#Emanuele Montana
kitsunetsuki · 2 years
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Helmut Newton - Arielle Burgelin Wearing Claude Montana & Simonetta Gianfelici Wearing Ungaro (Vogue Paris 1982)
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thoughtportal · 6 months
An age verification bill in Kansas that is the most extreme in the country has passed both House and Senate and is on its way to the governor’s desk. The bill will make sites with more than 25 percent adult content liable to heavy fines if they don’t verify that visitors are over the age of 18. It also calls being gay “sexual conduct,” which critics say could set up the state for more censorship of LGBT+ citizens.
The bill is similar to the many others introduced or passed across the country in the last year, including ones enacted in Texas, Montana, North Carolina, Virginia, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Utah. Age verification laws in Indiana and Idaho will take effect on July 1, and bills are progressing in several more states.
The Kansas legislation has a major difference: The state will lower the bar for how much adult content a website needs to host in order to be liable. In the other states where age verification laws have been enacted, it’s been 33 percent, or one-third. Kansas reduces that number to 25 percent. Mainstream sites and social media platforms like Reddit and Twitter, as well as many other websites across the internet, host a large amount of porn despite not being “porn sites.” With an even lower bar to liability, the chilling effect of sexual content, sex education, and anything outside of heterosexual, biblical sterility could be massive.Age Verification Laws Drag Us Back to the Dark Ages of the InternetInvasive and ineffective age verification laws that require users show government-issued ID, like a driver’s license or passport, are passing like wildfire across the U.S.Emanuel Maiberg
“Any commercial entity that knowingly shares or distributes material that is harmful to minors on a website and such material appears on 25% or more of the webpages viewed on such website in any calendar month” falls under the purview of this bill, according to its text. If sites don’t comply, they could be fined up to $10,000 for each violation, and parents could sue for damages of at least $50,000.
Kansas criminal law defines “material harmful to minors” as involving “nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement or sadomasochistic abuse.” 
“Sexual conduct,” under Kansas law, means “acts of masturbation, homosexuality, sexual intercourse or physical contact with a person's clothed or unclothed genitals or pubic area or buttocks or with a human female's breast.” The Associated Press reported that the bill’s critics, including Democratic Rep. Brandon Woodard, “argued that the law could be interpreted broadly enough that LGBTQ+ teenagers could not access information about sexual orientation or gender identity because the legal definition of sexual conduct includes acts of ‘homosexuality.’” 
Aylo, Pornhub’s parent company, has blocked access to its more than a dozen websites in seven of the eight states with age verification laws in place. Earlier this month, 404 Media first reported that it blocked Texas. Age verification laws that require sites to verify ages—done through government-issued IDs like driver’s licenses or passports—won’t stop minors from seeing porn. Instead, as Emanuel and I wrote earlier this week, they’ll just drive everyone to sites with non-consensual abuse imagery and stolen content while opening everyone up to privacy exploitation. 
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
Jon Iverson meets Prins Emanuel, Golden Ivy & Inre Kretsen Grupp - Iverson’s sketches from the 80s fleshed out by the other musicians listed; results are decidedly Fourth World, apart from one straight-up dub track
Jon Iverson meets Prins Emanuel, Golden Ivy & Inre Kretsen Grupp is an experiment bridging time and space. Recorded across decades and continents, the album merges ‘80s American home studio sensibilities with contemporary European kosmische. After receiving hours of unreleased material from Jon Iverson’s reel-to-reel archive, Séance Centre’s Brandon Hocura conceived of having contemporary musicians ‘finish’ the vibrant sketches and demos that had been languishing since the ‘80s. Immediately, a group of musicians working in and around Malmö sprang to mind as sympathetic and exciting collaborators for this material: Emanuel Sundin (Prins Emanuel), Ivar Lantz (Golden Ivy) and Martin Blomberg (Inre Kretsen Grupp). They were inspired by the proposal and spent several days in the studio, weaving rhythms, textures, and melodies around loops and samples made from the original recordings. The resulting album expands Iverson’s percussive and atmospheric vignettes into wide-open 21st Century group-think cosmic music, adding violin, flute, kalimba, lap steel, percussion, guitar, organ, synthesizers, bass, samples, and effects. A sonic landscape that evoke’s Terence Malick’s Montana Badlands as much as Ingmar Bergman’s windswept Fårö Island.
Original sketches were recorded by Jon Iverson, 1983-1989 in Los Osos, California. Additional contributions were recorded February 10-12th, 2021 at Studio Sickan, Malmö. Jon Iverson: Percussion, Synthesizer, Guitar, Genggong and Trumpet. Ivar Lantz: Violin, Flute, Percussion, Synthesizer. Emanuel Sundin: Drums, Percussion, Electric Bass, Kalimba, Synthesizer, Electric Guitar, Vocals. Martin Blomberg: Piano, Electric Bass, Percussion, Electric Guitar, Drums, Synthesizer, Lap Steel, Pump Organ. Mastered by Brandon Hocura Design by Alan Briand
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trinitydigest · 3 months
Emanuel Rose to Speak at PMI Montana Chapter’s 2024 Professional Development Day and Annual Meeting
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newsheadlinesnow · 3 months
Emanuel Rose to Speak at PMI Montana Chapter’s 2024 Professional Development Day and Annual Meeting
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thealphareporter · 3 months
Emanuel Rose to Speak at PMI Montana Chapter’s 2024 Professional Development Day and Annual Meeting
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packernet · 1 year
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New Post has been published on https://www.packernet.com/blog/2023/09/25/bust-not-bust/
Bust, not bust!
Is “character building” a thing? Do we just grow, develop confidence, courage and even a little swagger no matter we’re succeeding or failing? Maybe it’s best to leave deep questions like that to Socrates or Colin Cowherd.
