fine Art. The task was to create a poster for the symphony orchestra festival in their city. The festival itself was called Musical Architecture and received a large amount of funding, so the first three places were to receive a cash prize. The winning design was to be hung around the city and represent the entire festival. Bell decided that it was the perfect time to show off her skills.
She created a poster design in which a simple, minimalist house was composed of only musical notes. She added typography in the background and was pleased that it was a really cool, fresh idea. The whole thing looked simple and struck with a strong, legible sign, which was immediately associated with the name of the festival. She took the printout of her poster to her professor in whose design studio she was studying, and waited.
A council composed of professors of graphics and representatives of the festival gathered to choose the best works. After a few days the results were posted, which were available to everyone along with the classification. Bell, along with other classmates, ran up curiously to see who had won. She looked at the list and sighed heavily.
First Prize: Aemond Targaryen Second Prize: Emmet Colren Third Prize: Anna Bernard 1st Honorable Mention: Bell Stark Second Honorable Mention: Emma Arryn
"For fuck's sake!" She groaned, rubbing her face in fury.
She thought that fourth place was the worst place that could be because you are so close to the podium and you can only look at it. She would have taken this loss better if the overall winner, Aemond, hadn't been a year below her and the others on the list.
Aemond immediately caught her attention. Although she saw him only during woodcut classes, because the workshops were common for all years, she practically did not exchange a word with him. He only had three friends to hang out with, but otherwise he didn't talk to anyone.
She was embarrassed to pay attention to him because she thought that he was handsome. Unlike her other colleagues who favored a light, casual style of clothing, Aemond was always smartly dressed, almost as if he were a student of law rather than an arts.
Bell often looked over his shoulder, watching him laboriously cut out his stencils. All his works more or less referred to the works of the old masters. He created them with such finesse and processed them in such a way that he added his own, original, ironic commentary to them. His prints were always perfect and clean, unlike hers.
Her work was wild and chaotic, and while she also loved Renaissance and Baroque art, she didn't have the flair for capturing detail that he did. She was too expressive, her gestures were more emotional and ill-considered, which in the end added lightness to the whole work.
She liked to listen to him from the side. When he was talking to one of his friends, Isabel, he told various interesting anecdotes about religion, culture, art history. Bell felt like he knew everything, and thought that he must have read a lot.
She mentally agreed with everything that he said and could barely stop herself from approaching him and asking him about the various things that he was talking about.
She didn't dare.
Looking at him, she thought that she could make him happy. That if he wanted to, he would find in her a friend, listener and companion of his scientific quest. Embarrassed and ashamed at the thought, she gave up trying to get his attention.
The professors of the design studio decided that from this year, the semester reviews of all works from all years will be held jointly, and not, as before, in separate studios. Bell was going to see Aemond's work for the first time as his design that won the entire competition.
When he hung up his works and stood next to them, while the professor began to talk about what his student did all year and how many competitions he won, she thought that she would burn with shame. She felt that he deserved to win this and all the other competitions.
On his poster, their town hall building was partly depicted as a violin. He invented the whole form, so that it looked perfect and at first you didn't notice the difference between the building in reality, and what his poster depicted. Everything was simplified and enhanced with a strong, decisive red color, with the addition of white and black. The poster was fresh and brilliant.
His other works, performed as tasks assigned by his professor also impressed her. He referred in them to his roots, the folklore of the region he came from, using the technique of cut-outs, woodcuts and simple gesture illustrations to achieve the effect he needed. Bell thought that he was an outstanding student and was embarrassed to have her work shown.
During midterm break, Bell thought about a topic for her thesis, which she was due to start the following year. For years she has been doing genealogical research of her family, sending letters to the State Archives and parishes, looking for birth, marriage and death records of her ancestors.
She already had a whole catalog of these documents, and she also drew her great family tree. She thought that she would like to create a book, illustrated by herself, dedicated to her great-great-grandmother, Rosalia.
One day, sitting in a woodcut class, cutting out her stencil, she was talking to Isabel, whom she had liked since she met her for the first time. Aemond listened to their exchange without speaking, bent over his work.
Isabel finally asked Bell how her thesis preparation was going and why she had chosen her great-great-grandmother. Bell had told her about it eagerly.
“In the parish records of my great-grandfather, son of Rosalia, Joseph was listed as his father, but I was surprised that my great-great-grand mother's maiden name is the same as her husband's. So I started digging through the archives and found out that Rosalia had died unmarried, and her husband's name was made up. It turned out that she gave birth to six children in her lifetime as an unwed mother." She said excitedly as she made herself a cup of tea in the shared, electric kettle. Isabel looked at her in surprise.
"So who was their father?" She asked, surprised. Bell shrugged.
"I have no idea. My grandmother told me that she heard as a child that they were probably the children of some rich aristocrat, that Rosalia worked for. I have not been able to confirm this theory." She said as she poured her tea with hot water that had just boiled. She heard Aemond shift in his seat and clear his throat softly.
It wasn't until she glanced at him over her shoulder that she saw him staring at her. He stroked his chin as if debating whether to say something.
“My great-grandmother was locked up in a psychiatric hospital by her first husband and my great-grandfather during World War II, because he wanted to marry another woman. I later learned that experiments were carried out on patients in this hospital, and she disappeared after 1944. Her hospital was bombed, but I don't know if she was still there at the time." He said low, indifferent, calm. Bell stared at him in total shock at this sudden words, and Isabel was also impressed by the story.
"This is terrible!" She said, terrified. Bell thought hard.
