#Elita's Squadron
theangrycomet-art · 1 month
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Primus made us Rivals because Cybrtron couldn't handle us as Besties
Friendly rivals who would (and have) happily throw the other off a cliff over the tiniest of inconveniences is their dynamic.
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sourswords · 4 months
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A squadron of Elitas!
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nova--spark · 7 months
Heya! ^^ Could we get a one shot of how Optimus found Bumblebee? It's be so cute.
This drabble was in fact supposed to be max, 800 words
It is now double that.
It has been said that since the start of life on Cybertron, since the Well of AllSparks first ignited, that there is an instinctual pull between familial units.
Known as the Tether, this pull, string, whatever have you, is what brings together sparklings and caretakers.
That when gazing upon one another, they just…know.
That this is a gift from Primus, from the 13 who gave themselves to the Well, and from the universe itself.
The Tether brings them together as a sign that ‘I am yours, as you are mine. Spark of my Spark,’ as some ancient traditions went.
But when the war began, the Well and many of its hotspots began to cool down. It was as if the planet itself was trying to protect itself, and the future sparks to come. To prevent loss of lives that had yet to be lived at all.
And just like that, one day…
They went out.
No more sparklings born of the Well.
No Forged to be born, and the few sparklings found, were guarded heavily by both factions.
They knew better than to kill any innocent souls, unaligned. But there were also the extremists, who used that to send a message.
So, patrols began, around these now dormant places.
With the hope that perhaps….there were still lives out there, to be saved.
It was a grave and solemn duty, to go on these patrols.
Not many took them, not because they did not wish to, but because few had the spark to truly handle the things they would see, when walking to the cooled hotspots, where sadly…not many living sparklings remained.
And where they would often return with, at best, another to bury, and return to Primus far too soon.
It made many a bots’ Spark ache.
It was mainly the medics and a few of the war frames which would take these patrols. Those that could save the lives of a sparkling, or offer a shield as they made their way out.
Optimus had been insistent on joining many of these patrols. No one could blame him, he was the most gentle sparked of them all, and would mourn the loss of the ones they found too late.
And yet still, despite every single patrol, no matter how saddening they could be, he still went.
Ratchet had insisted he take a break, but none could deny the Prime, when he merely shook his head, and his mask slid into place as he prepared to lead the rescue squadron once more.
None could recall what the name of the sector they were in was, long turned to rubble by the time the war had started.
It was once a bustling marketplace, or so they assumed, from the now torn apart plaza they stood in.
The hotspot had been ice cold to the touch, no sparks to be found anywhere.
Yet, though others had insisted on moving out, after distant sightings of Seekers, Optimus has chosen to continue surveying.
He sent everyone else back, save for Ratchet, who refused the order from his superior.
‘’You may require a medic, be it for yourself…or for the sparklings you may find, if Primus wills it’’ had been his explanation.
Optimus could not disagree with this statement. He had sent a message to Elita, knowing he would perhaps worry her, having not returned with the rest of the patrol.
Assuring her they were fine, he simply stated that himself and Ratchet were taking one last look before heading back–
The crashing of what sounded like one of the booths caused him to end his communication quickly, glancing at the medic with a small frown. A nod from the medic, both prepared their weapons, as they headed to the source of the sound.
It was odd, however. The Prime felt a certain pull, something leading him, nagging at him even, and it seemed Ratchet had noticed this, as he called out to Optimus, when suddenly a portion of the ruined plaza tumbled down from above onto them both.
It was harmless, thank the AllSpark, just worn canvas cloth banners that had once decorated the market, and a few scattered pieces of metal sheeting that had served as roofing long ago.
Sure, it was rather annoying, but all that came from it was just some dust they would need to clean off, and nothing more.
The question was, what had caused it? Was there someone there perhaps , an enemy or–
He could have sworn, out of the corner of his field of vision, he saw a blur of color, for a moment but-
Ah. There it was, that nagging tug once again.
Stiffening slightly, Optimus turned, looking over his shoulder.
‘’Is everything alright, Optimus?”
Yet Ratchet received no reply, as the leader of the Autobots instead walked towards a crumbling structure.
