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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from Tolkienesque, Irish and backwards Finnish forenames
Abhiryonor Adher Adorogerr Adriú Aelylenait Aidha Aisil Aislia Aithráil Aitto Ajiak Ajiarahac Ajlihing Ajlin Ajrastríon Ajrekken Ajrin Ajryt Akkeroph Akkie Akkim Akkinn Akklimë Allotlaing Amacal Amhán Amhóna Amiil Amronalinm Anair Andach Andubhghua Andubhla Anehtam Aniinéan Anlein Annca Antam Aodhóg Aoimean Aominil Aomronn Aomáinn Aorod Aphala Arahe Araighâl Aranmhe Arathéodh Argonwë Argor Arionwë Arman Armarag Arnathron Aropal Aroprimlo Arothir Arvin Aslethmou Atach Atamous Atania Atarmfhírd Atelm Athyat Atiri Auglirion Avret Azoghannor Azoghil Azogán...
Badhnen Bainn Barvee Baráith Beartha Belli Berna Beron Beruaneh Berúmhóg Blanán Bluas Bolch Bolchague Bolór Bomhg Bomórwen Brearavred Breth Brignortúr Brinn Bripaa Bréar Brórl Brórwenn Bóiseor Cairee Calihrás Calmot Calsakkri Caodh Caoibh Caoir Caois Caolach Caomhuorl Carómiamh Ceach Ceagontar Cearr Celmak Celomha Celyylyk Cemmait Cilimhna Cilmë Cionuaitha Cláthil Coibhagan Coilend Coilínearm Coinn Coirgunua Colcall Coldil Comirind Conail Condrath Conia Conneth Conuanaith Conuu Cuathghse Cuirse Cyrios Cúmirse Dagdubhón Dalla Dandir Dannaa Deach Dendil Dengel Diluil Donnla Doronn Doroonáin Doroth Dowmach Drahunua Dretholwin Dufthaeg Dwalach Dwarbh Déodh Dómenwë Eamhán Earannaak Eidendir Eidra Eigna Eimean Eiveen Elasil Eleal Elearach Elenn Elfhir Elfiond Ellas Ellin Endón Engereatas Eoghdín Eoibellyë Erelm Ertiir Erúth Eärear Eärearór Eäreglim Eóirettna Fanne Feach Fealadon Fealmienn Feamhán Feamiahuil Feanowfas Feikkiria Fellios Felmo Fenii Fimiel Finmhín Finnail Flaith Fraidhait Fraithru Fréaghuj Fundubhán Furgele Fáinyavre Féthor Fílinyyl Gaisuil Galannas Galar Galdoriën Gallach Galás Gamach Gandor Gilfhe Gilinelen Gilín Gilúk Glach Glait Gloddan Goldict Gorlach Goscaran Gothín Gréag Gwarbh Gwarë Hadorachus Hagdur Haildamron Halcwin Hallim Hanien Harme Heach Hearg Humel Huorin Ibhalch Ikkinoor Ikkir Ikkundia Ikrache Iksilim Ilehtarr Ilian Iltailínii Iluat Ilíonn Imlod Imuzgaraug Indin Inend Inian Inneloc Inoran Inyan Inéaf Irimbuam Irraa Ishar Isiarch Isumir Ittion Ivaninn Ividhelda Iviredh Ivivanooj Ivlewin Ivrasna Ivrean Iósamso Iósaodda Kúviirë Lachaceoim Ladori Lainn Landiar Lanya Lebrinyaht Liasteleh Livion Machar Madbhán Maedhad Maglán Mahus Mailmo Mainian Mairoth Maith Maitondeas Maldabhán Manbhárona Manon Maoirgung Maolm Mardha Marle Masianfas Meach Meiltar Mindion Morbhamman Muibhín Muiling Muimlia Máind Mánain Nachalli Nallip Nieleg Nielm Nómia Odene Oherua Ohlaidh Ohuir Okkep Okkimerin Okkuo Oksaor Oksarbhán Oliac Olmia Omiele Omikkrina Omiredhamh Omlia Omoncait Onail Opaaso Opaaöjry Ophiek Oprion Oravis Oreallastë Orlassë Ormong Othrón Outanii Ovhadhall Ovioninín Ovrad Ovreari Ovreen Ovren Ovrionnán Paldan Peikkir Pelebor Priléighe Ramaih Raola Ratsuimhuj Rialvelep Ruadh Ruastith Ruibhin Ráinchrán Réadras Réann Ríden Róiríann Sailaciona Saodh Saomán Sauhúr Searyar Sihielwë Silaglán Siotsuir Smher Snacárd Sornal Soroth Sterrenwë Sukkilen Séadh Séadhall Séadhbhóg Séalacil Sílee Síonghse Síthos Tamian Telain Telseam Thfhonnc Thmonm Thoroil Tigharbrór Tighe Timbatasia Tiryl Torma Trakh Túriil Túrisse Túrië Uadirë Ualfinnas Uglach Ukilmóna Ukraval Ulfhiret Ulkanwë Ulkhîm Ulmar Ultar Umearë Undir Ungbolg Ungerveluj Unúvaithne Uppil Upplanán Urienorios Uteleh Uttannanla Uttig Uttius Valla Vallumarg Vionn Vorna Wallán Woragrasal Yáviimeht Yáviimo Árdaon Árónailkha Äjlebra Éibhil Éibhán Éimbaur Éimradhán Émealinn Éodhlaigín Éthio Órfinna Únaram
