#Elite season 4
shujubeelamoglia · 2 years
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Manu Ríos & André Lamoglia
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coucaelisa789 · 1 year
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Like Manu under one of his photos on instagram asked, “Am I gay because I have beautiful eyebrows? No, I am not gay and I had girls"
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enchantedalyse · 2 years
Elite Season 6: Post Watching Thoughts and Season Ranking List (SPOILERS)
After Samuel’s death in season 5 (and therefore the death of my favorite ship) I honestly wasn’t sure if I would continue with the show. I decided to give it a shot since I had some free time, and I’m actually glad that I did. I definitely think season 6 was the best of the post season 3 offerings. It got back to more of the core of what made the show popular. I also liked that the mystery wasn’t as obvious as the previous two seasons. I really loved the increase in friendship scenes as well. It was great to see everyone hanging out and supporting Isadora. So here are my initial thoughts, I’ll probably add on to this after having more time to think it through. Feel free to let me know your thoughts on this season and your season rankings as well!
I wanted Samuel’s death to have more of an impact. He was the main character since the beginning of the show, and they kinda just brushed past it. I wanted to see a funeral, his friends having a memorial for him, or something. I do think the fact that all the original characters/his friends were gone and no longer in the show impacted that choice, but I still wish it was handled differently (and didn’t happen at all). Also the fact that his killer was freed at the end was so upsetting, that man killed someone and he should pay for his crimes, not get his freedom back. Especially since Ari had finally gotten to a place to accept that what her father did was on purpose and not an accident, that if he had gotten Samuel help then he may still have been alive. Why does every character in this show get away with their crimes? Polo got away with killing Marina, Guzman got away with killing Armando, and Benjamin gets away with killing Samuel. No one is ever held responsible.
Isadora has taken the spot of my favorite character this season. I was kinda neutral on her character last season, but the same thing happened with Cayetana (I wasn’t her biggest fan in seasons 2-3, but loved her and her development in seasons 4-5. She became my favorite post Carla character). I think she also got the best storyline and character development this season as well. I really wanted her to get justice and revenge on the guys who hurt her and I’m glad that in the end she did. I also really like her friendship with Iván and hope we continue to see more of it next season. While this show doesn’t have the best track record with relationships (only one couple has ended up happy and together so far throughout the entire series) I did like her budding relationship with Didac and want to see more of it next season. I hope that in season 7 she gets to be happy, because she’s gone through a lot in seasons 5-6 and deserves it.
The final scene. I was surprised that they ended the season on an actual in the moment cliffhanger. I’m guessing that if anyone ends up getting killed it will be Didac’s brother Pau. If someone gets shot but survives, then I could see Didac being an option as well. It could technically also be some random student getting hit as well, since it happened in the school parking lot area. From what we heard/saw this season it seems like whatever business Pau is involved in is probably shady and not on the up and up, and likely the cause of this drive by shooting. Especially with Isadora’s mom originally meeting with him to discuss business, but then had him escorted/kicked out by security and fired Didac due to them being related. Whatever he was proposing she clearly wasn’t a fan of. It couldn’t just be that he was a potential competitor either, since she would have know that when agreeing to meet and talk business.
Lingering Questions/Thoughts:
• Can Iván and Isadora move in together? Iván is now all alone, while Isadora has been alone her whole life. I think them moving in together would be good and beneficial for both of them. I’m also a big fan of the found family trope.
• Why was no one bothered/upset about living or spending time at the house where Samuel was literally murdered? That was your classmate/friend/boyfriend and you’re all totally cool spending everyday and night at his murder site. Umm no, that should 100% bother all of them and they should have moved.
• Will Sara and Raul get away with their crime? Will being around Iván at school everyday lead to her feeling guilty and confess that she was the one driving the car? I don’t really see Raul admitting to anything though, he’d be more likely to put the entire blame/coverup on Sara.
• Who is responsible for the drive by shooting and did anyone get hurt or killed?