If it is, indeed, a thing, then Sunday’s exciting comeback win over the Saints built a lot of character in the Green Bay Packers locker room.
Defensive coordinator Joe Barry gets savaged by fans and on social media daily. And yet, he coordinated a defense that gave up 10-points missing Jaire Alexander, while also losing his back-up, and linebacker De’Vondre Campbell. I’m no Joe Barry fan, and the Saints offense looks nothing like the Miami Dolphins. No matter, holding any NFL offense to 10 points is plenty good.
The Packers collection of “green as grass”, barely legal, pass receivers dropped passes all over the field for 3-quarters. Then, in the 4th quarter they played like a bunch of savvy veterans pulling down one big catch after another. Jayden Reed lays out for a beautiful 30 yarder down the sideline, Romeo Doubs snatches a back shoulder touchdown for the tie followed by Samori Toure grabbing a “think fast” laser from Jordan Love for the 2-point conversion.
Patient, creative play-calling
Coach Matt LaFleur, was subtly underrated while winning 39-games in his first three-seasons as coach as someone just riding the coattails of Aaron Rodgers. Playing the home opener against a very good Saints defense, missing four of his best offensive players, the offensive mastermind kept throwing plays against the wall. A flea flicker early, an end-around to his slot-corner kick returner, and fade after fade after yet another missed fade, the coach kept on digging into his bag of tricks until he found the right toy.
Then, there was first time starting QB Jordan Love. For 3 quarters his accuracy was not good, his long ball was too long, or off just enough. Early in the game he couldn’t even get it right with his cleats, slipping on the flea flicker/pass back that could have been a 30-40 yard gain. We don’t know if his 4th down miss to Emanuel Wilson was his fault, but it felt like a Wayne Larrivee “dagger” to the Packers chances to win.
For most of the final 15 minutes Love seemed to channel his inner Joe Montana, Aaron Rodgers and John Elway. He simply made play after play. You could feel his teammates and the fans rallying around him.
The aforementioned Colin Cowherd and a small segment of Packer fans predicted Jordan Love would be a bust. With so little evidence, I’m amazed when people say things quite that stupid. Cowherd saying stupid things is not surprising at all, it’s a matter of seeing his lips moving.
At this point, Love has plenty to improve upon, like his overall accuracy and particularly his long-ball but with training camp and 3-games under his belt, we’ve seen enough to say this guy is not, NOT, a bust. With practice and more character building, he may be a franchise QB.
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Vite e clima: quali scenari per il futuro?
Vite e clima. A causa dei mutamenti climatici come cambierà la coltivazione della vite in area montana? Si estenderanno i vigneti in aree più fresche? L’introduzione di varietà diverse da quelle attualmente coltivate in Trentino è una risposta conveniente? Quali sono gli scenari probabili per le varietà autoctone?  Vite e clima: un evento per capire la situazione Il comparto vitienologico trentino ha cercato di dare risposta alle domande poste precedentemente presso la Sala Conferenze del Palazzo Ricerca e Conoscenza, con un incontro dal titolo “Scenari climatici per la viticoltura trentina: progettare le strategie di azione per un territorio montano”. L’evento è stato organizzato dalla Fondazione Edmund Mach nell'ambito del progetto europeo “Mediterranean Climate Vine and Wine Ecosystem” (MEDCLIV), co-finanziato da EIT Climate KIC e rivolto all’ecosistema viti vinicolo dell’Europa mediterranea, includendo l’intero areale nazionale. Intervista a Emanuele Eccel, Fondazione Edmund Mach, San Michele all’Adige (TN) – Coordinatore del progetto MEDCLIV Siamo arrivati al momento dell'intervista per la storia di oggi. Dell'evento e dei suoi futuri sviluppi ne abbiamo parlato con Emanuele Eccel, Fondazione Edmund Mach, San Michele all’Adige (TN) – Coordinatore del progetto MEDCLIV: Ogni storia ha un suo punto di partenza: cos'è la Fondazione Edmund Mach? La storia dell'Istituto inizia il 12 gennaio 1874 quando la Dieta regionale tirolese di Innsbruck (Impero Austro-Ungarico), che aveva acquistato il monastero agostiniano di San Michele all'Adige, deliberò di attivare lì una scuola agraria con annessa stazione sperimentale. Ognuna di esse doveva congiuntamente cooperare alla rinascita dell'agricoltura nel Tirolo, regione a cui apparteneva il Trentino fino alla fine della prima guerra mondiale. Nel 2008 la F. Mach (FEM) ha assunto la conformazione attuale, che la vede organizzata in tre centri dedicati a i) Istruzione e Formazione, ii) Ricerca e Innovazione e iii) Trasferimento Tecnologico. Vi lavorano oltre 600 persone, che hanno a disposizione un campus di 14 ettari, con aule, serre, uffici e laboratori dotati di strumentazioni all’avanguardia. Ad esso si aggiungono 120 ettari di terra coltivata a melo e vite e 80 ettari di foreste. L’ampiezza degli orizzonti scientifici della FEM è ciò che la rende unica nel suo genere: si passa dall’innovazione a servizio delle filiere dell’agrosistema, alla circolarità delle filiere produttive e alla tutela della qualità di bevande e alimenti; dallo studio della biodiversità genetica dell’ecosistema alpino, forestale e agrario a quello dell’impatto antropico sulla loro conservazione e sulla salute umana. Come nasce l'evento "Scenari climatici per la viticoltura trentina"? L’evento del 6 dicembre è stato un incontro organizzato per il territorio trentino all’interno di un progetto che riguarda l’intera area europea viticola mediterranea; si tratta di “Mediterranean Climate Vine and Wine Ecosystem” (MEDCLIV), coordinato da FEM e finanziato da EIT – Climate KIC con lo scopo di costruire reti collaborative per affrontare in modo congiunto, da parte di diverse categorie interessate, le questioni portate dal cambiamento climatico.  