"Have you tried writing to the National Archives in this area? You can even call them and ask if they have documents from this hospital. They will provide information to the family free of charge, some scans are also sent by e-mail for a small fee. If you want I can help you find out more." She said softly. He pursed his lips as he stared at his work, deep in thought.
"Yes, I would be very grateful." He spoke softly.
She felt a surge of great joy at his words and the fact that she might have a chance to get to know him better.
They agreed that Aemond would bring his laptop the next day and they try to work something out together. They managed to find several articles from those years and a historian who dealt with the case of this hospital. Bell called him, but put it on speakerphone, so Aemond could hear what he was saying.
“When the area was about to be liberated, the patients were forcibly transferred to a train with cattle cars and taken to the interior of the country. The train never reached its final destination – which was another hospital. When the hospital you are talking about was bombed, it was already a field hospital. Whatever happened to your friend's great-grandmother, we probably won't know, all the documents have been destroyed. Sorry, unfortunately I don't know anything else." The man said, genuinely concerned that he couldn't give them more specific information. Bell pursed her lips at his words.
“Thank you very much. Have a nice day." She said and hung up.
Aemond stared at his hands in silence, shocked. For a moment she didn't know what to say and looked away.
"I'm sorry." She said finally. He nodded and looked at her, his eye sad, tired, but also grateful.
"Thank you."
They had exchanged a few words once in a while since then, but Bell had the feeling that there was a wall between them. She decided, however, that she would not impose herself on him and would accept that he apparently had no need to become more familiar with her.
Isabel invited her to her vernissage, which was to take place in a few days at one of the famous local restaurants and pubs in one. Bell didn't want to go there, she was tired and completely immersed in her thesis. She decided to grant her a bit of rest, and finally she arrived at the agreed time.
She walked inside and immediately saw Isabel standing at the counter with Aemond, both of them holding beers. Isabel hugged her, happy that she had come.
Bell saw Aemond look at her as if he was scared of her. He turned his head quickly, taking another gulp of beer from the bottle. They greeted each other, and after a while the owner of the premises began the vernissage with a few words of introduction. Then Isabel spoke, and people dispersed to admire her works.
Bell was delighted when she noticed her classmates in the crowd of people - Emma and Peter, lovely, cheerful, talented people.
They sat together at one of the tables, ordering drinks, talking lightly on various topics. Bell saw Isabel and Aemond join several tables and sit down in a large group with their entire year.
For some reason, Bell felt sad at the thought that she probably wouldn't say a word to him for all evening. As she got up to go to the restroom and passed them, she saw Aemond glance at her from afar, but he turned quickly back to talking to his classmate. Bell thought that she would be heading home soon, heartbroken.
However, Isabel approached them and suggested, seeing that many people had already left, that the three of them join them and spend the evening with them. They gladly accepted this offer, took their chairs and sat down.
Bell decided that she wanted to get drunk to mask her sadness and desperation. She began to tell Isabel about her childhood stories, how she was a mafia boss in kindergarten and no one could take any toy from the shelf without her knowledge.
Isabel laughed loudly, and with her several people who listened with amusement. She saw that Aemond was looking at her. He stared at her with an unreadable expression on his face, and she thought with shame that he probably thought that she was a stupid idiot.
People slowly went home and said goodbye to everyone, but she didn't want to leave as long as he was there. Eventually the six of them stayed together and sat closer to each other, Aemond ordering another beer.
She could see that he was already slightly drunk, but he tried his best to show it as little as possible. After an hour, Isabel and her friend said that they were hungry and were going home to eat something. Emma and Peter also said that they had to go back.
In the end, they were alone.
"Was this city your first choice when you applied to Academy?" She asked curiously, wanting to strike up any kind of neutrally safe conversation. He looked at her in surprise, toying with his beer bottle.
“No.” He said finally. “I wanted to get to the capital, but they did not accept me. I failed my exams and ended up here, because only here was there still recruitment. It was probably my biggest failure in life.” He said casually, looking at his bottle absently. Bell rolled over in place and smiled warmly.
"I'm glad you didn't get in there." She said, before she could think what it sounded like. Aemond looked at her in shock, swallowed softly, and looked down, embarrassed. He did not answer.
She wanted to add something and deepen her thought, so that he wouldn't feel so awkward, but a waiter approached them, informing them that he was about to close the place. They had to quickly drink what they had and leave.
They settled outside the restaurant, looking at themselves uncertainly, not knowing, what to do.
"Which way are you going?" He asked, without looking at her. She pointed to the main, lit street on the right. He nodded and said that he was going there too.
They walked together, and for a moment there was a long, awkward silence between them which he broke.
"Simon is imposing on you?" He asked, looking at her out of the corner of his eye, and she, surprised, giggled at his question.
Simon was an odd character in their year, who sought constant attention. He made himself an infinite artist, having a great opinion of himself. He also constantly tried to establish new artistic relationships, create a kind of bohemianism, be the leader of an artistic group that he would create himself.
“He offered to take pictures of me, using the 19th-century technique. I don't have any pictures of my great-great-grandmother, so I agreed to pose in period attire. I had to pose for him in his rented room and I have to admit, it was incredibly weird. He wanted me to come over later that evening to see him develop the photos, but I figured that he probably wanted me to see something else." She said amused, the alcohol buzzing in her head, making everything seem laughable to her. Aemond smirked at her words.
"You did right. He also texts me all the time, praising my works. He's attention seeking whore and he annoys me so much." He hummed low and she looked at him, happy and beaming that they were finally talking lightly.
She felt a pleasant shiver as their shoulders rubbed against each other once in a while. Even though they didn't have to, they walked very close to each other.
