#Elii's originals
eliisstims · 4 months
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Cola crunch clear slime
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meraki-yao · 1 year
RWRB Movie Cut Scene: The Extended Polo Scene
Alright I went from obsessively wondering about one deleted scene to obsessively wondering about another deleted scene. Namely. this time, the extended Polo scene.
To start with I do really like what we got! It was really fun and quick and horny and it worked really, really well, both in atmosphere and pacing.
I remember in an interview (forgot which one) Matthew said the polo scene was originally six minutes then with the new editing idea which is what we ended up getting, it was cut down to like two and half minutes, which means we have three and half minutes worth of a deleted scene
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I'm guessing what happened was the actual polo match -> conversation and introduction to Bea -> hooking up in the tack room, with that being said:
Alex was practically drooling over watching Henry riding on horseback playing polo (the asshole (jk I love you) even posted a photo of Henry on horseback from the match on his IG close friends stories) how did they go from wanting to make out and eat each other to having a conversation in public (as seen from the montage during the speech)
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What the hell were the two of them talking about????
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I want the scene with Pez I wanna know what they talked about and I wanna see more friendship. Oh and is this when Pez figures it out? Since in the scene where Zahra finds them Henry says Percy knows
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I also really want the scene with Bea. They're obviously close that's explicitly stated in the movie, plus Henry posted a photo of them two from that day on his IG (yes I know it's marketing but right now I'm treating them as real sue me) and I recently learned that Nick and Eliie have been friends for a couple of years by now? I really, really, want more sibling scenes. (especially as someone who relates to Henry and has a sister that I'm very close to) Also Alex and Bea like each other so I really want to know how their proper introduction and this conversation went. On top of that, Henry told Bea about Alex but Alex didn't know that until Zahra busted them and asked, did he tell her here? After all, Bea knew definitively that Henry's gay, and she pulled Nora aside during the wedding, is she wing-womaning? I WANT TO KNOW
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In the book it was just Henry and Alex so it was relatively easy to get away and sneak into the tack room. In the movie apparently, they met face-to-face in public and Alex had a whole introduction to the two closest people to Henry. However the fuck did they go from that to hooking up in the tack room without suspicion?
As awesome, hilarious (I can never hear a bagpipe the same way again) and fitting as the quick cut, it was flashes between the match and the hook up. What was the original edit of the tack room supposed to be???? What does the full hook-up footage look like???? Was it longer??? Was there dialogue??? I WANT TO KNOW
I swear if Prime doesn't release the deleted scenes I'm gonna over-analyse everything in every deleted scene and drive myself to insanity in the best way possible.
(probably not all at once because the promise of something new being released in the future is like, my one motivation to fucking live right now I have fucking problems, but like, PLEASE PROMISE YOU'LL RELEASE THEM PRIME)
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yanaleese · 8 months
Is the line “do NOT let them take you away from me.” referring to Karma’s dark side? Or something else entirely?
Also how would Karma react to his s/o having a traditional goth fashion and make-up?
Elii, this is just a kind reminder going forward that asks should focus on one subject (see here). But since I've recently put up the H2A101, this ask is luckily an exception ♥️.
Well, that line refers to all the upcoming OCs waiting to be released. Right now, he's practically relishing and dousing himself in your attention. He loves it, and is always hungry for more. So promise him you'll be his #1, 'kay?
As for your other question, Karma would SHOWER his partner in so much affection and gifts that you'll die of embarrassment. The fact that he's able to see the best person in the world practically rocking that aesthetic makes him fanboy to the core! Bonus points if it's his favorite colour (which is Prussian blue, of course). The fact that you're so keen in taking on his interests makes him go on a nerdy tangent on the origins, the pioneers of goth and punk fashion. And trust me, once Karma's on his babbles, he will NOT stop. Even for you.
After that, he'll happily be binge shopping some more goth fashion online. He'll make sure it's of the finest quality and all, and make sure to surprise you with a ton more gifts that's quite similar - all while having the biggest, cutest smile on his face.
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pi-jessicajones · 5 years
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stxleslyds · 2 years
So, these past weeks I have been reading every run from Moon Knight that I mentioned in an ask that was sent to me.
I had explained that I had read the most modern books first, from Moon Knight Vol. 7 (Warren Eliis) to the current one Moon Knight Vol. 9 (Jed MacKay) and then when back to read Moon Knight Vol. 5 (Charlie Huston).
Taking that route was helpful to understand the modern version of Moon Knight, or at least to see the start of the character's evolution. Starting with Vol. 7 was a blessing, at that time Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) was the disorder that Marc had officially been diagnosed with so writers didn't have the opportunity to *play around* that.
But it was also misleading in the great scheme of things because as the word evolution suggests, Marc's character had been through massive changes. One of these changes was the personalities/characterizations of Marc's alters (or personalities as referred to back then).
When I caught up with Vol. 9 (the current ongoing Moon Knight solo book) and jumped back to Vol. 5, I didn't realise just how different things had been, Jake and Steven where barely there in volumes 5 and 6 and when Jake appeared he was mostly Moon Knight ( in Vengeance of the Moon Knight). That's why I was so incredibly shocked at these four men's personalities back in the day, back in Moon Knight Vol. 1 (Doug Moench).
Because I am not that good at explaining myself I will just put the pictures here of Doug Moench explaining just who where Marc, Steven and Jake, who they were created to be.
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It is fascinating, really, how different they are to the Marc, Steven and Jake from Lemire and Bemis' runs (and those two writers wrote them differently when compared to one another too) and how incredibly different they are to their MCU variants.
Like, between the current comics and the MCU there are enough differences, the most notable being Steven Grant, from billionaire and smooth talker to shy and lovely gift-shoppist. And other similarities like (possibly) Jake Lockley and his fierce need to protect Marc and Steven (like we saw in Lemire and Bemis' runs).