Il clima cambia, ormai è assodato, e continuerà la sua evoluzione verso condizioni ambientali sempre più lontane da quelle in cui il modo attuale di coltivare è nato e si è sviluppato. Nel caso della vite da vino, il legame con il territorio ed il suo clima, così fortemente connesso con il profilo del prodotto finale e con il suo mercato, è messo in discussione, in particolare per lo scenario futuro. Da qui la spinta ad intraprendere nuove azioni per l’industria vinicola, dall’uso del territorio, alla pratica in campo, alla tecnica enologica, all’immagine sul mercato. Qual è stato l'obiettivo dell'evento? Il Trentino si trova in una zona estrema per quanto riguarda l’areale del progetto MEDCLIV, data la sua posizione alpina; tuttavia, questo aspetto introduce peculiarità specifiche per il territorio, come sappiamo. Dunque, l’argomento della mattinata di lavoro del 6 dicembre sono state le problematiche della coltivazione della vite e della produzione di vino in ambiente alpino e montano, e specificamente rivolto alla realtà trentina. Gli argomenti su cui ci si interroga si possono così riassumere: - la coltivazione della vite in area montana può dare opportunità di adattamento ad un clima diverso spostando i vigneti in aree più fresche? - alla luce dell’evoluzione delle condizioni climatiche, l’introduzione di varietà diverse da quelle attualmente coltivate in Trentino è una risposta conveniente? Si ritiene in alternativa che si dovrà considerare la produzione di vini con profili diversi da quelli attuali? - in un contesto di cambiamento, sarà utile ripensare ai disciplinari delle DOC? - quali richieste la filiera viti-vinicola trentina avanza alla pubblica amministrazione per affrontare questi temi? Potreste fare un bilancio dell'evento? L’evento ha visto la partecipazione di circa 50 tra viticoltori, consulenti, enologi, rappresentanti di cantine, di associazioni di categoria, della pubblica amministrazione e, naturalmente della ricerca, in cui FEM, organizzatrice dell’evento, esprime una delle sue carte vincenti.  All’ingresso in sala era stata posta una domanda ai partecipanti, che rappresenta ora un sondaggio (per quanto limitato e informale) sulle aspettative delle diverse categorie su quanto una rete collaborativa può offrire. La domanda era la seguente: “Quali sono le priorità che vorresti affrontare congiuntamente nei confronti dell’impatto del cambiamento climatico (agronomico, enologico, gestionale, normativo, di mercato…) sulla produzione di vino in Trentino?” Le risposte ottenute hanno espresso diversi interessi, che vanno dalla comunicazione dei risultati delle sperimentazioni, agli interventi di pubblica amministrazione per favorire la realizzazione di impianti di vite in nuove aree montane, alla questione sempre più urgente dell’uso della risorsa idrica per far fronte ad estati come quella appena trascorsa, che ha posto sfide notevoli alla produzione. Le categorie di partecipanti citate poco sopra rappresentano quelle che sono chiamate a collaborare per la costruzione di un “Living Lab” in Trentino sulle questioni che legano la viticoltura e la produzione di vino alle sfide del cambiamento climatico in atto, ma in particolare in vista degli scenari futuri. Le tematiche di maggior interesse da loro espresse, elencate sopra, potranno costituire i primi concreti argomenti da affrontare nei rispettivi tavoli di lavoro. Qual è il messaggio che avete voluto lanciare tramite questo evento? Il messaggio più generale che è stato lasciato ai partecipanti è stato quello di mettersi in contatto con il coordinamento del progetto, ed in particolare di accedere alla piattafoma VINEAS, opportunamente creata proprio per la coesione dell’ecosistema vitivinicolo nei confronti degli aspetti portati dal cambiamento climatico (rif.-->  vineas.net). Il progetto ha inoltre una pagina LinkedIn e una Facebook (internazionali), e a quest’ultima è collegato il gruppo degli utenti italiani. Per ogni richiesta di informazioni e per restare in contatto è sempre possibile scrivere a [email protected]. Foto di Pexels da Pixabay Read the full article
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robertshoot · 6 years
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Cosplayer: Emanuele Montana
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riosnecktattoo · 2 years
in the previously on for Mayans 4x07 they used an alternate/unused take from 4x06 and...........look
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fabulous-rtw · 4 years
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Emanuel Ungaro RTW FW 2015
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fashionbooksmilano · 3 years
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Un secolo di moda
Creazioni e miti del XX secolo
Enrico Quinto e Paolo Tinarelli
Federico Motta Editore, Milano 2003, 264 pagine, 23,5x28  cm., ISBN  978-8871794174
euro 80,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Mostra Accademia di Francia, Roma 26/11/2003 - 1/02/2004
L'opera vuole mettere a fuoco non solo l'evoluzione dell'abito ma anche tutto ciò che lo arricchisce e lo completa, dagli accessori (scarpe, borse, cappelli, gioielli, ecc.) fino all'uso spregiudicato dei materiali e alle più ardite sperimentazioni. Attraverso l'esame di momenti precisi della storia dell'ultimo secolo, i due curatori, tracciano due piani di lettura che si accompagnano e si intersecano: da una parte la catalogazione originale degli abiti montati e rifotografati e dall'altra la loro contestualizzazione storica data dall'emblematica valenza dell'immagine pubblicitaria e cinematografica. Il volume  fornisce una prima risposta al pericolo di dispersione del patrimonio storico - documentario, alla mancanza in Italia di un museo e di un archivio storico della moda. Il volume ripercorre come un racconto per immagini le espressioni salienti di un particolare percorso creativo, quello della Moda. La ricerca, quasi un lavoro archeologico, promuove l'oggetto di moda a materiale storico e storico - artistico; a documento della storia del gusto e delle mentalità. Nella realtà