#Elrond can't be the one that has all the weird pets and/or friends
braxix · 2 months
Maglor: I'm actually starting to get concerned about what Elrond brings home.
Maedhros: About time. What clues you in? The warg pup or the sixteen orcs he has befriended and folded into society?
Maglor: He came home with a baby dragon this time. Elros said no for us, don't worry.
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master-muffinn · 21 days
Lotr/the hobbit x druid!reader pt2
Ori x reader, Thorin x reader, Elrond x reader
Here is the >> part 1 << thank you so much for +500 likes/reblogs for that one! I hope you like this one too! ^^
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🧸 You're the most beautiful being he has ever laid eyes on. At the start he would be too shy to approach you. So he will ask his friends about love and relationships, but also what they know about druids, which isn't so easy since druids aren’t common at all (at least in my fanfictions).
🧸 Ori LOVES your animal forms, specially the ones with fur and he will ask you as nicely as he can master, if he can pet you in any of it's form.
 “Excuse me y/n, if you ever would have the time to transform into any animal, would it be alright if i could pet you? Of course only if you would be fine with it and if it wouldn't make you uncomfortable?”
🧸 If you came with them on their journey to take back Erebor, Ori will tell you awkwardly and a bit shyly, that he doesn't mind holding you if you ever get tired of flying/walking. 
🧸 He is going to try so hard for you! You are so strong, dependable and just so amazing to him. Ori is really looking up to you and he wants you to feel like you can depend on him too! He wants to protect you too, even if he isn't so strong, but he will train extra hard for you! You probably have to tell him once in a while that he is good enough or he will think he is unworthy of you.
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💎 Doesn't believe Gandalf when he tells him that a druid will be supporting them in their journey. 
“Nobody I know has ever met a druid and hearing about them isn't often. I bet they are nothing but a myth”.
💎 When Thorin meets you he still doesn't believe you're a druid. Just probably an odd wizard/witch that is playing tricks on him. Until you transform…holy shit! Can wizards/witches do that?? He looks at Gandalf only to see him smirking. 
💎 It isn't your animal forms or element abilities that interest him, but the way you transform. The way your body bends and takes shapes after whatever you are supposed to transform to. The moment you change, the moment he has his eyes on you. It may be weird for you or him, but Thorin can't help it! It's so fascinating and it's like he is trying to figure out how you are doing it, but always fails. 
💎 Thorin has probably been looking at you a little too much during battles because the way you fight with your abilities makes you look so gorgeous. Which could leave him getting seriously injured if his teammates didn't watch his back.
“Y/n stop distracting Thorin! Or he loses his focus and dies before making it to Erebor!”
“What!? I didn't do anything?!”
Thorin: “S-shut up!”
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🍁 He knows the moment he sees you, that you're a druid. 
“It was a long time ago I met a druid. I’m glad to see there's still some more out there”.
🍁 Elrond will invite you over for dinner and have them serve you the best they can make. And he’ll offer you a place to stay for a few days if you're not in a hurry somewhere else.
🍁 Elrond love's to watch you using your ‘magic’ on flowers and plants. He loves to watch how you move your hands so gracefully and shape the plants the way you want it. It's so stunning every time! 
🍁 The first time you showed him your powers. You'd asked Elrond about the beautiful flowers in his garden and if you could take some seeds with you. Elrond of course accepted and was about to go and get you the seeds but he stopped in his tracks and watched you move your hands around one of the flowers and give it enough energy to have it grow the seeds you needed. Elrond stood there speechless. That was something he’d never witnessed before and it was so magnificent.
“Would you like to have some other flower seeds as well?”
Thank you for reading! Have a good day! ❤ Reblogs are very appreciated 🥰
Post made by @master-muffinn
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