#Email Thread Analytics
knovos · 9 days
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Email Threading Analysis: An Essential Companion in eDiscovery
In today’s digital age of information deluge, email is still considered as one of the most preferred methods of communication.
With an average office worker receiving 121 business-related emails per day or approximately 9000 to 15000 emails per year, a mammoth amount of data is generated over the year, even if a limited number of custodians (data owners) are involved.
Such an overflow of data can cause significant problems during the eDiscovery phase, where reviewers have to review a large number of documents to sort ‘relevant’ ones. Since email review is a resource-intensive process involving high costs, the risk of overlooking or skipping vital information hidden in huge volumes of data can be detrimental to the eDiscovery project.
Let’s delve into the world of email ESI and explore the best practices and techniques for handling email data. This article sheds light on email thread analysis and its advantages. In my next article in this email eDiscovery series, I will emphasize the holistic approach that modern eDiscovery practitioners consider while tackling email data in eDiscovery.
Understanding Email Threading: Weaving the Fabric of Conversations
With internet penetration getting stronger and readily accessible to everyone, according to one estimate, around 361.6 billion emails will be sent and received per day in 2024.
Read full blog at Email Threading Analysis: An Essential Companion in eDiscovery (knovos.com)
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 8 months
01/23/2024 Daily Recap
Hey all! It's been another long day, but we've got lots of new resources on how to help and things have been very busy!
=Renew As A Crew Updates=
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Sources: Tumblr / Twitter / Instagram
So it sounds like some of the silence going on is related to RaaC adhering to the Global Strike with Social Media going on for Palestine this week. Please visit the sources above for more information, they also go over how to interact with each platform we're trying to woo (I didn't include that here because it's already in the Daily Renewal List)
=Cast & Crew Sightings=
As every day has been lately, the star of today was chaos dad himself, David Jenkins with that article that was mentioned last night from popverse.
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Also for that matter, he's excited about being close to 80K
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Dad wasn't the only one trolling max today, the Crew got deep into it to the point that caseybloys blocked quite a few of them and then they got the hashtag "#OhBloysHeMad" trending. Here are some highlights because I feel like all the tumblr folk need to know how hard twitter went today.
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=== How to Help ===
As usual, please refer to the Renewal Task List for daily updates, but great news, we now have a Renewal Task List for our friends outside the US as well. Apparently there are different effort in different countries, so we split them up. Please let me know if there's anything additional / more countries you'd like to see!
Renewal Daily Task List - US
Renewal Daily Task List - Outside US
The Crew also got super creative and put up some awesome new resources for folks to use. I've added quite a few to the Renewal Daily Checklists, but if I missed any please let me know! Here's some examples:
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UK Our Flag Means Death Updates
News from the UK Thank you to @lamentus1 and @libbyroseitm for the updates!
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Here’s our report from the UK News from the UK As you probably know the second season of OFMD is yet to air in the UK. Today we had an email saying that an announcement about when it will be on TV and iPlayer here will happen “Incredibly soon”. We love the use of the word incredibly! In response to how helpful our contact has been with replies we sent a single email with lots of names on it thanking them. Our best predictions for when OFMD2 might air in the UK is late February or early March. Once Season 2 starts to air in the UK we think we will see a significant increase in interest in Our Flag Means Death. We are currently looking into ways to harness this energy! (Obviously we hope that we’ll be adopted before season 2 aires here, but if not…) One idea is to hold another watch party to coincide with the arrival of season 2 here. Another idea is to hold a flash mob. Possibly at the Cutty Sark in London. TBC. We’re working on ideas and would love to hear people’s thoughts! Please reach out to @lamentus1 with ideas!
= Pirate Omens Watch =
Pirate Omens Watch happened today on Twitter and will continue tomorrow through friday. For more details please reference below - I caught the second half and was a lot of fun! Lot's of parallels and great opportunities to tweet at @pricevideo about them!
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== Articles ==
Max Delivered the Final Blow to the Horny, Quirky Comedy
Hungarian News: Ritkán látott összefogás egy elkaszált sorozatért
So something else that I found super cool was this post on twitter by @havethisonelife
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Anyway, I just love that kinda thing, and seeing that come from articles about OFMD is just super cool.
Okay I think that's everything. As usual, if I missed anything drastic please let me know! There wasn't a whole lot going on on IG today, seemed like twitter was the show horse.
You thought you were rid of me sending love-- but you were wrong!
Did you know you're fucking phenomenal? Like seriously. I read through all these tumblr threads, twitter, instagram, and all I fucking see is amazing people being fucking awesome to each other (and politely shitty to max which is also amazing).
People are posting in various places and saying they had a rough day, or they're sick (that was me!) and you kind buggers are reaching out and giving support and love and I'm so damn proud to be a part of this amazing crew. You are legit the best people I've ever met! (IRL or Internet).
Everyday you continue to impress me and every one of us with your creativity, kindness, ambition, and wonder. You make me laugh, I've cried a bit from some of the posts too (not a bad thing!) and in general just fucking make the world a better place. I can't wait to see all of you continue to shine, which reminds me of this quote:
"Nothing can dim the light that shines from within" - Maya Angelou
Alright, enough of the mushy stuff-- onto the Rhys and Taika eye-porn. (Is Rhys getting some head from Taika? Badummmshhhh, ok I'll leave now). Gnight!
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peopledonttalkabout · 4 months
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Bonus 11 | YEARS GONE BY: Celebrating One Year of People Don't Talk About -- follow the link below to listen!!
ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY hypeeeeee!!! Join Anton and Margaret as they share a snapshots of their analytics one year into this podcast, and thank you all for listening!! <3 <3 <3
Check out our Instagram ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@peopledonttalkabout⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ for all pod-related announcements and updates!
Also, we have a Threads at the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠same handle⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠! Check out Margaret's shitposts and other random thoughts!!
The theme music for People Don't Talk About... Young Royals is a dynamically-modified version of a selected portion of ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠"The Lowest Place on Earth" by REW<⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠<.⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Any inquiries of a professional or business nature may be directed to our email, [email protected]. Please be aware, we will only consider emails from a reputable and/or verifiable sender. All other correspondence will be disregarded.
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nurjahan774 · 10 months
The Unparalleled Importance of Email Marketing in the Digital Age
In an era dominated by social media, instant messaging, and evolving digital platforms, one might question the relevance of email marketing. However, contrary to popular belief, email marketing remains a cornerstone of digital communication strategies, boasting unparalleled importance and efficacy. This channel continues to be a potent tool for businesses to engage, nurture relationships, and drive conversions with their audience. Let's delve into the myriad reasons why email marketing continues to thrive and its enduring significance in today's dynamic marketing landscape.
1. Direct and Personalized Communication
Email marketing enables direct and personalized communication with your audience. Unlike social media where algorithms govern content visibility, emails directly reach the recipient's inbox. This one-on-one interaction fosters a sense of exclusivity and personal connection, allowing for tailored content delivery based on subscriber preferences, behavior, and demographics. Personalization enhances engagement and significantly boosts conversion rates, as it demonstrates a deeper understanding of the recipient's needs and interests.
2. Cost-Effectiveness and High ROI
One of the most compelling aspects of email marketing is its cost-effectiveness and impressive return on investment (ROI). Compared to traditional marketing channels, the overhead costs of creating and sending emails are relatively low. With advancements in automation and segmentation, businesses can efficiently reach a large audience with targeted, relevant content. Studies consistently show that for every dollar spent on email marketing, the ROI is remarkably high, making it an indispensable tool for businesses of all sizes.
3. Building and Nurturing Customer Relationships
Email marketing serves as a powerful medium for building and nurturing customer relationships. By consistently delivering valuable and engaging content, businesses can establish trust, credibility, and brand loyalty. Whether it's informative newsletters, exclusive offers, or personalized recommendations, well-crafted emails help in staying top-of-mind and strengthening the bond between the brand and its audience. Moreover, feedback mechanisms within emails facilitate direct communication, allowing for customer feedback, queries, and concerns to be addressed promptly.
