#Ellie's Christmas
melaninpov · 10 months
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Trevante Rhodes aka Daddy in Candy Cane Lane (2023)
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hunnylagoon · 10 months
hey! I want to request a fluffy one shot about ellie being a parent with the reader. The rest is in your hands, write what comes to ur mind!
Small Hands
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Summary: People say that the magic disappears when you have children, that never applied to you and Ellie, you are just as hopelessly in love as the day you were married. You celebrate Christmas with your friends and family despite a few bumps in the road.
A/N: I usually don’t fuck with kids but this concept actually seemed really cute to me. This chapter is a bit shorter, sorry if it’s rushed, I wrote this while studying for my exams. Thank you for requesting! If anyone else has requests, feel free to leave them and I will get around to them! There is the smallest teensiest weensiest smidgen of a angst in the middle but it comes from a third party. Warning for mentions of postpartum depression
The air was infused with the spicy aroma of gingerbread and the warm glow of twinkling lights as a group of friends gathered for their annual Christmas party. The cozy living room, adorned with tinsel and stockings, echoed with laughter and the jingling of bells. The adults, each holding a mug of steaming cocoa (with a splash of Bailey's), exchanged stories of the year gone by while the children, eyes wide with wonder, eagerly awaited the arrival of Santa Claus.
The living room sparkled with the joy of reunion, as friends who had become family over the years shared in the holiday spirit. You being the hostess of the party, had a flair for festive decorations, you had turned your home into a winter wonderland, complete with a towering Christmas tree and a crackling fireplace. "Levi, get away from there!" Your eyes went wide and you slammed your mug onto the coffee table before you ran to retrieve your son who was wearing an elf onesie and had been attempting to pull out bottles from the wine rack. Your friends and family laughed at the scene "Geez," You grabbed him from beneath his arms and scooped him up, quickly bringing him close to your chest. He had just turned four and was rapidly getting too big for you to carry him. You put him on the ground and ushered him toward the game room telling him to go play with his sister while all of the children were playing some kind of board game or watching the Polar Express. "Where is your mother?" You mutter under your breath, gaze suddenly focusing on the sink full of dishes, you sigh and walk towards them, figuring it easier to get them done now as opposed to when the part has ended and you're too exhausted to do so.
In the tranquil kitchen, the rhythmic cadence of water splashing and the clink of porcelain against stainless steel create a melodic backdrop as you diligently tend to the post-dinner ritual of washing dishes, humming along to the song 'Last Christmas' which you could hear ever so faintly rise above the busy chatter of the living room. your hands, adorned with soap bubbles, move with a graceful choreography, navigating each plate, glass, and utensil with practiced efficiency. The moonlight streaming through the window illuminates the dance of water droplets, casting a prism of reflections on the gleaming surfaces. The scent of citrus-scented dish soap permeates the air, as you, lost in thought, scrub away at remnants of roast chicken and mashed potatoes.
"There's my girl," You feel a pair of arms snake around your waist, you didn't need to turn around to tell who it was; it had of course been your wife, you looked down at where her hands rested on your midriff, her silver wedding ring glistened beneath the warm overhead lighting in the kitchen.
"Are you aware your son is trying to get into the wine rack again?" You turn around to face her, her hands changed from their spot on your waist to the edge of the kitchen sink, leaving you stuck between her and the counter, faces inches apart.
"What can I say? He's got drinking problems," She teased, gaze flickering to your lips for a minute.
"That's all you," You said, your faces were so close that you could've sworn that you could count every single freckle on her face. Without warning, Ellie puts her hands back onto your waist to pull you close, she plants little kisses on your neck, earning a giggle from you "Really?" You laugh "Is me washing dishes really that attractive?"
"Oh, absolutely," She thought you were so incredibly stunning, even in something as simple as a red cable-knit sweater with faded mom jeans and hair tied up sloppy in a claw clip. You had only bought the claw clip in the first place because your daughter told you they were trendy.
"Okay, seriously, there are kids here," You laugh, gently pushing Ellie away from you "We can save that for later."
"You just look so beautiful," Ellie wears a goofy smile on her face.
"In mom jeans?"
She shrugs "As beautiful as the day I met you, if not more."
You can't help the huge smile that consumes your face. You and Ellie had met in college, she was a bartender and you went to her bar every single Friday just to see her, all of your friends sat in a booth but you would always push for them to sit at the bar when they refused, you sat alone just to talk to the pretty girl behind the bar. "Do you remember how we were spending Christmas in College?"
"One bottle of peppermint schnapps and a bag of chocolate-covered pretzels."
"You're forgetting a game of strip poker," You add.
"That's probably because I was hammered off my ass," She says bluntly and it makes you laugh. Back in college, the pair of you made plans to fly home to see your families but a snowstorm had other plans, with arrangements cancelled you went back to each other, cozying up on Ellie's beat-up couch and dumping schnapps into eggnog, god it tasted awful but the sound of Ellie laughing, her cheeks and nose pink from cold air almost made it taste better.
"You know..." You say, drawing Ellie's attention "I think it might be time to start the gingerbread house contest."
Ellie is way ahead of you, she leaves the kitchen and enters the game room, you can tell the exact moment she announced it by the kid's reactions all you heard was cheering before a dozen kids stormed out of the game room and gathered around the dining table where you had meticulously placed a gingerbread house decorating kit at each chair as well as little bowls full of several colours of frosting and miscellaneous candies lined down the center.
Parents sat next to their children or stood behind them, either rooting for them or guiding their small hands along the gingerbread, aiding the decorating process. Ellie sat between both of your children "Levi, you can eat it after you build it," She chuckled, gingerly moving the plastic butter knife of icing to the edge of a wall for the gingerbread house, "See? You put icing along the edges and then you stick it together and then when it dries, you have a house!" She explained in simple terms to your youngest, turning her head to look at your daughter who was too busy conversing with her friend to decorate "You should be listening to this too, Kenna, useful tips," She teased. Kenna rolled her eyes, she was ten years old and at that stage where she was starting to get embarrassed by her parents. Ellie laughed at your daughter's reaction, locking eyes with you from your spot by the doorway where the two of you share a look of understanding.
"Uh oh, looks like Papa's intervening," Dina said, she stood next to Jesse, cradling her baby, JJ, in her arms, watching the scene unfold.
