#Elevated Work Platform Course
healthandsafety79 · 2 months
Elevated Work Platforms and Aerial Lifts
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Elevated Work Platform Course is one of the private workplace courses offered by F.A.S.T. Rescue across Canada, recognized by the Ministry of Labour. This program equips workers with a comprehensive understanding of elevated work platforms (EWPs) through both theoretical and practical training.
Course Content:
Legislation and Regulations: An overview of relevant laws and guidelines.
Types, Limitations, and Hazards: Identification of different EWPs and associated risks.
Setup, Inspections, and Operation: Procedures for setting up, inspecting, and operating EWPs safely.
Emergency Handling: Strategies for managing emergencies effectively.
The practical component will involve hands-on training, allowing students to apply and demonstrate their newly acquired skills.
Province: Ontario
Duration: 8 hours
Certification Validity: 3 years
Class Size: Minimum of 10 participants
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pearlywritings · 1 year
Sometimes the name doesn't matter
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synopsis: sometimes it matters that you are his wife.
pairings: Alhaitham, Ayato, Diluc, Kaeya x fem!reader (separately)
tw: fluff, established relationship, a little bit of bullying, a bit of unwelcome drunk flirting, characters are whipped for their wives
word count: 5.4k+ words
a/n: part 2 can be read here!
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Your husband is… Truly something. Honestly, that's the best way to describe this epitome of nonchalance, smugness and sarcasm, sprinkled with sharp glares and served with a smartass sauce. No one would be able to swallow such a nasty pill, yet you somehow managed. But that's what doctors say, right? The medicine might be bitter, but it'll get better. And it did.
Hard to believe, but the Akademiya's Scribe is enamored by you - it took time to realize, many interactions for him to see that you do not rise annoyance in him, multiple times sharing the eye contact and hundreds of hours being your interlocutor to cognize the beauty of you, but when he fell - he fell hard, and the realization didn't make him feel repulsed. On the contrary, it brought him inexplicable peace, and, being an efficient and straightforward man he is, Alhaitham faced you the very next day and asked out on a date.
The rest is history. You dated, you moved in, you got married - the sequence your husband perfected in its briefness to be over with quickly anytime his colleagues or anyone asked about you and your relationship. You, of course, would give a more detailed summary to your friends, speaking of him so tenderly, always witnessing the same reaction - disbelief. And you get it where they come from - after all, your partner is known to not be the most cordial person. He prefers it that way though - he is bothered much less and can dedicate that free time to his lovely wife.
He makes it a point to not leave the house unnecessarily early, just exactly enough to get to his office on time, and same with finishing his work, bluntly rejecting anyone who tries to approach him with stuff. This way he doesn’t waste a second with you, quite on contrary, sometimes a couple of hours can be added, if you visit him during the afternoon to go grab lunch together, or enjoy the one you brought with you, and then rest somewhere in a private spot with your head on his shoulder, holding a bigger hand that is resting on your thigh, while his other one is occupied with a book. This is enough to power you both up to push through the rest of the day, and Alhaitham really appreciates it, never failing to give you a kiss on the lips and murmuring the soft words of reassurance, before parting your ways till the evening.
Today is one of those days when you find yourself in the House of Daena with a home-cooked lunch neatly wrapped and warm in your hands. A couple of librarians greet you on the way, knowing perfectly well who you are, and you smile at them. One older woman, who’s always been fond of your character, informs you that Alhaitham hasn’t left the Grand Sage’s office since the moment he arrived, and you thank her for going out of her way to reassure you that you will not need to search for him.
There’s another exchange of greetings at the bottom of an elevator and just seconds later you start ascending to the above of the huge library. The quiet whirling of mechanisms is calming and you hum softly to yourself, imagining that tender look in those light turquoise eyes, a rare shine in orange-ringed yellow pupils and a slight pull of thin lips upon seeing your figure and catching a whiff of food you brought. A content sigh escapes your chest and you prepare to soon step off the huge round platform.
But instead of catching a glimpse of your husband, you are met with sharp black eyes, staring at you and a scowl present on the face of a person you don't believe you've seen before, at least not long enough to remember. You blink in surprise, eyes darting to look at the man from head to toe - he is wearing the Akademiya’s robes, but there is no indicator to which Darshan he belongs to. A Matra perhaps? But you are used to seeing a completely different face of a scholar Alhaitham appointed as his secretary for the period of time he’d fulfill the role of an Acting Grand Sage. Panah has soft brown eyes, always nodding to you in a greeting and leaving upon your arrival if it is lunch time and his boss doesn’t instruct him to stay and carry on with his job, not minding you two.
This one practically glares at you, arms crossed and posture intimidating. You simply tilt your head in question, waiting for him to say something.
“Who allowed you to enter?”
The tone of his voice is pretty rude, and the gruff voice doesn't add grace to it. You are not one to judge someone by their looks - your husband is the proof of that, so you decide to brush it off and simply answer.
"Shohre of course, as usual."
“...as usual?” His brows furrow, and you get even more confused with the question. Is your husband having some kind of an impromptu inspection? He didn’t tell you anything about it in the morning, and since the Akasha got turned off, there is no simple way to warn you of it. 
"Is Alhaitham holding any meeting, perhaps?" You try, knowing it's absurd since he doesn't love his sweet lunch time being interrupted, but right now it's hard to find an explanation for this hostile-acting man's actions.
"You have so little respect for the Acting Great Sage?"
This time the booming edge in his words makes an echo in a pretty vast space and almost makes you flinch. The situation is escalating pretty quickly.
"Sir, I don't know who you are, but I do not believe I ever deserved such treatment from you. Would you be so kind to explain what's going on or at least let me see the Acting Great Sage-"
That must've sounded kind of sarcastic, because the man looks like he is ready to fume akin to a kettle.
"Who even are you!? Who do you think you are? Demanding a meeting like that - you must know his schedule is packed, so don't you assume that your pretty face would get you through-"
"Jahan, what is going on?" The "Jahan" shuts instantly upon hearing a deep, dripping with authority voice behind him. Your face instantly brightens when you spot the tall man approaching you two with his arms crossed and the most nonchalant expression etched in his features.
“We have an intruder, Sir.”
What in the Archon’s name- This is becoming ridiculous.
"An intruder?" He lifts his brow and glances at you, gaze lingering just for a few seconds longer. Then it returns to his subordinate. "I don't see one here."
"This woman," you move just in time not to have his index finger directly point you right in your face, "came here without prior appointment, not stating her purpose, not even stating her name!"
"Is that so?" You almost snort at how little Alhaitham cares for what this man has for an explanation, instead moving directly to you and taking a heavy lunch boxes from your hands, allowing your shoulders and arms to drop in relief.
“Her name is of no matter. All you need to know is that she is my wife.”
The room falls silent. The man stares at his boss with eyes so wide, you worry they’d pop out of his sockets. Your husband though doesn’t show any reaction to the stunned look on the man’s face, balancing all the containers in one hand, offering you the other, which you take with a smile.
"S-she what?"
"My wife. And she, along with the necessary descriptions, is literally the only person on the list of the people who are free to come and leave whenever. On the list Panah passed to you along with other instructions before taking his sick leave. Did you even skip through those?"
The tone of your husband is cold with a mocking edge, rubbing his subordinate’s incompetence in his face, and you don't need to look at the man to sense his panic.
"I-I, no of course I thoroughly looked through every single one, but I do not remember such paper, it must've been lost along the process-"
"It doesn't matter. Now you are aware. But there is one more thing you need to learn about my wife visiting."
"Yes, Sir?"
"You leave the moment she enters."
There is a momentary pause (you know Alhaitham is rolling his eyes inwardly at how slowly the notion seems to reach him), before Jahan snaps out of his stupor, slightly bows, mumbling something and quickly walks off to the elevator.
Not even waiting for the mechanism to start, your husband tugs on your hand and you take the hint, following him to the sofas and a table.
"What an imbecile," is murmured in annoyance and you finally chuckle, covering your mouth with a hand.
Your husband is truly something, but one thing is absolutely certain - his wife is the only person that really worths his nerves and time.
Kamisato Ayato is a character of many admirable traits and worth-mentioning accomplishments, a great leader, an amazing big brother, a boss held in high regard, and a loving husband of three years to you. This last, but not the least, is Commissioner's favorite, and he makes sure to show it every opportunity present in his individual mischievous way.
You know he gets away with a lot of things, and for numerous reasons, ranging from being the head of the Yashiro Commission, to him being pretty unknown by face among the commoners due to Ayaka handling all the public affairs. This one in particular is harmless, but there is that little thing which drives you up the wall - he does it only when you are present, leaving you very flustered and with a fast beating heart.
"My name? Oh, I am a husband. This gorgeous woman's husband."
"Lord Kamisato? No need to be so formal with me, just call me her husband."
"'Kamisato Ayato' and all my titles are so long to write down, can't I sign it with 'Y/n's hubby' instead?"
"Kamisato Y/n's husband. That's who I am."
"Ayaka, have you forgotten? No more calling me 'big brother', only 'Y/n's husband- Stop laughing, I am serious!"
The last one is literally happening right before your eyes, with the younger sibling hiding her smile and suppressing her giggles behind her intricately decorated fan, as the older one has taken his glove off, wiggling his fingers to show the glistening golden band wrapped around one of them. You, on the other hand, are trying to cover your heated face with a stack of papers you picked when Ayaka entered the office and addressed her big brother as, well, big brother. Peeking above the filled with reports sheets you catch a sly smile playing on Ayato's lips, while his usually piercing eyes reflect the special kind of adoration he holds for you.
You know why he is doing this - the man fought hard for your heart and then hand in marriage, and since it is now a reality, he absolutely keens on that "I am your husband" notion. Sometimes it's a perfect ice breaker in introducing you two to new people, sometimes it's a reason for an eye roll (yours as well), at times it puts people in stupor which Ayato uses to his advantage, but there is always only one initial thought behind every single one of them - showing the world he is proud to be your partner with a label "husband" on it.
And this sentiment is fully returned! However you never had an opportunity to do the same - he always beats you to it, and leaves bashful long enough for the moment to become wasted. You know you can always talk it through with him and he’d be more than happy to give you a chance, but, after all these times he left you speechless, it’s simply a matter of pride to pay him back. Besides… You really-really want to see his reaction if you told someone important those words. 
That you are his wife.
You hear a soft knock on the living room’s door where you and Ayato are sitting next to each other at one side of the low table.
“Lord and Lady Kamisato, the guests have arrived.”
“Wonderful, please let them in.”
The man notices your elation upon hearing those words and smiles to himself - your friends from another nation, whom you haven’t seen properly in ages, finally managed to reach the coasts of Inazuma and seek a meeting to reconnect with you and also meet your mysterious husband you’ve written and praised so much in your letters.
The scene is heartwarming. Two girls around your age are tightly hugging you with excited squeals while the man that came in together with them, patiently waits to be introduced. Ayato follows his example, watching your grinning face, filing away every single detail about it - the sparkles in your eyes, the rosiness of your cheeks, that adorable wrinkling of your nose when the girls say something cheesy, and the pure happiness written all over your visage.
“Oh, Y/n, it’s so nice to see you again after so long! So much happened…”
“Yes! We totally should discuss every single event! But I offer to start by introducing us and our husbands.”
“One of you got married?” You ask surprised. “I know that only one of you got recently engaged-”
“Me! But the wedding is so soon, that I already call him my husband, hehe. Oh, we brought the wedding invitation for you and your husband as well, I hope you two will make it!”
“Girls, girls, let’s calm down,” you laugh, pausing them and gesturing to the two men silently observing you - both pairs of eyes shining with admiration. “Ayato, my dear, I want you to meet my friends I’ve told you so much about…”
Your husband hears familiar names, ones he’s remembered long ago, and nods in recognition, offering each a kiss on the back of their hand.
“It’s a pleasure to meet people my beloved holds in high regard.”
“Likewise,” they giggle, giving you teasing looks about how gentlemanly your spouse is, and you roll your eyes, but a smile tugging on your lips doesn’t go unnoticed.
“And I’ll take an opportunity to introduce our companion,” one of the women says, stepping closer to her fiance and offering everyone his name and a slight description of his field of work, to which Ayato hums with interest.
“And these,” your other friend gestures to you and your husband, “are Kamisato Ayato and-”
Everyone falls silent and looks at you with confusion. You yourself are stunned, eyes slightly widened and heart skipping a beat. The word really just flew out of your mouth faster when you could think about it.
“Excuse me?” Your friend gapes at you, and suddenly it clicks. This spontaneous reaction, caused by your unspoken desire, presents you with a perfect opportunity. You finally can get “revenge” on your husband.
“That’s what I said, sweety,” with a smirk and boosting confidence you glance at Ayato and meet his lilac eyes, staring at you with a hint of amusement. “I am this marvelous man’s wife. You know, 'Kamisato Y/n' is way too long to pronounce. So, maybe just a wife instead?”
The silence reigns again, with the three of your guests clearly being in stupor and your husband observing you with an unreadable expression. But suddenly he laughs. Joyfully and sincerely, it plucks on the strings of your crazily beating heart. Instantly there are arms wrapping around your waist and lips pressed against your temple, and you can feel the smile he hides in your hair.
“Yes, that’s right… This remarkable woman is my wife. Most incredible and lovely wife.”
Turning your head slightly you manage to catch a soft blush dusting his porcelain skin, before he faces away from you. Oh Archons, he loves it and he is bashful!
As you fully turn in his embrace and start teasing him, loud enough for only the man to hear (you are not that cruel to embarrass him in front of people), your guests' existence is forgotten for a moment. Both girls sigh and look at the completely lost man, whose hand his future wife takes and rubs a thumb over his knuckles.
“Ah… Please, don’t mind that. She always had a strange sense of humor, and it seems that her husband only enabled it.”
That is true, but you look genuinely happy, so they can bear a week of occasional cringing.
The annual harvest celebration has been a tradition in the Ragnvindr family for as long as the Dawn Winery existed. When Master Crepus was alive, it was hosted in the grand mansion with spacious halls and intricately decorated staircases, the one Diluc used to call his home. Guests would gather, wine bars would be uncorked and red liquid fill dozens of glasses, as he and Kaeya would curiously watch the adults interact, sneaking out of their rooms to spy from the hiding spots they knew so well.
But not anymore. Gone were the days of careless happiness he calls the past now, gone his father, gone the mansion, and gone his desire for active social interaction. It's been some years since his return and the sale of the mansion in attempts to run away from said past. The celebration came to a stop for as long as he was gone and then while he tended to re-establishing the business after arrival.
The Dawn Winery, despite all the maids and winemakers, would become so quiet. And it's not like he stayed there for long too - he was always somewhere, preoccupied by something.
That is until his life was shaken and turned upside down, and all by the hands of one single person. The person, who brought light back to his dark crimson eyes, who made him stop and think about how he can not just exist, but live, and happily so, waiting for every opportunity possible to be in the loving presence; the person who brought out that part of him he buried deep down in his graveyard of a soul, and gave it freedom to be again. The home actually started feeling like one, not a building he had a study and a bedroom in, but a place he could share with another, basking in the long-forgotten sensations, having his heart dance jigs and face soften in a tender gaze.
Many changes occurred, and, with some encouragement, he decided to bring back the tradition his father held in high regard, with only his sons' birthdays being more important to the late wine master.
The Winery is not as big as the family mansion used to be, but it is still enough space, with some of the furniture moved and the floor cleared, it can host many people. Besides, there is always a lovely outside with benches, and tables, and chairs, and it seems that Barbatos is kind to you, sending delightful weather as his gift.
Diluc is not a fan of social gatherings, however, he couldn't help but feel giddy when Adelinde exclaimed in elation at the prospect, be rather content when he saw happy smiles of the citizens - it's been a while since any proper celebration, and the monster rampage last month has been keeping everyone in a gloomy mood, and most importantly - he couldn't betray the trust and confidence his wife put into him.
…right. His wife. The ending to his reputation of the most eligible bachelor (not like he ever cared for the title), and the talk of the town for the past couple of weeks. Diluc Ragnvindr is a rather private man, and upon mutual agreement the wedding was private as well, with only few attending, and those few knew how to keep their mouths shut till the right time came. Or not, since one Cavalry Captain loves getting on the redhead's nerves and spilling some beans to the people who are willing to listen, and then not saying another word to create an intrigue.
So yes, this celebration is also a way to finally introduce the owner of the Dawn Winery's wife to the public, and put an end to all the speculations and maybe seal some lips that spew hatred towards the 'lucky woman', and there are a number of those.
You haven't been taking your eyes off the small group of nobles, standing almost in the middle of the first floor hall, loudly discussing the matter, inevitably drawing the attention of the ones not involved in the conversation, but standing rather close to them.
"I am telling you, she must be some dirty little thing, seducing our poor Master Diluc," the raven-haired tall man claims, elegantly holding a glass of dandelion wine in his long fingers. With his white and black clothes he reminds you of a dalmatian. Barking is almost identical too.
"You are right! She must be some commoner, too ashamed to show her face. If she was of a noble origin, the wedding would be grand and public," ah, and this bear-like looking man… you remember him - he was very active in trying to arrange a marriage of a very uninterested Diluc and his 17-year old daughter. You almost grimace at the thought.
"Oh yes! And we all know, that such well-known and ancient family as Ragnvindrs ought to have one of the noble daughters getting married into it," it is the first time you see this dramatically dressed woman, but even so you would've doubled in boisterous laughter if not the pretty dress Adelinde helped you lace an hour ago, that could potentially be ruined with the drink in your own glass.
You will yourself to tune them off for a moment and check on other guests. It quickly becomes clear that this conversation makes them uncomfortable. Some manage to entertain you though, by making fun of those nobles, parodying the pompous manner of their talking and snickering at that. 
Nevertheless, one shall put an end to this idiocy.
"Afternoon, good sirs and ma'ams," the group direct their gazes at you, approaching them with a polite smile and a glass absent from your hand. "I've caught pieces of your conversation earlier, and couldn't help, but feel concerned."
The derogatory gaze the woman throws your way doesn't go unnoticed, but you simply choose to ignore it.
"Is that so?" The 'Dalmatian' hums, as if condescendingly. "Are you worried about Master Diluc as well, young lady? Such compassion is admirable."
"Oh, I hardly worry about Diluc," some eyes widen at your lack of his title acknowledgement, but you once again ignore it. "I am concerned about you. You know it's bad manners to berate a person in their own house? I'd really advise you to stop talking, especially about the matter you seem to know nothing about. Not to make bigger fools of yourselves at least."
"How dare you-" the woman you haven't heard talking before, but saw her nodding a lot, with those huge feathers in her hair waving with each tilt of her head, starts gasping because of your 'insult'. "How dare you speak to us like that! A servant must stay silent until asked to open their mouth!"
"I am not a servant here, nor anywhere else," the assumption doesn't surprise you, since all the maids were allowed to wear pretty outfits even while doing their job - after all it was a celebration honoring them as well, they help the Winery keep running.
"When who in the Archon's name are you-?"
"Y/n Ragnvindr," a deep soothing voice rings behind you, so loud and clear, that it immediately shuts all the sounds in the room. 
Your lips curl in a wider smile, all the while holding the bewildered gaze of the woman who decided to pick a fight with you.
"Yes, dear?" His chest is now against your back and a hand, clad in a white glove, reaches for yours. "Are you done with welcoming our partners from Liyue?"
"Of course," the back of your hand is brought to his lips to leave a chaste kiss there, and only then you turn your head and catch a dangerous glint in those blood-colored eyes. He is pissed, but neutral face hardly betrays him. "I see we have a problem here."
"Mhm," you hum, not letting go of his hand and looking back at the tensed individuals, who were bad-mouthing you just minutes ago. "It surely isn't how we planned to reveal our marriage, but the situation called for it, I suppose."
"L-lady Ragnvindr, we didn't know-"
"Can these people be escorted out?" Your question interrupts her harshly, making her flinch. "They disturb other guests, and clearly do not know basic rules of respect."
"My dear wife," you can practically feel menace radiating off of his body, and voice dripping with smugness, "no need to ask me. That's your house as much as it's mine, and you contributed so much into organizing this event. So don't be shy to make your own decision."
"Well then," your smile gets even sweeter, contrary to your eyes that burn holes in their distasteful figures, "Get out."
"Hey pretty tits, hic! Argh, you come here often?"
You wouldn't think that a question like this was addressed to you, if the heavily smelling of alcohol man wasn't occupying the bar stool to your right, leaning forward in your direction. You slightly turn your head and suspiciously watch the swinging glass in his trembling hand, half full and threatening to spill the dark liquid. He really had too much tonight.
"...was that supposed to be a compliment?" 
Leaning back to avoid any unfortunate outcome, you give him an unamused look, finished with an arched brow. From the corner of your eye you can't help but notice Charles staring at the man. It is nice to know your good acquaintance doesn't ignore the possible trouble a drunkard can cause another customer.
But you can handle it.
"It was!" He exclaims so happily, childishly proud that you acknowledged the fact. Should you tell him he sucks at it? And that there is only one man whose drunk flirty compliments you'll ever accept, and even in a state like that he would manage to be good, putting a smile on your face? Right now though, the urge to grimace is stronger.
"...thanks," I suppose?. "And yes, I come here often to spend the evening with my partner."
At that his face visibly falls and you turn away, assuming it is enough to cut the conversation short, and concentrate on savoring your first drink of the evening. You ordered it while waiting for one particular Cavalry Captain, and even though it's not strange for him to come later due to astronomically fast piling up paperwork, today he seems to be particularly busy. Maybe you should purchase a bottle and come to his quarters?
Just before you could do just that, there is a hand sliding over your right hip and a hot breath caressing the shell of your ear. You don't even flinch or freeze, recognizing the alluring presence immediately and leaning back into the firmness of his chest.
"You are late, Kaeya."
