#Else Heims
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German actress Else Heims on a vintage postcard
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perfettamentechic · 7 months
20 febbraio … ricordiamo …
20 febbraio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2020: Claudette Nevins, nata Claudette Weintraub, attrice statunitense. (n. 1937) 2019: Gaia Germani, attrice italiana, iniziò a sfilare e a prendere parte a dei fotoromanzi. (n. 1942) 2019: Chelo Alonso o talora Alonzo (pseudonimo di Isabella García), è stata una ballerina, attrice e showgirl cubana, attiva nel cinema italiano a fine anni cinquanta e nei primi anni sessanta. (n.…
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mossy-paws · 6 months
Slingshot! (PHIGHTING! Mermaid au)
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Fish,,, flying fish Shot,,, get it because he can walk on air
next one is boombox!
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fidgetspringer-art · 5 months
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Olath - Aberrant familiar
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toppamplemousse · 6 months
he su on my zuka til i chodium
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bluepoodle7 · 2 months
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#Househuntedgame #MaisonTalo #HeimBaile #MightyMagiswords #TheCreatorWasSomethingElse #Prohyas #Vambre #MyThoughts
Both REALTORs I slowly started to like and might replace Prohyas as a character I used to simp for because the creator voices Prohyas with the recent news going around.
Now I want a art trade of Maison Talo luring the Warriors For Hire to later eat the Warrior siblings.
Images not mine but links are there and this might be the last time I talk about this series.
#MightyMagiswords – @bluepoodle7 on Tumblr
#Househuntedgame #ThisCoolSplitImage #ACoolFanfictionStory #StuffIRandomlyFind I saw this fan fiction story online from google... – @bluepoodle7 on Tumblr
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maryrosereads · 1 year
Transgressive Book Club?
I would love to start a transgressive book club (for people 18+) because I love transgressive books and want to be able to talk to someone about them, but I feel a little uncomfortable about recommending them to friends for obvious reasons. But also I have no idea how to start a book club or get people to join it or where I would even find people who would be interested. It would be authors like Chuck Palahniuk, Scott Heim, Alissa Nutting, Dennis Cooper, Kola Boof, Irvine Welsh, etc. (Maybe even JT Leroy if we feel like engaging in some interesting discourse.) Also some transgressive classics like Lolita, Naked Lunch, A Clockwork Orange, American Psycho, and the like. So if there are any adults who would be interested in this, please let me know! Because I'd really like to do this.
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amphibifish · 4 months
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heimdall never gets a god form in the manga/anime so obviously i had to fix that
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Uahuggh I feel unwell :<
Debating on staying home from work tomorrow even though I took last Monday off. Idk. I’m lightheaded, fatigued, and just feel weak. Mood’s kinda off to I noticed, I just don’t feel myself. My best guess is I’m not getting enough iron? Idk. I just know it’s not fun
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Just saw a comic where 2 people are on a road trip and the one in the passenger seat got bored so they decided to give the driver the suck, and now I can't not make a sillier, non-sex NSFW version of such a situation
So now I just have a scene of Fumi and Heimdallr on a road trip, not sure who's driving bc the one doing the antics is interchangeable really, and the one in the passenger seat is bored, looks around the car for something to do, finds nothing, and casually asks "do you think it would be dangerous if I sat upside down?"
It's interchangeable bc that's something they'd both do.
On one hand, it's really funny with Heimdall bc he's Tall and they're on the highway, meaning he intends to like, just wiggle around and pretzel himself until he's upside down while being really tall.