The thing that was half way there was Marc Spector, who is similar to his (modern) comic counterpart but different in the thing that matters the most, his motivation and belief in the Mission, in "protecting the travellers of the night".
But once you compare any of the three (comics and MCU) with their original characterizations one can truly see the massive changes these characters have been put through.
It is just impressive really, mostly when these old runs are so fresh in my mind as well as the show and Lemire and MacKay's runs.
It is all very chaotic which, I think, makes perfect sense because Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, Moon Knight and Mr. Knight are pure chaos themselves.
Anyway, this is me just rambling about stuff that I find exciting, I don't know, I haven't been able to let go of this Moon Knight phase I am going through and I kinda don't want to let go. This is just a marvellous world!
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mrsrhys23 · 5 years
My wish
Paring: Colt x Ellie / Drake x Riley
Warnings: None
Word: 1, 523
A/N:  I don’t own any of these characters, they belong to Pixelberry Studios. This is a part of @cxld-play and @bi-cookie​​​​​’s @choicesfebruarychallenge allenge​​​​​​​​​​​. The prompt is festival 
Permatag: @desiree---1986 @cordoniaqueensworld @itschoicesstuff @emilypowell001
RoD tags: @lovehugsandcandy @troublemakerinspace
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 “Colt we are going to be late, unless you hurry up,” Ellie warned...again, biting at her thumb nail nervously and glance down at her watch. 
“We will be fine, “ Colt insisted from the ensuite bathroom. A moment later, he emerged holding his new jacket aloft. It had recently been his birthday and Ellie had thought he needed a new one, the old one was starting to get a bit tatty. 
She glared at him, then to her watch then back up to her boyfriend. They had  a total of fifteen minutes to get there but he didn't seem bothered by it and that was starting to piss her off. 
She stared daggers at him as he moved in front of the full length mirror in their hotel room, slipping on the jacket and admiring his reflection, running his hand through his jet black hair. 
“We’ll be fine.”
“We’re gonna be late, Colt, it's your fault,” she seethed. 
“I don't get why you’re so worried about it. It’s only some stupid festival. It’s not important.” 
Ellie and Colt had been in Cordonia for the last seven days. The country meant a lot to her since her mother was originally from there. Ellie had never actually been given a chance to visit before, she had always wanted to but didn't get the opportunity until now. 
Her mother used to tell her it was a beautiful place and it really was. It was like something out of a fairytale.  
The couple were attending The Lantern Lighting Festival in Valtoria  that evening and she was due to see some of her family there too. 
She was going to be seeing her cousin, who she hadn't seen since she was a child and his wife and daughter. 
Colt had a point that she shouldn't really be worrying about it but she was nervous. They had been staying in a hotel in Valtoria. Colt had another point when he said they’d be fine because it was only about ten minutes away from the estate, if that. 
She stared pointedly at her watch then at him, who simply sighed and turned to face her. 
“Come on then,” he said, doing up his jacket, Ellie had told him he should probably be wearing a suit but he refused, then moved to grab his phone, slipping it into his pocket, then they headed out and into the waiting SUV. 
Ellie wasnt surprised that Colt did not question it. She loved Colt endlessly but sometimes he didn't pay much attention to things. 
He looked at her oddly when she kept bouncing her leg up and down- if only he knew who her cousin was. 
The journey to the estate was fine. Yes, Ellie continuing to bounce her leg, rubbing her hands together and the humming was a little irritating but it was better than being continually dizzy while watching her pace around the hotel room. 
The pulled up outside the entrance, Ellie being captivated by the amount of people wearing beautiful, shiny gowns and the press swarming about. 
Ellie was about to open door but somebody beat her to it. She stepped out, smiling up at the man who had done so and thanked him. 
The sun was just starting to set, consequently engulfing the estate in a soft orange glow. Eliie loved the sunsets in Cordonia, they were amazing, all the shades of orange, yellows and reds mixing in together, it was just like her mum used to describe.
After Colt had climbed out too, they headed inside  being led to the  dining room, where her cousin had suggested that they meet because everywhere else was heaving with people, by a woman called Gladys.
She informed the couple that she would go and inform them that their guests had arrived and they were to just wait there for a few moments. 
“What is going on?” Colt asked.                    
Ellie looked at him like a deer caught in headlights, amongst all the chaos and adventures they had been going on she had forgotten to explain to him what was actually happening. 
“My mum had a brother, Jackson, he was in the king's guards. Anyway, he has a son, Drake, who is kind of a Duke now,” she explained, missing out a lot of details but she didn't have time to tell him everything. 
“Come again?” She shrugged, not waiting to explain it again. “Since when?” 
“Since an American called Riley came here, she was supposed to marry the king, Liam, Drake's best friend, that didn't happen, the king made her a Duchess and Drake married her, becoming a duke and they have a daughter, who is the heir to the throne,” she explained, rather hurriedly. 
“Are you making this up?” 
“No, I'm not making it up Colt. I know it sounds insane but so was us taking down The Brotherhood- things happen.” 
“Fair enough,” Colt shrugged, “When was the last time you saw this cousin of yours?” 
Ellie thought for a minute, “Probably when Jackson died. Nearly twenty years ago now, we’ve kept in touch since but we’ve haven't spoken for a while. I told him we were coming a few weeks ago and Drake invited us to come to the lantern lighting festival. Oh, did I mention the king will be here?” 
Colt shook his head, “No. No, you didn't.”
“Well he will be, with his wife, Madeline. Drake said she’s evil and we should avoid her so...She does sound spoiled from what I know about her. Her father also killed the former Queen,” Ellie mentioned.
“Alright,” Colt shrugged. She could tell he wasn't really interested in this. 
“My mum used to come to this when she was a kid. My dad  brought her back here and proposed to her during one of the festivals.” 
“I didn't know Detective Wheeler  was into romance,” Colt said, quirking a brow.
Ellie smiled, “Well, he loved her. He would’ve done anything to make her happy and coming back here did just that.” 