Bell looked at him, seeing the street that he should turn on. She knew roughly where he rented a room, because Isabel lived nearby and had told her once.
"Isn't your street over there?" She sputtered softly, pointing diagonally, her seeing blury. She saw him purse his lips at her words, repeat the mechanical movement of stroking his chin with his hand again. She thought that he did it when he was stressed.
"No. I'll feel better if I walk you home." He said after a moment. Bell felt a heat in her belly at his words, and it wasn't the alcohol.
They set off together, talking about light, non-committal topics. Aemond looked around her neighborhood, surprised as if he suddenly recognized where he was.
"Isn't there a church not far from here?" He asked low, evidently the alcohol had begun to imprint on him as strongly as it had on her. Bell nodded.
"Yes, right behind that house." She said, pointing her finger at the tower that was barely visible in the night sky. Aemond muttered under his breath, agreeing with her.
"I go there every Sunday." He said lightly, and her heart skipped a beat at the thought that he came so close to her home every week and she didn't know it.
He took her to the building itself. They stared at each other for a moment.
She couldn't help herself and just hugged him. He returned the hug stiffly and turned away, wishing her a good night. Bell returned to the apartment delighted.
Since then, she and Aemond had exchanged messages from time to time, often simply complaining about Simon and how he tormented them.
[Bell]: I feel like his mistress that he is cheating on you with.
[Aemond]: I feel the same, he fucks us as he wants. Should I be jealous?
[Bell]: About me or about him?
[Aemond]: Good question.
She pursed her lips as she read his words, her cheeks blushed. They used to say such sentences to each other from time to time, and she felt subconsciously, that even though they both pretended that they weren't, there was something going on between them.
They started going out together with his other friends to the city. Isabel always invited her, but now that she knew more of their year, she felt more at ease with all of them.
They sat down in one of the pubs, on a large, arched couch, in front of which was a big, round table. Even though there was plenty of room on the other side, Aemond sat down next to her. She took a sip of her drink, trying to hide the smile that appeared on their faces.
They sat there for several hours, talking about their professors, their classes and difficult assignments, unfinished projects and exams that were still ahead of them. The bartender finally told them that they were about to close, so they got up to leave. Aemond, Isabel, and Bell were walking in the same direction.
Bell instantly regretted her decision not to go to the restroom. She considered running into some bushes before her bladder gave out. She pursed her lips, feeling like she really wasn't going to last any longer.
"I need to go to the restroom." She mumbled softly, looking at them. Aemond looked at her in surprise and swallowed.
"You can come over, but I warn you, my roommates have turned this apartment into a pigsty." He said low and hesitant, embarrassed by his proposal.
Bell felt a heat in her lower abdomen at his proposal. The thought of being alone with him, at night, in his apartment.
"Stupidity, I live closer! Come to me Bell, I live around the corner already!” Isabel said cheerfully, not understanding that she had just ruined her entire plan.
Neither she nor Aemond could explain why Bell should go to him when she did live closer so Bell, disappointed, went to Isabel and returned home.
As she was going to bed, she saw that Aemond had shared with her via the app a link to a Facebook event about a lecture at the museum about Renaissance art, which they both found to be interested in. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw that he had written another message underneath it.
"Do you want to come with me?"
Bell wondered for a long time if this was actually a date or not. She decided not, so she dressed the way she would dress for class - dungarees, a white turtleneck, and cherry-printed socks. She let her long, dark hair down.
When she got there, she was pleased to see that Aemond was already waiting for her at the entrance. She had heard him say once that he hated being late. They both showed up ahead of time.
They greeted each other and entered without a word, taking their seats next to each other. The lecture began, and she tried to focus as much as possible on what the woman was saying, not on the fact that he was sitting next to her.
After a few minutes, she decided that she could at least glance at him once in a while. She looked at him and saw that his eye was fixed on her socks. She blinked questioningly. He looked up at her eyes, a smirk on his face.
"Nice socks, cherry." He grunted and she blushed as she turned her head away. She felt her heart pounding hard, her fingers quivering slightly in her lap.
She tried to convince herself that she hadn't been falling in love with him in recent months, but she knew that wasn't true.
After the lecture, Aemond offered to walk her back again which she greadily agreed to. As they walked, she felt him slip something into her jacket pocket and she jumped in surprise, a smile lighting up her face.
"What's that?" She asked, sticking her fingers in her pocket, feeling the little ball with the stick on it. She took it out.
It turned out to be a strawberry lollipop.
“You once told Isabel that you didn't like cut flowers. That you'd rather men bring you lollipops, because you might eat them at least." He said, feigning indifference, looking at her expectantly as if to see if her reaction would be what he expected.
She pursed her lips, looking at him happily. She thought that she could kiss him now.
"Yes, thank you, it's a wonderful gift." She said, unwrapping the lollipop and immediately popping it into her mouth.
She could see him trying hard not to watch as she slipped it in and out of her mouth once in a while with a loud click of her saliva.
When they were in front of her building, she decided that she wanted to try. That she really likes him, really values him, really wants him. She thought it might work.
Christmas break was approaching and she knew that he would be leaving in a few days. She decided that it was the perfect time to ask him for what she had wanted to do for a long time.
"I'd like to write you letters when you're gone. Will you give me the address of your family home?" She asked uncertainly, her voice trembling slightly as she popped the lollipop into her mouth again.
She saw him tense all over, his gaze rising from her lips to her bright eyes. He swallowed softly, then forced out one sentence with difficulty.
"I'll give you my address only if you give me yours."