A soft chuckle and a kiss to the temple make it pretty clear that the azure-haired man cracked your fake rebuke on the spot, knowing that you are not one bit angry at him, but actually really happy to finally have him here.
"I apologize, princess," another kiss, this time to your cheek, "work's been a bit tough. But I am glad to finally be here with my woman."
Ah, you completely forgot about the drunkard to your right.
Turning to look at Kaeya's reaction, you are stricken by the star-shaped pupil gazing right at you - he hasn't even glanced in the other man's direction, instead fixated on you completely. And that is making wonders to your poor heart.
"Who's that, snowflake?" His tone holds curiosity, but you know your lover, and you know when he is ready to be an ass. You shouldn't encourage this, however…
You'd love to see Kaeya Alberich tell the suitor off for you.
"No idea. But he said I have pretty tits."
He hums at that.
"True, but I would've aimed for that delicious butt. I am a simple man, after all."
You barely slap his hand in time, not nearly as drunk to start touching each other right here and right now. At your jab in his ribs he simply laughs heartily, settling his palm back onto your hip and momentarily redirecting his attention to the troublemaker who's been staring at you two throughout the whole exchange.
"You are not from here, are you?"
Only when your lover says that, do you decide to take in the other man's appearance. Indeed, if you were to look longer at him (not like you were interested) it would be easy to guess Fontaine as his land of origin.
"And what?" He straightens his back and puffs his chest as if trying to intimidate. What a rooster. "Does it prevent me from pursuing a pretty woman from another region?"
Oh, so now it's not simply one flirting remark, but a full-blown pursuit? How troublesome.
"Oh no, no, of course not," honey is dripping off those pretty lips, pulled into a smirk. "It's just that otherwise you'd know it's a bad tone to hit on someone's ex-girlfriend."
Confusion appears on the pursuer's face and you look inquiringly at Kaeya as well. The only answer you get is a wink and a mouthed request to order him a drink. Still perplexed, you nevertheless turn to Charles and ask him to make the Cavalry Captain the usual. 
Meanwhile the man pulls his thoughts together.
"It's stupid! If she is your ex, then how does it not give me the right to date her? Ridiculous. Why do you even hold her like that!?"
The shouting gathers attention from other patrons - some were invested almost from the beginning, seeing how that unknown man tried to make a move on you, and snickering behind their mugs of alcohol at his unawareness of your relationship. 
And Kaeya is all for the show. Many eyes watch as an elegant hand wraps around the glass of his favorite drink and brings it to the silent lips. It feels like everyone stopped breathing and the silence is pressuring, like a string ready to snap and reveal some shocking truth. You, on the other hand, roll your eyes at the male's love for theatrics and put an elbow onto the counter and lean your cheek into your open palm. This is going to be crushing, you almost feel sorry for the guy.
When the Cavalry Captain takes the third sip and sighs in delight - then, and only then, - he looks dead into the other man's eyes, so oppressively that he shrinks under the weight of this cold gaze.
"Maybe because she is my wife?"
If it was physically possible, the drunkard's jaw would hit the floor. The glass, he's been holding just seconds ago, however, follows its destiny, breaking from the impact with floorboards and ruining the prolonged silence and earning a grunt from the barman.
"S-she's what?"
"His wife," you raise your hand and show the ring, getting quite tired and wanting to save at least some of this man's dignity. "So, if you could, please, let us two have our date night. Uninterrupted."
Finally it seems to have him sobered up a little and he starts profusely apologizing to you, to Kaeya, to Charles, to Barbatos and Focalors, while digging his porch with mora out to pay for his drinks and minor damage he caused.
When he stumbles outside and the other patrons stop following the drama, you turn to a contently sipping on his wine Kaeya, who is excelling the nastiest grin on his face.
"Ex-girlfriend? Seriously? That's how you call your wife now?"
"Well, technically I am not wrong, right? Since you are not my girlfriend anymore," he shrugs his shoulders, finishing the last few gulps and putting the glass back onto the counter. 
"Then the next time we meet new people I will introduce you as my ex-boyfriend. What? Technically you are," having his own words being thrown into his face makes Kaeya laugh, and he hugs you tightly, kissing the corner of your mouth.
"Deal. But only once, to make it even. I enjoy being called your husband way more."
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yzashaven · 1 year
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FEATURING ! shouki no kami/archon!scara x fem!reader
CONTENTS ! there's a short fighting scene, robot fucking, grinding, implied worshipping, mating press, masturbating in front of him, degradation and praise <3, choking, breeding, scara fingers appreciation!! (think that's all :3)
NOTE ! a gift for my bestie @yukiitaooo ‼️ just pretend that the joururi workshop is in inazuma btw for the sake of making this plot work 😭 and do read the synopsis since it's a bit messy. special thanks to yukii for proofreading this for me btw <3
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SYNOPSIS— reader is a shrine maiden and scara's lover. she wanted to see his god form aka the vessel/robot and test her skills along with her newly obtained powers by sparring with him. she uses a sword/katana and has an electro vision given by scaramouche.
"are you sure about this?"
scaramouche asked with a sigh as he was carrying you in his arms, walking towards the joururi workshop, where the shouki no kami was situated within. you nod and lean into his chest, feeling the wind blow gently against the both of you. after some time, you reached what seemed like a small entrance cave which led to the gigantic destination in which in the distance you could see the small elevator-like platform that led up high. he held your hand as you walked along the long and wide corridors, guards and people around kneeling in their stead upon seeing their god, their archon, scaramouche—as per his set rules upon the nation. but you? he gave you permission to be the only exception in this rule of his, walking close beside him as you could sense the jealous wandering eyes of those around. how could a "mere" shrine maiden be worthy enough to walk alongside the god himself? people ask themselves in silence before the two of you finally reached the elevator that led to the main area.
he had already made the much needed arrangements to make sure everyone was unable to enter the area where the enormous robot was in. this was your first time seeing it with your own eyes, in all honesty. and of course, as soon as the main doors opened, your eyes widen for a split second. seeing that it was way larger than you had anticipated, looks like this was gonna be a rough fight. "don't be so nervous now..." he says in a low whisper, walking along the path leading to the machine. "...i'll be gentle with you." the subtle suggestive comment made heat rush to your cheeks into a faint blush to which he darkly chuckles to upon taking a glance behind his back at your direction. "i suggest that you prepare yourself for what's to come, my dearest." as scaramouche said those words with you following behind him, the doors suddenly shut hard from behind you, causing your body to jump in shock. he chuckles, back turned to you, before extending his hand out in front of him to channel some sort of elemental energy from his palm. you watch from a short distance as the shouki no kami slowly moves a few movements, scaramouche shuts his eyes before finally teleporting within the central control area of the robot. the atmosphere changes to one filled with tension as he maneuvers with the various mechanisms of the machine with ease as he lets out a seemingly psychotic laugh.
"bow before me, worm!" his voice had changed, echoing through the room loudly. with widened eyes, you summon out your weapon as you see him urging you to get closer.
"come forth! i won't hurt you... much." he whispers, voice in an alluring tone. you click your tongue as you witness how his cockiness is creeping up him again like always. you laugh shortly before sprinting towards him and skillfully dealing a few hits here and there with your katana, to which he just lets out a sigh, "you're doing practically nothing, mortal!" to your side you could see the arm of the vessel making its way to hit you, fortunately, you dodge it with ease. it's coming back but thankfully you have good reaction time and dodge that attack as well before landing multiple hits against him, using your electro vision as an extra source of power.
"oh? not bad~" he coos sarcastically as his right hand hits on the side of the platform hard, causing it to shake along with causing you to lose your balance almost instantly. you look over to where the sudden shaking of the ground from and see the large mechanical hand. your eyes for some reason glue themselves to the fingers of the vessel, thinking about how he could be moving then from inside. maybe the robot follows his own movements? 'but why does it look so attractive...?' you thought for a few seconds, 'his fingers really are just so... perfect though—' you then regain your composure and stop daydreaming upon getting hit by the reality that you were still sparring with him. looking up above you to see his other hand making its' way to crush you, you immediately raise your blade in an attempt to block the attack. the vessel's fingers were right on top of you, a faint blush spreads across your cheeks as your imagination went wild with sudden desires about him once again. success seemed to be on your side for now as you see scaramouche retreat his hand away but instead hits the platform again. you feel the ground below you slowly shatter until you felt nothingness underneath your feet along with your blade being lost from your grip.
a yelp was ripped from your throat as you braced yourself for the fall that looked as if it would be the last thing you'd experience in teyvat. with eyes shut, feeling the wind against your body as you fell from who knows how many feet high, you really thought this was your last day.
not until you feel your clothes getting caught in something. with a sigh of relief, you open your eyes and see that the shouki no kami was holding you between his thumb and index finger at the back of your clothes, "i've got you." he starts dangling you in front of his eyes as if you were some sort of set of keys that he was inspecting up close. "you look so vulnerable like this, so tiny." you whimper at his words as he toyed with you, "think that's enough for today." he declared, claiming his victory. suddenly, he placed his other hand below you before letting go of your body. when you dropped it didn't hurt but it seems that you had hit your clit somewhere on his palm, the unexpected contact made you moan out of nowhere. it wasn't that loud, it wasn't quiet either; but for sure he heard it. unbeknownst to you, he was already smirking from inside the control area, cock already hard within his pants just from watching your vulnerable body in front of him not too long ago.
as you try to pick yourself up and sit upright, you hear scaramouche laugh from behind. "was that a moan i heard? you fucking slut." the blush on your cheeks reddened even more as you felt a part of your dignity being stripped away, did you really-actually-legitimately just moan from that? "no, i-it wasn't...!" you defensively say while mustering up the courage to face him despite what you both know just happened. you can feel his sharp gaze and smirk at you through the metal, as if he was looking at an ever so helpless prey. well you kind of were the said prey in this situation. although you couldn't help but to feel aroused being on his hand knowing how bad you fantasized about it not too long ago. he brings his hand closer to his face to get a better look at you before speaking, "i'll have you know that i can feel your wetness on this hand. how perverted, lusting over me in the midst of a sparring session?" he teasingly coos at you. "now then, i'm sure you know what i'd like of you? go on..."
"touch yourself in front of me, in front of your god. i'm giving you permission to give in to your desires, take your chances."
hesitating to follow his orders, you look up at him with wide eyes of disbelief. but a part of you was convinced that you should just give in already. you want him, don't you? slowly spreading your legs in front of him as your fingers begin to trail down to a rather sensitive area, you feel yourself through the thin fabric of your panties, fingers delicately rubbing slow circles on your clit. "undress." he sternly says, to which you comply immediately. breathing heavily as you discard your clothes piece after piece, throwing them somewhere near. meanwhile, scaramouche was already palming his hard-on as his gaze was focused only on your form, taking in the sweet sight of you revealing your arousal once again to him as you continue to touch yourself as per his command.
he looks down at you from up inside the vessel, watching with interest as you pleasure yourself right then and there in front of him on the palm of the robot, your fingers rubbing at your clit at a faster pace. "do you really have no shame?" he asks before chuckling darkly, you close your eyes as to focus on getting yourself to cum quicker, but then you feel something large and cold against your entrance forcing your thighs to part. your eyes hurry to open and you see a finger from his other hand in between your thighs, "don't get shy now~" scaramouche says in a manner that seemed humiliating, as if he was mocking you, "grind on my finger, whore. you know you want to."
you couldn't help but whine at his words and the sudden temperature change between your legs. he noticed how you weren't doing what he had just ordered and decided to take control instead. he lets out a long sigh before slowly moving his finger back and forth, having his fingertip rub against your soaked folds, careful not to accidentally apply any sort of pressure that could possibly hurt you in any way—giving attention to the obvious power and size difference of your body and the shouki no kami. the sensation has you moaning out loud, voice echoing as if it were bouncing off the walls repeatedly. soon enough, you find yourself doing the work now, grinding against the metal until it was practically coated in your essence as one of your hands cup your breasts to knead it gently whilst the other rubs at your clit at a steady pace.
not long after, you feel your orgasm approaching already, breaths uneven as you continuously let out moans of his name all the while your body shakes slightly. but as you bucked your hips for friction—you notice how you felt nothing instead, your movements come to a stop as you look at him with pleading eyes. scaramouche lets out a small laugh as he saw your immediate reaction, he had moved his hand away from you completely. "oh, you fucking whore." he says with an intoxicating tone, "if you're gonna ruin this vessel, then..." you try to ignore his words as you focused on getting yourself to climax instead. your eyes closed shut as you start to desperately touch yourself a bit more aggressively than before. unfortunately for you, it didn't really seem to work. well, not until you felt something suddenly fill you up completely, your eyes opening at the intrusion. you gasp as you finally feel his cock buried inside your warmth, along with his thumb replacing the spot occupied by your own fingers that were on your clit as he pinched the bud gently, causing you to let out a moan.
"...i'm gonna ruin you as well."
scaramouche's voice was laced with intoxication as he spoke to you in a whisper. he then began to pound into you roughly, with long, deep, strong thrusts that hit all the right areas with ease as you screamed for him with each snap of his hips against yours. picking up the pace soon after, he began fucking you fast and rough, just the way you like. grunts and groans occasionally left his agape lips as he held your thighs apart. "you love it, right? you love how helpless and submissive you become underneath me~" he says before pulling you closer to him and repositioning you into a mating press, having you folded in half and entirely at his mercy before he started to pound into you once again—reaching even deeper parts of your cunt as he rubs circles on your swollen clit. "fuck, i'm gonna breed you sooo good. you want me to fill you up, don't you?~"
you nod frantically in response, being unable to construct proper words as the overwhelming pleasure takes over you completely. "so close... ah~ scara~!" you cry out as he continues to thrust into you relentlessly, hitting your g-spot over and over again until you were a sobbing, moaning, shaking mess below him. "that's it~" he coos, "come on, cum for me. you are a good girl after all, aren't you? cum for your god." his words bring you to the edge as you cum hard, a pornographic moan escaping from your lips as drool began to drip from the corners of it. "s-scara—" "my lord." he cuts you off, correcting your words before he started thrusting into you again, knowing damn well how sensitive you felt, having practically no time to recover from your previous orgasm. "my lord-aah~! right there...!" you mewl out as he hit another perfect angle that drove you crazy, "tell me..." his hand suddenly went to your neck, fingers wrapping around the soft flesh tightly—not tight enough to the point that you couldn't breathe, but tight enough to make your head spin as his eyes pierced through yours with desire filled in them.
"how does it feel getting fucked by a god like me? having this much power and control over both your body and your mind."
"s-so good... hngh~ ah~!" your vision slowly get blurry as you feel yourself getting weaker by the minute. you feel his cock twitch against your walls, signalling how close he is as well. "you feel so good around me, fuck~" the grip he had on your neck tightens slightly as he groans deeply, "beg me to cum inside you." scaramouche sternly says, "beg your god for his seed~" he grins mischievously as he watches the tears that had formed in your eyes slowly drip down your flushed cheeks. "c-cum inside me, my lord—ahh~! master... m-my god~" you choke out as you feel another amazing climax about to erupt from you, "please~!" your voice cracks a bit as you said those words. not long after, he snaps his hips against yours one final time, making sure to be balls deep as he shoots ropes of his thick and warm cum deep inside your pussy, which had definitely reached your womb as well. "oh, fuck~" he moans lowly as he gently pulled out of you, gaze falling towards your cunt as he keenly observed how your mixed fluids drip out to pool below you, all over the shouki no kami's hand.
you try and relax your body, closing your eyes and just letting yourself lay there tiredly, while scaramouche watches your chest rise and fall as you pant heavily after the intense session. normally, he'd let you rest but that doesn't seem to be what he wants right now. you whimper and look at him with teary, half lidded eyes as he suddenly pulls you towards him once again, pushing his cock back inside, along with pushing the cum back and reaching further down your pussy.
"one load won't be enough to breed you, darling~"
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odinsblog · 3 months
🗣️This is an illegitimate and deeply corrupt Supreme Court
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By upending decades of precedent set by the Chevron doctrine, the U.S. Supreme Court has just usurped the authority of Congress by 1) elevating the court’s “expertise” over actual scientific experts in their given fields, and 2) by dictating that congress must write extremely specific laws that cover every exact issue that might ever arise—but of course the rulings of SCOTUS are not held to the same specificity. This is a pro-big-business, deregulation, Libertarian wet dream and make no mistake, it is absolutely a power grab.
It is worth noting that Neil Gorsuch’s mother, Ann Gorsuch, was a Republican EPA administrator who was determined to deregulate and destroy the EPA from the inside. And Chief Justice John Roberts worked under Ronald Reagan, and for decades toiled to ensure that the Voting Rights Act was overturned and gutted.
For added perspective, the 1980 Libertarian Party platform was to abolish the following:
• Department Of Energy (DOE)
• Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
• Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
• Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OHSA)
• Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
• Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
• National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)
• Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI)
• Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
• Federal Reserve
• Social Security
• Welfare
• Public Schools
• Taxation
This is the deregulation spree of the Lochner Era on steroids.
And legalizing punishing the homeless for the simple act of being homeless? No matter how many occasional “good” decisions this court might accidentally stumble into making, this SCOTUS is anti-democratic and just plain old evil.
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mjolnirswriststrap · 2 months
Just Another Notch
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Bucky Barnes x Plus!Reader Masterlist
Summary: If Bucky thinks his charms will work on you, then you’re gonna put up one hell of a fight to prove him wrong. Part 5/?
Word count: 1,682
AN: two chapters in one day because I can 💋🤷🏻‍♀️
So here you were, dressed in the most expensive fabric you’ve ever touched. Tony had a dress tailored for your mission, the style was nothing like anything you saw at any of his cocktail parties. It felt vintage, like old money. The dark green was almost black, but in certain lights you could see the emerald reflection. It was long, but not in a slim, skin tight way, it had a bust, and it flared out at the hips, dark tulle flowing to the floor. It was like the dress was actually made for you, designed for your body, not sized up.
Your hair and makeup was done by no one other than yourself. You didn’t trust the makeup artists Tony hired, if their faces were any indication of what you’d look like, you’d rather go bare faced. You were good enough at makeup, understanding that for this look, you needed to look classic, rich. To achieve it, a tiny black wing with a white shimmer on your inner corner was more than enough for your eyes. You didn’t touch your eyebrows or put foundation on, though you usually like to. You had to know that the other women there won’t be wearing nearly as much makeup. You brush a coral rouge powder over your cheeks, then dabbing it off with a big powder brush, practically blending it into your skin.
The only thing you knew to go all out for, is you lips. Dark red, almost purple: the bloodier the better. Nothing said evil conglomerate like a red lip. And your hair, no one touched your hair. You had that covered, heat was never applied, gel and foam rollers helped you achieve the thick curls that sit on your shoulders. You sucked in a breath as you walked out of your room, down to the elevator felt like a thousand steps.
You caught a glimpse of yourself in the reflective metal elevator door, and now you felt the same as you did this morning, practically naked in a sports bra. When it dings and you step out onto the roof, you see your team, suited up like they’re going on a mission, as they climb into the quinjet. How lovely, they get bullet proof armor and you get priceless crushed velvet. You know what else is priceless? Your life.
You focus on walking in heels, keeping your eyes on the ground infront of you, when you step up onto the platform you look around, seeing where you should sit. Of course Natasha and Steve take the pilot seats, leaving you and Bucky to figure it out. You find a seat near the exit, your nerves getting the better of you.
Of course Bucky sits right beside you. You try not to make eye contact as you sit back and cross your legs, it’s gonna be a long ride. “I’m sorry, about this morning. I didn’t know he would say that.” He whispers to you, as if Natasha and Steve aren’t allowed to hear his apology. You roll your eyes, whatever you thought you were doing with Bucky, is over, too much has happened.
You had a job to do, and playing hard to get would be saved for a later date, never. He notices your eye roll and places his hand on your exposed shoulder, trying to relax you. But it does the opposite. “You look beautiful, doll.”. You nod your head, you couldn’t call him a liar, you knew you looked amazing. But that didn’t mean you had to be grateful for his compliment.
The thought sat in the back of your mind, he’s only trying to add you to his roster, don’t fall for it. You look over and your eyes connect with his and you can’t help but to feel a little guilt when you see the sincerity in his eyes. You always expect the worst from him, and every time he proves you wrong, except for this morning, you had no clue what he said to Steve after you left, he could’ve scolded him or laughed with him. You’d never know, cause you’ll never ask. You didn’t care to, you don’t want to be another one of his numbers.
Bucky can see the uncertainty in your eyes, moving his gloved hand from your shoulder to your jaw. “I mean it.”. The way the words fell from his lips had your skin igniting. Now here you were, betraying your own thoughts instantly. He runs his leather covered thumb over your bottom lip, he watches as it pulls with the friction. “I love this color on you.” He says in his hushed tone, but it didn’t feel hushed anymore, every breath he took reverberated off your eardrums. You were so focused on his mouth as he spoke you didn’t notice him scoot closer to you on the bench.
It’s like another person inside of you spoke, “Thank you.”, you’re not really sure what you’re thanking him for, but maybe it will make him ease on his intensity. He smiles genuinely as you accept his compliments. “It’s a shame, can’t take you out tonight, looking like this.” He smooth talks. And you hate yourself for blushing, so you try to play it off “What made you think I’d go out with you?” You squint slightly, watching his reaction.
He’s an award winning actor apparently, his parted lips forming a smirk, “You saying you wouldn’t?” He says lowly, his grip on your jaw tightening slightly. You don’t know, if you’re honest with yourself; you liked how he was making you feel right now, and you couldn’t imagine how it would be if you were on a date with him.
You decide, in that moment of lapsed judgement, that you did wanna play his game after all. You close your mouth, that hung agape giving him the permission to keep his thumb there, your lips subtly wrap around his gloved finger, it was a barely noticeable innuendo. You pull away before you can even taste the leather; shaking your head. “Depends, are you asking me?”.