Colt smiled at her. His parents were never like that, they mainly made each other miserable. He really would’ve loved to meet her mum, maybe she wouldn't have been so against him dating her daughter.
Just then Drake walked in, followed by his wife, Riley, holding their two year old daughter, Jac, on her hip. 
“You’ve gotten taller,” Ellie mentioned, looking up at him. 
Drake hummed in response.
“Not gonna say hi?” 
“It's good to see you, Drake,” she smiled, pulling him into a hug. After the cousins had said their ‘hello’s’ they both turned to their partners. 
“Ellie, this is my wife, Riley and my daughter Jac,” Drake introduced. Riley stepped forward, shaking Ellie’s hand. 
“It’s nice to meet you,” Riley said. 
“You too.” Ellie turned to Colt, stood by her side. “This is my boyfriend Colt.” 
The two men exchanged a handshake and ‘hello’ then he turned to Riley doing the same.  Drake looked down at his watch. 
“We better get outside,” he told his wife. 
Riley nodded and they headed through the estate and outside. While they were walking, Drake turned to Ellie, “How’s your dad?” 
Ellie shrugged, they had only just started to rekindle their relationship. “He’s alright. How’s Bianca and Sav?” 
“They’re okay,” Drake nodded, “Sav got married, had a son, Bartie.”
“Good. She deserved that after everything.” 
 They arrived outside, Drake and Riley greeted Liam and introduced Ellie and Colt to him. Ellie saw Drake let out a sigh of relief when Liam informed him Madeline was indisposed. 
Ellie had met Liam very, very briefly at Jackson's funeral, other than being the king now he hadn’t really changed. 
Liam took Jac when Drake and Riley went to go and speak to the press, to  a male and female reporter that Ellie had clocked were called Anna and Donnie. After they had finished their interview everyone walked down by the river and was all handed a lantern each. 
Colt and Ellie stood beside one another, Colt’s free arm wrapped securely around her waist. He leaned down, “What am I supposed to do with this?” He asked, nodding to the lantern. 
“Either make a wish or choose something you’d like to let go of,” She explained. 
“A wish?” She nodded. He leaned in closer to her, right next to her ear, “But I've already got everything I've ever wanted.”
Ellie turned in his embrace slightly, planting her lips against his. After she pulled back, he leaned his forehead against hers. “Then choose something to let go of.”
Colt nodded. He looked up at the lantern, catching sight of all the others littering the starry night sky and then let go. 
He looked down noticing that Ellie had not let go of hers yet. He quirked his brow, she smiled up at him and let the string slip out of her grasp, floating up to meet the others. 
“Which one did you choose?” Colt asked. 
“A wish,” she explained. 
“Which was?” 
“If I told you it wouldn't come true but I’ve got a feeling it’s gonna come true pretty soon.” 
“Sounds ominous.” 
“Just wait and see.”
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katecarteir · 5 years
ashley tell us about semi charmed life!!! 🤩
Irene, I sat on this for several days because I wanted to give people the chance to read AMTS7 (the final chapter) before I answered because something I wanna touch on is how this universe in my head is literally so much bigger than I’m able to put out lmao.
Semi Charmed Life begins with a reunion and it ends with a wedding. Who’s wedding? Well. You’ll have to wait and find out.
The scene between Eddie and Mike in AMTS7 wasn’t originally supposed to be Mike. All the other moments- i.e AMTS2 and AMTS4- were definitely Mike. But the scene with Eddie and Mike in AMTS7 was supposed to be with Eddie and an OC of mine; Clara, but I never had the chance in AMTS to introduce her enough to make sense for her to be talking to Eddie about Richie. She IS IN THERE, just mentioned, because her character is almost entirely interacts with Bill, and only a little bit with Eddie and Bev. What happens to Clara is going to come up in SCL, as a bit of backstory to what Bill is the way he is. But again, because I cut AMTS to be reddie-centric instead of a general SCL!Losers high school AU, Clara didn’t make the cut so the scene wouldn’t have worked with a random, introduced stranger so I made it Mike instead. It still worked, and made sense with Mike being the most relevant non-Reddie character in AMTS, followed closely behind by Stanley.
SPEAKING OF STANLEY. I have teased you guys enough with The Stan Thing. The next chapter of SCL. SCL14. It all comes out. The chapter itself is Beverly-centric, but it does come up. SCL14 is very similiar to the Eddie-centric chapter of SCL that got everybody all spooked lmao. It’s gonna be really fun to write and I’m excited for it!
In the original drafts of SCL, Richie died. I know, I know.Boooo Ashley stop being so angsty. But then I fell absolutely in love with little Frankie and Marty, and I knew I could never ever do that to them, so I re-worked it and now he lives.
The entire inspiration for writing AMTS was because I wanted to include the scene where Richie is debating leaving Derry, and he and Eddie have the emotional scene where Richie wants Eddie to ask him to stay and Eddie just can’t. Hence the entire ass title.
Stanley Uris is not one Reddie’s babies’ godparents so you guys can stop theorizing about that. I purposely mislead you. Sorry.
Richie’s sister, Elii (remember from ch1&2) will be back in the story in a much bigger role *devil emoji*
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(Get ready cause this is long)
Wooooooah boy.
This goes back
Anyway, the original drawing was something I made during either 2016/2017 that I found a while ago. I sent it to a friend who found it hilarious, and told me I absoultely HAD to redraw it. So I did.
Here’s the old version-
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Some main changes I wanted to make note of:
Ellie's Name- Her name was orignially Emelia, but I have another character by that name. She's not a redesign, she's a character who had the same name and they co-exsisted.
Yeah I don't know why I did that.
So I put her name as Ellie
Handwriting- I wanted to give the girls distinct handwriting, so Ellie writes more in cursive (or the best I could do-) nd Sapphire's is just kinda...
I don't know how to describe it?
Sharp? I guess?