4. Drive Conversions and Sales
Beyond relationship-building, email marketing is a potent driver of conversions and sales. Strategic email campaigns tailored to different stages of the buyer's journey can guide recipients through the sales funnel. Whether it's introducing new products/services, promoting discounts, or sending abandoned cart reminders, emails have the capacity to prompt action and lead subscribers towards making a purchase. The ability to segment lists based on user behavior further enhances the effectiveness of these campaigns, resulting in higher conversion rates.
5. Measurable and Data-Driven Insights
Another significant advantage of email marketing lies in its measurability and data-driven insights. Advanced analytics tools allow marketers to track various metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and more. These insights provide valuable feedback, enabling continuous optimization of campaigns. A/B testing subject lines, content formats, and CTAs empowers marketers to refine strategies based on what resonates best with their audience, leading to continuous improvement and higher performance.
6. Adaptability and Integration with Other Channels
Email marketing seamlessly integrates with other marketing channels, enhancing overall campaign effectiveness. Whether it's social media, content marketing, or paid advertising, email serves as a connective thread that reinforces messaging across different touchpoints. Furthermore, its adaptability allows for innovation and experimentation, accommodating new trends such as interactive emails, dynamic content, and mobile optimization, ensuring relevance in an ever-evolving digital landscape.
In conclusion, despite the proliferation of various digital communication channels, email marketing remains an indispensable and powerful tool for businesses. Its ability to foster personalized interactions, nurture relationships, drive conversions, and provide actionable insights cements its significance in modern marketing strategies. Embracing the potential of email marketing is not just about sending messages but crafting engaging, relevant content that resonates with recipients, ultimately propelling business growth and success in the digital age.
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hesitationss · 1 year
fb+/meta or whatever is one severely unfunny joke. i know i am mostly a hater of social media, but i don't see how threads is going to be better for usability and reach. especially given how shit numbers are on IG (i get more noted "per capita" of followers on tumblr and twitter for untagged posts). i already made a small thread of zucc apps being shit which I'll copy paste here. i don't know how people are thinking threads is going to be better than any of the twitter alternatives when it's most likely the WORST option out there. anyway-
the reason why the other twit replacement apps aren't as insidious as threads (zucc/fb owned) should be obvious, but i'll list some things:
• infamously on zucc platforms you can get reported for saying "white people" which is why so many of us say yt now (a bit of poc social media history for u from the 2010s)
• private messages are sold/given to police no warrant: this could be anything used against you, could be protest info, where you've been, etc.
• right wing propaganda/misinfo is lucrative for facebook. this is something that heavily affects the global south btw.
• they lie about views and growth for business accounts to keep you on their platform. the case i know best is that they inflated college humor's analytics to compete w youtube. this resulted in so many businesses throwing money and labour at facebook w out much return.
also zucc sucks, he's pure evil... like u don't need me to get into *that* hopefully
omg 🙄 so shocked 🙄 that zucc is further propelling nazism on his latest app that has the exact same content moderation as all his other fucking apps lol 🙄 who would have guessed ?
Far-right figures, including Nazi supporters, anti-gay extremists, and white supremacists, are flocking to Threads (Media Matters)
Adding sources:
Point 1 - i can't find any formal articles that document the particular insidiousness of this, but I and many others who were in BIPOC only "leftbook" groups had either our accounts or groups we joined completely nerfed for using language against white people. hubs that had been for info dissemination, discussing theory, and organizing were marked as hate speech or reported by white reactionaries (even "leftist" ones)
Point 2 - Has been apparent since Michael Brown's murder by police in 2014 and the protests following, but was esp apparent in protest following George Floyd's murder and subsequent protests.
FBI trawled Facebook to arrest protesters for inciting riots, court records show (NBC News)
Point 3 Links - Facebook Admits It Was Used to Incite Violence in Myanmar (NY Times) | Whistleblower: Facebook is misleading the public on progress against hate speech, violence, misinformation (CBS) | How Facebook and Google fund global misinformation (MIT Tech Review)
Link for point 4 - Adam Conover talking about College Humor's inflated FB numbers (plus many other articles have been written about this)
more on the privacy shit - sex workers who have used fb AND ig on burner emails with fake names, had their emails and real names auto linked bcuz of how much a little bit of information goes. how fucked up is that.
How Facebook Outs Sex Workers
BTW i have been preaching this for years but if you want to learn why our internet is fucked up, learn about what happened with net neutrality cases in the US, and then later, SESTA FOSTA (primarily targetting sex workers but is the reason why everything is censored now). ppl online have been warning everyone about this for years, but you are just now experiencing the consequences. but again, nobody listens to things that target primarily sex workers.
plus from a functional standpoint, if you want to delete your threads account, your instagram is deleted as well. like it really doesn't seem worth it for people who are desperate to find the social media that will stick. i don't have anything nice to say about any of the other social medias except that some Mastodon instances do a great job at keeping nazi's out and using alt text, but the bar is extremely low and everybody else is even lower ^_^
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katespadeuk · 1 year
Boost productivity with Workfront Project Management Software
🚀 Boost your productivity with Workfront Project Management Software! 📈
Are you tired of juggling multiple tasks and struggling to keep your projects organized? Look no further! Introducing Workfront, the ultimate project management software that will revolutionize the way you work.
✅ Streamlined Collaboration: Say goodbye to endless email threads and scattered project files. With Workfront, you can centralize all your project-related information, tasks, and documents in one place. Collaborate seamlessly with your team, share updates, and track progress effortlessly.
✅ Enhanced Task Management: Stay on top of your to-do list with Workfront's intuitive task management features. Assign tasks, set deadlines, and monitor their progress. With clear visibility into individual and team workloads, you can prioritize effectively and ensure timely project completion.
✅ Real-Time Insights: Make data-driven decisions and optimize your workflows with Workfront's powerful analytics. Gain valuable insights into project timelines, resource allocation, and team performance. Identify bottlenecks, allocate resources efficiently, and deliver projects on time, every time.
✅ Customizable Workflows: Workfront adapts to your unique business processes. Customize workflows and automate repetitive tasks, saving you valuable time and effort. Tailor the software to fit your team's needs and maximize efficiency across the board.
✅ Seamless Integration: Workfront seamlessly integrates with popular tools like Jira, Salesforce, and Adobe Creative Cloud, providing a cohesive ecosystem for your project management needs. Say goodbye to manual data transfers and embrace a connected and efficient workflow.
Don't let project chaos slow you down! Take control of your work and boost your productivity with Workfront Project Management Software. Try it today and experience the difference it can make in your professional life.
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workflownocodes · 15 days
Workflow Apps vs. Traditional Methods: What You Need to Know
In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations are constantly seeking ways to improve efficiency and productivity. One major area of focus is the shift from traditional methods to modern workflow apps. This transition can significantly impact how tasks are managed, projects are executed, and overall organizational efficiency is achieved. Here’s a comprehensive look at the differences between workflow apps and traditional methods, and what you need to know to make an informed decision.
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Understanding Traditional Methods
Traditional methods of managing workflows often involve manual processes, paper-based documentation, and decentralized communication. These methods typically include:
Paper Documents: Tasks and processes are tracked using physical documents, which can lead to lost information, delays, and inefficiencies.
Manual Tracking: Work progress is monitored through spreadsheets, whiteboards, or physical logs, requiring manual updates and prone to errors.
Email Communication: Coordination and updates are managed through email threads, which can become disorganized and difficult to track.
In-Person Meetings: Meetings are scheduled and conducted face-to-face, which can be time-consuming and less flexible.
Advantages of Traditional Methods
Despite their limitations, traditional methods have some benefits, including:
Tactile Control: Physical documents can provide a tangible sense of control and organization.
Familiarity: Many organizations have long-standing practices that are deeply integrated into their culture.
Simple Implementation: Basic tracking methods can be easy to set up without requiring specialized software.
The Rise of Workflow Apps
Workflow apps represent a modern approach to managing business processes, leveraging technology to streamline and automate tasks. These apps include platforms like Asana, Trello, and Monday.com, which offer a range of features to enhance productivity. Key characteristics of workflow apps include:
Automation: Workflow apps automate repetitive tasks, such as notifications, approvals, and data entry, reducing manual effort and errors.
Real-Time Collaboration: These apps facilitate real-time communication and collaboration through shared workspaces, instant messaging, and updates.
Centralized Documentation: All relevant documents and information are stored in a centralized, digital location, making it easily accessible and organized.