"Alright, kiddo, here's what we're gonna do." Joel shooed Kenna's friend away, replacing her. Under hushed whispers he explained a plan to Kenna, the two were discussing a layout to win the gingerbread contest.
"Oh, it's getting heated now," Ellie said, now moving her focus onto Levi's sloppy gingerbread house.
Everyone was in the festive dining room, laughing and talking, truly in the Christmas spirit, all except for one; you heard what sounded like faint sobs coming from the kitchen. With furrowed eyebrows, you followed the sound and found none other than your friend, Catherine crying into her hands.
"What happened?" You break the silence, catching her attention.
Catherine begins to wipe away tears, shaking her head "It's nothing, it's so stupid-
"Well, it's not nothing if you're crying." You cross your arms. Catherine can't seem to get the words out, she just shakes her head and squeezes her eyes shut in her best attempt to push back tears, her blue eyes red and puffy "Whatever it is, I'm not going to judge you."
"It's just-" She takes a deep, shaky breath" Sometimes I wish I wasn't a mom, I just wish I could pack up my bags and leave in the middle of the night and never come back." Catherine was an English teacher at a middle school, you had met her not long after you met Ellie. She was also a new mother, she had only had her baby girl, Clementine for six months; you saw how tired she was, she always for dark bags under her eyes, she used to intricately braid her dirty blond hair every day but now she only had the energy in her to tie it up into a loose bun. "I'm sorry," She laughed "I don't know why I'm crying."
"Because it hurts." You answer, eyebrows furrowing with concern.
Your daughter ran into the kitchen with a huge smile on her little face "Mom, you need to see my house, Papa Joel is helping me and it looks really cool so far-" Her smile faded in the slightest when she saw you with Catherine, "Is Cathy okay?"
"She's fine, sweetheart," You kneel to eye level with Kenna "Her tummy just hurts from too much hot chocolate so I'm gonna take care of her for a bit." You brush one of Kenna's lose hair behind her ear and plant a kiss onto her freckled forehead "Just go back to making your house, I'm sure it looks awesome, I promise I'll come see it when it's done but I think your auntie Sarah would love to see it." Kenna nods casting one last look at Catherine who turned around to hide her tear-stained face from your daughter and hurried out of the kitchen. "Cath, let's talk outside." You move towards the sliding door on the other side of the kitchen, you hold it open for Catherine who follows you outside, immediately hugging herself in an attempt to fight off the cold. "So, where is this coming from?"
Catherine looks around the snow-covered yard, she sees the snowman that your children made with Ellie the day before and it only adds to the unbearable weight on her shoulders "I'm not good at this, I'm a bad mom-
"No, you're not-
She lets out another sob "Like just now, you are so patient with Kenna and Levi, you and Ellie have this incredible house and an amazing family, you guys never fight and I just feel like I'm falling behind."
"You're crazy if you think Ellie and I don't fight, we argue all the time about the stupidest things, like earlier we fought about who would pop that champagne cork. We fight, but that doesn't mean that we don't love each other, I'm sure you feel the same way about Emmet."
"I love Emmet," She says "I really do and I love Clementine so so much I just wish I had a minute to breathe." Catherine can hardly look you in the eyes "I work with kids all day and take care of them and then I get home and it's just more of the same but there's cooking and cleaning and it's endless."
The silence stretches between you two. Catherine's face is scrunched up, her pale turning red from the cold. With each unsteady breath, she heaves, a cloud of carbon dioxide emerges. The sleet covering every inch of ground acts as soundproofing over the neighbourhood, the only thing you can hear are birds flapping their wings and Catherine's heavy cries.
"Do you remember when I wanted to be a writer?" She asks "When I used to have dreams, I would hole myself up in that one corner booth of that coffee shop every Sunday and I would write for hours on end."
"And every time someone mentioned a book or movie that they like, you would ask what they liked about it so you could use bits of it in your writing." You say, your lips stretching into a thin melancholic smile at the memory.
"Well, it's all gone out the window." She was shaking by that point, not from the frigid air or her now wet socks but from misery "Two years ago I was hosting wine-tasting parties and Emmet was taking me out to these beautiful high-end restaurants. I could fit into sleek back dresses and wear high heels for hours without getting blisters, now all I eat is Kraft dinner and takeout. Every nice blouse I own has gotten baby vomit on it."
The way Catherine is speaking, she sounds bitter with despair hanging in her tone. You at a loss for words, postpartum depression was common but you hadn't realized just how much Catherine was suffering. She had spent six months feeling this way with no one to talk to. When you first adopted Kenna you were terrified, you thought that you wouldn't have a mother's instinct and that you were going to screw her up in some way or that she would resent you because you aren't her biological mother.
"I haven't got a full night of sleep in six months, all I hear is that fucking screeching cry. That's all she does is scream, she screams when she's happy, when she's sad, when she's upset and angry, it's all I hear and I'm so fucking sick of it." She buried her face into her hands "Emmet just loves her so much, he does everything with her without complaint and I can't help but hold the slightest bit of resent for her, I probably sound evil right now."
"You don't," You pulled Catherine in for a hug. Embracing her and all of her sadness, if it belonged to her then it belonged to you as well. "I'll tell you this right now, it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better." Her head was tucked into the crook of your neck.
"That isn't helping-
You pushed her away, holding onto her shoulders, forcing her to face you. "Remember when you adopted that dog?"
"Toothless," She smiled at the thought of her old Labrador.
"He was a puppy when you adopted him, he had way too much energy, barked at every sound, and pissed and shat on the floor of your apartment a lot," You say, face dead serious despite the subject matter "That night before exams when you were exhausted and all you wanted was to sleep, you tucked yourself into bed and Toothless was right beside you and then he pissed all over your white duvet. You called me and you just cried and cried because you were so stressed and that was the tipping point. How about that time he dragged your period-stained underwear out of your laundry basket when you had a date over-
"Okay, I get it," Catherine laughed.
"My point is, when that puppy stage passed, you were in love with that dog, you blew off plans just to take him on walks downtown. If you had a bad day, you would curl up on the couch with him. Not that I'm comparing your child to a dog but when this postpartum leaves, that child is going to be the light of your life. Fridays at the bar won't sound appealing when you can make popcorn and watch Disney with your daughter, nothing else is going to matter as much as that girl. When Clementine gets older you'll find that every eye-roll means you're doing something right."
"Is that true?" She asks "About the eyerolls?"