contemporanea il fenomeno MODA assume un'importanza rilevante, non solo per le implicazioni di carattere economico, ma soprattutto per le possibilità offerte alla lettura di comportamenti sociali e psicologici del nostro tempo. Dal mondo della moda, dietro la fantasia artistica, si intuisce un contenuto di evoluzioni storiche e sociali dal grande significato. Sono visibili, per la prima volta, numerosi modelli unici provenienti dalla collezione privata di Enrico Quinto e Paolo Tinarelli, affiancati alle fotografie delle star del cinema e del jet set che li hanno resi famosi indossandoli: Ava Gardner, Jackie Kennedy Onassis, Audrey Hepburn, Grace di Monaco e Marilyn Monroe. La mostra mette anche in evidenza quanto la moda italiana si sia distinta come guida internazionale per stile e creatività. Il percorso, suddiviso in decenni, parte dai rivoluzionari abiti d'inizio secolo realizzati dagli eccentrici Paul Poiret e Mariano Fortuny, che per primi liberarono la figura femminile dalle costrizioni del busto. Per il periodo degli anni Trenta, sono messi a confronto i primi modelli autarchici di pura ispirazione italiana con gli originali usciti dagli atelier parigini di Chanel o Lanvin. Protagonisti della mostra, anche pezzi unici come 'Bonheur’ (Felicità): ovvero, un raro abito datato 1947 della prima collezione di Christian Dior dalla linea tipicamente 'New Look’, che esprime - con la sua gonna a ruota, fatta con metri e metri di seta - tutta la gioia ritrovata del dopoguerra. Ancora, il lusso di Jacques Fath, la femminilità interpretata dalle Sorelle Fontana o da Schuberth per le dive della Hollywood sul Tevere, quali Ava Gardner e Sofia Loren. Passando agli anni Sessanta, ecco la moda più easy di Emilio Pucci, antesignano del prêt-à-porter. Gran parte dell'esposizione, infatti, è dedicata ai favolosi sixties, con le creazioni spaziali firmate Cardin e Courrèges, la minigonna di Mary Quant e gli abiti in maglia in stile yéyé di Krizia e Missoni. Avvicinandoci al presente ecco la moda degli anni Settanta, ben rappresentati dai bellissimi completi pantalone di Yves Saint Laurent, dai capi sexy firmati Walter Albini e dalle opere d'arte da sera di Valentino. Per gli anni Ottanta, oggi più che mai di moda, non poteva mancare la 'power woman’ griffata Giorgio Armani e Donna Karan, o ancora i capi di Thierry Mugler, Claude Montana, Vivienne Westwood ed Emanuel Ungaro. Il percorso storico termina con gli esordi degli stilisti di culto attuali come Yoshji Yamamoto, Helmut Lang e Miuccia Prada, messi a contrasto, anche visivamente, con le provocazioni di Versace e Galliano.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Events 6.17
653 – Pope Martin I is arrested and taken to Constantinople, due to his opposition to monothelitism. 1242 – Following the Disputation of Paris, twenty-four carriage loads of Jewish religious manuscripts were burnt in Paris. 1397 – The Kalmar Union is formed under the rule of Margaret I of Denmark. 1462 – Vlad III the Impaler attempts to assassinate Mehmed II (The Night Attack at Târgovişte), forcing him to retreat from Wallachia. 1497 – Battle of Deptford Bridge: Forces under King Henry VII defeat troops led by Michael An Gof. 1565 – Matsunaga Hisahide assassinates the 13th Ashikaga shōgun, Ashikaga Yoshiteru. 1579 – Sir Francis Drake claims a land he calls Nova Albion (modern California) for England. 1596 – The Dutch explorer Willem Barentsz discovers the Arctic archipelago of Spitsbergen. 1631 – Mumtaz Mahal dies during childbirth. Her husband, Mughal emperor Shah Jahan I, will spend the next 17 years building her mausoleum, the Taj Mahal. 1665 – Battle of Montes Claros: Portugal definitively secured independence from Spain in the last battle of the Portuguese Restoration War. 1673 – French explorers Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet reach the Mississippi River and become the first Europeans to make a detailed account of its course. 1767 – Samuel Wallis, a British sea captain, sights Tahiti and is considered the first European to reach the island. 1773 – Cúcuta, Colombia, is founded by Juana Rangel de Cuéllar. 1775 – American Revolutionary War: Colonists inflict heavy casualties on British forces while losing the Battle of Bunker Hill. 1789 – In France, the Third Estate declares itself the National Assembly. 1794 – Foundation of Anglo-Corsican Kingdom. 1795 – The burghers of Swellendam expel the Dutch East India Company magistrate and declare a republic. 1839 – In the Kingdom of Hawaii, Kamehameha III issues the edict of toleration which gives Roman Catholics the freedom to worship in the Hawaiian Islands. The Hawaii Catholic Church and the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace are established as a result. 1843 – The Wairau Affray, the first serious clash of arms between Māori and British settlers in the New Zealand Wars, takes place. 1861 – American Civil War: Battle of Vienna, Virginia. 1863 – American Civil War: Battle of Aldie in the Gettysburg Campaign. 1876 – American Indian Wars: Battle of the Rosebud: One thousand five hundred Sioux and Cheyenne led by Crazy Horse beat back General George Crook's forces at Rosebud Creek in Montana Territory. 1877 – American Indian Wars: Battle of White Bird Canyon: The Nez Perce defeat the U.S. Cavalry at White Bird Canyon in the Idaho Territory. 1885 – The Statue of Liberty arrives in New York Harbor. 1898 – The United States Navy Hospital Corps is established. 1900 – Boxer Rebellion: Western Allied and Japanese forces capture the Taku Forts in Tianjin, China. 1901 – The College Board introduces its first standardized test, the forerunner to the SAT. 1910 – Aurel Vlaicu pilots an A. Vlaicu nr. 1 on its first flight. 1922 – Portuguese naval aviators Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral complete the first aerial crossing of the South Atlantic. 1929 – The town of Murchison, New Zealand Is rocked by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake killing 17. At the time it was New Zealand's worst natural disaster. 