#Elise Wilk
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Khalil Kain (November 22, 1964) is an actor, film producer, and rapper known for his role as Raheem Porter in Juice and as the second Darnell Wilkes on Girlfriends (2001-08). He is known for his role as Patrick Peet in Bones.
He attended Hunter College High School in New York and later relocated to California, to attend Foothill High School. After high school, he returned to New York and attended New York University where he majored in film.
Following roles included Roosevelt Nathaniel Hobbs in Renaissance Man and Marvin Cox in Love Jones. He portrayed golfer Tiger Woods in The Tiger Woods Story. He had a role in Baadasssss!
Other television credits include Suddenly Susan, Friends, Blue Bloods, Living Single, Moesha, Angel, and Sister, Sister. He played the role of Bill in For Colored Girls.
He directed The Millenial. The world premiere of The Millenial was in August 2021 at the Hip Hop Film Festival.
He is married to Elise Lyon and has two children. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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Erdogan gathering with Putin ...
ByANDREW WILKS and ELISE MORTON Upgraded [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone] [monthFull] [day] [year] ISTANBUL (AP)– Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan consulted with Vladimir Putin on Monday, wanting to convince the Russian leader to rejoin the Black Sea grain offer that Moscow broke off from in JulyPutin made it clear that the effort would not be brought back up until Moscow’s expectations…

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Arta deschide școala. Pedagogii fluide
Arta deschide școala. Pedagogii fluide
Anul acesta, în premieră, Festivalul Național de Teatru găzduiește un amplu modul educațional, structurat pe două paliere: spectacole și ateliere dedicate publicului tânăr și spectacole ale Școlilor de Teatru din țară, însoțite de o serie de workshop-uri ținute de artiști, critici și teoreticieni de teatru. Despre creațiile teatrale și despre atelierele care au loc în școli, curatoarea Mihaela…

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#Ana Crăciun Lambru#Aurelian Bălăiță#Bobi Pricop#Elise Wilk#FNT#George Cocoș#Ion Ciubotaru#Konrad Dworakovski#Oana Leahu#Radu Nica
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“Love Lost” – NCIS must investigate the Secretary of the Navy when her husband claims she tried to murder him, on the CBS Original series NCIS, Monday, Nov. 14 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*.
Sean Murray
(NCIS Special Agent Timothy McGee)
Wilmer Valderrama
(NCIS Special Agent Nicholas “Nick” Torres)
Brian Dietzen
(Medical Examiner Jimmy Palmer)
Diona Reasonover
Katrina Law
(Forensic Scientist Kasie Hines)
(NCIS Special Agent Jessica Knight)
Rocky Carroll
Gary Cole
(NCIS Director Leon Vance)
(FBI Special Agent Alden Parker)
Michael Kostroff
(Felix Lassiter)
Carolyn Hennesy
(Secretary of The Navy/ Tara Flynn)
Elise Eberle
(Arlene Wilkes)
Jonny Rios
(Victor Wilkes)
Christian Barillas
(Rafael “Rafa” Lopez)
Devika Parikh
(Doctor Saanvi Singh)
Joshua Nazaroff
Patrick Labyorteaux
(Olev Kozlov)
Brandon Papo
WRITTEN BY: Brendan Fehily and David J. North
DIRECTED BY: Rocky Carroll
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→ parte IV: el final de edgar bones.
IMPORTANTE: Algunas partes han sido editadas dada la fecha actual del roleplay. Continuación de este thread.
Con participaciones de Lucius Malfoy, Alec Selwyn, Byron Gibbon, Corban Yaxley ]( @corbvnyaxley ), Alecto Carrow ( @carrowxalecto ), Everett Wilkes, Rodolphus Lestrange, Walden MacNair, Cassia Clearwater ( @littlercdbird ), Jason Denbright ( @denbrightjay ), Natasha Selwyn ( @natvsha ), Minerva MacMillan ( @imperfectmacmillan ), Amelia Bones ( @bonesmelia ), Katherine Ollivander ( @kathollivander ), Mary MacDonald ( @macdxnaldmary ), Sturgis Podmore, Alice Longbottom ( @she-is-alice-watson ), Lily Potter y Remus Lupin ( @remuslvpiin ).
narrado por moony.
Debía encontrar a su señor.
Debía correr. No, debía volar. Debía aparecerse lo más pronto posible antes de que su jugada resultara inútil.
Dejando atrás el cuerpo inconsciente de Edgar Bones, Jugson se abría paso entre los muggles. Seres inmundos; de no ser porque no era práctico, habría quitado a cada uno de su camino con un simple maleficio. Nadie encontraría a Bones en aquel callejón, seguramente aquel imbécil tendría que encargarse de sí mismo.
Ninguno de sus tontos amigos de la Orden del Fénix vendría a rescatarlo.
Vaya nombre ridículo. No era de extrañarse que un tonto como Albus Dumbledore fuera su líder.
Pero si a algo temía su señor era a aquel sujeto, sabía bien que no se atrevería a desafiarlo, y por ende ninguno de ellos tampoco... Eso no evitaba que eliminara uno a uno al montón de bastardos que lo seguían ciegamente. Inmensa tontería la de creer a Dumbledore el mago más poderoso de la actualidad, cuando su Señor lo superaba con creces. Lord Voldemort era superior a cualquier mago pasado y a cualquiera presente.
En un latido se desapareció detrás de una residencia muggle para entonces arribar en seguida a un lugar aparentemente abandonado. Caminó entre el abundante pasto del campo, dirigiéndose a una casona a unos metros. Un movimiento de varita bastó para tirar las defensas del lugar, las cuales volvió a aplicar instantáneamente. Progresó y se internó en el lugar, que si bien por fuera parecía destruido, por dentro se trataba de una lujosa casa.
Jugson era capaz de escuchar voces en la planta alta. Subió por las escaleras mientras música clásica sonaba en otro sitio. A pasos agigantados tocó la puerta de una habitación. La misma se abrió lentamente, revelando la figura de Lord Voldemort sentado en una elegante silla oscura. A su lado se encontraba Malfoy, uno de sus más leales (e ineptos) seguidores.
"Mi señor" Jugson se introdujo con una reverencia rápida a la par que ingresaba al cuarto.
"Jugson" el nombre se deslizó por los labios de Voldemort al igual que la serpiente que le recorría el cuello. "¿Qué tienes para mí?"
El mortifago aclaró su garganta y lanzó una rápida mirada a Malfoy, su presencia no le encantaba, preferiría hablar a solas con su señor; desgraciadamente no veía más remedio que acceder a la compañía del rubio.