My dears, those who know my private stories from my blog may have guessed, but - beware - this story is an exact reflection of how I met my husband-Aemond. Tomorrow we celebrate our second wedding anniversary. Everything I wrote in this fanfic really happened! Of course I condensed it and left out some important events to make it make sense as a plot, but that's how we fell in love.
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid @tinykryptonitewerewolf @namoreno @malfoytargaryen @qyburnsghost @aemondsdelight @persephonerinyes @fan-goddess @sweethoneyblossom1 @watercolorskyy @astral-blossoms @randomdragonfires @amirawritespoorly @apollonshootafar @padfooteyes @darylandbethfanforever9 @fudge13 @snh96
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twinsfawn · 2 months
tagged by @prairiedeath ♡
edit: i just noticed that fucking typo it’s DIS FIG
tagging: @tomb-mold @horrorlesbians @tammysneurosis @bloodykilos @icelogged @degenderates @rigorwhoretis @furrowfilthe @blackvelvetofnight @teeth-ing @lesbianjudasiscariot @housofpsychoticwomn @kestreleve @viksalos @texaschainsawmascara and whoever else wants to ♡
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thelarriefics · 1 year
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CHILDHOOD FRIENDS FIC REC, Part II: Below you will find more fics where they know each other as kids and grow up to fall in love. (Part I)
📖 Come My Love Again by @softfonds (110k)
Harry Styles is handsome, clever, and rich. At least that’s what his friends say of him. He also thinks of himself as a matchmaker in Highbury, pairing people together when he finds the time. But when the arrival of a certain gentleman flips Harry’s world on its head, he starts to question everything that was once all too familiar to him, including his relationship with his good friend, Mr. Tomlinson. An Emma AU.
📖 Sweetest Devotion by @brightgolden (61k)
After his divorce, all Harry wants in life is to provide a stable, loving environment for his three-year-old daughter, Evie. Never in his wildest dreams has he ever considered that life might come with the presence of his teenage crush — Gemma’s friend from secondary school, Louis Tomlinson. Luckily, Harry isn’t still pining over him. Or so he thought.
📖 I'm Resistant but Going Down with a Ship. by @adoremelikeasunflower19 (60k)
When Harry comes back to his hometown for the first time in a long time, he expects to almost drown in nostalgia and longing. What he does not expect, is his path crossing with his former best friend - Louis. It's been years since their goodbye and although most of the wounds have healed and the pain become dull, there is still a lot to unpack and process. They slowly find their way back to each other, talk through undiscussed emotions, and painful memories.
📖 Driftwood by @justanothershadeofblue (51k)
Harry is a lonely and depressed popstar who sailed out of his hometown on Eroda years ago to chase his dreams. He comes back to the island only to find his shining childhood best friend Louis just as cold and dreary as the island they grew up on.
📖 Under the Yellow Roof by @bluejeanlouis (42k)
Colorado, 1972: Louis is a gifted musician spending his days on the wrong side of a drive-thru window. Harry is the lead singer of a band in need of a little talent. Their big break is a thousand miles away. Colorado, 1962: First day of middle school. A lot can happen in ten years.
📖 Here You Come Again by @neondiamond (22k)
A year after taking over his family’s peach orchard, Louis thinks he has it all figured out. His routine on the farm is mundane, yet familiar, and his dog Clifford is more than enough to keep him company. It isn’t until Harry, his ex-boyfriend who broke his heart and left their small town a decade ago to pursue a bigger, brighter future in the city, comes to stay on the farm that he realises just how badly he was lying to himself.
📖 TGIF by @dinosaursmate (20k)
Louis, 13, moves in next door to Harry, eleven. They immediately hit it off and quickly become best friends, but as they get older, things get a little complicated.
📖 i got a heart (but i don't got a soul) by @tempolarriefix (19k)
Or, the one where louis sells his soul before meeting his soulmate, harry is a popstar with a heart of gold, niall is inadvertently responsible for harry's boners, liam is a meddling angel, and zayn is a demon who made a mistake
📖 given a chance by @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk (18k)
Harry and Louis were best friends in elementary school, but grew apart suddenly when they hit secondary school. When they run into each other as adults, those old feelings come flooding back. They decide to grab a drink, but will they ever be able to sort out years and years of misunderstanding?
📖 Restless Lane by @jaerie (14k)
Louis had grown used to his boring life back in Mississippi as a stand-in father figure to his siblings. He never expected his childhood friend to show up on his lawn with the heat of summer or that he would remind Louis how much of himself he'd tucked away and neglected. He also never expected to find himself caught up in a tangled web of feelings or secrets that just might break him. Maybe he had never known Harry at all.
📖 Once The Dark Divides by @zanniscaramouche (14k)
Louis finds out his childhood best friend is a Dom and somehow convinces him it's a good idea to learn about the world of kink with a hands on lesson
📖 All I Want Is You by @polaroidlouis (13k)
harry has a kid from a previous relationship. he and kit come to stay with louis for a while.
📖 Someday My Prince Will Come by @princelyharry (8k)
A handsome boy named Harry Styles, takes refuge in the woods in the little cottage of the two dwarfs with his beloved Huntsman to hide from his father’s brother, King Simon. The evil King is jealous of Harry’s youth because he wants to be known as “the fairest in the land” and Harry’s beauty surpasses his own. Or an AU based on Snow White.