"No," You laugh "It's just something I say to make Ellie feel better."
Catherine chuckles, wiping away what remains of her tears. "Thank you."
"I know it feels like it's the end of the road but it's not. It gets easier every single day but that's the hard part, you need to get up and face it every single day." Your words calm Catherine down. Her tears dissipate and with a deep breath she is no longer shaking "We should go back inside now, I wanna see who won the gingerbread building contest." You sling an arm around her and guide her back inside through the sliding door.
"But my socks are wet." She says, hesitant to step back inside.
"I'm sorry for making you stand in the snow but that conversation needed to happen," You urge her inside anyway, not caring if your freshly cleaned kitchen floors get wet "I'll lend you a pair of slippers."
You and Catherine return to the dining room where the contest is just wrapping up, both in fuzzy slippers; the pair Catherine wore had little black spotted cows on them while yours were teal and made to look like Perry the Platypus, a gift you received from Ellie out of the blue because she thought they were hilarious and wanted both of you to have a matching pair. "Just in time," Dina says, she's wearing a white turtle neck and blue skinny jeans, leaning against the wall, watching her husband with a smile "They're about to announce the winner."
Ellie is speaking in a hushed voice with Jesse who is holding JJ in one arm, she's acting as serious as ever and even pretending to ask JJ for his opinion, the baby just babbles in return "Interesting, thank you, JJ," She says. Ellie turns to the crowd, everyone goes silent waiting for her words "The consensus is... You are all winners!"
Many of the older kids groaned in annoyance, all of the adults knew this was coming that didn't stop Tommy from saying that it was outrageous.
As the night unfolded, the kids, bundled up in cozy sweaters, gathered around a table filled with art supplies to craft their ornaments. Laughter filled the room as little hands carefully adorned paper snowflakes and painted wooden stars. The parents, caught in the infectious energy of the children, joined in the crafting, reminiscing about their childhood holiday traditions.
With bellies full and hearts warmer than ever, the group of friends settled into a circle around the fireplace. The children, tucked in cozy blankets, many of the kids fell asleep in the game room while 'Home Alone' played on the TV.
As the night drew to a close, the guests exchanged hugs and well wishes. The flickering lights of the Christmas tree cast a soft glow on the scene as the friends, with their children in tow, bid farewell, knowing that the memories forged on this magical night would linger in their hearts long after the last snowflake had fallen. Parent hauled their sleeping children away into their cars, putting a close on the night.
Ellie took Kenna, hand in hand, to the bathroom, making sure that she thoroughly brushed her teeth. She tucked her daughter in, giving her a kiss on the forehead. Kenna tried to argue that she wasn't tired but the second her head hit the pillow her eyes shuttered closed and any chatter she had in her was replaced by soft breaths emerging from the sleeping girl.
You had taken Levi straight to bed, he was already passed out when you found him curled in a ball on a blanket in the game room. He gently put him down on his bed and pulled a Spider-Man blanket over the top of him to keep his little body warm. You made sure that his night light was plugged in before stepping away and closing the door, but not all the way, you left it open a crack, just the way he liked it.
And so, the echoes of laughter, the warmth of shared moments, and the spirit of togetherness lingered in the air, a reminder that the company of cherished friends and family had just left, leaving you and your little family to sit in the static quiet of the fireplace crackling.
The air is still tinged with the scent of cinnamon and pine, and a soft glow emanates from the myriad of twinkling lights that adorn every corner. The Christmas tree, a majestic centrepiece, stands tall and proud, its branches adorned with an array of ornaments that glisten in hues of red, gold, and silver. A cozy fireplace crackles merrily, casting a warm embrace upon the room. Festive stockings, embroidered with care, hang in anticipation of surprises. Plush blankets drape over sofas, inviting you to sink into their warmth. Every surface seems to gleam with the holiday spirit, from the gleaming silverware on the dining table to the festive wreaths that adorn doorways. The ambiance is a symphony of holiday joy, where every decoration tells a story of cherished traditions and the magic of Christmas despite the displaced blankets and dishes, as well as random craft supplies that were somehow everywhere.
"We should probably clean this up before bed," You say, bending down to grab a throw blanket off the floor.
Ellie grabs your wrist to stop you "That's what tomorrow is for," You turn to face her "Right now I just want to be with my wife."
You grin "I don't think I'll ever get sick of you saying that."
"I don't think I'll ever get sick of saying it."
You kiss Ellie, she has one hand pulling you in from the small of your back. "I think I have a crush on you." You giggle.
"A crush on your wife?" Ellie raises an eyebrow "Who could imagine that."
"No I mean, I obviously love you but there's a difference between being in love and having a crush, we've been married for fourteen years and I still get excited when you call me pretty. I can't help but stare at you in a room full of people and when you look back I get butterflies because I just can't help but be thankful that I got lucky enough to have you." Your lips curve up into a smile "I don't think that was corny enough," You say sarcastically.
Ellie kisses you again, it is simple and sweet, like the taste of sugar resting on the tip of your tongue "I guess I have a crush on you too," She looked so pretty in her jeans and red flannel, sporting the haircut you gave her with pride; whenever someone mentioned her haircut she would get all giddy and say 'My wife did it!'. An idea snaps into your mind, and you swiftly break away from Ellie and kick off your Perry the Platypus slippers, jetting to the kitchen to the sliding door and running outside. Ellie calls after you, with no response, she follows your trail of teal slippers. She pokes her head outside "Honey?" She calls into the night, and instead of your voice answering her she is decked in the face by a snowball. "Ow!"
With rosy cheeks and twinkling eyes, your breath forming clouds in the cold, launched the first snowball, its trajectory guided by both precision and mischief. Ellie, undeterred, retaliated with a well-aimed throw which truthfully fucking hurt when it crashed into you as she used to play softball and didn't know how to gently throw anything. The world around you transformed into a playground, each snowball being thrown with more power.
As the not-so-friendly competition unfolded, your movements became a dance—a graceful ballet of dodges and throws. The landscape bore witness to their camaraderie, marked by the hushed giggles (trying your best to stay quiet enough that you didn't wake the kids) and the occasional shrieks of delight. Frost-kissed eyelashes framed your beaming faces, capturing the essence of a moment suspended in the magic of winter.