Ellie's Outfit- I remembered an old ref sheet I made for her when she was an undertale oc (don't ask) and she had a really badly made galaxy sweater. I wish I had it so I could show you, but unfortunately, I don't.
It was just a picture stolen from google and copy-pasted into the space (hah) where her sweater design should be.
I wanted to pay homage to it, so I drew it.
... Badly.
Facial/Body Features- I tried to give both diffrent faces/body types (because I'm terrible with same face/body syndrome) and so I tried to make Eliie a bit chubbier, Sapphire more thin. Ellie had wide open eyes, Sapphire's are half lidded. Sapphire has freckles, and paler skin than Ellie, so on, so forth.
I wonder if I succeded...
(There's probs some things I forgot but ehhhhhhhh)
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raynbowclown · 2 years
Ellie Comes to Town
Ellie Comes to Town
Ellie Comes to Town – The Andy Griffith Show season 1, Originally aired October 24, 1960 Ellie Comes to Town – ElIie Walker, a pretty young graduate pharmacist, moves to Mayberry to help her uncle out in the local drugstore. (more…)
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ao3feed-silverv · 2 years
Free of Charge
https://ift.tt/WM72ncS elii
by elii
After V gets a call from one of Evelyn's old friends, he pushes himself to help her, no matter what condition he's in. Johnny and V rarely agree about anything, and this job is no different.
Words: 2367, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Cyberpunk 2077 (V: Hayward Vaughn)
Fandoms: Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Johnny Silverhand, V (Cyberpunk 2077), Evelyn Parker (Mentioned) - Character, Original Female Character(s), Male V (Cyberpunk 2077) - Character
Relationships: Johnny Silverhand/V, Johnny Silverhand & V
Additional Tags: Trans Male Character, Trans Male V, Trans V, Implied/Referenced Stalking, Implied/Referenced Abuse, v used to be a mox, Canon-Typical Violence, Minor Character Death
from AO3 works tagged 'Johnny Silverhand/V' https://ift.tt/WM72ncS via IFTTT
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fatestruth-m · 3 years
|     𝚄𝙽𝙸𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙴  :     𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐒   𝐈𝐍   𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄   𝐕𝟐 .
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|     01.    a  school  of  magic  and  mythology  :      on the surface it sounds perfect.    a place for all kinds of supernatural students to attend.    for witches to gain control,    wolves to feel included,    vampires to be a part of society.    and demi gods to control the power in their veins.     all of it within the walls of the school catered to their very needs.      a school where they can be themselves,    no matter the age,   or how powerful they can be.   as thanks to the two owners,   the school is built to handle it.     built to control chaos.     especially in a supernatural world,    where aging is slow,    like really slow thanks to a curse cast many millenia before.
over the last millennia,    the school has grown from a simple idea to the best damn magic school in the world.   with the head mistresses  Eliie Contavius  and Hera Panhellenios Olympiakos at the helm the school has become a beacon in the dark that is known as the supernatural world.    here the students can become the best of what they are,    with teachers catered to their very needs.    and  after convincing their family members to attend,   things would only get better.    right ??
yeah it was probably a good idea,    to have a lot of adult supervision around.    as chaos was about to come to the school.     and neither female was sure if that was a good thing or not.   they just prayed that the school stayed standing,   and their sanity in tact.    was that too much to ask ??
|     02.    and,     we are one  :      the students make up 90% of the school grounds.    but every now and then you’ll find a sprinkling of some adult supervision.    but very rare if we’re honest.
𝙴𝙻𝙻𝙸𝙴   𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚃𝙰𝚅𝙸𝚄𝚂   :    headmistress  /  school founder.      formed the school with Hera after seeing how the magical community was being mistreated and abused by those who wanted power.     handed over the title as alpha to the wolves when Jules started the school.      primarily lives on campus and may or may not be Hera’s lover.     (   teaches  :  wolf economics .  )
𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙰   𝙾𝙻𝚈𝙼𝙿𝙸𝙰𝙺𝙾𝚂    :    headmistress / school founder.      formed the school with Ellie to protect the demi - gods,   and has since also become highly protective of the magical community.     primarily lives on campus and may or may not be Ellie’s lover.     (   teaches  :  power management .  )
𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙾𝙽   𝙼𝙸𝚃𝙲𝙷𝙴𝙻𝙻    :    teacher.     was recruited by Hera and only reluctantly agrees as he’s always had a hard time saying no to her.      lives away from campus,   only so he gets some sort of  privacy.    but the kids always know how to reach him if they need him     is dating  hot for  Tyrphon.     (  teaches  :  healing magic .  )
𝚃𝚁𝚈𝙿𝙷𝙾𝙽   𝙿𝙰𝙽𝙷𝙴𝙻𝙻𝙴𝙽𝙸𝙾𝚂    :    teacher.    pretty much became a teacher thanks to his connection with Hera.     but has found a reason to be there.   is also the stand in principle and the one Ellie and Hera trust to run the school when they’re out recruiting.    lives on campus.      (   teaches  :  strength management   ( demi - gods ).  )
𝚁𝙰𝚉𝙰   𝙰𝙼𝚄𝙽   𝚁𝙰    :    teacher.      basically became part of the school after Ellie’s gentle persuasions.     and learning that whilst they wanted to explore into other cultures more,   Ellie and Hera are both greek based and thus slightly bias to what culture they represent.      chooses to live off campus.         is the mate to karina.         (   teaches  :  egyptian studies / introduction to egyptian mythology .  )