📖 Not Another Lonely Christmas by @haztobegood (8k)
Harry should be more nervous that he’s bringing a literal stranger to meet his extended family, but he figures it can’t be much more awkward than Aunt Sharon’s Christmas parties usually are. Instead, he’s looking forward to having an extra person to buffer the conversation. A knock comes one minute after eleven. He lets out the breath and opens the door. “Hi there— Louis?!” Or, the one where the friend Niall sets up as Harry's fake boyfriend turns out to be Gemma's best friend Louis
📖 1967: not thinkin' 'bout you all the time by @louisandtheaquarian (8k)
It’s September 1967, the flower children have taken over the Haight, The Beatles are learning to meditate, and their American counterparts travel to an ashram on a California cliffside to do the same. Louis just didn’t expect it to be the new home of their old band member—and his ex, Harry. When he’d left home four years earlier, Harry never expected to see his childhood friends again, and even though now they’re writing songs around the campfire in earshot of Harry’s cottage, he still doesn’t have to - he can just stay inside and keep meditating. Except that Louis keeps playing the melody of his song. And one night, Harry breaks.
📖 All at once, this is enough by @lunarheslwt (7k)
Harry, overcome with burn out, wants to nest but he has never nested before, doesn’t know how to. Louis, his best friend, is only happy to help him make a nest and be there for him. Along the way, they find something more.
📖 I'm Always Free To Run Home (No Matter How Far I've Gone) by @fearlesslarrie28 (6k)
Or, the one where Harry and Louis are estranged childhood friends whose friendship would never work out... on many levels.
📖 The President and His Captain by @tommokat (5k)
Childhood best friends turn boyfriends Harry and Louis have kept their relationship quiet for almost a year now, so when Harry's basketball coach enforces a no dating rule for the season, they should have no problem sticking to that rule. Right?
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"I desire a colossal stomach that could devour all the food in the whole world. Don't you share the same sentiment?"
"What does fine dining mean to you personally? If you wish to be in the world of gastronomy, you should always ask yourself that."
"Food is the essence of human life...Obtaining rich food can be deemed the ultimate luxury." 
"What is your favorite meal? Come on, speak up. It will help me understand what kind of person you are."
"Well, let us savor this."
"Well, did you come across any rare ingredients?"
"Since you wish to get involved in the Gastronomy Guild, why not start by increasing your daily meal intake?"
"I see, your palate has become quite refined, yet there is still a long way to go...Keep improving. I have high expectations of you."
"Is that your choice of wine? I see...You've learned well. No need to serve it, you should savor it with me."
"It's nice to dine in the sunlight. Different scenery can be like a seasoning that enriches the meal."
"Your attitude toward food is refreshing. It makes me more excited for what is to come. I'm counting on you, Guild Keeper."
"Can you satisfy me?"
"May it become a cornerstone of gourmet dining."
"A meal shared with someone. Hm. It's been such a long time, I had forgotten that feeling." 
"This is a dish often served at weddings. It's intended to deepen the bond between two people."
"It's nice to take a walk, but is it really worth my time?"
"Emma, I'm sorry, but I have a huge pile of work I must tackle."
"Inspection, dining, and tasting - There's a lot to do for the sake of fine gourmet experiences. My schedule is packed up to the minute again this week."
"I also have plans to inspect a suburban market where they sell both domestic and international vegetables."
"If you wish to know the details of my work, take a look at this stack of documents. It's quite a daunting task, isn't it?"
"Being diligent in your duties is an admirable thing. Why not accompany me on all of my inspections today? It will help you deepen your knowledge of cuisine."
"Well then, let's have dinner right away. Hm? Aren't you feeling hungry?"
"Did you visit the restaurant near the castle? I've been there before as well. It's a small humble place, but it has a charming atmosphere."
"Ooh, the street stalls are selling such unique delicacies. Consider me intrigued. Let's go check it out." 
"Hmm, listening to your story is making me hungry."
"Well, shall we go and dine? Take me to the place where you found that delicious food you mentioned."
"You like the way I dress? Well, as the leader of this guild I must dress appropriately. However, my sole focus is on the food."
"Honestly clothing doesn't matter much to me. It's not worth complimenting."
"If you have the time to look at my clothes, you have the time to pursue your career in gastronomy. However, if you attend a restaurant with a dress code, make sure to wear the right attire."
"Don't excessively flatter me."
"It's true that the fabric of my clothes is of high quality, but...Hmm...I suppose you do have a discerning eye for these things."
"Did you help in harvesting the orchard? I swear that I can smell the scent of lemons on you."
"You shouldn't concern yourself with me eating too much. I understand the difference between gourmet dining and overindulgence." 
"So, which restaurant shall we head to? If you're going out with me, it's obvious we'll be dining."
"We didn't have a meal, but it was still a nice break."
"It seems that new restaurants are popping up left and right. How about accompanying me on my next inspection?"
"Dinner? That's not a bad suggestion. I had planned to visit at least eight restaurants before returning to the guild today."
"Not many invite me out to eat as easily as you do. It's a refreshing change."
"However, inviting me out to eat...You must have quite the confidence in the restaurant you chose."
"If you're unsure if your restaurant is up to par, I can easily get reservations elsewhere. Just tell me."
"Exercise? I see...Since I tend to eat a lot, it might not be a bad idea to increase my physical activity."
"Hiking is a good choice. It's not only exercise, but we can also enjoy the scenery. However, if our goal is to burn calories, perhaps swimming or running would be a more efficient choice."
"You are constantly on the move more than anyone else. I'm sure that provides enough exercise for you."
"If you'd like, you could join me on my ingredient hunts. I must warn you, they get pretty intense."
"Were you attempting to keep up with my pace? Even Walter struggles to keep up with me, so...My apologies."