Data Analytics: Workflow apps provide data analytics and reporting features, allowing organizations to track performance metrics, identify bottlenecks, and make informed decisions.
Advantages of Workflow Apps
The shift to workflow apps offers several advantages:
Increased Efficiency: Automation reduces the need for manual updates and administrative tasks, freeing up time for more strategic work.
Enhanced Visibility: Real-time tracking and centralized documentation provide greater transparency into project status and team performance.
Improved Collaboration: Integrated communication tools and shared platforms facilitate better coordination and teamwork.
Scalability: Workflow apps can easily scale with organizational growth, accommodating increased complexity and volume of work.
Challenges and Considerations
While workflow apps offer numerous benefits, organizations should also consider potential challenges:
Implementation Costs: Adopting workflow apps may involve initial costs for software, training, and integration with existing systems.
Change Management: Transitioning from traditional methods to digital tools can require significant change management efforts, including staff training and process adjustments.
Data Security: Ensuring the security and privacy of data within digital platforms is crucial, especially for sensitive information.
Making the Transition
When deciding between workflow apps and traditional methods, consider the following factors:
Current Workflow Needs: Assess the complexity of your workflows and determine if automation and digital tools can address specific challenges.
Budget and Resources: Evaluate the costs associated with workflow apps and weigh them against the potential benefits and efficiency gains.
Employee Readiness: Prepare your team for the transition by providing adequate training and support to ensure a smooth adoption of new tools.
Choosing between workflow apps and traditional methods involves evaluating your organization’s specific needs, goals, and resources. Workflow apps offer modern solutions that can enhance efficiency, collaboration, and visibility, while traditional methods may still be valuable in certain contexts. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each approach, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your organizational objectives and drives better outcomes.
Workflow No Code - Wix
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industrynewsupdates · 1 month
Managed Security Services Procurement Intelligence: Unlocking Opportunities
The global managed security services category is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 15.4% from 2023 to 2030. It is witnessing growth owing to the factors such as rising adoption of services offered in the category due to increase in security breaches, stricter government laws pertaining to data security, rise in complex cyberattacks, growing requirement for economical & reliable platform to monitor security incidents, and rising need for security intelligence & early threat detection tools. However, restricted capacity to offer services for incident response and thread hunting, and insufficient technical know-how and skilled manpower may hinder the growth of global category. In addition, these services can be very helpful to the enterprises that need specialized security deployments because of their very large or complicated architecture or because they have particular implementation requirements involving several systems.
Technologies that are driving the global category include cloud-based security, AI (artificial intelligence) & ML (machine learning), MDR (managed detection & response), zero trust security, DevSecOps, IoT (internet of things), blockchain, and email authentication. Cloud-based security, such as CASBs (cloud access security brokers) CSPM (cloud security posture management), and CWPP (cloud workload protection platforms), are now being offered by managed security services providers (MSSPs). These services give enterprises visibility into their security posture and assist them in safeguarding their cloud environments. In addition, the delivery of security services is being revolutionized by AI and ML. By utilizing these technologies, MSSPs may automate security procedures, identify and address threats more quickly, and lower the possibility of human mistake. MSSPs are offering predictive analytics and threat intelligence through AI and ML, which can assist enterprises in staying ahead of new threats.
The category for managed security services is fragmented and highly competitive with the presence of several global players offering plethora of services. The category has become more active as clients continue to grow internationally and strategic players pick up new competencies. In addition, enhancing and broadening the scope of offerings has emerged as a prime investment opportunity for private enterprises, uniting several small and medium-sized firms to augment the magnitude and cooperate with these divisions. It is projected that the industry will witness a large number of joint ventures, mergers & acquisitions, and service introductions as businesses continue to make strategic investments in order to satisfy client demands. Buyers in the industry possess high negotiating capability as the presence of large pool of service providers offers them opportunity to select the best option based on number of services and price.
Order your copy of the Managed Security Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
Software & hardware costs (expenses associated with purchasing and managing security tools, such as antivirus, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, etc.), labor costs, and services cost (expenses associated with consulting and support) are the major cost components for managed security services category. Key factors that influence the price of the services offered in the category includes how big a business or network is, the intricacy of a business enterprise’s network architecture, and the quantity and gravity of the risks that the business could encounter. Furthermore, the pricing model that players in the industry follow include per-data usage pricing (costing over USD 9 - USD 499 per user / device / month), per-device pricing (costing over USD 74 - USD 249 per user / device / month), per-user pricing (costing over USD 74 - USD 249 per user / device / month), cloud-based pricing (costing over USD 124 - USD 299 per user / device / month), and tiered pricing (costing over USD 29 - USD 149 per user / device / month).
North America region dominates the global managed security services category, holding over 34.4% of global market share. Growth of the category in the region is being propelled by the presence of numerous managed security services providers (MSSPs), and growing demand from various tech titans for outsourcing services. It is supplemented by managed service options that better address individual demands and the rising need for data protection, network security, and cloud computing. In addition, the Asia-Pacific region is anticipated to witness the fastest growth rate over the projected timeframedue to the dearth of internal security specialists and the short supply of security equipment to shield data from sophisticated cyberattacks. Furthermore, assessing the specialization and relevant experience possessed by an MSSP, ensuring that an MSSP leverages latest technologies & tools that offer effective security, looking for customer feedback / testimonials of MSSP, and comparing prices offered for different services by MSSPs are some of the best sourcing practices considered in this category.
Managed Security Services Procurement Intelligence Report Scope
• Managed Security Services Category Growth Rate: CAGR of 15.4% from 2023 to 2030
• Pricing Growth Outlook: 5% - 10% increase (Annually)
• Pricing Models: Fixed pricing, competition-based pricing
• Supplier Selection Scope: Cost and pricing, Past engagements, Productivity, Geographical presence
• Supplier Selection Criteria: Geographic service provision, industries served, years in service, certifications, managed identity & access management, managed antivirus / antimalware, managed firewall, managed risk & compliance management, managed security incident & event management, managed unified threat management, and others
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Web Hosting Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
• Payment Processing Solutions Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Key Companies 
• Accenture plc
• Alert Logic, Inc.
• Atos SE
• Broadcom Inc.
• CIPHER Security Limited
• DXC Technology Company
• Fujitsu Limited
• International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation
• NTT DATA Group Corporation
• Secureworks, Inc.
• Trustwave Holdings, Inc.
• Wipro Limited
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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salestowns · 2 months
How Real Estate CRM Software Can Revolutionize Your Business
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As a real estate professional, you know that managing clients, leads, and transactions can be overwhelming. That's where real estate CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software comes in. This powerful tool can streamline your operations, boost your productivity, and help you close more deals. Let's explore how a real estate CRM can transform your business.
What is Real Estate CRM?
Real estate CRM software is a specialized system designed to help real estate agents, brokers, and agencies manage their client relationships, leads, and daily operations. It's a central hub for all your important data and tasks, making it easier to stay organized and efficient.
Key Benefits of Real Estate CRM Software
Centralized Contact Management
A real estate CRM keeps all your client information in one place. No more shuffling through business cards or searching through endless email threads. With just a few clicks, you can access contact details, communication history, and property preferences for each client.
Improved Lead Management
One of the most valuable features of a real estate CRM is its lead management capabilities. lead management Software allows you to track potential clients from first contact to closing. You can easily categorize leads, set follow-up reminders, and monitor their progress through your sales funnel.
Automated Tasks and Reminders
Never miss an important deadline or forget to follow up with a client again. Real estate CRM software can automate routine tasks and send you reminders for critical activities, ensuring you stay on top of your game.
Enhanced Communication
Many real estate CRMs offer integrated communication tools, allowing you to send emails, text messages, or even make calls directly from the platform. This feature helps you maintain consistent and timely communication with your clients.
Better Time Management
By centralizing your tasks and automating routine processes, a real estate CRM frees up your time to focus on what really matters - building relationships and closing deals.
Insightful Reporting and Analytics
Real estate CRM software often includes powerful reporting tools. These can help you analyze your performance, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to grow your business.
Mobile Access
Many modern real estate CRMs offer mobile apps, allowing you to access your data and manage your business on the go. This flexibility is crucial in the fast-paced world of real estate.