Perhaps a home, long ago at some point or another?
Confused, the medic simply followed after his commander, watching the Prime duck down to walk through the mostly collapsed doorway, and holding it even for Ratchet, but never looking back at the medic.
It was like something was calling to him, something Ratchet himself did not feel there.
Perhaps it was the Matrix, a mysterious relic of the Primes long past, that made his leader act this way.
He didn’t have time to ponder for long however, as the medic had to quickly dodge a projectile coming at them.
Or rather, would have dodged, had Optimus not caught the offending item, which was…
A rock?
A raised brow, Optimus allowed his mask to slip back, before looking in the direction of where the item had come from…
And looked down, optics wide as he felt something snap into place in that moment.
There they were. The reason for the pull.
It was the Tether.
And it had pulled him right to where , or rather who, needed him.
A sparkling, of sunshine yellow, with small bumps along his helm that resembled horns, and winglets on his back, was hidden in a corner of the ruined building, holding a makeshift slingshot, and a pile of rocks at his side.
He looked terrified of the towering Prime before him, holding up the slingshot, servos shaking as he aimed.
In an instant, Optimus knelt down, lowering as much as possible and showing his servos free of all weapons or ill intent.
Which, had seemed to do the trick, as the young bot shakily put down the makeshift weapon of his.
So small…not a Newly-Forged, but at the very least a Smithing spark…
By the AllSpark, how long had he been by himself like this? Had there been anyone caring for him at all?
‘’It is alright, young one…we mean no harm’’ he whispered, voice low and soft, so to not frighten him. Primus, did his own Spark sing, as he saw the little one’s optics blink owlishly up at him, before slowly standing up.
Offering an open servo to the sparkling, Optimus offered a kind smile.
The sunshine sparkling looked at the Prime's servos, up at him, then once again at his servos, nervously.
Tentatively, he reached out, putting his own tiny servo in that of the larger mech.
Ratchet watched all of this in awe, off to the side, and kneeling down as well, getting his medical kit out slowly and quietly as possible.
“Have you a name, young one?” inquired Optimus, and the sparkling shook his head, but tapped a marking on his forearm plating.
B-127, a Spark-Carer's designation clearly. So he must have at one point indeed been in the care of someone, or perhaps some sort of facility. 
“B-127? Is that what you are called?”
A nod, he saw a small glimmer in the sparklings's eyes.
His winglets bobbed in almost excitement, and Optimus felt how his Spark sang with pure elation, as he felt it all snap into place.
He had been called here, for this young spark.
For his sparkling, one last gift from Primus.
After a brief look over by Ratchet, who noted that B-127 required some further attention yet minor and to refuel, Optimus looked to the young bot with a warmth in his gaze.
“Well…it would appear then, that you will be coming with us, if that is what you wish to–”
Optimus did not have time to finish that sentence, as B-127 quickly jumped into the arms of the Prime, with a slight hum of joy, his EM fields practically bubbling with joy that could be felt by both commander and medic.
There was no doubt in his mind then.
Though it was not the way he had hoped for him to become a caregiver, Optimus Prime would not turn down this final gift from Primus and the Well.
This little one was his. 
And that is all he needed to know.
It was a sight to behold, truly, thought many soldiers.
The Last of the Primes, once Orion Pax, returned from what could have been another fruitless patrol for surviving sparklings.
It usually left him so solemn and quiet.
And now, here he was walking in, holding a young one who's paint was the color of golden amber, and who's beaming smile as he was held in the Prime's arms rivaled the sun itself. 
And his laugh, Primus, his gleeful laugh as his newfound caretaker bounced him oh so gently in his arms.
It was a small mercy, but it brought so much peace to the worn soldiers of this war.
To see someone so innocent, and so joyful, in a time like this…
To see the start of a family.
When Elita-1 caught sight of the Prime and his- no their- newfound sparkling, she felt like she was flying, spark soaring at the welcoming sight.
Because if only for these small hours, these little wonders, they were a family.
B-127 reached out for the rose-hued femme instantly upon seeing her, squealing gleefully, and they knew that their Tether had surely been forged of platinum, the way Elita swooped in and took him from her beloved’s arms without hesitation.