On the other hand, Fumi wouldn't fucking ask, he'd just start flipping himself and Heim would fucking swerve bc "Wtfareyoudoing!?stopthatitsdangerous!!!whatifwe crash,youdfuxkingdie!!!!!nglogkwnka!!!!" And he would try to reach over to stop Fumi mid-pretzel
Ngksmnvks XDXDXDXD
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mako-neexu · 5 months
ughhh sitting here thinking. that it took dantes, both his chaldea version and inside guda version (both different but they are essentially the same) to combine for him to be able to carry out the Avenger Ordeal Call. in which would make guda understand what Avengers are, as a whole and why they exist in the first place.
because all this time, its that they have constantly called them over, understood their feelings as their own person when its been reiterated time and time again that a lot of them are simply made up of rumors, made up of what-ifs, they are victims in which they carry flames that would demand of retribution even at the cost of pan human history. but guda didnt focus on things like that. their nature is that of someone who understands and empathizes. to them, they are people just like anyone else. they are not tools, they are much more than what fate and the world dictates them to be. they are more than flames that would just burn and simply be Servants who would follow what they're born for.
so in order for an understanding to be reached, (because Chaldean said that "that" point of view of guda's is a distortion and is not "correct" to the human order thus barring them from approaching phh) the meaning of "Avenger" - of why it exists in the first place as Extra Class - must be achieved by becoming an Avenger, or simply tasting the path towards one.
so dantes became one: Chaldea Count + Prison Tower Count and in the pseudo-tokyo, they "split" and gain new titles.
"Black Shadow" / Count of Regret [or of Worry/Lingering Affection]
"Count of Monte Cristo" / Count of Determination
side note too that Chaldea Dantes is not necessarily "Black Shadow" and same goes for the other. its more like... both the Pseudo-Tokyo Danteses are both Chaldea Count and Prison Tower Count but it doesn't matter really because they are "both and neither" at the same time.
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this here is also used as discrepancy between them and pronouns are really helpful at that. (the way im realizing just now that this applies as far back as ogawa heim/knk event....and we see in nerofes event in 2017 since that was his first appearance post-prison tower the very apparent difference between them in the pronoun usage...)
in Id chapter, Count of Determination also used "watashi" (with sometimes a furigana of 'ore' if it was mostly him) when referring to "both" of them. but he still uses his regular オレ though depending on what he says. afaik Black Shadow didnt use his "own" pronoun which i admit was really thought of when they made Id chapter www
anyways im digressing... what i want to focus on is that they became one, and split again and became "Determination" and "Worry" for guda which just makes my heart ache...it took changing himself from the inside, cutting off pieces of himself just to create pseudo-tokyo, the ten million inhabitants, as well as summoning and empowering other Avengers to both help guda and challenge them as Trials...
because in hurting someone you care about, it has to have that steel of determination and resolve. you have to be strong in the face of hurting someone you love and care so deeply because this is for their sake. even if it should cause them so much pain in their heart--which would naturally affect your own-- you have to have that determination to make sure they go through all of these trials even if they break, have that determination to which they care about will be able to achieve the end of their journey.
and in worry, that worry remained from the beginning. the black shadow that resides under the Master's feet, watching with bated breath as "both" of them put guda through these trials in which they have faith that they would overcome. there definitely is faith... but still that shadow is the 'worry' that represents "both" of them. which is why 'Worry' summoned Salieri and Jalter as starting Servants without the requirement of a command spell. Said to be "sweeter" to guda because of the leniency.
still, they're the "same" in the end. and therefore they care about their star a lot.....
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German actress Else Heims on a vintage postcard
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verflcht · 3 months
Do you dare to check in? 🛎️ The infamous Overlook Hotel, nestled in the isolated Colorado Rockies, has a dark and mysterious history. Known for its eerie atmosphere and paranormal activity, the hotel has attracted visitors looking for a thrilling experience. This weekend, a group of individuals, each with their own reasons, has checked in. As night falls, strange occurrences begin to happen, turning a weekend getaway into a nightmare. ⸻ imagine yourself in the situation and create your character as they are trapped in a horror movie come true. bonus: get your creative juices flowing and write a oneshot. what happened before the picture? where is your character headed now? are they searching for their friends/the people that arrived with them or are they investigating something different entirely? what else is lurking amongst the shadows?