Acto seguido, Jugson comenzó a relatar cada detalle posible. La forma en que se había topado a Edgar Bones transfigurado en uno de los Flint, husmeando en un mercado al cual pocos tenían acceso. Cómo sus dudas lo llevaron a la verdad, arrastrando a tan despreciable ser lejos de ahí, donde se aseguró de asestarle un par de golpes que lo dejaron en desventaja. El veritaserum que habían robado hace unas semanas del Ministerio de Magia le resultó de ayuda en esos instantes. Era sólo un poco, pero cumplió con el fin.
Le reveló sobre la Orden del Fénix, el estúpido y risible nombre que Albus Dumbledore usaba para sus seguidores. Que Edgar Bones era parte del grupo y que Alastor Moody también estaba involucrado, y que si bien una persona terminó por cruzar cerca de ahí y no pudo concluir su interrogatorio como era debido, sabía que Andromeda Black (ahora portadora de su asqueroso apellido de traidora) les era de ayuda (desconocía la forma, claro).
Su semblante se fijó momentáneamente en Malfoy, buscando algún rastro de emoción respecto a la mención de la hermana de su esposa. Creyó ver nervios en las lineas de su rostro, pero nada realmente perceptible.
"Orden del Fénix" aquel petulante nombre surgió de los labios de Voldemort, un tinte de gracia en su tono. "Un nombre tan… Peculiar" pausó. "Tan propio de Albus Dumbledore."
Se alzó de la silla, provocando que Malfoy y Jugson retrocedieran un paso para darle espacio. Fue silencio el que inundó la habitación un rato, y pasos cuidadosos los que dio su señor mientras cruzaba el lugar.
"Nos encargaremos de Bones" anunció. "En cuanto a Andromeda… Estoy segura de que Bellatrix estará encantada de cruzar un par de palabras con su hermana" los dedos de Voldemort se deslizaron por su varita, un gesto altivo en su rostro. "Jugson… Vigila a Bones. Llévate a algunos dentro de unos días y termina con todo esto. Tengo algo de qué encargarme." Le indicó. Jugson asintió una sola vez.
"Sí, señor."
"Mi señor, ¿qué hará con Alastor Moody?" Preguntó Malfoy en seguida. Dado su cargo en el Ministerio, seguramente le importaría que pasaría con el Jefe de los aurores.
"Me encargaré de… Brindarle un mensaje claro" una tenue pero formal sonrisa surcó los labios del Señor Tenebroso al darse media vuelta. Jugson juró que pudo sentir a Malfoy estremecerse. "Y Jugson…" El aludido alzó la cabeza, encontrándose con los ojos del mago. "Bien hecho."
Jugson se limitó a asentir nuevamente, para después dar breve vistazo a Malfoy y a su señor, listo para retirarse. Tras su despedida, salió por la puerta, escuchando por detrás a Voldemort ordenando que Malfoy debía convocar a una reunión inmediata.
narrado por dannie ( @goldensmileboy )
Los eventos ocurridos con Jugson habían robado toda la tranquilidad de su mente, especialmente porque había quedado al descubierto, al igual que unos cuantos antiguos miembros de la Orden. El sueño había dejado de ser algo de lo que Bones disfrutaba y aquello era algo que su esposa notó a los pocos días.
"Ed, ¿pasa algo?" preocupación era notable en las palabras que pronunciaba la antigua Slytherin, mientras tomaba asiento frente al rubio en el estudio de la casa que compartían; y aunque Edgar quería compartir sus preocupaciones con su esposa, no podía hacerlo sin exponerla a un peligro mayor al que ya corría con el de haberse casado con él.
"No es nada, sólo estoy un poco estresado y preocupado con los últimos partidos" le dolía mentirle de aquella manera pero era lo mejor, o al menos eso pensaba el mayor. Aquellas palabras al menos habían parecido haber convencido a Cora, pues solo había comentado que seguro todo iría bien y que no se tardara en ir a la cama, antes de dejarlo solo.
Las horas pasaban mientras la preocupación de Bones crecía. Sabía que era sólo cuestión de tiempo para que los mortifagos vinieran por él, y su único deseo era salvar a su familia. Debía de haber una forma de hacerlo, pues el exponerlos aún más a ese peligro no era una opción. Si iba a morir planeaba hacerlo solo. Sus hijos, su esposa y su hermana no se verían arrastrados a aquel desastre con él.
El tiempo transcurrido desde que su esposa se había retirado a la habitación que compartían, dejó de tener importancia en la mente de Edgar, pues solo quería encontrar una solución y pronto. Una antigua foto familiar captó su atención y aquella parecía ser la señal que necesitaba, pues en aquella foto estaban Amelia, Michael, Elise, y Grace junto a sus padres, sus tíos y sus abuelos, todos sonriendo. No habían sido manchados por la pérdida y el dolor de la guerra, aquello había sido muchos años atrás frente a la casa de campo de sus abuelos, una residencia que solían visitar antes con mucha frecuencia. La revelación se sintió como si le quitaran un peso del cuerpo, pues podría poner de excusa algo tan sencillo como el clima o algo como la celebración de la Pascua para convencer a Cora de llevar a sus hijos a pasar unos días en aquella casa, y claramente también a Amelia. Rápidamente el chico fue al encuentro de su esposa, no pudiendo evitar sonreír al ver que aun estaba despierta.
“¿Sabes? Estaba pensando que un cambio de aires le haría muy bien a ti y a los niños” expresó tranquilo, logrando que sus palabras iluminaran el rostro de su esposa. Pronto explicó su idea, y claramente le comunicó que él no tardaría en alcanzarlos en cuanto tuviera su último entrenamiento con el equipo en un par de días, mientras que su esposa, sus hijos, y con suerte su hermana, partirían al día siguiente, ya que al menos por esos momentos la menor de los Bones no se encontraba en casa y no podían comentarle el plan.
Una vez que había resuelto su mayor preocupación, Edgar había logrado conciliar el sueño, pues en verdad creía que al menos lograría salvar a su familia de aquel fatal destino que a él le esperaba, pero cuando apenas habían pasado unas tres horas que el mayor se encontró en los brazos de Morfeo, un estallido lo despertó y todos sus sentidos de alarma se activaron.
“Cora, toma a los niños y vete” le espetó a su esposa mientras tomaba su varita, pues aquel estallido solo podría haber sido causado por un grupo de personas.
“¿Ed, qué está pasando?” La voz de la chica llena de preocupación logró romper a Edgar, y aunque quería abrazarla y decirle que todo estaría bien, no era el momento, necesitaba salvarla.
"No puedo explicarlo. Sólo toma a los niños y vete, por favor” sus palabras eran una súplica, y a la vez una orden, y aunque sabía que era muy probable que no volviera a ver a su esposa ni a sus hijos, se dirigió escaleras abajo para enfrentarse a aquellos que habían entrado en su casa.
