#Elizabeth Holmes faces 11 years in prison
ausetkmt · 2 years
Judge who sentenced Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes recommends she serve term in a prison "camp" - CBS News
imagine this woman going to camp cupcake for 11 years instead of spending time in real jail..
Because that's what's going to happen
Elizabeth Holmes faces 11 years in prison
Former Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes sentenced to more than 11 years in prison for fraud 02:05
The judge who sentenced Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes to 11 years and three months in prison has recommended she serve out her term at a minimum-security women's facility in Texas.
Judge Edward Davila of the Northern District of California recommended Holmes serve at Federal Prison Camp at Bryan, Texas, according to a court filing last week. The Bryan facility, which is about 100 miles northwest of Houston, holds about 540 female inmates across four dormitory units on a 37-acre campus, according to its website.
Prison camps have "dormitory housing, a relatively low staff-to-inmate ratio, and limited or no perimeter fencing"  and are "work- and program-oriented," according to the Bureau of Prisons. All inmates at the facility are required to work, which they do for an hourly wage of between 12 cents and $1.15, according to the camp's orientation handbook. 
Inmates have access to correspondence courses, board games, movies and arts and crafts, as well as to a family counseling program to strengthen imprisoned parents' relationships with their kids.
The Bryan facility offers a more lenient family visitation than other prisons, Yahoo News noted. Davila referenced it in his sentencing, writing, "The Court finds that family visitation enhances rehabilitation."
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"[C]ompared to other places in the prison system, this place is heaven," criminal defense attorney Alan Ellis told Bloomberg. If Holmes serves her sentence at the complex, she will face "no walls, no bars, no fences," he noted.
It isn't certain Holmes will be sent to the Bryan facility. That is is up the Bureau of Prisons, which will make the final determination of where she serves her sentence, although it will take Davila's recommendation into account. Holmes, who at one time was hailed as a biotech wunderkind, must check into a facility on April 27, 2023. 
Holmes was sentenced last week for her role in defrauding investors in Theranos, a once-promising blood-testing startup that collapsed after revelations that its key technology didn't work as promised. Valued at $10 billion at its peak, Theranos pulled in hundreds of millions of dollars in investments from heavyweights including media mogul Rupert Murdoch, software billionaire Larry Ellison, the Walton family of Walmart and the DeVos clan behind Amway.
A hearing on how much money Holmes must repay will take place at a later date. Prosecutors had sought $804 million in repayment to investors who lost money in Theranos. Holmes is expected to appeal her sentencing, which she must do within two weeks of the November 18 sentencing date.
Theranos' former chief operating officer, Ramesh "Sunny" Balwani, was convicted of 12 counts of fraud and is set to be sentenced in December.
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heir-less · 2 years
RE: 2022 Is the Year We All Finally Got Tired of Narcissists
Joanna Weiss states in her article about Narcissists in 2022 that she grew irritated by the Harry & Meghan documentary during the 5th and 6th episodes. She claimed that it was of the same stuff that:
Turned Elon Musk into a terror on Twitter, that prompted Ye to up the ante of outrageous behavior until he crossed the line into blatant antisemitism, that sent Bankman-Fried from the top of the world to a Bahamian jail.
In the article, Meghan (Harry is mentioned just as much, but he didn't make the article's header or opening paragraph surprisingly) seems to be the catalyst for Weiss's theory. According to Weiss, Meghan thrives off the attention given to her post-royal exit—be that from her Netflix deal or Oprah—and Harry & Meghan was something of a vanity piece that presented Meghan in an uber-flattering light meant to stroke her ego and showcase her wealth and glamour. However, she doesn't think the Sussexes are malicious like Kanye or Trump she concludes:
. . . the Sussexes’ addiction to the public eye is benign — they seem tiresome, but genuinely well-intentioned — a narcissist’s constant quest for eyeballs and acclaim can get a lot more dangerous.
I feel that what's missing from this article is that it fails to actually describe how Meghan is a narcissist, a word that means more than just having an "addiction to the public eye", or how it resulted in her falling out of favour in the public eye. One bad review of the documentary doesn't mean much, especially when compared to the other big names mentioned in the article.
Elizabeth Holmes and Sam Bankman-Fried are both in legal trouble after their once-lucrative scams fell apart; with Holmes having to serve an 11 prison sentence; YE and Elon have faced near-universal criticism for their current antics on social media, and Trump is on his way to political irrelevancy after his endorsed candidates underperformed during this year's elections. Weiss was smart enough to realize Meghan isn't on the same playing field as these others, but when compared to her other examples, Meghan seems more and more out of place. The article would have been stronger if she was excluded altogether because Meghan is just taking focus away from the main point of the article. The way it's been received is indicative of that, all anyone is talking about is how Meghan can be compared to Donald Trump in good faith, no one is interested in the article's thesis of how high-profile individuals destroy themselves through their quest to sieze and maintain the public eye.
To continue, I'm not sure this article was written in good faith. While Weiss doesn't read as someone with an obsessive hatred of Meghan, her selective recounting of the documentary does have me raising an eyebrow. The 5th and 6th episodes of Harry & Meghan, where Wiess states she reached the limits of the Sussexes ego, were some of the most intimate. They were the episodes where Meghan talked about her miscarriage and talked about how the harassment campaign has led to her living in constant fear for her life, that is not something a person with a huge ego would easily talk about as it conveys vulnerability. Nor her experiences with racism, trauma, and family woes. I find Weiss's characterization of the documentary as something "which suggests that there is no one more in love, no one more socially conscious, no one more aggrieved" to be totally inaccurate. The documentary is focused on Meghan and Harry's relationship, that in itself does not equate to narcissism or self-delusion.