Bucky’s eyes darken at the sight of your lips wrapping around him. It’s like a switch was flipped, this wasn’t another office fuck. The way you made him feel was primal, he never needed anyone like he needed you right now. “Do that again, see what happens.”. He says, practically groaning the words out.
Your heart starts pumping deep in your stomach, you could feel that nauseous feeling some would consider butterflies. Bucky wasn’t gonna answer your question about asking you on a date, because in his mind, once he had you, there was no need to pretend with dinners and movies. Bucky leans in, pulling your face closer to his with the strong grip he has on you. “I dare you.”.
You couldn’t back down now, you had him hooked, and you were obviously winning the game. You smirk at his possessive eyes, then you wrap your lips around the thumb again, a little more of it this time. Your tongue being able to flick against it, you would die at the thought of others blood staining it. But in this moment, it didn’t matter.
Bucky’s eyes watch your mouth intently, a little gasp escaping him. He was shocked, he didn’t expect you to do it. Now he had to figure out just what he was gonna do about it. He presses his thumb down on your tongue, paralyzing it. His eyes are almost black as they study your face. “You have no clue do you?” He presses his brows together.
You shake your head in his hand, not being able to speak. You don’t really know what exactly he’s referring to. “What I’m going to do to you when this mission ends.” He clarifies, pulling his thumb from your mouth, dragging his hand down your neck, a trail of your own saliva wetting your skin. Thank god you weren’t wearing foundation.
He presses the wet digit against your pulse point, and you can feel the blood stop rushing to your brain. Your mind starts racing with the possibilities, but the lack of oxygen is fogging it. Maybe you played the game a little too well. Maybe you want him and you’ve been denying it to yourself this whole time. “I-“ you begin to say but the shuttering of the quintet landing and the sound of Steve and Natasha unbuckling their seatbelts make you and Bucky snap out of the lust filled bubble you were in.
“We’re here.” Steve says, looking between you and Bucky, his eyebrows raising at seeing you to pressed so tightly side by side. Bucky removed his hand the second he realized we were about to be seen. But he didn’t care what Steve thought, so he didn’t move from his spot, just scowling at his so called friend from across the quintet. He gave him one more chance after the “needing to eat already” comment. But when he said you needed to lose weight, that was enough for him to feel differently about his friend, telling him to fuck off, and come back when he has some common decency.
He didn’t expect to be paired with him on a mission so soon. He ignores Steve’s hopeful eyes, turning to Natasha. “Coms on?” He says, sliding an earpiece over to you. Natasha gives a thumbs up, already typing away on a laptop, trying to find the blue prints for Bruno’s yacht.
He turns back to you, and Steve checks his watch, you had to go now, the boat was gonna undock soon. He presses the button that releases the platform, the heavy metal door slowly descending to the ground. Bucky had done such a good job distracting you, you almost forgot your mission entirely. Now you were in action mode, but you didn’t have the hang of your action mode quite yet. Bucky takes your hand in his. “I’ll be with you the whole night, okay?” He says, noticing the fear in your eyes. You nod, taking a cooling breath. “I’m ready.”
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tonixe · 9 months
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A/N: Ideas are blooming out of nowhere, low-key this is a lot to unpack, make sure to read the warning and if your uncomfortable, don't read it, I hope you guys having a blessed day today, xoxo, there might be a part two.
WARNING: p in the v, penetration, unprotected sex, coercion, abuse of power, cheating, objectification, misogyny, reader being a sex symbol, abuse drugs, mentions of alcohol/drinking, abuse, non-con to dub-con, drugging, usage of cigarettes, Viewer discretion is advised...
PAIRING: President!coriolanus x singer!reader
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Fame is a word that represents many things: dream coming true,, all-the-world luxury opening up, money funneling up, and all the reasons to climb up to the top of the food chain. Becoming the apex predator, a name..NOBODY can wipe off, you're initially written on a golden star, your name carved into history, your identity being remembered.
The recognition of your voice, your face, your personality being known to a single name, all of your greatness tied together into one body, one soul, something that doesn't grow on trees. It was fame you desired, that your heart yearned for putting all your time, and energy into a puzzle that fits into the right corner of your life. You wanted to live forever, you wanted to fly up join the ones who inspired and gave you the drive to work, you wanted to make it, make it to that heaven.
People looking at you, you wanted them to cry in desperation to get your attention, you wanted them to remember your name for history, into textbooks something that can never go away so easily, carved into people's brains...that what you dreamed of, lights flashing in your eyes, the glaring hurting you bit of bit, but this what you worked for to be recognize by the ones above, holding onto a golden trophy you won by yourself, you felt like you made it. On a stage, a platform, where the camera flashed you. Your image being printed on the news, your appearance being broadcasted to the media, fans screaming your name from the outside, important people looking at you, impressed. This was your moment, you learned how to fly, and you worked for it. Your identity being secured into history...they have to remember, but...why weren't you not happy, not secure.
Growing out of the district scum, becoming a household name, rising up to the Capitol, and earning identity there...now you sat at the vanity looking at the mirror before one of your shows, one of the makeup artists painting your lips in a rouge color, your e/c eyes looking into the mirror. You would always dream of this moment coming to life, your mother braiding your hair, humming one of your childhood songs. She, herself wanted to be a singer but couldn't because of her status and pregnancy, though living in the district..you had a wonderful home, one that wasn't broken, but one in a broken society, where people in the district were given the name of disgust by the highly 'elevated' individuals in the Capitol.
You wanted to leave, bring your family, and give them a home they deserved as much as you. You hated the district and hated you had an up-bringing there.
A flash of nostalgia ran through your mind being interrupted by a tech, "Y/N, 30 minutes before showtime" You listened to the announcement, flickering your eyes away from the staffer, and you raised your hands up, stopping the makeup artist from moving her brush. "Could you leave the room?" you said, listening to the footsteps receding away from you.
You took out a flask, screwed the lid open, and taking a swig of the bitter liquid, the burning and painful sensation coursing down your throat. Your chest heaving, putting your hands on the vanity table gripping the table, closing your eyes, biting down on your lip. Anxiety bubbling in your chest, looking up at yourself in the mirror, it felt like a million things running through your mind. You manage to slip away from the thought by the knocks on the door, turning your head at the sound, the door clicking open..."Y/N, 5 minutes to Showtime" One of the staffers said, giving yourself one last look, getting up from the vanity, fixing up your hair. The clicks of your heels on the porcelain tiles, tech staffers giving you a mic, and earpiece, as your makeup team fixes up your face and hair, finish up the last touches.
You were ridden with anxiety, butterflies flying in your stomach with every step you took, each leading you closer to the stage, where important people stood, you were going to sing to for celebration of the 15th hunger games, you took breaths in between your steps, fuck..you really need a cigarette.
Listening to your cue, smoothing your off-the-shoulder red velvet dress. "You're up," one of the techs said, tapping your shoulder, slipping you away from your head, as you nodded and cleared your throat. Walking onto the stage, you felt eyes on you..everywhere, setting yourself behind the microphone stand, closing your eyes, as the music started playing, the melody of the piano, the keys bringing in the familiar tune, as the band began to play following the notes of the leading piano.
Your hands on the microphone. Feeling the heat of the stage light hitting your form, making you wince.
Formation of words slipping from your lips as it became a symphony into the song, your voice dancing with the delicate notes of the piano.
The angelic voice coming from your lips, the words slipping out of your mouth, enchanting the audience. The feeling of anxiety leaving your system, as you pour your heart into the piece, every note you hit brings you relax, flickering your eyes open, glancing to the audience staring at your elevated form. The orchestra of people, filled with important and big shots in the Capitol, staring at you, enchanted with your voice, your eyes following up.
To the balcony, as you felt the end of the song, your eyes looking at the familiar figure on the balcony boxes, your eyes slightly widen as you made eye contact with the gentleman...Coriolanus Snow, the president of Panem. You felt your heart drop at the figure, feeling your vocal cords stretching as you hit a high note finishing the song, you maintained eye contact. as the band played the outro, with your voice leading off,
Finally notes ending it off, as you heard a rain of applause ringing to your ears, looking at the President of Panem raising his hands and clapping for you..you bowed down, your head turning up, giving a glance up at the President.
Walking off the stage backstage, "Fuck, give me a cigarette, now!" you exclaimed, as one of the assistants gave you a box, putting a stick on your lips, as she gives you a lighter, igniting up the end of the cigarette. Blowing a cloud of smoke through your nose, walking down to your stage room combing your hair, trying to relieve your stress, sitting down on the vanity chair. Placing the cancer stick between your lips, leaning in the seat..."You were breathtaking out there" You immediately turned your head to the voice, Coriolanus walked in, closing the door, his hands in his pockets.
"Mr. President" You stood up from the chair, pushing your dress, and smashing the burning cigarette in the ashtray. "You don't need to stand up," He stated, you felt butterflies in your stomach. You didn't want to sit back down since you were afraid to disrespect the leader of the nation. You heard his footsteps inching closer to you, "Where did you learn to sing like that?" He asked, circling around your figure. You would have never dreamt for this to happen to you, "My mother taught me" You answered shortly, your eyes lingering on your hand. "I bet your mother was a gorgeous singer as you" He responded, glancing at you, you giggled at the comment, "She was.." you responded,
He watches your facial expression saddened, "Looks like you and me have something in common...already" he lightly chuckles, walking to the bar cart, your eyes following him hesitantly, glancing at your hands. "Drink?" He offers, you nod. His fingers circled the opening of the cup, taking out two cups and placing in on the counter of the table, pouring the mahogany liquid into the cups. Taking the liquid-filled cups and offering the cup to you, as you took the glass.
The cool cup touched your palm, "Cheers" He said, lifting the cup towards you, gesturing a cheer. Lifting your glass slightly before taking a sip of the mahogany liquid.
Smiling to yourself as you drank, glancing up at the gentleman. "If I can ask..why are you visiting me, President" You held the cup slightly tighter, "I wanted to offer you something," He said, his body moving closer to you. He saw as your eyes lit up in excitement, making him chuckle at the sight, his hands lifting your chin up slightly, his fingers caressing your cheek, your lips parting looking up at his crystal blue eyes.
"I need you to use that pretty voice of yours at a ceremony I'm hosting" He tilts your head to the side, admiring your face your eyes to your nose and lips, "You'll be of course paid in full, and suitable one indeed..so you won't have to use that pretty head" he brushes a strand of hair over your ear, "So..what do you think?" He said, withdrawing his hands away from you. You felt your heart pumping, as you thought about it, not wanting to take too long, but you nodded at his words, "Good, I'll send letters and updates on it" He finishes, before he finishes the whiskey in his cup till it was gone, putting the glass down. Taking your hand and leaving a kiss on the back of your hand, "But for now..I'll have to take my leave" He said, you took your hand away from him. Your eyes followed him, you couldn't formulate any words to him but nodded as he gave you a final look goodbye. The click of the door leads you into reality.
Putting your hand on your heart, feeling it beating against your chest.
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Time slipped by..days to months
You got the letters, reading them in your penthouse resigning in Capitol. Some of them weren't just business but Coriolanus writing to you. His words made you smile, though from the short time you met him, but you were grateful he came to you.
Under his influence made you thrive, your fame, and notoriety spreading...
Playing with your hair as you read every single word on the page. You did follow out with his words, performing once again at one of his parties.. fixing up your hair, puffing your hair up, and turning yourself in the mirror, at the red satin dress Coriolanus gifted you. Smoothing the fabric out near your stomach, looking at yourself in the mirror. Hearing footsteps coming into the room, as you turned, relaxing at the sight of Coriolanus.
He was wearing his signature suit, a bloody red suit with a white tucked-in shirt. In his hand was a bouquet of red roses, "For you" He gave you the bouquet of roses, holding them to your chest. "Thank you" you smiled at him, as you smelt the roses, glancing at him. A smirk painted on his lips, his hands lifting your head, "Make sure you use that pretty voice of yours, my dove..." He whispered as you felt his hands on your waist, making your cheeks flushed.
Though you never had the time to learn more about Coriolanus, your heart yearned for him, the more he talked and sent letters to you. You never really thought about how he was touchy with you, though you enjoyed it...you always felt anxious when your with him.
You hear your name being called, as you place the bouquet of roses in one of the staffer's arms, telling them to put them in a vase for you, glancing at Coriolanus form, as you smile at him. Your heels clicking onto the tile, walking down to the stage, your ears listening to the rain of applause as you walk to the mic. Your stomach was filled with butterflies but you looked to the side, and your eyes caught the sight of Coriolanus smiling at you. Your eyes flickered from him, as you smiled.
You opened your lips, familiar angelic notes coming out of your lips. Singing your emotion out as it sympathizes with the melody, holding the mic as your voice leads to the chorus. Your eyes sparkle in the spotlight, singing your heart out into a simple melody, enchanting as it was, given by the audience's eyes staring at you. Something that you made you sweat and have butterflies swirling in your stomach, anxious assume you bit by bit, but it was always washed away when you thought of the rewarding end you were going to get.
Word slipping from you, pouring your soul and heart out to the listening audience, as they watched you, leading into the interlude and to the climax, your voice projecting to the audience as you sang the last parts as the piano lead off with your voice. The rain of applauses, the sound of clapping made you smile as you bow down, the spotlight never leaving you. Your heart was still pounding but you smile through it. Walking from the stage to the backstage, being greeted by Coriolanus, "You were heavenly" He whispered to you, you relaxed, smiling at him. "Thank you" you felt your cheeks warming up at his praise.
His hands dancing on your waist, leaning towards you, "Let's get out of here" He whispers to you, taking your hand into his, "W-wait, don't you have to stay here, President.." You stuttered, "I have a more important thing to do" He whispered in your ear, hearing a smirk in his voice as he took your hand.
Leading you out of the theatre, feeling the wind through your hair, parting your lips at the night sky, the stars sparkling in the dark sky. As he led you to the chauffeur, opening the car door for as you enter, the door clicking besides you as he got onto the left side of the car. He said the chauffeur something that you couldn't decipher. You felt yourself sweating and your heart quicken the slight tension in the air, as you felt the car moving. You didn't know how to react or what to do, your eyes darting everywhere expect him, glancing at him, his eyes glance at you, you looked away from him. You felt his hand touching your thigh, feeling him slightly gripping it. "Are you scared?" You felt your throat getting dry, your eyes looking everywhere expect his, his fingers grazing underneath your upper thigh, your eyes darting to his hand, before him. "No.." you respond.
"If your aren't..why are you afraid of me?" He mutter, "I-i just never been in this situation before" You cleared your throat, a awkward giggles leaving your throat, putting your hand over his hand.
"So...your a virgin?" He said, you are frozen in your seat, words unable to leave your lips, hesitantly nodding at him, giggling at his comment. "So, you still have your thorns...untouched, innocent, unripe " His body inching closer to you, "Funny how Panem sex symbol, is a virgin isn't it?" He chuckled, and you reluctantly laughed with him, naive as you were, you did know what would happen if you followed him. Needless to say, your heart was thumping, feeling the car stopping as the chauffeur said something. "We're here" He muttered, you felt thankful for that moment in time, his hands withdrawing from you, as you both got out of the car.
Your eyes looked at the new environment you were in, the manor was huge, something that only existed with old money, and it was beautiful with the pillar adoring the house. He chuckled with your eyes exploring the house, "Follow" He ordered, as you obeyed, following him inside. The Peacekeepers guarding the manor opened the big door and you both walked into a more beautiful interior.
"It's gorgeous" Your looked up at the chandelier glittering in the lights, "I'm glad you like it" He smiled at you, his footsteps receding from you, as you followed him further into the manor, everything was captivating, something you would only find at the capitol. You were taken from your thought by his words, as he spoke out to you...you realized where he took you, the parlor. You immediately sat on the sofa, it was comfortable and soft, "Drink?" he offered, his luxurious leather shoes on the delicate tile, "Sure" you nodded, your eyes lingering on your hands in your lap, "What type?" He asked, "Anything" You quickly answered, and you deep inhaled and exhaled through your nose. "Have you tried Bourbon?" He asked you heard the glass on the wooden counter.
"No, never bourbon..I'm more of a Jack Daniels girl" You awkwardly giggled, and he poured the caramel liquid into the short glasses, your eyes dawdling on your hands. Before you heard his footstep coming closer to you, offering you a glass, you took it. "Thank you" you smiled, the cool caramel liquid swishing in the glass, looking at him, gesturing a 'cheers', you nodded, looking at the liquid before consuming the liquid till nothing was in the glass. The liquid was sweet, and bitter due the its alcoholic nature but was satisfying. "It's really good" You put your hand on your lip, smiling, a smirk on his lips, "I told you," He said, as he sipped the liquid.
"It's sweet, like vanilla" You beamed, he nodded at your words, your angelic voice dripping from your lips, feeling a buzzing noise in your ear, everything moving slowly around you. Your vision blurring, "Y-yeah" your words slurred, your eyes getting heavy. Blinking, before closing your eyes as you felt everything go black,
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Your eyes fluttered open, your body was frozen.. you couldn't feel your legs, fingers, or moving your head. You felt cold, bare...lewd sounds engulfing your ears. Your eyes darted to the ceiling, parting your lips, you heard grunts coming near you.
Your irises slowly look forth, you felt cold, ice cold... your heart dropping at the scene. A half-naked Coriolanus on you, his hands groping every part of exposed skin. Your dress was ripped, the one he gifted you. Your boob spilled out, displayed for him, his dick dragging into you. You were frozen still.
You wanted to scream, cry, but only hoarse noises escaping your throat, tears escaping your eyes slipping away staining your cheek. Your awakening wasn't unnoticed by Coriolanus, "You awake" Your eyes stared at his form, forcing himself inside of you. Sweat dripped off his forehead as his hands touched your skin, it felt like stabs everywhere. Betrayal settled in, it was quite naive of you, letting a man you never had the chance for yourself to know, allowing the intimate touches on your body.
You got the hint, but you ignored them purposely, maybe it was a warning for him to stop or continue..you didn't know what to think. The act of being vulnerable in front of him was a mistake, his moans and groans snapping you out of thought. You felt bile rising in your throat, you wanted to vomit, throw up, cry...but you could merely just listen and stare at the atrocities being committed. It hurt everywhere hurts, "Fuck, you feel so good around me" he groans, a sickening smirk on his lips..." please" you manage to force out from your throat, you felt tears pricking up on your waterline.
He laughed at your simple words, "please what?" he sneered, "stop" You had some type of hope in you... your lack of formulating sentence made him laugh pitifully, "Sorry my dove, it's just an exchange, company policy" his fingers caressing your cheek, as you stared in disbelief at his words. Whether you were angry, shocked, or sad, you didn't know what to believe or to know or to do. You just laid there taking the bit of pain, of his assault. "Why... I-I never asked for anything,, Corio" you sniffled, you purposely let the nickname slip, hoping it made him have a little humanity still left inside of him to stop, his hands gripping onto your waist, making you groan in pain, "I gave you everything, without my influence, your just be a lowly singer in Capitol born to be overshadowed by other more talented people, more younger, more pretty.., better than that lowly voice you from with..." He reduced you to tears, the more he talked, wet tears dripping from your eyes, he laughed.
He was mocking you.
"Did you just think, people just liked your voice... I thought you knew better than that...your looks pays off for your lack of personality" He kept on talking, and you hoped he would just stop and shut up, but the little words coming from him, made you cry.
"Besides...just be a good girl, and take it, will you..." He murmured.
His haunting groans and moans left his lips, staring into blankness. You wanted to hate the assault, but the agonizing pain turns into pleasure due to your discontent. The blooming sensation made you moan, and you arched your back in bliss, "I told you...you would bend into my touch" he whispered, nestling his head in the curve of your neck, his lips marking kisses from your neck to your collarbone, "Your take me so well" He smirks...
Time drifted away from you, you wanted to forget what happened between you and Coriolanus, but he wouldn't allow it, he still sent letters and gifts to your home... every time you looked at the address you felt like vomiting, crying, screaming. You still performed, you couldn't allow some fling to prevent you from maintaining what is important to you, your career. But months passed, and you stared at yourself in the mirror, you were visibly getting bigger, around your abdomen area. When Coriolanus demanded your presence you would obey and go, and it would always lead to intimacy...but now you are in his bed once again, stripped bare. His hands danced around your collarbone as you sat in his lap, his fingers playing with your hair, leaving kisses against your skin.
You felt like you were caged, with only yourself to talk to, though you already knew, beforehand. But you never felt so alone when your accompanied by Coriolanus, you debated on telling him the news, or keeping it to yourself but he was bound to know. He has eyes and ears around the Capitol, the districts, and all over Panem, you had no safe opinion left.
"Coriolanus.." He stopped mid-way, his eyes staring at you, yours forward. "I'm pregnant" the words slipped out of your throat, "It's yours" you finished, finally looking him in the eye...he didn't move or react, it made you scared, before he smiled, marking a kiss on your shoulder. "You would be a good mother" His hands shifted from your collarbone to your stomach, rubbing it gently. You didn't know how to feel, part of you didn't want any of it, forced by the pregnancy and burden of having a child you didn't want.
You were scared of confessing to him, leaning to his touch, you felt yourself being vulnerable around him, "Will, we marry?" Your eyes flickered to his, before he took your hand into his palm, rubbing your ring finger, "What would you prefer, a ruby or diamond" He said playfully, "Whatever you think is perfect for me" You replied, your eyes shifting from him to the color stained window, it was snowing. You felt his lips on your neck, nuzzling his head in the crevice of your neck.
It passed, the ring on your finger...your eyes hazy, looking at yourself in the mirror, you felt humiliated in yourself. White dust stained on your nose, feeling the light of your feet, pleased with the drug taking its effect. You were wearing your wedding dress, it was white, lacy, and poofy. Dried tears smudging your cheeks, you really hated yourself, a white veil hiding from the mirror...you desired to drink yourself away in alcohol, the only thing you could do, but due to Coriolanus surveillance he wouldn't allow it, not the mother of his child to harm herself or the baby, he made sure to hide everything that could possibly harm you or the child. Sending you away in your shared chambers, where you sulked and waited for him.