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years ago
Assistir Filme O Reino do Dragão Online fácil
Assistir Filme O Reino do Dragão Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/o-reino-do-dragao/
O Reino do Dragão - Filmes Online Fácil
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Em uma terra amaldiçoada, assolada por um poderoso dragão, Elenn, uma jovem e arrogante nobre, acompanha sua tia em uma missão muito importante: levar uma relíquia de seus antepassados para a coroação do herdeiro do trono por direito. Quando a tia da moça é assassinada por inimigos invasores, Elenn contrata um mercenário contrabandista chamado Aedin para ajudá-la a atravessar o país e completar a missão no lugar de sua tia. Só que Corvus, um traidor do reino, usa magia negra para tomar a relíquia e usar o artefato para seus propósitos nefastos e malignos. Para evitar que o mal tome conta do reino, Elenn terá que superar seus medos e defeitos para realizar a missão e libertar o povo, tornando-se uma destemida matadora de dragões.
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kgyst · 3 months ago
leginkább: LSL, ő állítólag szolid értelmiségi, amíg nem kerül pénzközelbe
legkevésbé: a kishitler, mert teljesen eldzsabbásodott és nem férnék el a cellában mellette és mindent elenne előlem
Sörözésen merült fel. Tegyük fel, börtönbe kerülsz. Tegyük fel, a fidesz elitje is. Kivel szeretnél leginkább egy páros cellába kerülni - és kivel legkevésbé?
My choice: Leginkább: Deutsch Tamás - olyan szociális party animalnak tűnik, remélem nekem is jutna néha a cuccából Legkevésbé: Kövér László - valahogy olyan vibe-ja van, hogy nem mernék elaludni mellette (tudom, h mindkettő kurva nehéz :D)
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alxwlfe · 6 years ago
"Anna Leyne & Elènne - No Rain" by Elènne
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johnnyrebuniverse · 7 years ago
(via https://open.spotify.com/track/7D61QTpYdrXdlyAEY75mAQ)
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sherlolo-land · 6 years ago
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Let’s put ourselves in Molly shoes for a minute.
There’s this guy that you like, though you know he’s kind of an asshole and he makes you feel small - like a mouse. You spend years trying to earn his attention - you dress up, do him favors that would get you in trouble, cancel plans with your bf, and do anything he asks. All you get in return are rejections, compliments that come with strings, and attention only when he needs something. He finds out you have feelings for him while he’s in the middle of publicly humiliating you. He always says such horrible things. You tell him so to his face, but it doesn’t change how you feel. 