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“This will be fun, he said”, murmelte er, ein viereckiges Glas in seiner Hand, dessen Boden so schwer war, dass es höchstwahrscheinlich noch als Waffe dienen könnte. Weswegen dieser Einfall von Relevanz für ihn war, erklärte er sich mit der plötzlichen und unerwarteten Abwesenheit jener Gesellschaft, für die er eigentlich angereist war. Isaiahs Euphorie nach waghalsigen Entdeckungen, die in Zeev den unstillbaren Drang hervorbrachte, eine davon zu sein, war letztlich ein Grund gewesen, weswegen er die Sicherheit seines eigenen Heims verlassen hatte.
Die Aussicht auf ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit und das hautnahe Erlebnis eines sagenumwobenen verfluchten Hotels, hatten ihn auf einen entfernten Kontinent gelockt, der nicht ganz seiner englischen Höflichkeit entsprach — dafür aber seine Geschmacksknospen beanspruchten, wann immer er den zwanzig Jahre alten Whiskey öffnete und berauscht vom Geruch nachschenkte. Es überspielte das durchdringende Aroma vom billigen Bier, das unweit des Hotels an der nächsten Tankstelle unverschämterweise verkauft — und vermutlich auch im Keller gebraut — wurde. Zeev war wirklich nur kurz zur verlassenen Bar gegangen, hatte sich eine Flasche gegriffen und war augenblicklich zurückgekehrt, doch anstelle von erfreuten Gesichtern, wurde seine Rückkehr von betretener und gähnender Leere begrüßt. 
Als wäre es nicht mehr als ein jugendlicher Streich, lehnte er sich an den splitternden Türrahmen und bereute es, als sich die Fasern in sein Hemd bohrten. Mit gerümpfter Nase stieß er sich ab und fuhr mit der Hand über den Stoff. 
“If this is your understanding of fun, I'll have you know that I'm bored”, rief er in den Raum hinein und nippte vom Glas. Aufmerksam schwenkte er seinen goldenen Blick durch den Raum, sondierte ihn nach einem Zeichen dieser verwirrenden Wende der Ereignisse. Trotz seines humorvollen Kommentars, erwartete er keine Antwort. Unlängst war ihm bewusst geworden, dass seine Realität nicht mit jener übereinstimmte, in der er sich gegenwärtig befand. Ein Spuk war nur eine fehlerhafte Kopie, ein Sinnbild dessen, dem es entsprach. Selbst in der Magie war es unmöglich, Dinge zu erschaffen, die einander identisch waren. Dafür war sie zu unwillkürlich, in ihrer Kontrollierbarkeit limitiert. Zeev bemerkte, dass eine Bierdose fehlte, die Hayley beim turbulenten Diskurs mit Isaiah zu Boden gefallen und gegen den Fernsehtisch der Lounge gerollt war. Der Mond schien zu hell ins Zimmer, Zeit war nur eine flüchtige Idee, ein ungreifbares Konzept. Oftmals waren es Uhren, die in Träumen keinen Regeln folgten. Und auch diese schien befreit von Zeiger und Ziffernblatt. Je länger Zeev um sich sah, desto mehr fühlte er sich wie ein Gast des Uncanny Valleys.
Der blonde Hexer seufzte schwerfällig, obwohl die Aufregung der Neugierde seinen Puls erfasste. Zwar war die Gruppe — manche von ihnen nahmen eher unfreiwillig Teil — aus genau dem Grund in das Hotel eingefallen, eben weil es angeblich verwunschen war, nichtsdestotrotz bedeutet es nun für Zeev, dass er Bemühungen auf sich nehmen müsste, um sich dem Zauber zu widersetzen.
Er war schlichtweg zu faul für einen Spuk.
Eine Wahl hatte er jedoch nicht und so schlenderte er in den Raum hinein, wandte der nächsten scheußlichen Tapete den Rücken zu und setzte sich gelassen auf den Sessel. Erneut nippte er an dem Whiskey, der ihm in diesem Abbild eines brüchigen Spiegels geblieben war und war drauf und dran auszusitzen, was auch immer das Hotel ihm zu bieten hatte.