𝙲𝙴𝚁𝙱𝙴𝚁𝚄𝚂   𝙳𝙸𝙰𝙺𝙾𝚂    :    graduated student  /  teacher.    has literally just graduated from the school before being recruited to take over the subject to which he was best in.    and he agreed due to the fact he enjoyed the school and found a home in the school.    primarily lives on campus.    is the mate to Elysia & Deeks.      (   teaches  :  origin of the species .  )
𝙼𝙴𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚃𝙰   𝙲𝚁𝙾𝚆   :    student  /  year three.    was forced to attend after unlocking her god powers,   as she ended up losing control and devastating a village.   since then she’s learnt how to control them and is steadily one of the strongest on campus.     is the mate of Elias .     (   is a member of the football team.    also she’s the stand in teacher for magic control due to her being the strongest witch on campus .  )
𝙹𝚄𝙻𝙸𝚄𝚂   𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚃𝙰𝚅𝙸𝚄𝚂    :    student  /  year three.      attended mostly because his sister did.    he had no other real reason to attend.     but he has learnt a lot more about his magic since he started and has also become highly involved in the ‘sports’  side of the school.    which allows for a way to burn off the excess energy from his wolf.      is the mate of Astra.       (   is alpha of the schools wolf pack.  and also is also a member of the schools football team .  )
𝙳𝙴𝙼𝙸   𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚃𝙰𝚅𝙸𝚄𝚂    :    student  /  first year.    had to come to the school after she lost control of her powers and nearly ripped open the earth.     wears a necklace to contain her powers but she still has access to most,   such as her wolf and her empathy.     but even thought only being in her first year,   she is flourishing within her schooling and finally gaining control.     (   is in anger management classes to control her anger.   and also plays on the schools football team .  )
𝙺𝙰𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙰   𝚂𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙼𝙱𝙾𝚁𝙽𝙴    :    student  /  sixth year.    took absolutely forever for Hera to convince Karina to join the school.    as karina didn’t want to bring the cult to the school.    but when he manages to get rid of them,   she joins.   and soon excels in all her classes.     history becomes her main study area.     is the mate of raza .       (   head of the schools football team  /  also head of the schools mixed martial arts team .  )
𝙳𝙴𝙴𝙺𝚂  𝙹𝙰𝙼𝙴𝚂    :    student  /  fourth  year.    was supposed to be a fifth year but failed some of his classes due to having a personal issue.   which was he lost himself to the anger of his wolf.    thus it took almost a year to get him back.    and he had to redo the year he lost.      is the mate to Elysia & Cer.      (   on the schools football team  /  also attends quite a few classes of anger management .  )
𝙴𝙻𝙸𝙰𝚂   𝙷𝙴𝙻𝙻𝙵𝙸𝚁𝙴    :    student  /  sixth year.    details to be added.     mate to melitta.     (   ??? .  )
𝙴𝙻𝚈𝚂𝙸𝙰   𝙷𝙴𝙻𝙻𝙵𝙸𝚁𝙴    :    student  /  fourth  year.    details to be added.     mate to Cer  &  Deeks.        (   ??? .  )
𝙲𝚈𝚁𝚄𝚂   𝙿𝙰𝙽𝙷𝙴𝙻𝙻𝙴𝙽𝙸𝙾𝚂    :    student  /  sixth year.    ???.     (   ??? .  )
𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚁𝙰   𝙷𝙴𝙲𝚄𝙱𝙰    :    student  /  first year.    came to the school at eighteen to advance her newly acquired powers.    more details tba.      mate to Julius.       (   ??? .  )
𝚃𝙱𝙰    :    ???.    ???. (   ??? .  )
𝚃𝙱𝙰    :    ???.    ???. (   ??? .  )
𝙿𝙷𝙾𝙴𝙽𝙸𝚇  𝚆𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂  𝚂𝙲𝙷𝙾𝙾𝙻   :    another school.    pretty much the thorn in the side of the school.    they had opened up after them and had been trying to compete with them since.    and it spilled over onto the football field.   with the two teams often quite literally breaking out in fights on the pitch.     (   challenge frequently for ‘natures cup’ .  )
𝙴𝚇  𝚂𝚃𝚄𝙳𝙴𝙽𝚃𝚂    :    varies.     there are ofc some students who get booted for breaking too many rules.    as such they tend to have an issue with the school and are often found coming back to cause issues.     which is why the school also has the highest form of security.    to stop these students becoming an issue and disrupting the peace of the school.       (   ??? .  )
𝚃𝙱𝙰    :    ???.    ???. (   ??? .  )
𝚃𝙱𝙰    :    ???.    ???. (   ??? .  )
𝚃𝙱𝙰    :    ???.    ???. (   ??? .  )
|     03.    learning,    is important :      the school offers a wide variety of classes and different clubs.    all of them focused towards certain supernatural species,   or cultures in general.
𝙵𝙾𝙾𝚃𝙱𝙰𝙻𝙻  𝚃𝙴𝙰𝙼    :    Karina is the captain.    done as a way for the demi - gods / supernatural’s to let off some steam.    there is a male and female team,   but primiarly they end up blended more often than not.   as ofc the sexes don’t matter when they’re all as strong,   as each other if not stronger .       (   currently champions and holders of the ‘natures cup’ .  )
𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙴𝚁  𝙼𝙰𝙽𝙰𝙶𝙴𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃  𝙲𝙻𝙰𝚂𝚂    :    ???.    runs along side the class that actually teachs them how to control their anger.    this is the place to come if you’re really struggling and find a way to control yourself.    Deeks and Demi are two known students.      (   three days a week after school .  )
𝙼𝙸𝚇𝙴𝙳  𝙼𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙸𝙰𝙻  𝙰𝚁𝚃𝚂  𝙲𝙻𝙰𝚂𝚂    :    Karina is the head.    for those who need an outlet for some of the anger that isn’t splurged through football or the anger management class.    the school designed a mixed martial arts class,    which is basically an umbrella terms for outright supernatural brawling.    and also involves weapons.     Karina as the ‘primary’ fighter of the school,   was the one who persuaded Ellie and Hera to create it,   and thus she runs it.      (   two days during the school week,   and during the weekend .  )
currently a work in progress.   will update as threads are written and the world is expanded.