• How are they going to write Omar back into the show as a main character while making sure it makes sense to the plot? He won’t be back there to get revenge for Samuel’s death, since none of the Blanco’s are in season 7. He’s also no longer a student, so he wouldn’t be with the rest of the characters at school. He could get Cayetana’s old job as a cleaner there, or possibly work at Isadora’s club I guess.
My Season Ranking:
1. Season 2
2. Season 1
3. Season 3
4. Season 6
5. Season 4
6. Season 5
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
I don’t know what the plan was throughout the series but they kept eliminating the best characters and at the end of season 4 from the first season we got stuck with the worst 😂😂😂😂
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inspirationfandream · 2 years
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WHAT HAPPENED IF PATRICK AND PHILIPE WOULD HAVE HAD A THING (after the kiss scene between them, I find that they have an chemistry and I will follow the elite universe even if I would have it really happens differently (to add: S4 and S5 are not my favorites, that's for sure! :) )
-Benjamin, Ari and his Patrick meet Phillipe when he arrives, welcome him to Madrid
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-Phillipe will hang out with Patrick and Ari for his first day in Las Encenas even if they know for the rumor about the prince, they stay at a distance especially Ari who is suspicious of him, Patrick will be close to him
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-Patrick thinks he will be able to influence Phillipe to experiment with him sexually but like the prince met Cayetanna, he goes more experienced with Ander and Omar since they have proposed for a threesome
-Of course, Ari intervenes Cayetanna to be suspicious of Phillipe for her good
-Patrick will have more a relationship with Ander than with Omar and Phillipe will be in a complicated and confused relationship with Cayetanna
-Patrick asks Phillipe if he can get invitations for a private party, Phillipe gave him an appointment at the Lake Club but Patrick didn't go there. Patrick apologized to Phillipe, after he told her that he should be wary of people but Patrick was threatening him about the rumor about him, at the same time there is sexual tension on Patrick's part, Phillipe noticed this tension, he had felt it so he finally accepted for the invitation
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-Phillipe felt lonely during the evening, without the company of Cayetanna and without the attention of others, he always glances at others, he especially has eyes on Patrick, he who thought he could be close to him and Ari
-Both have lost the people who wanted to get with, they both end up alone for the New Year at the Lake Club since they act as assholes, manipulators and egoists
-Phillipe meets Patrick next to him on the balcony, he speaks to him seeing him not in a good mood, they have a discussion that they are having a bad evening and that Phillipe tells him that they could have been good close friends, Patrick was rather okay but he still remarked to him about the rumor, leaving him alone again
-After Phillipe passes a message to the person he abused, he surprises Patrick with another boy making out, He could look away but the fact that it was getting hot he couldn't look away, finally he looked away when he heard fighting noises coming from inside the Club
-Everyone is running that Phillipe has raped a girl, he will be harassed, despite his decision to leave Las Encenas and Benjamin will force him to stay, Patrick will learn of the harassment against Phillipe through the broadcast of Benjamin
-Patrick met Ivan, immediately Patrick will be attracted to the new one except that he is straight (according to him). For others, Cayetanna will try to help Phillipe with his actions but it was useless and he finally understood that he and she will not work even being friends, so he met Isadora.
-Totally disagreeing about the new rules that Benjamin made for the establishment, Patrick had the idea to organize an experienced party, at the same time he wants to get Ivan
-During the party experienced, everyone drunk, drugged and sexually excited, Patrick tried to making out with Ivan but it was rejected by Ivan's remarks. Phillipe met him and... (You know the rest, the kiss scene)
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-Phillipe wanted to kiss him, of course he is completely drunk, Patrick thinks he's doing this for the physical experience but for Phillipe would seem more than that. (And why Patrick will let himself be kissed by Phillipe despite the scandal and his the fact that people are told about him ?)