El desastre que habían dejado en la planta baja era evidente, y pronto escuchó sus voces.
“¿Dónde está ese traidor?” la sangre de Edgar se heló al escuchar una profunda voz.
“Debe estar aquí. Cómo dije conseguí bastantes pruebas de que es uno de ellos, ahora sólo tenemos que encargarnos de esto” aquella era la voz de Jugson. Edgar sólo quería ganar tiempo para que Cora pudiera huir con sus hijos, y sólo rogaba porque Amelia no hubiera llegado aún a casa. Tras tomar un poco de aire, entró al salón para enfrentarse a aquellos seres que tanto detestaba.
“No les será tan fácil librarse de mí” expreso con seguridad a la par que lanzaba un Expelliarmus, el cual desencadenó una pelea con los dos mortifagos.
“Miren a quienes me encontré tratando de huir: A nuestra traidora gorda favorita y sus crías” aquella voz llena de veneno era una que Edgar conocía muy bien, y que usara aquellos adjetivos para referirse a su esposa sólo aumentaron la ira en su interior, pero pronto la ira se vio sustituida por la preocupación cuando en su campo de visión estuvo la figura enmascarada de quien debía ser Alecto Carrow, tomando a Cora por el cabello mientras ella cargaba a sus hijos.
“Déjenlos ir, ellos no tienen nada que ver en esto” espetó, no dejando que se viera el nerviosismo en su voz, pero sólo obtuvo una risa como contestación por parte de Carrow y Jugson.
“¿Y dejar que esta traidora se salga con la suya? Nunca. Tú y tu familia van a pagar por todo lo que tu grupito ha hecho, ya es hora de que aprendan que con nosotros y nuestro señor no pueden estar jugando, y que no pueden ganarnos” nuevamente la primera voz habló, y no tardó en lanzarle un hechizo inmovilizador.
“¿Siempre tienen que ser tan dramáticos? ¿No podemos sólo matarlos y ya?” aquella nueva voz venía de su cocina, y pronto una cuarta figura encapuchada apareció.
“¿Cuándo aprenderás que tenemos que darles su merecido? Si no, nunca van a aprender nada. Ahora, si tanta prisa tienes, ¿por qué no empiezas con la traidora de Bullstrode? Apuesto a que chillará como cerdito cuando la tortures. Yo me aseguraré que este idiota admire todo” nuevamente habló la primera voz, pero ahora se había vuelto a acercar para sostener el rostro de Edgar y así lo mantuviera fijo en donde ahora se encontraba su esposa. Los gritos no se hicieron esperar, y la impotencia inundo el cuerpo de Bones por no poder hacer nada, además de la culpa, pues si tan sólo hubiera actuado antes, esto no le estaría pasando a ella; no tendría que soportar esto, sólo tendría que haber lidiado con su muerte. Pero no había sido lo suficientemente rápido o cuidadoso para ahorrarle ese dolor, y todo ese sufrimiento, y lo lamentaba más que nada. Su único consuelo es que no le habían hecho lo mismo a sus hijos, pero sabía que no tendrían mejor suerte que ellos.
“Quítate, Gibbon, claramente eres demasiado inepto para esto. Mejor tú y Jugson encárguense de los mocosos antes de que empiecen a llorar” expresó Carrow, dándole un empujón a su compañero. El terror se vio reflejado en los ojos de Edgar pues, aunque nunca había sido torturado por ella y su hermano personalmente, su fama los precedía y no sabía cuánto podría aguantar Cora aquello. Pero antes de que los gritos volvieran a escucharse dos destellos verdes llenaron la habitación, los cuales habían acabado con las vidas de Josh y Amelia Jr. Aquello rompió un poco más a Edgar, llenando sus mejillas de lágrimas, y arrancó un grito desolado de la garganta de Cora, y sin duda aquello fue lo peor para Edgar, pero seguía sin poder hacer o decir nada gracias al hechizo.
Al grito de la pérdida de madre, lo siguieron los gritos por la tortura que implementó Alecto sobre Cora, que para su mala suerte no solo fue mágica, si no física y Edgar se vio obligado a presenciar todo aquello.
Había pasado más de una hora de que su tortura empezó cuando el cuerpo ya sin energías de su esposa terminó en el suelo, aun mirando a Edgar, quien sólo podía decirle con la mirada que lo sentía, que ella merecía algo mejor que todo eso, y que la amaba.
“Bueno, ya te divertiste Carrow, y dudo que esa traidora sirva de más, así que solo mátala” la orden vino de Jugson y tras bufido producido por la bruja, un nuevo destello verde llenó la habitación acabando con la vida de Cora Bones, y haciendo que las mejillas de Edgar se llenaran nuevamente de lágrimas, mientras su alma y su corazón se rompían un poco más.
“No creas que nos hemos olvidado de ti, traidor asqueroso que quiere hacerse el héroe, esto es solo el comienzo para ti” expresó Alecto casi riendo, y entonces los cuatro mortifagos empezaron a torturarlo, pues en sus mentes querían hacerle pagar por todo lo que la Orden estaba haciendo, y por las traiciones a la sangre que él y su familia habían cometido. Sobre todo porque querían enviar un mensaje que su señor les había dejado, el mensaje de que el seguir luchando contra ellos era inútil y que no iban a ganar aquella guerra, y sobre todo el mensaje de que sabían quiénes eran.
El tiempo nuevamente se volvió irrelevante para Edgar, su cuerpo ya se encontraba sin fuerzas cuando sus enemigos se aburrieron de torturarlo, y entonces un último resplandor verde apareció en la casa Bones, y entonces el corazón de Edgar Bones dio su último latido. Un buen hombre fue a la guerra y los demonios corrieron, la noche cayó y ahogó al sol. La amistad murió y el amor mintió. La noche cayó y la oscuridad se alzó, el chico perdió, los demonios ganaron y aquella sonrisa dorada que siempre adornó su rostro, ahora era solo un recuerdo, pues se había apagado para siempre.
narrado por moony.
Abandonaron la casa en un destello, apareciéndose con los cuerpos de sus víctimas en una locación desconocida. Un par de capuchas surgieron entre las sombras.
"¿Está hecho?" Preguntó una voz, la cual claramente captó perteneciente a Yaxley.
Jugson asintió. "Selwyn, ayúdame a llevarlos" le indicó a uno de los mortifagos que llevaba con él. "Wilkes, ¿hacia dónde?"
La segunda presencia que acompañaba a Yaxley se giró hacia Jugson mientras comenzaban a andar, levitando los cadáveres.
"Oh, te va a encantar."