For in that moment, in the war, for a few hours of what was to be centuries of hardship, they were at peace, they were whole, and there was the sound of gleeful laughter.
From Elita, listening to Ratchet’s story about this sparkling who had almost nailed him with a rock.
From Ratchet, as B-127 gasped in awe of the Energon candies handed to him as a reward for being well behaved in his check up.
From Optimus, as he saw this sunny little bot running around the base, greeting everyone, and wanting to learn who they all were.
And from B-127, who would go on to be named ‘Bumblebee’, as his caregiver scooped him up in his arms, and would bring out a squealing, joyous giggle as he hugged him close.
Fate would not be kind to this family, as time would go on.
But just for these small few hours, they would get to enjoy each other’s presence without fear.
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ok in that longass rescue bots headcanons list i made this one headcanon ive been dying to talk about, which is that i think quickshadow was part of elita one’s squadron on cybertron, and that the group has since been disbanded. my reasoning:
to me, since optimus and ultra magnus are both in tfp, it feels natural to assume elita exists. i dont think she’s dead, although perhaps the war bots think she is, similar to how they thought shockwave was.
also, since shockwave’s backstory is similar to his in g1 i’m doing the same for elita’s. just like in g1, she and her squad of lesbians girlbosses stayed on cybertron to hold down autobot territory, and to fight shocky.
anyway elita's team in g1 seemed to specialize in espionage and close combat, which is what quickshadow does. she would fit right in with the group. as a highly trained warrior and someone who is personally close to optimus, her having a past with elita one and in the war makes sense.
i think quickshadow was definitely a rescue bot first, but presumably as the war took off she allied herself with the autobots. at the rescue academy she trained as a special ops bot, which helped her survive whatever happened to the other rescue bots, and eventually led her to win the favor of autobot high command. this lead to her rapidly climbing the ranks until she served alongside elita one.
at some point in my mind the team was disbanded, either because of lack of resources or they split up to become smaller groups or join other teams. quickshadow became a proper undercover agent, the one we see in the show. by then it's clear optimus trusts her, as he arranged for her vehicle scan, gave her tech to hijack groundbridges, and let her keep her rescue bots insignia. she also was constantly changing names and identities, so she's been undercover a lot. this level of trust hints at a personal history, like her being close to elita.
quickshadow is also a solo agent by the time we meet her, again showing she's highly respected and trusted by optimus, and presumably other members of autobot high command. optimus put a lot of work into keeping the rescue bots secret and safe, but quickshadow has clearly been a part of the war for a very long time, possibly since the beginning. hightide was optimus's friend since the early days, so it could be possible for quickshadow to have known elita or optimus before everything. that would explain the freedom she has that no other character is given.
anyways yeah new lore, if you guys wanna know more abt this just ask! (please ask i can rant abt my lore and theories for hours)
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tf-cyberaligned · 7 months
Say hello to Combiners Commander Elita One!
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Elita One is Optimus's most trusted Combiner Commander. She is in charge of that division of the Autobots, leading the Shield of Solus, Aerialbots, Torchbearers, and Protectobots.
She stands at over 50 feet tall, one of the tallest Autobots. Her greatsword that she wields has a blade longer than Optimus Prime himself. She is a seeker, giving her the ability to fly in her root mode. This gives her a great tactical advantage, making her a fearsome warrior.
Before the war she served on the Iacon Council's senate. Her job there mainly consisted of rulings on the Council's punishment system. She tried to turn down as many punishments as possible, having a more caring spark for the bots brought before her, but she was only one bot in a room of others who constantly went on power trips.
After Megatron's speech to the Council, she joined the Autobot side of the war, led by Sentinel Prime. There she connected with Orion Pax, who now went by just Optimus, and Ratchet. The three formed a close bond, eventually becoming conjuxed before the war fully broke out.
When Sentinel fell and Optimus Prime took over, he placed her in charge of the Combiners squadron due to her being Orthia's torso. Orthia due to this also led the combiners when they were all in their combined form.