Bis es im Flur polterte. Auf die niedrige Wahrscheinlichkeit hin, dass es sich um seine Begleiter handelte, wanderte er in einer fließenden Bewegung dem Geräusch entgegen und schwenkte das Glas nahezu geistesabwesend. “Enid?”, rief er unnötig dem Treppenaufgang entgegen, der in die altmodischen, aber doch recht geräumigen Hotelzimmer geführt hatte. Die Brünette hatte sich früher von der Gruppe verabschiedet und war zu Bett gegangen, vielleicht hatte auch sie die Veränderung bemerkt. Immerhin war sie genau wie er von magischer Natur. Doch anstelle ihres verschlafenen Gesichts, sah er nur einen dunklen Schemen, nicht mehr als ein Schatten. Erst als sich ihre Blicke trafen — wenn man einem Schatten einen Blick zuordnen konnte — verschwand dieser mit gewählten Schritten.
“Fine”, atmete Zeev aus. “I hope you got something good in store for me. Don’t hit me with those poor ass metaphors about how my self-consciousness will be my downfall and how my good looks are just a facade to hide my true feelings and trauma.” Er stapfte die Treppe hinauf, den gesamten Aufgang brummte er Beschwerden. “I won’t allow this kind of lazy writing, give me some Flanagan, will you?” 
Der obere Flur war breit, sodass damals genutzte Servierwagen neben Gästen unbeschwert nebeneinander Platz fanden, der Teppichboden hatte an Intensität verloren, ergraut vom Einfall des Sonnenlichts und des Schmutzes der Schuhe. Nicht, dass Zeev ihn in irgendeiner Form geschmackvoller gefunden hätte, als er noch vor Farbe getrotzt hatte. Im gleichen Zug bemerkte der exzentrische Hexer, dass alles an Intensität verloren hatte. Das sonst kräftig rote Mahagoni des Treppengeländers war fahl und kraftlos, brüchig und porös. Die Tapeten wirkten von Insekten zerfressen, die sonst auffälligen Muster und Farben waren nur ein verblasster Schein dessen, was damals als modern gegolten haben musste. Zeev blickte an sich hinunter. Nur er war wie immer. Auffällig, strahlend, wärmend — ein wandelnder Sonnenschein, selbst im kläglichen Schein des Mondes, der sich jeden Abend die Strahlen der Sonne borgte, um in ihrem Glanz zu baden.
Gelangweilt, aber mit wachsendem Interesse, schwebte er regelrecht über den Teppich, der jegliche Schritte erstickte, und passierte dabei mehrfach Zimmertüren. Vier zu seiner linken, vier zu seiner rechten. Alle, bis auf eine, waren verschlossen. Das leise Kratzen einer Nadel drang an sein Gehör, nur die Musik blieb aus. Stattdessen ein gleichmäßiges Rauschen, erfüllt von der Erwartung, den Raum mit Klängen zu füllen, die Gelassenheit, Entspannung oder Aufregung und Freude antrieben. 
Die Erwartung wurde allerdings nicht erfüllt, als er den Raum betrat. Die Musik blieb aus. 
Das Hotelzimmer wirkte verzerrt, als wäre der Spuk überrascht worden und hatte nicht genügend Zeit aufbringen können, um Gedanken in die Einrichtung fließen zu lassen. Das Bett war schief, der Teppich brüchig wie alter Marmor, die Regale überlappten einander und die Fenster bogen sich nach außen. Spätestens jetzt wäre er sich der Unwirklichkeit klar geworden. Statt Furcht stellte er sich die Frage, wie es möglich war. Und welche Macht nötig war, um es zu reproduzieren. 
Als wären seine Gedanken nicht verschlossen vor neugierigen Geistern, löste sich ein Laken von einem Standspiegel und gab die Oberfläche frei, dessen goldener Rahmen aus Blütenknospen zu bestehen schien. Er kannte sie besser als jede andere: Chrysanthemen. Die zulaufende Spitze wurde von einer filigranen Sonne akzentuiert. So schön der Rahmen war, so brüchig war das Glas. 