Your legs moving under your weight, a random man who was supposed to be your father, holding your arm. Leading down the aisle, superficial people around you, examining you, staring... judgment on their faces.
You're used to it, as the gentleman left you before your future husband, Coriolanus. You strolled up the stairs, your eyes locking with Coriolanus, who gave you a smile. His hands taking yours, your eyes lifted to his, before the priest said some words that you blurred out, staring at Coriolanus. The only one that stuck with you was, "You may kiss the bride" He said, Coriolanus flipping the veil, revealing your face, as he kissed you, you closed your eyes.
Hearing applause from the audience withdraws from his lips. "You'll be a wonderful wife" He fixed your veil, rubbing your hands.
You just nodded and smiled, knowingly signing yourself to him, throwing the key, and selling yourself, your soul, your rights, and your body to him alone..you wished to just rewind time and never lock eyes with him in the theatre.
The mere thought made you tear up, as tears managed to escape..and Coriolanus came to your rescue and wiped them away.
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© 2023 tonixe, do not repost, copy, translate, or sell my work.
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mistriavalley · 16 days
Going into the mines with March
Established relationship
Gender neutral
TW: none
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For the longest time you were doing an amazing job hiding the facts that the mines are being haunted by all kinds of monsters
Sure, everytime you emerge from the underground and make your way home you look pretty beaten up, but finding an excuse for your poor condition is easy. "I tripped" or "It was dark and I didn't see where I was going" is what you would say
But things became difficult once you and March started dating, because not all bruises and wounds are that easily explained. It all started when he noticed bite marks on your arms and legs. That was when he seriously questioned your stories
"Cut the bullshit and tell me what's really going on down there."
"I fell on a rock, March. It's literally not that serious."
"You want me to believe that a rock bit you?"
You've got no other choice, but to tell him. You start by reminding him of the fact that Errol refused to open the mines in the beginning, because he heard strange noises coming from them and continue by describing the source of said noises
March is a stubborn skeptic, but even his strong beliefs falter at that. There must be at least some truth to your tales, because how else are you getting these weird bruises?
So to convince himself that you're not making things up again he demands to accompany you to the mines next time
"March, no. It's way too dangerous."
"No chance. I'm coming with you."
And before you can say another word he's gone off to his blacksmith station to work on his projects
"Pff, monsters. Errol and Olric have never encountered anything dangerous while they worked down there.", he mumbles to himself.
Then why is he crafting a sword for himself? Why would he need protection if he's oh so sure that you're just spitting nonsense?
Even the next day when he steps onto the elevator platform with you, he's still in denial. Even though you have been nothing but a nervous wreck all morning, too worried about your boyfriend's safety
You two don't go too deep. It's only the fifth level in the mines, because that's where the monsters are the easiest to handle. Of course you don't question March's capability to fend for himself and you're more than aware of his strength, but still. It's nothing he has ever encountered in his life and you have no idea how he will react. Some of the bravest people can still freeze in the face of danger after all
The elevator stops und you take a few steps forward. With your sword lifted you shield your boyfriend from what lies ahead. A dark green slime locks eyes with you and charges for an attack
From spending so much time in the mines you managed to memorize every single monster's pattern. The moment the slime lands, it's stunned for a short while and that is when you take your chance. A few swift movements and the monster is down
March doesn't mutter a single word for the longest time and instead just stands there like a statue with a horrified and confused look on his handsome face
"March...? Are you alright?"
"It...that thing...why on earth was it wearing sunglasses?"
"Out of all the things that just happened, you're concerned about that?!"
Much to your surprise he catches himself fairly quickly afterwards and helps you crush rocks and gather ore
As it turns out fighting isn't quite one of his strengths, but he's doing one hell of a job breaking stuff open so you lend him your pickaxe while you keep his back free from slimes, lamps and all sorts of other enemies
Even though you're doing excellent work protecting the two of you one rock spitting blob still manages to land a hit on your boyfriend who stops mid motion with the pickaxe raised above his head
"No! Are you okay? Where does it hurt?"
"That fucker. I'll show him."
With a ridiculously furious look on his face he grabs the sword out of your hands and chases the monster down to instill the fear of the gods into that thing by the looks of it. It's the first time ever you've seen one of these creatures run away from someone and it's a sight to behold
It's insane how quickly you and March make your way down without having to chug down drinks and meals every now and then. What usually takes you the whole day is done in a couple hours and less bruises
Aftwards you decide to leave the findings at the blacksmith station so March can work on them the next morning and you can focus on your other tasks
And what other way to end a day full of hard work than to visit the bathhouse together?
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fbfh · 2 years
i just want to be tall 😪
this was super random but i had to share this with someone because i just had a crisis of not being able to find a step stool so i had to climb the fucking counter top just to get a tea bag
NO BC SAME. short bitches club unite. I have to wear platforms at work or I can't fucking reach anything skjfsljks-
the good news is that Rodrick fucking loves your height. he loves being your tall lanky grungy emo boyfriend and he loves the way you have to stretch up on your tiptoes to kiss him. he loves how you look in heels and platforms and he loves how you look in flats. he loves that he can rest his head on top of your head and how easy it is to give you forehead kisses. he'll absolutley use this to his advantage and pick you up and set you down on any counter or elevated surface just to watch how flustered you get, claiming it's "so I can kiss you easier :)" but he has that stupid smirk on his face that means you know he just likes seeing you all nervous. you are and forever will be his passenger princess, and he keeps the seat scooched all the way up for you. whenever ben or chris or ward try to move it he's like nope. that stays up front for my shorty. he'll probably call you his shorty (only if you're into that and think it's cute. if you're sensitive about height jokes he'll make sure no one makes any or they get a drumstick thrown at them from across the room.) and above all else he loves how easy it is to cuddle you, how perfecly you fit into him when he spoons you. he could sleep like that for days and ngl he's probably tried to. when greg's school does hello dolly (and greg plays minnie fay, so of course rodrick's not going to miss any of the performances) and as soon as ermengarde and ambrose show up roddy leans over and whispers "that's us". it's so fucking cute.
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My Mistake
Tags: Miguel x Spidey!Reader, Oneshot, Crush Blush, Gn!Reader, Close Proximity, Mad Miguel Just Bc 🤘😔
Warnings: None
When assisting Miguel with his leadership duties, you lend an extra hand with the boring computer work. But what happens when you slip and fall into his lap by accident?
Sorry for being so dead on tumblr LMFAO but like everyone else I watched ATSV and had sudden inspiration and also like. yk. miguel is FINE AF.
* ˚ ✦ 844 Words • Read below the cut    
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╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-╰┈➤ ❝ [14/06/23] ❞
As you entered Miguel's headquarters, you tore off the oppressive mask from your face. Although Miguel seemed somewhat icy as an individual, he hadn't thrown you out of the spider society yet for visiting him so frequently, so you took advantage of every opportunity you had to spend time with him. You greeted him heartily from the lower platform, but he was unwilling to turn or respond. Ever the charmer, that one.
You fired one of your webs at a wall to elevate yourself onto his platform. “What’cha working on?”
Miguel appeared to be cranky as he sifted through various anomaly alerts and classified them accordingly on his hologram monitor. He felt irritated by the tedious aspect of his job; it was difficult to find the time to do everything at once while simultaneously fulfilling his leadership duties and being Spiderman 2099. Miguel eventually stirred from his work as he detected your footsteps behind him, although his agitated look remained fixed.
You frowned at him. “What’s the matter?”
It's not surprising that Miguel's temperament deteriorated when you asked him this. What wasn’t wrong? He became belligerent and almost pouty at this.
He resumed swiping across his touchscreen device. “Nothing. Don’t you have somewhere to be?”
Miguel was fully aware that you had already fulfilled your daily responsibilities, yet he was merely inventing excuses to avoid having to explain himself or ask for your aid. You leant on one of the tables besides you, entertained by his brusque response.
You ignored the last half of his sentence. “It’s clearly not nothing. Seriously, what’s up? If you need help you can just ask.”
He sighed exasperatedly, and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I don’t need help.”
You had been gesticulating then, gazing at him incredulously. “You’re a bad liar.”
He subsequently focused on you, his head whipping in your direction in aggravation. “Fine! I need assistance with sorting through the anomaly alerts and pinpointing locations.”
You mock gasped, placing your hand over the spider emblem on your suit. “No way! The Miguel is asking me for help? Who are you?”
You chuckled as you stroked his shoulder. “Of course I’ll help.”
He merely grumbled in response. Oh, how you loved teasing this man.
God, this was so boring.
As much as you loved to annoy Miguel, you had not anticipated that the remainder of your day would be devoted to quietly reviewing and flicking through the informational screens in his frigid headquarters. Your lower back was suffering from sitting in your chair for so long, so you stood up to straighten out your posture and get a better look at the hologram panels.
Standing for an extended period of time became exhausting as well. You were unaware that the chair you'd sat in previously had rolled away from you slightly, causing you to stumble with a curse when you moved backwards to sit down again. Miguel's reaction time was swift, as he promptly stood behind you, prepared to catch you from tripping.
He felt your back hit his chest. “Ay!”
You were both hurled to the cold, unforgiving floor, hurting faintly from the impact. At the very least, you had Miguel to break the fall (seriously, his musculature was like a cushion). You hadn't noticed that you'd landed on him, his calloused hands anchored around your waist, you sprawled crosswise his powerful thighs. Given your close proximity, the apples of your cheeks flushed ruby.
You had a hard time looking him in the eye. “Sorry, I’m really clumsy...”
Miguel's glare bore down on you with menacing precision, scowling at your blunder. However, that expression was swiftly wiped off his face as he noted your reddened cheeks, and he couldn't help but smirk at you with a bit of sarcasm laced in his voice.
He traced his talons across your sides, through your suit in a teasing fashion. “Ten cuidado, Y/N. How are you clumsy and a spider person?”
You felt like you couldn’t breathe from how close Miguel was, and you could practically smell the lavender and sandalwood shampoo he used. He smelled woody and fresh, and the moment you inhaled his scent, you felt like you were going to faint.
You whispered breathlessly. “You smell nice.”
Miguel’s own cheeks tinged a slight pink, surprised by your sudden compliment. “...Thank you?”
Miguel seemed to be unimpressed, but deep down, he felt touched by your praise and tucked it away in his thoughts like a secret for safekeeping. He'd never admit it, but despite his soft glower, he quite liked seeing you on his lap...
Lyla emerged out of nowhere, searching for Miguel. Her gaze was drawn to you both on the floor right away.
She looked at you both on the floor, with mock disgust. “Someone moved on fast-”
Lyla ducked when Miguel tossed you off his lap, racing to get a piece of hardware to launch at the AI. You winced as Miguel shouted a string of incomprehensible curse words in Spanish at her.
Maybe helping him out was a bad idea...
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seat-safety-switch · 4 months
It's a new age of motoring. The old world of inefficient, gas-burning, polluting vehicles is over, and now is the time for zingy cough drops that do 0-60 in four seconds and have a bunch of annoying dinging sounds that you can't figure out how to turn off. If you're the kind of person who rides on an elevator and thinks "this could use more JavaScript," the world is your oyster.
Of course, no matter how many touchscreens, gewgaws, doodads, and fart noises you throw at an electric car, someone still has to build the car. You could go to a boring, old-technology company that worries about things like "bolts that fit," or you could take a gamble. You could step into the future and invest in a Switch Motors platform for your next electric car.
Switch Motors is the only small, unproven brand you need to risk millions of dollars and the livelihood of your employees on. We know about making a reliable car, because we know everything about how to make an unreliable car. And like Thomas Edison said before he was deluged by telemarketers: goddammit, why doesn't this thing work? Here's an example of our focus. Switch Motors cars are guaranteed to have at least four wheels, or we'll provide you with a pro-rated discount.
Don't care about the "car" part of electric cars? We've got you covered, with several platforms based entirely on classic Malaise Era American cars. Customers will love the straight chrome bumpers, which are easy to bang back into shape when they have a little whoopsy-doo at highway speeds while trying to quit their Zoom call. And our powertrains are proven – they come from high-end Chinese electric forklifts that we source from only the finest AliExpress vendors. No Wish.com for you, oh no: we're premium all the way.
Paint? Friend, paint slows you down. Besides, it looks way cooler when the arcs the motors kick off are shooting across the skin of the car like a Jacob's ladder. Keeps carjackers away, too. And pigeons. And anyone with a pacemaker. Maybe we can do something to improve that last part, I've got some Toyota water pumps around here somewhere. Switch Health Solutions sounds pretty good.
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mondaymelon · 9 months
MERRY CHRISTMAS !!! gifts ensue.
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he really went. blep. hi user @ilyuu. im proud of this one so congrats wanderer takes home first gift wooo
lmao id like to apologise in advance as this was brought on because of me but I got super burnt out drawing like 20 of these over the course of 2 days... if you see the quality of the drawings declining ( which you will ) please don't mind it!! thank you.
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@anonbinaryweirdo. sigh. i get whiplash whenever you're super nice and then in the span of the next three seconds immediately do something vile
@soleillunne. we don't talk much but from what I know you are such a sweet person omg !! and your works??? dies inside (in a good way). the way you write xiao maks me so. puddle like
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@realkavehgf. we agree on one things (amongst others) and that is that kaveh is. kAVEH IS. MALFUNCTIONS PERISHES.
@emphasisondrvgs. you scare me. please take your ranpo and quietly see yourself out LMAO /j
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@pjsk-writin. AMIMI ONE OF MY FIRST EVER MOOTS !!! im so proud of mikoto. sighs. straitjackets are smth else to draw .. BUT HES SO. MMMMMM !!!!
@circyexistforcontent AAAHHH HI PRECIOUS. I LIKE YOU BUT I DONT REALLY LIKE DILUC SO. TAKE THIS... quietly throws up
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@whats-it-mean. puka puka. head empty. puka puka. please stop your affairs with my mother.
@falors. UGLY SOBS. UGLY CRIES. I LOVE YOU /P SM. WAAHHHH TEARS TEARS TEARS you are the most talented person ever I S T G gRAAAHHH YOU BETTER GET 18412409128410948 FOLLOWERS THIS YEAR OR I WILL RIOT. mwah.
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@dustofthedailylife. omg. hi dust... tbh ive been so concerned for you recently with how much life is running you over with a pickup truck so wishing for your improved health soon !! alhaith is a smort guy what can I say
@the-white-void. DEAREST. literally one of the first people I ever interacted with on this platform and you're actually. like. literally one of the sweetest people I have ever met. KLEE IS SUCH A CUTIE FJSFJDK
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@kaeffeinee. OMG. m..my kitten- woah WHO just said that. wild shit right there. have something you don't like?? have something that's been pestering you for far too long?? no worries. its the official nag seal of mendokusai !!!!
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@absolutelyobsessedkiya. HELP WHY IS MINORI SO BRIGHT.... she's literally shining what. we need to talk more pspsspsp I just now found out that you're a fan of milgram!! remember like last year I was all 'whose that pretty pink person on their pfp??' AND NOW I FINALLY KNOW THATS ITS MUU RAHHHH
@auroratumbles. meow. cat. what a sweetie. I don't even know what my art style is doing here anymore Istg what even. what even BYE LETS TALK ABOUT XIAO LATER !!
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@yinyinggie. hihihi ying !! it honestly amazes me how you're able to juggle so many events and servers at once. im actually in awe. always look at xiao he's so emo and short
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@solxima. GRAHHH HI. I DONT LIKE HOW JINGYUAN LOOKS IN THIS BUT. DLJFLSDJ DIES> I CANT DO THIS AN Y M O RE. your honor. hes so cat coded hes so cat coded he's so PERISHS
@yelshin. WAIIIIT NO YOUR NAME GOT CUT OFF> iM SORRY. I don't know why he looks... so r e g a l in this but its definitely giving off oRAtRice MecAnIquE DAnAlySe CARdiNAle .
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@vennnnn-diagram. LOUD SCREAMING N O . YOUR NAME GOT CUT OFF TOOOODJSKFLSD JGAIJFAD JKLJFD:LFS. anyways. I need to see nahida smiling more she deserves everything and then some. aranaras are so silly giggles
@lume-nosity. I hold the slightest bit of guilt for putting your angsty ish drawing right next to happy lil nahida buT AHAHAH IT MAKES IT HURT MORE IG. took some inspo from your blog title... mwah ily lume. I WAS SO SCARED TO TALK TO YOU AT FIRST WHEN I SENT YOU THAT MOOT ASK BUT I AM EVER SO HAPPY THAT I DID !!!
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th end. im actually so dead lmao my fingers actually were starting to bleed afklsdjfaskdjfklsdjflkasdjflksjflkjowejtoij enjoy your Christmas gifts mooties !! if anyone asks why I haven't been posting fics as promised. this is why. ill be in a coffin for a while please let my soul rest
243 notes · View notes
lynnettys-world · 4 months
{Chapter Twelve – Wounds Can Heal Too}
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Kim Namjoon: Black Mackenzie Valley Alpha wolf
Kim Soekjin: White Alpha Lion
Min Yoongi: White Alpha Jaguar
Jung Hosoek: Alpha Snow Leopard
Park Jimin : Alpha Albino Cobra
Kim Taehyung: Alpha White/ Bleached Tiger
Jeon Jungkook: Alpha Black Panther
Reader: Heaven Valentino Human
Status: Ongoing
words: 4.8K!
CHAPTER WARNING: This chapter includes mentions of self-hatred, negative intrusive thoughts, blood, violence, and revenge. (Mild/non-triggering)
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Heaven's POV
It had been a challenging two weeks since I rescued the boys, and the tension in the house had certainly increased dramatically.
The boys, for the most part, continued to ignore my presence, with the exception of Namjoon, who would offer a casual greeting in the mornings and a welcoming smile when I returned from work.
With a significant investor meeting on the horizon for our upcoming project, I had thrown myself back into work full-force. 
This project was not only a crucial milestone for my business empire but also a platform to raise awareness for the often-overlooked hybrid community.
The concept of a clothing line designed specifically for hybrids had blossomed the moment I brought the boys into my home. I knew it was a risky venture, given the prevailing prejudice against hybrids, but I was determined to make a difference.
I had a secret weapon up my sleeve that I believed could tip the scales in our favor, and failure was simply not an option.
My days had blurred into a relentless cycle of work and little rest, fueled by a drive to see this project through to success.
As I trudged wearily towards the front door, exhausted from another grueling day at the office, the prospect of finally being able to rest my heavy eyelids felt like a distant luxury.
As I was about to take the home elevator up to my room, the exhaustion of the day had me craving a shortcut instead of taking the stairs. However, a movement caught my attention in the corner of my eye, momentarily bringing me out of my daze.
With a few blinks, I focused on the source of the movement and a chill ran down my spine.
A large white snake, easily measuring twenty to thirty inches in length, was slithering slowly across the gray marble tiles, weaving an eerie path before me.
Before panic could fully grip me, another presence entered my field of vision, causing my knees to waver involuntarily from the jolt of fear.
A majestic black panther sat before me, its intense gaze locking with mine, deep green eyes piercing through my senses as though challenging me to react.
In a state of shock, I attempted to retreat, forgetting about the snake, when a low, menacing growl resounded from behind, sending shivers down my spine and causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end.
Frozen in place, too petrified to even dare a movement, the weight of impending danger hung heavy in the air. Each breath felt like a struggle, heavy and strained, as a surge of primal fear coursed through me.
Summoning the last shred of courage within, I mustered the strength to turn around, only to find myself face to face with a large snow leopard, its wild eyes capturing the essence of untamed wilderness in a chilling stare.
In that moment of peril, surrounded by formidable predators, a profound sense of vulnerability enveloped me, rendering me dizzy with fear. 
Each heartbeat seemed to echo like a drum of impending doom, a symphony of dread reverberating through the confines of the space.
Amidst the surreal encounter with these dangerous creatures, a desperate prayer escaped my lips, imploring any divine entity listening to heed my call for salvation. The juxtaposition of seeking a moment of respite and finding myself encircled by perilous beasts painted an unsettling tableau of inexplicable events.
Why had fate chosen this moment, turning a simple journey to seek rest into a harrowing trial of survival?
All I yearned for was peaceful sleep.
As I found myself lost in the intensity of the situation, my senses were heightened by the heavy sounds echoing from the stairs.
It was as if time slowed down as a large, fur-covered figure appeared before me.
A black wolf -- Namjoon.
The realization hit me like a ton of bricks as I processed the fact that my beloved hybrids, Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook, had also shifted into their hybrid forms.
Namjoon stood as a protective barrier in front of me, his growls reverberating in the air as he faced off against the three hybrids who had transformed into a snake, leopard, and panther.
Each of them exuded a raw power that sent chills down my spine.
In his wolf form, Namjoon's imposing figure loomed over me, reaching an impressive height of 6 feet and boasting a 9-inch length. His lustrous black fur glistened in the ambient light, casting an eerie yet alluring aura around him.
The sight of his large paws firmly planted on the ground and his sharp canines gleaming sent a shiver down my spine.
Lost in the mesmerizing presence of Namjoon, I was abruptly brought back to reality by a cold sensation snaking up my leg, winding its way around me with a deliberate slowness that made my skin crawl.
The snake, who I recognized as Jimin, coiled around me, his grip tightening gradually, encircling my body with a suffocating hold that left me paralyzed by fear.
Just as the tension peaked, a deafening roar pierced the air, drawing my attention to a majestic sight in the living room. 
There, standing regally, was Jin in his magnificent white lion form, a sight to behold with his pristine fur and a mane that added to his already imposing stature.