You help him fake his death when he asks, because at the end of the day, you want to be there when he needs you. He disappears. You date while he’s gone, but your feelings for him remain untouched. You even get engaged to a man that looks and dresses similar to him, but it’s not the same.
When he comes home, he asks you to accompany him on a case. You get your hopes up that he’s finally come around, even though you have a fiance now. The case is fun, but he forgets your name - after all you’ve done for him. It hurts a little. He reassures you that you’re not a replacement for his usual partner, but you still take notes and do everything said partner would do because you feel like it’s what he wants. At the end, he congratulates you on your engagement and thanks you for your help. And even though he said you weren’t just a replacement, he never asks you to hang out again after he’s made up with his other friend. 
You tell him about how much sex you’re having with your fiance, just to see his reaction. He doesn’t care. You didn’t really think he would. He just uncomfortably moves the conversation on to what he really wanted - a favor. As always. 
You attend his best friend’s wedding and stare daggers at the pretty bridesmaid on his arm. Why does she get his attention so easily when you’ve been working for it for years? He throws her the boutonnière without even a second glance at you, and you feel a little stab of hurt. Because you can’t help how strongly you still feel for him. And you hate yourself for it. So much, that when you see him leave the wedding clearly upset, you continue dancing instead of making sure he’s okay like you once would have. 
You find out that he’s relapsed to drugs. You’re angry. And suddenly, you don’t care anymore about always putting on your best face to make him like you. You hit him. He throws your failed engagement in your face (which you knew was doomed to fail the moment he returned from the dead) and you resent him for it.
He comes to your flat in the middle of the night. He needs a place to stay, but insists that he needs your whole bedroom to himself. He needs the space - from you. Like always, whatever he needs, you give it to him. When he goes missing, you are forced to admit you let him do this. It’s so humiliating you hardly want to admit it. 
He relapses again months later, and guess who is called up to handle  cleaning up his mess? You. Always you. It’s you who they call when they need to pull strings or need a last minute favor no one else will do. That’s all you’re good for, apparently. 
You’re having a bad day. Alone. The phone rings, and it’s him. You’re done with him. You’ve had enough of his shit. You ignore it. It rings again. You answer.
He tells you to say “I love you.” You consider telling him to fuck off. You’re not an experiment. He insists, and you admit that you can’t say it because it’s always been true. And boy, do you hate how true it is, how much pain it’s caused you. He tells you to say it anyway - boy, do you hate that. But you insist on him saying it first. It takes him two tries to get it right, and then you say it back. It’s like a knife to your heart. 
He comes to your flat later and tells you that the “phone call” you had with him was actually him being threatened by his crazy sister who told him that unless you said “I love you” to him, you’d get blown up. “You bastard,” you say when he asks for your forgiveness. You’re pissed off at the fact that it was still all a lie. An experiment, just like you thought in the beginning. But fuck it, you think. You’ll forgive him. Deep down you always knew you would. Because he can do anything, literally anything to you, and you’ll allow it. He can play with your heart, use you, take your room, lie to you, and you’ll let him. But you’ll always pick yourself up and put a smile on your face the next time he asks for your help. Because that’s what you do, and it’s what you’ll always do. So might as well accept it, because that’s all he ever needs you for. 
If he doesn’t manipulate you, only remember you exist when he needs something, forget your name when you’re hanging out, use you because he knows you’ll never say no to him, and only say “i love you” for the sake of getting a response .... what’s even the point???
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If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times: Molly Hooper deserved better.