How Real Estate Broker CRM Differs
While individual agents can benefit greatly from a real estate CRM, brokers have unique needs that require specialized features. A real estate broker CRM typically includes:
- Team management tools
- Commission tracking
- Transaction management across multiple agents
- Advanced reporting and analytics for the entire brokerage
Choosing the Right Real Estate CRM Software
When selecting a real estate CRM, consider the following factors:
Ease of use: The software should be intuitive and user-friendly.
Integration capabilities: Look for a CRM that can integrate with your existing tools and platforms.
Customization options: Every real estate business is unique, so choose a CRM that can be tailored to your specific needs.
Cost: Consider both the upfront cost and long-term value of the CRM.
Customer support: Ensure the provider offers reliable customer support to help you make the most of your CRM.
Implementing Your Real Estate CRM
Once you've chosen your real estate CRM software, follow these steps for successful implementation:
Import your existing data
Set up your customizations and workflows
Train yourself and your team on how to use the new system
Start small and gradually expand your usage of the CRM
Regularly review and optimize your processes
In today's competitive real estate market, having the right tools can make all the difference. A robust real estate CRM can help you manage leads more effectively, streamline your operations, and ultimately close more deals. Whether you're an individual agent or a broker managing a team, investing in the right real estate CRM software can be a game-changer for your business.
Remember, the key to success with any CRM is consistent use. Make it a part of your daily routine, and you'll soon wonder how you ever managed without it. So why wait? Start exploring your options for real estate CRM software today and take your business to the next level! Other Blogs:
Best Travel CRM
B2B CRM Software
Best CRM for small businesses
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reddyanna11 · 3 months
Unveiling the Impact of Reddy Anna in Revolutionizing Sports Management in 2024
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Step into the future of sports management with Reddy Anna , an innovative platform that is revolutionizing the way teams and athletes organize and communicate in 2024. Imagine a tool that streamlines every aspect of sports administration, from scheduling practices to analyzing performance data, all at your fingertips. Get ready to discover how Reddy Anna Website is changing the game for sports professionals worldwide!
The Role of Reddy Anna  in Sports Management
Reddy Anna ID has revolutionized sports management by providing a comprehensive platform for teams and athletes to streamline their operations efficiently. With features tailored specifically for the sporting world, this innovative tool has become an indispensable asset in enhancing performance and organization. From managing schedules to tracking player development, Reddy Anna ID offers a centralized hub for all aspects of sports management. Coaches can easily communicate with their team members, assign tasks, and monitor progress in real-time. This level of connectivity fosters collaboration and ensures that everyone is on the same page towards achieving common goals. Moreover, the data analytics capabilities of Reddy Anna Book  enable teams to make informed decisions based on performance metrics and trends. By harnessing the power of technology, sports organizations can optimize strategies and maximize their potential for success. In essence, Reddy Anna ID serves as a game-changer in the realm of sports management, empowering individuals and teams to reach new heights of excellence.
Success Stories of Teams and Athletes Using Reddy Anna 
Picture this - a small underdog team, armed with determination and talent but lacking resources. Enter Reddy Anna ID, the game-changer in sports management. With its seamless platform for communication and organization, teams like this one have been able to level the playing field. Through the use of Reddy Anna ID, coaches can easily track player progress, manage schedules efficiently, and analyze performance data in real-time. This has led to remarkable improvements in team dynamics and individual skills development. Athletes are now empowered to take control of their training regimes and collaborate with their peers effortlessly. By leveraging the features of Reddy Anna Club, they are reaching new heights in their athletic endeavors. From grassroots teams to professional athletes, success stories abound thanks to the innovative approach of Reddy Anna ID in revolutionizing sports management.
How Reddy Anna  Streamlines Communication and Organization in Sports
Picture this: a seamless platform designed to bring together athletes, coaches, and teams in perfect harmony. With Reddy Anna Online Book, communication flows effortlessly, breaking down barriers and ensuring everyone is on the same page. No more missed messages or confusion about schedules – everything is neatly organized in one centralized location. Gone are the days of endless email threads and scattered information. Reddy Anna Website streamlines communication by providing real-time updates and notifications, keeping everyone informed at all times. Coaches can easily share training plans, game strategies, and performance feedback with their players instantaneously. Teams can coordinate practices, games, and events with ease through the intuitive calendar feature. Athletes can track their progress, receive personalized recommendations from coaches, and stay motivated towards achieving their goals – all within a few clicks on the Reddy Anna website. In the fast-paced world of sports management, having a tool like Reddy Anna ID at your fingertips is truly a game-changer!
Conclusion: Embracing the Future of Sports
As we look towards the future of sports management, it's clear that technologies like Reddy Anna ID are paving the way for a more streamlined and efficient approach to organizing teams, communicating with athletes, and ultimately achieving success on and off the field. By embracing tools that prioritize collaboration, organization, and effective communication, sports organizations can position themselves for growth and excellence in 2024 and beyond. The impact of Reddy Anna Login  in revolutionizing sports management cannot be understated. With its user-friendly features, seamless communication platforms, and proven track record of success stories from teams and athletes around the world, it is evident that this technology is shaping the way sports are managed at every level. As we continue to embrace innovation in the realm of sports management, one thing remains certain - the future looks bright with Reddy Anna Website leading the charge.
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markonik12 · 3 months
Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends in 2024 You Should Know
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Digital marketing has started to prove itself to be one of the most promising arenas of technical development. Any brand, whether it is dealing in lifestyle or beauty, hospitality or any other field, should seek the help of digital marketing at some point in their journey to become successful in the online world.
In this dynamic field, one needs to be updated with the latest trends and start implementing them to compete with the rest and grab the top-ranking indexes. 
From natural language processing to virtual reality, here are 10 trends you can’t afford to ignore if your marketing campaigns are to thrive. Prepare yourself for the journey into the future of digital marketing with new information and effective recommendations to stay ahead.  
Top-Notch Digital Marketing Trends 2024
1. Machine learning and artificial intelligence
Smarter Chatbots and Customer Support
Modern AI-powered chatbots have better conversation quality and are almost human-like, creating better customer experiences. For instance, Sephora has a chatbot for Facebook Messenger that assists customers in discovering products according to their interests and past purchases. Moreover, these chatbots offer customers 24/7 technical support and respond to queries within a matter of seconds. In this way, your client will never be refused any customer support he needs, boosting your Google My Business Profile to the top!
Predictive Analytics
Customer behaviour is forecasted by the AI tools to promote products among consumers properly. For instance, Netflix has developed a predictive model that recommends shows and movies to viewers based on their previous choices. When you can understand what exactly your client needs, none can stop you from becoming successful! To keep up with the latest digital marketing strategies. use AI chatbots to respond to simple customer service questions, and use predictive modelling to optimize your email marketing campaigns.  
2. Video Marketing Dominance
Short-form video
Short-form video hosting platforms like Instagram reels or YouTube shorts are experiencing phenomenal interaction. Brands are using these to reach out to the youth. These short videos act as snackable content that helps to maintain user attention and is easily shareable. To build up an interesting connection with the youth of 2024, start posting engaging reels or shorts that convey your business crux. Be a bit sarcastic sometimes, and play with memes!
Live Streaming
Facebook and YouTube are examples of live video broadcasts that provide immediate interaction with viewers. Live streams give a sneak peek into the process, making the brand message even more credible. Use live streams for product launches, Q&A sessions, and behind-the-scenes content to build a deeper connection with your audience.  
3. Focus On New Social Platforms
Open an Account on Topmate
Topmate is gradually gaining popularity as one of the favourites of influencers and marketers. It is primarily intended to assist you in establishing yourself in cyberspace and gaining access to new consumers. Using this account, you can post content, interact with your fans, and earn money from your reposts due to collaborations and sponsorships. 
Connect with Threads for Real-Time Conversation
Threads, an application within Instagram that focuses on private, timely conversations, is being adopted by more marketers. It enables you to communicate directly and more intimately with your audience. Use Threads to post more about what is happening behind the scenes, ask a simple poll, or provide some extra information. 
Start Daily Vlogging
In our opinion, vlogging daily is an effective strategy for building an emotional connection with the viewers. By giving glimpses of your daily flow, you establish credibility and reliability. To upload your vlogs, use other platforms such as YouTube or TikTok. The consistency of having content to share daily keeps your target market returning and raises awareness. 