Je näher er trat — nicht ohne einen abschätzenden Blick über die Schulter zu werfen — desto klarer wurde das Bild. Tiefe Farben, schillerndes Licht. Der Raum wirkte so lebendig, wie der Teppich unter seinen Füßen womöglich niemals war. Das Sonnenlicht wirkte einladend, sodass sich jede Faser in seinem Körper danach sehnte. Er war so abgelenkt von dem deutlichen, unverzerrten Raum, dass er nicht bemerkte, dass er nicht alleine war. Als er die Hand hob, um seiner Sehnsucht nach dem Licht körperlich nachzugeben, begegnete sein Spiegelbild ihm mit einer tiefschwarzen Hand. 
Keuchend stolperte Zeev zurück und stürzte in den staubigen Ohrensessel. Sein Spiegelbild tat es ihm gleich. 
Allerdings konnte Zeev nicht akzeptieren, was er sah. Fahle blasse Haut und Haare so schwarz wie die Nacht. Sein Körper — obwohl es ihm widerstrebte, sich mit dem Abbild zu vergleichen — bewegte sich mit ihm, als er sich aufsetze. Seine Augen waren jeglichem Glanz beraubt. Es war, als würde er in das Nichts starren. Zeev schwieg, lehnte sich zurück und stellte mit Enttäuschung fest, dass sein Glas heruntergefallen war. Lange starrte er sein Spiegelbild an, unklar darüber, wie er fühlen sollte. Es war ein Spuk, nur welche Bedeutung hegte er für ihn? Was wollte er?
“The same as you”, antwortete sein Spiegelbild, losgelöst von den Fesseln des anderen, lehnte sich seine dunkelhaarige Erscheinung zur Seite, den Arm lässig über die Lehne gebeugt. Im ersten Moment reagierte Zeev nicht und starrte stattdessen weiterhin auf den ihm Fremden. 
“And what's that?”
“All and more”, säuselte er sich selbst zu. Zeev wusste, dass Hexen eine einnehmende Ausstrahlung besaßen — und er machte täglich Gebrauch davon — selbst dem ausgesetzt zu sein, fühlte sich merkwürdig falsch an. 
“Would you kindly be a bit more specific?”
Sein Spiegelbild lächelte lediglich.
“For someone who claims to be me you are oddly quiet.”
“Maybe we came to the conclusion that actions speak louder than words.”
Ein schwaches Lachen löste sich aus ihm. “Yeah, I doubt that. I tend to do both in equal measures.”
“Then this could be a memorable night for the both of us.”
Zeev räusperte sich. “I knew that I'd be one of those who'd sleep with myself, but ask me out first, would you?”
Sein Spiegelbild lächelte, eine gewisse Unmenschlichkeit glänzte in den pechschwarzen Augen. “Wouldn't you like to know what it's like to be me?”
“You're confusing”, schnalzte Zeev. “I thought you are me?”
“In a sense, we're much alike and closer than you could imagine.”
“I feel like there's a but in there.”
“There isn't, you'll get to know me quite well in a given time. However, I can give you a glimpse of what's to come for us.”
“Why should I want that?”
Sein Spiegelbild lehnte sich nach vorne, selbstbewusst fuhren die schwarzen Finger durch sein Haar. “Because there’s nothing you don’t want.”
“I highly doubt that, but keep going.”
“I’ve got an offer for you.”
Zeev überschlug die Beine, die Hände gefaltet, den Blick fest geradeaus. “Now you’ve got my undivided attention.”
“But you should know it always comes with a price.”
Diesmal war es Zeev, der seine strahlend weiße Zahnreihe offenbarte. “Didn’t expect anything else.”
“I’ll teach you my ways and you’ll set me free. What do you think?”
“Sounds marvelous.”
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tagged by: @ausgetrieben & @vikasgarden
tagging: @nepnthc, @vasted, @hochmvt, @vcnenum , @never-be-tamed , @thesiciliansiren , @shevampyre & as always whoever wants to check in!