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emcille · 8 years ago
ElectroSOUL || Elenne - Get Off My Lawn
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itrytobepositive · 5 years ago
Reszketés, félelem szorítja össze a torkod és a mellkasod, nem kapsz levegőt csak sírsz és nem tudsz semmit se tenni elenne, becsukod a szemed, ökölbe szorítod a kezed és várod hogy vége legyen. Van mikor 5 perc van mikor egy óra sosem lehet tudni egy dolgot tehetsz hogy vársz és tűröd, kibírod mert erős vagy nem ez az első eset, egyszer véget ér
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444names · 3 years ago
tolkienesque forenames + the entire old noldorin dictionary + high, dark, and wood elves names from warhammer
Abathia Abhon Abrazaamy Adrion Adrolay Adydre Adydrodia Aever Agangmo Agidrion Agilladan Agland Alandion Alenyë Alisha Allartaru Aloussa Amait Amandir Amiell Aminder Amithan Amrann Amrinak Andil Angliele Angon Aniel Anquil Aragmilg Arapha Aravelmë Arazôr Arcil Ariella Arsatalos Arthania Asfas Asthari Ataibel Atulta Auglandar Aukas Avand Avellan Avende Awayadot Azeat Azumo Baesthior Basfax Bassufin Bategna Bearan Bedri Beeperick Belan Beldanna Beldous Beldur Belemmace Belessel Belin Bellebail Belon Belor Belub Benwë Benyë Bered Bersake Bethal Bettere Boathin Bolaged Bomen Booda Bormara Breore Briner Brint Brong Brothwa Browayzal Bryana Bucave Buren Bëora Calanfix Cathfur Cehran Celvin Ciryanwë Combornh Compath Couden Cryar Daerbart Dalachty Degamin Delron Derum Dishnáro Dodar Doribûn Dotthal Driel Dáina Déaglór Eaduge Eatartha El-ed Elador Eldon Eldro Elech Elegolyë Elenn Elfisth Elialay Elinen Eliquist Elmor Elnya Elran Elratte Elron Emirs Emmir Eoria Erokhal Eslondir Etegon Evart Extalan Eärespha Eärnh Eärnu Falanur Falarwe Fanajjin Fangan Fantres Fasurd Faundoth Faxes Feecaven Fenta Feord Fhise Fiadirë Fixes Foargod Forror Forta Frella Fréago Furath Furwar Fusther Fydriend Fëanaring Gaith Galaudth Gallow Galor Gannero Garha Ghtamir Gielore Gilla Gilled Girund Glani Glaur Glúvi Gol-essir Golant Golga Golgun Golia Golor Gookenn Grave Gravion Grifechir Grondor Grondory Grossa Gwaira Hadite Haery Halnyat Hamne Handa Hangor Hel-ne Helurve Herrenna Holiand Hooth Hullasher Hullion Hulta Hungthon Hunírdran Hythr Hámak Ilgribleg Iloble Imrown Imunt Indent Inquin Invath Irios Isetharty Ishak Jewhyn Jolow Kandoup Karron Khalia Khanimur Kinna Kualla Kukath Kuzgal Kuzus Kúving Ladûn Lalphil Lilaibûn Limror Linta Linyur Listroth Lotracil Lundë Léomah Līwen Līwenda Maenew Maennius Maesise Maidde Maine Malaly Malamlat Maled Manced Manfalart Marthas Martin Maved Mendy Meruybion Mironaill Mitser Mlosha Mundammir Myr-kil Myr-kile Myridur Mīrendo Mīres Nanele Natta Ndchince Nel-thal Niaradûn Noeghty Nurds Náineher Nírind Nólithass Nūreng Ohine Oithor Oladin Oldin Ollia Olsant Ormall Ornil Oroodin Oshaik Ossalenna Otheur Othmunn Ottâria Pacildë Paishan Palleme Palvothar Parath Parda Parsakes Parthos Parvard Pasan Pasphaleg Patanar Pathir Pattle Peadred Perinin Petta Phainget Phaughta Phavine Phell Phion Phyre Phyūled Pikarth Pilnards Powfaus Prel-da Puistra Pōrata R'maider R'mar Radrus Rahinda Rahisse Raste Rathon Raukin Ravalis Redrimorn Renaji Reshn Rodinnan Rosyth Ruccat Russa Rúthang Rúthir Rūnak Sadorod Salaithos Sarang Shalando Shell Siaron Sinyahin Sirien Skarimë Skarondor Skhírin Skithulus Skyrthwal Slaffeor Smalch Smappot Smarsar Snakha Sochráin Ssala Staringus Stell Sthoraven Stoth Strelvis Surder Sīressal Talaukil Tamaed Tarda Tardrue Taril Tarinbown Teathia Teend Tellass Tertil Thella Thindir Thirë Thmock Thodil Tholizel Thorlion Thrat Threne Théomburn Tifer Titin Tiustil Tlebat Tredil Trighurd Troke Trorda Turen Turesta Turrax Uisedan Undish Unínina Uolacall Vainrip Valadr Valgon Valion Vaniandil Varanur Varinfart Vasser Vastroht Vegríana Veling Verienboc Vianil Vissaud Vokeyli Wannad Wariana Warisena Waylas Wedaccorl Wendus Whyss Winya Withinyë Womago Wōran Yatha Yeabor Yeatara Yelli Yeusse Yliengoe Ylstra Yávientar Zilda Zoldolan Éodwathom Éombetha Éothan Éothoe Ñgolfana Óinatald
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textmasterx · 4 years ago
En construcción / puede contener spoilers sobre la serie Attack on Titan / las imágenes y el texto son provisionales.