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-After this kiss, Phillipe is with Isadora, she was talking when he wasn't listening, he watched Patrick dance alone, drunk and desperate by Ivan, he felt something in this kiss, he never has this feeling for having kissed a boy like Patrick
-Benjamin gives screening tests to a class, if the test is negative the students can stay from Las Encenas and if the test is positive, the students will be fired from Las Encenas. Phillipe refuses to take the test and revolts against Benjamin, like the other students, Patrick follows after him
-Ivan decides to set things straight with Patrick, whom they can hang out by being friends, even Patrick seems that he still has an attraction for him, Phillipe surprises Patrick and Ivan's hug, he felt a weird feeling
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-Phillipe is upset and disagrees that Isadora posts one on his Instagram post, finally he lets himself be influenced by Isadora's explanations
-Movie night, Phillipe sees the arrival of Cayetanna, but he also sees the arrival of Patrick
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-Once again, Patrick is hurt by Ivan's words. Phillipe sleeps with Isadora but the visions on Cayetanna disturbed him, at the same time as he closes his eyes to avoid this, the images of the kiss with Patrick make him remind, so he stops sleeping with Isadora
-At the Lake Club, Phillipe tells her family story to Isadora but she didn't listen. Patrick arrives late, Phillipe sees him arrive stoned and in a hurry to see Benjamin, he pushed the person who didn't let him pass and he accidentally dropped the structure, Phillipe was worried to see Patrick of this condition. Patrick has an argument with Benjamin and he leaves the Lake Club upset and Phillipe tells Isadora to stay inside and let him go to see tells Isadora to stay inside and go to see Patrick
-Phillipe catches up with Patrick but is rejected. Patrick sits alone at the edge of the dock, after seeing Ivan with Ari totally breaks his heart, Phillipe comes back to him to be at his company, they have a discussion about how they feel about the people they really appreciate, it was quite deep and pleasant, they end up talking about the kiss, at first they took a laugh but after that it became strange
-Isadora looked for Phillipe in the corner but no sign of him, she doesn't see him kissing Patrick at all in a quiet corner where no one could see him
-Patrick and Phillipe returns inside the Lake Club, each on his own, Patrick with Mencia and Phillipe with Isadora, they look at each other discreetly
-Phillipe and Patrick are in an empty room of the school, where they can quietly. Phillipe tells him that he is confused, that it was a mistake and that it will not happen again, because he is a prince and he did a horrible thing, about the fact that he raped a person. Patrick made him understand that he wouldn't have resisted his desire, at the same time he understood and that he would never have to deal with him, but Phillipe felt a stab in the heart
-Phillipe surprises Patrick with Ivan comforting him in the corridor, he has felt a small wave of jealousy and rejection, that he is worth nothing to Patrick
-Patrick says what he's looking for in a guy to Ivan, when he thought of Ivan but also of Phillipe, strangely
-Phillipe meets Cayetanna with Felipe, he made the presentation of Isadora, Isadora insists that they make a couple dinner between the four and it happens... tornado on behalf of Isadora, Phillipe didn't really pay attention at first since he thought of Patrick at a certain point, after he saw that Cayetanna is happier with Felipe
-Patrick and Ivan spend time together, they have finished sleeping together. For Patrick it was the best night he had
-After Samuel assumed that he had killed Ari and Mencia's attacker, and that he had been arrested by the police, Phillipe wanted to do Samuel a favor but he couldn't since his mother blocked his account. So Ivan volunteered to help
-In the Club, Phillipe meets Cayetanna with Felipe and he meets Patrick, Patrick meets Ivan. As soon as Patrick enters the scene, Ivan bids for him, at the same time Phillipe bids for him too and finally Ivan has won an appointment with Ari and Patrick wins a date with Cruz and Phillipe finds himself alone again
-Ivan and Patrick have an argument about Ivan sleeping with his sister (again) as he began to be a thing with Patrick
-Phillipe ignore Isadora and he insults her as a junkie and that his life is pathetic (he's an asshole)
-Phillipe look at Isadora's story and Patrick looks at Ivan's story, both frustrated and upset about them. After Patrick had a conversation with Benjamin, he made a phone call with Phillipe, he felt lonely, he wanted to breathe outside his home, so he asked him to come to his house or somewhere else and Phillipe agreed.After Patrick had a conversation with Benjamin, he made a phone call with Phillipe, he felt lonely, he wanted to breathe outside his home, so he asked him to come to his house or somewhere else and Phillipe agreed