The cold air filled with the warmth of your connection. You both paused, momentarily breathless, her laughter echoing in the serene stillness of the snow-covered landscape. Amidst the snow-laden trees and glistening ground, you and Ellie shared a quiet gaze—a fleeting, unspoken acknowledgment of the bond that stayed unbroken with each tossed snowball.
Your cheeks flushed with both the chill of the air and the thrill of the game, finally forfeited, coming out from your shielding spot behind the shed, you laughed as you approached Ellie, moving your delicate hands to shake snow out of her hair. The memory of the evening lingered, a cherished chapter in the story of your enduring love.
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hatosaur · 10 months
hey tlou folks
it's that time of year again:
there was like a whole area of the game abt it, don't be fuckin weird.
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haveateadude · 4 months
bleak horizons ii.
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summary *. ⋆ ⋆·˚ christmas and hot chocolate
warnings *. ⋆ ⋆·˚ depression, family issues, and i think that's it?? it's mostly fluff??
author notes *. ⋆ ⋆·˚ why is it christmas you might be wondering... well i don't fucking know okay??😭😭wrote this when i was in another country and it was cold and it reminded me of christmas so i wrote this. anyway. this one is boring as FUCK... just saying. i'm embarrassed about posting this actually. also, i accidentally put this on chat gpt and it gave me more than 10 things i had to fix so. don't get your hopes up LMAO
hope y'all have a great day, night, morning or whatever. take care of yourselves!!!!!!! if u don't you're an asshole.
AND THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT ON MY LAST POST!!!!!!!!! i love everyone who liked it :)) even just knowing people have read it makes my heart warm. i really thought it would get cero recognition, y'all are amazing <3
(readers mental health gets addressed in the next chapter btw)
(not proofread either, sorry if there's any mistake)
pt1 — pt2 — pt3
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i don't wanna talk about anything
i wanna kiss, kiss your eyes again
wanna witness your eyes looking
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For Christmas, I go to Ellie's house, and I lie to my mother about having too much work. She says it's fine, which weirds me out. I never thought she would say yes. I’m excited and happy to go to Ellie’s house, anyway. This is important, I feel—meeting her family, I mean. She never speaks much about them, but I know she's adopted, and that she gets along with them. She also never met her mother. She says she had her aunt to teach her all that Joel couldn't, like what periods were, how to wash her clothes, and how to paint her nails with her left hand.
I think a part of me is afraid to go because I'm afraid I'll get attached. My mother never taught me what periods were and my father never seemed to know what empathy was. Her family sounds like a dream to me.
"We’re here," Ellie says with a smile on her face as she pulls up on the side of the road next to a white house. It’s got a green lawn, it looks nicely cared for, and a white picket fence. I take a deep breath, I don’t know why I’m so nervous. I think Ellie senses that. She puts a hand on my shoulder and squeezes it, which feels comforting. "Hey, just know my dad is really fucking chill. It’s just going to be us, and my uncle's family. They’re going to love you, I promise."
"Okay," I nod because I know it and that's what I'm afraid of. I look outside the window. It’s Christmas Eve. It's already snowing. I then stare at Ellie's eyes and smile. I kiss her and when I pull apart I speak. "I don't want to go out, it's cold."
"C’mon, let’s go inside then. I don’t want you to freeze in this car."
I nod and fix my hair in the mirror before I go out. The cold makes me unable to feel my face or my hands, so when I go inside I'm a bit surprised by how warm it is. Ellie makes me hand her my coat and my stuff, and she puts mine and hers aside.
The house inside looks way better than it does outside. The lights are dim, the Christmas tree has colorful lights wrapped around it, and it smells like an apple pie is cooking. It feels like an actual home, and the chimney is decorated with socks, and next to it, on the wall, are pictures of young Ellie.
"You look cute," I tell her, speaking about the photos, as she walks towards me.
She blushes, her ears go red, "Uh, you weren't meant to see that."
"Oh, stop it," I chuckle. "You look adorable.”
"I bet you looked way more adorable than me."
"I looked like a disfigured mosquito with a big ass."
Ellie laughs as her hand goes to my hip, "First of all, if you were a disfigured mosquito—which you're not by the way—I would still like you; second of all, I love your big ass."
"Oh, so that's all you love about me?" I ask, teasingly, slightly tilting my head. "Just my ass?"
I feel Ellie's hands move downwards, nearly gripping my butt, before I hear someone clearing their throat. I'm so red I'm not even a tomato... I probably look like a fucking chili pepper or something.
I know it's Joel because Ellie has a picture of him with her on her nightstand. She looks at Joel as her hands linger on my hips for a second, then she takes them off and walks towards him.
"Joel," Ellie says, hugging him. "Hey, old man."
"Kiddo, you've grown so much."
"I look the same as last month."
"Yeah, just thought it’d make you feel better."
Ellie laughs as she pulls apart. I just stand there, awkwardly behind Ellie. Finally, Joel looks at me.
"Oh, hi," he says, now looking at me. "Ellie has talked a lot about you."
I nod, "Thanks for letting me stay, Mr. Miller."
"Just call me Joel."
"Well," Ellie interrupts. "We're going to my room, I'll talk to you later."
"Okay, I'll tell you when Tommy and Maria get here."
Ellie takes our bags, which she insists on doing alone, and leads me to her room.
Her room, it's… so her. Posters of bands cover every inch of her walls, and her desk is stained with paint.
I sit on her bed and look around as she sits next to me.
"I like your room," I tell her, feeling her knee bump against mine. She's so close to me I can feel her breath on my neck. 
"It’s messy, though." She’s looking at me, but I can't dare to look at her. 
I feel guilty for not being at home now, it gnaws at me. Is mom alone? And why do I care? Why do I feel guilt over the person who made me hurt more? She always wants to fight—there's always constant battles between us, battles she always wins. So why do I miss her and why is it hard to accept?
"What are you thinking?"
I chuckle, "It’s nothing."
"Well—alright," she lets the subject the subject slip. She kisses my cheek and then my lips and her hands roam my body. We just make out, though.
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Christmas dinner goes fine. Better than I thought it would. The Millers are like a real family, they talk to me like they've known me for years, even though I feel like an intruder in their house. I don't want to be fond of them, or else I'll cling to them like they're family.
Maria and Tommy have a baby and most of the night is spent with Ellie cradling the baby and me sitting next to him. We drink hot chocolate with marshmallows. This is the happiest I've ever been at Christmas.