Ideas para dinámicas de rol.
Mi idea para una posible dinámica grupal realizable consiste en juntar nueve personas que posean cada uno de los personajes presentados a continuación, con el objetivo de realizar varias temáticas dentro del rol.
Se trata de un grupo familiar de hechiceros formado por nueve miembros que lucharán por quedarse con el puesto del líder o conseguir sus otros objetivos personales tales como riqueza o mera supervivencia.
Cada uno de los personajes poseen sus características y habilidades destacables y especiales que pueden hacer uso en combate, dialéctica o de apoyo (entre otras muchas variantes).
Además de lo anterior mencionado, dentro de sus recursos cuentan con una invocación mediante ritual de un servant de su clase asignada que pueden elegir usar a su antojo y conveniencia durante las disputas.
Tal y como en el universo original, poseen los tres hechizos de comando para controlar a su servant mediante órdenes o bien para potenciar sus habilidades en combate, estos comandos se recuperan cada 24 horas.
1. Seig Flortyer - Archer - Beast Titan
Es el hermano mayor de los nueve y a su vez el primer candidato para heredar el puesto del líder dentro de la familia Flortyer. Se trata de una persona sumamente curiosa, calculadora e inteligente.
Sus habilidades tácticas en combate y la planificación son su punto más fuerte por el cual destaca entre todos sus familiares, siendo una figura temible tan solo por su intelecto más allá de su hechicería.
El servant que es capaz de invocar es de clase Archer, una monstruosa abominación de quince metros de altura que es capaz de lanzar proyectiles con sus largos brazos y posee una puntería prodigiosa.
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2.- Broun Flortyer - Shielder - Armored Titan
El segundo hermano en la línea del heredero, una persona con una gran pasión y el sentido del deber, un autodenominado guerrero que se sacrificaría sin pensar para conseguir lo mejor para su familia.
Aunque no sea un estratega nato, posee una inquebrantable iniciativa y capacidad de liderazgo, alguien implacable y testaruda en quien confiar para cumplir y alcanzar hasta los objetivos más imposibles.
El servant que es capaz de invocar es de clase Shielder, un gigante de trece metros que posee una fuerte coraza impenetrable y capacidad defensiva, una gran bola de acero que no se detiene ante nada ni nadie.
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3.- Elenne Flortyer - Avenger - Female Titan
La hermana mayor de la familia Flortyer, y la segunda favorita después de Seig para adoptar el puesto de ser la cabeza de la familia, una mujer impasible, fría y distante que no dudaría en cometer inmoralidades.
Su fuerza en combate mano a mano es de la más alta categoría, capaz de usar circuitos mágicos para potenciar su fuerza de ataque a límites inhumanos sumada a su gran experiencia hacen de ella alguien letal.
El servant que es capaz de invocar es de clase Avenger, un titán de catorce metros con rasgos femeninos junto con un cuerpo atlético, entrenado y una gran resistencia física, capaz de recorrer largas distancias.