-Patrick and Phillipe have a gentle conversation with them and with Isadora and Ivan, they let off steam their feelings, Patrick will once again establish a sexual tension with Phillipe, Phillipe tells him that they had made things clear, Patrick reminds him that he could not resist his desires and he is right, so they end up kissing, sweet and passionate
-Back at school, Phillipe meets Ivan and Isadora and asks him how it was the party in Ibiza and Isadora acts as if it was normal but Ivan acts as if he is worried and stressed for her, Phillipe would like to ignore him but Ivan wanted to talk about it what happened since it is his girlfriend
-Phillipe stressed by the fact that Isadora has been raped, he tells Cayetanna so she can help her
-Phillipe and Ivan will be in confrontation with the guy who was also in Ibiza, they watch the video of the situation, Phillipe frustrated and upset by what happened with Isadora
-Patrick learned about Ivan's email call sent to Ari, he will tell Ivan about it and Ivan tells him that he will leave Madrid early and Patrick is not satisfied
-Phillipe will have a conversation with Isadora, convince her to confess to the police and help her no matter what
-Cruz tells Ivan that they can stay in Madrid, Ivan finds Patrick
-Benjamin is arrested for killing Samuel and the business with Armando, Ivan finds Patrick sad and devastated. Patrick didn't think he would come...
And that's it, it seems null and really not necessary but I have to get out the idea of shipping Patrick and Phillipe...
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JEREMY STRONG as KENDALL ROY || Succession 4x04
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r0-boat · 1 year
What if Larry had a housewife S/O who made really nice bento-style lunches for him??
Larry with the housewife that makes him lunch.
Sfw larry headcannons
Larry x fem!reader.
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The fastest way to his heart, not going to lie. The first time you made him lunch, he was a little surprised that you went through all the trouble to make him something, but honestly, he doesn't mind. It beats starving until going to the Eatery. Especially because today had been extra hard on him, he would want nothing more than to see what you've made.
With the Box sitting in front of him do you remember is vaguely that you told him that you weren't the best cook Larry wasn't exactly a picky eater but he did wonder what kind of food you packed in this box maybe simple sandwiches? Bento boxes are a hot thing in Johto and Sinnoh, So perhaps a meal from those regions? Larry couldn't hardly wait anymore neither can his stomach just thinking about the kind of food you pack for him was making him hungry. Has he opened the box his mouth open slightly blinking twice not the best cook of his ass... this look like it took hours to make!
That rice with seaweed has a Starly's face on it?? With sandwiches with juicy chicken breaded that looked like it was cooked to perfection nice and golden brown with Crispy lettuce and melted the bun was toasted. With would you look at that not only you recreated his favorite meal to order at the Eatery but by the smell it looked like it had some kind of filling... boy he can't eat this he just feel bad ruining such artwork no matter how hungry he was.
"Oh Shit." He heard a familiar voice as Rika just so happened to pass by stealing a glance at her coworkers lunch. Stopping dead in her tracks before pulling up a chair to bother him during his lunch. Larry was one of the most disinteresting normal routinely person she knew. If something changed about Larry's everyday life even if it was minor. Something must have happened, and Rika was ready to know every single juicy detail she might have missed. And it didn't stop at just her soon enough she called Hassle over as soon as her brain clicked that Larry might have a special someone, then Geeta seeing her co-workers gathered around their financial advisor wanted to know what was up, when Rika whispered the news the Top Champion had to cover her mouth to hide her big smile. Then Poppy who was with Geeta was already asking a million questions about this Secret love interest.
Poor Larry who just wanted to he does lunch already felt a migraine coming... why was everybody so interested in what he was doing outside of work? He just saw Hassel get up to grab a tissue to wipe his tears?? As his coworkers watched as Larry opens up another half of the Box a note slips out from the bento.
When he opens the note Rika leaned over his shoulder to read. It was just a small piece of paper telling him to have a good day and that you loved him and to please enjoy all the hard work she made only for him. Larry closed the paper almost as soon as he opened it a slight blush appearing on his face which was the most emotion Rita has ever seen him with. The receptionist smirked "Oh? How sweet~ Gonna bring her here one day and have us meet her, yeah?"
