thebuhonerodazorrow · 2 years
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Dune: Casa Atreides
(House Atreides) #7
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salusa-suckondis · 4 months
Dune: House Atreides
Chapter 4
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page 30: elrood ix, noted fossil of a man: who even carressss or even remembersssss dominic vernius' military careeeeeer???????
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31: yeah, that's what my grand-nephew calls me too. also, inherited power and wealth is okay if you, like, do charity about it sometimes.
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also page 31: dominic voice: yeah, bitches (the Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe) hate me for my generally smug and knowing air
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33: why do i get the terrible feeling that the sentences 'But Dominic ignored him and continued' and 'But it was too late' are going to become regular fixtures in Dominic Vernius chapters??
Dominic,,, bestie,,, what are you doing. bestie you put down civil wars and revolts for ol Roody decades ago, you know how willing he is to steamroll Houses Major and Minor, come on.
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36: and yet u antagonise him anyway. curious.
hmm, i actually quite like dominic as a character bc it's always fun to read a guy who doesn't care about the consequences of his words but also,,, it is incredibly stressful to read about a guy who doesn't care about the consequences of his words
ix is getting bombed out of orbit, i can see it
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barbariankingdom · 5 months
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Elrood Corrino IX, Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe with his son and heir Shaddam and his bound Concubine Lady Anirul Corrino, a Bene Gesserit of hidden rank.
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I think I like Star Wars best when it's being unapologetically fantasy in space.
For example, you want space elves? Sure, we can have space elves.
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Space mermaids? Don't see why not.
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Space dragons?
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(Pictured, top to bottom -- Jedi Master Fay from Star Wars: Republic 53, an adolescent and adult Melodie from The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons, an Arkanian dragon from the same source, condor dragons from The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide, a Sith battle hydra from Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side, a Duinuogwuin from the Operation: Elrood supplement to Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, and Obi-Wan Kenobi facing the dragon Krayt from The Knight and the Dragon.)
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rpgideastorage · 2 years
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House Contralto
House Sigil: Sparrow
House Motto: Alea iacta est. (The die is cast)
Homeworld: Novus Sark - World topography is like Pandora from Avatar, jungles with floating mountains rich in rare earth metals that allows us to manufacture the best quality aircraft parts.
House Roles
Krasamir - Heir
Calico - Bodyguard
Sorella - Backup Heir/Envoy
Gaspard - Counselor
Zhaelik - Chief Physician
Elrood Noret - Chief Researcher
Del Roland - Warmaster
Daddy - Daddy
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espressogal · 2 years
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honey oat macchiato for early morning study sessions ☕️🌱
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productivityrocks · 3 years
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7.05.2021: Huh okay first original post after like 2 years (?!) of not posting anything of my own stuff... people on here are always like “sorry I haven’t posted all week” and I am like “hold my beer!” so, yeah I should probably receive a medal for that... I hope you are all doing well, are healthy and keep rocking life despite the whole COVID-19 pandemic situation since last year! :)  My dog and I have been back in my home town and living with my sister and parents since last March (aka when everything went chaotic in my uni town and every intention student ran back to their home countries), which has been pretty nice but also sometimes really stressful but c'est la vie, am I right?!) 
Btw I just realized that the light in my uni flat was the absolute bomb, especially in the early mornings and I really miss it (next to my friends from uni to whom I couldn't even say bye in person, because we all just went back home spontaneously last year and thought “we will be back in 2 weeks”)....
Just a short update about my scandalous life: I’m still studying psychology, still unable to multitask or develop a sense of direction, still otherworldly beautiful (okay I gotta deal down the sarcasm in the future haha), still a hardcore caffeine addict (it even got worse during the last few months which I thought wasn’t possible - is there some caffeine drinking record competition that I can enter?! Please let me know if you have heard of one - I would be a really strong competitor...! :)), and currently looking for master programs in forensic psychology (which, considering Brexit and COVID, is not super chill right now). Wow I just summarized a few years in one single sentence - what an accomplishment!  