Her death was caused by one of Orthia's limbs dying in the heat of battle. This was the first combiner death of the war, leading each side to realize that combiner sparks will snuff out together due to the bond. This death also sent Optimus Prime off the rails for a while, as he processed the death of his beloved starling.
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bad-tf-fic-ideas · 11 months
(061) Skywarp can teleport anywhere, which is why it's vitally important for the future of Decepticon tactical manoeuvres to figure out what his carrying capacity might be. It's definitely more than a cockpit full of energon cubes, but can he warp a minicon with him? A seeker? Devastator? A whole squadron?
Shockwave is responsible for testing the limits of Skywarp's warping ability, with any assistance from his trine that might be deemed reasonably necessary.
This is why Thundercracker has been stuck with his head in a reinforced durasteel wall for 3 cycles now. Shockwave is (supposedly) looking for his phase shifter to fix it. Skywarp keeps laughing about the single 'flying buttress,' pun that occurred to him cycles ago, which wasn't even that funny then. Thundercracker is never doing him a favour again.
And meanwhile, the female Autobots under Elita-1 are just waiting for this kind of break in a routine to cause chaos...
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allhailthepandicorn · 3 months
Shout out to Elita One for heading an all female squadron of soldiers during the war and also being a badass queen.
I will forever mourn the fact that the line mentioning her in TFP episode Stronger, Faster was cut
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kaontic · 17 days
G1 Autobot holoform/human forms Part 4: The Shield of Solus (and other Female Autobots)
Note: The “Shield of Solus” are a gestalt (combiner team) that merge into Orthia, officially consisting of Elita-1’s Squadron…minus Chromia (sorry ya got left out, my gal 💔).
I mean the gestalt name definitely sounds better than somethin’ like the “Fembots”, ‘cause why not equally try to imagine a gestalt called the “Mascbots” lol.
Ah, gender. It’s all performative anyway, and I think so especially for Cybertronians (that’s a discussion to be saved for another post, though).
Here we go (and before ya ask, Elita’s here—just in Part 1):
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⭐️ Bonus ⭐️
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“But Windblade’s face plate design was inspired by Kabuki not geishas—“
Yes, but modern Kubuki theatre is exclusively performed by male actors, even for female roles.
How that interesting fact connects to Windblade’s whole design philosophy, can also be worth another discussion post.
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purplerabbit92 · 2 years
Not sure I posted this but I finally got Elita 1 legacy deluxe class in game for quite cheap £10.99 is a bargain. Need to get her full squadron.
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theangrycomet-art · 3 days
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Updated Altmode's for Lancer and Moonracer.
In Lancer's case, this is after she's had her T-Cog and Wings restored. Relearning to fly after a some tens of thousands years isn't intimidating at all haha. Seriously though, Lancer is going to need a lot of PT to get her joints back into proper condition after not transforming for so long but she'll get through it.
Moonracer on the other hand is suffering of the impromptu shut-downs I mentioned a bit in this post and is about to get so many parking tickets.
(the Parts needed for Lancer's recovery were acquired by the rest of the team through a series of off the books "side quests" involving shady bastards ranging from Moony's older ex-'Con older brother to organ-harvesting bounty hunters who really, REALLY should be arrested. Lancer is unaware of the details of the "how" but knows that they must have gone through hell and back for them.)