I think it's interesting how Meghan's existence and her telling her story (twice), is enough for her to be branded an attention-seeking egoist when she's not on social media and attends public events and photoshoots sparingly, sometimes months at a time. It really raises the question, is Meghan a narcissist or are you just annoyed by her presence? Weiss answers this question within the first paragraph of her article.
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gt-proelium24 · 8 months
There Goes Theranos!
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In 2003, Stanford University student Elizabeth Holmes founded the health care company Theranos. The goal of the company was to revolutionize health care. Beginning with the goal of creating a patch to deliver drugs, the company instead shifted focus to developing a simple and effective method for blood diagnosis. Holmes dropped out of Stanford and began raising millions of dollars in funding. The company Marketing team claimed that its technology could offer over 240 tests from just a prick of the finger. Test results could be delivered to a patient’s phone in hours, and a single test would cost less than half of the reimbursement rate of Medicare and Medicaid. Blood could be diagnosed easily without the need for many vials of blood drawn from patients’ veins or expensive lab work.
By 2014, the company was valued at $9 billion, of which Holmes held a majority stake. Many investors backed the company based on the promise of the technology. Holmes received glowing profiles in news magazines, was featured on television shows, and presented keynote addresses at tech conferences to create hype as well as to market her product. This attracted a number of venture capitalists and big-name investors, raising over $750 million throughout its lifespan. Notable backers included venture capital firms like Sequoia Capital ($120 million), Founders Fund ($75 million), and Draper Fisher Jurvetson ($50 million), as well as media mogul Rupert Murdoch and former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. However, the company could never validate its claims about its blood sampling technology, and many of its lab results went unchecked. Crashing down when investigations revealed the technology to be a sham, operating largely in a cloak of secrecy He disclosed problems in the company’s equipment and testing methods. Problems were found that the company did not even use its own technology in tests and often relied on older technology from other companies and the much-hyped blood sampling technology was not as accurate as Holmes and company had claimed. Theranos faced legal issues from the Centres for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding its technology and practices. The DOJ charged Holmes nine counts of wire fraud and two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. These charges stemmed from the alleged use of interstate wires to transmit false and misleading information to investors, patients, and media outlets about Theranos' technology and capabilities Holmes was sentenced to 11 years and 3 months in prison.
Holmes still disagrees with the reporting, saying that this was a conspiracy theory. She stated, “This is what happens when you work to change things, and first they think you’re crazy, then they fight you, and then, all of a sudden, you change the world.” Holmes continued to push her company’s claims and her own narrative of personal success. The company still believes it can provide the promised technology.
In March 2018, Holmes reached a settlement with the SEC, without admitting or denying any wrongdoing. She agreed to pay a $500,000 penalty and returned the share back to the holders though they all suffered a huge amount of loss
There are still a number of criminal charges Holmes is still accused of but she feels Theranos was a great venture and she has no regrets for what she did with this attitude she has decided to start another venture to cure cancer for this she requires funds and trust if the public.
Task at Hand
You are a Chief Executive Officer at Theranos and have been tasked to create strategies for Pharmaceutical industry to ensure its survival in the market remains competitive and receive it self to gain the highest market share. From closing deals to ensuring success, you are responsible for defining objectives and achieving targets for the company.
Executive Summary for the downfall of Theranos
design a business new model for your new company ensuring transparency, sustainability, and innovation.
Present your venture to potential investors highlighting. Assuming Holmes wants to rebuild its brand, devise a 5-year strategic plan that can help the company regain trust and establish a solid market position.
Issue a Press Release addressing the past allegations, along with the pending court cases and address the investor concerns and build confidence among the public in your company.
How will you market the product also provide strategies, marketing budget alloted for marketing , strategies, SWOT analysis, a website
Evaluate all the financial risk involved in this new venture and Sources of funds for budget allocation and startegies to covince your investors
Competitive analysis on the major players and how would you differentiate your venture from others (USP)
Brownie Points for Extra Deliverables [Promotional Video, Posters, Tagline, etc]
A) Report of maximum 35pages.
B) PPT of minimum 12 slides.
Submission - 4:00 AM
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thescoopess · 1 year
Elizabeth Holmes surrenders to Texas prison to begin 11-year sentence
Elizabeth Holmes has surrendered to federal prison in Texas to begin serving an 11-year term for defrauding investors with her once high-flying blood-testing company Theranos. The charges Holmes was found guilty of include one count of conspiracy to defraud investors, as well as three wire fraud counts tied to specific investors. Holmes faces up to 20 years in prison as well as a fine of…
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The Rise And Fall Of Elizabeth Holmes
By Anika Ponni, Rutgers University–New Brunswick Class of 2026
November 21, 2022
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The long-awaited trial determining the fate of Theranos founder—Elizabeth Holmes—finally took place on Friday, November 18th, 2022. The sentencing hearing occurred in a California Federal Court, where Holmes received formal punishment for defrauding countless investors and patients through her company—Theranos. Famous investors included billionaires Rupert Murdoch and Larry Ellison. Additionally, Theranos board members included former Defense Secretary James Mattis and two former secretaries of state, Henry Kissinger and the late George Shultz [1]. By garnering such venerable members of society who believed in Holmes’s vision and product, the public soon wholeheartedly trusted in Elizabeth Holmes’s plans for transforming the future of healthcare. However, despite the promise Theranos initially exhibited, the company was plagued with issues from the start.