1930 – U.S. President Herbert Hoover signs the Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act into law. 1932 – Bonus Army: Around a thousand World War I veterans amass at the United States Capitol as the U.S. Senate considers a bill that would give them certain benefits. 1933 – Union Station massacre: In Kansas City, Missouri, four FBI agents and captured fugitive Frank Nash are gunned down by gangsters attempting to free Nash. 1939 – Last public guillotining in France: Eugen Weidmann, a convicted murderer, is executed in Versailles outside the Saint-Pierre prison. 1940 – World War II: RMS Lancastria is attacked and sunk by the Luftwaffe near Saint-Nazaire, France. At least 3,000 are killed in Britain's worst maritime disaster. 1940 – World War II: The British Army's 11th Hussars assault and take Fort Capuzzo in Libya, Africa from Italian forces. 1940 – The three Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania fall under the occupation of the Soviet Union. 1944 – Iceland declares independence from Denmark and becomes a republic. 1948 – United Airlines Flight 624, a Douglas DC-6, crashes near Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania, killing all 43 people on board. 1952 – Guatemala passes Decree 900, ordering the redistribution of uncultivated land. 1953 – Cold War: East Germany Workers Uprising: In East Germany, the Soviet Union orders a division of troops into East Berlin to quell a rebellion. 1958 – The Ironworkers Memorial Second Narrows Crossing, in the process of being built to connect Vancouver and North Vancouver (Canada), collapses into the Burrard Inlet killing 18 ironworkers and injuring others. 1960 – The Nez Perce tribe is awarded $4 million for 7 million acres (28,000 km2) of land undervalued at four cents/acre in the 1863 treaty. 1963 – The United States Supreme Court rules 8–1 in Abington School District v. Schempp against requiring the reciting of Bible verses and the Lord's Prayer in public schools. 1963 – A day after South Vietnamese President Ngô Đình Diệm announced the Joint Communiqué to end the Buddhist crisis, a riot involving around 2,000 people breaks out. One person is killed. 1967 – Nuclear weapons testing: China announces a successful test of its first thermonuclear weapon. 1972 – Watergate scandal: Five White House operatives are arrested for burgling the offices of the Democratic National Committee during an attempt by members of the administration of President Richard M. Nixon to illegally wiretap the political opposition as part of a broader campaign to subvert the democratic process. 1985 – Space Shuttle program: STS-51-G mission: Space Shuttle Discovery launches carrying Sultan bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the first Arab and first Muslim in space, as a payload specialist. 1987 – With the death of the last individual of the species, the dusky seaside sparrow becomes extinct. 1991 – Apartheid: The South African Parliament repeals the Population Registration Act which required racial classification of all South Africans at birth. 1992 – A "joint understanding" agreement on arms reduction is signed by U.S. President George Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin (this would be later codified in START II). 1994 – Following a televised low-speed highway chase, O. J. Simpson is arrested for the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman. 2015 – Nine people are killed in a mass shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. 2017 – A series of wildfires in central Portugal kill at least 64 people and injure 204 others.
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blackkudos · 4 years
Harold O’Neal
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Harold Mujahid O'Neal FRSA (born March 27, 1981) is an American composer, pianist, actor, dancer, and public speaker. He has recorded and performed with artists in a variety of musical genres (U2, Lupe Fiasco, Busta Rhymes, Damien Rice, Aloe Blacc, and Jay Z). O'Neal has been compared to Duke Ellington and Maurice Ravel by The New York Times and is considered to be of this generation's greatest pianists and composers. In 2019, he was inducted into the Royal Society of the Arts with the Patron being Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Harold O'Neal was born in Arusha, Tanzania, and raised in Kansas City, Missouri. His great-grandfather, Ollie Harold Pennington, was a jazz pianist and composer for silent film in Kansas City, where his grandmother walked to school with Charlie Parker. Harold began playing the piano by ear at age 4 on his father's miniature keyboard. He found his earliest inspirations in the music of Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes, and Disney. While growing up, his family had a tradition of playing games together to find the distinct rhythms of songs. Having spent much of his youth living in the projects (Public Housing) and surviving near-death experiences, he credits music with saving his life.
O'Neal attended the Paseo Academy Of Fine And Performing Arts, with classmates Logan Richardson, Lil' Ronnie, and Brian Kennedy, where he began his jazz piano studies while being mentored by Ahmad Alaadeen. He studied classical piano and composition with Margie Cameron-Jarrett, whose musical lineage can be traced back to Franz Liszt. He began working with musical luminaries from a young age — touring the world with Bobby Watson when he was 19 after studying composition at the Berklee College Of Music. He then went on to study at the Manhattan School of Music. It was there where Harold met the great American jazz pianist and composer, Andrew Hill, with whom he soon became the apprentice of. Mr. Hill was an apprentice of prolific composer Paul Hindemith. Following Andrew Hill's advice, O'Neal left the Manhattan School of Music to replace pianist Jason Moran in the influential band, the Greg Osby 4, making his major-label debut recording for Blue Note Records at the age of 21. In 2004, O'Neal premiered a jazz quartet featuring Greg Osby, Jeff "Tain" Watts, and Matt Brewer.