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diaborodevil · 1 year
Cybertron (shockwaves new lab)
Shockwave: read the files to me tarantulas
Tarantulas: okay
Wasp a former Autobot accused of being a spy had his audio unit damaged by another causing a unique speech pattern after getting accused he became a spy but was then sent to a prison then a psych ward and is currently considered insane but not that threatening
Shockwave: that sounds bad I’ll go with this small specimen and a low dosage next
Wingcode an former cityspeaker student who never completed her training and instead became an assassin and spy completing multiple missions before being caught smuggling a swarm of nanobots within her said nanobots are capable of self reproducing and infecting cybertronians with a virus that causes them to become weakened then eventually there cores overheat causing there outer coatings to melt them alive it seems said micro bots have fused into her physiology
Shockwave: I’ll go with you old friend and this avian and the same dosage as the first experiment next
Skullcrusher a former gladiator who was pretty good till opponents realized he would grind his teeth before attacking eventually he was let go but then went on a rampage harming both bots and cons until he was subdued and sedated
Shockwave: I’ll go with this large creature I found medium dosage
Buzzclaw a seeker known for preferring up close combat to using blasters even going as far to sharpen his wings and use them to slice opponents wings in air based combat he speaks highly of himself but has the skills to prove although he spends most of his times in his quarters
Shockwave: this unique specimen should work well with a normal dose
Reefpunch a decepticon naval officer who has the unique ability to detect changes in temperature, movement, vibrations, and changes in light also despite his size he can move stealthily in any body of fluid he has won a few wars that even his soldiers didn’t know he was a part of
Shockwave: I’ll use this marine creature and give him a heavier dose
Tarantulas: just two more
Terranaut used to be an Autobot but then joined the decepticon navy he was deployed on a planet mostly covered in swamp he eventually disappeared until he was found again but then most rescue squadrons started to disappear he was then found again tranquilized and put in prison for murdering the cons that tried to rescue him
Shockwave: I’ll go with this shelled marine reptile and a normal dose we might have to tranquilize him
Tarantulas: this last one says priority favor for an old friend elita one an Autobot fix her
Shockwave: what are you up to megatron
Omg two posts in one day
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shenanisketches · 3 years
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Elita One and her Squadron
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atlas-ordained · 5 years
@toxiicatiing answered:
iacon-stargazer asked:
! - {{to Heatwave, for OP}}
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“Look, I know I give you a hard time and that I constantly give ya’ scrap for a lot of things Optimus. Hell, even the other Rescue Bots think that I hate your guts, same with Ratchet.” It wasn’t like the hotheaded mech to be honest with how he felt about others, but as he sat next to the Autobot leader, honesty just seemed to pour out of his intake, shoved outwards by knawing guilt of how he has, previously, treated Optimus.
“Truth is… I look up to you. You’re my idol, my mentor- Everyone sees you as such a fair and just leader, and yeah, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous that it’s so easy for you to be so open an’ kind to those on your team, but I know every leader ain’t just some perfect and pure mech. I dunno how you carry that many burdens, ‘cause I sure as slag wish it was that easy for me too, but It ain’t, so…” He merely shrugged, trying to make the emotional chat less heavy. “Just know that I don’t hate you, I never did, I just-… I’m worried that I’ll disappoint you as a leader, and my slagging processor thought that If I just shoved ya’ away and treated you like absolute shit, then maybe you’d judge me before I disappoint you first.”
~ ❖ ~
     “Heatwave.” Optimus’s voice is gentle, understanding. “Leadership is not easy for anyone. Growing into this role certainly was not easy for me.” While Orion Pax had no lack of conviction, confidence was slower coming. “I was not forged a leader. I never believed that leading was something that I would do, or that I would be capable of. I was not ready for the role when I received it.” His gaze holds the smaller bot’s as he speaks. “I accepted leadership not because I was certain I was capable, but because it was needed of me. Because Megatron, whom I had believed would guide us while I stood aside to advise, had been deceiving me. I was the only one who could oppose him while standing up for his original beliefs.” 
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     “I made mistakes, many of which countless brave and innocent mecha paid for with their lives. Some of those were mecha I considered to be friends.” Ironhide springs to his processor. Doing his job, as his former bodyguard, yes, but his sacrifice should not have been necessary. And Elita had gone down with her squadron, because Optimus had been unwilling to give the order to fall back when civilians needed protection.
     “You will make mistakes, Heatwave, and you may not feel ready or worthy. Do not expect perfection from yourself. You will learn, and mature with your team, as you have already come far in doing. It simply takes time and experience. My advice to you is to direct your concern to improving the present and the future. It is wise to remember the past, and it is not wrong to grieve what is lost, but that which has already occurred is out of our control to change.”