My gaze shifted back and forth between Jin and Jimin, the conflicting emotions of awe and terror battling within me.
Jimin's tightening grip served as a stark reminder of the danger that loomed around me, my sharp inhales reverberating through the room as the situation spiraled into a surreal nightmare.
In the midst of chaos, I found myself standing frozen, my heart pounding in my chest as I witnessed the violent clash between Namjoon and Jungkook.
The room was filled with tension as their large bodies collided with a deafening thud, sending shivers down my spine.
I realized the gravity of the situation, I had never felt so helpless before, my mind racing to come up with a solution to defuse the escalating confrontation between the two hybrids.
Panic surged through me as I scanned the room for any sign of assistance, only to remember that I had sent all my staff home for the weekend, leaving me alone with the seven hybrids.
A sense of dread washed over me as Hoseok entered the fray, the sight of blood painting a grim picture of the danger that loomed in front of me. 
Desperation clawed at my insides as I knew I had to intervene before things spiraled out of control.
"Jimin, please, if you can hear me," I implored, my voice trembling with fear as I addressed the snake hybrid coiled around me. "I beg of you, we need to stop this fight before it descends into a bloody massacre."
The urgency in my plea was palpable, each word carrying the weight of the dire consequences that awaited if I failed to bring an end to the violent clash unfolding before me.
My mind raced with thoughts of possible strategies to diffuse the tension and restore peace among my hybrids before irreversible harm was done.
Despite the chaos reigning in the room, a sense of determination welled up within me, propelling me to take action and prevent further bloodshed.
With each passing moment, the stakes grew higher, and I knew that time was of the essence in resolving the conflict that threatened to tear apart the fragile peace that held our unique household together.
I knew it would be risky to remove the nano chips from their bodies, especially when their animal aspects started merging with their human psyches, battling for dominance.
The suppressed desire to be wild and shift had been boiling beneath the surface for so long that now, they were letting their animalistic sides run rampant.
I had a strong feeling that Jimin was somewhere in the midst of it all. All I needed to do was to locate him and help him regain control, to synchronize his psyche with his animal form. It was crucial for him to find that balance.
Thankfully, when Taehyung shifted a couple of weeks ago, he appeared to be in tune with his animal side. However, I could sense that the animal part of him was struggling to assert itself, and he was fighting to keep it in check.
Hybrids like them needed to establish a deep connection with their animal counterparts to form a strong bond. This mutual understanding was vital for co-existence - to find a balance of power.
Regular shifting was a key component in maintaining this delicate harmony. Without it, hybrids risked losing control, becoming feral, and possibly losing their human sides forever.
It was a delicate dance between their human selves and animal instincts, a dance that required finesse and mastery.
If we didn't act swiftly and wisely, the consequences could be disastrous for all of us.
"I know you're in there, Jimin. I know you can hear me," I began, my voice tinged with a mixture of sorrow and desperation.
"I'm sorry I let you down. I'm sorry I broke my promise. I was so stubborn, so willful, thinking no one would ever dare challenge me in my own home. But I was wrong, and my arrogance led to your abduction."
The memory of the day the boys were taken played out in my mind, each detail a painful reminder of my shortcomings.
"I allowed you to suffer, despite vowing to shield you from harm. I understand that forgiveness may not come easily, but please, for the sake of your pack, find the strength to break free and help me stop this. Please," I pleaded, my voice faltering as tears welled up in my eyes and streamed down my face.
Silently, I beseeched Jimin to acknowledge my plea, hoping against hope for a sign that he had heard me.
The tension that had gripped my body began to dissipate, replaced by a glimmer of hope as Jimin unwound himself from around me, his serpentine form moving away before disappearing and reappearing in front of me.
His gaze, so striking with its eerie silver hue, met mine, revealing a tumult of emotions beneath his composed exterior. 
There was a brief moment of connection, a silent exchange of understanding, as his eyes scanned the room and settled on Jin in his majestic lion form, who stood poised to intervene and help get things under control.
As I stood there, my heart sinking with despair, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling inside me.
The chaotic scene before me, with my hybrids engaging in a heated confrontation, left me feeling helpless and overwhelmed. Jin and Jimin's attempts to diffuse the situation were in vain, as Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jungkook remained stubborn and unyielding.
Trying to maintain my composure, I felt a wave of exhaustion crashing over me, the adrenaline that had fueled me earlier now dissipating.
The room seemed to warp and blur before my eyes, making it difficult to focus on anything tangible. My head throbbed with a dull ache, and I struggled to keep my thoughts clear amidst the chaos unfolding before me.
In that moment of disorientation, I found myself struggling to even form coherent words. My voice came out as a mere whisper, barely audible amidst the clashing of my hybrids.
"J-jimin," I managed to mutter, hoping to reach out to someone, anyone, who could bring some semblance of peace to the turmoil surrounding us.
Just as I felt myself teetering on the edge of consciousness, a sudden command cut through the tumultuous noise.
A deep, authoritative voice resonated with power, its tone laced with a steely resolve that demanded obedience.
"Enough!" the voice boomed, startling me with its forcefulness.
As the weight of that single word hung in the air, a sense of finality washed over me.
My body, weary from the strain of the confrontation, finally gave in to the darkness that threatened to consume me. 
Sounds became muffled and distant, like echoes from a far-off realm, yet amidst the fading clamor, I could discern a faint call of my name.
The voice sounded fragile and desperate, as if reaching out to me from a place of deep vulnerability. It carried an undertone of fear and longing, as though afraid that I would slip away into the void, never to return to the light of consciousness.
In that fleeting moment, as darkness encroached upon my senses, I clung to that haunting plea, a poignant reminder of the fragile threads that bound us together in our shared turmoil.
3rd Person's POV 
Two days had passed since Heaven fell unconscious, leaving the hybrids on edge with fear and uncertainty.
The air was thick with worry for Heaven's well-being, but also tinged with anger towards themselves for not heeding earlier warnings.
Despite their dismissive behavior and sharp tongue, Heaven had never once held a grudge against the hybrids. Even when faced with insults or harsh treatment,
Heaven always responded with a smile, offering reassurance and understanding.
The hybrids couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for their past actions. They regretted not listening to Heaven, not showing more care and compassion when it was needed.
The realization that Heaven remained forgiving and kind in the face of their indifference only fueled their sense of remorse.
They questioned themselves, wondering why Heaven had to be so forgiving, so gentle. Why couldn't she have been more like the other humans the hybrids had encountered - cold and unforgiving?
Perhaps then, the hybrids wouldn't be grappling with this overwhelming guilt.
But Heaven's inherent kindness and understanding demeanor stood in stark contrast to the harshness the hybrids had grown accustomed to.
It was a reminder of their own shortcomings, highlighting the stark difference between Heaven and the rest of the world.
As time passed and Heaven remained unconscious, the hybrids found themselves wrestling with their emotions. 
They were torn between their anger towards themselves and their deep-rooted appreciation for Heaven's unwavering kindness.
The internal conflict waged on, leaving them to grapple with their own sense of morality and empathy.
Faced with their own flaws and the stark contrast presented by Heaven's forgiving nature, the hybrids couldn't help but feel a growing sense of vulnerability and unease.
The guilt weighed heavily on their hearts, a reminder of the missed opportunities to show compassion and understanding.
Despite their misgivings and internal struggles, one thing remained clear - Heaven's impact on the hybrids was undeniable.
Her kindness and forgiveness had touched something deep within the hybrids, stirring emotions and prompting reflection on their own actions and behaviors.
The days passed slowly, each moment filled with a mix of fear, uncertainty, and a burgeoning sense of regret for the missed chances to be better.
As she lay unconscious in her bed, her breathing steady, they watched over her with heavy hearts.
"When is she going to wake up?" Jungkook asked, his eyes bloodshot from crying and restless nights spent worrying about her.
"The doctors said she might wake up tomorrow or in the late hours of the night," Namjoon replied, his voice calm but the other hybrids could sense the worry hidden beneath his composed facade.
~Three Days Ago~
As Yoongi and Taehyung thundered down the corridor, the echoes of their hurried footsteps reverberated through the tense atmosphere.
The commotion had drawn them irresistibly, Yoongi's brow furrowed in concern while Taehyung's eyes widened with apprehension.
Upon reaching the chaotic scene, they beheld a sight that made their hearts clench with worry. Your body leaned against the wall weakly trying to stop the fight.
Your slight figure swaying unsteadily as you struggled to maintain your balance amidst the escalating conflict. Yoongi's alpha instincts surged to the forefront, his protective instincts dictating his next move.
With a voice that brooked no argument, Yoongi's commanding roar sliced through the air, halting the fight in its tracks.
The hybrids turned as one to face the source of that authoritative command, their expressions a mix of surprise and deference. In that charged moment, all eyes were on Yoongi, his alpha side in full control of the situation.
But even as the conflict dissipated, your strength gave out, your body finally succumbing to the strain. With a gasp, you began to crumple to the ground, your eyes fluttering shut as darkness threatened to engulf you.
In a swift and fluid motion, Yoongi's strong arms encircled you, catching you securely before you could hit the unforgiving ground.
As Taehyung moved closer, his features etched with concern, Yoongi cradled you gently, his touch surprisingly tender despite the urgency of the situation.
The gravity of the moment hung heavy in the air, the tension palpable as your unconscious form was held in the protective embrace of the alpha, a silent promise of safety and security in the midst of turmoil.
Yoongi had not left her side for the past two days, refusing to budge, growling at the nurses who constantly tried to reassure him that they were only there to help.
That night, the hybrids were on edge, unsure of what to do next. In a panic, they decided to call her brothers, who arrived in a rush at the news of their sister's condition.
Not wanting to worry her family further, the hybrids held back some details of how she ended up in this state, fearing her brothers might react rashly and take them away.
And so she lay there, connected to the drip and monitor, looking unnaturally pale and frail, causing the hybrids to ache with worry.
"You go ahead and rest, I'll keep an eye on her," Yoongi declared firmly, his gaze unwavering as he took on the responsibility of watching over her.
Reluctantly, the others filed out of the room, closing the door behind them, leaving Yoongi alone to stand guard by her side.
Yoongi's POV
As I stood by her bedside, the weight of regret and guilt bore down on me heavily. I couldn't shake off the immense sense of responsibility for the current state she was in.
The room was quiet, save for the soft rhythmic sounds of her breaths, a painful reminder of her fragile state.
Her peaceful face, lying there so vulnerably, stirred a whirlwind of emotions within me. The remorse in my heart couldn't be contained any longer, and the words I had held back for so long finally found their way out of my lips.
"Please, can you hear me?" I implored softly, the rawness in my voice revealing the depth of my regret.
"I want to express how truly sorry I am for everything. I understand that my apologies may sound inadequate, mere words in the face of the pain I've caused you. I know that no amount of remorse can undo the hurt I've inflicted."
The memory of that fateful day when we were taken flashed vividly in my mind. In the chaos and fear that gripped us, I let my distrust and prejudice taint my judgment.
Blinded by my past experiences with humans I failed to see the truth, to see beyond my own fears.
"When we were separated, I let my prejudices cloud my perception. I blamed you without evidence, succumbing to my own insecurities and biases."
The weight of my admission hung heavy in the room, mingling with the palpable air of regret.
Tears welled up in my eyes, a silent testament to the pain and regret that gnawed at my insides. I bared my soul, laying bare my vulnerabilities as I continued to pour my heart out.
"I cannot excuse my actions, nor do I deserve your forgiveness, but I need you to know that I never intended to cause you harm. I was consumed by anger and hurt, my judgment clouded by my own pain."
Beneath the facade of strength that I had upheld for so long, a sea of emotions surged, threatening to engulf me.
The walls I had meticulously built around my heart began to crumble, leaving me exposed and vulnerable. A bitter, broken laugh escaped my lips, echoing the shards of regret that pierced my heart.
In that moment of raw honesty and vulnerability, I allowed myself to confront the depth of my remorse and the magnitude of my mistakes.
The silence that followed my confession was deafening, amplifying the weight of my words and the gravity of the situation. Through the haze of tears and regret, I found myself grappling with the harsh reality of my actions and the irreversible consequences they had wrought.
As I sat there, a mere silhouette of the creature I once thought myself to be, I knew that this moment of reckoning was both painful and necessary.
And so, with a heavy heart and a trembling voice, I whispered a final plea into the silent void,
"For whatever it's worth, I am truly sorry. I can only hope that someday, somehow, you can find it in your heart to forgive me."
And with that, I stood there, enveloped in the suffocating embrace of regret and remorse, knowing that the road to redemption, if it existed at all, began with this moment of truth and vulnerability.
The weight of guilt and self-blame seemed suffocating as I sat amidst the ruins of what was once a peaceful haven. The wreckage around me mirrored the turmoil within me, a manifestation of the chaos I had caused.
Thoughts of unworthiness and regret swirled incessantly in my mind, each whispering a harsh truth that cut deeper than the last.
"You are worthless," one voice sneered, echoing the self-condemnation that had taken root within me.
"Just leave," another urged, an enticing escape from the pain and devastation I had wrought.
The echoes of my own self-criticism reverberated like a ceaseless barrage, each word a sharp blade slicing through my already battered soul.
"Nobody loves a selfish bastard," they taunted, a cruel reminder of the isolation that seemed inevitable in the wake of my actions.
The most insidious of all was the internal voice that demanded the ultimate penance, the final act of self-punishment. "Kill yourself already," it hissed, a chilling suggestion that I struggled to push away.
In that moment of darkness, when despair threatened to consume me whole, a single word shattered the suffocating silence.
Her voice, filled with an inexplicable tenderness, called to me like a lifeline thrown in the midst of a stormy sea.
My eyes, clouded with tears and self-recrimination, widened as I beheld her gaze, a mix of confusion and something else—something that felt like love.
"H-Heaven?" I choked out, my voice a broken whisper tinged with disbelief.
She looked at me, a smile playing on her lips despite the weariness that lingered in her eyes. With a softness that belied her strength, she spoke words that pierced through the darkness surrounding me.
"Why are you hurting yourself, huh? My love, none of this is your fault. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I swore to give it to you."
Her voice, though weakened by her own ordeal, carried a conviction that resonated deep within me. In that moment, her unwavering faith in me was a beacon of light in the shadowed landscape of my self-doubt.
As her words wrapped around my wounded heart, a glimmer of hope flickered to life, banishing the darkness that had threatened to consume me.
In her eyes, I saw a reflection of a love unconditional and steadfast, a love that dared to defy the darkness that threatened to engulf me.
In the poignant moment when the floodgates of emotions finally gave way, I found myself dropping to my knees beside her bed, overwhelmed with sorrow and regret.
Tears streamed down my face as I reached out for her hand, my heart heavy with apologies that spilled out in stammered phrases.
"I'm so sorry... I-I-I shouldn't have pushed you away, I-I-I— " My words were cut off as she gently placed her delicate hand on my trembling lips.
"Shhh, my love, there's no need for apologies. You have nothing to blame yourself for," she reassured me, her voice filled with warmth and understanding.
"You are the most precious person in my life, along with the boys. I would never trade the moments we've shared for anything in this world."
As she wiped away my tears and urged me to smile, I felt a glimmer of light in the midst of my overwhelming emotions.
Her words, filled with love and sincerity, gave me a sense of reassurance and comfort in that tumultuous moment.
With a wide, gummy smile breaking through my tears, I leaned into her embrace without hesitation. The thought of protecting her at all costs, of shielding her from any harm or pain, resonated deeply within me.
I vowed silently to myself that I would stand guard over her for the rest of my days, a fierce protector ready to shield her from any threat, even if it came from within myself.
In that tender moment, as I purred softly and felt my tail coil around her waist, a sense of peace settled over me. The connection between us, the depth of our bond, wrapped around us like a comforting blanket.
Suddenly, the tranquility of the room was shattered by the sudden entrance of the six idots, their presence jolting me back to the reality of our surroundings.
Way to ruin the moment. Sigh.
Heaven's POV
My dear Yoongi doesn't seem to understand just how special he truly is, and I've taken it upon myself to remind him each and every day until he finally embraces and loves himself the way he deserves to. His enigmatic nature only adds to his charm, and I am determined to show him his worth.
As the rest of the boys burst into the room, their faces lit up with relief and joy. Jungkook immediately made a beeline for my bed, playfully nudging Yoongi who was already holding me tightly in his arms.
"C'mon, hyung, it's my turn now. Stop hogging her," Jungkook whined, provoking a low growl from Yoongi, which only made me chuckle at their playful banter.
"Jungkook, sweetheart, come over here," I beckoned, and he eagerly made his way to my side. Yoongi reluctantly released his hold on me, grumbling as he moved aside to let Jungkook envelop me in a big hug.
Jungkook's large frame completely engulfed me, his chest providing a warm and comforting refuge. The sound of his content purring filled the room as he held me close, unwilling to let go despite the protests from the other boys.
"Yah! Jeon Jungkook, you've had your turn for ages now. Let us have a chance too," Hoseok exclaimed, joined by the chorus of agreements from the rest of the group.
"No," Jungkook stubbornly declared, reminiscent of a child unwilling to part with their favorite toy.
His determination to keep me in his embrace only elicited laughter and playful protests from the others, a heartwarming display of their bond and affection for one another.
Oh man, I can't even begin to express how much I've missed being with them. It seriously felt like forever since we all hung out together, cracking jokes, laughing until our sides hurt, and just being our goofy, carefree selves. 
My heart was overflowing with joy and love as I watched their silly antics, the way they bantered and teased each other like no time had passed at all. It was like the universe aligned just for us to be together again, and it felt so right.
I knew deep down that we all needed a fresh start, a chance to truly accept and love one another without any hesitation or doubt.
It wasn't going to be a smooth ride, that's for sure, but I had this unwavering faith that this time, we would stick together no matter what life threw our way.
I promised myself in that moment to shower them with all the love and protection in the world.
I wasn't going to let anything or anyone come between us again. This time, we were going to stay united, unbreakable.
And then there was Jeong-sin. 
Oh, Jeong-sin. The one who dared to disrupt the peace, the delicate balance of our bonding. 
He thought he could just waltz in and wreck everything we had worked so hard to build.
Jeong-sin. You've messed with the wrong Valentino. You've awakened a side of me that you never want to see.
A side filled with determination, vengeance, and a thirst for revenge that burns like a raging fire.
I swear on every star in the sky that I will make you pay for what you've done. Your days of causing chaos and mayhem are numbered, and when the time comes.
Revenge will be a sweet dish served on a silver platter with your head on it. You'll wish you never crossed paths with Heaven Valentino.
So, watch your back, Jeong-sin. Because I'm coming for you, and when I do, you'll finally understand the true meaning of hell. 
Mark. My. Words.
Hey wonderful readers!
I just wanted to drop by and say a big thank you for taking the time to read this chapter. I hope it brought a smile to your face and maybe even made your day a bit brighter.
And hey, no worries about the angst in the previous chapter - we all need a little drama in our lives sometimes, right? But I promise this chapter is all about redeeming our boy Yoongi and giving him the chance to make things right.
I have to admit, it was tough writing about Yoongi hating himself. It's never easy to see our favorite characters in pain, but hey, it's all part of their journey towards growth and redemption. And let's be real, a good cry now and then is good for the soul, right?
Thank you all for your continuous support, whether it's through notes, comments, or just by simply being here and reading along. Your love and encouragement mean the world to me, and I truly appreciate every single one of you. You're the best readers a writer could ask for, and I'm grateful to have you on this crazy journey with me.
Don't forget to leave a comment or a note if you're enjoying the story - it truly helps me know what you like and what you want to see more of. Your feedback is invaluable, and I cherish every word you share with me.
Until next time, my lovely readers! Stay awesome, stay kind, and keep spreading those good vibes wherever you go. And remember, your eccentric Author-nim is always here, ready to bring you more adventures and emotions in the next chapter. 😉
Sending you all the virtual hugs and high-fives until we meet again in the next installment of our story. Take care, and keep shining bright like the stars you are!
With love and gratitude,
Your eccentric Author-nim 🌟
TAGLIST: @strxwbloody, @strawblueberrys, @taetaeheart22, @canarystwin, @drenix004, @ghostlyworld, @loumin908, @rinkud, @nikkiordonez12, @taekritimin123, \\@mnguyeeen7, @danielle143, @welcometomyworld13, @avadakadabra93, @kiaralynn3838, @sugathy
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sc0tters · 11 months
Is It Over Now | Dawson Mercer
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summary: how do moments of miscommunication cause your relationship with Dawson to unravel?
request: yes/no
warnings: swearing, douche Dawson?
word count: 2.05k
authors note: it was only right to write for the birthday boy today! I don’t fully know what this is but I’m tired and wanted to get it out whilst it’s still his birthday for most of you. @hischierhaze let’s act like this is exactly what you intended for this ending (this is why I shouldn’t be left unattended)… all o really have to say is just enjoy!
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Seeing you like this felt like hell for Dawson.
January was where you two started sleeping together.
Like any other fuck buddy relationship the biggest rule was that you two weren’t allowed to fall for each other but by May you knew you broke that one.
It was your birthday and the other members of the media team had gotten you a cake which the boys of course came and helped themselves to “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me it was your birthday!” Nico complained as he sent you a frown.
When you didn’t respond it made him furrow his eyebrows “hello?” He questioned you quickly going quiet when his eyes followed yours.
Dawson was laughing at something that your newest coworker Janet was talking about. Whilst she seemed nice, you weren’t stupid and she was everything that you weren’t.
So as you watched her run her hand over his arm your stomach began to churn “didn’t know you liked Mercer.” The amusement in Nico’s voice was finally enough to pull you away from the boy you were staring at.
Your eyes went wide as you looked at the captain “I don’t like him like that.” You shook your head shoving a large piece of cake into your mouth to avoid your lips forming a smile.
That was your visual tell when you are lying and the captain picked up on that two weeks into you working there “whatever you say kid.”