"In the future, there might be occasions where I'll have you accompany me to formal restaurants or banquets." 
"Keep in mind, it's not the nobility that deserve your respect. It is the chefs who serve them and the food itself."
"It seems you overslept this morning. The back of your hair is a tangled. Here. Stay still and I'll fix it for you."
"You'd like to go food tasting, huh? That does sound like fun. With you there at my side, it might taste even better."
"Do you have something specific you'd like to eat? If you have any preferences, I'll do my best to accommodate them." 
"Whether we have a meal or not...Spending time with you is oddly relaxing. It's like savoring a fragrant tea."
"Food to me, is life itself, above everything else. However, your presence is too..."
"Was my scarf askew? Sorry about that. I tend to be neglectful of everything except for food."
"My scarf bears the Gastronomy Guild emblem. You could say that the emblem is a symbol of my life. Having it created by hand cost more than buying a house."
"If you like my scarf so much, I might have one made for you someday."
"You don't need to be so deferential. I have taken a liking to you, and the gifts are a reward for your hard work."
"Your modesty is one of your virtues, but if you're going to assist me at this guild, I think it might be smart for you to grow some thicker skin."
"You'd like to play with my hair? So long as it doesn't disrupt my meal, feel free to do as you like. Just make sure to securely fasten it afterwards." 
"It would be appreciated if you showed as much passion for the food as you do for me."
"I can't help but feel uneasy when you stare at me like that. If you have something to say, speak up."
"No matter how long you stare at me, it won't fill your stomach."
"You seem like you want to say something, but unfortunately, I'm not so brilliant that I can read your mind."
"I can discern the state of ingredients easily, but...It seems I still can't see into your heart." 
"Who I share a meal with has never concerned me before...However, dining with you is a truly enriching experience."
"You want to become a Guild Keeper worthy of my time? That is the best thing you could ever say. I have high expectations of you."
"Lately, you've been thinking a lot about food, haven't you? That's a good thing. It's exactly what you need to do to support someone like me."
"Emma, I want to invite you to dine with me. My gourmet experiences are incomplete without you."
"Oh, right. It's my birthday. I've been so busy, I forgot about it. Thank you for your gift, it has made it feel real."
"There's a thing called moderation. Don't go overboard. I can't accept any more gifts."
Gift (Liked) : Oh, you're giving this to me...? Well done, Emma. You truly are my Guild Keeper.
Gift (Liked) : You have every reason to be confident in your choice. You have managed to satisfy me.
Gift (Neutral) : This is for me? Hm...It's not that bad. I guess I will accept it.
Gift (Disliked) : This is a gift for me? Don't make me laugh. In the future, choose your gifts more wisely.
Gift (Disliked) : We've spent so much time together, and yet you still don't know me. Do I need to teach you?
OSCAR : Feld, try this dish. As my Black Fairy, you need to refine your palate as well.
FELD : Ugh! You're relentless, aren't you?! I don't recall asking you to teach me about food!
OSCAR : Everything I do is for the sake of gourmet dining.
FELD : That's seriously all you care about, isn't it!?
OSCAR : Is there any dish you'd prefer to eat tonight?
FELD : Even in battle you have these discussions?
OSCAR : This time, try making chocolate using Kudzu leaves, Kuchen. You should be capable of that, correct?
KUCHEN : Huh? Those are incredibly sour leaves? Are you in your right mind, Oscar? ...However, it does sound like an intriguing idea. I'll get right on it.
OSCAR : Hmm...Your dessert is truly delicious.
KUCHEN : There's no way it could be bad.
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bespectacledbun · 3 months
The World of IkePri — Obsidian's capital
[not really sure what this is exactly other than a way to keep all my thoughts organized and in one place. I talk a lot about the worldbuilding and settings of ikepri on discord with my friends, but it gets hard to keep track of everything, so I figured it was just best to make posts on Tumblr for it so I can keep it all under one tag]
Anyway, I was reading Chevalier's sequel route and got to chapter 3, when Chev and Emma go into town and tour around the capital of Obsidian. My immediate observation was the actual location of the town vs the fortress of the royal family:
Just like Rhodolite's capital, the capital town is located close to the royal residence; however, unlike Rhodolite's capital it is not located directly within the town itself. Rhodolite's royal castle is certainly on a higher elevation (given that one side of the grounds disappear into a cliff, and you can see down into the town from the castle in multiple places) but in general, the entire capital follows the layout of a medieval walled city.
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A walled city was exactly that: the royal residence would be at the most defensible end of it, surrounded by the houses, guilds, businesses, and markets of the main town, all enclosed by high walls with gates, battlements, and watchtowers. Rhodolite's royal castle itself has separate walls and gates, but the town is still within accessible distance. Generally there would be only a single gate in and out of the royal castle, but multiple gates for the town so that carriages didn't have to circle back to go the other way once outside. The lands outside the town gates would be farmlands, orchards, and livestock pastures to feed the town's residents. Obsidian, on the other hand...
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As seen in the background, Obsidian's capital is separate from the main royal residence (the fortress in the distance) and at a MUCH higher elevation than the surrounding town. Disadvantage of this design: the town is pretty much first in the line of fire if invading forces get deep into the country enough to reach the capital.
The advantage of this design, though? Absolutely nobody can surprise attack the Obsidian fortress because with that elevation they can survey the surrounding land for miles, not to mention all the turrets, parapets, and arrow slots that are actually on the fortress itself.