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danikairyu · 6 years
Bienvenidos, vengan a conocer al Escuadrón Alpha! / Welcome, come meet the Alpha Squadron
Bienvenidos todos al mundo de Transformers, en esta oportunidad daremos la bienvenida y una entrada especial al Escuadrón Alpha, que está conformado por Windblade, Chromia, Arcee y Road Rage, estas cuatro Fembots Autobots, que luchan constantemente por la libertad y paz, contra los Decepticons.    
English Version
Welcome everyone to the world of Transformers, this time we will welcome and a special entrance to the Alpha Squadron, which is made up of Windblade, Chromia, Arcee and Road Rage, these four Autobots Fembots, constantly fighting for freedom and peace, against the Decepticons
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1 - Windblade (G1)
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·         Líder del Escuadrón Alpha
·         Autobot
·         Armas: Espada y Turbinas Voladoras
·         Rango: Buscador
Windblade aparece en Transformers Robot in Disguise como en Comics, su primera aparición en los comics es en el Comic de Transformers: More Than The Eye # 26, su historia continua en IDW Generation 1.
Su historia comienza desde su nacimiento en el planeta Caminus, ya que nace desde el punto más caliente del Titán Caminus, un Titán que colonizo el mundo y por el cual se llamó así el planeta.
Ella es un espadachín muy hábil, su destreza en el combate la ayuda en los combates como sus estrategias para poder vencer a sus contrincantes, tiene una habilidad o talento muy raro que se trata de hablar con los titanes latentes, al tener esta habilidad es nombrada como Cityspeaker, en su rostro muestra la marca del planeta Caminus.
Anteponiendo el deber y la verdad, en las misiones más importantes, incluso cuando ambos son difíciles, pero siempre logrando tomar la decisión adecuada para el momento, pero cuando llega a compartir un planeta con el Decepticon Starscream, comienza a mejorar y aprender mejor el elegir entre la verdad o el deber.
English Version
· Alpha Squadron Leader
· Autobot
· Weapons: Sword and Flying Turbines
· Rank: Search engine
Windblade appears in Transformers Robot in Disguise as in Comics, his first appearance in the comics is in the Transformers Comic: More Than The Eye # 26, his story continues in IDW Generation 1.
Its history begins from its birth in the planet Caminus, since it is born from the hottest point of the Titan Caminus, a Titan that colonized the world and by which the planet was named like this.
She is a very skilled swordsman, her combat prowess helps her in battles as her strategies to be able to beat her opponents, she has a very rare ability or talent that is about talking to latent titans, having this skill is named like Cityspeaker, on his face he shows the mark of the planet Caminus.
Putting duty and truth first, in the most important missions, even when both are difficult, but always making the right decision for the moment, but when it comes to sharing a planet with the Decepticon Starscream, it begins to improve and learn better by choosing between truth or duty.
2 - Chromia (G1)
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·         Segunda al mando del Escuadrón Alpha
·         Autobot
·         Especialidad: Combate
·         Excelente guía y toma de decisiones al estar al mando
Chromia es una excelente soldado que está bajo el mando de Elita One, siendo la segunda al mando al mando para ella.
Es una de las Autobot más valientes que hay, dura como las uñas ante las situaciones que se presentan para poder superarlas con lógica y rapidez.
Ella apareceré en la serie animada de Transformers G1, también aparece en los comics:
Ø  Comic de Mc Axis
Ø  Leyendas cómicas
Ø  Wings Universe (Universo de Alas)
Ø  Descenso al Mal
Ø  IDW Generation 1 continuity (IDW Generación 1 continuidad) – Su primera aparición fue en Megatron Origin # 3 y en Transformers: Robot In Disguise # 25
Historia breve de Chromia en IDW Generation 1
Se dice que ella nació en el punto caliente del Titán Caminus, esta colonia fue alejada del planeta Cybertron, antes de que ocurriera la guerra, manteniendo y conservando los géneros diferenciados.
English Version
• Second in command of Alpha Squadron • Autobot • Specialty: Combat • Excellent guidance and decision making when being in charge Chromia is an excellent soldier who is under the command of Elita One, being the second in command in command for her.