You walked over to Jack to talk to him as Dawson went to Nico “you know that y/n used to play hockey as a kid?” The Canadian cheered as he had learnt another fact about you.
The true moment for you though when you realised that you must have liked Dawson more than he liked you was when it was the end of season gala in June.
You were sat in your hotel room after you slipped Dawson your room key and told him to follow you up in a few minutes.
So there you sat on your bed in nothing more than the new lingerie set that you had bought during a recent shopping trip that you had told him about. Dawson had been waiting to see it as you merely mentioned that you picked up a surprise for him.
An hour had to go by before you accepted that Dawson wasn’t coming. Not bothering to care about getting dressed you just wrapped your coat around your body and shoved your dress into the pocket of it before you found your car downstairs.
If only you knew that when your elevator doors shut to bring you back to the lobby, Dawsons had opened bringing him on to your room’s floor.
The main reason now why you two hadn’t spoken was that you blocked him on all platforms over the summer.
Dawson didn’t understand what he did wrong but when he mentioned his problems to Jack the boy merely suggested that his teammate found a different girl to forget about you.
Of course Jack didn’t know that you were the girl in mention or else maybe Jack would have given Dawson better advice.
So that was how Dawson landed up sleeping with a new girl in his bed every week when he arrived back in the garden state.
The only thing you could fault him for was the fact that he wasn’t quiet about who he slept with. Every tabloid and social media account knew of the girls. That was where you two did thing differently.
Nico picked up that you had a partner during the start of the new season when you were showing him a thing on your camera and didn’t notice the hickey that Owen had left on your neck nights before.
You managed to keep the fact that the man in your bed was playing for the Sabres quiet even as everyone arrived in the prudential center for the matchup against the Sabres the Devils players hadn’t picked up on who your lover boy was.
Dawson wasn’t impressed watched your cheeks redden at the mentions of your mystery boy. He had grown sick of hearing about the man.
Which is why it didn’t take him long to realise that lover boy was in fact Owen Powers as after that game the Sabres player couldn’t seem to get enough of you.
You had met him during your time in Toronto over the summer and when you guys came back to work you kept the summer fling going “you enjoying giving other players my sloppy seconds?” Dawson asked watching you walk to your car.
It was the first time you didn’t have Owen with you since you left the lockeroom “excuse me?” You didn’t know if it was more surprising that Dawson was actually talking to you or the fact that he had actually said that “just curious to see if you enjoy being with a disappointing player like him.” It infuriated you with the way that Dawson acted so nonchalant about what he had said.
Your body tensed with frustration “if anyone here is disappointing it’s you and Owen is actually really enjoying me.” You rambled sending the boy a glare as he watched you speed up “where are you going?” Dawson groaned knowing that he was going to chase you.
The cold New Jersey air matched how you felt in that moment “I’m going to get far away from you.” You yelled back opening your car door.
As Dawson watched you drive off he was unaware that his captain was stood behind him “I don’t know what you did but you better fix it.”
Just like you had hoped the bath you had did calm the nerves that the Canadian had built up in your system. Yet somehow all of that work quickly became unraveled when an aggressive knock came at your door.
You wanted to act like you didn’t know who it was going to be but when you opened that door you weren’t surprised to see Dawson “if you are here to embarrass me further then you can leave.” You warned wrapping your fingers around the handle of the door.
Dawson stared down at you as he could see the few freckles that were on your nose that now weren’t covered by your usual makeup “have a nice night Mercer.” You sighed going to shut the door as he remained silent.
That seemed to give him the push to saw even just a few words “I’m sorry.” Dawson blurted out pressing his hand against the door to stop you from shutting him out.
The apologetic look that laced his face and the fact that it was his birthday caused you to hear him out “five minutes.” You mumbled opening the door further to let him in.
In all of the months that you had known Dawson you truly had never seen the Canadian this nervous as he twirled his bracelet in between his fingers “I didn’t mean what I said about Owen.” His eyes didn’t leave the ground as the confession left his lips.
With all of the emotions that ran through your body as you crossed your arms you couldn’t help it when you laughed “well isn’t that crazy.” It was dry and blunt as you rolled your eyes.
The boy grew frustrated as he was never good with talking about his emotions, yet with you it was always ten times worse “god dammit y/n I love you!” Whilst that was what he often thought around you, this was the first time that he ever let those words be heard by the world.
If Dawson wasn’t good at talking about his emotions then you were horrible “bullshit.” You laughed shaking your head.
You spun around to make your way into the kitchen of your apartment “you don’t get to say that to me.” You pushed past him leaving the boy dumbfounded.
All of those late nights in his bed as you’d watch him sleep just hoping that he’d finally say those words to you “not now.” Tears began to form in your eyes as you wished that it had remained a simple dream of yours, rather than now being a reality.
It made the Canadian scoff “you don’t get to choose how I feel about you!” The boy was only a mere pace or two behind you when you turned back to face him “I can when you sleep with every girl in Jersey!” Your index finger pressed into his chest reminding him of the girls that he had been meeting during the off season.
For some odd reason there was a large part of Dawson that truly thought you were none the wiser to his new nighttime activities “I did it to avoid you.” He seemed to believe that his words would comfort you as Dawson dragged his thumb along the skin of your cheek to wipe away the tear that had fallen.
You brought your hand over his “really?” Something about being wanted by Dawson made you feel warm inside “none of them mattered.” He nodded tilting your head up so that his lips were a mere few millimetres away from yours “you gotta believe me baby.” His voice was soft as you nodded giving him the green light to kiss you.
Just like normal you loved how his lips felt against yours. The way his tongue would run over your lip causing your mouth to open. How is hand would get caught in your hair as he pushed you against the kitchen counter.
All of it felt truly brain melting which is why you let yourself get so caught up in how it felt to have his hands back on your hips.
It seemed that your senses came back to you when you let out a sigh when you pulled away “what now?” Dawson groaned seeing the serious look on your face “you should go.” You mumbled pushing him away.
Your feet took you to the door of your kitchen before you went back to look at Dawson “so is this it then?” He asked sensing that the air in your apartment no longer felt fun and airy but rather heavy and dark.
The Devils player watched as you nodded “when you had sex with those girls did you ever think of someone that wasn’t me.” You weren’t attempting to sound conceded here, no instead you were trying to see if the boy truly did love you in the way that he suggested.
Dawson frowned “why does it matter if I chose you?” His words were heavy on your mind as your new understanding of the reality that you had fallen into was one that you truly weren’t a fan of, not yet.
You rubbed your hand against your jaw hoping to formulate the answer to his question “because I’m not here to simply be an option to you Dawson.” Your arms crossed again as you began to shut off your body language to him “look I’m sure there is a girl who wants to spend your birthday with you.” You ran your fingers through your hair “but that just isn’t me.” If this was one of those tapes that ended on a cliffhanger, the screen would have cut out now.
But instead you were still facing the Canadian in yours kitchen “whatever this is, I’m done with it.” Dawson felt like you might as well have just stopped on his birthday as a whole because he wanted to finally make things serious with you and you weren’t ready.
You looked at Dawson like you wouldn’t be seeing him at the Prudential Center within 48 hours “you know how to let yourself out.” You sighed turning to the door and finally leaving him alone with nothing more than his thoughts.
Truly Dawson wanted to run after you in that moment. He wanted to say that your name was the one he called in bed each time and that was why he had the list of girls, none of them ever came back.
Yet instead his feet remained stuck to the ground when he got a text message.
Big Hughes 🫡: if you’ve wrapped up whatever you were doing, you should come to mine for a drink.
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starillusion13 · 1 year
FRIENDS!? Chapter 4
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M.Masterlist Series ML
Pairing: poly!ateez × f!reader (An ATEEZ Office AU)
Genre: Mature, Angst, Yandere, SMUT
Warning: The upcoming events in the story will contain themes like stalking, violence, obsession, manipulation, possessive behaviour and restraining acts. Do not kill me for not warning you. This is an Yandere story so you are well aware of what to expect more. For SMUT I WILL GIVE THE WARNING IN THE BEGINNING. (In this chapter, two Ateez members being harsh(?) to mc.)
W.C: 3.4K+
For my beloved: @oreharuuu
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
[Reblogs and Reviews are always appreciated. Thank you you for reading and have a nice day ahead. Please always take care of yourself everyone.]
Hello, Can we be friends please?
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*under the cue*
“Welcome on the first day as an intern to BBO, The great Blue Bird Organization. “
You chuckle on the dramatic greetings from your supposed to be one of the bosses. He is standing in the middle of the pathway leading to the main entrance of the building from where the view of the building is perfect and the sun rays hitting the glass walls, reflecting luxury and high status of the environment. Your eyes shine when you see the logo of the company of a blue bird sitting on top of the pirate ship and the name displayed underneath it with black and orange mixtures of colour. You wonder for a while what does that blue bird even refer to. Your focus averted to the flower bouquet offered in front of you.
“This is for you, cupcake.”
“Thanks, Wooyoung. Well, you know I want to know why do you keep calling me this name. Is this the nickname you gave me when we were friends?”
“…yes...Do you not like it?”
“Of course, I like it. Also, we should head inside. I have to learn a lot about my work on my first day so it’s better not to be late.”
Nodding to your words, he leads your way inside the building. The guard doesn’t block your way today rather bows and greet you with a soft ‘Good morning’ to which you reply back with a smile. Wooyoung still holding your hand introduces you to some employees who were gathered in a group, faces all focused on the ongoing discussion. When he approached them, they quickly turn to him and greeted him and also, they welcome you on your first day. You are feeling so comfortable and welcomed to this new place as if you are meant to be in this office in the first place. As some people are giving you smiles and greetings and then there some with curious eyes and whispers. Honestly, you don’t mind all these because you would have done the same if the boss of a huge company treated a new intern so nicely in front of you. You are already familiar with the different desks and rooms in the first floor and you don’t have any works here unless any boss tells you for a particular stuff from there. This floor has the wide area with the reception place for queries and a waiting area two stairs above platform with sofas and different indoor plants with a great outside view through the grand glass windows and you can see people already waiting for their personal reasons. To the end of that corner is a room for employees to discuss over some private meetings with the customers and beside that room is a public washroom. And while on the other side of the reception, at the very end corner of the area is the different rooms for the grade D employees and to exact side of the reception desk is the elevator and the escalator. The escalators are basically used by employees and the lift is for bosses.
Just like the first day, you are going go to the eighth floor with him and when the elevator ‘ding’ announcing you the arrival to the desired floor, your heart picks up the race. You get remind of all the intense gazes from the bosses all together flashing back to you. Shaking of your thoughts, you try to keep your formal and cool composure even though your mind screaming to hide somewhere, ‘you are not yet prepared to meet all of them again.’ but here you are standing in front of that very familiar door from the first day. Similarly, like Yeosang, Wooyoung types out some passcode and scans the ID.
As soon as you stepped inside, Wooyoung clears his throat and your eyes land on the men spread all across the room. Seonghwa and Hongjoong at their usual desk with Jongho sitting at opposite to them, maybe they were in some discussions but now all three have their eyes on you with welcoming smiles. Hongjoong looks the happiest one on your arrival and he also stands on his feet to walk towards you. Reaching near you, he pats your head, “Did you make it here alright?”
You nodded on his words, “Thank you for asking, Hongjoong.”
He feels satisfied with you finally calling him by his name and not using those ‘sir’ with a bestfriend, well blame it on Jongho who insisted to call them like that in the first place. You can feel stares on you and when you look towards the other direction, you can find the others are already looking back at you but somehow the atmosphere is different in this corner.
‘Are they not happy with you being here?’
San as like the previous day is leaning against the bookshelf with glasses on and staring darkly and you can’t decipher the expression, well it’s not a major concern for you because the next two persons who are just a few feet away from him are the reason for why you suddenly gulp a lump. ‘What have I done to these two?’
“Yeosang and Yunho. Come on, don’t scare our precious girl. Be nice to her on the first day.”
Thanks to Mingi to divert your attention from them. You don’t even know why you were looking at them so long when they just look like are about to launch at you. Anyways, you return back the smile to him to which Mingi nods his head and turns back his focus on the papers laid in front of him. Your curious eyes precisely scan the papers but a soft hand on your shoulder breaks your trance. Looking towards the person, Wooyoung just greets you with a soft look on his face.
“Come Y/n. Sit here.”
Seonghwa gestures you to sit in front of him beside Jongho and you with a gentle smile, step forward to the chair. The rest of them return to their previous action. They want to just leave their work aside and sit with you to spend time talking with you but their works need to be done and they atleast need to be professional on your first day. Atleast for now. They can’t just let their beast out and scare you. They are trying their best to fight their inner self and be a gentle self of them in front of you.
“So, have you got the schedule?”
“Yes, Wooyoung has given me earlier and some of you have meeting in two hours. Let me check it again.”
You turn on the I-pad and select the desired schedule tab and go through it quickly. You know Hongjoong and Seonghwa are eagerly waiting for your response. After scanning the list twice, you nod to yourself and look back at them.
“So, Seonghwa you are having a meeting along with Mingi at 12:30 with The Dune Enterprise and also you will have the lunch time with them as you are going to discuss about the upcoming field project.”
Seonghwa nods and stands up to go towards the mirror situated in the corner. You haven’t noticed that mirror before but it’s okay as you were so tensed last time when you were being here. Hongjoong who is leaning to the desk beside you gestures you to keep going.
“Jongho has a conference to attend after the lunch and before that you need to have the employees altogether to discuss about the topic that will be presented.”
You watch how he glances to his watch and puts out his phone to dial someone. The next name makes you a bit sad because you don’t want to lose his company so soon on the very first day but you cant be like this now, so shaking your thoughts away, you start speaking.
“Woo, you need to be in the fifteenth-floor cabin as you will be attending the interviews of the selected candidates.”
“You called him Woo? Or am I just hearing things?”
Hongjoong’s words click in your mind that your tongue slips with his nickname you started calling since earlier because the comfort and friendliness you are getting from him. To your confused and scared face, he laughs at you and pats your head.
“Don’t worry! I’m not scolding you. It’s just nice to hear you calling him in such a friendly way and getting along with each other.” You smile at him and again he adds, “Wooyoung, let me go along with you as I need to have some overview for some details.”
You cast a glance towards the fancy digital clock in the room and notice how almost two hours have been passed with your arrival and greetings and discussions about their schedules. You notice that the names you have called earlier are beginning to move out of the room and then when your panic starts picking up. Why not? If those five are going to leave then you are being left alone with the three devils. The ones about whom you have complained to Beomgyu so much and he had just laughed it off with calling you a ‘scaredy cat’.
‘If only he was here to face them then only, he could know my feelings.’
“Are you all leaving now?”
“As per the schedule, we have been told to be in our designated places by now. Why, do you need something?”
Everybody stops on their tracks on hearing him. Mingi just innocently blinks and recalling if he asked you something wrong. But when he follows their eyes, they are trailing on you and asking silently for your needs. They can bring anything to your foot at the time and can do anything even cancelling their schedules just to listen to you. Feeling so much attention on you, you feel overwhelmed. Somehow, you feel their gazes to have the comfort of a home, a safe place and as if those are screaming some missing pieces of your life from past but you are trying to ignore them. It can’t be. Even if they are your friends, they were nothing more than that, you guys were nothing except maybe classmates or used to hang out together after classes.
Your main question is ‘why don’t you remember then?’
Now they are complete strangers to you but somehow in the corner of your mind, you still feel something you are missing out with them. You look towards Wooyoung, who calls you with the nickname and you are not complaining to it, these three days talking to him and also during the text messages, you feel so comfortable with him. Then your eyes move towards Mingi who is eagerly waiting for you to voice out your problem.
“No. Um…have a great day ahead all of you.”
They smile to your little attempt to cheer them up for the day and step out of the room. Well, God should show you some mercy or let the ground engulf you. Wait, I’m on eighth floor so no ground but you are going to fall on the next floor. How unfortunate for you to be left alone with them even on the first day! Atleast you should have got some days to adjust to this new place and then maybe you could have expected a day like this.
“Are you going to daydream about your boyfriend standing there?”
Your lost eyes which were still staring at the closed metal door move towards the voice. The tall man with folded hands above his chest standing few feet away staring straight at you with an annoyed expression.
“I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Lies. Are you just going to lie on your first day here?”
“What? I’m not lying, honestly.”
“Well, that’s not the information I got from your university. I heard how you were in relationship with a guy named ‘Mark’ in freshman year and Beomgyu made you break up with him because he was toxic for you. So, this second guy is your present boyfriend, I presume.”
“No. He is my bestfriend.”
He makes ‘tsch’ sound to which a frown appears on your face as why there is so much problem for him to believe your words. Also, it’s not his concern if you are being in relation with your friend or not. You are his past bestfriend and present employee at his office.
“Always sticking to each other like a glue and him being all possessive over you doesn’t suit the bestfriend term.”
“Well, a true bestfriend suit him the most then.”
“What do you mean?”
His glaring eyes and stomping of his feet come closer to you but you didn’t flinch on his sudden action but confidently looking up into his eyes to reply him back.
“A true bestfriend will always look after their friend in every matter and not letting them to disappear from their eyes as far as possible. Who will always stay beside you to say that ‘It’s okay, I’m here for you.’ I’m glad to get him during my highschool.”
You take a deep breath before continuing. He opens his mouth to speak but your hand gestures him to be quiet and surprisingly, your daring eyes and stern gestures made him silent and he didn’t even try to fight it back.
“Also, you are just my boss here so it’s not your concern to know about your employee’s certain personal life matters. I’m your secretary here and even if we were friends doesn’t mean I will let you to invade in my personal information.”
“Well well well. You have become so feisty after growing up. Even last day, you were so shy and scared little Y/N same as from those days.”
Yeosang approaches with clapping his hands and that heavy voice spreading goosebumps on your skin as you can suddenly recall about the day how he shouted on you.
Yunho is still staring at you but his eyes are soft, not having that rage from before but somehow those are still stinging with the rising fire behind the soft façade. Somehow, you praising another male in front of him is not setting right and he won’t be letting this slide easily. He wants to be the reason for the praises you are showering on someone else, he wants to be the one on whom you can rely during your problems but never in a while he wants to be the one to be considered by you as just a boss. He cant be just a boss to you.
“Don’t bring up that past everytime when you are going to be like this, Yeosang.”
“Like what?”
“Oh, so don’t you remember how you shouted on me the last day you were here? I just wanted to have some time to take a proper decision but your impatience just kicked out. Look, I know you all are happy to get your lost friend back and am happy as well knowing that there were some friends out here waiting for me but it doesn’t mean you will treat me as your doll under your control.”
“Yes, that’s how you want me to be.”
“Doll…...” he pauses for a second, “you remember this name?”
“Starting from today, you cant have any relationship with anyone. This is the first rule for you being our secretary.”
Since the first day you met this guy, his tendency is not to complete any sentence and keep you in confusion.
“Are you serious?”
“Very much.”
“What nonsense is this?”
“I can arrange for an official printed rules and regulation for you if you want, Miss Y/N.” You peek to San over Yeosang’s shoulder, who is standing beside you similarly the way Yunho is towering you in front. You are feeling cornered and under some sort of interrogation. San is sitting on the sofa with a laptop on his lap but he is smirking at you after offering you a not-so-lovely arrangement.
Yunho got a call and without glancing anywhere else but you, fishes out the phone and presses to his ears. “Hello.” His tone is harsh as if the person on other side of the call is interrupting some important business of his or he is least interested to have a talk with them, either way, you just have to face his burning self.
“I don’t care about his fucking offer.”
Now Why do I feel like he is talking to me? You try to avert your eyes everywhere but him and this is not to his accord. He is not liking the loss of your focus on him so suddenly he grabs your chin and moves you face facing him. Your eyes go wide and mouth forms an ‘o’ shape.
“What are you doing?” you merely whisper but Yeosang from your side shush you and leans forward to whisper in your ears.
“You don’t want to disturb his call and make him mad. Right?”
You deny quickly with moving your head sideways to which he gives you a satisfactory smile and pats your head before resting his hand on your lower back. Your eyes again found Yunho’s and you can see the tensed jaws and veins popping on his forehead. He must be really angry.
Your already shaking eyes go wide when he mouths the next thing to you, ‘If this person don’t cut the call in next five seconds, then I’m going to kiss you.’
And again he goes back to the call.
His fingers brush your lips softly and lingering over there.
He leans forward.
“I said, I don’t want.” he replies to the phone but still maintaining the eye contact with you.
You can feel his breathe fanning over your lips and you close your eyes and lean backward but Yeosang’s hand keeps you in place.
“Yunho. Step back.”
One. ‘phew’
A great thanks to Hongjoong who suddenly entered the scene with the two of them cornering you near the main desk and San enjoying the drama unfolding in front of him, abandoning his work. The eldest has the annoyed expression on his face and harshly pulled Yunho back and he cuts the call.
“Who was on the call Yunho and what were you trying to do?”
“That bullshit company.” He replies and looks at you smirkingly.
“Y/N. Are you okay?” Hongjoong asks you.
“Hm. I just need to use the washroom.”
He nods and without wasting a second, you excuse yourself but before leaving, Yeosang grabs your hand and the way he is looking at you, you can tell that he is trying to say something to you. But what? I want to listen to you but you are scaring me everytime. You shake your hand off from his hold and left the room.
As soon as you made into the hallway, you let out a deep breathe and tug your hairs behind your ears. Quickly, fishing out the phone from your pocket, you dial the last number and hoping the person to pick up while making your way towards the washroom. On your way, you bump into someone but formally, you with a politeness let the person go. The person must be in hurry like you. The call is not answered and mentally, you made a note.
‘The first two persons whom I’m going to add to my friends list is Wooyoung and Hongjoong and I have to know everything about them. How were we before?’
You smile to your own thoughts and go inside the washroom.