El sol parecía surcar el cielo de Londres cómo sucedía con poca frecuencia. Un montón de familias se amontonaban en el lugar, buscando huevos de pascua mágicos; una estúpida tradición muggle que los magos habían adoptado, al igual que muchas otras que le resultaban grotescas. Esperaba que, con fortuna, alguno de esos desgraciados resultara ser parte de la Orden.
Voldemort no brindó indicaciones específicas más allá de los anuncios en el Callejón Diagon, esto sólo era un juego. A Jugson no le parecía divertido, pero a sus compañeros les parecía hilarante.
Dejaron el montón de cadáveres en una zona cercana, una que sólo encontrarían aquellos que encontraran "el huevo de oro", lo llamó Rodolphus Lestrange que se divertía a montones con la próxima miseria de quienes encontraran los cuerpos.
Jugson esperó, con un grupo de sus compañeros a la distancia, aguardando a que alguien diera con los cadáveres. Malfoy y MacNair se habían infiltrado, pretendiendo ser simples civiles en búsqueda de huevos.
"No les parecerá tan gracioso buscar huevos otra vez" se burló Rookwood, y un par de risas se escucharon en coro. Jugson mantenía la vista centrada en la escena. Sabía que a Alec no le haría gracia que involucraran a su hermana en esto, probablemente por eso no se encontraba presente esa mañana.
Atisbó a Malfoy pretendiendo sorpresa mientras llegaba después de una chica pelirroja, no estaba seguro quien. Más personas llegaron, y entonces los gritos empezaron a oírse.
"¡Ayuda, ayuda!" Alguien gritaba.
¿Pero qué ayuda esperaban?
Ya estaban muertos.
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That's How Kevin Sees It with Glee Star Kevin McHale Aidan and Ari are joined by actor and singer Kevin McHale, who you might know as Artie from Glee, to discuss the latest news and reflect on Glee's social and political impacts. After, they play a game in which Kevin has to guess if certain quotes were said by President Donald Trump or fictional Glee gymnastics coach Sue Sylvester. Written by Daniel Wilk, Audrey Taylor, Owen Karlsen, Elise Faith, and Rachel McFatter, edited by Gabriela Sanacore and Sara Villa, produced by Ari Kohn, directed by Sydni Gift, hosted by Aidan Kohn-Murphy and Ari Kohn.
"Who said it: Donald Trump or Sue Sylvester?" with Glee Star Kevin McHale - Episode Highlight Highlight from our August 29th episode: "That's How Kevin Sees It with Glee Star Kevin McHale." Join Aidan, Ari, and actor Kevin McHale in our game "Who said it: Donald Trump or Sue Sylvester?" Play along from home and test your knowledge of Glee and politics. Laugh with us about how similar the fictional Glee villain and real-life President are, and then cry with us over how similar the fictional Glee villain and real-life President are.
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Princess Katherine’s Christening! See The Pics!
The Royal Family is beginning to gather for the christening of Princess Katherine, the youngest child of King Louis and Queen Eliza. The ceremony is being held privately, but press was allowed to take photos of the invited guests arriving at the christening.
The first pair to arrive was Miss May Austen and her fiance, Lord Kellen Marshall, both of whom are serving as godparents to Princess Katherine. Miss Austen is Queen Eliza’s youngest sister and the two are very close. Lord Kellen is currently second line to become the Earl of Marshall, behind his father.
Following them came Lord Wolfgang Munch (officially Lord Wolfgang of Loch Haven) and Viscountess Sofia of Wilkes. The couple have been dating for about 4 months now, but have announced no plans to get married. Both Lord Wolfgang and Viscountess Sofia are serving as godparents to Princess Katherine.
Following them came Mr. James Austen and his wife, Claire Austen-Wu. James is Eliza’s second brother and was one of the first picks for godparents of Katherine. Eliza is also the godmother of the couple’s daughter, Elise.
Next came Lady Keira Van Carr, the Dowager Queen’s great-niece and Louis’s first cousin once removed. Eliza visited the Van Carr estate before giving birth to Katherine. Lady Kiera’s life is very private, but she is rumored to be engaged to Joaquin Le Chein, who was not in attendance. Keira is serving as a godmother to Princess Katherine, reportedly at the request of Dowager Queen Helena.
Following Lady Keira came Eliza’s parents, Lord Spenser and Lady Samantha Austen. Lord Spenser has had some intense health issues lately and his attendance at his granddaughters christening as been in the air for awhile, but we’re glad he was able to attend!
Next came the Duke and Duchess of Eisley. The Duchess of Eisley is King Louis’s beloved younger sister, and the Duke is a close friend of the King. Queen Eliza is said to get along swimmingly with her sister-in-law. Both Louis and Eliza are godparents to the couple’s children, Viscount James and Lady Alice. The Duchess is a godmother of Crown Prince Richard and the Duke is a godfather of Princess Isabel.
Following her daughter and son-in-law is Dowager Queen Helena. Like Lord Spenser, the Dowager Queen has also been experiencing health issues and retired officially from royal duties last year, following a stroke. Helena was unable to attend the christening ceremony of Viscount James and Lady Alice, but attended the luncheon afterwards.
And here comes the family of the hour! Louis, Eliza and Katherine lead the pack with Richard and Isabel behind. Louis and Eliza both chose to wear salmon pink for the christening, and are “thrilled about their baby girl.” The two royal siblings are reportedly estatic over their younger sister and Isabel has told teachers that she and Richard fight over who gets to hold her.
Official christening portraits will most likely be released tomorrow by Nimben Palace.