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fidgetspringer-art · 5 months
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✧ The Ardal stars ✧
#artists on tumblr#art#illustration#digital art#digital drawing#dnd#dungeons and dragons#homebrew#original art#my art#my ocs#Setting: Heim#I drew these a couple of years ago now i think#but since i'm drawing stuff for this setting again i'm reuploading with updated information cause the last one is outdated#I will say right off the bat however#If you compare my designs to already existing IPs i will block you on sight#the last time i posted these they got compared to a piece of media i really dislike#and that comment alone made me fall out of love with this setting for almost two years#so please. do not. it's rude and unnecessary#These are the artefacts my setting and its story is largely centered around#Tethry is credited with creating them (Even though he didn't)#They were gifted by Tethry to each of the largest cities in the world to serve as power generators supplying arcane power to the whole city#immediately pushing the four sister cities into prosperity and progress. leaving literally everyone else in the dust#which caused some understandable tension between countries that already had a bit of a strained relationship to begin with#There is SO MUCH to these little trinkets and their link to Tethry and how finding them essentially fucked up his whole entire life#You'd think becoming the world's most renowned arcanist would be the best thing that ever happened to an aspiring caster#but to some poor dude just trying to study arcane language. stumbling across the magical equivalent of the demon core#was very much not on his wishlist#especially not dealing with the consequences of trying to make sure no one actually realises how nasty they have the potential to be#which. someone inevitably does
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crimsonvelvet · 2 years
Meanings of names. Batim/Batdr edition!
Hello there! I'm back with another name meanings list! This time it's the Bendy verse, because it was immortalized (Hehe heh get it) yet again, and I couldn't be more excited.
So! I will be doing the primary characters for both games, BUT not all of them. I’ll be doing all the folks from Batim, since there aren’t as many as in Batdr, which added a TON of new characters and I for the live of me can't do them all. It would take me an eternity, so there... So, I won’t do those who had like one tape or memo. Sorry. I also will not be including characters from the comics or the books. Yeah. (but I can do a part 2 if you guys want ehehehehe)
Let's go!
Toons (not doing the corrupted versions, they’re technically the same)
Bendy. I'm pretty sure that Meatly made it up from the name of some editing program. Something something Bender, not sure.
Boris. From a Bulgar Turkic name, also recorded as Bogoris, perhaps meaning "short" or "wolf" or "snow leopard". Hey! Literally a wolf!
Alice. From the Old French name Aalis, a short form of Adelais, itself a short form of the Germanic name Adalheidis, which means "noble type". Hmm, I like it! Fits her. I’m obviously also counting Twisted Alice and Allison Angel. They all have the same name.
Charley (one of my favourite characters hehehehe). Diminutive form of Charles, which means  "man". Literally. Just man. MAN. That’s it. I guess that fits... Charley is, after all, A MALE. Yeah.
Barley. Means “grower of barley”. Lmao. Just like that.
Edgar.  Derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and gar "spear". I mean... I guess? He has nothing to do with spears, but he’s got fangs. They’re sharp. Spears are sharp.
Humans (from here on going in alphabet order)
Allison Pendle. Norman French diminutive of Aalis, so basically the same as Alice. Cool! She’s very sweet, so it fits for her as well!
Audrey Drew (putting her here because I don’t really count her as an ink entity). Medieval diminutive of Æðelþryð, which is derived from the Old English elements æðel "noble" and þryð "strength". Oh, she sure is strong! 
Bertrum Piedmont. Means "bright raven", derived from the Germanic element beraht "bright" combined with hramn "raven". Uhhmm. Ooook then. Not sure where the raven comes from.
Daniel ”Buddy” Lewek. From the Hebrew name דָּנִיֵּאל (Daniyyel), meaning "God is my judge". Nuuuu, Buddy:(      I still feel very bad for him... Man, poor guy.
Grant Cohen. From an English and Scottish surname that was derived from Norman French grand meaning "great, large". Well, his boss had GRANT plans for the studio (please don’t hurt me, I know the pun is bad).
Henry Stein (the man!). From the Germanic name Heimirich meaning "home ruler", composed of the elements heim "home" and ric "ruler". OOOOHH, i love it! Considering he is the actual creator of Bendy, he technically is the ruler!