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alkalineblues · 6 years
ovviamente è iniziato l’ascolto compulsivo degli elii.
mi sa che finisce che compro il biglietto per l’ultimo concerto al carroponte.
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delhi-architect2 · 4 years
ArchDaily - AWOMAWO Space / elii + María Jerez
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© Luis Hevia
architects: elii
architects: María Jerez
Location: Calle de Velázquez, 21, 28001 Madrid, Spain
Project Year: 2020
Photographs: Luis Hevia
Photographs: Imagen Subliminal (Miguel de Guzmán + Rocío Romero)
Photographs: Pablo Gómez-Ogando
Area: 38.0 m2
Read more »
from ArchDaily https://www.archdaily.com/943066/awomawo-space-elii-plus-maria-jerez Originally published on ARCHDAILY RSS Feed: https://www.archdaily.com/
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esonetwork · 4 years
Bob and Doug Go To SpaceX - Rusted Robot Podcast 293
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/bob-and-doug-go-to-spacex-rusted-robot-podcast-293/
Bob and Doug Go To SpaceX - Rusted Robot Podcast 293
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Bob and Doug go to SpaceX! Bob and Doug go to SpaceX!
SpaceX is the first private company to launch astronauts into space and dock with the International Space Station.
Monkeys in India break out of a lab with stolen Covid-19 blood samples. This is like a scene from Planet of the Apes.
A bizarre metal skull of unknown origin is discovered in Maine. We don’t know the date of manufacture or where it came from.
The Cosmic Pizza Podcast is coming soon!
Pop Culture Viewing:
The 100 Space Force Into The Night Trailer Park Boys (animated series) Dark Side of the Ring (Owen Hart story)
Stargirl has been released but we haven’t seen it yet. And Zack Snyder’s Justice League director’s cut will be coming to HBO in 2021.
Casting News:
X-Men’s Rogue could be in Captain Marvel 2 Henry Cavill to reprise role as Superman Mark Hamill to voice Skeletor in Masters of the Universe JK Simmons signs for multiple films as J Jonah Jameson Tom Eliis signs on for Lucifer season 6
This week’s podcast promo: Metal Geeks
Bob and Doug go to SpaceX!
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glenngaylord · 5 years
DON’T SAVE THE CAT! - My Review of PET SEMATARY (3 Stars)
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For the uninitiated, the late Blake Snyder wrote “Save The Cat!”, a book on screenwriting in which he broke down story structure and common archetypes, demonstrating how in films which need to emphasize the heroism of a character, they often have them literally or metaphorically save a cat. FRUITVALE STATION had its main character stop the action to literally tend to an injured dog, thus making him more empathetic.  It has become such a trope, that future filmmakers would best be advised to think of something else!
I bring this up because PET SEMATARY, the new remake based on the Stephen King classic, saves its cat as its basic premise, giving Snyder enthusiasts a new talking point.  Was it worth it?  Magic 8 ball says, “Ask again later”.  Co-directed by the STARRY EYES team of Kevin Kölsch and Dennis Widmyer and adapted by Jeff Buhler (THE MIDNIGHT MEAT TRAIN), the film certainly improves upon its cheesy 1989 predecessor, offering up a handsomely crafted, cleanly filmed movie, but truth be told, it’s not particularly scary and it has an overall bland feel to it.  Despite this, I admired its themes, performances, and yes, Church the cat impresses as a feral monster.  
After a gruesome opening tableau, we join the Creeds - Louis (Jason Clarke), Rachel (Amy Seimetz), Ellie (Jeté Laurence ) and Gage (played by twins Hugo and Lucas Lavoie) as they move their family from Boston to the quieter town of Ludlow.  Louis, an ER doctor, hopes the new location will give the family more time together and even offer him up a decent night’s sleep.  The best laid plans…sorry Louis.  Immediately upon their arrival, several red flags go up, including their new home’s proximity to a road littered with barreling semis, a pet graveyard run by creepy local children sporting creepy AF masks, and the old man neighbor who peers out his window like a stalker and who doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with accosting a young child in the woods and grabbing their leg to pull out a bee stinger.  Ok, he’s the infamous Jud from the novel and is played by the eternally lovable John Lithgow, so we’ll let it slide this time.  Of course, Jud knows all about the town’s history because he’s lived through all of it, and he especially knows about the Creed’s back yard.  I thought it strange that Jud knew how far back their property went, but the Creed’s themselves had no idea.  Isn’t that something you usually ask a Real Estate Agent?  You know, how much land do we own?  Has anyone ever been murdered here?  Has it already been equipped with WiFi?  The usuals.
We learn that Rachel has experienced some early life traumas, which will be put to the test once their perfect little Eden turns out to have some horrible things in store for them. Louis himself has a haunting incident at work which will also occupy his thoughts. Maybe Ludlow isn’t as serene as the South End.  It’s no spoiler that we lose Church, as it’s what sets the story in motion.  This leads to the most important discussion in the film, where Louis and Rachel disagree about whether to tell little Ellie about their pet’s death.  Louis, the pragmatist, wants her to learn that death is perfectly natural, whereas the understandably more spiritual Rachel prefers to shield her daughter from the sadness in the world.  This scene offers a richness you don’t always get in horror films, clearly laying out the conflict and forcing the audience to reflect on this conversation throughout.  The fact that two wonderful actors like Clarke and Seimetz inhabit these roles gives the film much more gravity than it would have had otherwise.  
Jud, who has grown fond of Ellie, steps in to offer a third solution by taking Church and Louis to a Native American burial ground beyond the Pet Sematary which has the ability to reanimate the creature but in a more zombified form.  “If we could bring something back to life, would we?”, the film asks, and it’s a provocative enough question to carry us through everything that comes next.  I won’t reveal any plot points from here on out, but Louis’ choices, while completely understandable, could have been better.  