The disgraced CEO was once thought to be the next Steve Jobs. In the early 2000s, she claimed to have revolutionized the healthcare industry with her invention. The compact blood tests Holmes patented were supposed to be able to instantaneously run hundreds of tests with just a few droplets of blood. At its peak, Theranos was once valued at almost $10 billion dollars. In 2014, at just 30 years old, Holmes was named “the world's youngest self-made woman billionaire”  and estimated to be worth about $4.5 billion [2]. That same year, in an interview with the New Yorker, Holmes reiterated the importance of living a life with purpose.
“I have done something, and we have done something, that has changed people's lives. I would much rather live a life of purpose than one in which I might have other things but not that” [3].
Revered by so many people, Holmes’s duplicity shocked the world in the following year when her company began to deteriorate rapidly.
In October of 2015, the Wall Street Journal published a damning expose of Theranos’s deficiencies. The report claimed that the blood tests created by Theranos could only run about 15 tests as opposed to the 240 it claimed to run. And even the 15 test results produced by Theranos’s proprietary technology were often unreliable and inconsistent. In attempts to save face, the company routinely ran tests using other major firms’ technology—such as Siemens AG—to test blood samples. By the end of 2014, Theranos was revealed only to be running about 10% of all blood tests using their proprietary technology, while the remaining 90% of tests were run through standard machines already used for blood tests in the healthcare industry. After a flurry of investigative reports spearheaded by WSJ from 2015 to 2016, it soon became apparent that Theranos was failing and Holmes had done everything in her power to cover up the cracks [4].
By 2018, Elizabeth Holmes was charged with wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud.
In January of 2022, Holmes was found guilty on four charges of fraud by a Federal jury.
As previously mentioned, her sentencing took place on Friday, November 18th, 2022. U.S. District Judge Edward Davila helped decide her fate by considering both sides’ sentencing recommendations. The federal government requested that Elizabeth Holmes be sent to federal prison for 15 years. The maximum sentence for her crimes is 20 years. Holmes’s legal team implored Judge Davila to sentence the former CEO to 18 months and also consider home confinement.
Ahead of sentencing, Judge Davila stated that Holmes’s refusal to accept responsibility for her crimes would count against her. However, the lawyers on Holmes’s defense team encouraged Judge Davila to consider that Holmes never used any of the money she raised for personal gain or to satisfy personal greed. Instead, the money “was used to build medical technology” [5].
Finally, Judge Davila sentenced Holmes to more than 11 years in Federal prison. After her release, following her 135-month prison sentence, she will be under supervision for three years. The restitution amount that Holmes must pay is yet to be determined.. A future date for a hearing must be agreed upon and scheduled by both parties. Additionally, she will be required to surrender for her prison term before April 27th, 2023. Holmes was also granted 14 days to appeal her conviction [6].
Anika Ponni is currently a student at Rutgers University - New Brunswick, pursuing a finance degree in the Honors Program. She hopes to attend law school upon graduation. ______________________________________________________________
[1] Liedtke, M. (2022, November 18). Elizabeth Holmes gets more than 11 years for Theranos scam. AP NEWS. https://apnews.com/article/elizabeth-holmes-technology-health-sentencing-crime-7ea71f015b874c6e454dcdd4f0857bd4
[2] Elizabeth Holmes. (n.d.). Forbes. Retrieved November 20, 2022, from https://www.forbes.com/profile/elizabeth-holmes/?sh=16ce824747a7
[3] Auletta, K. (2014, December 8). Blood, Simpler. The New Yorker. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/12/15/blood-simpler
[4] Carreyrou, J. (2015, October 16). Hot Startup Theranos Has Struggled With Its Blood-Test Technology. Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/theranos-has-struggled-with-blood-tests-1444881901?mod=article_inline
[5] Somerville, H. (2022, November 18). Judge Explains Rationale Ahead of Elizabeth Holmes’s Sentencing. WSJ. https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/elizabeth-holmes-sentencing-theranos-trial/card/judge-explains-rationale-ahead-of-elizabeth-holmes-s-sentencing-kERLOVhjtY2FbpUACHEH
[6] Somerville, H. (2022a, November 18). Elizabeth Holmes Sentenced to 11.25 Years in Prison. WSJ. https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/elizabeth-holmes-sentencing-theranos-trial/card/elizabeth-holmes-sentenced-to-11-25-years-years-in-prison-hJkeT1X32dOj0H7qrJpU
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rosyroyville · 2 years
Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes sentenced to just over 11 years in prison
Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes sentenced to just over 11 years in prison
Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of shuttered blood testing company Theranos, was sentenced to 135 months, or 11 1/4 years, in prison on Friday for defrauding investors. The sentence falls short of the maximum possible punishment for Holmes, who faced as many as 20 years in prison.   Holmes was also ordered to serve three years of supervised release after the sentence. Holmes offered a tearful…
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recentlyheardcom · 2 years
Why Ethics and Legal Experts Say Convicting Elizabeth Holmes Sends a Clear Message to Silicon Valley
Why Ethics and Legal Experts Say Convicting Elizabeth Holmes Sends a Clear Message to Silicon Valley
SAN JOSE, Calif. (KGO) — Once the face of promise and potential, Elizabeth Holmes was sentenced on Friday to 11 years and three months in prison. US District Court Judge Edward Davila did not impose the maximum sentence, but it is far from the minimum. “It was a very disappointing result for the Holmes team,” legal analyst Steven Clark said. “They were hoping to get 18 months, and possibly even…
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bestshirtcanbuy · 2 years
Elizabeth Holmes sentenced to more than 11 years in prison for fraud
lizabeth Holmes was sentenced to more than 11 years in prison on Friday following her conviction in January for defrauding investors while running thefailed blood testing startupTheranos.