Jack Fain. Derived from Jackin (earlier Jankin), a medieval diminutive of John, which itself is derived from the Hebrew name יוֹחָנָן (Yochanan) meaning "Yahweh is gracious". Maybe Jack is jewish? It’s unlikely, but I literally don’t know what to say here.
Joey Dr(ew). Diminutive of Joseph, which was from the Hebrew name יוֹסֵף (Yosef), meaning "he will add". Endless torment, that’s what he’ll add. Ugh, poor Henry.
Lacie Benton. Variant of Lacy. From a surname that was derived from Lassy, the name of a town in Normandy. I couldn’t really find anything else, so...I guess?
Nathan Arch Sr. From the Hebrew name נָתָן (Natan) meaning "he gave". Wha-  what’d he give? A new chance for Bendy to be relevant again? Idk, really.
Nathan ”Wilson” Arch Jr (please don’t hurt me, but I kinda like him as a villain... Like, yeah, he’s creepy as all heck, but isn’t that kinda the point? So there, I said it). I will be doing his moniker, since duh. The name comes from an English surname meaning "son of William". Eeeehhhh, almost fits, just replace William with Nathan.
Norman Polk (eeeeyyyy it’s ma dude!). From an old Germanic byname meaning "northman", referring to a viking. Now that’s interesting. I can’t tell English accents apart very well, but I saw someone say he’s got a southern accent. And then there’s NORTHman. Hmmmm.
Sammy Lawrence. Diminutive of Samuel, coming from the Hebrew name שְׁמוּאֵל (Shemu'el), which could mean either "name of God" or "God has heard". Lmao, I guess his god really did hear him. And decided to fucking murder him.
Shawn Flynn.  Anglicized form of Seán, which on itself is the Irish form of John, so basically the same as Jack.
Susie Campbell. Diminutive of Susan. This was derived from the Hebrew word שׁוֹשָׁן (shoshan) meaning "lily" (in modern Hebrew this also means "rose"), perhaps ultimately from Egyptian sšn "lotus". Oh, maybe those are her favourite flowers!
Thomas Connor. Greek form of the Aramaic name תָּאוֹמָא (Ta'oma') meaning "twin". OH he and Buddy are technically twins! Or, well, clones.
Wally Franks. Diminutive of Walter, which comes from a Germanic name meaning "ruler of the army", composed of the elements wald "rule" and hari "army". Pffft, he’s the ruler of the army that got OUTTA THE STUDIO, yeah ok it fits.
Ink entities (not doing Sammy, Jack and Norman for obvious reasons)
Betty. Diminutive of Elizabeth. From Ἐλισάβετ (Elisabet), the Greek form of the Hebrew name אֱלִישֶׁבַע ('Elisheva') meaning "my God is an oath". The heck- did she turn into Sammy?
Big Steve. Short form of Steven, which derives from the Greek name Στέφανος (Stephanos) meaning "crown, wreath". Uhh, I guess? Is there something that we have yet to discover?
Heidi. German diminutive of Adelheid, which means "noble type", from the French form of the Germanic name Adalheidis. Damn, what’s with all the nobles? Unrelated, but I love her bowtie.
Porter. From an occupational English surname meaning "doorkeeper". Oooohh, ok then, he technically is one.
And that’s it! Whew, took me quite some time. Please do tell me if you want a part two with the other folks! I’m not sure, when (and if) I’ll make it, we’l have to see.
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inactive02 · 2 years
My heimdall headcanons because why not
1- We start off with that under his clothing he has tattoos similar to the ones on his clothing, that’s why he wears such long sleeved clothing.
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2- power bottom and I take no other answers
3- if you were to ask him about Asgard he’ll answer every question you have
4- if he has a lover, he’ll only let them braid his hair nobody else (before he had one he struggled to do it by himself so sif does it)
5- he LOVES fruits
6- he’s the very put up front guy but once he gets to know you, he’ll soften around him (doesn’t he won’t stop him just being heim, it just wouldn’t be as harsh)
7- he wanted to get his hair braid because whenever he stood on the Asgard wall and the wind blowed, it gets in his face
8- his body does not have one scar besides the one kratos gave him
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