At night, I leave Ellie's warm embrace to go for a glass of water. I can't sleep, my mind is racing and it won't shut off.
When I go downstairs Joel is sitting at the kitchen table, I don't know what to say to him. Which is okay, because he speaks first.
"Can't sleep?" He asks.
For a moment I think he has confused me for Ellie, because why is he talking to me?
"Yeah," I say, getting my glass of water.
"I won't give the 'hurt my daughter and I'll kill you' talk if that's what you're worried about."
I try to laugh, "Thanks, I guess. You're—you're a great dad."
"Well, you're a great kid."
"Thank you," I answer because I don't know what else to say. He's indeed a great dad. He's funny and nice and caring. I've seen the way he talks to Ellie. Unlike my father he doesn't look at her daughter like he's trying to fix their relationship, therefore their conversations don't look forced; Ellie has referred to me as her girlfriend at Christmas dinner, and all Joel did was smile. It made me want to throw up, even if I felt welcomed.
"Hey—uh, I'm sorry if I approach this in the wrong way… but Ellie has told me that your mother is causing you trouble."
"Yeah," I don't know what to say, again. How do I answer this? How should I feel about this? "She's been a little difficult, but you know. It's the normal mother-daughter fight, nothing to worry about."
"Okay," he nods. "If you want you can talk to me, or Ellie—she's… she's been a little worried."
I hadn't seen that coming. Is Ellie's worried?
"I—I will talk to her. Thank you."
She doesn't want you. She's your friend, she doesn't want you. She will fall in love with you, not your brain nor your scars, and when she finds out about the way you think she'll leave.
I want to say Mr. Miller but I know he wants me to call him Joel—which makes me a little awkward. "I'm going to sleep now."
"Get the rest you need," he smiles. "Leave the cup on the table, I'll wash it."
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I wake up being the little spoon.
Ellie has her arms wrapped around me like she's afraid I'll leave. As I slowly open my eyes I can also feel Ellie shifting behind me.
"Morning," she speaks in her morning voice, the vibration of her voice against my neck sends shivers down my spine—in a good way.
I smile, "Hey."
"How did you sleep?"
"More than good. Your bed is very comfortable."
"Yeah," she pulls me closer to her front, "I could stay here forever."
We don't stay there forever, though, because we open presents. It's just Joel, Ellie, and me. Surprisingly there's one for me from Joel, and Maria and Tommy.
Ellie gave me a necklace and a ring, which might seem simple to others but I had been planning on buying it for a fucking long while. It always was out of sale. And the ring had a moon on it.
"Fuck, Ellie," I say as I look at her, sitting on the floor with my legs crossed. "This is amazing, I love this."
"Yeah?" She asks. She's sitting next to me, her legs stretched out, resting her weight on one of her arms behind her. I notice she looks flushed. Her cheeks are slightly more pink than they always are.
I nod, kissing her, "Thank you, thank you, thank you..."
She chuckles after I give her one last kiss, "Time to open mine now, I guess."
I look at her as she opens what I gave her. It's small, compared to what she gave me. Is just one of the first pictures we took together framed, just after I moved in. I also gave her a white silver beaded bracelet I had made.
"I remember this day," she says, looking at the picture. "I remember I was trying to impress you all day long, you know? I just wanted to make you laugh... and well, you did."
I chuckle, "I did laugh at all your jokes, but I think that's just because I have a very shitty humor."
"I'm glad we share it."
Ellie looks at the bracelet and the framed photo with a tender smile, her eyes glistening.
"I love it," she says softly, as she puts the photo down, her voice barely above a whisper. "I love you."
Her words make my heart race, and I feel my cheeks heat up.
"I love you too," I reply, my voice steady despite the emotions swirling inside me. I think this is the happiest I've ever been; I think I'll remember this moment forever.
We spend the rest of the morning together, laughing and sharing stories. For the first time in a long while, I feel like I belong somewhere.
After breakfast, as Ellie and I sit on the couch with our fingers intertwined, Joel comes over with a cup of hot chocolate.
"Merry Christmas, you two," he says with a kind smile, handing us the mugs.
"Merry Christmas," I say.
Alright, yeah. This might be the best Christmas I've ever had.
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threeletterepithet · 4 months
The only reason I want Cullen in Veilguard is to see if they've given him a VA more famous than Smeg Grellis, just to watch the ambulatory testicle explode with narcissistic rage.
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seashoreships · 9 months
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Holiday posting oops forgot about tumblr for a hot second
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ellies-enrichment · 1 year
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jeez louise these boys are so silly
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savannahsdeath · 1 year
♯christmas visit
part 2two
mdni please<3
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summary: your mom, who hates ellie and thinks youre a disappointment, visits you for christmas. its not a big surprise she wasnt happy with seeing youre still roommates with a drug dealer
warnings: 18+!! language, weed mentions, part2 contains smut
authors note: i know its july hushhh😓😓also my requests are still opennn !!
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You were sitting inside on Christmas, with a hot cup of tea next to you, watching the snowy landscape outside. It was snowing steadily, with no signs of stopping anytime soon.
Ellie walked up behind you and started playing with your hair. You smiled as you leaned your head back and let her fingers roam through your hair.
"So, when is your mom visiting?" She asked.
"She'll be there soon. Why, getting impatient? Can't wait?" You chuckled.
You knew Els hates her.
"What do you mean, impatient?" Ellie huffed. "Of course I can't wait, she'll see what a wreck you've become and be so disappointed in you. 'Oh, y/n, what do you mean you're not working in a corporation but actually doing something you enjoy?!'" She mocked your mother's high pitched voice.
Ellie is spot on about your mother. She always had this idea of what she wanted you to do, and never could understand why you chose a different path. Ellie has a way of making you feel better, though, putting everything back into perspective.
"Ouch! What did my mother do to you?" You ask, as you lightly swing behind Ellie and tap her head with your index finger. "She's gonna be here soon. Come on, it's Christmas. Can't we all get along?" You say, as you move back to sitting in the couch, this time with Ellie laying her head on your lap, with the snow-covered trees outside seen out of the window.
Ellie shifts her body towards you and she continues to snuggle her head into your lap while giggling. "Why can't we just all get along?" She repeats teasingly. "Well... maybe because she never approved of me? Your mother has always thought I'm some sort of free-loader, and she thinks I'm going to drag you down or something." Ellie says with a mocking tone, and adds in more of your mother's voice.