Judge Edward Davila imposed a sentence of 11 years and three months in prison, with another three years of supervision after Holmes is released. The sentence also includes a fine of $400, or $100 for each count of fraud. Restitution will be set at a later date. Holmes was ordered to turn herself into custody on April 27, 2023. She is expected to appeal her conviction.
Holmes, who wasfound guilty in January on four charges of defrauding investors, faced up to 20 years in prison as well as a fine of $250,000 plus restitution for each count.
Lawyers for the government asked for a 15-year prison term, as well as probation and restitution, while Holmes’ probation officer pushed for a nine-year term. Holmes’ defense team asked Davila, who presided over her case, to sentence her to up to 18 months of incarceration followed by probation and community service.
Before the sentencing was announced, a tearful Holmes spoke to the court in San Jose, California. “I loved Theranos. It was my life’s work,” she said. “The people I tried to get involved with Theranos were the people I loved and respected the most. I am devastated by my failings.”
Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of failed blood testing startup Theranos who was convicted of fraud earlier this year, was sentenced today by a judge in court in San Jose, California. She is shown here making a statement to the judge before the sentencing.
She also apologized to the employees, investors and patients of Theranos. “I’m so, so sorry. I gave everything I had to build our company and to save our company,” she said. “I regret my failings with every cell in my body.”
“The judge imposed a powerful sentence that confirms that fraud cannot masquerade as innovation in Silicon Valley,” said George Demos, a former SEC enforcement attorney and adjunct law professor at UC Davis. “When given the opportunity to speak, Elizabeth Holmes made a statement that she takes responsibility for Theranos but did not say she takes responsibility for the fraud.”
In arguments before the judge on Friday over her sentence, Kevin Downey, one of Holmes’ lawyers, said that unlike other defendants in corporate fraud cases, the Theranos founder did not express greed by cashing out shares or spending money on “yachts and planes.” Instead, the money was “used to build medical technology.”
The rise and fall of Elizabeth Holmes: A timeline
Federal prosecutor Jeffrey Schenk pointed out that Holmes did gain fame, admiration, and a lifestyle from the fraud, even if she did not make financial gains. “These still are benefits she’s receiving,” he said.
Friday’s sentencing hearing caps off Holmes’ stunning downfall. Once hailed as a tech industry icon for her company’s promises to test for a range of conditions with just a few drops of blood, she is now the rare tech founder to be convicted and face prison time for her company’s missteps.
Holmes, now 38,started Theranos in 2003 at the age of 19and soon thereafter dropped out of Stanford University to pursue the company full-time. After a decade under the radar, Holmes began courting the press with claims that Theranos had invented technology that could accurately and reliably test for a range of conditions using just a few drops of blood taken from a finger prick.
Theranos raised $945 million from an impressive list of investors, including media mogul Rupert Murdoch, Oracle founder Larry Ellison, Walmart’s Walton family and the billionaire family of former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. At its peak, Theranos was valued at $9 billion, making Holmes a billionaire on paper. She was lauded on magazine covers, frequently wearing a signature black turtleneck that invited comparisons to late Apple CEO Steve Jobs. (She has not worn that look in the courtroom.)
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The companybegan to unravelafter a Wall Street Journal investigation in 2015 found the company had only ever performed roughly a dozen of the hundreds of tests it offered using its proprietary blood testing device, and with questionable accuracy. Instead, Theranos was relying on third-party manufactured devices from traditional blood testing companies.
In 2016, Theranos voided two years of blood test results. In 2018, Holmes and Theranos settled“massive fraud” chargeswith the Securities and Exchange Commission, but did not admit to or deny any of the allegations as part of the deal.Theranos dissolved soon after.
Former Theranos COO is guilty of federal fraud
In her trial, Holmes alleged she was in the midst of a decade-long abusive relationship with her then-boyfriend and Theranos COO Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani while running the company. Balwani, she alleged, tried to control nearly every aspect of her life, including disciplining her eating, her voice and her image, and isolating her from others. (Balwani’s attorneys denied her claims.)
In July, Balwaniwas found guilty on all 12 chargesin a separate trial and faces the same potential maximum prison time as her. Balwani is scheduled to be sentenced on December 7.
“The effects of Holmes and Balwani’s fraudulent conduct were far-reaching and severe,” federal prosecutors wrote in a November court filing regarding Holmes’ sentencing. “Dozens of investors lost over $700 million and numerous patients received unreliable or wholly inaccurate medical information from Theranos’ flawed tests, placing those patients’ health at serious risk.”
More than 100 people wrote letters in support of Holmes to Davila, asking for leniency in her sentencing. The list includes Holmes’ partner, Billy Evans, many members of Holmes’ and Evans’ families, early Theranos investor Tim Draper, and Sen. Cory Booker. Booker described meeting her at a dinner years before she was charged and bonding over the fact that they were both vegans with nothing to eat but a bag of almonds, which they shared.
“I still believe that she holds onto the hope that she can make contributions to the lives of others, and that she can, despite mistakes, make the world a better place,” Booker wrote, noting that he continues to consider her a friend.
Ahead of the hearing, there were also questions over how Holmes’ sentencing could be complicated by developments in her life after stepping down from Theranos. Holmes and her partner, Evans, who met in 2017, have a young son. Holmes is also pregnant, as confirmed by recent court filings and her most recent court appearance in mid-October.