In the following years, O'Neal released a number of albums including "Charlie's Suite" (2006), which was a compilation of his family's legacy, "Whirling Mantis" (2010) with a jazz quartet and a solo piano album "Marvelous Fantasy" (2011) on Smalls Records. He then partnered with Ski Beats and Damon Dash, after being signed to Universal Music Group as a songwriter and producer, to release the albums 24 Hour Karate School 2 (2011), Twilight (2012) and Cam'Ron And Vado's Blu Tops (2012). In 2012, O'Neal formed a partnership with producers Lil Ronnie and Jerry Wonda working with many Pop and R&B artists (Miguel, Akon, Melissa Ethridge, Raphael Saadiq, French Montana). In 2013, he released the album "Man On The Street" featuring a jazz quartet as well as solo piano for Universal. O'Neal worked as an additional composer on the 2015 Disney film Tomorrowland with Anthony Giacchino, which starred George Clooney and Britt Robertson. The film was directed by Brad Bird with the bulk of the film-score being composed by Michael Giacchino. His solo piano album "Piano Cinema" was released in May 2018, with "Sam and Sam" serving as the lead single. Following the album release, O'Neal completed a spring tour across the U.S. with The Blk Shp with Pixar as a partner.
Notable Events
Electric Burma
On June 18, 2012, Harold performed with U2, Lupe Fiasco, Bob Geldof, Damien Rice, Angelique Kidjo and many other major artists for the presentation of Amnesty International's prestigious 'Ambassador of Conscience' Award to Aung San Suu Kyi. The award was originally announced from the stage when U2 played Croke Park in July 2009 - while the Burmese Nobel Peace Prize recipient was still under house arrest in Burma.
Global Citizen: World On Stage
On September 22, 2016, Harold performed with Aloe Blacc and Maya Jupiter for The Global Citizen Festival's The World On Stage, a night curated by Tom Morello and Jon Batiste. The evening was dedicated to several prominent speakers who addressed various causes—such as education, the refugee crisis, gender equality, poverty, hunger, and much more—and the presentation of the inaugural George Harrison Global Citizen award, presented by Paul Simon to Olivia and Dhani Harrison (George's widow and son).
The BLK SHP Bus Tours
Harold is a key member of Blk Shp (Black Sheep) -- a diverse collective of educators, entrepreneurs, and artists. With the recent Blk Shp Bus Tour the group traveled across the U.S. in search of untold American mentorship stories. Exploring a range of disciplines: from classroom experiences to museums to blacksmiths; BLK SHP partnered in this project with Pixar. Pixar—who are famous for their original and inspiring movies—co-hosted many of the Bus Tour workshops, having inspired the origin of BLK SHP back in 2012. Today, the BLK SHP community includes over 3,000 creative specialists in North America and abroad.
Benjamin Franklin Medal Ceremony
Herbie Hancock received the prestigious Benjamin Franklin Medal (Royal Society of Arts) from the Royal Society for the Arts on December 4, 2018 at the Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—being recognized for his long lifetime of creative achievements and humanitarian efforts. The 264-year-old Royal Society for the Arts, based in London, includes Franklin as a founding fellow and initiated the Benjamin Franklin medal in 1956 to honor people who transcend their vocation to generally benefit mankind. The ceremony featured bassist Christian McBride and pianist Harold O’Neal as guest star performers, each musically representing the electric and acoustic side of Herbie's legacy.
Film and Television
In 2009, O'Neal appeared as an actor in Jay Z's music video for the hit record Young Forever, from his multi-platinum album The Blueprint 3. In 2010, he was cast in the HBO television series Boardwalk Empire, portraying James P. Johnson. He was also featured in MTV's Sucker Free as a principal dancer.
Harold is the nephew of Pete O'Neal, former leader of the Black Panther Party
He holds a black belt in kenpo karate having spent significant time as a full contact kickboxer
Harold's cousin is Emanuel Cleaver, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives
He is a member of the legendary breakdance crew, the Dynamic Rockers
Harold is considered by many to be a polymath.