I’ll try to post more of my photos on here again (because I actually really missed sharing ym photography with you all here and writing about my super interesting and wild daily life (who doesn’t want to hear about that huh?!)) and write back to all the lovely people who messaged me (thanks again, you are the best!)!! I have a busy day of editing my thesis literature review/introduction section ahead of me, hope you all have a great day, stay cool, Amber :) 
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navramanan · 5 years
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// 12.09.19 / i'm starting my job next week and am really excited !! I haven't used my bujo for a long time, so here's an old spread
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the-messyfrenchie · 5 years
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Finals season is the worst !!!
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itstudyblr · 5 years
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3/100 days of productivity || I have an english exam coming up and I can’t believe I once thought english was easy lol [click for HQ]
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thebuhonerodazorrow · 2 years
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Dune: Casa Atreides (House Atreides) #6
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salusa-suckondis · 4 months
Dune: House Atreides
Chapter 2
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page 12: guys come on :( he just wants to chat :(
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15: pardot kynes, age young: my parents' banishment and disgrace can't stop me! i'm autistic :)
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18: oh my god? he's so happy about being assigned to arrakis? friendship ended with everyone else, now kynes is my best friend
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sitdwnandstudy · 5 years
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'Cause in my head (in my head, I do everything right) // 27 August 2019
So, I started grad school this week (and last week I moved to a new state/city) so it’s safe to say I’ve got a lot going on right now. Today I don’t have class so I’m running errands, filling my assignments on my spreadsheet and applying to jobs. 
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95etoile · 5 years
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i miss my chaotic diva loki :’(
*:・゚✧* 2018
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eleancrvances1 · 6 years
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so i had a couple weeks where my motivation just... seemed to have taken time off. these 5 tips are those that helped me the most when i couldn’t seem to bring myself to start studying. i hope they’re helpful to others as well!
have a ritual
i’ll bring myself as an example: before i study i always follow these steps, in this order: i clean the desk, even if the books i need are already there, i clean it; i take a glass of water and a small plate with some almonds and 1/2 chocolates; i get a timer for the pomodoro technique (i’ll talk about this later); i brain dump (i’ll talk about this too); start a playlist; take a deep breath, sit down, and actually start. now, this is mine, it doesn’t have to be yours, but it was to help you understand. when you’re on the couch with your phone and you just don’t want to start an afternoon of studying, just... try the first step. clean that desk. then get the glass of water. and from then on it will be easier and easier to actually get to it. the important thing is to start.
start small (the pomodoro technique)
if you feel that your brain just... refuses to focus on that textbook, don’t strain it. start small. if you’ve never heard about the pomodoro method, i suggest you look it up online, i’ll try to explain it briefly: all you need is a timer; you study for 25/30 minutes, get a 5/10 minutes break in which you get up, go to the bathroom, drink, do a mini-workout... then you start again. it really helps if the idea of sitting at your desk for ours makes you want to vomit. if even 25 minutes seems too much, don’t worry. study for 5 minutes. have a break. try studying for 10 minutes. but maybe you won’t even need to do that: like i said before the important thing is to start. just that will set your brain in motion, and it will actually be harder to stop.
brain dumping
this simple tip has really helped, maybe more than all the others i name here. you have a lot of thoughts rushing through your mind that you just can’t lock away so you can start focusing on that homework? brain. dump. just grab your planner, your bujo, a random piece of paper, and write down what’s on your mind without worrying about the form. just write. write until your mind is blank. then try to start again.
give yourself a reward (if...then)
it can be a small thing like “if i finish this maths equation i’ll eat a candy” or a larger-scale thing like “if i study this chapter i’ll watch another episode of my favourite tv show”. our brain tends to choose the path that requires less effort and gives a bigger reward. but facing a task knowing there’s a reward at the end might help make it seem more effortless.
just don’t wait to “feel like it”
because sometimes you just never will. you will never “feel like” spending an afternoon studying a subject you hate. but you have to do it anyway, so... try your best to make it pleasant. study in your favourite spot, listen to your favorite instrumental piece, buy a nice notebook so it’s easier to actually open it... but you have to start. just start. that’s really the hardest part. i promise it’ll get easier from there.
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espressogal · 2 years
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