Now, for the second part of this post, the capital itself:
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Like any city, past or present, Obsidian's capital is divided into differing districts– the industrial district to the west, and commercial district to the east. given it's size I would have expected it to be divided into 4 at the minimum, but I'll work with what I get. Chevalier mentions in the chapter that unlike the rural areas of Obsidian, the wealth disparity is far less noticeable in the city, but it's still there, and it directly ties to the two districts of the city. (For my notes on the guilds and businesses of ikepri, please see this post)
More likely than not, the industrial district going to be the poorer (or at the very least, the less wealthier) side of the city. Some of the guilds and businesses that would be there in the industrial district would be:
blacksmiths (along with farriers and other "rough" metalsmiths)
weapon smiths, armourers, and armories
hide tanneries and dyers
leatherworkers, saddlers, spurriers
lumber processors
stonemasons and carpenters
launderers and bath houses
meat processing butcheries
cheaper (or lesser-quality) apothecaries
cheaper inns and taverns
Although it is very unlikely that slums still exist (given how developed the capital is under Gilbert's rule) the houses in the western district would be more practical than luxurious. Farmers would live on their own lands outside the city, but the industry workers would have their houses on the west side as well.
By contrast, the commercial district in the east would certainly be on the more middle-class and wealthier side. The establishments are finer, the guilds are larger and more expansive, and the materials are of better quality. I'm thinking the commercial district would things more along the lines of–
silver/goldsmiths and jewelers
clothiers and fur merchants
tailors and seamstresses (poor people mostly made their own clothes unless in uniform)
shoemakers and hatmakers
bankers, moneylenders, tax collectors
merchant imports & exports
more expensive inns, finer rest establishments
doctor guilds and pharmacists
information guilds
If any nobles were staying within the city, they would likely stay at the royal residence, have their own houses in the east side, or they would be staying at one of the better quality inns. The majority of the markets, government administrations, and military quarters will be located near the center of town, where they are accessible to both districts. Any religious buildings will also be near the center, cause the church bells and the town criers need to be heard all across city.
That's kind of.... everything, I guess? I'll probably add more later if I remember anything important. This is mostly for myself, but if anyone wants to use it for reference (or talk to me about worldbuilding brainworms) feel free to do so
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saintdollyparton · 2 months
finding out claudia jessie had a boyfriend felt the same as finding out emma d’arcy had a boyfriend lol
And yet they're still fruity as an orchard, babe! 😁
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flowers-for-em · 8 months
*it’s a peaceful day on the beach until….* *a plane flys by with a giant banner attached to it that says “TIME FOR EMMA AND ADDY’S FAV PART OF THE DAY!!!!”* *i then jump off the plane with a parachute*
how are you today?? :))
what are your favorite emojis?
and would you rather live on a farm with like a fruit orchard or live by the beach and be a surfer?
*I watch in awe as you float to the ground* *I twirl around with ribbons and welcome you to the ground*
Im doing okay - my legs are dead cause i went on a bike ride with my brother and and it was uphill for a lot of it. And its god awful hot here as well (it was like 31ºc 87ºf last night at 8pm) EIGHT PM. How are you today?
ooh my fave emojis ✨💫🌱🍰🍪🪐🌊😭 they're so pretty!! What are yours?
ooh um um that ones hard, cause i love the beach and a farm sounds so nice, i think maybe the beach, cause we have some really nice ones here and they've got the bluest water its so pretty!! What about you?
also would you rather live in a Parisian style apartment like this or a high rise apartment like this? (we're going apartment style for this question hehe)
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thealogie · 4 months
popping in to ask if you've got any London theatre recs for mid-June. I've got Long Day's Journey into Night, Player Kings, and The Cherry Orchard booked (I haven't looked at critical responses at all, just based on cast + script I knew I wanted to see these). Anything else that you think should be seen if possible? I'm on the fence about a couple things : A View from the Bridge seems promising on paper but the accents in the trailer give me pause; Ben Whishaw is in something but I know nothing about the play, etc. Please lend me your wisdom!
Yes I have so many thoughts!
-Bluets: This is probably the most risky choice on this list but it's liely the once I'd see if I was there. This is an adaptation of a very beautiful Maggie Nelson book that's somewhere between poetry and narrative fiction. It's about falling in love with the colour blue so the play is gonna have to be a little experimental but the director (katie mitchell) is amazing so I just know she's gonna find a way to make it dynamic/fun to watch despite the lack of traditional plot. In the play kayla meikle, emma d'arcy and ben wishaw all play the same character - a person who is obsessed with blue.
-Operation Mincemeat or the immersive Guys & Dolls: both look absolutely amazing, but they are going to be around for a long time (into 2025 and will likely tour) so it's not urgent that you see them. If you do go see Guys & Dolls and are able to stand for an extended period, make sure you get the standing tickets where they move you around the stage with the performers- I've heard the thought/skill put into moving the audience around is stunning.
-The donmar warehouse revival of Next to Normal is transferring to the Wyndham Theatre. It's an amazing musical. I don't know much about the revival but I trust the donmar warehouse with my life.
-Stranger Things. Look I'm not usually a fan of these big blockbuster plays and wasn't a fan of strangers things even before the Noah Schnapp debacle. But this one was stunning in its writing, acting, genuinely artistic use of advanced special effects.
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mylittledarkag3 · 7 months
How many have you read out of the hundred?