Implement Social Commerce
To reach the audience directly, consumers should capitalize on the shopping options currently offered by popular social media platforms. Tap into Instagram Shopping, Facebook Shops, and Pinterest Shopping to provide a smooth buying process. Make your products stand out and include shopping options in the posts and stories you share.  
4. Voice Search Optimization
Voice Assistants
Voice search is also growing owing to the increased use of smart speakers such as the Amazon Echo and Google Home. To be more effective, brands must focus on voice searches so that voice assistants can easily find their content. To prepare for voice search, marketers must adapt their content to broad and long-length questions, which are more common with voice assistants. For instance, using smart speakers, clients can use voice commands to order from Domino’s Pizza. This has proven to be one of the primary 2024 digital marketing trends to watch.  
5. The Metaverse and Virtual Reality
Immersive Experiences
Business entities are developing virtual shops and spaces in virtual worlds such as Decentraland and Roblox. You should also start focusing on these platforms and try to enhance the customer experience.  Virtual reality (VR) gives a level of engagement that ‘normal’ marketing simply cannot. This kind of advertising is extremely interactive. It enables tangible interactive ads that capture the users in a very special way. It’s easy for brands to tell better stories through VR and have a great interaction with the audiences.  
6. Personalized Marketing
Using data to tailor marketing messages to the target consumers is more critical than in the past. Personalized emails, product recommendations, and even website experiences can significantly increase engagement. If you cold-mail someone with the blatant business details, hardly anyone would take an interest.  To compete in the future of digital marketing, use customer data to personalize email campaigns, product recommendations, and website content.   
7. Influencer Marketing Evolution
Micro and Nano Influencers
To gain a high engagement for your brand, you need to try out influencer marketing. Micro-influencers are always seen to have a higher level of engagement than mega-influencers. Well-known brands such as Daniel Wellington have effectively employed micro-influencers as product endorsers of their watches on social media platforms.  
Long-Term Partnerships
Strategic partnerships with key opinion leaders can result in longer partnerships and, thus, stronger and more frequent brand communication. For instance, Revolve, the fashion brand, has long collaborated with a group of key opinion leaders, making the brand aesthetic more consistent. To leverage the latest Social Media Marketing Trends, engage with and create a list of micro and nano influencers in your niche and establish a good working relationship with them.   
8. Sustainability and Social Responsibility
Green Marketing
Businesses should start adopting eco-friendly practices. General awareness of green brands is gradually growing among consumers. Promoting sustainability initiatives can effectively get customers’ attention and increase their patronage. It has been noticed that customers prefer brands that follow these ethical guidelines. 
Integrate sustainability and social responsibility into your brand messaging. Highlight your company’s efforts to reduce its environmental impact as essential Content marketing strategies and contribute to social causes in your marketing campaigns.  
9. Omnichannel Marketing
Seamless Integration
Maintaining a holistic and integrated customer experience is critical. Starbucks’ rewards program ensures that customers get a consistent experience no matter the platform used, whether this is either online, mobile app, or in-store. Make sure the messages are congruent regardless of whether customers are shopping online, using mobile devices, or physically going to the store. Nike also has a mobile application for customers that is integrated with the app with Nike’s online shop and physical stores.  
How can Markonik help you with digital marketing?
1. Boost Your Online Presence: Helps boost your ranking on search engines and social media sites.
2. Engage Your Audience: Write content that is engaging and of interest to your customers.
3. Analyze Data: Depends on sophisticated techniques to analyze customer interaction and enhance plans.
4. Optimize Campaigns: This helps to ensure that your marketing communications get to the target group in the most efficient manner.
6. Improve Website Performance: Improves your website’s loading time, layout, and usability.
7. Personalize Customer Experience: Segment your marketing communications according to the customers’ needs.
8. Increase Conversion Rates: Convert more site traffic into customers with these measures.  
Final Words
By now, you have understood the major emerging digital marketing trends in 2024. It’s high time for you all to take the big step and start adopting the latest digital marketing strategies in your business promotions. If you are doubtful about how to make this possible, we, at Markonik are here to help you out with your goals and implementations. Don’t worry, and we won’t break your bank. Our services are not only affordable but also result-oriented, making them highly demanded in the domain. 
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my-music-1460 · 3 months
Tips and Tricks for Selling Your Music Online
The internet has opened up countless opportunities for musicians to sell their music. However, navigating this space can be tricky. To successfully sell your music online, you need a combination of strategic planning, consistent engagement, and the use of various digital tools. Whether you’re an emerging artist or an established musician looking to boost your online sales, these tips and tricks will help you effectively sell your music online and reach a wider audience.
Optimize Your Social Media Profiles
Ensuring your social media profiles are complete and professional is the first step to building an online presence. Regularly post engaging content and interact with your followers to build a loyal fanbase. Each platform has its own strengths and audience, so tailor your content accordingly.
Tips for Different Platforms:
Instagram: Use high-quality images and short videos. Utilize Stories and IGTV to share behind-the-scenes content and teasers for new releases.
Twitter: Engage with your audience through tweets, retweets, and direct messages. Use Twitter threads to share detailed updates or stories.
Facebook: Create event pages for your gigs, post updates, and use Facebook Live for real-time engagement.
Use Visual Content
Creating eye-catching visuals for your music releases can significantly increase your music’s appeal and shareability. High-quality images, videos, and graphics can help your music stand out in a crowded digital space. Consider collaborating with graphic designers and videographers to produce professional content.
Types of Visual Content:
Music Videos: High-quality music videos can captivate your audience and encourage them to share your content.
Lyric Videos: Simple yet engaging, lyric videos are a great way to highlight your lyrics and keep your audience engaged.
Behind-the-Scenes Footage: Share the creative process, studio sessions, and daily life moments to build a deeper connection with your fans.
Cover Art: Eye-catching album and single cover art can attract attention and convey the essence of your music.
Offer Limited-Time Discounts
Encourage purchases by offering limited-time discounts on your music. This creates a sense of urgency and can boost sales. Announce these discounts on your social media channels, email newsletters, and website to reach the maximum number of fans.
Discount Strategies:
Holiday Sales: Offer special discounts during holidays and significant dates.
Release Day Discounts: Provide a discount for a limited period after releasing new music to drive initial sales.
Bundle Offers: Combine your music with merchandise or exclusive content at a discounted rate.
Collaborate with Influencers
Partnering with influencers in your genre can significantly expand your reach. Influencers have dedicated followings that trust their recommendations. A shout-out or feature from a popular influencer can introduce your music to a new and engaged audience.
Steps to Collaborate:
Research: Identify influencers who align with your music style and values.
Reach Out: Send a personalized message explaining why you want to collaborate and how it can benefit both parties.
Offer Value: Propose a mutually beneficial arrangement, such as exclusive content or a shared revenue model.
Leverage Music Streaming Platforms
Distributing your music on platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music is essential for reaching a global audience. These platforms have large user bases and can help increase your visibility. Utilize the tools and features these platforms offer to maximize your reach.
Maximizing Your Presence:
Spotify for Artists: Claim your profile and use Spotify’s tools to pitch your music for playlist consideration, track your performance, and understand your audience.
Apple Music for Artists: Access detailed analytics and customize your artist profile.
Amazon Music for Artists: Use Amazon’s insights to learn more about your listeners and promote your music through Amazon’s ecosystem.
Build a Professional Website
Your website serves as the central hub for all your online activities. Ensure it’s professional, user-friendly, and regularly updated. Include sections for your music, biography, tour dates, merchandise, and a blog. A well-designed website can enhance your credibility and provide fans with easy access to everything related to your music.
Essential Website Features:
Music Store: Allow fans to purchase your music directly from your site.
Merchandise: Sell branded merchandise like T-shirts, posters, and accessories.
Mailing List Signup: Encourage visitors to join your email list for exclusive updates and offers.
Blog: Share news, behind-the-scenes stories, and insights to keep your audience engaged.
Engage with Your Audience
Audience engagement is key to building a loyal fanbase and increasing sales. Respond to comments and messages, host live Q&A sessions, and create interactive content like polls and contests. Show appreciation for your fans by offering exclusive content, such as early access to new releases or behind-the-scenes footage. The more connected your fans feel to you, the more likely they are to support your music.