#sims 4#sims 4 royal family#sims 4 royal#royalfamilyofcarrington#princesskatherineofcarrington#royal christening
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Τhe Green Cat - Η Πρασινη Γατα
Τhe Green Cat – Η Πρασινη Γατα
A girl goes to the club on a Saturday night and never arrives back home. This is the simple premise on which director Yiannis Paraskevopoulos is called to work on by Kozani’s Municipal and Regional Theatre, a sadly notorious and topical drama (both in the West and the East) that would need a deeper, wider and more pungent reflection than the one offered by Elise Wilk’s The Green Cat. (more…)
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#Alkiviadis Bakoyannis#Chrissi Bahcevani#Elise wilk#Ioanna Demertzidou#Maria Christofidou#Miltos Tsiados#Romania#Staging Europa#The green cat review#Yannis Karabambas#η πρασινη γατα κριτικη
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME. Nova Mitchell NICKNAME. Mitch ( used solely by old friends ) GENDER. Female HEIGHT. 5'8" AGE. 25 ZODIAC. Aquarius SPOKEN LANGUAGES. English and some Spanish she picked up from her father
𝐩𝐡��𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR. Red with auburn touches EYE COLOR. Brown SKIN TONE. Rosy BODY TYPE. Hourglass VOICE. Low, romantic, slightly rough due to smoking DOMINANT HAND. Ambidextrous, but prefers right hand POSTURE. Slouches when relaxed, but otherwise fine SCARS. Burn scar from left knee to ankle, from a Fire Ant ( happened at 19 y/o ) ; smaller, second burn wound on lower left back from another Fire Ant ( happened at 8 y/o ) ; faded cuts from rough-housing ( 5 - 18 y/o ) TATTOOS. Carrot flower tattoo on shoulder ; Bloom of hubflowers tattoo on outer left thigh BIRTHMARKS. Cafe au lait mark on middle back ; a few moles on her arms MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S). Hubflower tattoo ( situational ), red lips, deep eyes
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH. D.C, America HOMETOWN. Grayditch SIBLINGS. Unborn younger sibling ( Deceased ) PARENTS. Elisabeth ' Elise ' Mitchell ( Mother / Deceased ), Callum Mitchell ( Father / Deceased )
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
Grayditch: Petty Theft & Breaking and Entering Megaton: Fraudulent Misrepresentation ( lying about prices )
VICES. Drinking, Smoking, Chem-use ( to a lesser degree )
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Bisexual PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE. submissive | dominant | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE. submissive | dominant | switch LIBIDO. Semi-low TURN ON’S. Black hair, physical strength, being taller than her, a certain level of confidence TURN OFF’S. Bragging, pushiness, begging, tryhards, just being a jackass in general. LOVE LANGUAGE. Soft touches, physical affection, attempts at communicating emotional affection ( forgive her, she doesn’t know what she’s doing ), spending her free time with her love, outwardly expressing the will to give them / do things for them even if it will not benefit her RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. Very touchy, she wants to spend as much time with her partner as possible, extremely physically affectionate because Talking About Your Feelings? I Don’t Know Her, brags about her partner, makes an effort to make her lover happy
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. Hallelujah - Panic! At The Disco HOBBIES TO PASS TIME. Talking to Gob, Flirting, Drinking ( situational ) LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. Right PHOBIAS. Pyrophobia & Maleusiophobia SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL. Average VULNERABILITIES. Weak left leg ( at times ) ; Lingering chem addiction
tagged by: @royalmuses
tagging: @atcmbcmbs ( for Ramhart or Mack, whoever you’d rather ! ), @zombieslain, @riotgeared, @commonwealthchickadee, and anyone else who wants to do it !
#( the games we play ; memes )#( thanks for this ! sorry I took so long jfkgf )#( i could teach you some stuff you'd never forget ; nova )#( ask to tag )
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If they had a kid meme cause three aren't enough either!
If they had a kid meme | accepting@pridefulwitchbtch
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
Name: Samantha Elise O’Dorchaidhe-Wilkes
Gender: female
General Appearance: bright blue eyes, long brown hair, olive colored skin
Personality: she’s like her sister Marie rather reserved and sweet, and tries to be helpful at any time. yet she definitely knows she’s a half-demoness and you shouldn’t piss her off
Special Talents: her power is the manipulation of shadows. she can control any around her, but is also able to turn into a shadow demon herself
Who they like better: she doesn’t decide, she loves both parents the same
Who they take after more: she’s a mix of both her parents, and you can’t easily tell who she’s taking after
Personal Headcanon: Samantha is always the one who starts a fight with Calypso, because she can’t understand why her sister is like she is.
Face Claim: Magdalena Zalejska
#ask meme answers#pridefulwitchbtch#blackheart x cordelia#[ shamanic tales of black magic ]#children | headcanon#§ Samantha Elise
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Better BBC Drama Release Date, Cast, Plot, Where to watch BBC thriller?

Better BBC Drama Release Date, Cast:- The Better is a five-part BBC thriller web series released on 13th February 2023. We saw the intense trailer and every single people who saw the trailer of Better Thriller waited for the five-part thriller series. Leila Farzad & Andrew Buchan are the main lead. This series is going to release on 13th Feb. 2023. The main plot of the new five-part thriller is the bonds between family and loyalty. The drama is produced by SISTER & and written by Sam Vincent, and Jonathan Brackley. The role of DI Lou Slacki was played by Leila Farzad & the role of Samuel Edward-Cook was played by Ceri Davies. So let's read Better BBC Drama Release Date, Cast, Plot, Where to watch, Review, Story & More.
Better BBC Drama Release Date
Better is a five-part BBC thriller that was released on 13th February 2023. The thriller is produced by the SISTER and written by Jonathan & Sam Vincent. From Monday the episode will be aired on BBC One at 9 PM and all the episodes will be available on the iPlayer boxset. This new series was produced by the same producers as Chornobyl and This is going to Hurt.
Better BBC Drama Cast, Who played the role of DI Lou Slacki in Better Thriller?
Roles Played by Samuel Edward-Cook Ceri Davies Carolin Stolt Alma Zak Ford-Williams Owen Kaya Moore Noel Wilkes Anton Lesser Vernon Ceallach Spellman Donal Olivia Nakintu DC Esther Okoye Joseph Steyne Joleon Anthony Lewis DC Niall Ibbotson Junade Khan DS Pritam Khan Gavin Spokes DI Phil Cowper Charley Webb Elise Jamie Dorrington DI Lou Slacki Leila Farzad

Leila Farzad as Lou and Andrew Buchan as Col BBC
Better BBC Drama Trailor
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Khalil Kain (born November 22, 1964) is an actor, film producer, and rapper known for his role as Raheem Porter in Juice and as the second Darnell Wilkes on Girlfriends (2001–2008). He is known for his role as Patrick Peet in Bones. He attended Hunter College High School in New York and later relocated to California, to attend Foothill High School. After high school, he returned to New York and attended New York University where he majored in film. Following roles included Roosevelt Nathaniel Hobbs in Renaissance Man and Marvin Cox in Love Jones. He portrayed golfer Tiger Woods in The Tiger Woods Story. He had a role in Baadasssss! Other television credits include Suddenly Susan, Friends, Blue Bloods, Living Single, Moesha, Angel, and Sister, Sister. He played the role of Bill in For Colored Girls. He directed The Millenial. The world premiere of The Millenial was in August 2021 at the Hip Hop Film Festival. He is married to Elise Lyon and has two children. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/ClQwpWfLGSR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Serile Filmului Românesc la Centrul Cultural Reduta. Invitați speciali: regizori, actori, autori, jurnaliști. Invitată de onoare: Marina Constantinescu, eminent critic de artele spectacolului.
Proiecție specială și Q&A „#newTogether” Serile Filmului Românesc la Centrul Cultural Reduta vor fi organizate în perioada 24-26 septembrie 2021.

Prima zi, 24 septembrie este dedicată spectacolului inedit de TEATRU - FILM cu actori în „carne și oase”: COMPLET NECUNOSCUȚI.