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“What was that, Yunho?”
“What? You just interrupted an interesting part.”
Hongjoong just glared back, not liking the reply from him.
“You both were letting him do that to her?”
They laughed on his words and San proudly nodded.
“Yeah. It was a nice show to be honest. If I were you, I would have waited for one more second.”
Hongjoong banged his fist on the desk catching all of three attention. The atmosphere of the room died down and covered with a thick silence.
“ let’s not forget, she is a different person now since the high school. We are not same as before. And you three are going to behave before we find out what happened in that past.”
Their smile disappeared and their heads uncontrollably nodded on his words. Afterall, he is the leader of the company and they are bound to listen to his orders.
Why are they so eager to know about her? Who are you to them? Friends right? Or something more than that? Who are they actually?
They are not lying to you. Right?
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Taglist :
@mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere @anyamaris @yeoobin @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @brrrkdslek-main @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @luhwaine @ilove-taeyong @dinonuguaegi @endeav0rsb1tch @loveforred @eriny123 @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon
(open! dm me/ send ask/reply here)
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badbatchsprincess · 3 days
Heated ~ pt.24
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 ~ Pt.6 ~ Pt.7 ~ Pt.8 ~ Pt.9 ~ Pt.10 ~Pt.11 ~ Pt.12 ~ Pt.13 ~ Pt.14 ~ Pt.15 ~ Pt.16 ~ Pt.17 ~ Pt.18 ~ Pt.19 ~ Pt.20 ~ Pt.21 ~ Pt.22 ~ Pt.23
Summary: This is an ABO Bad batch!Poly x Omega Reader smut with a plot. This takes place as an AU before order 66. Y/N previously served under the 501st before being transferred to Special Forces 99. This is her adventure with these rowdy Alphas in a quickly changing universe.
THIS IS AN ABO AU ABOUT THE BAD BATCH (NO CANON OMEGA!) Due to the unfortunate situation of her name being Omega… Omega the child from the canon series is not going to be apart of this fanfic/porn with a plot. I feel obligated to put this warning in because it makes my skin crawl thinking anyone could make that mistake. 
Warnings: Angst, smut, hopecore? idk.
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─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
The ride to Rex’s secret base of operations was a long one. You suspected it was in the outer rim based on how long you all had been traveling in hyperspace. 
You had curled up with Crosshair on the floor trying to stay warm with your still damp clothes. One of the regs had found a janky old heating lamp that flickered as everyone huddled around trying to keep the cold space chills away. It wasn’t working. 
“We’re not too far out!” Wooley had emerged from the cockpit, “We’ll be leaving hyper space soon.” 
You sighed with relief. You could’t wait to get off this ship and see the others. 
Through the bond you could sense Crosshair’s trepidation. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked looking up at him. 
He just grunted chewing on his toothpick. 
You huffed and shuffled back down knowing it was a waste of time to pry. He’ll tell you when he’s ready. 
When the ship suddenly jolted forwards, exiting hyperspace and the pilot downshifted making the ship rumble, you stood up with the others feeling the cargo ship enter the planets’s atmosphere with a rough shake. Standing on wobbly feet, you grabbed ahold of the cargo straps feeling Crosshair stand protectively at your back keeping you both in place. 
With a couple of jolts and jostles you felt the ship touch down on solid ground before settling into stillness. The engines were cut, and the cargo hatch made a whining creek sound as it folded open revealing the pink skies of this strange planet. The ship had landed on an elevated platform high in the sky and in front of you was a very old building. Seemingly an old Jedi monastery from the looks of it. 
The air was warm and humid with a strange terrestrial smell you weren’t familiar with. The others stepped outside before you, Wolffe, Crosshair, Bolts, Stunner, and Grim held up the flank. 
Following the other groups of regs in unmarked armor, they lead you all inside the main monastery door. Once inside, you nearly gasped from all of the regs who had made this place a home. It was absolutely crawling with men. From every battalion, squadron, and special forces unit under the GAR. You could’t believe it. They had converted this place into a fully operational military base.
Holo displays were everywhere monitoring the ships in the hyperspace lanes, there were men busy listening to com chatter, and others discussing strategy. They had built a tiny army here. 
You looked at the boys and they seemed to be just as impressed as you are. 
You spun around to see Rex approaching you with his helmet on his hip. He had a very happy smile on his face even though he was covered in a fair amount of blaster residue. You trotted over to him practically flinging yourself at him. 
“You got my message! You came!” 
He squeezed you, “Of course I did, kid. You’re pack. We don’t leave pack behind.” 
Crosshair got called over by Wolffe to look at a holomap of the Marauder. Clearly it had to do with his brothers. 
“I can’t believe this place, Rex.” You looked around, “How long did this take to put together?” 
“At the end of the war, Tano and I knew if we wanted to save any of the clones, we were going to have to put together a group.” He pulled up a small holo image of something familiar, “We created a network, Fulcrum.” He handed you the puck, “It’s a spy network trying to free the troopers from imperial control. We may not have been able to save our pack, but we’re hoping we can save others.” 
You felt a pang of sadness hit thinking about the 501st.
“We need medics, Y/N. I know you’ve been through a lot, but we need soldiers like you.” He watched you slide the puck into your pocket, “We have a home here. You and your alphas are welcome to stay. We only have each other now.” He shrugged. 
You nodded taking his invitation to heart. 
Rex then scratched the back of his awkwardly, “Also, I wasn’t sure how to break the news to you, I was hoping Seargent Hunter would be here, but…”
You turned around to see an unmarked reg approach. You watched him take off his helmet to reveal a scarred cheek and a fluffed up haircut. 
Your eyes widened in shock, “H-Howzer?” Oh shit. 
“Mesh’la…” He closed the distance and picked you up bringing into his chest. You struggled slightly squirming in his arms, “W-wait Howzer!…” 
“Put her the fuck down!” Crosshair’s growl made the hair stand up on your arms and the entire base to go eerily silent. 
He approached menacingly with his extremely narrowed eyes. Oh kark. He was pissed. Crosshair curled his fists determined to get his mate back and away from this strange alpha. 
Howzer stilled, knitting his brow together, before setting you down gently and turning to face the sniper. Howzer stood protectively in front of you crossing his arms with a stern brow raised sizing up your mate. Oh shit. You couldn’t believe this was happening right now. Your heart raced and suddenly the room was filled with your anxious pheromones. 
You noticed the others in the room bristle slightly as the scents mingled. 
Howzer’s stance only pissed off Crosshair even more. How dare this reg get in-between him and his mate. 
“Omega, come.” Crosshair ordered pointing a finger at the ground next to him. 
You felt your stomach drop knowing the next few seconds were going to change this dynamic drastically.  
You stepped to the side, and tiptoed out from behind the captain, just to nestle into Crosshair’s side where he had pointed previously. Crosshair didn’t need to use his alpha tone with you, you knew he wouldn’t. But, you also obeyed knowing this was not the time to try and make a point about how silly this all was. 
Howzer just gave you a confused and slightly shocked expression watching you cozy up to Crosshair, of all alphas. His disappointment was palpable. Then you saw his eyes flick down to the bite wound on your neck next to the property collar will dazzling around your lithe collarbones. 
“You’re mated?” He asked with an angry tone. 
You nodded, “Y-yeah.”
You didn’t know what was worse, the look he was giving you now, or the self imposed guilt of having to inform your ex-alpha that you were no longer his… 
“You fucking collared her!?” Your old alpha roared raising his fists. You squirmed feeling Crosshair nudge you behind him protectively. 
He just replied sardonically, “And if I did?” 
Dammit Cross… You couldn’t hold in the frustrate sigh, always picking fights…
It was Rex’s turn to look at you sideways, his disgust was also noticeable. The clones know a thing or two about slavery. The offending object raised and lowered quickly with your breath seemingly catching everyone’s attention now. You suddenly desperately wished for it to be gone.
“I always knew you were fucked up 99.” Howzer bared his teeth, “Killed all my men, tried to kill me too… now this?” He gestured to your neck, “It didn’t shock me you ended up with the imperials.”
You froze in place, but your eyes trailed up to the back on Crosshair’s silver haired head. He tried to what?! 
You knew he had done bad things in the name of the empire, but slaughtering Howzer’s men…
“Had I known who you were, I would have put that bullet between your eyes back on Ryloth.” Crosshair snarled back. 
“You can sure try.” Howzer challenged. 
Wolffe, Bolts, Grim, and Stunner all came forward with their arms raised. 
Wolffe stepped forwards getting in the middle to try and stop the fight, “Alright! Alright! Enough!” He sighed looking tired, “ Crosshair didn’t collar her, Tarkin did!” That bit of clarification seemed to be enough to de-escalate Howzer just slightly. “Now I don’t know what in the Sith’s hells is going on here, but I’ve been on the opposite end of 99’s wrath, and trust me Captain now is not the time for this.” 
Crosshair raised a suspicious brow, he never thought he’d actually see Wolffe defending him.
Howzer didn’t seem any less angry still feeling the ugly head of jealousy raging at the site of you tucked under the Sniper’s arm. 
“Now, what we now know about that little omega, is that she’s very important to the empire. She’s not just Crosshair’s mate, but also the other 99’s. Tarkin wanted her for experiments, along with the rest of us.” He pointed to the other clones in black civvies. “A day before you all arrived, we were drugged with SRA that drove us all into a rut. We’re all a little stirred up so let’s calm down for the sake of everyone here.” Wolffe was starting to remind you of an exhausted dad. You had to hold in a little chuckle, always a soldier.
“Tell them what you know, Tiny.” Grim urged, “You needed to talk to Rex.” 
You nodded and stepped around to Crosshair’s front and held out your hand to the Captain, “Nala Se gave me this before we escaped the base. She said it held all of my genetic records from the empire and also something that could assist the CT’s. She wiped the data base before giving it to me.” You stepped forward to place it into his hand, “It seemed important.” 
Rex took the drive with a nod and looked down at the little silver metal piece turning the holo drive over in his glued fingers.
Howzer stepped forwards, “What the hell is going on here?” He looked at you directly, “You were supposed to be mine… you were mine. Now, this?” He gestured to your mate.
Crosshair growled possessively raising an accusatory finger shoving it into Howler’s chest, “Should have sealed the deal then. But this omega… is mine.” You whimpered not liking this tension one bit. You may be matted to Crosshair, but you did have such a respect for Howzer from before.
Howzer stared at Crosshair before shifting his dejected gaze to you.
You sighed, “It’s complicated, Captain.” You lowered your eyes not liking the feeling of his disappointment. 
Howzer huffed, “Is it now?” 
Wolffe walked up trying to ease the tension, “Trust her, it is…” 
“You have no idea, brother.” Grim put a hand on his hip watching Howler bristle. 
Howzer scrunched his brow, “Well someone, enlighten me.” 
Rex just stepped forwards putting a hand on Howzer’s shoulder, “Well the long in the short is that, Tiny, is a rare variant of omega. She can have multiple mates. They happen to be the 99s. Though, the news of her being mated to Crosshair is new to me.” He raised a skeptical brow at you, “I guess a congratulations is in order.” 
“Thanks Rex.” You gave him a small smile. 
“The imperials gassed the base on Naboo with SRA.” Wolffe filled in the blanks, “They wanted clone pups. They also wanted Y/N cloned for the purpose to making more Ori’sol omegas for their breeding program.” 
“Breeding program?” Rex asked confused. 
“Thats why they sent me after her.” Crosshair rubbed a possessive hand over your neck and healing mark, “Admiral Tarkin was going to create a new elite army with our pups.” 
Rex furrowed his brow and gestured to your stomach, “Does that mean…” 
“No!” Both you and Crosshair blurted out, “No…” You shook your head, “No pups. Crosshair made sure I was safe, they didn’t know.” 
Rex just nodded letting his protective side settle down. You knew he would have had a conniption if that news was sprung on him too. Imagine, a secret military base with a pup running around, good gods.
“Is that why there were so many clones in that base?” A familiar figure stepped forwards. 
You smiled at him too. He gave you a little nod of acknowledgment. 
“Rounded up as many of us as they could.” Grim replied, “Had us pairing up with the captured omegas.” 
“That explains a lot.” Rex noted. 
You looked back at Howzer who was watching you longingly. Your heart ached with guilt seeing the hurt on his brow. This must be a lot to process for him. You weren’t his only omega, but you were definitely his most consistent. You were on Ryloth long enough to get to know the captain, but you never pursued any sort of relationship due to the on going war. He must be devastated seeing you with Crosshair. It wasn’t lost on you that the man had developed some kind of feelings for you after everything. 
Crosshair gave you a little squeeze pulling your attention back to him. He studied your eyes rubbing his thumb on your cheek. 
You could tell he was dying to lay into Howzer, but he was keeping his calm for your sake. 
In the background, Rex took the hollow drive and plugged it into the display table. Suddenly a massive projection of your entire genetic system popped up. One of the troopers you didn’t recognize began reading the reports. 
“Rex, you gotta see this.” He pointed to something floating by your DNA strands. 
You and Crosshair nuzzled together as the others began to gather around the table. You watched Howzer disappear into the crowd of clones needing some time to process clearly. 
“Did you really kill his men?” You asked. 
Crosshair just gave you a short grunt confirming it. 
“Would you have really killed him?” You asked. 
“The empire didn’t inform me of who he was.” He explained as he smoothed your hair down, “They sent me retrieve him from Ryloth for interrogation. His unit didn’t come willingly. In hindsight I realize it was because they were searching for you, and wanted him for information. But at that time I believed you to be dead, If I had known, I probably would have…. Still considering it.” 
You looked up at him with a shocked expression. But he just smiled and chuckled. 
He was joking… “Oh my gods, don’t say things like that.” You smacked his chest. 
A clone trooper in a flight uniform came running inside, “We got incoming!” 
You perked your head up turning to face the main doorway. In came another group of scared and confused omegas along with more clone troopers. Blankets and food was being passed around as more and more people entered the hall.
They shuffled inside looking even more distraught after the events on Naboo. Some still covered in blaster residue and in their imperial garments. 
You watched as the crowd began to lighten up before you noticed a very distinct helmet appear from the darkness. 
“Hunter.” You breathed.
You flung yourself forward running at full speed crashing into your Sargent before he even had a chance to remove his helmet. 
He grunted with the impact of your body before throwing his helmet carelessly to the side before picking you up and holding you to his armored chest. 
You started crying finally feeling the empty bit in your chest begin to fill with his presence again. Rubbing your cheek into his to spread his scent, he nuzzled into your hair practically inhaling your smell.
“Mesh’la.” He breathed, “Fuck. I missed you my love.” He buried his head into your hair breathing you in, refusing to let go. You just wrapped yourself around his torso with your legs letting him hold you tightly. 
“You found me.” You whimpered into his neck nuzzling his scent into your nose. 
“Of course we found you, Adi’ka.” He replied gruffly before pulling back to press his lips to yours. You melted immediately into his plush soft kiss. Carding your fingers through his lengthy hair, you massaged his scalp as he deepened the kiss making you mewl.
“Pip?” Wrecker’s hopeful voice snapped you out of your haze. Hunter spun the two of you to see Tech, Wrecker, and Echo jogging towards you both from the landing platform. 
Hunter set you down, letting you unwrap yourself before the other three surrounded you in a group hug squeezing you nearly to death. You were being smothered in kisses and touches and hugs.
Crosshair watched as the three other 99’s fawned over you, asking you a million questions you struggled to answer. They wanted to know everything. What happened. Were you hurt? How did you get to the bas eon Naboo? What was going on there?
Hunter caught his attention as his older brother stared at him with one of his intense scrutinizing glares. He was still pissed about the events on Bracca apparently, even though now he was starting to realize that Crosshair was much different.
Then it was like an epiphany went off in hunter’s head. He looked at Crosshair with a raised brow, then over to you, sniffing the air slightly. What you didn’t know, was that he was hearing something even stranger…
“What did you do?” Hunter’s smokey voice turned hardened at his little brother. 
Wrecker let go of you to look up at his Hunter sensing a change in energy. 
Hunter looked at your chest before whipping his head around to face his little brother. 
“What. Did. You. Do.” Hunter narrowed is eyes. He pointed a gloved finger at you, “Her heart… it beats… with yours.” 
Crosshair just stood emotionless, but you could sense his panic through the bond. Hunter’s intensity was unsettling to the sniper. Always has been.
“H-Hunter, wait it’s not what-“ You began, but Tech cut you off as his finger pried at your neck. He tugged on the metal welded around your neck with a horrified look. He ran his fingers over the aurebesh engraving declaring you his twin’s property. Then his fingers went down to your mating gland where he traced a finger over the marred skin. It looked freshly healed where Crosshair had punctured your flesh marking you as his with two little raised bumps. 
“He bit you?” Tech said rubbing the gland making you flush at his touch. He forgot how stimulating that was for you.
You barely had time to register the eldest charging at Crosshair before the sound of his fist colliding with his little bother’s cheek snapped you out of the haze. 
You screamed watching Hunter and Crosshair roll around on the temple floor. Echo kept you from running forwards not wanting you to get hurt in their scuffle. He held you firmly under his arm.
“Shit.” Rex leapt into action along with Wolffe, and shockingly, Howzer. 
Crosshair had Hunter pinned and was pummeling his forearms as his brother blocked his hits. But Hunter wasn’t giving up, fueled by rage, he threw his little brother off of him and cold cocked him in the jaw sending them both tumbling to the ground. 
“Alright! Alright!” Wolffe used his commanding voice. He bent down and yanked Crosshair back right as Rex got a hold of Hunter. 
“How could you Crosshair?!” Hunter snarled. The two were being scrubbed by the collar like two tookas.
Wrecked walked over to put himself between his brothers as the verbal fight broke out, as they tugged against their restraints trying to lunge at one another again.
You whimpered, unable to watch the fight anymore. Feeling suddenly extremely claustrophobic, you turned around looking at Tech, “Please! Please Tech!” You yanked and tugged at the collar, “Please take this off.” You begged. 
He nodded and reached around in his tool belt grabbing your abused laser suture. 
“Echo give me your glove.” Tech said. 
Echo handed it over before running his flesh hand over your shoulder trying to soothe you. 
Tech nudged the glove under the collar gently, before bringing out the tools. Very carefully, he brought the glowing plasma point up to the Imperial durasteel collar and got to work weakening the welding points as you squirmed uncomfortably. 
“How could you do this to her?” Hunter snarled, “She nearly died when you turned to the empire!” 
“I didn’t turn to the empire!” Crosshair snapped. 
“You tried to kill her!” 
You could feel Crosshair’s hurt through the bond at Hunter’s words… he didn’t mean to. 
“You know I didn’t have control. I would never fucking hurt her!” Crosshair’s glare darkened, “You’re the one who left me behind! You left me under their control!… I thought we were brothers!” 
Hunter looked like he had just been punched in the gut. 
The sergeant stared at his brother letting his mouth hang open slightly unsure how to respond. 
Tech finally freed you from the property collar wrenching it open only to let it fall to the ground with a deafening clatter. The silence that followed after sent a chill down your spine. 
You looked over at Hunter who eyed the metal at your feet. 
You cleared your throat before speaking, “I did it!” You looked to the eldest, “I mated Crosshair…. I bit him. It’s my fault…Please Hunter don’t be mad at him.” You wanted this stupid fight to end. It hurt your watching them argue, especially over something Hunter doesn’t even understand. 
Once again Hunter looked shocked and appalled. He stood up straight staring at you with a bated breath. You could feel the sour taste of his disappointment too. He shook off Rex and stormed out of the hangar not even able to look at you for one more second… kriff. You sighed. 
He fucking hates you. You suddenly felt sick with anxiety and fought back the urge to vomit.
What should have been a happy reunion had suddenly turned sour. 
You felt Tech and Wrecker disappear, heading after Hunter leaving you alone with Echo and Crosshair. Dammit. 
“Y/N, what happened?” Echo asked bringing you into a hug. The only one giving you an ounce of empathy. 
“Ask Wolffe, he’ll tell you.“ You sighed pushing away unable to bare anymore of this, “I’ve had enough for today. Is there a place I can rest for a bit?” You looked to Rex who nodded and gave ordered to his men to guide you to a quiet place. 
You followed behind the clones letting them lead you to a spare room that had been converted into living space. You looked around realizing this is Rex’s quarters. You sighed and rubbed at your neck finally feeling lighter now that, that offending metal was gone and you were free again.
The door whooshed open to reveal your mate. He stepped inside looking exhausted and his chin a nasty swelling red. 
“I knew it was wrong to leave you with the imperials.” You said quietly feeling the tears rise in your eyes, “I told them.” 
He nodded putting a toothpick in his mouth. Of course he managed to find one even here on this remote base. 
“Hunter’s always been good at protecting the group.” Crosshair drawled, “We have a plan, you know, if one of us isn’t going to make it back.” 
You looked up at him with bleary eyes. 
“Plan 99.” He nodded, “A suicide mission.” 
“But you weren’t sacrificing yourself for the group.” You whimpered, “We left you and that was fucked up.” 
He scoffed, “Given the circumstances I understand him… doesn’t make it hurt any less. But what were four of them going agains the empire really going to do.” 
“Cross.” You sighed, “We should have gotten you the second we knew about the chips. I should… I should have pushed harder.” 
“He wouldn’t have listened to you.” Crosshair sat in the chair against the wall facing you, “And it’s not your fault, love. His main concern was protecting you.” 
“Why are you justifying his actions? You sounded so hurt!” You whimpered wiping away a falling tear. 
“We’re brothers.” He rolled his eyes, “It’s what we do.” 
You just whined and let the tears keep falling, “I think he hates me.” 
Crosshair motioned for you to come to him. You walked over standing between his open legs. He tugged you down so you were sitting on his lap. He pulled you in close so you rested against his chest and he tucked your head under his chin. 