Mark MacDougall, a white-collar defense lawyer and former federal prosecutor, told CNN Business before the hearing that the fact that Holmes has a young child could impact how she is sentenced.
“I don’t know how it can’t, just because judges are human,” he said.
MacDougall also said he doesn’t see what a long prison sentence accomplishes. “Elizabeth Holmes is never going to run a big company again,” he said. “She’s never going to be in a position to have something like this happen again.”
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nbcnews05 · 2 years
Elizabeth Holmes’s Fraud Sentence Will Send a Message One Way or Another
http://hoops227.tv Ms. Holmes, founder of the failed blood testing start-up Theranos, is scheduled to learn her fate on Friday. She faces a maximum of 20 years in prison. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/17/technology/elizabeth-holmes-sentencing-theranos.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr rebrand.ly/f2opu
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Us, December 7
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: The Private Life of JFK Jr. 
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Page 2: Red Carpet -- polka dot print -- Jaimie Alexander, Scarlett Johansson, Lucy Hale, Kat Graham, Olivia Holt 
Page 3: Lana Condor, Zoe Kravitz, Kelly Ripa, January Jones, Molly Sims 
Page 4: Who Wore It Best? Janelle Monae vs. Jourdan Dunn in Vivienne Westwood 
Page 6: Loose Talk -- George Clooney on starting a family, Demi Lovato poking fun at her split from ex-fiance Max Ehrich during lockdown, Kurt Russell on how Goldie Hawn inspires him to stay fit, Kelly Clarkson on how her 6-year-old daughter River pretends her computer screen freezes during Zoom school to avoid doing what’s asked, Barack Obama joking about his wife’s response if he worked at the White House again 
Page 8: Contents 
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Page 10: Hot Pics -- Brad Pitt spent his entire day handing out groceries to low-income families in a housing project in L.A. 
Page 11: Tom Cruise carried out his own stunt on the back of a motorcycle for Mission: Impossible 7 in Tivoli in Italy, Hilary Duff and Sutton Foster on the Younger set in NYC, Maggie Q modeled for a photoshoot in West Hollywood 
Page 12: Pete Wentz playing tennis in L.A., Sarah Jessica Parker personally attended to customers at her SJP shoe brand store in NYC, Dua Lipa partners with Puma for their new campaign in London 
Page 14: Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip received a hand-made card from great-grandchildren Prince George and Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis ahead of their 73rd anniversary in Windsor, Vanessa Hudgens matched her Ferrari for a ride around town in L.A., Mossimo Giannulli looked unrecognizable with a new buzz cut just three days before reporting to prison in Beverly Hills 
Page 16: Bachelor alum Corinne Olympios wasn’t shy about packing on the PDA with boyfriend Vincent Fratantoni during a seaside vacation in Tulum in Mexico, Julia Garner filmed a scene for her upcoming series Inventing Anna in NYC, Nicole Scherzinger goes for a run in L.A. 
Page 18: Kelly Osbourne having to sport an eye patch in L.A., Hugh Jackman and wife Deborra-Lee Furness bundled up for a walk with their dogs Dali and Allegra in NYC, Issa Rae at one of her favorite boutiques Queen in L.A. 
Page 19: Michael Madsen cemented his star status at the TCL Chinese Theatre in L.A., Andrew Garfield put his acting face on during a scene for Lin Manuel Miranda’s Tick, Tick...Boom in NYC 
Page 20: Royals They’re Just Like Us -- Duchess Kate snacks on treats, Queen Elizabeth wears a mask, Duchess Camilla avoids getting wet, Prince William loves a pint 
Page 23: Stars They’re Just Like Us -- Katie Holmes reads, Brian Austin Green grocery shops, Jay-Z exercises 
Page 24: Friends Furever -- Jennifer Lahmers brought pup Sophie along on a coffee date with new boyfriend Jarod Keller, Shakira and her new furry addition Max the bunny 
Page 26: A Star Is Born -- Sarah Hyland is 30, flirty and thriving 
Page 28: Love Lives -- due to the pandemic Matthew McConaughey and Camila Alves are having trouble finding alone time 
Page 29: Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones celebrated their 20th anniversary, despite being in the public eye Taylor Swift admits she tries to find bits of normalcy in her ultra-private romance with Joe Alwyn 
Page 30: Hollywood Moms -- Nikki Bella and Brie Bella on their sons 
Page 31: Lala Kent may be new to pregnancy but the Vanderpump Rules star has had her fair share of parenting practice with fiance Randall Emmett’s two daughters, Tori Spelling’s five children didn’t recognize her while recently watching throwback Beverly Hills 90210 episodes, Jordin Sparks and husband Dana Isaiah are all set with their family of three 
Page 34: Hot Hollywood -- Just four months after welcoming daughter Willa, Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner are already trying to have another baby 
Page 35: Four months after Naya Rivera accidentally drowned in a lake her ex-husband Ryan Dorsey has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against California’s Ventura County and the county’s Parks Management and United Water Conservation District on behalf of their son Josey
* For someone who didn’t enjoy being a part of the royal family Meghan Markle sure seems interested in them -- she has started watching The Crown and she isn’t watching it behind Prince Harry’s back but Harry hasn’t been joining Meghan at the TV because he’s not interested in seeing it 
* A perk of being one of George Clooney’s best friends is you’re gifted with cash just because
Page 36: A Day in the Life -- Brooke Burke 
Page 37: For the cast and crew of Grey’s Anatomy having Patrick Dempsey back on set for a recent episode was a McDream -- everyone enjoyed their time with him -- when Dempsey’s character was killed off the series in 2015 there were reports at the time that his exit was ugly but he put rumors to rest with his unexpected return 
Page 38: Cover Story -- The John F. Kennedy Jr. nobody knew -- in honor of what would have been his 60th birthday those closest to the late JFK Jr. reflect on his humor and wit and big heart 
Page 42: Inside Sandra Bullock’s private world -- the actress has taken a step back from the spotlight to focus on life at home with her two kids 
Page 46: Gift Guide 
Page 52: Entertainment 
Page 53: Take Five with Jack Lowden of Kindred 
Page 58: Fashion Police -- Keyshia Cole, Susan Sarandon 
Page 59: Kylie Jenner, Lauren Ash 
Page 60: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me -- Lea Salonga 
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ayoub06me · 5 years
The 25 Worst People Ever
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While their square measure heaps of individuals we tend to may have enclosed on this list, we tend to were restricted to solely twenty-five slots. In several cases, our call was created for the U.S. because of the evil nature of the individuals’ crimes.