"Maybe because she found out you sell weed around the town. Makes sense to me." You chuckled and this time you started to play with her hair.
"Maybe I should sell some to your mother, she clearly needs to relax and not be such a stickler all the time." Ellie snickered, as she nuzzled up to you and closed her eyes.
"I wish that'd work. Just try to be nice and she should be gone after an hour, not a big deal." You chuckled as a memory of her previous visit played in your mind. Her and Ellie... don't go along well. "Okay, she'll be there soon. If she'll get suspicious, we're just friends and roommates, nothing romantic, alright?"
"Aww, really? Just roommates and nothing else?" Ellie teased as she sat up, placed her hands under your chin and made you look into her eyes. "Fine, you can keep denying that I'm your girlfriend, and just let your mother keep living in denial." Ellie giggled, before planting a kiss on your forehead.
"Thank you. Oh, and..."
You lectured her about do's and don't's, hoping she'll listen. As you finished what you were saying, you could hear a knock at the door, followed by a quick ring of the doorbell. You looked over at Ellie and chuckled, as your mother's previous visit flashed through your mind again. "Act all formal and proper." You said with a sarcastic tone, before standing up to answer the door.
"No problem." Ellie chuckled as she got off the couch and stood next to you.
As you opened the door, you saw your mother standing outside, wearing a long coat to keep her warm, as she stared at you intensely. Before you could react, she walked straight into your apartment and shouted at you. "What have I told you about being with that girl?!"
"It's nice to see you too, mom." You managed to stop yourself from rolling your eyes at her, as you gave Ellie an apologizing look.
She was already prepared for your mother's harshness as she saw it coming, and as you looked back at her, she gave a comforting smile, before she turned away.
"No, don't you 'it's nice to see you' me... What are you, in a relationship with her?" Your mother yelled at you as she pointed back at Ellie. She noticed your nervous glance towards the young girl, and her eyes narrowed.
"Jesus, no, of course not!" You lied, gesturing for her to sit down.
Your mother, who looked quite pissed off, gave you a look of disbelief. "Really? The way you keep glancing towards her says otherwise." She huffed, as she took off her coat and hung it up on the hanger before sitting down.
"We're friends." You sat on a chair next to Ellie, opposite your mother. You nervously squeezed your roommate's hand, hoping it will go unnoticed.
As you held Els's hand, she looked down and squeezed your hand back, as she tried to hold back any signs of affection towards you.
"Friends who hold hands and spend Christmas together? Yeah, right." Your mother scoffed.
You sighed, biting your bottom lip and looking at Ellie as you weren't able to hold eye contact with your mother.
"I'm sorry, don't listen to her." You mouthed so the topic of your sentence won't hear it.
"Oh, don't worry." Ellie mouthed back to you, as she placed her hand on your thigh under the table. You could tell she wasn't hurt by all the insults - she looked like she's holding back a laugh.
Your mother glanced over at Ellie, who seemed to be taking the whole situation quite well. Seeing her daughter's girlfriend smiling and smirking at her made your mother seethe. "You think this is funny?" She asked Ellie, with a harsh tone.
Before Ellie could respond, you spoke up, to avoid any further drama. "Look, can we just drop this topic? It's Christmas, and I didn't want to have a fight on this day, alright?"
Your mother turned to you and scoffed. "Oh yeah, a little Christmas cheer is going to make all this non-sense go away." She said in a sarcastic tone. "You know, if you just listened to me and broke things off with... her... then we wouldn't even be in this situation." She gestured back at Ellie with exaggeration.
"What did she even do? Do you still can't get over her weed business? God, mom, that's not the end of the world." Your tone matched your mother's as you started to get more and more embarrased by how she treats your girlfriend. Meanwhile, Ellie couldn't care less - she was smirking, her hand moving up and down your thigh.
Your mother stared back at you, with an expression filled with disappointment and anger. "Your little 'friend' is nothing more than a lowlife druggie, who lives with you just to drag you down to her level." She said with exaggeration again.
Ellie looked more amused as she saw how your mother was acting towards her, and she was having a hard time hiding her smirk. The hand on your thigh started to boldly slide up.
You gave her a 'you're not helping' look as she was, in fact, really distracting you.
Ellie giggled, as she saw you trying your best to ignore her hand moving up and down your thighs. You felt a sensation running through your body, which caused your face to turn red. You tried your best to keep your composure, as your mother was still berating Ellie.
Your mother's face showed a look of disgust as she quickly realized what was happening between you and your girlfriend, and it only grew her anger.
Oh, god...
i will probably post part two tomorrow since i have it already written!!🫣
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merry christmas y’all!
have a fun and safe day if you celebrate, and if you don’t, i hope you still have an amazing day!
if no one has told you i love you today, then i will. I LOVE ALL Y’ALL!
IG: @justralphy
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aangelichaos · 10 months
(Starts December 14th!)
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Day 1: Gingerbread houses + Joel Miller and Ellie Williams (The Last of Us)
Day 2: Mistletoe + Harvey (Stardew Valley)
Day 3: Present shopping + Hugo Vega (Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator)
Day 4: Wrapping presents + Vanessa Shelly and Mike Schmidt (FNAF)
Day 5: Snowball fight + Vanessa Shelly (FNAF)
Day 6: Caroling + Shane (Stardew Valley)
Day 7: First snow + Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
Day 8: New Year's kiss + Harvey (Stardew Valley)
Day 9: Hot chocolate + Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2)
Day 10: Secret Santa + Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Day 11: Ornaments + Mike and Abby Schmidt (FNAF)
Day 12: Christmas day + Harvey (Stardew Valley)
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letmesleep8 · 2 months
even if I die screaming // elliexreader
CHAPTER 2: To Someone Special
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
chapter 1 | chapter 3 | AO3 gets it first
content warnings/tags: subtle homophobia; friends to lovers; christmas love.
notes: hello again, buddies! <3 chapter two is here, thank you for the notes! let me know in the comments in case anyone wants to be tagged in chapter 2 btw
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"Every second counts, I don't wanna watch tv anymore"
— Bags, Clairo
December 24, 2038 Winter
Dear diary, 
Christmas is FINALLY coming up! I've always been a big time Christmas girl but this year it's extra special: Ellie suddenly realized she would not self-combust if she showed up at one of my Christmas parties just once! Well, it's not exactly a party. Mama's gonna be on patrol on the 25th, so I called Ellie, Dina and Jesse over to watch some movies. Dina and Jesse decided they'd spend the holiday with the boy's parents this year for once and Ellie, I believe, felt pitiful and decided to come by. 