It is one of the bravest Autobot there is, as hard as the nails before the situations that arise to overcome them with logic and speed. She will appear in the animated series of Transformers G1, also appears in the comics:
Ø Mc Axis Comic Ø Comic legends Ø Wings Universe (Universe of Wings) Ø Descent to Evil Ø IDW Generation 1 continuity (IDW Generation 1 continuity) - Its first appearance was in Megatron Origin # 3 and in Transformers: Robot In Disguise # 25
Chromia brief story in IDW Generation 1
It is said that she was born in the hot spot of the Titan Caminus, this colony was removed from the planet Cybertron, before the war happened, maintaining and conserving the differentiated genres.
3 - Arcee (G1)
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·         Autobot e integrante del Escuadrón Alpha
·         Excelente guerrera
·         Cybertron
·         Experta en el combate cuerpo a cuerpo y excelente tiradora (disparar armas)
Arcee puede ser confundida muy fácilmente de género al inicio, pero al transcurrir el tiempo te das cuenta que es una fembot.
Es una gran guerra contra los combates de cuerpo a cuerpo como es la mejor tiradora del tiempo, sin importar el lugar o la ubicación sus tiros aciertan sin problemas, es muy feroz en combate y no tiene piedad, esto se debe y ocurre ya que le gusta proteger a sus compañeros Autobots como a la humanidad de la amenaza de los Decepticon.
Se lleva bien con todos sus compañeros Autobot, como a la vez se preocupa demasiado por ellos, pero esto también puede ser su más grande debilidad, ya que, si llega perder a alguien, causaría que ella lo pierda todo.
Su aparición es tanto en los dibujos animados como en los cómics, estos son:
Ø  Transformers: Generation 1 (dibujo animado)
Ø  Marvel Comics Continuity: Marvel UK future timelines y Regeneration One
Ø  Sticker Adventure Books
Ø  Big Looker Storybook Continuity
Ø  Coloring Books
Ø  Beast Wars Cartoon Continuity
Ø  Dreamwave Generation One Continuity
Ø  G.I Joe Vs The Transformers
Ø  IDW Generation 1 Continuity
Ø  Robot Heroes
Ø  Unit: E Comics
Ø  Transformers Vs G.I Joe
Angry Birds Comics, etc.
Engilsh Version
• Autobot and member of Alpha Squadron • Excellent warrior • Cybertron • Expert in close combat and excellent shot (shoot weapons) Arcee can easily be mistaken for gender at the beginning, but as time passes you realize that it is a fembot.
It is a great war against melee fighting as it is the best shot at the time, regardless of the place or location your shots hit without problems, it is very fierce in combat and has no mercy, this is due and occurs as it he likes to protect his fellow Autobots as well as humanity from the threat of the Decepticon. He gets along well with all his Autobot comrades, as at the same time he worries too much about them, but this can also be his greatest weakness, because if he loses someone, he will lose everything.
His appearance is both in cartoons and comics, these are:
Ø Transformers: Generation 1 (cartoon) Ø Marvel Comics Continuity: Marvel UK future timelines and Regeneration One Ø Sticker Adventure Books Ø Big Looker Storybook Continuity Ø Coloring Books Ø Beast Wars Cartoon Continuity Ø Dreamwave Generation One Continuity Ø G.I Joe Vs The Transformers Ø IDW Generation 1 Continuity Ø Robot Heroes Ø Unit: E Comics Ø Transformers Vs G.I Joe Ø Angry Birds Comics, etc. 
4 - Road Rage (G1)
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·         Autobot e Integrante del Escuadrón Alpha
·         Guardaespaldas/Tanque
·         Caza recompensas
·         Conocimiento de múltiples Culturas y Costumbres
Road Rage, un autobot que huyo de la Gran Guerra de Cybertron, alojándose en un cuadrante muy lejano donde la guerra no la pudiera afectar y poder vivir tranquila.
Su enorme forma en el planeta que se hospedo le dio una gran oportunidad de volverse una excelente Guarda Espaldas como a la vez una Caza recompensas.
Sus trabajos todos fueron a cambio de energía para poder mantenerse, al pasar el tiempo su conocimiento con las culturas y costumbres de varias criaturas orgánicas fue expandiéndose, convirtiéndose a tal punto embajadora entre las especies para evitar así conflictos o guerras innecesarias.