Engagement Strategies:
Live Streaming: Perform live and interact with fans in real-time.
Exclusive Content: Offer special content to your most loyal fans.
Fan Interaction: Respond to comments and messages to build relationships.
Utilize Email Marketing
Email marketing is a direct and personal way to communicate with your fans. Build an email list and send regular updates about new releases, tours, and exclusive offers. Personalized emails can significantly enhance fan engagement and drive sales.
Email Marketing Best Practices:
Segmentation: Divide your list into different segments based on interests and behavior.
Personalization: Use the recipient's name and tailor content to their preferences.
Value-Driven Content: Provide valuable content, such as exclusive tracks or behind-the-scenes stories, to keep your audience engaged.
Analyze Your Performance
Use analytics tools to track your sales and audience engagement. Platforms like Spotify for Artists and Apple Music for Artists provide valuable insights into who is listening to your music, where they are located, and how they discovered your tracks. This data can help you tailor your marketing efforts and optimize your release strategies.
Important Metrics to Monitor:
Demographics: Age, gender, and location of your listeners.
Listening Habits: Popular tracks, listening duration, and repeat plays.
Traffic Sources: How fans are discovering your music (search, playlists, social media).
Conclusion: Selling music online involves a mix of social media optimization, visual content creation, and strategic promotions. By following these tips and tricks, you can effectively sell your music and reach a larger audience. The digital landscape offers endless opportunities for artists, but success requires dedication, creativity, and a deep understanding of the tools at your disposal. Embrace the digital revolution and take control of your music career.
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abigailharris99 · 3 months
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Angelic Frances
Angelic Online Business & Lifestyle Consultant.
Establishing Thought Leadership Through Educational Content: ln today's competitive business landscape, establishing credibility and trustworthiness is crucial for brands striving to differentiate themselves. One effective strategy to achieve this is through the creation and dissemination of educational content. This article explores how sharing informative and educational content related to your industry or niche can position your brand as a thought leader and foster stronger relationships with your audience.
The Power of Educational Content:Educational content serves as a beacon of expertise and authority within your industry. By providing valuable insights, tips, and knowledge, brands can demonstrate their understanding of complex topics and emerging trends. This not only attracts potential customers seeking information but also establishes a foundation of trust and credibility.
Benefits of Educational Content for Brands:*Thought Leadership**: By consistently sharing well-researched and insightful content, brands can assert themselves as thought leaders. This positioning enhances brand reputation and encourages industry recognition, setting the stage for long-term success.
*Building Trust**: Educational content addresses the pain points and challenges faced by your target audience. By offering solutions and actionable advice, brands can build trust and credibility, becoming a reliable source of information.
*Audience Engagement**: Educational content sparks meaningful conversations and interactions with your audience. It encourages discussions, comments, and shares, thereby increasing brand visibility and engagement across digital platforms.
Effective Strategies for Creating Educational Content:*Identify Audience Needs**: Conduct thorough research to understand the interests, concerns, and questions of your target audience. Tailor your content to address these needs effectively.
*Diversify Content Formats**: Experiment with various content formats such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, and webinars to cater to different learning preferences and increase accessibility.
*Stay Updated**: Keep abreast of industry trends, news, and developments. Create content that not only educates but also reflects your brand's ability to adapt and innovate within the industry.
Implementing Educational Content Successfully: Content Planning**: Develop a content calendar outlining topics, publication dates, and distribution channels. Consistency is key to maintaining audience interest and engagement.
*Promotion and Distribution**:Leverage social media, email newsletters, and SEO strategies to promote your educational content effectively. Encourage sharing and engagement to broaden your content's reach.
*Measure and Analyze**: Use analytics tools to track the performance of your educational content. Monitor metrics such as views, shares, comments, and conversions to refine your content strategy and optimize future campaigns. In conclusion, educational content plays a pivotal role in establishing thought leadership, building trust, and nurturing meaningful relationships with your audience.
Telegram- t.me/Angelicfranc
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/angelic.frances?igsh=MXRnZjJkOGtnZHVxNg==
Snapchat -https://www.snapchat.com/add/angelicfran7?share_id=pNKkDtZmMAY&locale=en-US
X- https://x.com/Angelicfranc7?t=_qo0IrTGh_PuPznFb0q9SA&s=09
Threads -https://www.threads.net/@angelic_frances_
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saep1982 · 3 months
Maximizing Margins: The Art of Strategic Online Profiteering
In the digital age, the quest for profitability is skin to an art form, where the canvas is your website, and the brush strokes are the strategies you employ. The masterpiece? A thriving online business that not only attracts leads but converts them into a loyal customer base, thereby skyrocketing profits. This art of strategic online profiteering is not reserved for the select few; it’s accessible to all who are willing to learn and apply one of the most proven strategies used by authority sites.
Case Study: Discover How To INSTANTLY Get More Leads And Skyrocket Your Profit From ANY Website Using One of the MOST Proven Strategies Used By ALL "Authority Sites"
The Foundation: Understanding Your Audience
The first step in this strategic approach is understanding your audience. Who are they? What do they need? How do they behave online? By answering these questions, you can tailor your content, offers, and marketing efforts to resonate with your target demographic, making your site a magnet for high-quality leads.
Case Study: Discover How To INSTANTLY Get More Leads And Skyrocket Your Profit From ANY Website Using One of the MOST Proven Strategies Used By ALL "Authority Sites"
The Palette: Diversifying Your Tactics
Just as an artist wouldn’t use only one colour, don’t rely on a single tactic. Diversify your approach with SEO, content marketing, social media engagement, and email campaigns. Each channel offers unique advantages and, when combined, can amplify your reach and effectiveness.
The Technique: Optimizing for Conversion
Driving traffic to your site is only half the battle; converting visitors into leads and customers is where the real profit lies. Optimize your website for conversion with clear calls-to-action, compelling value propositions, and a seamless user experience. Use analytics to track what works and refine your strategy accordingly.
The Masterstroke: Leveraging Authority Site Strategies
Authority sites have a common thread – they provide immense value that builds trust and establishes credibility. Emulate this by offering high-quality content that solves problems or addresses pain points. Use lead magnets like e-books, webinars, or free trials to entice visitors to share their contact information.
The Finishing Touches: Continuous Improvement
The art of profiteering online is never static; it requires continuous improvement. Stay abreast of industry trends, experiment with new tactics, and always be optimizing. Your website should be a living entity that grows and adapts with your business.
Bringing It All Together
By mastering these elements – understanding your audience, diversifying tactics, optimizing for conversion, leveraging authority strategies, and committing to continuous improvement – you can transform your website into a powerful engine for strategic online profiteering.
Discover how you can instantly get more leads and skyrocket your profit from any website using these proven strategies. Embrace the art of strategic online profiteering and watch as your margins maximize before your eyes.
This article encapsulates the essence of strategic online profiteering while promoting the concept of instantly getting more leads and increasing profits through proven authority site strategies.
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connectportal · 4 months
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Content Marketing: Igniting Engagement Through Compelling Narratives
In today's fast-paced digital era, where attention spans flicker like fleeting flames, content marketing emerges as a beacon of engagement and connection. It transcends mere marketing tactics; it's a strategic art of weaving stories, sparking meaningful conversations, and forging lasting relationships with your audience. Unlike the traditional hard sell, content marketing delves deep into the realm of human connection, crafting narratives that resonate, inspire, and ultimately, convert.
Imagine a world where every piece of content is a thread in a tapestry of compelling stories—a realm where brands transform from mere sellers to captivating storytellers, weaving narratives that not only captivate and inspire but also leave a profound impact on their audience. This is the world of content marketing.
Welcome to the realm of content marketing—a fusion of creativity and strategy, where stories reign supreme, and every word carries the power to spark imagination, evoke emotions, and drive action. Are you ready to dive into this world and unlock the true potential of content marketing? Let's embark on this exploration together.
Crafting Captivating Content
Content creation transcends beyond mere words on a page; it's about igniting curiosity and stirring emotions. Begin by comprehending your audience's pain points and aspirations. Then, tailor your content to resonate with their needs in a relatable and valuable manner.