În spectacolul de teatru vor urca pe scenă: Anca Dumitra, Leonid Doni, Alexandru Conovaru și Octavian Strunilă, însă îi veți întâlni și pe actorii Andreea Grămoșteanu, Ada Galeș, Adrian Ștefan și Gabriel Răuță.
Dacă ați vazut filmele Perfetti Sconosciuti, Le Jeu sau Perfectos Desconocidos și v-au plăcut, cu siguranță veți râde copios și la COMPLET NECUNOSCUȚI, deoarece într-o singură seară veți trăi două experiențe senzoriale diferite: teatru și film și veți simți vibrația artiștilor invitați pe scena Centrului Cultural Reduta !

În cea de-a doua zi, în 25 septembrie va avea loc o Proiecție specială și Q&A „Întregalde”, invitat special fiind regizorul Radu Muntean, cel care a reprezentat România la Cannes 2021, cu cel mai nou film al său.
Întregalde este cel de-al şaptelea lungmetraj semnat de Radu Muntean și a doua participare la Quinzaine, după ce în 2008 a făcut parte din selecție cu filmul Boogie. Alături de Maria Popistașu, Ilona Brezoianu şi Alex Bogdan, din distribuţia filmului Întregalde fac parte şi Luca Sabin, Cuzin Toma, Carmen Lopăzan și Gabor Bondi. Filmul este produs de Multi Media Est cu sprijinul Centrului Național al Cinematografie.
Radu Muntean a absolvit Academia Română de Teatru și Film – Regie de Film în 1994. A debutat în lungmetraj cu filmul Furia (2002), distins cu premul Uniunii Cineaştilor din România pentru cel mai bun film de debut.
Evenimentul va fi moderat de lect. univ. Robert Elekes.
În cea de-a treia zi, 26 septembrie, organizatorii vă oferă o Proiecție specială și Q&A „#newTogether”.

Vă invităm să interacționați după ce veți viziona această proiecție cu regizoarea Carmen Lidia Vidu, editoarea Cristina Baciu, autoarea dramatică Elise Wilk, actorul István Téglás.

Documentarul #newTogether, regizat de Carmen Lidia Vidu şi produs de forumul cultural austriac, a fost prezentat în premieră absolută în competiţia românească a prestigiosului Astra Film Festival 2021 de la Sibiu. ,,Filmul s-a bucurat de o atenţie deosebită din partea spectatorilor, numărându-se printre producţiile cu cele mai bune vânzări de bilete al acestui select eveniment internaţional specializat, cel mai mare de acest gen din România şi unul dintre cele mai importante din Europa.’’ ( Observatorul cultural)
Carmen Lidia Vidu este o regizoare română de teatru, de film și de evenimente. A devenit cunoscută pentru spectacolele de teatru experimental. Combină videoproiecțiile și mijloacele specifice filmului cu prezența live a actorilor. Este cel mai tânăr regizor care a montat pe scena Teatrului Național din București („Privighetoarea și trandafirul” de Oscar Wilde în anul 2007) și a câștigat în 2015 Premiul Gopo pentru cel mai bun scurt metraj documentar.
Invitata de onoare a evenimentului va fi Marina Constantinescu, eminent critic de artele spectacolului.
Marina Constantinescu este jurnalistă, realizatoare de emisiuni de televiziune și critic de teatru și film din România.
A publicat volumele: Danaidele - istoria unui spectacol şi A fost odată în România. Marina Constantinescu este membru fondator al Fundaţiei Teatrul Act şi al Teatrului Act, primul teatru independent din România, cât şi membru fondator al Festivalului Internaţional de Teatru de la Sibiu. Timp de 4 ani a fost profesor invitat la Academia de Teatru de la Limoges, predând două cursuri: Istoria cenzurii şi Istoria teatrului şi a spectacolului de după cel de-al doilea razboi mondial şi până astăzi, în Europa Centrala şi de Est. Televiziune a început să facă în 2000, ca realizator al emisiunii Cabina de montaj, iar din 2001 povestea ei a continuat cu Nocturne. A prezentat, alături de Cătălin Ștefănescu, seria de documentare "Gări de poveste".
Evenimentul va fi moderat de către poetul Robert Gabriel Elekes.
Serile Filmului Românesc la Centrul Cultural Reduta vor începe la ora 19.00. Biletele se găsesc aici:
24 septembrie: Complet Necunoscuți: https://bit.ly/3zWusAR
25 septembrie: INTREGALDE: https://bit.ly/3zVreh6
26 septembrie: #newTogether”: https://bit.ly/2WXSDjO
Nu vă rămâne decât să adresați întrebări invitațiilor și să aflați cât mai multe despre actori, locuri în care nu ați fost niciodată și despre cultura post-pandemie !
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Director: Ewurakua Dawson-Amoah DP: Gabriel Connelly Producer: Adrian Sobrado Editor: Elliot Farinaro Costume Designer: Ramzi Shatara Hair & Make-up: Ramzi Shatara Set Designer: Kat Aman Gaffer: Dmitry Lesnevskiy Music: Adeleke Ode and Ewurakua Dawson-Amoah Assistant Producer: Kevin Loh 2nd Assistant Producer: Maddie Neuville Line Producer: Stephanie Garcia First Assistant Director: Farah Jabir 2nd Assistant Director: Jena Kaplaniak 1st Assistant Camera: Allison Cavanaugh 2nd Assistant Camera: Kira Handel Steadicam Operator: Sam Stephan Grip: John Mills and Ruchit Negotia Still Photographer: Chebarrie Haynes Art Department Assistant: Daphne Knott Color: The Mill Wardrobe Assistant : Amir Moverman Set Assistants: Rhea Li, Landen Messner, Sage Gibson Title & End Credits: Luke Salin Cast: Gabrielle Barlatier Amanda Dawson-Annan Iman Young Ahua Trahore Renee Harrison Tiana Walsh Kiyanna Cox Jones Savannah Grace Jones Nyla Simmons Karen Cruise Ewuradjoa Dawson-Amoah Erica Holman Latoya Philanthrope Fernande Decius Yasmeen Slaughter Zaida Rollins Deacon Michelle Ferguson Manushi Tanna Mahisha Tanna Fatoumata Calliste Lillian Chow Naomi Cox Audrey Weinlader Jac Frost Emma Claire Gibson Abigial Voss Sophie Taylor Luiza Reis Nicole Titus Anna Percovska Alyssa Randall Lauren Amira Lauraine Ogay Laura Farres Emily Renee Ashley Doney Zoe Stuckless Elise Harmsen-Wilkes Madeleine Eisler Zoe Bourdin Ryla Extract Abby Gumpper
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The Fourth Annual Philip K. Dick European Science Fiction Film Festival brings the future to Germany and France!