After the crowd of his gawking finally left him alone too enjoy his lunch. He let out a sigh as he thoroughly enjoys every bite of your delicious cooking with a small smile. Larry was truly in love not only taking time out of your day to prepare something like this for him but how talented you were at cooking. Regrettably, he hadn't taken a photo of the cute neatly packed bento box before he started digging in, which he'll make sure not to forget in the future.
When he returns home from work, the first thing he does is thank you for the food and kisses you. (If he hasn't done that already)
Larry does hope you continue making delicious lunches for him though he would never Force you or tell you especially because you put so much love and work into each box you make for him.
If Larry was a good cook he would make dinner for you but he'll just stick to taking you out to places that you like has proper thank you then whatever Bland, tasteless food he makes.
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bumblesimagines · 2 months
A not so brief summary on my thoughts on House of The Dragon S2:
This finale makes me want to go outside and reconnect with nature 'cause why the hell did they make us wait so long just for a bunch of filler episodes and what was basically a trailer for season 3?
Spoilers for the show AND book which includes the deaths of characters and the arcs they had in the book.
Right off the bat, I'm just going to say that this post, this post, and this post sum up some of my thoughts. It truly feels like Ryan Condal (as well as others in production) had someone else give him a rundown of what happened in the book and just went off on that alone. I admit, I like some changes made from the book specifically with Alicent being Rhaenyra's childhood friend but at some point it just diverged from an adaptation to a fanfiction.
I know people whine and complain that it's 'nOt GoNnA bE eXaCtLy LiKe ThE bOoK' but if that's the case, stop calling it an adaptation and start saying it's based off the book. Of course, people are going to be annoyed when changes are made when they step in with the expectation/hope it'll be like the first few seasons of GoT.
Season 1 was good but rushed and had far too many timeskips that skipped needed character development. We never got to see Rhaenyra shift away from 'I don't want children' to learning of her first pregnancy. We never got to see Alicent fully turn away from Rhaenyra and stew in her resentment over being stuck in a marriage she never wanted while watching Rhaenyra be free enough to have multiple sons with a man who wasn't her husband. Laena, Laenor, and Harwin had little impact because we saw so little of them. We never got to see if Rhaenyra loved Harwin or if she saw him as a fwb.
It was rushed but the characters felt alright.
And then in comes season 2 and we can see that they were too afraid of being called out to write proper female characters. I've said this before when answering an ask but HOTD only has two types of women: rebellious, headstrong, stubborn, warrior girls and sensitive, withdrawn, submissive, rule followers. This is Arya vs Sansa all over again. Women can be multiple things at once. Not every Team Black girl has to be a fighter, not every Team Green girl has to be quiet and faithful.
Why wasn't Rhaenyra angry about Luke's death? She left S1 looking enraged and started S2 off strong in her grief but then Luke was never mentioned by name ever again. I understand burying down the grief and anger to rule but we should've seen her continue to break down in private throughout the season. Her SON was MURDERED and you're telling me she's not going to continue grieving him when she didn't even do anything for half the season? All she did was run off leaving Jace and the Council scrambling to stay together or get consistently spoken over again and again and again. And now suddenly Ryan wants her to be this calculated meticulous cult leader? Rhaenyra's downfall is descending into paranoia and letting her emotions and worries get the best of her (WHICH NETTLES WAS A BIG PART OF). She loses and flees King's Landing because of it.
Why was Alicent's plot mostly revolving around Cole? Why did they choose to have her sleeping with him while B&C happened? In the book, Alicent is essentially taken hostage because B&C knew Helaena took her children to visit their grandmother and say goodnight. She watches her daughter be forced to choose between her two sons only for the son she chose to save be killed. Instead of feeling grief for her grandson's death, she feels guilty for... having slept with Cole. No real thoughts or feelings over her GRANDCHILD being MURDERED. Look, I love the Rhaenyra x Alicent ship but it was doomed from the start. Instead of trying to make it seem like there's a chance, complicate it more! The complexities is what makes the ship good! But no, let's have Alicent, mother of the king and a big part of what started the war, mope around and fuck this dude. Hello?? Are they also setting her up to poison Aegon at the end when she spent half of season 1 saying she needed to protect her children from Rhaenyra???