Su aparición, ha sido en los dibujos animados como en los comics, que son:
Ø  Japón Generation 1 (dibujo animado): Masterpiece Bio y Legends Comic
Ø  Wings Universe
Ø  TransTech
Ø  Transformers vs G.I. Joe
English Version
• Autobot and Member of the Alpha Squadron • Bodyguard / Tank • Bounty hunter • Knowledge of multiple Cultures and Customs
Road Rage, an autobot that fled the Great War of Cybertron, staying in a very distant quadrant where the war could not affect it and be able to live quietly.
His huge shape on the planet he stayed gave him a great opportunity to become an excellent Save Backs as well as a Hunting Rewards.
His works were all in exchange for energy to be able to keep up, as time passed his knowledge of the cultures and customs of various organic creatures was expanding, becoming an ambassador among species to avoid unnecessary conflicts or wars.
His appearance, has been in the cartoons as in the comics, which are: Ø Japan Generation 1 (cartoon): Masterpiece Bio and Legends Comic Ø Wings Universe Ø TransTech Ø Transformers vs G.I. Joe
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reforged-lionheart · 5 years
Designation: A24 | Diode | Elita One Frametype: Three-wheeler | Experimental warbuild Plating: Pink Optics: Cyan Height: 6m | 9.3m Attitudinal Psyche: VFEL Enneagram: 8w7 sp/so
Diode began her life as a nameless, low caste janitor in Iacon, one of many working the underappreciated job of cleaning and polishing the streets and buildings. Despite a lack of education or opportunities, she saw the luxuries that others were privy to and recognized that she, too, wanted more from life than low-grade energon, untreated chemical burns, and cramped communal sleeping quarters.
It took a long time for her to change anything, but she spent her snatches of free time studying and seeking connections, until she finally was able to find someone to hire her for a second, part-time job. This made for one of the hardest points in her life, the extra work cutting into her time to rest and recharge, but it let her save shanix at last, until she could afford a few payments on a cheap apartment and free herself from the exploitative place she spent her early life without being kicked to the streets. She had to take still more work to keep herself afloat, and she worked hard with little rest, but it was on her terms now. When she did schedule herself leasure, she often spent it in clubs, unwinding through dance and whatever engex she could earn through a bit of flirting.
Through her strong will and persistence, she was able to considerably improve her life this way. But she still recognized that the system that put her through this while others had everything handed to them was deeply unfair, and so when she heard word of a growing resistance she could not help burgeoning curiosity, and eventually visited one of Megatron's rallies in Kaon to see for herself. Though initially skeptical of the resistance's potential, she eventually made herself part of it. Believing more than words to be necessary, she participated in organized raids—which proved her downfall. A tip-off lead to her group being ambushed by law enforcement, and her petite frame was crumpled by a hit meant to down a gladiator five times her mass.
Though the little three-wheeler was left for dead, her spark clung to life with the same stubbornness and determination that carried her out of her dead-end beginnings. She was strong; she could be more... and Alpha Trion did not miss a certain line from the Covenant. The head archivist himself organized her rescue and recovery in the hands of Autobot scientists, where she was modified into an experimental soldier designed to push the limits of Cybertronian biology.
Elita One, they call her. Triple changers are not unheard of, both naturally forged and modified, but she is the first to be given three alt modes, covering land, sea and sky. The strain on even her modified t-cog is high, eventually causing her pain every time she transforms, but that does not negate the menace she is on any battlefield after completing her training. Damage to her hard drives leaves her memories of her time as a Decepticon fragmented and hard to reach, and so she does not question her role as an Autobot—not at first. And by the time she has sorted them out, Megatron has become too far gone.
Despite her inner conflict in the meantime, she takes the war very seriously, both in strategy and in fighting on the field. She leads the squadrons she is given charge over with a firmness and efficiency, and is protective over her soldiers while remaining conscious that sacrifices must sometimes be made. She has caution, but still proactive, and is no coward. She would give her life as well if needed of her—though certainly wouldn't be going down without a fight.
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