I like her. She can be closed off, but she's fun. Cat said she is easy to like when she makes a bit of effort. They had a fight last week and I think I saw them kiss once, maybe twice. Mama's not the biggest fan of Ellie, she says she "doesn't think that's normal". How does she fight literal zombies every week and her biggest fear is a lesbian?
Gonna do some baking now. Hope Ellie likes pie.
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I placed some blankets on the couch and put the best holiday movie I could find next to the player. Our house was always incredibly tidy, I can't stand dusty places. I lit a candle and put the star I made myself on top of the pine. I'm committed to having a Christmas tree every single year, it doesn't matter how hard I find to bring it inside by myself. To me, it's a glimpse of what life was before the outbreak, and I also realized that my mom finds some sense of normalcy in these things. In a world like this, we lack some tradition. My kitchen timer rings and I run to the oven, the apple pie I've made looks great. I carefully take it off the heat and place it on the counter.
"It's a blizzard out here!" I hear some knocking on the door. "I am about to freeze to death!" I walk to the door to find Ellie all bundled up, her tiny nose red from the cold, the calluses on her fingers covered by navy blue wool.
"Come on in, sorry for the waiting", I reply as I brush some of the snow off her shoulders. She enters the house, a thankful gaze as she sees the lit fireplace. The girl takes off some layers of clothing along with her shoes, sitting on the couch.
"You should stop wearing sneakers on the snow, your feet are soaked", I threw her a blanket. "You're gonna get a cold."
She scoffs, "Well, if I ever do I know that I can count on ya' as my doctor", a slight smirk present on her face, still red from the low temperature. I smile and roll my eyes at her, maybe slightly blushed, 'cause my face definitely feels hot. 
I cut each of us a piece of pie and joined her on the couch. “You like Christmas movies?” I smirk. Of course she does, who doesn’t like Christmas movies? Well, I am quickly surprised by her, who admits she’s never watched one.
“I’ve never really been into Christmas n' shit”, Ellie shrugs her shoulders, “not really any holidays at all.”
I look at her, mouth wide open in disbelief. How does one live without ever watching Home Alone? “We’ve got a lot of catching up to do”, I exclaimed, excitedly. I get up from the couch and run over to my dvd shelf. A few seconds later I came back with three more movies for us to watch.
Our plan was to watch all the movies this afternoon but we soon lost focus. We talked for hours while “A Nightmare Before Christmas” repeatedly played in the background, we kept hitting “restart”, saying we were gonna actually watch it this time. Instead, we discussed the simplest of things, drinking tea and sharing Stevie and her warm fur on our laps. 
“Okay, I am not saying they're all dead”, Ellie’s out of breath laugh filled the room. To me, it seemed brighter all of a sudden, as if we had lit the third homemade scented candle of the day. “It’s just a probability, we wouldn’t even know”, she continued.
I threw my head back, laughing. “At least they’re voice actors, it wouldn’t be as weird. Could you imagine running into an infected that looked just like the girl from Pulp Fiction?” I shook my head, trying to erase the thought. “I think I’d pass out.” She laughed while shaking her head.
“You really do not like to fight, do you?” She grinned, teasingly. 
“I don’t think anyone does”, I replied. “Would you still do something like this if we were born before the outbreak?”
She nodded her head “no” without hesitating. I raised my eyebrow, wondering if she was going to elaborate. A moment later, Ellie continues: “Astronaut, I’d like to be an astronaut, maybe a musician.”
I smiled softly, she seemed to have previously thought about this. After a while I, too, respond: “I would like to be a writer, perhaps a teacher. I really like kids.”
I could see in her eyes that had softened her demeanor. She looked into the floor, smiling. “I think you’d be a great teacher, you’re all bubbly and… fucking gentle”, she stated. 
I looked into her, my eyes whispering “is that bad?”. She then gave me a smile that, to me, said “not at all”. Her slow approach asked “can I come close?” My worried gaze declared “this isn’t right”, but the sudden free will of my hands shouted a crystal clear “I object”. My left hand touched her right,I could finally feel the warmth of her fingertips. A good liar could pretend it was only a distasteful accident but I am as true as the sky is blue, so I trace the patterns on her index finger with mine until I could find rest in her palm.
Ellie moved her hand, she was going to hold mine with her palm. My heart is filled with anxiety when, as subtle as a lightning in a dark room, my mom bursts the front door open. “Merry Christmas”, she yells across the room to us with her welcoming smile. I don’t think it was honest.
Some minutes later, Ellie decided it was time for her to go. Mama insisted she took a piece of pie for Joel, so she did. The cold hugged my body as I opened the door for her and she quickly disappeared into the same blizzard she came from. 
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kwuacwhi · 9 months
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F̶e̶l̶i̶z̶ Ellis Navidad 🎄
El: Hey Nick, wear this costume pls :D
Nick: Hell naww
El: Pwetty Pweaseeeeee~ 🥺
Nick: Argh, You little- I said NO! Why don'tcha tell Coach to wear this damn costume? It looks better when it sticks to that big guy's body.
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seagull-scribbles · 9 months
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Christmas gift for @ray-the-fanatic !
Jones teaching ‘Ellie’ how to skate, inspired by this fic
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"this user is emo" userbox made by me!!
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feel free to use but keep my username visible ty!!! :3
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iris0-0 · 6 months
It’s winter in Jackson….
Dina: Yeah every winter in December you know Christmas, some families celebrate it and the kids wait up for Santa.
Ellie: The jolly fat man?
Dina: Yeah so tonight he comes down the chimney. *She says this laughing with air quotes but Ellie doesn’t pick that up*
*later that night*
Terrified Ellie sits on the couch holding a shot gun when Joel walks through the door.
J: Woah…what are you-
E: He’s gonna break in through the chimney.
J: Ellie, you know that’s not-
E: Shhh!
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doctorcrowleywho · 2 years
December 4.“Your hands are freezing!” ( Alec Hardy x reader)
25 Days of Ficmas - Day 4
“Your hands are freezing!” ( Alec Hardy x reader)  
Word count -   1369  
Warnings - A few cuss words and lots of fluff!