The film has a plethora of jump scares, starting with the first truck to appear, and Church made me want to wear work gloves and a full Hazmat suit.  Cats, to me are inherently scary.  Sure they purr and rub against us all cute-like and all, but you just never know when they’re going to hiss or take a swat at you with their sharp claws.  This cat creeped me out, nowhere more than in an iconic shot of the little feline staring down the barrel of the camera as it sits in the middle of the road.  But why, oh why, did nobody think to wash the blood-soaked, mangy creature upon its return?  Didn’t little Eliie wonder why her beloved pet was such a hot mess?  
Regardless, the film has many twists and turns in store for you, growing increasingly darker and nihilistic right up until the final second.  Yet, something about it just didn’t land perfectly for me.  I wondered if we had spent so much time looking at the past that we didn’t really get to know the characters in the present.  There’s a stock quality to this family and to how the movie has been assembled.  It moves and glides well, almost too well.  It’s pretty, sometimes gorgeous when I felt it needed to be messier, grittier.  It has that big studio sheen.  
It also suffers from a somewhat lumbering pace, the director caught up in how awesome it looks to glide the camera over foliage instead of getting us places quicker.  Its stately tone works against it, and the third act, while violent and intense, didn’t really scare me.  As a meditation on death, there’s a richness here, and it’s worthy.  As a fright fest, it’s a little lacking.  
Still, kudos to the performances, with little Lawrence stealing the show as the standard cute little girl who gets to show off way more than that.  The opening scene pays off in the end, giving you just enough information to figure out the rest after the abrupt cut to black.  I would have preferred the original Ramones version of the title track instead of a cover, because…well, you can’t improve upon the original.  PET SEMATARY succeeds as a primer for parents who have difficult topics to discuss with their children.  It’s just not going to keep you up at night wondering if you’re gonna get the life force sucked out of you for not cleaning the litter box.  
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richmegavideo · 6 years
Dart Adams presents The Top 50 Hip Hop Albums, EP’s & Mixtapes Of 2009 (The Final Top 200)
This is a list of what I consider to be the Top 200 Hip Hop LP’s, EP’s & mixtapes from this year so far. Please keep in mind that in order for me to even narrow this list to 200 I had to exclude all instrumental albums with the exception of Exile’s “Radio” (as it could’ve easily been Album Of The Year) otherwise it would’ve just been ridiculous and impossible to narrow to just 200 Hip Hop albums. This is the final time I do this, after three years I’m sure you all get the point I’m trying to make by now.
Also keep in mind that I’ve heard slightly less than 700 different projects this calendar year (my gmail account was bananas). I’m sure that my Bloggerhouse brethren Eric & Travis have quite a few projects in mind that I missed. That should give you all an idea as to just how deep 2009 was with quality material that you probably never even heard of.
In the comments section feel free to gripe, bitch and/or moan about Jay-Z, Rick Ross, Wale, Fabolous, Busta Rhymes or “insert wack rapper’s name here” lackluster ass album not being in my top 200. Also feel free to add albums, EP’s & mixtapes I missed (like Pill’s). I head mad albums that are still in my rotation that missed this cut (Moka Only made so many albums I stopped him at one so “Summer Notations”, “Carrots & Eggs” & Ron Contour’s”Hot Dog” aren’t on this list).
I’m sure listened to WAY more Hip Hop than you this year (and I probably suffered irreparable damage because of it). All you gotta do to check every Friday of 2009 (both the reviews & Late Passes (For Doz Dat Slept) sections) on this blog for proof. Enjoy (or don’t) my final Poisonous Paragraphs list:
5 O’ Clock Shadowboxers- The Slow Twilight Aarophat & Illastrate-Black Noise Apathy-Wanna Snuggle? Big Tone-The Art Of Ink Blame One-Days Chasing Days
Braille & Symbolyc One-Cloudnineteen
Brother Ali-Us/The Truth Is Here EP
Che Grand-Everything’s Good Ugly Chief-Collabo Collection
D.Black-Ali’yah Danny!-Where Is Danny?
Diamond District-In The Ruff
Diz Gibran-Soon You’ll Understand DJ Spinna-Sonic Smash DOOM-Born Like This
Drake-So Far Gone Elzhi-The Leftovers: The Unmixedtape
Exile-Radio Fashawn-Boy Meets World
Finale-A Pipe Dream And A Promise Freddie Gibbs-Midwestgangstaboxframecadillacmuzik Illogic & Ill Poetic-Diabolical Fun J Dilla- Jay Stay Paid
JR & Ph7 present The Standard Keelay And Zaire-Ridin’ High Kev Brown presents Random Joints MAGr-No News Is Good News Marco Polo & Torae-Double Barrel
Moka Only-Lowdown Suite 2: The Box
M.O.P.-Foundation Mos Def-The Ecstatic Obie Trice & MoSS-Special Reserve Oddisee-Mental Liberation Pac Div-Church League Champs Paten Locke-Super Ramen Rocketship Raekwon-Only Built 4 Cuban Linx 2