Me: 64/100
Reblog & share your results
1. "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen
2. "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoevsky
3. "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
4. "1984" by George Orwell
5. "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens
6. "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel García Márquez
7. "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Brontë
8. "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger
9. "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy
10. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
11. "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville
12. "The Odyssey" by Homer
13. "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Brontë
14. "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy
15. "The Brothers Karamazov" by Fyodor Dostoevsky
16. "The Iliad" by Homer
17. "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley
18. "Les Misérables" by Victor Hugo
19. "Don Quixote" by Miguel de Cervantes
20. "Middlemarch" by George Eliot
21. "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde
22. "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne
23. "Dracula" by Bram Stoker
24. "Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austen
25. "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame" by Victor Hugo
26. "The War of the Worlds" by H.G. Wells
27. "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck
28. "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer
29. "The Portrait of a Lady" by Henry James
30. "The Jungle Book" by Rudyard Kipling
31. "Siddhartha" by Hermann Hesse
32. "The Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri
33. "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens
34. "The Trial" by Franz Kafka
35. "Mansfield Park" by Jane Austen
36. "The Three Musketeers" by Alexandre Dumas
37. "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury
38. "Gulliver's Travels" by Jonathan Swift
39. "The Sound and the Fury" by William Faulkner
40. "Emma" by Jane Austen
41. "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe
42. "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" by Thomas Hardy
43. "The Republic" by Plato
44. "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad
45. "The Hound of the Baskervilles" by Arthur Conan Doyle
46. "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson
47. "The Prince" by Niccolò Machiavelli
48. "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka
49. "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway
50. "Bleak House" by Charles Dickens
51. "Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell
52. "The Plague" by Albert Camus
53. "The Joy Luck Club" by Amy Tan
54. "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov
55. "The Red and the Black" by Stendhal
56. "The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway
57. "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand
58. "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath
59. "The Idiot" by Fyodor Dostoevsky
60. "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak
61. "The Return of Sherlock Holmes" by Arthur Conan Doyle
62. "The Woman in White" by Wilkie Collins
63. "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe
64. "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson
65. "Ulysses" by James Joyce
66. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe
67. "Vanity Fair" by William Makepeace Thackeray
68. "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett
69. "Walden Two" by B.F. Skinner
70. "Watership Down" by Richard Adams
71. "White Fang" by Jack London
72. "Wide Sargasso Sea" by Jean Rhys
73. "Winnie-the-Pooh" by A.A. Milne
74. "Wise Blood" by Flannery O'Connor
75. "Woman in the Nineteenth Century" by Margaret Fuller
76. "Women in Love" by D.H. Lawrence
77. "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" by Robert M. Pirsig
78. "The Aeneid" by Virgil
79. "The Age of Innocence" by Edith Wharton
80. "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho
81. "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu
82. "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin" by Benjamin Franklin
83. "The Awakening" by Kate Chopin
84. "The Big Sleep" by Raymond Chandler
85. "The Bluest Eye" by Toni Morrison
86. "The Caine Mutiny" by Herman Wouk
87. "The Cherry Orchard" by Anton Chekhov
88. "The Chosen" by Chaim Potok
89. "The Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens
90. "The City of Ember" by Jeanne DuPrau
91. "The Clue in the Crumbling Wall" by Carolyn Keene
92. "The Code of the Woosters" by P.G. Wodehouse
93. "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker
94. "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas
95. "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller
96. "The Crying of Lot 49" by Thomas Pynchon
97. "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown
98. "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" by Leo Tolstoy
99. "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" by Edward Gibbon
100. "The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood" by Rebecca Wells
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Broadway Divas Tournament: Round 2B
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Annette Bening (1958) “ANNETTE BENING (Kate Keller) New York: King Lear (Shakespeare in the Park), Spoils of War (Second Stage), Costal Disturbances (Tony nomination, Clarence Derwent Award). Los Angeles: Ruth Draper Monologues, The Female of the Species, Hedda Gabler (Geffen Playhouse), The Cherry Orchard (Mark Taper Forum). San Francisco ACT Repertory Company: Our Town Macbeth. Films: The Grifters, Bugsy. The American President, American Beauty, Being J, The Kids Are All Right, The Seagull, 20th Century Women, Captain Marvel, The Report (fall 2019), Screen Actors Guild and Golden Globe awards, Emmy nominations and four Academy Award nominations. Graduate of San Francisco State University and A.C.T. Conservatory Training Program. Board member: The Actors Fund.” – Playbill bio from All My Sons, May, 2019.
Kelli O'Hara (1976) “KELLI O’HARA (Young Hattie/Ensemble). Broadway: Jekyll & Hyde after playing Emma in the national tour. Favorite credits: Christine in the Yeston/Kopit Phantom (Lucille Lortel Debut Award); Kitty in Where’s Charley?  At MTW; Lili in Carnival; and the title role in Naughty Marietta. She graduated from OCU and won the 1998 State Metropolitan Opera Auditions. Thanks to the family and Mrs. Birdwell. God is good.” – Playbill from Follies, June 2001. Playbill insert indicates she went on as Young Phyllis at this performance.
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"You know, looking at these production photos, I like Annette Bening as a brunette. Anyway, I sat a few rows behind her at this horrid little play reading a few weeks ago. She was there with Camryn Manheim, and frankly, I'd rather have watched them watching the show than watch the show myself."
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"I continue to be in awe of this woman's unending beauty. A few weeks ago, I stage-doored after the final performance of Days of Wine and Roses, and she wafted outside looking like a million dollars in this silky little cami, her freckled chest on full display. Even in heels, she was maybe a head taller than me (4'7"), and I had the pleasure of gazing up at her in awe. She is a stunning woman, and that voice... It's a sexual experience."
Fuck it: extra Kelli propaganda (with Audra bonus) because this duet could wake me from the dead.
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