Focus on creating quality, valuable content that educates, entertains, or solves problems for your audience. Use storytelling techniques, humour, and emotions to engage readers and keep them hooked.
Incorporate SEO best practices into your content creation process, including keyword research, optimizing meta tags, creating compelling titles and descriptions, and building internal and external links for improved search visibility.
Harnessing Visual and Video Content
In an age inundated with information, visual content emerges as a powerhouse. Incorporate captivating visuals, infographics, and videos into your content arsenal. These formats not only capture attention but also convey messages more effectively.
Optimize visual and video content for mobile devices, ensuring fast loading times, mobile-responsive designs, and user-friendly navigation for seamless viewing experiences on smartphones and tablets.
Analyze performance metrics such as views, shares, engagement rates, and conversion rates to measure the effectiveness of your visual and video content. Use these insights to improve your content strategy over time.
The Art of Storytelling
Storytelling isn't confined to bedtime tales; it's a potent tool in content marketing. Craft narratives that deeply resonate with your audience's experiences and emotions. Whether sharing customer success stories or weaving brand journey tales, storytelling adds authenticity and depth to your content.
Tailor your storytelling approach to different stages of the buyer's journey, from creating awareness and interest to driving consideration and conversion. Use storytelling to educate, inspire, persuade, and ultimately, compel action from your audience.
Measure the impact of your storytelling efforts through metrics like engagement, brand sentiment, brand loyalty, and customer retention. Use feedback and analytics to iterate and improve your storytelling strategy for greater effectiveness.
Embracing Interactive Experiences
Engagement is paramount, and interactive content elevates the game. From quizzes and polls to interactive infographics and calculators, invite your audience to actively participate and become part of the experience.
Promote your interactive content through various channels, including social media, email marketing, blog posts, and paid advertising, to reach a wider audience and maximize engagement.
Track user interactions, completion rates, time spent, and conversion metrics to measure the effectiveness of your interactive content. Use data-driven insights to optimize and refine your interactive experiences for better results.
Personalization for Impact
One-size-fits-all content is a thing of the past. Leverage data and analytics to personalize content for distinct audience segments. Tailored recommendations, personalized emails, and dynamic content blocks enhance relevance and foster engagement.
Content marketing isn't just a buzz; it's a strategic approach to cultivating meaningful connections with your audience. Through crafting engaging content, leveraging visual and interactive formats, embracing storytelling, and personalizing experiences, you can elevate your content game and carve a distinct presence in the digital sphere.
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threelittlepigspro · 4 months
Copywriting That Sells - How to Sell with Words (Examples)
Have you ever read sales page, an email from a company, a product description on Amazon or seen clicked on a Facebook ad whilst browsing through your Facebook newsfeed? They are fall under one umbrella: copywriting. It took me YEARS to realize this: the best copy is written focusing on customer... and customer research!
Great Copywriting Comes from Customer Research
It's not uncommon for marketers and copywriters to want the fast tactics: let's run Facebook Ads! Entirely without considering WHY people purchase and click on ads in the first place. This is why customer research is of utmost importance: - Who is your ideal client? - What do they look like? - Their age range? - Job status? - Job titles? - Spending ability? - Their ability and willingness to pay? - What are their hopes, fears and dreams? - The exact language they use when describing their problems in your market? When I started my first business, I used SEO and outranked all my competitors within six months on search engine optimization… and yet... ZERO sales. I had one of the biggest business lessons then: you got to meet your market where they are at, and NOT where you’re at. You see, what I didn't understand: - No one wakes up and say: 'I want to be a better person'. Everybody wakes up and say: ‘I want to get more girls’. - No one wakes up and say: 'I want to be financially literate'. Everybody says: 'I want to be a millionaire’. Understand the language of your audience and then putting that down into copy is going to make the difference between mediocre and great copy.
How to Write Great Copy: The Language of Your Audience
So how can you figure out the language of your audience? - Real life conversations This is simple, simply pay attention to what your customers are using. What are their fears when it comes to your service or product? One of my ex-clients blurted out: am I too old to learn SEO? Is it too technical? That’s extremely important data. Some of these business owners are worried that SEO is too technical, and someone their age isn't able to learn it. That’s one of my target market’s fear. - Forums and Reddit Conversations You can Google ‘X keyword + Forum’ and look at the threads on a forum. You can pay attention to the actual phrases and terms people use. Their hopes, dreams and fears. You can do your research on: - Amazon Reviews of Similar Products - Reddit or other online posting sites - Facebook groups I literally wrote my sales copy for an investment company by studying a sub reddit on investments in Singapore. The source of a million dollar lead generation page Thank you Reddit! Note: it’s helpful to record these data points on a Google docs document and collate them through your research process. - Surveys You can learn about your customers by surveying them. You can blast out an email to your current subscribers by asking them what they want to hear from you. I get on calls with clients 1:1 and I pay attention to what they say to me and the exact language they use. This can also help with your company’s market positioning. You’ll want their words, not your interpretation of them. The key here is to interact and start conversations with your target audience. You should want to always be listening to customers responses! Stop thinking ‘internet marketing’ and start thinking: your customers and audience. Yes, behind all the analytics, there are real human readers. Stop thinking ‘email marketing’ and start thinking of building a real relationship with your readers.
Copywriting - The Basics
When I was an SEO consultant, I used to go around mouthing off technical SEO terms to business owners. I also read nerdy SEO blogs filled with SEO jargon. I soon figured that if I wrote and spoke like an SEO technician: “Citation sources, conversion rates optimization, backlinks acquisition, HTML coding, bounce rate, time on page and etc.” These business owners look at me and got no I am talking about. Look: - Business owners know nothing technical SEO - They aren’t saying to themselves: ‘how to identify low-effort/high yield pages for quick SEO fixes’ - They are saying: ‘I want to rank high on Google’ Yes, I can write long nerdy technical guides. However, am I selling to SEO nerds, or am I selling to small business owners? It’s the latter. If I wrote and spoke in manner that’s understandable by my target audience, then I’ll have a higher chance of closing the sale.