A lineup of powerful films will screen at The Fourth Annual Philip K. Dick European Science Fiction Film Festival. The gathering, which celebrates the incredible talent of independent filmmakers and honors Philip K. Dick's worldwide legacy, returns to its familiar venues at Filmclub 813 e.V. in Cologne, Germany from October 27-28, 2017 and at L'Hybride in Lille, France from November 2-3, 2017.
Filmclub 813 e.V. (Hahnenstraße 6 50667, Cologne, Germany)
Block One: "The TransHuman Seduction"
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Breaker (2017) Director: Philippe McKie Run Time/Country: 11 min, Japan/Canada Synopsis: In tomorrow's Tokyo, the technologically-enhanced body of a young mercenary hacker is overrun by a sentient data weapon. Wanted, the parasitic A.I becomes her only ally as she is chased across the city by those seeking to salvage it. Convergence (2017) Director: Bryce Kraehenbuehl Run Time/Country: 7 min, Australia Synopsis: Upon waking at his desk, a computer scientist discovers that he has developed a sentient computer. As the scientist realizes the computer is not yet fully functional, it begins to ask for more than he expected. Hum (2016) Director: Stefano Nurra Run Time/Country: 15 min, UK Synopsis: A grieving plumber seeks out a disgraced quantum physicist to rid himself of a tormenting hum. Sociopaths (2016) Director: A.T. Run Time/Country: 5 min, Japan Synopsis: A girl encounters an android on the street. She finds something strange about the experience and decides to follow the android to give it a "message." Noriko (2016) Director: Christian Jilka Run Time/Country: 30 min, Austria/Germany Synopsis: In dystopian future times at the end of human civilization, a man lost his wife and decides to bring her back to life by building her a robot twin. This, however, displeases the community's priest for in his eyes it is an act of blasphemy. Upload (2017) Director: Marcelo Takeo Run Time/Country: 11 min, Brazil Synopsis: A man is the only survivor on the planet, spending his time with digitized recordings - the only remaining vestiges of mankind. Now with the imminent destruction of the world by the Sun, he must find a way to save these memories. Mayflower (2017) Director: Christopher Goodman Run Time/Country: 8 min, UK Synopsis: A young engineer wakes up from cryo-sleep during a routine deep space flight on the star freighter 'Mayflower'. The ship's computer informs him that he was awoken due to a false alarm. But all is not as it seems.
Block Two: "Fight the Future"
Time: 9:00pm - 11:00pm
No Guarantee (2016) Director: Stuart Black, Nick Mather Run Time/Country: 6 min, UK Synopsis: A couple living in the ruins of London 2056 must decide whether they should upload their consciousnesses into the mysterious Cloud 9. Zarr-Dos (2017) Director: Bart Wasem Run Time/Country: 7 min, Switzerland Synopsis: An epic and odd nightmarish comedy about the abuse of almighty power. Tears in the Rain (2017) Director: Christopher Grant Harvey Run Time/Country: 11 min, South Africa Synopsis: An engrossing look into the world of Philip K. Dick's legendary novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968) and its motion picture adaptation Blade Runner (1982). After We Left Our Homes (2016) Director: Marc Adamson Run Time/Country: 9 min, UK Synopsis: Under a dictatorship that has banned music, a man hides a recording until he is caught and imprisoned. Whilst paying for his crimes he stumbles across a repository of confiscated items, leading to a series of events that will forever change the city. The Parcel (2016) Director: Wilke Weermann Run Time/Country: 17 min, Germany Synopsis: In a world where it is normal to be alone, a man gets a package for his supposedly dead neighbor and the supernatural object drives him insane. After neighbors begin to stalk him, he realizes that there is a secret organization that wants to destroy his life. So he starts his counterattack. Moving On (2016) Director: Benjamin Addams McAllister, Bruce McAllister Run Time/Country: 7 min, USA Synopsis: It is a near-future America where scientists have discovered how to talk to ghosts, and the Justice Department gathers testimony from the ghosts of murder victims. A lone technician at a desert listening station spends his days and nights recording the testimony of the ghosts assigned to him. Adam (2016) Director: Veselin Efremov Run Time/Country: 5 min, Denmark Synopsis: In a dystopian future, an organic body is a privilege easy to lose and a convict awakens to the grim reality of having been transferred into a mechanical shell. Split Ticket (2016) Director: Alfred Thomas Catalfo Run Time/Country: 20 min, USA Synopsis: In 1947, newly-minted congressmen John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon travel to Pennsylvania where they must make a fateful decision. A supernatural drama based on true events.
Filmclub 813 e.V. (Hahnenstraße 6 50667, Cologne, Germany)
Block One: "The Lurking Shadow"
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
A Penny Dropped (2017) Director: A.D. Cooper Run Time/Country: 5 min, USA Synopsis: A desperate woman seeks help from an unlikely source in a dark place. Neither of them realize that their futures will be decided by the flip of a coin. The Plan (2016) Director: Pierre Teulières Run Time/Country: 13 min, France Synopsis: In an isolated mansion, a creature follows the orders of his master in order to accomplish a shady plan that will change the world. Meanwhile, a desperate father is looking for his missing daughter. Abrakadabra (2017) Director: Benedykt Zasadzki Run Time/Country: 29 min, UK Synopsis: A woman arrives in London from Eastern Europe and wanders the city alone. In a museum, she acquires telepathic contact with an ancient Egyptian spiritual entity. In a vision, she is raped and impregnated by the entity and descends into madness. Exposure (2017) Director: Lucas Rios Run Time/Country: 2 min, Argentina Synopsis: A man breaks into a little girl's bedroom with evil intent but as he lurks through the darkness, he'll come to know evil has much to fear in the light, as he'll find there are more horrific things than his intent. The Dollhouse (2017) Director: Kyra Elise Gardner Run Time/Country: 7 min, USA Synopsis: A loving tribute to growing up in the world of the psycho killer doll, Chucky. Beyond the Doors (2016) Director: Brent Murray Run Time/Country: 8 min, USA Synopsis: A man’s quest to find the perfect cuckoo clock will cost him much more than he could ever imagine. Based on a story by Philip K. Dick. Beastly Things (2017) Director: Zoe Chevat Run Time/Country: 5 min, USA Synopsis: A young street artist encounters a vicious group of local schoolchildren, and learns what truly makes a monster. Bride of Frankie (2017) Director: Devi Snively Run Time/Country: 19 min, USA Synopsis: In this feminist adaptation to Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein," a not-so-mad scientist builds a mate for her mentor's lonely creature with electrifying and deadly results.