Rapper Big Pooh-The Delightful Bars (North American Pie & Candy Apple Version) Reks-More Grey Hairs
Royce Da 5’9″-Street Hop
Sene & Blu Are…A Day Late & A Dollar Short Slum Village-Villa Manifesto EP Skyzoo-The Salvation Slaughterhouse-S/T Strong Arm Steady & Madlib-In Search Of Stoney Jackson Tanya Morgan-Brooklynati
Thaione Davis-Still Hear
TiRon & DJ LowKey-Ketchup Tiye Phoenix-Half Woman Half Amazin’ yU-Before Taxes
Next 150 (Honorable Mentions):
45-The Revenge Of Soul 50 Cent-Before I Self Destruct 6 Fingers-Who Has Lots Of Fingers? Abstract Rude-Rejuvenation Ace & Edo (Masta Ace & Ed O.G)-Arts & Entertainment/Extra Entertainment A Disturbing New Trend-Year Of The Carnivore Alchemist-Chemical Warfare Ancient Tongue-Time Tells Tales ARES-A Red Eye Smokin’ Atmosphere-Leak At Will AZ-Legendary Big Quarters-From The Home Of Brown Babies With White Mothers Blackroc-S/T Black Sunn-Godsound Blaq Poet- The Blaqprint Blue Scholars-OOF! EP Blu-HerFavoriteColo(u)r Boycott Blues-Irony BP & Odds-The Medium Brokn. English-The Drawing Board Brown Bag All Stars-The Brown Tape Buff1-It’s A 1derful Life BK-One with Benzilla-Radio Do Canibal
Camp Lo-Stone And Rob: Caught On Tape/Another Heist
Cesar Comanche-Die In Your Lap Classified-Self Explanatory The Clipse-Til The Casket Drops
Common Market-The Winter’s End EP Cook Classics-The New Classics The Cool Kids & Don Cannon-Gone Fishing Cormega-Born & Raised Cradle Orchestra-Velvet Ballads Crooked I-Mr. Pig Face Weapon Waist Crown Nation-Slut Bag Edition
CunninLynguists-Strange Journey Volume Two
Currensy-This Is Not A Mixtape/The Jet Files Deep Rooted-D.E.E.P.R.O.O.T.E.D. De La Soul-Are You In?+ Nike Original Run Def Jux All Stars-Def Jux Presents 4 Del Tha Funke Homosapien & Tame One-Parallel Uni-Verse Dillon & Paten Locke-Studies In Hunger DJ JS-1-Ground Original 2: No Sell Out DJ MK presents Skandal-Hunger Pains DJ Quik & Kurupt-BlaQkout Donny Goines-The Breakfast Club DOOM presents Unexpected Guests Dumhi-Indian Summer EP Dylan Thomas & Haz Solo-All Jokes Aside Dynas-The Apartment E-Flash (NBS)-Know The Ledge Earatik Statik-The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Earth Crew-Grassroots: From The Ground Up Educated Consumers-Hello Big Mama Elucid-The Sub Bass Diet Emilio Rojas-Recession Proof/The Natural Eminem-Relapse Eternia-Get Caught Up Fabio Musta-Passport Fatgums x Bambu-A Peaceful Riot Felt (Slug & Murs)-Felt 3: A Tribute To Rosie Perez Film Skool Rejekts-Midnight Movies Fresh Daily-The Gorgeous Killer In: Crimes Of Passion Georgia Anne Muldrow presents Ms. One & The Gang Ghostface Killah-Ghostdini: The Wizard Of Poetry In Emerald City Grand Puba-RetroActive The Grouch & Eligh-Say G&E! Horseshoe G.A.N.G.-Gangsta MC Ilyas-I-El: The Prelude J. Cole-The Warm Up J. Nolan-Resilience J. Period & Q-Tip-The Abstract Best J-Scrilla-Culture Of Honor JC Poppe-Sleep Therapy Jazz Liberatorz-Fruit Of The Past/Clin D’ Oeil Jern Eye-Vision J.J. Brown-Connect The Dots
Joe Budden-Padded Room/Escape Route K-Os-Yes! Kam Moye-Splitting Image Kenn Starr-It’s Still Real Kid Cudi-Man On The Moon: The End Of The Day
Kid Hum & Rock The Dub-Offshore Drilling Kidz In The Hall-The Professional Leisure Tour Krumbsnatcha-Hidden Scriptures KRS One & Buckshot-Survival Skills La Coka Nostra-A Brand You Can Trust L.E.G.A.C.Y-Suicide Music LMNO & Yann Kesz-Devilish Dandruff With Holy Shampoo Marv Won-The Way Of The Won MarQ Spekt X Lex Boogie-Guilty Party Method Man & Redman-Blackout! 2 Mr. J. Medeiros & Boonie Mayfield-The Art Of Broken Glass EP/Friends Enemies Apples Apples Mr. SOS-How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb Myka 9-1969 Naledge-Chicago Picasso Nametag-Classic Cadence Vol. 2 Nico The Beast-Dinner Is Served Mixtape Notes To Self-A Shot In The Dark OC & AG-Oasis Outasight-Further People Under The Stairs-Carried Away Poorly Drawn People-Motion, Not Emotion Psuedo Slang-We’ll Keep Looking
Print-Comic Books: Unlimited Quelle-Blue Mondays Qwel & Maker-So Be It Rashid Hadee & Pugz Atomz-Stormy Raydar Eliis & Quite Nyce-Champs Vs. The League
Red Giants-Chain Reaction EP Reservoir Dogs-Reservoir Dogs Mixtape Rhymefest & Scram Jones-The Manual Ro Spit-The Oh Shit! Project Rob Viktum f/Donwill & Friends-A’ight New Drink Roc C & IMAKEMADBEATS-The Transcontinental
Saigon & Statik Selektah-All In A Day’s Work
Sandpeople-Long Story Short EP Sareem Poems-Black And Read All Over Sean Price-Kimbo Price Sene-Maltas & Music Sha Stimuli-My Soul To Keep Slakah The Beatchild-Soul Movement Vol. 1 Sleep-Hesitation Wounds Sojourn-Sojournalism Souls Of Mischief-Montezuma’s Revenge St. Mic-Honest Music Statik Selektah-The Pre-Game EP Stoupe The Enemy Of Mankind-Decalouge Strange Fruit Project-Making Art Sound Kool Substantial/Burns- Sacrifice Superstar Quamallah-The Invisible Man Tame One & Parallel Thought-Acid Tab Vocab Termanology-Heaven Was A Mile Away/Hood Politics VI: Time Machine Tha Connection-Love Royale Toki Wright-A Different Mirror U-N-I & Ro Blvd-A Love Supreme Wale-Back To The Feature William Cooper-Beware Of The Pale Horse Wu Tang Clan-Wu Tang Chamber Music X.O.-Monumental/Realmatic yU presents The Charlie Ross Project
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