Moreover, there gave the impression to be a general agreement regarding what constitutes badness during a human. folks like potentate and commie square measure perpetually on these styles of lists (yes, they’re on ours as well).
The real challenge came, however, indecisive World Health Organization was the worst among the worst. repeatedly the individual’s infamy has become immortalized in legend, even to the purpose of redaction history.
So, we tend to acknowledge the subjective and polemical nature of such a task and that we encourage you to depart your own opinions within the comments below.
At any rate, we tend to gift to you our list of the twenty-five worst folks ever.
25-Attila the Hun
Attila wasn’t simply any Hun, he was the leader of the Huns, and beneath his rule, the Hunnic empire consisted of virtually something that didn’t fly a Roman flag. it’s been aforementioned that there’s no extant first-person account of his look, that isn’t shocking considering the fate of most of the people World Health Organization interacted with him.
However, he was a person with a passion for invasion. It had been a passion thus nice that on his thanks to acquiring his bride, Honoria, he determined to prevent in Italy…and destroy it. Razing a rustic on the eve of your wedding? unusually wicked.
24-Maximilien Maxmillien Marie Isidore de Robespierre
Generally speaking, revolutionaries tend to be lauded for his or her spirit and temperament to require a stand. Max, but — though being a frontrunner within the revolution — determined that he would rather live to tell the tale in infamy and instituted what has come back to be called the Reign of Terror.
As we tend to all grasp, anyone World Health Organization starts one thing known as a Reign of Terror belongs on an inventory of dangerous people…period.
23-Bloody Virgin Mary
Imagine your name is prefixed by the word “bloody”. That in itself ought to be enough to order a spot on our list. however, will that even happen? Queen of {england} of England, it seems, had a passion for burning folks at the stake, notably those that opposed her ideologies, thus the nickname.
22-Emperor Hirohito
This Japanese Emperor was the mastermind behind one thing that came to be called the Rape of Nanking (what was the capital of China). Raping the capital town of the foremost thickly settled nation on Earth? This list is for you.
21-Genghis Kha
Founded what would eventually become the biggest contiguous empire in history and nearly managed to overcome not only 1 however 2 continents. Compared to several folks on this list he was comparatively benign, however, a minimum of giving up the prospect to surrender before continuing to destroy everything in view.
Just to color an image of what that might seem like, some historians have calculable that the Iranian population didn’t come to pre-Mongol levels till someday within the late twentieth century.
Sometimes it appears that being an Emperor was incongruent with maintaining your mental health. Case in purpose – this guy. What started with a touch gambling and wasteful outlay quickly became a circus of bloody mayhem.
But not solely did killing become his favorite recreation, however, he conjointly complete that he was God and so ought to have a sculpture of himself erected within the Temple of the capital of Israel for folks to worship. No marvel Rome burned to the bottom.
19-Muammar Gaddafi
Issuing troopers sildenafil to assist them rape and kill girls, indiscriminately capital punishment his folks, and sponsoring international terrorists, he was solely the second still-serving state leader in history to possess arrest warrants issued against him.
Translation: he was very, very dangerous at his job. thus dangerous if truth be told, that even Fidel Castro Ruz once delineated him as being reckless.
18-Ayatollah religious leader
Although the ruthlessness of this man ne’er ceased to astonish the trendy world, we tend to at List25 weren’t shocked by his lack of fine behavior. however does one expect your oldsters to discipline you with a reputation like religious leader As-Sayyid Ruhollah Mostafavi Musavi Khomeini?
17-Jeffrey Dahmer
Not solely did he kill seventeen men and boys, the murders all concerned rape, mutilation, mania, and pattern. to create things worse, he somehow got the concept that he may flip his victims into submissive “zombies” by drilling holes in their skulls and filling them with boiling water whereas they were still alive.
Yet another half-crazed Emperor. It’s laborious to be worse than having your mother dead and poisoning your blood brother. Oh, wait, however regarding burning prisoners in your garden in the dead of night as a supply of light?
last updated on Transfiguration, 2019
15-Jim Jones
The leader of the People’s Temple, a cult that was forced to relocate from the city to the jungles of South American nation wherever he managed to convinced over 900 of its members to kill themselves with cyanide. That’s the biggest loss of Yankee civilian life in one event before 9/11.
14-Saddam Hussein
For over twenty years leader served because the President of Asian nation instituting genocidal campaigns against the Kurds, Shabaks, Yazidis, Assyrians, and Mandeans.
What’s a lot of, he gave the impression to have Associate in Nursing impulsive need to manner} invade neighboring countries and once things didn’t go his way he would simply do away with his frustration on his people…with a chemical weapon.