Pairing(s) - Alec Hardy x Gn! Reader
Summary - A cliche meeting makes Alec turn soft for you.
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If there was one thing D.I. Alec Hardy was known for, it was being a Scrooge. It wasn’t that he hated Christmas or anything like that. Contrary to popular belief he loved the holiday, some of his favorite moments with Daisy were during Christmas time. There was nothing better than seeing his little girl's face light up as she opened up what ‘Santa’ dropped off for her the night before. 
However, what Alec did hate was how loud and bright everything was. Sure, you could have Christmas spirit, but why did people have to be so proud about it? That’s why he always decided to work during the holiday season. It just seemed easier. Crime never slept and neither did the worst cop in Britain. 
On the other hand, you absolutely loved the holiday season. Seeing everyone you loved so full of love and joy just made your heart swell. But, Christmas had been recently hard for you these last couple of years. You had moved to Broadchurch for a fresh start, and even though you got one it was just that…things were a bit different. Well different than you imagined. 
Everyone was so tightly knit, but that’s what you get for moving to a small town. There was even a time when some people even gave you the stink eye because they thought you moved there for the murder trial. Which, wasn’t true at all, but you try to convince a gossiping town.
You did manage to make a few friends though, which you were so thankful for. One of them- Ellie Miller was absolutely lovely. She made sure to bring you lunches during your shifts at the local coffee shop and told you all the gossip she could think of. Which, mostly was about her obnoxious boss Alec Hardy. 
In your opinion, Alec sounded like an absolute ass, and you haven’t even met him. And honestly, you hoped and prayed you never did. Because, if he can manage to annoy Ellie at times then he must be one insanely grouchy person. 
That night you had volunteered to stay late to decorate the coffee shop for Christmas. Apparently, no one else wanted to stay and help, so you were on your own. It was going pretty much how you expected it to. The radio was on full blast with Christmas tunes as you sang along stringing lights and putting silly little window stickers everywhere you could. 
The shop was looking cuter than it ever has in a million years (obviously you should know). Plus, if people were going to complain then they’d have to fight you. You quickly glanced at the time and cursed to yourself. How the hell was it suddenly ten at night? That means you’ve been there for nearly five hours after your already long shift. 
By this time of night, there was no way you were going to catch a bus, and you didn’t want to have to pay for an uber. So, you decided it was best if you walked back to your tiny home. Now, this wasn’t the ideal option, being it was absolutely freezing outside. But, you really didn’t have any other choice. 
Pulling on your winter coat you locked up the shop, braced for the cold, and headed on your way. Walking at night never exactly scared you, but knowing the history of this town you made sure your defenses were up. 
Maybe that's why you punched the stranger with whom you collided a couple of minutes after you left the shop. 
“Oi what was that for!” A thick Scottish accent hissed out rubbing his arm.
Alec always walked back to his home after work, he was used to working late. In fact, he found it strange if he ever was able to leave on time. But, that was typical Alec. An absolute workaholic until the end.
This night was a bit different because he forgot his jacket and it was absolutely bloody freezing outside. But, he had to tough it out unless he wanted to sleep at the office again, which he has done. Let me tell you, office carpet does not make a fantastic mattress. 
“Oh jesus, I’m sorry I thought you were,” you paused awkwardly realizing this guy wasn’t a threat in the slightest. Good job, you just punched an innocent stranger in the arm. “Just, ahem sorry.” You finally coughed out.
“Nope don’t worry- not a threat-just trying to walk home-which um if you’re this jumpy would you like me to walk ya home?” he got out in a series of awkwardness that you barely understood.  
Your eyebrows furrowed together as you considered this stranger's offer, he seemed sweet enough. To be fair he was quite handsome, the moonlight illuminated his face beautifully. He had soft messy brown hair, chocolate puppy dog eyes that seemed to hold the weight of the world, and a beard that looked scratchier than sandpaper. Your perfect man.
“Before I say yes to your tempting offer, can you first tell me your name?” You said giving him a gentle friendly smile. 
He hesitated for a moment, almost as if he didn’t like his name enough to tell anyone. But, he finally got it out “Alec, it’s Alec Hardy.” he said offering you his hand to shake. 
Hearing his name was all you needed to have your mouth fall to the floor. This was Alec? That wasn’t possible! The Alec you heard about was mean and stubborn and annoyingly grumpy. This man was kind and sweet and handsome (yes you admit it, you had eyes didn’t you?). 
“Alec? The same Alec Hardy that works with Ellie Miller?” You asked probably sounding a bit more excited than you ever should.
Alec raised an eyebrow eyeing you up and down. Not in a rude way more in an ‘I’m trying to figure you out’ kind of way.  “Yeah….why?” 
“Oh, she’s my friend! It’s nice to finally meet the man she talks so much about- I’m Y/N by the way,” you said smiling brightly as you finally took his hand that was still awkwardly out. “Your hands are freezing!” you gasped out immediately cupping both of his hands in your own, concern pooling in your eyes. 
Seeing you like this made Alec practically melt, who gave you the right to care this much? You guys just met, and maybe that’s what was so precious about it. The fact that you could find it in your heart to care for a stranger like this. 
It was at that moment Alec felt himself fall, just like all those romance books and movies Daisy watches. He used to pretend that the hated them, but deep down he wished he could find someone that made him feel all of those silly little butterflies. Perhaps he found it in you. 
“Forgot a jacket.” he chuckled simply as his gaze softened. 
“Oh in this weather? And you call yourself a detective?” you gave him a joking ‘are you crazy?’ look making him chuckle even more.
“Worst one in Britain I’m afraid.” he shook his head, and he didn’t dare remove his hands from yours. Not when they felt so right being there. 
Slowly, you gazed down at your hands. Now it was your turn for your heart to do flips. You gently took one of his hands and pulled his sweater sleeve over it creating a mitten of sorts. Then you took the other one and lace your fingers with his before guiding it into your jacket pocket. All the while he was staring at you with a look of dumbfounded adoration. 
“Not the best solution but at least you’ll warm up a little bit.” you laughed suddenly feeling a little awkward. 
“I like it,” he mumbled squeezing your hand gently. “, come on let's get you home.” he raised his eyebrows encouraging you to lead the way. 
“Right off we go then, Alec.” you glanced over at him as you two walked in comfortable silence. He gave you the softest smile somehow letting you know that he liked his name when it came from your lips. 
This was going to be a wonderful Christmas.
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