The Frameworks of Successful Copy
The majority of copywriting advice sucks. They focus on blinking spam-my button, flashing lights, false scarcity plays and all of that. The worst of all, they promise you the moon, the earth and seven virgins. Sure brah Totally persuasive... NOT Well, you bet you’re going to asking for your money back with those kinds of promises. You don’t have to be scammy or flashy to write great copy. Here are some frameworks I keep in mind when writing just about anything from a sales page or a blog post. - Focus on the reader I used to only write my opinion on my projects. It’s called the I, I, I syndrome.  Here’s the truth: no one cares about your opinion. People that click on your site want a problem to be solved. Unless you’re a hot girl, you can’t constantly be writing about yourself. Poor writers only care about themselves. Good writers write about what they’re readers care about. Remember: good writers focus on their audience, and not on themselves. - Bar Stool Test One of the elements of a successful copy passing the bar stool test. This means: not writing in corporate jargon. Nothing is more boring and dry than corporate speak. How many SEO or digital marketing blogs out there are dry and boring? Yes, 98% of them. If you flip through the usual SEO marketing blog, usually what do you get? You get technical terms like Google panda, penguins, canonical tags and analytics, blah blah blah. There’s so many technical guides out there already. How can you make technical details relatable? When I launched a dating advice for men years ago, I used big philosophical terms hoping that my readers will find me articulate, intellectual and knowledgeable. However, it backfired. Instead, I got feedback from one of the site owners I reached out to say that he felt like he was reading a college thesis. I took a step back, studied some copywriting advice and came across the barstool test. Imagine if you were sitting in a bar and chatting with a friend. He asks you: What business are doing? If you said: I help small medium enterprises in Singapore optimize their H1 title tag on their content management platform so they’ll be able to attain higher visibility on search engines. He’ll look at you crazy. However, if you said: I help small medium sized companies in Singapore generate leads on Google. That’s it. Plain simply English. Understandable within a sentence. Good copy works the same way. It’s not about writing super dense material. Good copy is actually similar to how day to day people talk. One other trick you can use is to read everything out loud. If it’s something you wouldn’t say, then it’s probably not good copy. When I consulted in search engine optimization, I had the tendency to use technical jargon and complicated terms. I thought that'll make me sound smart and sophisticated. However, I quickly realized that the average SME owner in Singapore (my target audience) isn’t going to understand what the hell I was saying. Ask yourself, who are you writing for? You should be writing for your clients, hence you should write content to fit your audience needs. - Understand Benefits Versus Features When someone purchases a Mercedes Benz, do you really think they are buying the features of the car such as horsepower? Or are they buying the benefits of owning a luxurious car: status and class? Features: Advanced dating modules in our dating course Benefits: Advanced dating modules to help you approach, meet and date beautiful women without the fear of being rejected No one cares if you have 9 advanced dating modules in your dating courses.... at the end of the day, what’s in it for them? Features: Financial literacy class to educate you on the 4 factor models in investing Benefits: How to build a portfolio of steady income returns without any prior knowledge to investing Nobody gives a crap if you got a hundred factors in investing, but every cares about building a steady cashflow from the markets. - Be Specific Boring: I can help you rank your website on Google Specific: Imagine the day you wake up and you see leads automatically in your inbox. You no longer have to worry about pushing flyers out or hoping a relative or a friend of yours ‘support’ your business by purchasing your product half-heartedly. Boring: Having a website isn’t enough Specific: Okay, let’s say you have a website, or a business card even. However, what are these things doing for you? Is anyone viewing your website? Is anyone contact you about your services through your website? What about those fancy business cards? How many of them have you given away without hearing back from the people you gave them away too? These simple tweaks will make all your writing much more persuasive. - Use Case Studies If you’ve gotten results for your clients, you can showcase case studies on your site. You can write about the process of how you got them results, the obstacles you guys face and how you overcome them. - Use Your Own Voice The majority of writers on the internet are not writers, they are marketers. They aren't writing with a unique voice. If you aren't going to write with a voice behind it, then what makes you different from every other writer that is taking content, rehashing it and paraphrasing it? - Personal Stories From time to time, I make fun of bad advice and overweight internet marketing gurus. I’m also quite sarcastic. These are my personal ticks and I enjoy it to an extent. However these stories make my content unique and stand out. - Tutorials and Helpful Content Tutorials can range from how to get backlinks to how to write copy to branded techniques and solutions that solves a common pain point. You can include in your copy real life case studies, line by line scripts and/ or techniques that you use in your own niche or industry. Note: I don’t think every post has to be a 5000 worded essay filled with practicality, it's hard to read. There are various ways to do it ranging from the methodical to the inspirational. The serious to the light hearted. The logical to the emotional. - Positioning Positioning is determined by 1) how your company is different/ better/ unique as compared to your competitors. and 2) what the market thinks of you. I used to go around screaming and ranting about how important SEO to business owners without understanding that SEO is just one part of the huge puzzle of marketing. I attended SEO courses, paid multiple thousands and thought that business owners would trust me if I was SEO certified. However, apparently not, nobody gave a crap. I didn't understand the concept of positioning. I was going up against hundreds of others of "SEO experts' pitching $500 a month SEO deals, guarantee-ing Google page one rankings within weeks or days. I was also getting constant objections: someone else was willing to do it cheaper. That was when I realised that I had to market myself and position myself differently from all competition that I face. However, I intuitively knew that it isn’t going to be enough. I had to build my own brand, my own case studies and get my results using my own SEO strategies. You should always be asking yourself: how are you going to stand out and differentiate yourself from the competition? Then, are you able to elaborate your position in the market on copy?
Lee Luan Yew as a Master Copywriter
You can study great copy by studying great persuaders, politicians and business leaders of your time. Since I am Singaporean. There’s no need to look further than Singapore’s first Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Like him or hate him, he’s a MASTER of persuasion: Let's breakdown a simply speech by Lee Kuan Yew: Youths Don't Know What it's Like to be Poor
Copywriting Skillset 1: Specific and Vivid Descriptions
Great copy relies on specific and vivid descriptions. If you noticed, Mr Lee Kuan Yew is always using specific, real life and vivid descriptions to get his message across. Instead of relying on some esoteric statistical data, he uses real life, day to day examples. Some of his quotes from this speech: ‘Your grandfather probably worked harder than your father.’ ‘Had we not had people with that ruggedness, that robust attitude, we’ll make it, do or die, we won’t have today’s Singapore.’ ‘I’m not sure if I went back with 1959, and started with today’s generation, bred and brought up in comfort where there’s no discomfort with a HDB flat with an air conditioner, and there’s a covered walkway.’
Copywriting Skillset 2: Passing the Bar Stool Test
Secondly, your copy has to pass the bar stool test. It has to be as simple as talking to a friend over a beer at a bar. Forget about writing like a professor. Write like a layman. That’s great copy. Here are some quotes from his speech: ‘Very few people had homes of their own. In Chinatown, you have cubicles 8 or 10 people in the room sharing 4 bunks. Because they do shift work. Save money.’ ‘So Lim Kim Shang, once went to a HDB cubicle and asked a man who was covering himself with a blanket. So he asked him why? He said because his friend was using his trousers.’ ‘If you lived in those conditions and you get a flat with one room, communal bath room and communal kitchen, running hot and cold water. From that you go to a three and fourth room flats to executive condominiums, just like how you go from a bottom of the ship to the deck of a ship.’ ‘As I flew over to New Zealand, I watched the green fields, the sheep, and the cows, and the small little houses dotted around. 3 million people there. I thought to myself, if come back in a hundred years, I’ll see the same scene.’ You can see that Mr Lee Kuan Yew uses a combination of simple and ‘big words’, with numbers, to get his message across.
Copy Skillset 3: Write to Your Reader
Secondly, some sites tend to get too technical, and they make their content seem like a University lecture Lastly, you’ll need to write to your reader. Great copy uses the ‘you’, a lot more than the word ‘I’. You’ll see that in Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s speech, he uses ‘you’ and ‘we’ a lot more than ‘I’. ‘Many of the parents who are living in the HDB flats. They understood like the people in Chinatown. They understood what it’s like to be poor. Today’s children do not understand what it’s like the be poor.’ ‘And no other country does that. But we have ministers out of 3 million people who can talk  to Chinese ministers, American secretary of state, secretary of treasury or any European nation at the same level intellectually, and we’re not inferior to them.’ ‘Now we need these 2 things, then you got today’s Singapore. Then we got this cultural hall. Then you can sit down and talk about what will happen in 50 years. Otherwise, you’ll be scratching a living. So please don’t forget that’.
The Hemingway Method
Your copy is going to determine the quality of clients you're going to get into your business. Unknown to many, the hardest and most valuable parts about copywriting are keeping it simple.  Taking statistics, research and plonking it onto a blog post is easy. Other than a broken recorder machine, you're going to sound like a history textbook. However, refining the ideas into simple words that are able to persuade and move others. That's difficult. This is why simple copy is MUCH HARDER to write than complicated copy. This form of copywriting is also known as the Hemingway method. Let's take a look at this two examples: Copy 1: 'Get Rich in Singapore with 3 Never Seen Before Secrets in 3 Days' Copy 2: 'Get Rich in Singapore with this 3 CEO Level Strategies' One of the big ideas I got from a book about luxury marketing is the language use when it comes to copywriting: On luxury brands, you'll never get copy such as: '30 Hacks in X Dates/ Numbers of Secret/Hack/Formula' However, for some reason, these sort of copy is celebrated across internet marketing blogs. Why is that so? The first copy may 'convert' better on the front end: your email list/ squeeze page blah blah. The second copy will be why people will transact with you: trust and brand. The copy you use is going to determine the kind of clients you'll attract, the price point you command and the type of brand you want to build. You want high quality, qualified clients. Start writing. Stop marketing.
Outsourcing Copywriting and Hiring Writers
In my experience, SEO agencies, consultants and business owners alike detest writing and much prefer to outsource it. I once outsourced my SEO content and hired someone cheap to write. The quality turned out to be piss poor and I hated it. I then decided to write everything on this blog from scratch. If you are outsourcing your copy to writers that are willing to do it for as low as four dollars per X number of words, you're going to get low quality copy. If you don’t stand out in your copy and bore your market. You get no attention, and no one purchases from you. Great copy is worth it, pay up for it. Fun fact: every single paid customer I interviewed in my life told me that they liked something controversial about my articles or the way I wrote. Read the full article
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