Why did Helaena mourn her son for an episode and then move on? Are ya'll seeing this pattern or am I crazy? Helaena is supposed to descend into madness over her grief and guilt. She can't look her remaining son in the face because she'd chosen him to die. She's so consumed by this that she ends up impaling herself in spikes after throwing herself from a window. Are they setting her up to be murdered? To do it just because? And what do you mean 'Helaena doesn't ride. She has no taste for it'? Helaena LOVED to ride. Her love for her dragon is the reason Dreamfyre breaks free from her chains in the Dragonpit when she senses Helaena has died. But of course, Helaena is a Team Green girl and only warrior girls ride dragons, right Ryan? And she's Team Green so obviously unlike in the books, the smallfolk despise her as much as the others? They took the devastating choice of B&C and gave it to Alicent in the last episode which makes the death of Helaena's son's absolutely meaningless and unneeded as well as her own death. And also? all of a sudden Helaena can now understand her prophecies and speak them clearly? So why didn't she tell anyone of B&C? Surely a mother would try to break away from fate to save her children?
Aemond, Aegon, Cole, and even Daemon were given more complexities and plotlines than the main women, Alicent and Rhaenyra, were lmao. While the faces of the war were cast aside to be one stereotype or the other, we got to see the men be messy and chaotic and full of emotions. Aegon got to be angry and defensive over his son's death but not Rhaenyra. Cole got to be conflicted over his doings but Alicent was just meh about it. Daemon had so much unnecessary hallucinations lmao. Was it even character development if after every hallucination he still beat his chest and called himself king? He learned nothing but suddenly he sees a horribly CGI put together vision of GoT and he's fine putting away what he's been saying all season long? Come on now.
Jace, Baela, and Rhaena were massively underused. In the posts I linked, it explains my issue with Rhaena taking over Nettles. It's stupid and unneeded. We get to sympathize with Hugh and watch Daemon bang his mom but there's no need for the ONLY WOC IN THE BOOK to be seen? Not even his clear bias for Team Black will allow him to bring in Nettles and let Rhaena be one of the few Team Black girls who isn't a fighter and a Strong Female Lead? Okay.
Jace and Baela were. there. I guess. We could've cut back a lot more of Daemon to show Jace in the North winning over Cregan or even having him return mid-season. He did nothing but serve face and have a few lines of being annoyed. And, it was his idea for the dragonseeds, both highborn and lowborn. And Baela was just there to be his voice of reason. The rational girlfriend who pulls her boyfriend out of his head. She had one good scene where she wasn't just Daemon's daughter or Jace's love interest (they never even did or say anything remotely romantic. They feel like friends over two people in love) and then she just. existed to be there for Jace.
The dragons were great and I loved their designs. I loved that their dancing is based on the birds of prey death drop(?) and I clocked it instantly when I watched Rook's Nest. However, I really hope Aegon belives Sunfyre is dead because of a weakened bond and not that he's actually dead considering Sunfyre burns and eats Rhaenyra alive?? That's his whole thing??
I did not care for Tyland and the pirate chick. We had a full fledged BATTLE be offscreen but we had to see Tyland get tossed around in mud? Okay. Sure. Uh huh.
Like... what was this? It was like hours long filler episode. 'It's setting up for season three!! that's why it sucked!!' but we still had needed action and characters that were brushed over? We could've had the battle between the Blackwoods and the other idiots, we could've had Nettles taming Sheepstealer, we could've had the women feel like real people instead of being one dimensional characters, we COULD'VE HAD RHAENYS HAVE EMOTIONAL SCENES WITH HER BELOVED GRANDDAUGHTER(S) BEFORE FLYING OFF TO BATTLE.