13-Leopold II of Belgique
It’s spectacular that from such a little country may come back such a huge tyrant. Deciding that his country wasn’t large enough Leopold did what any leader would do and visited Africa…to begin his own. In what’s the contemporary Democratic Republic of the Congo, he managed to subject, torture, and kill over three million folks with great care he may sell some ivory.
12-Osama Usama bin Laden
As the face of the contemporary terrorist act and therefore the founding father of FTO, he lived an honest portion of his life with a $25 million bounty placed on his head by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In spite of that, he managed to evade capture for the higher a part of 3 presidential administrations before tasting Yankee steel.
11-Mao Zedong
“Revolution isn’t a ceremonial dinner, nor Associate in a Nursing essay, nor a painting, nor a chunk of embroidery; it can’t be advanced softly, gradually, carefully, with consideration, with all respect, politely, plainly, and with modesty.
A revolution is an Associate in Nursing battle, Associate in the Nursing act of violence by that one category overthrows another. ”Well aforementioned Mao…exactly why we have a tendency to created guaranteed to reserve an additional spot on our list.
10-Idi Amin Dada
Few folks in history will say they’re directly accountable for killing 0.5 1,000,000 folks, and this Ugandan dictator is one in all them. In power from 1971 to 1979 his resume enclosed human rights abuse, political repression, ethnic ill-treatment, illegal killings, nepotism, corruption, and gross economic misdirection.
9-Dr. H. H. Holmes
One of the primary documented serial killers in Yankee history, he designed a building specifically for the aim of killing his guests. placed but two miles from the 1893 Chicago World’s honest, he would lure guests to “Murder Castle” wherever he had rigged all of the bedrooms with gas lines, soundproofing, lime pits, etc..
He would then proceed to torture and kill them, ultimately dissecting their bodies and commercialism the items to medical colleges.
8-Vlad the Impaler
You know you belong on this list once you square measure the only inspiration for the foremost illustrious evil spirit novel of all time – Dracula.
And to relinquish you a thought of why, here could be a list of a number of his favorite pastimes: nails in heads, alienating of limbs, blinding, strangulation, burning, alienating of noses and ears, accidental injury of sexual organs (especially within the case of women), scalping, skinning, exposure to the weather or animals, and boiling alive.
7-Judas Iscariot
6-Pol Pot
The leader of the terrorist organization and Prime Minister of Kingdom of Cambodia within the Seventies, he managed to relocate the whole population of the Kingdom of Cambodia onto farms wherever they slaved away planting seeds that might grow into food that nobody would be allowed to eat.
And this is often why we tend to study economics…so that in contrast to our pal political leader Pot, we tend to don’t starve a simple fraction of our population to death. however that’s not all, Pot {and the|and therefore the|and conjointly the} terrorist organization were also accountable for mass executions in places called Killing Fields.
And though nobody is sure of the toll, it’s been aforementioned that to save lots of ammunition, the executions were typically administrated victimization spades, axes, hammers, and sharpened bamboo sticks.
5-Elizabeth Bathory
A Hungarian Lady from the 1500’s World Health Organization has been labeled the “most prolific feminine serial murderer in history” and has come back to be called the “Blood Countess” or “Blood Queen”. we tend to at List25 believe those to be applicable titles for somebody speculated to bathe within the blood of virgins to take care of their youth.
According to court records, Elizabeth and several other accomplices would lure young ladies to their habitation so proceed to beat them, burn them, bite the flesh of their faces, freeze them, perform surgery on them, starve them, and abuse them sexually.
4-Adolf potentate
Ruining the lives of tens of many folks, being accountable for a lot of deaths than anybody else in history, and destroying a whole continent…all at intervals half dozen years? Words cannot describe.
3-Ivan IV
He was the primary of the Tsars and along with his resume, it’s shocking that the Russians allowed there to be any longer. throughout one in all his escapades to a European country, he had a thousand prisoners brought before him each day to be dead.
Assuming that he got a full night’s sleep (8 hours) that might mean witnessing one execution for each minute he was awake.
2-Joseph commie
To start with, he managed to starve a whole country (Ukraine). however as dangerous as that’s, it falls way wanting to showcase the amount of badness this man was capable of. In classic dictator fashion, he had several of his nighest friends and confidants dead. Total kill count: around sixty million.
1-Heinrich German Nazi
As the leader of the SS, Chief of German Police, and head of the secret police, he in person coordinated the deaths of nearly ten million folks and once the war was over not even his former colleagues wished something to try to to with him. Cyanide anyone?
There is little doubt that these square measure the worst folks ever! Did we tend to miss someone? World Health Organization does one assume ought to air this list. or even you’d value more highly to look at these twenty-five Leaders accountable for The Worst Genocides Ever Committed.
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techglobal · 3 years
CEO Theranos faces 20 years in prison
CEO Theranos faces 20 years in prison
Elizabeth Holmes, CEO of blood-testing startup Theranos, was charged with four counts of defrauding more than $100 million and faces 20 years in prison. Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of blood-testing startup Theranos, has been charged with four of 11 counts, including one count of conspiracy to commit fraud and three counts of lying to investors to raise capital for Theranos. However, in the…
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briefnewschannel · 3 years
Elizabeth Holmes Found Guilty of Fraud
Elizabeth Holmes Found Guilty of Fraud
By TCR Staff | 22 hours ago Out of the 11 charges she initially faced, blood testing start-up Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes has been found guilty of three counts of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud by lying to investors to raise money for her company, reports the New York Times. Each count carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, terms that are likely to…
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reportwire · 3 years
Theranos' Elizabeth Holmes Found GUILTY On 4 Counts
Theranos’ Elizabeth Holmes Found GUILTY On 4 Counts
Former Theranos CEO, Elizabeth Holmes, has been found guilty of 4 of the 11 charges related to defrauding investors and patients. She faces up to 20 years in prison, although as a first time offender she will likely see significantly less than that. The trial lasted an incredible four months and saw testimony from a staggering number of people. Prosecutors alleged that Holmes manipulated numerous…
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un-enfant-immature · 5 years
Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes to stand trial in 2020
Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of the now-defunct biotech unicorn Theranos, will face trial in federal court next summer with penalties of up to 20 years in prison and millions of dollars in fines.