“He doesn’t hate you. I promise. He’s just jealous, and probably a little hurt that it wasn’t him that got to you first.” Crosshair chuckled, “Trust me, that wasn’t even bad for Hunter.” 
“But did you see the way he looked at me.” You sniffled, “I- he’s never looked at me like that before.” 
Crosshair just held you tighter, “I’ve been the receiving end of that look for years. You’re alright, just give him some time.” 
“But the others?”  All you wanted was your pack, your lovers, your alphas. But they didn’t seem to want you either. 
“They just do whatever Hunter does.” Crosshair scratched the back of your neck affectionately, “Wrecker will crack first, and then Tech. Hunter has to punch a few walls first, but he’ll come around eventually. He’s too responsible and frankly, I’m certain all he wants is to have his little omega back.” 
Crosshair’s words did start to make you feel better. One thing about Cross is that he’s not a liar. He’s been a straighter shooter his entire life, in more ways than one. He always tells it as it is. That gave you confidence. 
He leaned down and kissed your forehead, “I’m just glad we’re out of that place.” He couldn’t seem to get close enough to you. You nuzzled in closer too. 
“Thank you Crosshair.” You looked up at him, “Thank you for always taking care of me.” 
You both shared a moment of just gazing at one another before you both leaned forwards to bring your lips together. 
Then it was like the weight of everything you both had been through came crashing through, and the absolute desire you felt for this man blazed through you like an inferno. He had saved you back on Mimban, twice, and now here he is again saving you from the plans of the empire and admiral Tarkin. 
You pushed yourself up and straddled his lap before letting him pick you up and carry you over to the bed pushed up against the far wall. 
It was a scramble to tear each others clothes off leaving you both bare, before he laid down onto of you, pressing you into the mattress. 
His warm battle hardened body felt marvelous against your softness. 
You breathed him in, leaning up to run your tongue against his healed mating gland. The alpha shivered at the sensation making him rut up against you, running his hardening length through your dampening folds. 
You mewled lifting your hips to push up against him. 
You could feel him smile into your neck as he pressed loving kisses there before kissing your mating mark with a gentleness that was foreign to the sniper. 
You squirmed as he pressed more kisses down your neck, then collarbones, your sternum, belly, pelvis, then you thigh. With a strong and firm grip, he plucked your legs up bending them so you were folded in half and spread wide for him. You whined as he continued his light and gentle kisses all over your thighs, traveling between one leg and the other before inching closer and closer to your core making you pant in anticipation. 
When his lips finally made contact with your dripping core, you had to cover your mouth with your hand before you let out an embarrassingly loud cry. 
He just smirked as he sloppily made out your with cunt making you absolutely thrash around in blinding pleasure under him. 
He had to pin your legs down to keep you still as he ravished you. His tongue seemed to know exactly where to go in order to make you twitch as your orgasm approached. He licked and massaged you until you were bending your back into an exaggerated arch as you quickly felt yourself hurtling over that edge into deafening pleasure. You couldn’t even mewl as you came down, you just tried to force yourself to breathe through the orgasm. 
“Fuck Cross.” You huffed going limp into the mattress. 
He wasted no time lining himself up knowing you were properly prepped to take him now. Feeling how relaxed you were post orgasm, he thrusted forwards feeling himself enter you with a slippery ease. You both moaned out at the fullness as he surged forwards bringing the two of you flush together in absolute harmony. The bond sang between the two of you as you two psychically came together. It was like a relief to the soul. Like slipping into a cool pool on a hot summer day. 
He leaned forwards kissing you passionately, allowing his tongue to enter your mouth where you both huffed trying to breathe through the sensations of him pushing inside of you. 
You broke away to suck in a deep breath of air before you both looked down to see where you were connected. You both whined at the sight before throwing your head back to enjoy the feeling of Crosshair making passionate love to you. 
Wrapping your form around his, you locked your ankles together to force him deeper inside of you. This spurred him on to be a little rougher with you, liking the way you bounced up and down the mattress on his cock. He leaned down to catch a nipple in his mouth as he sucked diligently making you bow your chest into his mouth eagerly. 
“Cross…” You grappled at his back leaving scratches with your nails, “I love you.” 
He smiled pressing his lips to your forehead, “I love you, Y/n.” 
The two of you kept saying it over and over again like a mantra as you both approached the peak. 
His thrusts only got more powerful as he neared, sending you scooching up the mattress. You held on for deal life as pleasure crashed through you violently making you clamp down and twitch around his hard length. 
He snarled and bit down on your mark again as he shivered, pumping you full of his seed. 
As he came down from his high, his teeth held onto the flesh at your gland making you vibrate through the bond. The possessive act only spurred you on. The post coital horniness still lingered as you wiggled your hips trying to feel him inside you more. Deeper. Fuller. 
You couldn’t get enough of him. 
He tried pinning you down by the hip before releasing your neck from his teeth. As he sat up on his knees with a flush to his cheeks, he looked down at you adoringly as you squirmed around trying to get him deeper inside of you. 
“Adi’ka,” He pushed his silver hair out of his eyes and ran a warm hand over your ribs before settling them on your belly like he had on Naboo. You preened under his touch. 
“Such a good girl.” He rubbed your warm skin with his thumb. 
Looking up through the open monastery window, you saw the dual moons rising in the distance casting a silvery glow over your skin and the mattress. 
Crosshair watched you become moon eyed in your post fuck glow. He pulled from you hearing you whimper at the feeling of now being empty. He chuckled, grabbing a tissue near by, and using it to clean himself before tucking himself back into the black joggers along with cleaning you up as best as he could realizing you were just fucking in Rex’s bed. Whoops.
He helped you slip back into your tattered white clothes before curling up behind you under Rex’s blanket to keep you both warm. 
Without another word, the two of you fell asleep finally succumbing to the day. 
When morning broke, you were awakened by Stunner poking his head through the door with a grin that very much reminded you of Fives. 
“Hey just making sure you’re both still kickin’.” He grinned. 
You heard Crosshair grunt in annoyance and felt him snuggle you closer. 
“Gmornin Stun.” Your voice was still groggy from sleep. 
“Breakfast in the mess.” Stunner said stepping back outside, “Probably should grab come chow before everyone else.” 
You nodded and got up shaking Crosshair’s arm off of you. He curled up on his side ignoring the call to breakfast, but you were still hungry and wanted familiar food. The sniper was content staying in bed for just a moment longer. 
You shimmied out of bed giving Cross a kiss before walking out to follow Stunner. 
In the daylight you could finally see more about this ancient monastery. 
Carvings decorated the walls along with gilded imagery of ancient force wielders. You were positive this monastery was older than most civilizations and maybe even some planets. The pink hazey sky seemed to only add a warmth to this high up colony as you trailed after Stunner who seemed to have learned the way back to the main hall already. 
You followed the sound of boisterous laughter and the sounds of reunion as you entered the main mess, the smell of eggs and breakfast meats filled your nose and you audibly sighed smelling the deliciousness in the air. 
It was hard to miss your gargantuan mate scarfing down his meal along with Tech who was sitting to his left, back turned to you. He ate in silence scrolling through something on his data pad. 
Echo was sitting with Rex who looked like he didn’t sleep after the rescue. He must have been up all night trying to process everyone and everything along with whatever was on that holodrvie you brought. The only one missing was Hunter. Your heart sank hoping he’d be here but when Stunner handed you a loaded tray of food, you were brought back to the moment and you looked down at your purple scrambled eggs and fried bantha links. 
Your stomach betrayed you and you heard Stunner chuckle before bringing you to a cluster of 104th. You sat down between Bolts and Grim grabbing your spork to dig in. It wasn’t long before your attention was brought to the back of Wrecker’s head and his broad shoulders. Then you looked at the back of Tech’s head, his hair was all disheveled under his goggle band and he had a bit of a slump to his already not great posture. Poor alpha looked tired.
You stared longingly, praying they’d turn around and just look at you for a moment. Your inner omega was starting to get anxious with the need to have their reassurance and attention.
Before you could get totally lost in your head, Grim gave you a little shove snapping you out of it. 
They knew. 
Everyone did. You weren’t exactly subtle. 
The 104th seemed to have weaseled their way into becoming your pack just like the 501st had all those years ago. It was like they could read your anxieties as well as your mates, and they were very supportive. Wolffe gave you a nod from where he was sat with Rex. 
“They’ll come around.” Bolts nodded, “I overheard Wolffe taking with your Sergeant last night, he told him everything.” 
“Yeah, but does that even matter?” You touched your bite mark, “What’s done is done.” 
“Did the bite make you no longer want your other mates?” Grim asked bluntly. 
You shook your head, “No. The bonds are still there.” 
Bolts gave you a smile, “Then you’re fine. Maybe being an Ori’sol means that you can have multiple mates and multiple mate bonds to go with them.” 
“She’ll be covered in teeth marks when Sarge is done with her.” Grim joked. 
You felt your cheeks redden. 
“Aye leave her alone.” Bolts reached over you to shove Grim, “She’s going through it.” 
“I’m trying to make her smile, or she’s going to loose her mind like those omegas who pull out their hair.” Grim shoved his brother back. 
You finished up your last bantha sausage and set the tray down letting them rough house over your head. 
You leaned forwards towards Stunner, “Do you know where Hunter is?” 
“Sarge took his breakfast outside on the landing platform before I came to get you.” He chewed his eggs. 
“Thanks Stun.” You stood up stretching before beginning your walk across the main room. You walked past the circular holo display in the center and was careful to step over the big power cables running over the floor. 
You neared Tech and Wrecker feeling your heart start to race as you neared. Keeping your head forward, you walked past them not missing the way they both perked up watching you walk towards the exit. You felt your stomach doing flips at their attention and chose to take one glance back at them. Wrecker looked at you longingly and Tech’s steely demeanor was even chipped at slightly as you saw his eyes soften when they met yours. 
Knowing you had to find Hunter first, you sighed and kept moving on. You heard the door swish behind you and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You almost wished they’d come after you, but you knew Crosshair was right, they follow Hunter’s lead no matter what. He’s the one you have to tackle first. 
With a huff, you felt your anxieties turn to frustration with a tinge of anger. 
You put your hands in your sweater pockets and trudged forwards through the rubble that the clones seemed to have built a landing platform out of. 
With a sweep of your eyes, you couldn’t find him anywhere, but you could feel his energy through the bond close by. 
With a sigh, you crossed your arms and spoke out into the air in front of you, “I know you’re out here.” 
Some other clones on guard looked at you funny before they saw your Sargent emerge from behind a pile of rubble with his empty breakfast tray good distance away. 
You locked eyes with him and felt your pulse quicken. Damn he looked good. Dawn’s soft pink light made his tanned skin glow. His hair was pushed back by his signature bandana, but he wasn’t in his armor anymore. He was in his beige cargos and teal henley. He still has the burgundy wrist wraps and brown belt with his holster snugly at his side with his blaster tucked neatly inside. 
You had to force yourself to breathe and keep your composure but you were sure he could scent your slight arousal in his presence. 
You tapped your foot impatiently narrowing your eyes, “You’re a dick!” 
He scoffed and stopped walking towards you, crossing his arms defensively, “Excuse me?” He raised his non-tattooed brow and used his military tone. It sent a shiver down your spine.
You saw a couple of the other clones shift uncomfortably nearby watching an omega challenge her alpha.
“You heard me!” Kark ya he heard you, super hearing an all. You could roll your eyes, “I haven’t seen you in a month, I was kidnapped, and subjected to trauma I have no clue if I’ll ever recover from and all I get the fucking silent treatment?” 
He stared at you not moving, almost inhumanly still. Like a predatory animal waiting to pounce. 
“Do you have any fucking idea what Crosshair and I had to endure? The empire treated me like a brood mare and Crosshair like some glorified stud horse. And what they fucking did to me? Collared me like a rabid lurka hound!” You snarled, “And all I wanted during those awful nights… was you!” You shifted your feet slightly but kept your arms secure around your chest, “All I wanted was my alpha, my mate… my damn sergeant to come make it all better. I dreamed of you for a month praying you’d find me somehow! That I would be back with my pack!” 
He opened his mouth to speak but you shushed him with a finger. If you were still in the GAR he would have had you court marshaled for speaking to him like this. The idea made your heart race, “I’m not finished… The things Crosshair did to save me from Tarkin’s bantha shit… he put his life on the line every single day to make sure he didn’t knock me up and that Tarkin couldn’t have our pups. He delayed Tarkin’s orders to come after you and the others, he risked everything to get our message out to you, including the 104th! He doesn’t deserve to be treated the way you have. He protected me inside that fucking base! And this-“ You pointed to your neck, “This was a fucking accident. We weren’t in control and trust me, there is nothing you could say to Crosshair that is worse than what he felt in that moment.” You were breathing heavily now fighting down the anger, “So no… you don’t get to treat us like this. Crosshair and I didn’t do anything wrong, we did everything we could to survive that imperial installation and I’m sorry this didn’t happen the way you wanted it too, but here we are.” You flapped your arms around exasperated. 
He studied the way your chest heaved with anger and the way the other clones stood there awkwardly trying not to be seen. He could hear everyone’s heart beats in the vicinity but yours stood out to him the most, including that delicious smell rolling off of you in waves. You might be royally pissed, but he couldn’t help but feel a little smug you were still responding to him and his presence. 
He sighed closing his eyes briefly before nodding.
“You’re right.” He yielded, “I am a dick.” 
You had to double to take to make sure you were hearing him correctly. Did he just admit to being wrong?
“I shouldn’t have started a fight with Cross, and I shouldn’t have walked away from you.” He kept his arms crossed looking at you, “I was jealous Adi’ka. Seeing you mated to him, it nearly broke my heart. And you telling me, us, that you choose him…You’re all I’ve thought about since we lost you and I don’t know, I was hoping everything would go back to the way it was before…” he gestured to the mark, “But what’s done is done, I guess.” The hint of brokenness in his voice made your anger wither, “You chose Crosshair and I’m just going to have to be okay with that.” 
You scrunched your brow, confused you asked, “Wait, do you think our mate bonds were broken?” You shook your head, “Hunter I’m not just bound to Cross, I’m still bound to all of you too…still.” 
“But, you’re claimed.” He shook his head a little in confusion. 
“Yes, but it didn’t change how I feel about all of you.” You explained, “I can just feel Crosshair a lot stronger now.” 
His brows perked up with hope. 
“Clearly the claiming marks don’t work the same with me. If I was a normal omega I wouldn’t even be able to comprehend a different alpha. You know this.” 
“So, you think everything is still the same?” He asked stepping towards you. 
“I do.” You nodded letting him crowd into your space, “I felt you through our bond on Naboo. We’re still mated…” 
You were suddenly enveloped in his presence. His familiar scent filled your nose making you vibrate with excitement. You hadn’t even notice him advancing on you.
He reached out a finger to lift your chin to face him. You looked into his grey hazel eyes as he peered down at you. 
“Mesh’la...” He sighed, “We’re not mated… yet.” His tone lit a fire in your core. That was a promise. The way he was looking at you, like he had back on Mimban, had you starting to warm. He raised a brow and smirked watching the way you shuddered at the idea of him claiming you. 
“H-Hunter.” You whispered his name. 
His finger under your chin quickly turned into a soft caress down your neck, “We found a place, love. It’s a green place, with no one but us. It’s in the outer rim, almost in the unknown regions. We found it when Rex was looking for our brothers. We can start over there, no one will know us, the empire can’t find us. We’ll build our own pack, start our own family.” He looked so happy. Happier than you had seen him in a very long time.
You looked up at him owlishly. Just like you had dreamed… 
“Tech is already making plans on building the home stead. We want to take you there cyare.” 
You blinked at him, you couldn’t believe this man, your Sergeant, was willing to go to such lengths to protect you. To give you everything you dreamed of as a pup. You never thought you’d make it off of Coruscant. And now, you were in an entirely different universe. One where you barely had anytime to process and he was offering you peace. 
You looked up at the soldier. You could almost laugh at the irony. A being created with only one purpose, to kill and serve, was offering you peace. 
The thought was beautiful.
Despite his creator’s purpose, it would seem Hunter and the Batch’s defectiveness would always remain victorious. 
“Yes. Yes Hunter. Bring me to the green place.”
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We love hope core in this house....
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
Taglist: @substantial-exposure
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 days
hi hi ^ ^ would it be alright if you could write Infected mistaking fleshcousin for reader and getting confused when they just respond with incoherent nonsense before realizing like "oh wait this isn't them" (bonus points if reader goes back into the elevator during their 'conversation') -💥
As the elevator doors opened once again, every occupant was booted out and had no choice but to enter the next floor:
The concept of an obby with a looming threat from behind to motivate players sounded fun on paper, but in execution there was no guarantee that even a single person will be able to clear it without a scratch..
Or even make it to the other side alive.
They certainly had their work cut out for them, as the rapidly approaching wall of fire didn't allow them to think of anything else---nothing except their survival.
You were no stranger to this floor, having beaten it once or twice in the past. It was a brutal but challenging way to keep your parkour skills in tiptop shape--you're just grateful it's not Gregoriah's emporium or Mach's HALL OF (a terrible if not worse version of this incinerator obby).
Infected, who showed up on the elevator a few floors ago, was a little bummed out that he couldn't participate, pouting as he watched all the players prepare to run for their lives. The flames looked awesome and so did the rotating platforms!
He could totally clear it if only that stupid red barrier stopped him from exiting.
Of course, he had no idea what lied beyond the spinning platforms and tall ladders, and based on the survivors' reactions....it was probably better that he stayed curious.
As he waited, he looked to his right and was stunned to see...
Yep, sure enough..you were here somehow.
A lot of things tend to go over the skater's head, including the fact that the "you" he was staring at wasn't actually you.
"0h! Y0u're still her3?" He tilted his head, before a grin overtook his face. "I th0ught that cr4zy chick kick3d 0ut everyb0dy...but hey! I get t0 chill with y0u! Th4'ts 4wes0me! I bet y0u get tir3d 0f this fl00r, yea?"
"Floors, doors, and smores. Friends miss the elevator drop." You responded, looking awfully dizzy and barely able to keep your head up. "Down to the boiling pot of fire. Burn burn bright!" Then you pointed to the incinerator wall that was now halfway across the area, admiring the flames.
Infected just blinked, unable to make sense of whatever the hell you just said.
"Dude, why are y0u talking cr4zy? L0L." He shook his head, laughing a little, although he stopped to sneeze. Most people would complain that he "infected" them, and he'd just shrug it off or glare. But you didn't mind so much, as you were the only one who hung around with him.
That's just proof he wasn't really sick. Everyone else was just being mean for no reason.
"Ar3 y0u sick? Y0u sh0uld g3t that ch3ck3d 0ut."
"Sick plagues fleeting worlds. Check outs at the market." You muttered, gazing listlessly at the man in pink, who continued to giggle at the nonsense you were speaking.
"Br4h, y0u're acting s0000 r4ndom right now. Even I c4n't k33p up with-"
"Grey cat tart miss you."
At that moment, Infected fell silent.
Suddenly, he didn't feel like laughing anymore.
You knew better than anyone that his missing cat was a rather..sensitive subject, and something he only shared with three people: Lampert, Unpleasant (reluctantly), and you. Of course, other elevator occupants have given him cats they found on various floors, ranging from angry red to calico to...sentient cardboard.
But none of them were his.
None of them were Poptart.
"....if he d0es, why h4sn't he c0me h0me yet?" He frowned, now feeling a bit downtrodden. "Man, why did y0u hav3 t0 kill my vib3? N0w I'm sad..."
All that he got from you was total silence.
Now he was starting to realize something wasn't quite right about the person standing beside him. He's 99% sure that you knew Poptart's name, so why did you say it like that?
Why not just say his name?
Then...it finally clicked.
"H0ld 0n..am I even t4lking t0-?"
Infected looked to see the doors opening once again, and of all the people who were forced to complete WALL OF this time around...only you made it back alive. The real you.
You were sweaty and out of breath, clothes smelling like smoke as you thanked the gods above for the elevator's functional A/C kicking in. You dragged yourself into a corner to open a medkit, trying to get your breathing and heartrate down so you could properly speak,
But all the while you failed to notice your best friend's bug-eyed expression.
Blinking, you looked at Infected. "Hey, let me tell you how much that SUCKED." You sprayed a burn on your arm before wrapping gauze around it. "It was totally different from last time! Who told her that having machines shoot snowballs at my ass was a good idea?! You know what it's like to freeze and sweat at the same time?! It's horrible."
"....br4h, that's cr4zy. But I was l0sing my mind in h3r3, 'cuz I th0ught I w4s talking to Y0U all al0ng!" He pointed to your clone, who he now realized was FleshCousin. "N0 w0nder that crazy lady didn't b00t y0u out!"
The creature, who took notice of your tired and battered state, only tilted their head. "Is..friend okay with the freeze and heat advisory?" They uttered, trying to imitate concern.
As you finished patching your arm, you looked up at them and smiled lightly. "I'm okay, Fleshy. Thank you...at least someone asked." You sent a pointed glare at Infected, who seemed baffled.
"I-I wuz g0nna ask, t00!" He huffed. "I just...I was getting mad 'cuz Flesh br0 here started talking ab0ut P0pt4rt..and I th0ught it was y0u. H0w....d0 they kn0w about him..?"
"Beats me. These guys know a lot of things, even Mark's and Wallter's..erm..past." You put the kit away and leaned against the wall, sighing in relief as you heard the elevator's music come on. It was a peaceful jazzy melody, putting you in a slightly better mood than you were a few minutes ago.
"Th3y sure had me f00led." Infected chuckled, shaking his head, although you eyed him strangely. "What?"
"...they've been riding with us for a while, dude."
".....huh? Re4lly???"
"Yeah. How did you not notice there were two of us?"
"Dunn0, this 3levat0r got so cr0wded I forg0t.....L0LZ."
".....of course you did."
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