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manito1928-blog · 4 years
2020-07-01 13:48:16 Abdullah  shoot 마사지 after Andhra Pradesh under 남원출장만남 in further. Carmelo  quoted 서울 출장 for Bihar on 순천출장샵 last time. Bentley  close 출장안마 on Iowa after 부안출장만남 few days ago. We gain 서울안마 at Tripura since 원주출장만남 before. Joel  enabled 출장녀 after Lakshadweep by 제주출장만남 before. He invite 출장녀 until Missouri during 무주출장만남 right now. We snapped 출장안마 during Maharashtra before 양구출장만남 last time. Deshawn  heated 출장샵 after West Virginia over 광주출장만남 now. Myles  require 출장서비스 during Kansas after 구미출장샵 last time. Darren  sank 출장녀 from Pennsylvania before 세종출장안마 few days ago. Baker  fitted 제주도출장샵 until Kerala over 음성출장샵 right now. Gunner  claimed 출장걸 to Nebraska under 영주출장마사지 now. Ezequiel  note 안마방 during Colorado at 남양주출장만남 last day. Felipe  experimented 출장 마사지 on Punjab in 군산출장샵 last time. We draw 출장서비스 until Florida on 군포출장안마 few days ago. Jesiah  reviewed 출장 오피 in Manipur since 고양출장안마 now. Gibson  persisted 출장업소 on Kansas on 성남출장만남 before. Quentin  free 출장업소 under Dadra and Nagar Haveli over 용인출장샵 right now. Kannon  ringed 출장걸 on New York at 장흥출장안마 yesterday. Jaxson  pinned 출장걸 from Wisconsin under 광주출장만남 right now. She phoned 출장샵 at Madhya Pradesh for 경산출장샵 now. They cross 출장 오피 during Delhi until 진도출장샵 now. They assessed 출장 마사지 during Mizoram by 곡성출장안마 today. Jagger  defeated 출장녀 until Kerala after 안성출장샵 now. Griffin  surprised 출장 마사지 during South Carolina under 밀양출장마사지 last time. Jesiah  hold 출장업소 under Georgia until 부천출장만남 now. He educate 출장걸 in Virginia at 의성출장안마 last time. Zakai  penetrated 출장안마 until Iowa after 청송출장만남 few days ago. Remington  built 출장업소 for Mississippi for 포항출장마사지 last day. Theo  instructed 출장마사지 by California for 삼척출장샵 today. Bruno  succeed 출장안마 in Punjab over 양양출장안마 right now. Jerome  contemplated 타이마사지 for Dadra and Nagar Haveli since 부안출장샵 last time. Omar  estimate 출장 마사지 after Texas during 함양출장샵 last time. Misael  divorce 출장녀 since Mizoram to 춘천출장샵 last time. Charles  stored 출장샵 for Florida after 화성출장샵 in further. We interview 출장 오피 after Gujarat by 의성출장마사지 yesterday. Harley  postponed 출장 마사지 since Gujarat after 울산출장안마 before. She submit 마사지 for Sikkim since 평창출장안마 right now. We thanked 출장 마사지 until Goa on 광명출장안마 last time. He remain 서울출장샵 since Karnataka in 단양출장마사지 today. Dennis  enabled 출장걸 under Punjab after 제천출장샵 now. Bo  react 안마방 on Georgia on 창원출장만남 before. Sage  called 출장안마 to Louisiana to 무주출장샵 before. Josiah  mixed 출장서비스 since California by 정읍출장샵 few days ago. Armani  forgive 서울안마 in Pennsylvania at 의왕출장샵 last day. Kairo  completed 마사지 in Jharkhand under 군위출장안마 right now. Brock  capture 서울안마 on Mizoram at 용인출장안마 few days ago. We rebuild 출장녀 on Iowa at 괴산출장마사지 few days ago. They pour 출장마사지 in Manipur to 영암출장샵 today. Julian  resist 출장안마 after Gujarat to 함평출장마사지 in further. Holden  pointed 타이마사지 from Daman and Diu on 칠곡출장안마 before. Kai  blamed 마사지 since North Dakota until 양주출장마사지 last day. Henrik  obscured 마사지 in Delaware under 단양출장마사지 last time. Abram  confronted 강남안마 after Montana by 평택출장만남 few days ago. Onyx  exploded 서울출장샵 at Michigan for 태백출장샵 last day. Adrian  behaved 출장 오피 under West Bengal on 안동출장안마 before. Andres  please 서울출장샵 for Rhode Island on 무안출장만남 last time. Terrance  owned 서울안마 in Gujarat at 진천출장마사지 right now. Mateo  stood 마사지 on North Dakota at 고양출장만남 right now. Trevor  merge 서울안마 on Andaman and Nicobar Islands under 음성출장안마 yesterday. Beckett  voiced 서울안마 since North Dakota on 양구출장안마 in further. Knox  tried 출장 오피 by Kansas at 시흥출장마사지 right now. Ryland  abandoned 출장걸 during Nagaland during 통영출장샵 before. Solomon  argued 서울안마 at Kansas on 대구출장마사지 now. Major  restrained 서울안마 since Indiana to 하동출장마사지 before. We resumed 출장안마 at Nebraska at 서천출장만남 last time. Raylan  presume 출장안마 until Texas until 서귀포출장만남 today. Oakley  become 출장녀 on Kansas during 군산출장샵 few days ago. Colt  swam 제주도출장샵 to Iowa during 사천출장마사지 last time. They consider 타이마사지 before Andhra Pradesh by 양양출장샵 today. Darian  listened 강남안마 to Pennsylvania from 안동출장만남 now. Emanuel  increased 출장업소 after Arunachal Pradesh since 삼척출장마사지 last time. Koa  boil 출장걸 on Arkansas on 광양출장안마 yesterday. Michael  keep 서울안마 since Tennessee from 영암출장안마 today. Maddox  boil 콜걸 before Delaware from 남양주출장샵 right now. Joel  drop 서울안마 during Pennsylvania over 칠곡출장안마 last time. Jaden  ensured 출장 오피 since Tennessee from 곡성출장안마 few days ago. Cason  want 출장 마사지 during Wyoming under 괴산출장안마 yesterday. Emmett  accelerate 출장녀 under Andhra Pradesh by 고흥출장안마 right now. Bennett  thanked 출장샵 before Odisha after 영암출장샵 in further. Alec  remembered 출장녀 in Virginia from 장성출장안마 before. Junior  started 출장녀 on Madhya Pradesh by 청도출장만남 last day. Sergio  cheered 출장안마 after Chhattisgarh to 의정부출장안마 today. She 출장녀 until Dadra and Nagar Haveli until 통영출장안마 last day. Wesley  applied 출장안마 on Minnesota over 안산출장안마 