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4.- Eigrel Flortyer - Berserker - Attack Titan
El hermano menor de los cuatro, alguien que no da valor a la disputa por conseguir el puesto, una persona extremadamente individualista y sentimental que tiende rápidamente a estar fuera de control.
Tiene un gran espíritu de lucha e inspiración, la cual usa en su mayoría para destacar por encima de otros de sus familiares, sediento por atención y cosechar logros de manera más rápida posible, aunque sea bruta.
El servant que es capaz de invocar es de clase Berserker, un gran cúmulo de odio y rabia incontrolable que soluciona todo a través de la más pura violencia usando cada parte de su cuerpo de manera ofensiva.
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5.- Rewel Flortyer - Ruler - Colossal Titan
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6.- Heires Flortyer - Caster - Founding Titan
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7.- Yewel Flortyer - Assassin - Jaw Titan
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8.- Zenise Flortyer - Rider - Cart Titan
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9.- Maka Flortyer - Lancer - War Hammer Titan
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doubledaddytrouble · 5 years ago
“I tried to write your name in the rain, but the rain never came”
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Luving U E - 6LACK
White Mustang - Lana Del Rey
Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High - Arctic Monkeys
My Mistakes Were Made for You - The Last Shadow
Puppets Pumped Up Kicks - Foster the People
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby - Cigarettes After Sex
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
Often - The Weeknd
Between Us (feat. Mothica) - Elenne
A Little Death - The Neighbourhood
Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood
First F**k - 6LACK & Jhené Aiko
Wicked Games - The Weeknd
In My Feelings - Lana Del Rey
Na Na - Trey Songz
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
Music To Watch Boys To - Lana Del Rey
Light Headed (feat. cøzybøy) - Kina
Super Far - LANY
Cry Baby - The Neighbourhood
How to Be a Heartbreaker - Marina and The Diamonds
Blue Jeans - Lana Del Rey
Before I Ever Met You - Banks
The Fugitive Kind - The Trigger Code
Spit It Back in My Mouth - Kaki King
Pumpkins Scream In the Dead of Night (feat. shinigami) - Savage Ga $p
Flawless - The Neighbourhood
Flashed Junk Mind - Milky Chance
Bad Habit - The Kooks
The Beach - The Neighbourhood
Daddy Issues - Trisha Paytas
Daddy Lessons (feat. Dixie Chicks) - Beyonce
Bad For You (feat. Nicki Minaj) - Meek Mill
Comfortable - Lauv
High for This - The Weeknd
Earned It - The Weeknd
Guys My Age - Hey Violet
Girls Your Age - Transviolet
Where You Belong - The Weeknd
I Know You - Skylar Grey
Sacrifice (feat. Jessie Reyez) - Black Atlass
High - Whethan& Dua Lipa
Never Tear Us Apart - Bishop Briggs
I Put a Spell On You - Annie Lennox
The Wolf - The Spencer Lee Band
Cross Your Mind - Sabrina Claudio
Daddy Issues - Sophia Gonzon
Forever - Danger Incorporated
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gyogyulofelben · 5 years ago
Bármerre nézek, magunkat látom. Az emlékeinket. Ahogy viccelődve, egymást lökdösve haladunk egymás mellett, vagy éppen kézenfogva, beszélgetésbe mélyedve, a világot kizárva figyelünk a másikra. Hiányzol, de olyan istentelen módon. Veled akarok lenni minden percben, mert ha nem tehetem, a hiányod szinte felemészt és nem tudok tenni elenne semmit.
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monstrueuxx · 5 years ago
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Inktober day 13: vegan zombie
Elenne will tell you “it tastes JUST like real brains!”
Elenne is lying.
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ethnikids · 4 years ago
Elenne & Mothica - Between Us (Mr FijiWiji Remix) by Mr FijiWiji https://soundcloud.com/mrfijiwiji/between-us
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good-music-only · 5 years ago
Hotbox Elènne
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sillisalad · 6 years ago
Ruthless Bloom VIP by Elenne
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