Jury selection will begin July 28, 2020, according to U.S. District Judge Edward J. Davila, who announced the trial will commence in August 2020 in a San Jose federal court Friday morning.
Holmes and former Theranos president Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani were indicted by a grand jury last June with 11 criminal charges in total. Two of those charges were conspiracy to commit wire fraud (against investors, and against doctors and patients). The remaining nine are actual wire fraud, with amounts ranging from the cost of a lab test to $100 million.
According to Bloomberg, Holmes’ legal team plans to argue that Carreyrou “had an undue influence on federal regulators,” and “went beyond reporting the Theranos story.”
“The jury should be aware that an outside actor, eager to break a story, and portray the story as a work of investigative journalism, was exerting influence on the regulatory process in a way that appears to have warped the agencies’ focus on the company and possibly biased the agencies’ findings against it,” her attorneys wrote, per Bloomberg. “The agencies’ interactions with Carreyrou thus go to the heart of the government’s case.”
Theranos, founded in 2003 by then 19-year-old Stanford dropout Holmes, raised more than $700 million from private market investors in what’s been referred to by the Securities and Exchange Commission as an “elaborate, years-long fraud in which they exaggerated or made false statements about the company’s technology, business, and financial performance.”
Theranos first came under scrutiny in October 2015, when The Wall Street Journal’s John Carreyrou published his first of many investigative pieces questioning the efficacy of Theranos’ blood-testing technology. At the time, Theranos was one of the most buzzworthy companies in Silicon Valley, boasting a valuation of $9 billion and the support of high-profile investors like Tim Draper via venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson and Robert Murdoch.
Theranos, as a result of Carreyrou’s reporting, was discovered to be a threat to public health and its technology, as it turns out, was light years away from its claims to quickly process an expansive range of laboratory tests from just a few drops of blood.
According to The Wall Street Journal, federal prosecutors have collected more than 2 million pages of evidence for the defense teams. Holmes, despite ample evidence, has maintained her innocence since the grand jury indictment last year.
Holmes stepped down from Theranos last year following the criminal charges. The company finally ceased operations in September after failing to salvage anything from the wreckage. Carreyrou, for his part, released a best-selling book, ‘Bad Blood,’ documenting Theranos’s secrets and lies. A documentary chronicling Holmes’ and Theranos’ rapid rise and fall was released by HBO in 2019. A Hollywood production starring Jennifer Lawrence as Elizabeth Holmes is reportedly in the works.
In Bad Blood, a pedestrian tale of heuristics and lies
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June 10, 2019
1. Katherine Schwarzenegger, 29, and Chris Pratt, 39, tied the knot over the weekend at ultra exclusive San Ysidro Ranch in Montecito, California. It is the first for Katherine and second for Chris, who was previously married to fellow thespian Anna Faris. 'Yesterday was the best day of our lives! We became husband and wife in front of God, our families and those we love,’ Pratt wrote in an Instagram post as the caption of a photo with his blushing bride. 'We are so thankful to our families and our friends who stood with us and grateful to Mr. Giorgio Armani who created a once in a lifetime dress for Katherine to wear and for me, the perfect suit,’ he added.
2. Justin Bieber, 25, challenges Tom Cruise, 56, in bizarre tweet Sunday. “I wanna challenge Tom Cruise to a fight in the octagon,” Bieber tweeted. “Tom if you don’t take this fight your [sic] scared and you will never live it down.” Reactions are mixed to the challenge, some tweeting: 
“Not only is Tom Cruise an unbeatable machine of strength and speed, he’s also insane and completely undeterred by the fear of death. Good luck, Justin,” tweeted @dc_connections.
Added @nikapikapika: “tom cruise does his own stunts and risks his life what’s this boy gon do.”
“If Tom Cruise is man enough to accept this challenge, McGregor Sports and Entertainment will host the bout,” McGregor tweeted. “Does Cruise have the sprouts to fight, like he does in the movies? Stay tuned to find out!”
3. Former NFL tight end Kellen Winslow, 35, is convicted of raping a 58-year-old homeless woman last May in Encinitas and indecent exposure towards two other women. He faces life in prison if convicted of all counts.
4. Elizabeth Holmes, 35, of Theranos fame, has secretly married her hotel heir fiancé William Evans, 27. A friend of his made the claims at a podcast recording of Bitch Sesh with hosts Casey Wilson and Danielle Schneider. Holmes is facing 11 criminal felony charges including wire fraud and conspiracy stemming from allegations of faulty blood testing technology and swindling investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars. The SEC shut down her company in late 2018. His family is concerned that he’s been brainwashed by the master manipulator. It is unclear what their status will be should she be sent to prison. 
5. The Golden State Warriors win game 5 by one point, 106-105 against the Raptors, forcing a game 6 back in Oakland. They lost Kevin Durant as he re-injured his leg in this game.
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