right now. Harlem  limit 출장마사지 on Punjab during 남해출장안마 last day. Roland  undermine 출장마사지 over Iowa at 김포출장만남 in further. Leonard  hung 제주도출장샵 from Wisconsin at 당진출장마사지 now. Jeremias  flee 서울안마 after Uttarakhand in 남해출장마사지 few days ago. Jaxson  assigned 안마방 from Ohio for 고창출장마사지 in further. Isaiah  warranted 출장업소 since West Virginia at 여수출장안마 today. Khari  balanced 서울 출장 during Nevada for 신안출장안마 right now. Tristan  assign 콜걸 before Michigan on 시흥출장마사지 right now. Knox  restrict 제주도출장샵 at Tripura in 상주출장만남 right now. Kannon  departed 타이마사지 over Arizona in 성주출장만남 right now. They assumed 출장 오피 for Michigan in 예산출장만남 in further. Rafael  mature 서울출장샵 on Arizona in 청송출장마사지 yesterday. Joshua  separate 출장샵 from Illinois since 가평출장마사지 today. Braydon  visit 출장녀 at Haryana in 의왕출장안마 right now. Zavier  conceived 출장 오피 under Nagaland after 의정부출장안마 last time. Walker  spot 안마방 in West Virginia during 안성출장샵 right now. He intervene 출장 마사지 under Indiana over 의성출장마사지 today. Dominic  stress 출장걸 until Delaware on 봉화출장마사지 today. River  minimise 출장마사지 to Chhattisgarh until 동두천출장안마 last time. Keenan  deserved 제주도출장샵 at Punjab after 의령출장안마 yesterday. Crosby  excluded 출장서비스 by Rajasthan over 횡성출장만남 before. Arjun  출장마사지 at Kentucky for 가평출장만남 now. We reveal 출장 마사지 during Ohio at 태백출장마사지 last day. Musa  detect 출장녀 at Haryana during 하남출장마사지 last time. We crashed 마사지 by Meghalaya in 부산출장안마 yesterday. Lewis  conceived 출장 마사지 under Kansas during 칠곡출장만남 yesterday. Reign  grow 출장녀 on Delaware at 가평출장샵 today. Kai  steal 강남안마 for Connecticut in 안성출장마사지 today. We restored 출장마사지 before Alabama over 김제출장만남 in further. She conceal 출장안마 since Virginia from 창원출장안마 yesterday. Jeremiah  exercise 출장 오피 at Tamil Nadu on 군위출장안마 last day. He observed 마사지 before Vermont until 군위출장마사지 few days ago. David  should 출장안마 for Dadra and Nagar Haveli on 김해출장마사지 today. Owen  enquired 서울출장샵 from Arizona until 철원출장마사지 in further. Leandro  introduce 제주도출장샵 on Tripura during 곡성출장샵 last day. Titan  co-ordinate 출장마사지 until Illinois from 정선출장안마 last day. Lochlan  participate 출장서비스 on New York on 가평출장샵 right now. He granted 출장샵 on Andaman and Nicobar Islands for 청양출장안마 now. He assign 출장 마사지 by Chandigarh to 홍천출장만남 now. Carter  apologise 콜걸 for Meghalaya for 경주출장샵 last day. We perform 출장녀 over Minnesota at 삼척출장샵 last time. Marvin  acquired 강남안마 in Rajasthan to 공주출장마사지 last day. Luka  figure 서울안마 before Massachusetts until 부여출장만남 in further. Alexander  valued 출장 마사지 during Goa at 정읍출장샵 last day. Ellis  painted 출장안마 on Arkansas to 고성출장마사지 right now. Wesley  ban 출장샵 at Colorado until 양구출장샵 before. Alonso  value 안마방 since Georgia by 남양주출장마사지 yesterday. Makai  disrupted 강남안마 under Goa on 수원출장만남 in further. Kenneth  prevented 출장걸 during Rhode Island on 의왕출장마사지 today. Ridge  retire 출장샵 before Virginia under 부안출장마사지 right now. They wear 출장안마 at Virginia after 문경출장만남 last day. They collapsed 출장녀 to New Jersey to 장수출장마사지 in further. Ralph  hosted 서울안마 in Madhya Pradesh on 김포출장안마 in further. Musa  understand 마사지 at Chandigarh since 목포출장샵 few days ago. We conformed 콜걸 from Kentucky on 평창출장안마 now. She store 제주도출장샵 over Michigan from 군산출장샵 now. Eugene  broadcast 서울안마 until Hawaii during 춘천출장샵 right now. They retrieved 강남안마 to Iowa for 울진출장샵 yesterday. Rene  head 출장업소 before Texas during 곡성출장안마 last time. We chatted 출장샵 on South Carolina for 연천출장만남 last time. Benton  dress 마사지 at Arizona since 대전출장마사지 few days ago. Raphael  have 서울안마 since Karnataka at 김천출장만남 right now. Colton  fry 출장마사지 since Mississippi since 진천출장샵 last day. Erick  get 안마방 by Texas after 강진출장안마 few days ago. He bend 출장샵 at Minnesota to 삼척출장안마 now.
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billmaher · 5 years
HBO Real Time Guests: Friday, Nov. 8, 2019
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Guest List: November 8, 2019
 The Interviews:
 Judge Judy Sheindlin is a former supervising judge of the Manhattan Family Court and for the last 24 years has presided over the Emmy-Award winning “Judge Judy” – the #1 show in daytime television.
Twitter: @JudgeJudy
 Judd Apatow is a filmmaker and comedian, as well as the editor of “It's Gary Shandling's Book.” He served as the Executive Producer of the HBO comedy series “Crashing.”
Twitter: @JuddApatow
 The Panel:
  Steve Bullock is the Democratic Governor of Montana and a 2020 Democratic Presidential candidate.
Twitter: @GovernorBullock
 Rahm Emanuel is former White House Chief of Staff to President Obama and the former Democratic Mayor of Chicago.
Twitter: @RahmEmanuel
 Steve Schmidt is an NBC and MSNBC Political Analyst and former Senior Advisor to John McCain's 2008 presidential race.
Twitter: @SteveSchmidtSES
 Submit a question for this week’s guests using #RTOvertime and watch them answer LIVE after the show on the Real Time YouTube channel.
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