Anyways, honestly, 4 or 5 out of 10 for this season. I was bored for most of it and it was massively underwhelming. I expected this season to end with the Gullet and Jace's death being the straw that finally broke the camals back in Rhaenyra which would've had her take King's Landing in a fit of rage and grief. I also expected Daeron to at least have some sort of appearance? He gets mentioned twice and we see Tessarion briefly but no sign of the missing TargTower son and no Maelor? Okay. Sure. Let's just call this House of The Dragon: The Poorly Written Fix It Fic Brought To Life Instead Of Being Left On AO3. No wonder GRRM isn't going to be involved anymore.
This doesn't read like an adaptation brought to life by a passionate fan. It reads like an adaptation created purely to reach Game of Thrones level of fame and popularity. GoT earned it's popularity in the first few seasons. HOTD is merely piggybacking off it's success and failing at being anything other than a boring high budget show that happens to have dragons.
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aniverse-x · 6 months
What a beautiful moment🥹
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And I love Horikita’s character development
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shujubeelamoglia · 1 year
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Manu Ríos
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coucaelisa789 · 1 year
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here is Manu rios' boyfriend ?? her boyfriend he is at least I think 40 years old
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that was when they went to the Maldives
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lab rats the vanishing ending
okay so i finished rewatching lab rats yesterday (yay! loved every second)
but now that im older and try to know what goes on behind the scenes of shows/movies, i think i know why bree and chase were the ones to be a part of elite force
it wasn't because kelli and billy/william were the best actors (it's obviously tj) or because bree and chase were the fan favorites (im pretty sure at the time, adam and leo were)
i feel like it was most likely decided by which of the actors wanted to keep acting in the franchise/keep portraying their characters (i mean, it ran 2012-2016 i surely would be tired of playing the same character for that long...)
(please anyone who knows the ins and outs let me know if im reaching)
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the-physicality · 14 days
you know there's a lot of yaps about oh stewie beats dt records by 1 game per. well arike set 3972 [dallas franchise record] in 193 games, stewie in 194, dt in 195. [a'ja in 197, edd in 198]
but as far as ages go, it's lj, dt, arike. [asterisk obviously being lj came in at age 20 and americans came in at 21 or older. in this instance lj started just after her 20th, and dt just before her 22nd. lj is a month and a year older than dt. fun fact maya moore is exactly 7 years younger than dt]
and interestingly enough in the span of a week in 2009, 3 people hit that milestone: becky [8/29], dt [9/1], tamika [9/4]
sheryl swoopes, tina thompson, and katie smith all did it in june of 2006 [2-19]
lisa leslie was the first person in the w to hit this milestone, in 2004, nearly 2 years before anyone else would do it
sue and becky took the same number of games to get there [315]
of the 20 youngest people to hit 3972 [everyone who's hit it under 31 years], the list consists of 14 number 1 draft picks [db and arike went 5, cappie went 2- after Seimone augustus who is also on this list, tamika went 3-but drafted with an sei, and candice dupree and crystal langhorne went 6]
48 players have hit this milestone. of the ones that entered the regular wnba draft [ie were not allocated]
5 did it from 1999, 2004, and 2006 draft classes
4 did it from 2001 class [LJ, penny taylor, tamika catchings, katie douglas]
3 did it from 2002, 2008, 2009, and 2013 classes
2006 draftees 1-4 have all hit it
2013 is the only class to have only 1-3 make it
no one has hit this milestone from the draft classes of 2000, 2005, 2007, or 2017
tangela smith [1998], plenette pierson [2003], tina charles [2010], kayla mcbride [2014], jewell loyd [2015], stewie [2016], a'ja [2018], and arike [2019] are the only players in their draft class to hit the milestone
of the 2019 draft class, only 8 players have hit 1000 points, and the next closest to arike [3972] is napheesa collier with 2724, and she was out for a year on maternity leave
arike has also played nearly 800 minutes more than the next 2019 player, jackie young
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thena0315 · 27 days
Classroom of the Elite Season 4 Confirmed!!
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Now they're 2nd Years
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jose92gt · 27 days
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Bueno se anunció la cuarta temporada de Classroom Of The Élite, apenas he terminado de ver las primeras dos temporadas, me ha entretenido algo la serie sinceramente
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smuganya · 2 years
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55 notes · View notes