Block Two: "Loss and Remembrance"
Time: 9:00pm - 11:00pm
AYLA (2017) Director: Elias Run Time/Country: 86 min, USA Synopsis: A man haunted by the mysterious death of his four-year-old sister brings her back to life thirty years later as an adult woman, with dire consequences. Starring Dee Wallace (E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Cujo) and Tristan Risk (American Mary, The Editor).
L'Hybride (18 Rue Gosselet 59000, Lille, France)
Block One: "Doppelgänger"
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Adam Peiper (2015) Director: Mónica Mateo Run Time/Country: 16 min, Spain Synopsis: The inlayer of a task tank works tirelessly on what seems to be a monotonous and mechanized day over and over, which will become a nightmare. Buddha of Superposition (2017) Director: Alexis Kirke Run Time/Country: 11 min, UK Synopsis: A woman is a Buddhist and singer and has schizophrenia. Buddha of Superposition uses innovative story-telling techniques to take the audience inside her mental illness. Quantum Satori (2016) Director: Samuel Vanclooster Run Time/Country: 14 min, Belgium Synopsis: A science fusion short that mirrors its public's interpretation through a thought-provoking maze of film scenes. Transmission (2017) Director: Tom Hancock, Varun Raman Run Time/Country: 18 min, UK Synopsis: In the future nightmare state of Britannia, a political prisoner finds himself violently oscillating between death and delirium. Neverness (2016) Director: Mohamed Imane Chahdi Run Time/Country: 5 min, Morocco Synopsis: His inspiration vanishing with his wife's passing away, a would-be writer finds refuge in his banking job. Emotionally stuck, time comes to a standstill. Adam must find a way to make it tick again. Inspired by the writings of Jorge Luis Borges. Monsieur Hernst (2016) Director: Vincent Cappello Run Time/Country: 15 min, France Synopsis: Monsieur Hernst has forgotten everything including his own identity and his doctor pushes through the ages of his life trying to recover the memory of the event that brought him to this moment. Flutter (2016) Director: Vladimir Todorov Run Time/Country: 10 min, USA Synopsis: In this animated film about despair, hope and the power of love, a man is trapped in a body that keeps him pinned to the ground. While others can defy the laws of gravity and fly freely above his head, he can only watch from a distance. He is an outcast, destined to trudge through life.
Block Two: "The Shadow Emerges"
Time: 9:00pm - 11:00pm
Popsy (2016) Director: Julien Homsy Run Time/Country: 18 min, France/Canada Synopsis: A man's addiction to poker leads him into deep trouble and forced to cover his debt, he reaches a point of no return. Adapted from a short story by Stephen King. Synchronous (2016) Director: Ricardo Fernández Jiménez Run Time/Country: 14 min, Colombia Synopsis: A man whose consciousness has the ability to live in two parallel worlds simultaneously must help a dangerous gangster to win a bet. But everything changes when he meets a woman. The Bridge (2016) Director: Keith Richner Run Time/Country: 5 min, USA Synopsis: Bridges can connect or divide us. Where we end up might not always be where we planned. An Eldritch Place (2016) Director: Julien Jauniaux Run Time/Country: 16 min, Belgium Synopsis: When a man accepts a job as a night watchman. he discovers the obscure secret hiding in his garage.
L'Hybride (18 Rue Gosselet 59000, Lille, France)
Block One: "After the Apocalypse"
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Adam (2016) Director: Veselin Efremov Run Time/Country: 5 min, Denmark Synopsis: In a dystopian future, an organic body is a privilege easy to lose and a convict awakens to the grim reality of having been transferred into a mechanical shell. Notturno (2016) Director: Clemente Bicocchi Run Time/Country: 10 min, Italy Synopsis: Can just a little change in the daily routine make all our confidence fall? This science fiction story explains a lot about contemporary society. Epilogue (2017) Director: Matthias Bloom Run Time/Country: 10 min, Sweden Synopsis: The world as we know it no longer exists and mankind is forever lost. A mannequin in a house once filled with life gets to feel the fading memories and emotions of the family that once live there. Oak (2016) Director: Yann Giroud Run Time/Country: 18 min, UK Synopsis: Two brothers encounter a chance of salvation for humanity. Could post-apocalyptic tourism destroy it? The Plan (2016) Director: Pierre Teulières Run Time/Country: 13 min, France Synopsis: In an isolated mansion, a creature follows the orders of his master in order to accomplish a shady plan that will change the world. Meanwhile, a desperate father is looking for his missing daughter. Methane Momma (2016) Director: Alain Rimbert Run Time/Country: 40 min, France Synopsis: Life on Earth has disappeared because of global warming, greenhouse gas emissions and wars and survivors wander in space aboard spacecrafts. In one of them, MEL, a scientist biologist is sent to retrieve a space module becoming crazy while seeking traces of water on a unknown planet. While seeking the prospecting module, he has an accident and merges into the ether and then his conscience takes the form of a cloud of methane. In a cave that seems empty of all life, as he regains consciousness, he sees a female cloud of methane with whom he falls in love. Stars Melvin Van Peebles (Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song). Block Two: "Man and Machine" Time: 9:00pm - 11:00pm Juliet (2015) Director: Marc-Henri Boulier Run Time/Country: 12 min, France Synopsis: In a near future, the SEED Company launches with great fanfare JULIET1, the first generation of synthetic pleasure beings. But as technology evolves and new styles come and go it becomes more difficult for mankind to find their own place. The Weaving (2016) Director: Arthur Mercier Run Time/Country: 15 min, France Synopsis: A teenager has an appointment with a guidance counselor but unfortunately, the latter is missing when the boy enters the office and has been replaced by a strange machine. At the end of the meeting, he will discover much more about himself than ever before. Io (2016) Director: Imad Hatem Run Time/Country: 45 min, France Synopsis: The life of "Me" changes when the famous cyber-activist "Sad Monkey" gets interested by him. Answer Me (2017) Director: Marco Antonio Barajas Run Time/Country: 13 min, Mexico Synopsis: The film serves as a metaphor that revolves around four essential points: Time, Death, Love and Technology. The Otherworld (2017) Director: Florence Kosky Run Time/Country: 18 min, UK Synopsis: A group of friends holiday on ancient ground, and the veil between reality and the otherworld grows thin. Orbital Inn (2016) Director: Pierre Alain M'barga Run Time/Country: 16 min, France Synopsis: Year: 2076. Global population: 24 billion. To avoid chaos, nations have agreed on radical measures. It is now forbidden to conceive or raise a new child. This story focuses on a man, his wife and their young son who is not supposed to be. Festival Passes: To purchase passes to the festival, please visit philipkdickfilmfestival-europe.com.
#movies#science fiction#film festival#philip k dick#Philip K. Dick European Science Fiction Film Festival#Germany#France
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